Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 29, 1870, Image 2

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TIirKiAY, .sr.ITKMUP:!! 17'
A importer who was irchcnt nn-I
li.-fcn-vl to Crostfii's fci-cfh Iaft evening I
st 0:uaua ria:Lcl that he was now
.'ati fi'.'l that Croxton aeto-1 v. i.-c'y in not
ar( l-tirg liii tier's t-halk rze.
The Itf; ubliean nominees in Sarpy
r" : I'Vvv f pri'.- ntative, Joiu-
1 1 : t t ". iv.-a.--i-; II'ilni; for (.'uiinty
(Nun'.iii.-si-iiii r, Win. ; forJel-p?at--
to the Senatorial Li.-trh-t Conven
tion. J as. Kentiu iy, Fix-'l. ThoriiiL-, J.
N. White.
I.s there a Jl-jpubliean in the State of
fsehrn.-ka who i.-i willing to Lclieve Gov.
IJutler to he a rascal soVly on the charges
f nch wen as Geo. L. 3Iil!cr and John
H. Crouton, who are cither one known
to have 'lnc more ra.-eally acts tlian they
are able to prove ncain-t Dntler.
I.- it not a lirtle sini'ti1:;!- that the corpse
of Win. I h Taylor doe.s r.ot turn in its
narrow eon-'iies v!:oi (..Vox ton i.s at work
ohtainir;-ah: traces of real estate for the
sJi-i'l ptirposi of ferreting out rascality ?
JJ.jwaro, Civxton, that the r-cmd of the
leceasi "! Taylor" i estate Joes not appear
"-.tnn the wait"' iiketlie ''handwriting"
of oM ! The eiies cf the: wi-1 ow an l the
fathcilj: -.lvii' already .u-eiideil high
above all can lily e.o.-t.s of record.
Croitcn was advertbeJ to make a
Fpeeeh in Omaha l;itt night. We doub
not ho reiterated the lleruhl tdung aVout
the "dishone.-ty and corruption," of the
Republican administration, which he
dares not give CJov. Butler a chance to
rply to before the same audience where
the charge is. ma le. Joes this look liko
Croxton and hi.? party were lionet in
making the.-e charges? No! In the
la: guage of Mr. Croxton liim.-clf, to
Jov. IJutler, this is Democratic "joU-
Crox'.on, England, Miller, and the en
tire Democratic party of the State, have
h'' valiantly at work for the past month
hunting over a!' the records of the State
and the record-; of every county in the
vain hope that .-:omctbing might bo found
to give a color of truth to the base
charges of "dishonesty and corruption"
male against the Republican administra
tion. They have at last given up the
effort, and h.ivc turned their attention to
nth'T'-. They now have the au
hicity to a. -k people to believe the assc-r
tions. v.hieh they have failed to sustain
by evidence, in the f'.ee of the facts to
the contrary.
W hy tk-es the pious Croxton refuse
to meet Jov. Rutler upon the stump?
Wo have alv.-iy- been taught that right,
justice, truth, m.d not be afraid to stand
ui befrc- t!:c b..;t:; of the world in vin
dication of their course. Croxton's re-I'-.isal
will ;au;e many people to suppose
that Ii is not endowed with a yuprr
ahundanee of tho.-e virtues, and that he
f .'an! to stand before the batteries of the
lean whom he h is charged with "dis
honesty an I corruption," but against
whom he has laiL- l to sustain a single
charce. Mr. Croxton will yet learn, if
he lias not a!.:nd;, , that assuming virtue
does not convince the people any more
than the simple charging of crime con
vinces them.
a tviLin j. m i.uiti,ui;ii;
The Omaha ILrall of Wednesday
morning pretends to quote from (jo v.
Untler's speech in that city in regard to
the value of the land mortgaged by him
to secure the . 17,000 loau, and fpuotcs
him as saying
'"The laud near Pawnee, I bought ten
year ago for .-even dollars per acre. I
have bought another forty acres, for ten
dollars per acre."
Ceo. J.. Miller knows that Gov. Rut
ler made no such statement, and he
knows, further, that Gov. Butler did
state that he i'AU FORTY DOLLARS
l tat acp.e for a part of the land alluded
to, and that lie would not, to-day, sell
the land, id-ogelher, for $40,000 ; and
that there were -I'll) acres of the land
that he would not take $10 an acre for.
Geo. Ij. Miller heard Gov. Butler make
this .statement in the presence of more
than a thousand people, in Simpson's
Hall, in Omaha, and jet he has the
audacity, the reckless disregard for
truth, and the willingness to do Gov.
Butler an injustice, to state in his paper
that Gov. Butler said that he had
"'bought another forty for tea dollars per
acre." Can the man that will report to
sueh low down, despicable means to in
jure a political opponent, be believed in
anything lie says ?
The Mound City Setduul vividly
shows what a calamity might have be
fa!len this State had it not been pre
vented. It says:
"The State of Kansas would have
sufierrd terribly from drouth this season,
had it not leen for the many showers
that have been intersiersed at short in
tervals." wmmmmmmmmmmm
The Chicago Republican gets oil the
following :
Count Bismarck is very near sighted.
It is probable that tha reason lie does
not recognize the French Republic is be
cause he docs not see it.
Ai-o the fallowing :
Mi.-fortunes never come singly. The
linderpest has broken out in Germany
and Andrew Johnson has resumed the
The te'cgrar.h last niht announced
the death of Hon. Austin Brooks, for
many years oditor and one of the pro
prietors of the Quiney Jlei'ihl. Mr.
Brooks had be.-n suih-ring for some time
from a cancer in hu stomach, but bad
net been forec i to give up the labors of
his sanctum until about four weeks ago.
He was a journalist of folid and sub
stantial rath'-r than bri!iiant qualities,
and pi inci pally distinguished for his tire
jess indu-try and unswerving pluck and
determination. Under his management
the Ouinev Ileal! became one. of the
Jva-lin-' Dcnncratic organs of Illinois,
inferior i i ability and influence scarcely
to the Chingo Tim's, with which jour
,, , ;,r. B;.,oks bad fer some time main
tain., j : determined an l bitter iitfht on ral ieier-pjity questions of policy.
VIi 1 1 MIOl I.i Uti'UILK A-XS ! -
V"e arc now in tho niiJst of a cai:i-
r ali'ti fur the docti'.'n of Stale officer?,
an.J the v Mtit n arc making a emu
j.aijn hoiciy on : personal isjtpj- n,yiint i
en nr. "0
with 1
to ;.u -cn l
- ' 1.,
.;r.ri!! t
i:t.- I
t-Ij:trics to d f.-nt Lhu.
Thev know, a j
wed as expenen"-:
can teach any rr?7
(hat on
o!' the great undeilyirer pr;
i-es ol the iiei iuo lean T) inv i-1--ui-.i
regard fjr truth, and its determination to
keep out of pnaee and power all dis-bone.-t
and corrupt men. Knowing,
al-o, that their own party is in a hope
k's minority in this State, they have de
cided to make one grand eifei L to bieak
the Republii-aii raiiks; and knowing tuat
the; man who has transacted as much
public bu.-iness as Gov. Butler has mu.:t
necessarily hive made some slight mis
takes which could be magnified into huge
proportions, tlu-y decided to concentrate
ail their powers against him, and to leave
no stone unturned, no matter how dirty
to accomplish. his defeat They exam
ined every record in the State to find
something v.hieh would tell to the dct-
rimeiit of the Governor,
found has been already
All they have
enumerated in
this pi1. per, but no evidence have they
been able to find to show that there was
the least possible indication of an at
tempt on the part of the Governor, to
wrong the State out of a single dollar.
Now, we agree that if Governor Butler
is a scoundrel he should be defeated ;
but we ask Republicans to look carefully
at this matter and see if they have suf
ticient evidence that Governor Butler Ls
a rascal. Are they willing to take the
bare assertion of such a paper as the
Omaha Herald against a man who has
aeeompli-hed such a vast work as weal!
know David Butler has accomplished for
this State. It is certainly unbecoming
in any Republican to credit these asser
tions without the proof is f urni.-heJ, and
David Butler should not lo.-e a single
vote in consequence of them. Every
honc.-t Republican should rally to his
support and fake pains to correct any er
roneous impressions that may have ob
tained in consequence of these charges.
l"ir the State Journal.
Lincoln, Sept. 14, 1S70.
Kditou State .Toi rnai. : As a pri
vate citizen, unmixed with politicians,
only so far as voting the Republican
ticket, and as an individual endeavoring
to g.iiu a livlihood in the active bu.-iness
of life, I am con-trained to reply to the
out rageous personal attacks of the editor
of the Omaha 1 If mid. What 1 state
hero rehiiive to the school loan and other
matters are j-u-ecpiib'o of proof, and the
candid reader wiil thus place upon the
brow of the aforesaid editor the brand of
A preliminary to I shall say. I
wish the read -r to undcr-tand that the
name of the editor of the Omaha Ilcmhl
Ls Mi'.lor 1 Victor Miller suggestive of
the Miller who i.-umcJ the world on a
Certain day, button second thought J
conclude that it nui.-t ho Miik.r the araiy
eolton thi-.-f. ' Milh-r the man who dil
n.'t buiM the Tii-hnor House, but built a
large Hotel in Omaha ami then cheating
his laborers by paying them oil' at the
rate ot t.i ceos on the tiuti'tr honest
Miller, watchful Miller! who f.r four
years has been watching to get inside of
what he calls the "Saline swindle ai.d
Lincoln lot and land ling." Miller,
who a little over a year ago signified a
brains and common sense, that he cordd
not even make a decent "adventurous
speculator," charges honest citizens with
robbery, cheating and swindling.
Now my dear Doctor, as to charge
fir-t, that of being a partner of Gov
ernor Butler i:i "lot and land rings,"
you know that to be a base lie ! from
the fact that you and your co-workers in
iniquity know that I have been a persona!
enemy f Governor Butler for the past two
years, partially from reading the slander
ous reports in your dirty -licet, and giv
ing them credence. And I will hen
wi.-h to join me in buying up a monop
oly of Salt Sj 'lings through corrupting
Governor Butler. Miller who edits a
dirty, slanderous, scurrilous sheet, ex
celling Satan himself, in his vile per
sonalities anl sneaking insinuations, and
sending out to his lew readers, a paper
beyond aii others, a burning dL-grace
to journalism. Just think of it! this
cotton thief editor, whose cotton spec
ulations have given him a reputation of
the worst possible kind, and whoso rob
bery of the daily bread of the children
oi honest laborers, should sink him be
neath the contempt of all honest men
and who , is so " utterly devoid of
state in behalf of Governor Butler, that
after two years watching for that won
derful ring, that "lot ring," that
"golden ring," that "thieving ring," of
which you state he is the chief, and my
self the associate, that I have failed to
perceive the slighle.-t evidence of that
wonderful ring, and conclude that it on!y
exists in the frenzied brain of the cot
ton speculator. I will further say that
I know of my own personal knowlcge
that Gov. B itler has refused time and
again to become interested in the sale of
lots and lands, which without defrauding
the State, would result in great gain to
himself, and I further state as a fact,
that his worst enemies cannot put their
fingers on a single transaction in the sale
of lots and lands by which he has de
frauded the State.
And now; a word in reply to your false
accusations in regard to the school loan
on my hotel. The hotel referred to,
the "Tichenor lloti'-e" cost thirty-five
thousand dollars, for which I have the
vouchers to show, and ti e furniture ten
thousand dollars, all of which, is insured
by policies in the following companies;
-bltna, Lori'Jards, Underwriters, i'hee
nix and Putnam, to the amount
of twenty-seven thousand live
hundred dollars the policies,
being as-irned to the State as security
for the loan of ten thousand dollars.
This loan bearing ten per cent, annual
interest being three per cent, more
than United States sefurities and I
hold a recoipe from the Treasurer of the
State for six months interest paid in ad
vance. And now, Editor Miller, I as
sure you that the judgment of evtiry
eandid, thinkins; man, after examining
the Tichenor Hou?e and the abstract,
will be that no possible contingency
except an earthquake, sinking our far
famed city will result in loss to the
general school fund of the State. The
above are the facts in the case.
In el o.-ii;g, my dear Doctor, allow me
to ask you to send me your dirty daily
for one year, and I promise to pay you
out of the first money plundered from
the State, either by myself.or Gov. But
ler. And should you chance to visit the
Tichenor House you will find an atten
tive landlord, a good looking proprietor,
and a room reserved for vou in the
tower of said hotel, which is forty-five
feet neaier Heaven than you will possi
bly ever reach. A. C. Tk'Hexok.
ot tlio W:iy MU or it.
Oar irattliLur of tli-j II rail U solicit
ous for tli j rtscuo of thin toting fc'tato
"it 0111
t!i-.- d:
iStr'.'Vin. ci
.aO ol tne i-
t rdcr
of th:n-." It wants to
un.p t.iiuo. kmi inv rue -tape, it-
I'Uts its i i.-a-- in tiio c".!; !.at:o i-..n.i oi a
! I J lit
i laU"
WO !
t to the i coi'io o me
i i . t
ail the r.rf
so con
st-mtiv savs about the e::i:li:ig order of
thinyVte really tru", the wav out of the
U:tV is li.t f)V t ee OeVl JU-s U!
l'jl. and miry v. ays where": ; the Democ
racy walks. That party is not the one
to be startled at political corruption in
any form ; and even though our State
government vcie as base as it as-erts, the
rescue is not to come from liiat quarter.
If David Butler is all, in the way of dis
honesty, that his political enemies aihi ui
and we don't believe it the RKl-rii-i
ican" Dautv and not Democracy, with
its inglorious record, of fraud and trea
son, and perpetual abuse of the great
men who have saved this nation will
redeem it, though it shall have to sacri
fice its ablest men. By the principles it
stands upon, irrespective of personalities,
this State is to rescued freui all wrong,
till corruption, all misrule.
Let no deluded Democrat supj o-e that
misconduct in any one or any hail dozen
Republicans, though their official posi
tion be the highest, is to give his party
the rule of the State of Nebraska. It
may put all the emasculated virtue of
the State at the head of its ticket ; it
may shout corruption till it is hoarse ; it
may draw its face to never so great a
length and make the longest kind of
prayers, it is all in vain. Republicans,
with or without Governor Butler, will
keep the rule of Nebraska, and stili lead
her forward in her career of honor and
greatness. The amiable Mr. Croxton
we always associate the name with so
much goodness that we instinctively and
reverently pause when we write it need
hope nothing from any temporary disaf
fection among Republicans. The people,
the honest, loyal, ever faithful 2-ojile of
the State will take the matter in their
own hands, and all the holy maxims that
the Democracy can inscribe on their ban
ners will not deceive them. Where there
is need of rescue from corruption, De
mocracy has no place. A sick man does
not go into a foetid eharncl house to gain
life and health. Oui-ika Tribune.
31iiey nntl 8'eace.
Tt is as true that, frightened money
will seek peaceful countries as that water
will seek its level. The Continent of
Europe is hi great part under the panic
of war. Hence for the past few weeks
money has been accumulating in Louden;
the "nation of shop keepers" being
likely to keep out of the struggle. The
accumulation is so great in the English
capital that the Bank of England yester
day reduced is discount rate to three
per cent. It was seven per cent, a few
days after Napoleon declared war. The
movement is now extending to our own
country, for the Canadan bank are giv
ing Wall street all the gold it will take,
V. Y. Hen i hi, Srpt. 10.
Soldiers' Hume
EniT'Ut llEPniLiCAN : Having re
ceived numerous inquiries respecting the
Soldiers' Homestead Bill granting ltj'.i
acres of land within the railroad limits,
I hereby give the following reply :
The purport of this bill is not properly
understood, but from a letter I have just
received it appears to me that any per
son having been a soldier in the U. S.
army, and halving served 'JO days and
been honorably discharged, and having
taken SO acres of !a:vh is entitled to an
additional SO acres v ithin said limits.
ill is now in operation. 'Phis im
portant measure v. as introduced by (Jen.
Thayer, who e:h.-etually .secured its pas
sage. As regards the naturalization laws and
the' alterations therein, I wish to make it
the subject of another letter, if you will
allow m- tho s a".
Foreigners should understand what
has been done. I lomcr-te-aders and sold
iers should look to their rights.
Yours truly. C. R. Sciialler.
From the Neb. City Chroi.ielo 23st.
Sjccclie Heo"IveJ lVitli
fireat En-
At an early hour last nmht the Court
House was densely crowded with citizens
to listen to speeches from Gov. Butler,
lion. T. 31. 3Iarquett and others.
Koyal Buck was called to the chair and
after a few appropriate remarks, intro
duced Gov. Butler who addressed the
audience in his usual happy style for an
hour and a half, during which time he
refuted every Democratic slander which
has been invented up to date, and in
such a manner as to convince the most
skeptical. We have no time nor space
to attempt a report of hia speech and
can only say, we regret that every man
in the tatc did not hear it. lie was
greeted with frequent applause and evi
dence of great satisfaction was visible in
the crowd, throughout the address.
lion. T. M. Marquctt was then intro
duced and in hL forcible style discussed
the political issues of the da3T from a
national stand point. lie did not appear
as a candidate for office, but as a de
fender of the record of the great Itcpub
lican party- Altogether the meeting
was a grand success. We believe much
good was accomplished the cause of
5frjetiinl Jlolion.
Henry Wickham, jr., a young man
cf this city, has achieved, he thinks, the
theory and practice cf perpetual motion.
Many will recollect the photograph of
his machine, exposed at Andrew's din
ing saloon, and perhaps at other public
places, last spring. It was given out
that a half interest in the invention (u
caveat only bavins been tiled then) had
been sold to Ham Buehmasterfor seventy
five thousaud dollars, and that the affair
would soon be exhibited to the public at
large. Hinee that time a full patent has
been received by Mr. Wickham, and
his machine has also behaved itself
handsomely, working without cassation
for months. The most essential portion
of the machine consists of a hojlow rock
ing lever, or beam, resembling the walk
ing beam of a steamboat engine, except
that it is bent at obli-pie angles in seve
ral places. Inside this arc placed ball,
partially filled with mercury. The ballsr
oiiee set in motion, roll down the interios
of the hollow beam in a vain search after
a permaneni level, for no sooner do they
reach'thc lower end tliau the mercury in
t he spoken of the main wheel overcomes
their weight, the beam is forced up, an l
the balls are again impelled in their on
ward J-ace, only to be causht by the
valve that is forced open trcra without,
and pushed into the upper arm of the
beam or lever, ready to be hustled along
their never ending route.
A delicately adjusted weight and brake
are attached to the machine, and serve
to regulate its motion, but it is in th-j
hollow tpokes ami beams, and the balls
of'quieksilver, that the mysterious power
is .said to lie. Chicago Pest.
A bright little boy was asked by a lady
if he studied hard at school. He re
plied that he did not hurt himself much
at it. ''Oh,-' said the lady, "You must
study hard or vou will never be Presi
dent of the United States.' "Ye?,
ma'am, he re died, "but I don't expect
to be , I'm a Democrat."
T-fraDFJBf2CTt IRHSf.'-i-1 ."UJW J.iS."
I.r. ibo t j-t-ii IS:ve tSicir V'a.v. your children a!--ne v.i:en they
tther round the family table. It is a
ty to Pamper them with niamioM
rules anl regulations al.out this, that,
and the other. As long as their eon-
f thev do
smack their lips, and their supping of
iisilk and other drinks can be heard
across the Ftreet, it docs not hurt the
s'reet: lt them alono. W iiat- if thev
do take their s;
the Ibik, it is a
let thorn alone.
up with the wrong ei;
d of
1 the same to the fork
Suppose a child does not sit as straight
a ramrod at the tal.
the table; suppose a cup
? its little Hirers
or tumbler slin
and Jehmes the i
late of food bfcloiv, and
the goblet is su
cloth rained, do
ashed, an l the table
not h.-'k a thousand
il- and thanlers, and scare the foor
him; to the balance of its death, for it
ball fear.
eath before. It
Did you ever let
- to dc it."
a ,1- ia-S
vou v.-;
Ii , t!,r,M.'!i
your iingev
r-nVii ; I
-tea l of sen
w.iv from vom
ni anger,
it not even with a threat. ur this or
r this
some other little nothing, be as generous
as you would to an. equal or superior
gue.-t, to whom you would say with a
more or less ol-seiuious smile : "It's of
no possible consequence." That would
be the form of expression even to a
stranger guest; and yet to your own
child you remorselessly, and revengefully
and angrily mete out a swift punishment,
which for the time aimo.-t breaks its lit
tle heart, and belittles you amazingly.
The proper and more efficient method
of meeting the mishaps and delinquen
cies and improprieties of children at the
table is either to take no notice of them
at the time, or to go fut titer and divert
attention from the-m at the very instant,
if possible, or make a kind apology for
them. But afterwards, in an hour or
two, or better still the next day, draw
the child's attention to the fault, if fault
it was, in a friendly and loving manner ;
point out the impropriety in some kindly
way ; show where it was wrong or rude,
and appeal to the child's self-respect or
manliness. This is the best way to cor
rect all family errors. Sometimes it may
not succeed ; sometimes harsh measures
are required ; but try the deprecating or
kindly method with perfect equanimity
of min 1, and failure will be of rare oc
currence, Dr. lLdd ''Health by Good
sIonltnt be Clinreil iiji.
The story told by Tom Corwin of the
o'd man, who claimed to be thirty years
younger than he was, because he had
passed that time on the east shore of
Maryland, and did not think the Al
mighty ought to charge it tip again-.t
inm, in the opinion ot the Chicago lie
imhUcno, illustrates the present position
of the Illinois Democracy. They don't
think the record of treason to the Union
should be charged up by the people.
They feel, says that Journal, like the
man who asked his biographer to skip
ten years of his life, because it had been
parsed in the penitentiary, and the de
tail could not interest the general reader.
They have just resolved that the Demo
cratic party is the Dmoeratie, party, and
that the best interests of the party re
euire that the people should put confi
dence in its latest professions. They ask
credit J for th"mselve.- on the ground
that some others ought not to have it ;
and the reason others ought not to have
it is, that they have a clean, straight
record, which they are n?t ashamed of,
but are anxious to have examined. We
have heard of stretche-- to the credit
system, but the Demoeititio request for
further credit would put a confidence
man to the blu.-h.
Ifanv su!
Rui'ictt lor new unea-ines: is
wanting, it may he found :u die astion
Oiitieal assertion of the absorbing power
cf the sun, which is so groat that all the
I lanets are beimr .irruli;d!y hut surely
drawn into it. Hir William Thompson
says that it as certain as it i.s that the
weight of a clock will run down that is,
a- certain as "eggs is eggs" that
planet after planet, a re by age, will
creep into the sun, and not one can cs-c-ipc
its fiery end. We do not suggest it
as any encouragement to the adveniist-,
but the continued heat of this summer
sreems to,fivcr both the theory of the
scholars and their own projects for the
speedy ecd vf the world ;with this diff
erence, that if the theory i.s true, they
may not be able to leave the earth as
they intended.
News Items.
lecura.-tn nas nouirnt ana paM lor a
fifty foot Miller tubular bridge to be
thrown across the river Nemaha at that
Emigration is rapidly pouring into
Webster and Nuckolls counties in the
southwestern part of the State.
"lit nnrl
Of a man who rccentlv died
it is
said, "his name will bo remembered
wherever his deeds anl mortgages are
A new bridge is to bo built across the
Kikhorn between Fonttnelle and 3Iaple
Valley, the new station on the F. II and
31. V. It. II. It will have three spans
of fifty Jeet each.
The Postmaster General issued an or
der last Thursday requiring the name
and address of the sender of a registered
letter or package to be affixed to the
same, and in ease of non-delivery the
registered letter or package will be re
turned directly from the office to which
it is sent to the sender, without (as now)
being returned through the dead letter
office. In case the sender of a letter or
package thus returned cannot be found,
it will then go to the dead letter office,
and be treated as other undelivered mail
A distinguished man is reported to
have recently said, in conversation with a
watering-place belle, that when he mar
ried he "did not want to marry a woman
that knew too much ! After he had been
engaged in mental labor of speech-making
all day, when he came home at night
ho didn't want his wife to talk to him ;
but, while he rested himself, she tas to
fan off the flies."
"Hall's Journal of Health" says:
"3Ien may live long and in health who
never taste- meat, but they can never ex
cel in anything which requires energy.
The nations which cat no meat, as to
the masses, are always inefficient and de
graded. The hundreds of millions of
Japan and China have failed in the cen
turies of the past in all that makes a
nation or an individual grand in concep
tion or magnificent in accomplishment.
They are to-daj- what they were agen aso,
and they live mainly ou rice and other
A cae of feminine daring i.s related of
a Virginia belle, who rode to the edge of
a prceipjec, and defied any man of the
party with whom she was riding to follow
her. JSot a man accepted the challenge ;
but a tantalizing youth stood on his
head in his saddle, and dared the lady to
do that.
A story i.s told of a young lady teacher
at one of our Sabbath schools, who one
or two Sundays ago, a.-ked a youngster
what was matrimony. He mistook the
question for purgatory, and promptly
aiiswerod. "a place or state of punsh-me-nt
in thw- life where some suuls suffer
for a time before they go to heaven, i
(?4 neevssov to WliitQ USsal t ovy)
R "D; Q G I S riT
Id now re-Jeivinjr a a J La.-- on hand (:it tho ;'J staml of White .t liuttery)
l.iW wi
siae mam
The Largest and
.Stock of Prurr?. Mclieinwt. Painta, Cacroioftl.
oariiiuj; Uil. Cast.-r Oil. Aeatsloot Oil. unit" Oil. lioisecd Oil, hsirU Oil. Oil. Essential
Cud Live r Oil, unii a Lose variety f Noticns, Perfumery, Fancy nnl Toilet
Articles, Essences. Flavoring Extracts. Also, all tbv Popular
Such n Jayno's. Ayers', Hulls, Scovil'.o'sCoe's,
i, Wakeln-kl's, tiny sjcoU"-?, l'eriy
ilr. int-heU s, iiostetter
all others
Brandies, Wines and Whiskies,
Of the best grades an J qualities, strictly for Medical purposes.
RclorUosp, Green, Clue ami BViok, Aniline,
in lact tverytning taut u necled in tuc iirus or
I hysicians' Prescript onscarefuliy compounded and put up
at al! hou: s. All Drugs warranted fresh and pure. Call
before buying, and see what I have to sell.
riattiinoutb. March 21, 1S70- vr:f.
Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools ;
lloofiufr, Guttering. Spouting nnd Rornirinf? done.
J am Selling First-Class Goods and Guaranty Not to be
Irndcrsoldf as 1 am Buying of First Hands,
A. No. 1 riowa and Cultivator?, closing out at Co?t. Itcmciabcr tbo place
Heaviest Slock of Goods in the
flo Rent and no Interest on Borrowed Capital to
off Customers!
1 ""i "I
North Fido of Main Street, between Second
that helbas tho lar.cst
over broght to the city of Plattsmouth.
lie would say that he can Gil orders as cheap as any house wet of Chicago. He buys
Direct 'jPxcm IHasiciiaciurers,
and hoa no middlemen's profits to add to bis IIo docs business Ton OWN CAPITAL and
In bis own building, consequently ho lean givo his. cu-tomurs the prices of rents and iutcrosCon
investment in the way ot
23 iO 1M FRIGES !
It will cost yu nothing to look ut them whether you buy or not. By examining the prices
KeliaWyou v. ill be a-blo to tcl wa
Wholesale and'Rctail dealers in
I5ardware and
Of all kinds und sizes, which wo warrant the best in the market.
Arc exclusive Agents in this county for the sale ol
Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal
or Wood Cook Stove
' Givo us a call wa will not bo undersold Main street, next door ca-st of the Masonic Elock
Most Comolete, Vnrnisbcp. Coal Oil. Fish Oil, Machine Oil
Christie's. Morse's. MeLain's. linker's, Wistar '
L);ivis', Kobaek's 1'etittV, Mrs. AViuslow'j).
iraKe uiniee e, est s,
in general
Indigo, MaJ-ler, Extract Logwood. Pyo Woods, Ac
-iedicii;e- L.ino.
IV lEotel,
West I
bo Mau'e
TT TT1 "V"
and Third, talica i leasiiro in announcing
and best pclcctel stock of
n otiicr partiw endeavor to swindle you. jytidtf
Liverj'Salc andExchansc
Si The Iic.-tof i'to -k .md Carriages on bin.!,
Oivo us ut-ii'.l. iipl'.'.ltf.
fVIillinary Dress and Cloke
I would rtpeot fully announce to tbo public
that I am now prepared to arcmntnorlnte all of my
ol jcn."tMiir nmi a many new oucs aawill kivor
lue with their p: ronatre.
-All kin-Is of plain ami faruiv pewinir for ladies
andehildren limie neatly, as ordered- l'erleet
satisfaction jriven or no eharires.
Corner fourth and Vine Streets, op
pnxitc 1'lntie Yalhg House, IMattsniouth
rJebraska deel 1 dtf.
Sheriff's Sale.
James Wiley, )
vs. Order of Sale.
William T. Urynn. )
Notiee i.s hereby niveu that I will oQe-r fur psltt
at pulilie- auetion, jit the front door of the Court
House in l'lattsmouth. Cass county. Nelir.iska.
on Monday. October 17th. A. I). l7o. at o'clock
p. m. of said day, the following real estate, to
wit :
Lot number five ('i) in block number forty
three 4.'S) in the city of l'lattsuiouth, Cass county
Nebraska, as designated upon the recorded plats
of said city, in pursuance of a dc'Tetal order of
the District Court, of tho ;M .Indicia. District,
within and for Caps county, Nebraska, rendered
at the adiourne.l April term. A. 1, W. and on
the lsth day of July, A. 1. 1) to me directed
as Sheriff of Cass county.
(liven under my hand this 11th day of Fei'tein
ber. A. 1. lTt).
Cass County Nebraska,
Maxwki.L & Cit irJlAX, Att'ys for Plaintiff.
Legal Notice.
In the Pistiiet Conrt. 21 Judicial Dintriet
Court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska.
To Mary J. Vouns, non-resident, Defendant.
Take notico that you arc sued in the District
Court, 2d Judicial District, within and for Cass
county. Nebraska, on the t'ith day of September.
A. D. 1S70, by Josiah II. Vnunir. that the object
and prayer of tho petition tiled in said Ciise is to
obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony
now existing between you and Plaintiff, Josiah
II. Youiik. Vou are required to answer said pe
tition ou or before the ..1st day of Or-to er. 1S70.
Attorneys for Josiah II, Young.
Septemberl"tlu w5t
&oap manufacturera.
WE would invite Dealers and tho Publi
generally to c ill and examine our stock of
S O .A. 1- S ,
before purchasing elsewhere.
Mr. Sargent having had the crperiencs) f
twenty years in manufacturing all kinds of
Soaps, we are confident of giving entire satisfact
ion to all who may favor us with their patron
Soap exchanged for grease, and delivered in
ny part of the city.
Cash paid for rendered tallow and clear
Soap Works, Kearney Ward, near Ferry St.
Bridge, Nebrusk City.
June 15d& tf.
And dealer in nil kinds of
furniture and Chairs.
main street, (third door wett of P O
Plattsmout - - - Neb.
Kcps.iring and Varnishing neatly done.
Og" Funerals attended atthe short ei-t not icc
Perfumeries, Hair Oils,
Latest Publications.
Prescriptions carefully couiKunded b u .
eriencc'l Druggist.
Kcmember the place, opposite Clark Sl Plum-
uicrs, i'lattsiuouth, elru."ka.
Legal Notice.
In District Court, 2d Judicial District, within
anl fir l ass ounty, ?eoiaska.
John W. iSaruca, i'lrt..
Platte Pannders Peft.
To Platte launders, non-resident, defendant:
1 ou are hereby notified tnnt John . liarnei
plaintiff, has filed his petition in the District
Court. 2l Jmiicial I.istrict. within and for Cass
county. Nebraska, in ho claims a judir-
inent against you. as defendant, for the hum of
HtU, which iuiii ot money plaintiff claims was
ootainrd ty aelemlant ttirouph lran-1 ami mis
representation, on which defendant induced
plaintiff to buy lot 18 in block in Junction
City. M ills county. Iowa, for the sum ot ?KX).
when the defendant bad already sold said proper
ty to another party.
You are required toanswer said petition on or
Ijctore tne the notn day ot ctooer, ini".
By Maxwill Si Cuavmas, hi Attorneys.
Osage Orange Hedge Plants
sl fine erowth. and put up in soimI condition
so, a general aieortuient of nurte ry rtock, cou
1 1 J 11 ot
Address. L. A, WILLIAM.-.
- Iowa,
11. . TALUK
Attorney at Law. and General Collecting Agent.
and Notary Public.
All loiral business intrustiul to bis can: will r
ceive proiut and careful attention- Office ?
the Treaiurer'tf OUiec in tile court hou-c-
F u r
Sunday Schcol MissioNary.
for Nebrisl.a an-I Southwestern Towa. Attends
to ettabli.-hin a id j-uppliug Sunday schools.
Partiei; t-r-leiin supplies can .'-end money iud
dralu or Pust Olhec tjrdei -. ..ldre.,
City, Nvbrocka.
e .
TM'ir r-,; i
Furnished promptly and neatly lvt
lowest prices po--i l- .
We Warrant Satisfaction
MEU.ils . i:i ...
Main street near fth St.. I ;at -: , .
A ST" 1 . --
Offer for pale n
perty in Ca.-s
follows :
large amount of
county, dcr rn c i
40 Lots in city of Pluttsmr u'h.
$r0. upward.
I ri. c
49 lots in YoungA Hayes' Atl-i-tion i ,
mouth, including nome very ,-iivico r.
lots. all at very low prices.
Farm of 3; ncrcp (10 acres . fit fi:u'i.
"Three tiroves" nine miles ;r-iin i'l.ji:
(lood dwelling and out -Uoiim:.--. "i",,, ,
half the purchase moai-y.
Farm five miles from Plat -in.- i .
mil-) from Ituilroad, 1-55 h i-.--. t,,.,i
dwelling nnd other improve)..' i : -.
Farm in Louisville Precin t. L'
Haiiroad Station. acres i-il !i :. i
under cultivation, and 4iluer - .' v . ..
This tract i.s well watered, una . -. i
dwelliug. Also a good rock ,u.u-: j on i.
Farm of 2IO acres, well v:
iiiiprovcments, including tv-
t.-re I. Will!
irnl.-s . ,
orcliard or !' rruit trees a t.-:
young tiii.hcr planted on nplan-i.
tbo purchase money.
Farm of TO acres on tho P. X II
miles from Plattsitionth. hal. of i: i;
yntion. This tract is well v, a t- i . .1. I :
iii:pr'(vcmcuts, and is for sale vi;y . .:, .,
SO a-ros of prairie, four mi!
Kai!roa I ,- tation. han.l.-om
watcrc'l, an 1 .-mjidinng a o .
A jrrcat b.irL-ain.
160 acres in ."'ce. il. T. 11, K .
lOO acres Prairiu in Sec. i
Oth P.M.
Two acres of land le:iiit:'
lain Ii of town, with new t .i;
A very deiralle place o.r a
CHKAf. 'Ituir t,a iHlil i,j,a.-.
"i acres of lc tini'.- ;
a mile of the soutlu ru liia;' ;
Farm of KSO ncrc. l't
fenced, seven miles Iruiu j .
Kirfht Mile (iruve.
I.ot t, IiI,K-k 2S. with gof I
duelling, couveuieutly au. :
In addition to tho neovo W'! li.M tl. :
ing for sale, very low :
Lots i and ! in Jllock
5 " 1,.
9 .; i
1 ,
" 5 and 0 " -..
Years. Not One Has Fe;.'cd to C?ve
Entire Satisfaction.
The Best Cookln-i Slave wiaiir:
o 00
And wherever luwiw. ti.iy
For Uniformity in Bakir.?.
tor tjcorioiiiy in i '-r I v !,
For Duraljiniy and t duii! l-. '.
And their perfect adaptation to t!;o
W ANTS OF W EST E U i P E u P L 1. 1
Send for price ii to
E. T. DUKE &
augl wlyr
- two
IMatlsitionlfj, XtT;.,
Uepairers of Steam Eim-nt.-. I
(jri.-l Mills.
tiaii and Steam Fittings. ', r. o.
. I;
Forec und Tift Pump--. .- :
live Oovernors, und ail nt-i-
Brass Engine FiLtiii;,
furniohed ot ibort notico.
Itcpaircd .Vrt notio?.
v. ni. ii.i.ict;i;-r
ATT"KNEY AT l. -W a-, i t ........
oer-, PlitU-Tnouth, eVru-i.
1 '
r c