Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 23, 1870, Image 1

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    ' " . I ..
1 !
1 i;
"Hit ftLCiiitKA H&KALD
99 ( 'ffici corner Mini and Second strec, lee
red ttitj.
TLrti.l -it WrvltJy. por annum if paid in
ii uot paid in advance.
A Itcpu-..:.;ri State Convention will beheld
et ths City of Lincoln, on We Inc. lay. the llh
. ' '-'.uurt. 17.. at 10 tiVI.. -k a. m. , for the
per 'O 2 cf pin 'in- in nommaiion one candidate
tor ! :.u s-.T of C lirr.-s-!. one'Mn li 1 it ujr M -rn -'tiT
of C n;rc.i coritinf-n", can li 1 .:es for Gov
ernor, Secretary of ism.-". Tr.-asur.-r. i-upcrin-
.;;c.o,Vn So, tiie Mee ,urge,tJ that rr...I. a-,v othr-r. i .li -p. I f avoij , The U1J d..,,a;n .Nt-Lla lands to. wo crmnot si-e how a Senator or
.,:i,u of,uch bu,i., . ,,y r,erly : the m,t. rome-an:! tha o:,; that w.utj ! , ",',-;',.t4 " T:,Ct t'"'!, w T ! (Antral Branch I'aciac Railroad f'f, ,v.? ,.'om ,llKS tat C0U,J
..., bcP,re the invention. The de!eSHttf k. ll;,!;v i:,t, J fi.r ( ).n;:h:i. t ha '.'.J-J'.Kl .i.'l.:.. ! caU!e ui in (lie Heiia'e a Mlice. i iW'C 1..
j.-tti- r. . tr f ' in' ll 11 Mlitl 1 in, hji.t ifiii i-i.ri.
pr.i-ttit fiun: "m-h Jndit ii.l Di-tiictnill niuni-ii-.Im
11 -i:ii::i! e person f r )nt:. Attorney or
h 'i" r,-?;s;:i!Vi; ':-;! iof.
X.u c-)U3ti3 are en'.itUd to dulcsates in lb
t'.nvn!ion as fjllom:
T irt ... 4 Lincoln I
is r 1 lh'fiii-'iui-Couri 1
ii I I M -lll-O:! 1
' .' -x 1 M-.rri-k 1
9 Nm.ih.-t il
t'eitr - i.e 11
uin niiiK 2 V!ie- S
I -J 1'li.tte
i'.xon 1 Ki-hardn'iD 10
1. l' r S.uiiii 1
Ii-.iulii.- '- Saii.y 4
'i -) 4 Stund rs 3
ll ;i ; S. trawl A
V " n'.lt n: 1 Stanl- n 1
.if .fir'on J Wantiiirtoa rt
J-iLinca 4 Yoik- 1
L w)c:iler i
ZZ 1 .
!ly rrrre-;
Tl ii h'p-.l (v.'i j- comry will be fu!. t it i ail imp.irtnnt ! Men bo
'ted or ho vi;ri- uj .Bi':c-;, and tlmt hurui ity
.r-v:.i' in il.rir v i 11.
Ey 01 J.-.r of th Comni'tei.
II. D. HA lIIAW.'.Y. C'j.iiraian.
rLAlT.BJtoCTii. Neb.. May LT, IbTO.
4j' Ui'f.ji.iii-.iii rfiiiti- I'aper.s I'lese Copy.
t tiiiMrAS ms v totiuii ti:r.
.11 i.i.i
pHr-ynut to thi: e.i'l of the Chairman
of :hn il ; nldiiau (.'.t:ti l (?oiun,!iU-e
for Ch-.; county, the folloving tiicinhiTs
of the san.e uut in the Court House, at
T't'tLMouth, Neb., on Saturday, tlie
li: h th-y of .June, A. D. 1870, at the
Lour of 2 ;;. in. IYcr-ent,
Is.iac Wi!i;s, Piattsiiimiih precinct.
Paiu I.. Cannon, Liberty "
IV L. Clapp, Stove Creek
iNtLiin-i Ileetir, Vccpnig Water "
Jo-eph Arnold. Salt Creek
kf a .'itiure, lkocii
Mr. Wile.-- called tin; couiTuittee to or-
i.ul -u.i-e ted that a Scciv'atv be
ii'-'C. S.iuiitel Cann m was p!:.. . in
Hoi..;n:i.oii ati-i e f c
2-1 r. ATt:e':J noHe a i:.o;i..!i tbjt. 111
p.?- .I'ivm Cojii'y Omvtr.'iou be held
0:1 ).- t day of July. ?dotio:i m-c-
'.: : ts-fore going to ihe hm-o Mr.
',..;; looveii a nn Mnecuu.'cii' o the
O -io-tl quo.-tl'in, "tbat the coiivcut'.t n
t-e held r.s late as the 'Jtii of July ;
fjic.sfien going to the hou.-e as auic.nd.d
;u :u-faititd.
A vrs.s male l.-.y Mr. Hector
ti. : . Co;;nty Convt iit;o:i be h-.-hl a
Wt-e; hii Wa:er Fall-; motion Lent:
trou le !, went 10 the hou.-e, when it wis
ci -c'ded 1 i'at Couv-n ioti ie bel l at ; be
a'' j-. li lined plaee, C0''iliiet.cil)g at ill'-'
liut.r of 1 o'ciock p. 111.
l. lion n.adc 1h.1t the pie. inot cau
0 ' - bj. licld at the u uttl p ace of 110 J
Sau s-icct u:i-, 'u. c-;.:u'.d. y I he Sod oi
' cetutitv t:-:..: "at 'die hoa of - o e. k
j . i!;ion : 1: v:i-: '.
, 1 -. i-; a-. ; . cjonl.d tint W:j
Hppor'i 'ti:neii'. ba-c I o'l 1;:-1
. i'i'j .--vb-i. 't'J. Miiioti sustained.
A,. . ::;i:ci:t a lo.iOWi :
1 i: t -i.iouth - -Mr.
I'.ea hu: .
II ck Ioulfb ..
() eapo:ls
L-Mii-v'iie .......
.- 10
.1 -. oe a
iVi-t-p!ii a',, v...
tvihr .Mi! (.note
Sa't V :' .-iv.
S'ove Creek-
J-oll'h "eirJ. 1
1 ij ton 1
Mr.tcd uitd 1: Jaieed that we ltotn-r-t!
d the I7:h d.-y i f Scj tend., r r-.t,
a. ' d'c'ttl: p- m , as tiu- day for ilo
I rhiir-iti i!ti:tls ti a.i.el ? tstial
pla -is of b.dtlio;' !-?r.r.s the ; ,r-
o e of cTioo-;iig de'etatea as appor
tioned to their respective precincts, to
attend the county Convention on the L'lld
d iy of Se ptember., A. l. I HO. Said
Convention to nominate m m!.ct for the
S ate Legislature and 011; member of
the board of Co nfy Commissioners.
21ved and seconded that said Conven
tion be held al Mt. P.ea-a it. .Mr. Ar
il )!d move 1 as an atueu Imon: that we
U'eet at Weeping Water Fads; amend- j
E: nt sustained
.xio;;on uiade that we rei'ie-t the ed
itor of liie IIehai.i to pubiidi the pio li.'i j..: of the meeting. uinde that we a.ljotirn -iinf t'ir.
S. L. Cannon, Sec'y.
Xiiv'nlaoit oi' Slie i'lnttc.
S. llan ford, who owns a stea'
fji-rr on the datte river. Ii n tu i ie
I il' I U I I ' 1 1 IT llllllll. .11111 i
North Pci.d a db-tunce oi thirty miie,
and writes an account ol it to the
F.cui mt 1'iilnnc. a- follows :
' I v- it: give you an account of my trip
from Fremont to Souih Ueinj by st.-.a-i-boat
on Piatte nvor. Left Fiemoiit at
1J o'cio.k i. m. on the 7;h in -taut, and
at ti o'clock a. m. of the Mil was in
N.i. th lieii l an J had moved my family
iiito the Cantieid ing llou-e. 1 wa
thirteen hours runnim; the di-i.inee iif
thirty miles and ilid uot stick live min
utes at anv one time, and too
a heavy head of w.n 1 against me. I
wi 1 'g.tiii.'.ic" on my boat makin: it in
cairn weather in t u hour.-. I oile a
biiiter of ti v e hundred dollars lor any
; tTi rivs-T that uaa a boai to
btal mine." .
A ivit thit can ntvigaie the Platte
river succes.-1'u Jy, w.ihout sticking on a
1st, woutd m.iko pretty fair headway on
?i ht i rj," ro on our Jeve: prairies. 'I he to a tvigaoie ! What next ? Oma
hu Jifjwltic'nt.
iuc i.iJtitii.
A St Louis di-pa:ch of the 18th nays:
"Dispatcher, from l'o:t Hayes and
other points report the Indians to be
very r.u.uoiou-i between Camp Supp;y
and Iii-ur Creek, a!i on the war paiL.
rev.-rai (joverimicut and ptiva-e trains
t A herd have been attacked. So far
the Injun, have LcVii rcpal.-ed. It ie
n j lorj-T-r safe for trains or herds to travel
without a tt.oiig Caccrt.
The I.:-id--i.t -ont the following no:u
iria'Tiui to the Sir;a'e to.v ;y : A-:io- V.
Aji.vr on, .f (Jor "a, t e A::o:uey
WHMMaJ, f-rtr th,'- JlwT, TmUoX
-Ta,Mg?TTl?jyL'-' j'y"" " J-u i'.-uj Ajii.majjJBwrii jUMjamnimn tnjijunji'BLm., m
1- Jdj -IiijO JfiL.i5L'
VOL. 0.
Omnlin rf livr fcliort route to Clii-
I-tnttsi-ioutli tho iit for rrowlns
, tlie ca ', wa- J v w :y of i'i.itt-niouth
! o.. r :1m li. & V. I". It. W,
now fc'nd
our i La i- o' tanis! in (n'ha. as tlie
j f.i.l.jwin-, fioiu the O.nt-li.i Ilfi'ihl wi:l
i ,. , r, , ,
j h i O iiaha an 1 South T.strn raiirnad
is 'it-i;i ii-ii : l iii; 'w:ii-.l witti an e.e:gy
t the a'.iie Uien wlio h ive that road in
'"''y cm p!. t-.I, thn r:;,s ail tios j
hac been pii . ha el. and the' j
sto- k .-..n'ra. tci t.-r. In a i. w w.-cks,
ti i f.,.,-. vr. '. -v to ve tiatn-I
ritnn ntr re.uu':' y to l.e 1'! -tc- riv.-r. be- ;
yonltciir I ia; I. fmi trtfjfooi;ti -
111 h . t stone lo;-O n;, ;ii is eou.-.iii d,
tint Wili ou an av ut.l
llio ri-r. coiifr ict with t!ie city -:il's ft i- the C
i linn (11 hi r if .n it tin. 1 ir tru iv . 11 - n
Union r:u:i;i ., n 1 the ciiii:e Nurtli ! a'J oonfi rif.-l. liei'ire 'he St.. Jfwj.h and as pa-scd. Senator '1 hayer oftliix of a cipy oC this l as it pas-vd 'h'
: I'-a'fn ..iiitn- tn 1.,. . m r. I ;' 1 'Illll.'il H !! fl toad WHS I !! i!r i t Wa ! S tjif.' n fit ir !: I t l.i ;1 u I i.rnrv vfon a II' 1 Senate. If it turns out that the Ne-
1 I I I - F klia . -
aua.vo.Hpl-tieJi.v.t Ir J. 01:fril0.,, ,;iy, ,.IV ,...: J ,,:., ,,,.
.i c- u;-ii.:. i in iin--,- . 1. 10 .
Ci .-ii v 1 1.- u. nu. .- ! - 1
po. taii e as t l.e ro:nt is cxii n l- 1. M.i tar
ure.i'i-r tb-gree th in wa . dreaiued of at
it- infe:? on.
Ira -hort titne, we oubr-tanl, the
I'.aite is to be b; idj.'fl at L-t i'.arte
V forme: 'y Latiim-r Mio -, and a c ri c
tion ma i; wit'.i the f ui!;iigfu & .'li
.-ou i railroal oppo it-1 tliit pr-in. In
that event an artery f tiade an 1 travel
a- far as Liuco 11 wiil be e-tabh-hel at
onee, ati I ihe l''.atte river wi'l no lomr-r
titrin an ii: pa--aS!e barrier "tw.'eu the
two M'Ct'Oii-. Hut siili furih.-r:
The I5a. linsifon an I M i i-otiri 1 a"!r -ad,
by mul-ijiij pMipt'i- a rjn.",uiii-.tilh i!r.'
i.naha an i S ni'Iine-te: n e.-in sfa: t tii- ir
tiain on I hi ilcof tlie Mi-.-ouri !J;ver,
at the foot of Jones trct. wti.-ie t!i
:t rn i.-'-tirn- loc.itm i s 1
1 P
and bv cr.i -in' tiu ir car- :ii I'iatt nioiitii
iin .Jinvj.iv to Ciiica:ovi:ho'.i: aciiamre.
'J hu.,'i.-e -',vtiP.iie wj, ch
ike iin..!. i.-e a iv.ititie wh en : ii; .1 an !
:: i.ti.-i n.ent v.o-d 1 jjve tlu.t 10:1 1 ove. j
a i otliers lea In:.' toihi.s.ti'.v v.-o-i! t - ;-e!y j
;i: lu'-e it t. p-ovi.le a suirai.'o i;i.-tbo.I of;
cro.vii.' c;trs ar r.ait. liinutii withot'.r
-n j cti-.-g ih.: travel pub'ic t any of
th-- 111 -oiH'etii n-J s wbii-h - t'en. to be un
avoi btole at tl.o preset time in cro..-ing
at ilii- iioinr.
'I'he Junes -trcct depot of the Omaha
V Souihwe tc; 11 will b- bur as-oti -'s
i iirow fii.iii the depot of the l; n'on i.-.-:;i-:
Other tlnmi.s bein e-;u.ib su-h :m ar-
aiigeiueiit wou'd u-id )ubt-d!y e:i:i.i:e 'be
Ibiiliu.iftoii !c Mi-so'iii to liiomioolz.! th-:
tr an 1 travel of the Union Pacific ali i
f thi- ci' v.
fl k .1 VI
' W tii'.t we h ive no pa'tia'ity fir the
fc ii -onii over any of toe
iher roi I- leid ti-' fnmi O n i h i. yet for
iiu sake of the g.i at fiave'in- puh'i".
.or the;it-ig- of 0 n ih i- an J in th -.
hope that ;hea-.-r.iii.elu-,ii' w-uld ex,ieilite
:'ne !! I liar of tri la U t!ii p'.i-e,
we tr.:! that the su-e.-tion : contain - I
ii th;.- may no! be car f.oui wh it die
).:nhi Sou.l.we fei ii ant the 1' if
: -i-'-i;i i 3!i--ou. i iu ty have in conic u-
Ill ", . utrnl Hr.mvU trrtj.
The V.--i hlngtoi- -nrre -por!e:;f- t the
t'i:i.-ii!!i ti d-iz'.'ie l ".'ks as to! lows of
;he fi.i 1 1 upoii the people in the rlnpe
o!'a taot ro ihe Ceuiiai ijiaruh P.u.::o
i-Iaii 1 -ad :
'"It i well known that the expee a
li'Hi oi'lhe Senate wh ch .iiidiorixed this
Cential braiieh. was f.iat ic would form
a junction .van a ivin-as roil et t of
iki'ey, an I r. Pome.oy hinise f
stared in :iic debate u p. m tne am ndm nt
au liniziiig lii hfriueh. tin: ti Try niiie
wou. l la .-Uii -H.i:. "t lie io id iu 1
p:e:ent po. ition i i.aui and a I aad
,,uy. ta me 1 of vv.-a : ii a i i iiilbn iii
aiv iiitei'i--t .1 in it, ioi 1 a SeiMtor is it-.-..iciu'.
chaiiipioti aa-1 ri-pie-t nfive on
the li r an i :n c i,'it.r,ti'0
i'oii.eroy a-ked hi.-s fciiow Scnitnrs fo-,
hiiI the even numbered -ectien :i!onr its
ui..: have been iixed by law at 2 5J p-r
"t''V . , t .
I. is correron.Ient is mi tten as to
the pu Lion of i!i2 Netva ita men.- Sen -
ator Tii.ton is the on.v oris if the No-
k: a L- i . Iiiltfrrif iifl ,.t Vill lid-. ir-MIif
I iie corre-pon Sent e o-es as fonow.- : j j
it . . .1. ... : .. i .-" r. t.., i
1 1 ,-i f, ;nc:i, I- ;t l-ui si-ii. nrui i.ic
Sennt., w; ieli may expec:ed to de-vt.-lop
whatever lion .'-ty, as wed as dis
h nie.-ty, th"re i in tlie lb'U-c. Irs m-iln
Ijafure- may be l lit!? suuuii " up:
It oi iuiu i:cd as a job, a Sen Uor and
relations it-:.i.j t ten a-i-i now .:
teie-led n.irtie-. and its opeii and
, e.i
known n ilors.
The line war, built in violation of the
under fai ling of tho -e who passed the
amendment authorizing it.
There ii no necessity for the roal, a -one
is iksw in pto-je-s of eon (itict. on
within ti a or twelve tniies of the pro
jw --d extvido:i, with a emit on'y hat
as large as is a-kct iu ibis bill. No
sections are r.'. ei ve-l tor ti:e Covernrueo:
and see t ers i-a:t n t here.du-r o'itaiu
land with:n twenty mi.'es of the rrtd,
except o i .-u ;h t-'iius aa the company
may pre-cribe."
Tli- CrrcaiO in 1 St. Loni?t itailroa.l
C inpany are. -ettiiig out miles Upon mi!
ofoMt.ce o.-ane pi -tut-no rep ace the feno
ingoii the r hue. und it is said u be the in
tention t- p'ant a hedge wh rover the
line require.-" to U: rote.-ted from cat;'.;.
The f st cei is e urn is already in.
It mi...' .from Cuf in iaM, whe.e th y are
p.irt.iula 'y aot ate ns - taking an 1 ih.-y
jieth.oiiKU the operation every quarter,
to t-ee if the list count wa n't too small.
Mr. Chrule- (Ju l ihink- he has f.-nnJ
l..,n.,,. ti-l.u: till ttlth lli.
The t . w ioa:e isthaf of the sea ol Ktia.
v, It - ' .-.-.
1.;, L i:.i; v ii ivii e at anv traie ol
tbe year, and ic never entirely ires z-s,
ai. 1 is always atc---i -ie ut li;ht ve-.-el.s
bke whaiers, of fnou thirty to one liun
dre l r.t. l twe-n y dive tons, lr. Pour
i.iau sud the Pussian gensraphers con
cur iu Mr. Gmtl'ti opintoo.
roo:ii--, aii ny w .-egrave.-..
I, I'M".0'-..t. ,-.ri .1..1..0. f . . .i .. i.. .i,:i.. ,:.;.i , vein 'liii- t,y i 1, ,Vrr Jill-1 .!l-.M.IIC, aii-i I eiel -
j ..on w..l aeei..:-.i. h he;v i - '-o-uo:n -t : re: s an t ihe tefe. t;:i-e of rhc a i iu,s to a!,y H,;f, .,tf's, j t Uunea.
; m m u.e-, w..t r.i h J y 1"' o''ta:T! '.i . et siimU-.t-s. j iiv ,. .. -;t. .- ii ro.i-1 wc-twurU, iiow
by the it.t i .- - v;. i. .or !.. a : e- untile .; 1 :: a. r. II vi of oTi-evs. j lr j,'!l)ir.vs,. ,s :t pec i.i ii beot-iit .o
mte.-e-t f p.-'.-.i:. i tie o -jcC Pms j 10 b) l in. Ketio.j, mu ic. ief-s. S-uMu-m Kaii.-as ibi- load wa - j.lao.e o
of the Ncbrj. ka mcii i were removed by I I: I.i . m. Li-eu - ion, led r-.y Pn f. ! a;, j 1k,. ; u;;t tirl i ar -TjLit (;v
fi.ving the cvi u .-eefioiis to Pftucioy'.- I'eals aril the lb-v. Mr S.ti'igiite.-. i ei i;Uiciit aid.
road, leaving ;h: o Id sections for Ne- i Sauced : The pi opor lime fr oiiemng I . ... , ,
bia-ka loads which were pn.j -rted u;...n ! the Mate Univi rsity. Mt.sie,, ! r . u. N.-hra.-ku C.ty IV-s l
a portion of Ponieroy's line. Then the AlTraoo I .J U: 111 ")'t i'-' r-"
St Joseph and Denver road h is a grat.t ... . , 7 , v i . -- ",r " ' oi a
often o d secrions to the mile for the .i.lJi .j 'v i' ,V U h Kan -a- .b-i-io.ii w i:tu h ,.- a..c. dy re-
wh.-de did:.n:-e to the bun Ireth nieri li m f -' - ''J '-h- cetved a a.. 1 :Ui h lt:n lied nil cs
aon-ideofihi-ro. ,a,id-.niv a-ou: 12 "Vi ti? "t l P,f" ! oi Alcimu. and SIMi.K) intiov-
mifl t l line is I'e'mr.e-iti- Me, IV.:. Mid-r .d leeamse!,, cnila..t ,, is to the rnik-, a suiuei. ni
,",l7.""'"- 5 , l" :..,',ie.. c' k ?be Sure iuten 1 ut of itich.rdon ! M,:,:1..t tli u ,o:,c.,.ue the road
r ..-,. rtixt ...i:irji ni.i-,r, is.
It. C. hiivI ihe city ;n vvritiiicrit.
t'c-!(ji'il .o(I(i!i talrn by the Citv
l l,oiin-i: n:-ht i t Joir- in re.eren'e to
! from the Conn. ".! PbifFs R.iil-
: road i-niitranv a comr ian-e with its
1 ii 1.1
lui.y uii i-Tstoivt a ji 1 azteei tru 111 le
ftllll iin' ! til V! (n frt u lltiiil 1.?t1k-fc
,.;n- St Jmi.Ii -li ni .l lu tti. Ar..1;"rw.ii
of the to id. nl tliat a depot, w u!d tie
! 'c;:u' at or t!l ''- ' Francis or
i'iX t't. ,
"r- '( -in his lctt.T pu hdi.l in lh
?,.,. y'-l-i d:-v. says jie poiupariy will
I nil thi up -town ib-pot. Thi . a-0(d-
in' to a dii .tit. h by h;ni, is to bo
done 'becauye the csty see.iw to re-,uire
Ru'rts to the tcrniinus mrt of th..
a-reeu;. nt V.r. Jov aoe trsiti birir tit hi
j t:.II1Cl. Verv'(l .'f v N'd the M h.i
an.i ?. .-.,,c"ri th-ir. If they have :h- in;
...... ... , :
.,'.. of o' "d.irlo., ho ...,
jt. ,.,. ti't. j,.-j.,ri."" M.-. rh-urll -r. o-;r
,t.. ( .,- .t-.,i.v I .:i.I! ..
r!;lry fo the J) 'v: h'll n:u:i;
; i.h 1
a ti ,-in : ti:' s. 1 ;ti i
l.'.i-i -I,
iR-iebel is. that the '-iry ii n r;hf to of our line t iand :, jivtn to a corpo:a
zl .tli fu'fil-iu, nt of .1 ("in'r iet wi h a -ulatt'd to take aw.-.y tle.
r-iii-n :'i ei'?i;-a v. "Jr. -lov o v. ivi
'.!. -hbera'e' v inlorms 'he Coune"! th u th'
' j
I fin.
T!l !!l Tf ' : .i;i:i ! ( ) it.-ai-f - w
h T'roi I . I
- 1
tiiay e coii-i-i- r-l a tm.b-;. in i-tr
hi- b-Tt'T v.-:- have a vew n'a:ii h"n? b it
,. t, ., , ., .. ,. , . .
ll the ( I'V ( OUliell -h I 1 Cl!l to-; fi:iu.; i
ncnt of th-i ter ii':mus mi t of th.- e .
t si:: the d'oot will nor ! -;;' r. W
we Mippo-e -re pa r r:f be ...i.trar e-n
rjit as en-i!
i!v b-r-.!-
t n -i
.rh.: It i
a MUe tion v;ir:hv of -e -i:nis c i - b
tion. 1 o.vevr, how fu- a co n: tny tn-i'
i-epndi re it! c trract, anl hnps it i
w i 1 o "Jc -ile it li f.v an : h-.-re a
anv orh- r ;i'-e-e a'i 1 ttai-.
at !
Tn vi - w of 'h i eooiiinstanws wc - re 1
jrl-j I ih i the (V'ttn -il!:i.'i'i !y ca-'e 1 ;
f.-.r a fn'.l f.-:i'!t'-trf on (! p-)- of the '
r,,, 1 wt;, ,). j.M) (.i its eonMaC.
If the eity any r;t'iif s 'et it be I iiown.
7t ,,' ,. : ., ;; j.'. .1,.. tfty t-t li
K.fter shotlid be siettl- 1. i. Joe L'n-
I.,, u.,,
To Thf r.'siliimor li V,-Ormli!
pj;i .
P-e.-iim"iig on your go 1 will ati l kn -ovu
iu'e: e t in educational niitt.;rs p-.tdn
urr i the Stale at lavure. we seii ymi
t fi following pr i.raniiiie ot" th S.a'e
I e icher A--iici i,io:i of . i;ra-k;t lor
pao.ic.rp'ti in tjiv p iper.-u:i !er your eon
ir-.i. e are iiuc:oil to . -retire a I'll
to -retire -l I'-lii a:-
len la nee thi- year of ai! th-: li a i ug e i
u.:a or- of the State: and to this en I,
we 11 i.v, as in the pa-t. re.-jv.-et;u':y si
ii'-it. o-tr roiieede I i-ti'-Tori -e and wid"
itidaence in oi- lehi,f. Prepira'ioti--will
i-e tiiiile. for lit it' firj ticket.- to a:i 1 lii-.-.wiivii'c. ail I for the veeeptio-i
and acro'-iiiio-hiiion of all who inav
eonie. 'lu-itiktmr vou for ji.-c-i favor.--, w
h: ve no.v tii.; p' 1 ..i.e of submitting for
pu .li.-itii.n tiu: 1" i!t -.v :
CO Vr.NrilN (1? .N'l liliVSrCA, TO UK
11 t:!.I) I BViH-NVII.LK, co.MMEM.iMi
Al it.'ST ICTiI.
Tn::.tsi)Av k:;mnii, AX'GUST irTi!.
S"....iog by Piof Kye'sdl Cinh.
K.-ad.ii.' of the Scripture and iViuer
by ll:v. J T. Uaird.
Aopo;ii"ii ut of c:):nuiitf?e for the
eb-i-rion of fn -t-r-.
Ijt etnre by Prof Parker, State Supor
inteii.b'iit of I'di-.-iO'iii.
A.lj ;; !!"!
vt:i.:;r.?i).v. D a. m.
Mu.-ie by Prof. M '.il'h'i Norm; IC in -.
lb-ad tig of th" tviipiuie aii-i i'rayer
by he li- v. T. S. L :;ye.
Mo ic i-y Norma: i.'
(:.';) ;i. m. Pre-i lent's
i-oiinty, ouij.-et : J he best method of
g ad ijg tea s eertihc-atcs.
-.4" p. m. Mu ic and recess.
p. in. lieoo-t of the eon diiiort of
t "-hools in the Sta.-o by th.? State tftiper
i :nr0.J.,t w.'h re'-mme'idations.
; l',..'.J p
. Ihscn s-ioti, -l bv the
i b o-mty .iippriiir, iid,'nt ot Ume,,
i . .. i . u .. i.: . i?......
: . ' ...
- t4.T-J ttfl .J-iLI I I'llll.ll-r!. itJ'.'J :.i'.
I it- p -liey to e.-talli.-h another .State
No.ieal school at present. Mu-ej; re-
:3.) n. m. Ma-'io by Prof. I'ye s
p. m. ..l'.i-ie oy
' ce iu: tin I i. i ifi.'i hv l lie ll Hi
W. Tipton. Mu ie, adjournment. .
Mu ie.
'.) t. m. Heading of the Scripture
and Piavcr by ilc W. lb M. Coir.
e;id :i. ri. Adbe-3 by the I lev. Mr.
Alev. ni I.-r
Ida. ;.. I liM'tts-ton. SiK-jeet: I he
oue-tioii- for th dr.iWer aiiswcie !. lie-
ee-.s aad liiu-ie. j ha- aire.idy ieen im ...ed of ihe Li.t.e
Ipil'J a. m. A idress y J. M. tilue valL-y fu a Kaii.-a. ro. i i, an 1 uis
M -Ki-nzie. M u-ie and recess. 1 cio-es the .-01U di, conscienceless motives
l.'-iO p. m. Mu.-ios. r's.say by Mi-s j
Davi .en
J. p. m. Ti -. 1 vion, !e 1 bv L. A.
Wa'kt'r. A. i. Fu.lcrand ). ii. Ilew
Ht. Stil.jjct: Tiie prop.T m inner of
di-tribu.'ing the State School Funds.
Mu-ic and riv.'-s.
'A p. in. Add-e-ss by lh. Principal f
th- I lief. School of Nebra-k i City.
3:3) p. to. ili-eeilancoii.s bu-iness
and retrts.
7:"Hi p. m. Mu-ic. I'e.ijing .if the
Seripcure and Prayer by the llev. G. ii
laci.s. Addr ss by P'tf. Ben's, Supeiiiitend
eul of Pu'die In-truciion for Neh a ka.
I'liisio. uis'iMiiii. aui tiii.t rtiijttur.i-
VI...;.. ....;..!!.- ....I i:.... ...i:
menU J. M aj, l h NZ.1 1.,
Ch'u J'jc. Com
J. S. Ciiuncn, See.
I 1-. . , . .
1 isnny rein tnis tti'en-e oi
: ner s in:., tie er. wii- oi lue tea .e-
i , n ' i .
men irtt: . i oi ot tithei .--ex i-
the hardest anim d to drive that ever re
! j i;. 11 . ,
uirroa a int. iTier one won nnuirsi
t. nee now and thi-u than your Milky,
stupil doiihey, who-e rhiiiociu Lsek
.io? tt.wr pt ntr gaid."
. ti::v alAE. UH V II STEAL.
?IrU.- I.itt..l Xlonxtrsl to linn-
n ltatlrrnd.
w:iit t:e Pr,i.i nf tlie state think
f It.
Senator Tipton f.ivored it. We have
i ie;-.d the remarks of both on ihi bill,
B'-id have carefully noted the reaonin
,i.t.,l f,,r and axain.-t, as reported in the
IhiiUi (JloLr. We certainly fail to ce
, . , ,
j vrili?:t';" "-e wople os our own fcitate are
to l.e beis -tjjtd lr crivihir a s-olid belt of
j lands twi-iiiv-Ove mites in width for the
.....,... flf i,nt,.v :l r .bain
1 our ow" '"? ."o the e.tie of an-
' oilier a t. tia.i vce no railioa.n in
1 . . ...
. i.j-o j ect ol our own there lii.tii? Le a
1 i- - .1. 1- .
' 1,1 118 iu rui " I-'V'j
fcut with a v. a : .-oeu ry t!.r ufch !,uh to
li: i ra'.l iad-, hiid tlncv- or lou. in
. . ... . 1 :
V V.IMI "tl UWtVU '111 IIIU i'lli'l'VWII
, ...... . lt!
. ,. .....
tt'uii' -j tWvn'y -nve iui:t;.- in wiutn, ot.t
wh eh of e'.dhl ia loii's within our own
Stale, i.s a v;iy injudicious tiling Jbr the
.Y 11' .
.i-t'ta K.i ue:e eii.riives 10 a ivocaic
I , i,,..,i t. . We copy the following re
... . .t .. . f- ... .1 . 1 if
iii.irii upon "Ji -u..ije4. trotn I lie l.tii-I'
-x 11
r-u P:'P-r " f'v' t;te. a. I iepioca!.:i..
1- r.'.ut
W..- have u-tt yet .-eon a bno ,
a Xi i;ia ka i-J
ltor cr. 'o:-
i thi- st. ai i.f N.-b.a -k:t ia;i 1 1 f W e.-n
.. . ...
, i ca ! it nofis'ii-; -ui a r,:ca :
LFroia t'ua Nti.r.u-.k Ci -y Tiaie?.
iiov v,; ai.i at a gnu an I ,-wut.ovr
a came. ! ' If the W .zi.U o.! ui n iive
a pel i'o, iiianee 011 the .- tiejt com r--, a
tii-ni -an 1 iiui ami i oi s come og iii.-i ;
if a I'.reoi oito -ni'le h n-f o i-K; , ve.y-
t ty lias ea 10 ilie letu-; it a tiuev- J
lug Dan 1 of In liana i iioui i nipt io .
1 oil a !. 11 ho; e - f. o- t oiti leemiiis; J
p;a:ric.--, the who e aM- 00 lied of
our co'jii iv woji i ui.-u m ma- c- 10 .e-
I :-j.oii t!it.m ol the c.eoly. win n at
I .... i'.-.i swmiii. rise ivan a- to 11 n.oio.-C
...1- . . . :
: ... . ' ..... .. .,f- , ,. . . , 1
' iti v.-"ugte.-M to 10 1 ' v 01 '.u. i.ti. i- an 1
j hiui,i laiiioaJs ivhi-h wi-l d.xe.t ah th-
i t.ii le a. id t-omniCiCj nf --i. u-ka to
! A clii ou an 1 o;iir in.e-.-ivt po.u: ,
j we a;e .-t.i.v in i-iiiiKTi !e- :d: j .i,4r g:a.
! io.--. A!i tli ; i-.-oj-- of nr-i ka t ;:y.
i'.-wtiv;i:e, i-n--o.n, l-aritf, leciu-eii
illi.a.V a.Kluls ill-.--niieeil iii:g eo oi. i.i
rti'Hil 1 .- art Up as ll a:l t ar !ei'.!..a.
an.ed them; ant -j .i.e n ex.-ii-.
110 l.i.ior. oy 111 l:gi-o'i.iu me -t.n--an l re
mou-ira.iees. to ni ik-- oui V a h iiguni
f:a:nl- know ;ui the enormity oi tin
wicked iiMU J.
lien a g.-cat city issa -k. -.b ii! the in-
Uabit.illt.- men. Women alidcelid ell .v
111 eoniuio .on. So!;O ly liiink- ot hi.
tinie or liii-iiie-'S. So he.e. a i.ioie pii.
p.iuulci is goin cvi, bu: ste.ilill :;iii:ion-.
fr m us. If the tianker-s i kcl tip .hei
v;.u t-. rhe iiu-ivhaiir.-. their door.-, aioi
all work iihii ieit their sh p , ami th
I tanner hi- plow in the mid tu.iow ; and
all ran together for co-nu.0.1 council alio
ib leirce. ir would not the emer
.cn.-y. W e cannot i.-cioo uucli in e.iiti
est. It ii now i iieVc.
From tho Ni-br.i?k.iCi:y Chronicle.
"Stiu. i-y i'oin.'" liit.-cai lie t In-ougli
the Senate auoih r mj: u.hiii to hi- u.i
r.ial iu-, wc can if, bf-e.m e if i-;.n i!
lerpri-iit of with h he is t he e-p-tciaiciian.
pioti, and it i; r-uppo?cd ih.t a iaigc
,-haie of the sto. w 1.-. ti-.M i,y lii- lani.e.
riii if. : 11 Is. iin.s -.i.pi, iini:i;!ig e --
wrii f.-o.;i A'l-Iii i ll, i" !-. -.ji.ii -i :o c.Tv--:
a jilt.etioil Willi the I iiilM I'.i'-iii: .It
.-o.i.e p i.;i. 1 -oui !." mi;.:-.-ill-iiiii-, ail
is in ciit-cl no, i::ug i.'Ut a io.-.u ioa s so
t-ve Vii.ue to i-eit.t.n :and.s in ivun-u-.
l-'irai.y nail inal pttrpoc tiie .oa.i is
eompietely u-e!es-,- .-nice travei.-i -
anv p.rnt .souili or it kvoai l I.v m
i th-.-o.nd. die l-i u -!i-aii V alley lo the
j m :h .ie:i-li:.n. and i e-idis a stiip a
I : -I beit of land t n mi e- wide iiom
! tvic t.. rno lo . j. J;;j.i, Men li ui, to
j,, ie;iini:V the jo-upauy lor l.mda m
j la!i , ;.v il!tM :, ,,lc,., at.,l home-
.-readers lo.-ide t tiir- it doe.i not c.inta u
till1 provi-ioa.s engi"i'.o-l u, on ai. icee t Lid-, proic'-img -ciders in the
ritht to pre-eln;e. but le:.e- tlie Ivausa
j company a eo.u..-:e moii. ,. ; . ;.n I p .w
j.,. f ieia ! th; ii.". eio:;L.ten: of -
! ka at then pica inc.
I . ine i;i Mui. -.. u--euaiac.-i
. I . il iO I ill':,.- . il l u- i- .i.ii; i.iii". .,.1
tli:-; Scliate 1-a -U.pris.-. Seua o.
j CV talks 0 o .j.ietii.V o. ;he e-illtiesot
the e:i e, ol ;:.e oul-'ii the c-..l co::-!-.
ti-'ii iu which ti.e t ii .a! t a., it ii . -been
ie't. :i!i I the duty oi' t 'oa'ie.-s to
h- ip it :lt.o - h .o a we-te. n io,i:i:-e';o!i.
j lie opp-.': --: '.be -M tna ka t-ib ' ei ati e il
WMUci lakea lew -.-ei.oa- ol IVio-a- i-ino,
a.-ii vows tr.a: po -uc!i
h-iiu ;:- Iv.-tii a-
iand- tor Acara Ka It 11 load- cm t ver
: e'.ni-.t.-d. lleforsiet- that Net'i'.t lit
I'roiu wim-h h ae-i.
Fn in the v:auba Roimbiicau.;
The Senne has liua iv p.t.s-e I the biii
vniiitnii! a i'eit of land in the S.ute of
v- . : .... i.i. I
w ll at is hiiii-.tii ii - ine Vyeti-.iai .iis.ii ut
the 1'iiioii Pacific ibtihoad, coiuuieiit-.tig
at St. Joe an I Au.b'. .n, an I tei laiu-fUig
at t-on.e; i:ear toe iO-Mi me; i of
we t hnnr tu l.'. 1 in- I ;ii i ran; Wiil a
tsorb aoon' all the tili-idi land- ill ihe
..tUm isioi.u.,.f X..l.i-11-Lr. t..i..i.t:i oi toad whten convey the .-ur- '
lodilcth.!.- of that iVfc'.ou to ,-.:-hi-
j -on.
vnn as
ill 1 St. do-l p:i, ."di.-.s.ll-1.
t the i". er-.: i:t id l .e- eoiubaeieia: ti es
tiu't.t of. th. i'.a'te rivet. j
eri.;;or 1 Later i.pti-id ihe b; 1 at
every .--titgtj .fit- pi.ii.r..-s, a- a gnat '
v.roi u :o tii. pe .ie oi Ve 't ka, .md
v.ited ag--n it on it tiual u-'a.
Si:tritor 'l ipton "XpTes e.1 him Cif us a-- !
i tied witu its piovisiou., ,aij voitd in '
i- . . .
j Senator Howa. i, of Michigan, chair- j
j tb .n .f the C-... mittee on i aeaSi; liaib 1
1 rr-1, e;aM in Ujj rfttiw of lht dicn I
iavor or its iia.-ssi.-i- 1
en.a.-hd, aw .i .nu) iui.e- i.i hih.ii, . -cl-reU t,, a oommittee, it was airrcel, at
(mehid iv the odd and even i.uiuoeie 1 j (lfS ,.U2ettm uf tUe .ak.r,' to post
ecfions ) to aid in the ol , lo a,.,Uer UIltl i ,icsd:ty uelt alter
I'l-lllJ CtU JJ.Ll.Hmtl 111. LiC 1 in L JJI-Jji
i f-iori. tlmt ho would propose :in snmnj ;
: iin'iif whii-li would except L-ui Is :n Ne- !
bra-ka from the operations of tin1 f-i'l.
. but we cannot fin I, from th repo t hi
I the I : i ; I3- il,!s that any such iin cTil-
mrnt w is tu l le. If o-ir Ni-lira-k t "iin -U
I aro tri lii- t iVi'ii fur tlu iiiirun p nt 1 , 1 1 1 1.1-
Wl IrHr 1 I IP!
h a ka lands have r been cxeo;ted
froin the ojier.i'ion cf the nrovi-ions tf
the bill, we h.I have a word to sty in
regard o what we cannot but look upon
a- the create--! ouft-aire ever perpetrated
Upon the people of Nebraska.
Senator Howard did state that he
would prop .-e an :tu:en Iniont to exclude
MV bra -kit lats Is, but if the reading o
tlie I rally (i!!e is correct he failed to
propo-e any such amendment, stud the
bill pa--cd the Seia'e without any sueh
excluding c'aue. We- believe in the
policy of helping railroad---, but we are
o- o e I to giving any railroad c-ouiratry
1I1- land- of the country througS.
wiiji.-h the iin- may chunee to pa s, and
e-p' eiai y aiv we o; po.-cl to giving N it
bra -ka land to latleii Kan as nd'road
co npaides, to the detrhn.nt of our own
Siatj mid our o'.vn bom companies.
The hid ha not yet j n- el the lb u-e,
and we certaiiry lope Ilepn sentative
Taue will see that it doe.- not p.iss in the
.-liajie it is.
liiiytnr; of I fie Comfr Klanr of Hie
tr'irsit t unri -fl ..nil tl.tirvli. Watlk, Juno 58, IS70.
El. Ht.JtAI.1) : L:ke our old Puritan
fathers, the good people of Weeping
Water believe tint the foundation of a 1
true G iv imi.uii an 1 society rests in the
reiki"-.!.-, belief and faith of its members
flint, security and happine-s are
tri ;i -1 :t
Ctel to il
10 -e ciim:i:timtie
.vh'iv -Mo I i- horiorcd and worhip.'d,
in 1 tlie work of one tt:g churclio- in
n ime h iti' l h:: otily .-ec.m btvy to that of
oiovi biii! -heifer for their own heads.
"mi to dav o:ir eitiz' i: fion. far and near
.v..-re g.itheri.d together to take part in
he co 0ino:.ies of living the corner si.
the I t. Congregational Church of this
p' hv. The ; n uir address was ucliv-
;e i ie. Ib-v. O. W Merrill, in the chool
.i;:t;--.-, to a i :owded amlietic . Hi.-, re
in i' k- wete Wi-11 eho en an. I to the point,
: orating urli liV t.lS
to;.' of o ir fi.c-
ili h i-, p:i'ii'.:iij out their unwavering
:'ai:h lis tio ! and ;he tinrliiichliig manip r
.1! which th-. y took hold of and aceoui-
, :i-hcl tu it wiii h th .ry dee.i.ed a duty,
.ecUon-ng ti t the eon -e.pteii'-es.
Whi.o soiiic of liielr sterner acts of
;u.-fico may eem haiih to us, jet he
bowed eonchi ivtiy that whatever
we h.d of good in our
-evenuu'.nt came through them, and
that if our people are nobler and purer
t h.-t ii those of other countries, it is o.v
.ler who.ty to ilie faith of our fitbe:sin
iii ovur u'itig Pjovidcnee ; and that if
.-ie :re any bicaker.-; alie id on which
mr gov el ntncijt .-hotd i yet diifc au-1
Ja i- in pieee-. it i- tiieS.t: ba! h-oreak:iig
..ed in!i el oh iiK H', tilt." teekiiur ber
iioies Un free heii and i:er b:e.--liig .
b: j-i e- tiii c. j'iii'V')' i wiiicli alone eto
m e tin in .
AlVer i he addi'j-s the
np ion p.a
por wa- ei.ciilaied and remii wasr;ii ed
to make the subtcriptio;.- loo; up to
I. GO-.).
liie a-idienje Mien rcpi'red to the site
of tlie buii'iti.g. where cvoiything wa-in
prt-parat'ion. A ! -e o-irner st.;tie was about
2x4 leef, on only I l.e 'date, June
le h, bs7D, was iieil. In :h.: vault
was depo iti.'d a hbtory of the organiza
tion id' the Ciiu eh, ml: of lueuroers, a
ccpy of the subc:ipr!on paper, a copy
of the Mi-sinriai V .Ve ., o.c ..'.,-,.t .y, .bv;,c". PiartMiioiKh llKU vl.l,
Plymouth collection of Ilyni: and the
llii-y iiilile.
The ston was fhen rolled to its pl.rc
oyllev. Menill, Hon. Win. II. li e i,
one of tlie original members of the
church. La llexibrd and Nathaniel IiO
erharf, the nia-ter m ison of the .-tune
woik. j
After the benedlotio'i the crowd dis- '
'i-t... v.: 1 ,t. f. ?...: r
1 11 j, n.i- ku i 1 urs ii.uii-1.1 .i"ii in ...1.11 1
.ve h pe wi 1 bo a towj: of strength iu !
.. I
We and th.: loliowin In
oual pr iceodiugs of SaturJ .y la t:
"Tii'? SiHukiT -'.i;'mi:ied in cel'ii
via:.-' Of 1. 1. V hlUCMIoi
i- . . I . , :
riot.i ine C. -t ,
.' d. tiictoi sljUth t,;i o m.i, !
it Inch was r; i.
Mr. loiii o'j ' tel lo Mr. Vt'hii'.e i
n.o e's beoi sworn, tor rea n.i- he wa '
p i pared to -ta'e the li ;u-e. He d: i..'t !
I want the matter rel irci 'o any ceautiii- i
tec. lhcll iii e '.v ..r coiuuiitiee ciiouuh I
to j:;d'e .d it. lie lejevUtl ro ."tie oath '
ot oiiicx! ocmg to the- man, t i
oecau-e he h.i-I ui-sjuahii.' i hnii.-eil troei
being il member oi this uoiy.
" b brief do aie. au-l ati inef-
fectnai attempt to have the matter re
the Ufiniiiig hour
Faets t'oiifrmins llnmart J.lfe-.
Thtt tulnl i.r.iiilK'r .if liiiii.titi Iwrni'. tti. !
. . ..,.;..
the i-ili In I COItl;iUl.-il at j.if.M UM.-sM.
a d th y peak, l-i.UI'J I.ioao toruuot. .
l i. ..- ....... .il
urt.i o! ti.- L-:trn i.-:-i.e
t:..:V .1
s-,r.ii vet:: 01. 1. ao-l o:ie ? -ur u
,,-f.;-e t hey i e se' erit.
- O i ot . ne Luis nei
r - h t'i e ae " -iir.
Oo o." liv.-bu; :
nt'ttin.- th" age o; S7
S.x. v mis -v
T.di en :re . .5: :
M., :rvd u.en a - o::
11 Vs'-rr'
is'i O't.- On v
iv; 00
:h::u b - .in .
: i.vcd '..-. - i'u-
iri., .11,..
P.eti men live 00 the average, 42 jeari
tlie poor 0.1'v live liO.
Thre is d. iinkatd to every 74
-. II. I'J'J.IJI IJt V.'l
iD 4 IT Ifm
1, iiiQ
V'c r i ;:;e :h t '.he "rain market has
. 1.1
be rri-am market has
rr.".- n
1 ... .
..j 1.!'- Ti-i, L 11IU ill I i
....'.a ... I n,. t ... l...l. 4' J, X. l
, .... . . I
c:itions are-1 uat it coiitimie to al
ran I'lattsmo-tth is now in direct
cotiinitinica'ion with all the great gr:iin !
, .1 r- .1 1, 1 I
ma'Kets iij thewr J, hence an ..(Jvf.fiee .
i !-i. Mtn,ii .l.-ir.iif V,.t-t tliit t-intl-.-t.
.u the ea-tein iiepots aJLCts tnc taaih-tii
l.-iM. Sn.t-iiitii,.itn.K' The'nwm.-r !
fio i: the Chicago Tili.mir will be lead
with intere-t by farmers :
TV,.-, U.f,A,.-;,,-,.wl .Irt- .-c.intl.r t.;
e-m-insr wi-Jespread fears in regard to
the yield of the crops in lt70. not on!y
in tlu Cnitcil States, but abo in the
(.'iiiad.ts hii I all over Europe. Opera
tors in gra n are taking the alarm, and
h 1 -tening to provide agtitist the antici
pated -careity by laying in supplies. The
Kiiglish dealers are buying ui rain lib
01 ally ill this country, and exooi tations
of wheat are now being ma le from Liv
erpool to countries in cottfinent tl Kurope
uhit.-h have heretofore aided in the -iiip-i!y
tif breal-tufb- to the lJ-.iti-h I-le-.
As a e-.ei opinio; the price of wheat is
rapidly a Iv-moing in all the w. Id'.-imr-kets,
an 1 o. her cereals are al-o Ip-ld at
higii-r !iiru;-es, in sympa'hy. Wheal
wa- 1:) cents perbu-he! hieher veste-rday
i.i i.di'eio "ii I u 2 day of ja-t week;
e;rn v,-;;- 7 cents, and oat.- 4 cents higher
than a week atro. In the same connee
tion we note that the farmers .show less
anxiety to fo ward their ntoeks on b in I,
even at the pre-etit eiihan'eti iri-e-, -tnd
our daily receipts show a marked filling
There seems to be little doubt that tlie
grain crops of the .world wiii show le-s
than an average yield, unless th. ie be
e.vieii-ive rains soon ; but tin pjreetitace
of i eduction is probably much ni.tenitic I .
It is wed known that o'.n cinps iu the
No: ihw.-st have oi'eiier suffered too
inuch rain th 01 from too little, as an
-ihiinliuee of rain is very apt lo give a
disproportionate amount of straw and
but htt.e yie.d in the ea-."
Railway Acc,ii-itt l int ""f Injnrl
11 ltll i4i !-!.
JJosroN, June 17.
Tho-e killed outright bv the accident
" j - ' '.; " "J
on the Vermont and Ma-sactiu.-rt t Kit: I- !
10a I, ye.-terd.y, were (Jeorge A .John
son of Pitchiiurgh, and James O Con
neil. Th: following h.-t e i:npri-cs itio.-t
ot tho-e iiaricroi!-iy Womiiied: John
Murphy of IjoWeii, wiios.? recovery is
iiiipo-.-i:.!e; h.s. King tmd in
falit, boih badly l:i ui ed ; V tn Iji
hott of l'ltehoiiigh, I luggage 1111-ter,
piobably faiai y; L C lb ittoti ot 1'iteii
nurgh, roii-1 nia-ter, hruiseit an t hip oro
ken; A S W mtuou:. of Fi'ehuiirg.'.,
mail iigeiif, serious i r - u iiijurie.-, vvdl p.ove llttai ; W , K.vlsr of cngi.-ieer. ku-e severely
biuised and it-i ciL; li V J.eies, fj.i--111:10,
wli proi'a.'lv no;, ivcot:r: A S
IJi.tck a ', cut over itglit c.e
l.tcore Howard. ;.C'-neii a
nire : the -ku i: L::T Hu -
m:.-d f;
lock, ot Koral ion. i.rui--e.i in i!;:' iio.i l
an l face ; .lols.i l:tp-e, ia i bim-ed;
.lr.-. d ime-J'u: ner, ol Kn al - on. j r-ma
iiyfataily; A L iloo.itt.e, teg ieoke.i ;
i;yion i-. ia.iK-ti, hiui i d o a.iiy ; A
Citl.lweh and Jeroiae J.ii.e. -liul.'iy in
jured; Mis fia i.-s K an. f.tee t-t'it-tvi ;
lrs. l oiiinr, of li.i-l ui. hea-i and : he.-t
i.'U.'t.y h;iii-ed: Mrs. Kdis lluiiock,
.-lightly iiijuicd; Mrs. Field-, of lau:i
ton, leg bio!;, n.
Uiral C:;iinr;l nnteli-liudoIpJi
Ntw York, June 17.
The billiard match to meht between
Huiotph and Cyrilit D.on, four ball,
Amoiicam carom, pu-h and jaw liarreil,
was won by 1'ion. Sctnv : loon, l.&k;
Kudo 'ph. 'l.iW. Petting at the start
of tlie ii.iiiie w;ts $I(J lo i in favor oi
i.u iolj h. I). on".- chief itiu-s, 1G5, 1
and l-j-J. JU!do:(di" lo-. JJ aaJ J4t.
itiii'; '.- a, cttiitt. Ii7 .i-:2.
kim 'yst.-ry u. .t .-.ti 1 lr'
. J .1 i' i.v liAie i'l.Jlill.
i .
J.o l'-!.s. u:ie 1 1.
i'e i::i;e- -av- '!i't w-- -,: .c
tUO ol -i.'-l..! ' '. r -:. !.-.i fl .. v J.-ir-- O
' I he .M v-it- v ... ivi-Ain l-roo-i. .i-clio
bh (I. a-.d the if-t of the -to: V is-m. on-
iine.i a- to leive icj e-onpieti-ui -;i y-
It is said thai likie Coiiiti-. ha- iiiue , j
taken the l.i X.
I ei in i'url ili-uton.
ilKNTtt.v, M. T.. -flirt. 17.
The fifo'tmer Saliie met. the steamer
Nick W.tii higii ;in 1 dry at Sp e id ill
ele. She w il not, be a. de ro pine e I un
til tho liver Nick Wad let i- here
eih:ee:i iiivs a -o,
( n. Phi. She:i 'an aril .-talf left it a:
Spr --;id 11 ag e. and -ct out ovefian I for
j ,tl'v"1' (,;'. 1 r'' 1 ' ' ''---
gers were 11 :t:i -ivr: e-i 1. lorner i;oua
Tt.s' .tl.t'lsiroai.
Win of u- doe- ir' reeo'ie;.' tiiehiui'
ho'e in th j bottom if the sea we pie
turvd to oif.-elves in di:i ill i a the re
cep!acie ino whiih tfi-, w-i 1 r- were
d awn in such fmee, and which was lo
cated on the Oii.-t of N mvay, :-nd known
its the .'da- ! -troei ? iSut this is n iw
proven to .V; .id a myth. A l ite report
0:1 th ' N-rwes;ian M.-nin:' .-;ivs that it "i;,
.... e. . t . .1 1. 1 .. .!. .' 1
r ' iie 1 i.oniii 1.1 iv .lie ill lit 't.:i;-.
" o--J "-- t 1
th-.t in j pi-- it a. 1 I -v-pi-s it i-i t r
I '.Siili'.'" l.--r'!s Tl ! .,(..,.? " f .. i . 1
PY "t o -. t'--.- :r !i n ;'-..,. !
"--v- --- rtl - 11 1. 11 i..e- it. ,11. -UI .
s'-:i -nil ; and 1 ir t: om -l --i'v.sic 01 h i es .
and oilier tilings thai com-.- V-i-hn it-
-.' - 1 - !
l.-iUje. Ji ;lpp:::r- ui of II laVoMie I'e - or
of tiie tl - !t Ot" the '-O'-tri' :-r. aili the ii Ii- 1
iroi.i lis .-o-siiti. i ii trrea-e i r ite- i tin
tiie :u wmt.'. -I'.'s n.i: : e I
:x mi
t il' 1" . . . -
ill- .. i.l -. W el: ; .Ct li.! ee r g SCI' lice ,
I ii-- ...
tii -v
the M-ie-.-Tiom 1 bur jai.'try ;t .d
v. 1: 1 . I th. i!..;h ::i it wh n
to oo-: -ce i 1 -j-'.i 1 :i .1 t'ha.--
" Aiv'.i A ":a i i t thht; vnr:
ti -r-
b.w , ., ex.a.- ea
Y,, - i?.i-ton. f .
wa- l-.i
ui'' e:i :
trip his wav '
... :i
a id --i bi
.Vi.; . ,j-s th::ll four l i.lar-. ,
f'"-"l-i-:. ... t ,1- ' ! 1, -I. I
;pru -s
im;neii-t- t u-iii -.-.s and we.-..ih was the re- I
suit ot lhat huiubl.; be"in:niii: an t it I
may iiidveJ, iie said that Mr. Ah:::;
i - i , .
wa- the pioneer in ihe express bu-'tiei-s ;
Ot till coUIIfrV. j
.. . ". ii i li l I
j. , i
uiiardjin s Sals.
" T0'T E 1 UKREtlY 5IVE.. Thai ir. pnr-
A 'n.inee ol a u:cr.Uil or ier.-.l tsil of Jl..,i
t.ennt 1'. Li ' Jmice ul ilie D -in-tUirt 'f
the -a J..1.1 j if D i-i lie-, on tiie-. h isv of .mt: :..
I ..! I.f. too lotU j.iy of .Iu . .
'.: mo boa:-tl 'i'ir eSr. k. 1. M. nt rri-l fi-
s th. Ir s; i ol lU-lyu.-i liou.-e. in Fiat'-
j t--silf. C:-i.ri j .V'ira-k 1 o .'-r .or s;.li ,
P .t.i. wntLe. : th. b th tl oi'J-ier. no -ie
ri'ii ti le. - iv i tr... .. F.i.-r.k W-1 re,
iler.r- ,' ft es -d .-i . g.-r.-, ' -. m:i ors.
t ir---. rV.-sei ek V eti-.tiu d ecier-1, in and t.
i :.! r e l r- .., Vn-mit: Tlie
. ' -. h -. ' '.-! .u. rter of fe;tion
-. a ; : . r:h we.-t qu-i.t r
Ui. I .- . 0 r r e.-t
tu t - - , . . ; i. o.-a hip .n, ive,
a - r m . n. . t v.
.- -t e iii .f t .ot -t-t- otr. ..n o' ! ' ,
t 1 , . . . l-'.i.i'sil i-.-- i.r t
Cti ' -r- '. ' ; ... ,i -..:.-i;2 In . ,
o . .: 1. -. -r- ,.-: ii. . 11 , t it
ye - -; '. r -; . ... i... . .. y..t , g -. . ,v
jL.- -. e -j i r t .-o! minor he ri cf
, Fredirlo- WeliO'-s. -e---il -y
inoeiJwt A.ttoraora j
NO. li
"-iiui ilUtmu.
r . ,, ,
1 ajil l,r V. UI1LV. .1 Bur.uXJ,
k in. aiitl-un.inii. I
) 2ii.twa anl Joshua D. Weiln. n"n-
r-si'l'nf. di ion la:it Yil arc !loivy nounod
ih u Wm. Si.idWai4iiii li i-iii l b4. pvti.ion m
the otr'e.-e ol t tir i'ivrk i.l the fiun,
wili,:n ,, ,ur ( ,.,,.. s -,sk-i. on n.e
8 h iliy ol .lime, is 70. felt i:ir . riu Uial he is if c
in l:i itt.-iiitiu'ti tir- I'il;- l't.,ll- ..r- -1
iTi:i-r mm in 1 ii-.-.-M.i ill liiii. li ill t.loi ii . .
That h mill tliost 1111 irr whom lioi'.ia liile
have had con nue t I p-i.-eiui ki- s i,.u of
if'.11! r';"" Pr Ho- lUi day ol .August.
j.-so. an. 1 n io mu le va!u:ioie miiirovti.e'i
tlicr-,in. 'I ht .lushon ll. W'oils. nnc ol tar ue-l'-n.l.iiiis.
un l-r t, 110:11 rlanr:ll viaini.s ti'!e
throuich t:relt?.--r.ei'M and wiiml n.Ritii t.ele'1 to
f lio-e a cert iin dut-d, male to liim bv biiisrviio
Hori!i;rdi:i. on r--co- l. ai'.i"UKli .ai.i
fuliy rii.l i5.Tiiai',lin i-rr:i. 1 i.. nn-t ii.nt a
il-i therefor. 1 hat t!iesa:d Miio tVlIiivr.-. iie-f-ni!Hiit.
on or the lib l.i- 01 J-.r.iury,
IS.!) tor un expT.--sp.l cnu'i ii-r.uioii of .Ia)
di.Ihi r .-lia:T!',d K.;nit plaii.t deeii irnin the nam
Kupene 1. lin for ."aid lot, pl.uinili at :h:.t
lime ha iriu the lull, quiet an. I p.-i-i b.o f.w-yes-iou
ol tties'inir.. un i Kellona w.-ll kii..o
tli;:t f !;;:n;iU was t'.ie ow uer tiiorvoi mil kniu
ioo al! 1.! iai'mr s n':!it.s an I e-iii;ie- ihrr.-io.
I'he e!Je-t -:nd pr.iver ot said petit ion is to have
faid 'h-t d to cai ! M ilo l'e!lu .set aside ami de
el irvd null utid 1 oi 1. mid the eloud n -iiptt on
pt -iin till".-- thle : ai l ii r. in in PlMtiiiiotnL
City ri-inoved. an I to eompi 1 :!ie n. : I .h hii a
11 W.-ll.-. i.ti,. ot iIm U teri'i .nts. t pim-e
drr-l fr.iin th'?fi;n Hern ir.lin upon ri"-ord.
Yon are n-qnired to nn-rrer . o I peoiioo on
or belore the Lili dny ot .Inly. A. 1 . ISTtf.
Wv Snuki.mvi.
Ju:ieOir. .By Maxwell .V C!i::pui .u. A iy'.s
L?gai Nolics.
In Distrit-t C inrf. 21 J idbial Diitiiet.
utid lor Ca s Coiiniy.
A brain Watson
- - - - - ...... a.--., lClrl llflll
you a-e hereby notit ed that 1 h ive c.tninen'-i a
an i.'ti -n -n tho flistr ct Court, d Ju lici l.s-iri.-i.
wiih n aiid tor Ca-s County Nf'!ri..-ka. and
fifed my petirian th -rcn on .he IHt'i ilay f
.Inie. Is7. wliei-iin I el aim the title to ihe w hf
of the ,.- of s.-etina 'J an I ihe i e qr of s e (jr
eo i in Town 11 n roiife 1J east . Jt. in
I'ais t'.inn'y. N.-br .-l a. anil ask the- Cur! ih..t a
crrmin .le.cel in tnv ch.-th) m tirl- -o niiil
premiv . ran'ed ly ini.-tiike on !h- p-.rt ol the
said A:rain Wats. .11. in a ee tain Lr.-ed in wliii-h
he ititen.letl. alternated un 1 cl.iini'-d toiouvty
tonne ilirani M.-oj-ir. f r n va!uille ei n-ete u
tion. th" wlifnw irof see 'J und the e jr .,1 1I.0
fi e qr of eetion .t. nil in Town II N Kaiipe ,2
e-iftofOdi I. M. in Ca-t" unty Nilirask ut
in whit-h lleiwl the "aid W.itu n. by nii'uke.
co vi red theyatne proper j in rowimhip li t-v. 11
N Kanirc JI e of tit h I'. M in i.'ass t'inin:y,
wiiereliv 'Ik-titie to sai l .leseriV il t-rnper.y .11
To wo 11 N R.nel-i is broken nni inipcr ii-t
Th'it t'ieiid D-ed Tom thcsiiid V.'at-ou to ihe
nail M-ajar may ho reformed no to expr-s
an 1 w: forth the true township and range in
t ll I I to he set forth ami expressed in s:n.
L"o.l. and l! tintiir- title o faid tr.e-t of land
lii-iy he a iiet.-il and er.nSr9ed. and ior eu -)i
intir nr.! farilier relief bs ineq-i y nn 1 1 o J
eons, ien-.-e he o--irht toreee:v . i'.iii nro hr-ieoy
rt-n"ir.-.l to I'tisw-. r s;ii'l Petition ,n or hefor
tin-S tli day of Ausu-t. A. I) . I -f.
J IMKS Joopov.
junei"n"t By Mas re!l A Chapman, hi' Att'ru.
Uu irdi if
Notiee is Le ehv jriv.-n that in pursu in"C of
nn or ler i.i' Hale, made ly lion ti,.. t.. ii. Lake,
.lu lse of the llislri !t t:.iu I of tlie nd judicial
i ist ri.-t. on hu a I: S d ty of May. IVO, 1 will on
Saturday, the th day of July. Jf7a atoVloi H
p. tn. of aid dry. nt Ihe f-ont door ol h" Conr;
1 11. use. in I'lat t-noi ith. rount Nomoka.
oif.-r tor n ile at pah'i': teii'iue. to tiie hitches!
bidd-r 'ill the tide and intr.-t ol K -ward
C iinrtiiion, -el i-j C ll Jfimiu
II. Il-.rhi 0.1 Walter I). !t irt.iso .. Willi m II.
Iinr-d-.m nml Vfnry 11 flarbi-on. minor, brim
of t h os'.-ite ' J imef 1) nr.Hi-oii, ileceuse 1
in tn t :.i :he n-.r liwe 1 qiti.rter of the nou h
tt e-" qn rter ot -en:l tl -ine iu toim-Ini. twetvc
orth of ran -eten ens' an i th- nnr!i.-.v. t qnar
t'T of the nor hw.-st .('larler i.f -et-lion No. f.tir-t-eti,
and the .on tli west j'i rte. m tiefimh
west q'-ar or of se tion i-f.-ven. in town-hi:
t-rlre. rnr-h of rnnir tliirf,.. u iBstoflirh
prin ipH uicri, uil in l.W a 1 ini,u,. Ne
braska. ..-i!. will remsin open for bids from 'wo
n'cl-v-k p. in. to hree n' lock p. to. 1 f 'aid :ii.v
ri-rrn' 0110 'bird cash on I y of s tl ?. one
in one .vrar -in 1 one tliir 1 in two years, wi.h in
terest on diff.-rent p-yin-nt. nt .p.t per rent.
M 1:0 ' i.T A. li . hi-: sos.
Guardian of miniT heir ol James 1. ib-ruiton.
I!y Maswcl! A Chapman, Ailnnieys.
She ifl'wSalA
Ucorjib M. Hull 1
l'n ! rf- . rn IVmnn .-.n.-r . T " . . I .. .
t-s. 'Jr.ler of .--alo.
John r.. Kiiik
iNotiee is lie. co toeii tb.-it I wiil (fnr f'.ri.ih'
Mt pll.ilie .ill li.iii. at Xr.c ijll.i. noli, ilooi 01 1111
Court .l.'Unc, 121 I'.ailuiouili, l':.i- r, in
theo-.h ii y ot July. A. i. iti I, at cw 1 o'.iuck
p. in. 01 .u.l d:i7, ilio .uLoiriiiA uiut 10
w 1 '. :
I'D 1 we.-t l.ulf of tlie souil t'ia.1 quarter and
. ilU fllSI 11 ill li. btlO MJUlllAtrillUir: Til! M:i-'li ll
S'i. ihii.j-f.i r. 1 ir in i- .s... rai.R
.N 1. tic. ca e..s. of :lm nx a .i. n in..i ui 11 ;i .:i.
I taw I'ouii.y, .i.:n.,-k i.
I Soi.l -jy . 0.1:; 1111. 1 ..utiioiity of nn Order o.
j S.ila. I sae i 10 ti.e aoo ill. nied eiiiice, by 111.
j tush 01 lie P!" I oi.r. 01 o.i'i.uii:),K.i'
1 tiive.. u-ider 01 a 1.1 1 .'.us U .lay i.f Juae
lo i.:e tin e-u i'l'r-i.i iia 01 ii..u i:i i.
1 A. -. :. J. v. Johns,,. siiPrie'
j 'Wheiirourcr Ca.-ia i-ounty. Su'-j.
Aivia 21. D.riiiid
Then :ore Wiiii.oiis )
Noli.-k i- .Vsii that I will fir foi
siu- . puo.i'j .111. ui .... at ihe no u ill irout i o.
.. .iitwi I iiou.'e. in i'li. isuiuu.ii. Ca soui.i,
oa i.'ii jo.h l.iy o. ,!uii. A. I. ia;. at ,w.
o'ee vk p 111. ol mi i U., Ilie io.luwiiig f..-r.l ts
tuie, 10 wit :
iCo sou i.west qursrier ofs'.-eiltn No. nii.e
tetn .ir in tow .-hip No, tmiiru, r..nne N.
iw.-ive caii l .ao nxt.i j rnioipal ne ri-jia::
l a's -)i..jnty. Nub.
asti-l oy vir. a? and authority of atj Oid.r 1 1
.vi. . i.-m'.l in iie Hir-ive . iili..e.l c:ius by if;
Cera ol Ilie i.s.i-iei Couri uj Cfis e--ui::y, nu..
10 me ilirei-O.!, ua iSln tu el . i . ei,uii.y.
(r !ii u.uer ui b in 1 this .1 uuy ut J 11:11
A il l-.o. J. iV'.J hnsii.v. .Slie.ia
t. (JrJr of hila.
V 11 ett I'ottc-nger.
ttc-nger. Ca.j county, .Ntu.
A. l,. tor 1'Iu.
SlnriiT's Sals.
D.:vi I S impson.
pson. I
ker. )
Order of Side.
A. II. Larker
X Oilcfa IS HEREBY CIIVEN. That I will
s - ujcr Im sale. at initio u.Ui;lit.n. mi lie: ifoui..
t..t,- ..-...;:, ifnou iu-.-aay iteiti h d...
Ui .11 V. .1. ll.. 1-!. .t lllil 1. f .lull P At .'
" !'- '- . iairit. i th-
a v d I. i..I:en. tu .lit r. .s....,
Lo. -"i.. sine ta in block Xo.sixt;. five (651 and
lo. .,.. 1.1..L ii, 1.4 U....-A . V. i. i.UU-11-U ..II .
iti-ntj--.ue J-,u.itiitf'iatfdir-M'ilir?pJc.l
'J'' 1 he 1 piai it luel'i.y .-r l'lat.suioaio.
Cues, ivtiun.y, .tojin-k . hurt li -ton- a
III, 1 1 .'1 ..,:' . '.' i.l II.K ..... il.;..r . . n i A 11 .I..-L...
ui mi O.' ici oi A.tauiiiu'.-ii , i.-sue 1 t.y the Cert
i tu.. Ji c'.iuri oi Ch Coun.y. iu ir.vor o
O"7 l" 011:11. 1'i.VI'l .-Milipsli. tnu IO ill"
uircctid iiiiurirl I said eon., t.
j. ... joiisrsox.
Sh :riS of Caas t ouuiv Neb.
T- II. Mo'jv tr.
.iii'irnj it.r l'l.iinlilT. juno."3tirL
Legal Hatlce.
l'i""iot.Cuar . Juiic.iii ii.siiic:, wliLi
M.uare: t-urtrr. .u.-r. j.K.-lilJcl
J 1' L. ..ll' - V il!l.- l.r.l '
' ,j
.Ion. j
Win. Rati w i. J nu. Y. tiu
i.i...m wari.. an i, o . i,ri w
iac um ice i s.i Jin. iri.rt-i i. ra r di y ti r.ln niitl
. r. oy ou-iriitu ir.ti.c.t .i ii.. .
t ' Couiriy. et.rurka, u.ii ou lli-i-i.t, e:
June, ii. u. tile the., petition in the i. e
toe Ci. rk i-t tiie. lr.le Cut.r. nuu:.i ana lo-
ai. cuui. ,,.... the
do uuuaats, reitt g r.rt 1 tkat Vue oe?..-i
mil. t. ' iv
auui ou t.r a-ut uia ..a nay .! Ot-t:..i.-r.
1- v tx'iuie-l ilieir cor n i ro".:ih'.ry ... t
o t d e in w.i cii.E tr r
... vt . -u i t...a s.-i ii::t 'j.-.iukiI ti't
t. Uieaaul pho-im,.. u t r..iurf..l i.
pay to 1 lie mitA i.aiuiiu8 iho a i! "urn of Oe
w Ji ui -J. io:e r 7tn. 18 H l th- ra'e
. a p.-f.cei.-.. per unn: tn. i ni euid pix!nt.ti
id. ii t'.i- U-i.h ..ay 01 J u e. 18. t. eaucc Iu ie
isfu-.t. .y tin !eits or Csjurt. au uruer of
a t.-it, ,;u , .lid cau." tlie .siaoiiig pr per"
O ui- s .1". iiri.,w. 01.K 01 iu. uuiii. .-.
.U..I1 Vii: 'llf j' ti..h i-.'z o.
1 niw. ao ,.1 ip i n-. i e '.1
i. ff '.. x Ive i K.Ft Ch 1'. 1 .. in Cm
.- r ,. -.h par, .. o, n .v.. c tbe
. ' i t. .i i y -aid s . n.i ,tc d
'. . 1 il: i, T JU M. Uiil Ik. i...J in ic j., -
t : b . :.- ar., r- .U rt.;.u..mi und an-
- ! s.l'l J . li -... f iee r:lj ,.; , 0.
- '-6 .I j.i-.l-. IJ...UI. JI .11 Utiltiiu-..-e
.. ;:. . - 11.
.1 ' :;: 1 --ia. 2--. j.
i. .-. i . i ai:'f ;.j ...- K...1." a -.d S. J fct--
.if r. Joiia iu a ilii.ruri, irieu.
MhaiI tLb it l'oi e.M AX. AUoriMyaf'jrPUiaUaT
! t- ViJ-J 14I:.Y t-T
ft5T i J ruariAton.
T--' C'w oorncT ai eca i 'Tir e
TE.1.V . tAi1jr flefi par ui-uia, I.f?
per month.
j I, OK t.iLK-'i'he la-ire 15 i- 'a C orv TI.-v-" '9
j i w! halt' of o. -v.n. !ii I'l- -ii'y 5t.t
tt tlio CO n-r o Main't cu". !
u-L'l .f- 1 -innil lioui'e. t o r s -I 1 .- 1. 1.
I intr in Jlxb tret tn Hurt- p.!- 1 .f- T . i
tuil .. vt 1 he bmidil C. and i it.- ' .'MM
ri 'o eey. Will -i.M" i. -t
iii'l. r. I', ii l'ovey. .Inii'i 1 . . I i.ii'i J. .'
A'-ilery Jr.. i re 101. liori-'-d It- r,i-- v. I i.!r vzi
i" iK. li!h day of'Jiilj-, 3? . o '!.e i.i;.r will
he rinsed.
funis One-:liird rsh. n-e tuas in i!.-e-
tPoiiih. Mint t!i Oiilla.:! e in r'.r. in Otis lull
Oiiic 01 puivbuie. tiy 'flrr 01
: 'm.. ... Y-''U A.-i. iV
! Jcce i:ih-:Awti
j I OH S.M:-. Kt.rv -: t f 't '- ,1. 1. .,
; ' m ii ll 00: houre. . 1 ; ..ii nnv .1 .11 1
Tfi'l. !-. 'iK"v -ii-H i. 1 ri.-,-! , 0.1 - ii'-!.
, be. 11 iin: 1. u r -. i . ic , 1
j this l;lii'C. or i f ; 1 .' '.I:- I . ,i . T -! 1
OH Af.K-TVfi.i" "Tf'.V
i I v;i'L'e vir i
i PMft!'.-t; h et.. . :
fiilfiriert wa irn 1 -.; v
in.'i'l t. ii -. ui.' . ...v.-;' i '
Me-m ei u.rif 'l t J I 1
. oih.-r lHMne ii'i'i . . .
j to ih- lmsii:.-s l i-i'il.:';?.
ti r power Tor a r- i.-"ii o,.
I .. .
r . : !
li ' IM-
1 o .
I . f e.
i lat'smouih. L'ec.. V !-.
t; -. :.u i i
Aply to Mixwri. .-.
fl '.rJ !Kf ...
ATTORN PY AT LAV" ran h :n.rn r i,n.
ei-iy. li:lii-e iu Mas-nij i.:i's, i ..
i i
e. . iv ..r v. m ,r.,
rilYMClAN AMi srTf- "V- t.i Vr. 1,
pii'tessinnl M-rviee totl i i ic:.-tit' .
. rosi lenecsoull" t t ornrrt.i O n--..5i; i
r"'tte; oif ee on iVfa'a s'.ret. o; n lie '.:
IJou.-e. ri.iil.-iiiouih. reorn-.: .
J. Y. t 1.1 S. "II !..
MIYSiriAN' AN; y 5 l::: I'O v.! .i.e a Snp-eon-in-Chnl
f the A-iov oi --r p.,t.,i -Plaiisiuoulh,
if'aa.-ka. 'Jre 11. J..h?
onV Jlrtiir Sfori. Main -! ,-(. ,c t'l ' it
l'luii.iuer.s. iVoiitt-n. . .'-le 'V And
I It k l reet. two on.HJ e.n"1' el 1'. r. . us.'.
-'.. ?.ivi!
At'orney at Law, aad lh n-: ;i I ".!!- --'"tr A T-nt.
Ail lesul bu-ia Fl- intr-"..-t i.. nit. ei i r
ceive nrrinpt and eiiretin nio i: I...1 t.-.ii.ia .1:1
i door w-s ot the lirouka t i'U j. 1 ir ltcii n
I stiiin- 1.. :r;-.'.T t M"f.
Ir J. . I'.'fvv i '.
llnvic permsnrfi'lv lnr,'"l VT- .in VT
er Kails, tenders' his tt "'e-s'oj.a' l---: - .-.
ilirons of I'asfi i.nltt . .;: . ' ooi, '1 1 f.
o. h. 1.. f nr.yr.i r.
. II. -tTISrtK. 11 K ,
Real Ki-tate mid Tat V '-ii .t .'v - -..t'
Pit' lie, l ire and Life Iii-. ian.'e .i .', 1 ,:
pontb. Ncbnu-kii. Jr'i'tf
r .il . "Ti: !j7: iri "
ATTORSKY AT LAV.' :.a ! Solicitor u C!ik
rr. Hiairsmouth. Nebranl i..
s. ni r.i.L.. . ri-1 ei i
I IXTiTFfl.L fv ;. -t ix.
.ATTORN FYS AT J.AV m..t -i: ,. rs
'han.-eiy, i'lntlsinnu:)!. ' v' n !,. iit.e nrr
V. hue : "i!t"r 3r i, (Kl ...
FiTFrY.Tai; :i .3;r" .
C. IiKiisKL, l'ropriia..r. H-.v;ie r.-ei rt'Tb y
repaired mid ii-.ei in lieir-i.'.li 1 ni.i'inj (,,, r.
liW.iKAt hn.-li. In ot W tit il v fitv-i itni!. ....1i.:c:
lor wliii-h the bights t n.-.' '. -i r-i'ii,j bp,.
.'ITY POT: !..
J. K. Holland. P.-..) r r,,,.- of M.-'t! m -J'
1 bird slreels. l'liiti-ia""-! , Tl. . .-
en reiilit.d t.nd i.-' fair- ii-' ::'..-r l.i i
e'a-n ets-iiiauio'ir.lioii.-'. ii-mnt by 'l- -...':"'
'-V- I liilr .liltj, ...
Harness Et- zThi-pr.
nmpivs collars', ic.
. t-rnrtlcu'nr ii.iei '1 r. .. ivs to th? tir-j'.-iaciu'tol
u.ic iiar:;.-s. s;vt7 . rn:.-A
PLATTj-MOi'fi-, - H7 -
y L. --T-. - '-"r-l'ii Vrtcmai O.i Ll
Jj.L.ll'.li n u , . ..
i'.'il'iinai H H:i. ;..r1
' n-'-r-'ln.
F.-eltri k Fu.lif
..on. e r. i v- , . .;. I -- :; .
t p lii..: nufi.l t i.i. : .,.
eurt ii' iu.-, 'r. t'n. -i o. i i ':.
"ii'i y 'i W "'re.-' .v. hi :.'!... tl k
. '
l. 1C , on . '' 1: ci , i ' : .i , . ., ....
i :iit . r le t. .ri inu-r -e- o: ;! n -. ,. . t;
ti and lo ihe ,'oil-ji. iiic ; . -,, . , ;;
: i nn -li- il ' ' in- .' i r. .e I ; Llo. 1. 1.
'iiu::i'- ii .1-1- in (1 f.y rf !':... -ei-i;:'.,
I-OU!, V, ,:.-ii! ll.n .'I,-.. "; .- '.. r.'"-.. Oil. r ti"
ic-- r l.-'l ol se i. : ei ,-. f . j. i1.. .w..,,.,.
( Freili-ii: 1: l',f:iis. t. i " , -,, .
in I 'Vurnf AVi;iir-t I.mi an. i ... J :
Clei I ol Ihe Ji.frirt i-'. - f n. ei.'; - . i " . -nti.
I io tut- dir.. ted a f-Ve-i." oi ;.-'
fjivtf. i:.-i.l. r iny I...-..' .. i i . ,. -.f '"-r.-.
A. I H;,. J. .V. Ji'tN-"- e "
Wiixict roT-r:.-'.(.. (,..,. ' ', -
'iJ r nf. hH"i L
Lcrii 4ttti'v.
In Pi-tr'.-t C-tri. U J die. a .n tr'et, wi"-
.iii if' l.'arj ciiuna .' '.; .'.
Ue..t'.- l-ittiV, 16 1 r- i -.sti tterr. ivj.
V. ' ' l! 1 , ... ,
Vlf'-ed r-'nk. ,,. :uv ...
tin the Ift Ii oi;' i.f Jar-. isT. (... , her in'
in th- oui -e of tl C-s-rk ijo .( i'. '
l ttievt 'jtf ;....; -., .f-i. ;i . i .
ynnty .i::jr'.':ri. 'J !i- r -jer-t -- i,: -r r
a-ti-ioai) .e ohti.ln .j . A .
i'"ink. for the e.-'iiei ; r . .i,te.
.enini aid iltenr'. i.i ffini!. :. i r',.
o pioi id-.' a fin ut,.., i-i . .i - ., (,,,.( ,
Ptitr, n.-t-,'. i- . n l r-:-.--i to t j""
'!" iri)ir r Inr 'lie -;:rc i r.? rn-t .Iv ' '
Kituli.a -ui!; of :... . u.
Y -n hie ric.-T. t. i.r. t.t' ij'e
or bt f .ro the iSCth day e'- .1 tly. i0
. . r i-Kb'c a rr.:
j! iT.wr.Lt. i CuAiitiK, i,.;
ji j-1 , -
'Ji?,iTicf y Sf,le
rs. J.
V Iter I. Ci-een. j
In t' ct a iii; - ' r -J.f JV',-.j .,
. id .1 lieinl Dietri. I j.-ii 1 : f': 1 P' '. m ,..- .,?.0Vfc '
ae day of Jane, 3: .. I. ti .iis- -'i
poinsed i-'peci..: j;.-. ,.-t ; . u at puldn- am-tloo. ;h; r '.Lt-.- .
.': '! r. lor .ii. nt re t'ri-t .r 7f f
f'Hi-e. in P'.n.iit. .mi- 4 : Out ?
n '.'"is.-.c-J; y 'v I Ji.' -,
i o'eloek A XI. .- .-i .i -. t e 1''"..
vniil r.Tl e-i m. .. i ' ..n' r !i
1 fevtiwii ."i.. 'i ,,.; ,- i) - a' ,
!c-.e.i. nor'!, -f r':., rn, '
d.. .ii cvKri O'-i ty, . r.tK.-., ;.r.
;ni -il-i the 'atrMilt.t-r.-tii en i .'n .
Ji.. t be-'-Ii,,lj . t , l;r sr'a mi ;(.
t s.d I'.f-rS:.,,.. t . y ,-:.'; ',;.'
mnoi'i.'.L'f it'st-'iitf' "Jr...' t ;S ,vt -heriie
-ft i I u f:.. et tit,' ta. .
'.-ent., w:lh "it -,i t -.
.'. A' JC1 .-. -.'-tlr-'
iVAXWKU. & IBifiK.
i hncrcrry SaJc
eorcu E. IVoinf-r V
. r :ll f.Cft'.,
I n p'...--u-,.. iff. '-..! -'
lii!'J,o-k at '! ld'r;.'. 'ilii :
l.i il Ol-ilV'. Wi'lo.; -i. '.r.'.
tj-i i. 1.UJ tiiiij-.. :- i ;
.vi.ife ..i. iiir.ej. f'.T..- i.e -
i- -jir. f.v .-.-.-ii. : re - -. .
- rtt- I'. .
'ii .
- ' -r .-.' j ;
.... f '.. i
--. .(.,.. i
V I'-. . .ml
. ;;.: . :: 1 : t i, .;;
ti l. the vta'c .1. ,
iTl '
- r.r:. .'r'.6i ic.:oi ,?.
m. . "
J ' -I' :; : n --:'
. - 1 1-
1HHW.1..1 vi... i.k, .1.: ciu..-
fci't; it, kLi."ui.
"r-C'TlCM 1 UKr.! n;v:. : '
ii'i rl. be a cei-1 1 t rtj i s'r ; . -:
old Utoer and "i:a tv y, t r c '-i '1
r-M'n- -f Crtrisa BrOf,y. , :'-'
Free.-.-x;:. IV-n' . . t r-.l. '
. wihtay- .i. tftae Jilr -'';.. e-. -h
. . T ie of:iav.;;! nt "ie "
'eliv: .- P. V - -i p',.I -X'.i.
. D ed n. TTciplnj AValfc.. -ft-.-"', f '
JViieiJ 5rtlV-:
1 1 .
r -- PS-T?SiV
0 0