11 1 11 I II ! Ill III HH THE NEBRASKA HERALD IS TLtLISHKU WEtSI.T ET I i 13 II ATI I AWAY, F.r.iT H AS! PKOI'K.:KT')R. 1 .1 K I .4 - ' TOT 7 TO) AT PL ATTSftlOUTH KRAL3 H ri'KLisai i ht II. D. II A Til A V AY,. rniToR An rRrrntjiTrn. Q . . , hit ?'ain and Second strec.a. sec 3 :"S'r V'y. t'.''O I'Pr nntiufti if paid is ' vnrjT. it not paid in ndv.-tK-e. VJ:1 of'i.e l!t;Wsjap;;M liavt; novel i-;t-t'i v Lit constitute- properly. If i, -.v,! ! r.y- a l.orsti of a.-j-jtht-r. uu-l ! !. i:'ir-M'ryiMtcinpsiym''iit,tiiiy .. i.i ' i: v(. that t'ie ii t j amounts to ; .iti- is f a ii-:v horse, 'i !i" animal i. '! :. J jiv'i'!y. Luton wli.it. t!Miy t -o th .1 n-prei-ents ths vaiuo h.-M : . : ty. iii tho ordinary .-i.-niii.-;:-:" t t'.nn ? t'an t!io proM'i ly of a t;y !- in .Tensed by any inn:iler of : t rati If it can, securities for -lil'. 'it ! : leadc a x.'UP.-i! of pl-.::'i, ? .!?:: ry d-jtioL its property l y :i.il ..: j!.. ;i-'rr ;'s i .uv-i. '.'.'!.. i !!, (ioveriiiiieiit. in need of 1 : ; i I -. .'so:i..; of its lori'l.-i for y i' tl.- iti.cn, the trade create. n i.i v. a: : . ; il I hat tijc hoi id amounts, to i- v. vi tliat the nation owes a i i ; I'l.'. int of horrowed money there in ;-"i -l- I. 'J'o tux this evidence that e w-n deht, is to tax as property soire- tliiii" this, in fact, ha-: no cxisten: The in rv y. an-1 the cviJuno! that it is own: r. ai" ij'ii: iliiK-rout mhjeets. What the J ivcin!!;' :;'. h tax is the income from t!i" i " i, an I that is money repaid, and tn-tui! proputy. No one d'spure-that all iTnj'''; iv .-hoi:M 1).; taxed erprilly, hut. "he;i :a ;n is tux-j 1 on evidi nee t hat he !!:.- let o.vo (lie money on which the tax i I ied. hut has lent it to the taxing iv. i r, i: i a Ion stretch of iiiiaj.-in.'iti-ii '..it e us .1 fxpeethiiu to pay. CUica'j't ;rrU;oi.i. AN IXKA.MOl'.H ll t' !. Crux. on K'l:iy-l Alive. ". .-. r. i.-ii-'iof lit-l.iili!i'-:in. r It K. MM XT, t Jet. (! v. !'.iiil'-r and lien. liol-vrts held a r ;;!-' mceMii at Fremont inJatur I'.r. i . !:it! Ia-t,andit hein ascertained th.'.t 'jext':i was to hold a nicotine on "I -i 1 iv ( venin, theCountv Committee lil.illZ I Hill 111 liie 1 1 1 1 1 l .. 1 1 . v" ' ' I It. el: iiienireti uie i 'emoeraiic win e to divide t In tini'1 ! 'tween the 1 e:o. Ii ! -ire, pivin? (iov. IJntlerone ii i.i i ..r.i. ii. i: i'i;!v foe reoa. -t was refused. ;.,- Uulli-r Ixin still letermined to ; 'roxron to -how the white leather, . e'.-e fie.: the linisie like a man, con ( ! i led t' ri main at Fremont and an.-wer t 'r.'M'in'j eharire.s. In tiu" vi nin Croxtnn jiersonally re l i-e 1 to divid the time with (lov. Uut-l-r. i T;ie-day nn'ridn.L', Jud'0 Oo'in-e leu ei ' a li.e.i. oed eolirt. the 'onrt Unie ii led te oveiilowiiiL.'. and ( iov. liUt- . nf over auain lud'.ro an audience i i - d a!mo-t exehiMvcly ol t irmers f., ;i ! '.; !.. Sae.n dors and Wa.-hiii.toii e.e. . with the chai-ecs bionyht i je i -r him, and ciniploUdy and ue- i ,:ly m fated them all amidst .-tonus i ..; .;i'ai;-e. Tii r an-wi rimr Croxton. the flover i;. : handled him without ploves, eharp-i'i- hi ei C:o:toa. upon the authority of Mr. i 1 .i .ii :f n -Ti l. of Ni l raska City, (and a- i I a mm as there is in the State), t!,: t'r-ixt en. duriiiir the war, wa i ; l' ! I in Ohio in fillinp ipiotas of - :: I.i us with men to .-ave t! :a ti -ei ti:.: draft. That in one : v.ii he took the contract and started t ' 'i'l in:: iti villi a larsro Mini of money i u'l th.e .jiieta of the towu.-liip, and e' . -d to L ive l.,-'en foh hod on the road ; :r. : . i i'.vi- I -lice the towndiip lo.-t its ;. : vau i had to stand the drat't. The j - vie .f th.e town had not entire i !i i i ( r'Xtoifs honety. :.nd set ahout t !:'.! ja r the matter, and that to save e!i' !roin fmther trouhle Croxton n'led out and returned to No! rad;a with a i.ir.re -um of monev, and immediately in- ;ed i i 1 Mid -. and had the property put i i !.'.-. !.':;''.-name, where it is to day, in . :.,.; to -ave his iil-eolten pi!n. He in:!., r . h.ir e 1 that Croxton dared not !-!;; :,tiv o!"h;s orot-ertv in hisown name. i M , ... 0 V. Ii:i t: ej t His ia:iK ai'ciuiiii in n ; ven the i Leeks were drawn i i i . i... i:i hi - .v'!'e':- UMiie. 1 i, f le.vernor furl her eh arced him with i v ion . an o er to the otlieersoi Ul .!!' I'll' M. 1 . !. II. K. Co. to divert ot ! whieh l.adheen voted to the I. & II. i;.. hy ( )toecounty, to the former, he i Slieei- of that company would I le with him ; Mr. Croxton elaimimr to . i :.t iiohienee wi'.h heeaunty Com- .- . : 1"-. 7 . - -"'lh V : r: ; a::i many othrr severe charpes :de explicitly. Mr. f'ro.xton was in the court room, and Governor i . i 1 . 1 1 .i;tVr i i upon nun to oeny i nem.- Tie.- men were ready to uive. their aili davits t.. (lie ti-.-.t'u of the statements. Ti:e-o el, nr . .'- were perfect )y crushinp 1 5. -! . i e i.;;;ty will i.ive (Juv. Uutlera pood l.i l i' ! At (' .I. ix. llutler spoke for a few tn ti nt's an 1 p i- ed .m to Columhus, where !i was met hy a r.m.-inp nie'timr. Ii. : r-t ui' feelin r prevails a!. ns the wl, e line of the V. V. 11. II., and .;.. State ticket will be elected in every ee 1:,tv. -!tll its f Jl'cct on the HIoojI. !,-. Stevens, a French physician an 1 -e ei. saw a hutcher killing a pip. V, , ied that he stirred the blood of i! .';lii ii. i!. mi lui ioiia nau iiio oi tinii- ,1 l 11 1 L ... ! C . t I -a t to it while stirrinp, which im mediately made it crimson, and on the -:ir;i:i- l-eimr di-eontintiod, the blood re a, -lined ti i; 1. 'I he chanze of the color nf the 11 ed awakened his curiosity. The 1 ;t- h- r could yive no explanation of the j 1. ii !.-.:;o:i except that it kept it from ielivinj an 1 spoilinp. lr. Stevens seized a ve e , catiudit some of the blood, and m i le sevenl cxp riments by puttini ssalt i:i it. and found that the blackest blood wis instant! changed to a bright ver i:. ;:i-. i l.v salt. "Oh," said he", 'diere 1- a I iet that may leal to a practical !! i. .id o! -erveu in cases of yellow f- v ; V l- :in;iv. that the hloo.I drawn -- l I. lack and fluid, and on adding ;me veruiili'in and retained its i'. e -i.i.e--; whereas putridity of the i 1 is one of the characteristics of t yei;.,w fever, lie, therefore, nbati d 1 the usual mode of treating it, and im c his patients a mixture of various salts, an i in a very short time reduced tt.e m,;rt ility ot lever in the west I a da.'.- from one iti live to one in htty. A certain trade-man had a larpe family, and "hi tie. trea-ures" were continually 1 in. added to his board. One day one d' his little hoys happened to be in a st ire, and was thus interrogated by a y emir man present : V " John, how many brothers and sisters have you irot ?" 'I don't know," answered the boy : 'I hain't been home since morniiip !" S cakliiif of the fictitious renort in cireu' iti -n in l'aris, that King William had committed suicide, by sitting down on his helmet, a lunatic at our olho.v sug-pe-ts that that would play hel-mit any king or any other man. A 15 v-t ui diiIanthropit sent a ten-cent note to the Treasury, with the request that- it might remain on interest until it idiou'.d amiut to enough to pay the tiational debt. VOL. 6. I ltii.lt. I .!.-n t uSni i nr in Ii-.tlfat.-a. From the Iudianapolis Journal. Set. 2feth. ! II oobies, who Lave never been we..t cf th ; AlleL'henies, and who writ? editorials for the New York WurU, and otherfrco trade papers, call upon the people of Indiana to do.-troy the tarifl laws enacted for the Leneiit of New England monopo lists. They say as Hull said in hisspe-ch the other niilit, that "Indiana pays SI, -Omm,i K) in this tarili'on t.Sankets alone." The fa'-t is, as any one can find out who will inquire at our WiKilen iniils, that blankets of Indiana manufacture are now sold in Uo.-toii. New York, Ilitrtf rd (Connecticut), I'hila ljlphia. New Or leans and San Francisco, in successful competition with New Fngland and European poods. Our mills manufacture tlu wool prowii by our own farmers, and the men who work in the mills consume t li ; products of our own farms. To re peal the taiiiTIaws enacted by a llepuh liean Congress will c!o-e our miil.s and comjiell us to buy our blankets in New Mm land or from European manufac turers. Stsall AVe Jhil Agnlii. T!:e following is said to be one -f the mo'-t brilliant articles overwritten by the late (Jeo. I. I'rentiee. '"IJut the fiat of nature is inexorable. There is tie repeal of relief from the preat law which dooms its to du.st. W e flourish and lade as the leaves of the forest, and the ilower.s that bloom and wither for a day have no frailer hold upon life than the ininhtie.-t monarch that over shook'the earth with his foot steps. ( generations of men will appear, and as the prass, and the countless mul titude that throng the world to-day will to-morrow disappear as the footsteps on the shore. "Men seldom think of the preat event of death until the shadow falls across their own pat -h, hiding from their eyes the traces of loved one.-, whose living smiles were the sunlight of their exist ence. Death is the preat antagonist of li.e, ai d the cold thought of the tomb is the skeleton at all feasts. We do not want to po through the dark valley, al though its passage may lead to Paradise; and, with Chailes Lamb, we do not want to lie down in the grave "even with kings and prit.ccs for our bed fellows. " "In the leautiful drama of 'Ion,' the instinct of immortality, so eloquently ut-t-red by the death devoted (Inck, finds a deep respon-e in every thoughtful soul. When about to yield his young existence a-a sacrifice to fate, his beloved Cl.j mantha a-ks if they .-hall not meet aiaitj, to which he replies: J a-ked that dreadful question of the hills that look eternal of the clear streams that flow forever of the stars among whose fields of azure vy raised spirit has walked, upon thy living face, 1 feel that there is something in the love that man tlei through its beauty that cannot per idi. We shall meet ajrain, Clemautha." The Uiiea Ifmilil wants to know how and whrre Tweed, the dictator of the New York Democracy, acquuired his wealth. It. -ays: "Ten years ago, Wil liam M. Tweed was a chairtnakor and a bankrupt, in New Yi rk. He left his honest trade and devoted himself to poli tics, lie became a sachem of Tammany, and held various ollices. Ten years have clap-ed, and he boasts that h' is one of the large.-t tax payers in New York city. His wealth is reported at twelcr, iiiilliuu ilnlf irs. Where did it come from? Politics ha been his vocation. Taxes have marvellously increa.-ed wherever his influence has been felt. The assessed valuation of all the real estate in Oneida county is about ?! 1,'!)0,KK). That n p-re.-oiits the hard toil of many men for three generations. Tweed, in ten years has. by Tammany polities, acquired nearly as much. That is the striking fact thrust upon the electors." KrTO tttn 11 ocr. In order to show how much the Amer ican people lose by not saving the pieces, it may be interesting to know that under the rules of the United States Treasury, all mutilated bank notes are redeemod according to the degree of mutilation. A note wdh a certain portion of its su pt r :ei-.l -u; face torn off, is never redeem ed at it-f ill value, bu in proportion to the quantity of superficial surface pre sented fur re lemjition. Since green backs came into fa.-hion, the redemption division of th Treasury has been con stantly engaged in redeeming this mutil ated currency, and an account, of the dis count has been kept, whicli .-hows an ag gregate un to the present date nf ?ls'.t, bi:5 SJ, which the government has made oil the torn currency, all of whieh has, of course, come out of the pockets of the holders. Tn Decatur county. Mrs. (it: A. Crosby acts as Con-table, Her husband is a .lustice of the l'eaco. The Garden Grove Enterprise says that Mrs. C. sum mons jurors, Mibpeenas witnes-es, !tc., with admirable ceieiity and correctness. This is not all .-he does. Early in the sprimr, al ls the Enterprise : "She put out a lare garden and tended it till it matured, in pood shape, and when the harvest came on, hands were scarce and demanding wages, and al though Mr. C. was perfectly able to pay any price for his hands, this good, indus trious woman mounted a self-raking ma chine and ran it during the harvest, cut tlieir own grain and that of several of their neighbors, and actually made a full hand during the whole harvest time. Some of our readers may suppose what we have said of Mrs. Cro.-by that she puts her whole attention to out-door work, to the detriment of her domestic affairs, but such is not the case. There is not a more tasty housekeeper, nor one who takes greater pride in doing ail her work, and doimr it well, too, than does Mrs. Crosby. The facts are that she is naturally a stirring woman, and has no family to care for, except her husband and herself, consequently her whole time is not required indoors. As an evidence of her tastes, we have in our residence a very larpe collection of flowers from her irarden, gathered and arranged by her self. Says an excliAnge: Pamphlet campaign documents may be good may be handy for reference and may reach reach a class who otherwise would not post themselves. Hut the best document is a good newspaper and plenty of them. The papers of all parties are the only true mirror of the times though as distinct in matter as the men who edit them. They give a force to ideas which otherwise would have fallen on waste places, and endow the dullest stati-tics with life and vitality an im possible feat in a labored essay. No cam paign document can compare with them in waking up the masses, or in value or cheapness. Their very immaturities are often attractive. AlJerlin lady lost her husband and three sons the same day, in one of the recent battles in France. News Items, K.x-?rcrctary of the Treasury McCul Joch will f-oon go to Europe as an Amor- j ican agent to Jay Cooke'o Lacking house. Bi-hop Tleveridge asks : "Who know- j but the salvation of ten thousand iui- j mortal souls may depend on t'ae educa tion of a c hild (" Mille. Christine Nillsson, the celebrat ed and long expected S.ve li-h opera singer, has arrived in New York, and given sereral concerts. At Wamego, a plac; in the extreme West, is a shanty which bears the sign, "Here's where you pet a meal like your mother uscl to give you." The word "help," applied to servants, is believed to have been originated from the habit some of them have of helping themselves to things that lie around loose. We know a city gentleman who is so extremely methodical in business that when he pays a compliment even to hi.-j wife, ho always will insist on taking a rccci j. t. Sylvanus Cobb. Jr., they ?ny, tleeps fourteen hours of the twenty-four It is suggested that he should bleep the ten, to that he can't write any more stories. The Earl of Shafte.-ibury says that 'if His Holiness the Pope had a wife she would not allow hiui for an hour to re main in the belief that he was infalli ble." Now and then they cut off the ears of a horsethief in Oregon and then tele graph Fast that the crops were never better than they are this season. "Deohcanec," u-od in the war news1 is a law term, signifying the forfeiture o legal rights, and as used in the Corps LegislatitTand by the people, is equiva lent to ileposinij ; t. c, the unseating of the Emperor. Miss Lydia Armstrong, of Grant Co., Ind., adveitises for a husband. "'Mon ey," tdi says, 4iis no object, but he must be healthy and willing to work." There is a purple half to the grape, a mellow half to the peach, a sunny half to the plobe, and a better half to a man who is fortunate enough to have a good wife. I is eaid that the Tope will quit Home and leave his eau-e in the hands of the Catholic nations, to demand the rettora tion of his temporal powers. Every man has in his own life, follies enough, in his own mind, trouble enough, in the performance of his duties, defi c.cncy enough, withaut being over curi ous about the affairs of others. An attendant at a circus in Tennessee hit a head that he saw protruding under the canvas, and thus deprived-the lead ing church of the services of its pastor the following Sunday. If a colored woman calls at a dry goods store for "flesh-colored hose," what should be the color of the hose the Calls fur? That's a good one. It is believed that as Stra-boug cathe dral took five hundred year.? in building, and was built by Germans, the boni barders wiil endeavor not to destroy it. The census-takers throughout the country, in comparing notes, find that the highest age attained by unmarried women is twenty-six years. In 1S0O the population of Kansas was , 1 07, "04 ; the census ju.-t completed shows a population for 1870 of oiiy,o4v, an in crease of "52,145 in ten years. A Newark lady whose husband had de serted her, saved $100 by sewing, and was in a terrible quandary as to whether to buy a divorce or a sewing-machine. She has decided, with the assistance of an old bachelor, to buy a $10 divorce and a fyo machine. The CroWn Princess of Prussia, whose health lias been -battered by her unceas ing toil for the wounded in the hospitals of Berlin, has retired for a few weeks' re-t to the Gorman watering place of Hamburg. Her children are with her. M. Chassepot, the French rifle inventor is in Birmingham, England, under the assumed name of Mr. Jacob, examining war material in behalf of the French Government. A Kansas lady, on retiring to her room one night, found it literally filled with martens, which had flown in during her absence. Instead of harshly turning them out into the cold, the kind-hearted, lady captured nearly all the little crea tures, and had them served up the next day in a pot-pie. Boarding house chicken soup can be made, it is said, by hanging up a hen in the sun so that her shadow shall fall into a pot of salt and water. The only trouble is that on a cloudy day the soup is liable to weak. Before lSti5 the Methodist Episcopal Church had neither church nor members in Louisiana. It now numbers 3,4Sii members, and in New Orleans it has as many churches and several hundred more members than the Methodist Episcopal Church South. It is a very bad use to make of liberty, when we allow it as an excuse for a growth of vagabondism in our midst. No people are at liberty to give over ex ertion for the best estate they can attain. Laziness is not liberty. A chap with a black eye, a piece of a shirt, and a nose bleeding, ru-h"d out of a house in St. Joseph the other day, ahead of a broomstick in the hands of an excited female. When asked "what was the matter?" he blew his nose, wiped it on his sleeve, and replied: "O. nothing, only I've got a mother in-law." Statistics show that in Europe the danger is greater of being killed by light ning than by railroad accident. We are afraid the danger is on the other side in this country. At this season the stars present a most brilliant appearance in the hour that. precedes the dawn. Just now Ve nus, the morning star, aumes dazzling brilliancy and is worth risin? early to be hold. The king of stars, Sirius, which the ancient Kgyptians worshipped, and which in tize is sixty-three times greater than our sun, also has its full splendor disclosed at this hour before the dawn. The Naval Observatory of Washing ton has closed a contract with an eastern firm for a new telescope, for which fifty thousand dollars was appropriated at the last session of Congress. It is to have an object glass of twenty-six inch aper ture, which will be the largest perfect lens of that size in the world. Four years will be required to complete it. Within the next thirty days there will be many deaths which might be prevent ed by warmer clothing. "Many a fatal case of disease is caused by the want of a woolen undershirt or an extra blanket at night. The sudden changes of the temperature which occur at this season of the year are trying to the best constitution?. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, BY TELEGBAPH. Lonpon, October 11. m 1.11 1 A corrc.-porivior.t te.egratuis cnu .-a.. s the Prussians on leaving MullieL-, lire l j on the people, killing several. J 1. " . e M ...... ... 1 , - 1 '. . ivuvices uoni .'icii 10 .'iii.i i.'.,. .-ei i.i -weather is very unfavorable. Firing from the woi ks is steadily maintained. There is much sickness. The li idei pest has appeared. The Prussians tooki!.U00 pvi.-oners in the la-t encounter. Mi'.ny Prussian wounded have been removed to Berlin. It is stated that Inrd Lyons re-enfly st'gge.-fed to Bismarck the cxpedtc.vy of an ariiii-.tive. Bismarcli .smarcK repiie 1 tint rrussia .... be glad to make peace at any time r.a where, but propi-utnuis !oo.ingtoa truce would not be entertained for a moment. A dispatch from St. ( !enti:i, ye ter day afternoon, says the Prus-ians have not reappeared in that section. There were 000 French troops of all sorts in the town. It mnv be assumed that the Piu:si ins opened lire on the fortifications of Paris to-day, postponing bombardment ot the city itself until resistance of the inhabi tants makes it inevitable. A portion of the army of the Crovn Prince, under General Yen Dorian, de feated a portion of the army of the Loire yesterday, taking .-even thousan I pris oners find three pit ces of aitillery. The French retreated in disorder. Latest accounts from ye-U rda.y's bat tle at Atheinay, near Orleans, say tiio Prns-ian cavalry was in close pursuit of the French troops, The Liberals in convention fit Stutt gart yesterday, adopted resolutions in favor of the union of Germany with common legislation. Russia denies all reports about making unusual military preparations. Madrid. ( Jetubr 1 1. Senor Castellar recently received : deputation f;om France. lie i i:v; re i a short speech alarming that, tie: sympa thy of the Spani.-h people was decidedly with, the French republic. London, October 11. A correspondent writing from Madrid. favs : The Republicans are leaving in larire numbers from all parts of Spain to oiler aid to the French government. In Portugal things aie iins badly. The King was obliged to seek De Lan geira to implore him to keep his porte folio until h? was able to lon.i a new ministry. The. King becomes more un popular every day, and the Republicans hope to dethrone him. The United States is threaten-'! wit 'a an invasion of French artists. Jcrom '. Meissotiicr, llo.-a, Boidiem Ga'anc a-.d Saintrine, aro all here, and intend vi.it ing America. Toi-Rs-, Oct. S. The Prussians have attacked N-w Brei.-ach. The cannonading is sharp and the bcaked are answering T'gur ousdy. tm London, Oct. 8. A dispat di from Epiual reports a sharp conflict yesterday between Kaon, Betlape and Brutres, in the Department of the Yo.-ger. The Pru -".-iaii force con sisted of about niiu th-ui.-and men. The French force was r.or so large, and had much le.-s artillery titan the Ger mans. The fighting lasted all day, a id when night put an cud to the comiict the event was undecided. The Frc'icii re gained their position, which the Germans attempted to carry, a number of time.--. Gen. Dupre, the French commander, was slightly wounded in the engagement. The Prussians have arrived before New Breisaeh, and skirmishing has al ready commenced. George Saunders writes from Paris that the city is goo I for a six months' siege. The Pall Mall Gazette has a cor respondent there who writes in a similar strain. Another di.-patch, however, says Paris is now at the mercy of the Prussian guns on the heights of Yille jeuf. t-j'ccial to tlic Xiw Vcrk Hcr.iIJ. London, Oct. 8. A dispatch from Berlin dated the 7th, states that a powerful political party in that city are agitating for a change in the constitution of Northern Bund, who an nounce that they are determined not to accept a union with South Germany without a fall consideration of all the facts of that union and the future policy of Prussia understood. Austria will not oppose German unity, and all the diiu culties for consulation of that union will proceed from the Southern govern ment and the essence of a party of independence nnd pro gress. It is reported that Bazaine is determined to support the imperial cause with that view. He had offered to surrender Metz, has bo nd him-eif not! to tight against Germany, it amoved to march out with all the honors of war, and with the further proposal that he should, if liberated on these conditions," assist in putting down the Republic and the re-establishment of the Emperor Na poleon. This propo.-iiion is declined hy Bis mark, and in his refusal he states that he is not satisfied with the, integrity of the officers and soldiers, and believes the army would not in general yield to ibis intricue. This report has obtained con siderable credence, since the King of Prussia permitted Gea. Burbaki to pa-e the Prussian lines. The damage done at Strasbourg is estimated at tfoo.ooo.oOO. A telegram to the Times, dated Ber lin, 11 a. in., says that on the hill, be tween Servre3 and St. Cioud, batterries and siege guns have been placed. A mortar battery at St. Cf ud threatens the neighborhood of Ely.-can fields. Xi J French re-oceupy Yiiii Ju L', and the easterly winds continue in aiding Pari.-ian aeronauts. WASIIirVCTO.V Washington, October?. At an extraordinary session of the Cab inet to-day, Secretary Fish submitted the draft of a proclamation, which was ap proved, and will be is.-ued at once. It will declare that the bays, .waters and harbors of the United States shall not be used in preparing for war by belliger ent parties; that ships of war of either belligerent shall not leave any port of the United States within twenty-four hoursaftc-r the departure of a merchant man of cither belligerent. The war ves-s-.ds of the boll-gerents t-ha not remain in a Uni;ed States port more thau twenty-four hours unless for needed repairs or supplies, and war vessels of either parti", after having once entered a United States port shall not re-enter a United States port until after having visited a European port of its own government. The pardon of Gen. O noil and other Fenians is delayed ia consequence of THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13,. 1870. Cop e , I f th- iviietm-nt under wirch ! t've vcr le. ,-:e not havm .isl tie: j-jvi'eative. Th"! in'"--! jovruiue recipts to-d i were ?in.u). for the rc.-ent ELECTION RETURNS. Nr.v.".vr.!v, N. J., October II. The oleetion for city tifucers to-day was quiet. Retina are i:i vmp!ete. but in dicate an average Republican majority of about 2,000. Coi.u.vnj'.-s, October 1 1 Large II .'publican tains ad over Ohio. The mai.irity in the State will reach 15, !,': '' . 'J lie Republicans gain one Con gressman, A. F. Foray, in the 1st Dis tiiet. Cinc innati, October 11. The first congressional district i-hows a Republican gam iti the first ward, of Joij hundred over last congressional elec tion Return-i'rom ('itilheot he, Lancas ter, Pomeroy, Mariotai and several other towns, ail show Republican gains. ?Ic ial lo tho Nonpareil. Piiii.ADKi.riMA, October 11. The city and county tickets are elected by an average majority of not les than five thousand. Congro.-sional Kelly and Myers, Re publicans, Randall. Democrat, and Cree ley, Independent Republican, are elect ed. The result in the 5th district is unknown. In the State, so far as heard from, no Repub'iean Congressmen have be; n lo-t, and one has boon gained lrom t!i? district formerly represented by Woodward. W, Dess Moinf.-, October 11. Election returns come in -Jowly and not much wili be received to-night on account of continued floods and bad roads throughout Central Iowa. The vote as fa- a- hr.ir I from is very light, but little mora thin h;!f a vote being polled throughout tlii? section. Republican majority in Poik county is about 1.0O0, in this city over 4oo. Returns so far from the counties near here indicate that though the vote is very light, the Ke publn an majority is relatively larger than la -t year. The vote in this section, so fir as received, is five to one again -t caiiinj-Ci'ii-tiiu ioual C livention. l.VDf ANAIMI.IS, Ind.. midnight. Returns are meagre atid indicate large Republican gains reported in several river counties by negro votes and small Democratic gains in the Centra! part of the State in licates that the Republican State ticket is elected by a sm a.11 major it v. OTOMVILyi HIS! OS THE SOUTH WEEPISC WATER XXXX At$2.50per sacl rLSL'Il S.ttO per Bran Charts .0cl.-. per 2C0 It. Bran Jt SLcris, Extra Good. SI 00 per ICO'.b Corn Mei'.l Jl ii per hunilrc.l pounds. "TLOTJR Exchanged fo Wheat as usual. r.'heatand Corn ground on Toil prctalpaiii will be token t lalitfy all rrh'j ca'1 10,000 Bushels of Wheat ah 20 000 Bushels Corn IV. E, SHELDON. Agent. FcUO.U-wif. "SHOO FLY" DON'T B0DDEI? .MORRISON1 Fcr He is Tco Busv Waiiinn cn Customers. 'ECKniSGH'S "SHOO FLY,' MEAT MARKET Cne Door Eat of tho Court'House is tho rlaea t'j get ail kinds of lie ha" ftto.l tip the fin.t Market in the Ptaio, ai. 1 kcppd no iiiu but tiic bet of ilv.i. M ,';ii uelivtrt i in any Quaiiiitiri on s-p.cial contracts. Highest Trices Paid "for A ATT LL, Don't Forget the Place, Morrison's "Shoo Fly." ylCJlwtf. "SIERT'S BEER GARQEN SOUTH OF TOWN. ppii Every 2ny. MUSIC EY TIT 2 PLATT5M0TTII BAND Free tmnfportatioa from the Kiver House. IZenry Sirrt, Scr'.lJiwtf ' Proprietor K-S67i.aVrxciSTO., si. iT PHYSICIAN AND Sl'K'.i-' "-X tenders h:l professional services :o thf citizens oft ass.pou ty. He: id.nee southeast corner of Oak and Sixth :rTts; ifice on Main street, oppotite Courl Hi'usf. I'lattsaiouth. Nebraska. F77? i H 2k 1 S V r V F j - n j Third Street, Souih of IVJain, ! CONFECTIONERIES, D.- , r. a l-iyj, UtlKoS, LrliCESC andj.veet Crackers j REFESfiS IS .IS 2" T k?pt cn hand at al! times. t!f it:t:iman & huheiity F U K fllTURE CABINET RSAKE, Anil dealer in nil kinds ot furniture and Chad's. has srnrr.T. (third door west of P O Platts.T.out - - - zh, Itepairinp Pud V;:rnishinp neatly done. 3 jT K'.'.ner.-tls attended Bt the shortest notice. A. A" SARGENT & CO. "fi "r1" T- '4;'. i'l o rt p 3Iiim f i'. e t u r v e s . W'Vj would :ri-ite De-tiers nr.d the Tuhli itentriill to c ill an I examiue our stoi.L of S O .A. 1- S , befire prehiiii!T el-'ewhere. Mr. Saiveiit haviiK had the experien- f twenty j ears in in :i u u t-.t -t iiri ns all kind, i f Soap-, we are confident of itiviim entire sati.-fac-li .n to nil who may favor us with their patro:i exe. So.ip eTchaiiRed for grease, and delivered in ejy j. lit of the city. Cisii paid for rendered tallo and clear grease. oai Works. Kearney Ward, near Ferry St. Uri.'.ii. Nebrask City. J uuo lodjcwtf. DKALBB IX DRUBS, MEDICINES, BOOKS, Perfumeries, Hair Oils, NEWSPAPER, MAGAZIN 1 atest Publications. Prcscrir'ior.s carefully compounded b'"J eri'.:u-:-d Druceist. . , . llijmeini'f r the place, opposite Clark & Plum mer s. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. aat-ul(i '":?".'- V ' ESTABLISHED IS ISol. t'-.i, ' ;? Gkjlj2 DK.id:u IN fi'A TCEl 2 CI, OCKH, JBWELBY, SILVEPw AND PLATED WAKE, t;oLD PEN'S Sl'CTACLES, VIOLI N STRl.Nci.S AND FANCY (.;tODS. Wnte1ie5. Clncks ind Jewelry repaired neatly xnd with dispatch. v,Hiii'vcd to opposite Platte alley IIouso Main Street. no v. l! w tf. Heath's Patent Bored Weils Put dow n in Otoe county in the pat IS months, ard from TiiKEE to FIVE a week waking at present i?nOVE TIIEIIl SUPERIORITY. SIXTY-NINE of them were in tho worst kind of tiuick-sand, AND- THIKTY-ONE of them were, nadc in places where the old style "Due Wells" iiad dried up enveu in i.iiled to furui.-h a supply, or natuj lly -played out." Thiirfwn repT'tati- j and the unanimous ver dict of the peuidbfe I Otoe County Attests their Merits. At. Outfit is now in operation for the accommo dation of Cass County, in eharge of Mr. L M. KHIEXfi. Wells truaranteed to furnish an ample supply of water, or the money refunded. Prices ami Ters. WeMs bored, tubed and fitted up fr tL.owini water ail complete and guaranteed. One Dollar per Foot y ick-san 1 we'ls S5. eitraone each well. 'In fVr eouutrj- hands to bo boarded while doing ob. "?spon-ibIe pnrties desirinir it a note for unc-nalf will be taken for part payment, at six months, with interest at 1- per cent, from date. Parties wishing wells will pleac cccomraodi t by leaving their orders at the Hardware Stor of"C. W. MEKK. or addressing me a line to NEBRASKA CITY- Vcir Resj et B- F. DifTenbachen J uly liTO.d.f wtf org VIS ITl.VG PLAT TS M OUT II WILLFIND GOOPSTRI.IN ACCOMMODA TION AX Farmer's Feed Stable Correr cf Sixth and Vine Streets One Clock. North of the Presbyterian Church, PI tt?iuouth Ne'ura.-kj. BATES & DeGARMO. CJJSW ST.-1 4 5 NO. 2S fiE&HAf.l ft. MftP.I F! I Lli - l ('..Hie Geo. O. Vil!i.iro.O V. iloLKSALE AND UTTAir. BOOK SE LL Ii RS O i. ii . i. w i i iiiOv ! -.n- jNKWS DrUhEhW&e. Thtir?!';i.k coajpri.-ics 'he ire:; !'Ti!;ivit"tnoko! i ion. nr, I.. ii. -a:-. IXTI I Al. ! 1TP, W Hi!lll, CtlOKS. KNVK ' Mi.. ! MX x r.ime.. A complete assortment t TA T:I0N Kli V. F KOY GOOD, ANI- F '.SF.BttN' fESRO.Tias. Thene'vc-t Tloks and Pi io 1! :I.-: aliv:'y on and. Ai! IiMiiks ul pub!:-!n-rs' ri -es. Send 512 r'ouru'cnih Street. 0m.iha, tlcb. reptlldiy. 5m '- cTsi AcfiiiTci ri:i:u sai,i: and MAIN STRKiTT. ATTs MOUTH . NKP. I am prepared to ascoiuniodatetlie public with ".-''. ( 'trriitym Vjvair Htt'I A No.Y IlfirK on -hTt notice and reasonable lornio. A !!.' will runt.. "teamboat laiidiuK.audlo all pia it!ie citv wnct, 'eired. .Ian to l.Vw . TOW Vseping Water, I'eb. PEtLE".! '.ii General merchandise, 3 tt'H AS DRY GOOD?". GitocEIES. 1! AKJiWAP.r. yEEENSWAKK. HATS. CAPS liOOT;. SHOES, NOTIONS, ia.. FINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER. SHINGLES AND LATH. We tire Asonts for Villcox & Cibi-3 Sewing Machine, klch is undoubtsdly the bout Machine nn' io eTcTefTflj n g. M:iaufiuiu:er ol" Mine Soda Waters Plattsmou 4"Manu Office U x - Nebra.Va. the basement cf the Post wlltf: FRErl ARRIVAL. We arc now receiving the largest stock of Ever bioutht to thn:n:arket. ALL AND EXAMINE Our stock. WE CHARGE NOTHING TO SHOW GOODS VALT.ERYS A- RUFfNEll. LUMBER I 100,000 FEET ! o . The underpinned has on hand a laitc 'jantity of COTTONWOOD LUMBER. WHICH HKOITEIM AT RE ASOX A TIL E T IGCnS.S.- ORDERS FILLED Khort noc'ce, and for any i!:e or of mb.r. Rafters, Sludtiings. Joists of all vc- cn short uotic. uulTdlf c. nn.'EL. ISr. J. Jj. .IZcCfSEA, Dcrt; t. PlaUstnoulh, Kcb.aska. O0i" with Dr. G. 11. Black. juiyVwtf Efoivard S.tiaitary Aid As ecmlios. For the Rr'iif and Cure of tho Krrin? and Un fortuo.i'.e, on Principle of Christian Philanrhrnpv. Essays on the Errors of Youth, an 1 the Follies of Aire, in relation to Mai r;;;;c and Social Evils, ith sanitarv aid for he allii-.-e !. Sent free, in h i :. . ei'.i.es. A. tore-., i i v A 1'. D ASSG AilATION. Box P. Philadelphia. Pa. raaylwly "ATTENTION FARMERS ! ! If you truni to buy cniA -Vo 1 REAPER and MOWER Call On D SCn.ASE fc CO. At the yEW YORK STOKE nad examla their Hitch ImjiruTid c'ayuga Chief Reaper S Mower For 1370 ! !o. their larpe stock cf BREAKING AND oTL'BBLE Plows. STABLES! B'JTTEBY t LAZCNBT, propS UVERYSALEtSt EXCKAriGE. SThe best of Horses an 1 Huetieon hand."v3 Corner Vine and Fourth irvcis. jan21diwtf. PIattsn:outh Nebraska. I hare just received a nice lot of FALL and WINTER BONNETS . AUo a fine asscattnent of Flwers and Plumas. of the latent styles. Call and examine my goods an i pi ices. Mrs. A. M. SCII A UN ii OUST. c?epeailicr-rrd;E. ?Orico corner Miia tinJ Scnr. 1 it'-trrs s; Rd.siory TEKS: Duly J10.I 'J r an.n;;r; t,t ?!. prr i!!i i.i!'. -ZEDJL.iSrX1- The Kr3itslo!i&T5varf River ::r.Si::oel, In Connection yii h tHo OJn'crj i, IhnVit Jton t (J::i'uctf II. '. Offer f the peof.If ofi'l i!!.-i!u uih. Ani nil tha portion ot Nebraska Ii i'.- rornur of t::e ilatie. the tnc.itd'ri'.t. nd the In-i; 'i::e io t! o Eii tcrn. South 1" '.:.!(".. it:, d N -r-h. i :i .Mi'-'. Pawi'iii-iT' desi to - "' !a 'jrioi'.-ly 1. n' take l ie Atlai ti'- KjiT,.", v ': 'l i -'11. . r ,: '.; to t'in -Mi i.ilol.t chaiiKO f't l":lr.. '-:';.. I with 1 --::iit I ay Cn tr-, i 'a u'i i'u i Day end Sifcpiiiit I'ohctes. an 1 Pdiman's Dinii-j Cars.- In addition to thefuct th it thi i h" d:r-ct rtottc 1'V v hn h tim.. nui be 'ii'. 1 it, ? I- irr any toi it in the I t"i i; 'r M i idi '-. "". it n ti ut'iiitlly lie said In at it po.-.st s-ct t .: . I ' nnd the tii:c-: enuii mi nt id- any V, c.-li. ;i Lii;e, cii.-uiiuc to the parsi Hirer Sjicctl, Safthj and Couiforl. Plates nlwnv as T.O'A" n the I OV'E:'T. I'.'i -gugecheeked through to aur P i'.t -.. A. E.TOUZALIN. Gen. P,Liik .V;. i-r. iiiTpilsiSiii llsve bought t. c entire stock of HuruLurer i JJerli'icr, One Dour Eist nf the Jirudks Jhusc, and iv ill sell the'.ra'ock of DEY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOW CARPETS & NOTIONS, AT EASTEK." PUICi:, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. to make room for their Full Stock. We hnre just received a larc'i and well elected uloik of l'tincy and Staple Gooceries Z DAGOM, HAMS, LRP Tha hinhcst prioo paid, in caj,h or trade fur Fanners' Prcducfj, All goods purchased at thic cslabliidiuieut Ielivnfil ITree ' To Au Part of The City. White, Spires & brtnV. NAOMI INSTITUTE HockEluifs, Neb FALL TERM FOR 1ST') COMMENCED ' Tuesday, Septembe VSt Puidi? of rithersfx will rcceivn thorough npd sysieiiiatii- in-lruc-tion hcie. 1'articular Btten lmid to i'iiuiary scholars. School books furni.-hel free of cost to all pupils, GOOD HOARDING CAN LE OBTAINED AT REASONABLE RATES. For tcrtn3 nn l pnrficuNr" t' !-.fi augiliw.im .1. D. PATi'EKON". Princif "il. HENRY BOECK CCALER IN FUR N I T UIIB, LOUNGES, SAFES, TACLES BEDSTKADS- OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AND AT ALL PKlCkJ. .O' Metalic Burial Cases CP ALL SIZES. WOODEN COFFINS Ready Mtde, and Sold C'neip TtSr Cash. WITH many thanks for past patronage, I invite all to call and examine, my lrge stock of Furnnure and Collins. ijarJXtf. Mendle'r & Whceland. 8"rrK.!OR3 TD ROIIWKR k SIEIf. smu Mttts. ccp Constantly on loiud the Lest tr di FALL .AjSTD SPRING FLOUR, Corn Meal, lr.wAdtf. Getting Married. ISSAYS FOR Y'OUNNG MEN", on U. ,m j liirh's of Home, and the propriety :r impro--priety of pe'tinjr Married, with sankary help fr those wholeel unfitted for matrimonial hu- i.inc's. Sent free in o;te, envelop'-.. Addi -.-a KAVAKD ASSOCIATION. B'x P. Philadel i hia, l'a. jjlill 1 dAwly. J. W. IIAlTI.Ita, I. I. PHYSICIAN AND SUf.GEOX. late n Pur pe n-in Chief of the Army of the l',.t,)timc.--I'i.ittsniouiii. Nebraska. UHiee at . i Joiii'-' sou' DrusS lore Main street, opposite (.':nrit 4 Plummers. Private reii'lenceeornerol li"c 1 lkk treeU, tn doors vutb cf P. P. imtf i