Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 10, 1870, Image 2

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7 . ' r 'wi-x
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THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 1870.
In the taking of the census in New
York the work was done by wards, in
which mntiner it wa3 ascertained that
Democratic lei-oi fcr. were casting more
votes than there v.ero inhabitants in
some of the ward?. Mayor Hall has
canned a change to be luade in the bonn
(iarie rf the wards, so as to again per
petrate the repeating business. In order
to -I:ow to the world the enormity of the
election frauds in New York, and to
come as noar as possible to securing a
fiiir xotr-, Prer-idcnt Grant has ordered
a new census of the city to be taken in
accordance with the new boundaries.
The honest pcoj.le of the nation will be
plad to know that President Grant has
fletcrmined to do all in his power to
break up tbo rictintJo fronds.
Gor. Bailer has addressed letters to
Col. K. W. Furnas, of Crownviile, and
Kev. J. p. Maxfield, of thb city, re-
nuostin; their resignation as members of
the Hoard of Regents of the State Uni
vcrsity, and both these gentlemen have
declined a compliance with ihc request.
The Gov. in his letters, says the educa interests of the State demands the
chanzes. but cives no definite reasons
why the interests of the State require
the rr-.-iirnation of gentlemen.
We are completely in the dark, as the
public generally are, in regard to the
iatt", V.'c doubt not the Governor
will, in due season, jrive his reavons for
this demand, and the public will then be
able to make up an opinion as to who
i; right and who is wrong. In the
meantime we do not feel like either cen
suring or endorsing the act of the Gov,
in asking these resignations. If his
reasons are good we doubt not the public
will uphold him in the request ; if tlies'
are not good the public will condem him
ir making the request. Time will tell
we await the reasons.
'The Phttsinouth IWahl says we
''falsehood," in saying the Republican
ticket beiten in Cass because "th
tot ri Republicanism was support of J.
M. Th aver. And in the same article
thecdit-jr says "tArre out of five dele
gates were selected by the friends of
Gov. .Saunders." What more natural
th.iti that the ticket should be
beaten if three ont of fire sup
ported Saunders instead of Thayer.
V.V think tiiis shows clearly our tirst as-!--
vtio:i the regular ticket was beaten,
that is suro. Under the new dodge of
uniting iemoTatie and Republican
votes, is it not much Letter to beat
-iuudi-rs mow nml trade vith Democrats,
t:::i!i to c-'.oi-t tlr.vo out five that cannot
he tamjiercil with."
Tlio above, from the Fremont Tnbune,
is :rt what had reason to expect
irv.ii that usually candid journal. That
p:per made the statement that the regu
lar ticket was defeated in this county
because, as it asseited "a support of
(rci:. Thayer was madj the test of Re
''ih'.i..uiiisi:i." Noothcr meaning could
l e attached to this thaa that the oppo
nents .f Gen. Thaj'er had defeated the
-ular ticket.
Gen. Tl
On behaf of the friends
ycr, as well as on account of
ti.- po-it;on in wnicu it placeU many
his c !;ionc ::ts, we snuarely denied
this assertion of the Tribune, and called
u; on it to correct the sta'xment. The
aliove is the manricrin which it makes
the orrccti !!. We did say that three
out of the live men on the regular ticket
v.vre selected by the friends of Gov.
Saunders, hu'. we did not say nor inti
mate that these thiee men" were at all
distasteful to the friends of Gen. Thayer.
As wo said before, and as the Tribune
well ku'jws the tlo'.tion of Gen. Thayer
ir.ix tint i i i'tsue in our county election, !
and it is exceedingly unjust to the Re
publicans who did not support the regu
lar ticket, as well as to those who did
sapport it t3 publish to the world that
the Senatorial question was the cause of
the defeat of the ticket. In regard to
the cvcit fling contained in the above
extract at the friends of General
Thayer in this county, wherein it
is intimated that ihey voted
against the regular ticket because three
ofthc men were selected by friends of
Gov. Saunders, we have only to say
that no ono knows better than J. Newt.
IIa3's. editor of the Tribune, that there
is not a shadow of truth in this insinua
tion ; and if the enemies of Gen. Thayer
are so far gone for something to say
against him and his supporters as to re
sort to that kind of effort to make capi
tal against him, we are only the ware
convinced that Gen. Thayer is the
proper man to send to the United States
senate, in oiuer, However, that no
further capital maybe attempted in this
direction, and that no unwitting peron
be deceived by these baseless insinua
lions, we win nere assert tnat every
prominent friend of Gen. Thayer
in Cass county and every one
T . . r
prominent or not prominent, so iar as
we know supported and voted for the
Republican ticket, as did many of the
friends of Gov. Saunders. They did
this not because the ticket was composed
of friends of either candidate, but be
cause they believed the nominees were
proper men, and because they believed
in maintaining the Republican organi
zation and earn ing cat the great prin
The Trunk Railroad.
The Brownville Adccrtiser, replying to
objections raised to the Trunk Road, by
the Lincoln Jaurnal, says :
"The facts are that Col. Moulton, now
Chief Engineer of the Omaha and
Southwestern, Railroad Company, made
a preliminary survey of the Trunk line,
from Rulo to Omaha, about a year ago,
and reports but a fraction over seven
miles of the whole route bluffs, and that
can be handled with picks and spades.
The balance of the road is bottom land,
level grade, and not a foot of which
overflows. The estimate of Col. Moul
ton ibr grading does not exceed six
thousand dollars per mile."
There is no longer any doubt in regard
to the practicability of a route along the
west bank of the river, and there is no
longer any doubt in the minds of busi
ness and financial men that thi3 line
would do a heavier business than' any
other line in the west. The C. 1. & St.
Joe road receives fully two-third3 of its
business from Nebraska. What, then,
would be the business of a road running
directly through the rich counties and
cities of the State which border on the
west Lank of the river.
State of Nkukaska, I
Executive Dlpatment. j
Tn accordance with a custom honored
and venerated hy the people of our com
mon country and in conformity with the
recent proclamation of the President of
the United States, I do hereby designate
and set apart Thursdaj, the '2. 1th day of
November instant, as a day of solemn
and public Thanksgiving. Praise and
Prayer, and 1 do earnestly request the
people of this State, one all, on that day
to abstain from their usual puruits, and
meeting together at their customary
places of worship to unite in praising
Almighty God for his countless mercies
to us, as a Nation, as a State, and as
individuals during the year now drawing
to a close. Let us on that dav, with
humble and loving heaits praise and
mainil'v Ins holy name.
That while other nations have been
ongasred in bloody and destructive wars
our own favored land has been blessed
with t.eace ami harmoiiv
That our harvests have been abun
dant and plenty lias prevailed
ihat our National crcUit is unim
paired and a good hone exists of the
speedy extinction of the National Debt
ihat within the borders of our fctatc
great public enterprises have been
crowned with success and that public im
provements have been inaugurated which
wi.I greatly increase her wealth, popula
tion and material resources
That schools and -churches have been
muhipled, and that the poor and help
less Lave been rememhere;!.
And that in additiDn to all earthly
blessings wo are permitted to enjoy the
blessed hope of eternal life through his
only son, our Savior Jesus Christ
Lot us entreat Jlim,
That He w;ll have us in His holy keep-
inr during ine coming year.
J hat brotherly love and Christian
charity may more generally prevail.
That He will incline our hearts to ius
t'ce and to righteousness and truth in all
our ueiiirlits.
And that he wnl ever leess, protect
and uefeiid our beloved land from foes
without and foes within, and give con
stantly increasing strength and perma
nency to our institutions both StateJinJ
Whib we thus pubiii-lv and unitedly
oner our prai.-e arid prayer, and while
e, auiifl xaoie oi pientv, spreaa t.-v a
living lather, enjoy his choicest gifts.
let us not lbrgct that in our midst there
are many who are needv and sulTcring.
ana i.y a generous contribution ot our
money and our store, thow our love and
thankfulness to be genuine and un
' Ihe.-sed is he that considereth the
poor ;
"The Lord will deliver him in time of
trouh'e ;
"The Lord will preserve hiru and keep
him alive ;
"And he shall be blessed upon the
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and caused to be
seal. ailixed the Great Seal of the
State of Nebra-.k i.
Done at Lincoln, this thirty-first day of
October, i:i the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy,
of the Independence of the United
States the 05th, and of this State the
T. I
Kexxard. See-y. of State.
cip'es of the part-, which they consider
of far greater moment than the mere
election or defeat of any candidate for
any position. Would that others had
supported the straight ticket for like
reasons in other portions of the State,
even if they had been no more success
ful than were the Republicans of Cass.
There is a pride in knowing that you
have acted honnestly, even though you
are beaten in the fichL
that pride, Newton?
Didst ever feel
I'eliin us li is.
A correspondent c f the Sacramento
Union, writing from China, thus de
scribes Pekin :
No long description, be aurod only
this: J-'.-ojji the observatory one sees a
large portion of the town, limit of
niudbriek, and gray stone, dotted with
sparse foliage, of magniliccnt distances,
curious .architecture glimmering in the
light, scrpr ntino lanes and by-ways, the
sevne is not cnciianting. in tlia streets
the scenes to be encountered are revolt
ing. Sand, filth, pools of fetid water,
miserable mud huts, and occasional taw
dry temples ; innumer illn braying donk
eys ; such carts; dromedaries occa
sional chaTs; long lines of mules ; dense
throngs of coolies, of whom riot one in
twenty aye, fifty is half-clad in dirty
rags; crawling beggars festering with
disease ; among the people scenes of
gross indecency on the very sidewalks
a perfect disregard for what even a
uigsvi s mouesiy would revolt at ;
women, Tartars, small merchants, pere
grinating restaurants, naked children
eight or ten years of age ; shops filled
with earthenware of coarse manufacture;
te houses about every mile; the habi
tation of some high Chinese officials
ons-storied, and that would make a sec
oud-rate stable in America : half a doz
en temples, once massive and costly, but
with no trace of leaufy ; the principal
street, paeu whu rougn blocks of gran
no mm is worn in ueep ruts and almo
iuj.u-.-.iuh, , iuc j.ujpt.Tor s paiace ant
grounus a dingy, barren walled inclo
sure, guarded by slaves ; streets almost
impassable with rubbish, ruts, an-
rocks; m brief, the most wretched, do
caved, crumbling, repulsive spot wcevcr
saw, with a semi-civilized, conceited, in
hospitable, lazy, lousy populace, with no
1 1 aw ui anyuung tuat tells ot content or
nappiness equal to their associate nn,l
superiors the dogs and pigs of the Im
perial capital.
iins is I'ekui, with its million r.f
wretciied inhabitants. I confess tn
fnitin.ifnd .K ...... T U . i
"""-"'V1 ui-sum. aonor inose en-
inusia.-tic chroniclers who have shed un
truthlul ink in nrai-e of th h
j lace. If proof is required to substan
tiate; my views, 1 wou J refer to r.n
teemea resi.jent of Sacramento, now a
luorougiiivuisgusted resident ,nf
Going into society has fram n r...
- . . . u . v uivilll
Cheap Freight Tariff.
"The freight tariff from Council Uluffs
to Lincoln is twenty-five per cent, less via
Omaha and the -Southwestern Railroad
than via Plattsmouth. This is an item
of considerable importance to merchauts
in that city, who have freight to ship to
the capital. Passengers also save five
hours in time and two dollars in money
by this route. This is the route to Lin
coln, and the rates of travel and freight
confirm our assertion."
We clip the above item from the edito
rial columns of the Omaha Republican,
and ask our friends of the B. & M. Co.
what is the meaning of it? Is it a fact
that freights are "twenty-five per cent,
less via the Omaha and Southwestern"
than via the B. & M. ? We are unable
to comprehend the fact, if fact it is?
It is no farther to Lincoln from Council
Bluffs via Plattsmouth than via Omaha
Southwestern. Freights via Piatts
mouth pass over the U. & M. the entire
distance from Council Bluffs to Lincoln,
while by the Omaha route there are two
rivers to ferry and three separate lines of
road to pass over. The statement that
five hours in time and $2 in money are
saved needs some explanation, also.
OiiHus or ArbriuLa,
We have been waiting, waiting, wait
ing, for lo, these many weeks for the
completion of the census returns of the
State. We believe that there is not a
town, city or county in the whole coun
try that has not finished its work. But,
for some reason, it reems impossible for
the marshal to round up his figures.
And, of all counties in the State, that
Lancaster, the Capital county, shouldibe
the last, is a most unaccountable fact
We learn that the marshal has written
five times, cubing for the figures, but
thus far his calls have been utterly vain.
Cannot the press of Lincoln bring a
power to bear that will send down these
figures? It is discreditable to the State
that there should Lo such persistent de
linquency.- Republican.
A I'liiln Showing-.
In answer to the charge that three or
four hundred Democrats voted for the
regular Republican ticket, in this county,
and thas secured its election, the Platts
mouth Herald asks if the chagrin is oc
casioned by a regret that these men did
not vote for and elect, the Democratic
ticket? If so, how far will this chagrin
go to prove the Republicanism of those
who complain?
But, the 1 If raid goes on to show, as
we have already done, that the vote for
our Legislative ticket was also given for
the Republican State ticket : Jamc
Koenig, Roberts, Gould, Cowin, itc
These gentlemen receivod over 2,10!
votes, just the vote of the 1 haver an
Saunders ticket combined the latter re
ceiving 450 voles, and the former 1.0f4.
So the purchase, if made, included the
whole ticket. Lut this exhibit ot th
vote shows the utter fabity of the charge
of a purchased vote, and shows that the
vote for the Republican Legislative
ticket was a square vote for Republican
ism as against I )emocracy. Ueyiublican
Ho:iry "iVoril IJecclier on Inirrcst.
No blister draws sharper than the in
terest does. Of all industries none is
comparable to that of interest. It works
.ill day and night, in fair weather and
foul. It lias no sound in its footsteps,
but travels last, it gnaws at a man
substance with invisible teeth. It binds
industrv with its film, as a llv is bound
iu a spider's web. Debts roll' a man
over and over, binding hand and foot.
and letting him hang upon the fatal mesh
until the long-legircd interest devours
him. There is but one thins on a farm
like it, and that is the Canada thistle,
which swarms new plants ever3' time you
break its roots, who.-e blossoms are pro
line, as i every ilower the lather ol a
million seeds. Every leaf is an awl,
every branch a spear, and plant like a
platoon of bayonets, and a field of them
like an armed host. The whole plant is
a torment and vegetable curse. And
yet a farmer had better make hrs bed of
Canada thistles than attempt to be at
case upon interest.
The I.oro of The Kcnntifiil.
What are half the crimes in the world
committed lor hat brings into ac
tion the best virtues? The desire of
posse-ing. Of possessing what? not
mere money, but every .fpecies of tne
beautiful which money can purchase.
A man lies hid in a little, dirty, smoky
room for twenty years of his life, and
sums up as' many columns of figures as
would reach half round the earth, if
they were laid at length ; he gets rich ;
what does he do with his riches? He
buys a large, well-proportioned house;
in the arrangement of his furniture he
gratines himselt with all the beauties
which splendid colors, regular liirurcs.
and smooth surfaces can convey: he has
the beauties ot variety of association m
us grounds; t lie cup out ot which he
drinks his tea is adorned with beautiful
figures; the chair in which he sits is
covered with smooth, idiiniug leather;
his table-doth is of the most beautif ul
dama.-k ; mirrors reflect the licrht from
every quarter of the room ; pictures of
the best masters feeds his eyes with all
t ie beauties of imitation. A million tf
human creatures are employed in this
country in ministering to this feeling of
tlie beautiful. It is only a barbarous, ig
norant people that can ever be occupied
by the necessities of life alone. If to
cat, aud to drink, and to be warm, wei'e
the only passions of our minds, we
should all be what the lowest of us all
are at this day.
Will op on in a few days,
YOUXO mon and linys Of Platt.-tnoaih and
vie.mtv. now h.i ve an opportunily ot reiviii
liioroudi instructions in iJook-koPDinsr. J"in
inerciiil Ariiitin., ti 35ii.--iness leiintu::rvti !T.
IJumiiC-'s C'r'-?iM)iidenco, t'ommcrci.-il J.:tw
and in verythinir nei taiuinz t. a fir.-t el:i- hu M
iies clin:iti(i i-iit iiss cost than can be obtained
at an y other institution.
For Fall Cour.-c $TX.m.
AVritin alone n.tKl.
Coniuureiiil Arithmetic PUKi.
V.'ritiusand Arithmetic lo.OO.
A Large List of Unimproved
Lsmcls in Cass County
On Easy Terans,
Evening, from 7 to 10 o'clock-
t-ttnlpnts can outer nt ny time ns ouch one
receives seiarHte inn-notion. For father infur
n.ntion call or address A. Murphy, at Willett
Pottensers ofnte. Main Street. nuvCdJLtvtf.
Dealer in
Groceries, Flour, Feed,
Canned Goods, &c. &c. &c.
-Highest ci.-h paiJ for
and Produce, JJuttcr, lg,
V ool.
North East corner Mam
:tll kinds of Grain
Hides, Furs and
Fifth Streets
iiov"d wtf.
St. fluke's ClMircIi,
Divine service and sermon every Lord's Day,
niorni:;2 and evctiinsr. at the usual hours
Sunday School at o 1'. M. Seats free. All are
A. U. it is contemplated tiavinsr a service
rve'y Sunday in the Herman larifru.iirc, P.r tbo
licncfit of our ! o-rman fellow citi.ens. Professor
D'AlIeinund Dictating.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Section. Township, flantre.
w hf s e qr 1 11 11
? lit ne fir 3a 12 11
ne jr lie qr 1- 11
fce.trse.jr -S U 11
!h!Mvr,r : 12 11
whfseqr 4 12 11
swqr 4 U 11
n'i,rneqr 5 10 12
s hi ne qr .TO ID 14
ii w qr se qr 30 10 14
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sht so qr 82 11 12
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s hi ne qr 'J 11 11
shfnwqr 9 11 11
sw qr 9 U 11
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scqr 17 11 11
shfnwqr IS 10 12
nwqriuvqr IS 10 12
sw qr no qr IS lo 12
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ehfnwqr 30 10 12
swqr 3 11 12
ulilscqr 3 11 12
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n hi sw qr 14 lo 12
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sw qr 5 ll 13
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nwqr 24 12 12
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I r- ir
.1 A 13
At Lyman's Coal & Lumber Yard.
The Lest kind ulways on hand. The first hard coal ever in the market at
Orders left at the YARD or at Trole's DRUG STOP.E, promptly attended to.
' C. W.Lymav. & Co.
The above will be M.
as a
V.) opened in a few days
Select and Christian
with I.nelish, (rcrinan and French departments
by Frofcssor Mons. Adolphe D'Alicmand. a
native of Strashournr. and durinir the last 14
years Professor ot English. Jermim, Ircnch
and Dr.i.vinir in several Enirlish t'ullccs and
Kilkemiiy Collcjje. Ireland, from v.hich he
brings the liifhe.-t testiniornuls ol character and
He w ill be assisted in the English department
ny n;s son .u.ier u J lleman I. an Honor Man
of the Normal School. Kilkennev.
I ne l'rofesor ami I'.ev. .Mr. Youn? will can
vass the city to day tor pupils. nov.jdwtf.
ICibcrn Sfablrs.
Improved Farms in Cass Co.,
Largo and small some very desirable ones and
a lart'o amount ot
IMPROVED and rvTwpnnvEn.
Please call on us, and learn particulars as to
price, terms, Ac.
Font 24- Uwtf
Wholesale andRetail dealers ic
Hardware and Agriewllural Sijaplcjaaeiits,
Of all kinds and sizes, which we warrant the Vest in the market.
Arc exclusive Age its in this county for the sale ol
Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coa!
or Wood Cook Stove
Give us a call w will not be undersold Main street, one door west of the Dank,
. n . . l : i A
- uuimjgton fit HO. RiVPrJ
ww curasKa
.VOW 0FFF.ll
I J, a- 1 I I.
Met i.l i.
1. ince. , 7. n m
l.a-l i.t th lith I'm,.- '
. in Ncbra-kn. '"'
On Ten Years Credit!
Only six per cent, interest on t'.. v,. .
retired ..r the l,r-t -.kt- tl,.- . i, ., and ait.r t' '
n!y .ne-iiiii:li -f the ail,i , .
iutir st is payai.lcanuuaiiy ' r' ' -i
From our Ton Venrsrrcdiiprw e.nt ,1,
v. ..... ....... ,. j.:t - 111 lull, an 1
lntcrc-st w 1 1 tl l II on. v..-.r i. i .
.. i i . ' .i.m
wii'i ill pre
' D ..
1 1 .
On ihese Generous Terms
4 A I
a t.Ct w I k a ...
i ; 7. . .' av.
j.i-.ii i I... i,i. i im
aiei local a l aia.ii;.
from 8 I f.
. At Jii;, i,
S. "!. Ml.
MS' Hi.' ;,
1 L. .1 . . '
Annual product ion v. ill
pay lor Lnul, MtuKin
it, ami Ample IuiM (,,
ineiitM lliuh
ihc limit of l!u Tcii
scars Credit
Facts (o be Considered.
li a.jres U. II. Lands at ?7 caMi i-,
If A IN ST REFT. -. A TT? unrrn vu-n
I am prepared to accommodate the public with
ir. U'trriaae. Tlanair ami 4 .V.i 1 nrnL.
on pnort notice ini'l reasonable term?. A Hm'
win runt.. :catnboatlRiidiUi!-.andto al urn
.'an 1 .iJ.JJli.
Havinir eomnleted the i.tattinir nnl mmnliiw
of my (ln-st's) Addition to the City of I'latU
moulh, I am now prepared to tell
in the Addition at reasonable ratei. T.rmnrr
onehalfcash down; the other half paw'de
on year, at ten percent, interest per'.jnu'n
from date of purchase until paid. To be secured
oy mortgage on the property.
Sloves, Tin, Hardware &. Farmina Tools :
Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Vare
Hoofing, Guttering, Spouting and Kepairicj; done.
1 am Selling First-Class Goods and Guaranty Not lo be
Undersold, as I am Buying of First Hands.
A. No. 1 Flows and Cultivators, closing out at Cost. Remember the place
, fte.v to City Metf ef,
religious denom
?Thc h"t u,llnrpj and Rnsrcrieson hand."59
t-orncr ine and rourtti streets.
I will give to the followinq
nations, viz :
the iiaoti.-t Church, lot 12 in I.l net- T .
To the t'oii-rt i--ati"t:al Church. lot irThlocV f5.
fo the Methodist Church, lot 1 in lil.x ir 1-
To the Catholic Church, jot ti in liloek
To the Church, lot 1' in 1.1, lr iq.
To thf I'resi yterian Chureti. lot in block 21'
To the Christian Church lot 12 in block f
I o t li o Kill henm Clitirch lot 1 in I. lock
in tiy Ad.iition to the (..irvof I'laf smnmh nnnr.
the following conditions, viz: That they sliall
erect sai l lots, as above donate !, n'
liuiMini f..r J.ul lie worshin. w i.hin (ivn ven.
from t i; i-. date : and, in crse of l;.i!ure on tlie
part of said Church or Churches to comply with
niiovc comli' on. then and tn that casa the
lot or lots shall revert to me.
orfcarbuig anb Comntissin.
Forwarding and Commission Merchants
n lo. vears credit iitti nereei.i
and will eiist, in casyuunual pn - f
Ilient. the totiil s ii in el $ I
rtim uw iii'rcn in xi'.uni I. .in. Is, in
the lowest price, and treuin i,i
Fold at atieti .n for . M an. I li I
iiouars. onjio years, at ten pen cut. I
interest, cot j "jn r
Making a difference in favor of li
Kroa.l lands of
in i n i out eonii:iriMiii ine average
whirh S. liool Land have l.cen m.I I.
coinpareu wuii ii. e average puce of
'lake (..rexiiuiplc the aveni.'e pii. e (,f.
m.-i ;i."t-, ;n iiu-ii loo s.l:i!e .. ion! I ..ii I . I , . .
nl I
... I
-:2 it.
5 1 i 7 u.
I'ri :it
m: i i ,
-t ti:
a I
an li.. n, ,,
en dull n - j .
.1 tlie I!. A
Hue iiite.l,.-,
i.eeti sol. I. as hit r. T.i.rl ot Slut., t ...I..
Coiiiiiii.-sii,i,(.r ,,f tlie Mm.. , ir t,(. i.
enihns -Nov. iiiith. lv'.-i, rit P'.oneres.-..
pl i. e in ten years at ten per cent. n,
total sum of.
Ue Im t liom thi th . total rwt "I 1 W
aercs of 11. ,- M. li. K. -,i ,lr
average Bong Credit priee of -In
per ai re, on io yearn en-. lit ;i i;
cent. in;, r.-t -viz
And the dill, ren.-e on u uii.iii.'r
tion in f.iv.r ol l:.ii,'r.,,i, Band- i- 1 pci j
This fon:.:iri-oii i- not in.ol,. t ,r,.ve t ,, .i't"
c!iool Bi.ii. N have I.. ( ii sold t,, i,,.),, ,,,,:,
irovc that the law ol this Mate Ins I r.,..
oy nciiiai an, i linnn-i, ;.
hf iu in un uni i' -r li i ;
ion ; and I lie a vei ire a 1 u ;i t
It. U. Bauds is r i 1 1 ' 1 ,y i
m l pra. li. al verdu t.
ll.'iiroa I Bands liav" an.,
be tact, that n i.uyri r.,u . hi
feetiotis in a
;o only two chool se. i ions.
Our Bong or 1 en Year- Credit i;,. r
roni I to . 7. H, !l. l. .,,! j
generally, and iivcr.' e HH -J t i,, ,
A t.p lieat mil' tor la nd can he n,., I, ,,,
rt'BBKa. VIBB.Ii-:.V li.Mili at A l l ,,, 1 ,.k
t!. .1. ilUtVBBB, at UceiniK U , r. la-,
V. '. I'TLBY. at Xurerv Hill. 'op ,.l,
C'VI;BI C.BIIni ; ,t CKu.Jn.. in V
hraska Cilv. .eli
I!. A.M. It. li. CO. a J.AXI) OKl-'It'i:. lit
colll. 'ei,
or at U. K. JiAXD OFtTCB in I'l.itt -m-.n-'i ,
1 ti. S ii V I: I: IS
Land Commissioner 13. ,t . ii Ji.
August, 2' ih, l"7o
i ..I .
d ol l.i iiik'.
II If!
The niirIiii;rtoii&.T2iMsoti!i
ESi 'cr IlailESoMd,
In connection with tho
(Jio'cogj, Jlurlinyton - Quiney I!. Ii.
OfTrr to the j.coplc of I'lattCniouth. nnl all
v.'iiii.ii oi eurufKi iing
south ii of thi: rBAn i:.
the most direct, r.nd tlie bct Rout to t'm r...
tern, ."south Ilastern, and .Vort liern .-tat.-.
I'.-issenirers desiring to travel Im a. i.,n-! v-!i, a' i
take the Atlantic Bx ress, which nm-. t i r.oiy'i
lo I lncairo witliont change of 'oi j. i .(u ,.
with lay C, aches, Puiiaian a l'.i..
lay aud .Sleeping Coaches, and
Pullman's Dining Cars.
In addition to thef net that t!iis is t!i .lirc-t
route l.y which time inav he sae in ri'ielni
any point in the Ba-i r-in or .Mi l lie t,it it tu'
truth 1 ii 1 ly he said that it posses.-es the l.i-t i
and the liliest e.lllililneiit of nnv W. -l. ri, I ii.p.
ensuring to the passenger
Speed, Safety and Comfort.
P.ates nl ways as LOAV as the BOAV M-T. Hi
gage cheeked through to any point 1. , t.
. , T. ' li. I'BHKIN.S. a. a.t.
A. E.TOt ZAR1N, (ien. i'asstger Air-n'.
iiinl , ir'im
nattsmouth xebroska. Donation to Public Schcois. Agents ol me Omaha & St. Louis 0" Line Packpfs i aszufk.
Plattsmouth, fJeb.
A clergy:!! an reading a chapter of the
IJiLIe for his concTOgation found hiin at
I lie bottom of tlie jiaee with the words.
"And the Jxird g n e Noah a wife ; then
turnim? over two pises instead of one.
he continued, "and he pitched her within
Lxi'l without with pitch."
a torriide cettinsun in
a lew Jate Lours under o-ociir-bf o
whiiis in waltzes, an ice cream, and
wearily to bed. Societv is Tin Inn rrOr.
- . .. t .... ... .V-HwVl oi intelligent human beiniis.
H hen we wish to see them we do not
go into society."
The Kev. Mr. Brodcrick, of Mount
1 Jeasant, married a couple recently, and
"luu,u ,u paiueni; ior 1113 services lour
j cucumbcri
Ilislorv of Chloroform.
The story of the discovery of the prop
ernes ol chloroform in .hnjrland is this
A Mr. Waldic, a chemist and bookjel'er
at .Linlithgow, had one day some of the
liquid in a Fauccr, when a gentlemen en
tered tho shop with a little dog. The
chloroform was placed on the ground to
be out of the way, and presently the do(
was discovered lying by the side of the
saucer, unconscious, and annarentlv
dead. After a time, however, while the
stranger was mourning over the loss of
his pet, the dog moved his limbs and
gradually regained consiou?ncss. 31 r.
aldie began to think that he had
made a discovery, and after having ad
r ...
iiiiiiisiiiu vuiuruiui iu to a nuuiijer VI cats
with the same result, was confirmed in
his belief. lie went to Kdenburg tore
lute his story to some medical men, and
at the suggestion of a friend, called up
on l'ro feasor J ames . iMiupson. After
that interview bimpson tried a number
ol experiments, and proved peyond all
question the virtues of chloroform as an
anrestheic. Professor Simpson published
the results of hi experiments in 1S47.
and cave full credit to Mr Waldie for
his share in the matter.
Oskaloosa is to have a babv show nn
the loth of "November. The first prize.
an elegant silver mounted four-wheeled
Perambulator, to be riven to the rinnst.
baty under one year of age. The
Farmer's Feed' Stable
Corner of Sixth and Vine Street!. One Block.
111 i rrauj icriuii tuurcii, I'l -ttsiuouin
I5ATK.-? i DeGARM.
Sheriff's Sale.
unvy mmer one year oi age. ine sec
ond prize, a handsome silver goblet, to
be given to the fiuest baby over
one year and over three years of
age. The third prize, an elegant silver
cup, to be given to the huest colored
baby under two years of nee. The en
trance fee for each baby will be 50 cents.
One person will be admitted free with
each baby entered. Five bachelors will
constitute the committee to award the
Kallantin A French
Against f Execution.
Enos French. I
voiict: is iiEunnv nrvEx that i
11 will otrer for sale nt public auetion at tho
front door of the Court lloit-e in Plattsmoutn.
Cass county, Xcbraska, on Monday. November
Ist. IsTo at 2 o'clock V. M. of said dav, the
follow ing real estate, to-vrit : A certain frame
hou-e one and one-half glories high, situated
on the noi th-wet fju.n tcr .t section No. twenty
(2 '.. t-.vrnship Xo. ten (lot, north range No.
eleven '.ID. east of the Oth 1', and two acres
of ground in the center of which said house
is situate, takci. as the property of En on French
on an cxeeution in favor of John Iiallautiq.
Vi'illiain lJallniitin imd eJcorifc T. .McKay, is
sued by I he Clerk of the District Court of the
county of Ciu-s, and to lue directed as Sheriff of
sai'i count v.
.Dated October 13th. 17o
J W. JOll NSOX. Sheriff
' of Cass county. Nebraska.
snAVR.wcn i Ep'hakuson, Attj's. for i'lff.
T hereby donate for the use of Public District
noois. ijoi im in miii-k o. on tne north sole
Main strec t. and hot 111 in DIock 22. on the son! h of Main street, iu my addition to the City
1 Plattsmouth. S. DUKE.
5,000 Acres of Land for Sale
in this county. Also, Houses and Lots ia this
city, at low prices.
Particular attention civen to tho lmvinu nun
Felling of rial estate, examining titles, and pay
ing taxes for non-residents. S. PL' KE,
Real Estate Agent,
Weeping Water Nebraska.
Ts hereby piven that on the 21st day of .Tulv, A
L. 170, one tieore Strand left at my stable a
ight bay tnare. wi.ii heavy tail and mane, al
most six years old and about 1 hands hich
with tuo letter F branded on the left gide of the
neck, evidently stolen. The owner, nicy cot
his property by call t g at my stable in liatn
inouth. Cass couutv and proving property and
payinjr charges,
julyldtwtr J. V. Shannon
dence of Joshua linncn. nn ti .",!...,.. ,.r
Xovcmber 1S70. iu Eock bluffs precinct. Cas
counry Nebraska, one light roan Heifer, crop
off the left ear. no other marks or brands per
ceptible, two years old past. Taken upas an
estray and advertised according to ..n.i -r,.!
appraised at 22 by t T. Martin and llenrv
bpanglcr. JOHN' II. ALLISON'.
oct-i vrol. Justice oft he Peace.
Eloirarri Sanitarv Aid Ak-
the Eeliof and Cure of the Frrinir and Un
lortunate, on Principles of Christian
Essays on the Errors of Vnnth m.1 tlio T"ii:.
of Age. in relation to Marriage and Social Evils
lUh sanitary aid for he atiiicted. Sent free in
t, envelopes, n-luress iiO'wAEU ASSO
TirN. px P. Philn.lelphia.Pa. maylwly
nAVIN'f PElEvrn nl?
ion hurie! inlhnnl.n. i
in 1 ouinr i Hays u.bli tioiuto the ci: v. nnhpni.
J. L relimoiis
removed on or before
requested to have them
.Miv. loin. lii).
. K'y iVilXr of tfce cit r COUNCIL.
Attest: S. F. CoorF.c, City Recorder.
Lot for ii en Dollars.
I will sell to parties desirous of building and
improving, nny of the lots in the subjoined list
in my addition to Platt.nnouth. at ten dollars
per lot, under the following conditions, viz:
The nerson tmrchHsinrr will he mc nird
build on the lot purchased a dwelling house of
the following dimensions, to-wit: The house
to be not less than 1 1x21 feet, with story not
lower then 8 feet. The frame must be pood and
substantial: house well shingled; foundation
either of brick or stone. There nmt bea kitch
en, ot not less than PJnH. liuildmz must be
completed on or before January 1st. Is70. Will
jrivc a bond for a .iced to the party who buys as
soon ns purchase is,:;nd upon coinpiyiug
with the above conditions, will five a good and
sullieicnt Warranty Deed.
Selections may be made from the accompany
ing list;
Lots5 and 8 in block 3: Lot 3 in block 4; Lot
14 in block 12; Lot!' in block IS; Lot 12 in
tilocK L'O; Lots z. a and 14 in block 21: Lot S in
block 22; Eots 2 and 6 in block 'I-',: Lots 5 and
11 in block 0: Lot o in block Lots la and 17
in Mock IS; Lots 4 aud 7 in block L'J; Lot 2 ia
Flattsmouth. Aus.26tf. Office in Court House
The UnwrUtezi Word
Ey Daniel March. D. D., author of the popular
'N ight Scenes. Ihis muster in thought and
language shows us untold riches and beauties in
the lireat House, with its blooming flowers,
singing birds, waving pah .s. Rolling clouds,
beautiful bow. sacred mountains delightful
rivers, mighty ocean", thnndcricg to'k cs. blaz
ing heaven and va: t universe with countless
beings in millions of worlds, and reads to us in
each the Unwritten "Word. Eose-tinted paocr,
orr.i'te engravings and superb binding. "Rich
an i varied in lhout-hf." "Chaste." "Easy and
praccfrl in style." "Correct, pure and elevating
in its tendency." ".Beautiful and good." "A
household treasure." Commendations like the
above from College Prefideuts and Professors.
ininistersof all denominations, and tie religions
and secular press all over the country. Its
Ireshness, purity language, with clear, open
tyre, tine sued substantial bindinar
and low price, make it t:ir hunk fur the niaxmn.
Ajrents are selling lroia M to 1 per week.
We want Clergymen. School Teachers, smart
young men and ladies to introduce the work
for us in every township, and we will pay liber
ally. No intelligent man or woman need be
without payiBg busine.
Send toreircular, iuii description and terras.
P? S. Sixth Street. Ph. la.. Pa.
l:J Race Street, Cincinnati. Ohio.
Menroe Street. Chicago. III.
X. Sixth Street. St. Louis. Mo.,
or. Iu2 Main Street. Springfield, Mais.
We are now occupying the room formerly occupied by E. T. Duke & Co.. and are do
Forwarding and Commission Business,
Ware House attached, we can furnish all tho storage wanted.
All goods sent in our care will receive
and goods distined for Ashland, Lincoln, and the EIuo River, will befurwarded without delay.
t m
' He ii o t n i ir 0 y
--7 iFU,',AltQ goods, f- '
Hats, Gl Caps, Boots 8c Shoes,
Jlam Street, Second Door East oj Court House,
Dentist, riattsinoutb, Nebraska.
Dr. i. U. Black.
Office with
Plattsmouth, rJeb.
-Broadway, Council Bluffs., Iowa.
Dry Goods.
Roots, and Shoesf
Hats, and Cap.
Airriculttiral Implimonts of all kinds, Weirn. "
"I A ti" Cultivators. Union Corn Planter.
Orandctour and Princeton Plows, Ac Ac n-l.t
atum, all of which we offer to the public at t!;o
owest retail prices.
All Goods Warranted
As Represented,
. "ur constant aim n ill be to sell so b.w'' '
It will he to the positive advantage of every Tr
mer in tne w stern and central portion o ('-
county to make thia their headniarter- f r tmJ-
,: . , . . HELD. RItS.
Vi icping n ater, A . t. IhTo.
' e are aPo agents for Mower, Reaper,
and 1 rashing Machines. ap7'.f
clm ml &argjcnt& Co.
WE would invito Dealers and the Pu'-i
generally toe til and examine our stock of
S O A. 1- s ,
before purchasing elsewhere.
.Mr. Sargent having had th -Tr.frieTic f
twenty years in manufacturing all kind ,f
Soups, we are confident iil rivl..,. ...t,.!.i.
tion to all who may favor us with their I at: i
Soap exchanged for grease, and delivered in
a;iy part of the city.
Cash paid for rendered tallow and jv!'-r
Soap Works. Kearney Ward, near Ferry.--Endue,
Nehrask City.
June lodA wtf.
Thos. W. Kliryocrk,
And dealer in all kinds of ,
Furniture and Chairs.
MAIS street, (third door west of P 0
Plattsmouth - - - Neb,
Repairing and Varnish inn neatly done.
"Funerals attended at the short of t uutic