ltal state. WE OFFER AT TUB OFFICE OF MAXWELL & CHAPMAN, A Large List of Unimproved. liaiitlM in Cass County On Easy Tenas, PT-SCRIBED IN TAUT AS FOLLOWS: ection. Township, Range 1 11 11 33 12 n 33 i H 12 11 :t 12 ii 1! 12 11 4 11 11 1 12 WJ 10 u 30 10 n 30 11 1J 32 1 12 W 11 12 1 11 i? 11 9 J 11 J 11 9 11 " 17 11 H 17 U IS 10 12 H 10 12 18 10 12 21 10 12 ;i io 12 30 10 12 30 10 12 5 - U 12 S 11 12 J H 12 4 a i2 a i; a 12 io a 12 io a i! 19 a 12 la a 12 vj a 12 20 a 12 21 a 12 22 a 12 22 a ii 2 a 12 a 12 29 a 12 29 11 12 29 11 12 1 10 12 14 10 12 23 10 12 23 10 12 7 10 13 14 10 IS 15 10 l: 25 11 12 m a 12 3.'. a 12 5 a 13 25 12 10 n a a 'i 12 12 31 12 12 14 12 12 ALSO. w hf s e qr t hf ne qr rv 'ir nc c ir re qr a lit -w w hfseqr I 'T l -l"" n0 1T lit lie qr u qr se qr i Mr hf se qr r qr w qr u ht sw qr tr qrsw qr t lit no qr r l.t nw qr itr qr ri' qr 'ir f (if I1W qr n qr nw qr r qr ce qr ne qr qr i hf no qr ht nw qr D hf se qr b qr se r nc qr -nn r l 'ir r .t nw qr hf aw qr qr q r elil s qr :i w qr w qr n-qr t lit .- qr ne qr ne qr w hf uh qr n' se qr r.w qr d hf sw jr qr ce nw qr t hf -e qr qr hf ne qr t hf nw qr hf ce qr hf e qr M qr ne qr h qr m qr ?e qr tC qr ' Improved Farms in Cass Co., Large and sin nil some very desirable ones and a larte amount of CITY 3ISOISlSrl?Y, IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED. I' rail mi u-i, and leuru particulars as to v 1 1 ico, terms, ic. IMKXES &, POLLOCK ffft wlf HEALTH'S PATENT BOARD WELLS. Put diiwn iti "toe county in the past IS months. . i: l .::! Ill KLK to FIVE a week making at ir.aitit PROVE THEIR SUPERIORITY. fPXTY-XIXE of them were in the worst kind i t tjuick-sand. t AND THIKTY-ONE f thorn were made in places w::. r,' tiie old style "Duk Wells" had dried up lii-.t in ;.tiU-d to furnish a supply, or natui K.y "played out." T!m irown rcputati' j and the unanimous vcr uict of the people I Otoe County Attests flieir Merita. Ar. Outfit is now in operation for the accommo lijttoiiof Caes County, in charge of IV ell guaranteed to furnish an ample supply of water, or the money, refunded. Prices and Tcri.-. r!N bored, tubed and fitted up for throwing water all complete and guaranteed. One Dollar per Foot. "u'n-k-and wells $. extra one each well. (In tiir country hands to hi boarded while doing ob. Terms Cash. . "Mp(miWe parties desiring it a note for "'uf-ftall will be taken for part payment, at six mun:hs, with interestat 1-percent, from date. Part'.) -" wishing wells will please accoramodt t by leaving th'ir orders at the Hardware Stor f C. W. MEUK, or addressing me a line to NEBRASKA CITY- Very Resi ectfully B. F. DilTenbacher. Jly lTO.d.f wtf WARNER'S Warner's Pile remedy has never failed fnot Mn in one cue to cure the very worst oases ot fchr.d Itchinir or llleadinic piles. Thosewho are irii-t.-.l should immediatel call on their drug ff't. and Krt War. er's Pile Kemedy. It is ex presly for the Piles, and is not reeeoin mended to euro any other disease. It has cured many r:if (.f over thirty years standing. Price Uue l !!:ir. Knrsnlo ly d rn Crist' fvivwliTe. Warner's ly.-pJs1ia Tonic is prepared el" iro--!y lyspepties and those suffering with habitual Costiveness. It is a sliiit stimulating n:e and a splendid appetizer: it strengthens -ho stomach auJ restores the digestive organs t'Jt'ieir healthy state. Weak, nervous and dys 11 tic- persons should use Warner's Iyst eisia T "T por al bvlrrctri,ats. -'rife Ot rHr. Warner's Coueh CaNuin is healing, softeninr iQ'i ej eetorating. The extraordinary power it r;"i-if-es in immediately releiving. anil eventu ally curing, the most obstinate cases of Coughs, -oi l, S,.re Throat, Prouchitis, Influenza. C'a irrii. hoarseness. Asthma and Consumption is iiuio-t incredible. io prompt is the relief and -t-r'ain its effects in all the above caes, or any .T-.-tion of the throat and longs, that thousands i physicians are daily prescribing it, and one nd all say that it is the most healing and ex- e-torating medicine known. One dose always it? rla relief, and in nxist cases one bottle ef-f-e:s a cure. Bold by druggists, in large bottles. Price One Dollar. It is your own fault if you 1 cough and suffer. The KaNm w?U rnr. FFViic or luiVc. Ttie great Uiood Purider ami Lfelicious DriuK" Warner's Vinum Vitae, or Wine of Life, is free join any poisonous drugs or impurities, being ri-p:tred for those who reqire a stimulant. It is l splendid appetizer and tonic, and the finest -hing in the world forpurirying the blood. It is the most pleasant and delicious article ever of 'erel to the public, far superior to brandy, whwky, wine, bitters, or any other article. It is more healthy, and cheaper. Both male and fe Jiale, young or old, can take the Wine of Life. It is. in fact, a life preserver. Those who wish to enjoy good health and a free flow of lively pirits. will do well to take the Wine of Life. ' U is different from anything ever before in use. It is sold by druggists: also at all respectable sa loons. Trice One Dwllar, in quart buttles. Sold Ey J. M. IIIXCHMAX. Jc CO. Plattemoutb, Nebraska. S.BLOOM& CO. I llloyTrrNEB BLOOM o t BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Hats j & Caps, Boots Bl Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, E iC. Mam Street, Second Door Hast oj Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. BRANCH HOUSE : Broadway, Council Blutfs, Iowa. A.W. PiLE, (Successor to liVliite & Kuttcry) WHOLESALE and RETAIL Is now receiving and has on hand (at South side Main The Largest and Rfiost Complete Stock of D rugs, tfedicines. Paints, Chrtnicals. Lead. Varnishes. Coal Oil. Fish Oil. Machine 011 iarclmrO l.Castr Oil. Neatsfoot il. Whale Oil. Hinseed Oil. Lard Oil. Oil. Essential Cod Liver Oil, and a large qariiety - f Notions. Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Essence, i lavuring Kx tracts. Also, all the Popular Such as Jayne's. Ayers', Halls, Scovillc'sCoe's, Christie's. Morse's. McLain's, Buker's. Windham Wright's, Wakefield's. Guy Scott's. Perry Davis'. Koback's Petitt's, Mrs. Winslow'l Dr. Winchell's, Uostetter's, Drake's. Wallace's, West's, all others in general use. Brandies, Wines nd Whiskies, Of the best grades and qualities, strictly for Medical purposes. DOMESTIC DYES, Red or Rose. Green. Blue and Black. Analine. Indigo. Madder, Extract Logwood, Dye Woods, Jkc. In fact everything that is needed iu the Drug or Medicine Line. r hysicians' Prescript ons carefully compounded and put up at all hou. s. All Drugs warranted fresh and pure. Call before buying, and see what I have to sell. A. W. PROLE. tsmouth. March 21. 1ST"- wtf. U (Scobs THE OLD Heaviest Stock of Goods in the West I No Rent and no Interest on Borrowed Capital to be Made off Customers ! OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE CITY. ZE3- G- 3D O "V El IT North siJe of Main Street, between Second and Third, takes i leaauro ia announcing that he has the largest and best selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions NOTION'S &C, &C., ever broght to the city ef riattsasoth. TO THE TRADE lie would say that he can fill orders as cheap as any house west of Chicago. He buys Direct From I&axiutactiircrs; and ho no middlemen's profits to add to bis goods. lie does business on his own capital and in his own buililinir. consequently be (can give his customers the prices of rents and interesCon investment in the way of LOW PRICES I CALL AlffD EXAMINE GOODS; It will cost vou nothing to look at them, whether you buy or not. By examining the pricdt Reliable" you will be ale to teti who other parties endeavor to swindle you. jy6sef galls CopsiI? 3D HARD AND SOFT COAL At Lyman's Coal tfc Lumber Yard. Tba best kind always on band. The first hard coal ever in the market at LYMAN'S COAL AND LUMBER YARD. Orders left at the YARD or at Prole's DRUU STORE, promptly attended to. C. W. Lyman & Co, Xov. 2, ISTO.d Jtwtf Iotgtng. I 31. &. CO. DKALKSS I.f VfrVii' GESTS' the old stand of White &. Battery) St., Plattsmouth, anb (xmni3f IHELBABL BY TELEGRAPH. TBEES WilEL. Tours, November 10. The Prussians evacuated Orleans yes terday in great haste, leaving about 500 pick and wounded. The day before the French pained a great success at .!oul miers. The Prussians had a strongly entrenched position, but were dislodged, suffering heavy loss. General Pertan retreated and the French moved forward to Geminy, where they will occupy strong positions until the army of the Loire moves entirely forward. Gen. Paladina reports to the govern ment that the battle which occurred two days ago at Marchinaix is more impor tant than at first rumored. The Prus sians left 250 killed, and over 200 pris oners were taken. The French troops behaved exceedingly well. One regi ment of chasseurs kept a large Prussian force checked until other French troops came up, when the Prussians retreated. The journals of Lille announce that Gen. Bourbaki, who has not resigned, has organized a large force. The news from Orleans is cheering. Advices are just received of a series of engaeenient near there, in all of which the French were successful. The French were pressing toward the city, and a.s their movements tended to surround the enemy, the latter were obliged to evacu ate the city, lhc Prussians lost con siderably in killed, wounded and prison ers. There was great difficulty in ob taining provisions, owing to the constant drain which has been made by the re peated requisitions of the enemy on the people thereabouts. The surrounding country is entirely ruined. Cable to the New York World. London, November 10. Private dispatches received in this city to-night state that the French tieet are bombarding Hamburg. A dispatch from Berne, via Berlin, reports Garibaldi surrendered. A special dispatch from Tours says that at lengthy the French arms have achieved a glorious triumph. Vander taun, who was at Orleans with a corps of twenty-five thousand men became afraid his position might becomehemmed in. The sixteenth corps of the army of the Loire on the north bank of that stream, and the seventeenth corps on the south bank, were confronted toward the west by bodies advancing 1'rom Char tres and Charteau Dun. Dertann was preparing to make a defensive retreat northward toward Paris when he was as sailed by the 16th corps, under Leisac. After a severe engagement he was com pelled to evacuate Orleans, which is now occupied by the French. The Prussian loss is 500 killed and wounded. The pursuit of the retreating Prussians is now going on. The defeat and capture of the whole force is probable. London, November U. The following official dispatch was re ceived to-night by the Standard : Tours, November 10. Orleans has been retaken after a se vere fight. Berlin, November 12. Official reports of the capture of Ver dun has been published. Two Generals, eleven staff officers and 1C0 officers were captured; besides these, 130 guns, 23,000 rifles and a large n amber of stores and ammunition fell into the hands of the Prussians. The Cross Gazette says the authorities will show no false generosity in retaining from the bombardment of Paris. The fire will open very soon. Versaii.lks, (via Berlin, 12,) Nov. 11. Gen. Yon der Tour reports to head quarters here to day that there has been no further aduance of the enemy on his front. Carlsrchk, November 12. Tlie official report of the capture of Neu Breisach has been made public. During the entire investments 1 Baden soldiers were killed and 30 wounded. . Frankfort, Nov. 12 Bavaria having objected to entering the North German Confederation, an agreement will be effected with her by the other German States by treatv. Tours. November 12. Seventeen thousand Prussian prisoners captured at or near Orleans, passed through this city to day on thfur way to the south of France. Great excitement was created among the people, and it was with much difficulty that a riot was prevented. Nothing official is yet received from the army of the Loire since the official report of D'Aurelles. More prisoners, captured in the battle of Orleans arrived this afternoon . London, November 12. The whole tide of popular feeling now in Englandjis running strongly in favor of the French. Even the Times has changed its tone and urges Germany to make peace and withdraw from France while she may with safety. This feel ing is partly due to the horrdr excited by the barbarous and wholly unjusiifiable conducted of the Prussians in attempt ing to suppress popular resistance in France, partly to rapidly growing convic tion that England will be the next vic tim of German anbition. The speech of the Lord Chief Baron the other day, in which he declared Austria would lie prostrate before Germany, that Russia will be compelled to barter her Baltic ports for Constantinople, and that Eng land being only safe so long as she re mains mistress of the seas, must arm herself for a desperate struggle, has pro duced great alarm and dismav, and a hearty wish for the repulse of 'the Ger man and the success of France. Special to the New Ycrk World, rail Detclls of (be French Victory. London, November 12. A epecial dispatch to the World frnm Tours gives the following full details of the victory of General D Aurelles over Von Dert.-.nn not yet received. The en gagement commenced both on the east and west' of Orleans on the 9th inst., and was continued until the evening of Thursday. During Thursday the French drove the Prussians from Orleans, inflict ing severe loss upon them, and are now in occupation of the city. General Von Dertann, with the remant of his army, are now retreating on the road leading from Orleans, to Pithiviers, "after vainly attempting to force his way through Chatteau Neuf and Montergis, where he hoped to join the army of Prince Frederick Charles. Gen. D'Aurelles has a force of 50,000 men on the north bank of the Doire, and 70.000 on the south bank. Destruction of roads and bridges between Commercy -and Orleans was prevented by the advance of the army under Frederick Charles. He has about 75,000 men, and a great part of whom probably are north of the Marne. Aftor having disposed of the remnant of Von Destanns army, D'Auselles will march directly on Paris and assail the German lines between Versailles and St. Germain, while Trochu makes a sortie with 150.000 men to cut his way out and raise the siege. Communication be tween D'Auselles and Trochu and the government at Tours is constantly main tained by carrier pigeons. To make good coffee Learn the pro cess in use at any hotel or restaurant, and then fix yours some other way. THE ELECTION. NEW YORK. New York, November 10. It is now stated that Rogers, Demo crat, is elected to Congress from the 10th district by 165 majority. The latest count makes Assembly C5 Republican, 03 Democrat, with a few distrittfs still doubtful. w Judge Bedford, in his charge to the Grand Jury to-day, stated that crime in this city is pa' pa bly very much dimin ished lately by the vigilant energy and prompt action of the authorities. New York, Nov 10 Midnight. The latest returns make the Assembly 64 Republicans and 64 Democrats. ILLINOIS. Chicago, November 10. Returns from tne election in this State are still incomplete. The follow ing is the result so far as known for Congress: First district, C. B. Farwell, Republican ; Secofid, J. F. Farnsworth, Republican; Third, II. 0. Burchard. Republican ; Fourth, J. B. Hawlcy, Re publican probably elected bv 150 to 250 votes; Fifth, B. N. Stevens, . inde pendent Democrat ; Sixth, B. C. Cook, Republican; Seventh, A. J. Hunter, Democrat believed to be elected by a small majority; Eighth, J. C. Robinson, Democrat; Ninth, T. W. McNulty, Democrat; Tenth, E. J. Rice, Demo crat ; Eleventh, S. S. Marhall. Demo crat Twelfth, doubtful: Thirteenth, J. M. Creffs, Democrat; State at large, John A. Logan. Republican. wiscorvsnr. Chicago, November 10. A special to the Journal from Madi son, Wis., says the Legislature- of that State will be very close in both Houses, but the Republicans are confident of a small majority in each. VIRGINIA. Washington, Nov. 10. A telegram from Cellector Wilcox, at Lynchburg, states that River, Republi can, is undoubtedly elected to Congress in the Fifth district of Virginia. J. M. McKinncy has been appointed Judge ol the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. TES'NESSE. Nashville, Nov io. The latest returns announce the elec tion of Butler, Republican, in the first, district, and Maynard, Republican, in the second. CAE.SFORftTA. Returns from Nevada come in slowly. It is generally believed the Democrats have carried the State with the excep tion of Slingerland for Lieutenant Gov ernor and Fitch for Congress. It will require the official count to decide the result. Two of the Toano railroad robbers have been captured, and there is a good prospect of arresting the remainder. About twenty thousand dollars of the first robbery has been recovered. ALAB AIII A. Montgomery, Ala. Nov. 10. About half the State has been heard from, including most of the Republican strongholds. The Democratic average is 4,250 over the majority of Grant, and have gone beyond it. The balance of the fctate will go largely Democratic. The Democrats elected three, and probably four Congressman, and a large majority of the Representatives. No election for Senators. As far as heard from there were no disturbance at any election box in the State. Forty-six marriage licenses were is sued in Scott county, Iowa, during the month of October. The man who won't beleave ennything he kant see, airt so wize az a niuIe,for they will kick at a thing in the dark. What men kant do thev are verv ant to admire they don't criticize a moun tain bekause they kant make one. The erection of a manufactory of steel is contemplated at East St. Louis, Illi nois. There iz nothing 1 ke a sick bed for repentance ; a men bekurus so virtewcus he will often repent ov sins that he never committed. Three skor- years and ten iz man's furlo, it iz enuff if a man kan't suffer all the mizery he wants in that time he must be numb. A man afflicted with St. Vitus' dance in Indiana; is relieved of its painful characteristics upon listening to music, vocal or Instrumental. The moment it ceases the pain again comes on him and ha commences to shake in a fearful man ner. When Napoleon was first apprised of tne loundation or a Republican Govern ment in Pans, he said: "This is the greatest misfortune that could befall France. A Republic!" And turning to his captors, he remarked: "Now, gentlemen, we have the same enemies you and I." "When circumstances rendered it imj possible for him to attend the stated preaching" of the Gospel, he made it a sacred rule to kill an Indian every Sab bath," is the inscription affectionately engraved upon the tomb of a Colorado deacon, by the bereaved members of the congregation. A Madison (Ind.) physician recently removed a tumor, twenty-two inches in circumference, from a patient, without the use of any anaesthetic, and without pain to the subject. A block of ice. carved so as to conform to the shape of the tumor and the incisions to be made, was faced with salt, and the application, for a brief period, rendered the parts perfectly insensible to the, knife. Here is a sample of the sort of tricks that were played upon the unsophistica ted philosopher of the New York Trib une when he visited Kansas. lately : At Lawrence he was taken in a carriage to see the city and its improvements. Keeping him engaged in conversation, the irreverent scamps of his escort drove five or six times around a square, at each circuit passing a fine building in course of erection. At. about the fifth round Horace broke forth: "Well, well, Lawrence is growing rapidly. Why, there is a very large number of fine buildings going up. Don't you fancy there is a little monotony in the archi tedbire, though?" A Cardington, Ohio, man writes : "We have a monstrosity short distance from here that will beat the world. Last Tuesday morning a lady gave birth to a double child. It is of the natural length of a child, with perfect head on each end. On one side there are two perfect legs with feet ; on this side ouly is the gender apparent that of a female. On the other bide there is one leg, which is as large as both the others, and appears to be double; the foot displays eight toes. The creature is healthy. It takes its food well in both mouths, and digests well, lhere is but one set qt bowfls, and it had but one navel string. One i end will cry at a time! I think the old j women will say, 'Did you ever ?" ' j Jorfoarbmg J. D. SIMPSON. J. D. SIMPSON cfc CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants Agents of the Omaha & St. Louis ''0" Line Packets Plattsmouth, Neb. We are now occupying the room formerly occupied by E. T. Duke X Co.. anJ are Jo Forwarding and Commission Business, Ware attached, we can furnish all the storage wanted. AH goodj sent In our care will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, and goods divined for Ashland. Lincoln, and the Illue River, will leforwarded without delay. OoroWrSd.fcwtf. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 1870. 1870. 1870. D. SCHSASSK. - r. D. LESnOKK. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! ! Brerybody, and more too, are going to Z D. SCHNASSE & CO, To buy their ToOl and.wlriter Goods AT THK jST E W YORK STOEE- The best and most complete STOCK OF D It ESS GOODS. Are now on exhibition at the Xew York Sjore. at greatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINS, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, ULEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA .S, BOOTS AND SHOE of all kinds and price to suit our numerous customers. large stock of h-t GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QLEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, ' .w., GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS JlWe Sell at Cost Now the Celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, and all k.nd ,f CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES, &.C Plattsmouth September 10th, 1870. tf. D. SCIINAStfE & CO. WIXflXiIAIft iouth Side Main Street, - - Number 9. PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY NEBRASKA RAILROAD LANDS The Burlington & Mo. Rive R. R. Co. in Nebraska K0W OFFER PRE-EMPTION RJGHTS To their Lands in Ranges . 7. 8. 9. IO, II, 12, 13, acl 1 1. Kat or the litb Principal .Meridian, in Nebraska, On Ten Years Credit ' Only six per cent, interest on the valuation ib required for the first year: the same for the second, aud then, on and after the third year, only one-ninth ef the principal and decreasing interest is payable annually. TWENTY FER CENT WILL BE DEDUCTED From our Ten Tears Credit price, at the option of the buyer, if he pays in full, and ten percent, interest within one year from date of purchase and his pre-emption payment will be allowed settlement. On these Generous Terms At low prices, rsnginfr from 94 to 85, SO, 87, 8I. 811. 812. -c. averaging about EltiHT DOLLARS PER ACRE, as per quality and local advantages. Annual productions will pay Tor Land, Stocking it, and Ample Improve mentsHindi within the limit or the Ten Years Credit Facts to be Considered. 160 acres R. K. Lands at $7 cah is $8 75 on lOyears credit at 6 percent-, and will cost, in easy aunual pay ments, the total sum of. J $ 1,922 40 And 160 acres of School Lands, at (7 the lowest price, and frequently sold atauction for . IO and 12 -dollars. onjlO years, at ten percent, interest, cost j S 2.140 00 Making a difference in favor of Rail ) Uroad lands of....'. I $417 06 But for a fair comparison the average price at which School Lands bare been sold, should be compared with the average price of our Rail road lands. Take for sample the averaje price of $10.53 per ace, at which the State School Lands have been sold, as per report of state Auditorag Land Commi??ioner of the State, for tho fiscal year ending Nov. 3tb. iNiy. and ltJO acres costs at this price in ten years at ten per cent, interest the total sum of- $3.3o9 00 Deduct lrom this the total cost of 160 acres of B. & M. H. R. Lands, at our average Long Credit price of 10.25 per acre, on 10 years credit at o per cent, interest viz $2,230 49 And the difference on a quarter sec tion in favor of Railroad Lands is... $1,139 20 This comparison is not made to prove that the School Lands have been sold too high, but te irove that the law of this State has been ratified by actual and numerous gales at auction, ore' Jit minimum price fijexd, vii : Seven dollars pi acre: and the average valuation of the B. i M. K. R. Lands is ratified by the same intelligent uid practical verdict. Railroad Lands have another advantage in he fact, that a buyer can choose out of eighteen sections in aTownship.instead ot being couu&ed only two School sections. Oar Long or Ten Years Credit prices range from 4 to 5. , 7, H, . IO, II and 12 dollars generally, and average 81U.25 per acre. Applications f jr land can be made to : FULLER. W ILLSIE A BARR. at Ashland. Vth S. J. HOWELL, at Weeping Water, Cass Nebraska. V. C. UTLEY. at Xursery Hill. Otoe Co., Neb. C0VELL. CALHOUN Jt CK0XT0N. at Ne-bnu-ka City, Neb. B. fc- 1 - R- R. CO?"j -AND OFFICE, at Lin coln. Nob. . or at R. R. LAND OF i ICE m Platthmouth. .tO.S. HARRIS . Land Commissioner B. Si H. R R. Aujust. 2Xh, 1S70 anb Commissin. A. LAZENBY. STADELiIVIAIMIVr. RICHARD VIVIAN, Dealer in Groceries, Flour, Feed, and Canned Goods, &c. &c. &c. '"Highest cash paid for all kinds of (train and Produce, Butler, Eggs, Hides, Furs and rt'ool. North East corner Man and Fifth Ftreets Plattsmouth. ncv5dS;wtf. f ibfrg Stables. J. W. SHANNON'S FEED. SALE AND LIVERY STABLE, 1IAIX8TRKKT.-L1TTSMOUTB.SBB. I am prepared to accoiumodatethe public with IIijrm. Carriage. BoOCti' and A No. 1 Ilrar't on short notice and reasonable terms. A lla will run t "teamboat landing, andto all pra Ithe city wneti 'eired. Jan 170dw. TABLES ! BUTTERY h LAZKNBT. props. U VERY SALE & EXCHANGE. The bstof Ilorses and Buggies on hand.9 Corner Vine and Fourth streets. jan21diwtf. Plattsmouth Nebraska. Farm &xr& VIMTIA'G PLATTSMOUTH WILLFIND GCODSTBLIN - ACCOMMODA TION AT Til is. Farmer's Feed Stable Corner of Sixth and Vine Street One Block. North of the Presbyterian Church, PI 3ttsmuutb Nebraska. BATES & DeGARMO. FREH ARRIVALS We are now receiving the largest stock of Ever brought to this market CALL AND EXAMINE Our stock. WE CHARGE NOTHING TO SHOW GOODS VALLERYS Jfc RUFFNER. Dr. J. Ij. itIcCREA, Dentist. Plsttsinouth, Nebraska. Office with Dr. G. II. Black. july7wtf Bills. PACTOBYWLLB MILLS! ON THE SOUTH WEEPING WATER. XXXX At$2.50persacL XX FLOUR 2,00 per SACK Bran 4 Sharts 75rt. per 100 lbs. ran S ahorts. Extra Ort$ d Hirfl, 1 (Xt per Corn Meal $1 25por hundred pound. LOtJR Exchanged for Wheat as usual. tVheatand Corn ground on Toll ccixlp tint lolll.b !. to ' iffy all who rtU 10,000 Bushels of Wheat and 20 000 Bushels Corn W. E. SHELDON. Agent. Febl9diwf. Weeping Water JlilL 0 Farmers, go where you can got the best Flour, nd the most of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR i-2 rourvos of nut' riven if exchnge for goodw-ei' We are also doing gris. , and. with ou' increased f;u ilities. frel assured that we rsu giv the bot and most Flour of any in the State, mtt SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Produce Bought and Sold. BIOHKST MABKKT TAlO. Heed A CI in Ion l ,'GS. ENGINE ANDSAW MILL FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. rpiIE ENGINE OR SAW MILL W LL ISU I Sold separately or together, to suit put rliaser. The engine ia lOljxlS inches, and is in dcrlcct order good as new. Call und See at Wsiyinnii & Curtis MACHINE SHOPS. PLATTSMOUTH. ioJdlwi w "OUR FATHER'S HOUSE;" OR, 'I lie Unwritten Word By Daniel March, D. I)., author of the populur "Night Scenes." This maMi-r in thought and language shows us untold riches and beauties in the Great House, with its blooming 11 .wet', singing birds, waving palms. Rolling -!onds beautiful bow, siind inomilii ins delightful rivers, mighty oceans, thundering voices, biasing-heavens and vast universe with countless beings in millions of worlds, and reads to us in each the Unwritten Word. Rose-tinted imper, oninte engravings and superb binding. 'Rich and varied in Ihought." "Chaste." "Easy and graeefrl in style." "Correct, pure and elevating in its tendency." "Beautiful and good." "A household treasure." Commendations like the above from College Prefidents and Professors, uiinistersnf all denominations, and the religions mid secular press all over the country. 1(4 freshness, purity of language, with clear, opeu type, line steel engravings, substantial binding and low price, make it thr book fur th imum. Agents are selling from fx) to l.s) per week. We want Clergymen. School Teachers, smart young men and ladies to introduce the work for us in every townhip, and we will pay liber ally. No intelligent man or woman need bo without paying business. Send lor circular, full description and terms. A pdress ZIEGLER & McCURDY. 16 8. Sixth Street, Ph. la.. Pn. i'.VJ Race Street. Cincinnati. Ohio. 60 Menroe Street, Chicago. III. 50 N. Sixth Street, St. Louis, Mo., nr. Vtt Main Street, Springfield, Mas. Octl2d4m. FOIITY-FUIST IE A II GQDEY'3 LADY'S BOOK FOB 1871. TIIK C heapest of Ladies Magazines, BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST t It has always been the care of tho publishers to combine in its page: whatever is useful., whatever is elevating, whatever is pure, digni fied, aud virtuous in sentiment, with whatever may afford rationnl and innocent amusement. For its Literary Department, in past years. THE BEST WRITERS In the litt?rary world have contributed, ani will continue to furnish articles for the year 1S71. .Such mimes as Marion Ilarland. Iuo Chnrchil. Louis S. Dorr, Metta Victoria Victor, S. Annie Forest. Mrs. Dennison. Mrs. C, A. Hopkins, and others, cannot be found on the Prospectus of aDy other magazine. TERMS FOR 1871. One copy, one year $3 fK) Two copies, ene year , ft 00 Three copies, one year ... 7 Go Four copies, one year 10 00 live copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, milking six copiew 11 00 Eight copies, one year, and an extr copy to the person getting up the'iking ninecopies 21 M Eleven copies one year, and an extra cpytLe pensou getting up the club making twelve copies. 27 (X) HOW TO REMIT. In remitting by Mail a Post OptsirE Oh der on ''hiladelidua. or?;. Draft on PhiUdelphia or New York, pmjnhle i-i the ordrr of L. A. fl'iilu'". is perfcrable tobai.k notes. . If a dralt or a l'ost-i Hi ;e Order cannot be procured, send United States or National Lank notes. Address A. L. GODEY. .V. E. Vomer Sixth and Che-tnut St, l'hiunlel- Il,ATTStIOUTH !tIII.LS. C. HEIS EL, Proprietor. Having recently be : repaired and placed in thorough running order. KM.OOO Bushels of Wheat wanted immediately for which the highest market price will be pai' faug28wtt Ladies Bazaar. - Mrs. L. B. Crocker i Co. wi.-h to announce U the Ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity that they are just opening a select stock ot Millinery nd Fancy Goods of the newest pattern, wbico they will offer very low. Dresses cut and loade in the latest and most approved styles and on the shortest notiee. l or tne present we will be found in the room adjoining Mess . Fox's liro :ery, on Main street. Call upon us before pur shading elsewhere. M3. L. B. CROCKER A CO. Getting Married. T SSAYS FOR YOUNNG MEN. on the de J lights of Home, and the propriety or impro priety of getting Married, with sanitary help for those who feel unfitted for matriniouin! hap piness. Pent free in sealed envelope. Address HtiWARD ASSOCIATION. Box P. I iiiladel pkiri. Pa. iun 1 d.vwly. 'IVAKEN UP By the subscriber, living in 0 X eupolU Precinct, on th 6ti of October, ot gray norse. suppose! lo oe ueiweru n jhu . years old, bat a split in right hind foot, on top o left hip has brand of figures 8. OctlSwH- PHILIP REIUEET.