THE NEBRASKA HERALD IS PL'Bl.ISIIKD WKF.KLT BT 1 1 r II ATI! AWAY, FP'T"U AND FROFKIETOB. e J Ofi: o and Feeor.l strecl, ree cnl .-l"ry. TEKVS . V.'c.-kly. V-."0 per annum if paid in ndvanee. il.:ii if not paid in advance. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Ki; i'ox;iKSS: JOHN TAFFH. 1 1 1 1 ( i ; i: i;si- lont inn kxT: .!. E. LA MASTER. I on :oyi:u."uR: DAVID BUTLKR. i-i ii -t:'-i:i;rAiiY v state-: U . II. JAMES. 1"K TREASURER: HEXKY KOEMG. poll Sl'l'T. F I'UU. INSTRUCTION': J. M. McKEiIl2. AT To UN KV UENKRAL: c.koiu.k n. robeiits. 1 UK PI.-T1;I 'CVTToRXKY 'u DIST. J. C. CDWIN. I'oj; i'UISoN INSPECTOR : i:. II. GOULD. County Republican Ticket- Hit STATU SENATE. S. M. KIKKPATKICK. SENATOR UOK7TII. DISTRICT A. It. KKiNNEDY. !,, llorsi: ol- rKl'KKSKNTATIVKri .!. W. JOIIiNSCKV, V. S. LATTA, V. M. WOLCOTT, MrKlNNON. K. NOYKS. it t::'i'!MCAS ri. i'n j okm. , V ',-' '' i' '"rir''." iiibl'il : i,,'i w. ri 'itVii in t'li- piii.-i !. enunciated 111 .' v ii :...tlt1i-aii Platform l In, and ' , i !-im. ut il tlii- Convention a firm 'jaer.-n.-e to Hi " principled will advance the i" -: 'int. r. of the fvoj-lv. ati;l wtldish their . r;l "II an .ii-lurius blU-lS. I.. ,.!,.'. I Tli:.' v.e liCiirtily fi.'I'jr.-c the Ad ; ;,,-. raii-.n ..t Ptcs'ideiit !r;iiit. an I commend it. tli. :' -nival ol tl' t tlie Mil tc and lii- ii:.'i"ti. lor its riuid economy displayed in . v.-rv oairiiK iii ot tin- o.vrriiment : its hon-.-taiil faithful (olleetioii mi dnlur'iiiont of tin- i ii I. He rvvcnit-s : mid. above all tor its coii-i-i-t.-lll mill iilit:lll!tel-illK adherence te, the great i in ii.l.-.-..t t'i.- .( and equality. ,...,.,. That in the .-trusleiiuw in proRcsi. i i r iir...f we tieartily sympathise with the e ,... ,.!;. i ti.i.nv in their heroic etlorts to I'Te intact the territory which rightfully be '. .ii'-- to til-in. and that we cherish the hope that tti termination will witness the defeat of i.c i'reneli. who in the .-acred name ot liouity i .ii.l. n.oriii to extend the dominion of a ha'. -tul d. -spo'.i-ai over the soil of un'tUuaing '" !,!.'..' hut we he u tiiy ripprove the action I Y' ;. I it-i i:i oi.tre-s. ill provKlinK tor a re lucti. ii ..! ihe l uideiii ot t..Xii.ion. upon the ...... Pi.- a the re-ult of the late reoelhoD ami 'li it ue l.ivor a i-iiiMiirther r-duelion oou ,t can he .tie. ted . .n.-i 1 1 ntly with the prc i rv.iti'.'-i "f she puhlie faith and credit. m m - - - - ' JlKI'l AX .MI.K1IXS. ..iiY. 1:1 Ti,Ki:. ai.d'Ien. S H. U015KKTS. Candidate f.r Attorney (Jtneral. will ddre p . p!.- f ta: :.:te upon the i.-.-u.-J of the c .....aiau. et the folhiwiiirf times and plaer"-. IV. .t l..d.e Co Oct. 1-t r. t'..ila ' - .;.i. i.i.. tli, 7th. Mh. loth! l-'iVl'l'VeJllblin. ill . r. .i-l.iTU-!"" C 1 1, it .1 1 1 I. I ' .111 I- 1 o l;.-!i.-v i . .ai i.v l'.... l. ..- 1. - . f the M'e Con-ii'l I'iiiiiii itte. .;. V. AM!:i:o.i:. t'hairinan. Tip lU u.-.JUi. y ui' Ni uiah t .iimty ni t iui I-r'.-.- :i miii:1o Ita-lical with the h. !i. r tluit ';r party rcrotniize tlie Kit fi : i:th Aiii.Mpltsn-tit ami lloumistrui-tioii ii..:iur- ;i- lvL-itiiii:ite laws !' tip; lati.l. vl: ii i-vi -i-y U:t IkmI know well that nine bunilrrd anil uiirtj iiim i,i urn th'ns n ,1 I. nm-nitx ire Tliouoi .IM.Y HS T I V to th.-'ii, ami ouh trai't the Ol,. I'dlMTNlTV TO I'NDO Til K TN .H'ST AND WICKKD WOKKS. J)r. Hk,-,!:. dit.r Ili'l-t RryUttr, "ml c;.i. . 4it iriitic CmiJolittf for Con- sir.Aiiiirr F..nocRATic. In Omaha, to-lay wi'lho nominat.-I r. i-tiM'::l.t .ieiu..rali: tliket. v. ni:h will Lc elect oil unle.-s the n-puMieaiis heal the I r.- 'i hthrit exists in the j.arty there, :i-i 1 v.v t ar they will not. The talk was t!.;tt a iimni'rel tieket woul.l he noniinat !. 1 ut thoplit in the republiean party 1i:in .h'L-i.le.l the leading (leinoerat.s to al.amli.ii the promiso togo into the aiilk : ;i l-water Lu-im ss, and to nominate a i .are ti ed'' tkkt t, as they always will when they .-tan 1 a jrhofct of a chance to elect it. 1TI.I.Y SVT1SF1KIK e hive yet to see the first man who lii arl I.iv. IJutlerV statements in lv.-ml to the l'.iTi'lUi'cr of tlio State funds !' i- !! t fully sat L-tied that every dol lar iT t'p'iii are as secure-as lliuush they were in the vaults of the great bank of Kr .!:; I. I'pon the niind of every man ui... Ins hoard !ov. Uutkr speak, the if diho:iety and corruption ..1 by the police Gazette of Omaha wiii fa'.I with no otlur effect than that of .a i- : f'ee'iug .f loathing and con U;i)j.t fur the man who would so far ! r himself the mire and filth of I ' !:ti..-s.s to attempt to defame the char :u ur of tin liorinral.le political opponent i:i that he miirht make votes against l.iu. ' !". Butler's speech at IJrownville, a- el-whore, is said to have been a coiii i'iete vi;i lieatiou cf his official acts, and Neiua'ia will roll her usual Republican io l.' irity for the entire ticket. Many 'd Republicans in that locality had al lowed the villainous slanders of the Omaha Ihrnhl to prejudice their minds :i.iut the Governor-; but after hearing a full .-tatcuieut of the facts they unani-ni'iu-ily throw up their hats and hurrah for 1'avid Butler ami the Republican party. The Xchr.urk.t City Timet speaks of ..f Croxtou 'as COL. Crorton. If that isn't the coolest thing we ever saw ? We iid not know, btf'jie, that the office he filled during the war gave him the rank ofC"'Ai7. 'e suppose a man in his business ranked according to the num ber of sukstituts he was able to sell and steal again or perhaps according to the nutiJjor of times ho was able to sell the ime sub-titute without being detected. Ii r.v a: j y..'iCOL. Croxtou ! NEMABKA VOL. (. OX WHAT UKOl'.tD. lie liavc waited patiently since last Friday to hear what reason of a valid nature would lc given by Republicans for bolting the regularly nominated ticket. As we stated some days .since, we believe there are times when, and cir cumstances under which, men are justi fiable in withholding support from party nominees; but those times are rare and the circumstances should be veiy aggra vating, lie have not yet heard a valid reason assigned this instance, and consequently we ask Republicans to con-. sidcr well and see if they have any valid reason. There are many excuses offered, but they are only excuses to far as we have heard they are not reasons. One man goes off because he does not like Gen. Livingston, another does not like Mr. Manjuett, another is down on the IIkiiAI.D, a fourth man is opposed to having a few men "run the party" (he wants to run it himself) a fifth is op posed to the ticket, not because he ob jects to the men on the ticket, but be cause he does not like some of the men who were in the convention ; a sixth thinks the ticket is all owned by l'latts mouth, and the next man we meet is opiosed to it because it is comiosed of men "a majority of whom" are antagonistic to Plattsuiouth, anotha: objects because the ticket is coniosed of Thayer men, and the next one because a majority of them were the choice of the Saunders men ; and so it goes, until we find as many different excuses as there arc different individuals opiiosed to the ticket. But we have yet to see the first man who objects to the ticket on the ground that there was any unfairuess in the selection, or on the ground that the men com losing the ticket are not as upright, honest, intelli gent, eapaljle men as the county affords. So far as the excuses offered that the ticket is Thayer or Saunders, Platts uiouth or anti-l'lattsmouth, bonds or anti-bonds, are concerned, we have no hesitancy in saying that a better ticket could not have been selected. Out of the five legislative nominees, thrceof them were agreed upon by both Thayer's and Sampler's friends ; three of them voted and worked aga'nstthc bonds, and two of them for the bonds the com missioners voted for the bonda, making it an even thing on this tpuestion. )nly one out of the six candidates lives in or near Plattsmouth, yet none of them, so far as wc know, are especial enemies to the prosperity of our city ; they arc as well scattered over the county as a ticket could we'l be ; and what is of ereatcr imjiortancc than all else, they arc all men against whom no word of re proach cnu be uttered. They are men noted in their respectivo localities among their nrighliors and in fact throughout the entire circle of their ac quaintance, for being high-minded, hon orable men. He believe this will be generally conceded in fact we have heard no word uttered againt the men on the ticket. On what grounds, we ask, then, can Republicans who bolt, justify their acts except that they would rather sec lemoerats go into iower than to give up their little iiersonal dis likes and petty spites. II AN THE TIME COMET There are a few individuals in our city and county who have heretofore acted J with the Republican party who are pro-.-' .'niini' in lmi.1 tones that now is the i . . . i best tune they will ever nave to burst up the party. Wc reurct that men will talk in this manner, for if they are Re publicans at heart they will yet see the folly of their present course. I'pon what issue of a national character do these men assume to oppose the Republican party ? We doubt not there are men in the county who are being misled by these same men. There may le men who honestly think they are doing their coun try a service by opposing the Republi can nominees. If there are sny such, wc say to them ponder well upon the steps you contemplate. Look well to it and see what your reasons arc for your promised cause. What great sin has the Republican party committed that you can hope to better by joining with the democracy? And what great act of righteousness has the Pcmocratic party lerformcd that you should place more confidence in them than in days past. You should remember one thing, which is beyond question ; and that is that by going in with the Democracy j-ou are the mite and they are the mouutain. You are in the minority and they arc in the majority. You cannot expect to control them, but thev will, as a natural ! to.iimii.wt 1 u . i r i. in f1i mawtrirv. cim. trol you and designate j'our candidates. They may, for the present time, give3"ou a reasonable representation on their ticket for the purpose of holding j-ou for future use. Thus they will fasten you to them, and hereafter you will have the pleasure (?) of voting for the men whom you have so long fought and whom you would have proclaimed as traitors to the government and enemies to the free in stitutions of our country only a short time ago. Io you say you can go in with the Democrats this time and come back to the Republican party at the next election ? Look and see if you can ? Do you envy the political reputation of the men who arc able to accomplish that eat? (for there arc men who can do it) We are talking to the men whom we be lieve to be misled in this matter, and not to those who have deliberately gone into the arrangement for the avowed purpose of breaking up the Republican party, as some have already proclaimed upon our streets. Do not deceive yourselves in your arguments and decisions, for by so doing you work a greater injury to your i self than to those you desire to cripplo. 'Hie question is not whether there is aught in the Republican party deserving of censure and condemnation we all know there is ; but the question you have to determine is whether you prefer Democratic rule or Republican rule. Are yu ready has the time come, in your judgment, when it b best to aban don the Republican pa:ty and throw the country 'to the hands of the Democ racy? We ask you to consider well this question before you give your assent to the movement which is lieing made in this county to overthrow the Republican party. The Nebraska City Timet, under the delusion that the democracy are again coming into power through the aid of republican voters, comes out in an arti cle in favor of the old slave doctrine, in which it labors to show that the re publican party have acted in bad faith in causing the overthrow of that insti tution. The Rulo Regitter declares openly for the overthrow of the reeon struction laws and the fifteenth amend ment, and the other democratic pajiers of the state say nothing. These gentle men have shown the cloven foot too soon, and have depended too much upon republican votes. These gentlemen who are finding fault with republican nominations are not to be wheedled into the support of democrats. They pro pose to vote for republicans and carry out republican principles. They have not forgotten the groans at Anderson villo and Libby. THE EVIDENCE. Thfc oniy thing charged against Gov. Butler by the democracy which has not already been completely ventilated through our columns is the recent charge that the Gov. had not mortgaged his land, as stated, to secure the $15,X)0 loan. Below we give a certified copy of the bond and mwrtgage on file at the clerks office in Pawnee county, and we hope democrats throughout the state will have sufficient honesty to acknowl edge that they have at least made a gross mistake in charging Gov, Butler with de frauding the state out of a single cent : Copy of Iloml 9f orfKitK. Know all men by these presents that I, David Butler, of the town of Lincoln in the county of Ijancaster and state of Nebraska, am held and firmly bound unto the state of Nebraska in the sum of thirty thousand (30,(mm)) dollars, good and lawful money of the United States, to be paid into the State Treasury for the liencfit of the general school fund, for which payment well ami truly to be uiaio I do hereby bind mj'self, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns firmly by these presents, scaled with my seal and dated the day of May, A. D. lM'.. The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bounden David Butler, his heirs, executors, administra tors and assignees shall well and truly pay, or cause to le paid into the State Treasury for the benefit of the general school fund, the just and full sum of fif teen thousand (1,IMI0) dollars on the 'J'aU day of May, A. D. ls7', being the same sum of money which is secured by the above bounden David Butler, and by his wife, Lydia Butler, unto the said State of Nebraska, in and by a certain indenture of mortgage bearing the date first alove written, and shall also well and truhy so pay or cause to be paid in terest on said sum of money at the rate of ten per cent, tier annum, semi-annually, into the said State Treasury on the 2"th day of November and the Joth day of May in each year, then this obligation. to re vom, otnerwise to ikj in lull force. (Signed) JAVll KlTLKR, suu This indenture, made the twenty-fifth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, between David Butler and Lydia Butler, of Lincoln, Nebraska, of the first part and the State ot .Nebraska, of the second part, witnesseth that the said parties of the first part, in consider ation of fifteen thousand dollars to them duly paid, have sold, and by these pres ents do grant and convey to the said party of the second part, all these certain pieces or parcels of land situate in Pawnee county, Nebraska, and deserilied as follows: All section seventeen (17), northwest quarter of section fourteen (14), north half of section twenty (), nortlrwest quarter of section twenty-one (21), southeast quarter of section twenty-two (22) southwest quarter of section twenty-three (23), all in township three (3), range eleven (II), cast of tlie sixth principal meridian, also southwest quarter of section twenty five (25), in the same township and range. In township two (2), range eleven (II), east of the sixth principal meridian, the northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast quar ter of section twenty-five (2.5), the south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-four (24), containing in the aggre gate two thousand and eighty acres, be the same more or less, with the appur tenanees, and all the estate, title and in terest of the said parties of the first part therein. This grant is intended as a mortgage to secure the payment of fifteen thou sand dollars and interest thereon accord ing to the condition of a certain bond executed by the said David Butler to the said party of the second iwrt, which payments, if duly made, will render this conveyance void. And it is hereby fur ther provided, that in case aoy instal meut of principal, or any part thereof, or any interest mones's, or any part thereof hereby secured to te paid, shall remain due aud paid for the space of twenty days after the same shall, by the terms hereof, become due ami payable, that then and in that case tlie whole principal sum hereby secured to be paid, together with the interest thereon, shall, (at the option of the said party of the second Iiarts the State Treasurer, Governor or jnnd Commissioner), become due and payable forthwith, anvthim? herein con tained to the contrary notwithstanding. And if default shall be made in payment of the principal or interest above men tioned, then the said party oi the second part, are hereby authorized, pursuant to law, to sell the premises above granted, or so much thereof as will lie necessary to satisfy the amount then due, and in terest thereon, and costs and excuses allowed by law ; rendering the overplus, if any there may be, to the said parties of the first part, their heirs or aligns. In witne-s whcieof, the said parties of PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, the first part have hereunto set their hands mid seals the day and year first alove writ cn. (Signed) Davii Lyma Bni.KK. Sealed and delivered in the presence of N. C. Brock. STAMl j Star ok Nkiiraska, Cul'NTV OK LaNCA.STKR. ( On this 25th day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine, before me, the subscriber, a Notary' Public duly apiointed, commissioned and qualified for and residing in said county, personally appeared David But ler and Lydia Butler, to me known to be the same ersons described, in and whose names are affixed to the foregoing in strument as grantors, and they acknowl edged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set ray hand and Notarial seal at Lin coln, in said county, the day and year last alove written. i (Signed) Nelson O. Brock, Notary Public. :S State ok Nebraska. ) J- s.s. County of Lancaster. ) I hereby certify the forgoing bon! and mortgage to lie true ami correct copies of a bond and mortgage executed for the Iiurposcs therein set forth by David But er and wife to the State of Nebraska. Walter J. Lamb, Notary Public. SEAL j Lincoln, September 15, 1870. A I'amilliir Clint bftwrrn Mlllrr and Tlrhrnor, Under the supposition that Dr. Miller is still playing his old role, Mr. Tichenor holds conversation with him in a lan guage we supHise will be familliar : Umaha, .Neb., fcept. 2:5, 1S70. Editou Omaha Daily Kkpi iilica: Having learned that the honest editor of the Jfemld had unearthed another Abstract and Seal on the Tichenor House, and was about to start on a trip, through the Kastcrn States, to look up an ab stract record of my past life, 1 felt desir ous of making a compromise with hiuv, and if you will give my past record in your paper, I think it may bring about a friendly feeling. Now, Geo. L.. you made a few mistakes which I would like to have you rectify. One was when you called me partner of f Jov. Butler. Gov. Butler has too good judgment to take me in co-partnership, and undoubtedly knew I would have, if taken in, stole the State poor, and got away with most of his vast wealth, he would have come to that conclusion at least from reading the splendid puffs you gave me in the llrruhl alKtut .a year ago (X think we overdid that George) and then you ought not to have told of my not being a. good business man, for I t'ofl Lad enough alioiit, it but when you said that I was a dead leat and had been refused admittance into all the hotels of this city on account of not having money enough to pay my board, that coming from j'ou, George, hurt my feelinks, "you ought not to have gone and done it," for you knew very well how I came to be so far reduced. You well know that failure to corrupt David took my last cent and drew heavily on several of your best citizens, and you well know after all our master efforts, David wouldn't corrupt worth a cent. And when I was driven to the sheer necessity of sleeping in a crockery krate that cold night, you crawled in and bunked with me. Don't you recollect that editor in Nebraska City that crawled in with us? I mean the one that edits that snotty Timet. Don't you reincmlier what he said? George, don't make a hog of yourself, and take all the straw. If you don't, write and ask him aliout it. I mean the one that copied your article exposing me. That was wrong, Georgie, but I will for- i give you for that, but when I wa-; Joli. well you ought not to have pitched in and told cvcryltody of it. Why, George, I had rather loaned yon money enough to have paid Dick McCiimiek ten cents on the dollar on those outlawed notes he holds of yours, I would almost rather have voted for that feminine Croxton for Governor than had you go back on me. But you did not fix up that Lin coln business; you got it a little mixed. You said I was a dead beat ; was not a good business man ; had not property enough to secure the State for $10,ooo. Then you said I had made and owned the finest hotel in the State, and the finest residence in Lincoln, and had made it all out plundering the "School Fund." Now, George, that is not so; although I don't feel hard toward you, if yon Tie a little bit, for it comes natural for some leopIe to do so. You know I made thirty thousand lollars out of my Salt works, and had no monojM.Iy at that. David wouldn't monop, and then I have made some money in the rise of real es tate. You also know I had a hard time selling my salt interest; the Governor fought me all the way through. Now knowing all about that, what's the use of pitching into an old friend leeauee he made a dollar or two ? Let's be friends, and if Crox. is elected I will help you to fet a School Fund loan on the Hcrndon louse to pay off your debts with. Now Doc., as I suppose you are bound to hunt up my past record, although I had rather you would not, I will give it to you myself free of charge, feeling under many obligations to furnishing printed abstracts of my proert3' and extensively advertising the Tichenor house, fee, kc. lo commence with, 1 was born of jHjor but honest parents. At an early pcriixl of my existence, my parents lieing oor at the time, I subsisted almost en-, tirely on milk fir two long years, (but still I was a healthy enough boy, too,) but alout the age of fourteen years, I became very lazy and had a terrible dread of work, consequently I run away from home by the way, I forgot to ask you what State you run away from when you came west !) With a very little study, I satisfied myself tliat it would not pay to Ikj honest there was not enough cople engaged in it. It isolated me so from all first-class society. Just think how lonely an honest man would lie in Nebraska in Omaha or Lincoln for instance ; why, George, he would starve down so thin in one year that he would have to walk three times in one place to make a shadow ; and should any one tell you that I am an honest man I authorize you to whiser deep down in tho northeast corner of the i southwest car that he don't know one side of me. Now Georire L., I supimjsc from what little acquaintance I have had with my self that I am one of the most cussedest, most meanest men. living. Perhaps I ought to hive excepted you.. But we don't like to t told of it in every dirty daily we k up well 1 finally concluded HIE IE AIL Bo THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER -29, 1870. to try stealing for a livelihood, as I saw more men engaged in it than in anything else, but after looking over a large por tion of the State, (Omaha included) I found I could not get a first-class situa tion. There was no vacancies, except in the Jlerddl office, and that I was not ex pert enough to fill, consequently I went to Lincoln and merged into a salt boiler, and with my feeble ability, gentlemanly habits and maidenly ways, would have made a fair thing had you not come out and cxiHiscd me. Now Georgie, I have been engaged in all classes of business, got up oil companies, lead companies, copper companies, coal companies, in fact, been into almost everything except the Penitentiary, and may get into that when we get it finished at Lincoln, should I object to going away from home for that nunose. Like most of your best citizens. I had to run away from the Kastern States, but I got away with only ten thou sand, and they dared not follow me for fear I might steal what small change the Sheriff might have with him. By the way, George L., 1 was engag ed in one branch of business during the war that I am not ashamed of out here, although it was considered a little smutty back there. It was buying and selling "subs" and bounty jumpers ; have lccii told by several persons that the Hon. Croxton. Democratic candidate for Gov ernor of the State of Nebraska, was also engaged in the same business Fast. Would like to talk it over with him after election. As I understand he is an ex pert, it might pay us to visit Europe to gether, as I don't think he will have airy business to detain him (in Lincoln) this winter. Now, my dear old friend George, don't hurt my feelinks, and I won't hurt yours, Don't tread on my corns, and I won't on yours. I am going to put the Tichnor House, at Lincoln, up as the capital prize in my real estate gift enterprise, and and should like to advertise in your most noftle ttjer ; and should any of your Democratic candidates fail to get electa 1 (which I fear they may), 1 shall be glad to give them a situation to sell tickets for me if rejommended by you. Most respectfully, vours, A. C.'Ticiinor, P. S. I give j-ou full jieriiiissioii to use this as a campaign document, and will even allow you to copy it in your most noble in.;tfr. PHANTASM At; OK I A. BY L. It. WARNER, One of the great authors has said liIt is not all of life to live, nor all of death to die. Sin kills lieyond the tomb." If these are facts, if our acts in this life follow the immortal part beyond "the valley of the shadow of death," and so stain the deathless spirit as to unfit it to associate with the white-robed choristers of the celestial eden, and for a triumph ant admittance into the pure society of those bright immortals who are permit ted to roam at pleasure o'er the elysian fields of the glory world, how careful ought we to be that the aets of this pro bationary state are all squared by the Twles pivenin tho volume of inspiration . We there may find the struitht jxtth marked out for us, yet there are jiosi tions in which a person may be placed, where the light of the sacred volume does not shine, or if it does, it is but dimly, not with effulgence. When placed in this position may wc not with strict propriety consult our fellow men, and from them receive the instruction and advice for which the weary soul is longing. Being placed in the position almve referred to, and having sought through weary days and sleepless nights, without success, we now apply to the readers of the Hk.rai.o for the long sought boon. Please bear with me gen tle reader, while I recount a little of the past and the pre?nt, which will explain the awful position in which your humble servant is placed I am a native of the "Old Bay State," a pure descendant of the old Puritans. "God and our coun try, Lilierty or death," were embossed upon the family coat of arms, taught in early lifo to love thel was Starry Flag," ami my country ' Old through lifl' to do all in my poy, and perpetuate herrc institutions, wer to My loon companion and bosom friend: my old play-mate, class-mate and room mate, wa Willie Hammond, our next door neighbor. Willie and I are the same age. Wc graduated at old Cam bridge at the same time. We always went to "town uneting" together and always voted the straight Republican ticket. At the breaking out of the war we volunteered in the same company ; served faithfully through the war, re turned home together all cut and scarred up. Willie had an empty sleeve and I a wooden leg. We married sisters, and settled on homesteads, side by side, in Nebraska. But Willie, our Wilic, how cin wc save him from this deep disgrace, this awful pit of degradation? How can we save him from plunging head long into this sink of iniquity? How can we save him from committing that sin, the penalty of which must be eter nal banishment from all that is pure aud good, an eternal remorse of conscience, and the everlasting gnawing of the worm that never dies? Must the name of our ''gay, young, noble, ingenious, accomplished and most wretched Wil jie," be recorded in the long annals of infamy? Must his expiring moments be like those of the wretched Altamant. Do you ask. dear reader, of what awful crime our Willie has been guilty ? We answer, ArosTAfY ! After having been nurtured beneath the folds of the old flag, after having engage C tnd partici pated for a lifetime in all our free insti tutions, which he fought for years to maintain and perpetuate, after all this our Willie (and several others) have thrown off their allegiance to their party and country and joined the rebel De mocracy, "irio dj initiation is Just." LitHc Tliorns. The sweetest and most clinging affec tion is often shaken by the slightest breath of unkindness,as the delicate ten drils of the vine are agitated I y the faintest air that blows in summer. An unkind word from one beloved, often draws from many a heart that which would defy the battle-axe of hatred, or the keenest edge of vindictive satire. Nay, the shade, the gloom of the face familiar and dear, awakens grief and pain. These are the little thorns which, though men of rougher forms make their way through them without feeling much, extremely incommode jHjrsons of a re fined turn, in this journey through life, and make their traveling irksome and unpleasan t . Scrap Bottle. A very respectable brakeiuan on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad left his jost the other day and went on a terrible drunken spree. He declared it was the mortification at not having been offered the English mission. He didn't want it, he said, but he could not bear to be slifclued. ! oru fiixmoki: cocxty i.kttkii. i Mr. Editor: I We have taken unusual pleasure read ing the Herald the past few weeks. With your permission we will make a few remarks on what we have read. In regard to the "Russian American" introduced by "Bayard Taylor," which was "knifed" at "Streight's saloon" August 1 Ith. We can "wipe that out." Sept. 11th we "knifed" a water-melon at our "dug-out" which we could not weigh with our scales, but which meas ure! 51 inches in circumference and 17 inches in diameter. It was 1 1 A inches in length, of the Jitbraxka SjHCns. We have the "papers" for this state ment in the shape of several more of the same size, which we are in want of assistance to eat. Then we can "sympathize" with the farmer who complained to the Jiromt- rille Advertiser about his jxior crops, for we are in about the same fix. Only wc did not expect to get any corn. We got highly elated at the prospect ol not Hav ing to "shuck" eorn this fall, but we have learned the fact that it is next to an impossibillity to put seed into the ground in this State and not get a large crop. We thought the dry weather in .Inly and August, would prevent our cron from caring. But if this warm wet weather keeps on two weeks longer we shall have to "shuck" and crib filty bushels of sound corn per acre. We are perfectly "disheartened." Then we take far more interest in the "war of words" lctween C. C. and W. A. P., than we do in the news from the "seat of war." We don't wish to take sides, but we would like to say to C. C: "Hit him again, he's (.Irish) and has no friends." We like that Ticket and that Plat form. It is our Platform not one shaky plank in the whole superstructure. Broad enough and strong enough for the universe of mankind. So perfect in all its parts, that just men and Angels look ujmjii it with admiration, while Copper heads and Devils tremblingly enquire: "what have we to do with that, has come to t irment us before the time." We labored hard in the construction of, and have sailed in the good ship "Re publican" as a foremost hand, ever since she left the stocks. She has nobly weathered one of the most tcn iffc storms of wtir, that ever s' ocked a nation. We admire her officers and respect her vali ant crew. Others may jump overboard and swim to that "rotten Old Hulk" if they chose. We are determined to stand by her "while life and hope and tieing lasts." She had her mainmast shot away by a vile traitor, it is true. Then we stepped a juryuiast and tried to make the cruise out with it but the stick was poorly chosen, being rotten and worm eaten, so we threw it over board and put the gallant, brare and noble Grant in its place. Since which time the good old ship has been sailing in smooth, deep, blue waters with everything spread taught and square. We have another hloodless contest before us. The Old Republican has her deck cleared for ac tion, her guns double-shotted, and when the battle is over, we will see the glori ous stars and stripes wave as proudly from her main truck, as in days of yore While that old rotten, condemned craft will be rocking the timbersoutof her on the breakers "up Salt River." We here on the west Blue, iu Fillmore Co., are Republicans to a man, and ready for the contest. Wc pity those "other chaps" but say as the boy did when his brother got licked "he ought to knowed better." More anon. I R. Warner. Sept. 20th 1X7Q. HlN -OWence." The Times, of Nebraska City, speak in;r of its candidate for Congress, says : "Originally a Democrat, but driven tem- ':t.. .1... l... l... ...I.- l.o. .oi.iiii iu mo lamoai Linns, tjj nuai ..vj ooked on as an error the rebellion he now avails the hrst htting occasion to place himself right on the record," and adds, "Ix;t no Democrat reproach him, for there arc not many of us without some offense in that dark hour." Judge Lake's offense has been that he regarded the rebellion as an error. A.s he ii nrf i.fiii-frojl xeilli mfrnrilinfr it 1Q n crime, but simply as an error, he is to be pardoned in consideration of offering himself for a sacrifice as a Democratic nominee. Five years after the collapse of what Judge Lake regards as an error, and after his election by the radicals to the Supreme Bench of the State, is the first "fitting occasion" he finds to get back to his first love, so says the Times. Wc should like to know what it takes to constitute a "fittiug occasion. Ac maha Journal. Ilow Slmlsht Uromrriit Talk. The Xelrashi Register refuses to put the name of Lake on the Democratic ticket, and consigns poor Richard Brown to the same oblivion. He not only thus kicks out of the traces, but holds up the mirror so that the Democratic papers may see the humiliating attitude in which they are placed. Thus far,- it seems, the Herald has failed to spike this gun. Here a straightout Democrat: The Omaha Herald very modestly dubs Geo. B. Lake the "People's can didate for Congress." and runs it in with the State DEMOCRATIC Ticket The Brownville Jhmocrat discards the name democratic and publishes the "Honest Voter's Own Ticket" with Lake and Brown "recommended" over the regularly nominated Democratic ticket. The Nebraska City Times editorially recommend? Lake for Congress and farewarns the Democracy to vote for him as he wants to come into our party, to which we have only to say, that he might have had the regular nomination liai he not considered the name Demo cracy too odious to bear. He was afraid or ashamed of it, and deserves DE FEAT! The names of Geo. B. Lake and Richard Brown People's Reform can didates, "recommended by the Dem ocratic State Convention, can have no space at the head of the Register. Wc can commend them too, and we take the opjiortnniiy of recommending their defeat. We hope to see all men defeated who lack the nerve and good sense to to ally themselves with one party or the other. As a Democratic paper, the Register cannot supjort any but Democratic nominees, and if our party makes no nomination for Congress or Prison In spector, wc shall supiort the remnant of the. party to the best of our ability. 31 r. Lake mav be a very good mnn in tentionally. We know nothing of his i personal qualities. We judge from his ! his acts. We arc compelled from force i of circumstances to look tion his politi- cal record as hat of a cheap shyster- in.g, thimble-ringing, over-ambitious beggar for office caring little how he secures it. He now holds an office by Radical ap pointment, and in the face of this wc are told that he wants to come over into-the Democratic party. NO.- '20 Ashland, Sept.. 2i'., 1S7. Dear Herald : Man is but a frail bark upon the ovan of life, and when a circumstantial wave arises and strike him, there it no telling where he will be buffeted or whither he will land. By this time I expected to be at (well, it matters not the place), conning Walker and Blackstone, or reviewing Stephen. Greenleaf, Smith, Bishop, Parsons, etcetera ; but, instead, I have taken up my -thole in the quiet but pro grcssive town of Ashland, for a brief stay : and while here, my time will lie mostly occupied in attending to a rase of a compositor. What idle timo I may have, I will use iu informing myself of the "doings" of Ashland ami vicinity; and whatever of interest I may get pos session of, I will turn it over to the Her ald. Polities seems to be "all the go" here at the present time. It is talked in the streets, on the corners, on store boxes, in the bar-room, in the parlor, in the family circle, and even in the house of God; in fact, almost everywhere. Well. I have no objection to this- The ship of State must have a crew, and an efficient captain at its head. Two indi viduals are now contesting for the cap taincy. Butler has served in that ca pacity, to the satisfaction, I lielieve, of all his constituents ; and should he be re-elected this fall, (and I have no rea son to believe that he will not be), he will serve his constituents and the State for the next two years as wclla s he has in the past. Croxton comes lie Hire us untried. He is said to be a Methodist, and a very pi ous man. He does not believe in saying things against any one in public, that might be said in private with the same effect. He has no opinion of hisown. The party who nominated him resolved that he should not discuss the issues of the campaign with any one of the Re publican party. Mr. (J. read the resolu tion and said it was good, and that he would willingly abide by it. The pious C, or his party if you please, are constantly howling about Gov. Butler being a drunkard and a sot. Right here will tit in the saying pretty well, "a rougue, to catch a rouge." Two years ago they nominated a man for Governor, I know not if he drank, who had thousands of dollars invested in a brewery. That was all right then. "Consistency thou art a jewel," espe cially when it comes from such jewels as these Democratic folks. Now, they have joined no, I will take it all back ; I was about to say they have joined the Methodist church. It is the other way, they would have the Meth odist church join them. What kind of a scheme they will work out for the campa'gn in this State two years hence, I am very much puzz'cd to know. They took the soldier, after calling him a "Lincoln hireling," and every other shameful name imaginable, and made him the strongest plank in their platform. After failing in this, they made whisky the strongest plank ; and now the Meth odist church must be victimized in a like manner. What will they try next ? "The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year." Perhaps the nearest friend one has this time of the year is the fly. It matters not how poor you arc, physically or pecuniarily, or how mean the clothes you wear, they will stick to you only the closer. The waiter of the table askes me if I take anything in my coffe", and I answer her in the negative, when down comes a fly or more into my cup and makes nie out a liar. I think there are more JJying visits made this season of the year than any other. But there is u time when our dearest friends must die, and how soon "cold obstruction overtakes the fly, I care not. Will. Condition of the Kiiffllli Poor. The English Government, as a system, is second only to our own ; and in the power to perpetuate itself unchanged, is, m view of recent events, and accepting the lessons which they teach, more like ly than it to endure, But the contrast of the condition of its lower classes with that of our own, ought to inspire us to every effort to preserve and perpetuate the blessings of one government which prevents here tho aggregate misery there. The Earl of Shaftsbury sketches a terrible picture of the jioorer classes in IjOipIoii ; a picture whose revelation should make royalty tremble on its throne. For it shows a poorly hidden mine of combustible material which a touch would cause to explode with the most fearful and limitless consequences. The noble Earl who speaks .e-ct.:t7i on this subject, says that the next census of Imdon will, he believes, show a pop ulation of neaily four millions, a large proportion of whom are in "sucn a state of social and moral degradation, that, in bis opinion, unless something is done to improve them, the British constitution will not be worth a quarter of a century's purchase:" lie adds, that "when times of trouble come, these lawless classes will emerge from these dens by thousands, and uuless this mass of people be brought under the influence of the Gospel, the great city of Ijoudon will some day pre sent a spectacle of conflagration, plunder, a:il bloodshed that will astonish the world," Such representations as these should animate every American citizen with a deeiier sense of our own superior condi tion, and a more fixed determinntion to preserve the institutions which have vouchsafed such blessings, by condemn I ing and trampling under foot even th 1 n . . I . . 1 . . t iuiij'iuiji uurrupiuju tnat mreaicns tneir t- inc. A short time ago, two carrier pigeons, raised in Cologne succeeded-in traveling from Pesth, in Hunga y, to Cologne, in Germany, a distance of about seven hundred miles, in eight hours. The Hungarian grcetiitg to the people of Cologne had bcen: printed on the w-ings of the pigeons, in order not to embarrass them witli any unncccojaiy weight. THE 11 I.I Y PLATTSMOUTH HER ALE? IS PVKI.KIIli PT IT. D. HATHAWAY, rntToit txn rBontnT.Ht'. -oni.T corner Main and SVoild directs fee- nd etory- TERMS : Daily Slrt.nrt per -f $'i.' per month. BY TELEGRAPH. THE WiLEt.- Tout Cnf lire! ly the Irisstnni. liUN DON" Sept. 21. Tool was captured by the l'iUVshiM at' sunset yesterday, (Friday). Dispatches fioiu Ferriere, near Paris,-to-day, state that thi morning heavy firing and cannonading was heard going on iu Paris. On the til st it was dis tinctly observed frofil the heights that a conflict was in progrrvs,- but AO details have been received; A letter from Paris on the evening of the 2Uth says: There is great danger of a revolutionary outbreak, involving an other change of government. The Reds are furious against the present leaders, and express themselves loudly and defi antly aguiust its representative authority. The evident disposition is to seize the Hotel do Ville as the initial step. A re sistance to their plans wiM bo difficult. It is iniMisMble to what will le the effect of their obtaining control of the government, but the eo pie dread pillage' and assasination. An armistice now would save the lives and property of thousands of citizens. People of a more peaceful order dread Prussians far less than the ruffians belonging to the' lower quarters A dispatch from Gen. Yolkcnscig, at Toul, says yesterday the' town was captured by storm by the Prussians, after a determined resistance. The liombardmont was continued sevcrat diiys, causing gretrt damage to the prin cipal buildings. U was surrendered un conditionally. The following sijmificaut dispatch has just been received: " mm. I . 1 . ft J JitirssKL.s,..eptemier Noon Bazaine lias oflored to capitu late at Metz on condition that he be al lowed to take his baggage and anus. He engages not to take up arms for three months. A telegram from Tours states that tr.c excitement of the governing classes wore overwhelming when they received the intelliirence of the revolutionary up rising of the reds in Paris, and the seiz ure of the Hotel d' Ville, government stores and arsenals. Rumors of the up rising was spread by fugitives from the city, and that continued disorder and confusioii prevails. I t appears that de tachments from the regular army, com prising fugitives from McMahon'n army, made up in most part of Zouaves aud Turcrs, joined the mob in the streets of Pans' and commenced the revolutionary depredations now exciting so much alarm: Generals Trochu and Viner, it i.i said" with a large force of men. from outside : tho fortifications entered the city for the purpose of quelling the disturbance. These troops immediately came iu con tact with the revolutionists and severe fighting iu the stiects ensued, the result of which is not known. Environs of Pans are now in ni:ti from the fiates of Merilly t" J"' Semis. -The buildings in this part of the suburbs of the French capital arc destroyed, with the single exception of the beautiful Chattel erected iu the memory of the-. . ..... i Duke of Orleans. A large nrce ot Prussians now occupy Fontainbleau and have levied francs from the inhab itants. The conditions of the surrender of Toul are the same as those granted to" the French at Sedan. Berlin. Sent, 2.. A report is current in this city in well informed circles, that the Emperor has rcvoked the decree which he issued on the surrender of Sedan, for the revoca tion of the decree creating a Regency as Emperor; that he has, therefore, sent an envoy to Metz to consult with Mar shal Hazainc in regard to terms of peace. This confirms the statement made by Bazaine that he should only treat with the Emperor in reference to peace ne gotiations. News of this attitude of Napoleon has leen suppressed in Berliu as far as possible. There is the greatest anxiety in politi cal circles, inasmuch as there is a strong find influential party here who are op posed to the continuance of the war. The Prussians around Paris are said to' maintain strict discipline. The depart ment? of the Seine ct Vise and Seine ct Manic are now all under their control exceept Paris. liondon, September 20 p. m. The following is given as the probable programme of Thiers at St. Petersburg : Constantinople and the road o India to fo guaranteed to Russia ; Belgium and Egvpt to be guaranteed to France ; Alsace and a part of Ijorraine and the road to Vienna to lc guaranteed to Prussia that is, England, Turkey, Austria, and Bel gium to be innocent victims of the peaxc.- Rome, Septcndier 27. In this city confidence is returning in business circles. The Pope and Cardinals now show themselves in public again. liondon, Scpteinlicr 25. Thiers, after a protracted iuterview' with Baron Buest, left Vienna for St.- Petcrsburg, Saturday. Journals published at Tours concur in' acknowledging that Favre's mission to Prussian headquarters has proved abor tive and declare that the French eople prefer extinction to humiliation. Strasbourg, Toul and Vcrdan, ths- Germans already consider theirs "d de mand they shall remain so, but l-'avre and his colleagues in the Provisional . Government are a unit in the rejection of such demands. Should any terms le reached they must have the sanction of a European Con gress which would meet at Brussels. A journal of St. Petersburg denies that the neutral powers encourage the obstinacy of France, and declares Russia approves of the terms dictated by 1 vussia. "W'AXTKD Everybody to gi t their lilnek- .-tnithiii!? done ut PUlCM-; ic MILLS' Shop, on Sixth street. Fourh of Main, fc'ptcial attention (riven to S,HOEINl. scptdiwtl PRICK A MILLS. fOtt SALK Artory ant a ha'.f hriek lion.-.-. I with out-houses, on an acre l"t euiToiinde 1 with t-hruhliery nnd ldiadc tree. siUo eont.-iininT hearing fruit tree--, ffrape. vines, ct'-. Imitiiie at this offie. or of Joseph Sehlatcr, Jeweler. Main Street, 1'lattMQonth- iipl:M.Vwi.iii 0R SALK The. nuWriWr offer for F ile a valui.lile water power, two miles helow Plattsuiouth, near the Missouri river, w.ili suifieient water and fall with wmnmiial man agement t prouueo power nqnrti to a .! horse power utei.iu enirine; The present owner is en sured in other hu.ines and cannot devoto lit.i attention to the buxtness of milliner, and wilt sell ?aid water power lor feHniilil price. RICHARD VIVIAN. Apply to Maxttlb Sc Chapman. oV-egldA-wt IOR SAiK- OIV RENT The pr.tly be tomttntf i.i l. Marquctl will l.e .-old or rented on rea".ia.ble tenns. The con tains t rooms. Ttire is also larye cistern witli filter. eellfr, a ftaulc, and other eonvenien.-es.-A pply to T. M. M A UQl riT.