Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 03, 1870, Image 4

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    I .:
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U,.- i rl I 'A Whit.. K,., of NeWk, City,
r7" I I Vi llPUU ' V Ml : 'n ti e city to-day. v Lite : a br-t
C' -- - i c!a? uj;uj always calN on the Ukuald,
an J we are always pleased to see him.
yr -ar-n, v, ft . x. : pnttii imvai mix-h v 1 u . i
:.-irrit .f.
At 'ho IVo.Mt - mi S'.atr id u
i l.y Ji: Ji.-.- Chiid, 0ir,. r Zl. 170. .'
JllUIiSDAY, : OV. 3, 170.
3 l:e street thouM he tinned
an J putia shape before a storm.
Gore tn I'd.." the first ccrtiEeatc
of e'ectiou for ,Scv-..b ?enatoriaJ Pi
Irict. . "
Nebraska ha a !or-i th '"fa" fh
iinV by giving lie; 'iblienn u.-jori'y
urr -ttDCOn'j large.
Will tonic f our grain uicich-iutsfo t
ud the figures for us iu the produce
tdeppe-d from this point.
Rcr. J. M. Taggart has left Nebraska
Ciy ar.d gone to Blair, tr officiate as
pastor of the Baptist Chur-.h iti the lat
ter piVJJ.
Partita iittorested are requested to pay
attention to the notice cf the City Mar
sha published for the post few Jays,
relative to payiae claim for license?.
Trouble tnay be ared by a prompt at
tention to the request of the Marsha1.
By li fe:. :
Isn't it about time "rot" took off
those "store clothes" again, in vie
of the order of J u Igc Lake ?
One UK-re time, we ask if the city au
thorities will repair the bridge on Sev
enth street, south of Pearl?
lion. A. I. Spracue has been in the
city for a day or two. Sprague is doing
a pool business in Saunders.
Mr. Clark, father of our esteemed fel-ow-towu-tnaii
John II. Clark, i- in the
city for a for a few days on a visit.
Thistles appear to be glowing hi the
r? reels of Nebraska C'ty. The Time
iiilspn the city "dads" to cut them.
Mj. Wheeler i having a new roof put
-n hid residence, corner cf Mtiu and
f.:ith streets.
Capt. E. B. Murphy i" doimr a good
vork 'or tie city, in grading before his
residence b'twt-eu Third and Fourth
We net the Recorder thn morning,
lie was dospoudent. No ca.-e- no
drunks i.o nothing. Alaa fur tlie de
frenoracy of the tiincs!
ce to a ciicu'ar letter from
A. P. Touzhn publi-hcd to d.iy, it wi:l
be seen that a new, .-hort route ha b-.'en
opened to tlie east from Ijurlin-rion.
TUU wlil elevafe the I, M. another
notch in the a!e, au-i make it tff t..t
road line of the wet.
e are in rcscil't ol a ne:it nanij.hl-t i
of the Charter and Ordinances of the city
of Ku'o. in thisSt.-it J, executed at the
AV.7i..-'"fFic-e. It i-t a credit to the
machnnioul kill and facilities of t ho pro
prietor of the Iiejutc.-.
As an instance of fcuecess on the part
of the Lator Kefornj Party in this
State, the Omaha papers announce the
marriage of Prank Itooney, the Presi
dent, and Miss Alice Buttcrfield.
We have just gathered a few bushels
of thrt second crop of IsaLella
grape grown on the same vines this
season. The berry is about as large as
usual, and a few clusters ripened' The
most; of theiu, however, were green,
but fine f r jellies. Bnnrnville A'tcer-fiver.
Tho Publ ic Schools of the City wil
open noxt Monday. We have two new
brick .School House?, and the central
one will be commenced in a few days.
A bridge at Ienvj-r, Col., pports thi
notice "No vehicle drawn by more than
Mi-s Eliz-ibeth Wilson has been ap- fme animal U allowed to crofs tliis biiug'
j lintcd Post master at Wilson, in the i j 0ppo..i;e directions at the tame time."
funty of Otoe, Nebraska, tn place ot
Miiis Margaret Wi!on, resigned.
Potatoes have dropped in Chicago
from SI. to 40cts. rer bu-hel. Tho-e
J. P. Lantr, of Lincoln, wa. in the J jla,.ri, vl10 have purchased in this city
rlty yeMerdai'. He has out a new esrd r(.(.c.tlv at 4 cent.i a bu h.-l, fir the
with a mnp of the west on the back, ! - sh:M.:n2. to ri.icaco. will not
f i - i - -
which will erve as a pocket guide to im
migrants to Nebraska.
The Council DiufTs folks are brag?inz
shout the water works they are to have.
We had the Cncst ones in operation here
biht Saturday ever deen in the west. It
lained all dav, withoutcea'-iriga moment.
realize more than one hundred per cent
on their investments.
Three of the passengers of the ill
Jfcted Cambria were from Coun
cil BluffsMrs. Hill, and Mrs. Smith
and her son. who were going to England
toxihit the Ecencs end friends of long
Wc understand that a fine Stnge
I'itzgerald has concluded to '"back"
the Urooks House himself. fr a time,
and has secured the services of Mrs Fox.
the cider, to supei intend the internal af
fair of the c-tab-Mmient, assi-f e 1 by
her son Everett Fox. Mrs. Fox has su
perinteiided the machinery of a large
hotel in the ea-t, for many years, and
we doubt not her skill and 1'i'z's mcy ! and pleasant for visitors.
Hans C. Ne:I-ion an 1 Mi-s Minie Nvil-
so.u, all of Plat'smouth.
Five tueii, of all kinds, from
the Millionaire to the laborer, arc wanted
here in Plattauioath. To day there is a
great call for men. Every laborer in the
city is at woik, and hundred u.rre au:
needed. Come, if you want work, or
come, if you wi-h to make money oil a
small capital.
orri Fl B . lf HOI ..i.s.
VVe are sorry to say that there is no
town in the S:ate whore then; ha been
the same earelesMiess in jeg ud to public
school houses as in P!attsu;ou:h. But
our people luve at hl-t aroused to the
iii.poitance f ih-t subject, and the work
of erecting a fine Central School Build
ing, on ilm City Park, will be com
menced immediately. The building is
to eot some $3.V(MJ or 4) OOJ an will
be complercd only n?xt season. The
city authorities have secured a small
b an from the State School Fund with
which to commence the work, and we
learn that the foundations of the build
ing will be put in at once. As soon as
we are able to learn the exact size and
plan of the build in z we will inform the
readers of the IIer.M in regard to
A:i'iher vier:;; fhe:ule of Sine and I
..'.. .:rii' eviJwumiii wa- brjtiht up i
With a Vhoit turn' in this city ete d '.
1 he victims tiniee was Smith not John
but Sam. - iii d he claims his home i;i
the moral ton of Burlington, Iowa
lie has Let n traveling tlurirg the past vca.-w f.y- a wh)I;
4 I A I I4..
The meeting in the V. M. C A. Hal!,
Tuesda3' night, was verj- gratifying, and
gives promise of the great usefulness
which sueh nn organization is susceptible
of. There were many of the finest
voices of our lady vo?alL-.ts in the sing
ing, and we confess the gratitude we
feel toward these fair asij generous be
ings tor lending us the great influence of
their presence. These associations are
now pro-peiiiig in ail the !arj e cities of
the Union, and the happy thought of
merging our Literary Soci- ty into this j
Association is highly creditable io the ;
good s. ns of our vmog men One of;
h.'-u.-e oJ that city Ioi: ibue Co. ;:ti'l
was'by them tru-ted with hirge aimvmrs
of iiii-'iicy, r.iid was looked e.j on as an
lonoi-t iiid indu trlous yoirig man.
He lt-U for a business trip tbii iih Iowa
and Nebraska about three w eks ace, j
and about a veek :tgo he remiticd to his
employers SI. 3(0 in money. About
that time they heard be was on a 'spree'
and they began to feel uneasy. They
waited a few days, and then Mr- Kobcit
Donahue started to hunt the young man
He heard of him in several places
thiough Iwa where he h id collected
three :r four hundred dollars and final
ly found the veritable Smith here in
PJattsmouth, spending his time and
money in the saloons and houses of ill
fame. He took hiui to the hotel Thurs
day evening, where the young man ac
knowledged his guilt. He gave Mr Dona
hue:? 30 which he said wa- all the money he
possessed. Ilis books showed a defFcb'n
ey of about $!". Sm th gave an order
on some rela'ivos in Burlington for the
amount. Donahue telegraphed yester
day to see i! tlie order would be accepted
but tho an.-wer came in the negative.
Complaint wa- then entered before Jit'ige
Child, a warrant ismd and placed in
the hands of offiecr Williams, who
soon found the young fellow safely (as
he supposed) stowed away within the
cla--ic walls of 'crib No. 2."' He w s
brought before .Tudire Child where he
wns again confronted with his much
wo:iged employer, who told bin. that if
lie wuu d deliver to him till the money he
hail (as be Lelieved he had not done so
at first) and would go back to Bit:!:;;?
ton and arrange some way to pay thede
fie'eue.r, be would not pro-ecute him,
otherwise he would proceed with the
nto.-cufion on a cuminal e.-.arire The
the r:im:.iv n fee's, of tins oigan zatton I Vuuur man f;y.ko,l over more. He
U t fu.msb ih.'ii large Hal! in a maimer was tjiCn ,e:irovu.(i. lllt ll0thine more was
to render it atti active ur.u pleasant, as a ;,,, i (,X(.Cj,t or two ; viaHSe.
place of report, after bti-iness hours, for Th .y ,mim.ll;at(.jy .leparte l for Burling
our young men. al.d to keep newspapers to pHi;,h can t!uUjk his tMr(l
t'pon a-ovelic pinion? pure anJ white.
iSne m' b irae to the roj4 m !wva,
T tatk in ioU' entern-U funIU;ht
Ani eiogMTfct tonga o. t nUlciw lore.
Twas harJ to re that unlto fzo
to intitx't.'u so tweet an J lair.
SirugliDK lona ia Ji-ath'a cmbravei
Liaviugnoriow uu,i griel totUo lontb" pi.
sjonr-e one sho t yeur ba-i gono i nrx-hling, sinleya rosefhe blum4,
Tiu Ui-att. w.ia its wieiUiox fcepUr cam
Aui u urke i for that Ion eUtaai buuae.
Nov p.nvuu si I and bro ten hear Us J
Loi'k b '.ok wiibjlif-teuing tartut c?ea.
IVLi-u r juutt htr couch the victor tportwl
Ani bore Ucr coaqucrins to theakica.
Oh I tnesaenier of Jo.ith, why didft thou coina
To us ia life .o quick. 60 soon.
An i choose that precious Jurliu; ou
I'ot the ooldaaJ di'cut tomb.
Thou husf plucked Iroui a iacrcii happy hotuo
The rarest, lov ieat. brighten flower.
And left our anguished hearts to mourn
The log; of Via.t. ia Kdeu'ii lovely kower.
Now a childless mother mourns its Iobs;
A fathor wa iuj th it sha i
While heavenward her sunless bark Is toeeed
And a 1 earth's bright st hopea have flown.
But there U a hope that points Vryond
Tho rising elouds of human life.
That ttlls of ioy tho Christian' f und
Where theie is no sick net's, sorrow pain nor
from all the la'rge cities of the world.
from every State in tlie Union, upon the
files, together withal the readable niaia
zines, published at home and abroad
thus giving inefTTal recreation to the
clerk, -the professional, man and the
tradesman, every evening. This news
and reading room will be kept open from
10 a.m. to lop. in. every day. arid be
under the supervision of a Librar an, to
be appointed by the Board, and he will
see th;;t everything about tlie Hall is
j his employer i- filled with the "'mtlk of
i human kindness," else he would be in
jail awaiting trial.
Coach lias been put on between LaPlatfe
cn thcOtuaha &. Southwestern 11. K.
Mid this plncc. It r. Ill run Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
will a.ake the Btooks the best hotel in
the wftt. Large additions of furniture
tedding etc., are being ma le.
Mr. Frank MoWhinney, of the I'x
change Bank, (Jreenville, Ohio, was in
o:ir ciy a few dajs He was on a
tour t f observation through the tve-t and
seemed well iileascd vith our eitvnnd its
The prospects of peace in L'uropo have , Lusiness i.rosr'ccts. He is a substantial
Ambled gold tc llf. and whe-tt and : i(Il!.:nefis , ,.,, he kind wc like to
rfher produce have tone down with it
This can be but a temporary fall, aud
we look for better rates soon.
Mrs. J. V. B. Jackson, a foimer rti-
d.?nt of this ci'y, who hs been in San
see coming to Piatftmouth. He is a
brothcr-in law of our fellow townsman,
Charlt-v Cooper.
Wc had the pleasure of a call this
morninc from Mr. (I. V. Atkinson.
Jose, Canforma, f rthe past year, re ! eJitor aml IlU!,i;,llcr cf the We.-t Vir
turned a few days sin :e. She think j ' f J jrilufy 0f Charle-ton, Vv'e.-t Va ,
remaminsr in th,s e.ty, andill probably j a Kepulliean paper of the pure strij-.e.
invest in real estate. j Mr. Atk Uj0:i ;s vi,hi,Ig t,,e v.e.t with a
It is s t: 1 tht Gov 3;eph2ni, of Ky. viow toiuvosting in property and settling
U. S. Senator eleci from that State, i j -'r0- '
disoniliSrd for tho position by reason, as j The cuu.c appointed to -on for
ii 1, that he accepted a Colonafs j with the offi?ers of the Omaha an IS.
commission in the rebel a-my at thecoui- V. K. It. Company returned to day.
meucement of the war. They report no definite propo-itionsmade
The Tenth Senatorial District has been on,'cr si.dc.' hxl th;t a peiiera! ! .,a,k
served Mmilar to ours of the Seventh. I was haa' an.J t,iat co'ny fvident
Lectures, during tlie winter, will be
provided, and steps have already been
inaugurated to secure some of the mo t
famous bcturers of tho country to ad
dress the Association, at widen time, as
at others, the members will do all in their
power to show our citizens how prai-e-woitby
is their woik: and we do hope
every good citizen of 1 'lattsmouth wili
t iK-ouiace and aid thi- organization as
far as their power and ability will allow
Sociables will a'so form a feature in
the 'entertainments to be provided by
the Association. A Lliaiv will soon be
A ;: tiovi;.
Wc understand that our bu -ines men
have agreed to c:o-e their stores at 7 30
p m. This has been brought al.out by
the solic'tat ion of the Young Mens Christ
ian Assoeian of this place and we arc in
formed that our merchants very readily
and very cheerfully res. ended to the call
iiiaJi? on t hem.
Ei. Herald. Again we are electri
fied, not with su -h a Lilinus effusion
from "Bepublican"' as formerly; but,
with one of rtfosc gifted, scientific (inni
hilitim,x as only our "Republican" can
produce. Of course, Mr. Editor, we
cannot follow our chaste "Republican"
(nor do we suppose your readers can) in
his scientific exploration of that "caudal
extremity," a haunt frequented anLhabi
ted by lriru -clf, and so peculiarly adapted
to oire of his inclinations. We leave
him there, Mr. Editor, "tuaU'r of the
situation," and theri we feel certain ha
will remain, to be found "by an admiring
public" unless his late ulntrticc attempt
to manipulate "Cass" should cause his
"patron .-aint" to cast him forth. It
s'l'ike-us, Mr. Editor, that this starry an
hi'AiV'((u (if ih "little star" is a taught
triek of "llepu-'IieanV to gain credit
for more learning and knowledge than
real at'ilitj' as a French wit lonr ago
deiiued it, (and we believe "Republican"
makes pretensions in that way), "a mys
terious carriage of tlir. Lotly to hide the
ti7T 'J the millle.,
" I he place for expression of prefer
ence is in convention" piousb- chants our
virtuous ""Republican." Mr. Editor,
havcir't we been trying to impress upon
the po aJcroMs mind of our "Republi
can" that this is our idea of propriety,
and that the next Legislature would be
apt to do this. Dear "Republican!"
isn't this better than frantically patroling
the streets of our city imploring wit a
tit iciiing Jrenzy Republicans and Demo
crats to east a ballot which will send
"Republican" to a county convention,
assigning as a reason that those who op
pose him are iHshnnestfy, impiously and
Jiaiutuleittly conspiring against someway.
little Federal "itty" at tbe time and
we hardly think he's entirely weaned
yet. Altogether, Mr. Editor, this fast
and furious enemy of Gen. Thayer, pro
tending to date his until athics from the
1 1th of August ki-r, doesn't fool any
body hereabouts.. We are sorry for him.
We alwa)!t liked Liiu till he
went in the interofeta of the two
bushel Lag and tich. With the
company he selected, we leave him.
No hard feelings, notb tig but pity for
his foolhardinera actuate na to'adtie
him to fi plow and elop over"
no mora. The tail hV adhering to
is a safe and pleasent place for just puch
"stars," and when ths 'Great Bear
wakes up from hi3 hySernating terra, wo
expect the luminous period of our "star"
will abrubtly terminate under an aval
anehe of well, no matter, wo bid
our "utar" a pleasent journey, no mat
ter which way he travtl We're not of
the old lady and scissors kind and we
don't think it worth while to pin
faith to the hit worJ. We recom
mend "star" to the nearest pea nut
stand for consolation, where he can get
a cheap imuiitatioo of Mra. Winslow'K
SoothiDg Syrup and keep hw ruffled
bowels quiet til) after the 12th of Jan.
next. When if he can keep faith in
anything, we expect that chaste but sore
little darling to give utterance, so that
all may hear, to that promised ''Amen.'
We are requested to a k all business j to snatch from his adhesive gums that ht-
I men to put ilns rule into operation on
Monday evening next. As the Saturday
evenings are not inc'uded in the opera
tion of thi- agreement, our citizens will
observe tt at on and after next Saturday
all stoics in the city will close at 7 MO p.
in. every evening except Saturdays.
This beina known to t-u-tomers they v. 1 t
govern ihem-eives accordingly.
Wo are informed that the Heading
Room of the V. M. C. A. is now ro
been obtained: and pcivading al its
woik will be found a griijtou, wholt
souled. Christian spirit, tending to
.-.fren'tlii n the weak and in iiroratt. a'l
tie IVderal tent which so miraculously ex
cites his patr iotism and love of Republican
pr neiple! Oh ! most disinterested "Ue
,u!i.iean' is this n ally an ignis fatnust
But, .Mr. Editor, it seems another
"litt.e star ' has dared to woik the disc.
ol' llepub:ican'" Ka'etdo cope, and is
first dotted at "Fremont." It seems
that this new intelligence has an ex-
! ten led orbit, (vide 'liepubliean'" ob
servations), and in erratically kicking
ai -out the po.if.c.iltiim mm 'iit, has applied
ore of its pedal extremities to that cau-
1 dal t xttemitiy of "R. publican's" "Ur.-a
vt'tkiii,; vi tfimiimi- wt.ieu i Jf..j.,r' m ;:( h Close proxilUltV to
will be increased steadily until it om friend's place of imagined security
fcvond to none in the west fur the nuui , a
formed, the nn -leus for it bavins alrcadyj ber or character of its magazines and
The canvass was made with the re
turns of only three out of the seven
counties in, ani the cert":5cato was is
eued to the Democrat, sn here.
E. T. Sharap, Esq., is erecting a build
ing on Sixth street, to be used by him as
a Gun-mith Shop. This kind of an in
Etitution has lor-s been needed in Platts-mouth.
Some fellow refused to pay his wa-h
bill at Nebraska City recen ly and the
local of the Times threatens to pubh'.-h
his name. The local seems to have a
deep interest in the raymcnt of the bill.
A drove of cattle were put into tbe
river at Nebraska City iccently to swim
across, and twenty-Gve of tbeui were
drowned. They should have been tun
plied with Merriman's Life preservers.
We Faw parties unloading a car of po
tatoes this morning, which had been
loaded for Chicago. The drop in the
market knocks the profit off.
Dr. N. B. Larsh, Superintendent of
the State Lunatic Asylum, pas.sed up on
the western bound train for Lincoln.
The Dr. hopes to have the Asylum in
running order at an early day.
ly tor an business. The Company- has de
cided to place a corps of Engineers at
work to survey the different routes sug
gested by the Committee, after v.Jdch
sorae definite propositions will bo made by
the Company
A hypocritical scoundrel in Athens in
scribed over his door: "Let no evil enter
here." Diogenes wrote under it : "How
does the owner get in?" ,
The above was considered 'sharp in
Diogenes; but if some common scrub of
a Nebraska boy had pet pretated it no
one would have ever thought of it again.
It makes a great difference sometimes
who does or says a 'cute' thing.
Thi Omaha Tribune startles itself
with the question, "whither are we
drifting?" You arc "drifting" "t.) the
bad' just about as fast as it is possible
to drift, if we are any ja lge. You
should have asked and considered that
question at an earlier date before you
bolted your party nominations and tried
to,bieak up the Republican organization
in Nebraska.
We again commend tlii. association to
the finest support of every citizen
and trxe al! young men to join it with
out ('el::y which cat: be dene l y paying
?J. to J N. Wi.-e Librarian and en-
1 i;t to su.-h we sav i ' '";o;.g iluir names m tue iist of uiciu-
Nefiwith-tan. ling the small fee is de
mtimbdaiid is necessary to j reset ve
membership the association desire to
let ;dl p.-rsous know that the Heading
in ' to
We hare on our ta .le "The .rEtieid in
Modsrn American." The "poetical li
The man who contemplated leaving
the State on election day because he was
! afraid he would not vote right, has writ
ten another "stunner" to the
Tribune. It is currently repotted that
"Pete" will ided;:e himself to not onlv
Many of our young men lo-k upon it
as a sort of religious revivival or eamp
meeting orgamza'ion
come and see. The Association is de
signed to strengthen our love of the
Chri tian Kelicion without regard to
sect ariiiuisin. and at the same time to intellectual enjoyment of a
healthful character for all within tho
radium of its influence. The wonderful
6uccess of such organization- in all pa its
of the world encourages us to the belief' f.v- ,.j,V;Mt- .yi .', .. ',.
that the Young Mt n's Chri-ti in j ein-oij .-i cu -i e- i
ciatie.n of Plattsmmith piove a per
manent blessing in our mid-t. We urge
every man,"younir and old alike, and
every lady in the city, to join it without
delay. Now i- the time to show goo 1
will ; we say d not wait t see if it is
going ro be successful, but join at once,
and thus help to injure sticee-s.
Boot, is FitKK
-ee if Ibiod i wry
tn! inat io;i i .( ; J. j.
t lint . Iiec im !
Conductors are accommodating, some
time":, as well a -other people. A citizen
of this city while tiaveiirm over the B.
it M. accident-lily i 'st ids hat. OlVour-e
the train eoul l i;o: ! . s'epped lor a liat
but the Conductor took the trouble to
see that it was found, ;:n 1 the owner re
ceived his tile yesterday by expre.s-,
gintig. X-h City ( liiouicli:
And the same chap whose nam4 i
Sheppaifl stopped his tiain a few d;ys
since in Salt creek Valley, backed up to
a burning house where the "lone, lo;n
woman" w: witnes inn the tli.-ti uet ion
of lier property wb hour, the power to
stive It r he passengers jumped out and
soon quenched the liamcs am! sav, il the
houe. Everybody Iik' s to travel with
Sbeppard. The B. & M. folk's always,
employ the best men in the country.
it k: Kir 4 i it r .
Oct. ol One Michai I the balan. e
of whose name we will have in obscu
rity was arrested on Saturday evening
by officer Williams. Michael plead
guilty to eoii.-iJcruble "ttghtne-s." He
V. t-ei. U u'e toid a ' 'o:
tee ot i hi' e geii! :eliu li ami three
will waif iiii- i: no-, eirizens . n li a
to 1 ii g Miei i, a'iijs a-; n.ei:
If", u- all like h:d fil.i- 1 mdsi
Tel pi i ' to pit ll it to ce i.
i nun g. vsr.
Li-f of ietiers re .mrnin.if at tl.
month Post. Office on November 1;
cense" a prarcntlv constitute! the i,ar ---uirtrictttio county if elected County
ness of thi., new poick and for good lion. P'ni'dent, but to trett a new
est sidesplitting laughter we recommend ' scn,K,, nou--c in fach di-tiict. He won!,
it to all lovers of the classic bard of Man I rep'y to the communication in the Tril.-
tua. The cuts are artietie and nun-eroim wert' lt not t!lat be is too busy laying ! Ras commitied, in default of the need
ful. For further particulars inquiie ot
Frank or look at hi oveicoat.
Oct. L'S. Before his Honor this niorr -ing
came ihreo of "od corn's ' devotee.-,
Price 25ctA address Wilted Herald t,ia wilVi fjr hU e!ecti
A good memory is a very important
thing sometimes. The Nebraska City
Tinustnys. one day, that there are three
-r four hundred wason coming into that
burir loaded with grain every day; asd,
Y. M. C. A.
There wi.ibe a Sociable of the Y. M.
C. A. held at their rooms, opposite tbe
Brooks House. Saturday evening, No
vember 5th. Every one is earnestly .-o
licited to be present, as a plua.-unt time
is anticipated. The ocea-ion wdl le
in toe very next issue, it attempts to J supplied with vocal and instrumental
tdiow that they are doing a li-avy grain I uiusie by the different "church, choir-"
l.u,ines by asserting tint the record of aod musicians of the city. Aduii-sion
the scales shows tliattJiere are as high ' ftec. J.N.Wise
R Baxteii Windham,
Ldwaud Wilson.
Committee on Sociables
Atr.ff r:n J-iro?j
li ir n ail t'lias
lli'innn VVm
is nmn V
H'TtlT J C
I a iv 1
l.Us:.ntli K E
Han- V L
lirewu Jas
15' ii, it llonry
15U.-U r .I:! 'J
U ackfiio n W D
Bole C 11
! JJarret J
fiilkins v.V
l u.-nn C P
Clii is-taiiin tJ
Coi.kl n 1. M
Cmtt'iol tj.o
UnU'j J H
lui kt net - E U
lee- ii V
I Ml inttMn! A
V. iwr,1? .1 st
K-ttrri-!i,n G II
Erwili W
Kair.n Aibort
F.t. h S F
Ko't-y Jolin
t or,l f4
Firnsiin T
Fliirkwhnnu Th-
' tionioM .1 A
. Mall . I
llien:in M ix
Hi. ks C vV
Il.,.eel ii K
I lirnrv Ir J
liiiif T
! Hnsr- r M
I Hovt C.
I Jpw. il Dr S W
I -John, n F-.'tk
.I'ine.s II K
Tuerp t
Keiin'Ml.T Pat
Kruppr II
Kc?c'i:,m CUbs
j .'irjnnMiinn i &ir c.
.neawu inoi
otie -f whom was a descendant of Ham : i,ii.i".,:1n F
".-andwitched" wiih mud, and a. blacker, f ft
mu l Jier otiject we nave iicvi r I. ad the
pleasure t f seeing. lie, it seems had
mi le. f.i!;eii to eio-.- the "i raiKh " He
ei-o-sed it, hall way on the hiidge and
tother hal. "leu I tmtled ii." 'J'hj
,! -M.-in ir.! J.!,n
.MarKii:u-s- r .Viitg
.M IUi C Jli II
jMurphy Pitt Frmk
M:.r,l:..ilj J . W
i M G.iiiu? i'i,Jt irk
i.Not-i a i ;.. j .u
t Nickels J
iO-Ur U il
hi-., t-iii Pttw
i ii,l- W m A
JOrcitt A .1 2
! I'an-tke F
OVnelas A C J. W
PciiMM.ri ()!of
Pinker U
1 1 turfiin M
iP.Rhh .re J C
K:ii:sc.r Joba
i li. oiiey F
; Kt-iniTt Nick
jltomi'! W
Kk.-. S
..-p- h w J D
s'lnil" li W
tfVr J (r
l.-y.'cbolleiii Jiilcjr
:.-mith I L
'Sh?:tt-r -I It
iMllitil .M S
siiii-li W D
!l i?p--pr S
;vpiis- J
! Warri'ii M
,V. es.l,lcd J
;wrl ll
VV. f., S
: Whitt tcr J
; V.'i.ritt Ir.iing E
W il-h
Wiiril Thos
Wil ? flo'-nrt
V 'nok El lr J M
;Vri?rc!it VV
'Wnetum r II
iWi.ik-ir hv.
Wi iK'uGe,- W
Y-iru-li .MUa
V ,ng Aiix
iVaa Broth A Co Mrs-rs
to -eriru ly a'artu him. In i lain
Anglo aion, Mr. huitor, it seems some
one has had the tei'urrity to write a
leader in the "Fremont Ti i. vne." which
' 1 Jepubliean" cannot approve of.
-Juery? Can tlie Tt ibunr last lone, such
being the ca-e ? W e tremble for that
tother "little star." But the most
amaziutr thing is that this Ass tronomi-
cal "liejmblican" sin u!d apical to us
"young scntniator, (that s one en
eotiiayiiiir tea lure mir way), an.l com-
l ! iin- of o-factory o;inl asantness.
Well Mi. Editor, in our small orbit we
haven't a class of sufficient magnifying
p.ovirs to reaeh the secluded haunt of
"liep'iblican," but attribute his inter
rupted observations and olfactory ditfi
en fie- to hi.- locus in quo, (the po.-ition
flora which be observes) We would
reuiend "a change of base" and fresh
eui e j Mr. Editor, we are sorry to say we can-
.1L I , V- 1 U i.ll ttlVi llblUIUI 111
!. 1-11" 111. 1
lo 'on; out leei reipeiieu io cnueavor
' ) pact.'y his "righteous indignation"
in i a-n . fl n;r at in by humbly con-frss-iny
we "did it not."
In conclusion, Mr. Editor, we take
pka ure iu referring "Republican" to an
article in the "Omaha Iirjjubftcan" of
tlie 2'. h in-t.. entitled "Missouri Elec
tions." We feel confident that a close
an 'lysis of this article, together with (he
"Adam- family," and "Mark Twain's"
new war-map, will enable our gifed "Re
publican" to plan a succes. ful campaign
lor his m::u.
will be glad to
g. For the in
we 'w. uli! sav i
T I I l - 111, , I..
ie ;r i-t tin v"w i i I air for our "B-.-publican."
tie ti...d
I , e.
ii' :e-
V'.'eW i
ie cn
. I S 70.
us forty wngona loaded wfh grain
v'ghod in a n"g!e Jay. Oh, what a
memory ?
A mauiti Tjewiston, Me., has recently
Tho Arirus tav.-: "Thirty hoiisee
grafted a f,nu.-h vir. tilth complete euo- ; keepers in Troy are iu: porting Chines-
u-u.ii line wis ini;.o-ed on all, and sug
gestions have been nude that Joe be in
dieted for keeping "bar-." without a
Co nir V!s Eva
t'l.tT fri Mr- .M K
t'uuiiinphmn M
Fa .clit MmC
:irLP .1 p I) L
Jenkins Iluttiu A
I.ev.1 .M s E
Mtibony .1, nr.y
"aj Icr Auciiuc M
r.u.-.-. II Mrs II A
U t-1 .Mr- E
;S"ii-p(.ar M is 31
! Seven .Mrs I. A
jThi.ii!!!! .Mi- C
I hurtuiin v isS L
White Urn E
Wilson fr-.I,n'rf
WooiIruS" Mi.-s xiM'O-i
Never wait for a thing to turn 'up : -er- -""'-- -:--'i!n ; fv any of the abovt
Go and turn it upycur.-df lt uk-.-sie-b ; IciUVo will !.-? S2j
Ed. HtitAi.D : lloitey'titey! what a
writhing and writ'glirrg our little "ctar"
makes under the eastigation he got last
Saturday. We had no idea this tender
dttle creature was so delicate. Why, a
broken-hearted Madam Caudle could not
whine more lamentably. We poked
some rather awkward facts kt him, and
phew! how he imitates that striped var
mint that our good friend Auiiaon dis
covered under his hou.-e. Like other
things he wots of, the more he's stirred
the more he, ic. Poor little fellow, we
pity him, and we shan't worry him any
mjre. We never would have noticed
him, Mr. Editor, had it not been for his
finding time noio to urge you not to
speak favorably of 1 hayer, while he had
been doing all in his power to damage
htm. Vain ' star! ' his effort. will roost
him hih on I lie dusty .-helves of disuse.
He was atten Jing strictly to his bu-ine.-s
during the heat of the canvass, cheek by
jowl With that celebrated two bushel bag
that is lejMir ed to hold them, and run
ning a whi-pering brigade of the long
ie;jged animals which are so celebrated
fin jumping propensities. It takes re
m.ukably cool blood to stand by aud
countenance treason to parry on the plea
Oar federal tit, as thU dear little
'"star" terms it, was not thought unwor
thy of a fiotcuKil attempt at a tuck,
tin tli is sweet, mor.sel knows of, last
spring and we arc sony, for "ttarV
Mr. Editor: We are just now en
joying the balmy breezes, the pleasant
days and beautiful nights of our Indian
summer. We believe no other country
ban boast such a delightful climate and
atmosphere ; even the wild fowls stop in
their immigrations to enjoy it for a time
This gives the sportsmen full employ
ment through this delightful season
We have had ju.-t frost enough to change
the dark green foliage of the forests to a
beautiful "coat of many colors."
There seems to be a peculiar am-Ic in
the songs of the birds and the chirp of
the in.-ects, at this season, which fills the
soul with thnoghts of the "beautiful
land" ju.-t the other side of the river.
Is that land more beautiful than this?
Is not this earth to be purified aud made
the home of "the saints ? "
Witlrn the pat week we have had
the pleasure of a visit to the infant city
of Crete, and the beautiful litt e town
of HiaiiLAND. Highland is pleasantly
situated at the head of a small but well
timbered creek, on the high prairie,
fourteen miles southwest of Lincoln, on
the B. M. railroad. The surroundiug
country is genrly undulating, rolling away
in grandeur and richest verdure as far as
the eye can reach. The town is laid out
with broad streets, well supplied with
park3 and common. The railroad
passes through near the centre of the
town, from the northeast to the south
west. The road i.s graded' nearly ready
for the track. Building has commenced
in good earnest. Mr. Owen Mines, for
merly of Portage, sconsin, has erected
two buildings in which he is running a
variety store, and sollmg at extremely
low juices. We had intended to do our
trading at Lincoln, but found it greatly
to our advantage to patronize Mr. Mines,
whom we fmnd to be a gentleman and a
scholar speaking three or four different
languages fluently. This is not only
agreeall ? to hN customers, who are of
many different nationalities, but a source
of profit to himself, as people will go for
their goods where they can understand
and be understood. Be -ides Mr. Mines'
there are several other business and resi
dent hou-es. Highland, situated as it
is on high, rolling prairie, with all its
attractive surroundings, and railroad fa
cilities, we consider one cf the most at
tractive localities for summer or country
residences we-t of the Missouri liver.
At Lyman's Coal & Lumber
la bcM UaJ ftlwtj-a OS hand. The firt hard ooal ivr iu t'jv ir. u k. r.-
OrJws ift ftt th YARD cr lit Prcla Dkl'G .-5T0HH. j rcmty atfM.lcl t ..
u. VV Lyma &: Co.
ocal Holier.
Between Mullen Ranch and Mt Pleas
an, an Account Book, containing Koine
letters, a Soldiers discharge, and accounts
valuable to one but the owner. Any one
finding said book will be liberally rew ard
ed by sending it to
J. CLARK HON hi. ,
nov2d2wl Greenwood, Neb.
as i ssim itTovT
A Charter Oak Cooking Stove is ab
so'utely necessary for nie. and In,.
all women, for it lightens their la' "or.-,
preserves their health, cheers and soot a s
their temper, c mi ninz- s i l.eir time an i
ttrength, and extends the:r iei-ure.
EVitIA l.NGSTA ii,
sr. j 'fteww
I TllP lll'm". ll I Im r I
; i.eni'Ehiki i:v:;i:
nijM'liy c l.'tc i;
Itis a terrible fhock to Reharniingwo- 3 i'""';i"i' . -!
in indeed to any woman, to fin i that wc'Ti'iuiV!;' ',!
i. r i
t'n i .-.
Never l"n-e otiaueHii i si hi, Inn, tit l'
will any human beine lio iish-c the fa- s'"vr l,."p , i,
. o t- no an on iti .I i lit tie ,iv
giani. uvi,,iiv., I, LCI , rv I . umi uisw Ll J
her teeth are beginning to go,
"Spalding, Glue," no well regulated ! t ""Pr ti
family will Le without it. bA!U TV nil -i i - , wv!:.
t'Viilen u' llu ii urn in-.,- i r i; , ,,, I,
than a -IiI'muiiii ,, ,,. t ,, t the ., . ,
Vallerys !c Ruffner are selling the cid
brated Sniiili Wagon.
For one of the celebrated laek'son
(Michigan) wagons, the be-t waon
made, go to Vallery t Ruflner.s.
1. 1 t
H-e :lll, l' llirs'iu li t Io ..'V.-if i... ,
of l.ieili' ie-. .id I to I lie nn-t llin
miiu'il i,i,ii-i:ii n tin I ,.. j,
thevit.e i.i i v. l!.e .p l,s I' i't ,' t,
i i in- iit.ii Ki't. :ei i .'i;n e jfiv-ii "i i,
soi-i' I'll i r t i; p. is;, i.
UKKAIH: TiMv i v.;;t '
I'ym wi.i 1 ' i I : Im' r Ci i i i ,j , i , iv e
Folt WtlOp. bti Hie I'llAiM'KI. n.VK.
rrvrn, win! Til1' JJiNT fa iK( Sl'nVf-
Grover & Baker' .Sewinu Maehin? is ro1- OJ u- L" -'-! ai.i.i n .i;.
the best in market. Vallerys & Huff- I
ner areag-nts. Those it, want of a good V&lMK
Machine will find it to their advantage buy iu-j iiViCMNii al'.iR.
to give them a call. j
HIM) r.v
Go to Vallerys & Rnffrn r's and look
at the Panier Arabs, the prettiest in the
market. tiplMivvtl'
Vultervs A Kiitfiier li.ive tlie l-ii-.-es i
stock of Groceries ever brought to the SI1. IjO'CTIS
city, wnicn mey iougni ior ca-n arm it
reduced prices, tali and examine then
stock. apljdJLwtf
If you want to save money, jro and
buy your Groceries, pried Fruits, ani
any other coeds, at tlie Now Yo;k Stoic.
Exee'sior 3Ianuf:it'irin (',,
CI2 inJ CU North Ma n CI,--;.
E. T. DUKE & CO. A
I'bATTsMDin .N i i;
Are now receiving the largest stock o j
Dress (roods ever brough; to thi- mar
ket, which they are selling cheap for
casli. aplodvv. if I
O 1
If you want neat caiico i!re.-s, go to !
Vallerys Sc Ruflner's. 'I hey are no.v
soiling the best for nt per yard. :'
Vallerys tc Ruffner have ju-t receiv -
a new supply tf Boots and Shoot-, wh'.co
they are soiling very low.
(Jo to Vaih ys A: liultner and buy you
Groceries. They buy for ea-h and wil
not be undersold.
Go to Vallery-? Ai Ruffner'.-to buy your
I'ryGoods. They are selling cheaper
tlran the cheapest.
Altac!ims:it Mot; i "'
Sauu ler- t'
Vi'ai. M. M CIui.k I li
Vs. -ll
Aiiji rt Alilcliel
i 1 1 i i , -i i, i,. . 1 . , i . , ;
III! : --t , i ; ll. H l,i 1 ', 1 1 i
.in I ii-.l, r in .A ; t.u- ,:ii lit l
jt svi4 S !. ;.a, c,,-:- i,,, i i
A 1-.. .) ;,k. i;- . i I...
i iir - i,,!ii -i ,i .hi.,-
II '.- Ill If. !il 1 K. A.
A. M a k r. j. lii- A.t'y.
.- A
I I :p
I'. .!
Go to Vallerys A; IlinTner's an:l buy
your Boots and Shoes, the best in mar
ket. ap!
A few city orders for sale. E tup lire at
the Herald office.
I'll BLI C EX aTiTn AT I O N.
- llf Hit XV; iSJo.'J
I!y D oiiel .V.irch. D I . nut;,,.
""ij:lit s-i-i ii. "." Tins u:.i.-i i
liHK'i 'i;e allows u ii ri I , 1 1 1 ride
t .c Pir lit .ii.iise. w i ii i's i !
. siiivmir iiieN. tv.i-. m.- ; 1 . t -.
I.c- eitiiul . i, I hi ,, .
I rivers, lui-Sity n i . m 1 1, ,,, ; .,
!l,i: 'I, il t'fls :i,, .Si ;ii
. i.eiuM i:- iniiiiiiii-,.t u, , i
j e:t' ii on- I u.vii:i. ii e. . i ;;
j urn.iii! eii. .. v :n4- -ui , i .,
lit :n e:i I in .-:
There will bo a public examination fir j j" n oinici;
school Teacher, held at the Court House j"'.'-'.! r.!
in I'lattsrwouth. on r-aiiinJ.iv the .nh of
Noven, her W A I' AT Vl .!?( 1
Crete is situated four miles west f j oct22diwtd. Co. Sup-y inteudent
Iiiglilani, on tli2 blue river anvl Is. &
TZif l.nst nil.
All Terson.s knowincr themselves in
debted to us by note or account are re
quested to call and settle immediately.
Yalleri's ii Rl'ffnek.
Wc have for sale the followinif list of j
Al. railroad. Here we found some ten
to twelve stores, all crowded with custom
era. But the greatest - jam, was at
Vollentine & Tidball's. To prevent loss
of time and accommoda;c their custom
ers, Mr. V. Sc T. employ gentlemanly
and obliging clerks. These geii'lemen
are doing an extensive business. At
Crete we noticed two objects which par
ticularly attracted our attention. The
first, was the grist mill We honestly
believe this is the lest mill, kept in the
best running order, by tlie bejit practical
miller in the State OF Nebraska. We
would drive twenty-five miles to such a
mill, rather than two miles to some of
the "shack ly rattle-tiaps" we have seen
in the we.-t. U ife said she could make
bread of Crete flour, and a better
turnout" we never had in the State.
Crete mills will do to "bet on" ercr
time. The second object was the Sa
loon 1" Here we saw watery eyed
gents (?) of the "Emerald Isle," who-e
red noses and bleared eyes show the
character of the "crather they took a pr0m one to four year lime will be
sud ol. (Jne ot these cents wid given on part me purchase money on a
tho, El:.rL- rv -ir-ia asWn tli t.n,. large proportion ot the above,
- - . T , it-ii i In addition to the aboy li -1 we haveL
uurenuuiig o. i.c.auu, .iu lm,,rovej farms which we can sell on
the broth ot a boy at home wiJ pienty ot reasonable terms. Call at our office for
prates and cold wather, bless their -ware particulars,
hearts." Oh! how tho-e. dime will PaINK Sc. WlN'DIIAM,
. - i . ,i . I , I Real Lstate and Insurance Aitcnt
we.pu upon i liat sou, - Mai(, pl3tt;!lnoulh) Nubrslska
iney win jingie out tne aearn Kneii oi a i SeptlodAiwtf
lost spirit in the region of eternal retri
bution. ill not those pale faces, those A fine assortment of clothiuir, pent-
eyes, swolen by weeping, those scalding furnishing goods, huts, caps, also a good
tears of wo. follow the rum seller throa-h assortment ol cas.-.meres ana other p.eee
. , goods can be had cheap. 1 have a hi -t-
the countless ages ot eteraity, ana ever das Xai)or ;ri the storej who is al-.v:,Vs
cry in the spirits hearing, yon rutneu ready to to make up goods on short
1 mini i
Nii,i -i
i Io -. I.
J 'Mi'. i
li ini e)
I Ai.-, -I.
I U'e ;
' yi.uiu-
; I -ir u l i i
I nlly. N.i
M il 'I'lHI i. II
ften-l lurt-irc
:l I 11,1 -I- ll I. tn :.'i.'..- -.
'' i r -. s - ,, . o , , ; '.
--. I'll Oy .;: i,:,i:i ... ,
!! .-..i . 1 M ,. u ,
' i-r;,-.-. i.i.ik- i . . ., , '.
i .s- II... J! ... I i i '
l. ' leiv i"' i. .- ,r .
ii;. ii ;i -i i l.ei.c. t,. i
,'-ry ( -nil.. ..ii i v.
in v': in tu.iti i,,
' ,i -, : li s., 'llil ff c. !!
8ec. Tp. R.
Xwqr 1 10 12
Swqr 14 10 13
Seqr 22 11 11
Swqr li.T Id 12
Seqr 15 12 12
Ne qr 30 12 13
Neqr 21 11 10
Seqr 22 12 12
Se qr 14 12 10
Nw qr 31 12 12
Nwqr 27 11 12
Nw.jr 30 10 11
Seqr 7 11 12
Seqr nwqr 23 10 12
Ehfswqr 15 11 12
W hfs.wqr 14 10 12
Ehfseqr 7 10 la
Ehfueqr 18 hi 13
Nc of nwqr 23 10 12
Whfneqr 11 10 II
Se of neqr 11 10 II
Nw of seqr 11 10 11
A i.'lre-s
1 S ,s. ii -1
.-.i K iv-,- .-it
.il' lir'..- i
'-I I N. Mill,
or. 10. ,s,,
OetlJJ Im.
ii a
, fi. i .
I'l.i.-... .
-'. !.
-l-i ii K i
I'Dil l i I H I- C Ml
V5 r-
FOR 373-
ti 1 1;
hejicst of Ladies .I gaziucs,
Ut.C.M'SK IT IS Till' JIIJs.'T!
It In- -.In vii le-eii Ihe .f ihc ,ii'.' i i-i-i f
to eiiinl.iiie in it, li;;.,r i- tv :ui..
vr .an-vei i ee.v.n nut. w Ii n , j.,. m-m
lie-1, ana ln .iijs Iu oeinjlili li v, li
l.ii.v ii. .r, :it,jii., ... ,,,.,, in,, ,,,
tor i; D' i-uiin i i,;, m j,.tst j en
i r
my husband, my son aud my father.
L. R Warner.
By L. F. John-on. Flattsniouth.
s list.
.DaJruer Mrs C
I'iptinn irii'irutitpivl A .... tin. . .. , I ' S"
rnusio furnished for all rtsjtable oc-eu- , ','.,jr'r
tions. janSdtf j :;'',,
A ha'f-crazcil census taker says that
twenty-six is the maximum age attaiued
by married ladies.
An old Bantit minister enforced the
necessity of difference of opinion by this
argument : "Now, if everybody had
been of my opinion, they wouid have
all wanted my old woman." One of the
deacous who sat just behind him re
sponded : "Yes, and if everyl-ody was
cf my opinion, nobody would have her."
Colli in has sailed on Friday, and dis ng at 8 o'clock. Next meet in.
twvf.i-t.ii ib new world on Friday, two oud Thursday of Septeudier,
facts used by European fogies to prove Geo. 11. ukongkr
wcat UD ':"iv air tri:v ai-'aiTJ uusi n:uri.u, -;;. uo. j.
lift CEST VV..,T.;3
I";t'io lilt rn y worl l luve ro ?: ..t,.
will run' iiin- 1. 1 Oi rn-h :i,- i l ; r th,
is,"l .-u. ,'i i,:.n cm h-4 .Mm;. .ii Imrl.i; ,,i
'l)nrcLi.. I '.in-.-. i,,r . i-f..n,i ',
S. Aiiree F"r f. .Mis J t.i .-, .j. ,"I - i
llo,ki.i. nl ...lur-i. e:,: . u ,; !,.. ., .Uli i ,,
I'lo p a tu.- ot m.y i.;lier ni,.t
ti-:i. m.-s. p-t i: i-,ri.
(inn copy, o-ie ye ir "'
I 0 C.-.:?s ,,.t. ,
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F 'Ur . . fi.e-. i i,.- y.-ar .'.
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Satis-I CO
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The memlKjrg of Flatte Iodge, No 7.
I. O. O. F., are hereby notified that
from and after tho pre sent date the regu
lar uieeriiigs cf the Lodee will beheld
on Thursday cveuings of gich week,
in-tead of Saturday evenings, comiuene-
on Sec
iA. .
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J. W. M.FJUILr.. P. 31. t s--. that c cj1J qc !- him 4k9 s
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