Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 13, 1870, Image 2

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I ! I
I !
Doom looks perfectly happy to
IIU vittiuis writhed ai:l twisted all day
yesterday, bat succumbed to his superior
uiiud with the netting of the tun.
The underslanding between Daxui and
'ollard was fully carried oat yesterday.
Pollard insi-ded on Doom bein.? placed
on the cut ami-dried committee, and
Doom insisted on l'ollard candidate-i.
The Xt'lrusl.u City Times irtual!y admits-that
the tr.o 1-. .o-.ii have control
of the "people V mov. lui iit in Ca.-s:i:: 1
Otoe, and very j-r:ive:y intimates that
e co:;niios enrm.
he!;, theieseh
me tl id t learn, as we do from
the Urownviiie A IrrrfiWr, that the lie
I;ublican3 of Mr. Tipton's I.- uie do not
endorse his corns.: in fighting Governor
llutler on account of a persona! uiiler
ence between them.
The Ojfeha JhtuUl
frightened vcr thj as
Douglas county, and
the 1 cmocracv have no
county, even with two
cts in the field.
Tin political- "tad po!es,"known as
the People's Iteformcrs of Nebraska,
have not decided yet whether they
would rather be "frog:," or part f.ogand
part lizzard. Rulu llnjlxU-r.
Will the "tad poles" please to decide
before the eleventh.
How do the people of Tipton prcc'ri' t
like thtir new representative? 11. G.
Doom was placed on the committee yes
tcrdayto represent Tipton 'precinct, and
Lawson Sheldon to represent Louisville.
What a very Cue jthing muss conventions
are. Hubert cf the Doom persuasion
knows how to mn them.
How did it set on our Platt-niouth
Republicans to b'- tol l, at Mt. Pleasant,
by Mr. Isaac Pollard, that t'rtf conven
tion "was called a- an nnti- 1'hittsiuoutlt
convention, and that Plattsmouth need
not expect anything except the Commis
sioner," which had to be taken from
this district, in accordance with law?
What d j Croxton's admirers think of
him since the Fremont performance,
where Governor Uut'er cornered the lit
t!efJ!ow in his slip shod political course
and com pel!, d him to fee the music.
Hadn't the I emocr;:tie committee better
pass another resoluti n to the effect that
Crexton shall not li-.tcn to Sutler's
If our memory serves us rhht, the
principal charge preferred against J. S.
Morton, by the Tims, was an alleged at
tempt to cugiueer a "people's ticket"
through a municipal election ia Nebraska
Now the Times advocates a mixed
State and County Ticket.
In all candor, we tusk the Democracy
to record this. Huh Rrgixtrr.
Let the Tiiiits march up and explain
, We look for a quotation from the Book
of Job, or from Webster's spelling book,
translated by Dr. Blue.
Pollard's political harangue to Mr.
Oldham, this morning, did not seem to
fully satisfy the laUer gentleman. We
are curious to know ju::t how a man of
such ultra Radical sentiments as Mr.
l'ollard lias always entertained goes
about talking on the s;;de of as "square
toed" a Democrat as Mr. Oldham. It
is a trifle dilheult to make oil and water
We heard a Democrat talking at Mt.
Pica ant fraturd: y, when he was asked
the very blunt question whether or nt
the Democrats in Lis locality would vote
f.r the Republican: on the mongrel
ticket, lie gave a knowing lock, and
said, h'thnt rt-ni'ii.ts to be sri'ii."
ie.ii i:x:rn.
Mr. Oldham, one of the lea ling Dem
ocrats of Cass county, said he had enough
vf the "people's" move to satisfy him
vrLcii he heard Mr. Isaac IV.iard tell the
Secretary of the meeting to "put 11. G.
Doom cn as one of the committeemen at
all Isizanh." That thing put a large
hized ea into the ears of more men than
Mr. Oldham. Eut HoLert has them,
and they are compelled to dance while he j -
plays the music.
It is somewhat amusing to witness the
contortions of some of the "old liners"
as they march up on dress parade and
mark time to the music furnished by
"Bob" Doom, ltobcrt has them in his
clutches, and a smile light s up his benign
countenance as he easts a furtive glance
in the direction of Mickelwait, Dr. John
Black, Mr. Oldham, and others of that
.style of Democrats. He is conscious of
his power, and is not slow to make them
feci it. Hurrah for ttobei t !
"Limber Jim'.' says he has "entered
into aa agreement'' with the people of
Otoe county. We have heard of that
thing before, and would a;k Jeems if
the agreement is net IX WRITING,
and is not, in substance, a BILL OF
SALK to certain iti-Uvulunh, instead of
an "agreement" with the "people?"
On the evening after Mr. Sheldon was
nominated by the "people's" convention,
we had a conversation with him, in
which he admitted Without the least hes
itation, that our assertion w?d correct
ti,. .t;,i ir, f.iro. ,r..,.;,.. '
1 1 1 " i
the bond suit. t
(lEl wouluoctii. I
We advise our J 'emocratie friends to j
get J. M. Woolworth down here to
j-tump for Pot's election; and tell him
to be sure and bring along that pamphlet
containing I'ot.'s affidavit about the
"Bock DluiTi Iniquity." Woolworth
could make voles on the questiou but
v. e are not certain that thvy would all lie
fur 1'. t.
now is xais?
Judge Wolph j ays $73 taxe-3 on a
quarter section of land in Otoe ccunty
and $11 on a quarter section in Cass.
IJoth pieces are just alik.?. Why is thi.-.?
Sf.l. City Times.
Jiowistuat tor High.' irt
hke Ca-s c.-mnty W:i.s "on the ter.e of
r w ........AT, ..111
LanJtTtiptcy" wlu n our low taxes are
cited as evidence aain.-t adjoining coun-
tics? Oh, Democracy ! J'u "will strain
at a gnat and swallow a camel
Our tpecial corrcsjondt!it, traveling
with W. Pot., reports that crreat siates
in an a-5 cou-l.ititly referring, i:i his
speeches-, to !: all important ser i.-o-ren
lered the e:nocratie party in thrjw
iri out the Il-xk liluffs vote (if lM",rr.
He informs u.i that Tot. ii m-ik;;; it
4 ul!" on thb ground, won I.rfidly. In
the foutheui part of this county he i.
running dely n his merit as being a
heavy property owner in IV.tttfmwth.
That rec enmeiid.ition is having a wm effect there, and wiii give him al
most tliL- unanimous vote.
I'.l'TI.rit AT KJIt".V. VI 1.5.5:.
The following dispatch, which we fiiu
in the Omaha Rcpubuciu of this m ::i
time like a man, but Tipton evidently
prefers to strike the Governor in the
back :
B;t';v .NVii.i.r:. Oct. 7, 17
Ed. lU:i'L:r.!rAN- :
lev. Butler n ado a triumphant speech
here this afternoon, completely demolish
ing the fabric of calumny, reared by his
a-saihint. Mr. Tipton staggered under
the heavy blows dealt hiui. ihe Gov
ernor ha-! made two hundred votes for
the ticket. He offered to divide
time with Tipton, hut the latter rcfu-ed. j
G. W. Ami
V. liAT xr.xx ?
the pre-cnt political campaign,
e have heard uil sorts of stories, i.ii.--representations
and absolute falsehoods ;
f ..l.1... ........ ........ ...
, . , ' , . , , , I
.I.i.i.r Ti'. 1..1.-. l..'.-.r.l i-. .-..i.-.f I f. I. ..... I I
..v. ..u.y. ......... ...
matters was revealed to us in a Conversa
tion we had this morning with a gentle
man from the western part of the county.
: imr, shows that Uuflor, unlike Cr..:a.n, c.-nce in the acts and measures of tl.u ! ":, elegant, aopitan:0 an-t j , r , ; of mind; he is continually
lcct of a:::tir.s in , . ,. . . i It ,dic:il ivn-tv. The-.-l:-l-,ri the Kifr.T;.!, I gen.'rous a people as there us on the face .... : ' ,V'-li."UJ' '
., , r.eil.'Ct 1j::u III o.Vil Hill K-eli- e ; . , . - , j , f tlie o-rth 'i'bese oivwlio'is tlin.ii-' , 1 : " 1U LUI,C ; lle J 'te Ol
evidently thinks 1 .unen: meat, ami t-n.or riavitious uiea- j ' .r.u V" I . . bis beloved France. It in said he
mortgage on inai , . 1 1 I ; , ' T ! V i ,.;. , rl me.r.i nperor e-y nuieu ior i.isMirrenaer
Kci.ul-Iic-'U t!ek- 1 v,11lL'' "ll-u i:cy I,uu l!lu"- 110 " !iatu.estntiueaii : i: means nottnng "v; ' ! :it -!:'i, and declares that (Jen. de
iici i.ii i,-. l,),.....,i ... ,l.. 1.,.. tiiiirn less than miI,im. i.;ii t.i I sUl.l vMstctleC. ,u- . i ... . ,
I ii.i.i uji-i pv-i. i.v Li.. . -- - . - , - - -.- -- - i . niiiii it, iiae inea t t cui ins
i tcr'sowii hoiiiu. whei" he u!!Vrcd t. divide i . tJ iHun-uiioius oi a uespotie revo- "..V.,.. 7, i way through the enemy, r ven if out oil
. .. , - '
with the declaration that '-h:
if the truth coold be a:
h'-iieveJ. i
that v.e would fin 1 that the
j,.cn i
-J. i,-,.... .,,..; ;..r ..,,,1, r,.. 1,.
bond mitter in the c-.iuity were.-f"7 by
the li'iilt-tnid C;:;ijitn for doing so.'"
in speatmg 01 tne wni matter oeir.g l?s Iject is not to secure '"the spoils of
mixed np with our county politics, hejoilic-"' by fair.nieans or'foul, but to es
seemed to I lame the" railroad company : ' t;il''1 "'' maintain ceitain great prin
we in-.uired h:w, and he startled u, ciple-m the manament of our republi-
This is j.robally as new on idea to the i ctisoiidating power in tic band-
men who are opposing the Lou.D a it i "f t!l" JJral (iovcthment, wiiieh will
. . . ;. . .,, . .. j eve-itualjy make t he government a men
was to u-, yet it is a fair ihu.-trai ion of aro;iy or a .le-potism." 31:i,t we 'Me
thc thousand rumors and falsehood that i eeut."' that? It has foisted into the Con-
are afloat. This may have been asserted
as a fact by some designing man, yet we
will, injustice to Mr. IVilard, Mr. Shel
don, Mr. Todd and the Ilailroa d Com
pany, say that there cannot be a word of
truth in the . statement. Ye (pie.-tione I
th gentleman as to his reasons for this
kind of an opinion, and found them to
be well dovetailed together, and quite
plausible. lie reasoned in this wise:
The lliilr.'.id Company Lave their h... -ids.
they do not expect .tny more ; they want
a monopoly of the business, hence are
opposed to any other roads coming Into
this part of the country. They desire to
prevent any further i-.-ue of bonds to
assist other road-, hene they .employ
men to raise a storm about the bends
and get the law repealed
o ;t; to prc-
vent any further issue. There ; how
that for hied). Mr. IV.iard?
t strong iii'iier.a-
tion when they learned, that SV;:".'.
lipton was con. log all the way irons hr.. j
home in Urownville to mke a speech at i
Mt. Pleasant, before the great "peo
pies" iDeoiu's) convention against the
clectiuti of Gov. lititler. We heard his
tirade, and woull remark to all fri. uds
of Governor IJutler, don't be alarmed,
for Tipton is doing the Governor more
good than His hostility to Hur
ler is all based en the fact that ihnicr
was a candidate f ir the U. S. Scnale
against him, and he thows it so plainly
that hi-s audience iinlles audibly at the
idea thtitfchc should a-k Ilepublicaus to
vote against Gov. Butler because Gov.
Dutler had d ire l to Le a candidate f-.r
U. S. Senator in op;osltion to Mr. Tiji
ton. Don't be alarmed ; Tipton made
votes for Butler yesterday without in
tending to. We heard a great many Ile
pub'icans say that if Tipton had nothing
more to say about Butler than what
he said there, he hal'better go heme
and stay, and look after his Tomerey
land grant.
tsii: tr
The tampaign has about clo-ed, an 1
we suppo-e most men have their minds
pretty will made up as to who they v. ii!
vote for on the State ticket. The con
test has been principally over Ihe Gov
ernor's office, ail 1 has been almost ex
clusively a campaign of personalities.
Tlie Democrats staited out with iuon
strous eh t.rges :u-a"n-t Gov. Butler, not a
sinele one of which have been sustained.
but all have Lc-mi shown to be without i
a shadow of f tun la ;ion. On the other
hand, Croxton was set up as a pure man
and a Ghri-tie.n gentleman, an I the
great cry of Lis sup port ess was that none
but honest men hou!d be place 1 in
office (which was very good). As the
campaign progressed it began to be whis
pered about that Croxton was not as
l;ire as -'"'V,
id it soon became ev i-
uent to h:s supporters tiiat he was be:;:-;
, , ,. , ,
shown up k lore tne people as a worse
lunn tlun they had ever charged Butler
with being; and now, at the close of the
fight, Butler stands before the people
vindicated, while Croxton presents the
humiliating spectacle or being convicted
of worse crimes than he or his support
ers dared to charge upon Butler. IJe
even .'.at (puletly in LU scat, quaking
with fear before the wrath of an
indignant people, at Fremont, w hile Gov.
Butler castigated him with a keen hick
ory accusing him of fraud and rascality,
naming the transaction? in detail, and
ci!liii on him to stand up and cornet
i Mm it' h was f'.iitn 1 jnuki
a single
mkeniation. We admire the
, n n1;f r, i nti .fi...:.,..
tlie storm that -'.tliered al.ont hiui at the
cnumeiK Lii.ent of the campaign, and w
I ,,.,, v ;s v;r,j:t..1? ;,.,. H. will Ik;
he elected next Tuesday l-v. over 3,0-):)
majority, and he vi!i stand triumphant
before the people vindicated and endorsed
again; t the cahicinics cf his enemies.
A((i:ir rut: sin .inov
We copv the foUowu:- article under
, ,. , i i r
the above heauinj, l;utii tka l.u.o Uega
tf-r, theordy outspoken democratic organ
; in ;I,C ;-U:ite. While we stunTm direct
oppuiticnto this Democratic sheet, yet
, ,
we can honor the man and auuiire the
pluck that dares to spc;d: fcrlh boldly
what he and every other snte.iigcnt man
know?; to be the real sentiments of the
Democratic party. We adtuire honesty
and candor, whetle.-rit endurscs our ideas
or goes against them : .
A few so evlied I'ouKir.tje ncwspafi'-rs
being, have possession of the cover.!
meat, it meuns that when the party in
power adopts any mea-ure, however un
just, unconstitutional orinexpedient, uiid
however much the Democracy may o--po-e
it previous to its adoption, the
parte should tamely turn round and ser
vilely tie'Miicsce in it. 'Hi
lion of
such a principal would make the Demo
cratic party a mere tender to the Repub
lican party a set of mere craven lick
spittles. It would make . x! edieucv. not
i! mc'Tile. the entorio:' fl.r t!.. leiii-
erale party. The object of such a policy
is s aid to he to ijet the v.v.v?r to jret a
mwnty ol the people out lee Hemocratio
of such a policy can accomidish
tle.-ir j urpose much more expediiieuiy
by .sioin over to the Monsrel party bae:
and l-'apeaee and blending with, and
making themselves component parts of
thnt party. This policy sets at naught
ail manciple. It makes success no
matter hy what means the test ot po-
, - - t -
iit-i niiciritc.
A'e believe that the Democratic party
i f'.unded on principle, and that princi
ple in direct antagonism to the l-'iftctntli
m ; : 1 .. .r 1 1 .l i .til CiVfri'i.:i t . ...i
......... . . . , .... .... ...tJ..( .uva-Uii...
n policy is to prevail, we .'hah be
I.- i - .
x:!id on aii that. Th
111 power lias eoange i toe coaslruction
! hi
"i"ic- lzhcii inc v-oiisiiiauou. all
l -:.., i. . 1 -..
i oa- g:
i po-.vei.
1 aece!
atly enbiige.l and extended tli
! L"vei ument ir.-t f.
Jiu-t we
It h
stituti.-n ut the point of the bayonet, an
amendment vlnc!i deprives each :ate of
a right to regulate suffrage within its
limits one of its re-crved rigliL-;, of
which it cannot be deprived without its
own indi.iduai eon-sent. It has backed
up this amendment with legi-laMon in
t'ne interest cf negro supremacy, and i;n
posing pains and penalties on white men
lor acts which miubt be absolutely- nee
c's-ary to their self-protection. Mut we
"a vept's all tiiat? ' Wo must do ail this,
and mi. re, if we adopt the policy of the
"le:i.l-:-su-j"-itcs, tire advocates of ac
must ignore all that
eati give vitality to a campaign ot jinn
eiple, and etit all that we have said in
l etiun.-iation of tlie tyranny, rascality
venality of the crrupt p.arty that
ever ei-e: te-ed this or anv other country.
.jl.-u-j.-, i.ti:,
Vi eli'o the fi.liinyiti.r en,il-!--.
r. , ... .r...
oa .
They aie pointed, and should
, j , .
i..oroug:iiy cmisP.ereu ty every man m
tne. "state:
I be j.e:Ub.;u news fr.eti every part of
ate is ci.cen!
There is t,.j doubt
as to the Miceess of the State ticket ;
Gov. liu'.lcr an I ail. O.v ng to local di
vi.-im in many of tne counties, there i
m-eat uncertainty as to the le-su.t
comity ticket.-;. Our majority in the
Legislature wi 1 be cut ilown without,
doubt. We do not think, however,
that tlie political complexion is at all in
jeopardy. Let us run no risks, however;
work as though tlie whole result depend'
e.l uj.oii one vo'e. Many perso:r--. in
liill'erent parts of the State, who were
dissati.-fie I wiih some portions of the
jt, after the "Vober second thougl
1 ne same may
s :i i iii relation to the
county tickets. In this county, affairs
are in a much letter shape than they
were a week since, and they are iini-rov-
On election day we expect the great !
triads ol tue iicpuehciin party to ui
charge its duty,
If the Kepub!ie;;n party has not
strength within its own organization to
eradicate ci!s thai may grow up in it,
then it ought to perish We are among
tho-e, however, who believe it can, and
oui-ht to correct its own vvroti-., and
propo.-e to labor to that end. let others
no as they may.
The elective fii'.nchise is the most valua
ble and important inheritance that
American citizens posses,.-, lie, there
fore, who flitters it away becau-c of
trivial personal consideration--, fails to
appreciate its value, an i should have
manhood sufficient to decline using it.
We are inquired of by letter, from
another part of the St i'e, to know if
tlie Kepublieans of this county endorse
tne course of Senator Tiptoti 0:1 the
S.ate lic'.et. We do not know of ;i md-
gle llepul.iican who .hies; uu i the Sena
tor is frank and manly enough to pub
licly state that what he is .!.,-, is be-
11!"' doie so'i'ly oil bis own iioov-iiln .l to.
MMtiibiiifv. :,t:d r.:,.,tr.-irv t,i t!. i,K-;.,.
)f his best t.iend-.
If the Ilepubliom party is to be Le-trsyc-i
J udas like into " the h inds of
its enemies by those hitherto its fiiends;
by those who are indebted to tlie party
as no organization, fur oil ihri me: we
do not proposo that any of its blood
shad be on our skirts.
What is the reason Croxton refuses to
joh.'y canvass with Butler? Because
ho is afraid Butler will prove more on
him than he can ch:ir-r on Butler.
"That's what's the matter!"
The Treasury Department on Satur
day turned ever to the .tate Department
y.jjOlHJ iu coin, for the purpose of
paying one half of the amount agreed
upou ly the commissioners appointed
under the tn-aty af lSti.3, for tlie" prop
erty acquired by tho Uuited States from
tho Hudson Day Company aud l'uget
Sound Agricultural Company, ou the
north tide of ColuuiLia river.
aii'i ponueauw are ac.,iiics- :""r . i . V U-rv e .Mars ia niacin:. hoi. s i:-f.-,n . .
uie.ifn:i srt" "IvCi !
Mr. AW.. 1' Smith,
the maua
trer of the Air Lino Ljtween New York
and Washington, ma lea happy speech
at the recent railroad celebration in fc't.
Louis', in which he said :
I have bee amused out here at what
I h ive seen. There were curii.-cs reilec-tion-s
tli ;i t thronged on my miii 1 a I rode
on the Pullman Palaces from lialtimore
to Denver, an l anions tneui wv.v
whi re is t!i- Great Ameiiean Desert
that I real of when a boy. and that my
schoolmaster .showed mo m the geocrra
phy?" Here is a vast and beautiful ex
panse, teeming with mi!!" and honey, an I
literally blooming with flowers. Here
arc plea-ant breeses and fertile plains.
Here, the forests, too, will come, ani
licr,j' Vt' ;',t a s biddi:;-, every
! product of the earth tnat ministers to
human contentment that you mav now
need will come.- 1 do not know how it
I A "
is to be worLod out this general iiriga
! tlvn problem but there have been so
inanv contradictions to our preconceived
UieU ,ua:)y disappoiutmei.ts to our
original supposition.-, that 1 should not
h r if ever1 thing von thou! 1 require
to make you perfect 'y contented and
prosperous would soon be secured. And
what li-is become of our Western frout-
! i-.r? Where is t tie traditional border
I rui-ian, if net in the lbx-ky MouJitains,
I and between this and. the Missouri river? j
One of the )rceen papers sav : A few
i . - ' J ' t
U:;y. airo an emi.-rrant tram tuakimr
ulfsail no;tir.vard, up ihioueh our vali.v
and the wild looking driver secived to hi-
l.tborinu' und..r meat exciremeur, crack-
ine: his black
"V". ''. "
nake aroun.l tne lers ot
, .-
ills s r a . i lie, i i.'Mees anu e:iii!ij ui eei.
1 . , .
i Jutul' ttioy ma i '.
"Hallo f sai;i we.
"Iloorul" said he, "vvhere's Kco.heii
America '!''
AVe explained that the object of his
inipairies lay aoout two nuuJre'i miles
' northward, and ju t as hard to reach as
nlon, be.-i lcs heingalmost uiduhabiied
except by Indians and grizzlies. He
gave a yeu tnat vvouLi have mu-ie an
Aj;ache ashamed of himscif, an 1 sail :
"I'm on it. That's the place I'm
1. untitle' for. I've heirn that the !,:g
i .-h-s in vv asnineion nave oougut a trac
where there are nothing but bars and In
jun-, them's the neighbors 1 want. I
lived in MissounY' he added, 'and I'll
be dogoned, stranger, if tiie darned rail
roads hain't cut the country all to pieces
game all away. L ve
beared them talk a'.out making one in j
Oregon, and I'll ju.-t be durned if 1
want anv (recon i.i mine. Hoora for
Kooshun America."
, , ,
It u.-el to bo sai l, ia times pas:, that
souri. who recently taken oat a very
novel ;ntent. The invention cons st.s in
..,,. I,:, .; ,..i ,..,;,, .,
so com inning sm-i arranging a poultry
roost with the gates of o;; or more Pee
hives that the j:v!;mg ot tSio poultry
uoon the roost v.'i serve to automat!-
' , , , , . , . .
cully ciose the hives, ine o'. iect is to
ol the fnves at in 'tit,
so as to exclude the bee moth, and the
opening of the saute hi the morning to
permit the j.a.-.-age of the Lees in :iA
out during the day. Surely the genius
of our people of this universal Yankee
nation is ctpia! to ali cmergencias.
. . . . . , . . . n . i
tr-i 1... .. I
i iic jjioerai cnri.-i:an sa s . .'.at)-
.er.-ons who hold what are called '"liber-
al" iews of religion, treat the matffi -
of attendance upon church service- with
treat itniitLreuce, and do not think it
worth while to go out on Sunday, unless
thev can hoar a prcaciior of disUimni -bed
ability. They i.ii-at.oreh-n i totally the
i real purpose and itseJuuiess of ineetiug
. .
' for worship. Nobody has attained to
! each a decree ol spiritual streneth that
i ie ;uu aj;,irii to depend on his individual
I resources K.r reiigious lite an.t trowln,
; wlio has anv opportunity for fellow-hip
and coi-iferatiou i;h otlier men in spir-
! iiu-ii activities. A sj'slem ol t none lit
i w, .....i .1 ;...i:
11:1.11. iii.o.j.i.1 ii.-i ii:iiieiii.. uio iii'ii
' vidtialism as somcthiiiir wholesome and
I helplld, may be one thing or another,
j out it is not Chn-tiao. nor is it adapted
to produce any high development of hu-
n-nn character. Anything more narrow,
ut. lovely, crude an 1 seifi-li than the type
of maiii.ood or womanhood wliicn this
iulivi:iua!is'.n ju o!ua.:., wheii kit to
vvork uiil.indeie.l, its legitimate results,
the world bus not often seen. A religion
that does' not prompt a man to try to
save others, will never sive him.
riy t:hu.
A Connecticut paper feel
-1 '1'm ii
"" V. hen Moses gut up fiies to bother
the people of Kg pt, his head was level.
They are a little the meanest thing
know;: in science. Take it Sunday af-
ternoun and between six and eight o'clock
in the mornings, when any one is trying
to vet a nap, and have a pre verse, per-
siscent, pertinacious, pusiiiunimoua fiy
come to you a thousand and nineteen
times in succession, is enough to make a
rharaoh let go, not on4y of the dewsj
but his meerschaum pipe, and his pretti
est servant girl. A boarder at one of
our hotels who was subjected to ihi
pl.igue of flic.--, woke up the other morn
ing with the bed mattress twi-ted around
his neck and thd in a double bow knot.
We calculate that we roiled over in bed
so many times; this morning, that if the
same number of revolutions weiegien
to a mustard seed, it would r jil to Alas
ka and back again."
".Tnry Alla n Young- Sinn."
A few days since a lady residing at
the West Lnd employed a tidy-'ookinir
young woman, who was looking lor a I
place, to do her housework, and in the
evening, when she came to take posses
sion of her new place, she brought with
her her true love, a broth of a boy, stand
ing six feet, and wti;lii:i2 about two
bun ired averdupois, with his Mary Ann t
liaiitting on one arm and all her world iv
goods under the ether. They walked
in and look a seat, and the man took a
survey of the premises, and alter apply
ing his h.iiidan i to his heated brow and
recovering his breath, exclaimed :
'"Mary," this place'll not do."
'"What is the objection to place?"
modestly inquired the lady of the limsc.
t)!i. it s no i-.iu!t in the Louse itseii,
but it's to fur alto -jet her, entirely, for. :i
. i . ..... ti,.,..
Mary decided thit she cculd get along
without a place, but not. without John,
anl the twain departed whence they
c. ui e. J ' o t ii U n ce J u urn a L
A French Journalist says :" "Our col
league of Pene has just invented a de
fensive engine leaves at a distant, e
chassepots, mitrailleuses and steel guns.'
The engiue is only a word, but a word of
tremendous power. "If Paris is con
quered," said he, "Paris will be R 'Mien
lous. And as Paris cannot persuade it
self to be ridiculous under any circum
stances, Paris is invincible."
the Yankees of f ..tmeclieist were p.ic-er ! uSi0 Vnv '''' ve coloti-ls of thy army of
inventive c. niiises-. they went so far as tllC j'Mnv W:ls -1-'1' P-WCis at her
to invent wooden nutnicff--, and palm ' ""J-her s knee ( .od preserve my dear
thorn off on the houe-t Knickerbockers j lil':.,.atid let him kill a good wtiny IVa-t-as
tho Simon-pure article. Dut their iatuiua reminded the child
-,.,!.. t I ..-o .. ir.MMnv ;., m;. tliat nerh ins some httle Jerman sdrl was
vs: vaprayraxn;gfcEE:'mm iA'jmk
fur:? lor -lone-JrV!:i.
- i receipt lor tno cure ot
Lone leion is irom the LionJuii Lmnctt :
"As soon as the pulsation which indi
cates the disease is felt, put directly over
the spot a fly blister about tho size of
your thumb nail, and let it remain for
sis hours at the expiration of which time,
dirc-tly under the surface of the blister
may be seen, the fl-lon which can be in
stantly .taken o'it with the point of a
ne-jdle or a lauec."
! In one of the lower counties of Mary-
I 7
!;n 1, there flourished in the palmy days
the "peculiar institution an old dar
key preacher, who used no notes, and
pri h d him-elf on his extemporaneous
efforts. His white brethren called him
"Doctor" a title whi .h he accepted, a f
course, with ludicrous gravity. At a
camp meeting which the "Doctor was
holding, one of these friends gave him
as a text this Massage in the Psalms of
i David : "Wake, psaltry and hnrn ; I
( ! I' -It l . 1 ri .
ii:yst.i: w in ;;ri.-c riirnt cany. l ne
"loetor'' adjusted his spectacles and
rend :
"Wake, peasle tree and harp; I my
pelf will arouse right airly."
The "Doctor" went on to explain that
Mose.s was a very early riser; that he
had a tree which grew near his
window, and that he was wont to rise
mighty airly and hang out his harp on
do peasle tree, wid psalms.
..... ic ...Ml .: . . i i fi-i
correspondent states that the re
I h- i:uJ ifl temptin:
-to 2o so.
... .
: .. 1 '1U -'r,-,v-' J''.:'" of Diusda is f
i "V.11 :,f to f'is ".'ish education.
! 't-. 'ihaci'r, ofale Coilere. whih
. ... !. :.... :.. i i i' i:
. .im.. m 'c. many, was ins i,nm.?;i
....l i.:... i i , i i-
. .: -.--. ...... ..v. u.
i . .. l... ' . t, ...
j A tair exhioit ot the instincts of the
. Orepm Dcio-eracy was made on the2l.t
nit., when the majority of the LeL'isla-
! ture virtually refused, by referring to a
comniirtee wliere it w;i! lie sacked away.
i a resolution of welcome to tien. .Sher-
j man 'J 'his was e.uivalent to a delibe
j rate in-uh to the illustrious soldier. We
; suggest that lien. Jee woui.i not have
! b'en tretited in the satue urinner, and
j leave the inference to every I"-yal mind.
! An I !... r 'IVnni.. o.Utr l.-.c ft,-..
1 sons, :.l! of whom stick type in the of-
! tiu. (), Ui:;n ocs tj,o strikin".
Thev have a I
of th
icir own-
The New York Commercial A1ccrlUrr
criminally says th :t Kiug W illiani a
nounees tint he will receive no Favre
; f-
fioniPaii-; :dv that "Qtieen Angus
i v J " "T"' . l'- ,
! 1 , thr0fi. Ui?? f'H- , n
i V, " M i
j ceive hovy any man could avoid being .1
( !ct iif ( utstitc feeds eon
.TO:; tier.
A little girl of four, the daughter of
j VZ tbat Ood would help Iter father
kl11. :1 Sool many i-rench. "Oh, that
' uoo.ii t amount to' Aw re-
uoesll t amount tO aiiythhlff,' the re-
plied. "Why not?'' '-Dccause
1 , t,". li "
'Joesll t understand (jerman.
JJishop Lynch, in a . seourse de vered
-x- . i -..- .
. hi iNew i oik on .un lav last, arsmed
! tiiat tlie interests ot tho Horn an Cat ho-
! lie Church demanded that the l'..po
j s'p.oul 1 be the independent sovere'gn of
.- me little territory, so siutill as to cause
no jealou-y or give umbrage to none,
j Uoa-iin-of the past is a poor wav to
achieve success for the future He who
rest s satisfied with a victory will soon ex-
nce a oeieat. line we go forward
we ate .-are : vviien we stop we are ire
! paring to turn back.
j .
j .In'.nning the world, if yon don't
j 'i.-h to .tret chafed at every turn, fold up
j .V01ir l,rlJe carefully, put it under lock
:m 1 .kc'-v only take out to air on
I ":liU') occasions. IV. do is a garment,
it .i.u- i 1. . i ii . i
au sun oretcaoe oui.-iue. an ciates:iK
cloth next to the skin. Keen kins don't
wear the dahnaticum except at corona
tion. rre-idenf Grant has expressed p re
el -e!y the ojiiniem we should have cxjiee
ted fiom him i-oneeruing the (iratz
leown movement in Missouri. He con-
t .... ,.r..f .1;....-....:,.. .1.., r..
niu' ii mi lii'ji in. ui.-i 11 aiii'j tin: iic-
! imbliean party without cause, which no
good llcj.uMii'an who has the interests
ut ihe county and party at heart can fad
zealously to combat. How any man pro-
fess ng Ilepublicanisiu ea;i fail to take
i the .-time view is one of the mv'sterii
which only Kevenue Itiformers, and
other political nondescripts can be ex
pected to understand.
A dearth of telegraph operators exists
pre-cnt in Germany, and more than a
hundred of the smaller telegraph offices
had to be closed becau-e the operators
were needed for more important stations
in France.
A meeting to consider the question of
the division of tlie State was held at
Beaumont. Texas, on the od in-t. On
motion of T. J. Russell, the following
re-o:ution was passed unanimously ;
"Tint we are in favor of .separating all
that part of Texas lv imr east of the
Trinity river from the State of Texas,
and the creation therefrom of a nw
State, to be called Kast Texas, and invite
all the comities in Fast Texas to join us
in this movement."
The Louisville Courln-Jnurnnl says :
"Within the last twelve months death
has been playing havoc with the journal
istic brotherhood of Ijoui-ville. Not less
than ten persons connected one way and
another and at one time and another with
the press of this city, have gone ro their
final account. I'rentice, Faxon, Johnson,
Kirk, Hallack, Whitley, Marshal, and
llit.'iies, have died one after another.
With the exception of Mr. I'rentice, all
of t hem were comparatively young, and
most of them conspicuously showy men."
That "stanlim; intelligence from Ku
rope whieli-appeared exclusively m tlie
1 tinrx, to tne eftet-t tnat uussia nad de-
elared war against I'russia, has rou-cl
the military fervor of that shet to a true
Democratic heat that of advising other
f.eo;.le to ''go in." Here is the climax
of its fervor
'"Amontj centime Democrats, the in-
teiiigenee was hailed with a general
shout of joy. Let ilussia go in. Let
Austria and Italy, and every Kuropean
monarchy go. in. Ix-t Europe he involv
ed in a i-ontlasrration. It is hotter, fir
b tter, than that a single despot should
triumph .upon the ruins of liuorty on a
s'ni-'e league of earth where despotism
h;:s been overthrown. Let conflatration
rage, f.r it is only "from the ashes of
thrones that liberty can arise."
The census returns of New York city
3re i ro; s ly regarded by the Democracy"
a- the end of their lease of power. They
annihilate some 60.CKMJ voters who never
had -n existence, except as repeaters,
and thus close out the source of huge
Deu!e.a'ic victories. The information
has created a real panic", and the attacks
on Republican candidates were never so
xenomous as since thediscovery that the
supply of bogus voters has been cut olf.
It wipes the party majority entirely off
the slate ; and as it has no merits to
stand on, it will necessarily go to tho
wall iu a fair contest.
- umwimi
J. D. simtson.
Forwarding and Commission Merchants
Plattsmouth, Pcb.
We are now occu!viii the room formerly occupied by L'. T. Duke & Co.. and are d. in- ,i
Po rwarding mid Commission Business
Ware IIouc attacl.eJ. we can furni.-h all the st:ra:o wanted.
All goods .cnt in our care will receive
i.n.tgooi.-. dioti.-ii l for A.-hland. Mneohi. mid the Blue Uiver, will beforwardod without delay.
CAtt Md
Legal Notice.
To ,:in:i Fuller. Malissa Cleveland and Her
man llodtre. iion-re.-id"iit ileindaiit.s imd heirs
at law ot Alt liea ('. 1'hilii.s, ileeeaed mid the
miknown heirs of V iiliaiu M. liode. Xur
man I...lsi, and .11 Minder Liodire. tlecea.-ed,
aii'l heirs at law of Alt lieu V. l'liili., ileea'p-l :
Will take notice that .lucol. L Philip.- has tiled
his petition in the Ji.-trict Court. Id Judicial
1 list net, within and for Ca-s county. Xei.raska,
settinn furtli that Jaeoli J. Phiiip-' has the
ciuitab'.e title lo an 1 is tho owner oi lots nuiu 4 ii.i I ' in sej'tion 11, toviishi 1J and rai.'e
.mini ! -r l.'t. and lot number 11, ia section is,
town-hip 12. and ranee 14. all i'l Cass county,
Neora.-kii. the lepnl title to .'ai l tracts oi
land were in plaiiiiiil'i wife. Alt hen 0. Philips.
That said Allhea C. l'hilins .icoarte l this life
on the l''tii .lay of March. lV.S. that prior to lier
death, to-wit : liu in the of March,
! ftl;
which she demise. 1 and lieour-a'fic d unto .faeo
h. Philips the a hove described lots an'l tra.tJ of
la ii 1. together with certain real estate in .Mills,
county. Iowa, and that said will has heen lost,
iiu.i pray i:i that s.-.i 1 Jasob h. Philips may bj
declared to he the owner of said lands, ill Ca-'s
county. Nehra.-ka. and that the s.ime may le
conveyed to plaintili: and that sai l will may he
established and eonlirined an t for such other
and fur her relief as in the nature of the ease
plaintiais entitle d to .
Vou are required to answer faid petitbmou
or belorc the olt day of .eioor. A. 1 . l-C'l.
JA( .Oil h. PHILIPS!.
liy MuwRi.t, .t'siax, (h;o. sj. .siith,
l:is Attorneys.
Set ll .".wjf
Legal h'otice.
In the Iislrict court of 2d .Tudi -ial District of
the .State of Niebra-ka in and for Cass, county.
Annie .leiuiums i.y tier next
frieii 1 tleoive Jennint'-',
vi 1 1 1 tii iii l . MieliMii. r eSoliee.
Charles i; U.iyJ,y, I
John V.. ii.iyl.-y and I
Kdwiird oo li a. uieh. I
Ch:o!,-s K. Hajleyl John K. UayK-y nn l Kl
ward j..i..!eiiouet. d( ieiideri.. wiil take notice
that the above nan;. 1 plaintiffs did, on the IKIlh
day of June. A. i. ls".'u eotciaeiicc a suit
ajraiust vou and one W' P. Sh l ion. in the
nliiii m r.wo. T i. .lo.i I ,..iitv. 'ii 1 i..iii.i..l rim -i.l l.k
fen hints to U notified .f the lieiidanev .f ?:ud
' fuit "--'"tiiiir t-t Jnw. Vou and each of you are
I;y ii" tilled that an application will be
ioadc in the said t.-.r the appointment .f ii
i 1, V r, ' ,. , ; 7 ,'r":, r:-V "'" ! "ver,y
, , int. v. Inch said application will be ma.e
before his h..n..r Ueoi-.f.- . I.'ake-. iuL-ci.i th
;0'ive lo-trict totii t at M.e t-inotith. at theeoun
ii"i.-..n.i in i-i.'iii; i ii, in me. i'.r v.i.-s
eotin'yis hi h! on the 1 Itii d..y of November. A.
IX ls7a, :i nine o clock a. m. of sr. i I dav. The
ai p!icat ion wiil be b:i.-c 1 upon the petition in
sail e.Mi.-e f.ied. an 1 ,;i atti lav lis to be tiled
ai.d thessii pbiinlills pro..o-e as Mi-h receiver
litc'iar l I). Sim psmi. an 1 oii'er as .sureties for
said receiver D.ivi.l Lea-lcy. Williain l'ultou.
Xalhan S. -Simpson, nil 1 these nppl.eants pro
pose as their own sureties. John K, Jacob
liridens-ir.e. K. 1. Joti.-s. John Chile .;t, of all
of which facts you wiil take notice.
T. M ."e.Mii'l'KTT,! Attornev for
1. II. WilliLLKIt. PlaintiU".
riattsmoti h, .Sept. r.'S, 1S7D, wit
In the IKstriet CVurt 21 Judicial District,
within an. I for t 'lis countv, Xcbrnka.
Perry Walker 1T1T. I
Minerva J." MerVnl.
Ma MeL'or.l Marv f
MeCor.l. William I
K. M- t'or 1J.V Ii.ivi l
A. MeCorJ. Jr. I
Minerva .1. .MeCor.l. Ma M-Crd Mi.ry
etceor.l. v. uiiniii l .Viet nnl utnl l.ivi 1 A. .vle
Co -.1. non-re-i lent rlefei:ilant. you ;re herel.y
r.otilic.l thi.t Perry W.-iik- r tiiei) hi- petition on
the -.'It'll "lay ef Au?u.-t. A. I). ITd, in tile olli'-e
of the Clerk of t!: Pi.-triet Court within toi l for
Cass eoniitv. the ol.jeet nui! pniyerot whieh is to
eorreet nii.l ret.. mi a .lcel exeeiite.l hy Wiilimn
! Met'onl to s'uriih .1. p:iirl..".n!.-. on or nhont the
1 Ith ilny ol .oveinler. Isi.a. in wni-h iletil the
Fii.l .MeCoi il inter 'ed to cmi ey tiie s E 1 , of the
X E ol'seetjoii So. one 1. ia t.iwiisliip No,
eleven 1 11 ) X. U in-e No. thirteen . hi-, east of
t.'te.'.t'a P. M. in C eotiiity, Xel.raska. hut hy
mistake the .S E 1 t S E 1 1 ol said seetion wa-.
f t f .rta in 1 .i . i: ami prayins thtit saitl
.Ic'cl may he ieforiiie.1 so as to exi.ress the true
intent of ?.ii.l parties, ami that phiiittitTs title to
said S E! ot the X E 'i of section one (liin
towii-hiii eii vcn 1 11 1 north, ltane thirleen l:fl
in Cass eounty. :rehra-k:i. may he qniete l an.l
eonlirtiied in plaint iti, and that the elon l ci't
uion pluintii'i "s title to said tract of land hy
reason of paid defertive deed, may he removed.
Vou ure re.iu'1 d to nn-wcr said pitition on
or before 11: li. lsT.l.
l'KlillV WALK E It, 1'1'ir.
TJ.v Maxwki.i. ii Chapman h'u Atty's.
epteiiiher L-.i. 1S70, .".-.v.
Sheriff's Sale.
James AViley, )
vs. - Onlcr of Sale.
Williiini T. Ilrynn. )
.Notice is l.ereliy ttiven that I will otTcr for srle
p.t pulilie iiii.-tioii, ut the trout door of the Court
l!oiic in'.?li. Cass eounty. Nehraskn.
ou .Mon-lay. October 17th. A. L. Is?:', nt 2o'oloek
f p. ui. of said uay, the lolluwiug real estate, to
wn :
Lot number live ("0 in block number forty-
three Md, in the city of l'lattsmouth. Cass county
Xcbraska. as .lesinatcd upon th- n rded pints
ot sanlcity. in pursuatics ot a 'le'reial order o
the Distri t Court, of the d Judicia District.
within aid for Cass county, Nehr iska. rendered
at the adjourned April term. A. D. 1-70. and on
the ISth day of July. A. D. 1S7U to me. directed
as Sheriff of Cass county.
(iven under uiy hand this 11th day of Septem
ber. A. D. 1S7J.
Cass County Nebraska,
MAxn-Ri.i. & Chapman, Att'ys fjr l'laintilf,
Legal Notice.
In District Court, 2d Judicial District, within
and tor ( ass t ounty. Xera.-ka,
John . l.arncs, i'ln
Platte launders Deft
To Platte Saunders, non resident. !. K-ndant :
Vou are hereby notified that John W. IJarnes,
plaintili. has fliel his petition in the Pistriet
Court. 2d Judicial District, withia and for Ca.-s
county, Nebraska, iu which he claims a. judg
ment "ae-ainst you. us defendant, f.r the sum if
$ln). which eum of money plaintitf claims was
obtained by deicndar.t through fraud and mis
representation, on which defendant induced
plaintiff to buy lot IS in block in Junctrm
Ci'y, Mill-" eounty. Iowa, for the sftui of cbJii.
when thedefei.dan: had already sold said proper
ty to another party.
" You are required to answer faid petition on or
before the the lioth clay of October. Wo.
I5v Maxwell A- Chapman, bis Attorneys.
Guardian's Sate.
VOTICi: IS HEREBY GIVEN. That in r-ur-ruance
of a dccretul or ler of gale ot ilon-
tieo. JJ. Lake. JaiUeot the Jji.-trict eouttoittie
'J.' Judicial District, on the 4th day of Aripl,
1S70, I will, on -Saturday, the U'.Uh day of Octo
ber, at the hour of one o'clock. 1'. M.. of sai l
day. at the trout door of the Court House, in
Plattsmouth. Cus. county. Nebraska, oiler for
sale at public vendue, to the highest bidder, all
right, title and interest of Frederick Wehnes,
Henry Whenes and Margaret Wehnes, minors,
heirs ot Frederick Wehnes. deceased, i n and to
the follawiiifr described real estate, to-wit: i'he
south half of the northwest quarter, and north
east quarter of the northwest quarter and th
northewt quarter of the iouthoait quarter of
section No. ten iu township ten north tii range
twelve east of 6th P. M. .
Sale will remain open for bids from one
o'clock, p. in. to two o'clock, p. m.. ofsaid day.
Terms: one-fourth cash ia hand, ono lourth in
one year, one-fourth in two years, and oue
fourth in three years, with interest on deferred
payments at V.) per cent, per annum.
Krhard lleebuer, puardian of minor heirs of
Frederick Wehnes. aeceafed. liy
Mixtrta Jt Chapwan'. Attorney;.
octonlt .
Legal Notice.
In Hi.-triei Court. -Jd Judicial 1 district, within
and tor Ca-s eounty, Nebraska.
.uart-'ttret (. arter.
Mary K. Krahl and
N. J. I'ettenuer. by
their next Iritud
John Mul.,
Win. l!arl.w and
James '. liarb.w.
William Harlow and Jame.s . V. irlw i',!
taie no. ice llial Mariraret Carter. Mary Krahl! l! dore A. ;
and. N.J. Petteiier. by their next friend John I C.:-s coiiniy. ; ,
.VN:t.. ot ta- eounty. Nebraska, did on th-e.ih 1 John .M.-i J .ira .
day ot June. lsT.l. lile their petition in the I vs.
ot ihe clerk of the district court within ami f.r ; Charies l(. '.u .-. I
( a-s county. Nebra.-k;t. the said ! bail, s K. .;,, , .
lioam i.arlow ami .tames VV . arLit
defendants, setting torth that tlie. said defend
ants on or about tlie Ttn day of October. vi,
executed their certain promissory note f that
date in writinir, ealitii t.-r tho sum of aid
liicnamd tliere delivered the satuo to the sa d
piatntitis. and thereby proini-ed to pay to the
said j.hiiatitl.s tlie said sum of with interest
lrotu October "t!i. Ii S. at the rate often per
celt, per annum. That .-aid plaint it:.-caused to be
i sued I.y the e i rk of sai l court, an oi ler ot at
ti. hitieiit and .lid cause the fol lowing proper! v of
Vt'illtain L'arhc.v to be attached. t..-w it : 1 he .S 1 j
of the soathwust quarter of section No. L7
towmdiip 3e. north of ranire 1 east, also as the
property of James W. Harlow, the southeast
liiarterot section No. .V in township le norih
ol rai:-3 S east, all in Cass eounty, Nebrn.-ka.
lor the ptii-po: Cc.f having the same sold I pav
said indebtedness', mid the said William Harlow
and Julius W. llailow ate notified that they
K ill... en in appear in i aiisw. r sai.l petit ion on
or before the ll:h ilay of November. 1S70, or
iud-'inc'it will be rendered lifc'aiiist them.
1 ited Juiif lied. Is 70.
Margaret Carter, Mary Krahl and N.J. Pet
tender, by John Matz. their next friend.
ficpe.' A-.torneys for l'l ii tit ill's.
Legal Notice.
Pirtriet Court. 2d .f iidi.'ial. District, within u!.d
for Cas-i county, Xel.raska.
K. 15. Windham, 1
L .1. Kirnev. ,'
.?n.Mhrra ii. Pu.-kJ
To L.M. Keener noil resident defendant:
Vou are hereby unfilled, that I iiave i 'i il,.
'.th day of OetoUr, A. D. lsTU. tiled my pi ;oi. i.
in the District Court. -J1 Judicial D-siri -t.
within and lort'a.-v eounty, Xil.rask i. and com -meneed
an aetion a-ain.-t you in sai l roun,
wherein. 1 el.iiin the sow of S'l'lu.iiil, with inte
rest on that miiii at th- rate of 1 per ' i nt. pi ,
annum., from maturity, upon a certain proi.i
i ory not" ot date April leth. IsTu. calii; u- f..r
Sl'.'i'i. and due in sixty days from date, nivt 11
I.y yourself and Ahrani II. Duck : and tiiat I
have caused an attachment to he iMied in f aid
court, an 1 your property to wit: the uud '2 of
lotonediin block X... four .-1) in I'latt-onoiuh
city. Casi eounty. Xchra-ku. has been attached
thereon, and tiiat utile.- vou aenear Hiid 1 lead
to said iteti..-4 on or before the 1 1th day ol X -veiuher.
A I. 1ST", judgment will he rendere 1
.'i?ain-t jou 111 said
tli t. and said property or-
di.iC.1 to te fold to .satisfy the same, with costs,
K. 11. WIND1IA.M.
Dv Maxwell .V- Chapman,
l'laintill's Attorneys.
o tOwlt
John D. Tutt plaintiiT. nirainst Jacob Viillery
Jr., Administrator of the cftale of Peter A
Sarpy, deeea.std and the unknown heirs; o
Peter A. Sarpy. deceased, defendatiti..
'I'O the unknown heii- of Peter A. i'arpy,
1. deceased, you will take notice that John i.
Tntt. I'laintifl. hast tiled Iii-. petition in the
Dit-trict Court 2 Judicial District within and
for Ca.-- eounty. praying that certain detect.-, in
his chain ui title to the undivided half of 1j
acres ofpronnd in the .S E corner X W ijuarter
of see. la. deseril.ed as follows, to-wit : eom
mcnciiiR at I lie sj E conn r X Wqr said section
thence runiiia north 3d rods, thence west so
rods, tin nee south ';.) rods, thence ea- t sa rods to
place of heuininp- and the uii.livdcd 'j of .". acres
of u round in the X E corner of, S W i r of -see.
!!. dc-crihed as coiniiiencinjr ut the X E comer
s vv or, tnenee runr.iuifo
tion line 1 rods, thenee west
Nl rods, thence
li'.rth I'l rods, theti.
east HI n.ds lo tl.e of
b-'lfilin:Ir. limy be corrected fv deeiec of the
(.'ourt uud that' the title to sai'd land maybe!
ir-iicted tin I confiriiied it) IMaintiif. Vou are re- !
quire.l trj im-nvor said petition 0:1 or hefor-j
Nov .7th. IsTK. JOHN D. TL'TT. 1'lt'iT.
Dy -M i.X'.VEl.l. t Chapman, his Attv's.
Sept. 1 ST'J, Ow
Legal notice. j i&;!Z'Ett
Joseph Harper and William II. Harper, of the ' ll is sold I y d 1 i-1-1 -Territory
of Colorado, will take n..ti-e that ,'"'!'.'-vJ.'r'"' '
s-aoinn ricnt, i.y tier ne.r iricnu. uotu rt u.
Ilocm. and l.ei i M . W rttr ii I . of 1 lie conn, v oil ':iu. '
in the State of Nebraska, did on the e'.'iii day of
September. A. D. Wo. lil their the
District Court of the Jd Judicial District ot the
.stall) of X ct.r.'i-ka. in mid for (':i. ciiiiiitv
:iL',.inst the said Joseph Harper and William II.
llaipT. ilcfendant.s. setfins foith that thesaid
Jo.-cph llarpi r g:i e his. written asrei inent i"
one A. J. Kerr to conveyor euuse to le eonvt y ii
to said Kerr, the loii . wins renl estate to wit: a
Ftrij. of lar.d eomnieiicins Si"2 ' a f' et south of the
N E eorner of the X H ',4 of section 1!. town lj,
ranse 1 J. east ot the Oth P M. Running tliem-e
S'Hltll .'1'1 feet, ihenee n'l-.l .'til:: I'.-el linn--,.
norl ll eu) fl-el. I fience ens! :'h:. feet lo i'i" oi.iee
of 1,1-L'inliinn- iio.l j o I,, I erl o, , I: lo e. o-
vey the saoie throu-u one John . Mar.--h.oI
I l.ut that the l.v-al ti'le still remains in th" said
Joseph Ua peruiel ihat lie was bound to convey
Ihe same and the-e 1'laintitf- have pos.-i s,-n,n of
the said hind as the said A.. I. Kerr's (iiiiutei s,
tiiat afterward ::il Joseph Harper conveyed :he
same to aid William 1 1. 11a p rcr, the other (j
fendant. who had luil knowledge of the Plain
tiff's i-qilit ies linJ pray ins that the said .'eteiid.i lit
Win. 11. Harper be compelled to need thesiid
preini.-es to the said Sabina Wright, ani tiiat
the said defendant Wm. II. Harper, be i-njoin. i
from pro'i-eutiiiK a certain action of ejeef tn.-m
in the sai l ci nil to oust the said I'l... otitis frmn
said premises, and the said Joseph Ua i per mi J
W illiam 11 Ilarperarc herel.y notified tiiat they
are required to appearand answer said petition
on the! 1th day ol November. l-7i. or said p.-ii-tion
will be taken as true and iuden,. m mr
deredaccordinfe-iy. SA BIN A W U Pill T.
DKVI M. WI'.Killl
Jlv WiLMTr 1'i.tTKNoEit th. ir An y.
Sept, 'J0.-1S7O. w .r,w 12
Legal Notice.
In the Jistliet Court. 1M Judieial llistri.-t n IT n ctu m-i nw cm .-
Conit w-thin and for C';t.-.l county. Nebrask.i. t9'3 ti -4 l I -i A i V 1. fei i ,
I o Mary J. 1 ountr, non-resident. Defeieiant. " " -vu " 7
Take notice that you are sued in the Di-triel ,
Court. Jd Judicial District, within ami tor Cass W Jain .-treet, P!-.p.-.::io-.:tl:. !n-r.- thty i i
coun'y. Nebraska, on the l '.th day of Si p' j I "-c to keep ,u ha.: 1 i i-- v . . y
A. u. ls,i. I.y .I.eiHti ii. ounir. that the o.eeet
and prayer of tiie petition filed in said ea.-e is tn
t . .. .11 c. . I. l 1 . . c .
.. I"UIIB. ..Id, I IIC U". l l I
.. ad Plaint, .i. J-i..h
o'.ia in a 'i i oi ee iii.iu in:
now exist ins between you ;
ll. Youtifr. Vou are required to an-wcr sai 1 p.-
titiou on or bef-re the .;!- day ot O.-to er. Ii.i).
MAai. C.I.L. .V; . II A I'M A.N.
Attornys for Josiah II. Youiitf.
Srpteiuberl'.th. w-t
Legal Notice.
Tn Ytn Tlistriet Court 'il .Iiiiliein'. rittlr!-! tn !
and for Ca-'s eounty, Nebraska.
Milton M. siiniih, 1
vs. I
ri.itte Saunders and r
V. illiam L. ells.
Defendant. J I
To Platte .Suinders non-resident defendant.
yi u will t ke notice that Milton M. .Smith has,
en the -.'th day of September 1S70, iil.-d his !
n iiiende-l petition in the office of the eh-rk i f
the district court in and for Cas5 eounty. Ne- j
Iraska. the object and prayer of whieh is to f.r- ,
close a certain mortsaire bi ven by you upon lot j
9 in bl ek No. -0 in Plattsmouth city. Cass eounty
Nehra.-ka, to secure the sun of s W according
to thccondition of a certain promissory' note of
even date with paid mortgace and due in live!
month from date, and to obtain a judgment
asrainstyou for the saia sum of S-"'.', and that I
uiiles.-you appear in said court and answer or i
demur tosaid petition on or before the 7th d.iv i
of November. 13711. the same will be taken as i
true, anJdecree rendered aeeordinirly.
Ey Maxwf.ll A- Chapman.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
J r " " 1
oJ:.w :.
IX t!ic m.tttfr ih.. ,
i i.e.- r
t!ii. ui-.; i i l-.iij ,,f ,- .
ccu(:. a r hii .' .
bull llllclf.a 1 1,1 tj,,.
r..;iHri : Vu itro 1,.-, . '
V. hiflir. K.iunliiiii s
tiiiiicv;:., uiiiior lu-im i,f
of iol) r. IiTii. t;ic I
i.-i"t t.'oui t i , ,
for n orJi r of i I , ,
ii:l a:i: inft-rit J -.
in l.i.n-k in , ,
-"u:ifv, N.'.ru.liM: t
.1.1 !.M.f mH .-..Ull.
J '. i:.a 1.- nil ..r l. r ;
li 'i.i .i.- f. ! ,. h.1 i !;.-.,1 I'.o pi.., i,., ; .
: I nr.- i . i,. .
l:.t !: i-iiiii., i
E.ii i l.i i ia i
(i I ;
d '.r li.-.u
rr Hntni-Liil 11. ,. ., , ,
1 l.-ndniii : ui i, ; : . . . ;.. ,, ,
J t'li- Tih i..y o . ( , ..
I'laintitV. file.l hi , nl ', :,
; 'h-rk ft i!i.- Iitr.. i i.;; , i ;','..
I linwka. s.-ltitu; f,. ;m tl.n j., (;',,.
I K...f I'tli p. :.i i
tli.l! chi.I ti( fli'l.,:.! .... ..i . , .
S.' t--!i:'u r. 1 s"-7. .;,i i .; ., j .,. '.
inttx. (.Kiirr ui " J. ."i
J..I111 Tcwk-liui y t . . r :i ;,. ',
aad ex..' in ci i; .;. ! , , ,., ; 1 . .'
an iii:'trui:iiitl i-. uji'in'- j. ',...' .".
I'onvcyio sj,i , ),.!.'. . :
I. seiiiiic; I..,t. , y ,: , ,k '
s:i:. I trii. t cf 1,11!, i ,!;.; , . . ,
bury. .y .. , .' ',,
..i:rch:iM', :h. ; : , ,.
i', k"!niry, ni 1 j I.iim . ; ,. ' ' .' .
li-n l u n t I,,, r.'ijci'.'l t" i.', .',
I :ir.d -ullii i. nt ,!.-,. i , ... j',,
sai i r'laiiitili or tii it t.. ..
opei'iite ii-i ii. l i, y v i i . y.-.i
to !in.-W( r said .c: c i,.,'i ,,,, ,.r I.,
of 1 ., ' ... s.; . I
Legal Kciic-?.
t V estate ol .lesi i !i 1 -; 1 1 i . -1 1 .
Cas e-uiity, .N 'ebi-.i-4. a . an- h.-rehyn
-aid claims niii-t In tile I in the la.
of said comity i,, or I. f. re Mar a
is;.-, or they u, be l.r.v.r I,,,,
A. L. e llil I.. l'i ,. .,.
sejitL 'iw'Iw.
t. hi:' i ; ! '
'. - oil.
l-.-o ,:. ;!,.
-.. j ! il.
ic ;: i. i r . ,
. 1 entitled caii.-e. , i . , I.
mcne. d an action :n
l ourt ot ( a-- eotn,- . . ,
two h tiii.l t o 1 a h.1 t. :t , -,
one-hiindied: !. -e.. - .
It .linie. r for la ', .- . , ,
brother fii. ;i.a 1.. ( :
hcafd .ii t !ie ."ih ,j ,.;
at it o'cloe! a. ii,.
OjIOh. t
I- ht re'.v sivi-i! t!i ;l ,.,
l. Isto. , ,i, ( . ,
I iirht lo: y te.ire. n Ii i., ,
111.'-: M e.u . . ! i i, . 1
wi!h t i.c ! i : ! E i.r.n, :
neck, evi h ftly .
his property I.y . t. .,1
nioiith. C.-. s . nit.. ;
paying eh. 11
iuly.'.:d. tl"
J. W. :
4 LI, PEIt.suXs II :
1 rehi: l..!i, loirie ! ,p !,.
in onn- ,v I'.i.- ,- :, 1 I.: i,.:.-.
.1 I I.i
1 1 .
re.J.1" 'e.l to I .1 e t 1 . 1,1 1 ,
Xo. '1 ti.. I-,;..
i'y ': ! r ..f t!. -ill
Alt. . : : . i . i-1. .;. 1
iff ???':''."'"'
Wiirner-r" Pile r. T. :;- Ii
'. e:i in 01. e ea.-e I 1 1 11 .. 1 i
Ciind J.:,.;.
ic I .1.. .,; i , .
i.-t- and it-' V -r . 1 I .
pre-ly I .1 i!:e -.,- -. :,; .., ;
l- ' .-'i.y :!- .- -.
i-aes of over '!.::rv , .
Dollar. lor - :- i.y" .
'. -.i-i-V 1 1 i.i
.r.- . ; .r D -.. ( 1 1 -- i .,
laldon.! 1 '., in ..... . :
..11 1 a spiel, i ,
.he -toia-i.-!. 11 ,, j 1 ... t. :.
i t-t th-:r iuto.hy s;-.t .
j (,.'
1 '
e 'J
Wurner's I'oitkh I: '
n.d rating. I
possesses ia jo-n.
liy ciii iiii.'. i -ie ii:o- i
1-N. s 00 'l hroaf. ':
lllltl. Iienr-i'llr.-. A -' I lea
d Co
lltllo.-t i
.' r-ain its !!,-, ia ; i; i :s,
fleet!..,, of tlie :,. :i,. I
t pliysi -i;. i.s it 0.1:1.- J ,
Kid --iv lint j: 1 .
.!.!, ..I itl 'ill-do Hie kl.- .
ill-. id- ret'. !'. :ii,- in ,M..-t
f- ts a .-u.-e. .Sold l.v .1.-... .
I'l : -e 1 li.i. 1 '.,ii.i.-. It i .- i
till cn .i and scf;. r. 1 ;;,
t-l. .1 ,
e .
r's Viniim 'r
1 I !
i ..m a ny p. o --.,-.! ;
- " I' " " ' l.'i. -- I.
1 '. -.eti-;. I ai.-i : r ;i. I 1
' 1 world for tit : i , :,
I ; t - i .-.. 1: r :,ti I d- ii. : .u
1 to th.. l.-i
am. 1
i. I
jrhi-ky, wine, 1 it t t - .
jtore ii ait .'1 v, :.r 1 1 h
l.r.le. y on-or.-l I...
It is. i'l la.-!, a lio-
1 per.
ti to.
n 1
. at ali 1 -p.
i .,. i.-t I..
! ' .-i ii' r s, -tn - ; , ,
' '"'" '''.,' "r' '.' t.-o
a-e.i lu re i- the i.nnii
1 .H"'.,!:'t I' -oie t- not e...-,- I
...!! :i;it me I i ; .j,- I e. .. v
iJ the ir; ..:,ti ' !.:. --ii. i -,-i r .
in. li id i 1 1 : 1 1 . i ,- i. i-:: r.
run- f.-r 1'. mi. I. I it. ii i: ,
"en :e-l n p. .ii j :, e'. e; y i , -.- i
J.i-.v i n- i,-. ii '.- : r...-te I 1 '1 : .
r .1-1 I.y dr:;-u'i-t - . i -. n
ii Oi. r- -ei ; i i.i . i ... :
liiee I'd" i .-'in :e --r--. t. (''..- .
j. ih
nprJJwIy'.. !:,.;; p
. . ' -d . 1 ! I ' . A.
I n 1-r.W Iy ..:., y l"i't II
Real rotate.
"ri: ha vr; mam; auuanokm:
I wi:!i 'I !-:.:. i- l'..l. ..,,. .1.
ijirn-.-i I . t.i ..,.- e!i -i r; i-l . .r A ileal I. !i ',ii
i'l e i in ir entire n 1- nt .. -u t.i
p.iyini; ta l-.r ii- i- : -.
s.-llin ; Itvai f-.-tuf.. 'it i i
tit i - t ,ji ui -!.i.. -.' !. t : - .
t r
in? al! L.i -iie-.-s p.- ;
will l e p.ii'id cm. !i:
'i he i.ll -'i.e-s wi'I !
!.n 1 i:i oir ..'!.-. a !j
A h.-t r.-i. t will ; .
1 ,ui,d,!.;.
;i i-i "-ir ti-.'h'
! i ., , -e. Ill,
.. i!y and i . I I
I. i ": M i'iV.
-d UJ.
M x v.-
si p;.: iiwtf.
thi: t;ndi;i:.-i.;ni-;d iiavu.oi i;.i;p a
Dili 0 i. Ul1 111 lli A I 0
iiit.i:i..-r I'laci.-s paid:f'
Lot i-
Ca!' Hm' see its.
n::g--iX: if.
HALL A li.;:r I M S.
Tootle, h'aniia L Cii:
. A r- , . .
- p" H .' S-, r )
" " 4 1 1 " W in
. . .
5Ho!ji JJXZ41 t-il''l GGIU
f ,"i "V- r1 XT A T1 fZ-'
J.IAV--. -i SJJ-i,
BT Pi njfl t1iti'V 4
-' l"" .9lt ... .
r , , ,,
Dii--.'! drawn on a.l pari-of C.c I in 1 .
,UJ, i-urope. deposits receu cd, and .-j ic.
iiven to cullcctious.
Plattsmouth, Neb.