Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 30, 1870, Image 1

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ra:TO akd propkutob.
0j Office corner Main nd Second strti. sec
ond .-toTT.
TERMS: Weekly. J2.00 per annum If paid la
jtd ranee.
it not paid in advance.
A Republican State Convention will be held
the City of Lincoln, on Wednesday, the 10th
itj of August. 1ST0. at 10 o'clock a. for the
,no e of pH'inz in nomination one candidate
jur M i.n er of Consros. one candidate for Mena
bruf i)Jffe" canJinH'jut. canlidates for Gov
,r,.er. .-.e-Tiiy of Sta... Treasurer, Supcrin-tenii-Ltol'
PuVic Inst-uction. State Prison In
f,c..tor and Aitjrney liberal, and forthetrans-1-
0a ut "su'-'h ether business aa may properly
J,.. More the Convention. The delegate!
-r'ent from each Judicial District will nomi
ns a.uitJ'o person for District Attorney :r
u,.rr.;cr.::iff districts.
TKi; coU"t.s are
entitled to delegates i the
rnm.-en'.ion as follows:
.A Lincoln - J
..1 1,'Eau-qui-Court- 1
..1 Madison J
..I M?rriek 1
..9 Nemaha .............11
..2 Otoe .. 11
..'i Pawnee... 6
..2 Platte 3
t .! aX
I'UK ...
. :i iu
Hamilton ..
Richardson -10
....o Saline.... .................. 1
0 Sarpy... ......... 4
...A Saunders.-..
...Jt Seward 3
....1 Stanton
2 Washington..... o
It is hoped every county will he fully repre-
ented. as it i ail important that food men oe
tlectcdfor the various offices, d that harmony
prevail iQ their selection.
'iy order of the Committee.
II. D. HATHAWAY. Chairman,
Fiattshoctm. Neb., May 27, li9.
-Reniiiean State Papers Please Cey.
yiaHtuioa til
via Wetplnir
Water t
We are happy to hiibrru our readers
of ..'as and Ji nearer counties that r-t:.-le
t' incorporation have been filed at
the otn re of the Seercatary ot State for
anotin r iin; of railroad, an.l it is only a
'oil.-1 ion 1 tiu.e to i s construction.
ilw - rundi.vct from I'lattstnouth
ti .i.u.rb lh" h -a t of Cas-countyrifithe
Veri" mr 'riti.T va'ley Southwest, and
.i ,:h u; 'he sputliein and central por
tion - of 'that ikh cn:ity to eastern and
v-e turn oi.nfftioo'.
I: !..:; ! e t'.iHt thV line will he eon-
tile U. & o. . ii. n-
roo.atioti stitHi not ueter
m:v to ur.k . a jii.utioti with the B. &
M at A- h'... l. Should this be the pre
form a link in
1 1't: k lie Iiai!n;id between Ouiaha
ai-l I'L-tniouth. As the work on the
O k S. W. tand at present this line
nn U- u lopted with the eanie facility as
T!i line of OiU will be through a
Itural district and will be
an .: iwl . It'll
..,.-! -n, I in I.-t-ndeiit tia between
I.ic.oin, riattiuouth, Omaha and the
Ti.e above, corded from the Lincoln
Jjur n'I of last F.iday, taken in connec
tion wi'b the recect expressions of the
ofFu ers of the 1). & S. V. Co. begins to iiirbt our of tlarknss, and demon
nn't that othirs are looking in the
ai:ie ciirection which we have looked for
meny davs, but hc-JtaUd to call the at-
liifn. Gov. Saunders
(who Utlie vice President of the South
western coDipiny) was in our city lat
wtk ::nd talked Irai.kly to some of our
ciii? :i j.r.out this railroad m itter. The
.in .lit-n ,S that company was to
v - c -
ro .. A-h!aud and thence to Lincoln ;
hut the lUf.'at of the bonds in Sarpy
co'intv. a!id thi cVie proximity of the
line of t?.e 1J. & M. on the south and
tlie 1". 1'. ou the north leaving only a
r. irro-.v -trip of country for it to draia
li.v; i-.:u-ed them to look el.-ewhere for a
liir.r f:.-orb'e outlet. Got. Saunders
t'ns t!.a tbey we tkat outlet via
IV' -in.mrh iud the Weepirij. Water
c--jRfry. 'A'e ee no reason why this
piT'jo-t iiiy not be a good one. Let this
con.r.anv run down as far as Rock Rluffs
alonir the Hue of the river, thus forming
a portion of the Trunk road, and then
strike up Rock Creek, onto the Weeping
Water, thence to Lincoln. It wou
iiy thruuch the richest part of the
county, and we doubt not could secure a
reasonable amount of aid along the line.
We are clad to know'that a moTe is be
ic2 made, and hope it may meet with
the Micess it merits,
this mutter a rain.
We ihall speak of
Mark Tii.on. who for nearly thirty
ye;tr was tho solo editor and manager of
the IiOii Ion Punch, died reccntiy in the
txty-Sr.-t year of his ai;e. The obvious
coiuio illation of his name to the name
of t!ie papfr he conducted suggested the aidiy of Punch was the ingre
dient he supplied, but there was nothing
ur in his nuHne, and no professional
sariri-t was evtr more kindly spoken of
by :h'j w.irld. llesideswnducting Punch,
he va- :t fiequfiit contributor to Dick
ens fhrixeh 7 . Wnnh liefore it was
ii'e-j;.' 1 into Aft f'ht Veir-Hound, and of
Lie V( :ir- lie ha.- b -en the literary tnlitor
."J'the V.1)ilritetl LuniL Xeir. Though
.' vrr -lie industriously, his contributions
to ii:er;itiire were mostly of an ephem
eral t ii: .".etc-, his most popular and
l:-st kiio-v'. work being the play of "The
Svrorn Fa'uily." He was a good ama
to if i ;ior, and two or three years ago he
gave a series of public readings in thi
:h er of Shakespeare's Falstaff,
Viu'h were eery huccc.sful. In person
M ii L"tuon w.-is large and corpulent.
For .--"veral years p:ist he h is been af
flicti?tl with deafne, and when Mr.
I'i.-kens ruuitd hi reading in St.
Jaaies" Uail, in 1865, after a loug inter
niion. see:ig leiuon in the audience,
the reader would not legin until a chair
near the platform had been specially set
apart for his friend.
The world is full of ihow. There is
lv. one, perhaps in a thousand who
dare fad back on his real, tiraple self
f'jr powr to get through the world, and
esatt enjoyment as he gos along. There
w ro ers-1 to aping, the mimicry, the false
airs, anl tho superficial airs. It requires
rure courage we admit, to live up to
one' eii'ii;htened convictions in these
uuy. Unless you co.isent to join iu the
gciier-i) chat, there is no room for you
a-i'io'i the general mob of pretenders.
1' iu tu desires to live within his means,
U iOs!utc in his purpose not to ap-P'-'-t
ti.ore than he really is, let him be
aH l:u led. There is something fresh
auu invigorating in such an example, and
w,' should honor and uphold such, a plan
iih all the energy in our power.
y A muddy stream, flowing into one
c.--ar and sparkling, for a time, rolls
t.-Jig by itself. A little further down
tbty uuite and the whole is impure. So
Joutb, untouched by sin, may for a short
time kjep its purity in foul company,
littU latei and they mingle.
From the Council Bluff Timet.
Flylner Trip Thrajcb th Cenatry
wit I U-alla ud IncldenUi
bjr tae Wajkld.
Oar City Editor Takes m Spla
Brooks House, Platssmoutii, Neb.
June 20, 1870. j
Strange as it may appear, the Timet
Local is at Plattsmouth, a little city situ
ated on the banks of the Rig Muddy
reached by rail over the B. & M., by
steamboat - via the .Missouri, or by inula
down the bottom from Council Bluffs.
We came the latter route, behind a
spanking team belonging to DeKay, the
gentleman who recently presented us
with a string or bull-beads. Las a part
ner named Ilenne, and runs a firt-clars
A No. 1 livery stable on Middle Broad
way. Jbi route to rlattsmouth we encoun
tered very many incidents, some acci
dents, listened to funny stones, pro
pounded conundrums, reveled in ambro
sial shades, suffered from the irrepressi
ble heat, indulged in heterogeneous
mixtures of perepatetic fluids, stopped
at Glenwood, executed a gyratical acro
batism and struck East Plattsmouth
landing at precisely 9 o'clock p. m., just
seven and one-nali hours Irom council
Bluffs,with twenty-five miles enjoyment.
The pleasures of the trip were enhanced
by the delightful presence of one of
Omaha's fair daughters, , who came
South to visit her friends.
Nine o'clock and no ferry, no hotel.
no nothing 1 Ingenuity stepped in, and
our team was soon housed in the stable
of a widow woman. Then a pkiff was
procured and we crossed the raging bil
lows" the lady and "us" crossed it
ell. too: landed at the edge ot tbe
bluffs, slaked our thirst at a pure spring
of deliciously cool water, ascended the
mountain and wended our way o'er tor
tuous boulders, round jagged peaks, up
terrific slopes, through labyrinthine wind
ings, down steep declivities, across run
ning brooks, along a muady ucacn, ana
io on, ad infinitum, until at last we
reached the city, breathing an internal
and figurative anathema for the lack ot
ferries and bridges. Then we reached
the Brooks House, that elorious and
only harbor where the weary find reu
Our gonial friend, mine host Ira, took us
by the left hand, while a hundred dele
gates an i members of the Grand Lodge
of th F. & A. M. of Nebraska took us
by the right, and we were received,
entertained, and then retired to enjoy
a little of "Nature's bweet restorer,
balmy sleep."
we found, this morning, a inousana
friends, members of the Grand Lodge
A ... . , 1
and others, who have met here for the
Grand Convocation and on matters ot
business connected with the fraternity.
Hannv Plattsmouth ! She revels in de-
lichts which moral Omaha and staid
Council Bluffs mieht. nay. do envy.
This magnificent hotel, we are glad to
say, is doing a splendid bui-incs. . Tho
elegant rooms are occupied every night
and the narlors are thronged during tho
day. Nothing is lacking here to make it
pleasant for the guests, and the proprie
tors. Messrs. Iliiiby & Son. so well
known in Omaha and Council Bluffs,
have made themselves popular with the
traveling public.
will have its election of officers to-morrow.
We cannot tell at this writing who
will be elected for the ensuiug j-ear.
Many of the members have been in the
city since Friday last, but the majority
will arrive to-night and to-morrow morn
ing. The session will close about Thurs
day afternoon. The banquet at the
Brooks to-morrow night promises to be
a success in every respect. Many ladies
accompany the delegates, and many more
are coming. The town will be crowded
to overflowing.
The Herald, the only live paper pub
lished in the city, shows a remarkable
degree of life, enterprise and progresivc
ness. Its editor, Mr. Hathaway, is
shrewd, muscular, demonstrative, ener
getic, ambitious, good looking, wide
awake, and thoroughly imbued with
what common people call progiessive
ideas, but we term, nluck. vim and back
bone. 'Tis he, and none other, who is
making the town. Of course, they have
here live men who realize their import
ance and devote their present funds to
th accumulation 6f many ducats, but
still a solid standing is reauired.
The city has improved wonderfully
since our last visit. The bluffs are bein
cut ud. torn down, leveled off, the ho
lows filled, trees cut down in one place
and planted in another, and ucw build
in are going ud. The heaviest men
among whom we net ice S. Bloom, cloth
ing merchant and Tom. Palmer, livery
man, are all doing a splendid business.
1 he location and topography ot the city
tie if lens, bavous. dales, valleys and ra
vines pass from the center of the town
out. and make some of the most bcauti
ful drives in the world little fa.cinatiMg
spots where cne can enjoy himself
muchly, if he knows how.
The wedding of Mr. Wendell Phillips
many years ago, had about it a touch of
rouiace. The ladjr who is now his wife
was an abohtionest and an invalid., llav
ing a fortune in her own right, she
thought of devoting it to emancipation
but knowing how money left in that way
is likely to be waited, she deemed it best
to transfer it to an individual in whom
she had entire faith. She had been for
some time a sincere admirer ot the uis- j
tinguished orator, and had reason to be
lieve that he had an affection for her.
Thinking her end was drawing nigh, she
sent for Mr. Phillips, an J after unfolding
her plan, told him the best thing to
do under the circumstances was for them
to be married ; that he would then have
a right to her property, and could de
vote it to the cause they both so earn
estly loved. He was much touched by
her candor and generosity, and in a few
days they were married. That was twen
ty years ago, and Mrs. PhiJips. though
very delicate, i still living, and bids fair
for years to come. The pair are devo
tedly attached to each other; and what
seems to have been merely a business af
fair has produced all the happiness of
the most romautic and poetic marriage.
He was wealthy before his union, and
since then his own and his wife's means
have been liberally expended in the cause
of humanity and freedom. Apart from
his remarkable genius, Mr. Phillips is a
man of irreproachable habits, living and
acting up to an ideal standard as nearly,
perhaps, as is possible for a man.
Tbe new Sunday law closed the front
doors of the saloons in Cincinnati on the
22d, and . "crackers" were obtained at
tbe back door for the exorbitant price
of fifteen cents each.
From the Herald and Presbyter.
Tbe Daar f Extranet Railroad Pre
frett- Nova Stella Minister I mm 1-g-ranta
Came Land i Market R.
S. Lands Preferred te the State'
Hamesteada Maltltndlaana Nil
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, )
June 1G, 1870. J
This village, like all others of great
expectations and what WesUrn hamlet
is without them? is called a city. Its
name is more significant than the classic
and poetical cognomens of which so
many of our towns are now beginning to
be ashamed; for the name describes the
position of the place, which is just south
of the River Platte, and at its mouth.
The population, by my guess, is 2,500.
The Platte is a stream broader, and I
think longer, than the Ohio, but so
shallow that the steamboat captain
whose vessel could make its passage
even in heavy dew, despaired of forcing
his wav ud the Platte. ISoth its names
denote shallowness, namely,- the French
name, Platte, which also commemorates
the pioneer explorers who came from
France, and the Indian name, Nebraska
which is compounded of Ne, rtVcr,and
Braska, thoal.
A Fret-byterian minister was installed
v.t .. . 1 1 is II .
in .f lattsinoutn last oauoaui anu no
doubt in other columns you hive an ac
count of the services then. J his clergy
man Rev. Mr. Cameron was from
Nova Scotia, and his family is but one of
thousands who are this season making
their exodus from British America to a
better soil and climate, and that where
no Fenians molest. Thf y come from a
realm where all is effete to one in the
loom of yonth : from on where society
is fixed as in a frost to one where ail is
expanding in the double life and new life
of springtime.
Piatt -mouth is styled the initial ter
.... , i .
minus oi tue oniy rainoau a- yet in op
eration south of the J'latte. It is a ter
minus as the end of the road from Chi
cago through Burlington and Southern
iowa to the Missouri River. It is the
' ....
initial of a road already in operation to J
Ashland, thirty miles, about to open to
the Nebraska Capital, Lincoln, in a
month, and cass on to a junction With
the Union Paeific near Fort Kearney.
Thus a transcontinental route will be
completed, shorter than that now trav
eled through Omaha, aud very nearly in
. . .. i . i
the tatuuue oi iiew xor.
Having spent several weeks in Ne
braska, and traversed several hundred
miles of its inteiior, as well as ' inter
viewed" many of its most intelligent
men and women, I should like to say
more about it than my leisure will now
permit. .
The most noticeable feature in the Ne
braska of to-day is the rush of immi
grants to its lands both nurth and south
of the Platte but especially to the
south, whera cattle can live easily all
winter without shelter. On every train,
in stages, but especially in white covered
wagons, they come. Far back from the
river I met a colony of twenty-five Hun
garians, mostly on foot, with outland
ish chests in wagons. The men had
runs and were able to kill game enough
for food. No need of arms for defense. J
Only two men, the Governor tells me,
have been killed by Indians this season ;
and these far from the lands now for
sale by the Platt-mouth Railroad Com
I have found the railroad lands also
more saleable than others, because buy
ers have a credit of ten jears, if they
wish it. The railroad sellers remember
the sage remark of Buike in 1782, that
a government is unwise if it charge set
tlers much for land. So doing, it takes
away te capital which a man needs to
improve bis land money which, so em
ployed, would soon give the government
something considerable to tax. So the
Railroad Company, in granting long
credit, purpose to Jet the sponge fill; be
fore they squeeze it.
I was last week in Lincoln at the land
sales. They were more successful than
had been hoped. Ihey yielded 6,UOO
for a penitentiary. Poor city lots sold
for more than good ones last year,
though the trices then secured were
fabulous. In one day $16,000 worth of
railroad land was bought, and the sales
of that sort for tho month of May
amounted to almost $400,000.
Part of these sales were in Iowa but
I was astonished to learn that Nebra3
kau prices ruled higher than in the older
State. I think of Nebraska a an infant
of days; but when I find that its thirty
two counties have each, on an average,
over one thousand school children ; that
its school fund is proportionately more
than ten times as large as that ot Ohio,
and that its university fund is as much
larger, I cannot but look on this youngest
anio? g our sister States as tbe prophetic
child who was to he born an nunarea
vars old.
Still "there temaineth yet much land
to be possessed. ' ' Nebraska about the
nrpa of England and Scotland combined
has now a territory larger than all
Ohio, where he that will may occupy a
nnnrter of a souare mile, ana never pay
tor it more than eighteen dollars. Half
stir, haif solitude, this State reminds me
sometimes of Milton's lion, that at the
creation appeared rising out of the earth
and pawing to get free his hinder parts
sometimes ot the monsters inavereau
about in old chroniclers as generated by
the slime of the Nile, whose forefeet be
gan cawing before their hindfect were
made, and while their litter ends re
mained nolliing more than raw mud.
mw a . a
xhis latter image is the more expre-xive,
as I see that the soil alongside the Platte
fceems to be of the MiLf-ame chemical
elements which gave tha Nile banks ia
Egypt their world-famous fertility.
Now Swltca.
We were shown to-day at the B. &.
M . office, a patent switch invented by
W. H. Staats, of Troy, New York. It
has a fine combination and will undoubt
edly le universally adopted by many of
our leading railroads ere two years have
rolled around. It is so constructed that
a train cannot iiossibly be thrown from
the track whether it be open or closed.
Railroad men pronounce it perfect. C.
B. l imes.
Truth will ever be . unpalatable to
those who are determined not to relin
quish error, but cau never give offense
to the honest and weli-meaiiiHg; for the
Jilain-dealing renioustrunces of a friend
liffer aj widely from the rancor of an
enemy, as the friendly probe of a physi
cian from the dagger of an assassin.
O'Neill thinks the Government is
hard on him. Let the Marshal turn
him over to the tender mercies of the
Aa Expreswman also Injured.
Bernard Daren tbe Murderer.
About twelve o'clock last night the
neighborhood of Thirteenth and Web
ster was startled with the cry of mur
der 1 Hastening to the spot we ascer
tained that a fatal stabbing affair was
the cause of the fearful cry, and that the
victims were Col. Mulcahy, an attorney
at law of this city, Jerry McCheane, a
constable, and an expressman, and the
party committing the crime, Bernard
The facts concerning the bloody affair
are as follows:
Justice Graham had issued a warrant
for the arrest of Bernard Boren, who
has been but six days out of jail and is
known as a notorious character, and was
stopping at this time on Webster street,
south sidej between Twelfth and Thir
teenth, and Constable McCheane, in
company with Col. MuLahy and the ex
pressman (whose name we were unable
to learn) Lad gone to the house above
named to make his arrest, when the
fatal stabbing mentioned ensued. How
it began or what passed between the
parties, we were unable to ascertain.
On coming to the scene we found Col.
Mulachy lying on the ground, corner of
Thirteenth and Webster streets, Witfi a
number of citizens urouni him, and Ir
Mercer giving n-edical adviw. Two
wounds had ieen i flicted on his person,
both entering tbe left lung. At out a
hundred yards disiaut in front of the
house where the assault was mad-?, lay
constable Mel' h ,-ane with a cut in his left
temple, penetrating to the brain. Dr.
Denise was with him doing all in his
power to relieve his sufferings.
The expressman, whose wound was
through the hand, had gone to his home.
Doren, at that time had disappeared, but
shrewd detectives and policemen were al
ready on his track.
Both Mulachy and McCheane were in a
most critical condition, and the physicians
attending prononunoed their wounds fa
tal with a possibility of recovery but no
j probability whatever. Hope seemed to
111 UllillflllL W niiaLii,!
lost b aj pre?eilt
A priest was present
to administer
spiritual consolation.
lhe unfortunate men were lelt in the
open air for an hour or more, and then
removed to a house near by.
The ground on which the warrant for
the arrest of Doren was issued, as near
as we could learn, was that of i! legally
living with his stepmother. Conflicting
report, however, were carreut as to
that point.
Drs. Mercer and Denise did all that
medical skill could devise for tho suffer
ers, and stood by them the night through.
The affair was a most deplorable one,
and a aad scene for memory. Omaha
Hadn't Jlnrd 'era Yet.
We heard a good thing recently that
la .1
every mcnioer or iree ana Accepted
.Masons will be apt to have a gooa iaugn
over, and lor tnat we sena it out on its
travels :
A rather verdant young man, whose
features exhibiting every symptom of
having been slightly tinged with the em
erald, quite recently entered a jewelry
6tore in New York, and gazing earnestly
into the show case, remarked .
"You've got a heap of mighty pretty
breast pins thar, mister ; what mought
ye tax for 'em?"
"What sort of a pin would you like to
look at?" inquired the merchant.
'Well, dunno" said the visitor,
pointing to a plain Masonic pin, (the
compass and square), "how much is that
ycre ?' '
"Five dollars only, sir.' was the reply.
"It's a very fine pin, eighteen carat gold,
and "
"You haven't got ary one with a litt'e
gold hand saw laid across it, hov you?"
interrupted the would be purchaser.
"I believe not, sir," said the merchant.
"Wish yer had; it would suit me ex
actly. I'm just out of my time, and
gwine to set up as a carpenter and j'iner,
and I thougnt I'd like some sort of a
sign to wear about mc, so folks would
have an idea who I wa. YY hat do you
tax for that ar pin you've got yer hand
"Seven dollars," said the merchant,
producing a compass and square sur
rounding the letter G.
"Seven dollars, eh!" said the youth.
"I'll take it sorry you dil'nt have the
hand saw, though, but 1 ?eekon every
body will understand it. The eornpas
to measure out tbe work, and tbe square
to see its all ncht after its done measured.
and every darned tool orter o know that
lr aleus stands for uimM!
Winter Wheat.
Andrew Higgins, of Gien Rock, has
successfully cultivated winter wheat ior
some years, and now has aoout twentv-
five acres, which is looking remarkably
well, and will yieid a good crop. 4 He has
also a fifty acre pasture sown with timo
thy and clover, which is as fine as could
have been the case in older States. It
will be found that Nebraska is adapted
to all the branches of farming. Broicn-
ville Democrat.
Spring hats for the ladies are built on
the model of the Egyptian pyramid, but
are tar more beautiful.
General Walker decides that women
are not competent to take the ceusus.
j he l 'etroit l rOiiine savs this is a non -ens-
ical declaration, for a woman could ask
more questions in fi e iuii;utes than a man
could put in ail day.
Life insurance agents now bribe cro-
cerymen to place slips upon the oil cans
of their customers, which bear such in
scriptions as "Are you prepared todie?
"Is your family prepared tor 7 '"lu
sure in the 'Bereaved Oi phans' Conso
lation Companj',' " etc
At the theater one night, John Phoe
nix thought he saw an acquaintance sit
ting a few seats in frant, and asked a
gentleman between them to poke him
with his cane- Whon he turned around
John discovered his mistake. Fixing
bis attention on the play, cn I affecting
indifference of the wuole affair, he left
the man with the cane to i-ettle the dis
turbance, and he, being wholly without
an excuse, there was, of course, a ludi
crous and embarrassing scene, during all
of which Phoenix was profoundly inter
ested in the play. At last the man ak
ed, indignantly: "Did you tell mc to
poko that man with my stick?" "Yes."
t4And what did you want?" "I wanted
to see whether you would poke him or
Spurgeon, it is said, is willing to visit
the United States if he can be assured
that the Baptists here will be willing to
do sometkiug for his college and hi orphanage.
A few mil'.'s up the river a few day3
ago a man and his fauii'y sq-iattcd on an
other person's land and built a small
frame shanty. When requested to re
move, lie positively refused to do so ; so
one night a squad of men came round,
afler the Bquatter anl his wife were
asleep, and, lifting the whole concern,
shanty and all, with deliberate care car
ried it to the river at set it on a small
rati. Then they pushed the raft out into
the stream, and let hjr go. When the
squatter got up in the morning dawn to
go out, he was surprised to find him-.clf
about sixty miles down the stream, and
making time in a nine knot current.
The squatter observed to his wife that
if he ever got back to histoid home, war
would probably be organized on a most
formidable scale.
We find floating in our exchanges the
following directions to accomplish a sure
result : "Young men it is easy to be
nobody. Go to the drinking saloons to
spend j'our leisure. You need not drink
much' now, just a little beer, or some
other drink. In the meantime play
dominoes or something else to consume
time, so that you will be sure not to use
any useful book ; or if you do read, let it
be" the 'dime novel' of the dayj Thus
go on keeping your stomach full, head
empty, and yourself busy playing tiuie
kibing games, and in a few years you'll
lie nobody, unless you should turn out to
be a drunkard or a professional gambler,
either of which is to be worse than no
body. There are a great many men in
oar town jus: ready to graduate and be
i-Iis Harriet Ilosmer was among the
foreigners who enU red horses at the late
priu racrs at. Rome and her admirers
and fil.Mids will be pleaded to hvar that
on the last day her horse was of the win
ning. She seems to divide her affections
between her profession and her stable,
and faetiously calls the latter her S.u-
lio. The races are largely attended by
th? Roman ladies, who drive out in
their most thowy carriages, and dress in
their most elegant dinner costumes at
the expense of what must be considered
good tate, and at the ruin of delicate
fabrics suitable only for the salon and
the evening. At Lest, these present but
i .i t.l
a pitiable piignt, wnen ayen tnrougu me
clouds of dust on the Via Appia, and
only evidence the folly of the wearers.
A crowd, estimated at 5.000 people,
witne-ed tbe game of base ball on Dex
ter park, l.hicago. rnday, between the
Chicago Club and the Foreit City Club
of Cleveland. The game was one of the
finest ever played diere. It was won by
the former score 15 to 9.
The census-taker of Davis comity is
out with the best joke of the census.
He asked a woman at a farm house the
ae of her oldest child, and she replied,
you have come around about a month
too soon.
nreoor-ious hov in a public school
out West who stands high in geography
was recently asked by his teacher where
Africa was located. He promptly an
swered, "All over tho United States."
The Convention of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the diocese of In
diana has declared its disapproval of tbe
practice of raising money for church pur
poses by means of fairs, festivals, lotte
ries, tableaux, and. private theatricals.
Josh Billings says bachelors are always
bragging over their freedom ! freedom to
darn their own stockings and poultice
their own shins ! I had rather be a
widower once in two years, reglar, than
be a grunting, old hair-dyed bachelor
only 90 days.
A Western correspondent of the Cin
cinnati Gazette expresses the opinion
that Red Cloud, after his visit to Wash
ington, should be brought to New York
and allowed to see the parade of the na
tional guard, to take the conceit out of
An onen communion Baptist church
has been opened at Westerly, Rhode
Island, its creed expressing a preference
for immersion, but extending fellowship
to those of a different view.
A young Vanderbilt is in prospect.
A Lou
ouisvillp paper states Bishop Cum
of the Episcopal Church at Pc-
mines, ot the J-ipiseop
wee, county, confirmed three young la
die and one colored man during the
same confirmation ceremony something
which never happened a Pewee church
Ret satisfied with doing well ; leave
it to others to do better.
Drake, ot Missouri, opposes the re
moval of the Capital froin Washington
to the alley ot the m issi.sippi.
An abstract to a piece of mill prop
erty, n rayette county, measured six
feet in leiiirth. and twenty inches in
width, all closely written.
Harness Saddles Whips
-Particular a'tuution givea to the mnnu
faciureof fine harness.
X. B. The Celebratad Yaiuura Oil lilac-king
constantly ou huni.
Weeping Water Nebraska.
Dry Goods,
' Groceries,
Loots, and Shoes.
Hats, and Caps.
Afri'-u'turJi! Imp iaieats of ali kiniis. Weir and
"I X W Cultival'.i-s, L'nieu Corn Plauii-s.
Qriiinl.'tour nou PrineetOii Tlows. &c ice atiimli
uia, oi wiiiou we vfier to tue paniio at the
reu-.ii pr.csv. -
All Goods Warrants?
As Represented,
HfOar constant aim will be to sell so low that
it will be tc thepo-dtive advantage of every far
mer in the w slern and central portion o Cm
county to make this their headi uartem for trad
ing. REED, BROS.
Weeping Water. April 1st. 1S70.
s"We are also agents lor Mower. Reapers,
and Thrashing Machines. apTwtf
JOI1W. Il al.lJGFIC.
1 Civil Engineer. OSce with Willet Pot
tinger. North lid Mala Street, Plattsmouth,
Nebraeka. juutCSdif
30, 1S70.
i. ei wt!i:rMR.
ATTOTtSEY AT LAWar.d Solicitor in Cfcan-
oe y
Oince iu Masonic Iluu, 1
15. it. MTKvrttS, 'I. 5.,
prolt-oMonal service to the citizens of C aivoua
ty. Ketddeucesoathct.-t corner of Oak and Sixth
streets; office on M.iin street, oppotite Court
House. Plattsmouth. Nebraska; ,
J. W. HAW1JS, M.
peon-in-Chief of the Army of the Potomac,
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Office at O. V. John
son's Drugstore Main street, opposite Clark &
Pluinmers. Prirate resideneeeornerof RockanJ
11th streets, two doors sou t a of P. P. Gass'.
CI. 9. fc.THTII!
Attorney at Law, and General Colleetinir Aeent.
All legal business intrusted to his care will t
ceive prompt and ciirct'ul sttcntion Office one
door west of the Brooks ilou-e. lirst room up
stairs- niarUJ.twtf.
nr. j. wTrlicm
Having permanently located at Wcepins Wa
ter lall.s. tenders hU professional services to the
:itizens of Cass county, Nebraoka. LianT'CiHf.
I. II. tTIIKF.I.tlt & to,
Rertl Kftite and Tax Paying Agents, Notaries
Public, r ire and LUe Insurance A stilts, Platts
mouth. Nebraska. jeitf
mvrox imos.,
to do work in good tvle. on :hort ln-iii i:. uu l
n.-.'hehpMS tke cti.j.'.i est. .Sho;. corner oi
Mniu an Ki uiH atrret. I, -l-i. f.
T. M. M . fir r: ,f
ATTORNEY AT LAW Rnd Solicitor in Chau.
i ery. PiatU'tnomh. Nebnuka.
n x wu 1. 1.
SUM. II. C.H rnj
ATTORNEYS AT LAW and So'i.-itors in
CJi:. neory. 11 itlsuU'Uth, Jvobr&cka. OlSeo ovqi
White A Buttery's l-ng Sto.-e. iaprl.
C. II F.ISEL, Proprietor. Ilnvint? rc-ceutl.- len
reprir' ' an.f plncwi i'i thorough urder.
100.000 I.'lfht If. ct Wheat wantcl iiii?noili;tttf.y
for wbira t'ie I. is heat nierket price will be pa
J. K. Holland. Proprietor, corner of Main and
Third streets. PiattMiiouth. Nebraska, Having
been refitted and cewlv furnished offers first
elass accommodations. Hoard by the week
day. laug31uwU.
iv. i. Trc K.L:it,
v k iu his Hue ou short notice und in th? beM
t. Contract lor building iun-le on rc isona
teru. Shop one block south of Platte Val-
House. julj-idtf
.niTC IIKI,!. & WOI.KE.
work in their line on short notice. Will take
contracts, ln'tfc mid Small, and furnish materia,
when desirtd. rShp on Main street, oppc
ite M. E. Church. utf
XXXX At$2.50persacL
SLX FLOCK 2,00 per SACK.
Draa & Short3 TOcts per IK) lbs.
Jran i Shorts Extra Good 1 ,00 per 1 00 lbs
ru Meal l,25ets per hundred pouado
as usual.
Wheat and Corn ground on Toil
Special paint will It taken to tatirfy all who call
10,000 Bushels of Wheat an
20.000 Bushels Corn
Farmei's Feed Stable,
Corner of Sixth and Vine Street One BIo?k
North of the PrcsL terian Churcn, Plattsmouth,
JOfcl rif ( KLATlill
establiti1kd. 1s51. ix
Watche. Clorksand Jewelry repaired noatly
in 1 with di-patch.
u'.'.Kenioveaito opposite Tlatte Valley House
Main street. nov. IU w tt.
1 1 .1 1 H s
prepared la furnish dl clasc:; wuh coTtaat
employment at home, the whole of the tiiae or
for the spare moments. iS'isincss new. Iighland
profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn
from iiUc. to $5 per evening, and a proporiioit-1
sum by dctdiii.s their wuole time to the busi
ness. Roys and girls earn uoarle as much men.
That ail who see this notice may send 1'ie.i a !
dress, nd teal the business we make this
unparailci'.d otfer: 'to su -h a. ara noL will
satisfied, we will send $1 to pay fir the trn'!e
of writing. Full partitulcrs, it valuable siiuipie,
which will do to cori:niri'jc work on. and a
Copy of Th Vo;je' Ll'rnrn lAtntp(iCiA one
of the Iarcjst &nil bet taiiiii newsphp.-rrj.uo-lished
all sent free by taail. Reader, you
want pi-rmanent, profitable woik, ad J -e-s E" C.
ALLEN X CO.. Acglsta. Mai. &pJT.ini
KL7 '
UVO. FICKLE!!. Prop.
T am prepared to kill beef cattle, hogs, sheep
-.., tor cusiwtucis. on short UuUce and at re
Getting Harried.
t ligh'sof Home, and tha propriety or impro
priety of getting Married, with sanitary help
for those who fool unfitted for matrimonial hap
piness. Sent free iu sealed envelopes. Addres.
phia, Pa, juaelLlwly
NO. 13
i lit'a-itTVi Sale
Alrin H. ici ds )
vi. 0r.:
Thwdort: V.'illia.ns. I
der of Sale.
Notice is iicrcy giv n t'jat I will offer for
(ill '. at pui ii" auction. -t tuc south lront d or
of th'Coni't iluse. in I'lausinocfh, Ca-s co:iny,
on the liih day of July, A. 1). ls.'il, at two
o'clock p. in. of said day, tuo following real en
late, to wit:
The southwest quarter of section No. nine
teen (1! in township No. tweive. ranee No.
1wci east of the ;iith principal meridian.
CiifrS county. Neb.
Sold by virtue and authority of an Order of
Halt-, issued in the above entitled cause by tho
Clerk of the Uiptric-t Court oi Cass county, and
to me directed, as Sheriff of said county.
Given under my hand this'2"Jd day of June,
A. I). 187). J. W. Jouxsos. Sheriff
Willett Pottenger. Cu- county, Neb.
Atty. for Plff.
Lcqa! Notice.
In District Court. 2d Judicial District,
ana lor as. county .Nebraska.
Rebecca Funk, I To Alfred funk, nonresident
vs. defendant: You are hereby
Alfred Vunk. ) notified that Raheeca Funk
on the l.Vh day of June. 1S70. Glcl her petition
in tho .itli'-e of ibe Clurk of the D'tric-t Court,
of too 21 Judicial Jjistrirr. within find for Cass
eyunty Nebraska. Tho object nn.l prayer of said
i'ditiui: is to oits.:n a divorce from saiJ Alfred
'link, for the causes of extreme cruelly, and
because ssid defemlaut being of sufficient abi)j
to provide a suitable maintenance, grossly and
antonly neglected and refused so to do. and
also praying tor the care and custody of W. 11.
Funk, a child of said plaintiif and defendant.
You are required to answer slid petition on
or before the 2."th day of July. lsTO.
by Maxwell A Chapuan', Atty'.
j un.slOw i
William F. Donelan)
Frederi'k Fu. h; )
Notic: is hereby given that I will Ser fr sale
at public ..uctiiii. ni the south t.orit door of the
Court HoiM. in the city oi Pi lUiiioufh. Cuss
eouii-y on Wcdnnday. lu 0:h day of July. A.
D. i t one o :'lock p. ui. of said day. all .be
r:::il. t'.tle n-id interest of tho hoovc defendant
I in end to the lo, lowing real e.ilate, to-w t: tho
east oii's-hall 5 of lot No. nine 1, in block Nn.
j fourteen 1H in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass
j county. Nebraska, and as designated upon the
recorded pi tt of jaij city, taken as the property
I c.f Ficderick Fu, h.. on an order of uttachment
i in fivor of Wilham K. Done'an, issued by the
t urli of the Hir-tnet Court of the county ot Cass,
an.l to me dire ted 11s Sheria" of said county.
cliven under my hand, tide IVIj da of Juno.
A. 1. 1870. J. W. JOHNSON. Shcritt,
WlLLET Pottksckp.. Cass Co. Neb.
Att'y. for Pi'ff. juntlowa
f2.trdi;ne Sale.
Notice is hereby givm that, in pursuance of
n order of sale, by lion. He. rc U. Lake,
Judpe of the District Court of the 2r.i Judicial
District, on lhe th day t f May. 1S7J. 1 will on
Saturday, the t :ta day of July. H"'j, at 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day, at the frout door of the Court
House, in Platte month, Cass county, Nebraska,
offer lor snic at public vendui, to tho hitf'.iest
bidder. Hit the rii,bi. title and interest of Ed
ward O. Harbison. Sniiie O. Jli.'bison, Jennie
11. Hsrbi on. Walter i. Harbison. Willi nu H.
Harbison, and Mary 11. Harbison, minor heirs
of the estate of James D. ilurbison. deceased,
in and to the northwe-t quarter of the south
West quarter of sectl.'u nine, in township twelve
r orth of r uicettn ea-s' und tho northwe-t nuar-
i Ur of the minutest quarter of section No. four
teen, ana too souiuwtst ijuirtei ot tho south
west fjurrtir. of se. tion eleven, in township
twelve, nurt'i of range thirteen, east of Ctn
principle meridian, all in Cuss county, Ne
braska. .
tale will remain open fo- bids from two
( 'clock p. in. to ihree o'clrck p. m. of said day.
Term' cue I'nirJ cash on d ly of sido. one third
in one year i.nd one third in two years, with iu
tciest on defered pnymenls. at ten per oetit.
MBGfKT A. Hrtuv.
Guardian of minor heirs of Jumos D. Harbison,
Ily Maxwell Si Chapman, Attorneys,
tn S3
Real Estaie Office.
A Keal Elaie t.;li'.-e tn eonneeiion with "iheir
Law Oif.ce, at.1 Lave secured the services f a
competent and ieiab! man to take charse of
the same, and will buy and sell Keal K-'.atc on
commission, v y taxes, examine titles, furnish
abstracts thereof, snd traciajtidl bu.iueid per
taining to real estate.
We have also n full and complete nbrftmet of ti.'Ie
of lauds r.nd lots in Ca$ luiity. that has been
ptcpurea with care, and wiil oo posted up from
reooidi of-ihe c.oiiity. daily, and we believe will
be founl reiiaijie iu e ery rescct. All business
u runted to oar care will receive prompt atten
tion. Max wax I. ii Cuapman.
J una -Xth, 1S70. jMii wtf
Guardian's Sale.
sur.nce of a decrcti.1 order of rule of ilon.
(iiri;f B. Lake, JuJso oi th District Cunrt of
the o Jo iic.i-i Dt-trict. o-t lhe l.h day of ,. yril.
1S7U. I will, on rfatarday. the lotl, day of Juiy.
hi lhe hi ur ot .n3 o'.'io k. P. M.. cf ii .at
the fr :nt door of the Court Eji'ie. in 1'aLifi-n.o-.iih,
Ci-s cua'y, Neoriuk.. ..r fir hi
p'.i.i'C veuuue. to ihc h.giv-3i. om-ier. flll tho
I r.aht. trie, and i.ittr?i: oi r;?d.-r:i:k v enn-,
i henry ar.d M:rg"..ret V.'thea. minors.
h-irsol rre.ior ek W. t. u . uuee4i.rd, in and t
the fi iiowin.t uef.rit.ed rtfil estate, to-wit: Tha
roi.13 hail .f the north weoi quarter of soct'oa
en I noith ea?t 'iusrtcr of 'be torth wctqiiarter
iMjni ,!-bo buith e:it quarter of tho south east
quarter tt section No. tcu in to-vn.-hi twelve,
north of range tcu saat..f Ctii P. M.
Sale wiii remain open for bids from one o'clock.
P.- M to two o'clock. P.M.. of suid day. Terms,
one fourth cash iu hand, one fourth iu one year.
i ne fourth in two years, and one frurth io three
years, with interest ou deferred payments st 10
Der c-nt. rer annum.
Ehhard Hkku sk, guardian of minor heirs of
rreuencx neonee, deceased, by
June23w4t Attorneys.
R. Chilson, four miles north-east of Weeping
Water, on the head of Cedar creek, will herd cat
tle during the coming season at thir'n c:nt
head per month for the season, and furnish salt.
All cattle must be distinctly brand or he w
sat b responsible for losaee. eapfctuiril
m rcaListtro pailt by
oiToa i!tD ruoraiAToa.
-Office corner Main and Second streets uo
od story"
D.xl'y S10.00 per annum, or $1.C
per mouth.
X bold
separately or together, to suit pur
chaser, lhe engine is lOil inehei, and is la
perfect order good as new. Call und see al
Waymaii c& Curtis'
Sheriff's Sale.
David Sampson, I
vs. V Order of Sale.
A. 11. Jiarker. I
OTICIJ IS lll.Hli.lIY UlVfci, That I will
otfer tor publm auction, at the siouth
lront uoor ot the Court House, in i'laltstnouln,
Cass county. Nebraska, on Tuesday, the tth day
of July, A. D., 1870, at two o'clock. P. M.. of
said day, all tho right, title aud interest, of the
above defendant, to the following real estate,
to-wit :
Lot No. nine (9) in blork No. sixty. Ore (K) and
lot No. nine (9) in block No. two hundred and
twenty -one (2-1 ) us designated upon the recorded
and published plat of the City of Plattsmouth,
(.'ass County, Nebraska, heretofore i.ttai hed as
the property of thesaid defendant. A. 11. llm ker.
on an tinier of Attachment, i.-mied by tha Clerk
of the Uistrict Court of Cass County, in favor of
tho said plaintiff, David Sampson, and to me
directed, aa Sheriff of said county.
Sheriff of Cuss County Neb.
T- M. Marqi-ictt.
Attorney for Plaintiff. june23w5t
Sale of Estrays.
il will be a saleoi two Kstrnys. one three year
old Steer and 'lie two year old lleiler, at the
residence of Charles Spohn. in Weeping Water
Pi ecinc;, Cass County. Nebraska. Snid estrays
w;li be sold to the hixhe-t bidder, for cafh la
baud. Time of sale will be hi the hour of one
o'clock. P. M.. on Fri ay, July d. 1S70.
Daied at Wecpiiig Water. J ane 18th. 170.
Wii. C. Jrvrs.
june23w5t Jusiioe f the Peace.
n. srcur.ocK,
Notary Public.
First building can of Court House, up eialrt.
Lands Bought and Sold. Titles Examined an.l
Conveyances Madn. Taxes Puid and Receipts
Forwarded Promptly.
w.All Business entrusted to our care will
receive prompt attention. niar29d.twtf.
Legal Notice.
In District Court, 2d Judicial Distiict,
and for Cass County Nebraska.
Margaret Carter. Mary k. Krahl 41
N.J. Pettenger. by thur next
friend, Johu Mutz,
tn, Ttirliw .t Jiimiti W. Harlow.
Willliam llarlow and James W . llarlow will
take notice chat Margaret Ourif r.Mary Kruhl aud
N. J.Peiteugcr, by iht'.r next fr.cnd John Muiz,
of 'ass County. Nebratka, did on lhe .nh day
ot Juue, 1a. it, tiie their petition in the ofiicc of
the Clerk of the Dis.ricL Court wuL.n und for
Cass County, Ncoraska, against l!io said
iiiiaiu Barlow arid Joints W. llarlow,
defendants, setti. forthjhut the S.'ii-.l det'etid
aiits on or a'.o " ;io Till day ot October,
I'i.S. executed thei- certain promissory note
oi titi'i u ite m ti 1 1, caldng lor trie sum
oi i), ana t.itn u.. ihere delivered the sauie
to the said idumiiJs, and thereby promired to
pay to U.e i,4i4 pihiuliHS trie s. ia su n oi i':i
w::h mterest from October "lb. 1 ?. ut tho rate
o. teu p'sr cent, per onnuui. 'i'liai suid plaititiJs
did. ii theLOin aay ol June, lrt'.o, cause to be
issued by the Clerk of said Court, an order of
altc.htneut, and did cause tho following proper
ty of J aim s W. Barlow, ono rf the defendant,
to be attache!, viz : The south half (,'il of the
s w qr of section No. 27. Township twelve (12; n
Range No. tw-lve (12) cast Gib P. M-, in Ca?s
county, Nebraska, for the purpose of having the
sameeold to pay said indebtedness, and the said
William Barlow and James W. Barlow are no
tified that they are required U. appear and an
swer suid petition on or before the 8th day of
August. A. D., 1S70, or judgment will be render
ed against them.
Fluted June id, 1870.
Margaret Carter. Mary Krahl and N. J. Tei
teuger. by John Mutz. their next iriend.
jo2Sw5t Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Legal Notice.
In District Court, 2d Judicial District,
and for Cass County. Nebraska.
a Cou:
rn, )
James Joruen,
Abram Watson
loAbrain Watson, non-resident, derendant
you arc hereby notified that I have commenced
an action in tho llistriet Court, Hi Judicial Dis
trict, within ai.d for Cass County Nebraska, and
filed my petition therein on the lth day of
June, 1S70, wherein I claim the title to the w bf
of tbe sw qr of section 2 and the s e qr of s qr
sec 3 in Town 11 n range 1- east 6th '. M. iu
Cass County. Nebraska, and ask the Court that a
certain defect in my cbaiu of title to said
premises, caused by mistake on the part of the
said Abruiu Watn, in a certain Ieel in which
he intended, attempted and claimed to convey
toone Hiram Moiijar, for a valuable considera
tion, the v? hf s w qrof see "2 and tile eqr of the
s e qr of section 3. all in Town 11 N Range 12
east of tith P. M. in Cas County, Nebraska, but
in which Deed tho snid Watson, by mistake,
eo..voyed Ciesame property in Township Eleven
N 11 c of 0th P. M. i.i Cass County,
whereby the l i tie to said de-enbed property in
Town 11 N Range 12 is broktn and imperfect.
That the said Deed from tbe Waton to the
h.u l Monjar may be reformed so as to express
aid set I'oith tue true township and range in
tended f be set foifh and expressed in said
Deed, and plaintiff s title to Raid tract of land
may be q. ietcd a.nd confirmed, und for such
-other and further relief as in eoni'y and good
conscience he ought to reoeiv-. You are hereby
rcqiired to answer said Petition on or before.
the Sib day of August, A. i).. IH7U.
Jamks Johdov.
junc23w;t By Maxwell A Chapman, his Au'y,.
Legal Notice.
In District Court. 2d Judicial District within
i.n J for Cjs6 County. Nebraska.
m. btadelinaun, 1
vs. I
Milo Fellows and I
Joshua B. Wells. J
To Milo Fellows and Joshua II. Wells, non
resident, defendants You are hereby noticed
that Wm. Stadelmann has riled his petition in
tiie oifiee of the Clerk of the District Court,
w ithin and for Cass County, Nebraska, on the
8th day of June, ls.70, setting iorth that he is the
owner and in possession of Lot C in Block
in Piatlrmoiilh City, Cass County, Nebraska.
Tbnt h- and those under whom be claims title
have hail eoutiuued and peaceful possession of
said lot from prior to tbe24ihday of August.
JhoI. and have made valuable improvements
thereon. That Joshua B. Wells, one of the de-f-'iiuaiits,
under whom plaintiff claims ti'lo
through ond wiilul neglect failed to
flaee a certain deed, in ode to him by Eugene
'. Kernardin. n record, although said Well
fully paid s.iid Bernardin lor said lot ami has a
deed thereior. Ihat lliesaid Milo Feliows. de
i: ii laot. cn or hi out the lib dy of February.
1h70. for an expressed eoiisirieratiun of Sltsj
dollnri obtained a? ait claim deed :Vom tbe said
Euirenj P. Uernardin lor said lot, plaintiff at tnat
time having the. fnii, quiet and peaceable pos
session ot lite same, sail Fellows well knowing
that :.IaintiQ' was he owner thcreor' and Hunw
ino ail !' Maintitf's rizkts and eoniiic tLertin.
Th'i ooieclaRd prayer of snid petitiou is to have
said deed to : I ii ilo Fellows -t n-l und de
cl'rel null und void, atid tbe tl.jud rcrting on
platuutf. tit.e lo ssid lot 6 iu . ii. Pl:.ttsti.cnth
fii rnnovc-l, nnd to compel the s.tid Joshua
B. Weii.4. o;ie o' the utl'.n litnts, to pl.-ce hU
de-d from the said Bernur lib upoa recor I.
Vor are re(,nired Ui tuntr hi: I ttittoa on
or before lhe Siih djj t.f Juiy. A. I).. )!D.
V.'ji. S'AUKLii .K.v.
JuncPwi By Maawell i Chi i.uiuu, Attj '.
CThancery Salt).
James M-Nurlan 1
Vt itor U. flrccn. )
In pursu-znee of a decree of tii- District Court
of the d Jo,ii.-i XHtrict. witiiin and lor Cass
County. Ncvrka. made in theacove cause, on
the a I day of Juue. 17'J, I, the suijscuber, being
appointvi Special Master of said Court, will
ofl.-r at public auciiua. to the highest aud best
bidder, tor cah, at tho front uoor of th Court
Houte, in Plattu;iuth. Cass County. Nebraska,
ou Wedneady. the 11th day of July, ISTo. at
11 o'clock. A. M. of said day. the following do
scrioed real estate, o-wit : The northeast quarter
of ceetion No. twenty-nine CJU) in township
elcveu. north of range thirteen, east of l:th P.
M.. iu County, Nebraska, with all and
singular tho hereditaments and appurtenances
Iherennto belonging, to be sold, u lhe property
of said liefendaut, to satisfy said deciee, the
hinouut of which is 1.4i'.IJ,, with interest from
the date of ssid decree, at this rate of lit per
cent., tilth costs ot suit and sale.
J. W. JOiiNSON. Special Ma.-ter.
M X we l. l iz Cn.tpMAir, Attorneys hr Plain,
tit. ru!e!.Ti