Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 25, 1870, Image 2

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i .
august 2. into
to am. Ki:rini.irASs,
A(l4rM of (he Rrpublifan (osrc.
uonal CommiKcc loth I'ltrly.
Review of the HUtory or Hie Iarlj-
IVIitU it A'('iiilik!irl.
IVorU Yet to Iuo Siirrm of
Prcwlful t rant's. A I ml ills trillion.
To the Repul.I: ans of the l'nite-1 -'t:Ues:
Tho Executive aii'l UeiriM.-itive Te
partinonts of tui National 2o; erni;iont,
and two-tliiids of the State Govcm-
. . .. .. .. I,.!,'.-. I i.lll fil!HU!tfn!
Ilii'Jll..-, lia ., ivi ii
irrfveivible guaranties equal political
rights and privileges, they adopted the
Fifteenth amendment, ami as a crowning
act for freedom they provided by law tor
the enforcement of these amen luients
thus newly etinhrined within the Consti
tution, 'lhm the Republicans, against
the sternest opposition, airum-l misrep
resentation, airainst appalling obstacles,
have r.truirled on until the rt-bol States,
reconstructed on the ba--i of impartial
liberty, have been restored, and the sub
lime doctrines of the Declaration of In
dependence made assured and practical
realities. In the progress of the ages it
has been siven to lew, in any or
by any modes, to :;ehieve .1 work so vat
si grand, so benificetit, so sure to bo re
corded by history, and applauded and re-liieiiil-trred
by coming generations.
Having achieved this great work, h liv
ing passed through these eras of its his
tory, the ltepubliean party, entering on
its fourth era, was summoned to deal
committed to your ! w;t, questions relating to the National
debt, the currencj-, finances, and tJX.i-
tion. to reforms 1:1 the nahtarv, naval.
1 -. j. i :
keeping, ouc ti power carries wuu u
gravo reitonsibi'ities. The people, a? is
1 . -ii i i i - . . . - .
their rignt, win nnm you m a sinci ae- arili in-jian service, ami whatever re
eountability lor the exercise of this great mai,,;,,-, burdens and legacies were left
trust. Klcectionsare sooji to be held for j ,y tl0 War. Concerning these qu.-tious
the National IIoux of Representative?. there are apparent diversities of ii.ter
Th.ese elections will determine the po-!, :li,d real difi'erenees of omnium
. f ! . 1 II IT - 1
litieal conip'exion oi tne popular orati'-n
of Congress. Thev will, too, determine
The solutions of some of them are em
l;irracd liv irrave difMetilt ies. Thev re-
the political character ot several State ( (U;rc thui. as well as Hnancial skill and
Governments. And these results will oe I practical statesman-hip for their adjust
accepted as the verdict fit the people
upon the ideas, principles and policies of
h? ltepubliean party, and upon the
measures and charac ter of the National
Administration. To these responsibili
ties, and to the gravity of theso issues,
?our thoughtful consideration is invoked,
u the present juncture it behooves the
ltepubliean party not t forget its origin,
nor its history. Ami 1 the difficulties
that beset it, ami the responsibilities and
lariors, which the needs of the country
i the new and untried condition of af-
ment. Dilferences of opinion ou matters
so recon lire and complex, in an organi
zation ambraciiig so many men of larire
intelligence, trained to habits of inde
pendent thought, expression, and modes
of action, are inevitable. They are, in
deed, to be expected and desired, for
from such freedom of discussion, truth
is elicited and proper modes of action are
deduced. The men, therefore, who
stood so firmly while in a minority, amid
the denunciations, arrogance, and scorn
ot power; tne men who met. the stern
bill is an important financial measure,
which contemplates the saving of inter
ost upon the public debt by the exchange
of outstanding six per cent, bonds for
those of a lower rate of interest, to the
amount of S2o,"00,0) a year. While
a reduction of taxes transfers the bur
den of the. debt from one year to anoth
er, from one ccnoration to another, a re
duction in the rate of interest is an aet
uiil saving to the country, not only for
the nresent generation, but for all time.
And yet theso important mi l beneficial
financial r.ieasores.JSinten.led to lighten
t!;e public burden, received little coun
tenance and support from the Demo
cratic party, whoso respon.-ioiiities for
the war, its losses, its expenditures, its
debts find its taxation, arc large.
Tin: ;i.o;;i'.us xKfoiu ov the party.
Not f initios, buf hich. noble, and
glorious is the record of the Republican
party. History will note it, and the
world will gratefully remember it. In
the light of this brief review of its
achievements, lor patriotism, liberty,
justice and humanity, should not repub
licans, one and all, cling to their grand
organization, rectify its, cor
lect its errors, and keep it true to its
past traditions, and in harmony with the
enlightened and progressive spirit of the
age? So doing may they not perpetu
ate their power until their brnifioent
principles shall 1 ccomo the accepted
policy of the nation ?
Henry "Wilson-.
Chairman of the Congressional Repub
lican Committee
James II. Dlatt, Secretary.
Tai; wak.
The war dispatches are very unsatis
factory, but show
.fairs imposes, it should remember that it j oxiircneies of civil war with such heroic
-was born ot the nation s necessities, ami j courage, who assailed the
thus far it has grandly met the exigen- au,J extirpated the slave
cies lor which u was lurmeu. Having i men who gra;
passed triumphantly through three great ! the perplexin
eras oi us nistorv, it. is now summoned
to enter upon its fourth, (fathering,
therefore, inspiration from past successes,
it should grapple hopefullv and with un
shrinking confidence with the duties of j
.the present and near luture.
Recurring to their origin. Republicans
will remember, when the land was the
theater of a stern and irrepressible con
flict between the demons of slavery and
caste and the spirit of liberty and
equality, when the slave power held great
interests and powerful organizations in
its grasp, and ruled the nation with im
perial sway, that the founders of the
party, instructed by passing events, with
convictions deepened and quickened
by the teachings of history and of Holy
'Writ, and inspired by the deathless
words of the patriots, statesmen and he
roes of our earlier time, ro-e to the exi
genciesof tin hour, opposed the haughty
ambitions the maddening jci-sions, the
cruel prejudices and the disortrnaiziicr
itheories of the dominating majority, and,
although long overborne by nuiabursT
still fctrug-jUid on -am fd jeers, insults.
jnehtf, blows ami assassinations, till, un
Jer the lead of Abraham Lincoln, they
achieved success and grasped the scepter
fi political power.
Entering upon its second era, appal
ling responsibilities at once arose. The
slave masters, in tne pride ami arrogance
of power, instantly plunjred the nation
into the fire and blood of civil war. Rut
the Republican party rose with the crisis.
It raised money in unstinted measure,
.organized vast armies, created powerful
navies, fought bloody battles, crushed
the most gigantic rebellion of all re
corded history, and saved the nation's
Jife. It was then, amid the clash o
arms, that the Republican party saw
that slavery was the relentless and un
;appeased foe of the country, was the in
spiration, the heart and soul of that
civil war, and that its death would be
,the annihilation of the rebellion, the
.unity of the Republic, and the develop
ment of free institutions. Against cow
ardly fears, selfish instincts, and unreas
oning passion? and prejudices it pro
nounced the doom of that hideous and
horrid system of human bondage, though
it was upheld by the aggregated inte
rests of three thousand million dollars,
jiedged about by the accumulated pas
sions and prejudices, prides and ambi-
ot seven gencra'ion?, and
conclusively that the
Prussians are making heavy inroads into
trench, territory. The Prussians are
making a move which will prove very
disastrous to them should they fail in
consummating their designs, but which
"Mama," said an intelligent little girl.
"w hat is the meaning of a book being
i iM-.i : i o uxiru.. j
puiuisiicu in i uuu. if u) t my near,
rcnlied the mother, " it means a book
that will be published in twelve
A rather fast 3'outh was relating the
experience of his voyage across the
ocean to a sympathizing friend. Said
he, "I tell j:ou what, old fellow, there's
one good thing about it though. You
can jret as tisrht as you please every day,
and everybody thinks you are only sea
A ladv of the shoddyocracy of Des
Moines t unl, on returning from a walk,
some small cards on her table. She
called a servant in great haste, saying,
Jr.:.r., .John, take these and run quick:
.i .. !:.. :. i- t u i. i., ii
An Indianapolis German had occasion
recently to bury a large wite, ami so
souabbled with the sexton about the fee.
"Dat ish not a pig grave," said the dis
consolate husband. "Not a big grave?"
responded the indignant sexton ; why
hang it, that s a cellar.
A country man who attended a race
said he didn t see why the sportsmen
should be so particular to a quarter of a
second about the end of it, when they
keep the public waiting half an hour for
the beginning.
A little boy, three years old, who has
a brother of three months, gave for a
reason of the latter s good conduct
"Baby doesn't cry tars because he
doe-n't drink any water and he can't cry
mv mm, boots & shoes,
FOR CUIS'II, after August 1st.
D003I, BRO. fe CO
For He is Too Busy Waiting
on Customers.
One Door East of the Cuurt"Hou?e is tho plate
to cetall kind!) of
lie has fitted up the finest Market in tho State
anl keeps nothing but the best of
Meats. Meats delivered in any
Quantities on spceial
wnl almost comp
army if successful.
A Man
slave power
.'Vsteiii : the
men who grappled so successfully with
and pregnant issues ot
reconstruction, lilted helpless lreedom
to eitizenslrp, exalted tli.-m to the
heights of civil and political lights and
privileges, and made the nation free in
fact as well as in name, should not shrink
from the less momentous and less em
barrassing iuestion now before them.
Patriotism, principle, the continued
existence, reputation and renown of the
Republican party, and a duo sense of
selt-respect and pride of character de
mand that Republicans now, as in the
past, should have faith in their capacity
to carry forward to completion reforms
so auspiciously begun. It came into be
ing as an organization of reform and
progress, and should lie ever ready to
accept t he living issues ol t he hour and
march abreast with the spirit of the age.
Unaided it has fought t lie battles of re
form wit h constancy an 1 courage. Nor
in the work still before it can it hope for
aid from those who still chliS to thi tra
ditions of jhe past', pride thrm
eje!FC3 ort" their conservatism, and who,
during the conflicts of the past twenty
years, have resisted all reform, and
mourned over every effete, ; and hateful
abuse as it felL If there are Republi
cans who are weary of the ascendancy of
a party which h:is achieved sush crown
ing victories, who are tired of the re
sponsibilities of power, and would relin
quish it to other hands, they shoul ro
mcniber that there are none worthy to
accept it. Tor surely they cannot fail to
see that the Democratic party, by its
policy during its closing year:s of its
power, and by its blind and unrelenting
opposition to reformatory measures while
out. of power, even now, as if smitten by
judicial blinddess, refusing to accept the
Constitutional amendments as fixed and
final, has demonstrated its utter incapaci
ty for such a trust.
Accustomed to success even against
fearful odds, and underrating, perhaps,
the intrinsic dilficulties of the pending
issues, many Republicans looked to Gen.
Grant's administration with high raised
expectations. Of courso they have been
impatient, ami not always satisfied with
results. But while their expectations
have not been fully realized in the action
of either the President or of Congress,
much has been achieved, enough, at anv.
rate, to satisfy them that the ditlic i't I -rjir,,
letelv crush the French
They have evidentlv
the best of it so far, with favorable pros
pects ahead. Metz is completely cut off,
and Bazaine has been checked in three
dillereut attempts to retreat. The Pa
ris dispatches are subject to a censorship
which prevents unfavorable news going
rnvirs ov rin: hevoi.j:tso:v.
at tlio
Unsii 'i'uU mill n Wo
nt the Man.
prblenis will be wrniihtxuii-imrA'lil'c
hoped for jeiUcmpTished. Gen.
We saw an illustration of woman's
rights yesterday.
In a certain houue upon a certain
street, a certain man was sweating over
an uncertain wash-tub, for it stood on a
three-legged stool, that looked inelim d
to topple over. His shirt sleeves were
roiled up to his armpits, and his nanus.
were very red and his jhee was very long.
We saw him puil up from the hot, steam
ing suds, a certain garment that sug
gested a woman's most sacred article of
apparel. As he held it a moment in the
air, it seemed to us that his lips moved in
imprecations; and we are quite sure that
when it went back into the tub it went
with a little more force than duty to the
garmnt rcouired, though it must be
confessed it showed very visible effects of
the terrible heat and wretched dust of
dog-da' service.
A woman sat in the window, and from
her general appearance, which was that
of one waiting for clothes to be washed,
and from the dogged manner in which
she was observed by the man at the tub,
we concluded that she was none other
than the wife of the martyr, who, in
stead of keeping her bed, as would have
been most modest and appropriate, had
been constrained to come forth, on ac
count of rebellion on the part of her
little man.
Her face, which was stern an uninvit
ing, was resting on her hands, and her
hands were supported by her elbows rest
ing on her knees. Her position in the
window brought her feet about twelve
inches from the floor, and well into view.
They were not by any means delicate,
and were covered by a pair of cloth
gaiters, considerably down at heel and out
at toe, winch it is sale to say were pur
into service before the first 3X),()00 men
who responded to thejjaU-iotio-'ralT'of
Father Abxaham-. ,Th'e pedestal appen I
On Monday, Augusf 1st,
nun-, .i net i-it M'-'iH'1 ion.-, .ni'i ijj- UFrnrn, came ih"o oinee nitMireu to main- i '
iwt lltiitu niiiuu iiir, ,-vuai,-l-JiM nui nun lu;ii;ilO 1 11IJ pUOilC IU1U1, reU!lCC
vcc!csajitfcleTsnirization and a.Tui it ions i tho national debt, diminish taxation, an- i
lie t;:ii'Cd tlteiii
nervously together a - n tuey were ite!i-iir-z
for exercise' upon the man sweating
of "life. Iy a series of executive and
legislative ac ts it broke the chains an I
lifted from the depths of chattlohood. up
to the summits of manhood, four and a
halt millions of hapless bondsmen, and
..sood before nations with their riven iet
ters in one hand and their title deeds to
jfrctido-u in the other.
TliK TUiiin E.t..
The war ended, the rebellion subdued,
i-Ui bondmen emancipated, the Republi
can party entered upon the third era of;
its eventful history. Th-vigh eomjuered
b arms the rebels did not accept the
just, humane, and generous ideas of the
victors, nor did thv return to their
proper allegiance and ioyaity to the Gov
ernment, but still bemoaning the ''lost
cause," they remained unsubdued in
will and unrepentant in spirit and pur
pose. Though made free, tho bondmen
were homeless, without property, with
out employment, subject to the cruel
laws against free people of color, which
had always disgraced Southern legisla
tion, and in tho midst f a people exas
perated by defeat and maddened by
their loss of power still longer to hold
and oppress. Property was swept away,
industry disorganized, society disinte
grated, and States were without lawful
Upon the Republican party devolved
ihe tak of reconstruction. To its in
trinsic difficulties were a iled the intense
hostility of the ex-rebels, the lingering
.. l: I 1 1 t . 1
preiu'iico iun. fiitt-miny i ev ine s.ave t
system, the timid counsels of conserva
tism, and theapostacy of the F.xcvutive.
Great interests and powerful comhiua
lions sought to so reconstruct the South
as to place the power in the hands of the
late slaveholding class, and leave the
helpless freed iron in the abject condition
of practical serfdom. Seldom in history
has there imposed upon any body of men
a work of greater magnitude or difiieulty.
The Republicans misht have shrunk
4 :
f rrTtt an.! r,ni'lt1 if 'Pltov iv;rn cnmli.
V tempted to do so. Rut they resisted the
temptation ot ottieial power ami patron
age, the threats of Executive dictation,
and all other adverse influences, and
with sublime fidelity and courage ad
dressed themselves to tho herculean
task. To aid in reorganizing disordred
4 industries, caring far, protecting, and
instructing the emancipated bondmen in
': he new duties of their chanced condi-
(i tion, the Republicans established the
Freedmen's Bureau, which, by the wise
i 'i expenditure ot a tew millions of dollars,
"j dicf an incalculable work for order, peace
) and th rehabilitation of Southern soci
4 ety. To reconstruct rebellious States on
I the solid basis of equal rights, they gave
"i puffrage to the freedmen in the recon
, ptrnction measures. To secure citizen
Jtj ehip and civil rights to a wronged and
t" hatel rare, they proposed and adopted
'1 the Fourteenth amendment, and enacted
' i the bill of Civil Right-. To establish bv
prec-iate me currency, retono at.uses in
the civil and military service, and main
tain order in the States lately in rebellion.
Ry the combined action of ihe President,
the Heads of Depai tin-'iits, Congress and
t!ie tlenaial of the Army, many abuses
have been corrected and many reforms
inaugurated. President Grant's Indian
policy is bringing forth e vidences of its
justice, its humanity and its wisdom.
Ihe iirm, just and gonerous policy ot the
.Aununisiration toward tiie urates lately
in reLclIicm has brought much f order
am.lseeurity, and crimes h ive largely di
minished. In the interests of economy
the services of thousands of employees,
both civil and military, have been dn
pensed with. The currency has been a p
predated in value bj tens and scores of
millions of dollars, and the national
c redit has been largely strengthened.
Without any increase in the articles
subject to taxation or in the rate of tax
ation, the revenues of the fiscal year end
ing .;oih of June. Ks7, were nearlv
,5;;ro,niM,Oid, against less than $:J71,
IMM.IMM for the year ending -loth of.Juie,
ISio, showin a gain of nearly 6"S,ox,
O'M. (bithe otlier hand, the ex ponces
ol the fiscal year, lS7i. were less than
tho-e of IstVJ by more than ;?".).() n).(ii),).
thus showing an increased revenue an! j
saving in expenditures of more than j
;?o7,0 M.ooO in the first fiscal year of J
Gen. Grant's administration. In the!
last, sixteen month i of Air. Johnson s
adiuinistiaton he removed all Republi
cans appointed by .Mr. Lincoln and oth
ers who adhered to the principles of the
Republican party, and appointed Demo
crats where he could do so. The char
acter of the appointments, and the do
moralizing influence which Ids opinions
and conduct had upon them, were seen
in me loss ot scores ot millions ol dol
lar of revenue in those years. The
large gain in the collection is mainly due
to the determined and avowed purpose
of Gen. Grant to secure an honest ad
ministration of tho revenue laws, and
the appointment of Republicans to of
fice earnestly devoted to his economical
During the recent session of Congress
taxes have been reduced more than I
$7,O:M,0a The taxes have ben re- !
moved from transportation bv canals an 1 1
railways, from sales by dealers and man
ufacturers. The income tax has been
reduced to two an! a half per cent, on all
incomes above $2.K'0; and it is to ex
pire at the end of two years. The tax
on tea has been reduced from twenty -five
to fifteen cents per pound ; on coffee
from five to three cents, and the fax on
sugar and molasses has been reduced in
We did not remain long in sight of
such a scene. Such thing-, have been
suggested to us by reading the Jiccolutt-m
and the )Voii"fi'r..oiiiiiuf, and we hid
even heard of their existence in noigh
j boring States; but we -lid not dream
j there was su.-h slavery in Iowa, much les
j in the free and rl'i king tuwn of Sk.uc
Just as we were withdrawing, howeve
another act in this life drama was per
i i' l T.. ., ...... l i.:, i. i: i
I ic'iuicu. i sc'iii'" hush ii, iiicii e u. i
the!;;!- Tible. stool iravo war
and the dependent tub, and the abomin
able slid-, and the do- n- Mii.-titiiiing
the wash, went over with a crash and a
floor ! The woman
ss upon the hapless
victim of a man. and taking one of the
terrible gaiters from her terrible feet,
she proceeded to give him a scientific
The man's erics, as he danced around
on tip-toe, exhibiting now and then at
the window a countenance which for ex
pression of agony we never in all our
life saw e.Ual!e I. excited mir serious ap
prehension, and we started off on a run
f'.r the police.
We were not successful in fin-ling an
ottieer, and when we returned nad an
hour afterward, the woman, was engaged
among the ruins and the man wa no
where to bo seen. lie was probabb
locked up in some dark room to go with
out his supper. Sioux City JounxiL
KkirniisliiuK by tbs Pnm.
Napoleon withdrawing his infantry
from the seat of war sending the little
Prince to his mamma.
The trick of Louis Napoleon in mak
ing Ollivier the scapegoat for the disas
ters of the army was in perfect keeping
with that old lox s past policy.
Lost, stolen, or mislaid, a French
Prince. 11 vears of aire, of tranouil tem
perament, wears red trowcrs, and car-
lies a bullet in his pocket. Was last
seen going home from a baptism of fire.
Is supposed at Paris to be in Metz ; (is
supposed at Metz to be in Paris ; is sup
posed at other places to be in .London.
Any information concerning him will be
received with the greatest indifference
bv the Corps Legislatif. Xtio York
The question whether the Franco-
Prussian war will be long or short is not
so doubtful as it was. The "short,
sharp, ami decisive programme now
stands by far the best chance. The next
birthday of Napoleon I. will not be cele
I rated in Rerlin perhaps not anywhere
Napoleon wrote with his own hand
that the French army went at Saarbruck.
Wewondc r if the' laughed at Weissen-
burg, llagenau, or rsancjr-
Tfce-ift downfall of the Bonapartes
SLcntc. Sfe ilSTor ftf Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions,
places, is sure in tne long run to be over
taken by punishment.
The Pittsburg Commercial suggests,
relative to Louis Junior, lately "bap
tized," etc., that he probably was sent
back to Paris to prevent the Prussians
brushing that baptismal ceremony by the
laying on oj hands,
When the Germans are jollifying over
the rhocpss of their MMintrvmen. thev
should not forget to toast in foaming 114 AOinopf vfrkIr r fZnrric in il-r llfnef T
3t friend of German unitv ACXVtCOt VI UUUUO 111 UIO II Wl 1
Highest Trices Pii il for
KIIEEP. etc.
Don't Forget the Place,
Morrison's "Shoo Fly.'
Heath's Patent Bored
rut annum imp cminty m t;u. ,,.,.(
t I I a v. i ck ii
and t'roiu i 1111 LI
siXTY-xrxE t;f (htm wrro
of lui.-k-?:uul.
in t!.
"r.-t li'ai.t
THIKTV-OXK of tin-in wri-i. m-i.'o j ,,..,
where the oH s!yH "Jiii- . lh'- ,:,. ,1, .,..
i!lly j-laynl out. '
Their own rei.utiiti'v'jin.l Ilia iiiiunimoin cr
Uict ol the eo.Uv f Vue County
Attests llieir Ierit.t.
A 1. Outfit N now in o(. oration for th
a.nmiiol lass County, in cluuvo ol'
Vel' cuiiruntee.l tofurni-Ii ainj lo sui i 1
ot wattr, or ihe money reluii lcj.
frices ssaul Torzias.
yclU lion-.l. tul.e.l :m 1 fnt. l ii
water-r-all coii:i!ete.iiil Kiiar.iuti
row ii (
One Zo!!ar per foot.
Ouic-k-.-;lll.l neII.-( ?". cti:i one e.o liH.
the eountry blinds to bo lioanlr-l
I. 'In
1 Uollitf
Will flnmmpnrp tn rlosft out tfiir Stonl nf ITALIAN AND AMERICAN
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, h ONXJME N TS
We propose to make achange in our
Business, and will positively sell our
etc. at Cost for Cash.
1'A OLE-TOPS, .( C
Furnished promptly and nenlly at tlie
lowe.-st prices possioie.
Warrant Satisfaction.
MEKiiKri k UlU)..
Main street near 6th St.. riutt-mouth Xel.
sjdadi upon the
jiioiiK-d like" a ti:r.
lager, the best friend of German unity
IjOuis JNapoIeon. lie banished petty
jeaioasies, buried sectional diuerences.
and made the Germans throughout the
world one people.
The superintendent of the census, at
Washington city, sa3's that he will have
full returns from the States and Territo
ries by the 15th day of September, ex
cept Texas and Oregon. By the first of I
September he will be able to State the
population of all the large cities of the
country except San Francisco.' His esti
mate of the population of the country is
40,500,000. All the large cities will fall
at least 20 per cent, below their sti-j
mates, according to the'data in his pos
We have before noticed that an effort
was being made by the people of Brown-
villc to Fecure the continuation of the
Red Oak and Hamburg branch of the
1. & M. It. II. to that city, and the
A'hcrtiser seems to think there is now
"no doubt" as to the building of the
line. We copy the following from the
Advert i.w.
"The prospects of the B. Ft. & P. B.
Ii. were never more tiattcrinp. The of-
iieo w ork of the corps of engineers is be-
ing rapidly brought up, so that the work
of "throwing dirt" will soon be com
"Col., President of the O. M.
and P. R. . is now in Missouri oppo
site u, making arrangements lor speedy
work on this end of the road. There is
now no doubt as to a branch of the B.
it M. 11. 11. from Hamburg, in Iowa, to
Brownville. Tho great through Central
liaiiroad enterprise moves I
No Rents and no Interest on Borrowed Capital
io oe maae on Lusiomersi
statiom: ii ii-
Perfumeries, Hair Oils,
North aid f Main Street, between Second and Third, takes pleasure in announcing to
thai he has the largest and best selected stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
ever brought to the city of FlntUmouth.
lie would say that he can fill orders as cheap as any house we?t of Chicago. lie bays
Direct From Manufacturers
and hos no middlemen's profits to add to his goods. lie does busine ss Ion OWN CAPITAL nr.d
in his own buildinc consequently ho lean eive his customers the nriccs of rents and interest'on
inTesiuieni in iuc way oi
Latest Publications.
Preseriptions carefully comnoundiMl hv an at.
rr ci ceil i j ru irv I sr
Remember the place, opposite Clark i 1M um
mer . I'lattsmouth. Nebraska.
It will cost yon nothing tn look at them, whether you buy or not. By examining "the prices
Acuaoie you win oe auie 10 ten wnen oincr particn cnucavorto swinule you. jyoutt
at ins
Open Every Iay.
Music andDance every Sunday
Henry Siert & Co.
mlpt4f Bar Keepers.
Weeping Water, Neb.
1 ha urst aiuantc
Adam's in K lcn.
The most difficult thin? to remcuiLer
t!io poor.
A great Tcnffai:trt,.-5 of Etryi -t Isis.
A preat l!es.-itig to this cottnlry Ice i.
Tho oiitleiuan who desired a small
vatcriti2-j'!nce tor the hot montlif
liecn otJiTOti t!'.o i oitia:i of driver
one of our sprinkling e irts.
A lady who was n t a Shakopei ian
sdiolar, hearing the "Merry wives of
Windsor," liiuhly pr-ii-ed, iiiqaircd how
lnanv wives Mr. Wiud-or had.
Here is a profane conundrum, fur
which the Imlrpe.i.leiif is respn.-ihle ;
What is thediffereii.-e between temptation
and eternity ? The one is a wi!e devil,
and the other a de il of a w hile.
A "supply"' one prnye l for an absent
pastor, referrin.r his arrival in
land as "wor-.d.ipini (iod in a foreign
land, where the luncmne is the .-auie,
but the accent different. "'
A younjr penflman in Lo-.iisville is
advertised to marry :iCrc: ki:iri'l rc cotintj
bvilo in Mammoth (?ave. Tiiis (says an
exchange) looks like running matrimony
into the ground.
An exchanee f-ays : "The publica
tion ot a recent, volume on the water- i
ot Reliable.
The war dispatches sent from Paris
are very unreliable, and appear to be made
up for the especial purpose of making
capital for the French army. The fol
lowing is a fair specimen :
"Paris, August 19. Tn the Corns
j-iCgiMutu 3-esteruay, ount raiiKao saia
it was certain that the Prussians had suf
fered severely in the late engagements.
their center being especially crippled.
They tried to retreat to St. Michael, but
wi re unable to effect a iunction with the
Prince lioyak The entire regiment of
cuira-sers, under rismarck were totally
It is rather amusing to read such sen
sational items 33 the closing paragraph
of the above, especially when it is con
sidered that Bimarck is notin the field;
is not, in fact a military man, and would
command a larger body of men than a
rrr;mrnt of cuirassers if he were in the
field. Bismarck is the man of all others,
that the French would like to see "de
stroyed." but they will have to wait a
lung time before that desire is consuni-
General Merchandise,
We take great pride and pleasure in
announcing a universally conceded fact. the delet'iirlon from Nehama county
in the lat tate Convention luJIy sus
tained the time-honored characteristics
of delegates from this county, for prac
ticability, work, honor, standing, unity,
tact in fact all essential requisites.
w lien she voted, somebody received
eleven solid votes ; when she promised,
.ho lived up honorably to all obligations ;
when she could not get just what she
wanted she did tho "7izf best thing''
like the "colored troops," she "fought
! nobly. Jjroicnvtle Advertiser.
lir. M n ,.4 CIO illl'l fl'l t,n. - ..... . . IT
.. ,u,n!.,iit...v-i.1HM1...,r;,,i,mUi. ; ot .Maine, induces Horace tree- i
I5y this reduction ol taxation the in lu- I Jey to undertake a -cries of articles of - - .--
tries of the people and the necessaries : wjiat iiC tu.vs about dams. The arti- The cost of running a steamer a round
of life have been relieved of burdens j (.e he in his cus tomary style, and I tr'P between this country and Europe ii
amounting to millions The funding j will, no doubt, exhaust tin :nbieVt. " j M'd to he $42.0 in greenbacks.
Western Insurance
Of Buffalo, HTcct Yoi-Ii.
such as
Wo are Agents for
Willcox & Gibl3 Sewing Machine,
Thich is undoubtedly the best Machine now in
SC. Mliirl'J UMtf.
"270271220 Cash.
. ";!iioniMr p.irtii-s (Ic.irinir it a note f,,r
ono-hiill will In-taken tor '.iri i:i nil nl. iit-n a , nh iiitt ri -tiil 1U ht ct iil. limn il.iit.
Pun ie wi.-hiii(r t will .1 mm .ifcuiiiiiKMlr I
liy li'itv Uiu tln-ir ur'l.r." :il the 1 1 ji r.l v i : . St.,r
of C Jv . .M 1; K , r .i-l.ii '--iiiK mo j i i:m lo
Very Re.-ei-t.fully,
B- F. DifTenbacher.
July Till, l vTO.d.l w t f
Weeping Vatc r c I) rao k a.
di:am:i:s in
Dry Goo.1,
G roirrits,
Hunts, an 1 S'iincs :iml C:ii.s.
Ap rii'iilhir:il Ini"liiin nN of nil kind-', We-rind
'i X I' i'ull ivatoi'H. 1 iiinii I'tn ii I'hintiT-,
Graiiiit'ioiir mid 1 Yini-rOni IMuw-. A c A n.n-'i
witutn. nil of which we ulliT ti itiu iiitiliia tit tl.e
u c.-t retail in ifcs.
All Goods Warranter'
As Represented,
0;ir constnnt iiim will Ik- - II i-n lnw''
it will In" t. I hi' iu-ii i vc U'l vii nr i.l f i iv
mrr in tin" w sii-rn iiiid .-.i i ton u ( jf
fim nt y to make thi llieir head, n.n Iit- lur Irad-
mir. H KI.K. HUMS.
ViTidiK Water, f t. l'.'i.
it t We riri- n l- ai nt- lur .M iwcrn. I! .n (. r.,
and Tlirui'hini; Machine..'. a.7ll
Tootle, llanna &. Clark,
milti and Will r Coin,
U.ft. and other tUm'Ls.
Di afts drawn on nil part of i1;r
and Europe. Di po.-ili rei i ive I, :
tention given i, collecti ins.
lid fn
al Mt-
Plattsmoutii, Neb.
JOSI I'U .s I3I.ATi;St
i)i-:.i.i-;it in
Wiitcliea. Clock-and Jewelrv ri I. aired nrr.tlv
ind with di pati h.
Xi ) . It euio veil to onnosite I'lattr Vnlli v ld.u
Main Street. nov. ill w tf.
Oct tla.o Best.
I 5
u m mm Vl.
Capital Stock, Cash, $300,000.00.
lt. Ca.h in hand and in Bank
2d. United States Bonds, market ralue
3d. Loans on call bearing interest
4th. Bonds and Mortenees
5th. Manufacturers fc Traders Bank Stock
6th. Chicago. Rock Island & Tacific R. R. Stock...
7th. Bills Receivable ....
8th. Due from other Companies
9th. Salvages and Reclamations (actual ralue)
10th. Accrued Interest not due
Total Liabilities..
Net Assets
Leas Capital Siock
.8 H0.5T5 37
2r.() (HI
4't.lKM (HI
5.170 m
. 51.439 25
. ".V,.oi4
.. 3UJ.000 00 j
Years. Not One Has Failed to Give
MMITOB JUILLSI Entire Salisfaclion.
ON TIIE I univeiisama' ackxowli:i;;i::
SOUTH WEEPIN0 WATEB The Best Cooking Stove Made,
And wherever known they
Net Surplus
Ktatament filed with Auditor of State
Clerk of CaS county, . ebr&slta.
Offie ia Leonard's Kew Boildinr, riatMmouth.
, S255.P14 &S
Certificate of Authority and statement filed with County
South Side Main Street. - - Number 9.
XXXX At$2.50persacL
XX FLOl'R 2,00 per SACK
Bran & Shorts 70ctsperI00lls.
Jran & Shorts Extra Good 1 ,00 per 100 lbs
orn Meal 1,2-jcts per hundred pouncJa
as usual.
tS'heat and Com ground on Toil
Special paina witl be taken to tatiufy all who call
10,000 Bushels of Wheat ac
20.000 Bushels Corn
vVm. K. SHELDON Aeoni.
For Unif'irmity in liakintr.
t 'it J'.eniioiiiy in I f i o u.-e f.f Fuel.
t 'T Llura li 1 !iy aiei ' :i venii ne,
AiiJ their jierfect iifliij tn tion t tlio
Sen l for price li.t. to
E. T. DUKE & CO.,
PI.ATT.-M01TII. - - . vrii.
Millmary and Dress Makin
Mrs. Kennedy &. Lockart
and line aa.-ort
"Will erCU this week a l:iri
ment of
And are prepare! to nceomodate all ohl eutom
ers arid a- many new ones as will favor them
with th' ir patron i?''.
. ".A" k'nd.i f SKWIXi; done neatly. E.c-
iM;i-tion piven nr no i li.irjr..
Ma5'1. jjlrexf. Oppofite the JJrooks Houw.