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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1870)
I . i ' jU Tl-iii. NEBRASKA HERALD i.:. PI 'I ISHKD WKEII.T BT Jl- J ) 1 1 AT 1 1 A WAY, - -vr .A .'Li- li; ... :j j i .'-'Vs i - - -1 ! ! . V : A W A V , -. . t i '1'' &3 t - i . ! AND PR'ITKIKTOR. ill I r .rcc,., gee V.'c V!v. ii.OO i.rr annum ifaiM in si'; a nee. 11 ii not paid in sIvar:i-c. liSi-UBLICAN TICKET. .JOHN I A Mi:. 1 It (; It K .-Ojy TI X : K."T: .!. K. LA ! AS L Eli. 1 nl. ;o V HUN' Ii: DAVID BliTLLKIl. J. id -i:r:;;'TAitV (!' STAIK: w. ii.'.iami:s. 'i i;':Asri;KU: HKMiY KOENH2. lei: -i ;i. i'l'lt. IXSTRI CTIuN: .1. M. McKENZli:. r. .;: t t -!: :i:v ;.;; i: i: a i.: ,.!!(;!: II. uoheut.s. i it !;!; illt'T'ATTolt N EY Ui LI.-T. J. C. C'.iWSN. i or. r::i.--x ix.-i'i:( tciu : C. II. GUtlLD. County Republican Ticiet. 1 a.K .-TATK .- JON A I K S. ,M. KMSKlWTIilCK. s!:.v a i-u nit ttji. ki-i i: i t a. 5:. Kennedy, j. v. johnson, ;V. S. f.ATTA, r. v. wolcott, jos .u.-itiNxox. B 4 . -' I i i k ;: t;,ri.: .-, ,',. St.,-- tilt ,Ht l tttt'HI llfi:lhf' it Z i i. 1 1 r 1 1 1 -irli'r-' i':uii)i i;c eil in :' !!i-.iii l'l.otf nil i't' !vi.S. :iii i i.t '' this c'mivi'iii imi .'. liria I . : a" r i ii.i i .l - i 11 iiilviou i- 'ho - ..i i hi- ix"!'''''- "'nl iI:ilili.-li their i 11 i i. !ui li t' '"ii-..-. i i.: r v i' !!) rJity ciit-.r th A.I i.l i'i r-i'l'.nt . ro ii t . :iii'l CMii,i!in'l : .-vi-l u! ill-- is-upte ' tic- ,ui,c ;.n t .... , , .,.),.,! i. ..i. ' r ii- n-'fl . imkhu.v i i.-i: -n i,: .1 v .!).!!. .!( i 'I iln- ( iovi rntiM i:t : ii In.i: , .; , i ; i.til!..-!.! .alvi-liou ill) ill nr--i:;rat .f , ..- !.. ,.; r- : ;o..l. :il."Vi! l'-v it- i-mi- . : ... r.i'iiti -. in;: :i ii.i-i' ni-o tc the Kr-.;t j.i u .:!. ! ft in.-"i.iii aiiil i-iii:i!ity. : -I. 'i'hiif in llie .-'I ru-'lf imw i" rT"K.'-.J ; i iv.n-e '.vi- hi-r:it.v .-ynumtlii.f with the eo I Ii -.1 (ii ,-ii!;i' y ia their liei.'ii- ell'nrt- t ire-.- ': u,t;:i-t the ti-rritiiiy wlii. ti ri irli ( till iv he-J-.i- - i i th. in, iiis l t!i :t v. h'-rish the ln t i ,i ie- ioi a.ei.i: I'll will wiiius tho detent i i Me Kri a; :. ii i ill tin -s;u ri-l naine ! lil'e:ty i- i-i: . . .t I exteii'l the il.iiniiii'in 't a ! : -i-..:-iu ov r the ?"il ef uiiiitltii'Iiii ii. i :i - 1 1 r i ....-i.'- in it .v ii luic i'ir si re i ,!, ,f '.. 1 'ii i :l- t ix;i inns ll i'..!l ti:e I". :i- 'i. re- :;i lit the hee rel.i.lli in i v. ! ; ii-a.-!:!i iiihi'!" r-. iti ! inn. so .-m.-n : e-..i "., i-'iV -;e I ei-ti-i-ent!y with the itc ., i.i he i-ut-li" i' til It and credit. . i :t -i : r ;( i ri 1 1 ;ii n e i .ii- .1'. i ii-ii iiiai-y of Ncitialia county ... 11a lical with the ii r .i ;'tj- recognize th.e l i' ;'); !it and KivonsrnK-tii.n v :;!.: laws of the land. I'a "ii:- A Iv'i'ovs w. ll th::t i sit ii !jj a'-" i i '"' i j i.'.es- '' 'i'!:oi: ! illll.V . ar. 1 ,..,.' ... .' !' ! ,' "m N! ) i I'.V : Wis' MM') WOKKS. - -v..,.- ,'.,. .. .:--. a,1 i . - .;:-sr AN :'' t ('lui- . l -i ry vti-r in th county -t.-r 1ns t. -i' t; : j a.'att.-t the r..j.o- , ; i !..,!-. f -, a '.!. t W e;iii.a i al;.e'd this extra ,; ;.; : !.- . iit lime, and th. ) -i.'i'iM i -viie an cinph:t:ie :- rvcat niiiss ?) convention at M. w-terday wa not so lar j. !.'. tlie '-- ii ' 1 i:i JSeW L ( .tv. Th. re were jirohaMy - on'th-- i -.e.nd, fully one half ol v. it Mmp'y "'!''ike! -n in !..-' In fai-r. lc-s than twenty men f S the ta ki ; !el L eli tho.-r tw: ;i vero lav IVottt l- 'i- .e satis!i-d. Tin of 1. .i!:i a M A.'S Convi i.ti e. ai-il a :o r M laid fa th :i i... : a '.::r;:t": appointed l '. .: ti. i."t. ' tifti forcing lite m et- t- . jr ( a whole, without oi.n i" .'!: :.!i . i. I-:i on the d.ircrt i:t J'i..,.- y .i : :.c:i '.;:i 1 1 1 1 k v 1 1 'i' ; '' :: j.. -.-'.I was vi i !-- -n o f t!.:;!5 one iudi ,: i-i , ; , n'. ;-'t end !:.; r. who had , t! - :l:i?: h-ttse.-t intent, ' - v '.: ;. :'i--y r;;v the whole thing u . - -t:. ! -i.ic 1 in a Ivaae- ; and stii! i .: ! tie. v; . - in I l'o heme and k : ; t;. - ' - -.i.-n of tlie straight L .' i---iM t We h'-ard f'om many :.:' r i - w' declared tiny e ;' I ! : v ,. ih" !..ei!v:el concern :'. a ;' . v i n ft-rrcd t vote tor either i ' . -e ',:' :i:.i'c.i"i- whu Were not i!..e. .v th.-I:- prhc-t.les. If it i- h: rvd th:.; th.e V.'e. j Water Con- :.ti-.n was the work of a i'c.v men. what .m:. he - :i 1 in dell n.-e rd" th.e outrageous c "ir-e pur- led l y the r,i:, j,-; nu n who -: thing-- -,-,; for the so called mow - t.ti -i f '"if ti -kei elected v.a as follows: For : : I. i-v-on Sheldon ; For '! ".- of ! b j .-..'- . !:'.'.; i e. d . T. Cannon. -. M 'Ve: n D. L. Chi pp. John i . j',..- ( '.. Jacob t Hi AL. the very small 'Xto-.i let ii' .ted eoiv-c 1' j'o:'... (J. .,.,,,:,, r Ratk-r all ; State and repeating the Omaha (',! s!m :.!: '..'-hiitd the Covernor's ba k. v, here lie . appo-s there will bo no ch 'eee to reply to them. Croxton was 1 -rt:srd to -pi ::k in 17 -nioiit last idght, ! the Repttblican tomadt : jt at that j !..cj i-ud.-ivorcd to have a joint discus--i-.'i 1 et weers hii a;;-! the bvorn'r. I''j.-itun rda- e l, r:n 1 the e"r:. ei1uciice is th it the blicans are rallying to Rut it i" s -! Ol-t, . t-t in' of them intended to vote nulii-1 him. They -:iy that a man who will go about slander-it:-' a iii-iii behind his l-.-.ek without giv him an opiiortuniiy to def. nd him v. r ;;IV0 their v,:t. VOL. 0. ! mm:.'GaKiig..iitJMi.Mmmmi uluivj i ijtx -s:xroM-.s iti:t'2ti. i i l i.. .i. .. . i: i : .. : . c I liov.u jnc;i, a m.'iiii u:iiii;.-s man ui Nebraska Citv, not accustomed to take wont to Jrovnvilij to .o.-t the people tJiore as to tlio rtjeorJ of Jolm Cioxton. The A lcrrli cr say.- : "lie mal.s cliartrcs Mr. Cms. ti-n of corruption anil malfeasance, wliich he declares are true, tleit leaves the char.ircs a.ain-t Iov. l!iii!cr i-iin-e 'us them t he tine .-o fn in lii; rear, :i - t r.t telly :i'fiuiii huiiet. Well nieai! Voters. Let tlie people at with their cvrs np.n in this m.-ilter votiier on ( le -ti jn iay. Ivvamine the case well and act a''eo:Tn to your ttn 1 jud' ii:ent.' oio'.ist: i!3;rv.Ef: tiji:."!. i On the eleventh driy of the present J month, the voters of liss county will he ; ca!!e 1 upon to cliooe a legislative ticket, ; and the choice will he between a ticket cotnpo-ed in art of Democrats, and a ticket composed of Republicans, three out of the five on the ticket Lcinjr men wdio served their country on the tented field and at th cannon's mouth. Dr. Latta served in the protection of the frontier; J. 'V. Johnson served in that ;tai! iiit old '-Nebraska First," which will ever be remembered by th? l'y:d people of this State, for it embraced the loved ones id' many a prairie home: and Jas. .'b Kinr.' ii has an honorable discharge which shows that he participated as a private in vriti ticn laud funjht Lnt-r.s-, embracing those terrible scones of "the Wilderness," which almo.-t makes the blood of the patriot run coid at this late day to contemplate, and with "Sher idan in the Valley," where the tide of war was turned in favor of the Union. Republican voters, you will be called upon to choose between these tncti and a ticket composed in part of Democrats. Can there be a doubt w hich way you will vote. We think nor. Tin: way or IT. The Labor Reformers of Omaha had an under.-tanding with the Democrats tliata fair division of the spoils was to be made, and they should enter into partnership. The Reformers met incon vention simultaneously with the Demo crat., and conference committees were appointed, fn the inenntime the Demo crats had discovered a huge split in the Republican ranks, and saw a chance i'or a. "clean sweep ;" consequently they tol l the Laboring men to stand a-ide, that they proposed to run the ma -hiue in the interest.? of the democracy exclusively and they are doing so. A straight Dem oeratic ticket was nominated, and the laborers wcr2 told that the Demounts were now .strong chough without them, and that they could run their own politi cal matters. That is the way oar Ca-s county fellows will find it. Shoul 1 the. Democracy once get into power, and h;;d ticy hail the strength, they would tell these fellows who are helping them, to stand aside an 1 they Would guide the sh:p and take the ; -pouV. rii.: in Ji a. t.?i.v :j. Isaac I'ollartI, nti iul' fotirl. La.-t Saturday we had a conversation with an intelligent farmer from the west ern part of tlie county, during which we ivmaikod to him that much of the pres ent " bolt" in the southern part of the 'unty was, undoubtedly, owing to the ii -ire of certain individuals to cause the -oity to become responsible lor their individual liabilities already incurred and to be inclined in a law suit against the Ii. & M. lb R. Co. "That," he re marked, "explains something vhieh Mr. I'oilnd :.skeik me when he was out through our section electionc-ring, some time ago. He asked meif the people of that part of the county would be willing toVOTR AN AlTiiol'RlATlON to pay the expenses of breaking the bonds." Tint's ir:t;t'.s the vwtUr ! He was told by the gentleman that the people of that locality had no objection to Messrs. l lard it Co. lawing the Railroaii Com pauy i.rovtded Me-rs. Pollard & Co. were willing tj ay the exinai-es, but that he did not t'nink the people were suuicicntly anxious for a law '-uit to pay the expensed it ; "fr," .-ays he, "sttp pose you do break the bonds iin the grounds of informality in their issue, the company will immediately force the issue of the. bonds in accordance with the vote, an 1 then we will have forty thousand doU'irx interest money to pay, which is donated to the county by the company in consideration of the present issue." We think think this gentleman sees the issue clearly. No one disputes but that the vote is valid where! y the people agreed, by a majority of about I'lit), to issue bonds to the railroad company. Suppose, then, that l'oilard & Co. suc ceed in obtaining a decision that the is sue already made was fraudulent, (by getting two of the three judges of the Su preme Court to reverse their own decis ions, we would then have the pleasure of paying an extra .IthOiio interest money and uf relieving Messrs. l'ollard & Co. of the expenses of a law -nit by it ourselves. Isn't Mr. lVliard a very great friend of the l'KOl'LK? Famine and pestilence, the usual con- couiitants of war, are fohowiug close in , the wake of tlie bloody and uestructive struggle in the fairest portions of France. A large area of the mo.-t fertile portion of the from have famine pi- ail' a pi neighborhood of many of the battle I fields. J lie on loot for the relief of the suffers in our own country is deserving of" ail praise, as it is carried on with true Christian charity, iirespeo- 1 rive of part 3- feeling. Aoijoo reil of the E,,ropeh..s been laid waste, and still and with only oi suit of, and 4, iT"' . ''V1." i ' ,T " Z ?! " ! at Rheims. The infected di-tri'ts 1 VX'.:.! V::!. lea. desolation goes on. Ihe mhatttants j hateu to Nebraska where he remained u"1 'a""' i""- are surrounded bv a sanitarv ,.rd..n 1 . A . b ib. '.' ' i ii b-v . the Rhine to the Seine, in millions, i Vrn, quiet until the war was over, and all l "".'.V" Ial"- i t Uitsehe made a heavv sortie v-:, rh:'- ; r v; 1 ' . ;." r ..' . ll':V : f ,'l been left almost destitute, and .W,, i-iiidotiel by the SecrLtaryofi ?uarc aa A'UI the Court re a;'tt.ruoon aI,d one ' thi, . ", 7 i toe King oti. :--.,., bivor ,,r peace H; ' r is not only among those hitherto War. Will the Thus nn-wer ? 1 l'0?.1- . ... i,t!i wi',ovd-P,l " ' ; i. i, aiiie. a.t . taie ...... ei ao,, i.a i -. o-perous and happy pcoide, but foversj -Did a certain man who is the stand- , "'!b no. wr-rievor as had as that: j Ni:y Youk, October iU ' I "' Ai linl. i Oi.iii .tlw,...ic il'nn,t i , ..w- 1 l . . v , .-.l- Ik . : . t.- t:t M. I r IS'ltl ft- III' X ( II I I NtltlJ If ."f tl J III - ' T i . , i vm . n. i ie'l v..l.-y v...-, unui-y i am i.-eaivi oi me i 'emovraue jany tu i ,. ,,-,- . .. .v limes joiMou corresiioiidt :;t tele- i t, o. .:..,- rc r--.. ...,.,f aeatvti in leariui lerm around the i th s State and ask nir 1 he voters to o eet i J'" """' ir,.,,,!,,.,! bo nt.-!,. (i.lW, 1 . -"V . . ... v.-.-i a ni:j.n:s When a child sets hurt. i ii uen a C! li.i ge.s hurt. It re.ievos. ltto , crv. ' V- a pndanc man -rets an.rv it prine:jee, it relieves a disappointed poli tician to ellerve-ee ; he feels hetter after it is over. Then he i prep::r-d to act more rational : will reason with him-eif, and others an 1 a.-t aeeordin-!y. llepuh-liean-; are nut iroin- to turn their hacks 'i !avhtw fiattcn, nnction to their souk-W,;- on their party, and join hand with the That i-- jast what to say. The Repub lican who would march up to the polls and cast his vote on the side of Democ racy would certainly expect to hear the dying groans of the An-ler-onville pris oners issue from tho ballot box. They may relieve themselves by effervescing, but that is all. .MKY I I SK." While T. 31. Munpiett was sj caking at Taylor's School House, last Saturday, he spoke of the inconsistency of a fu-ion between Democrata and Republicans, where each side would be compelled to give wty front what they claimed to be principles. A prominent Democrat at once arose and asked the privilege of correcting Mr. Marquett. Permission being granted, he boldly and defiantly told the meeting Republican, Democrats and Sore heads that there was no con cession on the part of the Democrats; that they did not propose to forego a single principle for the sake of a fusion, but that those who went with them must came'-qo.aro over to the democracy ; that there was no meeting of them half way, but that it was a ''clear come over" to the s:ue ol the uemocrats ; anJ he gave them to understand very distinctly that the democratic party would not vote for any republicans on a mixed ticket. These sentiments were received with enthusiasm by the democrats present. The utter ances of this man demonstrate whal we all know to bo a fact, that the leaders of the democratic party despise the men they use, and that only in case of dire necessity can they be .induced to go into these "peoples" moves. Look at Omaha, where the democracy had agreed to enter into a fusion. The moment the republi cans divide and the democrats see a 'probability of electing aXull blooded democratic ticket, that moment they turn oil' all disgui-e an I come out in their true colors. Do any Republicans of Cass pro pose to be caught by democratic chaff? The defiant position of" our Liberty friend should be sufficient to knock the scales from their ovr. T!io ItJevsi :;rs of I'tsijornti" Itole. The New Vork 7 ';.'. publishes a hiiL'thy and startling e i.v.s-c of the manner in w hich Tammany has tyran nized over and robbed the c;ty of New l'oik, until it has made the burden of taxation so heavy to bear that a ge.!KaaI revoit of the tax -payers mu-t take place at no distant day, if they do not cho-o-e in surren't'-r their propei-ty unconaition aliv to tli ammany nag. ttlv do the t ax layers lear the ia;tir, that those who have furnished facts and ii r- ures dare not make their names known to the public. Reing le.-avy owners of real e-tate, should they incur the enmity of Tammany, I heir taxes wni be revenge fully inc. cased, and rein f at the hands of tlie I ; 1 of .supervisors or in the courts, is hopeless, since these have de venerated into mere machines- to record the behests ol" Tammany. It appears that Tweed V Co. are in the habit of t iking taxes off from their friends and "heaping them on their enemies. They do it by reduiing the assessed valua tion of the property of their friends and increasing the assessed valuation of tlie property of their enemies w ho include al! who oppose or complain of the opera tions .a!" the ring. '1 ho mo.-t wealthy merchants: and capitalists of the city who count their wealth by mini-ms. and might prove troublesome, case either m the ring or Lave had lle-ir silence pur-cha-ed by favoritism. Ta.-.esare steadiiy inercasi d front year to year, on all bu' I he favored f-w, by steadily increasing the :isessed valuation, until much ol' the property of the c;tv i- a--esM'd ior more than it will seil for in the market. The total increase of valuation is this year over s:,(t :. !'(). The nominal percent age of taxation is reduced, but by the increase of valuations more money is ac tually taken out of the tax payers. '-The result of the whole matter is that many investments aye being withdrawn from the lower and the upper ends of the is land, ami tire being concentrated in the center or in outside property, or govern ment securities, as the people can no longer stand up under such enormous pie-sure." The Tones aids: "And it is a fact well known among business men in this community, that a loan of twenty or fifty tli u -and dollars can bo more readily obtained from our banks and trust com panies for southern plantations than for city property." The excuses ior and ar gume-itsin favor of the increased varia tion arc always ingenious- and plausible The amount expended in building, re pairs and improvements is always add'vl It lias generally happened that tho con founded tax payer is quieted if he does not believe in the ju-tice id" the increa: e in the valuation of bis property. He tries to fancy himself a richer man, en deavors to net laoie rent out of bis ten ants, gets the name of being an extor tionate landlord, and very likely loses his tenants. His only consolation is that he n no worse off than his heiiihlor, and neither can help him-'df. 'tor.. t ::x. i - oM'itti.MEi) j;y i'Kivn i:. A "soldier" writes for the Nebraska Cify Chrou it h- as follows : "Did John II. Croxton, who is now the Democratic candidate for ( iovernor. run away from Ohio in lMi i after Ite bad been drafted in the Unitol State's service. in order to escape the U. S. Marshal, ii" he did not why is it ho 'ell in thr m'rht him C.ovcrnor of 'Nebraska, get one thousand dollars for himself as a substi- j " e oi int.- eiiinii laiui, un'i men inn j , re i: i it : . v ,i . t. . . . i . i . uu Jiom vfino to .u'urii.-Kii, p; me j money wirnotu rendering any service ati all. Hill the J unts tell us what Colonel Croxton did durimr the war?" PLATTSMOUTJi, NEBRASKA, HOW ARE YOU HONESTY ? JOHN H. CR0XT0N, STAND UP! Where are tho $13,50 . Bonds? i The Grand Jury of Otoe I COUP.lV III the Abstract business 1 ! From the State Journal. Hie following presentment of the CI rand Jury, will probably give our ab straet fiiends Messrs. Croxton & England some business. We congratulate them upon this lead, for they have been out of business now lor ten days, and the Omaha ll'i-iihl is on the verge of bankruptcy. The tale is soon told, but the things that hang thereby are considerably com raniilied. We premise by saying that the city Council of Nebra.-ka t ity were by a vote of the people authorized to issue $25, 00') in bonds to pay for the riht of way of the Ti. 1. R. "R. through the city limits. S. II. Calhoun was the Mayor who signed these bonds. John H. Croxton was the city attorney and the law partner of S. II. Calhoun, thr Jft t io r. The Mayor, S. II. Calhoun, signed ?t.'I(-),oOO. Tift jttisrvcn thousand tfol lam in cash has been realized front tho sale of these bonds. Ten t.',itt.uiil six hundred dolhtrs more are unaccounted for. John II. Croxton was tlu attorney, and to him was paid iM,:ii in bonds for legal advice ! This the records of Ne braska City, as published heretofore in the report ol .iayor Ih'lon. snow. The question naturallvaii es, what did the Mayor and his partner, the Attorney, do with the balance of the :iG, Kit)? The grand jury of the county say, "there has been a gross fraud committed." We reckon that the petit jury that shall hereafte sit in this case will also bring this gross fraud to a focus, and tlie man who says he will "make an hmnsf (iovernor, if not a capable one," will have to abandon his modest claim, and plead guilty before, or bo declared guilty by a jury of his countrymen of dishones ty, as well as incapability. ( i tt an ) J t:itv Room, Sept. Term, 1S7, Otoe County, State of Nebraska To the Honorable, the District Court of the first Judicial District: In accordance with the law. with their own oaths to obey, and so far as in them lay to execute that law, the (I rand Jury has made dilligent inquiry, into and con cerning all matters upon which they were charged by tlie court. They have found that the county treasurer has not settled with the county commissioners since about January hist, but we are informed that he will be reatiy to settle the first of i ext month. We also find that the Board of Edu cation of Nebraska Citv did in iSi-Sovcr issue warrants on tho school. fund, an 1 j- service has never I.eeu rendered therelor and we would reommen I that a civil action be brought by the proper parties for t lie recov, rg of the same. The tlrand Jury further finds hat in the year i siist. the poop!-- of Nchi-iska City voted th" loan front Nebraska City, the sum of s-.'.",. in Mi or so much thereof as was necessary to pay the right, of way and procure depot ii rounds for the M. P. U. R., and thev find from the evidence that not less' than T 11 1 iff V-S I X TI I O ISA N D IT V !: 1 1 1 N DKEDDOL LAllSin 1 onds have been issued, and that a tax amount ing to thirty :ix thous and six hundred and thirty one dollars an 1 fifteen cents has already b en levied and $ IS.. W.i "' collected to pay the same, and also tin ! from the evidence that over 27. i'1"! in cadi have been realized from the sale of sai 1 bonds, besides ovei $:, coo in bunds not accounted for in the above, and i.i our opinion there has boon ii gross fraud committed ami that this !rand Jury recommend that a civil ac tion be brought against tlie proper per sons for tlie recovery of sU..",!!') or any other amount that may bo found to be due to ihe oily from the sale i f said bonds. That tho Sheriff, County Clerk, County Commissioners and the Probate Judge are discharging their duties faith fully, and honestly, and that they have examined the and find the same in a neat and healthy condition. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. M. lli( KI.1N, Foreman. A f:ipp'l er:i:l! r A !:t'tsr.5o5 'i'itkc 1. !; 't to l oi'.r 'i :auti -:itti! 3el!.rH. Some time :igo our t-o.vnsman II. Iue ti r, lOsq., employed a man by the name of Anton Dietz to manage his branch store i n the corner of luth and Otoe streets. In course of time his business not proving satisfactory, Mr. Rueter was watching matters as closely as he well could, and at hist, Saturday, he demanded of Dietz the money c dieted by him during the last month, but was flatly refused ; but he, Dietz, gave him a promise of' settlement on the following morning. Monday came but no Dietz, he had made cood his escape. It is thought, front the evidence i ti the point, that he went from here to St. Louis; but up to the present writing nothing definite as to bis destination has been learned. His wife, who still remains in the city, claims that he lias gone after a stock of goods, which of course .seems doubtful to his former employer, who has lost by him fiout one to four thous and dollars. We hope that this matter may yet prove to be more of a scare than a hurt. AiA. dit;i ( 'no n b'. Tt is no sin to be well up in the clas sic. 'Linkiin Dutton was not. Rut lie loved the American fair. In fact he loved two of them. Those two felt emotions of love toward 'Liakim. 'And they quarrelled about, him like two Kil keimy pussies. Consequence was. all throe were brought into court. 'Liakitn, being the cause of the struggle, was thus addressed by his honor: "And so those women were lighting about you ?" "1 believe so, Sir." "You arc a sort of Adonis, then?" The feeling in the West toward the Indians inav I e understood from the fob iiiwiK which is useu in uescritnng a ugni - . ' . . in wnicii tweive savages were kilieu : mi l .1 -i i.. i conversion ami me ueath oi twelve more heathens."' (I lory to God and our catalry." i no 'j1' ! i . t i " i 'i 'i . . . p. a ju i aipi. ; l i i - : . i :.. . . . i : . . . .. . : ? ; 1 1. THURSDAY, OC h.)BMR it BY TELEGBAFH Nt.w YoiiK, ( ). t iler 1. A c.ihle di-pat.-h to the W' iVo j-iOti'iou savs : coil e.-pon. lit WliT. i. advocated that tho surrender of .-' ia- bourg is likely tc ; rodu'-o a c. change in tho war. it i I: mi is mjiv willing to capitulate up m tic of for of the Prussians to restore the ia pe rial government and o;m-r, and a: . i It m re peace. This meets the support oi the ! that imperialistic soldiers and a majority oi the boui aemse and pea-ants. Wyl! itioirmed persons express the conviction that Napoleon or his s -n tin- der the regency f the Mmpres-, will be ie-eitcd on the tiirone. Tlie weak points of the defem-os of Paris which the (lennatis relvon fa-oar- . i . .1 i i . .- . r tugiprompi iy are me neignt- a - : I h-' oat mna ! .-larvl caux, where they can iuqiroaeli s 3 a - 1 ' r t : at Pari-. !,':;! within four thousand paces, the d'. t::.i e i i; o( e-e f..-r- e is r I.'etween the forts and the city beirg ..toy stij ,-iies of io . ; loin) jiaces more, and the gans on ; ,. (b -. 4 ,.r ti west, north and Sou.h of Mount Vat- j ?a:svero engu-.-il. tcrnica. A d:-; a:, h fi-ea 11'.. I...... .1. 1 .. - .1 i' .1 . 4 . ' , ' I hi; nave iiu lire octitiiiot i lie siue mont that Russia is preparing for w I lie rumor of the purchase of rr-..i: clads from the United States is ,h ; , A World special from London, o i -.he 1st. says : Tiie publication this morning of the result of yesterday's cabinet meeting has produ'-od a bad c licet on pnidic ioii. Tlie feeling against tier go vi: meift is cxtemliiig from the loevr and mid -;le to tne upper classes. 'Hie Par: -dans have mdarcd that t, t JiiiNDON. O.-t. I. Pn-ssi-m pri-oners arc ; !. k a: e A war bulletin, signed by t himbet tr,, i ca a-o i-iey h -ip to cn-tt ::e ,' 1 m Par:-, is pu'ilished exters'vely this morning an- j the Pru- iau luiiuaneors have ai-o 1h-?u uoiuieing that the Prussians had been . d recti d to i!-i;.- no prt on: rs. routed; that Vineennes or;:r.ile had ' -Mi tl-c viilaues :tv,,-.i;,, M; t. liave be--!, been retaken, with six thousand prison- ! Jostroyod t.y t!a j : c-oo ; --.-sbae. ers, iucitKiing Prussian stall' oilicevs and 'I n na iga'i n of i h b-he- -m':-. .1 .ab: inuch artillery, and that coinmuuH-ath.ii ; h-s !- .- i!'- be '" tie i 'teen -ice: ,--v Iietwoen Paris and Roc.eii was lest ae l. now . t:i:, : bu An-- . i.-a, e.-:,i The dls atch is generally thouuiit spai i- I .-. r;i a. ous. j The Fit-nch have a report that or. j i ' r . Wednesday the bridge spanning the t (".,! .',. at Creit gave way under the of ; the Prussian cannon, whi.-h wore being ! 1 - ;i i t moved across, whereby several were pre- ,ae.i !i :e cipitated into the river. There was .-dsn some loss loss of hfe. MM i'here are later reports of fitrhtiii-- be- ! fore Paris on Wednesday and Thursday. Tienting advices report that the Chi- nose had refused the ultimatum of the French, and were preparing for wnr. Tlie French are awaiting orders from the home government before proceeding to cxttemities. The Pnis-ians are approachimr F'a tenon, in the department of Earo Loire. Communication between t! place and Chart res ami Epcrnonwa : - denly destroyed. The civil guard, recent! doing d. 0 L at .n-UseUics. has do banded. It is thought that the Prussian-- .v.e preparing for a gran 1 attack o-n i'a:is ':. i.t I)'.' nortli at Xciievte!:ers. I ,..t. . 41 .1 ... ii....: . . .. it j n ii" lieu 10 I iiiis on 1 11 - lroaohof the Prus-ems from the a -t, Iiave asked permission to return to tin ir l. 'ri... 1 1..., :.... t : i . i n-j.o.s. .1 i:o i i u - -..ill in lii.'l.u I . i n - on the ground that Ids object is to .star out t he cii v. 'i he town i ournours is filled with i ii'riiiiiii wounded. j he mo of i hi. ill .irri..:.. I.. !,. !..,. ... ,...'..! I ' .j.,,,.i in ill', l..v lllj - .IV . '. 1 . ! " temiit to capture Charentoii. Jaou- is perfectly quiet. Torres October 1. x i, Jjtssaniter the reromiut, has a.i-erdy ar rived here irem Paris, lie puhli.-he- ii, the .lournal an interesdag n iiative !' hi- balloon trip and the situation id' aihiii - at Paris at the time he left. He started IVoin the city at i! o'clock yesterday m.iru- ing. No Prussians were to be seen m ar 1 aris and complete silence roTgm.i a: it the citv. 'i'here was no people to bo s.-rn on the roads leadhig to the citv. an i no boats of any kind on tiie liv.-r. ( a ia ap ing Versailles, tlie Prussians wer- oh- serve t m :re;it mimiicrs in cami. la- sail lor dropped among them gr -at ran: hers of pa-Hi !amat ion - of the go veneiie!,' officers which had been printed in the (lerniat) l.mgiiiige for that, special t .: po.-e. The (ierijians opened a sh;:: p bro on the balioon. but the range was too long ;in l no dam i ge was done. Advices from Paris state that on the 2f.t li a Prussian oliieer ieinaiid-! the surrender f Fort D'ivey on the south oast of the citv. The eoniman-hu, promptly refu.-cd. A messenaer of tlie 'government f til Tnurs, h is siici-ei ded in ci ring Palis. 'ihe second h.lof jirivate correstion .1 i.e. s-ized at tiie Tuiilories was puhh.-hed Among the inif.orial docnnetits are dispatches to the Fmpress showing the Inapt tor liad the intention to rei urn to Paris alter the second defeat of tie- French army The i ancrs also contain !.., .-...-..I .ii ... .,f !... ;d.,v,,.- . C I-, ,,,i - r I 111- IV. Vl.llO'il 'i JVUlll".. 1 . A J I V U 1 1 a 1 ta the camp. The provisional government has i sued orders for the arrest of C rand Peirctt and Cunneau. Mvt.t.ti. n.ti.' 1 ! v t.i'it. ( .,,.' , 1 The ravages of tho vometo 'ire i !:--rv- i - - ing on the Medi'ei atieitn coast. A t Rarcelona, on Friday, there were ilf;y- live new ca.-es and i'mtv-nine dea'lis. It is said the Duke oi" Moittpev i 1 io- Cciitly projoott d a rovjlutien, w ie -ii was just discovoicd and prevent;.' i. I he time was fixed for tlie second am.;'. . ;aey of the expulsion of Queen 1.-.-ai a l.t. NKW YtdtK, () t.-J. A Tribune special frjin London the 2nd. savs : On Wednesday there was heavy ii-hi ;.,. " HI. el I aH.1 Paris is quiet. Negotiations have been concluded with Ravaria and Wur-tetnburg-. Councillor Ru.-hcr was summoned lo headquarters yesterday to Jrav.- ti c. ::!- i ...... ;.. ...-.a.... r. ...... '1'..,.,- .. , i un for future (ierman union. , . ... ... .... ..v.....,, u. . .4 A correspondent at Metz sav nit force of cavalry is being sent to s th.. vi!l-, r,. Ii,-,rt1, .n-l 1 -,. . .' 'I'i.'. nvil. an, I ..I...... tlir.....o" .......;.;.-.., .. : ... V.'..,l.iV, ,.,l'4V.Vv.l I IIL .11 til J' iai the seizure of a (Ierman supply train 1 y the inhabitants. PontaMou sen is to be Sued I'i it i, (It id i'ranes for Lttaiap'ii.g the assa-sination in the streets f a 1 : ... .. ... . ... i . . i lii'.'itiviiiiiu ana a corporal. Cholera is raging among the German ; . . . . Ihe Tiroclamation nf the povorr, ai-id I delegation at Tours, ordering elections to i lae taace on tne lotnoi uotooer. fives . . i- , , .' c I great satisiaction here and prmntsos to i : t - . give a new uirection to the at i tir -ti hopeless current of French affairs, i t t will have the effect of depriving Uismirek r. (1 i :r i ni- !.j:.: to ! iv t-i :i i! n.'.'a-iirc- i ;e a v: V L I pal I'rc 1. 1 cf ':ol.i:. t The i l:!oi p. . i ,t a .11 S cess, and we to i-e a r. receive e :Vo.o ;!,-! i: r. e t. :o ii-.-iiiv Ol c-irre-p-m oi -. i i v. i he 1 o.-t I ihi.- j a-1 ! . : : .f I 'oris po! lishes iL eii!.i.: .. j i.-:r:.t :n iers t !iv one a r . Td :;s. (;,:,,' , -j engiigemv t is i,o-v ge:ng on n -.t. t. tlermain. .- the l'o-i i t Ifeauvais. 1 .-:T !--io!l V V.'-:, VO:l- i-.VercUX V. Prussia in had I'ae i Nan.--. i Tic hosier erx have heivfoibre" i.e;-t ti t m-i-lw- ctrefttllv 1 -cy. ;d i!;e rangehi ' th.' ea.,s on th - walls .:" t'le capital, an i ! the dvien-b-fs are :: ; ati a. ibe.r in- j a -lixi c. j Tho'ci .mma:nl. r d Fort I.-y dee! ie. tha- h" wiii not sun-endee ,,.) :)'iV term -. .... . . . . - now hi a- . i :'.7".o m, h.iil. ! ii a j. .!!:: :M':' 1 ol;'. .- i l :-.. -tie f, in kill.. e-sia! -i.iii ;. t l i U It is to. ; - : ' guai d of M.-r-: wiU thu die UU-lerhike to dele!, si'e .eed ; in cut til: his v, a" out. lb.. O I -. o. O a-'ber :;. : il i hi: 1 te- i m ". v, o! -o. in.1 . i e a o i 'hey carry o eh their own -.i-i, n truce, aiel y. N i:v Y'-'iic ns on the i;!:ia t an i Arie-: ),-:,' er iVem .1 .yt.o i- iil t lie a ! r . j ,., .,, ! ;,. i I J ! ' ,. .. ca: i isoora iti'itl. No tho'ldii ..f p : ar Wio've t nsi-rtam.-a. ;e '','o;-j.:'s -j-eci:.! t -;e e f s;.y the atina Fad i- . et iblce. 'i'oi'i-.- 'v..-!-.' -! i-at To roes. i io ih- ia: . s i ;, 1 1 Che-.o. the I'.- '. il:rl ed aye. be, t h" t he . e - in; 1 iv -1 - i i-'- us -i" j ! a : -! ' : Vio , s.-m i v - - : -1 1 ; ;:. t:0l h : f. i ; i . : . i : So : .':: -) o: d,-;-.- oi' the t ' i p i- ch :;ie m ! m obedi-in j :v. L,!-. ( b- deni-' !, !MAv."a.r. ; :t t luiij. ri'y of tin: middk ' 1 " - mi ivh.-n-and many oi' t! voted; or O'ly and ostei. '.::! t xath n. i he citv '.;:.- hi ninati i j, : , - law. j ;,,.;.'; I 0... . ' ' in metiy i '. aieidai-iy i b V ! 1 ; ee lay, .or- o. an-1 :n t ,i i JO.i- iit:' ! i oi i b-in,c 1 i iiic; in to i ;a:i i.;:r- i , v.;i s ai-o i.b.-vrvoil I !i i ! :'.t ilSumuiaticn w: re made in -,- no vote w.i- taken, h -vele.p. cents of t!o ravag-'- eliqd at j j I f '' I . w j I iiiiae i , ,f i u.-ba :v,e i .. . iO v bo-, h vef in t ,e cdty a :i a,-..' 1 ''.bdi !:"d dav. 'i !;, ', d e-is, iti Cii-.t-e.n s'rC'Ct on t bli.-i- o;i-.-.s a;.; ! eiiovo.'t t. :-. I biwri: ir's .-land is 'y '.a; oa- :. h -.: I! .;. id ,.!' ! h ahh ti l I a ing y .-i e:luy, ix pic-sly m r. ,j e i r. i i '.. ! ,1 :y rh ', 'i ' mt. tin nary r v: . - ; : .vner ia' the Camb: M v ih-' Nv.v e !. a t t b. lad .-, ain .. u; .-! ye- nVl'!' d.t .i ll ! .e; I i I : ...ti m stan j 01 arm--. ,;.i . , . :i 1 .' i ! a : ; lad s. ;,' j caps, an! . ' i .V speeivd i si'. 1 aei - iv- t ar-re is 1 ' g-eat inita'h n tit Ih hat I' tis -iaas r e- ' I i be neutrality b t! i eni.'.i.f -i-g the .-'oi; I i'r-.iii N-. w V -th t-i ' i st-ited ih it the P; tt -i i.n on ::;-a;,-i ': a vi-va-i e lilt In r n ; 1 e, . . ai-. 1 1 .i . 1 Mi il t: o Jr'l.e: ia' t' V 1 1 iv 1 t :".:. laiNie.iN, Oct. 1. A -,T..-.-;-o:;d: t writing ;":om Pari;, say -, j'l-iein !: om id i'a .eatlan. L think th" i'r ts-ieia will walk into Pari at the ihe seri,.ns titiaeh. A-i a-:k:-ei.u-t; ;:; e I oi' . t.dio can .-ran 1 tiaaoi-t ! cann-m r hue, a. won :i the !.c- iger s. owing to their recent a ivauc -- ! cat! p.ace tncia. . . " A corre.-t m h. r.t vrntit foan Ibun I -"' there is a rei-oite.. uivist-.n m tj ! f-d'tnet ci n tor laaeint.-! a:-uL th trao i-r oitoe .-eat ;: .vo: nan id t i liatne, r-ome i.aing 1:1 lav..r g -n i J- - j '"- . '. ''' j u!..,v' ''" :':-' ' vi" , f; 1 s ": t--'e'd "n r a ' ris'i ':', ' ::l'i ; "'y .!''':-':! i ' . '' '- '' g j !y: ?' j ,:" ..e.ot j .' "'' -f' ' -'r "' ;:1 '!; ; ehars ;i; e in biv v .-o'..,'- ;!... b :ia.e 'i h" I -til of ( ' a d el' i . : t ne Kii-g t . i j P ; .-. !e that t'.ei.vrai La .--.a r. t.C' i i -an j -a ..ry ye-.-'n -r a r: i :y : 1., - t oion-i-.i a: . t owe:- of l-i.'i.iiig dcti t V, it ii lb e j'. pe. i: Is ....Hi '..h! t-iii'avor t the dhiieahi' as lie wb! ".- iilb i t :!." Vatican to m the I-laad of 1 1 . I. t i ti:::;. is e,a;a:ti : t lie c-atatry wni sat b j . - . t'oti tio t' lnis tii it oo nad meidvc dcat:: and the 1 nrird of t. mpur-t! :-.wei. A Madrii eorre-t-.n laid writes t!;;:t tiie strug: eet: t.i 'ii.ii'Cii ::;, i nay last a few hem-hs hen fr crtaiu that ii in! lie: ai.i.sia i more, it in t . , , . t . .1 , t tie ii'.'.' !.'- laanois to I i.ia-ab:. an ! i:i bes in i e.,': r- he ii-:-r ..f ate t-ar- ti catldM: It :- e- ..b l:0:o-e f,,r the tl no i .e i i I'a-t. ie eei t o:: th .'rii:: ail i: :V. a--t: to. a . o.-.--; . I',.. : t . v; . -. , ' a c: 11 '' :r :: : :., . I , ;;'.V ,"i , e i i.o.l'll.C'1. t i i-'.N. O.-t. : ft pre.-i.-if ,i , '.'in li.i:' i. iiic to"-;i ; iiid-ardtm ::!. ,o .... ,i iii. r... .. i ; .: ,.i ilii.e i.'vvil . . I : ; - i 1 - o i . ... . I . . i . ; !i I'i '!.' V '. itdeliM n teoubhe. ihe barracks at llheiriia have been 1 ": nod by accident. i p .'-:,' V '!',! 'v- 4 r 1 t' r! V ' -o- t tho 1ViurVi'ovcnVn';.-:it ititheil?Vt fVvor- 1 biers savs J:s repres ntati. 2i ii ( t Si II i , .- o,., ,, . i!'i :-):'!il. i , .in t ;. i v r : tie ( . io j,!' :: . r ii:e War r .to . t - O-tlii- Ml ! il i !' Scntet ! t.. a ti. . loi : r ;(!. :::. !i the lo 1 . SJ., .1 Ii i-.-c ... Ill :.(:; ; vc t : .it!'-- : of f. 1 th, :'i.e ::':t;. ;;;ice t"t .-.-!.; stripped i i. I 'i ll" -::;n n I sheep, aa i : :o.e i' 'tamed smroiia Ht:-5 ;': i; i.: I'. :; iae.s j. t '! eli-ite i l at d'h . u l . ' . , ' : .1 i . t it. ill-;: a i s o; i oi ioeoeii--' ,p.:iitltv bv re-.e-siiioTi ;!;.; j-etet ry. A s-t ranees -..;,. that tij-t-o :.- i .-re . . i i s e i i . I,eT, !,-;.:! . !t .; the si- till -flit ; '.'at w no . re fVeu 'J-irs. i.v.t: i ( f V ..; ii , f Vi. . the , i . e .- ,-. ! .' :s i i. nan i ; 'eiiUV have st.-rda;.- is e i a i' ati a : to lo e- :-at. a ei 1 1 - j a r w. hut ley ;-roitg:i. dp a a rg. i.i: a art el 'I'lo .. -. i,. I: -, -a tv il. a .,- .W'.-l : 0 ,t t n- i lose a man on t he :." i' i! i:.--ae.b io i . : a . 1 1 .Mas;. V'oliil.l'. Mv-.-.r. cart i : ea h :; e a. ri v -1 with the p,a i in 1 at tiie villa of M.VIdtil-. Ocb h , 'aieoay ;i;i.i"ii;i i n as i.'apt iin i b-i -r;d i-'viiii"! a! .'hir-;- -a !":-.:: a . '-! !).. lb . A . Oct I. i.t a.air) d-s de.-'an ' ri., i i I- - !'.'." i i -!-,K, . let . -i. f 1 he ( h; n-aii'. in.- 'o "..-I-- fhi 1 V . . i vo !.. v !: had .1 1 ereat v : :i ;, ..!' ' -.-d l-y .-' -a'.: tlie n ;a:tl! 'clear r a i lived sintto , ,. ,,., , c v.-h: nr.: t -.'' i 1 ani . . v. . , i . " 1 liliS ll'.' i't II. I lv' i' e a ut ! art her ii- I, .1. CISC. ,1,1, 1...- MC.-ii i i a-Jiag 1 1'C q-tai- af! - h is two I'- tii'iit-. mo ii'i-'s. I hroe ;oi. a nail . i mit.'ion cartii b - - an 1 other wttr material j .at board, .' li.- -.;..! at : undov. ii lor p W'stp's-.i;.! ;o ' h. d i-i -s-m-crs. 1 t - d-o 1. i ' i I'i ! but t, I .; .a i 1. 0 I'l.a'h, !a-i I ;, . 1 O' : ! . v n. I , ! u 7: ;-i-a et - under l' 1 1 ; ': :!':; t a 1 ; m.' ;:' ('.'.; ib, : ee..'.; f,- i,, r, ! n-i i: I r ,'f i-f n o. I. ... n'h tan ",, a''.-o. dn.. j !,,..:: a h, :,. 1 it'i'i re 1. . o-'l : ear e 1: 0. I'!, I on ; -,a: and unci. 'I', t'l.iet, si' a . ' ciO-O! Ol ; en-1 1 1 i i i . .i:l i ::ati-. i ''''' t .nd: ;g : la -lea '. e e j . p i. h t V."v! if.!' d le.-S ! cot. ii... u;o;.: f '! e .oil:; e; "ales ' a.'v'. 1, I Ci on. .! OUgiis ally e1.- i' t; il! ti :r .-.-; oo'- M e:U to 1 -, ervbo iv bc. t tida. , if they 'hfe I - - are not aeeoutmo- i ls, but : ' . .1 .-. t ri" ii'iii ii1 -. to : t in i - i , - . ail i is then; .:e I : 1 -0 . no a)"' to - ! hoc.;: a et. ills , I -. 'ae o e,- t ii;:; : s an 'di a. t . tic 1 '. o. : I - , .--:e. i- -r li. a: : ' :i v. t'. is :-ia hi, n f .-on an 1 s : turmoil an 1 c .oi ,- n is tt.tid id- Oi i n . .i 1 1 . .- I: a V. ! ii i le ) ha. C oeen a : i a . i . o the , how well y v.-;-.t( hn: : so V.iy '.-. holi".- an ( .)t hat- r v to ,t-::- a b buy ...ver it. a: hrr the i r!:'., . ! . :i.,n. C- a; I . .- ve- n'.- .. ! L t ;.- i : io i do- I ; i i; !-e that h:-s d' i.i: so j .ei i ;.!; th" lit;--,-. Is- ' !!...! 1 i:i it- .mw.i- ! ! 01 ' fi;- LO i-. o- ebockl d. illid 1'uill ' A -b, ,' ! Se-tea S-. ;..,d ! I ; lsr; ;,, p. be eieco-d. j ; rei- :- .'.- IU t-tib- Ae t ! at Ler ii,:n ". :.' d I'-ib: --. oiy'i - , '. i . .i ' L ' . t; - . ; 'rii h:t . U:;.v I '( hii'cn ill 1:1 1 ' . I... .1111.. . v. . ,...11.11 II 1'. . io-ii i oi.n.ig.--. 'd.-i -oon tortured y ; tins i-; one v.-.r,- yo.d h j.-s i-e t-iane : ;t ta:i:i ie'a'iS over 'I i.iV a:: 1 iiuegan.-; tic: boss he bin:. : i i ere i ioi:;". the a: a t i . ..ei la is , i . a a x in -r D a -. of to- Coaster White sow, f :o:u .'hest.-ro.atdy 'e'i?:..ylvan;-i, eleven ti e oM, vei.di ing i. early throe hundred ; nun-is. Ha co -t, delivered in this city b l.vt.n.). ,. are ?da-.l to k'.:jv ti at the Jidto otudrv ititUiO- s T.:u:s I :-!!(; me; i ; -or,. 1 I a; it. : i. I i'l i. mi th- ' ir oui.i O; y Pi-.r . .-) A I.ririio Ile.-.S .i t il -.i. :-, i .a m a r on the ' ' o- ; t. nli- s 1 i i ... i !: m ,t !i 1 yoii. ati : :ii.. at e.i - i t. :.i .1 t In- ci'y, t - t.. o... , .! of 1 1 -'X c :t,i -is, . : , v, iii.-'i - i .to and r. :- ! :a t!-:- -i . I ; . oi the o,d ': r-i .il' ii.i,.' or o n i :., he:-.' -.oiil"' yea rs a z :i; :' n-cv , ; mi 1 sc-ei si ft, . o i.'ir. .1 !..; 1, , , the .jatl I- M i'-iio , wiio t rei. I the. a vcty !..:;. , o ei loa iii.g an I ab;; . ing them. Tiro l:.. ii , ho i;, ;v ;. , o I bom are i'o n.-l.:.!-. :. :a; i on v. it s 1 1: -, V, h 1 lei ! !'; Mo !,' y ro '.e ( - . hi-;, camels ia li'-voj..-. fhey :;!.! !!: : culty in re n - a-' 1 1 - in. and :.n i -.v . la. x twenty-f..t.r !':i . l.erhhy i.l.O:;; ! -. of a i.. r.-v.t!i. The r.t 1 any ,, be s-lid to I e i!'!.!:;y aaeiiei.t'.- 1 hi this State. "'tf oai" r.s'. f the h.-. i !iis ! it i: to. ;i' lb''': ib; to lueel .-oil th":. i tliiiti v,- Miki I exp t !i need with te's.i-lle i!:;,;a- of g- , dotjk'-ew. I'b : : .in: h upon w ,; li th y are k -qd is sai, y an I ,-t. rile in t!.-- ext i en , yet the Mill a os feast an 1 i" o-.v fit on sil. It f-:;'!.! shr.v - bitter te - U a- mi eili' i' anhiiai v..i- !i .oiaii. i.en ha't 'th tusi-ives. th-.'tr :::-if d.-iiaiif. aber lining thomvUe.-- v.;-h the l. -r' - to age ..f the do. i it, i-; .. i. an i j. I'l , I. h:.t s,:,,,!. a, :. v n.v u d it; pa --viug .-a.: t ivi r, I Vieii tha : e- !--. Sol.:.' si v'y 'J iicv have a:;i- to the iiiiil-i on I he in o-shes Iving in ti I.. miles to th, ea-i -.rart ai.os that e i i:v ' ae!; 1,1.' I :.oun . he Newatk ' N. J. ) (,m i- :-,-: ,-: "A man named I bdi iiki- ever in New i .'I n .vet, tiie i riiei n , a', thoul;t he , ! ' have i nil sc.-'i mg h j pile.' .1 lo..-e h, i k dottii 1 1 i. il'e bv d- op- .eid ojiiiev i'ito i . i,.. i .. . . i.. . . .. . . . i i n in ;-i ... i- i- oi iie. !, :i. o i c -c s.-t. ! y out o! bed. an i with in ihor-ou but hi night hi f. : ne;;' e ! tin -:airs at. l )!.- ! i .... !. e: te,.b :r Ho -hkiss dro; pid nil i! b, i.-ks f ' e 'diim- U 'V. eiien oil' 'S i, ji a r'.mns :.' be . lo.- v. i'i' :a i r ',-;-ea:.e-i ;t so!i; ay (i;f,e. j , ."'- in -a "Ir. ii c-iiki -s -.-ue it -.,,,1 th -a !".' woiiid e.i do ,n s'.t:;- ; !.:;! . fm.i ; that Mis. a.-hbi i;,.t , i !" ad out of the trap door w e -hm - him l .a., i io: 1 1. ne, ;.:i I v a ii , . 'i . . . : . . .1 i , ti'li-l. -.1 -h : ha Ishui li i lod fist II ',1 be a- Wed o peot the l.d "ii b -bar., i 1 1 a i ,n' it. o; : :k- j,-, .m,.. ( u. sate that .''dr. liot;d:!.;-, .'.tic- of t he i.i- bf vj, i peak of ! ho i ... if v. i. h in lit- id i h-.j i:t; ( v.-?.'-ig i t'( ; :: : o; '.. l:t. ' Mrs. I! t Ib.i' ''' 1 ,n.i ; ,. i-i'ir i'i th .a i..ia !.- to i'.'i'iia'ed t h :;:ie i ; i i::I - thai she thought ' I n.a i i. huj-I li jLllU. J X tke acilo-r I o.-i.,-,, l;.i,. I '. 1..- -.1 .1 I. a 1 '.,. F.,.d 1 l'o-i ..,aic I s..ia;i.a s '1 S. a , ; , i- In i -. ,!. iiili-i i -i.-.i i. . .-o-.i : io- I d A! - "i f. i 1 e i .. ' .. .1 .: I I I I - e e.-i ;i i e . ,T 111 . i ,, ' " '. I i! a !. i ii. i ie (-i r. --ii.- r -o-oi oi I', Oil I ' -I .';. .if 1 AO, I' i. t - ii 1 a i)---,.Ih-, i :.i. in.-.! io I.i-1 I'uiirt o! (... -. .- ,;ui.y. t ir an noli-r et . aid (.,! i I- i ;,!.. .....I . . . ... , .. ' ', '"' :l I ip o "i.. -a lai. s. '1 :ai it.,. ; u ne ;! I i . !,.; , i.i.,. ;; s,. ,,, ,),,. ,a k. , ,- i'i ... , ; ;"t'ty. Nct.r...-i;a: tl.:.t linn. : h. 'l,.,;. ; .IC'I-"-., id ' ..aii. i.-i !,. i-l e.e. ,i! il.-!,.' i -,. a. i,,a It- ioi ia- . r i ., j . i I '.' '"'"'"'- 1 ;'. '' 1 :'" :d !... I ei i.i'l ..- I li'o .1.1 l-;.' ..I the 1.0 if a ,o i. , f..::r. ilnux! I.. Oio i-irv 11... ... ,.o hi, , ....... ..... , . . , ' I i r ;i . io I iMNi-.i i. li..M ,., JVi 1 '..v .,f N- i vim, ,'-; I s,a, at w:.i.-a ;'ii..-;ii ; ri-iif .-'ei In sin, iv t i ... ,, :, ! a- y.,11 lire 1 i a .-I,... .v'i.i,,,,! Co I.. ,-;- a ut i si t.rn. ! ii'.i l.e u-i,ii.,.-d f..r :: ,- .io .. . v-ie.d lain ;rs in ; i I J.,r. i" vo t. !b ' u.irdia n .-' ::; u el S .1 ..... i Jty M : ; '. k: 1 .V t -,! !t Ci.ari!lan3 Sale. IN' Tit 'K IS Hi. ti V! . 'i 'l.o:.-i' ,,1 :, ,! :i t m 1 -i r- ;". It. ! a!.,-. .1 ;. ; . 1 .,, ,,-r ..: -.0,. ,.t ' le-e , -; -,,., o i. p.,.. 11 ! - ) a icy ... eo ial. - I da. iii an ii-!n i:,.i- 1.1 1. . l-.-r. 1; li'" I,,a,;- ,. . ,, , .a,. I at !,:" !..,;,( ,i ,..r . ; .)., l'-'.' ti-ai. ai Oi. '..-. ,.,n,l y. '-.,-!. .1. ii- ;i: jmt.i.e v. 1, -!:i . it,., i , li !- ,r ti.dii. in. ; i, . ,.f j.--,:,, ; r i II, my . a.-. iv. - ;.,..( i. ,,,., . ,l,,.... , ;-i - -f 1 ..... . a ', . , : - i. . ,. ;, ;,'., , .,; - , ; a - -i ii,.. 1 ,. ,,,.w,, . . . ao .1 n.i.i oi 1 I,,. ,.,.-i ;. . ,..,., . . ...,,j , ..... 1. i-c -1 ( 1 1 e .' r i.f i'i . le.-. 1 I th 1 . 1 1 .- i : 1, -1 ,-r i o . 1 ; a e, .,. 1 . 11 11, '.,-. 1, i sa Iv I-. 'j ; 1 ; t r 1 f aiij, le ts:i.- v i.i :,-.i, . f, r i, 1,. :; '-1 :-1'- '1. ' :.... ;.. ., I l'l.-i-" : "llv-1'..lll ill e.;-'i i 1 1. :.- year. ".a.. i'...r,.i ia 1,, -,, ,; 1-a.o h i'l 1 1111 i' y.i . ... H i. .1 ii.O'n ' ., i'ayi'l .1.0 M 1', , 1, , K- a.'i .1 Hi-, is,.- . I-;; 1. i 1 a '.-ri'-d Ii -ir-i ef .ii.ty.--. i ' o-ii ri t-. V.'eSi.i,-.. .j,..., I 1 ,. I M A.v .1 . I.I. .V Cil A I .la. N. . I ,..-tav .; :a - i, jviv l' .-'ri. r.nn-i. :' 1 r l';i .- niniil. ! .!i ii'-liii i..-uic', i 'aair'ai!. Ii !. JCi-.aa-;.. ;' ai A', rani !i. hm-U. I i .. ..' . K eeai-v ir. 11 r i Van I,, ;,.,v ,,;,.; ( I ia iit : '.j!aO I , ,i 1 hi: 1 s,a, 1) 1,. , ,-, ; , . o ...ri da o.-t;-! ' v. . 'as -ioi. li'ai ..!,, - I r-'h lay rM..i A. i. j ia tiie- P.-tri.-t o,.:ir , I wi' i (' .-, ,-. ini-i.i-i- -I ioi :i-a ., ), ' v, ,',1-rc :a. 1 1 !.o ai it. a-a .v ie, ia .n l cum I, 1:1 i,l ;, v. il'; h.. ti 1 r. .,.1 , ..... ..,..,1 ;u rate i 1 -' i r .a .1 . j., r I ............. .;:oiO!iv. 1. 1 :i :,( rt ai , , , r-oil - i-yry n -.-,.t d.n,. ;.t,--i ;;.:!,, je,,, ,..,-!, - j c. -I.0...JO1.I Hue Mvjv ;.,,., ,),,,,. .av,.,, " y- ar-.-.i .aa j a ' c IOI II. it' : :o. i tli.-t I i i'-ili- 1 il. -aid iei ve eallfl 1. ' .-: yl it a a : aa-!, an in ' -",u' ti - ti.-i a- -a ; mi 1 ',; :f '. 1 oi '-.-' a ,. : ar it 1:1 1'J.m -au'.ni 'i ' a - v an-'; . ; a. J ,, ,,,,.. a:., a a -. : . . . . i a- ; i :-i i i . er. A I ', r-7 . ' : ai ii, .lie - s.,i : r. '; V-ii I..-.--- j.l a ! - !: re I ie i l:i, ,j.,y ,.( ,,.. . -1 : at v.all i-. r-n li-osl 'a-!. :o.. .;,;, fT-T'iaty .1' I ' ; I;.. - I vv.l il i-ii it. ii. V. I t'li y,, ' K!.t. '.'il li'WIV. id.oi.tdl'e A',..,,,.K i DONT BODdEn llORIilSOti' 1 ; 1 w J IJUlLH L KDrsRISOH'S "SHOO FLY,' MEAT MARKET I k'j get H ii oi I . Tor IF ArrlruwiTL b'J vff 1 1. i it. Da::": r..r?ct tho I'iacc-, rPvha r. i" 'CirT P'sf " i . . . . ... . . ! ;-a i . !, 1 i ar !.;:: l io- te-t et , .V'-.rlo, -.-(. ,r- i ji, i.j.y ! i.. n.tid- - :-ja :.;.,i i vta; . ''II I i I f ih ' I I . ti a 'jr- , .,. wtk-i -sj.s --4jrwi ii - fgAmmffrm'r