Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 13, 1870, Image 3
3d -.crv-i -r --. -. a.- Cm" ,-, "-7 SwIOUTH BY TELEGHAPI!. ."1 r-J 1 1. 1 1 A Lt U U .3 d tlSi3r--Sf3tJC' i LVi ija 3 , a4U aite X 3 TOvS AHD Tin STOEL ;t m t; j (.X.. j. . c to ii-.-i-t Ji j 1 w Ci. f ' ITALIAN AfiD AFtlERICAFJ MONUMENTS, r roJf:, V. I J'.VA V. F.:rnl-I.'-I j.r...i.? t!y st-I neatly at the very 1- .. -1 j.i-iees po.--il.e. Va Warrant Satisfaction. m;:k:ls .v niio.. Main -'.root i.-ar st.. I lall an null Neb. vi i Yr j;i;v a GQQXmQ STOVE IT 15 ECONOMY TO CVot "S23LO 33 SS-.YE CZEN G3LD IK THE LAST TV.'O Yc-.r:. No' C:;e Hits Failed to Give Entire Satisfaction. THEY ARE i : vi::. ai.i.y ackxovuux'.l'd The Cost CookLij Stoys Made An ! v. ! rr r k::wn they STAND UNRIVALLED i ily in !:.i'.:ar. t : -: 1 1 v i r i iht'' u.-o of Fuel, i r I o i: a hi I ity and Com entente. .. i.d i'ii I.- ; ;l! I'tHlioii t the a i o v v i; . r i; n x p e o v l ei - -ii-1 :'.r priee lift, to E. 7. DUKE & CO., r-, t" w!:-rc y. u van gvt trio IrCst I"Iur i - -: ! -. FOUNDS OF XXX FLGL'H ; 'l fr i;ovl v . i'. ' :, I- ';- i!"r j;i-;:! nn-1. with f.n i i. r I i-ii .!:!! vvc can jive t.. ii'.uro! ia tli'j S':ita. .- - j";- ! ACTH.'X '." A UAN IEKU. ! .VS. I- ; iI,L iJLa J&a AT Till: Ol-liCK OF F.IAXV-LL 5i CHAPfJiAi!, A I.i-t oi I'ii :n i! r n- l I:5 3j;:.s lii County 0:x lliy Tcrasasi, KII.TD IX TAUT AS FOLLOWS: fir? " "jet-v Secti' n. TowHsaip. lvanpe. w't'-enr 1 11 11 :r U H : : ; .,r .' U H - . - .. , VI 11 - - .;- -t 12 n LI 12 II - - ' 1 11 11 : x : i r f H) 12 .;r' 1') ' 1 : . -' ,.- :-,.) M 1 r ' ' :,i 11 12 - r :.2 U 12 ,r -1 11 12 I : , ,: 4 1) 11 - : - ., ,,r 4 11 - : .,, y 11 11 . : .. . y 11 11 ,r ' ! H 11 i. r IT 11 11 !7 11 11 t -(ir H 1') 12 i.-.v 'i n w nr IS lt 12 ,,r IS 10 12 :.,-.r -21 l' 12 -.. r -l l' ;; i' 12 : l' 12 -v,r ;s 11 12 i : ;r .-t 11 12 -. , .. 3 11 12 i.i : i 11 12 ...v r 11 12 ,r 11 12 r 10 11 12 : - 10 11 12 !. l.l 11 12 . - t - r 3 0 11 12 .' : -w ijr 10 11 12 - - J) 11 12 - v ii! 11 12 :' -a ..r -1 11 12 x : v. .,r "2 11 12 n- US 11 12 :.: - .,r 2S 11 12 :.-..r 11 12 : i.- ir -.' 11 12 i. i,- L'O 11 12 r 1 10 12 a ;.: 11 M 12 . -,r 'J:'. 10 12 .;r L"? 10 12 :.! -e .ir 7 lo 1:5 , ,r 1 1 lo ia v i in- or IS 10 l:j -i,'!iw.',r I;-, n 12 - n i,,. ,ir 11 12 ..,r U It 12 m, . r f, n : : . r 'St 12 10 ! r -21 11 11 ii x ,r i l 12 12 - :n 12 12 II 12 12 ALSO. Improved Farms in CassCo., La: an 1 .-mull some very desirable one? and a lars-'e amount of IMPROVED A XL) UNIMPROVED. I'i'-ase call on us, and learn particulars as to ., terms, ic. BAUXES& POIffOCK -. ot 2! diwtf IE- T. IDTJSIE 5c CO., Whok-.ile and I'.ttail Jeitk-rj ia STGVES, 1U, SHEET IRON, BRASS, STFEL I? L O "W S Of all kin l-i aai fii.;j, nliich we warri-.i.t th U'.'t in the ii!.irkc t. 0 3"OB WORK. ! Are eri lu.-ln; Ate its in t!ii cr;inty for tl:c saic ol Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coa! or Wood Cook Stove Oivc us a cull w will not be unJarsolJ Main street, next door east of tho Masonic Cluck PI jifTSVOUTH. TSTKHKAMKA (&ueerKMr t WLitc ItSutUrv) WHOLESALE and RETAIL Ij now receiving La? on haii'l (at the oU stau-l or Wliite &. Cuttery) South cide Main St., Flattsmouth. The Largest and Most Comblote St.,-. !; f Iri!?i. Merli.-iuc. Vaiiif.. C!mical.. Len-l. Varnishc?. Coal Oil. Fi-h Oil, Machine Oil iark'litur il. Ca-tor Oil. X.-:i:t'..ot Oil. Whale Oil. II ins.-e.l Oil. 1 Oil. Oil, Isen:ial Cod Liv r Oil, iiml 11 larijt- variety f Xotions, Perfumery, h'an- y ami Toilet ArLieki, Essence.-. t!avoti;i LxtraeU. Alio, all thu Pol'iilar Suili a- Jay ii' 's. Aver.-". li;.Il-i. SVovil!-VOeV. riirislij'?. Morse-?. M' I.iiinV'. 13a -er' WriiKtV. WakeiieMV. liny Seot-V. Perry l.:vis', j:,, back's Pioitts, Mrs. Wiulo ?s 1). U'iin-ln.-lt's, llotfttrr's. lral:e's, AVullm-e's, b est's, all others in general use. Brandies, Wines and Whiskies, Of the best and laiitics, strictly for Meclioul i.urifoscs. DOMESTIC DYES l'crlorllo'-e. (Iroen. Ii:uo.-i'il l!!a k. Artalino. Iirlieo. Mail ier. Extract Logwood, Vyc Woods, Ac. In l'aet everything that is needed ia the lrii(; or Medicine Line. : hysicians' Prescript ons carefully compounded and put up at all Ijcu s. All Drugs warranted fresh and pure. Call before buying, and see what I have to sell.,:outh. March 'Ji. 1-C0- wtf. BLOOM &d OO. FJ.' S. aiO.',i&. CO, m&tm o t n i w o "'s'e goods il BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHSIG Hats, 8l Caps, Boots Bt Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, Main Street, Second Do BRANCH HOUSE : Broadway, FALL. AND WINTER GOODS. 1870. 1870. 1870. D. SCHSASSB. F. D. LTeXHOFF. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! ! Everybody, and more too, are going to D. SOHKASSE Si CO, To buy their TT'zXl.l. X2.c3.77"1 trt ter Goods AT TBI NEW YORK STORE The best and most complete STOCK OF ORES & GOODS Are now on exhibition at the Xew York Store, at trreatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new styles of . DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, . DELA1NS. GINGHAMS. BROWN SHEETING. BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. .CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YA -S, BOOTS AND SHOE of all kinds and prices to suit our numerous customers. large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, " QLiEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS We Sell at ?ot Now tlie Celebrate J GARDEN" CITY PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, and all kinds of CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. Flattsmouth, 1570. tf. -o 6-1 u W. PROLE. NEB- TRUNKS, VALISES, T jr East oj Court House. Piattsmouth. Neb. Council BlufJs, Iowa. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C V. SCUASsE di LV.. Loxpon, ().t.'j( r 0. Lato a lvR-cs fi.!u Pari.- st !'- tiict tli're is liixu-Ii pi uc!fri:r iricr-j. A'.I briJcos on riti!roit(l.:i!vl Li-liv. :-.v- nj tin- west ot" i'aris h;tve ku-a iutiv 1. :n.-l i'.rr to Le blof.Ti u) n the l'rus-iatt :(uv :t lieativais, 41 miles north'.vo.-t t' 1'aiis, h-i bt'on iu:i'lf: a ero:.' vi. ti.:i!ii:;' - it-.t by tl.e 'crnaiii-i. Jhoi ru- : .:. ations tor tho bouihariiutcut 1 1 un are nearly cointilete. 'i'he rrc-ctu o i l' i : a- reanl in lvaropc U ib tii 'l- It is : A that tho tra-b''ir-' ('atho-Ici! (citiu'i serious datnaL'eby the !;te i :u-. .ir -i.ii-'iit, as iciotis jn-st nrrivdil tVinti th-; iw re- port that the e-JlOee suf'fere.l r-evr. iv. ' i , 'i . . ... i ;'. had an fureount o! the uompso': a n -r ! . i i i .. .... ! ; arc speu-lin- aoney t.r.fa-cJv, a,i-l boa-t- :. l . .i i .t i . in ir ot what th-v ear. do thrie'i o.-r-l;hi in i iaui.- ii.-..iiiiiv:ii ill . . it' v inj.ittcul co.'srjLOtion.-! in l.:i.a!ii. : ; Kotilirtr has Leon tlire, mi l Liui:in au i De Iluys, nriil a host of other notabl-.'s. 3I:irr.l,;iil La Boont' went over i- tho iil.tml at night in a cocklc-hc-ll . h-'ii. All thfs "makes m:.'j an cxcitt-in'jrti here. lr. Wa-lihttriii?, ia Bru-.-' !s, ri::-;iv..'-i letters iiet'.i..i!tiy i';xui her huL-;;:i 1 hy Lalioo'.i. There is an express t;aeii;e!it in Ber lin that tho coll la!i'j;ii:i!re of the Jen:i:in jirc.-.s ia rccarJ to tha annexation ol' Alsace and Jjorrairte is the dis pleasure fit' Jji.-tiiarek. IT this is- eorreut we may hope lor peace. Touu, ) .-t.-.-l.vr '. The battle whieli oeeuir-.d ttear Cha lean Gailand on tlio oth, has ecn pro ductive of important reports. The Prus sians were defeated and ibr-ed to re treat. The position taken hy tho Preneli was one that necessitated the evae'.:a:i 01 of Pithierens by the enemy. The I'rtv; sians ahantloned that jioiot with ucli rreci'tttat.ev that many cattle, a !ar.Lre amount of i'oratre, etc., were h-l't Leliind. all of whk-h fell into the hands of the Freneh. News has heen reeeivcti here that the Pru-i;uis have cinnpleted all the ar rangements 1'or shcliit)!' and attacking Paris. (rJuiis and mortars are in T"si tion. The spirit of the population, how ever, is .stiil undaunted. Adviees shnw thut the garrison are prejeired to re.-i.-t any attack, at any moment, that the 1 ores outride the Pius:an lines may make. The French are aware that some lime must elapse ere an offensive movement can be made, and they utilize the delay ni drilling and arming the in'jhiles at Lyons. In view of the Pru an ;ti- prn;te!i, im iitary prLca'it:oiis are heitr: taJvOii. 1 tee r-urroun iJiiir lici-ots are i;e lnir'ioitifiel and occupi-d i'7 re.LMiiar troops. Ihe (lovcrnmcnt is taUm.i? mea.-ures to injure -Normaii'iy :!-r:ii:it devastation, hy sending there a lino cf mobile trnarus. An American filiate that entered Havre created a little scare in sahitiuir. People ssupn )sed the cnetnj' were bom bard hi the town. It is asserted thnt an aru:orcr t i 1a - ons has constructed a steam mitrailleuse, the most i'lrtiiidable yet news fioia Paris. L'haktkks, Oct. 5, vlaTot r.s, t); Cannonading comuieneed this inoriiinir near .waunonn. Sv. (Ilenti.v, Oct. 5, via Torn.-. There was a combat yesterday r'ar Soisons, and prisoners -ay two regi ments ol the Duke ot .MecMciir.iirir- eherin's army were defeated by the gar rison. ltet.orts from General LenaTis. for wacdetl from Tours, show a decide I suc- , i - i cess aemevcii vesteraay uy livnen troops under this commander. New York, Oct. d. An account of sh'-ckim: treatment of Cuban ladies by tho tpani.-h authoiide. in Havana, appears in a correspondence from that city. On the 13th ult. twenty lirisouers, all women and chaiiren. reached Havana by railway, and were ! d from the depot to priK-n under iruard. all of them, even child r-n live and six years of age, being tightly pinioi"d ly the anus. At the head or t ho s:ei pro cession marched two youtii' l.t.iie -, I'liht- een jvars of age, both handetittcd one the daughter-in-law ot President lc pedes, and the other the daughter of (Jeneral Figueredo, recently parroted in Santiago. The ladies are all members of the best families on the i.dand. A these unfortunate victims passed through tho streets the Spanish mob his.-ed and threatened them, and in several instan cos attempted violence. London, October M. Pertni, formerly prefect of police. at Paris, to-day publishes, in iho name of the Emperor, a repudiation of tho Y ilhemshohc manifesto. Bismarck has found it necessaiv to make public the following statement : ".Marseilles, Oct. 0. 1:,.. p. in. 1 do not hold the opinion that the Republi can institution of France constitutes danger for Germany, nor have I asserted in a letter of the 17th ult., published in the London daily Tth juiph, or ever ox pressed such a vies? to Mr. Motley, or to any other person. " lite .Masonic rraternitv ot l.ngland have contributed '7(,(nj(j sterling for the relief of families of German soldiers. The preat pun for Fort D' Ouy is nearly ready to be placed in position. Its range is eight kilometres, and it re- jiures thirty-five milogranimes of pow der at each discharge. Gen. Branchilisk isappointed ir ilitarv governor of Versailles. The Bavarians are besieging Bitsche, occupying wooden 1 f . r nurs mstea-j oi tents. There have been a few eneictuters at night between organized bands of ruf fians and the military. Should further reverses occur, it is feared the religious classes would inaugurate a terrible con vulsion. Under date of the 4th, a correspond ent states that the surrender of Stras bourg and Toul had a depressing effect. Troops lined the streets to preserve or der. Generals Burnsido and Forbes arrived yestetday, with letters from Jules Favre. Burnsides decleres that the" fortifica tions of Paris are most formidable. The Prussians fail in their attempts to plant j batteries and fill redoubts at night, ly reason of the electro lights discovering them to the French gunners on the bas tions. Minister Washburno has aban doned his residence, as (he whole quar ter is barricaded an 1 undermined. The Ministry declare their inability to i'.. nlsh more arms at pre-ei.t. All Ameri cans will leave Paris when Wash but e leaves. A balloon company offers to, take people out of the city for2,H'0 francs per head. The Jacobins demands an equal distribution of ibod. The Examiner energetically appeals to the powers to rrcve-nt a bombardment of Paris, or a partition of Franco. St. pETEitsbCKG, October 7. Thiers, while here, explained to the Italian embassador that his only motive for opposing Italian unity was that it would encourage general unity. The journals here repeat the statement that General lgnatieffs journey to Odessa was personal and not political. Torus, October 7. The villages about Epinal are filled with troops. The prefect of Epinal tel egraphed at midnigu on the Cth to the Minister of the Interior, that a combat took place yesterday between Laon and .) ! ! ! ; .. :ms mi .I'll.t;-, tiir t I' uli'i'll .L felt :0 I ie:,!;..,l I ! v- i: ir I !i .-..ii.i n i I fv o ' b :c it j j ;iir.;. 1 L'llV.Tll- , n. I rid .h-.t ! iu:!i : 1;; u ! ;.,.- v Lave :i: .-.ii.oa i:t e-u.ii i :- j ti-r. 'i vr, - ' i! .1. tv-i ta--r" : - .rn-at w 1 1 r - in nitOi-t the lVoti- ..f 3Ic-.,:e.-t s at: 1 lb:..- 1 lit ill-.' ifi'Kl 1 , ih.- iVus- ! ! I . ' u-.'ht to le a native ibr the- li - e imoiis. , ... ..... T- , y- - ' iii'.-re are mii: Im o! r Vint a:t:o:icr i .t.,, . . i- ,. i .... .... ; i i.i- l l ' II the Ijeavatooo. The Px Lian llilh s have been sent there as a temporary precaurionaty measure. Tho r lisoTtefs will be di -t:j.::tcd among rl.. fortresses as .-; b! II. iM1-', October 7. The Jesuits are leaving the city. Juvenile eagerness atsd maternal ; olio it tuh.' are beautifully blended in the lid lowing lities : Mulder inry I si hv. i;rciMn wcr:t .' Nix iiy f ri.r-.a ii..Ui r. 1 lift trtif-- liiiii" as t'.nl'Ty rent. That you itut '.rwned in le v)Jter, Little lircttien. Sisters, do not turn olV your younger brothers as if tiiev were always in your way, and any service which tl ev mtellt a.-X ol you were a burden, i ci bans t he hour may crime, when, over a collin that lo.iks strangely hmger than you thought, an 1 over a pale brow where often, half u;ie, iiling'y and perha'S with a pctu'ant j ii.-!i, you parted the hair, you fiend with blinding tears and s. bs that shake joar very soul, while remorseful memory is bu.iv with the by-gene h.urs, vott wiii wi.-h then, that when he came and asked you to hc!jhimi:il.l- play, or to lift him on your 'an because hu was tired, or take him out beeause h.j wanted to see, you j had laid aside your book and made the j httle heart g'ad. Aikitimi's at I t';ct !!!' t Co. Horace Greely was recently ir.vited to deliver e. lecture bt ibre a I nnsylvania !l:'et;.ry -oeieiV. . lie Could not l")ssibly aoept the invitation, so lie wrote a letter x pressing tiis regret. hat was tos -' 1 i 1 at seeing hi.- lettjr leibiishe I as vs ; Xi:y York. i:Ai'. Si-i I am vact-inti'cd andyawn ing at l.-hmae! ; he study is not fishing shad all the while at Tito's: but I wrote a line to letch her lorth deception is thus under-rated i-dousiy if Idaho fill's. Cannot promise to wait. Perhaps spir its are ended entirely ; my bow. Bo; ees. .Signed Hi .-rack Guli:i.ev. a1 ji i..fleiofirA-iJim i'- ! !; I I : i;!K'2ico . Parents should always be aware that their conduct before a child, in word or de. d, forms a part of its education. They create the moral atmosphere for g 00 dor evil their little ones lsm.-.t breathe. Jt is common to find the public an! pri vate life of public men very different. Thj oxphoiatio!! is that a man's public life is what his public education had made it, and his private life lias been ior'.ned by the infiucnec and associations that have iu-tered around him in ihe home of his childhood. Jlxampleis tho best oi' all teachers, or the worst, as the ho; - may be iht; host' or the worst, of all .-ehoois. When they are the former, keep your children at homo : when they tiie the l itter, reform them, or pack your bocsiiiid girls off to boar-ling school. 1?ir- I'o of a. Xcotli-?. The pa -sage from the New Testament, "It is ea.-ier tor a camel," etc., has jr r ;lexcd many good men who have real it literally. In oriental citie.s there are in the large iratcs small, and very low ap'-r-tu:es. called metaphorically "neetih s' eyes," ju-t as we talk of windows on s.hipboa.d as "bulls' eyes." These en trances are too narrow for a camel to pass through them it; the ordinary man ner, or even if loaded. When a loa led came! has to pass through one of these entrances, it kneels down, its load is re moved, and then it sht: files through on ils knees. "Ye.-teidav," writes Laic ,1'u'l Gordon from Cairo, "I saw a came! go through tue eye of a needle that is, tho low arched door of an ittclo-ure. lie must kneel and bow his head to creep through , and thus the ri. h man must humble himself." Much is said about the bravery of the French troops in the struggle, and it is well descrvtd. But the bravery and he roism of the German soldiers displayed in t Ite battles of the war Is unsurpassed iti history. Is there a more brilliant achievement recorded anywhere than the one performed by the single Prussian division on the bloody field of Mars la Tour, when for six long hours it engaged and detained the entire French army under Bazait-e, in order to give Prince Fredeiiek Chailcs time to bring up hi?) corp ' This herrii division, every man of which was sure to meet a certain death, immolated itself upon the altar of its country : these soldiers fought and died as only the bravest, the most intel ligent and patriotic can fight and die. Among the many proposals to arrest tho march of the Prussians on Paris, the most remarkable is one signed "A French woman." The French woman begs j.),t'MHJ of her sisters in Germany to come at once to Paris, when, with JO, oo;j French women, they wiil throw themselves between tho contending ar mies. 'Thi-," says the French woman, with some hi-torieai inaccuracy, "pre vented the Greeks and Romans from killing each other." Another gentle man icquests some patriot of wealth to ! ! -in.) lii-.i ov.-r liiOOOi) t'i:ines in rir.pM- to enable him to make a machine capa ble of destroying the whole Prussian army. What we need now in life, above everything else, is Christian men who take tho load in 111:11113' Tilea-ure.", and make thoni honorable an 1 noble. Pleas ure is of do 1. So is sulljrin. Joy and sorrow are both of them born of God. There is a manK' way of enjoying one's s- It which is not onh ieru'is.-ib!o. but most wholesome, and, in moral thins, most bencilciai. Let men be fro to take all rational amusement, free to tak? joy, and that abundantly ; and yet tho mouent pleasure and its permission-', 1 -c 'Uic : oiled or even sullied, let men tio'it away from them, an 1 s.orn them, an 1 loathe them, so that the world, look ing on them, shall see that they are "men of jileasure,' not in the souse that they are men of cjnscience, but in the sense tha the' are men cf c-miuent conscience. B uch er. The New York Ecnresc says that one .-.... a - p. -Rrr.-. ct-nn4-of the Lest waysof decreasing crime will -OUtll Side. Mam Street, be to destroy the Lelicf so unfortunate:;' prevalent that it is vuhjer to work for a I I OLD -ST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN Tiiii HL Or. O " V" IE that he !:a the l.-.rzot KOTIOK tcr fcn'iht to the iity He would s:;y tliiclie can CI1 order." as c!:e:ii ntrl hn.' r.o ii'.M.l!e!iicn". rrufo-i to :.'. 1 j,, ;Tu'"b- lie dues liusiac-s'rinOWX t'ATITAI. and in ov.:i liLiiMinir. coa.-i'ueiiliy hu eait five his eu.-: -tiers the ri'ies oi reiits ai.d i!iii:i . t.on iin e-tcniit in the M ay ol tT5 AT 3T It wiil cost you nothins to look at thorn, whether yon Lay or n 't. If.. r.-ceni-iiu tin- in 'uw ltuiUb!o"you Ul be txblj to ted wh m$ mm DEALER AY Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools ; ALSO MANUFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Itool:!!,-, t'uiteiin?, ?pn;!tin r.n t Kopairiatr iJone. 2 tun Selling Piil-Vla? Omuls mid G utirimlij Not lo he bndersoiif, as J am Haying of I'irtt Hands. A. No. 1 Plows and L.u'tiv!i'-r.-. closinrr out it. (.-t. Kctneuihor the pht'-e alia i si to I&ZcJ, Wholesale ,-7T jr DOOM. PliO. i- c-. ere ieiiiug- for cuh: I!ot C-.tTeo,... "A" Su-ar.. . '' .i P.i-own do .... l'.o:t Peaehes. Apples fc'vrut. ' Pal- .Ij " . tlo " . Coal Oil. " . IP i t (jrOOth (it C1OSt9 Doots and Oot-o.or I il;f" We have the inn?t tittraetive sto -k f Iry Jioods, Notions. lirr'l-, Sbms. Hats Caps- and ".iroeerii s ever brought to this t-ity. t.'al ami so" . CL AUK A rLI. M.VLK. IJi Yholc-ate Wines3 Liquors & Brandl Best quality of Cigars and Tobacco always on hand. AH orders promptly attended to. MAIN STF-EET, ONE DOOK WEST OF TUE It AILItOAD TICKET OFFICE Tii5 "SiUlNXy he rear of the "Wholesal' Rooms. CHiOTSTfRn.. PLATTSMOUTH, CASS be !! Uvst i-. !u tr J k of 2.' O C C " 3 S of l':.itrMi:otth. as any house wo-! Chi.Mtr . llebnj u other : ii'! or !.i - v. -..n. jjO,-,f i7 and Ketail v?a titaT"? "?? TsTS? 1 V. -l:n l.e-l 1 HI l.-NI l.lKl 1 J 1.1 HI ..1.-". .. .-yJ Shoes at Cost, No tion s a t Cos t! 3 Dealer? in Number 9. COUNTY NEBBASKA j it. i). LrJ. J. 1-:.. ; i' XL- '.V i.'i i i'ii. i ikL. 1 t ic ! io I I l.i i:s I 'll :.., I l. '. r. ! On Ten Ycciva Credit ' i J I. ei'y -i s t c- 'i'ii i i : t -r 1 "ii the v;i I u it i in . ' ; l'Uiilil.ll I r the lift oar : rif li.r !'..! j pfi fill. nil. 1 I lli'li, i.!i innl illtor ill" t.lird Jr..:. i only nisitfi ul'tiio pi nion. ;i uti.l aitrj.r....; j iatorcst i.r ; -y.O.ic aiauiall . j TWiTY FZP. CENT WILL 2Z SED'JCTCD j I'reiii our Ton Yoar('io.:ii i ri- e. at the i j ol liie huycr. it lio .;ii in .1. i. u I o m p--r ..1.1. I iulivi'-l il a:n 1.1m I.11 1 .'jOt ! pii,-. h.-i.-c . :oi 1 liis pro ,ioii ; ..y a. l.o .ill-.m -.t 1 : ji' i li'. 1:0. At ! w p i -, 1 from H 1 . Si. r' l.n?, .-.. Kl'. Nt J. fiiy. ,t.... j,vt;iit.i!.'i.l....iw ::;!: i' iC'Li.AI.S I'i.iL At KK, a- per inia'.ty ii.i . o' .u u.l at! '. ae; . ::st:::l jrrcc!iic!i:n?i will i:iy t'uv Sjtsiit!. Ntcfliisijv 15, :isit3 AiupSt Eisisi vt Biircsls .ISiich 4v!'.iia the I:rant i'll5 'I'vzi Facis, (0 be Considered- )(.. .ions it. It. Laii'I'atci i'a '1 1.1 j ?i ,'", .1:1 In j 1 ais on .!it hi I. porooiii., I an.! iil eii.-t. i:. i a- aiiieial j; - ( 1111 :it-. tin- total Mini nt ) ; I.JJ 1 Ami lo ' at li s ot S, h.iol lain, i s, al 7 I the on -t pli. o, ami Ii 1 .( 11 t-i, 1 ty sol'l at aiii-l i..ii p. i- IO a 11. 1 i-J V oiil'n i jit, at ton per ooi:t. I inter.1.:!, oo.-t j j -J.2i i to Mahiiitra ') On Tetiee in favor of 'tail - ,,- ,, l:r..:..l l n-ils ; !1' ,J " Hut font lair 001111:0 ison tlio at . ivce prioeiit whioh Solnii.l .a tiiI.-, liave la on soi l, shoul l (mi i-oniparoil n h ttie a eiat'e pi i-e of our Jtail ror,.l lal'ii.'l. '1 .i!-:o l..r oxano.lo the iirr:i;v i.ri.'i if Sl'Wt pi r a .at u ha the suite : la... I l.-uals I1.1 w. heen so lil. a. !' r 1 1 purl o! s tat o A u lit.. a .-. l.a i.-t t.'oliniii:--ii.!,i':- i f tin- state, t o- tin- l.-: al etnlintr S.. -Vitii, !.;'. mi l lt.laore-e.-s'.iirt'lios prii e in Ion years i.t ten per cent. ILtor. -t tho ' .-inn jf. j ;.r.J 0 t Ue lnot lioia tiii- tie.- total ior-t of 1 jo ai r.-- ot It. ,- M. it. l. J.-upi... .0 our u 1 -r.-i-.-e lane: n: til l ii i- of - le. praeie. 011 eais ei e.ft at ti per o. 10. inter t v t-'-'M il Aii-1 tin- 1 i ; V- ri lief on a oioir-i r K.-e-lioti in fav-.r ol itailro:: ! s j..... Jl.l'Vl 'J.l '1 hi.- eotitpa 1 i -in 11 i-r ii..t ni.i'i" to pro w that !in 'el I I. .01!.- ha w 'a 111 j- .11 t .. hind, i.nt 10 .1 11. o t hat the la iv ot 1 1, i.- St. -Of has !i.-,-u rat i!:- 1 hy a"! aa I a ii I rejaioioii-.-. 1 at. aneie'ii. .e .in- in ntiMx.n jtrlrv ji.ri ,1. viz : e-n ,j p., tore : an-i the averaee valuation ol tin- ii. ,V .! . ft. i;. laea;.: is ratia 1 I y the .saute in!e!l.e:.L tu I prae: iea 1 vor. Ii. 1 . Itailro.e.i Lat:i! have niother n lvatitai:.. in he 1.10 t , I !llt .'I I, uyer f,l 11 ell 1 10- e oil ; n of -i,i ot- II eetifiis in 11 !'ov, nsl. :;, a. - a-l i.fU-i.i.ttoii'itei ;o niily t ,i a ,s;-!iu,.( .-. im:-. Ottr boir: or i o-t Vents Cie'it prifH ranto from t to . . 7, '. l .K !1 ,! I J il fretit rally, aiel average r 3 ; '-' per ai-re. Al pli atioi,-- f.,r !::, 1 .;i I in,,,!,- In ; l-t.l.i.!:i;.M lu.siii.v p.i:i;.-.t .-hian l. . h. s. .i. Ilo Ll.h, at Woepin- V.'atcr, f.i- Co., .Nohra-ha. V. 1'. I l Li:V. at N::r-oiV I'.VA. O,,,,. (., C' HI.!.. CAi.CoU.N .V CitOXl'OX, at So- bra .-ha t'itv. Noli. 15. a. .M. It. 1:. CO.'j AND OLlIfK. at eoin. Noh. oral It. 11. LAND OFFICE in Plattiumth. ol O. S. llAKKU . La nJ CuiiTi-ii-sioni-r 15. S. Ji. It Jt. Au?nt, 'itii, ls;.j. if-V. WI W W W! a 2 I'Oll A GOOD BARGAIN i llavin .' poinplet"'! the i-lnttititr anl roeor.ling of inv (i't kk'si Ail litiuii to liu.- City of 1'lutu lii'juth, 1 -it i now i repareJ to -uJl in th.i Ad iitif 11 nt rea.-onahle ruin". Term arc 0111: half ca.-li down; the oilier half pai'ije in one ear. at ton per oent. intere.-r per iintni 1Y0111 ilate ol ; until paid. Xo he seeureJ by laorU-aye on the 1 roi.e.iy, P. LiL'lO- Donaticn to C!rjrc!ies. I will pivo to the f,!lo-.v;!i re'ij-ioits cle'ioii.' natioris. viz: .To tho itapti-l Chiiri h. I it P.! in hio.-k L'T : To ti,-; ('oiiurfL-alioiii.l "!.ii I..t : . in I. look jS To the Mi-iio li-t t'liiir Ji, 1,1 1 in !,. k l j; 'lo the 'alio. lie 'ii a re 1 1 , i.,t o i a I, !.,.-; ..o ; To (he Kidseopal Lauir-li. ..t 1.' in blm-k To t he I'risbyteri:. 11 t 'fur- h, lot 1 in blo-k .1. To 1 tip I tu ist jau ( iiiii e'i lot 1:1 in bloek .. ; To the Lutheran linn li lot 1 ia I I. o k Z ; in lay Addition to the Ciryof I'i 1' t.-moal h. nr.on the lollow i 11 ir ei ndii ions, ir.: i'liat thev lm! root on .-aid lot-, as above tjii.i'o'i, a siiilab' from t his ilate ; m:.!, ia i::e. nuiin 1 :iir tor punoe Mor-nip. mitnm too Tim oi la.iate on the. part of said Ciiiireh or ' 'hu: eho:' to ' -en-ply witii ;i Dove eonuii 1011. 1 r;en ai:-: it, taat c.i. y tliu lot or loU. that! 1 evert to iae S. LUKK Donation to Public Schoais. I Ii-roliy ilonatr; fur the u.-e of Public Ditriet !iool-i. Lot bj in Itloek it. on the mrt!i side of Main stn ot, md-'I Lot I'i in J;:,-lc JJ, 0:1 the sontli side of Main street, in 11 .i.-iiuoii to tiif it. ti. DLKE. f l'lattstiioatfi 5,000 Acres of Land for Sa!a in this r-oitnfy. Also, Ilou as aa 1 L-.U ia Ihlj coy, at lov,- piieos. I'a.' aOcnt; in pi'.-eii to t!,- buyine; ana liiiiir of n a I istat o. ani i:ii;i' t.t and pay iiiZ tifiesfor iiOii-resi'J'.iits. ti. JiLKj; Ileal L. late Ageiu. Lot for Ten Dollars. 1 v. ;!l .-:-!l to birt. os ,i:-ni,tii nt J uibl.ti atol waia-ivi.T.-. ariy of tho iols in the sut joOo-d list ir; Try ii't-i . i :"Ti tr r i . I f s ,-, . ii : "i at i,-.i ,i l! I'i loi.l, ::!! Ii t-i.-itr-ionii: h. at toll .bdi.ui a-r b-t, under lh-j loiiov, oonditions, v i.: 'ihe person t-an-ba-ini; wiil b; required to uil I on the bit pttr: loiM-d a dvvi iliriir 'ifii-oifif per b-t, under lh-j loiiov, oonditions, v i. 1 wio i.'iiriHir:- -i .o: '-or ,-.:i-. ;o-i,: Ilia tioust) to be not b -s th in 1!J P el. with story not. lo'ver tiian S lect. 'i.'ie Iraini; lunsf be (;ij,,. hikI .-abstaii'i.ii: house well sl.iti-.Oi:'J; fbunbitioii lither of brick r i-tnno. '1 io.-n- inu.-t be a kio li en, of not less thati F'-H. Iboi iinv ii,u.-t be eomp!i-t'-d on or I . b,n- .January I-. i -Ti. Wiil Bive a Ootid for a ilei to the party who bevs u ro-.-a as uri-hase i-" oiade.a :ni ut.on eoi,:p ''! ' a'.', ve eicolitioris, u ,il Kivc a o.,aai. 1 sui'ii'.ient Warranty !'- d. s.-l' tioiii may b.- t,.., do fro:at!io aeconjpapy-liitili.-t: Lots " and S in blook Lot s in blook 4- Lot It in b!.,-k 1J: Lot ! i , bbakl-; Lol'l'ii bb.ok 3 .ots e. j at: 1 i i in bloek 2 : Lot n in bloek "J: LotsJ and in bb.-k - !; Lot- r, an-l 11 in bio'-k ';: Lota in b'n-ck liT : Lot-! it :.n i 17 in bloi-k; L'lli fiiiiiT iuLioclt'J; Lot J ;j block !,). Plattstii'iath, A'j?.2''tf. O.Tiee ia Court Jlouse 'J'AK!::.' !' IsTO. in Louis. 1 v lile. projifiel, oao si,r.-, l ilor-i- ( (,!t : op pose I to be two year.-o id, v ita smol si;i;- hi Ion-head .ti-l t!it in Lit ear. Al-o, 1 illy, with blaeli Uiaue, b a.-. I t - d Sep set l;ii ii.LD LEV.'I.-:. GREAT LAND SRLEl 1G3y5CO AORES of t;j l Finest Lands In ficbracka, Vni'ba otTere.1 f. r sale hy the Union I'uciSo l.ajiroad Coaitiiiny, In the ?ou-h ('art of s'aui. lf r?' Luttor iitel P-.!k eouuties. on tue aho- t rook - a n.t t he lint J.. uu rier. be offered or sale it,.- ca.h or loi.- creiiit, a; low rates cf, oa TUESDAY, the 2t day t S-vtt,.: 'cr UTO. These InmL- are nuf-ile often an 1 vithiu twenty miles of the L itiou I'aoilie Kailroa-i. atol oet.-i-leol the tweuty-n-ile l::ni. of Lurlini,-toi ucti jli;oari Kiver Ita-Uroad, iu Xtb-iiiLi.' O. F. DAVIS, Land Cob raissiuper U. V.'S.. It. Co.. Sept22wlt Omaha. Nebraska. J. F. IiAiVI.I.9. I. IJ., rUYsrCIAN AND S'UIIGEOX . late a Jsur seon-iu-Chiet of the Army of tho i'leonru:, rltiitsuiouth, Nebraska. i)i!iceat O. F. Joha ."n 'a Drugstore Main t-trttt, opposite ClarU y 1'luu.iaer.'. Private resiilenoeeoriiorof Hook lita BTj-eet?. two doors ttouth of 1'. P. 0 i..'. r. 1 I t '-I ) : i .- t ! i ii 1 1 j i tf : Pv"