Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 10, 1870, Image 4

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    O 1
THURSDAY, lS'OV. 10, 1870.
Wanted. A boy to workia the Her
ald office. The teat of references given
if required. diwtf
The Y. M. C. A. is progressing finely.
Look out for cold weather eoon.
Potatoes are selling o:i the streets at
thirty-five cents a bushel.
will only be hell the present
lion. A. It. Kennedy, Senator elect
from the Seventh district, is in the city.
A felloe named Smyth was picked up
in Omaha yesterday for perjury.
The lr. lias a new bit. We are not
a. 1 vised as to the plaee he procured it.
The Daily State 'Journal has a new
head to the paper.
Our city "sports" are thining out the
wild geese as they pa?s southward.
A new piper is to be started soon at
Million), in Seward County.
Commissioner Yallery took his seat
with the Hoard at their Ia?t meeting.
Ju.JVe Dunlap and Chas. Hasty, Esq.
of Toledo, are in the city for a few days.
The Grand Jury completed their labors
to-day, and were discharged. Very
few indictments were found.
U. T. Clark, cf Bcllevae, one of the
Directors of the Omaha and S. W. II
It., was in the city this morning
Dr. Kenaston left at the Herald of
. flee yesterday a hupe gpecimcn of pic
A man named Barr, was run over and
instantly killed a few days since, on the
U. P. R. Tt., vrhile flagging a train.
The full in tho grain market at Chi
cago has had the effect to almost en
tirely stop shipments from Nebraska.
Those who have erected houses for
nnt in this city are now reaping a bar
Mechanics and building material are
the great demand in our city at the pre
sent time.
The Lincoln Journal Fays the trains
of the B. & M. will hereafter depart
from their new depot in that city.
Xot a "flurry of snow" yet the 8th
of November. Who ever heard of finer
weather than we have in Nebraska.
Judge Lake arrived and opened court
Monday. lie will go to Ashland next
Mr. Geo. S. Harris, Land Commis
sioner of theB. & M., arrived from the
east this morning and immediately pro
ceeded westward.
Mr. Henry Robertson, one door west
of the Herald office, has the finest as
sortment of liquors and cigars, at whole
pale, ever brought to this market.
Our public schools are tilled to their
greatest capacity, and yet there are many
Eehollars not attending we must have
more room.
Wra. C. Drown, Esq., the gentlemanly
treasurer of the R. & M. in Nebraska,
arrived at home this morning from a
short visit east.
Died, Sunday mrrning, November 6th
Lulu, daughter of O. F. aad L. A. K.
Johnson, aged 6 years. 11 months and
1 9 days.
Main street should be paved not with
"good intention," but with "Nichol
son" or some other substantial kind of
paving material
Schutt, of the City Restaurant, receiv
ed to-day a fine lot of Oysters in the
fhe'.l, the firt ever brought to our city.
Try a few of them.
A dove of fine st?crs passed through
the city to-day for Chicago market.
Nebraska produces the finest beef cattle
of the west.
We understand the engineers of the
Southwestern railroad found an excellent
route into the city from the northwest,
via the Lee Wright ravine.
ood is much cheaper in this city than
it has been for several years. The cheap
price of coal has had the effect to knock
down the price of wood.
Tarties in totrn from Ashland report
everything moving along with a vim up
there houses being built, goods selling,
aad everything prosperous.
Col. A. B. Porter, of Mt. Pleasant,
Iowa, is in the city for the purpose of
negotiating for the Brooks House. He
is said to be a uian of means and a first-
class landlord.
There will be a meeting of Nebraska
Chapter No. 3, R. A. M.. at the hall,
next Tuesday eveninr, for work in the
R, A. degree. A full attendance de-
Several citizens of our city were sum
moned to act on the 13. S. Junes at
Omaha, and on the county juries in this
city, both courts bitting at the same
time. Which is the Superior court?
C. II. Walker, the county clerk of
Saunders county, was ia the city j'ester
day for a short time. He speaks in the
h'ghes termst of praise of the agricul
tural advancement of Saunders.
Have you observed that iron front on
the corner of Main and Sixth streets? J.
F. 1-aherty, is the architect, and judging
Loni present appearances, he is master
.of his business.
II. J. Streight & Co. are receiving the
finest lot of toys ever brought to the
west. They have walking and talking
and ail tho late drolleries in the
toy one. ' Call and ee them.
t irnl ft
7 V f"
Remember the lecture of Rev. Peter
Cartwright, this- evening, at . the
M. E. Church. The bare fact that
Cartwright is going to lecture will insure
a full house, and if you expect a seat
you should go early.
Mr. Flinn, of Omaha, will take charge
of the B. & M. Agency in this city in
the course of a few days. Our friend
" Tim " goes into the general office at
We arc authorized to offer a reward of
five dollars for the return to the City
Recorder of a small j-ellew "purp,"
which strayed yes, strayed from his
premises last night.
New house spring up daily in our
city. We never saw a greater demand
fur machines and laborers than there is
in our city at the present time. Several
huiiJreds more could nod steady em
ployment. We understand that quite a number of
our business men forgot to close their
houses at the appointed hour last even
ing. They should not forget this little
matter too often, or it will have an ef
fect on the memory of others.
Evcrton Doom, Esq., of the firm of
Doom Bro, & Co., has just returned
from the east, where he has purchased a
fine stock of goods. They are said to
have struck the market just light, and
to have bought very low.
The authorities of Nebraska City are
taking active steps to render aid in the
building of the Trunk or O. & S. W.
The people along the line are beginning
to wake up to the importance of this
The Omaha Herald says T. E. Spin
ner stopped at the Cozens House in that
city recently. His signature can be
found in twenty places on the Platte
Valley House register of this city. He
was engaged in buying grain in this city
for several months.
We have called attention, on sevcra
different occasions, to the dangerous con
dition of the Seventh street bridge.
We notice a broken carriage .standing
near it to-day. Are the city dads anx
ious to pay heavy damages out of- the
citv treasury?
By refferance to our advertising columns
it will be seen that Prof. Adolph Alle
mondis tbout to open an Academy in
St. Luke's t-chool room. The Prof,
comes aruong us with the very highest
recommends both as a man and a scholar
and we predict a full school
Tickets of admission to the Lecture
this evenin?, by Rev. Peter Cart
wright, are for sale at the Post Office.
Better secure your tickets immediately,
for, in all probability, you will never have
another chance to fee and hear this em
inent divine.
There will be preaching in the hall of
the Young Men's Chi istian Association
on Sunday Nov. 13th at 3 o'clock p. m.
by the Rev. Mr. McLeod. All a invited
to attend.
No preaching in the Court House on
that day.
We need a street Railway line. Who
will take the initiary step? A track
can be put down from Second street to
the terminus of Chicago Avenue, with a
branch up Northwestern Avenue as far
as Heisel's Mills, making about two
miles in all.
The Fox Bros, have dissolved their
co-partnership ly mutual consent, II.
D. Fox remaining in charge of the busi
ness, while Everett goes into the Brooks
House. The Fox boys are thorough
business men, always on hand to accom
modate people.
Buttery Sc Lazcnby have discarded
their "blue line," and have put in its
stead a line of first-class omnibusscs.
They run to and from each train, carry
ing or calling for passengers in till parts
of the city.
The wails are going up on the third
story of Fitzgerald's Block. The iron
front will be the finest in the west su
perior to anything in Omaha. Platts-
mouth wants a few more such men as
"our Fitz."
The Nebraska City Chronicle will here
after issue in the evening instead of the
morning. It takes lots of work and
money to keep up a da Jy at all, and
more especially a morning uaiiy.
Mr. G. N. Udell, formerly publisher
of the Leon, Pioneer,, and more recently
of the Indianola Journal, of Iowa,
called on us to-day. Mr. Udell is a
new.-paper man of many years experi
ence, and is well known throughout
Iowa and the west.
The country west from Plattsmouth is
being settled very rappidly. Three
years ago there were only here and there
a settler in the western part of Cass, in
caunders, ceward, Iutler, Lancaster
and Saline counties, where to day the
inhabitants of each of these counties are
nuaibered by the five and ten thousands.
The ne w short route to the east via.
B. & M. and the Indianapolis Bloom
ington Railroads, is attracting much at
tention. It is bound to take the through
travel as soon as the junction is formed
with the Pacific on the direct line west
from riattsmouth.
Again we would remind those inter"
ested in the future of our city that there
is no other thing that will accomplish so
much towards the general good, at so
light an expense, as the opening of the
avenues so often mentioned by the
A young man named Stevens, at Iola,
Kansas, was riding on a load of wood,
when he attempted to seize his gun to
shoot a flock of quaih along the road.
The gun caught and discharged the con
tents in his face. He fell off the wagon.
and one wheel passed over his breast.
He died the next morning. He was to
have been inarricd in few days.
Dr. Rawlins brought down six geese at
one round this morning, and remember
ed the Herald with one of them. We
challenge any sportsman to beat it either
in the amount killed at a round or the
number left at the Herald office.
At Lincoln will be open for the recep
tion of patients on the 5th of November.
The patients from Iowa will be received
about the middle of the month. The in
stitution has been furi.Ldied in excellent
style. Dr. Larsh i3 superintendent.
We learn from Mr. A. C. Mayfield,
that the Baptist denomination, with the
assistance of their friends, are about
erecting a fine church building rear
Eight Mile Grove, in this couutj-. The
building is 30x45, and a sixteen feet
A meeting of the Directors and Offi
cers of the association will be held at
Y. M. C. A. Hall 'on Saturday next at
7 o'lock p. m. for the transaction of
important business. Every director and
officer of the Association is requested to
be present.
J. W. RAWLINS, President.
J. W. Brooks, President of the B. k
M. R. R. Co., J. M. Forbes, Colonel
Wm. Forbes and Adolphus Hardy, of
Boston, prominent capitalists and active
stockholders in the company, Chas. E.
Perkins, superintendent, S. II. Mallory,
Assistant Superintendent, and A. E.
Touzalin, Gen. Ticket agent of the B.
& M., arrived in this city by special
Pullman train this morning, and imme
diately left for Lincoln, accompanied by
Col. Thos. Doane, Chief Engineer and
Superintendent, F. W. D. Holbrook,
Assistant Chief Engineer, and Paul Hill,
Transfer Agent of the B. & 31. in Ne
braska. The Boston and Burlington
men visit our city and Lincoln for the
purpose of looking where their money is
invested. Our people should see that
they are properly used while here.
The Burlington Hatch Eye says that
the time from that city to Cincinnati will
be about seventeen hours as soon as all
arrangements are perfected. And the
ride on through to Baltimore will soon
be made without a change of cars, by
the completion of the bridge at Parkers-
burs:. The route designated is from
Burlington to Cincinnati, by way of th
C. B. & Q. to Peoria, thence by the In
dianapolis, Bhomington and Western
Indianapolis and Lafavette. This route
leaves Chicago out, and saves six hours
to say nothing of delay and expense by
the route through that city.
A "sunburned" chap from the coast
of Africa who probably thought white
was approaching too rapidly, appro
priated a coat from Bloom & Co's estab
lishmcnt this afternoon, and started to
"git up and git." Officer Williams wa:
on hand promptly and brought the fel
low "up standing" before his Honor.
Judge Child, who fined him $25, and
furnished him with free lodjinfs for th
term of forty days, where Sheriff John
son will see that he is comfortable.'
Have our city authorities taken the
necessary steps to secure the erection o
the Central School House? Plat
mouth is losing first class citizens every
day because of our lack of a good schoo
house. We have as good teachers ns
can be found anywhere, and we have
two very good school houses for prima
ries, but we must have a Central Schoo
buildinjr for advanced pupils. If the
matter has not been attended to, it shou!
be, without delay.
The Beatrice Express says: Rumors
are current that 3Ir. Peavy, of Pawnee
City, was murdered in Chicago, while on
a recent trip to that city. He had driven
a large drove of cattle to Chicago and
not being heard from, his friends tele
graphed for him, receiving, as is reported,
the above intelligence. It is supposed
that money was the object."
A villainous attempt was made to
throw the mail train of the B. & 31
from the track about three miles west of
Fairfield, Iowa, on Saturday morning
last. A rail and 20 ties were placed on
the track near an embankment thirty
feet high. The engine broke the rail
and threw off the ties, almost miracu
lously escaping from a plunge down the
embankment. No clue to the perpe
trators of the outrage as yet.
"The Omaha Tribune is propounding
conundrums. It asks, 'What is Repub
licanism?' "Dakota. City Mail.
4 "Some one ought to give the required
information, for we seriously believe that
the Tribune needs it. Sioux City Jour
Zl It would be time spent for naught, as
the concern is unable to comprehend
true Republicanism.
The Sioux City Journal says : "Will
the Omaha Tribune ever cease lamenting
its signal failure to shape the politics of
Nebraska to its liking? Let's have an
editorial upon some other subject for a
change." The Journal should not ask
such an unreasonable thing. The Trib
une was started for a special purpose, and
it hangs to it with tenacity. It will
keep joing in the same rut until the
money is expended which was donated to
djfeat Gen. Thaver.
Boys, if a companion says to you, 'let's
take a social glass ' have the courage to
say NO ! Say it decidedly, as if you
meant it, and scorn the companion as you
would a thief or hypocrite. Say NO ;
stick to it, and all through life "remem
ber the saying of David Crocket, 'be
sure you're right, then go ahead.' By
this means you will become an ornament
to society, a glory to your ancesters, and
a ray of light to all with whom you as
Read the new advertisement of C. W.
Lyman & Co., in to-day's paper. We
are glad to know that 3Ir. Lyman has"
decided to keep a supply of hard coal
a thinj never kept before in this city.
Rev. Peter CarlH rljlilN f.ecinres.
The Rev. Peter Cartwright, the noted
and aged pioneer 31othodist miuistcr, of
Illinois, has been induced to give a
course of lectures in the Missouri A'alley,
the proceeds of which are to aid the
Methodist 3Iissionary, or Church Exten
sion Fund in Nebaaska. Rev. 31. Colt,
of this city, has in charge this course of
lectures. Mr. Cartwriirht has been sev
enty years an active, laboring, efficient
minister of the 3Iethodist church, fifty
of which he has served consecutively as
presiding elder. His lecture will refer
to the early history of the West and his
labors. The following" are his appoint-
Plattsmouth, Thursday, Nov. 10.
Lincoln, Friday, Nov. 11.
Beatrice, Saturday and Sunlay, Nov.
12 and 13, when he will dedicate the
new 3Iethodist in that place.
Tecumseh, 3Ionday, Nov. 14.
Pawnee City, Tuesday, Nov. 15.
Falls City, Wednesday, Nov. 16.
JJroicnville Democrat.
Plattsinouth Encampment, No. 3. I.
O. O. F., was duly organized on Wed
nesday evening, Nov. 2nd 1S70, ly D.
D. Grand Sire,-S. J. Goodrich, assisted
by John Evens Grand Secretary of the
Grand Ledge of Nebraska, Kimball,
West, Wist, 3IcCoon of Omaha City,
and Henry 3Iangelsdorf and Nash of
Council Bluffs, and A. D. Whitcomb of
Galesburg 111.
The officers elected and installed are
as follows:
Shepperd Duke, Chief Patriarch.
P. II. Wheeler, Senior Warden.
. W. L. Wells, High Priest.
Sam. M.. Chapman, Scribe.
Wm. Stadelman, Treasurer.
L. Brom, Junior Warden.
' The several degrees of the Encamp
ment were conferred on five petitioners.
me Jjiicampment starts out under very
favorable auspices. J he Bretheren ex
tend their thanks to tho Visiting Breth
eren who were present and assisted ou
the occasion. After the installation of
Officers, all present were invited to par
take ot a hne supper prepared lor the
occasion by Irred Stadelmann.
We desire to call the attention of our
reader?, and especially of the young men
who are just preparing to eater the active
business ot hie, to the advertisement of
i ror. Aiurpny. lie can give youa com
plete business education, and at a cost of
about one-half charged by any other
Commercial College in the country.
Just think of it a complete business
education for only $30 ? We advise the
young men of Plattsmouth to call on the
Prof, and examine his system, and we
are sure they will not regret the expen
diture of the $30.
3Iaj. D. II. Wheeler and other repre
scntativesof Plattsmouth were in Omaha
yesterday to accommodate the South
western Railroad to their latitude.
Every locality seems more wide awal
than ours and they will all get rich at
our expense. Xib. City Times.
That's just "what's the matter,
ncigiioor. ine people oi liattsmoutli
are getting rich, and if "vou'ens" want
to ever make anything, you had better
be "pulling up stakes" and coming to a
live town.
Hon. J. S. 3Iorton, 1). J. 31c Cann
and Robt. Lorton. of Nebraska City,
have been appointed by the County
Commissioners of Otoe county to confer
with the Directors of the Omaha and
Southwestern Railroad Company, rela
tive to running that road down to Ne
braska Citv.
3Iaj. Lushbaugh, of Omaha, Hon.
Wm. 3IcLennon, Speaker of the House
of Representatives of the State Legisla
ture, and Hon. 1. W. Hitchcock, called
on the Herald yesterday evening. The
editor regrets his absence at the time.
Call again Gentlemen.
ine Jjincoin Uounty Adccrlt&cr, in a
very candiJ ami sensible article, charges
the Omaha Tribune with "shrieking mor
alify with the lips an pocketing douceurs
with the left haul." We have heard
that thing intimated before.
Rev. C T. Rush, D. P., Rochester. X.
Y. says; " Our Father's House" is like
the other works of the author, scholarly,
devout, suggestive, instructive and well
calculated to do good. It cannot faill to
Cud its way to mar- thoueand readers.
As Nebraska grows older, and becomes
better understood, &he becomes more ap
preciated. Time was and the dav not
distant when Kansas was all the coun
try west of the Missouri rier. Grazing
was the great feature, and Kansas prai
ries the only lands for roaming herds, or
the cattle unon a tlioim.m.1 hU " (tf
late years very lew attention has been
directed to Nebraska ; and to-day, for
grazing as well as shipping, we bid fair
to head the oluinn or that growing and
proh ta bile trade. Advertiser.
Here is a sample of the sort of tricks
that were played upon the unsophistica
ted philosopher ot the .New lork Trib
une when he visited Kansas lately : At
Lawrence he was taken in a carriage to
see the city and its lnirrovements.-
Keeping him engaged in conversation.
the irreverent scamps of his escort drove
live or six times around a snuare, at
each circuit passing a fine building in
course ot erection. At about the faith
round Horace broke forth: "Well, well,
awrenee is growing rapidlv. Whv.
there is a very large number of fine
mildings going up. Pon't vou fancv
there is a little monotony m the archi
tecture, though?"
Miss Anthonv is troubled with "min
ister's sore throat" If she would aban
don the habit of shavintr, and let her
beard grow as the other long-haired men
of the suffrage-movement do, she would
perhaps find it a sufficient protection
against such lnurmities.
At the recent fair in San Francisco for
the benefit of French sufferers, a j-oung
aciy worked the sentence lve la
ranee in the centre of a handkerchief.
with her own hair, and presented the
handkerchief to the fair, at which it was
sold lor one thousand dollars.
As flvprvthinrr VWlkl, ;a nnw r-.tra
in New York, it is expected the fasli-
and get their boots built out doors.
The latest Ku-Ivlux outrarre in Ata-
anta a white dog attached to the un
mentionables of a Fifteenth amendment,
in the vicinity of a hen-roost
M .
Advice to conservatives Go to II ali-
fax, Massachusetts. Not a single new
building has been built there within the
ast eighteen years. The last house
painter starvedjjut nearly a generation
ago, and even fresh babies are prohibit
ed by the town by-laws.
focal Notice.
Thousands of teeth that miirht lasta life
time, are lost every year, simply because
the parties concerned either forget or do
not appreciate the fact that oozodont,
duly applied, renders the dental sub
stance proof against decay.
Accidents will occur even in the be
regulated fimilies, and "iSpafding's
Glue, should be kept handy.
A striking Evidence of the high es
teem in which the Charter Oak Stoves
are held, is the immense number of
them that are annually sold 13,492 in
1 8CJ ! This is capable of proof, and at
test the merits of these stoves more than
pages of writing.
We have for sale the following list of
valuable lands in Cass County Nebraska
Sec. Tp. R.
Nwqr 1 10 12
Swqr 14 10 13
Seqr 22 11 11
Swqr 23 10 12
Seqr 15 12 12
Ne qr 30 12 13
Neqr 21 11 10
Seqr 22 12 12
Se qr 14 12 10
Nw qr 34 12 12
Nwqr 27 11 12
Nwqr 30 10 11
Seqr 7 11 12
Seqr nwqr 23 10 12
Ehtswqr 15 11 12
Whfswqr 14 10 12
Ehfseqr. 7 10 13
Ehfneqr 18 10 13
Ne of nw qr 23 10 12
Whf'neqr 11 10 11
Se of ne qr 11 10 11
Nw of seqr 11 10 11
From one to four years' time "will be
given on part the purchase money on a
large proportion of the above lands.
in addition to the abovj list we have
Improved Farms which we can sell on
reasonable terms. CuIp at our office for
Paine & Windham,
Real Estate and Insurance Agents,
3Iain Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
Sept ISd&wtf
For one of the celebrated Jackson
(Michigan) wagons, the best wagon
made, go to Vallery & Ruffner.s.
Vallery s & Ruffner arc selling the cel-
brated Smith Wagon.
Grover & Baker's Sewins 3Iachine is
the best in market. Vallerys & Ruff
ner are agJnts. Those in want of a good
3Iachine will find it to their advantage
to give them a call.
Go to Vallerys & Ruffner' s and look
at the Panicr Arabs, the prettiest in the
market. anI5diwtf
Vallerys fc Ruffner have the largcs
stock of Groceries ever brought to the
ciev which they bought for cash and at
reduced prices. Call and examine their
stock. anl5diwtf
Are now receiviii"- the largest stock o
Dress Goods ever brought to this mar
ket, which they are selling eheao for
cash. aulSdiwtf
If you want a neat calico dress, eo to
Vallerys & Ruffner' s. They are now
selling the best for 12 cts per yard.
Vallerys fc Ruffner have just received
a new supply of Boots and Shoes, which
the' arc selling very low.
Go to Valleys it Ru.Tuer and buv you
Groceries. They buy for cash and wil
not be undersold.
Go to Vallervs & RufTner'stobuvvour
Dry Goods. They are selling cheaper
than the cheapest.
Go to Vallerys fc Ruffner' s and buy
your Booteind Shoes, the best in mar
ket, jplodiwtf
A few city orders for sale. Enouireai
the Herald office.
The Call.
All persons Knowing themselves in
debted to us by note or account re
quested to call and settle immediately.
Vallerys & Ruffner.
Malorv'f Fresh Oysters, are received
daily by White & Spires. As we have
the wholesale and retail agency, we can
afford to sell cheaper than any other
house. Malory's are the best oysters
packed. 6eptoJ6
If vou want to save uioney, go ant
buy your Groceries, Pried Fruits, and
any other goods, at tue New xorkbtore
Dwelling house lor sale cheap, in
quire of P II WHEELER & CO
The undersigned are running an oni
nibus line to ana irom an trains ana
bouts. Passengers taken to or Irom any
Tart of the city. Orders may be left at
either of the hotel or at our stable.
Largest stock of Blankets, at reduced
prices, at tne -ew xorK. store.
E. II. Schutt's City Restaurant is the
place to get iresh oysters. J hey serve
them up in the finest style. sept9dtf
A splendid line of ladies' and misses'
fine pebbled and plain goat shoes, at
store. uctJdti
Gents fine calf boots,
Farmers' Kip "
Men's heavy Kip"
Boys' " " "
Ladies, Misses, and childrens' shoes,
A new Stock and Great Variety, just
received and for sale by
novTdot. JJOO-U CU;
Now is the time to get your wood
sawed !
Teschner. Raker & Co., are prepared
to saw wood bv machinery at low prices.
Those having wood to saw will find it to
their interest to leave their orders at the
store of White & Spires, and they will
receive promot attention
A discount on large .uots.
Mendler & Wheeland, of the Star
Mills, -rill deliver all flour, feed, etc..
sold by them, to any part of the city
without extra charge.
The celebrated Garden City Clipper
Plow, at cost, at the New 1 ork Store.
A house and five acres of land for sale
very low. Apply to
june2adtf D. 11. W IILF.LFR & L'O.
For Rent1 A dwelling house, situa
ted in a desirable location. Enquire of
P. 11. HEELER & CO.
July COd tf
To sell our Not Book,
Cuba with Pen & Pencil.
BY SAMUEL HAZAU. A work descriptive
of the beautiful Islaud of Cuba, with its many
natural wonder and eurinsitifJ. the citunu-s
and customs of the people, their places nf amuse
ment and recreation, the ori.-ons and places of
execution, the products manufactories and in
dustries of the l.-land, in fact, everything which
is valuable, interesting, exciting and aiHiisinR.
The work is written in that vivacious, attract
ive style peculiar to the author. an 1 bound in
tho late LngliiU style, (in red, black and gold.)
so rapidly becoming popular. I'lio
engravings , HO in number, are beautiful results
of artistice skill never before equaled in a sub
scription book.
Acents now at work pronounce it tho best
paying book they have ever sold, and eanvas
fers uo heretofore have been unsuccessful are
now reaping-a rich harvest. We give exclusive
territory. i-send for illustrated descriptive
circular with terms and testimonials.!
Publishers, 92 Bearborn Sts.,
nov!0w5. CHICAGO. ILL.
Estray Notice.
1. the lirst day of November. iS7(, within my
enclosure, two miles south of Union Post Office,
Liberty Precinct, Ca's county: One pony horss
supposed to be six or eight years old of yellow
ish eray collor. two left leet white to tho pas
tern joint, no other marks visible.
novlOwot. JJ. F. TAYLOR.
Hare bought tte entire stocklof Uaxnburzcr A
One Door East of the Broohs House,
and wiil sell their stock of
to make room for their Fall Stock. Wo bare
just received a large and well tcluctcj stock of
iraricy and aple Ooocenes,
The highest price paid, in cash or trade for
Farmers' Produce,
Corn sasid Oals.
All soods purchased at this establishment
"Delivered I?rec
To Any Part of The Citv.
White, Spires fit Drew.
Third Street, South of R!ain,
Platts2ioi3ttB, IVeb.,
Pies,. Cakes, Cheese .
and weet Crackers
kept on hand at all times.
Sf You Want a
Go to
He has on hand the
t,rer urousni west ot tne .uis-souri. lie ran
make you a pood puit and" WARRANT IT to
Eive guud s;tu.hieticn. Octldlm
Cisterns Built and Work
THE HndersiRned is pre pared to takecontracts
fur buildins Cisterns and furnifhine all ne-
pfwiry material, also to do any and all kinds of
Kock work by contract, and iurnish all mater
ials for same.
I have a few aoreof choiee land f .rresidences
and several fine lot for sal on reasonable term
We are now receiving the largest stock of
Ever brought to thismarUct.
Our stock.
(Late Geo. O. Williams.)
Their stock comprises he tnost completestockof
A complete assortment of
The newest Books and Periodicals always on
and. All books at publishers' prices. Send
a catalogue.
512 Fourteenth Street, Omaha, Keb.
Look here a Moment!
Arr- von cwnre that we have opened one of the
finest and best stocked
Grocery & Provission Stores
n the rity of PlattsmoutV ? If yu will drop
n. one door west of the IJooks House, (shry-
ock's eld place i, you will tind us.
Give us a call, lurnicrs j lirini? m ui ihk!,
Butter. Chicken?, and any Pro-luce you may
have. We will give yoa the muntsi mwKeu
price, and cjchaLgcyou the best of Groceries at
the LO A-EST. , TT
Don't furset first door west of Crooks House,
on Maiu street, Plattsmouth.
SCpUXidllU. ULiiUAJi a. c
MKEV VP Bvthe subscriber, in Louisville
" Precin t. on October 5th, lO, one yearling
Bull, dark red color. .,..,.
Three Slonllis
One ZfXoiith
One Year 2.00
Six MoutliH i.oo
Is Ihe Best Local
iirJ23 THE
Giving Complete News
THE Z&AJLXair H23SLZfl23
est iLdirex1!
It is read by rarmers, Merchants, Mechanics, contractors
Stock Dealers, Railroad Men, and all classes of
Business men, Manufacturers and
j - q B DF,1IOlES
Paper in Nebraska,
Xrcm the Great Wcs
ising Sledium