t 'if Latiswcutm nebraksa., " " THUItSDAY," IKC. 1, 1S7". ! Mr. John 1'if zsersld arrived at home : tl. J. 'troight. Esq., lias creeled a j neat rcsidenw on Pearl street, opposite , J'rcf. James' residence. ! One thousand mechanics and five thou- sand !a borers are wanted in l'latt&uiouth ; "before the first day of April next. j Lucy Stone 1? lecturing in Iowa. She j will be at Pes Moines on the ."i:h. I Cannot we have Lucy at I'lattsiuuuth? j "Shans" Andrews, live local of the j Omaha Herald, has pone to Chicago to write items f or the Times. Cottonwood is wiling in Nebni.-ka City t$4.(0 a cord. Railroads have re j du'jcd the price of fuel in the river towns I of Nebraska fully one hundred per cent. ; Our old friend Caj-t. A. J. Klep.-er j has aain removed tu the city. Hav is felling on the streets at j t.t ton the best article. Samuel Ford an old citizen is in the city business. Why don't our friend AinL-on go info the i-ork packing business this winter. He is just the man o make a fortune at it. Geo. Shrlder brought in a porker last week which netted almost "l"J pounds. He has the finest lot of Derk?hircs in the State, so far as we know. Judge Lake will be in the city to hold a special session of court next Monday. l?arncs,fc Pollock, Real l'-tatc dealers and Life Insurance apents, have been getting some fine job work done at the Herald office. We under.-tand some of our dealers arc preparing to buy and store a large quantity of corn this winter. There's money in it. Geo. Jennings. Esq. was in the city to-day to meet the O. &. S. W. Rail road. He feels very confident of the success of this enterprise. Now is the tini; to secure a farm at low figures. Ileal estate is quiet now, but will take an upward bound before warm weather comes again. Our r.nnouiiceuieiit of the Lui'ding of n magnificent block early next season, without stating the exact location, has created quite a stir among the real estate men of the city. We noticed five wheat buyers on a sin gle wagon to-day, while the owner of the load sat in their midst, his countenance as serene as a summer's morn. The bid ding ha 1 reached eighty cents per bu.-hc-l when we passed bv. Senator Tipton 1-jft for Washington a few days sin. -o, taking his daughter, Mrs. Atkinson, with him to spend the winter in Washington. McKinnon and Drown, from the west ern part of the county, were in the city to day. They crossed over to the Iowa side for a load of cottonwood sprouts to plant on their farms. They believe in cultivating timber. If the Secretaries of the different lodges of Good Templars throughout the county will keep us posfed in regard to officers, etc., of their lodges we will gladly to publish them. Mr. Russell, of the firm of Russell & Doom, has made valuable improvements on his residence property on Vine street, S. S. Billings, E.-q., "took time by the forelock"' about one year ago aril bought and built a large number of tene ment houses in our city, from which he is now deriving a handsome income. Others would do well to follow his ex ample. Our grain dealers and others shouM take immediate steps to organize a Hoard of Trade in this city. It would pay them, and that is what all men are after. i Prof. Patterson's s.diool at Rock Bluffs Naomi Institute is proving a decided success, lie has a coodlv num ber of pupils, who are progressing rap-j idly. j Rev. A.' Wright, Poit Chaplain at Ft. D. A. Russell, who has been visiting his futuily and friends ;u the States, leaves For his post of duty to-morrow morn ing. The time tables for the B. & M. are f to be changed in a few days. Look out for the change, or you may be left be hind. Pue notice will be given through the columns of the Herald. The Y. M. C. A. lecture cemmittee have an offer from "Brick" Pomeroy's agent for one lecture from "Brick." for $200. It is thought the people f Platts mouth will be compelled to get through the winter without any moral lecture from "Brick," Everything is ready to raise the roof ; on "Our FitzV block as soon as it ar- i rives from Chicago, where the work is ' being framed. j "Brin.," of the city government,; called on us to-day and demanded an j apology for the too free use of his name ; wi'conneetiou with the temperature of j -he city government, iu yesterday's issue, i Wc apologise to "Brin.," and promise : better behavior in future. Married, at the residence of the bride's father, Novemlicr 2oth, 1870, by ; N. Harvey, J. P., Mr. Philip Reihart i and Miss Laura Scibcrt, all of Cass j countv, Nebraska. , John Smiley. Esq , of Omaha, was in . the city last night. Smiley was recently i a contractor on the O. & S. W., and is ; - probably looking over the ground on this ! ide the Platte with a view to another j contract. He informs us that the North- j ufcstorn road will be completed through t6 Blair this winter. The furniture, mattresses, eta, for the Insane Asylum, at Lincoln, lvas received yesterday, and the insane now at Mt. itfeasaut, Iowa, belonging to thhi State, arc expected some tmw tiej.t vevvk.. j The lecture Committee of the V. M. C. A. have secured the services of sev eral prominent lecturers who will be here during the season. Prof. Magoou, ofj Iowa will open the season hereon Friday j evening of this week, Dec. I'd. I We understand that the people of Fight Mile Grovy Piecint arc to hold a railroad meeting on Saturday, December 3d, in accordance with the resolution adopted at the recent meeting in this city. As soon as we can ascertain where the meeting is to be held, further notice ' will te given. j A corpse was smuggled over the B. & i 31. and Union Pacific roads a few days j since, done up in a trunk as baggage. i It was detected by the smell before j reaching California, where the parties ; claiming the supposed baggage were j compelled to p:i3' $100 before they could j get it. It uidn't pay t'leai very well to j attempt to evade the extra charge in the lirst place. : It will bo rvuieuihered that a young man calling himself Wm. Lincoln was j :ure.-ted in this city by officer Williams j sometime since for atlemj ting to pas i counterfeit money, lie was tried he- f fur the United States Court at Omaha, j found guilty, and sentenced to nint j luonths iu the penitentiary. We un- ' derstan 1 that Wm. Lincoln was a ficti tious mine, and that he formerly lived in Fremont countv. Town. The city authorities- have ordered the j construction of a foot bridge across the j ..i-.i..t- it ,,-V.-it i- l-,,,-r, 1...!- i spring. on Sixth street. They have ordered ! "wings" or "feelers" on the north end ' of the bridge. 31iies 3Iorg:m, the con- ; traetor, can explain why they are put on , C. E. Forgy has procured the agency for that excellent book entitled '"The ; Wonders of the World," comprising : startling incidents, interesting scenes aaJ ! wonderful events in all countries, all ages, ; and among ..!! people. It contains over ! 1,000 illustrations by the mo-t -popular j artists in America and Europe, and ! among the contributors to it are num ! bered some of the most popular authors j of the day. 3Ir. Forgy hasthe exclusive 1 agency in this city. A horse belonging to 3Ir. Yaunata j was severely injured this evening by step- ping on the en 1 of a stick, throwing the other end up so as to strike between the j hind legs-, tutting a bad ga-h. The J animal bled profusely, anil there is dan- ; gcr that it will bleed to death. i Hon. JoliuW. Chapman, Treasurerof j Pottawattamie oountv, Iowa, an I lady arrived in the city last evening, to s on 1 j Thanks-giving Day with his brother, j Sam. 31. Chapman, Esq. j We are in receipt of a thirty page i pamphlet entitled "Lincoln, the Capital ! of Nebraska," by J. II. Ames, an attor- ; ney of Lincoln. It is a well written' book, containing a complete history of the foundation and growth of the Cap:- ' tal City, together with a full description j of all the p ublic State buildings, Salt Spriiurs. and other matters cf interest i situated thereat. The statements made j in this book are authenticated by the Governor, Secretary and Auditor ofj State. Price only t?n cents. Address , J. II. Ames, Lincoln, Neb. j We found an old acquaintance, A. C. j 3Ic3Iaken, Esq., a fi-vr days since, in the j capacity of U. S. 3Iail Agent on the B. & M. Railroad in Nebraska. Me. has; 1 eon a soldier and a Nebraska firmer,! and fills the place to a "T," beiiiiruthor- ough bu-iness man and a perfect gentle- ! man, The station is an important t rie, ; and the Government has a safe man in ; it. At6. Ci'.'t Chroxide. i It turns out that the man Peavy, who j wa missing from Pawnee county re- i cently, and was siij posed to have been f itiily dealt with fur his money, has j sloped with a "female woman"' of '"doubtful character."' II g jjroves a dc- ' fauiter to his creditors to the tune fj about $:i5,!.H.. His paitner in business, Mr. Curtis, is doing the square thing, j and will see that no one loses by the de- ! tauehcry and rascality of Peavey. j (Irani M.aster Hamlin, of Nebraska i City, and A. 1. Jones. Esq.. of Omaha, ! one of the earii-st settlers of the State. called at the Hei:ai.1 sanctum to-day. j The- are 0:1 a worthy mission, being no j less than that of visiting the different; Lodges of Odd Fellows throughout the State. Grand Master Hamlin is th first j j man in Nebraska who has ever per-1 formed this duty. He lias been absent j since the Oth inst., and bus visited f- j teen different Lodges. 1 1 Pr. John Black has just received an j elegant fire-proof safe, with a burglar- ! prot'f box for money, which is superior j to any office safe we have fecn in the I ,.: T. :., r .1... . i.t 1 cu. it 13 on- ui 1 m- cctcoiuicu na;i manufacture, with Hall's Yictor Com bination Locks the lock to the main outside doors having four tumbleisand ths lock to the burglar-proof box having six tumblers. Resides this there is au inside door which opens with an old fashioned safe lock. The safe weighs J 4,000 pounds, and Is finely embellished, both outside and inside, and has the Doctor's name over the door Oh, no ! We don't need rnv fire com- i pany or fire engine in Plattsmouth. Certainly not. Suppose a fire was to i break out any place on Main street. It ' would be Lut :v minute's work to extin ! guish it, atnl the Hkiiai.d would only have a short item, as follows: "A fire 1 broke out i the Express office about 1 1 o'clock this morning, and was wdliinder way before it was discovered. Officer j Frank Williams was on duty at the time, j arid instead of disturbing the people of the neighborhood and breaking their quiet slumbers,. be hunted around and found a backet, went to the river and ! filled it with water (the fire was too hot j to fill it at Stadelmann's pump) and pro ceeded at once to extinguish the Humes, which otherwise might have proved dis- astrous. The business men of the en- j tire block acknowledge1 themselves some- ! what indebted to officer Williams fbrhis thoughtfulness in not making any noise about it, and allowing them to continue the;r slumbers until mvruing." THE V1IE.1T iut!i!:r. several new ucalers iiavj entered tne field recently, an I competition is lively. Wheat sold in opeu market this after noon at SO cents, which is at least five carts better than was paid to day in any , other city in the west. There is r.o use to attempt a denial of the fact that PlattsRiouth is the best grain market in the wott. Her dealers pay higher pri ces for grain, and her merchants sell goods at the lowest prices. urm tTio.v or hates. The B. & M. in Nebraska, determined to give the people the full benc-fit of the railroad, have materially reduced their freight mtes between this city and Lin coln. The rates on cord are now $lo a car, and on lumber fifteen cents per bun- dred weight. This destroys the asse-- tion of the Omaha papers, copied by us some days since, that freight was cheaper via the Omah i k Southwestern. The present rates of the B. & 31. brimr freight to a verv reasonable figure ( iiam;i: of time. By reference to our Railroad Time Car l it wiil he een that the time has t beeS changed on the B. & 31. road. The j mail will hereafter aiiive at 9.o" p. m., i i: stead of 7 p. m. as heretofore. Th is will cau-e a delay until the next morning lv fore most of our people will get their eastern papers and letters. Otherwise the time is not materiallv changed. ( lU Ki ii i)iti; i o:t v. In order that all may hive an oppor tunity of attending the Church of their choice, we publish to day as ua.r a com plete Directory of the services at the va rious churches as we arc able to get. The Baptist and Lutheran denomina tions linvn ore.-i-ionn! sprviens. wliicli will be published as- soon as the times and Places can be attained. Parties into- rc-ted wiil confer a favor on the church- going public by notifying us promptly of anv changes in their hours of service. Y. 31. o." A7ttKAll.:i ROOM. citizens should understand that this room is open ; id free to all. It is not only for its members, but for every one who chooses to go up and read the news or mjoy the current literature of the day. Already a large number of journals and magazines are on its file--, and we are to'd their number will be steadily increased until this Reading Room shall bo unsurpassed in the west. ! We advise every one, la. lies as well as in the room : they will he amply repaid a mosti:k i:i.ocu. It is in contemplation among a number of our heaviest capitalists to erect a monster block early next spring. If the enterprise works out as present apear-anec-s indicate, next summer will witness the erection of the finest block in Platts mouth ever erected in the State. The dimensions talked of are the whole length. of a block, on? hundred and twenty fl-et gof.n, President of the l-x College, ! ,h,s ,:,,:datI" eMerl.ne a lull attend lecp and four stories in height besides j will lecture at the Hail of the Y. M. C. I aRCC cve,y tJ,ht- Ihe Kcst for the the basement. The title to the r-ropertv A. of this citv cn Fvid.iv evening of this j loeturo -?0iDS l''1" of our Citizens to where it. is cotitompl ttoJ to erect this magnificent structure is all secure-1 ex cept one haU' lot, and we doubt not that will be secured inside cf the next ten davs. I. . o. t. There was a full attendance at the Old Fellows" Hall la-c night, brought together by the announcement in your valuable journal that the Lodge was to be visited by A. . Jones. (Jrand Rep resentative o the i rand Lo.oge the Cnitcd States, and (Jrand .Mater Ham. lin. llro. Jones, who has just returned from the session of the Grand Lodge of the United States, at R.sltiuiore, the "'cradle of the order.'' ani who gave his time while there to the stulv of the Iiws and tci govr:!ii:g i (a mutter order, j , ' i no nt- i p.s w:-.l as t ho (!cf:i: . tie importance), as the members were uia le aware U fore he concluded. Lokf and condensed as were his re marks, midnight found still an attentive audience who listened and learned and many, (if they did n'.t say so), thought tint there was romething that they had yet to learn in O.ld Fellowship. His iiistructio.s were clear and lucid and to the rot n't, and accompanied with j illustrations ''known only to the in 1 itiated." It was of incalculable benefit ! to the members, who will, I hope, put ! their ".should to the wheel, nid keep the "good work" moving. Grand j ml . . . TT C - , ! easier iiamuu, in 1.1, nappj, cotnersa- tioiul way, added to the pleasure as well as to the instruction of the evening. .... --w..-..-i ..-o - Tl M 1 i M-tl 111 " Al 1 1 IV "Ii ni'lilil fn Sohlltf -? 1 au-.i uoaiiiu ii'uuu- uu a:i .ju luc sticu ; were partaken. lake it ail in all, it wa a rare treat mentally to the Lodge physically" outsile of the oyster. , To-night they visit Rock Bluffs Lodge, and re-visit Plattsmouth again to-mor- ; row night to attend a meeting of the Encampment. Record. TIKE AT Mlllt ASliA CITV. I.oh About 6G.500. From State Treasurer James Sweet, who came up from Nebraska City on the morning tra"n, vre learn that fire broke out about 1 o'clock this morning in the Grocery House of R. C. Eivin. situated on the south side of Main street, belweeu Seventh and Eighth. The flames soon spread to the buildings adjomui cn either side, occupied re- speetively by Geo. Clingen, a a saloo and Grant it Cornell's law and real I estate office. The loss of the building is estimated at about $3,000, and the cou tents at about $3,ooJ. The fire is sup posed to have originated from a defect ive flue in Eivin' s Grocery House. The Steam Fire Engine was on hand prompt ly, and it was only through the utmost exertions of the fire company that the fine iostofiice building on the west and tlie new Mick building just erected Ly j Rischoff iV. Zimmerer on the cast of j the buildings destroyed, were saved from destructioa. Tlie Yonlan"s Club of Marseilles ad voc.ites the use of the guillotine. What hitnbs these creatures. The "peddling lolicy' and the uillutine. U'g see the worl-1 reformed. The Chronicle phiees the damage b by the recent fire at Nebraska City a ! j.OOU. An Omaha gentleman looked on at our wheat market a short time to-day, when he exclaimed, in apparent surprise: "Why, you pay more for grain here than we do in Omaha !" Of course we do ; not only more than you do in Omaha, but more than is paid in any other city iu the wc,t;t. . Is it not about time the different com mittees appointed at the railroad meet- j ing, held last Monday, were calling the precinct meetings? When will our Plattsmouth meeting come off? Let us ' hold a meetinir and ascertain the senfi j wcnU of th rc0T,Ie. ; j Married, at Cambridge, 3Iaryland, Nov. I'.ith, in Christ Church, by the j Rev. Theodore P. Barber, Thomas t Doane, of Charlestown, 3Iass., to 3Iiss Louisa mout. A. Bailer of Brattleloro, Ver- Wo believe there is un excellent route for the. O. fc S. W. railroad to come into the city over what is known as the "telegraph route," and pass out via i Chicago avenue. TL is route will nve then; an equal chance to go via 3It. Pleasant and Faetoryville or via Rock Blufis, as the company may elect. Turn out to the meeting next Friday and let us have a plain talk over the matter. We understand that John Fitzgerald, Eso.. " our Fitz." is determined that the Trunk road shall come through the corporation of Plattsmouth. He has made arrangements for having a sur vev made on his own hook over what is j kV,s the "telegrapli hne. earc i 1 'lt on thf PropoMtton U c have I f:l,th Jn tlu' "deg-aph hne. j A hu ge safe weighing over 10,0 M) pounds arrived to-dav for our cuuntv 1' - believed this will res- ' tuv OMr wum 1"om ulu cr-c 01 ,n ruptcy" A "soiled dove" named Lizle (Jates, who for a time made Plattsmouth her stopping place, recently came to her death in Pennsylvania through the natu ral effect of her calling. ,r The telegraph wire was stretch! up t0 the new depot this afternoon. The -f!ieCS wnl be moved i:i a few days. We notice with pleasure the fact that the c' raski House arrivals number only second in the list of Omaha Hotels. The merited fame of Capt. 3Iurphy as a landlord is bringing hundreds of his friends around him, and in less than three months from this date the Ne braska Hou.-e wiil be the most popular hotel in Omaha. 3Iaik that, now. Do not forget that Prof. Ceo T. Ma- week. The Prof, is said, bv tlioe who ao 16 10 ccur0 sca4n riCiCts Iur lM have heard him, to be one of the finest ! tnti,'e coarc' wllich wi,! ketLelcc speakcrs in the we.-t. (Jo and hoar him j tures com Iowcr tL:m lf P3lJ I,jr l,-v the and thereby .lo yourself good and show j :nle tiekct- an appreciation of the efforts of the As scciatiiKi in cultivating a literary taste iu the cemmunitv. rl:tt.m!!itl! !tiisii's CoHefT"! 'J ! lis co'l--ge h t removed to the commo ditus office i.-.-uied by Phelps latino E.-q.. Real Estate and Insurance Agent. o:io J i'ir east of the Court House, Main Street- We are Iiappy to;-ee this insti tution Lr.s opene 1 under the most favora ble au-iilees, it shovdi be patronised by ali wh d-sire a jrood business education. Sub-cribcrs to the I'aily Hr.ItAI.D who are served by carriers should prepare suit-ble receptacle for the paper during the stormy weather. A small bes a cigar box answers the purpose admirably should be nailed against a gate post or ft nee board in a convenient place. Cut an aperture in the side large enough to insert a folded paper, and then thcr wiil be no danger of the wind carrying away or the storm destroying your paper. If subscribers will attend to this little matter it will be a groat convenience to our carr'crs, and wm insure the paper every eveuing. It would do away with "sieh of the suppos.d carclc-sticss of carriers. Peters' Musiciul Mouthlv for Decern - bcr js rfceivt,i Tljis is one of the le?t 1 ....i,;:,..,.;, : tilft eountrv. fur nished at the low price of $ i per annum ii J. 1j. 1 eters, o'J'J Uroadway, ... r -r v - t ,'ew Yoik. Y. M. V. .1. There will be a sociable at the Y. M. C. A- Hall over Clark A l'iummers Store, on Monday nest the oth of December at 7:30 p. m. R. Ranter Windham. J. N. Wise. Edward Wilson. Committee on Sociables. df.t ALHOf A HUE. Fire caught in the roof Gen. Living ston's dwelling about 1 1 a. ui. to-day, probably from the Cue and the timely aid of some of the neighbors only pre vented the destruction of the uilding. A hole some six feet in diameter was burned through the roof, and considera ble damage was done as iss usual in such cases in extinguishing the flames. The Gen. desires us to thank those citi zens who aided in saving his property PROF. MAiOOS LIX'TIRE. Tickets for this Lecture can be ob tstined at the Rank the Post Officer ri.e Drue Stores, and from F. P. Todd. Th price is so low we hope our citizens will take hold of ihismatter in a friendly spirit, and give the Professor a full house. The Lecture. CVmniittee has taken a great deal cf pains to secure gred Lee- turers;i,ov have a Cue Hall, well r,.-!itod .A r-i.n -.fortal.lv arran-cd. Turn out, everybody, and hear the Lectures, j Indies press your husbands and sweet hearts to take you to the Lecture. liuckweat flour and fresh corn meal are to be had in. our city if you only ) know wkcre it is. ! ' FKIU.t Y -aT TWO O'CLOCK Is the time, and the Court House is the j place, chosen by the Committer for ! holdin ' the meeting; for Plattsmouth precinct to ascertain what the people are J willing to do in the matter of the Trunk, ! or O. A: W. Railroad. We hope to j see a full turn out. Come and "let us j reason together" on this question, so 1 that there will be no fault finding here- j after. " j urxoiutKifs KURT. Nov. 20. JohnC-, a Milesian, was gobbled by officer Murphy, lying; in a state of blissful insensibility on Third street bridge. The Marshal who" is one of the "Samaritan police," with rare forethought and his wonted kindness, took our "school fund contributor" to the house that Joe built, who furnished him bed and Loan!. The result may be anticipated fine and costs. Nov. .S. One John F. an old part ner of John Hess, was picked up by of ficer Williams on Saturday, brim full of wrath, and whisky, a combination of ingredients winch produce eye black ing, nose bleeding, and often teeth rat tling. Before a passage (at arms) could be had he concluded, being over persuaded by the officer, to call on Joe, who treated him like an old friend, gave him the best coll and board to be" had in the county. On Sunday evening he was rescued by one who needed his ser vices more than the city. ' Ergo," the security will have to, like '"Zacheus of old,". come down. Nov. 29. One of the "light haired Danes," who was trying to carry a load, "that he ought to have went twice after," was found tipped over. Officer 3Iurphy took the foreigner without a warrant, a proceeding highly objection able to the Dane. 3Iike looked at his knuckles this morning with the remark, "only three dollars for that arrest?" And Joe mourned over a busted win dow SHsh, and the Dane over $10 "gone where the woodbine twincth."' Y. M. V. A. I.ECTintS. We undcrst- nd that the Lecture Com mittee of this Association has secured the accomplished and eloquent lecturer, 3IisS Maude Ernest, to deliver her justly celebrated lecture entitled " the Other Side;" and W. L. Yisseher, the friend of Geo. D. Prer.t-ce, cn "Thistle Down." The committee is trying to secure 3Iiss Anna Dickinson and A. 31. Griswold the "Fat Contributor," and several others. Some gentlen eu of acknowl edged ability in the State have signified their consent to lecture during the win- ter, and we may look for a full course, ofj at least one lecture per week. We will j advise our readers of tht full programme j as sort n as it is made un. It is intended j to have the subject matter of .these lee- fares varied and intfrestm-?. and we have I 110. doabt onr com.nanity will encourage XoritK. i having sold out to Marsh, Hinman & Co. The members of the Plattsmouth Marsh is widely known as the suj erin Turavereiu arc hereby notified thr.t the j ten.h-nt of the Winehell, Eberut Marsh second semi annual election of officers j printing company, of Hannibal, Mo., will be held next Friday, Dee 21, at the j publishers of the Hannibal Courier, and CiTiiirin School Hotjso. and everv mem- Mr. Hinman was formerly city editor of ler is rt quested to be present. Wm. STADELMANN, Prcs't. II. SfKHT, Sec'y PLArrs.Mi.tTn, Neb., ' Nov. 25, 170. )' Mu. Editor.: Allow me. through the columns of your valuable paper, to say a word in regard to education and the pub lic schools of this city. It is not through a desire to engage in a newspaper cuntro- versy that I call the attention of the public to these subjects, but because I believe a greater ii.-terest iu them is de - mnJed. After having visited the schools of this place. I believe it is true that the pupils here are much behind those of any ad joining city in education. In adjjining States I know of many districts in tho country in which they have but from three to six months school a year, and jet the pupils, are much more advanced than those in Plattsmouth, where schools are in session ten months. Now why is this so? Certainly not from a kick of intellect in the children of this city. Then where are we to seek for the cause? There can.be but three causes assigned : First Inferior intellect of the pupils; I 1 i .1..1. secouu nou-aucnuance at sciiooi , thirJ taugiit by interior teacners. 1 believe all will aree with me in saying it must be one of these causes, or a com bination ofhem. I have already said it does not aiio from the first cause; therefore, we must look to one or both of the other causes. ' Now, taking this for granted, to whom shall we look for a remedy? I do not like to become per sonal in my remarks, and would not, did I not believe that the case under treat incut demands it. It seems to me4 Mr. Editor, that the Count- Superintendent is the proper per son to remedy the evil, whether arising from non-attendance at school or through the incompetency of teachers. To him we must look for good teachers, and with the hearty co-operation of the School Board a regular attendance can be secured. The County Superintend cnt has the power vested in him to rid our public schools of incompetent teach ers. Let him see to it that ordy thor ough scholars and practical teachers are granted "First Grade' certificates, and let the School Board or LUrectors. cm ploy only those who hold such, and my word for it the time is not far distant when Plattsmouth will excell in educa tion asshe already does in everything else which tends to make it a desirable place to live. Observer. ! SuDerinterrdent W. H. (uick. of the U. S . Exprc-s Company, wa3 in the city J to-day ; also li. Loutisbury, of the We'st- crn Stage Cowiinny. This reminds us that the Western fcltage Company has ! passed on toward the west, clo-ely 1 (he l. vt L lh 1. followed : J i Gold closed at 1 1 J last evening. Do not forget the Railroad 3Iecting Friday afternoon. The roofing material for Fitzgerald's Block arrived this morning. Presbyterian Sociable at the residence of Rev. Dan'l Cameron, Thursday even ing, 1st inst. All are invited. "Our Fitz." is determined that the next hij.li water shall not get into the Brooks IIouc kitchen, and he is having the institution elevated and a stone wall built underneath. The B. t 31. folks are building an en gine house at Lincoln. Two train loads of rock are dumped in the old muddy in front of the city each j d:,i' L' thj B & -M-Company. J. D. Simpson & Co. will remove their office and the Express office, in a few days, to the room under the Herald office, now occupied as as ticket office by the B. & 31. Co. Look out for a lively advance in the price of grain Jos. Alexander Connor arrived at home this morning from Chi c-ago, where he has been posting himself on the market. f'ol. Cropsy, Senator elect from the Lincoln district, and Gen. Geo. 11. Roberts, Attorney General elect for Ne braska, went west this morning on the ten o'clock train. Gen. Roberts will re move his family to the Capital in the course of a few days. We desire the property holders and others in i latts mouth to carefully read the letter of "Collier" in to day's paper. It contains some excellent ideas, we see no reason why the suggestions of the writer should not be carried out and that immediately. We have reason to be lieic that there is coal right here under Plattsmouth at a less depth than TOO feet, and the certainty of it would make this the most important point in the west. We learn tint the people of Rock Bluffs held a meeting Monday to con sider the matter of aid to the O. & S. W. R. R., at which they re-affirmed their original proposition to give the sum of $50,i. 00 in precinct bonds. What will Plattsmouth do? It is a source of gratification to us to know that cur efforts to secure the build ing of a largo block early next spring are meeting with great success. We have the satisfaction of stating to-dav that we have seen and talked with the gentleman who is to furnish the cut. stone fur tic " Cu" I)oaiiC' C,ikf Em-hocr and Su- permtcn-ient 01 the li. cY. -U. in etiras- ka, proposes to protect passengers in the waiting rooms and on the platforms of their stations from the importunities of over zealous hotel runners, omnibus dri vers, etc. Col l)oane is entitled to tht thanks of the public for this protection, j The St. Joseph Daily Union ha? changed hands, Messrs. Ayers .t Co. j the Union. The paper will, under the j new management, maintain its position ! as a fearless advocate of Republican , i principles. A lengthy tirade against the manage ment of the IJ. it M. R. R. in Neb., appa rently written by a '"female woman" and recently published by the Lincoln Jour- , iud forcibly reminds us of the expose j ..fan given at small shows of the "first j ride on a railroad train of an old lady j from th country.' If the writer for j the Journal asked half as many silly j questions as she says, and got as civil j answers to all of them as she reports, 1 the employees of the IJ. Sc M. in Ne braska must be perfect patterns of ci vilify and even meekness. We would prefer the situation of the ancient Job to that of a railroad agent or conductor if there were many such travelers. iMii.KOAt) mi:i:ti.. The voters of Plattsmouth Precinct are requested to meet at the Court House, on Friday next, the lid Decem ber, at 2 o'clock, sharp, to take Action on the proposition of the Omaha & Southwestern Railroad Company. Let every voter be on hand, and then no 1 " I fiiult can Le Ibun'J Jacok Vallert, R. 11. LivixtiSTO.v, Committee for Plattsmouth Precinct. Rc.v. E. W. Gilman, Stonnington, Ct., says : "Our Father's House" is a work so gorgeous in its diction, so affluent in illustration, to devout in spirit, so in structive in its statements, and so at tractive in its externals, must certainly do irood, and bids fair to be very' popu lar." ocai police. G rover & Raker's Sewing Machine is the best in market. Yallerys it Ruff ner are ag-nts. Those in want of a good Machine will find it to their advaDrage to give them a call. Go to Yallerys & Ruffner's and buy your Roots and Shoes, the best in mar ket. apl5diwtf If you would live to "a ripe old age" and always feel that your family is pro vided for in case of accidental death, go to Capt. J. W. Marshal, at the P. O., ind get a policy in the Jlissouri Valley Life aprihistf. If ou want a neat calico dress, go to Yallerys it Ruffner's. They are now selling'the best for V2 cts per yard. aplSdxwtf Yallerys i Kuffoer have just received j a new supply of ilots and JShoes, which ! they are selling very low. Go to Y&Uerys & Ruffner's to buy your Pry Goods. They arc selling cheaper tire cheapest. (in t0 Vallc-vs A: Iluffner and buv you Groceries. They buy for cash and. iril not be jendcrsohh As Locusts. The Charter Oak Stoves are becoming tuch universal fa vorites, and are making their way into so many households, that it looks as if they were destined to cover the face of the land as the locusts of Egypt. Unlike them however, they are blessings instead of plagues, and we wish speed to the consummation. If it is thrown in your teeth that you do not keep your dental apparatus in proper trim, it is your own fault, for all the world knows that you might do so by using that matchless vegetable deu tifrice Suzodunt. " Spalding's Glue," Cheap, Conveni ent and Useful. Mends everything. A few city orders for sale. Enquire at th Herald office. Yallerys i Ruffner are selling the cel brated Smith Wagon. inay27dtf Yallerys &, Ruffner have the largcs stock of Groceries ever brought to the city, which they bought for cah and at reduced prices. Call and examine their stock. apl5diwtf vallekysVeL'ffnkr Are now receiving the largest stock o Dress Goods ever brought to this mar ket, which they are selling cheap for cash. apl "'d&wtf The Last Call. All persons knowing themselves in debted to us by note or account are re quested to call aiul settle immediately. Yallerys & Rltfxek. (IRKAT BAKU A INS IN RKAL EsTATE. We have for sale the following list of valuable lands in Cass County Nebraska . Skc. Tp. R. Nwqr 1 10 12 Swqr 14 10 IJ Seqr 22 11 11 Sw-r 2:i 10 12 Seqr 15 12 12 Ne qr .iO 12 1?, Neqr 21 11 10 Seqr 22 12 12 Se qr 14 12 10 Nwqr 4 12 12 Nwqr 27 11 12 Nwqr oO 10 11 Seqr 7 11 12 Se qr nw qr 2 ) 10 12 Ehfswqr 15 11 12 Whfswqr 14 10 12 Ehfseqr 7 lo Li Ehfneqr 18 10 13 Ne of nwqr 23 10 12 Whfneqr 11 10 11 Se of neqr 11 10 II Nw of seqr 11 .10 11 From one to four years' lime will be given on part the purchase money on a large proportion of the above lands. In addition to the aboVi list we have Improved Farms which we can sell on reasonable terms. Call at our ollice for particulars. PlIKLPS P.V INK. Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Main Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Scptl5d&wtf Goto Yallerys & Kuffner's and Icok at the Panitr Arabs, the prettiest in the market. aplodiwtf I. II. Wheeler it C. are offering for sale over 100 lots in the City of Platts mouth, at prices ranging from $7 to $2o0 each. je2.itf - - - Foil Sai.K. .V good parlor stove. Only been used a short time will be sold cheap. Inquire at the II Kit ALU ffiec. dtf For Rent. The room now occupied as Ticket Office of the R. it M. R. R. Co.. under the Hkkald office. Inquire at this office, or of C. II. Parmole. novJt'.dtf NEW '& T O HJB Weeping Water, Neb. General Merchandise, SCCU AS DRY GOOD?. UKOCKIE?. liAKDWAKE. QUKtNiWAP.n. 11AT.S. CAPS DOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS. Ac. PINE AND COTTONWOOD LLMI5EK, s-UINGLLrf AND LATH. We nre Agents for Willcox & Gibr-3 Sewing Machine, Thich is undoubtiJly the lie.-t Machine now in u, amrli!'i.'t.t. SHERlf F S SALE. J. Q. A. Owen ti. Columbu Nueknlls. Wm. Garrison ami T. J.-Juni. Kxerutioii. Notice i.s htrcliy piven thr.t I will offer f-r caleat puolie uuetion. at the front door of t lie Court House in I'lutt.-iinitith. C:.?. eunty, Ne braska, on tliesih d.iy of December. A. D. 17J. at on-! o'clock p. iu. ol sai l d iy. the lollowinit real estate, to n it : '1 lie nnuiviileii one linlf of lot No. five '.)'. in block No- thirty-four '.'4'. in Piattsmouth, Ca.- county Nebraska, taken a. the property of C"luinbu! Nuek'-lln: nl-o, the undivided one-half 0-1 of lot No. sij ;.. jn block No. thirty seven ;J7, and the undivided one-half .Jin-f lot N-. tin 1 10 in block No. nine ii'., and the undivided one-half i f lot No. three :!. in block No. one hundred and ten (llili, and the unJivide I one-halt i"f lot No. twelve in bliftk No. forty -live 4-V. all in 1'lattMnouth. Ca.s county. Nebraska, and taken a5 the property of Win. Harrison and T. J. Jone; also, seven acres of land in the northeast quar ter ('v of the northeast Quarter ('i of secti'-n No. thirty (.Ail in towr.sii:p .. tselve '1.'; nortli, ransre No. fourteen (H. e.v-t of the ixih P.M.. deeribed as follows, to-wit. Commencing at the northeast corner of the northeast f.u:irter 'jil of section No. thirty :" . in township No. telre (12i north, range No. fourteen l-o et of tho sixth I". M-. thence west f jrty 'P)i rol. thence south twenty-eight rod-, thence east forty (PI' rodr". tneu' e north twenty-eight 'So rods to place of bceinniiifj. contaiuii.p about even acres. situate in Ca.s county. Nebraska, taken as the property of W'w. Harrison and T. J. Jones- All of the ulx.ve described real eftate taken on an execution in fror of J. Q. A. Owen, isxiied bv the Clerk of the District Court m and for Cass county, and to lue directed a rberiff of said county. . tiiven un-ler n-.y hand this 221 day of N o v em; ber.A.D.ls70. j.w.jqHKSON. Sheriff of Cm County, Nebraska. Maxwell Sl Chjpma.n, Attorneys for Plaintiff novlwt Weeping Water J5IiILs o Fanners, go where you can get the beet Flour ind the most of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR AMD 12 POUN DS of OR A? liven in exchage for rood w . We are also doing itris ' . and. with ou" increased facilities, feei assured that we can giT the beet and most Flour of any in the Stata. i,' SATISF.fCTION GUARANTEED. Produce Bought and Sold. HIGH 1ST MABEKT PAID. Reed 4 Clinton 5, .'65 Cisterns Built and Rock Work Done. THE Att'lervi?ned ir prepn red to take contracts for Luildin Cistern? and furnishing all ne eesary material, also to do any and all kinds of Kck work by contract, and lurnUh all mater ials for game. I have a few acre of ehi;ic land f r residences and several fine lo'j iof sale on reas-nahle tertn aiydtl JVfcEl-'U LKASLEY. C U. Jc 31. WtSTVAIID. TRAIN No 1. Lc. HA) A. M. Le. li..it A. M. Le. 10.60 A. M. Le. 11. 7 A. M. Ar. 11..V. A .V. Ar. 11U" Ar. l.'.l:t p m Ar. 1J.J7 Ar. U.r. TRAIWO..;. Le. 5.1'. p. M t.-!.f:f, P.M. Lp. ;..Vi p. m Le. 7 SI )'. M." Ar.s r, p. m. Ar. Vr " Ari'.M " Ar. iCfu " Ar. 1'J.uO ' IJ. R IN M!'l; sriTioxs. tu.-i.-IK Ar. 4 ;.; K Ar i j Ar. ..( -Ar A.-. ; . ; i- l'lnttimi.uth. Onmlu June. L'iuivill S.iiiii Rcn.l .V-I.1- ,, i ' 'P'l-HH )0J W avi i y New i on Ar A r. 1.47 ' 1..V. L-. 1.1. ' 1T..VIN . Ar. J -, Ar. . ; v Ar. 7e' A y r. A M I--: '.' A Ar. i.i;, Ar. -4 ..i Ar. 4 Ml .. l Pl.-itt-motith. "lll:l!iJ .luiif. l."!ii,vi:;t.. 'y.U It.-nd. A!.U:i.l. r. . !. ,1 W av.-rly Nr iy Q l.ill-oln A M. p.. k Took eflVct sun la) N Al-'.:i k. Pncifio Express M:0! freight No. 5 Frciutit No. 7 . ! Atlantic Eipr.-ss M:ui Freight No, tj Fn-ifht No. S I- I T tram to fin.l froui tin- J.ji k of ft... m". U'i I 'lO.r mer. 1 In- A'ianii K..,- i,Mi. liurliiiirton at S:oi M In., umi ta.- Ca.-.ti- Iti leaves ibire fur PI:ittiuouth u' 7- j. - C. It. A sr. Joi:. i:. t:. (AT PATIKIi- j,-N,-T,,,x j,,ivi.' ,. ,. , ., Hois-. sii:tii. Mhii ami Kxi-ro" 4 i. m. NieLt Ex'rt-n ;l. m. " I- . if I !:. I : , !-.- 1.'.. .:, Tltii trives i..-i.i. nf r from Plattrtioi, conncftiort ifoinu S. uili l 1,-uv n,e t.rt. 4: i p. in. trail?, mi l -onti.-, -non ,- going North ly U-nvii.tt L-ro t n itc 7 j. i OMAHA A sopTiiwirn:- i. "i LKAVR. ' iniaiin (hi II La Platte Pay liters Cedar Iiluu'J... 1 n ;.. 1 1 . u. :l. II. Ol li.. t a : OO'.r Mr vr. t'odar Island.. Payment La Platte t'hil .. Omaha '. V 1.. ' " ML, ! CM. 1 " y. ii.. I in. . I: . It.. Passrtisrer un-1 frcicht will be trai.-fi-r -I v Ce.lcr Ii-laml Btid coiiiuM tion mivle t Umu,. Junction th the moruiiiK train g liiu W.. from PlaHsiiioiith to Lim-oluon tht M. A M. 1.. U.vH. in Ne'tra-ka, uml tl-e rveLiuh train east from Lincoln to Platt.'moulli. Trains will leave no 1 arriv nt the l-fi--t .! the tViuipany at the foof of Jonm street. I-: t.. further notice ticket mil bo K.iJ on the tnt::. ami rates of freight tan ho l-nriicl at ti e o!f.( cfthc :ouiiiany; ' J. 1J. Mot'LToN. Chief Engineer arJ Oct.'l Sup:. AIIP.IVAL AND DEI'ARTULK OV MAILS. KOITK. CL'iSHs. Att: 1 C R. A St. Joe R. K. South f p ir. :i ) n: C. II. A St. J-.e K. K. North. a p. in. .0 i.. I!. A M. R. R. ypo . :& 'i f):,, 15. A- M. R. R. Vgt. ym. U Oiijulm by St.ojfo, 1 p uj llj'ti Nfliruiku City, by at..f)t 9 p in. u: t Wtr-i.iii( Wiitt-r. '.' ; in. ' n t I)ciarls, Tue.iil:iy. Tliur'.lnja, n.l S.i -dv. Oilire hour, frnm S ."J) a m to 7."" ( in. 5 u inlays, IJ ao to 1 mr J. V. .MARSH ALL. IV V (fburrb Dtrfct:rnr y.:r-r-.- ... Y. M. C. A. Hall over Tlnrk A I'll, uriier Storr I'renriiiiiy evi-ry S.-i'jl.;ith Oiti 3o-lnrk: I'no rr me-tinit evt-ry T.'- i .. ; in at 7 o'clock : KcM'liiiK itoiuoi .; .. - from S a. m. to l'J p. in, FlItST I'llMIIVTtHI s "rtli s i i .-1 i not of Sixtb Rev. D. W. Oinn niu ; S ovry S:ilih:ith nt 11 :i. ni. nn I i . Iiatli S.:!iool :it ai a- m.. .1. N. -. . tenilcnt. I'nycr tin itins ney ". ! . eveiiins at liSl o'clock. Mktiiodist ErisfofAi. Wi-t ! - trcct. ?oatli of Mnia Rev. J. Ii. M..x:i. Services every Sallmtn Ht Iu..'?' u. m. .n. 1 " : Prayer meeting every Tim . .ol.iy eve:..i.. mci tinpf every Moii'liiy ei eniin; anl iii.i". Iv after el"-- of SalioatU uivinii . t SaLljutli School at CoxO!'w.ati(inai. Corner L'eii-i :v 1 ! . ' street Rev. Y. Alley. Si-rrin en r . si 1 nt l:Mu. in. aiel 7 . in. Suo'iatli S n - .l .' 10 p. in. Prayer meetius rv ry Wi ln t'vuniii?. Epis o""ai. C'.rti'T Vine nn I Tliir l ftr-:-Rev. Jl. Sr. ii'ei-rae Y"inr. Srrvn en evrv S:i Ija-h.-u 'l..A) u. iu. an I 7 i. m. Sun 1;' S at 3 p. iu. Christian Servu-e. in Court ll'ii-f llr U. Mullis. local preacher. Kl ler, l-.v . . and T. J. Tod 1. Catholic North M.leuf Pii'i'icS'i'i i-c :'- Father Hayes. First Ma-s ev rya-'l.-ir.1, n. in.. Second Mass and Sermon nt l'l ... h i ., Ve-.ers nnd I'.eiiedie; ion at ..-' l . m. at 8 a. in. every week day. iir.r.MAN S'tsvicr S- rviee in the i r ::ia : : . fuaz. by l'rif. Ad-d.he IA!letn.nid. I eld at the School House in the L .rt.i pa-l t ;L. City eery Sabb&lh at 11 a. ia. Su:nl y -:"' at !' n. in I.O. t). F. Urtrnlnr nieetinr of pl.--.uc I. 1. No. 7. I.O. U. I". every '1 bun-day ec:i i (id I Fellowi Hall. Trancient liioth r- a.r- dially invited vi.it. JttHN W. CARUOTIILT.s. N. .;. Jr. Pko.noKIi. See. I.O. 0. F. I'la't-iinnyth llauinpuM-nt N-i. H'K'il.ir Convo atior. the 'Jndan-I lt!i l'ri '. ' of l-acll month Ht Od I Fellow' Hull r. .1 Main .ta. Transient 1'atrinrch rord.i.lly n l to visit. S, lit K 1' - Sa m. 51. Cn im.ix, Scri'.e. Kvir.nTorl'TTHiAS I'la'te Va'leyfj'jc V S. Hecalar aieefinirs everyThursl:iy ev.-i i . Visiting irothere alwav weh-oine. v. h. wi-M.S. vr. r. It. IIKTSKI.. K. J. V. V. LKO-NAKL. V. 1'. MioMir Pi iTTSKortH Lonor N. A. I A A. M. Keiri.lar ineetiuns at their hall on tl- fint anJ thir-l Monday cveuiucjof each mei.'--Transient brethcrn ini itel to vi.it. JACOH VALLEKV. W. N. P. E. lU-rrsKR. Sc. Miror Lonoc No. 22 A. F. t A. M. H- ) r meetincs at Masonic llallf first and thir-l Yt -day. J. N. WISE. W. M. Uko. L. Sictbolt. See. NCHFASKA CH APTKB No. .1 R. A. M. P.epnl' convocation-" neeon-1 and fourth Tui'lay aiul of ec month t 7', o eioelt p. r--. L. 11. WHKFLFH. II. I W. 1). OaCK. Sec MisTmsSrii Drr.nrit Loooit. Itecilar tr.rt: inirs of the Family are held on Wedr.e--h- ninif. on or before the full moon of eaeti n.'.n:.". .Ml Master Mav-nf. their ir. nutrri an. daughter, are invited to attend. I'nmarried . lior must be over eibfeen year of age. It. II. W IJKKLEK, l'atrcn Mas. C. A. Dm, l'atronena. J. N. Wish. P.ecorler. I. O. rt- T. Clitk Hbajch. No. 2 -K A. Kirk Patrick W.C. T. E. 15. I.ewi.. W..-. H. . " ;; I hJim. I.odK Deputy. Meet., at Court H'iir 11a every ""opy-lay evening. Traveling Ttuij-laf reipeet'ully invited. Kirnsi'-R ftr.r.rvr. Lnnnr. Nn. 1. K . Lewm. I.T.: V. K. White. U. S. Meet. atC, J. ' lli-u-e Hall on the firt and third .Saturday c ' inp of each mot.'h. Stae of Iloi-r. I.ot.'.K No. 8. O. .1. Iavi.. T.: Andrew (Vjleman, W. 3. Meets at .V rieaxant every Satariiay eircnit. VAfPVlKH- I-r-tK. No. 14. J. J. fl.m i'-' .V. C. T.: Win. J. Ilwr. W. S.: S. U. ta..: li.l?e Deputy. Meeti every W-ine? lay f. -sb. Traveling Temtl:r! rwpeetfolly : Trp.FK (tRiirR Lopcjc. No. l'l. Am... (ir.-r' c.C. T.;Jaji. Ui.n. W. .: C. H. W .i - w fIe Deputy. teet every S.itnrdaj s Travelinjt Teuiplj -ei.ectfuil iiiv,:--i fT-ef witn II.. N' 'OTICE. Wherea my wife Can M- has without cause or T rovix-ati -n i-. hd and l.ard. I il.i herebv warn ail I azain.t tra-t inn her on my accouct a 1 ;-1 no debts of her contracting. .... JACOB MIL:-1, PUttsiaoutb Nov. 21-th 170. i STRA i NOTICE. f ukon n n bv the Hl'iiteriber cn th ter.' .1 day of November. li7o, iu Mount Plei.'.i' ' cinct. at Centre Valley. Cum county. Nem two two-vear old hore colt. "i.c I'K iron-irrey. with a ditn white -pot iu in lfr hind f.VMt while. Se,-ii-C nr"' l..l IS ftar In the forehead, riht hinl loot wh.:". ! other marks or brands vistol. . Declwit. i. W'. AUOI- FRESH ARRIVALS Te are ao receivini Ihe larsest ' BOOTS & SHOES Ever brought to thi.n-arket CALL AND EXAMINE Otr tora. E CHARGE NOTHING TO SHOW t r VALLEKV A- KO t i Li