Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 06, 1870, Image 4

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f i
V; i
.' .' .1
o and hear Gov. Uutler at I J row n
viile, lYM.-y, Octohtr 7th. at I p. w.
Whtt & Spires hnve the haemor.t
walls :if..n- r on, ..'"t I for their new
Jr. a c on" fl 'or oast of their p.cscn'..
The r.f Fit trai l s n.'.v nloes
Hi Tl'T .-i.lill ill fc'-vv;i " ' - , .v.
t . ... :.. :
up rapi.t.y. n-.n i M-p o,.....
on a. -count of the e'ectin.
T!ie split in the llepui.lic m party a-
Omaha had not !...-c healed at u-.on j
to-day, hut the indi-atinns at tint hour j
were t
it a eompiomi.-o v
vum I oe et- i
T!:e man must have a depraved heart
who ::frtiT- evfrv m'ifi witli di-horic-ty
and with 'Veiling out" merely because
they do not see things exactly as he
P. t. lias become so accustomed to ask ,
foroilce on the ground of senii-c- re i
de-cd in the "P.ock lllufTs Im.piity"
t i c that lie forgets and ursr-'s that as a
reison why the Ihin icni'y; should nomi
nate him new.
We h i l the pleasure of meeting, yes
terday, Mr. Henry KocnL', P-.-puMiean j
cr.n ii'la'e Jr Mate i rea-urer. li- i.- an
intc.'ligen. -u'.-tanfial Ucrman citizen,
ot' 'iratid I-lan h nnl will guarantee the
State funds will be all rLht un ler Vs
a imini -tration.
Man icd. ou the '.'A day of October,
l7'i, ;,t the re.-id.-nee of the bride's
father, by X. Ifa'cy. .lu-ti-e of the
Peace, Mr. Penj imin I'. Hoover and
Miss lvi.ily ). Twiss,al! of Cass county.
AI.-o, at the same time and place, by
the same, Mr. fb.tlcib Mc 1-. her , and
?Ir. Helen. Deitrich.
T!e printers were kindly rcim sabered
by th; f;:ir brides and they have o-:r b-t
wihes f..r a long and happy life, and
that all their undertakings ma- be pros
pered. Hon. John Ji!ipie, Auditor ofctate,
between whom and (iovcinor Putler cx-i-ts
the mt bitter personal enmity, is
giving the (iovernor his h'-arty supp.oit.
No reasonable man, however much he
may oi'like iovernor Put't r, or even be
hove the charges his enemies bring
airain t him. can fra mimite find a par
ti. '(; of relief in v.eiug f.;r John H.
The Ihow nville Ah:etthrr snys: "A
proininen't Mcthodht minister in this
county, who.infen Jed to vote f r Crox
f on, was i.i Nebraska City Iat vet k, and
became so well convinced of the truth
fullness of the charges of malfeasance
on the part of Mr. Croxton, that lie
conies home a strong Pe.tler man. Many
other ey s are being opeii'id. and "honest
John Croxton" will not "Sweep things"
by a long way. He'll not get the vote
!' bis partv in this county 1 Mark
John TafFa h is d one more for the rea
and true interests of the whole of Ni;
bia.-ka, sjnee he has been in Congress
than all Pepre entatives heretofore com
bined ; can .still do our work bi'tter than
any other new .man. from the f ict, if
not liing el.-e, that he kn-.-ws our wants,
and is I' with tlie manner of oh
t. lining favor--.
L.-t the friends of Mr. T. stand firm to
him. Do not let the excitement prevail
ing detract from his claims and our in
u re.-t
The purest t"i!et in tlie world i-sullied
s-knnks in N
The wh-uit Crop nf Nebraska lias
been severely injured by the continuous
rains of the pa t three wet ks. Wo-took
& rh irt ride i:i the country this
!.na nu t tl.c wiieat staeKs !:. v'.ii"- as
ii i ....
green as a wheat field in .fun'!. We
know not to what extent these stacks
may be it.jtire-.I. but it must be tuf-ieieiit
to tell upon the amount of gram to be
fhipp'"I, if it ds not interfere with tlie
q i i .oy of that wliieh can be save 1.
i.4LU.u r ics u r.K.u r.
We hear.l a Wcll-poste 1 gentleman re-lu-irk
to day that the so-called "peoples
liioveuicni" was falling of its own
wemht A bystander attempted to cor
rect him by stating that the concern had
an over dose of "Doom."
ssv iit'i: ii.
We are inf-.rmcd that the corner stone
of a new church will be laid on the 14th
int , in Liberty Precinct. Elder Lcm
mon and Rev. Me.-srs. Alexander and
Max field w ill be present and oilieiate.
This building v,i:i be thirty-three by fifty
iix feet, and provided with naileries, and
wiil be a credit totLe energy and liber
ality of the citizens -of Liberty. It is
sltuited near Mr. John 11. Realty's resi
djnee, and a, agool supper will be pro
vi led to wind u the ceremonies, we
hope the friends of Christianity here
aloutd will a. tend on ene week from
next Friday.
W!l,l, RKTl'HX HOME.
We hear it rumored that Mr. J. E.
Doom, of the f.rm of Russell & Doom,
will return to his home in this city soon.
I'licy probably fin! the trade at this
place has increased so rapidly as to de
m :o:d their undivided attention. Their
!. ci in Ncbrak: City has done a rea
sti'iab'.' business sin "is Mr. Doom went
tnese with ir, but time has demonstrated
that I'lattsii-iouth is the great depot of
m; plies fur the South l'latte country.
Mr. Doom has always counted this as his
home, and the fact that he has always
hel l o i to h's real estate in this city
pioves ids confidence in thj success of the
place. They will probably increase their
f.e iii.iis here asioenas Mr. Deem returns.
i cotiiiiii; in i-oniai.-t. wiiii a s-kuiik. - ia i,c u i;ii-ni an vole.-, licit Will ilcciiir- I . - . . ........ . c ; . ,i. . . i . . i.nain. i i;i ,n,- an :or n st,c
political -skunk" is no way the inferior the com,.. :,u-l we boldly and in,, lie T'! " ! P-h.'-od ly niC ,V c .p,T and " medicine, a thunder.clo,,!
of the original animal, and th,? purest y that if we win ..ue-e-s it will b. ! . , 1 ' zinc at Valentia, through, the "V ' : ' ) ,.: W V . Tr '
cIi-ira.'t.M-in th- h,I is n'ici-i,!l vllvlhi-Iv.K-taii, , i. ,i r f . 1. ! t'l late hour in the evening, when S. j wire the. e cores become magnetic cno,,., ! 1 " U U k' s 1 u:' ,"! ram"
' J; u-i ! ' . - n- Z Jl,; K Cooper came to the hr-u-e and desired ! to nmve the sli.hie-t obj.,i. A l-okii , ' anyoody under heaven,
u.m.n.-in cont.K-t with this sperms of I ubheau i-'now citizens. The if-mhl , , , . ,. i ,,.... iur ,t';aI. U jji A patent nu- c ne vender in a cmin-
n. .. T'. . . r . 1' . ... fi ito.secilie Movenior. 1 conductel uini , -' " t-iiii-i .o. o i .vi i i .
po.Ki-i.i'i. are a I.-.v r-ootie-d ! stat..s toe ctix; vrv n'amlv for it. 1 . .. . . . n- a .-o- t .i t. i.r . , mm trv viliaec was dn.-.-t 'ni: to t lie crowd ui t-n
i t i . , io itie . lun r ur s room, wnere ne coni-
r:i-k-i. ),i vnii !. -i id... l.-.i-r-v- i.i-m t iim t..'.. I !.... -.-1 1
II ( Alt III !.
Hoar wliat Dr. Iirookc says of the
"peoples party" Lu.-inc.v, :
"Voters of . ! Now in this
campaign is the time to 'prove your
metal' ami put down forever the greedy
van-pira which, in the role of the People's
Ilcform I 'arty, would tap the very life
of our party organization.. Down with
V1T;S 111 i l.E.11.
We met a staunch old farmer, to day.
j who told us. the list time we mot, that
j lie did nut expect to vote fir (iovernor
j Puller. To-day he said he would "take
i that a!i hack," in eon.-cquenee of the ef-
... ...... j.-v. - - .
1 . 1 1 .1 ... ,..,.' i
mu ..l-i..s ..- .., . .. w:,
r !
lican party in this county. He is a "true
hhu" llcpuhlic ot, a;il e,i:i:nt atari i .sti.l
an ! see the party which saved the nation
jroj.,.n up. ,,,.;;!icr will he give the least
ca,,; f.,r ecu-sure ou hs vmt. II- h.mes
..n 1,,..,,..,i .:j;l-j ..,-,, . , . -,v ;.
our idunty from tiie l.a;.ds of its enemies.
A."jniK:: vs rin. i-
We have heretofore stated that the
names of a large number of republi
cans were attached to the call of the
"bankruptcy" party by a trick, the ,
nii'-wrx supi.o.-ing they we re giving their j
a-i('I;t to (' "ivcmioti to nominate .V- j
-"Wv only To-day we met another j
one oi toe victims to this deception, i
iame a;pears in this disreputable j
couipiiuy. but who will now vote the
straight Republican ticket, without a
x; soox
Already tlie N.-bra-ka City Tii-irr, n:id
otlier Demoeratic journals of th M:ite,
are glorying over a '' D,noiTttic vivln'i
in Cass." You area little too faf, ren-
tlemen. Your -Democrat ie victory in
(as i.s a.l '"in your ey;-." tuir
shrewa po;:tic;ans, hke II. (I. Doom and
S. V. Cooper, did mislead a l-w of our
UcPubMe-in lii'nls in C--s tor a fw liK .ii.T i.i v.... .i i r a t..
1 ... l ,. i .. i : . . i ; ; t
i.iv . hut tney hegin to see the c oven
- -
loot, now, in time to knock the win-1
out of that "I K rio-'ratic victory in
i : s v t ?. .u a : ; sr.
"W e learn that a young man named
Pi. 'ding Hall, a sn:i-ih-law of P. C.
Iloba.-k. of Cass county, accidentally
shot him.;eif yesterday near Wyoming,
lie was just landing out of a skill', and
reached in to get his gun, pulling it by
the muzzle, when it went off and shot
I . t . I 1". . 71 . r r
- . i ... ti
i:is H-ii arm an 10 pieces, lie was in i
convulsions this morning, an 1 great I
fears -re c" ro,-i .,-,1 ti--,- I,. v pi -
,. thof.-i.-htfu!
vi i e.f: v. m: i: ?
V e have rec-ive l a n .to ficm Mr. L.
t. w!
i was
i i et:;rv
i.i the
W eeping Wafer Convention, in v. hkh he
evr-iO s'lr-iris;' that vc did iot i
.', .1 ' .1 '" -V ''. ' I in uie iws tauinn
the Conven'-'iin, and he r.ssures us that
he enclosed in his letter the original tally
sheets. We ar- at a loss to know what
has become of them ; for we are thor
oughly satislie.l that Mr. J'eetbi perfect
ly honest in s-uppo.-ing that he enclosed
them, and nothing sdinrt of finding the
on gie
vnll convince him to the con-
A liitAVSi If ARJE.
We understand that .Mr. D.-llard
cliarges the Weeping Water delegation
with ''.-citing ut" at the recent conven
tion. Mr. Pollard should not accuse
men like Mr. Peet. Mr. Hector, and
oth ers of that class of men with a charge
so grave nnie.- he has some evidence to
sustain him. We look upon these men
as honorable, upright gentlemen, who
are above su.-pieion, even, of s0 great a
. --- to the uiHtt'.i at the Prool.s House on I
H!i.. vn ir? , - , , .. 1
i , , ; ,, .... . tne e emng i cu-i ret to are as lo:io a s : ;
i lie U;;i;t!i:i Ili-nh1 sa s iheDcnio!,, i . . , :
crats snec-.-l in this State this fa!!, '"it
thing less than Republican votes can
pu the Democratic party into power. I
The question is, v-;il ;ou Jo ,t Willi
you, ih- uhliciiii reader, allowycur petty, I
persona! spite again.-t some members of!
your party cause you to vote in direct i
opposition to your principles the prin
ciolcs which saved our country from de
struction by the hands f the Very party
you now to place in power.
JloW llu.:l.',hl M,,:;.t',; publisll-
e-lby.S. S Wo-i-I, Ncw'ii'irglt, N. Y.,
;?!.oo per annum
ri.g b.1 copies ioets., is i
.ti .
tne largest
ni be.-t dollar monthly in
the world. It is hii;h toned, interesting
and thoroughly household in character.
Every n umber of Vols. VII and YIII
wiil contain a $loo prize story complete.
Resides furnishing .l,2oo worfh of prize
stories during the year, Mr. Wood pro
poses to publish all the best stories en
tered in competition for the .loo prizes.
Also, each number will contain about
twenty-five pages uf other matter design
ed to entertain and instruct all classes.
sr KA nr. v o an ks. i
"We have it from good authority that I
the trciirht arriviti? .-o this '!,..- I:,;,- !
l.n.'ton A: .M:ssonn Jiiver u. lb exceeds !
that of I a-t Nib:asl a City ot anv tic.e !
cr. , ,1 , 1 .. . 1 I
since the complettcn of the railroad to '
that point. Tliis ? peaks volumes for the i
importance of oir town, md is also en- i
eoiiragmg ij t::e ran road cuuipany.
Lincoln .b'- .n '.1:1.
Inatsso, and it speaks more th
e inaa
aluines fori lat.s.aouth forever-pound
of freight that goes to Lincoln over the
R. & M. goes ret. this city, where it is
transferred across the Missouri. Resides :
this vast amount goimr to Lincoln, thep
towns of Liiuisvi'Ie, South Rend, Ash- j
;a:. !. .reenwood, Newton, Vaveiiy, and j
the hundred other points in the we-t -n-e !
SOtittiicd fliri.ii.i'i tin. ..1111,1 4.1,.,.... 1 1 . !
11 - mi. ..11411 i.iiaiiin-j, ic
.-ider tlie vast
amount ot Iretcht requi.-c'l j
Ior the tra ie ot cur own city and ur i
rounoing countrv.
We understiiiid that Doom has settled
down on Pot. as hiseandidate He fears
to support Yfaybiight because he thinks
the obi fellow has too much in dependence
about him, and would not be controled.
....... i in.. 4 I -.1 I u. r. IIUH5 11 II
V. J-. a oitu.iMZ t'l io.t, The Life of (.'harlcs 1 lichens by Ir.
rLATTSMoiTFl. Nf. P. it A ska, i 1 Slieltoii Mackenzie, Literary Ed tor
September -S, 170. J I of lhc ,;,, .y, Fne IVcm" With
Pursuant to a call made through the j ro.on;tj rccuicotion and anecdotes
columns of the I'lattmouth Daily Hkk- j L(, ,,. - ncvcr LeIbr0 j,uUUh
alp, the following named persons met j bU. Lo.t w;i!in tiJ uncollec
at the office of the Probate Judge lor j (e n Iw an.j y y-;.,.
the purpose of taking into consideration f,()..t.a;t Autoi:rarh. T. R IV-terscm
the propriety of forming a j oung Men I & 1l,!l0,. 'l.i!.uic.rhin, have just puh-Chn.-tiaii
A-so-iatio:i or Literary ho,-!..-ty . T,( ;f. ,,f ('Wt(.s Tokens. 1 v
lortlio purpose ot orgaiuzuig an-.l sus-
taiiuiig a Hea ling Poom f ..r tl;e 1 eiuiii
I 'f t,i!e vAl n!y be Grangers in our
city and stopping only tenrforarily, nd
for ail those who way feci n imeret
in 1 desire to avail themselves of its ad
,. Y
j M lley r M IcLpoj. (;en
il 11 Livingston, Mr Wilson, Hon T M
.M;:riiett, Kev Mr Young Mr Pidwell,
Prof U W Wise, (':(pt Pl1elps Paine,
K A Kiikjatiick, V V. Leonard, Mr
Patesruan, S II Cliase. Mr Thomas and
it P.axtcr Windham.
On mo.tiori, J M Stiong occuj-ieJ the
il Paster Windham was chosen Sec
ret ary.
After a full and free expression of
tiJS0 present as to the best mo le of
, .roeee.'.ing in tlie formation of tle society,
;,y what name it ihould be called, &e., it
w.l!5 ;,,Ved and second -d that tho.-e prcs-
rllt., tli.Miwi.vs int. ji siM-ictv. to h
known as the Youir' Men's ChrUtiuii
As -ociation.
Motion carried.
On motion, aconimitte, eon-i-ting of
JMSiionganl IIP Livingston, were
apj.ointe l to confer with Mr Pouter, oi'
Omaha, and Mr Moody of Chicago, fe-r
mtorniation in regaro to the iormatiou ,
..i.l .,,.! fli.-i i..Vni-Mi.r . A' t't.i -i. I
ture for the Heading ilooin.
()n motion, a committee of three, cm -
si.t;g of Messrs Wilson. Cha-e an 1
j Kirkpatrick. were a j. pointed lor the pur-
! c '. ' , ,
j,0 c 0 ascertasnimr wnere a reom coul..l
), . , -,.1 ,,..,
i be pioct..v-l an-. upon v.i-at teim..
On notion, the society adjourned, to
meet upon an evening designated oy tne
chairman, at which time a permanent
organization will be effected due notice
to be given in the D All Y II K.ltAhP.
J. M. syriiOMi, Chm'u.
II. Baxtku Windham, Sce'y.
"lii'Trru at I'l.ATis-jonn:"
Kd. Hf.uai.I): Under the above and
other large display heads in the Omaha
llfmJd of recent date, I find a letter
from this city in which the following oc
curs :
"After the meeting was over, he and
I :l I,:W kmUrcl spirits a.Ijourue'l to the
! 1 rooks and son.
e say i
leinoii bed
twenty bottles of wine, singing r.nd mak
ing night hideous with th"ir yelling. j large do.-es of the sedelive, Hydrate of
Aiiout three o'clock in the morning, a ; (.'iilorai without b.-irg injuriou-ly a'fect
certain young man, who says lie wili j cl there' y, and it is Wimyed that this
swear to it, wanted to call uj a fiieml . of it-elf was not, the cause of his iha'h.
v. !:o was as gu.vt at the house.
On going up stairs he .-aw l'ete, the col -
or ,0''t-'r' a" ''ai-:er dancme,
and on very faniiliar terms with ai-h
n,,,rr,-,,,.,m,,.,,r ur,;.-,,, - :, - j U l-'lll, "I III - ...VI. -4. "-.-.I 1-4, -IV.-
ernor, you are getting on too familiar i
terms with that daikey,' to which I'ut j
ler replied, 'D n the man, I'm only i
. . .-1 ! . !!
carrying out tne principles oi tiie lie -
publican party.' Tlie party who saw
it says he will make allidavit to these
facts, and says the scene reminded him
of the pit-tore seen when he was a boy,
in i he geography, of the howling Per-
A ni ne iilainou.-
unnrovoKcu an-i i
un truthful statement never
the columns of any new.spajer than the
above. 1 have used every effort to fin i
out the author of this low flung black- i
ci-ai-iii-aii ;n. 1 fM-.l.n.! .,,,.1 ,,t-.i tl
o-ighiy conviucetl tba
tionof the combine-'
u"; I
, i :
l.-l--:..... r. ,
"I'aiini i-i iiiicv-- i
t tin
geritiemen who occupy the middle room j
in the Court House. Coo.. or says it '
I !... ...
. ii.i.s i uul s i , i iiiicrs'. II sass IL a. '
j ' j
j Copper, and Dr. Liack says he (iocs not j
I know who ' was. 'l: facts in regard ;
mov. l.uucr was screnaeeu ny tin nanu. ,
d !
meiiccd to talk in a boisterous maimer,
and to simj somrs
a I'll :;t
amount of noise. IK
was very mucn
intoxicated. The only v.bisl.y
t Uat ( !!- 1
tcred the iovernor's room ti:at nig I.t
was inside a Democratic hide. The only
i Mtiging oi any Kino anout tne house
night was done by C'oojicr, excel t tb.e
song sung by the ban 1 .uinng !
their serena le. There is one ;
4. . - . .
, . . . .
excuse ior tn:.-; man L oc,:er, i
ujiposing he saw-
"l'ete, th
colored !
porter, and ( low IP.itler dancing," which j
is that he was so
whvit he came .
to the house that everything nsii-t have i
''dai:ced" be fori
i.: v-
Jll.s tli;. IJUIII
came to "call up a friend"' durin:
irght. I know what I state to be a fact, j
I am night watchman at
House, and know that the
the Rrooks i
i . c .i I
doors of the
house were locked at the hour mcntione-t
by this beautiful trio of spirits w ho man
ufactured this letter and dared not sign
their names to it, as they a.-e every nigh',
"i'cte, the colored porter," was a soldier
in the I'nion'army fer four j-ear..., fisht-
i'u'"t Uca IU0!i as ur- letters of the
character of the one mentioned above,
au - 1 lias learned that a black heart is
l'J lll.lli'l lli-JIII illl ill- iO-lIU HI- IS lil.l'l.J IU .-ul.'i-lllIU t 1 U SlU.lii - . I .1 ... )
often contained beneath a white skin. U": . 1 1 1:1 :l w;aytV:U "esI';ak:
, , , v , 4 ; ;i sj-int ol kindness to the absent o Icir
lJi0 t'icn who wou.d write as false state- ,j(,r i;.. ,, 1,.. ... ,,, . y. ;i r . n
' ,,. I,J !,,,t Iia-'J to . r.- iiteu il reports.
mt,,t:i as contained 111 toe extract! hey are often tlie result of mi.-.un-ler
al - ove, merely l -r -o.raeal purpo.-es,
would be kicked out of doors by any re
spectable colored family as likely to con-
.,;.,,., i,;i.!in l,,.,,,;.,..;,, ,..,.
tact ,vith thom. h0UM these gentle- '
mca (?) du..irc to ..ra,h 5uto pthtC ,tili j
-,!,,, ., , ,i. , ..;.. i
,l0ar fhm
"Pete" R.or.iNsox,
"he Colored Porter."
7- 7
Jink and an old acquaintance wer
on the beach the other day, and heard
i llif 4crc-i ..tin -r jiiiil
igiding of some
olJ1);r U.iies who were preparin
bathe in the surf
Jink's, friend asked asked what occa
sioned so much noise in the bath house.
"Oh," replied Jink's, "It' 3 only :soiiie
beiles peeling.
Hie only hoerty cap, says a clever and !
witty author is the night-cap. In it j
men visit one thir l of their lives, the j
only land where ihcv are free and equal.
I III ill I I ! II ! I I Ml I II I I !! TIT
i j. R Hhul)!ln jIa), Literary ed
' . , pird.nhh.hhi F,,c It
, .,l.t.,,m, an,i Anecdotes:
; iU w;;, yuJ Testament in full; as
j ,Vom Mp I)ickeilSi to va.
rious per.-on-. never before pubii.-hed;
and traces t!:e eutiie carter of the great
Noveli.-t fioiu the time of his birth and
lo: co'.ineetion v.iMi journ i!ism as a re-
.iiei', to its unexpected termination on
the the o:h of .June, ls7a With a fill1
a.-cou:.t o: the luneral services, and Dean
Stanley s Sermen. preaclied in c.-t-
mini, ter Abbey, on the Sunday follow-
ing the f ineial. It also contains a new
likeness of Charles Pickens, taken from
a phtHograph for which he sat a few
days prior to his death, as well as his
Autograph. The whole is issued in a
large duodecimo volume, bound in
!reen, lied or P!ue Morocco Cloth, gilt
side and back. Price, two dollars a copy.
Agents and canvassers are wanted, male
and female in every town, village and
county in the Cuited States to engage
in .-dung and getting suh.-cribcrs to the
above v.'.ek, whirh is the be.-t sellitig
book cv. r published. Coj.ies of the
l......k will be sent to any one, per iirt
mtu! i -.o.-t taid, on receipt of two deilars
j by tie- pulh.-hers.
j -
j ( in-city was startled last evenin-about
! ', o".-!eck " by the news that Joseph U.
hV'x :l I"","1' j1'' (';VZ"V :ukI Ia'er "f
Hits place, had fail- u dead.
-vi, i.-,,.,.. i . i , .,.., .,., f :,,: .
-U'- Knox li.-i.t i.c.'ii so'.nee. nat iuoi.-
i .i i . -o i .
i ose i atiruifr tne i .iv, but not i -, 1
j tbr.t he was upon the .street after dinner.
orha.-, where he alse
louses, and alter taking I'.O grains of
hydrate of chloral a large do-e he
prepared to write a letter. He'enly
complained of pain in his bowels and
went out to the privy on the premises.
Shortly after his partner, Mr. Purr,
heard a sound as of something falling
and went to tlie door, but seeing a man
at the do r of a stable near by, suppos
ed that he had caused the sound, and
.vent back to bis seat. Mr. Knox not
returning, after the lapse of twenty or
thirty minutes, Mr. Purr became fearful
i that something Invl befallen him and
j went out to the privy, where he louriit
! him on the I'oor. dead.
ias been
in the habit of takine
OU: li it mro
liave h.-ivTeiiciI if fliriin-ib
' s.
t;e.-Tien of the heart.
.lr, Imiox. who Jias l-een
; .- .t inmom d from earth was ;
!.e - , .1 :
-'4 IT I I-4-.I.K.I. ..I." lilt IV , Vlll't , .l-liXIii-i-fc
prominent p-iiiion at the bar of this
county, lie is the son of Ju-L-e Joseph
lb Knox, of Chi- aLo. and real laVrwith
! 1 .'i 1 til
j rreo. ev.cKitt. oi sterling, iji. iieeame
to Lincoln in May, 8!',s. and was held in
high e.-teem by all who knew him. lie
is aoont ::il years ot age aim unmarried.
i Ills lather was telegraphed the sad news
this morning, and no doubt will be be
to d
or to-morrow.-
t: net!.
, . j 13i-.v t s-' Vnr Nfits 'Site Oix-ra-!il
pear-."! til , , tJoorl ii 4:isl-i:t.
The pn
from liar ;.e to
last lour w.-i !,s
1 orli ouriiig
number.- alio
Y: k has b; n h-'tter no
e-l c-n tii issue
L.-n ion Paris
TU II. C iull V- I U 1..1 V I U.l
.- .i t. a i...
.,r I..,.;;.,. The,
itches have al-
1 II I '
i,ii-st u la v it-i-'i seer l:v a .--re- -' ca ;i
full oue-diii-l of the whole to a single I
P!P'-' ' y'" marvelous rapitlitv an-i !
aet.-uracv. raieu.a;- as we are wim wui k
.i t I
oi the telegrapu. it has been a marvel to
ns. To hundreds and thousand.-of minds
the whole process is and has been a deep
ilei; is a man in a darkened room at
n i i
ifcart s vonteut. 1 he ocean cai-'e ter-
nnnatcs Here. A line wire attache
an 1 hah" no h-cli'iic t i-.-' s .
i-s a la;..! is made to irlnre so hat i
,1 is vci! . Ted oil a la'e.O ,-.;i tl... i
wall. I ne iii ; i r''.a e ot t "it: cai -!e is de- i
i".,ii i! l,c tl. vl, .- .f il,;.- i.. ti..f.t,..l l
- i , ... ' 1.. : l "T I . , . 1 .. t . . .. !
i: trlit i'iom side to side. Letter hv letter
-e t !:i ti.
utter .-i'eiiee
on the wad. There
( i
ri-i'-oiii made by the machine except r.
I i: e pal ieut watciier calls out to a com
... .u.i I..LV-.4...I I...I. . 111. i V-.-'il. .
1-1 I I- I H I 1- -It ...I I I- l.W -II ...!- -
a:l which he records. It ..Cema miia-
cle of p.aiciit-e. There is something ol' j
1 ..: l
::" l" o- .-i u-c- c see i ie i-1-.nce ,
r a
hunian t-iueli ij.uoo miles away i
swa. iun tliat im
.lit. I
h a delicate piuee as this, and j
alter being icq eated from line to line five .
times be!. .re its ultimate
ly I.- m Vjw
l iiiitties i.-eeu
ioik. nave ine tate "
eeoi-i. 'i it: u-.i: .;ain i'itM-i tiui nit-.-ii
-. t t .t t i
partiemai iiy and sent throughout the!
L'niop.. Noth-ngdike it has ever belb;
-"'em accomplished. The enterprise of
the New York pies--, of a simile pre-sin
NoW vrk ,as c'.,;pst.,, ,'hat of the
we.-.uhiesi. and abiest presses in Europe.
It is characteristic of the nation todo its
work .uradualiy and well. Jovrnnl f
the Ttlt 'ji trjtfi.
Shun evil speakers.
With the .lost-nt; say notning to mh:ct a
wound on th-
;r reputation.
ne '. rone ana wicKo-i. et vour xnowi.-U't
of it J. 1 5 not ol.-lige you to disclose their
character, except to save others from in-
stau ling, or evil design, or they proceed
from an exa ..'derated or partial disclosure
of facts. ait and learn the whole his
torv befote vou decide: then believe
.,.,i . , 1 . .. w.
I'- Rut, evu, tie n, take heed not to
the least nnkindne-, ebe you
H1'!'a c a 1 tiu; inl A -V0Hr prayr for
. .i ll!, ami
thv.111 L'ood.
unnerve yourself for doii
A good deacon, who was naturally a
limh tempc-eJ man. had i.e-eu u.-r l to
beat his oxen over the head, as all his
neighbors did. Il :i, oiiseived tliut
when he became a Christian, his cattle
were rem-irka!. -.y docile. A friend in
quired in? the secret.
'Why." aid the deacon, "f.-rmeily.
wiicii iuy i-i-.i.u were a little contrary, I
Hew into a j-as-ion and them "un
mercifully. This made the matter worse.
Now, when they tlj not behave well. T
s-o tiel.ui'i tlta lo.-ii. sit down, and sing
Oid Huii Jic-.l. 1 don't know hr.w it is,
but the j.salui tune has a surprising eiTect
upon u;y oxen."
-Kitl! Hilly ! I l rojc.v-s l'ollthn.
To escape the dog days of August a During the progress of the speaking
belle of one of Iowa's! yith-s, about the at Table Ibtck on the l'7ih in t. Mr.
sie of Des Moines, came up into this, j Sanford in a very civil and courteous
county to spend a few days in the conn- manner a ked Col. Ciopsey "which State
try, and a good time tdie had. One , ticket he would support UtpnLUcan or
evening idie took a walk along the roa 1 I JJrnmcratic f The Colonel replied by
leading from the hou.-e .-he was I asking Mr. Sanford in a very dogged and
stopping at toward the creek, when one j insulting maimer, "'V' '''"' "f
of those beauiii'ul jn-ti t: httle ai.imals ; ,,,(,-.,,s. '.uv we know Mr. Stanford
known as :4u:iks ah ut two thirds as ;i w. rt li v and respicted citien and de
grown. Lu-tled out before tiieyoung l.idy ! serving ' better things than insults,
in wi.ite. M cour-e iter rn.;.-ii ne-irr
was in for eat ju-t then, and after a short
chase the kitten" was pkked up.
have iroo 1 authority for stating tlrat she
han t been in rood siaikmg con iiti.u
since tliat eventful evening io lull of
i e 1 1 'u u i e . lit (iilUnlit.
A New Iti'ined.v.
l'rotn Surprise-Ailev ciunesthe follow
ing story of an old fellow who got very
0:,!,".Us because his young wile went to a
j bail with a good looking fellow and .-laid
j ont until 1 toad dayli-ht. The chap
, ... ,,.: i;..., w -i ,r,t
went to a jurce i i me peace anu io; i
! yor to ijelp mi for that ar thing has
I "been going on bout long enough."
"Well," :-ui 1 the justice, ' you can
write clown to i reKa aim see ti some oi
.i i - . l . .11
tne lawyers can i gei you a uiorce.
"l)iyorce!" roared the angry man,
"who tire d 1 wants a divorce':"
The justice l;egan to get wrathy. "ii
you don't want a divorce, what the deuce
brought you here?"
"Why I wani. an injunction to top
further proceedings 1"
J j I'ljiit-iaouili lot oii'u i-, iii-t. l.-t. l.-Tit.
; I-Mwiinl ! lh.llii.iih W'u. 2
An-k-1-s..n I Y 2 Hale J:oi:. .s
I Aiaii.l.t 1 g ilioa-i- It S
.- n-li-r-i-n L. I f ii ii L
I A-). F F
i Auli-rv st .Ih-cM.l . 2
" AH- a W J.-hii.-.,!! A
Ail-Oin S J.iccs II
I A--ii.-r.-i-l ' 0
: L-ma nvs Mi-s Lou : li 2
i iliOly 1' II Ki !;iie il
I'.i-iu-ii M Kn-iiiiiiiycr
) hat hia- U. A h.v ii 1'
Hum.- I : hiti as I'.Wii
I hriiwii O'iiliiiin 1 l.iit'i-y U
lli.-rt-'iuaii C Ola
!! ::i : ntc T L.'Ui.-. -Mrs L
is.mksiiu Isaac Laiier S 2
ha. U (i A i .tai-ii.-li K
ll.iiii.rer (i .; ('l.oi- F
1 lain,-hi I M .Oaliiii h D
l:-.!;tn:iii Jii 2 1 A I!
h -.-k i- r 1 .W-iri-iO-ity M
1;. i-l-.-o inn 1' ; .l.'-jakiil M
'.'.-iiiit-: ie. 1 .h'"..:, .T 2
rii- A.ihur !.i.-..;aii-e.K.i:ii 2
j f.-ioK-i-.f '.iaiiv.ii V 2
! 1' i:o !1 A Ii .ln-- U:l!l Pat
enrll.-M X 0 ..l!in.h:y
! C-nee-i- I' -li .i-klcs A im
t'ami ii A M . Pih-r.-.m O
I ( liam! i-rlain Thoaias l'i"a-r-N!i A
i L'-'lii I I'aiua.-tcr I!
liana Win : hieu Urin
i :i ill Ji.'-in Ulmvit J II
I'll! Amlrew 2 h. t-1 Mr
li i;yitt ll- nry llinr-.o-.J L
llrlil.-llt ii T Kv.i-i P e' .
1) lily ..'.iiik-s II hi hie- I il
K ile Will It'iSS Jl-!lll!l!
l-'rct iiiioi Thotiia .Stou.o t .1 A
l-Oi ?a-nn J Si re -l.rr M
1 1 k!o llarrv 'I'hiiin j ti
llan-l r- 11 Th-.ia..-- .j.-Jin -ti-lior
li.-i.- Flora i ane-r J b
F.ii-.ti!i.u- A 'i -i i in i ii C 1'
l".-iri o Jane s , V. iirrier f- C 2
ii!li.i!-l A W Vri:.'!it S J
01;.-s i- M AVIiui'i,' X S
(Olli'-i-y .M F Vi i-iiH i 11 II
H.-U-le.-ai (i h 2 Wiiiiai;;- A
iiiiie; Ji-i.-'-i-U War-i; !; 'i
.. H'. MA USIIA l.L, I'. M.
j i-Cu ti a
I feT.lM
V' o
i.mif i-.-.n
ia . . i i,,--
the public d--bt statement will bo omitted
on tlie ft of next month. The mana
gers would be willing to forgive the Ad
ministration i -r sporting at tiie scas'icuc
during the summer months, ii' the
Trea-ury Department would omit for
this once its Imlb .ins detailing tie; rapid
decrease of the oiibiic debt. These bul
letins ;,re damaging to Democratic aspi
rations. ItyutweH is a man m-t addict d
to "lapses" in the rails;. c'i- n .,-' liusi
ness, and his bulletins a meii.'!. ing the
economic success ! tie.- .Vinm
may ne coinite-t in on to appear so- :e;i v
. . i.
with as much cei taiutv as the oc.p'e of
I l'ottawattamie co;;n;y l-i.-k for the annua!
appearance of a br-'O f oi' pestilent 1 'cmo
ci i'.ic oltii-e-seekcrs, who have bet n for
ten year- i lam- ring f a" another opportu
nity to ""biilv the country. .Yo-iji n i i'.
Vi e lately san- a 1- tier fo-m an old
sorlK r in i tun. v.uio ic-Ms tii
ton. - tne '-.(.' .-.ii
i .. ....
dale.) for a .sum of money ! t-A. him
years ago to .;y board -.;th. ii
John don't soon ii j'!! late wo imagiiie it
wi!i l-c
of the
.Kves;ary to ,.,;.,,,. ,t as a oari
oterure ol th- t.mes. l i- ..el
veteran seems to regard our h -ni -t -John
who hasn't any property in h'sown name,
as an exceedingly slippery customer.
Sn'c ,J"rnti.
A celebrated New Vni k pbysit ian pre
scribe I for an old l.nlv patient '"syruo of
i i liiii ivsi:--i it, nit i . o-.c n;s pi l-sli I j M nui
1 i : . i t i v . . . o . .
ii.. t. !. ... " .... i ..... ... l :
ill me u.-n ti caitau.-iie c.iara -icrs, , i .
t iu won. let t ul . .'uceiicy
1 Ins nun i .j t
ic. "Sfc ve Jenkins
i bitters one week
li-ld "lii",
" n -e a - n.m-ii i i : i j - i i -i mi i. i
dev. an l wliat does Meve do but oi-en
( win i. 111 s .-, nil t :-l ir,,n n.-,i:i.!i mil
of his blood to make a crowbar with
which he pri- d the gates open and let
himself out. l-'uet."
The ( 'hieaco Tnhune asks and trots
I,-." ,. li. .- 14 . 1. .4.4 .: .1 .... ... .I.i ...
..' .i.l-tKl ItlTlllllflll.'i
a column per for advertising. The
business men -f tiiat citv io not hesi-
... . . . ... .! .... - - : i- .1
taie to pay uiai pi ice, ior ine reason
that every dollar thus judiciously in-1
vc-ted wui bnn at I -a.-t an income of I
live dollars. Those who advertise most
are succes-ful in luine-s:
A preaehcr anu-.yed by two or three
youmr women starting out he let out at
,!..... ,i ,. i.
i ue ti t i i. usi .
..- "t i
loumr iailies, it am t iroo-l manners
to walk out while lam preaching."
Rut a momtuit he exclaimed:
"tJo on, I forgot at the moment that
it was wator-mellon time."
1'here was no more going out that
In Iudlanna. a hm-band. after a spree,
was led home by one of his li n rids, v, ho,
after poising him safely on his doorstep,
rang the !!!, and retreated somewhat
j uevious.y t- t.i .q.-posite fi-le oi the
I street lo sec if it would be answered
I Promptly the "porto" was .inverted,"
and the t'-.m-l spou-e, who had waited up
for her truant, beheld him in all his
"Why, .Yr.lter, is this you ?"
"Yes, my dear."
"What in (he world has kept you so?"
"Reeu out on a httle turn with the
boys, my d-d-ai line-. "
"W by, Walter, are you intoxicated '?"
"Yes. dear, 1 estimate that's so."
"What on earth made you get so
drunk ? And why oh, why do you come
home to me in this dreadful state?"'
"Recause: my darling, ail the ether
places. V shut up."
I suppose rroat engineers have been
very clad of Niagara, that they might
span it, very glad of the Mont Ceiiis,
il.... a. : . . i - . ? . 11 i. . . uie;. mmm t-ore it, very gi ld or tne
Suez, that they uiL-hr cut a
canal throurh it. -lad there were d.'fM-.-ul-
ties, that ti
t re
:ht !e rom
gitieenug skin. or" tii-. r- i. sin tliere
ha 1 l.-'eii n. cause for a ivii.r; if no
tieath, no resurrection : if no fall, no n?w
e-ovenant ; if no r.-ln-llious race, no in
carnation, no Cavalry. 110 ascension, no
.second advent. That is a erand way of
looking at evil, and marvellously stimulating.
; t ven at Col. I. mpsey s ban Is. iiiet o!.,
however emphatically refused to tell
j the people his politic ; shame up. ui udi
cov.aidiv livpocri-v ! 1'iicncc 'J', i,unc.
A wi h'wer was rec-ntly rcjertcd by a
damsLl who didn't want affections that
I hail luen warmeil nvcr.
The mo.-t gigantic trial on record is
about to take place in Hungary that of
three hundred brigands, of whom two
thirds are likely to be condemned to
A iihvii'iar! h-ivin.' vi-itrd n sick lade
i. , i...' f .....i., ;
his having come solar in such bad
j weather, to which the doctor unluckily
j replied, "Oh, ma iam, I have another
patient m this ucKUhoruooii, ami ov
.i . i r i n . i i
tliat means, vou know, I kill two bird:
with one stone." "Hector," replied the
bi'ly, you are too good a shot for mo,"
anddispen-cd with his further attention.
We are really ashamed of our cotein
poraries this fall. If there is anything
that an editor should be distinguished
fin-, it is that generous gallantly that
protects the softer sex from the profane
j handling of irn-verant compositors.
Y by it is that Sister Croxton cannot be
exempted with the rest of the women,
we don't know.
Pea-1 these shameful inuondos and
"pity the sorrows of a poor old maid."
"If Sifter Croxton and the Democratic
b uid ring could steal in one year eleven
thoti.-and dollars from thecity when they
were authorized to handle only twenty
five thousand dt, liars, how miu-h would
they have stolen if they had handled a
million dollars, as (jovernor Putler has
during- the past four years'." Clirouuh:
A. T. Stewart has ju-t boiii-ht loo
acres of Ian I ju- t out.-!de the line of
Prooklyn for which he paid I'od.omh.
While traveling through the country
ere me!
Mr. j'rine. who manages the
j largest farm i:i Nebraska. The farm
; compri-es a w! -ole township in Stanton
I count-. Six miles square makes a good
I .-ined farm. Twenty-three thousand
acres ought to ;.cep a small family in pota
toes. jr. Trine has the firm fenced
with over thirty miles of Osage Orange
hedge. In time the farm will be the
best in the state. Coctnizfoit Jtars.
A Western merchant is down on the
newspapers. lie says: Thur aint no
scii-e newspaper advertisin so long as a
man is smart muff to tend to his own
homes, and kin st.-uid at the door and
ellers. in."
'e have for sale the following list of
valuable lands in Cass County Nebraska .
Sf.o. Tp. It.
Nwqr 1 12
SwMr 14 10 lo
Se -jr ll'2 II 11
SwMr I'-! M J2
Se jr l." 12 2
Ne or o 12 i:i
Neqr 21 II Id
Se qr 22 12 12
Se Mr 14 12 ht
Nw or .'H 12 12
Nwtjr 27 II 12
Nw Mr :: I II
Se qr 7 II 12
Se qr nw qr 2i! I 12
K hf w qr 1.1 11 12
W i.i'swqr 14 K 12
K hf se qr 7 Jo :
li l.f ne qr I s lo :5
Ne of nw'qr 2:; lo 12
Vv' hf ne qr 1 1 10 1 1
Seofneqr II lo I
Nwofseqr II lo II
From one to four years' time will be
iriven on part the purchase money on a
lar" nvoiKii-tin.-i if tlie :ifmvi l-nul
, J ' n,;, e,;,,,, ,u tllu :lWj iit we ,K;vt.
i,,,,.,,,,.,.,. Fani!S ,;,., we t.a cll
rea.-:. liable terms, ('ail atouroiT.ce for
Pa:k A: Windham,
Ileal ll-tate and Insurance Agents,
.Main Street l'Litismouth, Nt.-bra?ka.
We are are prepared to show to the
public t he mo.-t complete stock of family
groceries ever offered in the city. These
goods are fie h, the best to be found in
market and at juices that defy competi
tion. We call special attention to our
stock of canned goods.
Sept. 2!.. .!". wl.
Ya' Rnilni-r have the larares
I stock of Iroceries ever broueht to the
city, which they bouuht f ir cash and at
reduced prices. Call and examine their
stock. aplodiwtf
Tf you would live to "a ripe old age"
and always feci that -our family is pro
vided fi r in case of accidental death, go
to ('apt. J. W. Marshal, at the P. ().,
and get a policy in the Missouri Valley
Life aprik-Mf.
Ladies, go to Clark & Pbimmcr's for
your Shoe., and (iaiters. They are just
receiving their fall stock. vou w ill find an
cndle.-.s variety to select from
Sept. 2'., df. wl.
Something new, the very latest in the
way of hats and caps for men and bovs at
Clark .t Plummers.
Sept. 2.J, d'i wl.
You can save money every time by buy
ing your Loots and shoes of Clark &
PJummer. Sept. 20, d'i wl.
Grover ci Raker's Sewing Machine is
the best in market. Yallerys it Rufi'
ner are ag -uts. Those in want of a good
Machine will find it to their advantage
to give them a call.
Vallerys tfc IttilTner have just received
a new supjily if 1'oots and .Shoes, which
they are soiling very low.
Thf Last all.
All nersons knowing themselves in
debted to us hv note or account are re
quested to call and .settle immediately.
Co to YailerysA. llulfner's to huyyour
Ihy (ioi.tls. They are selling cheaper
than the cheapest.
I? yon want a neat calico dress, go to
Yallerys tt KufTncr'.s. They are now
selling tlie Lc.-t for li'j cts oc-r vard.
The Cliartcr Oak .Stove i. on sale in
all the ; rin -ipal towns and cities through
out the .South and West. All respectable
dealers have them, and consider them
their most .staple artie'e.
Ycnded un.lcr the name of I.'entrilices.
Adopt and adhere to the only j.irenara-
tion that really preserves the teeth and
hardens the guuis, fragrant .Sozodont.
Itscfiect.s on decaying teeth are marvel
lous. "Sjviul.lmg'.s (ilue," mends Crocker-,
Wood j:i V'are, A;c.
on Tin:
XXXX At$2.50per sac-
S. FLOl'R S.OO per ;SAt li
lira n Si. Charts T'cts. irr ii !!,-.
Uian - tie
F.-.tia (i-M-1. 1 " irr hiolV.
t'urii! 2"l' r uii.1.-1.
XTLOUR Exclianged for
Wheat as usual.
IV lical :uul Crn kiuilI : Toil
'j)f-uul itt'u.i n ii'i i'h t';k'H f t .vf. ..; nil u ho Cti?f
10,001) Bushels of AVlicat an.
20 000
Bushels Corn
w. 1
iir.i.poN. At'cnt.
iii.ius!ii L. v. iiKil
lIalistaiou!i, ITe?.,
R-r-airrri df stlcatn I'm-'inc?. Pcilers, Sr.w aivl
Cirist .Mills.
(ia.s ami Stpam Fittiiars. YVronirlit Iron l'u e.
Furc-c im 1 Tilt Piiiiii-s, ; Stt-atii tiaiist-.s, ' ice
Valve tin verii'ir.s, anil ail kin l.- il'
Brass Engine Fittings,
furnished ou ..hart notice.
Repaired- short notin aue'it)
Weeping Water, Neb.
General Slerchandise,
seen as
DRY OO It st.
y L' 1" K M S V A V. K.
pine and cottonwood lu.mi.'kr.
shin.;li;.s and lath.
AVe arc ARt-tit-i fur
Willcox . G'ibi3 Sewing Machine,
vkicb i uniluubtcilly tho best I.i. hini now in
U R f B T U U
At:.l in n!! kln.I of
jurniture and Chad's.
MAIN STI'KI.T, (tlKoMvor ttt-: of p 0
Rciuiiriii? .mil Vartii-liiti? r.rntly ip,pp.
54-FutiL-ral.s i.tttii.le-1 at tin; slioi n-.- t notii-e.
Ik-fore A. L t hil.l. Pr-.jbalc J o-le in tin-l fur
l :t,.s i-.iu rity. ,- lir.i.-kii.
John .Ml-. ! u.-n )
Ch:irl.-s . M:iiit'.-r. J
e'h.irli.- It. .'!:ii .'i r. I. fi-n lf-nt in the tibovf
.l.litl.-.l -; !.-. will t.-iki- ii rit iff th it I hi.vfcoiii
t'lcn. el ;.ti liuii .-i.iiii.wt 10,, i in t(iu I'rol.uti
rourt of Cis- t-oii my. Nobr.-i.-ku. for tlip yum i.f
two liitii'lri-'l iili'l (ilty-t-ij-'ht 11I1J ftv.-tit v-livi-on.-
Imn.iM-.lihs, lr.nn rfi.-.rli--'
K .iii."-r for l.-ihr r i-arf'iri.i'. 'l l.y 1 1 . self iin-l
lirothcr 'J'hoi.i.-.s I4. .Ii'O.irii. Sni'l i-.-nic will In;
hi-.-inl on tin-7th a.iy ol N'm-iniu--, A. I. 1S70,
at U o'cloi-k a. 111.
OctOw.H JOHN .lct;ui;N.
If you intnl to hv.-j mi A -Vo 1.
Call On
At the SEW YOHK STOllK aid cxamin
their Muih wjirvt"
Cayuga Chief Reaper fi Mower
For 1870 !
!o. thnir Iarec Ftot-k of 1!R KAKINti AM)
I ...Tl
Open Every Eaj'.
Free tiansjiortation from the ltiver ILiuse.
Henry Sicrt.
St-j.tl9d.iwtf Ir iri e t .r
Real Estate.
11 with ThoTims l'.j!l.)ik ati'l J. Wesley
IJarnf-s ti take clmrite of our Ab-tract Jlmiks
art'l .-..rry on our Kt.-il K-t.ite buitn-s.-i. Tin y
will jrive tht-ir tiitirt-altctitiiiti t.) tlie lnt.-iiex
rciyiiiff ti.x.-s fi.r ri.-ii-ri.-si'lei:ts. l.uyitij; uiul
pillinjr l.c-al ltate on c-.j:ii:i i.-.-nm . xtoijiinii
in es. nii'nisliiGtr ulK'trii.-Uot till.-, aicl tratisa.-t-iiiK-ul!
Iiiisiti-s.s .crt.-iiniii!i t'i lli-:.l K.-tate, an.l
will bo found cart-t'ul and rc-liali.c uk :i in every
Tlie Lusiiiesa will lie oarrio l on in our name
and in our olii-i; a-lj-iming our lawroili.-e. lur
Abstract w ill be J.osted Ui daily and will be
lound reliable.
Maxwkli. A CH.trHAV.
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For i
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:-.i J. L. TA HM!.-. ;: