Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 25, 1870, Image 1

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rsir-y. tr".ir-.i- v-s-w.-.i.!-.t
'I Id I. 1 A. a ft
FL ATT 3"0UTIi K T. 7: A L 11
i. ii i" T-n-. ,, y
11. 1 . I ..'I 1 I A W '.
Ml!-I !i vii .'I ' l I! ti"l".
13 ruruiPitr, wr.;:tiv cv
1 1 11) HATHAWAY,
,;. . r..-a .vr i-..:. i:.7.iR.
TLi.Si J: V." -lily. Sit.'rO per acnum If l-c 1 1 in
!! IviOl' - if i't pail in u.Ivance.
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VOL. 0.
-Io y ;! ti-; . r -n. .
1 it : ,
.JOHN '! AF1,M.
n 1 1 r ( i ; i : i . - n r i x ; i : x t :
Foil iFoYFUXoK:
Foil TllFA-FKF.K:
lEN'ilY KOE.NKi.
J. M. MrKE.N.n:.
i :t TronxKV
c.j.oiUiK II. ILOI5EUTS.
.1. C. CuWl.N.
Foil PltlSON IN.-I'F.CToI'.:
j-i i'i isi.u v pLvrxroKJi.
', .''" i:.i,-',,rr,i rru---f the y"'f i
i.'mmi On- i i i 1 1 -. f i - i i:an. ! :!'! ia
!':; !..:;::::;;.'.;"; V..;Vl .it,.,. liVn.
, , :w::lX
i. hi ii-iarn. .-.-'.
.ii..l v.- !.r!.n.:.v-ti-l'.r.-; tlic A-l- j
..: i'.. ; u i.: t;. ..ia. Hid c'i'iih n i
, . ..! .,! ! ii- .f .- ' a : .n- M:;t- an. I
. , . . -ii- riu-l 1 .i.,y 01 !!.; I in
. .. 1 ,,t ih' ' vi tmii. nt : I1..11
'' ill ti'.n :oi il..ei.r n.i-at ..f
. '.. . . : iiii.l. iii..ivi' all P.r us "..n-
. :.. . ... ..i.j:t.-;-iiiie a-la.-r-a.-c e the gstat
- .'ii... 11 :oi I " in:i l ay.
. ,:n :.i tin' .-U Ml !.r..."
. i:-n-tily -vie .e !i:.e '.v it ii ihf i o-
.... . 1,1 lii.-ir li'ii.u- e!"l..ri-i t rir-
, ... ... tcirit- ry w,i. 'a rin'itiully t.e-
1 ', '. . 1.,. unit thai v..- ih..ii.-U tiitf li'-.'.'
. ,,. ... . ; li will wiiiii ?.- tin- il -ic at uf
, i . . :. a. -.. 1 . in tin-sm r. ! ii.niK' 0 li'if ty
; ' , , ,', 1 : 1.1 .-xti-n . tin- il.anipi"!i "t' a
, 1 j., I in oM-r tlic .-oil of uu r.vii'lui,;
' ' 1 ' ; ! , ,. p. ;irti!y ii, lie- 11. ti.-ll
; .1. 1 1 L' r.--. 1 .1 .f.. cIlUK t'O' TV -
,1 , . .', , ; i . i:-.l..i' '! t i.a I. iii- in. .:i tin
,, .';.'; i - i .-u 1 1 - i.i tin- Lite r.-l. .ili.'t' ati'l
,. .. ; . , .- i - fill tie r r.-liu-t i"ti. .-..mi
........ . ; . -. ,1 . on-i-i en t ty wiili the pre-
. , ',.. ..; ; .l, III- plilll Illl l . Tf'lit.
. t r.:.1 !X. j
.V ;; ; SrX !' I
: : 7 . r :V. . o:;;.1;' A.'su i; wa - Vi : -rt
... - i -in.-; iiv. nil.. a :;t l inn
: ',; 7..' fi r tlii-i'iiui'..'-'-'-I' -! t iiih-
. . . 1.- . i . . i
,.. . i.,i hi. ...... .l ti..' .-tat i- .--ci.ttt!
,,, i ; . i -. I. Sneitui-iiil lu-iri.t. e.-iii-.
.... . i. a: . 1 i- .'.ii.:ii . !!!. "un-
,. , ,! t.. r.i.i ... ait in sai.l
i i1., - , iv li- ill 'lie- s.:. ti- i:.H.VIi)ti,.Il.
. - ...e !;.!'.: l. r.'t -. .-';-:! c-oiuity
. - , : -' '' .!"'. '--' -v"
, ' . .! ,. r -tc-. iaui.'4-e"t.ty 1 l-i i:e.
.1 lUli-iiua .-. Vol. ti.'iiiity one
!!. 1. lIATHAVv'AY. CU'u.
i.i' - i" t.- i'. i" '- . '; r.x'i'iox.
i-. y. 1, 1 ii .1 i.-a:." CiiiiviT.t'i.ei of I'.e F.e
. . ..; ;.- i ioitv. hel l nt Wct-ientt
. :. ,..,:i ft..- . ,.i .lay of St-.a.-m!.. r. lv...
.... :.i . i . , . ; u r of oil" oVI.,.k r. M..
.... .1 ,io..-iu. o.H' e;t;.!fli.!- tor
.', - ...... t i-.iu. ii,! at.-.-''".-ia-ii;:-i;--ot
,. !, p. j, , -cutaiiVc-s, 'II-.' .'..' - 1 i .1 1 f
li-- !. II-! I ' tiie 1 -l 'ii -I:'!' t. tl'
. i. .1 .i p -at, .- t.i r pio-t-iU t':i.i--
,i 1 jil-t r:- t. v. n! .mi to
' ' .. : ' : !'-.- ;ih of ...-;.n-;:il...T.
.' '. ,-, ,. , r:. ... ii .a -.i.-ii !il.-iih--:; may
' ,. : , .: :!. J..t.v i,:i"ii. At ail
' , t jo-.-'-u-ei-- v.iil i.eii.titte 1
I ..p. : ... .
' 4
s ?: i !. ii tin. .ii'V. n-ut pi . ints
'. ,.,, . , : .i-t'e- '!" !!!! of
,..r il fi of 1: .1 I in-' vice-
:,t t!ic h'.ur of
pre. .11
.;,'; , the K;h day -l
i o:v. C. l .! .-'.
I -A Ai" . I FKs. it.HEM Vf-
.:. v. on ;a:it?i.i.XTr.
! ..e-.-.i;:.' o-to'Ts of this coun-,.'
i.i variably arrayed
on the slle of Napoleon in
.; - bu on bcv.gcii that
. t. ;t. . j.- .(--ily t-f Germany,
i ! f iif ats of this country
., T t . e; . ti their eyes to the
i , i il... ouitig, ad he-.-cd
;: I
' :i ''-
1 :.
-. " rt ).,. d.-i .'.(A, iua;
. , , . I
:. r .i toe t.erman paper i
" ....I. . i ' I
.- . u... a l
. .jl ; " ,'.r '.)' alwavs having
" - " . ' ,. .
. . ' ! ;- I,,- iemoe;a,tie
. ... .' ...1,. tV-v I li ieoi iat GtT- 1
'" . , 7-'. 1 ... . I.,.,... ,W.,I
. i- ! ' ' co l.!'1- h-IV" I
e ....-., it as iii- pi'oc.atmer ol ;
. ,- 1 n.i.-, ., -. :u- 1 the .leten ler
. i.i '. th--y have alway.
; - , , 1. 1 l e tlfii- friend, led
1 i i'-. t' I ib 1 many profession- of
: . 1 v. 1 i b have vo ' lien appeared
'i i,;.;j, 1; l-.ow.-v er. .-ccn.s to be er
, . 'j -e -;'".'.'. s nee the cm
i : :.,e H--..1 . f the ';; r bet v. c en ermany
j i'.. In- talvn a po.-ition, so ut-
f.'i !v on" -i b d. th ,l it very diiiicult for
. 7 7-1 Destai --its la Febave in the :in
,.-ip .. f (I.e e iitor. 'L;us gentleman
i'.b-s .- to 1..'- '' 'i ' the "des- j
l'' It' 'i.7777 7; V , sV.3;hf,w'
a - an e.lib alLiiirm- of
.'(V ."', and di-clo-
- 1
ii i-. -poie, ty sayiut:
that be w:.l u.ver "."'-' " '".' J"t
,';,, . . : t' tntu trf .-t.'c
. .... - ' (.;.( 'io ' u' -'ii'i r,'rn:."
1 -e iii,,; tba' tlii- war is an unju-t
... e a:; i: e -id-; of I'v.-'-b', that it i only
it,-. I 1 -.- ii.e . bbl. Plot ive.-of King
W-,,. at; Ri !:. U-. li. a:. I pi'oj he-ies
1!. 7 7Yv. a su -.'.- !':! vnr, tit German
i .: . 1. ....... i . in.aii'i. ... nior"
7 '77,':V7'7 'than' He does not j
;- ci: :', 1. lb -r. iti ing thi , he
"!; ale I.-i!::-..i irtiion with
i a l'i ittn
.,f v hich they
t' e ' ..- -t ' . L'i's. and tneir
- h ib.v hav.- dec'ared
1 1 ... 1 .
i. i-ia iig a i.,a:,;.er. lie still
a 0
;. ( iv riiiati- t--' oeii -ve 1:1
: coii-
t '.a.. 1 -IO II s ci liis i.jj
t regard.
v.b'le :,r ro t sa::ie time he -i lc totally
v.-':e .', ..: :- ibe GeiL.pni prosperity
cV-T h i 1.
i.i: ; t b iv.; all pos-il do r gai-l tor
p- --I...-.! oi.i'il .11 1 cannot po--ib!y be
::. V" that
. P
-,.f a D n ratio pa
s', i- cau be s - ."at an admirer of a des
it, vTi M-t h. tivit in bis a imiration he
. ; , .... t-;d p..- t!i" gi. ;.t numberof
.; : t ) bi-owii po.:t; party,
1 - ha ! tit" gi-- i'esl ; -; ee
a v -11:
'., hi .. :.ii ! iii- i-mr.. .1. V.'iiat ti.eri si
li i.i liis -:a:r!y i this
I. .-. .; ,,. :. j!. . pu. ii t in a manner
which i:m-t ho oi:' i.-ive t.- ai! Gennaiis
ail 1 iu-i.'V sr, to tieftuatl Democrats?
Or. MI1! :r I , . vs tb-.t h-a is meeting
widi a tivat d.-d f oppo ition. He
his I,... to'd, thitt I.V h.i- c..ute he ii
(bivina !Vom tho ranks of hi party uiany
m-n ib-it l ave .-tood I
.--re i.r vears.
tho !.,. 1- !n., 11 others from
'"'.m"-' 'b.-!--.u7- lb' v ' e'i'-vo the
mncratie party oppo-ed to th. ir e:o-e,
led to thi- bebef by the po-ition occupied
by the Jirahl. Knowing all tlii", ho
-i!) krops on in the tr:!n, confiriniriir
thrt lelici'thut there mu.-t Lc a t-eciet
morivK for his course.
Wicit then ari the (jrniHn TeIuo(r.'lt
to helieVL'? Kadi'-al v ire-pui'.ers a-ert
that the times of have re u:u.
that the party, so opposed to Coreij.iitM'.
has revivc-1 aiiil fin is realy chaiui'io:i
in I eniocratic h-a'lers.
Sen-ihle men will .soon dotoot the mo
tive from which the-e a ertion- a! i-e.
aii'l which lay at the hottom of th-j ra li-
eal synifiathy lor th (rermaii cau.-e
1 Jut still th.ey mu-t a 1'iiit that the course
taken by Dr. Miller is a strange one.
U hen theanti-l' article, fir.-t a p-
pea rd, I and others tried to defend hi-
po-iti in. helievin that h; wa. nn-ii lv
expresinr lii.s personal views an 1 hoping
to see the Jlt'i-niil heeome le-s o-tt-nta-t'ous
in its Xapoleuni-in. I'at these
hopes have hoen in vain.
Will the eiliror of the Ilrnihl eorreet
me if I am wrong? I -hah he fe'lail if
he proves me to be mi-taken.
Mr. Lewis Wcin-tein is not the only
(J .nan I)emoerat that has eii'leavored
to ueteiid ati'l account lor the ueHucu
French smell of the Den.ocratie press of
country, neither is he the first one
tliat lias heen compelled to acknowlctlsre
the "s-tran-'eness oi the course iar.stiei
hy these th-mocratie editors. It is not
the democratic papers, alone that take
po-ition on the French side, hut It is the
entire Democratic part'. We a-k our
Herman friends to note the fact that,
while every llepuhliean paper iu the
country favors Germany in this st nitride,
and nearly every llepuhliean convention
lias pa.-scd resolutions of sympathy with
Germany, not a single democratic paper
nor a sinir'e democratic convention ha
heen found to utter a word in favor of
Germany; hut many of the party papers
have taken open and hold iMoiin h- in f i-
Vor of Napoleon. Leading tlerii..a.- a'l
over the country are pond.-riag over this
tl.ey are beaming to yet the
scales on tiieir eyc 111 l'eai to UiOllern
From the proceedings of the o called
labor reform convention, 1k-M in f)i:iaha
recently, we discover that Judge (Int.
II. Lake has been cho-cn for their candi
date as member of Congress, and the
Omaha 1 mh! .-ays he has accepted the
nomination. This bein the fact, we
take it for granted that Judge Lake will
resign his po.-ition as Judge of the Sec
ond Judicial Di-triet, and that he will
tender his resignation in time for the
Republican Central Committee to select
another candidate for that position.
.Some ungracious Deniociats have inti-
1 I.;,l-v .vm.M i.i.t re- i
Mgn his position, but we cannot believe !
iii.ii. ....... t .. -
thi.-'.. Notwithstanding his una coiinta- !
hie mean Kuings in politics, we cannot j
, ,. , i ii i . I ... f
L.!:ovo that he would pm po-e y ornl.a. f
rassthe k- tl l-u-mcss ot tiie ..ii -tnct,
it mu-t no ii he reta'r.s his po.-itt.m a
JinLe and at the M,me time run a. a
caadid.a-e for Coitgrc-s iu oi po-iti.iii to
the party that placed him on the bcic h.
We doubt not his resignation as.Iu l.e
has already been handed in, or will be
very soon.
HIT. XlkH l'OR I'1'Sr.M-'.
Better than all talk all speeches al!
editorials is an official statement of the
monthly reduction of the public debt
since 1 ic.-ideiit Grant entered upon the
discharge of his public duties. It is
both text and cement combined, and
the mo-t oh: use intellect can understand
The payments are as fallows :
March 1. I15.'
... 5'jV. .T'a'v 27
1 In Mail, l-'-'
(' ii nTii.iv.
I n May. 1 "''.
i'. V,
io 1 1 -1. 1.
In .tins-, l -''.
jn ,,. y. 1 (;t.
In Aiurast, F:'"t ........
:l M'l tftulii i". 'iSf..'..
In O.-tobiT. ls"9
7. ia". T-i-lr t'
at.. tttl. 79
. ..... Tii'oa.ssj t;,
n Nov-... li.-rlsoi'..
in , iTinlvcr. isi.'j..
, .,;lliuary. 1-70
In Fi'liu: ry. s,i
.'.-" ".1.4 .4 11;
li;:::::::. tusp-n i
r'Jiu ir's'i !
"::'""" li::'.lw.-.7 j
-ia.-";.'.'. it ot
1''lc:i',-:;'"1 I
IS' .
In .March. IT-
,., April. 170
i .M.iy, isTj
ln June. 1S7H
Iu July.lsTO
What have Djmocrats to m.,s.e to
that ?
that i'i.trro;t.i.
It will be remembered th it we pub
fished, a few days since, the Iowa Demo
cratic Platform, as a pattern for the
Nebraska Democratic convention. Since
that time we find the following brief no
tice ,,f that platform in the Sidney ( Iowa)
out-j.oken Demoerade sheet :
"The htfonn ofpriiviple-siseertalnly
as weak as it eo-dd be made, and savors
mucti OI cowaioicc.
The editor of the Union In the same
article deplore. the defeat of are solution in
their convention, endorsing the old "State
Rights" doctrine.
A politVd 7id"-show has been started ,
A po .cal ..1 n J
m Omaha caned the ..ho. no i n ,
p-.i-ty." Judging from the men tne 1
h.vo nomimited they do mean j
to "reormM-.bor a, there is only one
to le.orn,, as j I
man on tho ticket tnai wa- - '"T" :
to ilO a tiny S woik, ana iiv- tr i
T . ... 1 1. A-'.,fll
opportunity, lt is cxpeeieo,, ,
11 . , . .1 ;i! i
that 110 man txlonging 10 in.-p.u.v ..... 1
1 1 .
11 1 ..... -1- ,111. ur lu'llii IV lit OC-
oe auovieu iw wiaiiv, .... ,-. --
fined the "bt er for the crowd.
In the call fur the Republican Sena
torial District Convention, at tue head
of our columns, Hamilton county was 1 i.-'Ul-.s ,. 5 ,e pa-t ten 'lays uu,- oeeur
. . , , ,t,i .1 ,,.,. red, have t e. n :, ar-v de-tiovcl.
dc-ignated as being entitled tot.tu ui. Wflr vV. - jv,,i.,: t,)tn.r
gates. This was a typographical error, j Tort ;,.
..v Il-.milton is only allowed one delegate j The boaP ard cent of Teal .. b. en 1
1 ..onveiitioil. e hV' the cor ;
.... .1
in sa
i - J.. .-...LP., ns ivos-i- :
action may oe 11...U - 1 -
Lie in Hauimou county, am. imu p.pei- ,
that have alluded to the convention wdl j
ul 'i h the correction I
IU " i'j'U" jj'jjJLJJl"i i
V f rui-li the latest m.iikei reports :
A.rt,rid--7.'0 an.i St. Jjou'i.s. We give ;
vv.rn of i-Tst evening' after the clue !
l..,sir,e- and no" later are given
mwll after cVe of busings again to. ,
u ,t,I alter c.o. e 0
1 r-V
I &si It i4iv,
Paris. A-iirii-t :2I
Mi-oj,f; I. e- (.t rroojis !. - ,.:uni- to
.McMahori's i..v are iliowtihi'.' 1 y o. !!!.'
pu-hcl iiiro the'Yo-is. "
. iepuv i'i Hie orps Jii-itisiaMit
4 . . .1 . . 1 1
to-l ay aiiii!t!C'.'-l t p -i-.'.it- ' ! e- -'l
the Cl.amf.ers tint th.- i
rii.--.-ian -
1 .
1 (Jliut'ei':i Jvtr
Ti.:. i :.. 1;. ...... .1. .. .1...
JVu' ian :-re tstar.-hiu' ou I':' !- I v in -
way of Zea!i'. ' ' '
j t MiW. ,,.,,. j that IriieO Nap.,
,.,. lrls ,,.,.. , ., j ., ;,.
nn--ii'ii. He jia ed through he.'e yes-
Gen. IJal'al.-l'ia, wcunled at (jrav. !-
lolte. 1- leeOMlli
Jirge bo li - of troop pa-- througli
- through
ir w.v to
it wa in
.lied wi-li
I ari- dav an 1 night, on tlr ir
the front.
'file Caoltal lia- been tliiilie.
an im.i!en-e ip.Utiilty "t pi ovi -!!. an !
munitions ui war. and could now aa I a j
.-ie-e of months. 'I he iapidi:v with ;
which t..e Goventiaent has 1
.-tore- i. woo dei u!. nor do --it a -'ive v ;
dimini-h. Tl, i
food is hourly i.-T-a-'tuz. !
'I'll.' (iiiil'iis -aV- thai wit n the IjUI
I'erorotl'i-te 1 to 1 iu. h;i rbeG .v. iiio.- iiit.
of I'ari-and command of th - force-, th.- ;
latter stipulated th.t he mu-t be free to ;
act as he tleeiii' t t:o!er: he mu.-t .
alisoluteiy U .eoiitioiie i. "Geiieial. '
r.-ohed tin 1 lin i i.'r..r. "I eoi!'ide to vnn
the .-af.-tv of the . ap !al ; a -un.e .-iun I
mind." Thei:-p'.:'.!i. anaiil Demo.-r.A.ia I
journals pi aise 1 1 o.-hu lor ins inJcpeu
deuce and iiimoe -s
I'Aitls, An- -22.
L ite advice- fn-m Km u i.i, a to;v.. j
neai tia-b..tirg. -ays the l'.u-iaa army !
U i.e..ieoiu S:.:.-bomg, a .. i I. , v , ca l - J j
the people .l M.ii.-leii, to ciu.og t 1 he I
eou-e of the Hale river lit. m t!, ,t, !i.. 1, in order to .-top the -up j
ply oi water tW the cuy. Il.e I Vu,-
.-lans !i4, apt... uti-ii a .'layor lor I-.,.-!
M.-,. Tha Geiieial in commmt of
Strasbourg had .Iriven of the de
in-..-- ail wiiocoii tr.ue amiv i. wtih- .
out aiiorjing aid.
L'lMiON Aug. ill
Our corre-t, .'indent- writes iio.a t i.i I
on-. Tliur-d ty, that the Kuipetoi
arrive I there, and that .Uur.-h i-.- .Me
Mth.'ti and I'ait. o!ie r were ai- o tin ,e
The limp; Tor had a n snow e cape -f
being killed or cap. uied at L onga. die,
the afi.iir which, tl.oiiLdi merely a re-
comtoi-.tmee, was condt.-tci v- ry lio,i!y. ;
the I'ru-.-ians ru-hing c!o-e tip 10 tin
Impeiial headuuai tel.-, while ti;e e. u
pants only :-aved them elves by preeipi-
tate ilight. The' -tine cone -p-... ie:i; j
?avs the Gar.1.5 Mobile demanded to Fe
led back to l'aris. and the io.i.-,t wa !
. , 1 lit . I
hnal.y granted Other troops are an tv- ,
tug, and all the way irom i ..a.on, to ;
Mon-iiielau ,s a lm, t.t camps. j
ii.e inhabitants o Met are aaeady
o,, M,o,'t rations 01 'H-a i. m:i ,o.. . is
plentiful, all iirr cattle .-urrouo img hav-
'.-' "' ''i cre. .
1 11 urn '. 11 t here.
. . ,.. - , ,..
'tl7 t 'Ftiday ,i:,b 7he I
',,,,, ,,rur vhiie at t lia on.-, wa ;hi-seu
and by tl
ie -o liiei'S.
A k-eter 'r..iii ii-f i'-- otatery-.
. ( f :ll,aic:lti, ,
,..,-.. e j p.M,.- sf L. .;., with ti e
Kiiii.i-... :is 1!. .ot - e.o l.ea. vc- i
V , - , ,.
(he dvna-'V can 1 -t. J; a".:!
Oileam-ts aud wo. i.i' gi.e-u are -i.pu. .1- j
iomoN, Augu-t .lunigitt. j
Renter t-. K gi-ap. to die Tunes from j
, . , , , . , .
iji us-eis noil 1 aia- t-111 a m. .- .e,..-
hit i.m. Ti e Committee oi'Saletv covert,- ;
an 1 Naptdeon has arrived at O-lcii 1, in i
" . .
I'ai is iio-,v knows the I,: u---i..n ta.HVii j
Pi'inee is at Vitary I'vaiieias. and tn-.'
d-t.-ei.-ive ba'ile o- i he war is hourly ex
peeted between him an I Mentation.
The I'i u.--ia:is h ive ma ie heavy
otii.-ii ion - at Luttevi;
1 'Jill-burg, iu the 'o g. s, wa-eapi i.l -
teil to Utteinoei g on ..ant day, lie- ,
loth. Th capturing oi'il-i- .. in
sures coiio.-iutif.-atain oi' i he Clown
l'l'mre with hi- base f siipp. rt.
L'.n:.'., Au t -22.
lt is sail that il. e'.alne I-- ai. oi iJ','
ellt on ti'oiii us r tire.. 1 n" ti 'is-
, , . .... . I
Man - are'.V.'e-. li'm ami 1 ari oe
iiiilmi) i- nPu taelicved to lie-tir oua b -J.
Ca.nvi ys iv. h in o ; -i. in - 1, ,ve i
ward to s;t ply bo-!i aimier. !
Oneliiin.iiedan.l sixty .hou-an 1 . ca !
have pa .-e.ltn rough Fari- to ti,e fr....t .
fri' h,j morning, but it 1- g. umaay
thought luie, lmwever, that the tn ..r i.
,,f the rru ians cannot be at:' ' d be
fore reaching Rati, I
It is said there are r. e.v tee, r!y 3 ),
(iPiig .od Haiop- at ot tf .ir Pari- an I it
is be behoved that one more drei-ive
brittle gives Paris the Pro-dan-.
Ca'liasp.i ii p. A'l u-t 'J!
ir ,' 1
1 ..I.e!, .
:ra-i".;g mliiuie-, aa l Hie
fired the suriouii Lag 1 o.-y
ii a-e con
make i'rcijueiit .-01 tie-, v .1
st antiy repul-i d.
Light thou -an i Pi t s
wit h a train i f la a i ,:
The city is .-u. ,"U:. . .
men under Geueril W -.-habitat,?
s are den, oral -4
ever where prevails. A
. : 1-'-
o ..ei
uigr is i
hourly expected.
'I'lie Crown Pi hire ha - won au ith.-r i
victoi v hi a great battle before fiia'on-. ! to cunt 1 ibute verv v to tier .-ue-Viv.r
l....'...,w ..... .;,.,.;.. i ...-. .. ,i... 1.'... a . '. e.- .... 1 . f
1 111. I I ll.-l 111- (1 1 ' il" .11- VV V V"
.. 1. , .1.. v.. '.. 1 i- .
-.llllllij ii.rl '.ill lil-li'al .10...1: ei i i ;. p, e 1
.,,vi,v .... .. . .... ;
Tl.O f.iiowing iii -patch is ju-t iceeiv.-P
from Aie.andria The Pru-iaii i' i.are
Th(.,t,1:u oai.rv5n., j.un. ha- been e-p- '
theF,o.icU. No partietii.r.'.-alc ,
pine has forced a bv wav 1
.f Autnt. and Lo.Kithi. lea -hing. Moiil-
. 3
Ris repo't -d that the armle, of the ,
Prm, -e ii val and l'rniee J-,.. p.,,,-..
t 1 I 1 ' .1
t j,ar'C nave tormeu a junction, to ua
.,..,..1 .f !...-,
vvi-si....... ... .'i-.-.
If ii ,...-, 1111 ,f,-v mi iie-'ri-.a a- -
111 " "" .......
tior, o! tue ki-eat power- et I.ure.p;- 1.,
the FiAueo-Pru-siiiu i.ti.'-tioii wiii take
place witliiu ;i lew days.
Path-journal- cot.tiiiue to urge a 1 -vy
en liia-se to ext' i muia'.e i(,. inv a ! -
The village- ar-uuid Met, v.'
111 re the
i.i 'Cl L-. 11
Caiiia.ei.ce.t. , r.mne ..1 - ueau ptai-
tirs re lew :,t I, a-11.:-. Al ,g!i,.:,i-i:, .-
h...aj "intel- at t'e n-ei! s
Nmv Y.-itrc. Augu-t -..",.
A private r-a! le Ji-pat.b. d..t.-d L.-n-
eon. Aig. noon, say-: A .-; i-ial
Pari- U-'purch say.- thr a-Uiies of Kinir
William and Stemmeu a.e ,epo:te I to
te t,.o -eve.ely eripp'-d o. u sume the
'fv.uis,ve and it is ivei, out hi,.?, ;ri
tho. ity that Lazame v.-, ..... ., : '., u
thaion., on Mindly, f .r i!i ;ur,-,- ot
invm? b-!tt' to the eamy na.' -Iciz.
h vir!?T.wh-:, 1.. win
"' " t'- in)iy oi the ,r.. wa I'll...-,
aii'i .:;" i' ::is.
A re j irt has rvache 1 Iym Iun of a i
rreiioii vi-torv.
a .... .; t. r...... t. .;
fiy I..., j :!!,.' v.-:is ye-t('i i !av t.-;.
!. i- t!:-.: :.oih an-1 -. :i ci i-uti:-.-!v ..p-n r.
linn, ei; icr lor retreat ur to ! ;vi'. ron
' !' aj .;rfiuz rr:.-I..:i !o--..s have
I .... r 1 . . I. I ... 1. ,.
, v " :i..o.:i... w. -
'':' :-' 1 r.-,-; ',:! are a . ,i.!v . :.
ii.lO I : ' Ml! alll-:ll.
.ti!i!: v p. it..." am;
, -iii- H ! all of wh..m art
law 1 !.T.,;--.. i;. I,.. ,.(;.,
', the -ituaiioii.
i 'i -u -v-s of tie- 1 ';n- i in sirtut
j I'-tv.- .-.u-l i-viva! of tL ; Mu-.-ti ai of)
! the ll-.'i -nz-lh-.i, ea:!, ii...-:e j
iuan.r t!...i ; a ai 1'iiia 1. f.lV..r
. '"'. i',5,,".,i
j of -ir-iu'tMt:-' the .-al.jeel U. the people
! ' !r' -"'-'' 'l :?1
' , 1 " .I' ' s 'o a ty ,y a .ii-pa .-is i.a-
: f'" " receive,; heie from librae, in
. i . . ,, .a, . i
j wha-ii lite iLei.ue bis mtenri. n
i ,r i-''i-t'riig n-ar !etz Withoii aiv
i i i
. ' !;"."' tit. -nai
'-' fi-u i ... s c...iiin.iite..l.o;i.s
' a? t.i.ecat ,.:!. but averts
A'. o.v seu-e. Ah quiet at
t'.vlt!-: Au-. L J Mi In'gh'.
"-'' aa , x, ra say-: v
ti'-ri -t i.
i ty ;o ;i:a ke pit o::e r ae
... i . i . i
"'" . i mis joim ! ...izame.
, !'.
u'.'l' .-" ' UAiumT oi tu.-a;... !..
.!."-' !; le - an ioaed his ,-tioag :o
- :t:.m near Me;.. Me.Alahoii mo.el
north by way of llhrims. Mo-.-eu-r and
xp.iireinv. a id I', ae.-e i- -aved. .dcMa-
'''" '':, readied a po ition where he e ta
,,til''' ''''i-i'-e struggle."
L'i I'a.-.s .-ays full eoniii-maf ion of the
:oo i t".v-fiom tiie army was received
to O lV
iepo''f - fiem S'l-i-bi-nv slio'v '
o-mil. .ruat-n. oi tm-ci-.y -o lar nt-
j-'-" "'-'' 1
tr a-hout g. h uyevcr. ha v- dieil iv. -id,
"'i th o'iier M..e ot the name, with d ,
Het .ml th tt pla.e l,a- been a 0:1 life
a; de-1: -. ir.,.,. p, .
1 !''; --'H.e .-a - let .1 llu. lia-
''d pcrtieiot, to ive 01 tin- National
0.1 Hire. i.:e . 1, ti -It HI
' ""ie t and th i
"''me-v. a t:v
iid that (It- 1 Cu cret ha-.d o
."."vtee in the I'.enc.'i
'' . .
i.dNIki'C, Aiilu..' .j. , , .' ... , ,, ' ! v. iii !, to., iiaioe i-printed lti otie col ii'.r.
IVIvat- a I vices a -err tin. the F'ha j J-'reenbaeks. J here wu! I e 111 cm pa- j ;; . v . ,.:1U. We be lije ;b" Iliad.. o
l eis a.any has taken the .li:c.-ti.'ii of j nics in gan i-on mkui an 1 oiliecrs 'i 'ar- j e f.,!j.',. ',,,, v7.,;7,, ' ,.n!'1,. .'- u.-' ''
Thioiivil! in a 'le-pera'e i ft'ort to ibrtu
ajuuci".!! !!a:iine, ir.?ipiug tile
Crown l'riae a:rl pa. beg I lie mam Ger
man a !:v to it! notih of Verdun.
MvtM..h.-u i- J ci v- 11 io a elmive of two
1 ... ;v ..i.i...- ., n tii.. ri... 1 r. !.!-;
r..),V1 j , .... j..j
! ing it, i-ae.ili-'ilig !'.. aiiov.
A cm re- j o i l .nt of i.-t iVmpis ay-
t a. re 1.- no nop., tor a : numo'ianf is i;e
u ii"-.- tiie !l i.;e or and t'ae 1'iiuce Itu-
I 1, ! i 1 . : 1 : e 1 ' -i 1 t: i ie. ii-iil rif:::--i r.i
'. 'V'1
rinc" chatter; a. .out mili
I II .s, i lie: 1 tiui- L..Utlv 1 iiiu IIj Hill
f;i . ,,.m,.!i , L.Vl.vboilv iu.j ;0
U:it 0(.:t.. . ' '
1.. -xpox Aug. 'J p. m.
,, , ,
;. n nu wo.v a ow ,u;p
... .
i' ;.,.,-.!
v.;e- t!
t th! !
- - -
7C'7 'li. o- VfZ ' i
Th" i !.;!. : of i .. Nai-ol. et.'- vi -it
to I'.oreiie::. . w.i to pioUi -.j'jim iiio j
tie.itr ii:l V ( I 1 tal
. . 1 i
The evir.ioid tal A' PV ,-e -. t
till' Swj - t I.IV I r !',.!;. lit
1- .,! , it-- I.i I
. i . , . . .. . 1
lueir note'-- to ;.i'ueci in,- neatra 1
- . ' 1
p,.,.-.,. ' ,j .. ,i:tV f j-,., ;p
V'"- '"'l I
tl . are -'ili watt, in.:, even at
herini. in u, ui-i a, !!.- to o-.v ate I
,., . , i
Ot Il
lll. we e-iti, r I .lat i
. . . , , .
, j, . a v r. -tioa is as i..;..ovs : 1 r.e
Tv..-,.':'! h 'Ve-i m en s i- ....-a b. ttr m
- ---
M, and I iiio!, iiie, an 1 -ei e. to k.-e;, !
j 111' i..!i!:rl'lllll!!i'!l '.i'I'A. Oil I 1 I If
,.rlci. Cmires and St. it.,.ie
. 1 le- toi -
tra-. ..f M--U i.. initios (1
I- (1 on all side -,
and ea-ioi, b. i.'.ee.l fiction.,
and Rat is en' oil
Tic head I iff - r.f li .' iVjK'n !..!. e
are a! liar Le Mn .
M.-.'l.ii on and i '..ill v ar -ill' I tl tt-
;t:u- (0 cover i'ai-.
hii'ii.i "!; -Hi-tH.
ClIIt'Aii , A Iga t I'.'i
Four .lull and U ,eb -i-ge !. b
: ' aim a-iiVi. lie'i:--:. .mi.
i i. r i i' Se' tea, I cr auv t. i ar to
' ' i
! IL
i 'o io : . a
j,.,-,, i oil; 'I .)l iir fe I, .
new : No. 2 e' ed tir.n. I : . i
iM.'l I do i ti ioro! I a : i I o-
ibr i-w No ;; fvi'. .- sT-'..- o! i 1 ,,. iie.v: I
? . .j ,C f r i k C,,,,
; . .. j -.)lW.r. c.;.i af -s,. ..;,-h. C,-
s. j .... Septe..i'.er ; r.-i.-eted so'd ii.: I
, ., ,, 4 . ,ts ,uiet and Meadv, cbeitig j
' .7 . .... ,..,., "7 " " i
' ''Ll ,
fl. fa.t!i .tt irlvpl.
Sx Li.Fls.Auuu.-t 2?,. i
- , ,.
.our ltgic'ive an I we a 1.. sos-ci-'
-t '.. ; t-x-.ia 4
d :. le.-:
a .-tiade be... r : No. l!
, 1 ... 1
-m'u.g 1'" I lio;
Io ; No. 1 if, .i
.v o. : 1
i all I
I i 2t. Co.;, d id; eh-'ice mixed
lime ;bii,' 7:1. (Fa- v.-ry duli, 4 '
tev oi a .tl . s; 1
s i .
,-..,. O.J-J . The Fn'i.eii re :g! in tin !,- stnug
:: o. i wi.h ibu- ia : a; t .eu-a . ,v oa tv.n lire 11
. - ... 1 -. 1 .
1:0:,-: in' ii.iiiiiiii.-ii-''. ii i'i .n'g'iti
boats on the Rhine- 1 he k.t. an im
! l.'eiii 011 ..I' -...nothing like (I n. !
Met 1. f in's co'iee-miit gun. did :c t .-een.
,. -.'. ..1 1 II 11.11 ,11 HI.-. . ,, illl'l i'l I
, t i 1. t . ...1 . .. 1
1 l' - 1 a i o 1 i . 1 . i , ! 1 ill ; e 1 :. ;. 11 o : ai i .1 ir 1 1
tran-i.o-t-.l fiom one place , on '
;a...ns. w- have as yet beard nothing,
1 - :,r ' "J" :A w'!f! ' ,vv -"!.'
:l. I by Lite., and two otit-
, ":it Ri ."..ark was vntt i'-"Tigy at
- "'"' ' -" i -'7 - I :"".
I 1;,..'. d.,tv.-e I ob.,-..,..-. -b, ...- ;-..Ui,.l
tiie bu; ulna -1 -ke. m, 1 ieevS-l the well
Miov. :i ;:.. r ., ; ,. :
lien Prof. ; ue ii- ReViuoi, !. of
?,,''.. .,
liaiirm. 11 .ni'i'ed hi-
tiai at.e II.
iiv. !, 1 -; 1 ' v 1 hi-. 1 o; per , or .-; x moi.tu-, i.u 1 i'i-i a .- o: ei a -.;.-;'
.- : ' ' . oi-i.-tit I call get ibocr. to leiv .-oar- -.c.-i
lector.- 1V-:, ti e ;,:.-;. .- ;
y.-u ii.nt iM''ii e my Fi.ctch t-iaie.
i lie:: -m ill R-aiZ . ;' i
1' g. T'p-
, puren .v i ii v. 1 . oi ti." reputation ; our
! ..!, iti.-e. I. -a-' ,t -ip- etij.t 0:1 c T or til"
(i-iriiiii c u " '.vitii a -m ici 'oioti !'
.-? M :.l ill. l.-" v I- 1
I..IV V ir.
t he P' O - ':. n ,t .a.-v.
; , )." , -r : 1 1. 1.: : ..
n-, . , ,
ill ea'i-e
H I o ' " !-
. ... a 1
. : 1 1 . ' .: a a , i I . .' 1 . l
N .pel. a i.. a- ia ray ; art i'
i . -,----mmSu
; Pi u; f b , .- m F,u-:a ba- pv.V
usti-1 a i. m-b-iaaM' 1, 'o the Kid-lit- ,y
i- dobn. to .0 to t'ae font and do .-;;;::-
taty -es viee.
- -
Q site 1 er of u .1;,.: bitidbold-
tV- mi.e dec.-.-.. 1 the!.- e.tJ.u.,,s u uv
1 tiieir toxee ia .rivaiygVj.
j V
I.' A !.. . . , !-... 'P 1
i r. i ir. .-v. : it . - i i.i.. 11 ' ; t . i i.;t.
Ai:; u -t l.h ! s7(. I
1 pkah ufr.!.; :--liic .;. !,.-r.' is .-
' like an-t!:er, that 1 have i'.ui.d
' uorhla j- wurthv of i,ov to uu:u:.r.-
I. ..., i ... . a . .
ate. 1 va-.ii j" i-i '!. vi ry
!.., 1
; ' ' "
n :-:ii.-- ni m".'..:.' a
th.f Pot
IIMV imii.., I : ! I .,:
; '
; U;tn :!i. l.-.p-- 1 .-p.-if a f-w h-u'r-
wi'li t!t til, very pi -a -aaily. Ye t ao ty
1 !t .ie a a .ll-.ateu hclil Au. a!!:,!,
dte-J Ltiamic Cry. t-ayin -. that Mr. I
Hark was - ;k :i-! w,.u"d pa-s t!i-;-h j
.,.v. r n ... r,.lv-.;- TLl J
. , ' ,.' " '' ',',' ', .
t;-'"-''i'1" V''-1S d ::oed .... taa! I not
j arsive at the dejaii ;i.i;ii au.-r tha
had ! ft. 1 had hone i that a -as..n .
te t Mi 1 charge W.edd h ive r.-..r.--! M
i , , , , , , .... , . ,
j ,k 1 et !...,., he ?:.!.. jet lmd
I ,i i i.i : i j 'r l
' the ;lt so m ?:-! t n-.-.ofd. !-. day
j the llou. A. H. Scv-aid i- esp-eted .si
I f M. tr,,.M w-e.t. lie will eome to
, r.vci.M. n'" e : life it.-'fati e or ,ewi;: m.i-!,t:.e w;.':t-..;
'.' ' ,. ' ... r""":h.-e"
h.m. I Jo n:.: U.- a im-t oi the to;.,- j ( ht;U;;;., ...r.i, v-;,, ; lv; ;;1 ,t:,. .;
eiaa ling -oni .er. C..1. doha !1. Ki a. I olJ.,i.. t,, .... ;. ,. . . 1
Hi- .eputation a-one ,.f New York V I we1! a a p.- et:..u H-iln.- -I t in;' rail J
, , .... .., I I ' i
l..iio,.--.I .-.late -man awa ..-ii - a .lea i:f
; i.:... vi
t.on in tin1 Tt iritory i- intere-iipg ju-t
n w. The strife in the R 'pubiiea i p:rty
s con-idera! le, ( hurt h Howe, Mar-bal
of th.i Territory and an e-tim able gentie
man, -and .Judge Jones, will be candi
date- at the convention for Congies-,
and it is extioatiily doubtful which wiil
c.:i rv the convention. Reforo the mid-
die nf Augu-t ice f.nti.-tl in ve-.-.-L i-n-
Vd-W vaU. .h..mJ, Mnce.ihat oer wea- i
,, .. , ,.,. .,........ -e, .1 ... I
' ' ' !ai s f
're 111 reoui-itaai a- th- y -have he n .
several daj - aheady thi- ua.,.,!,. Ct,!i- I
uf. appV-. peaches pe..r,. :u,d
. .
g a.e ... mai k-t . aim all
. . .. .. . ..
tl.iity ci'iil-a j.otitid. The pears, pea
and grapes are delicious, the onl
diawba. k is th ta-tetoo t!o..rlv of
tcrs will i e in rcqtii-it i.ei, a- ia. ;e is a
large ptup .1 tii.u of married .diiei r.-, e--pcially
in the j;h iafuit.y.
I am glad to re -eive the IlKltAI.D, as
it k eti- m" advi-ad ..!' nett ' e, . tl 1 'la its
mouth where to sue jiiu. h t-f mt.'-i" t
ceiitjr.v and y.'h.
I e t 1 e e e 1 .eioi'e mug
he a pLi iu.pieni rixt !! mir 'I ru!y.
A. Wiil' 1 1 IT. M Cha,.H:i.
1 :ir r
iAX -ln-K, fill., Aug. io: 1 -To.
r.L-Pi'.iU I'p.itAI.i) : 1 !:av. been tbmk
i;: r ev. r i e: me cut l.e e'hat I
w.iuldsenl a i;wj..:ri-p. : p,p.:,.
".. ....... i ..... r i, . . i j , 1 ,. It..-..
time' i, finds imfat li.i - late date seat, d
ai sny ie-k, and lor what ':' wntleg -oiia-
,.!,,.. !!;it may dial it way in y. air vaba-
i ' ... ,:.ii:,n: or. t .-ilia:.-, in the iTime-.
.7 . 1. . . .. . ..... I ... f .mi. i -1
!' lll.ll -I It III., , .... .1.1 .1.11 1'IIC -l
, ... . 1 1 ...
ilia '.vouu-ii liiui iiaies to 00, i.ei.
l" '-
i, ivnii', be n.ei.-s s ?. me to write ol
in-.' tup across ti;e i;aiii . mi a., ktm'iv
.. .!. .. 1 ... I .. : ' 1 ..'
O ! . Ii .1 I l.ll'IV HI 11.'.-. I Hi 1 IH.I 111 .I.V Ul
. T .. . .
' : 'rma a- 1 mi! it.
.... ...
hon I iclt Nenrasiia. vegetation w;u
b ad. 'idie cold, b'eak winds of ).-to-
her were whi-t ling over the prairies, mn k
ir g u--' wrap our cloaks around us tin i
-lilv-. r -."teewhut "iu our bo .ts." Rut
wrtea I a: lived in Saerainciitu and Sun
.in i- valleys. 1 found (piiie the ieve. -e ;
tiie trrass -ix inches !ii. h, the tree- clot le'd
with their iiill foliage, io i'- iu i'ul; be
flowers of every description: weevmhai
I mu-tanl gie.-n- in damtary, but Mill Cull-
i'or, i'i i i- not ab like thi-. v hii.- w e
we 'e having su h dollgh: l ui weaiher he-
, ... ....... .i.e.;. pan-tu i le: r ta.e v. a - unci u...
ci--lxbet of .-now. lull cau lit: i a;-
is;.; a an." climate here to suit yourti-te
" ', "'', 1 1 , ,' .
It 1- ad "the st;. le lasweltues 'e;
heie to go campmg every Miititwr. N
Ja.-k. Kate an 1 1, with sbifeeii others,
1. lv t, re -.rn- d from , ua, on the
. .. ' , . , . , ,
Fcfe en.,-1, and a time we had.-
! J a.-t et me say -ur the mi .1 titaia a
t'm e who do not l.uow, that Ja. k is my
mi: a.i'i.
ft would b ' u-i-'le-s For me to try ; no
s a ii. e my ivclihg- when 1 saw, f..r the
iU-.t li.i... t!... ..laii-l 1. d 11. .::! I !,"Vi r
, , . , , .1 e . -
co ild lightlv appreciate t::--e lin -s '
it ..iv .u ,) ...,
. ,
1'. ."11. ll'"! "il. lii" i ..,i.-.. ' '
i ro I, until I had seen hr my-., b. W r.i
may it be called ''Ilc-lit.-.-, laoauiiig
. '
v '
ie , 1 . ... . .1 ... 1, ... 1
11 c ca in i -e .. 1 .v o 1 . v ai ii' a 1 j.. 11 .oi a
gatii -red pebbi.-s and thelis of tiie orcati
I .1 ...
i Oh ! it is gran 1 to -tan 1 on the beach
.ui.i t!...." white er.-t.-l wave-
" " ---. . , . - - -
bur-ting ov.-r the breaki r-. c-iirii", com
i in.' ; ludiing an-! loaiang t7ai.11., y..u uu-
: 1,1 !i,t ' J iu "" 7 ,,ril.' ''
. and tie- next momem you tiead on -uy
U h' 1 vnt0 :!',i 1 'y"lt-""u
some more.
j 1 '',Vf 1 tWrt 1,1 xU'
- V"''- ..u'el lay eve-iron I to .
, 1 h '-u- I thi.,K. to Mr. ..1....0 -n-'. ' ,:; '
; n.,'111 1 eea tc-i ie - p en o. ' -ti. ; i i re s a i: a ti ! a...ii m tin-rati-ii :
i IL R. Livingston. 011 tie- i.u. aa i as 1 ex la i-cl o:.e laborer to it.t !..-: "iiif
' bund ir to my iri. t.ds ;o lead, ihe.v .'i.e : v K-.- )'- ia im to hbs aukb -!'' "li
and ail ritv he is -oun I on no- ..--.
! 1 vl h you to --lid ,..y add e-s your
t:K'k a 1 "iii sell 1 Veil li.g Ul.ii'i'V.
Mils. .Hli a V. lb .Jack. n.
I ,e v. II V . ie.- iter st... wee;
!.js It, a re-!. t.c t- r.miy
j i i-rn. vvntuer 'I' Lit.-hii !b 1 otm.. lie ; ,
! i n-e .! I . tf .111 -! I ro over
to the .-a.-t of ; lie t itvii. an i. , being
ill the bu.bii-g: re-.:!'). yi- -I. i lill i a
, -ttli1 Jn-Xant. . I'.'o.e 1 .'.., e. ,
1 ,1 . , , ...
: p ' a -e 1 1 oe. v ei 1 11 -.10. ...t . . 1 -
i ir'V.i :';:i t.ii:;-L.b bat h-.-av-ir-. : i-.a;. bt--.
I She wii! .-..enk to y 1 kim-.v si,-
Wid ! Ob ! v. by . h v.i: 1 ue be bit
, .struggling on iu this hfe in tlo'ibt. and
: flf. .... UJ de-pr-t, bney, wh.-n - ;;e word,
one .-ingle wud. woe! 1 rcm-plre tb" .---.u!,
J a.,d thai vtvr.l ll -wr be -i',.!.on? 'i lie
dead oeti-.-ath the f. a may :.o silent ; ! ut
; over 0-1: b ad-, ui the spirit : anb i- tm-re
! o v.iee tb,-re, and nene to cit.i -ad
V'!;y a uirl :-i:V--x !:.t a
; '
jt :-ai;.-c it "s a.!;i:..t
!-o;:t t-a I :.!.! -I .i' ! a !-
; i
! t.v,v-i:'! li.o .t'iae'Aal! -ii.r.-
n""'?:1,,!Jt '
I lf ' -
!-o,hi-1 oi' e..:
email !:(: is iv;i- ptoi-i ,
... , 1 . ...-.,1 .- .-.,!
, , , , ,
' .!.. t ;,:t l'i;Kt' ! (:''! ''1
I a., i
; t... ,1-. r-
11.' ! 1 Uo flK' .- I 'l--,.
i .
. -.!. in
:i;'v'. vi.:
i i:e. ?:.-. ah
'' ' ;: - i :- -!.
A i:-n-- f tla- -veateeti fe;-r :
ati I tea f.-.-t w,.! ju-t .-,-t up in N
oik, i- i ,-u.-ide.-cJ tao !ar.'.:e.-t it. th.
t l.;i;,..1V-
; An oi.j h- :,
tr.t womt'i. av:.
' like pan..? tii-y ate ;'!!!;.' to h.' ca
1 . i up ii' th 'v e::'v !;
t e a ri;:-.
ov. il -.-, I .... ,.'.5 J-.e- 1
J ;V - - ' y
It ' ' nil! u '..t:J mcui uC .1... a-
; .. j,. -,-
''.',' a -.fV t.-t ia fn-n of a
ie-U-e. .air w-.-t, is a
a rea-iine : .No
.' ' '..I.i. on .
M-... of ,he th a-r- of G
liiVe be. :, cle-ed dn h
i he .l-ir.-.!
the war.
lupm.Mit:- of pm-..te f.vLbt bav.
b.-eii stopped on a good many l'lti-.-iae
....:! 1 .
A'l I'lii-sian paper-have beeti warne 1
, , ' - i . .
Hot to j UoU.-ll uctal:ed IICW.-' - 111 rcgai'a to
aiiov movements. '
, . , ... .
AU letters for America Jioni ei mativ
are now seat to the Failed
I Relium a:id Lnghi-nl.
The Hamburgians deny mo-f cmpba:i
ealiy that anv i-VeneU cvul-er- hav, heen
,.:en al the mouth of the Lib-.
., a- , . .. , - v.
'X'u TlCiX aiVi'la"
.-Saratien of war
'ihe hu-band i.-arket is (i.'-..te.l Ju.I at
I .t l. ...A ',:.. 1,.... i.
1 the watering places
-i-i ..... 1 .... ? ; .. 1 'i ......
1 ne v 1. -1 . . : u e.i . 1 - 11 -1-1 111 v 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 .i.i
! 1;l:'' '"V'.V. picctts o! re I paper, on
. 1 .
io cat
i-e we would ad be In; iiieii.
N,e.;a !. 1 is the only th.:! !i id a
e impl.-tcU n.iiroaa win 11 a .::oi"e i.
Ru-sia t. i.- hi r J,t::-ter tit a-hm:;-to
1 i-.".;i) ii a year in joM, be-id ration.-.
1-11.. ." I!
I IS ::ll-I iii:.t laO c .lilieet Pig ill. , i.e
TV. eon an auitiK-.l at. 1 i ;:. tal i i- iri
A tletr-'it Rohemimi vi i!"s!:n ;
-i riaiin i'or the citv p i-tor.- at !:.e dollar.-
each. 1 thiiiks h-' ha-; a -:oi'l
' I: :ig 011 I. em at thut. !
A New York coo pi" have ..mur.lcd i
oV'T i -leb- .--ilVer Wt.'dipg 5 :'C -eti -..-', ai. ij
; . -1. ap. lied lor a -Hvetv- 1
A i'i.ii a -1 -. -1 1 !na j-.tiinai I.:: ; f..r ii - (;;- 1
,-.i .-lii.i a i.uner air. 1: . o 1 -. j
a ! a a,:.r ii; .V-"a).
! , iltr i
,-v lt, pi;H... a hn bd ,.nr on the Re::-Jear
I un.I Saratoga ia.ho..d I
: ( h: the (-ele-t fan -aeta.a; during
' i.e ...'111. a 1 -I I I . l-i .1. ... 1. l I. ...i. ..
, II. lgii--of - d-iorway.
Ret ween three aal i'mv tl.oieanl !
meriean ! v. ate .-tud'-'-ng ia the Lie- ;
T,., o. I... .' .".! cli.."- . .
Rioel.e City, 1'iah, hi - bai on - spring,
;.!t 1 (bat diie- lip yvt iV MllllllliT, -o t::ai
water "!;.. i'or it.-;, cer t - . r ga'ion.
.Vis Man- Rarrv. of Knosville, 'i u-
I .li r"v .il.l i If .1:1. . 1 'I
j n..SM.(i )j:S r,.,r;. ...'j ., . ,,.,.,
i jnd ueihg or e hundred children to ;ut . n i
i Suuuay m-'iooi.
i lu re l
- .-aid to be a;;,- :.g il:e
ers in j ii! ai York, I 'a., a man .- h h ,-
. . .
t.t-e,: v.ii.::ti'-.. . r on-, r t i'i" ye.e s '.or re-
fusing to a;i --,i r a .-'lou ineo ;:t.
Main ,a thl'tv tv,.i hundred .vpUa'.i
ndles of Lake . mftce.
A girl lie;..;- I biytoii re. a litis' Wot, a bon
ic-t 1 y t In o.vie . 1: r iVl,-,- twice on.
! !'!!',": 1!' :1': i: :'!:-'i,"::";V-. ,
A'l old h:.. !..-!.
that i'lvtng ti.
; a,io-to imin y,-o;i 1 n f amoMllt to
alp-lilbe: :'; eie:i;lv. I t eause- tl,"V Wall' !
- , ... i . . !
I keep .i-miv. tu-.i tney w--r ,.i e.i
; t i vo - titii
a too oai t ) tar.C til.v
Uo.'.e-i in 1 "in ie-.
i v.'"'..a:i -ip' !'! to a tea- i-tralc
:( , , 1 "7V: 7:7-7 : . t a n -b b'-r. '
I ,. ,., ., ,j,j;.r v.,r wor-bio. (
lx.:ti.. prove it ?'' "No d mb;
! ci.ld." said i be n.agistral -, ''but
1 had l.-t'.-r 1. (.''
j ' ' 1 ' . ,
Mie !
an t !
lie; vnu 1
t ..,,l ;
Kan -as b - - f:i; -ft. thou -an 1 more
than villi;:- n
' " ' .,.,. .......
...v, 0. ..........
' ago ci'.inie 1 'l,tliltl 1 1; '10 : ot;! tl' s. is 1 , vv (
' -h.' nifef a eonrsitiivl ivj iu growai, ,
j to have but 17.7 V.
A ee'o: e ; j;i , ii r 1 11 1 1 ! 1" ! lock. A vk . i
1 l.-ts evervbodv g'1 into the jail w h wi-U
! ' 7: :. -. 1
1 e- 1 ' 1 1 . l n . ."il 1 ii.ii .' i-.iaii .ia; - ' 111-
r , i-OOi" llllr
e,....,.?i... p. . ; of wu h.-ndrc 1 ce-
i ta-, s :i)id ill a-. Worth ii.n.i fdo.t' 1 ' ''
! "IM.! MO each, and on" v.crth '; ''.' M-h
1 - v - 1 I - 1
: wtiicii are o--v-'i .i:i!v lit t..e summer.
1 - . .
A miio.-ici- ol 7- pi lligne.-l, U.-l".
a.-k.-d the name of a b;-;de v. ho ;.p;a .i.vd
. ... .-,. ,;oi v. .: ,
1 a-
A to U!l-
! der-i;md ihat li w..- Ml
iioo p.y.- tune v. a
A w, ,,bbv la lv, who st-y.- io :
. e;vu,p am-: ... toe
' Ui" '-'u'l"y '
to ru t.c.tej,; r
':: lin :'-v '
The King c-f
advoea- tf w.m.-
; give: evevv Ia"'...ty
! 1 p.- -tud-r au 1 pr e-
pi". ' I i e V 1 o i'. 1 1 r-. I
i,;,,..' 1 ;,, , ,. s no b an -. "
;. ;. ),.. p.':, ,, i,. h.-a-l'lir-t 1
A iva
: w. : i;g to 1 x.
l.-i - !
I o '. . ;' . 0 a ' a
: 1 eb '..a a -r .-a' 1 -1: V ..- PP-. : ' '' it
' general. .- ;' j t at t::.i : to !:c-tu-
i .-.- 'mi " !.'-r ft 1 i'.':.
, 7. i.r-. ;, a;, ;:, b ; . ;(-; ; : p-, e;.; 1,
. . 1 1 - i
. ;j t 1 ; I t" - - I :. : 1 ". a 1 1 1 :i .
i V.'ii
..., . ,.,;.' .: ;:; 0 . a' ,:. : 1
l,.-,.s!.l t.(! -tru.k hima bbe.v ,.:i the h-.a ',
ai:-weiiii "li ha- j: t 'r o.-a--."
As a man was dn.big c.itt's and wi. h -
t,!Z ,., .A;..,, .p, -; . ,,-.:r e, be tal! 1 out 1 1
! :1 v :!t ;, -lie: t to p n th am .
s-.v.- th-- be-.-, tin v pre ii .t -id ot.t
T11 i,,-. V.-lb head !::u tl" n. Tb v
. have b-.-d-0:1. 'lv 1 oy an y,u ?
' 1 .Ir.'r 1; J.-''- V: t.-" aid i:k moth r.
,v, t., or !..!!..-.. - a ; to;: r p i,: ;.:::,aap:.l; . f.v i;i ;: , x. ii. iu. i ; ,? ' . f
b..- r - 11 ki.e.s and 1 rr- .11 '. !!: t;v, ::. --s. v.- r; :y v.. r
. . "i ... ... - --'..-' i a.'- .. r r a. -. ... ...... 4 . - i : . p. j ... - T j. . . ... ' if
iri-lil- M';,ii ...r. , ,. . r : 1 , . . a a : ... a . , '1 .
i'i'- :!.:.; ;. atrt . :. ' - 1 e r - - ; . . . . ri ' ' ' .u
I'l .-,i ',!' I ! Ill ' ia,' . r . -r f . a ' 7 I
... ,. e. v.- :!V"L;i: Ci..: V. i-l . '" -"- . Fr-J i ., ir,':.-,;. . :. ; , t ; -
'A ... fc . I... -. ... ...... r.i.,1 .I...V .v . . , ; ' r
iiici a iituat, the :bcr !..,-, i :i 1 i.'ii ij.t.p .... ,. , . . , .1
! -a: ! 1...-: ".b ia s. y..-i t , - i ;'......'.. 1 7' :" . 1
n.'ett.oe ;.WS d V':!'-." "W'ieit Q f. C.-;n?.-. - J -. V- : i'-'-.!- " '
" lb -o u.e v. iter :..-:u :m.-
- . . 1 t .. i .,.;.i. , . 1 .- . .- . )
in .ne 11 , i : K . ',. ;: .'.-'at.:: ..: ; .' .;. ..-p.- - ' , .-.1. . :.. . b- .. "' Y' . : It
V mm v.!,-, 1 ad : ; -IFug :' . I, ; . ' " . A 'f
..!...! i,.- , ., .r I-.--.,...-, i ' bk'i-i'V k'-J li'JhvJ.' . '- .11 I A ; . l
"v iMV . ti 5.,
. AM' tX iV. :: 'X : !-r h:f
' ' '" ' " ' : i :!---, 'ill II-
. 1 : . .1 : c, ( vii,
1 ' 1 " 1 . s-f-ii.- .
.. X :. '. o: F. '.'i.-ioi-
!. .v.. ,.. I:;.,;,,-..!!'
- I'- n
i.-. ii.
: . . v vi i .
i . , , , i : . . ; i ;
"5?; t,T. t U W'-l ,
v ; ;, ". s ,T ' ' ' ' i. .1 .
'v. '';'." ' ' : ' " , '; ''O""'1-1' ' "'
" '
5! ii SrCH i!5
'.i'.'r.-- '!. '.,. ...P. it ... i.. - r.-..
v. -I el 1. 1.;.-.- ! ,r ,.,-.:. rv.: .
.' . : of Wi . .. v,..e, i ... ..
j s-r
ii!".. Si-afi; ; ; i:. w :. I,,- , ,
I T i- ,, .. , ...... V rv.
!.,;.- - ' '"..'"e-t , i.
I i...-i -T...".. Pi-e.,i, ,(,. ",t.i;,.l ,. . .... ;., .
l'.!''" r'' ''"'! IV .- Me- I fi- ;
, c:.. ait. .linn,,:;.. Jt.i.o.l !... ri..- u ... k '
'"v. ;;ei":.;..;v'..-.
T" 7.' 7 ' ,
l .T !
'. h -'7.. - : vv .. -i"
: i-.-to:.-true tr i..
! lu ll
I 'Oil - I !' - T'. r;',
,u r' ,7,.'V
( - l A - lory :m. l,..!l I.i:.-. ;
- . '1: -. .1 e; .
'I -. ' ; .i.e .. n !
. .1 . 1 .-. y .in
. ... ni
r I !..r :i -1
. i... ..... : t
P!:et-ii.'!i.!i. 1I.-.-U- tl,..- u ri liv.-r. (,;, j
; 1 j 1 1 j . (ii 1 r n
' ...... . . . 1, .
-.- 1 ... .. r 1 1 1 1 1 a ii 1 !...;,..
i .... 1 r .. I .-a la . .;. . 'I h? -rt m-im .e.i, r in ....
'.'-. 1 ia ..iii.T i.a.ita ua i i- imi.e ,e ,- 1 U
ot.a'i ;.. 1 l-i i'u- lui- ok .. .t 11, i ';t iviii
.i-:i w tier .i.i-r s..;- 1 .i... ., a 1 ,1, 1.
Illi'llillll ll
A; ;.'y : . : i .1 x u :. ..1. ,v i'mai'ii in. .l.-.-;-l.Viv.;
' I."''! ' ' !!
1 I., t. -ora. 1
1 i.lin -t,.-. f... At.i.'v :
fj.-.i'. iu' i. Y. !i. rioT.;!:o'.:c.
I ."('tl s i.e. - T,,s ;.. c;. , , , .....
1 . S. M i:
i.'n'l T a". s"
: 1 ' . .e : . ; .-: . . :i .
f 1,0 I a
: CP "e. T ni." rrp
'i i:K rxt!-.i:i:N::: ii.w;: 0Pi:xi:i a
In S rc. t. Pi ,t . ..v
1 ..- ta la-i-f .a: !,
J l)
ii-F i. i I it! iliii I
in Tiuiiii ;--!:.vs;.::.
t " u e e. HTl
' -
j ....... ,,,
; loi-.a-l v.vtf.
. -
ham. a r: .
c' "; 1 r::;: '
; -i7 i4 Vv V
' V. .""I A ft ji-3 ' it. s. - .
j a x& t- i-S3u 'titf ta
ii!"ni!!V r. p:.:;'f, piops.
,.-;.,...., ,.f n
! Pora-T Vi.a' aa i 1
il Ma..'.. V J
..... a .vi--.ra.-ia,.
r r- - rj 7 -
I'U i - r :. J
S- , ( I1. "1 J
lr' .- 1 i - . I . t , . J j
1 ; y
i. Xlls
'V57 A V" '" 'T
V i. A ,-:'lLt
S. . lar. ,-t i;. ;.;i.ri!0, :..!, f,
tjri.-t .'.: .It-.
( 1:1- a ;! -'-e:i Fit 'iny. V.'i-'.ir , !.
: 1 .:''
; s-4"t "
1 1 ;i: I iijii- .-!.. en 1..,,.
1 1 -ti -, iiii i i.i i k: ii i- o :
' T - -
: -iii. i.l.. ,j J.iisiiJ . i-liii.S.-j
f...-.,; ' : ,
,--rt ia.:;. 0.
f ,- .1. , 1 i i . j i V; , 1 i ; 1 o -t r. r . .
; t '.ot:
- T ; , ' ' I I
J. l-'l U iggg l t
T.T U,
. ; -''Mvn
: -'or-! ''-
i p,
' "'
P-VS !'
..r : v- '..'.'
' ".''':.
,, . ...... 'ti,,;.-: r ..:i - tir ;, , . . .1 : J'
..! A'.. .1 i i. .-ii. 1 is. Pi. 1 i'.- '.'i , -,.,;... ' . ,- J
Yea tb.,:-,. t -, r - , . - . Z : I r.'. , ., f , , p: r i .. a. v .. : .... .. ''
a:.-, wbill e-ea. i . : -r ' a't. i r; I "r. a. I .' , ' '"" V ,
I.' of h. 'i' ha'i'S ;. i'i 7 "." J ..... -iy .--.-... :. . ...... g r .' ... T l.
A, ..."O.-Al ,;'ir....i. -. 1 . I
w:, - - - rtiw.i, vi-aji, i ;--.r (
-. - ' T V,'".- : : - ' 1 ! I I '
Marred. ; z: -'z:iiy;.: j
li. ... I .. eau-iv , 'ai-.r-- 1 i - f . - ', i a F- l e " a i i 'n . 'jf V I
..; ; . i vi .-. i e-v I,.,--.... .... a .. 1 1 .a.' I ' ' 1 f
r n. '.a .... ' i. a - '.'.!" "
T .
x ' i ! .- ii. i.-. . i w. n. , ;,. . i
v- li- .1 i-. i ; .ai i.
' ft '. ii-.- o: I" ..I -1 .. a. ', .
S .. ..... .-. i. I) j-.;.i u ,, ..... ,
I '';e . : . ' 1 :... ... , i ..; . ....
... ... .
... . . . . ,, M
'. - . ' ' ' . . ... - 1 I ! i i . - l i I : l .
i . - - - I - -a ii , . . . ... . .
; .1 ...
..-! :!. -.) .
I ... '! i i ; :.. . i. '.i. v " .
1 I - ;. :. I t . !.., , ,1. , 1
i ' " . ! . ' .
i. !i-.-i I'M- !, ...
'. ....
. s I : i i v . : I-
A. .
I, l'v ,
1 '. "
. l i i..l - I l.l ! .1 II.,-
i I. i .1 !. i . - .i.i , . i , t..' . I '..i . .
i ' i r II.. I i r, :n- v r,i .
i . I . ;.
t i e'.-r i.i' tie- '; !' ' I '( . '.
.:: . : ... 1 . I e-.i i .... e.
L' a! ftiiic9.
, r. r 1.. !.
i .III II. .',:! 1,,
. i ... i
'- i.
' a ;
i : a. .-in;.
i.i tv !. :.:
-.. :.i lm. i
Lcfjiii fiiJtice.
Tn 1'.- . t (', -:t I.i i-
i i . t. ;;: a :- ,i ii : . N , !.r.: i.
t ... I, - S. .... ... i'i.. Willi. I
J :.ii ('. VI i'i. ;, ... i I" .!'. a !.-rl, .1
I ,. "! : ti t '. K V.a to! . i , .t i ,-
1 !:.; . a . "i - . : t-t
i ii:-,.- ii'. n ..-.i .;....:--. -t .. y..u m
j ,., ..... ,...v ,,; I,,,,, .,.
i ; ' : -' --.' - ;-. 'r.-, ..
; r.. a i !;.!: .in v ..i . v I i ,. ...
, i-..ue. in .-mi i -.-a ..i;.:i, ,..
, ,11. 1 ij. .,1 .... ' Mi i'.'r . i -. , VV.' . II
I !i.jl-l I'.-t la- i-viia-i.
I :.! . .'. i A en "v
1 III'; ! - "1 . v . tv 1 . '
Oil -Sill 0 vJ t J .
' ('. l. i,:;iii , ('.,,, 1
; ;,
! j.uui ( ..nil .1
i . . a. i v 1 11 I ., 1 1 1 v. . . i .
a' !"!,' . i ; ' i -. ; 1 . ... i i I e
ll.; t'nii, 1 il.. ia !a. , .nil,. (' ..
. 1 1 ir ::- '.-. .11 : ! a 1 1 .I.i-. a .1, . 1
- ". ::" ... .''! r. v:. , , 1 i-l .1
1 1 - 1 . . ' a 1. . . . 0 . . .-1 -. ; 1 . . . u . . . 1. .
i "l-t'it : : a l a li i No. i u I 1: 1
! tlia. !. ' a '..i ! ie- !.' i.. 1 a -; I a.i
! i-i ia. : - ' 1 ! o ..: .. .- .1! 1 a
; I '.:.- ! iV- '.' ' ,' a i i 1 1 1 Ig : ! 1 t -.- i . '. ,..
I ' ..iiaty. N 1 i, .,: K.. .-. r. .! ..
1 ; .a.ia .1 Ap.;! i- 11,1. A. 1.. I.i". 1;, ,,.
: a.;v ... ::. A. I'.. I- .11, ;., 11
.ia -.1 .1 i t I.' ..; ily.
.1. . . .t" ;
. '-li!. a 1
M . .V :.i.i. 1 :: m-uan, A. : . .-. l.-i f
V. 1 1 ' in i..r K .i-r -.i.;' v. 7. nil :i-J- :i .
, A. I., i.
, !.,:.). -r. I
i I...'-, i" .;;. . lion aa. at. p,-f.....:
; .'-. a i ' ia." I,. Ill i . a PI.-: i,
, a.-' : 1 1 . 1 1 . i ' i . - i . " i ! i y . t .', a . a -r I - . :
i ! e '.,. i i if - . i I ' i - i i . ik . i I i.i
' ..!.. o t - i .1 aa,. : . i. -,. -i .... ,;. ..
i i i- i'i. - . . V- 'ii.--! i. ti..-
la at ' i a , I :.. Hi": I - i . .,l,ai ;
I i-. M !i,ov. a . i ii .... i I : : ; : , I i ' : i .
.' ; ' I e V: - ..... . c. -'I 111 1 1- X .
' I.;, a ... : a: i ,,,i i , I,,
t An I. l .... I.. .... I Pa',-.,. l'..i.i, i- .'ii
; I !.:. i'ii . r.i .- a. . a ,-. . - ' ,,: ., .
i.i-.i : . . r ... i p. : 1 i.
-.'-u ;l tin - .... -. ... : i ..... a. t! .
: I . : i ;t . la a I ... i - .: a i , . a t .. i. -a-, . v - a i . . ... 1,
! '" !- - 1 ,i l..' ::f. I- -ai . Ii. .... i
! '' 1' o-t ,!.'.. I ' a , . . :.:,.( -a i I ia. .a..-, . , ' ...
I. '.til a . ''i'l, I'i, i Ilia ,a .li.i o I Pin nil , I , . ,. I
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