: -. 7 s.lOVTt.'. The Silver Dow came op chis after- CV1. ilulcahi-y, who wai rtabbed tt Ciia?i& recently, is getting letter. ' See. T. P. Kanard hit! family went well en the 10 a. ro. train to-day. The;. Pawnee Tribune fiives the Porae roy land steal a Lcary raking. lion. A. V. Fuller, cf Ashland, rent eoft over the II. fc M. thin:orniDg. J. Pan Laar, of the Nebraska City Times, ha pofii lo St. Louis to pureha.-e a power press for thir ofliioe. A larpc number of tbr Otssba people parsed the Fourth at G!enwod, in pie nieing. Judge Lake went west this morning o attend the Supremo Court session at Lincoln. The Brownviile Democra' proposes i fuing a daily soon. We wi.-h it success 1'rownviue tliou'd support one good Kily. ; JaJge-Croun.se went west on the 10 it. tu. train yesterday to attend the ses sion of the Supreme Court at Lincoln which couiujences to-lay. This portion of the footstool has been visited by two or three refreshing t-how-crs friuce lat week, and corn looks tuiil i njs: and refreshed in consequence. The Ashland Times pays Hon. Joe McKinnou has thirty acres of wheat that will average five Vent in height. Me is one of our be.-t farmers. From the self sati-fied air of the larn-c number of our citizen.- who came in from Ashland this morning, we judge the Re ception at the Suel! Uoue last night was a success. JIoii. T. M. Marquett, of this city, is lying dangerously ill, although we arc nappy to be ab!e to say to-day that his iyuiptonis are considerably better. lie was taken pick last week. Kbcrhai t 4 Moblcy have removed the Independent oSee to Grand Inland, whore they will continue to deal out real live items for the public. They get up a tpicv thcet, and "go in" heavy a local affairs. Messrs. Merges & Co. left some speci mens of their brick at this office which are open to inspection. They are cer tainly as fine brick a we have ever seen anywhere. Mr, Mockenhaupt bur e l the brick, and they do him cedifas ppei racns. The Morning Chronicle nf Nebraska City, says : ''Parties who are suspected of bcinp: guilty of aiding in the mob ope rations in Hast port, last spring which re suited in hanging one M unlock, were ar retted yesterday, on charge of uiurdjr." Hon. John L IIc-dL'k, of Oniahi, has been in the city to-day- We arc always glad to meet Iledick hs is oae of your real live, wido-awake kind of men, who do not set d..wn and wait for something to "turn up," but who take hold and turn things up. Old f tgyici i fast giving. way to en terprise. A t-hort time siu;c v.e an nounced ths demise of the Nibra-ka City Xeics; end now we are called upor. to chronicle the fate oft he Comic:! IJ'uS JJajlc the latter bung swallowed up by the Evening Times. So it goes. Capt. Murphy coniTiicn'.'ed to-dav to take the census in the city. Every one hou'd have answer? written out to the questions as heretofore published in the I1f.raji, and leare them at their resi de UCCS. The fourth in I'lattsmouth was similar to most other days, except that there was a terrible smell of salt pctre in the even ing. Nothing goiu;r on during the day, but fire crackers and "sich" suffered ter ribly in the evening. By reference to our adverti-ing col umns it will be sen thut M. Ten Kick throws out a big challenge to the owners or agents of the various reapers and mowers. He proposes to back his judge ment on the Champion Machine with at lea.t $100. Will somebody meet Ten Eick, and give the farmers a chance to judge of the relative merits of tha dif ferent machines? The Ashland Times comes ont with a new and neat heading, and te columns lengthened about two inches. This makes a decided improvement in the ap pearance of the paper. Mathews is al ways on hand for improvements, and will beep bis paper fully up to the demand. The Tir.i' is now one of the neatest pa pers in the State, and is lifting Ashland right "out of the woods." Capt. Hoover has opened a well as sorted s-tock of Groceries and Notions at uisviile Station, on the IS. & M. U. It. in Nebraska. The Capt. is a real ac commodating gentleman, and we have to doubt he can sell goods to the peoplu KT that vicinity at low dfwn prices. Merges Bros, are doing a better class of work, at lower prices, than can be ob tained at any marble yard in the west. Thoy are supplied with the very best rades of marble. There is r.o let up to improvement in onr city. A few days since we heard a Pi'ntieman remark that he thought build ing had slacked a little, and we looked about to ascertain whether there was truth in the remark. Upon examination we faund tliat instead of building being slack, the contrary was the fact. Build ings may not, iu fact are not, going up where they can be recn at a glarce. bur ako a stroll over the LilL and t'.fougb the bo!low3 and.tb.cn t&yif you thick : ;-- . .- ;. - - .. . ; h-n wc r u4ior th it every acre of this, laud is sold for actual Kcttlcmcn A frcicht train on the C. B. & St .loo II. Jl. was ran into by a passengers loco motive r.t F.i'tport last Friday. The freight ti"n was Vliind time?, and was standing on the track at the station. The passenger train camo in on tiuie and run into the rear of the freight train, im juring the locomotive considerably and breaking two or three freight cars. No one hurt. The engineer of the freight train is blamed for the accident. THE ItRIUIir NIDC. This "rigorous young "paper for all children" now visit its readers every week, instead of once a month as form erly. It would not be unwelcome, if'likc the -umhine, it should come every day. $1.00 a year. Specimen copies free. Address, the Bright Sidk, Chicago, 111. wto at: kb:)ekt. A ClrrU Sto- Kin Ktiijttoycr mid &ctm Away YVJtii About SUO.OO Yesterd-.y morning it wt discovered that the store of Ila fi'jnrgor !c Berliner of this city, had bfv.:i if- .!, and oon after it was dis)ver-d that Isaac Fiee-d-man was the robber. Free -J man a i'o Lnder, talks German indifferently, is 21 years old, and had been in the employ of Hamburger it Berliner for about three months, ile formerly worked at the r'lattc Valley lLu..e. in the capacity of cook lie has been in flu city fjr about .seven months past. His father lives at ilotkford, Illinois, Frcediuan started eat on the B. fc M. B. II. on the Sun day evening train. Ile broke open the desk in the store, where the cashier and book k'.cpcr, Jr. Juda, generally loft a .small amount of currency. lie found only about ?.'.). 00 in money, but took some five or six hundred doiiars worth of silks and other fine goods. Mr. Albright, the affable and accom modating agent of tho B. & M. It. K. Co. at this end of the line, informs us that the road is doing all the bu-incss they can do with their present facilities. Kvery car that can be had is in use, and they all go loaded Loth ways. lfe ap preheud there never was a new road that done a better business than isbingdone over the B. & M. Don't forget the Ice Cream Sociable at the Court House this (Thurs day) evening. A plea-ant time i antie iftatcd, The laadies of the Pro -byterian Caurch have laborded f.tiihful!y in the pa-t lo raise means to a 1 ni and beautify the Church, and make it pleasant for the church-going people of Piatt -mouth; and they arc thankful for theenco i:age mcnt and as-rbturiee of a generous and liberal public. They are yet in need of finds, and it is hoped the good citizens wi'd turn cut an 1 btlp the cause. Wc announced last evening that Mr. J. C. Miller and son, of Albia, Iowa, were in the city with a view to locate here. Wc are .clad t-" be able to state, this evening, that they have decided upon locating here, wheri they will es tablish thi-m.-clves in the practice of the ir.w. Mr. J. C. Mi'ler will return to A1-. bi t to-ii:t rrow fur his family, and Mr. F.ank Miller v.iil remain in the cry. We vvlcouii; thrill to l'iatt-mouili, and doubt, not they will prove a valuable ac quisition to the social circles cf our city, e well as to the bar. Sea advertisement of E. G. Dovcy. Mr. Dovey has almost anything you can rail for, and he ells at low down prices. Call and s Kim. It was announced, a .v-: d !.. . that some of the mu u. i ;-i the circus that recently pertoruicd in our city, fell into the cage of lions, while, pa rading through the streets of a Mi.-souri town, and that they, tho musicians, Were eaten by the ki;ig- of tlio foro.-t. It since turns out that tlie ctoiy was invented for an advcrtieb.ent, ai:d that no such ae.iient occurred. S j i:itead of na ling, "feil into a Jon of lion-," p'ea er-ad "a ucn of liars," and you'll have the truth of the story. Ite.jjubli ciu. An Iowa man tried to hug a neighbor's wife, but, le!"ore he got throuih, the 1 1 dy hit him w'uh a rolling-pin ami put him out doors. The husben t took a revolver atid went to the man for s:u intact ion, but concluded to settle by taking a no.'e for ten dollars, which ho trailed oil' tor a coin-plow. The man who holds the note can't collect it, the tivor of it claiming that he d; 1 not get value received. He ays he will never pay that note until he gets the balance of that hug. The ca.se will go to the court s We we from the papers that numlcrs of children have been poisoned in this Slate this spring by eating wild parsuips. It (.hou'd be well known that parMiins allowed to grow from year to year on the same plat of ground have a tend ency to revert to the wild state, and that in a wild condition every part of the plant is pervaded with a deadly poison that kills with ail the virulence of strych niue. Gardens shoit'd Le supplied every wasm with seed thai comes Iroiu some other locality. The substance to Iks taken as remedies agiin t the action of this poison are enietk-s to promote r:;id Toiuiting, bnt send fr the ncre-t phy sician with all haste. Luca City Our Canadian friends are evidently afraid of a silver currtney. They take American silver only at the following rates ; Fifty cent piece at forty-seven ceuS; twe:::ty-five cent piece at twenty three cents ; ton cen: piece at nine cents ; hvecent piece ( under uitntunt of tweuty five c. nts) ;t par. And a much as they depreciated our "rag c urrci-cy" ijuiim.' and since the war, the Merchants' Bank Agency is prepared to furnish any amount of paper fractional cuner.cy that may le required. Twonty-fivo families of Hollanders have ju-t settled in Sioux wunty. low;t. fh.-y have entered and w'.i'. otvupv al the eoverumenf lands in four towa-hips, :n the ctutre of whicli they wJl lay out a town to be called Hope. Jerome Bonaparte was buriod it Bal-t-jcoK c:. SasTav l.tt. t i ' F i ell luce v Ianination. Gallaut Rakosj Committed for Trial. . At 9 o'clock Friday morning the pris oner, Cailaut Bakes, was brought into court and arraigned b'fre Justice O' Neill. After waiting sometime for the arrival of the Coroner, the examination was commenced without him. We give a synopsis o: the evidence, leaving out many things which have no direct bear ing upon facts but only ujKn matters of law, suh as laying foundations for the udaiission -of facts: TUB PUOSKCIJTtON. Dr. Latt sworn I was called to see S arali Jane Powers 1 it Tuesday evening; she was .-hot near the spine, the ball passing near the right kidney, coming oat near the navel ; the wound was un doiibted'y made by a bail from either a revolver or rifte; she sulbred greatly, but was to ali appearance perfectly con scious. Elizabeth Hardiek sworn Know de reaped; she was my mother; know de fondant; lie cume after meat Mr. Pell's hou-c Sunday morning; he said u.y mother was dying, bui said he did not know what was the matter with her uor how long she hid been sick; 1 went to the hou.-e and found her e-hot: she thou.'.-ht she was dying, except at times she had hopes of living when we en-coiii-aged her, telling her she might re cover; dec-a-ed said she was coming fVoiu the garden to t lie house; she heard the leport of a gun and felt herself wounded ; she hallooed, but no one heaid her ; she can e on to the house and laid down; laid some time and called M rs. -Jacob', who was at Bake's house, and had her go into the field for my brother Jot. n ; she .-aid there was brush on one side of the road and a fence on the other, and that the report of the gun was from behind her; she described the p'ao.e very minutely, so that I could tell where it was exactly fence on one side and bru-h on the other, very close to the road ; there was no timber close noth ing but brn-h, tall as my head ; the lm-h was on the right hand side of the road when goirnr toward the house ; had to go past Pake's garden to go from wheie she wa shot to the house ; de fendant went fjr the doctor; when he came back he said he did not get a doc tor; defend nit appealed very much ex cited and trembled bad'y ; defendant had a pitol when be went after the doc tor ; deceased said if she could only talk .she could tell a .ereat deal. Cross examined Mrs. Bakes was pres ent during the first conver.-ation I had with decea-ed; I think there was no one but Mr. Hakes and myself present ; de fen bint had a pi-tol when he came back from thedocto: ; he had the pistol in"a hol.-ter fa-t to a belt ; I could see the h in lie of the pi.-toi ; he was standing I'iciiig me when I saw the pi-tol; do not know it' he ha I the pi-tol when he .-ta ted after the doctor. T. (J. Kendall sworn I knew de ceased; fir.-t saw her alter she was shot between 4 and G o'clock on the same day; aecea-e-i was then lyinir in a baa condi tion; (d not hear her .-ay anything about 'viu or about the place where the h jotiisji t;ok place; there were many there, and 1 gave way for deceased to get air; the party pre -out went ami exam ined the groun 1 ; I did not go first time ; we went a.ua'n in the evening, Jesse K.-win. James Krwni and myself; went and examined the grove, where there was an old path ; we examined and found trucks going in the direction of where the shooting was done; the track was peculiar, showing only ha'f of the heel c-ack; track was lie-h and plain, show ing part of hoc!, ball of foot and toe; the track led toward the road which p i ses along Bakes fence ar und his pia'v: I oniy saw the tracks of this pecu liar kind ; they were made by a left boot; there were so many different tracks along the main ron 1 that we could not tell whether this track wh- there or not : we saw two or three p!;:ce w here the bushes were bent and pressed down, not large enough for a brute to have made them, but looked like a man had sat down ; this was within a step ortwo of the road ; have known defendant well for the last two years; I was present when defend ant was arrc:-ted. and I examined his boots ; the heel of the left boot had on a rvp on the out -ide ; the track aud the foot eorresponled very well; 1 have no doubt the bo u made the track we saw. Tlie boor were pre.-eiitcd and the left one identified by the witness as the one faken oil the primmer at the time of his arrest When arro-ted. Mr. Erwin a-ked defendant fr his revolver, and he crave it up: Krwin a-ked defendant when tint load was put in, and defend ant said '! his morning ;" he was asked why he loaded it, and he said he "loaded hi revolver as he damned pleased, and it was nobody's bu ioess;" he appeared to be a little excited, bnt not very much ; I should in lire from awiearances that all the load in the ii.-to! had been in seve ral days, except th ene, and that looked '.ike it bad been fre-h bwjed ; this ar te -t was made on Tue-day afternoon; the roa I where the bit-hes are, is in a southeasterly direction from Mr. Bakes hou e ; Hake's garden fi-nie is probably -even md-f.om the yard fence; Bakes garden is nearly south from Hakes house the road passes it. Crr-ex--imineJ Dr. Latta arrived af ter I did souv? time after; the path leads from the bruise to the road, and was formerly ucd as a near by-path; the path is very narrow, and it appeared as tho .irh tho other f ot had stepped on the grass : the ground was not so hard in the path but tint the foot: would make a track in omo p'aa s; do not think I could have leen tni-taken in which boot made the track ; saw no other tracks ex cept one or two whre a hruto had passed along ; T suppose it wa ltetween 5 and fi o'clock when I examined the path; Mr Erwin men uel the track and also the liot ; I think pri-onor wasnot under arrest when he gave tip (lie revolver. ies.-e I'.rwm swovn was caiieu on about the mi Idle of the afternoon o Tuesday to go up and see, if anything could c done to a -certain who kiiled Mrs. Powers: deee-sl said some one had shot her from fx hind her. from the brit-h, wlvkj she was coming down the road ; f eyit:i?-' hce d ew a pint of the Mirroun lings field, rard-n. road, brush, house, nath, etc . an 1 ".vh'bited it, show ing the ioint where the bru-h comes up close to the ro:id as the point where Mrs. Powers said she was -hot j; I went with others, ami examined ths place where he -ad the -hot was fired from, and f-und the 1ru li bent down within a few arcps of wh'-re .-he v.ts when shot ; Bakes sai l he wt in the garden when the shooting was d-tne, and showed me the pine where he s:tys he stood; there are tracks ha ing from that place to wttrd'the "outha-t comer of the gar den ; I saw three distinct tracks on the path, and of hers not very distant; I measured the tracks in the e-arde.i, also thOiC on the nath ; I wo'uld su noose Jkera -6c k the S222e trsok" ; the trtk4 correspond wi:h tita boot now in court ; (w;tiiesf ;orto!onted Mr. Kin-lali's statement in rtg'od to the nppearaep of the tiacks, aLo a. to the reo.ver) ; pris oner said he had loutled the one tie-h load that morning, then said no, it was the day before, and finally said he loaded it as he damned pleased, aud it was no body's business ; I had said nothing to prisoner about the killing when I took the pistol ; prisoner tolu in he was ho ing in the garden when he heard the shot over towards the road ; prisoner dropped his head when I asked hiui about the fresh load, and never looked straight at me afterwards; wheu I took the pistol from him, I asked hitu when he put in the fresh load ; he answered, "this morning ;" I asked him what he -hot at ; he then remarked "no, I loaded it yesterday no, I don't know when I loaded it;" Cro-s Examined Tlie conversation about the pistol and the fresh load oc curred in the garden, before night ; I af terwards put on the boot of the prisoner, and stepped in the soft ground. Those who measured the track said it corresponded with the tracks I measured in the garden. I do not know whether it was the right or left track I measured in the garden. Re-direct. The garden is about half way from the house to the fence where the deceased said she was shot. A man could go from where the prisoner said he stood to where the woman was shot, and back, inside of five minutes. James Erwin sworn I know defen dant. I went with Jesse Erwin and Mr. Kendall to examine the tracks; the track I noticed particularly was made with a left boot ; I saw one track I sutr posed to be made with a right boot, but it was a very dim one could hardly tell that it was atrack. (Boots were pre sented and identified as the ones taken off the prisoner.) The tracks corres ponded with the boots ; the bu-hes near where the shooting was done had been mashed down ; the plaee where the bushes were mashed down I should think to be about two hundred yards from Mr, Hakes' garden ; saw apparent tracks in four or live places, but only two or three plain ones. John 1'owers sworn I'nsoner came to me on Tuesday morning and said my mother was about to die that he be lieved they said she was shot ; this was before he went for my sister. Samuel Blodgett sworn lvnew de ceased, also knew defendant : after pris oner came from getting a doctor, when Mr. .Lrwin took pistol from prisoner, Erwin asked him when he nut in the fresh charge; he said, first, in the morning; he afterwards changed, and said it was the day be fore, aud finally de clared it did not make any difference when he loaded it. Cross-examined Do not know wheth er or not l wouM consiaer jir. Arwin s request for the pistol in the nature of a demand ; might havy been five persons present when Erwin took the pistol from prisoner cannot tell how many; the question as to when the revolver was loaded referred to the particular charge which was fresh loaded ; could tell the fresh load by the appearance of the ball and cap; prisoner admitted that this barrel had been loaded at a different time from the others. J. W. MeCune Was present at a conversation hetween prisoner and Jesse .hrwm regarding a revolver belonging to Mr. Isrown ; prisoner said he wanted Erwin to take care of his revolver ; pris oner said Brown asked him to load his revolver ; he said he loaded Brown's i . revolver tnrougn mistake, supposing it was his own ; this convar.-atinn was lata in the evening, as we came from ths branch. Solomon Long Knew deceased and defendant; pri-oner came to my house Tuesday evening ; I asked him how the folks were ; he said they were all well except that old woman, an.! .-he was shot; I asked him who he thought shot her, and he said he did not know unless it was Geo. Hardiek ; that she was going to go down that day and give George a going over. Cross Examined Prisoner said George owed the old lady 5(). and that the old lady was down on George for whipping her boy ; Geo. Hardiek lives southeast of Hakes.' Nicholas Trook Knew deceased, also prisoner; was present when the revolver was taken from prisoner ; Erwin ex amined the revolver and remarked, "gentlemen, there is a suspicious look ing load in this revolver ;" Erwin asked prisoner what he shot the load at, and he made no answer ; he asked prisoner when he put that load in. and he said that morning ; one load looked like it was fresh loaded ; defendant reached out as if to take the revolver, and Erwin told him to hold on, he would take care of the revolver prisoner first said he loaded the revolver this morning," then said, "no, I load ed it yesterday." I know of three who were present wnen tne revolver was taken. Lewis Smith sworn Never saw de fendant until last Tuesday ; he a-kcd me for Dr. Latta ; I asked him who was sick. and he said "the woman over south of here iu the grove." I asked him what was the matter with her and he said "the fever." Cross-examined The rri-oncr went from me towards Rock Bluffs, not to wards Dr. Latta's house ; when he said the woman was sick he pointed towards Rakes Grove. Jesse Indicott sworn I knew deceas ed, also defendant ; have seen defendant have a revolver in the field ; I had a conversation with prisoner some time in May ; he said, during the conversation. that "some of them would smell hell;" that "he did not propose to rent them ground and then tend it too." Geo. Hardiek sworn Deceased wastnv mother-in-law; never had any difficulty with the deceased ; she nor her son were neither of them at my house on the dav of the shooting; I n-ver whipped the boy ; have threatened to when he lived with me, some time ago ; I am her se curity for $50 ; do not owe her anything that 1 know ot. Cross-ExaviineJ I live about a haf mile from Rakes ; I got $140 from her about to years ago ; I bought her a horse with part of the money, and spent th balance of the money t'or coining and provisions for her familv ; shea-k d me, last Friday, it we had not better settle ; rhe went to my hou e often sometimes two or three times a wet k : I kept as correct an account of th money spent as I could in my h"ad ; was talking with Mr. Trook, in his field, about 8 o'clock Iat Tuesday morning ; talked wuh Mr. Trook sometime pmbnhly an hour and a half: Mr. Pctl was with me talking to Mr. Trook ; Mr. Pell went with me to Mr. Trook's fi-ld, distant about a mile am! a half; went from Trook's field to Mr. Clarence's; went from Clarence's home ; got homo about 12 o'clock ; Mr. Fell was with me from the time 1 left home until after I r turned, and went with me to old man Hakes' after deceased was shot ; it was three or four o'clock tefore I went up to Hakes'; I got a number of the neighbors to go up to Hakes' with me. J. N. Baker sworn Saw prisoner last Tuesday, hunting Dr. Black ; he said there was a laiy shot down the country abont ten nit'c; I a ked him how she came to be shot, and he said there were some boys out squirrel hunt ing amd 3oideatwHy ehtrt her. : Minion B own Have I eert working at M.. Br-kes Lae Leon working there a'sjut a mouth ; had a revolver at Mr. Rakes' ; 1 never rcqr.e-t-'J or authorized the prisoner to loa i my revolver: h v- not owiiud aisy otln'r revo'ver since 1 have been here than the one I now have; (the revolver taken from prisoner was here shown witness, and he testified that he had never owned it) my revolver was at the old man Hakes' last Tuesday ; I was formerly hired by Isaac Hakes, but was working at the old man Hakes, on Tuesday. Dr. J. W. Thomas (Coroner) I am Coroner of Cass county ; I held an in quest on the body of Sarah Jane Powers; tne ball entered above the- right h'p. coming out at the right of the navel; the wound had the appearance of being produced ty a pistol or rifle ball ; (the pistol of prisoner was here shown the witness, and he testified that the ball now in the pistol would, iu his. judgement, make a wound about the .-ize of the one where the baH entered the body of Mrs Powers) ; it is my opinion that the wound wa- mortal. The prosecution here asked to intro duce the verdict of the Coroner's Jury as evidence, which, after being arpued on both sides, was admitted by the court in the nature of a complaint. The ful lowing is the verdict : State of Nebraska, ) Cass County. 1 8S. At an inquest holden at John C. Rake' in Cass county, on the 29th and 30th davs of June, A. D. 1870, before me J. W. Thomas, Coroner of said county, upon the dead body ot fearah .J. rowers lying dead, by the juron whose names are hereto subrscribed, the said jurors, upon their oaths do say that the decea-ed came to her death June 2Sth dav. 1870, bv a pi.-tol or rifle ball from a pistol or rifle supposed to have been in the bands of Gallant Kakes ; and that said shot was feloniously discharged, said bail entering immediately above right hip, passing out on right ot navel. Whereof iu testimony the said Jurors have hereunto set their hands the day and year above naued. Jesse Hendricks, Win. Darrough, R. li. Nick leu, Benj. Hanard, F. A. Davis, Win. Nickles, J m ors Attest: J. W. Thomas, Coroner. Cross-examined I did not try a bullet of the size used in the prisoner's re voiver in tne wouna ; coui i not swear that the wound was made by a shot from this revolver ; we did not make a imst mortem examination ; th- wound might have been made with a ball a little lar ger or a little smaller than the ones use in the prisoner's revolver; the bal lit passea ooiiqueiy upward ; ball passed very near the right kidney, and through a part of the right bowels; could not swear that the ball cut an artery ; the blood was venus blood. Jes. e krwin re-called I he witness was handed the pistol iu court and asked it he ever saw it. "I took this pistol from the prisoner it is the same one I spoke of in my for mer evidence. ilie pistol was here placed in evidence. I Ihe measure spo ken of by witness in his former evidence was shown hiui and identified as the measure taken by him. f roxs-exa m wed l cannot say post tively that the tracks in the garden am in the woods were the same, nor that these boots made them, although they ate very similar ; tbw hiicd boot is very common. Ao. 8. J The prosecution hre rested their case. DEFENCE. Mr. Maxwtll. on the part of the de fense, stibbmitte 1 the following motion : STATE OF NEBRASKA, 1 In Justice Court v. lef'Pi- GALL XT HAKTS. J Jame O'Neiii. Aud now comes the defendant, Gallant Hakfs, and move-- the court now here to discharge said defendant and dismiss this proceeding. 1st. Because there is no evidence showing that said killing occurred in Cass county, and that this court has junvJic tion. I'd. There i o evidence before said court rendering it probable that defend ant committed the offense. Wherefore defendant praya to be dis charged. Marquett, Maxwell & Chapman Atty. for Deft. The motion involved the discussion of all the evidence, and was virtually a test of the case. It was handled with great earnestness by the legal gentlemen. Th speeches of the gentlemen on the de fence and prosecution were able and trenchant. We noticed particularly the eloquence and power of Mr. Geo. S Smith, a young lawyer who settled here this spring. We predict for him i bright career in his profession. The mo tion was overruled. Thedefence decided to not introduce any evidence, and the prisoner was committed for trial at the next term of the District Court to commence on the 25th instant. I'nsoner is nineteen j-ears old, is about 5 feet 8,or9 inches in height weighs about 160 pounds, has dark brown, nearly bla k, hair; small, expression less bluish grey eyes ; and in his general appearance, is about as dull and sullen a looking specimen of a young man as you will meet in a lifetime. He seemed al most eutir-ly in different as to what was going on during the trial, showing no emotion whatever. tir-a. H. A. ttf rieUlnnd. We find the following personal notice of Gen. Strickland in a recent number of the Cincinnati daily Chronicle : Scores of the old members of the Fif tieth O. V- I. gave a hearty greeting, iu this city yesterday, to their former com mander, Gen. S. A. Strickland, who passed through on his way from Wash ington to his home in Omaha. The General looks hea ty, and does not ap pear to have lost either the rotundity of physical proportions or the" good humor which always characterized him by his residence in the thriving city on the muddy Mis-ouri. He gives a glowing account of his We-tern city, aud says that Nebraska is bound to take a front rank in the sisterhood of States. The following items are from the Ne braska City Chronicle: Dr. Larsh made a neat and appropri ate speech in the German language, at a meeting of the Turners a few evenings since. He is said to speak the German language very fluently. Our eolorod citizens will erect a nice little church in this city during the sum mer and full. We understand it will t e built under the suitervision of W. II. Wilson, who will soon be authorized to tireaeh as an Epi.-copal minister. The milding will be u.-ed as. church and school hou-e. An unpleasant person t-ays it Is a rrreat convenience to have women for Post mifresses. They can not only inform an aDDticant if there is a letter for hitu with out looting-, bat can toll him wSukc' In itv A11AU3A1IIN OF ILL NORTH. I A centurv plant it in full bloom ut ijiretna, Ij-ui;. una. Lou;. The Chicago ton object to occupy the ante cen-u b;auks with their seivants. Salt Lake City is the coming wutering place, according to au enthusiastic tour- Joe Millar was killed the other day in Montana, and it was no joke1, but a blast of powder that did it. What are a hundred thousand dollars to discover a pa-.-age to the North Pole in such weather as this ? A citizen of Akron, Ohio, having j jst pnreured his eleventh divorce, claims the "championship." A divorc:d California father has pur chased his children at $575 a piece. They can't be got up for that money in this part of the country. The New York Journal of C rrmmerce savs ro, I thank you, when offered railroad passes and other dead-head courtesies. Ihe L'es Glomes ismietin announces births under the head of "Spring Chick ens. A lennessee poet is out with some lines on the hot weather, commencing. "When perspiration issues from each I vein. It was not good for A Jim to live sin gle, when th-To was not a woman on earth, how criminally guilty are the old bachdor.-, with the world lull ol pretty girls. The Plattshurg Republican wants an '"assistant editor who can write to please everypody, and a foreman who can put each advertisement at the heal ot a col nan." It is said that sudden prosperity and starch will stiffen a man mightily. 1'er haps they may, but strychnine will do it quicker. Illinois has a preacher who gts his congregation in church, locks the door. and preaches to them until the deacon e illeets a specified amount. He preached three hours last Sundy before they came down with $100 he had levied upon them. The Davenport (Iowa) Democrat says a Centrcviile butcher has a Iteetsteak for a sign so naturally painted that flies die ot wearnes trying to blow it. An editor never leaves any mony at home for fear ot fare, ami never carries any with h:ui tor fear of robbers, nor deposits it in any bank, for fear of spec ulattng bank officer. it is sant that lr. fcpurceon has re cent !y announced hi- intcntinn of deliv ering a lecture to rich men only ; none to be admitted to the hall except he ha forty thousand pounds. Poor California ! She is afflicted be yond endurance. Bayard Taylor, Vin cent, Hewlett, Milimrn, (the blind preacher,) Barnuin and Alf. Burnett are all there lecturing. "I've been a member of this church nigh onto forty years," said a pinched up libel of Christianity, "and it hasn't cost me six and a-quartcr cents." "G d bless your economical withered-tip old soul, said a fervent brother in the cor uer. Says the Boston Advertiser : "General Starr is not a shooting star, but knowing that he would become a fixed star if the Canadians caught him, he disappeared in a twinkling. It was the best way he could plan it." Youth is a glorious invention. Whi tti girls cha.-e the hours, and you chase the girls, the months seem to dance away 'with down mon their feet.' "What a pity summer is so short ! Be fore jv.u know it, lovers become deacons, and romps grand mot hers. The inmates of the Massachusott Stare Pri on enjoyed a half holiday last Friday, the anniversary of the bartle of Hunker Hill and were regaled with $500 woith of ice cream, given thetu by nii-oners friend, II. C. Dorsey, ot Rhode Island. A celebi ated actor had ordered green pea soup ; it was served, but only con tamed one oca. He took-oft his coat but the waiter informed him that no one was allowed ro dine iu his shirt sleeves "Oh." was the reply, "I am only going to swim lor my pea. A New Jersey manufacturer of shirts (who has been to see the Le.cstials at work in Simpson's shoe shop) has re . o:ved to make a much larger demand upon this kind of labor than the Ma.-a- chu-etts mi porta, ion, tor his own factory. No character can be lastingly injured by a feailess discharge of duty. Cal umny or prejudice may ottscure it for a time, but in the end it will shine the brighter for the clouds which obscured it. bays an European journal : It is common to speak ot those whom a flirt has jilted, as her victims. This is a giave error, tier real victim is tne man whom she accepts, lhis remutds us of a happy simile: "A coquette is arose from whom every lover plucks a leaf ; the thorn remains for her future hus band. An ld lady on a steamboat observed two men pumping up water to wash the deck, ami the captain being near by, she accosted In in as follows: Well, captain, got a well aboard, eh?"' Yes. madam, always carry one," said the captain. "Well, that s clever. I always dis ked this nasty river water, especially in dog days." A man that is temperate admires temperance. A man that is dishonest admires honesty. A man that lies him- elt admires truth in others. 1 hough a man may be impure, purity is to mm a trait of angelic beauty. A man may be fickle, and yet admire firmness. e ad mire the higherqualities and nobler pow ers that ate vouch a fed toothers, in some proportion to our lack ot them. Augusta, Maine, furnishes a new il- ust ration of the unfailing benefits of ad vertising. A lady who lost a valuable ring advertised it in the Journal Her ster rea l the adverti-emeut, and ltwa so impressed upon her mind that she dreamed about it, and in her dream the p;aee w here the missing ring couI J be found was plainly revealed to her. The nrxt day the ring was found in the house of ihe owner, carefully laid away. A young lady having "set her cap" for a rather large specimen of the opposite sex, and haing failed to win hitu, was telling her sorrow to a couple of ner fe male friends, when one of them eon fronted her with these word: "Never mind, Moliie, there are as good udi in the . , 1,- sea as ever were cangnr. -uooie knows that," replied her little brother. but she waots a whale. A fcocietv counting more than one iiitidred iuenifers. has been formed in aris, p'.eduiuz them -elves not to be bu riel after death, but to bequeath their bodies for dissection, so as to aid the sei-.-. . i i etttje ot an itouiy as inucn as poioie. hev also hoie thus uitnaa.ely to eradi cate the prejuliee against diveetiou. The extent of" the drouth in Texa. may be pretty accurately, gauged by the language -or Hate s liuileiin ; lkain, rain we want, and must have pretty soon, or we sha 1 he short of water to drink, an-1 though hi-ky is a tolerably good ubstitute. stul a little water la nevOeary, if oaiV to lojk afr. TIHIE Heaviest Slock of No Rents and no Interest on Borrowed CariM lo bo Made oii Customers 1 1 OLD ST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE CUT. 23. CK XD O "V El "ST, Xorth ciJ of Maia Street, between Second and Third. tuLei plcuturo'.n anm-uncinc to JLZsTJD MECHANICS that hs hu th lurjeit nnd bct (elected itock of Di Goods, Gtrccsrics, Previsions, NOTION'S &C, &C, ver trousht to the city of PIutL-inouth. II would iy that ho can fill orders a chep as any hmo west of Chtcatf ). Ho Lays Direct From Itlanutaciiircrs ml hast nn mi.Hlempn'n crifitf" to ad 1 to hii rn his own building, conseauintly uo cau give investment in the way of CALL AXtT-D EXAmlPJE GOODS, ft will cot von nnthini to look tit them, whether you buy or not. L'v cxninii-inir t' i,ri... the "Old Kclinble"jau will be uhle tu lot I when LiX Al, kotzc:ek. "CIIAMI'ION CHAI LICNGR I chalicnire the Wood, Uttekev, Ktnu Cayuga Chief, Kirby, J. P. A J II. .Many Combined helt Iake Keeper an Mower, for $100 in competition with the Champion Combined Machine. 1 art ics accepting may have choice ol ground and day of trial. M. 1 EN Iuck. july3J;wtf Dwelling House for sale chcap 10 in Block 12. Inquire of J Lot W. Haines, or vVi!lett I'ottcnyer. juIyTwl A BARGAIN. An SO acre farm, with house, stable. timber, water, etc., uil enclo-d. 1 miles from school house, can le putcha-ud for f 1,100. Apply at the office of bPtrRLOCK & IXDIIAM. ju!y2dlm&wlt Maxwell & Chapman offer for sale a jroo. I improved farm of oC0 acre-, well watered an 1 fenced : 40 acres ot timber. a gooJ dwelling house an 1 ontouiMins. june30Jiwtf WOOL 1 WOOL ! OOL ! ! ! i The his'hest Ka.-tern market price paid for Wool by Messrs. Hamburger & Ber liner, at tne liee Hive More, rJatts- mouth, ebia-ka. VALLKHYS & BUFFNEIt Arc now receiving the lanrest stock of! Press Goods ever brought to this mar- i ket, which they are Kcliiti chip lor , cash. apl5 liwtf i ; If you want a neat calieo dress. ro to ! Vallerys &, lluTner's. They are now ' aellinjr the best for 12i cts jer yard. aplodiwti m . Kye Glasses fofull eyes ju.-t rececived at Win. itadeiijan'. The celebrated Elgin Watches ate the truest time keepers. Can and see thcui at Wui. Stadcluiauu'. Just received, a large assortment of the Guest and Litest t-tvles of Ladies' Jewelry, at Win. istadeiuiun's. Don't force t to buy vour Wedding Rins at Win. Stadclman'a Jewthy to;c. At Woi. Stadelntan's vonc in cct voui Watches, Clocks &c. fittt in running order. All work guaranteed, bv 1'aul BraiUch. juucJ" diwlm Mr. G. F. Sh.idcr, of Three Gtoves has a few full-blooded Heikshire pLrs which he wi!l dispore of to persons de siring to secure the stock. The stock was imported by Mr. Shrider from Illi nois last .season, at considerah! expense. and he knows them to oe the genuine. d&wti Vallerys & liuftner have the lare- stock ot Groceries ever ttrouit'it to the city, which they hotitrht tor cash and t reduced p rices. Call and examine their stock. anlodAwtf Grovcr& Baker's h'ewin Machine Is the best in market. Vallerys & ltutf ner are ag - its. Those iu want of a fro.x Machine will find it to their advance to erivethem a call. Vallerys & RufThcr have iut received a new supply of Boots and Shoes, which they are selling very low. Go to Vallerva & BufTner's tobttv vour Dry Goods. They are sellin:r cheaper than the cheapest. Go to Vallerys & BnlFncr's and look at the 1'anier Arabs, the prettiest in the market. apl5d.uvtl Go to Vallerys & Kuffner's and buy f c. 1 tL I ; your Loots and phocs, the best in mar-1 best iu ma aplodAwtf ket. Vallerys & Ruff ner are sellinc the eel ebrated Smith Wagon. uiay27dt f Tlie IIf.rai.d office is now turning out some of the finest job work ever done in the State. We invite bu-iness men to call aud examine specimen. tf Legal Notice. In District Court. 2d .fudici ll District within : Court, i County. and tor ta-s Couniy. -Nebraska, W m. Stndeiaiiiuu, j r. ) Milo Fellow, and f Joshua 11. Weils. J lo.iuo reitows an i J'-nnua u. well. Don- resident. dcten-iantfl Vou urn hereby noliticd that Wm. Stinit-lmunn haa filed tin petit! .u in i the oftice ot the Clerk of the lincrn.-i t.'our.. . within and for Ca- County, NeSrasKu. on tae Siii day of June. 197U, Hitting forth that he i- toe owner and iu Kfii.in of Lot ti in Llo.-k :t , in l'lattsinouth City, Cu County, Ne bras.-n. , That h and those under whom he claim" title I have had con inue l anil peaecfol po-:ei..u of I said lot from prior to theJthday of Au:i.-t. ' is4. and have luade valuable iuprov e-m-.i'.s j thereon. That Jushua 11. U'elln. one ot the i'e- ! fi-ndautg, under wnoui plaintiff elnini tiie . ti.rouh carele7ne und wilful n.-itlvi i ft!e.l to p!are a certain deed, made to him by Kturene Y. Bernardin. on record, although naid llto' . tally piua Kaid liernar.iin :orni. lot rn.1 ha a deed therefor, lhat theaid Milo Fe!low. de fendant, on or about the 4tu day of February. 1H70. for an expressed coatider.ition of jltO dollars obtained a'juit claim !eel from rh- said lait'ene 1. bernaniin lor s.o.l lot. i.lain, in nt ib .t . piain.ia ai iu:ti . 1 pea eabiep.- n well kn..vinz ' ereof and know- i time tiaviiia ttie lull, quiet an session ol thesaine. aai-l Fellow that plaintiff waf tho owner thereof ine al! of idaintitf's r.'ciu? and e-initie- therein. ' The objeetand priveroi ?.iid petiiiuu UU. hsve I said ticed to said AJib. Fellow tet K.ine and de- ! .r..A noli r.n.1 x-..A u,l .,.1. .l .... ! nl ,i .;".'. ri.Ia In ..1.1 In, .i in -Xc i.. 1. .t I. I City removed, and to c..mr. I "the sail" Jo-hun 1 B Well?, one of the detendan.o. plice his ded from the aia Bcrnar in: upon r--eor.l. You are required to anower eai I pe'ition on I or before the S)Ju day of July. A. D.. l,-(.. i U'w KTinti iow I Goods in Ihe W eooj.q II does hu-iru:- on OWM rilirro his cusU'iuc-r the pneuj of rmu u i interval tin. i Oil other parnej endeavor to Dwindle yn.i. ji-r, J (' Chancery Salt; Jame McXurlan v. YV iter 1. tlreen. J In .ur ju.oii f of a dcr-roc of tl-e PiMrict tVo-rt ot the Z1 J .du i:i lJi.--tri.-t. within mi l ..r t'u t ouiity. Ncbi-j.-k;i. in ! -I in tlKulor i-;u. .,u the Bd day ot June, Wtt. I. tiie .ulif.-ril.fr. l.t-ir .ippjintc-i i-pefi.il Master of .-iid 'tirt wui "'. at iutiheiiui:lion. to the hitfhi M uit i . .t iti-ider. lor ea-h. at 1 1, o trout door ol tij,- l..i,rt iloiist. in I'iiittMiioiitli. tw I'ohhiv. .,.i.r t- on cliio.-djiy. thi. ji:;, ,!iiy , .iv. ,,i 11 o'....k. A. M. K.-o't ii.,y. the I ii-. ii - ,! neriln-d real .'-late, to n k : Ti.,. i,nli-ast .:ii;rir o cc-.-:ioii No n-.cnly-fiirie j; in n.wnsliiy Mewii. iior-h of niMSv- thirti. n. can ot uh I'. V' 1 to,"". Nfi'f-k.i, with nil mi, I iKMi.ir me ni-ri-,.l.ni( : ,i .'.rtctini.-. thereunto l.cioi,R.,K. i . r,,, ,,. ,,..,,,r!T Ot 5.-ud JMcn-latit. to mtislv fa id d !-.'. th',. I amojiitof whi.-h is S! -::d.M. -vifi iutt Iv-t Vr. m i the date of si:id ie r-c. at tin.- ra'.e ol 1j i., r ' cent., with ct ol nut I J. W .IOONm). .e. i.il M.-.-i. r MixvtLl, Si C'iiai-mas. At;.irii.-vs tor t'l.iin. tii juueniui Legal Notice. In Diotrirt Court. Jd .Iii lu h l pirtru-t, wi:h: Reocci-a Funk, To Ail'rel l-'unk. noun -i.lciit llftfll'la 1. i i. II . li. t ir i l- i. i -.. i . . 1 V' siun-u r UMK. j lioilllf llli.ll K. iici . -i i in., on the l."th "lay ot' June. 1-7(1. til. i licr n in...n in tho olii -e of th t:i.-rk ol th.. U r- i i.-i I i, ot the Hi J ii li.i.il Pi-rrift. within iud lr t ..-, cyunty Nebraska.. The oly'e.-t hii-I prayi-rol .-ai-i teliti.in is to ot.lnin a .iioi- e In. in .'1.1. .I Funk, for the cau cv .f t- i.'ini- mu-I . -.m l Ixcailrfe i raid di-lfn-lan! be I nil offulfi -if lit adiii-, t'l prov i If a miiiiihle tiiainl.-nai.ff. o..-h un. oantoiily nei.-iei-(ed and nlnsi-d fi a. J oIm pl aying lor thi- -io) aint rii-ln.; , i V. . II Funk. a. hi!d of i-.iid id.O'i.iH in. I ,1.1. i. t. i"ii are re.jni.-fl to rn-ivi r h.n-l p. ; 1 1 1 u on or off .re tho .jth day of Jul v. H70. , n.;i ..ct a Ft ;:k. by Mi I hell &. CuxfMxn. Aii). juni! i t AItid R. Daniel VS. -. Tlif. love H'ilii.imti. ( 'Order of Sate. Not.vo i- hereny nivcn that I will o!T.t fir niU-. at ii-,li..- j.u,li'.i.. at lln- oiilii Ir-nit .1 or of tin- C-mi t i inuin". iu )'ia ; Im'iiiui !i. ';i-h ..ni.iv. tin trie L'i.h l:.y ol JjI. '.. It 1-T.i. at ll'.i. f Vim. k l in. ot ai-J i . li'" !'.jllowi.C r-..l i.- tat.', tu wit l!ie fou;hwc5t nu!r'er of Miviiii tfi ly in t .w -l.-ip N"i tvv!v.-. twidv" e.uti oi' tho rixi.li run ip.ii No. in- r- No. i-lin. v,a:-n oonniy. . . ii. I-ol.l ty vir'.u alio '.it!i-i-i:y un O-;.-r ' f i.-nned ir in aoovt i i ii:i.-1 -.-iii-.- :li Clukoi ',e X i - ri.-i i:ii oi ti f.r ..i . miij to me dire. If 1, ... she riil . I' !,id enoiity. tfivu und.-r my haul ihi..d ir. v -.I .l-.c-, A. 1. J. W..I iiivo,s.'sii.-..:i W illtU I'ottfiiiT. I'md cuttniy. N . o. Any. tor i'iff. juie'2.1wS Wiilia.., K Doui-lsn t'tecu; Fr!'iri. k Fu'.-h? ) 'in. No.i.-o is h. rtby pivr n thr ; I ,ri.l oT-r ! Ht ll.il'liC UIIL'ti ll. til ill rouL.l t.o.'t .io .l Court J I oil tf. i-i t'ie cj.y , j-j tiMi.en.1 r n'fl I H,f t county on v f..n .-.la v. tin .1;: .. .mi . : I. 1-T . nf ii'-o tloi k p. in. ..: a. .lav. nil I. riant, tillo and i:ier;i ot i..ic .l.-ie:. I- cit iu nu-1 to tho fiilowiiiKro.il (-."an-, to I : i!. cast one-Halt .A ..t loi N.i. n.: r '.' in ti'. - n V.. fo-irie-ii (ll in the eiiy ,l I'.'.-.t :.-niont 'i. '..- county. Nebr.fUa un I as ilf-icnntrd up,.n thi rworded r':'t ;t .-aid ri.y. taken a io pj-. .. r'y of Frederick Fiii-Iim. oh an ord r of nttu h-i.rut in lav. ir of William K. Pone an, isn.-d hj the Cierl ol the Ll.sirict Court of the cottnly of Cast., and to nie dire ted Mieri.f of Mai I eouuty. (li vet. un.itr iny hand. thi-. l.'.th do of.liiiie, A. I. 1870. J. H . JOliNftt.N. .shfiiil Lillet Pottkm.ek. Cks t'o. N. h. Att'y. tor Pl'tT- juucIOmO CSwm Ii n' Sale XJOTICF: IS lllCHl.UY IM S Th-e. in a . uru:inecof an order or lii-ii.'P to H.-ll ti.e H'-al h.atc hereitialter K,-ri'.od. mam- iy Im lionoi tie li lii.kv, .1.1. Ik. :' the d .lu lu :.'! lJi-"l net of Nc!.i u-U. w it Ion a n-l loi I 'ii--. tn y. on .Leitdday of .lannnry. ls"il. 1 i!l. on th-, '$.1 day of July. A. li , 1 at th" trout ! r f the Court l!oue in the eity of 1'ia: ;rti:o'ii it, fii coitir.y. Nerafktt. at the hmirof 2 ' I"- k. P.M. ot :iid day. of.er for pile to I'm hitrhe t and liest l.idder. all the ri::ir. title an : i... .i-.-t, of Henry Alexamler un-l Li.z.iC I. x i irnr, tnin-.r e hildrc n and h-.-irs if A. .. Abxn.''T. doeea-t-d, in and to th., f. 'Mowing .j. ."fioed in ciaiiH. to- it : the w hf ol t h i r t. J 1 1. urof the cir o M-fior town 1 ti li eutid the 9W qr of the ir of xect ii-ti 1 town i- r .i co 10 ea.f oi the litil I". M.. in - eo-.ini; . N ka. Hale will lie op.-n for hi-in for ore hour. JJatcU J uue TJth, lSVo. 'v U MAIM'.MM. J Guardian of Henry nr.-l L r.." Alexander. ' VlLLITT PoTTK.NUE.t tt' ti. r. Cln l'KH. lt'y. jt-.;;iH."t Th.-titco'y Salts George E. I'roiicr I vs. Steii'tpn Kuk!I. ' the tflvlic of the Ii trii-t Coart of tii Iu .Ij ! dicial Uistriet, wkhin fiii'i for l.'.io ('..tinly. l.rH.-ktt. daie.1 Juuc-ttii. ls.n. i. lii.i i.:,r- i i:T. ' be iiitt-aPiH.ii.teu r-pe-ial .M .-t r iu and for -nel i .... ... . .... ! i : : : ... . t In iiursuam-c ol a tie"re to ire ilirsrfrj - ' " w.ii.ii. c.oi u.ii noil. ie l.lKD.-l hiu.ler, fon aj-h, at iho trout i.'..r .i :.tc t our. llou.'e. in l'lattsinou;!i. t iff;, t ounly. .e 'i-.k.-i. on Wednesday, -he J-i) ii iy oi July. HT-i. nt ll o'cltick. A. it.. fiaiduii. the IoII .m Ii.k le eeribed real ectute. towit : the .muthwert iitoiro r of the Muthca--l i-iririer of re. lo.n .o. live iu township eleven, north of runitc iliiri . o. -a' oflithP. M.. topethir with the pri vii e ijjl appurten-met-M thereunto l.f loi.frinir. tone toll a. the property of the Ptft iid.int. aoov e n.nne I, to satiety said de.-ree. tiie am, unit of wl.i. ii in eijrhty dollati' and f . ty-li vc e.-nts. wit.i in. 1 1 from the date of mud deeree. at the rate or V per cent, pir annum, tngvther wiih col- -f mi:I and falu. J. W. JOHNSON. Speeial M. h it. Maxwell tt- Cuapmxx. At orne; t.-r t'l.on tiff. jun.-liiw-t Legal fi'otice. In District Court. 'M Judicial D.niiict, anl for l'aii Coun.y Nibr.iska. with!: Siarjraret t arter, Ai .ry i. Kr.ihl N.J. J' tte otfer. oy their u-.Xt fi.cnd. John Mutx. vn. Wm. Ila 1 -w .t Jaaua W. IJ.irlow I Willliam li.-.rt'.w an, l J.i.u.r- VS. Ii.ol takvnotiect'iat M-i.irar l Lar;i r Mai ivi V 1.1 I..I.J N. J. I'.'ileturer. by then nex; tiie.rd Joiia .Mn.l -l ' ' tff Coun'y . Nebra.ka. dm --n h- j a day ol June. IV.it. tile I'irii piiii. 'i. in '!.. : i "I the ii rk i the Jis.rit-t l i.urt wioi.n ..it. t-.r CaH County. Nelir-if a... tiKaiurl th mi 1 Wi'iiata iSarl.iw mi i Jau.,f V.'. Jt.i.l .. d. fci d inU, tHUmtr forthji.at the n.,i i .i.-i.-n i-ant- on or o -'.pt ih 7ih dav ot j- io'i. r. cxeeuted their ."eria-ii pro-:-, - r t. to of tt. t date in wr.lii.ji. e.il-inir for li e 'tm ot ?- a.i i toen u.-.-l l.n-ri d. ;iv ri-i the ti..a tothcsaiil f.lnuitii.-. Mid iiie.e'-y 1-k.ii.i. I t- pay to th.- a:d p'aiii i;. the - -ii ;-uii ot i ' with ti.terent friui Oftr r 7th. IS i.t t'... .v.'e 0- ten per e.-nt. per an..;, in. J h..t .-aid p.ji'.rlN fiid. n tit-Jf'tii nay ol .iune, :.'.. eau-e . -e 1- .-.e. !.y the Clerk of m 1 C.-uri, i.-u ot't-r f attaehnint. n I did rauso the li-.H . r " r- ' . - .- : - - . - ,- . tol.net tu . he.l. v.x: The south hii : ol t..e I,w 1r ot w.tot! -So. XI. fowu- hip l . I vc 1- n " : tw-lre. ru-t .'. 1'. M.. in t r-t ty d Jam- r . IJ-'-low one ' iK'!-:ei. ki c'U"ty Neirx-ka. for t!ic uir ftl bavillX t. ', ;" '"y j1"1'", ,"'"V V11,,-,I.n I i,,r,;,w 1T-! ' '.'' - - t'fird ill It tll'T HTt) rtIUirii to I '. 1:11 I t lie .1 1 :. iflV :11 e T'O" .jipear un I an i h s: !i oi !fr Jl.il ft Attract. A J - 'ls'- o.vjaub-uicnl w.il il.i':i .'II ., bo ii ujlT- e-1 t;" ?!-. ,o-r n-.rod Jun -1. rj-O. Maryet -o or .Vary Ivrrh' and J. tender, ty Job" Ju?i. their n -it 'fiend. Mi.WU.LL i I tl Ftt