fa LATlSfciOUTH NEBRAKSA., Til UR3fY, O JfOBER 2). 1870. Till: Fi.MUOX. It i? very difficult fo pet definite fig ures from a;iy part of the t ate, yet enough lias lw en heard to know that the UepuLIican State ticket is elec ted ly at least ,".0 majority, except the Gover nor, who has probably fallen short neur 1,000. : In Nemaha eonnty the indications are that thd straight Itepublican ticket has been e'ectc-J, ami that Taffe will have a majority of from 2(V) to 4'MJ. The vote on Butler in that county wiliberery close. D.icotah cor.nty gives Taffe 200 mrijoiity Ooxton "j4, Jaujos 103. The Democratic State ticket lias (',' uiajoiify. Teinant, tJcm., lias 51 majority for State Senate, nml Clark, rep., is elected Ilepresenta ive. Kli-m Clark is" reported elf cted to to the House from Washington county Butler ran behind. Colfax county gives Butler 7f ami Taffe 100 majority, and elects a llepuWi can Representative. Dmlge county, so far as heard from, ives a majority for Democratic candi dates for the Legislature. Sarpy county gives 100 Democratic majority. Me.ru.-k give? a small Republican major ity, except for Butler Hall county gives about 75 Republicau majority, "with Butler only ten behind. Buffalo county gives ten Democratic niaioriy. Otoe county hns elected Brown, (Re publican), to the State Senate, and one Kepubliean Representative. The Re publican State ticket has a small ma jority. Saunders gives the Republicau State ticket a majority. Richardson is reported to have elected j the Republican county ticket, and given Butler and th State ticket 400 majority. SOT I.KSS TIIAX 2.000. The Omaha J!qulliain of this morn ing (l.",ih) says Butler's majority cannot fill short of 2.000. I low are you purity-'sun-flowerM Crn-cton? Better give a man a hearing before the people next time. I'OXKTITI'TIOXAi, COX VKXTIOX. Wo have seen nothing in the returns, f-o far, in regard to the vote for or against a Cor.slititutTonal Convention. We pre FJine, however, that (he measure, has received an affirmative vote, as every body seemed satisfi.-d of the necessity. The proposition evidently received a handsome majority in this county, as there were no tickets printed in the negative. In spite of the excitement over the war, the total eclipse of the sun, to occur December 22d, is not forgotten, nor the opportunities it will afford for scientific observation allowed to be neglected. iy icntifie parties in all parts of the world are making extensive preparations to observe it. The Nebraska City Chronicnl nays: James Doom, recently elected democratic member at lirr. for Otoe and Cass counties, gives ixjtiee that he intends to repeal the registrj- law for the-berefitf his new friends iij this city. Let us see turn do it. Wifl Republh rans in the State protect us.i Another re fore), ia addition to repeal of registry law, tjtat the Democratic del cgation from Otot? county propose, is to abolish the ofhvq of Attorney General. 'We shall see," ''what we shall see." A1 Vvrt iiing-. We make a living by advertising. Whenever we find an incident that will fdiow its benefit we'll print it. This is from the Oskaloosa Herald: "We heard a man say the other day thct he did not b hove in advertising. Ve immediately stepped into his estab lidimcnt ::nd soon satisfied ourselves that be prar tieod hi.s folief. This man com menced business some two or three years riiro. nid jiiter so mmiy years of hard, faithful labor, and close attention to business, lie has a stock of groceries worth probably S500, with sides amount rig from fifteen cmts to two dollars per day." Such a n,v.i won't succeed, and ouaht not to, an! w are glad that there ire but few meji of that class in this . ' eamiutiitjv Thjs is a fast age, and men v-ho wish to bej successful in business Dust advertise. take a snail's pace. Mj. YitUey II tnyto.timl. IrateNt nffuiivlt Woman SniTrnge. One hundred aid forty women of I.o I'aine county, 05io, all intelligent and highly educated, have sent to the Legis-. ia'.ure the following memorial: "We acknowledge no interioritv to i.iau. We claim to have no I jss ability t perform the ddiics which God hasim ;sed upon us, than they have to pei-j'.-rtu tuose impoj-ed upon tliem. We bcheve that Go j has wi.-ely and well ad Apted each sex: to the proper perfor ruauce of the duties: of each. Wo J.,- lieve our trusts to, le ns inmort.-mt and siTed asanv tliai exist feel tli.if i oar present duties L'l up the whole t ure of our time a id abilities.- and meas- and that y are such as none Lut ourselves can pennrm. Their importance requires u to vrotest against ail efforts to eomtiell Ui it assume tln.so Oi,li'',tinn whicli e;. -,::ot Le separated from suffrage : but wlndi cannot he performed hv us with r o;:t the atcrili c ot the hbhest interests ' ' of ur families tvnd of ?oeietv. It is I ourtatners, brothers, hushan is nnd sons ::o represeiiL us ffl lliu oailot box. K)ur ic. .i:rsa:i!j oHint.r? love u-i. . e are 'I 'ent that the rcjirc-'-ent u in the . ; o. ii-field, the ba(t!e-tii-ld, and at the ba'V.t-boT, and we-wiil resre.serit them iti it.e .senooi room; at the lire side, and! ... ii-j cntuie , iieufi mg our icj resent a- . 71 1 1' I tion,.even at the Uillordxix, to be thus more full and impartial than it could - posjii Iy be were sul women allowed to !"." V do therefore, respectfully rriet against any legislation to estaK h-:h 'woman uffrace' in our land or in juay uuUtit' iti - t 'Ir. Xatt than Hall," of Durham, N. IL, ! anked (iod tltjrt he "lived in a in- li.iS thanked hiiiv ccuntry where it wa? impossible to i Lai; I r .ilroads." Tj-daythe cars of the Air Lire railroad run throngh the door 'yard of his place, between his house and i lrn. pud within lour feet of his tside r,r.x. : THE ELECTION. CASS COUNTY-OFFICIAL. . f ri c?n ?r i I i H 5ri i ! I 1-5 i i ? Join TaS'e. I J. 13. Lake. V; I . J . K- La- gltZgfea555Sg:5s "'t;r- I ! ! : j : j j : : : : : j j . David Cut- ?a J. ll.Crox- o " ti tun. W. II. ! 4 ir James. H r ' X y " " "j Zl! " I h - s VI K 1 1 Srjgg'j: "olrn--!- C. II Ouuld '-I 4 Itichr.ri lit"C It. For. Against. Xirk piit-riL-k. L. S'lel Jo:i. A. It. Xenneity w. r-t- tencrer. 2 ! j V J Z I? I t A ' " ' J. AV. John.sf.li. X. S. Latta ?. Wol- Clllt. Jn. .Vc K:nnon. r. T. Ci.u non. J. M. Piit ttrsou. D. I.. Clapp ,-!.!. Rouse. ,. li. Xoycs. Jnrob Val- lery, Jr. "'t jc 5 t" i. ti S Zl FiT ?:l!c of Co. I'roi'orty nr.tl ispcjiiil Tax. lApaftist (S.-ile of i: ...... !, it: crl' ioitl pe i Si''i;?:?:-5SSr2!i?i' ci.il Tax. STATE ELEC1I0N. The Republican State ticket has re' ccived frsim 2,000 to 4.000 majority, and the returns, so far, indicate about two thirds of the legislature Republican. We have the following additional irjws from different parts of the State : The official count in Sarpj- county f hows a majority of 77 for Croxton ; 70 for Lake. Pottenger for the Senate has a majority of 2 ; Democ atie Bcpresenta tives, 05 and 03. Wm. Robinson, Re publican, was elected Commissioner by 6 majority. Colfax county, official, gives Butler, 73 ; average on the State ticket, 33 ; TafTe, 100; Gerard, Senate, 41 ; Iloxie, lit.. The official vote of Hall county gives Butler bZ ; Talfc, 03 ; a tie on Senate : Beall, Representative, 74. 1 llC omci!" VOvG . county stanj.s ; Butler, 147 majority; Hilton, for .Sen- The official vote of Burt county stands ator, 2S7 vote ; Klin, Democrat, 1ST; Cuppy, Repuhlican, 1U7. In llicdiardson county the entire IIc puhlican Lcgislatsve ticket is elected, over hoth Iemoeratic and holter's ticket r 'v t 4. i i i 4 Tn f"1113'' thc l'epuhhcan ticket u elected except Stewart, for the Senate. Thomas, Democrat, is elected in hh ,-.. 1 Otoe elects the entire Democratic ticket except ltcnoer. Brown, Itcpubli ca.ii is elected in his ttad. t i. ",v. ,.k,. :..!-,. n All . CL , 1 tl VHIJLI IUIlt;i .kll elected except Clapp, who is beaten h3T Woleoit, llepub'iir;!!!. fir the House, Tn New York, r.eently, a Herman en tered a car with a pipe in his mouth, taking the only vacant seat, prvceedt-d to r!i lorth volumes ot smote. Ihe ; couuucior ecmg mis violation oi ruies ! . ...i , .. l . -i. nv Pepped up to hiin and : k!"S allowed. Ihe lie n- i-'l'v i u 1 1 iv unn aii't sailA . t s,i,'- icrman takine his P'Pe "rom his mouth with an air of as- toiii.diment, thus replied to the polite conductor: 'I don't mak'c no noise ven I schmokes," All tht fcGerman female fcabiee this i year will be named Audita Par.n I .J J!r-z i J j r 1 t r l-s ?? -'" ' -t m - i n i . . I .iaon - - - - .- r-- .- j J. M. Ml- ; if Ktnziu. -3 .n.f.j.:-fTO;:K-;:--r -I ili jc --n- . . i A.T. Couk- I ! .. , Roberts. I - W. II. x ! ti! Misuser. i - - : - r ; ( - : :t : t v; J- r ; r- ' tf,: -f - l r. '-f: i -c i: r.; K j.o. Is y : r;' Cuwin. J 'J. : . vurtz- j I r1 i i:stcu t on Auuit i i.ri iai 1STS TO 'AKWKH. Office Si-atj: Ba!d of ) A;K!cn xt:it::. Brown VI U.K. 2.b. Oct. l:Vh. 1S70. ) Kmtuu IlKWAi.n, l'unsv.ui i :i, Nk I5RASKA: The law un.'ir wliich tbe State Board of Agriculture oriinatcJ. rf.i-iire.s the liuanl to sin :u:t an Annual ! Rerort of Agricultural a Hairs in the Mate, to each s-esMon oi ti;e jjeui.-iature. The same law requires county societies to make reports to the State Board. The Board desires to make a full and com plete report in January next. Will you be kind enough to fuiiii.-h a full and cie tailed report 1'or your county? There has been as yet, t;o p:irtici;!-ir form adopted or furnished by t lie the Board. What is now desired, particularly, may be an-were 1 under the foliowit.g head. IIuw many acres of land in the county; bow many undercultivation ; wh: t crops raised; what j ie!d jr-jicre of ci.eii ; avcrag0 prices of produce ; success or failure of variou cioj s, atid cau-es, if any; iiuit growing, is ;t a success or .. , I 1 . i failure, and causes; what varieties (f fuif hnvrt hot-n siui-oofr.l. Jis;.l wh;:f not ; what numler of fiuit tic s have ' . been planted ; what aire t.eos do best; oi hor.es. cattie, she .j I wwiu.i tl.'i.ir olm . m r-i . r r ftl' frest tree planting, to what exlent, and what varieties. And any other items or suggestions your judgment ma' dic tate. .Many of these items yen can ob tain by reference to the county records, from assessor's returns. As to tin scssor s returns. As to thoe tot exactly arrive at, make the you cannot best es time tit in your power. Where Countv or District A erier.lt ural t.'..:... l i l ..V! .i . ...i. .? .x",t,.r.- .....i ...7. i ... . . . miutns awarded, and to whom ; iinaueial condition of the scctctv : the numbf-i- ot fiirs held; number of members ; and its prospects. Let .the whole he fl!owed by rental k, suggestions, and ideas of ymir own, vn any and all subjects cf nncted with Ag- rictilture, Horticulture, Pomology, M chanism and Arts. The idea is to collect a fun 1 of gem ; infjnuation relative to the a-.-; ieultural interest? of the State, that wid be u- fii: both at. homo nt.,1 ..'. Will v,,, h. the cause the favor to make a prompt and elaborate report. If you canti- t jiive personal attention, will you please hand this to some competent person v. ho will. Dont let your report be later than December first hi reaching this oilice. Truly Yoars, It. W. FURNAS, Prest. State Board Agricuhtiie. Y ill some of our agricultural iVieu ls answer the above questions? Frin the 0ma!.a Itfjaiuoean. Mill; ti.H i2-.lX.-S. The victorp in this Stae is complete, despite tlie wildest voting in some pre cinct.? ever before witnessed. It is to he hoped that the Kcpuhiie.ius hive ma le .their last exhibition of that spirit that sets local and personal cotisjtji iMi.ii. ns above the organization and principles of the party. The returns reported, thus far, show a majority of 1 , 1 w for Huth r ; li.lKjtj fbr Tafi'e ; about tlie satire for the Suite ticket. It is safe now to av that Butter will futve at least 2.oU0 majority, and the i rest of the State ticket at Je.a f 4.'..' f. yir. lane s majority wiii reach t:ie sae.ie lh:'.i.-e. 'J his is a i(epubii:in vn'u of a tout l,out since the iast elrcliou. An tnciea.-e ot -i.i per cent, will proOal-iy make about as good a showing as wiil ue had el.-ewheie. The Legislature will probably stand 3 Republicans 12 llemocrats, and 7 lVo plo'.-s eanuidates. 'Ihe last nameO irei: tlciiien are all Republican-, and wi i probably vote with tiie Republicans on ad strictiy party issues and niea iuc.-- Gufjc Count it. Wm. Iilakely sen is us IJeattice preciiict. Jt s!i.,vs irion: wilil voting, as wiH be seen by the f-,l lowing: 'laffe, ll'o, Lake, SO; I'.n.i-r, 1;., Croxton, 148 ; Jaiues 17o. .gland 103 : Cron-cv. for Senator, : Jenk ins, for Representative, Loj. T'.w Conn t;. A di-i ntih from II I). Hathaway ..ivs the Ke;.!r'ica;i State ticket (except I'ider) h;i ; ! 0- n.;ijo, ity the county, wit h three Uepuii.'ie.in and one JleniO'Tutic precinct to i..-;.r from. Cutler is about 100 behind. Il.-puhd-can county ticket defeated except Wol cott tor House. Otoe gives 2d majority fur Ihiller. It is still rumored that the IV- pie's ticket, with one exception, prevailed. Nemalri elects the whole Iletmhlie iii ticket except Church. Taihs has L'-Ji majoritj-; Cutler 50. Mis!iiiiftii. A dispatch from J. J. Adams, says : 1'ulJ returns show the election ot Hilton to the State S nuta by 4) majority. The whole Jlopubheau ticket is elected. Butler 'I'n) in Wash ington county. Dod'ji A special dispatch gives the following as the oilL-al cauva-- iti Dod-e county: Talfc. 90 majoiit. ; ihitler, 4; James 67; K.oen:jr, 1 (;'.; Oray, ; !'; Tennant. Deiaoerat, for Senator, -'VI ; Brings, Itepublican. for Kepreseutative. 14o. P.lntle. county. Croxton 22 majority ; Talie and Lake a tie; James and Mug land a tie; Ilob'crts, 1; (Jou!d, 2; Mojnig, 1. Gerard HeptiViie m ; Senate, 231 ma jority ; Hudson, lAunocrat, House, 1 "IS ; which gives him 23 majority in the lis Uiet. (ieranl. Iiepr.hliean, i elected to the Senate fiom I'latte. Cuifax, Hail .Mer rick, iluilalo and Lincoln, by about 2"k majority. Tliis district was represented in the last Senate by Guy C JJarnum, Democrat. Home Hint. Tea and coffee should be made as soon as the water boils, or the gas escapes and the fiavor is destroyed. Molasses is improved by b)i!inr, and should be boiled and set away for cake and other purposes. Crau!erries should have water kept on them, and changed every two weeks. Scour zinc with sand and butter milk. l'onr hot tallow on ink spots ; let it remain a few minutes before washing. To give a gloss to shirt bosoms and collars, add a piece of whi'e vr x and srierivi?,i-fri vi-.i rM.rmt i... .-.. , t' tn :,,r ,f TtJul.. tu.ii i Ir,... '1 4t , V-U, an tii trhiss t-uiootb, as fiietioti puts oa t he fiss j , ;i: i;.! ; e :z ' i .:i i.n: ..ii, J:i To"c-We nutmegs, prick thorn with ! ut 's L c v1 " t i ii-o K i 1 a vul pn; if'-lhe oil comes out, thev are! '"'' ,1 i,t w--h ru-iaus found ati l tnat v;.i-.au r- jr.al ! it.'.r. Uut T(Md Keep lemon and ot an.i:? well wrapped in jiaper and they will keep for a Ion time. Tt Ls Fai l Ji'i, Fisk, Jr., want? ..New ; r?-n:rr!e'i t iskvi.te. DtM'Ui.Ah OS S i'Y. The f.dlowinjrare the rr.:;jriti?s Hr the moral Repub!:--:'.i c:u:i'ii i:. in t!:i. -::y. j he .-e eial m:joriiies ali'ti Ill : . :. . tl. ... Tatfe's tr.;M. B-iiler's " 1 IP Ci!:; l ii.nYHi'.r " Se'y or Si.-.Le " Trea.-uT'r ' " Silot. of Iu-t. " Att'y (i -i.eial 11 ili-j.crt :K 11 ji-t. Attorney " Svtiator .1 40. .. 1 .-:; -r.-is ..'i.7 10 13 . 577 . t'4 1 ...7.11 !. :x.nv s j McICer.zie " RoL.' is " I ' ' I'.Il .Mctz Hascail R'.'jrocnf ;iti'. l'uich-i.-e, i;:- ;-;ti j's m;ij. (;;ve::ge) 4-i. ConiniL-.-rioiiiV 5; Th whnlo vo;e of the city is:',, 202; divided a- fs !. w : I"ir.-t Ward, Cif, ; Second Ward, Third Ward, f.75 ; i-'ourth Wan!. 2-5 ; Filth Ward. 51 o; Sixth Ward, Ml. At the Slate elect i'-n. two years since, the l'e; ul li.-nu ticket i i tiii- -ounty had a majority ii abie.it 1:K. a:il a po.tinn of o'ir tick ,'t was utioatju. Uhiaha niouc'! it. From the At -hison Patriot October 10. J Ye.-trrday an aHidavit w;e swrn to before J u.-t ice David Mar:;ti'u tiii-ciry, iy A. 11. couisiv clerk t.o. of .i recently oei'Uty -'n!ity, chararing i ( li ir.es U . i i-t. hr-q. . t ;:e cUefy e.ei JV1J: I:"-- ' J"-" appr-priaun:.' to lii- n-c .i:ii!v M-iirt Id toe amnMirot ...... ,!,,.,,...,. I,;,,,,!,,..! dollars TU(i j jS Wo aro jtii:,rti.Vf,l. was i -tu d at v;.'! iotis ti:a: and is specifically stated in Mr. I, j ... -I .: T. .,' ae: rave !.,: U , t i.e sum ot two tl.o,.-:- and oVha.s tor his app.urat.ce for tr,d 1 rave isitndsiti the sum oi' two t ll v.ht. h tine;' i-ri 'investigation has Ken I . 'fbe schedule of prieos for the now se i,. i ....... l ';!... i:.. ..,! ,,r i 'o,,, -..;.,..,...! '"'e"- OI stamped envelopes will c-j 'into j'iv oi,; .;.(.,i o ...rV.v, i,i cx- j , 'Jes-i,. t'ii is 'v., , !;. wie ii the eount'v j attorn- y and the 1 1 amiiiaf.on ot tho ii Wiil miltCe an e- ok s ot' the c c! i;'s i oti-.ce. a: . - w;.: I - Wl.ai celid.tiou the ternrds . e uiv i:;, and what may b d i i oti;:i i ti n with thecli n :. -,s f th. t . auain t Mr. Jlti t, ' !' for the count Col. Hubbard p y, and Col. Dorter jc tlie ucfc!i.i:nt ill iiie eit -e. If It mi'.vs Holler?" All tr;: . v.'e l-elieve, de;;'se her wh ) in ike ue of i the nii-.vri he ( j ir -eo.-ii:-.--;i i v t on. r i-ii-1 !:'!; r ; piirpo-cs. I more t iia.-i eir . I -av. Verv.-d hi: " il enjoy tie- f'o.iow i ei: re i dels, who wiil ct;i:ii !:e !1 ill the town fif j bavins "'cut no" on - n'jl.t, tot: uetn- I meiit of certain wiud-ws s-n.l bt 1 ! w'-rc' '"'' rd it! th-J cai-d,oosO, and il! due time next ti r!!:n:r f. ! i :jit c: i he; ore a police nrim -trate, '.rh ii::"-l tii ':;i five ollai Cliell. ;::.ve 0 an auuiou ltlDli. One of the thr- '- f .eiddv remark- "Jud'e, 1 was 'in -s y.in -,vo'.- J r treml.'er mo. I be!- .!u to ilie same !o se with you 1" Tlie J uilgc, apptiV'rvly surprise.!, rej!ied. with brotherly sympa-hy : "Ah! is it so? Ti-'dy. t lii is i.rot her ! I did not reco.n ie . u Fx'-u-e me lor my dal:ne-. v.e are brother Masons, and I should have tlecirht of that. Mr. Clerk t. n d..i!ars. Be b-et'.or the i :d--s e tin-' our bro i. r . ue'Unovfs s of prop.r'e'y than other ii.i ten doLir-. Yon wiil ,! -! :er . Gooii lil' a II- TMI-ll I I" ' !?! 1.111 (.'!! 0 ray the 1 1 ! ing. my dear brother. 7 1 case. Cail the next A ;rf.5 : I';.s' Knintiors. An ssred n -gress. . ho: c piety has se-cur'-d fo: i;cr an et -il i ve I er.!:t;:'iot. in wa icr t!-u .. i f Vl-it dro: rt : ped in upon a neighbor who wa Weil kii t.vn as a temp.erauce man "an i a hater of toh.i:-,- . Alier 1 cim: cor.rrcous'y rr-eoive-1 the n're-s pi d from her i.ocket a b I pipe, an I 'u':-on" t.hac' o. to th. it:fi:.:t: ili .re t j o!' h r host 'j lie lo in in-- iii"-- i i ', .-.t;..o-ij;e Si( i lUes; but the f- loo in e.'.'el in' t un.''- and si:ine I i for iiitn, and I i -'"Aunt ( l.ii.e from Ki el;' (i l nil I ll:!... i. V:U of.- ti Ciii'i -lian "Ves. !,::,! i I l-t Veil J - ill iil j e. I is tl : . i P. Ut!t. :' "!' Veil kiiwv tl ere is a j a- iLTe in 1 1 1 it b.lll Of ptur.-s v mca -tee ares tin i 'ii .- l:u.Il ird:. l it the Kim. I! -Ve-. I've ! i or it ! ' VfiU "V. .-.' ciieve 1 u'l" -1 II . .t e.:, i i! o". v.-u car.i.o:. en'or the Iv:!l-:.biiU of II.MVI"-:!, bf-.- u -e there is II -iihtng so !;: -i - til'.! br 'itilofa sii:o!;.-r. Whai do vou sav to 'ii t '.'" 'Why, l:pc:-k,. to 1 -.ve my : voiV be hind me win ti 1 ; o to Ih'iiveii." Item; . re ii'Ve.-r iA' ivu l.i u ; .-ays ih.ut in all 1- l toK.- I.e never liitioaueeu all Iris.n 1. c'.aiaei. r. A C : ni'-t r.f -p us lias re- dd'-cd the ii'ii "'nth A tie nliii rot and the ilni'ifc -iiie.it i il! to rhvme as follow.: It is .i .-in ti ten' pin. A 'iiiie I i cut a ' I. r-'it rnt a iho si-'it hin;!-r to s'.oy a nigger from ! a lin iijii-: vote. The wi at! e- is s.i very cry in Sand wicli. Ne'.v l!a:tip h tv, that a promin ent ei:iz-u. reported to be wo,th one hundn-1 i',e.'U-nd (! !i ir, i. selling water at fair cent - i.-rr gai!i:i. Kudo!?-!., the mi-.-ing billiard player, arrived in New Yi-i! on lie titni.iy, on tne states that he 1 . l stetr.uer A'yssiiea. t llii.-.f f' 11) tin l ii'tifl, uritiv ; v. iscap- fdieil itii 1 i tiro'. '1 ti? f-V'l m. ;ii: l sttlise- )iient!y rta,!io-i EhuLihJ by wny tt'ilc!- otUUl. Pul.lii 'ii.iner orators slintiM i c eiire lul Luff tliey exf r -s t !.o:;i - i v. -s. The ether day the biuMer oi' a i ' - i . 1 1 in the course of Ciiiisirueiio.i. wlit-u t!r: tonst of his iioaitii was j.iveti. rather iii-n-ittically n-plie-l tli it he wa; ''iiKue lit ted lor the sdiiiold than lor public speaking. An old agricultural laborer in England tried a rin.irul.tr method of cvnsr.-iizing lits lauiily. li';inr i-eniontrated with by th.; jia-tor lor not "Lrin.irir.ir tip" his tioys as li.j siioui l. lie rpl e i : "idunno Ovv 'tis, sir; I order 'cm down to pray, iiL'Lt and n.oniin and when they won't j.o .'iiiNvn I kti'X'ks e :.i down and yet they ain't good !'' A sharp stu '.er.t was called up by the WO! tli". Il l I fri- sor of i ccl'MirateM en I lege. and asked the tmestiMti, '"Can a man see vvitnuut tv ?" '-Vl-s, sir." was the ' IIuw, sir," cried the jmitii;t r.'i'.y aston: .-tied protMsor, 'i;;?i a tiian ee sir, h.iw do vou wituout evesf I i- iy. make that oat?"' "II iie e.in .-( w tn -. on-';, sir," re? -lied the rady-wi? DJ youth; ar. 1 I ho v. iio!" c!a-s sliout. ! with delight at the triumph ovt i n-taj h.i. s. The ( hil 1 who was "haji'ie.l l.y fire' . . . , , at- M:irt.ru.::: uus reaciu-o i'iiu'ia at last Ii,,,!IJ,'lt Lt!.e Achilles, who was !.-.!i)':i 1 I t!' rtvi r ctyx, ad for fli it. i lie youth v. ho nwiers abroad honitle-s " an 1 a strauT-.r iui' ht have playcvl lnar'-e-i with tee sauic; carc-ieis riappine.-s that othi-r eliiiureii tl . Nebraska has adopted the "fall fash- icnr" l yjrivin .i Kor-.:b:Ksn wiajonty. j A census-taker recently-asked a sem vnnt sirl in the vicinitj-. of Botou how n any regular boarders there were in the h.-u-o? She informed him ""'that there v.m c fifteen boarders in all," "but no more'n four of 'em is steady ; the rest is Methodists." The runners for the western railways are r. ceiving attentiou from the Cincin nati press. Thy board steamers in'spite of every precaution to the "contrary. They have been known to break opeu stateroom doors, and drjg men out in their night clothes to sell them railroad tickets. It is supposed, if the Italians take pos-c.sjon of Rome (as it is certain they will), that the Dope will either establish himself at Aviguon, which was the seat of l'a pal power fioui 13'Jo to 1375, or which is equally probable accept the offer of the English Government to al low him protection and a home on the Island of Malta. It is said that the President recom mends that all the clerks in the depart ments be allowed to go to their respec tive homes to vote, and that the time occupied should not be deducted from their usual thirty days' leave of absence, nor iVorn their salaries. Secretary Cox ha- ruled otherwise, believing that; the business of the departments should be conducted with the ordinary economy of o-tier business ; but this overrules him. A Scotch lunatic at Middletown, N. Y., has lived in the same houe with his si ter for lifteen years without talking to h r. lie stations himself at a window or side the Presbyterian church r every k . , "il'l lkl,v,l.lv ul . UUllt IS, of warnimr, whenever the clergy j ,.,.: l,appens to diverge fr t on;.lodo,coursc. . irom the reirular I operation on the first of next month. R" the terms of the contract, the Dost- oi.dce Department will be enabled to sup i :.y the Lest quality of stamped en velopes of the three cent class at thirty three dollars and forty cents per thous and The cheapest rate at which they h lve heretofore been supplied was birr va lour dollars and eighty cents per thous and. Business cards or requests to re turn, are gratuitously printed oh envel opes where the order reaches the nuin bjr of five hundred or over. In answer to the inouiry : "A t what . ; time should hushc3 and certain wt eds bo cut in order to exterminate them?" the Chicago Putt obseires: "All the time especially whene' er the moon is new, old, cresent or gibbous. This is the only sure cure for weeds that fall in the spring will Fprinsj in the fall, as if they had had a summer-set B x the well known photographer, took the cars for home the other night, and. wearied with a long day's work in posing hard subjects for pictures, feil into a gentle doze. At the station a lady entered, and stopping at the vacant seat by ii 's side, said. "Can I .tit Itere sir?" "Yes'm," said th-; half roused artist, "full length or bust ?" The Chicago lipulUcan getSi'jff the following : Count liismarek is very near sighted. It is probable that the reason he docs not recognize the French Republic is be cause he does not see it. A skeptical young coilocian confronted an old Quaker, at Terre Haute, with the statement that he did not beliv in the Rible. Said the Quaker: "Dees thee believe in France?" i'es; though I have not seen it, I have seen others who have; besides, there is plenty of proof that ueh a country does exist. -Then thee will not believe anything that thee or others ha not. seen? -'Xo, to be sure I won t. brains' "Did tl ice ever see thy Xo. "liver . sen an-bo v tU.u did?" No. "Joos thee believe thee has any?" "We'd, 'David," said a poor,, worthy ' i f' y.n 1 1 r,r.- it.. .-.1.1 if ... .t ............ -. ! 'tIiC wtr.d has prosK-rcd with you and nu'-v say J'"'1 "to lmmen-eiv itch. eu, repued JJavui, perhaps it is rue. hut we cannot take our gold with us when we ro." '"It would melcif you did," was the quick retort. ! Legal Notice. j In tlie District eucrt of id JudininI District of Hie is.afe ot ehritska in ami fur caad couoty. Aaiiiu j i nil in,;.- i.y iicrii''.t triend licorrc Jcuniaj, vs. Willinm K Sheldon. y Xoiic. Oh:irlo.-i r,. i;;;vly. Jul. n K. JJayloy and K iwanl tii'ii'icii.'iiih Charles K. Lu;.K-y. .Ichn K. I?-.ylry n ml Ed ward oodf!iiHia, .l. tt ndents. wit! tiikp nntii-i that the nbuve named plnintiilV lid, oa thelj'rth day d' June, A. J. KlI caiuiunco a suit asfiiinst yt.u iind cue William K. tn l-l.n, in the iiliove nu-mini-d court, and cnu-ed the Mid de I'en.laiits to he notified of the pendancy ot said suit iiccordinir to law. Yd and each oi you are hereby notitiel that an application will be made in the s:iid eau-o tor the nppiiiutrant of m. rweiver of and tor the prcpfrty in coni roversy ill said suit, which s.ii 1 application will i made before his honor tit jre li. Lake. jud;. , ol the above District Court at I'lattMiiuuih, at ' 'iccourt house, where Ihe District eourt in and iir Citsa county is held on the 14th day f Xnve-bcr. A. 1). lST'.l. at nine clock 11. lit. of suid d .-. The application will be based upon the peilien in said cause filed, and upon atfl davits toe tiled and the s.u J jiliiiiittfis jiroioeas such cceivr Iliehard D. Simpson, and otter as Fur iec for paid receiver David Beasley, M'iMiara t'u'.ton, Nathan.--, isimpson. and these iippl:ea ts pro- Pose as tlieir own suretiuf. .Joan iu Heal t . se as their own sureties, John ij UeaiV, J tcob Jiridensdine. H D. June.. John ChilcoT. of all of which facts" vou will take Tioticc. T. M y AltljC liTT. AttcineT for D. i(. WiiEliLKU, Flaiiurr. riattFmouiL, ijept. i-S, W.'U. wit , Legal Notice. To Anna I uller, Malissa Cleveland aid Her man llodrfc. non resident defendants ad heirs at law of Althea C. l'hilijis. deceased Jnd tho unknown heirs of Willinm M. Hodi;, Nor man iindtf. aadyll xaniter Dode, uieeased, and heirs nt law of Alihea. C. Philips, di eased : Will take notice that Jacob L PhilitisBS filed hw petition in ibe Jiistriet Court, 2d .'tidieial iis. riel. witinn ana lor Cass county. Nieiraska, .settina- forth that Jacob L I'hilij. las tho suitable title to and i the owner of loi riuin ;.t 4 uiid 5 in section 11, township VI ami range riiaiber 13." nnd lot number 14. "in sc--ion IS, township 12. and raiuo 14. all in Caw eounty, Nebraska., 'lh:it the legal title to said tracts of lnd were in iiiaiutifT" wife, Althea C '.'hilips. That said Althea C. Philipn departed f.iis life on the loth day of March. WIS, that priol-to her death, to-wit: During the month of ilareh, ls'ij, t.h executed her last will and testament, lu which she demised and bcouathed tinto Jacob L. Philip? the above described lota and facts of land. ti.'iher with certain real estate, iti .Mills county, Iowa, and that .-aid will has bc-i lost, and ijravinsr that said Jacob L. Philinn cmv h declare'! to be the owner of said lauds ii Cass county. Nebraska, and that the same nay be conveyed to plaintiff: und that said will Ilay be established and confirmed and for such other and fur' her relief as in the nature of U e case plaintiff is entitled to. . Yon are required to answer paid petition on or before the olat day of October. A. 1. 1S."0. JACOi! J,. PHILIPS. By Maxwell i. Chapman, ACIeo. is. biiiTH, his Attorneys. ScptlOwot- . John I. I'utt plaintiff, against Jacob Vallery Jr., Administrator of tho estate of Pcier A Sarpy, dceeased and the unknown heir o Peter A. Sai tiv. deceased, defendant.. JU the unknown heirs of i'cter A, Virrr. a decased. you will take notiee that Jul. n . Tntt. Plaintifl'. has filed his petition nthe liisli let Court d Judicial liitrict wifhi't and tor Cass county, prayius lint certain Uef-ets in his chain of title to the un.liri.ici hallSxjf ! acre' ol tMuml in the S K corner N W qrMrter of sec. 11. described as follows, to-wit; -t.iu-niencins at the S E corntr N W qr said se ion then.-c runnin? north SO rjJs. thenee w.T t htJ rods, thence in,ith HO njds. tlience eat ?0 Tdi to place of benir.iijjr and the undivded !i ofOu-res of jrioami in the N K corner of S 'jr o. Sec. 13. il'.-j.-ribcd ns coinmeneinir at the J E c-riier F'tid S or. thence runninp soutb on e.ist sec tion line in rods, thence we?t Si) rods, thenee north Id rods, thence cast SO rods to the pl3o of bcjciun'nsr. may lie corrected by decree of the Court an.l that the title to said land miiy be quitted and continued ia Plamtiii Vou ar1 re q aired to auswcr ."aid petition on or before Nov .7th. ls;o. JOHN 1. TUTT. Plfff. liy Maxwkll Chapmah, hia Attr'a. Sept. 21.1, IsTo, 6ir , -, t Rcal&tateanJ Tax Paying A.ti,.K8ti I'nl, tie r ire and I.ifa Insurance Arents. Plaits- I tuoutsi. Nebraska. j2.tf Wholesale DOOit. BRO. i CO. ro eellins for casli: Be?t Coffee "A" Sux&r,. .. "C" do Brown ito Best Peaches. Apples Syrup, "H Kal . uo " . do " .. Coal Oil. " .. Dry Goods at Cost, , .Hoots and Shoes at Cost, Notions at Cost! FALL AND WINTER GOOD S. 1870. 1870. 1870. D. SCHXASH. i. p. LENHOFF. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, an! more too. arc going to D.SOHNASSB 8c CO, To buy their -NEW YOEK STOEE- The best and most complete STOCK OF ORES s GOODS Are now on exhibition at the New York Storo. at preatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new aiyloa of DRESS-GOODS. PIJINT3, UELA1NS, GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING, J. LEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA .S, BOOTS AND SHOE of all kiuda and priced to suit cur numerous customers. larse stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QbEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GL SS WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, We Sell at Cost Now fli fVLd-ir-irnrl OAT?T)-PM PTTV I PLOW, vSTUBBLE ml BREAKING PLOWS, and all kind of CULTIVATORS. REAPERS. Plattstnouth SeptoruberlO h. 1S70. tf. A'holcralc Wines, Li Best quality of Cigars and Tobacco always on ''hand. All orders promptly attended to. MAIN STKEET. OXE DO0U ,VEST OF TIIE RA1LK0AD TICKET OFFICE The "SUXNY he rear of the Wholesale ltooin". (Successor to Tliile S: .1Hiitlcry) WHOLESALE and RETAIL JD J5t "W 3- Is now receiving and haa oa hand (at the old stand of White i Battery) South side Main st., Flattsinoutli The Largest and EViost Gomolete Stock of Drugs. Medicines, Paint", Chemicals. UargnriB uu. i.astor uu. -eat-ioot ( in. mie ijil. liin.'fed Uil, lar.l Uil. Uil. l-.-"soutil Cod Liver Oil, Bnd a larse variety f Xntiunf , Perfumery. Faney and Toilet Articled, Jiadcnccc. Flavoring KxtracU. Also, all the Popular Such as Jayn's, Ayers', Ifalls. Scoville'sCoe's, Christie's. Store's. McLain's, B.-iVpt's. VTi Wright's, Wakeueld's, Guy Scot:'3, Perry Davis'. Itoback's Peliu's. Irs. Winslow's lr. Winchell's, Ilostettcr'.i. Drake's, Wallace's, Wcst'a, all others in general use. Brandies, Wines and Whiskies, Of the best grades and qualities, strictly for Medical purpose. DOMESTIC BYES, ReiorRofM, Uren, Bine and Black, Annliuc, Iixi;?. Malior. Extract Logwood, pye Woods, Lu In fat everything that ia needed in the Drug or Medicine Line. . , - . t '- Fhysicians' Prescript ons carefully'ccmpounded and pat up at a!! hou.s. All Drugs warranted fresh and pure. Call before buying, end see what Plattsmouth. March 24, 1S70- wtf. WILLIAM FLA'nBMOUTJl, UASS and He tail Ttm for $1 .00 " " 1.00 " " 1.00 " " l.no " " 1.00 " " l.w 7r l.uo l.ir U) 7 8 AT TfiB SEEOERS, HAY RAKES. &.C I). S-'CHNASSE A CO. Dealers in randies 3r IE i3 jO Lead, Varnishes'. Coal Oil, Fish Oil, Machine Oil I have to sell. A. V. PROLE. UUUJNTX IN ASli ii O 5 In the l).siri-t tVurt 11 .),.;! ,, withiu ami fur t.'h .uititr, .; , rt rry aiker 1 I U. i Mim-rva .(. MctV.rl. I la McCooi. .M:tiy t M. r,.i. Willi:,,,, I K. M.-0.r.li.v I:inJ A. .M,-l,rJ. Jr. Min.-rv., .1. Mr..;l. Mel oi. i iiii.tm I.. X,. C ,,. a, , Co 1. ien-ri-i.cnf .1, .,.!;,, lM.tiiic.l that Perry U ,1, r , ,, , tht Jttt, ilay of Aiii-iiM 1 1 ot the t'lfrk of the li.-,t. . i f',,. ( - 1-r.iintv. t!n- ,l)i,;..t ,,,; rr , it;-, I ,! icli.i :,, a (Jr, J K-i ..olto s.r..!, J. P.u ,,,,.. 1 ill, t-iy (, .S.,i-r-li,h, r. J . M j,. V'.-V ' "'Or ''. I t.,. -mo th.- 0: i. . M. i,. lnistalii: lle- S 1' ' , i. IN" tioil ft l.iltu i:i .-.ii.; ,1, ... . 1 . t tii-cil may lf i-i i'i,nn...,l . ;v ' ,' intent KaiU p.u Ii-.--.. :hi : 1 1 . , iriiU si K 1 4 it t(. J-. . . . ., , town-!,.,, . ioven 1 11 li, t i.-n ci.iirity, j'i-'., a-K , . ,. . coiiliniiiii in plaintiil. :,: I t' -.'. upon l:iiiit:!i' tide . . : ronDii i.l cji.i .l.-tfctivo c i !. .- ' l wi ji.e n-.iiiri-i to in. -me . , or Latum Nov cnln r llrti -ei I'Jviiu, h.! :.: By M.is'i.i.l . i : I.tmbor L'.'. lsTe. . Sheriff's Sale. Jainci Wilt-y, William T. Bryan. No!::! is iiiTrby irircu ;!. , ' lit I'ut.lic au-!i..ni t the !r' .-.. House ia I'hij'sn oji!,. ('.,.. , , on Moihlity. :. .m r 17th (i P. ui. of s.u l ilav, the lol! , .'; ... wit : Lot number five (Y. , ! ' ' three (4.1 in the city ol l'lut Nebm-ka, as ilesii-iiuti ! of s.iM ciiy, in u, .uancc ol i ! tho li-n i. t I'o'.irt. ot the . ; ,' within :nJ for t'a.- c.nuuy. at the iiiljourne'l April IcVim. 1 the isth lay of July. A. 11. : a sheritl of (.'ass eounly. (tiven iin.ler ins ham! this 1 ' ' vs. - O.-.l -r ,.r 1 . I l-er, A. U. J. v. . jnj; ;. si Cas '.... I MaXWKM. & CllAI'MAX, AI. '.. I i : Ki-ptiDu-ot Legal Hot! In the Distii.-t Court. 'Jd .! Court, wthii, and fur lt.s -. ii i J o Mary J. '.mi;, inm r. -i Take notire that y u are mi. 1 Court, 1.1 .luiii.-ial Jlistre t. ' county. Nebraska, on I lie 1 ,i m A. D. lsTu. by Jo i ih li. V , 1 1 andprayrrol the pel it inn fi I i obtain a divorce tiom hc bin . now exilioK between nu and 1 11. Youiij,-. You are required In titimi on or before the d.i . MAX UK I.L . Attorn j s p.r .1 , ;. Sf ptembcrl'ith, w.St ' Guardian's I...: -V'OTICK IS IIl ltKUV HIV! suaiiee of a d.-eretal order. oo. Ji. l.itlle. .1 iuIku oi ti.e 1 1 1 -1 1 , "d Judieinl Di.-trii t. mi ihe I ' lsTO, 1 ill, on ."aiurd.iy. I'n- .' her, at fie hour of mie .. . i .i l,. : day. at the troi.t door of tiie ('. . , ri.-ittinouth. Cuai county. , ' r tale at public vendue, to ihe hi.- rinht. titl? and intere-t i f l-'i.-l Henry V heoes and Margaret heirs ot I'reiierii'k H'ehin.-, t'.-n ;. the following described re-.l i-., . south hull' ol the iiorthw. -t .ii.i i . east quarter of l ho nurfliwe-l oi northl-iJI lU.,lt"T of the south"-:. section Xo. t"n in towuship !.'! i. tneive ea.;t. ot iltti 1'. .M. Sale will i.-m iin ope:i f,r ' l1 o'clock, p. ni. to two oVioek. p :. 1 Vruis : oi;e-lourl), rash i"i ii no. . one year, oii'j-! ' ii :h i:i i'i' i . f. ill l'l i.l ti.l'ee J ears. V il:i mill paviii.-i.t' :. I'l per eeiu. p.-r annul . Hi Inn 1 1 i i t n r. tfu.ii.0 in l ii Frederick Vi'ehi:t ". dee. -. I. J .v M ilfttl.l. A: Ciiai'MaS. oct'-.w-lt Legal Notict j In the District Court. " I J , i 1 1 I -i : '. i an I I i.a'- eot:n:y, .iui,i-kj. .Milioti M. .su.nh, I vs. I'liOte trumiJrri and t William 1. V, cils. I Defendant. ) To l'imie Sinn ler t.on r"-i -h i f I y n wiil t lie notiee tht .Milton .M cu the t;th day of September W nniende.1 petition in tl.e olliee ! i' the di.-triet eourt in arid lor ( a-- f ra-ka. lhobe t and pr.i.-.ei ot ul.. clo.'e aecrlaiti nnu i'.'!i"e (.'iven l.y in bloek No. Ji in )'i:.i t -moil tli r Nebraska, to secure i he .-in; . t tileeouoillo!, of a certain plo- '. even date wi'h aid ti,'it :i luoiith from (late, and 'o o'.i.iin i, nirain-lyeu for llic :u. mm of f .(.. unlessyou appear i.l said eon I en I . demur to.-aid jietitiun on or t.ctore of November, iri.tl, t.ie iciai! wi!! 1 Uue, iiiiddccifc it'll. ';.: a-c. r.li.,- Mll.TuN M . s.V i Uy '.I.ixv , i.i. A i. -l2'-'w5t l'lalntiif.-. .'. Estray Sale. Noti'ei" hereby en dial I wj.i - hifrhe.st bidder, at the farm of I.: i in Avoe.-i preeiuct. Ca- c.uiifv. ;.. ! Saturday. Noveiuber 1'Mli. j7o. m.. white two year old cow and ei.lf ; c.i car a I'd i, oi; in lull ear : ape-.:-. I ,t "ocllJwil' 1! Jl.NNI.V': I'AKM.V L'l'. September i,;, ht-i. JL ville. precinct, one s .rn I ! i -. poseil t' be t wo ye;n s o! ! . v.i'M m.i , lorehead and slit in lei e:ir. i -Filly, with blac k mane, I- i.i-'i i.i tieptiiw.r.t I'.K'l'.'.Kl' ,; ' PAKKN UP P.y the sii'.si. ribcr . lii i X CO, "1 l,S I'reellU-:. OT, t 'I: I I I ..I I le . rray hori. ::irp')'"'d to lo i, , .wn, vcurs obii hi h split in Tiu u t h I ot. ;. 1:I'I hip h is brand ol limine.. K. OctiJwk PHILIP ni l ; Legal Kciice. Joseph Harper and Wi;li;:m ii. Ii::i-p,-. Territory of Colorado, uill fa;:-.' lot,. .aiiina Wrisht. l.y her i.x ii.en.i. ;.:. Dootu. nnd Levi M. Wright, ot ihe e.,i:,,. ., ' in the state of Nebraska, ool i n the :', SeptellltxT, A. J. I 'CO. lle ttieir iili..i, . District Court of the d Judicial li -.rin . ta'.e of Nebr.i.-k.i in "nd loi (';-- .-. acaiust tlie .iid Jo?! i h il,i,.er ;u. i V i i , . Harp r, dele, i.l.u it.-, net t in if lo.ili :!iei i Joseph llnrper i:ivn hir. v.rilten iii...i one A.J. Kerr to conveyor eau-e t., i.i "... to Kerr, the foliowine i"i! t . t .ie i . strip of hit, J c.uiniiei.eii, m1. f.. t h " 11 (.(i.no r . f 1 1 . e V VV 1 . i.i... .li.... I - , . range 1 3. ea-t t the lith P.M. tin., ini; l. .iiith I'l feet, thein-e e-t t t!. north l!lt) feet, tlience east ..! l to fir- j . of beiriuiiins. and after .; aii un-ici root-: ! vey tlie s:i"ie tliroiiKh one J..:.n W..M-: : but that the iejc.il titl- sfi.'l remaiii- in t . Jos'.'fh JHipei and lh.it he wa.- boiii.d t eo the t-anift and tiiesc Plaintiff" have p.,."....i the taid land a.: tn.' said A.J. Jver,'.- ti..ii that af ;crw:,id s :i M J o.-epi, Harper on y sauii; to aid '.Villi'irn II. Hi. prer, ti.-other f.'n lant. who had lull kno .i leij'-e ' ini; I! tif eii uil ies au4 pray iinr that toe s ii l e. i ni. II. Harper he eointiei.id P. u-1 ... :l preiuinert to the fc.iid s-ahina Wrik'hl. an i the said defendant Wui. II. Harper, he njo. troll, prosi culH'k' li certain action i.tcic. rm in the said c ui t to ou-t th" said PIu iiiiitj" ti ...;.! ,.r,..t.. .... I i... - : i I. -....I. II..-...., . Wilhau: il llai'p rare hereby noi it.e I I hat ! i on the 1 1th day ot Nov-mher, or said I lion will I.etak'u as tr'ie -uid iodAro er-r ,. dcicdaccorJu:.iy. .-. tlN A lil ,l f. I L.'.VI M. Wltii.UT liy V. il.f.iiT Pot i i.noKK their Att Sept. 2'i. H7o, w ;"w 11 Legal ficlice. Tn Tli-itricl Court. d .f n. I mm;.! ll'.lr-ie i : 1 ! and for 1'a.n. (U uniy. Nn- r.iska. John W. Uaincs. Pit!".. I V. r Pla'te Saunders I'eft. ) T.. I'lal'e Uil Ii.n i,m, r,..;,lnl Ae.C.t . You d re hereby notified thai Join, W. I' , i plaint. If. has tlid hi f"ti'ion in th ::-: Court. 'jaI Judicial Iistri. i ii I.i.. i.o.ll.,. county. Nebra.-ka, in which he clam:- :. jn nient ai.'aiii?t you. an defendant, ..r tiie -imii SlMi. which uin of money pl.tu.t:ti c..ii;:i- r.Krainl l.T. .l.l..n.,...., .1... ...1 . I .. I .. t.. itn.ii i 1 1 ' ( I !. i. n.i.1 i ... ti represeiitfttjon. on which defen'i.-ui ii.'ie plaiutiif to buy lot Jt in bio -k U in .1 ue Ci'y, Mill.-, coifnty. Iowa, tor the rum ot when the.iefci.di.iit had aire a ly s dlsai.; pr-d ' ty to another party. V on jn. n - .i.i v. . I tn'inwwr u -. 1.1 ...!.. ,. . . n before the the -''ilx day ot l . I r, 1 " JOHN W. liAl'.M B- Maxw.'.ll Si CuAfMAX. Uu Att. rt.- : Scpt.SwO (SaccesBor to H. Wullher; Harnessmaker, and dcaKr iu HA KX ESS, SADDLES. COLLARS, II ALT i: M'hips, Bruihc, Ac, ic. Ttepniring done bubstantially and with c pu'eh. liiveme a call before pnreliainc !--wb"-' Fourth Street, north of Pi.i'te Vallcv I; adjoiuinif Matthews i Dotitielly liai'iw M'.re. S.j.il-"'