If 11 is V 4 ft MAG;!!, dlOP! WAYIvTAN & CURTIS I jiii Saw and Pittim.-. V.'num'jr Iron 1'ip?, ! liilT -, St";Hli si :ikc. '- "ice I : .ii VtTII an.-l all ki.iis ot a:s Lngiiie iriuings, :"jrni-heJ on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY Repaired pbort notice. aus"u HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER ff-'i fty the only perfected am .. . j i i i preparation of it3 kiu I iLutJlUiiLu -nd jo3 no competitor I GRAY iia merit. By its use HAIR 'GRAY HAIR ia soon restored to its original youthful color and bril liancy, which is so much TO ITS CRIMINAL admired by all. Persons i u lincp Ini p wlTiin nrf:i11in (out will, by the use of ow PROMOTES Renewer,soon see its good rpn (effects, as, by its tonic and stimuLitiii" ironerties the ii.nair manus wii oe incitea and the hair grow thick and strong again. In cases nf ?r 7r7 n e c c 5t will rrrito s A i;fLLriLlU a new growth unless th E'BESSmT,J.!foIlicIes arc destroyed. It TRY j'9 coo"o au( allays all ONE BOTTLE itching ana irritation or the scalp. Itdoes not stain the skin as do dyes, btri makes the scalp white and i ti)rTVP. ifllbiiliil ;t is ln0 best UUJ most U? joeonomical preparation in T Jthe world, as its effects .last so much longer. Send THIN 'for our Treatise on the LOCKS! hair, iiee to all, by mail, v ; r.il liruggijts h?A Dealers i.i Medicine. COOK, COSURN & CO. C-: r'I Agents for II ortli-Western Stat-33, 7 Tii.AS.BOEN STUEET, CHICAGO, ILL. The following from the CINCINNATI TIMES, one of the most reliable news papers in the United States. What can be more convincing? HOME TESTIMONY, Tiie Ctxcixnati Daily Times ) op March 21, 1861, says: The Scandinavian remedies appear U he growing in favor with the public, if we may judge by! the testimonials con stancy received hy the proprietor. A letter from Wiscon sin, to be found in our advertising col iimns, announce that iimong the physi cians of the locality h is becoming very popular, and what is very unusual, is be ing 'adopted hy tlicFn in their practice, as a cure for many dis eases which the' cai not treat effectually in any other way. We understand that the immense trade carried on for sev eral years in thes medicines has dur- :ng the present year nearly doubled. Their process of operation is by a thorough purifica tion . of the blood, ' and a consequent eradication of dis-case. EBAD i i One door weft of the PLATTSMOUTIT, HAS AT A LARGE !Dry Qoods , Groceries, Ciotliing, FUKNIsHING OODs, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES and Provisions- HIGHEST of Country Produce. Pl.itts-uoiith, Xebra-ka, Aegist 5th, 4:0 OOO LBS 8f You Want li h. .Tl CaE3 Vht 1 (TV I2000!bs Shoulders, L:OG!bs Sugar Cured Hams. ISGOOIbs Sides Which he will SF,LL at Reasonable figure'. Also on hand a lAUm Va Selected Slock of DRY (JOOD.S, aid G!iO C5 :RIS, Which he oilers to the public 4 a u'Those kn owing tliemselv Call and Settle tiie a me. ,prih thdav.:Jm. S- BLOOM &d OO DEALr.KS a lothing, Gents' Furnishing Gocds, BOY3, Mm CH2LDRE&'S CLOTMlfSC, Hats & Caps, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUfJKS, VALISES, ETC. Jl.un Sfwf, Stroud Do r East of Court House Piattsmouth, Keb. BHAriCH HOUSE : Broadway, Council Bluffs, !oa. 'AT 'd ti iiSS WIIOLESALR and RETAIL Aie now rec.-'uing and h ive on hand (at the old ttand of White & Uuttery) Soutli side Main St., Piatt smontli i ne Largest and - , f t .r-,H-m-- r ,;r., Clieiii't- T.eal. V rrn -hes. Co:.l ( ';;. Vi'-U Oil. M.irhoe Oi!. t,K .Ct Oil. 0!.L-.rd Oil. Oil. 1-veaual OjJ Liv.-r ',i. :. lr.rne variety f Notions, l'erlumcry. 1-aney au.l loilet Ar.kl.-s, l-:j-i.n.:es. Havorintf ExtruoUf. A'.-o, an iuc l'i ul:ir 1K. J ivn -V Avor-. Ua!!-. Pc-vii!VCocV. Chri-ticV. M.Tff?. M;-T.:unV. -PaV WA-l.tiMyN-oti-s. rcr.yl.Vi?-. Koh:;.k-. IVtut Mr-. W l'r. Win-, iiiii't, IK'.-tftterV, Iv.ikc s. . ;:.; s. Wests. all ui tiers 1:1 ifcr.erui use. Brandies, l"sr.e3 and Whiskies, Of tbe best grades anrl ir.aiiiios. strietly ;or Me.Ii..-al p:i.T-?c?. DOMESTIC DIJBS Re.l or Ro.e. Green. T.Iue and I51.ek. Analine. Tnd-po, Madder. Extract Logwood. Tj e Vtnd3. Ac. lu fact everj ibiiiK tliat is needed in the lrug or Mvncine i.:ue. F hysicians' Prescriptions careful'y compcur.dcd and put up at all hcu s. All Drugs warranted fresh and pure. Cail before buying, ,:nd see what we have to sell. riattnr.outh, March 24, 1870. wtf cuth Side Main Street, - - Number 9. P TTSMOTJTH, CASS BOUNTY NEBRASKA T u un Herald Office, - NEBRASKA, STOCK Of MARKET PRICE PAID roit ALL r T.m .a ISC'.). . i AT. On Select From i r mum s indebted to me will please JO.Si;iii SlIiJiA- Rock Blulls IN Boots & Shoes, tviost Cornells M,.re-.-. M -T.ain's. PaVorV. M star's.. Villain-' ,7 TP jT wlf3 LOCAL nsrZBTWS- D. Schnas;, K-'j., is adding fuhstan tial iiuprovcuients to hi reMJence prop erty in the south part of the city. A fuw of our democratic exchanges are growling over the nasfage of the bill for the enforcement of the lath Amend ment. Growl away; that h all that is left for you to do. Mr. Rice examined the formations of red Kaolin in this vicinity yeeriay, and thinks the article will prove to he an ex cellent article from which to manufacture tire-proof paint. There i.s no abatement to the amount of grain being shipped from this city to Chicago. Wagons are constantly un loading into the ears at the foot of Main street. The Nebraska City Times says : "ltail road. to he profitable, must run through produeingenuntries." That's it, exactly, and that U why the II. &. M. It. II. is so profitable. It drains the most produc tive country in the world. We know of several parties who have an eye on those beautiful residence lots on the south hill. There is no part of the city better calculated for fine resi dences than that, A twenty thousand dollar house would look well there. Another lot of corn from Nebraska City, Wyoming, Rock I?!ufTs, and other down river landings arrived at the great grain metropolis last evening. Mr. Daniel Swoney, who was in the city yesterday, informs us tha'. corn in the South Ben 1 district is not a very good stand. Other crops look well. The Omaha UepulJiain suggests the propriety of keeping the selection of their High School legents out of poli tics. It recomuin-ls a joint meeting of the two par; j committees to agree upon men to bo placed upon both tickets. A good idea. The Monell case has been referred back to the Oiuaha church fr a new trial. A disruption of the Church is looked for as a cpusequence. Chase & Thomas will be ready to do business in a !'.-v days. Thv ar-- erect ing a warehouse and oiTlce, r.i;d vi!I com mence baying grain as soon as it ii com pleted. The President has beo-i fixing her landing on the east side of the river f r the past two or three days. It is com pleted now, an 1 transferring is being pushed vigorously. The new eon-olidation on the Kansas City and Pt. .Too Road- is to be known as the Kan-as Oily, St. Joseph & Coun cil H!uffs llallrca 1. This tickles thi peo- pie of Council IJlu.Ts as they K-gan to Wsi wa:i to bo f;ar tiie name of thtir t left oi.t. l ien. I's!aV. Oi:k i.s out as an independent candidate lor the City Council, in Omaha. lr. Ceo. Smiih is the regular Kepub'.i ca:i candidate. Third party candidates are not genorally healthy in this State. The Ihownville Democrat Intimates that Morten and Miller are ' o'.d worn out she!'.--,' and hou!d bo ca't aidtJ by tho party for new and f:eher invn. That iJea i- gaining ground among the democracy all oer the Stn-e. Tiie yoni:j men are coming to the front they are tired of dancing for the amuse ment of these ''old shells." The. d'uii monJe are reported leaving Omaha and seeking other lo.-alitie?. The people of this city may lo k for an other infliction unless sume laearurcs are adopted to prevent them locating here. Thi.s city is now cursed with a large num ber of them, and they have the ciVront cry to make themselves exceedingly con spicuous on the strcctsat nearly all hours of the day. We have a city ordinance to "regulate the. n; -ra:s of the city," etc., :md we hope it can be made effect ive. We do n it t xicet to be able to clean.-e the city of all vhv, but we . hould certainly be able to ket p it within lotni-ls of decencv. I' ithlj'nlhtiti. 'l!ie new Locomotive ':XvLraska" was out at work to-day. Parties mnfiiii,,- dray or express wacrons will please remcnibcr tiiat the Ktcorder is ready to i-sue licenses. Two passeiipr.'r coaches went west to day loaded with pa-cngers lor the Ash land sales. Jeff .Smith, a f irmer compositor in tiie IIerai.d oifice, is now one of the pro prietors of a neat weekly at Curr Oak, Michigan. The Omaha IFfrnld takes hack all it has Fai 1 about Dodge writing editorials for the Council Uluffa Xonjmreil .since it has been sold so beautifully on the cor respondence in relation to the Xorth- ! western la in grant. , . , . V'c noticed a quantity of very nice furniture going west to-day for Sec. T. P. Kei.nard. We luet Mr. Thomas Chapman to-day, r-f Sana lerscouiuy, ho infrms us that everything is lovely in that region. Saunders is one of the finest counties in the State, and is fast settling up with first-class farmers. Mr. Ii.-ell has in over.30O acres of wheat and oats ; and Mr. Stocking has acres of corn and a large quantity of small grain. What do the old fogys back east think of this ? There has riever been so heavy an im migration into Nebraska especially to this portion of it as at the present time. TLe white covered wagons come in hke army supply (rains, and the prairies are being well dot ted over with new cottages. The lands of the B. & M. Company are a great iaducemcnt to settlers. Wholesale liquor license was granted hy the Council at their last sesiou to K. G. Povey, aud retail license to F. L. LenhoU & Co. and J. C. lligby & Son. The steamer Columbian, of tho ' O" line, passed down yesterday evening. SLe left a fine quantity of freight for the city. The$l2'.H Soda Fountain, atthe 1. O., is in running order. Try a glass. A large force of hands are at work grading down the hill on Main street west of Sixth. They are using the dirt to fill up the approaches to the bridge on Sixth street. The St. Joseph llrval.l of a recent date coiitained an editorial article of nearly a half colum?i in regard to our neighboring city of Aidiland. The coun try west from l'lattsmouth is attracting a gieat deal of attention. We understan 1 the City Council has determined to sell the Public School I'uilding on the corner of Main and Sixth streets. This is valuable property, and will undonbtcdly sell for enough to build two er three good school houses in proper localities. The Omaha Herald of a recent date says : "We notice from the published pro ceedings of the Otoe County demo cratic Centra! Committee, in the Ne braska City Times that tiie Nebraska City A' w.t has been denounced by that body as unworthy the confidence of the democratic party read out of the party, in other words." That i.s it exactly. The Herald un derstands the action of the democracy of Otoe to a dot ; but it will not submit to it. It will bring the unruly Times' supporters to the ring yet, and force them to support Morton if it cjh. Capt. K. II. Miuphy, U. S. Deputy Marshal, commenced taking the census on the 1st in.st. It is important that each person, and especially each farmer, render him all the assistance in their power. We shall publish, to-morrow, a full and concise statement of the re cpiirements under the census law, and hope each person will read it carefully, and be prepared to answer all questions fully, when called upon by the Marshal. Mr. C. II. Choafe, of Iowa, arrived in the city a few days since and com-mcu-.-ed the sale of a new musical in strument at least it i.s new to us. It is called the I'iuno Dulcimer, and is nearly equal in sound to a first-class piano. It is a very simple in;-trumcnt, beiug con structed of a hollow frame or box about three and a half or four feet long by eighteen inches wide and four inches deep, which is supplied with supports in-ide. Over the tp siufaec of this shell are placed bridges, over which arc stretched wirc, the same asused in pi anos. Under the-e wires are figures, and the operator u-es two little pad hanimera to strike tipon the wires. The mu ic is excellent and cheap, the instru ment only costing the moderate sum of '. The written music is composed of figures to suit the figures under the wires, and can be readily learned by any child, whether or not they know anything about mu.de. We heard Mr. Choate play upon tho instrument, and wc can safely recommend them to person? desiring to purchase a ru'ideal instrument of any kin 1 who do imt fed able to purchase a piano, or who are unable to secure the services of a teacher to give music les sons. The child n-eds no teacher with these instruments. '.V.trilOO AXi MII'.ttASKi Are the names of the new Locomotives brought across the river yesterday. They are of the same pattern as the Lin coln and Ashland. They are now being put up at the Ma h':i Shop.--, and will be oa the road in a day or two. !.::tvix; the fix:i.i. Tie Urownville Democrat says: '"Ourow!i party is changing old lead ers are leaving the field and new ones are taking their places." How does that set on the ''M family?" leaving the field is a good joke. They are leav ing it like the fellow made the ten men run. The Democracy of the State have become tiled of putting forth their enc-r gics year after year for the personal grai i'ication an I at the diction of one or two individuals, and th','3' are now forcing those old, "worn out shells," to "leave the field." They are being carried to the rear for burial that's all. It is a matter of paramount interest to the tithx-ii? of this rapidly growing city, to di-vi. e some means af contrnling the action of the little streams which run through portions f the town. If the present system of bridging is continued we may foel certain that an endless amount of expenditures will be required to keep the cros.-ings in order, and that what little individual c.Tort which may be put forth by parties nerass whose "lots these streams run, will always prove abortive, and that the action of the watei will always be a source of needless expense to proprietors, wi;;ie, at tin- , same time this outlay will have no end, and the value of sudi lots will greatly depreciate. We call the attention of our tax-payers to this matter for the pur pose of having them look i-sto this mat ter in a business way. as we deem it one of vast importance to the city. In Salt Lake City tli3 waters are made to run through the streets in paved gutters, and we feel confident that the streams in this city could be ci:iiueted in such gut ters here, properly distributed, so as to insure a constant tlow of water and save immense expense in the future. It will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to confine the.-e streams in brick arches or sewers; but it will ctflt only a small amount to conluet them over the sur face in gutters. Let this matter be looked to in good season, or we ehall have an often sewer, rilled with stench and offals, right through the populous part of town, when with a litt e fore thought we might turn the threatened cau.e of dUease into a hamtary measure lto insure c'caii!uerr and heahh. Lithofraeteur, a new exinosiTe aseLt said to have tweuty times the force k powder, a;ia live times that ot uitro glycerine, is of a dce; bhii.sh color, re- ......1 !:..,. ..ti.l o 1 . V; l ! M-r.n i tttirr of putty, it w put into u huia drilled; for the purjiose, wtioL.t lataping or cov- i ering of auy kind except a handful ofj tine clay to keep it in place, and U iirc-d hy a fose ending in a copper cap, made for the purpose. The danger of its Uie s evea less thaa by powder. HAMBURGER 1HD BERLINER. -A -. 0..-TA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Carpeif., Under the Broods House, ."Main SIGN OF B&m THE BEEHIVE fcS"The Highest j'lice Paid for Country Produce. Hides, Wool &e.T5a apl4wtf. W II OLESAL E AND It E T A 1L, DEALERS IX lift 1 iJiJ BOOTS olW 8B30M89 YANKEE NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE &C, Main street, P.'attsmouth, ITeb., Where Everything Their Line Can be Found. a;rilCCdiwtf We Call The Attention of the Public Oar Stock erf Dry Goods, Groceries. aueensware, Notions Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. That wc are just receiving. We buy our Good as low as they can l-c had in t market for CASH, and will aim ly low prices, fair dealing and good goo-Id to pb.i all who will favor us with a call. CLARK & PLUM ME 11. HARDWARE AND m, LEfENTs AT MATHEWS, DONNELLY & CO. Niou.d respectfully inform the people of have just opened a LARCH Hardware and Agricultural Establishment Where we are always to be found to accommodate customers. FOURTH STUIiET, 1JI:tYI:i: N MAIN A .NO VI NIC. IVLATTtSMOUTil N lu 13 f rit stoek oon.'ists in .art of the fi1'jw:n? : The Uuek-rye Reaper and Moweroninbined. Thi Mcltd .Mveepstakw I'iirathr-r. .S ;iran l Keystone. Com Planter. Monmouth Stalk Cutte nnd Cultivator, (.'acida mh.1 Moiiiiioi-'li ("ultiiitois. ltixon Iron liiick Ca?t Steel l'lowc. old sruaud und l.reukers. Peoria Model Extra h.ird l'lows. l'rinetton j.-t.iMu Ir ,-i 1 :, , M. With the celebrated Newton Wugcti, which lor Uai-dware. Cu'.lery. Wagon Stock. Glass. Oil, Fence -L,J iwms ciiuicii Jitutjt. sti-.Lt.-a The nhove cotii)rii.a few of the articles on hand. Our aiiu shall be to keep urtock fu un-1 coiaplete an 1 to sell at bottom prices. GIVE US A CALL And llxamine our Stock, that you may go awav sat's-fied if not HAPPY". marldwtf. MATHEWS, DONNELLY & CO. A 7cr Tti AVLoIetale Hardware anl Agricultural jTiaipleisiciitN, ' STOVES, TIN, SHEET IROM, BRASS, STEEL X3 X. O .-W S Of all kiais and siics, h;ch we warrant llic Are exclasiTo Ago its in Stewart s e eura.t eci vOinbmation Coal t ' 1 l G?4--r -.r. O V V 00(i COO lv blOVe Give us a call we will not he un Jerscld Maiu trect. next door cart of the Masonic Block PLA'ITHMOUTil. NKLJiiAWKA DHY GOODS, Boots anil Sho Street, Plattsraouth, Nebraska. n if to AGRICULTUMJ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! CASS and adjoining cou i ties that that durability cannot he excels! unyv, Jicre IZast or Kail?. Iron Putty. White Lttad. Wire. Oardea, Fiild ui.d i'lov r Seed 7 r. STOHE CO., andiRetail dealers in in the : C ;arheL this county for the sale ot DEALERS ML o J..M. fiiiCi!Mii & CO. (Successor to J. 21. Ilinchuian.) Druggists & Apothacaries. DF.AI.F.rS IX Ernpj and Moilicincs, PAINTS, OILS. DYES. NOTIONS. rERFUMKUY. FANCY SOWS. PURE WINE AND LIOIDR Fur Mechanical and Medio" jiurposcs. Keep constantly on band a full and wc'.l assort stock of P'iv ii-iuns' j-rr-ifrii'tinnx cnr' fuHv cnn?ioiind tiy nn pxpiTicnred Urtic-irist. Mono Imt tbn edri-"t iiuvlii-'mi's mscI. All guud warranted as liurt-.'tnteil. Ceil nd Fee. Main f?lrret9 South Sii TKUMS CASH. O. A. PKUKV. (inwnv.v mv u co. 0. A. DERBY & CO., .MA X U F AC T U RE RS AM) Wholesale and Rotai UEALERS IX FURNITURE, 3EPIIN7. CHAIKS, L0UN(3ES, TAHLKS, &c., -9Tf Our motto is quick ta'et aud fL-iall profit. rorlh Side 3Iain Street, (Ccttvecn Second and Third) f!attsmont!i, rVclraka. ctJlw KEXT ISriK ! ! ! ! To Any l'i I tjf The City. WHITE SP1R HuvinB p-ii'ivcl to t. ?ir New Ftoie Corner Main aud ''th street.", i i . I) E LIVE GO WS FPEV Th:it arc purchscd at thi-i" cr-re. Viil et (ioo 1-; .-is cheap im ever, and will not bo under--obl by anyone. Our Sloc k cn.-:i.-U of the bc:-t brands of TEAS, COFFEE, SUGARS OYSTERS, SARDINES, SPiCcS, FLOUR TOIL 1 C CO, W.lSlI. T UBS, Buckets, Soap, Salt, BACON HAMS, LARD, and everything kept in a fJrooery (store. I'.very article warranted of the bcttijuulity. Thchiah c.'t price paid in cu.-.h fur Corn, Cats, Butter, Eggs, BAGO:;f HAMOt LflRP, and all kicds of jc'ainiud J'roduce. Cash paid for Hides. EAST. The ZIui Eh!toii A5iurl :ivr ;?aiH:otuI, n connection it'u th Chiaig ,, Luiiiiigtuii tt- (Jiii,iy Ii. !. Offer to flif people of riattsmoulh. and ail th portion of , cbiaska lying south op thi: plattk, the n;ot dir.f, r.nd the b--t Route to tho R.is. tern. South K.o-tf-rn. and Noitbeui t.it.-. Pa.jciiriTs deiriiif to iravtl iuxuriou.'ly shoul I tke the Allan: j; Kxpn t. whieli run thn-titfti to ( i.i-a-i ,iibout h i:e ol C:ir, eouiopei w ith c i .iitit Jciy Joa--l1(-.-'. Pu.riiii.n'a 1'jiiat.p La and Sleeping Coach v. and Pullman's Dining Cars. In nd liti ,n t. tho fact that thi i. t!jo diree rout-by w hi-li tioit-may l.e fcav.-d in re:?ehii.ii nny point in the Ktirn or Middle Slates, it may tru'hialiy he t-ai.i tliat it powo -.-(,- !bele-t trach and the tineM e,(uipi:ieiit of any Wcftcra Jjine. enunna to the pas.n-njcr Speed, Safety a n d -o m fort. Rate al way ax LOW ji the LOWEST Dj--gat'C-cheeked throti-h to i,o:nt K ist. " . . ' '-. i; i'i '' KIN ft. Hi-m. Sun. jani nlivtiT. Trie undivi Kd half or the whole-if hlrv i f tho COCK I!LCrtS A.l JAW VII. I I '-lior-e pow.-r ecii, and r.-.iir. pairol olooi burrs. . incli i-ir.-ular saw. t -o t.rv mjil hoii ; ; ' x 'i ..-iit; everything in -oi.d ranf;;i.-or-r. ' j ooo j) iv,i:llis; nous::. I of four rooir.s t.tid cellar. For t srth-uhir ea- qureoi. C. Si iihCMZ Rock EufTs. Cas eo ui.tj , N ti.- ii :1 20,000 worth ct rrcpcrly r'ol! SAI.K- I Omsiftinir offarui..wiih timl.rr adioi;tiA- n i Pla:tuiutij. property I U.tu-.iwau ci.y. Dorses, cattle, w--oii.-, etc. j 1'or further particular en . ,ujrvfr a.l li , u;:u. v.; . x.v;