CLA7TSMGLT!I. NE33ASKA. TilUiWDAV MAY -JO. 1870 . .. j lo.Iowuu uciud iioui the We ciip I iiicv!u Stale Journal: Jii'lire Ca-liuan Ln Lccn appointed hy Martial IJoile a.i Deputy to take the cenm of Lancaster county. The Judge is well 'julilieJ ly his long reMuV'iHie in, anl intimate acquaintance with the county to di.-chargti . the duties of hi. o:h.--. .. . A party of Lincoln men returned from A-liia;ni la.t uii;ht tin 1 report every thing li.iuiiliin.i! liieiv. 'J own throwing tat. 1 rank Sei!Ian has taken po.xeejsnn of th -tiew bri. k hotel and will kep it up tu the handle, 'ihe late storm did Mjiue damage to new LuiMiii:;. We had th' pleasure of looking':h tlie A-yluui building one day this eek, and were Hirpri.Md at the amount of labor contractor Ward has ni.-o!npHhed lhii-i arly in the season. We clialiemre Nebraska to s-how finer fj ecimen.'i of ui:wn work than that turned out by Mr. Ward's workmen. The windoT of the .second story were ot on Monday i:i the north wing, and '..e wall will be up in a week more, ready fi.i-tli-j joints for the lliir t llor. Mr. Ward ha done better than the arehi tee:' plan in the way of window caps, lie u.-:ed the white (.tune from the A-h-!and i.tarried l'r these and otlior tiiiu-iniii.j- and they are'elojiantly cut, and form a beautiful contrast with th brown f-audstt-ne of the wa'K The building ' as staunch as though cut out of the MliJ roi k, and when completed will be one of the most shapely and im-jio-iui; j-truriure: in the Wett. Mr. Ward cxnects to have the roof on the north win in a jhort tiuie. The centre wili be four .- to io and a Manaid roof, beside a hiuh and airy basement. The wins are three t-turied and French roof. Ihe Nubra-ka Atlas says : Antelopes are very numerous on the prjiiie-5 near Seward. They are often teen r'.oni town. The ! ue .storm did much damage in l i.z M. R Church which had ju-t b en ii-'l was Uattoned to the ground. Must :.;'ii:e wrecked buildings have been repaired. P: reparations for building a Baptist have teen made at Seward, and tLe work coiuuu'iieed. A Pretext. Oar worthy Uoaid of State Prison In.-pcetors h-ive entered upo:i the dis chaiye of the arduous and responsible duties: imposed upon theui by the recent hot of the Jx'sislature, and in all tha ti;cy have done, have conformed with the provisions of caid act; and are en titled to prai- for the energy smd pood judge meiit they have displayed in for warding the work they have to do, but the Ouiai.a Jfvtald waiting thus long iu an agony of suspen-e lor some thing like a pretext, has, true to its in tt nets, commenced sla-hing away at ou. uewiy made State olhVi aW in its charac teristi'; style, and raises the howl ot 4 raJ.ed rascality." ' deviltry," "fraud, " for the thousandth time. The ire test fur all this noise is the simple fact tlia: in their advertisement of the State i Y'liiw utiarv Lands, for the purpose of inducing as many as possible to attend faid sales, the 1'iison ln-pectors an nounced the faet, that the Oommistion- ei ot 1 ublic Uuiidings will at the i-anu- t'lne and i'1'ice oiler five or six hundred lots in tiie town cf Lincoln. The lu- f pectors do not asuir.e to have anything t.i !o with tlio f.ilki of '"tive or .ix. Uii- dn'd lots in Lincoln," nor is any one silly enough not even the Herald te be lie. that the mere mention thus made L l::.. nded by the Pri on Inspectors as an a'.iv.'i tiscment of those "live or tix hu:i l"cd lots." There is no icason or occasion for this attack upon the Board of Prison Inspec tor.", 'out the same uiay be said of about f ;j thej ilangan I tersonalities that fill the columns of the JhrulJ. Nemaha Vat ley Journal. Attempted Suieide. Yesterday a .-battered wreck of wo manhood, tired of longer cumbering the ground, resolve I to shufrlj of her mortal coil and end her misery and life together, lay herelf down across the track near the !$. Si M. depot, and then ct'uoy awaited the exacted train to crush h'r to death. Fortunately she was discovered by the watchman, who dragged her from the track, just in time to ;:ue her iioui lieing sent unprepared into the presence of her maker. C. H. Jf'j.i pared. Thz McFarland trial ha? created much '..-.: u. -i on in regard to the practice of tlie t'mirr rerniating the empanelling of j ;r:os. aod even lawcrs are besinning to iv i-i-i;:.e 1 1. e anomaly, as well as loilj, (.'' ' i -iiyiiiit a man from being a j;i'i !.". '--e he is an inteiligent reader ot' .K-w-j-tpers, j.Sid keeps himself in l'i!ied on the cum nt events of his liiiie. 'arioui reforms have been sug-pci.rU-d, among the most oiiginal. if not the hio-t practical of which, is recom tiien-ie-l ly a prominent law lournal. " It rrr- t ' p.oposes to make the duties ol a piufession, anl to bring up a seiect class to nh tfieotnce. huch a pro- Icv-ion wuold undoubtedly le a prolii- ahle one, in these venal times, to the juror; but we doubt if the cause of j i-tl'.-e would be always served. A'ew - . . . JiUli. 1 llltt 3. A document has been found, dated r.vcv one hundred years ago, which proved to lie "an application to King Ve 1-iiek II of Prussia, to hanih from bis state the Philosopher, Wo'rF, then p.. .lessor at 1 1 a'e, because "said Iiolff was ii'.t only an infidel, but exhibited a d-clJcd enmity to the Lord and his c.iu-e." Ou the margin is the King's c:i 1 irso-p.ent wh'uh is worded thus: ' If fti. 1 I' o.S lives according to my laws he c' live in my States. If, as it seems, he quarrels wiih th.' L.rd, I am s .he Lord will be able to settle them w.uci.t toy aid. I being a poor mortal cuj.ict iiitcilere." A :ii:!e daughter of W. T. Parker, of I'.ukman, Maine, ate the whole of a Hrge nutmeg, pnMlueing a comatose con-u'-ion oJ" 4 ho brain, a celebrate! pul-e, ili'aied pupil and partial pa;alysis of the involuntary iiiU'ces from whieh she had r.ot recovered twentylbur hours after. Tl --3 pages of Scripture, like the pro ductic'is of nature, will not only endure the tef, but improve upon the trial. The application of the microscope to the me. a:id a repeated meditation on the o'.ht r. are sure to display new beauties, suid "ire-.-ent us with hitrher attraction-. Tlie Jenn Paul Richter ourtl fild. i the beautiful simplicity of his i'hristiaii character, "I love (jod and every little child." Perhaps no sentence a.-? brief so fully measures the extremi ties touched by "the infinite love. A man in Council IiluSs is both a I'-jiK.r a:"on keeper and an undertaker. 0:;e business help- the other. Emer-on. in one of h:s recent essays, sr-ys : "The chain of Western raihoad--, frctu f .'l.'caTO to tbe Pacific, has planted cl.lcs x;:d ii:2 :tioti in less time than it t-ovr! brivz an orchapl into Uytrimf." Ikii'U.o Divorri-N 'oii-pretieimi ve-ljr Saj-s the witty paragraph !:an of the Chkrao Hiiv.ning J'o,t: Messrs. Per sonal an 1 iuipcr.Mina! li.nve organized a joint Movk CMUipaiiy for lunurhm items tu the Ka.-te; u ami Southern new.-i-ancrs. In .-HH.kiii" ui tor the Hade tht-y have iaJ t..uv). reWpl t th., t,ass of iu.uu ! most in tavor nuini their cxi:etel tru- tomers: ;ind having, astliey believe, Mis covered the true secret of itemizing for all l.iiiludei arid longitudes except those of XJhieago, are contident of plea.-ing tlie taste of their patrons. 1 he following are rispect fully tubmitted a lair baui pies: A high-minded young lady in irL-oon-sin has committed suicide because her parents had decided to move to Chicago. Her biavery, in preferring death rather than dishonor, has earned her a monu ment at the expense of admiriLg neigh bors There is to be a female divorce tourn ament in Chicago next September. A prize of diamun s and jewelled revolver is to be given to the woman who marries and gets ch ar of she most husbands be fore the da'e of the tournament. All the orthodox preachers in Chicago have resigned their pulpits. The say they can't persuade people that there's any heil to which a transler from Chica go would not be desirable. It is exjected that the next triennial Conference of the Episcopal Church will revise ih-i c:eed so as to have the pas-age "descend into hell" read "descend into Chieairo." A Chicago Alderman who has mur dered his last three wives has been ac quitted every time on a verdict of justi iiaole manslaughter, on account of in couinatimiitv of tcni'.er Ladies iu ( hieato use written cards for ealiinp. Divorces are so frequent that bo fn re the cards could be cot home from the p inter, the i;ame would b wiomr. The people of Chicago go to bed every nieht in . heir collins. as thev expect to be murdered before morning, ami want to save the expense of laving out. Pawnbrokers in Chicago receive on an average, two bushels each per dtm ot weddint! rimrs, tor which their wearers have no further u-c. A pater in Chicago having got out ol moat and money, has eaten hi.- wile ant three ilai.g-.'eis ana is pre par tner to suit a fat nic.v, i fc in his charge by her eloping parents. They den thuiti thcoo tram actions strange in Chicago. invoices are to f.cqueist in Chica tnat the d'fiercnt sets of children have to be labeiL-d in order to distinguish to which parent they belon;r. Tim uuam'st man in the woild lives in Chicago. He stole his wile's false teeth. and then not a divorce on account of hei "phvsical deKcts." If Traupmann had lived in Chicago, he never would have become famous. 1 hey don't take notice of su-Ji piccaiil oes as his there. A murderer in Michigan has bean sen to Lhieairo. J lie Jili:e said his crime was too wicked for simple hangiusr. Th wretched man died of grief the tirs! niht. Guawpaunch alley, near the river, i getting very wicked. It uuht to be an uexed to Chicago. In Chicago, if a husband and wife II v toietiicr six months, tiicy coL-brate a goiden weddii p.- Mr. Jones, on street, has sued f- a divorce from Mrs. J. Uetter move u U licago. There was an honest man in Chieain last week. Hut he was on hi way totlu Pacific Roger Ransom, the champion butcher kills pigs quicker than a Lhuago ui vorce. 1 wr tucrs were rccotitlvi tlM-ku'loa n the Chicago river by lloatihg corpses. Sal Vo'ytill is the meanest woman h Pedunk. She ought to go to Chicago Try Sul Phuricassid's rat poison. 1. Chicagoes the rodents at forty rods. Chicago judges furnish divorces, at $1 50 apiece. Chicago has 22.0'J() divorces pci week on an average. Chicago is an extraordinary town foi divorces. Divorces are all the go in Chicago. Chicago sh divorces. Divorces iri Chicago. Chicago divorces. Chivorse. 1 icago. -Voice. Cairo. Div Ch It appears that the Lincoln Salt wo:k is piovinding to be a "big thing," and l. reports are true, when fully develope will be the best salt works in the Unitei. States. A firm by the name of Calm A Kvan--, who have a lease for thirty year of a S ction of the salt lauds, have fo some time been boai ing for salt, and fi nally at a depth of ?,: feet, hive found brine of about yo3 . trength, and of in exhaustible quantities. This insures the salt woiksof Nebra.-ka to be a success, and wi'l enrich those engaged in inakini. s.alt as well as being a source of lastim. revenue to the Statee Tecumst h Chief tain. The TJoston correspondent of the Chi cago Journal writes: "The estate of the late Charles O. Rogers, lonnerly pro prietor of the Boston Jou iiol is bein settled ut. He left a property valued at over yl ,0)ioa His widow w ho has pa cd ihe sunny side of life, somewhere in the i'-ities, has married the tutor that was in the family. He is a'tout twenty four years of age, is a Scotchman, and graduated at Harvard last year. The laying aside of the habiliments of mourn ing so soon alter the death of her hus band has startled, if not shocked, the dignity of Chester Square. A litt'e deaf and dumb girl was once asked by a lady who wrote the question on a slate: "What is prayer?' Tin? little girl took the pencil and wrote the reply: "Prayer is the wish of thu heart. ' So it is. pine words and leautiful ver ses said to (Jod do not make rea' prayer without the m-ere wih of the heart! A Boy I.lVPti 1 tiirteett Months with a ttnllet tn llli Bruin. On the 19th of March, ISC'.), a young girl (whether accidentally or otherwise, we are not at present informed) shot a boy named Joseph Downing, wholhed in Man land near the Delaware State line. The ball entered his bead. Dr. Thompson, of (auuiboro, dressed the wound and the boy t-low'y recovered, and has ever since been able ti go about, pei form work, etc. He was sul jecf, however, to severe at ticks of headache, which sometimes confined him to his bed for seveiul days in succes sion. Recently he died, and Dr. Thompson, assisted by Miers It. Letts, u iur.miii'oi I'viti.inuf iiin 'I hu i)(K.tor f;lUrij lhl, ta without difficullv by a large ab-cess which formed aiound it. or rather to one side. It was a little to one side of the great longitudinal fissure over the cot pus cailosuti; or great cerebral coinmis-ure. The abscess contained two fluid ouim; -of jus. It is something remarkable if not unprecedented for a er-on to thu live for thirteen months with a leaden bullet embedded in his brain, though it is by no means tin nsua! for persons to recover through whom brain a lul- SVe ate reliably infoiincd that the td itor of the Herald is hguving for the dis t net ion of being anain beaten f; r Con gress. Morton, since the late election in Nebraska- City, "throws up the ppoiige,' and my son (Jetiite - to l trotted out on the Congressional tiack. Sterling will be up here in a day or two, when the preliminaries are to be ar ranged. Dr. Brooke, of Rulo, is to be iioved to one side for the- present. (jreat is the M. family! K-ju!jlican. Is it poi.-ible that Dr. Miller has so oon forgotten the "burnt district':" - An Omaha paper speaks of that city as the "liiitiid tcrminu' of tha L nin 'acifij Railroad. "Beginning end" is jjoikI. CJiicnffo Past. ' The Otnuha paper guilty ot t his ab urd nonsense is thei Ilrrald. It is a fa vorite expression of that paper. In its issue of yesterday morning is the follow ing: "Duluth, the initial tirniimtx of the Northern Pacific Railroad, like Omaha, is to be agrear town." Repub lican . We object to the Herald being berated for this expression, for it means exactly what it savs. It means that Omaha is the beginning and the end of the Pacific road, lor it knows nothing outside of Omaha its vision does not extend be yond the corporate limits of that city. I'HETKAXSl'Ktt QtrE.VTIOX The exactions which the Iowa rail roads led by the Northwestern, would makeot the U. P. R. K. Co., regarding the river tiaiisfer, and which were ex posed in the last issue of the ItepuMican, were yesterday a very general sutject ot comment and conversation among our business men. The course pursued by the U. P. iu the controversy still pend- mr was universally endorsed, and the sentiment that the most determined op position should be offered to the clam s set. up lv the .Northwest m and the other corporations, was generally en dorsed. It has leaked out that the Ruilington and Missouri Railroad, whose interests are identical with those of Ne braska, has not involved jtsels so much in the transfer muddle as not to enable it. to step out anil work for its own wel fare at any time. Omaha. llc.pitUican. We are glad to know that our neigh bors at Omaha begin to acknowledge that which we have contended for all the time, that the interests of the Ii. & M. R. R. Co- are identical with those of Nebraska. ' The day is not far in the future when all Nebraska will under -tand this fact. Tiiklns the Censnn. The census takers will soon be at work, and it is very important that they get ai.l and accurate returns. Our Mate night to have the benefit of all its iu:m- .icrs. Persons can aid the deputies by i little forethought and attention, in preparing answers to the questions that will be a-ked in advance. e subjoin a chedule ot what will be required of farmers and stock-growers all referring to the vear ending .June 1st, ls(0. First. In reference to land. State the owner or manager of the farm, the lumber of aces of land, improved and iuiui roved, with cash value ol the same, nid the value ot farming implement in I machinery. Second. State the number of live stock f all kinds on hand June 1st, 1S70, to gether with the value of the same, and the value of the animals slaughtered w't'-wi the year. Th'rd. State the number of bushels of wheat, rye, corn, cas. La ley, buck vhoat, peas and beans, potatoes and sweet potatoes, pounds ot wool and .lounds ol tohut:o, it jy were jtroUuJCu, he value of orcha d tToducts in dollars. be number of pounds of butter and heese. tons of hay, bushels of clover seed and other seeds, pounds of hops, ;oumls of cane sugar, gallons of mol asses, pounds of honey and beeswax, nd tlie value of ail home made maim actures. The other questions relating o persons, ages births, deaths, mar iages, professions, occupations and rades can readily be answered by any ntelligent member of the family only equtrmg care that the dates bo correct Jjct the farmer take the first oppor- unity to write out those answers in ful md have them ready for the coming of he assistant marshal, and he will save oth himself nd the marshal a great leal ot trouble. Omaha Republican. A Swindler. We understand that one G. W. Ford, a former resident of Cheyenne, has of ate heon victimizing and swindling lumber of persons on the line of the Lnion Pacific at various points. He ha ial-ely represented himself as an attor ney of the company, and obtained money hy drawing drafts upon the cashier of the company in this city. His bust known performance w s in procuring ihoir'v on a draft for SIMM), in Iruckee, The amount of these bogus drafts re ceived at the cashier's office in this city is about ?4.(m)iJ. We .warn our many readers in the West against this man, .vho seems to pr tit extensively by his adroit cunning. Omaha J fervid. Omaha and South w mem Itnllrond. The bids for the grading of the next ten miles of the Omaha and Southwest ern Railway were opened iu the office of lu Company yesterday morning, and the award made. A very great deal of interest was felt in the matter, as it was known that a large number of bids had been sent in, and all were anxious to know the prospect of the work. We understand that the bids mada number about twenty. The contract war award ed tot leu. Y". W. Lowe, the terms of who-c bid were as follows: Grubbing and clearing ground, $;0 per acre". Loose rock, per yard, t'r-JAc. Solid rock excavation, $1.2.. Karth grading, l!c. jer yard. The work is to commence on Monday next, and the first teveii miles are to be completed in forty days, and the whoio ten miles m sixty days. Tlu company have determined to push the road vigor ous)', and to have the same well equipped with railing stock, and in active opera tion at the earliest practicable date. To this e:i 1, we understand, thiity cars have been ordered to be, and an order has been sent to Hinkley Si Wil liams, of Boston, for a new $12,u00 lo comotive. The new rolling stock will be delivered here by the time the grad ing is completed, and the wo;k of track laying will immediately commence. The con ruts for the bridg9 building have not yet been let. (hnalvi Herald. Among the new "-discoveries of the mineral wealth of Missouri is the prob ability of Using what is commonly called glas tiff in the production of a material for the manufacture of putty. It is said that the new material absorbs no oil, and possesses great adhesive qualities. Ane'T mill for ihe manufacture, which is ; distin- t from the reduction of barytes, is now being ere.-ted at Yineland, forty Bcven mdes south of St. Louis. In the days of Job there were those j who said: "What is the Almighty that we should ?en-c him ?" "Alas ! there are such now men who by their delib erate delay of repentance, show that t:iey do not f?el under obligation to serve God, save when it suits their conveni- . oaoe. ! Ottumwa, May 16, 1&70. At an informal meeting of the geiitle me.i composing the excursion party over the 11. Si M. R. R., to Pialtsuiouth, Nebraska, to participate in the ceremo nies of'th'j opening of the Brooks House, May 12, 1S70, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: lloohed, That we are under great obligations to ihe gentlemanly proprie tors of the Rrooks House, for inaugura ting so pleasant and agreoi.b!o au excur sion and festival. lienolLtd, That June A. Wentz, Esq., the very efficient and affable general agent of the U. Si M. R. R-, at Oitum wa, through whom the It. Si M. R. R. extended to us the opportunity to at tend said festival, and who accompanied the party to and lioiu Plattsmouth, and who in every possible way Contributed to our comfort, pleasure and safety, has, if possible, added to the regard we have ever felt for him, and he will please ac cept our grateful acknowledgments. Jicsolietl, lhat we highly appreciate the opportunity thus afforded us to pass over and examine the two western divi sions of the 13. & M. It U. extending from Ottuiuwa to the Missouri River, and we take great pleasure in saying that we found the road, in all its ap pointments and management, a lirst- class road, passing through a region ol unexampled beauty and iortihty. In deed, we were agreably surprised to find a road, so recently completed, so perfect m every particular, and we can hio.-f cordially recommend it to the fa vor of the public. Jiesolted, that while we find it nu- possible to mention an whose kiiiu a teutiontions during the trip, placed us under obligations, we cannot refrain from particular mention of that most excellent conductor, John Miller, aud Charles U. W entz, Lsq., agent of the R. & M. R. R., at Platisiuouth, whose courteous attentions have commended them to our enduring regards. liesohedy That we found the citi zens of Plattsmouth universally cour teous in ministering to all our wants. And while we are unable to enumerate all to whom we were iudebt debted, would especially thank the lb n. ex-Mayor of the city, Captain II R. Murphy and O. A. Derby, whose atten tions we highly appreciated. R solved, That it afloids us great plea.-ure to be present at the opening of the "Rrooks House," which we found in every respect a first-class hotel, capa cious, roomy, well furnished, with a table supplied with all the delicacies of the the locality and season, and presided over, with tact and ability, by Messrs. Iligby Si Son, to whom, and the excel lent landlady, we hereby tender our warmest thank. It will always afford us pleasure to enjoy the hospitalities of the "Rrooks House'" which we regard as an ornament and credit to the rising city of Plattsmouth. Resolved , That the ladies of Ottumwa who graced the occasion by their pre sence are entitled to our warmest thanks and unbounded admiration. W'c can sa' very sincerely that to their presence we are indebted for no inconsiderable portion of the pleasure enjoyed by the "Lords of Creation." Resolved, That these resolutions be presented to the papers of Ottumwa and copies forwarded to the papers of riattsmoutii, with a request to publish. C. I. Iiendeusuot, ) J. W. Norris, Com. J. W. Garner. M. A. Pinnev, Wm. Cope, M. P.. Walker, Frank 'Warden, J. Prugh, M. L. Koons, A. Taylor, Robt, Fellows, II. Nunamaker, A. j. Peck. "ilATE3 A J A It. A Dj Iiir- Man Keen Million of Spirit nud IteeosrnizpN lefiirtel Fricnti iu Ilravtii. From the Muscat in o (Iowa) Journal, May 14. Maj. Charles E. Fulton, a prominent and highly esteeme 1 citizen of Ottuiuwa, recently Mayor of ihe city, died on the 28th of March, under circumstances of a peculiar character. We have read the statement given below with profound interest. We knew. Maj. Fulton, ha i.ig met him in business circles, an. I knowing as we do that he possessed a sound, prac tical mind, we give full credence to his dying words. lie was not a man to be deluded by an hallucination, or to be carried away in his dying hour by reli gious fancies. The following account was written by a friend who was with him in his last moments, and was origin ally printed iu the Ottuiuwa Courier: "After an hour's conversation with the family and relations of the late Maj. C. 10. Fulton, I was impressed that your readers, and the community at large who knew his every day life, would be inter ested in an account of its somewhat re markable clo ;e. "His disease, acting almost wholly upon his nervous and circulatory system, left his mind clear and of its usual vigor to the- end. And those who watched by him, day and night, info: m me that there was no one hour during his pro tracted sickness and inttiisC su lei nigs that reason failed or that his intellect ap peared clouded. About three weeks be fore his death, he had given up hoi es of recovery, and conversed freely and fully upon the approaching event, evinc ing no fear or dread of death, and on!y desiring life for the sake of his faupy, and repeatedly saying that the faith that had been his through life was sufficient for the hour of death. Daring the last uays ot his in-; he arranged hit . usine.-s aitd left kind words of affection and ad vice to his family and friends, with as great composure as in health he had transacted the ordinary duties of life. In the early part of Sabbath night, and as early as 3 o'clock of .March 28, ne recognized the icy arms or death as they began to be folded aliout him, and at 4 o'clock had his children brought and bade them a last farewell, then summon ing his failing strength uttered the fol lowing praver : "Oh ! Almighty Father, if yet Thou art a God ujwaii earth, and hast compas sion on human woe ; if yet thou art a husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless, look in pify uon this my stricken wi.'e, and these m' fatherless children." The many words, expressions, and prayers of the next two hours, though recorded, and of sacred interest to his family, wemnst pass over. At about G:30 o'clock he sank visibly into the arms of death, all thinking that they had heard the last whisper from his lips. After lying thus fr some ten minutes, he aroused with the exclama tion, faintly uttered : "Not unto us. Ok ! Father, but unto Thee. Ik; all the glory." Pausing a moment, he exclaimed, "Five millions ! " I lis wile, leaning over hiiu, said, "Newton, what does he mean?" Newton replied "Spirits; " he whisper d, "Yes, that is it." Then followed the conversation here given, in the fam iliar terms in which it was accurately re corded by the nieniliers of the family, within a few hours after his death. His wife then aked, "Are thay re deemed spirits?" Answer -"Yes, Souie eame .yesterday; others just getting in." His wife then Mid, "And you, darling, srell th number." Assented to by "Y'es." She then aked, "Are they coming to welcome you home?" An swer "Y." Newton asked, "Char ley, do you know them?" Answer " krov all ihnt I kntnc rn earth.'" His wife asked, "Do you see Fac her?" Au swer v inch railier; lUunng the night and day previous, to test his fail ing siht, he had rejeateiily been asked it he could see ccrtaiu persons ttandmg near; Father Mast was then standing by the bedside hence his reply he doubt ing whether the meant spiritual or nat ural "sbght,) His wife said, "Father Fulton (died six years aj;o). Answer "Yes," Question by the same. "Do you see liule sister Mary who died long ago in Virginia?" Answer "Yes." She then exclaimed. "Then we do know each other iu Heaven." He turned his face toward her with a faint smiie ex pressive of knowledge and surprise at the doubt, and whispered "Certainly." Newton then asked, "Charlie, is Heaven then a reality?" Answer "Yes." His wife then asked, ''Charlie, do you see?" Answer "Yes." (At this point the victory over death seemed so complete the triumph so great that glory rather than gloom filled the death chamber. A feeling of supreme exultation a near ness to, and sympathy with syintual life possessed each heart in a degree entirely unknown and unexperienced before. ) Rotween gasps he then whispered "I am so weak let me rest and then I will an-wer your questions." After waiting a moment Newton asked, "Charlie, haveyouanj strange feelings?" Answer "'Yes." Question by same "Have 3'ou any pain ?" Answer "only general" pausing he proceeded between gaps, saying : "Understand me 1 mean corporal suffering, not spiritual." Ques tion by Newton "Charlie, is there any fear, any trepidation ?" Answer-"Oh! no." Question by the same "Then is it so terrible to die?" Answer "No." His wife answered this by "Is it a door that opens to admit us into a better life?" Answer' Yes." Question by the same "Darling, arc you happy ?' Answer "Oh! yes." By 'the same "Does it look bright?" Answer "Sunny and fair," admitting an instant afterwards "1 iu just catching glimpses, question by his wife "Brighter than anything you ever saw on earth?" Answer "Oh ! ves." He was again asked if he saw Josus. Auswci " Yes." Question by his wife. "Is He n aryou Answer "Yes." She then exclaimed, "O death, where is thy sting : O grave, where is thy victory ' ' Nowiuti a ked, "Charlie, has deal ii any .-tmg .'" Ans wer "No. And again lie sank away and the last word had f.iH. ti from In.- lips closing in death, and thu-ended the triumph which was tlie natural outgrowth of a life, the ino::o of which had beon tlie golden rule and '1 cace on earth, g od will to men." A.mic rs. Mai. Fulton was horn in London county, Va. early life he removed to Champaign county, Ohio: was educated at the Iowa V esleyan University and llan'ard Law Sihool, from the latter of which he graduated with distinction in 1SG0. He iuune Iia"cly began the prac tice of law in Cincinnati, from whence Iv-went into the Six'y-Sixth Regiment Ohio oiuutecr liilantry as laptain; was afterward promoted to Major, and served with distinction until a severe wound, received at Cedar Mountain, c impencd hr.u to resign. In eatlv life he united with the Meth odi-t Kpi.-copal Church, of which he was a consistent mtm-.icr until death. His mind remained unclouded to the 1s t, and conscious of approaching death, ho met i with as great composure and willing 8'i iini-ssii'n as m he .hhhe haupcrionncd lite s sac-red duties. O. A. DERIJY. OTTUMWA MP G CO. 0. A. DERBY h GO., MAN UFACTU HERS AM) Wholesale anl Retai DEALERS IN FURNITURE, BEDDING, CHAIRS. LOUNGES, TABLES, Sic, -oy Our motto is quick sales and small profits. North Side lUain Street, (Between Second nnd Third) Elaltmoti!Ei, Nebraska. tetofe J to Ss - "V . . . ; l i TO TIIE WORKIXU CLASS Te are now prepared to furnish all cla with constant employment at home, the whole of the time or tor tlie pp.ire moment.-, liiisme-s new, light and P'-oHt.ihle. Persons of either sex easily eurn from 50e. to $5 per creninir, and a proportional kuiii ty Uevoiing their whole time to the busi ness. IViys and pirlsearn nearloyas inueh men. That all who see this notice may send their ad dress. :md test the luisiiios. we make this unparalleled oflVr: To such as are not well M'islied. we will send f 1 to pay for the troubl of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample. which will do to commence work on. ana s copy of The I'eitp'e'n l.itrrnrv Vttmpnnton one of the largest and best lauiily newspapers pub lished all sent free by mail header, it you want, permanent, profitable work, address K" C ALLEN X CO.. Augusta, .main. apJlwam Attention FARMERS St NURSERYMEN XO W IS TIIE TIME TO GETYO Uli MOXE T JSACK. VTe have a lot of Fresh Osage .eed. purchased in Texas at the mill where they were ground out. and hauled all the way through in w.igou. We warrant them to be pure, freshand genuine Apply to K. G. IK) vey Claris V I'lumuier. Val lerys V KuU'ner, M, Ten Lick, Beehive Atote. or John Jackson. Ww4tLS NEEDIIAM A WARE. b. srrwLorx, .Xoturv Public. B. BAXTER W1XDHAM. SPURL0CK & WINDHAM. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. One Door West of Brooks House, up Stairs. PLATTSMOUTII. - - - - NEBRASKA Lands Bought and Sold. Titles Examined anU Conveyances Made. Taxes Paid and Receipts Forwarded Promptly. .A1I Business entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. iiiarjdJcwtf. Howard Sanitary Aid As sociation For the Tielif and Cnrc of the Erring and Un fortunate, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age. n relation t Marrinpc and Social Eriis. with sanitary aid for thf afflicted. Sent free, in srvled envelope.. Address HOWARD ASSO CIATION. Ro P. Pbiledciphui.Pi.- mnrlwlr CIHSAT SALE F Oil? "ST us AS HLAND, Friday and Saturday, June 3rd and 4lh, 1870. Terms Half Cash and Balance in Six Months, with Interest at 10 per Cent jBl s b Eb JL xar s rs the County Sear, of Samplers County, is situated at the confluence of tlie Valioo and Salt creeks, and at the point of intersection of the I5urHnrt(n and Missouri Hiver Railroad in Nebraska, the Omaha and Southwestern Kailrnad. and the i'lemont, A.shlaud aud Nebraska City l.ailioad. It is situated in the tuidst of th.3 V inesl Agricultural Draining; tha rich valys of the Platte, Salt Cr"t k and Wahoo, which arc being rapidly settled by industrious and intelligent farmers. Ashland ha.s 122 FJTK'ESH: WATEIS POWER Known in the St .fe, both upon Salt nnd Wahoo creeks. It U at the famous Salt Creek Ford, known to ali early settler and to all plainsmen ou the Soutli l'latte route. Fine mills are already in operation. THE! RiLZRO.&Z) FACILITIES Of Ashland are not equalled by any other inland point in the State, as a glance at the map will show. The Burlington & Missouri lliver llailroad in Nebraska is now tiui-shed and cars to A.-hland, and will be completed to Lincoln before tlie-time of the stile. This is the great through route between the Atlantic and t'le Pacific, and will be completed to a connection with the main trunk of the Union Pacific mad in awry short time. This is the. only line of railroad between the east and west that lias a through line extending west of the Missouri river, hence it cannot fail to control a large share of the through trade between tlie Atlantic and Pacific. A point with the natural advantages wh'uh surround Ashland, situated upon this line of road, cannot fail to become important. The town has not less than one thousand inhabitants at the present time, and has several very fine brick and stone buildings. TThe Court Mouse and County &fli?cs Are now in process of erection. Parties wi.-hing; to invest in real estate with a view to a speedy advance, will find this a rare opportunity. For further particulars address DEALER IX Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools; ALSO MANUFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET IRONWARE, Roofing, Guttering, Spouting and Repairing done. 1 am Selling First-Class Goods and Guaranty Not to tn 'Undersold) as I am Day inn (,f First Hands. A lot of A No. 1 riows and Cultivators, closing out at Cost. Remember the place flfn"2i oV.rr to City IIolcI, D SCIINASSE. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, nnd more too. arc poing to D. SCHIST ASSE 8c CO, To buy their NEW YOEK STORE- The largest and most complete STOOK OF ORES s GOODS Are now on exhibition at the Xew York Store, nt frrently reduced prices. We call uarticulnr attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS. I'KINTS. UELA1NS, ;IN(JII.MS. BlWWiN SMELTING. BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMOKAL-. CARPETS CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YA S ROOTS AND SHOES of all kinds and inivcs to suit our numerous customers. large stock of GROCFRIES, HARDWARE QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. DlV-lVrZX:t "f 'irv?:"1 garden city glippcf. Wr, , v? r L-" klarin j plows, and n i.,,,,,. CULTIVATORS, REAPEHS. SEEDERS. HAV t aES- ScC Plattsmouth February, 10th, S70. tf. J). .SCIINASSE & CO IKOP! WAYMAN & CURTIS fJattsiuoitth, IVeb., Hepairprs of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and iirit Mill. lias ami Steam Fittinirf, AVroucht Iron l'ire. Force and Tift Pump. Steam Gauge. ice Yalve Governors, and all kindg of Bras Engine Fittings, furnish d on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY Repaired on short notice. ausDtt SENT FREE ! J. O'KEEFE SON fc CO 'H SEED CATALOGUE And Guide to the FLOWER AND VEGETABLE G.1KSEX, FOR 1STO. Published in January. Every lover of flower vth'nir tlii now Anil -1 1 1 . . Ii ! 1- eharjre,hould address immediatelr M.O'Kkkfr, ro. x u., Auwasiger & unny t liioclc. Koenes- TW. .-. 1. BATJt-TlDI L O NEBRASKA, Region in the Vorld, F. 1. I-EIIXHOIF. AT TBI Public Sals cf School Lands. I. Isaac PolhiM. Clerk of 'hss county, in pur suance ofaniK-t of the l.-ti-la'nre ot ljrakH approved June aJth. l-'iT. wji i;,.r a( puj.ij,. sale. Jit thp d'.ur ot my ollic,.. in I'Utlsmuuih. on luusday the list day ol June in-xt. lit 111 oVIoo a. in., all the remaining School Land in thir c-otnty. No bids received tor les, than -even dollars per acre. Sale will continue froia day to day till all the School Land nrv offered. Given under my hand un 1 sea! this t'h day ol May.lS.O. : I'ol'.akd. t. t x t. j ,erk f c""nty. Nebraska. I5y -T. M. P.eardsley. Deputy. MayowTt SherifTs Sale. Nathaniel G. Douge) T . T?- Execution. John Irwin ) Notice is hereby eiven that I will off-r for sale at public auction, for cash down, nt the south front door of the Court liou.e in J'lattx rnouthCa.H Conn y. Neb. on Moudav the S'.rd day of May A. It. 14.0 at2 o'clock P. M. of day. al the rmht title and interest of the above deicndciit John Irwin in and to the fo'lowinn real (state to wit : The south west quarter ' of the nouth east quarter 0 of section No. fourteen !l 1; in Town Fhip No ten '10, north of ranse number thirteen (1... east of thep.xth Pri eipal Merri lian. Sit- pr.r.erty of John Irwinon an execution in favor J"?'' (f" V,",,se.,!"'ue,1 th "-k of the di'i rC.y''Ca and torn, I , . - iu r.i i county. I,iven under my hand this LDth. dav of Arril lr Viw J' w- J"xox sheriff:' r'w5 tin l.ii ; h I. Ilealdi.i omfort and tcouomy Three reaone for boarding with C EOUCiE W- COLVIN, OAS STBEET. PLATT3MOCTH, K1B. Tv-.blocki! northwen of brick School House. has a BATH IlOlE. free to patron; hi ' .kH" " ttl.wi bin price are rea Fl. Pi E R tr, nmnmmi mm ON TIIE SOUTH WEEPIVG VLVtl?t XXXXAt82.50pcrsack Bran it S!i')i t Tu.-ts j it l;.i it Bran & Shorts Kxtra (jooJ l,.ii i:r ; j . ( , Corn ilesi I,2.Vt j-t J.uriJrcU j . i r lour kxci i a x; i;d roinv i i i ; a t u-iUitL Wheat and Corn f round on 'foil SjKciatpaiHt trill It taken to Mitirfy a; ,, , 10,000 BusheL of Whc&t r 4 20.000 Bushols Cm. WANT: I) Vra. K. !Ii:Uii) ., t J":riij.e-iiF.4Tu, ktfJ-J iks22 AND JI.WJU ,:. AM) DT'ALKT, IN WATCH CLf ,SIL Kit AND 'i,A'H;i) gold r::Ns. nrrt ta'i..'"s. VIOLIN .STIUNtiS ANi FANCY WOODS. ltKMFMRKR e Old SttMid. Main !- ! r, , , Uoor west t.f City Uotsl. n :' .-':. FHrtncro. ro inhere you c iu t u tmd the Uiost ot it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX Ft. 12 vavsu given in excln ire fir .',, 1 . IVe arc also ilointt - v-; increased liiciiMn s, fo,d iL-!:r-I r ' ' the Let and in :st 1 ,ur oi ,u,y i t.;. . SATISFACTION ;iA JiA MI:!,:j Produce 'Bought and Co' '. UtiHk.sT MAttKKr mi,. II .t ( ,r . iu.- ?c.t,m. Warner's Pi'c icm-dv ha. ti'ir. -ven in line ,.,i.-ci .( , ,,. tj,,. v ,.r. . Jj ind Itehiliic or llii a li; r p:!.- ri .',... . :itilieted shoul ! in in.-tt i -1 . . ' , ',, . -'WJn and set V.'nr erV J'ile i.-r .. . . i' pressly the pile. iitid i.s not r ' "' i nre iiiiv nrj.i-r I. ii,, . . ., .les of ..ver tinny :. .-,r- , lit.p. i ,.. Uolliir. lorsiilc ty:irn-:.; t.t;e,i ....... Unrner Dyprpsln T.o.i.: i , ; dress I y lor Dyspeptic tll,i liios.. tiahitual Costi ei.ess. jt is :i.-::,-'it toi.ic mid a splenoid nin.e'i i ; i, s'. t tlio stomach an 1 restores t!:e i'.e i i their healthy sfi I,.. U . i ,v , ,. , l'liic persons shoul i u.-e : 1'onif. For .il! Ii (iri: : i ts. r. . '-'r i. aruer's Coutli V!mi:ii i.shei'ir -. and cxpeetomtiiiir. 1 l.e cxtraont;., ,. , ..;. possesses in itiinu diateiv reUivii n i.','. ally euriiifc', the most obst ij, e-..i i . u Colds M,re Throat, tieiichiii- I . tarin. lionrseiiess. Asthma mid ' ..,-u almost incredible. So pr ,n-i i i- cer ain its in ) .. .: . . r . " i lilt II.,. C. Ilection of the thiojit nr.. I H.ul. tii.ii ;' oi physicians are t.i'y preerii,ii;.' Ii. : . ' and all Pay lhat it ia the i., a ir-- . i peetoTMtini- medicine known. )Ul o i ; aflordg relief, ami in most , fecta a core. S 1 by d-urrf:s!5. n -.,r.- Pwe Una Dollar. U v i,r , i i ,. etill couah and naffer. Iht lfU- . . .. iWne fir irA-;: The irvcal I;i,.oI ''liri.i. r . t. : I,. ;. turner 'fe Vinuu.1 nr '. (.! . i il'olii any puisonou.s ili i:' T 1 .. i, picpiircl lor those ;vh, mjir" . : . splendid a j.ett.ei uti'i ...i.i . i .; 'hniiriii ll;e world for pm lrj ir n t'ie i i be most plc.-isuiii una ieiiciou! m-t.elv lerel to the Public, niper 'i 'o wbi-ky. wine, bitter.'. r .my oil.ernrri more iiealthy, and elieji e- I:.,t'i noil- .. ...11 . . . It is. in fact, a lii y iiJKHiiiiu, t n KC iti to enjoy irond health ;-.ii a 'r-e spiri:s, will do well In t-.-.'n 1 . It is dilt'cfeiil Irmn iiuy!i;4-.K ( It .is in. id by druKi-ts: ..i... - ... .- I...n I'n.-e ( in,. ri..;ir ,, . M4 B t J f 2 if S p f y .'Z Wartier' Emmenaer tro is tho known to eme the W hiles. nn!' i;i case., Where is the family in i!.-n .: i portant medieine i nor w.i'ili d T .'vi ..!i is the Kreatcst lilcssin over oher.-.i v.-: should inimediiiteiy prm ureit. it i-..I- -cure for Female IrrivulariticK. himi iu:.v ! pended uiionineteiy ..-ae l.r. .'- iu-tl'-w has been ,!,( rui-ted tii; oi.f . t- . o- : .Tool "irucfists. I'rict- tt:ie l : .. . 'r ' m nil on receipt of tn.. I ., i , :: . ; i.i Otlice bly State Stree:. fb;. ;;: J. M. lii:- n v i . ' Jpr"Jl.wJy2amdiy l'iim u. m i. if- , . J IF I f i V, T l-l 1 U Third Street, Soulh cf ' PlattmouUt, TScl).. CONFECTIONERIES. Pies, Cakes, Ciisess kept on hand it ul! times, clfitf OUT II MAN A UVVl.'M 'i- PLOWS! PLOViC! O. IE. i'OB Cr T Manufacturer of ul iri i.- r.f M i) f," th fflebKitei' Tiod Tr -. .t . .i i" . ',,ar' lirtukt-iH. Srirr.,.- Ij. v-. r - . and Double .-hovels. Cult ivator and " " Kepainng done on short notice. Alt ranted. Uavinit had much experience in the b :':' til lnured that I can give general r . i t - tion. Please give me a call beSn l m ' elsewhere. c i- JiUl , , . Plattunoath. Xeb.. May C. 1.7. ' Prairie Breaking. Snyder Orr are ready to take or rr '. ' Wreaking Prairie. For tetm. f f i !v t ' 'r' r fencer o th- Hrtn r M. . II. Orr. rim tsinniuh. TUir, -ici ... tkepf,!ui-aejf.,raayrw) '(,ft... desiring brenkius doU.:. ml! u- ..- "j.,,., :