Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 19, 1870, Image 1

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is CBUcn trxra-T
mtob Aire wonmot
M9- OfiW eoTber Main and Second (traca, -sail
TERMS : Weekly, 2.00 per e acntc if paM in
tii If not pill in advance.
The Rrotrnville Adve.rtU.rr and Platts
moath Herald have formed ft oiutual
admiration society upon the rlan of
"yoa tickle my rib and I'll wratch your
back." Xemnfoi Valley Journal.
This in evidently from the ,ien. of Mr.
CnnnintrbaiD, who, it seems, is dttcr
mined to make trouble in the camps of
the loval. Kuitd in connection with our
article', "A ew Slate," last week this
Minpla paragraph has preat irrnitioance.
It niran there is another Richmond in
the field, and Messrs. Hathaway and
Furnas will have some lively competi
tion, in their attempt to decapitate the
present State official!. Mark the word
"competition." We would not for the
world be understood to mean ''opposi
tion." Bmwnville Democrat.
Our friend Calhoun, of the Denuicrat.
ii evidently worrying himself without
cause, especially if he thinks there is the
least feeling of opposition or competition
existing between ourself and the lion.
Mr. Cunningham.
We must be all-wed
to say we look upon Mr. Cunningham as
v - 1 I
one of the men in the Southern
part of the State, and the editor of the
Democrat id on the wrong scent if he
supposes for a moment that Mr. Cun
tiinghaai designs to make trouble.
Vh Esprlaea Hti Proved m
la Hebrmnka.
Mr. Wm. Altaffer, one of the heayi
'est farmers of this State, who resides on
the south branch of the Weeping Wa
ter, in thiscounty, informs us that Le lias
iow raised winter wheat for the past
ifjur years, and that he raised last year
tweke acres, which yielded him 37 bush
els to the acre. He has fitly acres now
in, and intends putting ia 200 acres this
fall. Mr. Altaffer says there is no diffi
' culty in raising winter wheat in this state
in fact, he thinks it a surer crop than
spring wheat, and would prefer raising
it even if it did not yield any mere than
priug wheat, because it is less trouble to
raise, and is always worth more per
bushel. The work of seeding comes at a
time when there is not so heavy a drive
as in the spring. Winter wheat should
Le sown between the 15ih of
August and the last of September, laeing
a much wider range of lime tliaa i-princ
wheat can be sown. We hope more cf
the farmers. of Nebraska will sow winter
wheat, hereafter. The arguments in fa
vjr of winter wheat over the spring ar
ticle arc too well knawn to require repe
tion they are not disputed. The only
question has been, can winter wheat be
raised successfully in Nebraska. Mr.
Altaffer nay, emphatically, alter four
years of experience, that it can, and that
it is a arer crop than spring wheat
Mr. Altaffer rai-s-s and handles a large
mount of grain, and knows what he is
talking about. He thinks the great dif
ficulty with those who have heretofore
tried to raise winter wheat in this State
has Leon that they used s-.ed th-tt wax
not acclimated, and that they did not,
probably, put it in the ground properly.
Any farmer contemplating raising winter
wheat next season will do well to see him
and talk with him abtv.ii it. He will
jivo you some ideas that may be new.
The following extract we clip from a
paper published by the li. & M. It. It
Co. at Burlington, Lkj :
Nebraska is a Stat'? three years old,
admitted to the Union in March, lfOT.
It is the thirty-seventh and youngest
among the United States, but it already
has a population of ISO. ".
The-c thousands have resoi-tt-d to it
nio-t of them within the last ten years,
owing to its position and prtvlnotiveness.
Its po-ition is the most centra! in the
Union. The longitudinal line running
midway between Washington ami San
J' aneb'cn, cuts it iittr two parts almost
equal. !t also lies midway between the
mouth of the MitsMppi and the head
of navigation on he Missouri As to
latitude, o'le-fotirth of it lies south and
three fourths north of New York City.
A natural highway on a bench of the
I'latte river, was tin main track of wacoa
travel to the Pacific slope, until wiperee
dod by the uiagnitn-.tnt Union Pacific
railroad, four hundred and sixty miles of
which lie in Nebru-ka. Accordingly tho
Nebraska producer, whether of grain or
stork, has a rare chance for ehoosing be
tween competing markets Chicago on
the east, St. Louis on the south, (lov
ernment posts on the north, and the
mineral regions on the west
But what is produced for expert in
In nnwer, I will first borrow from the
report of the national departniedt of ag
riculture in Washington, in which I read
concerning Nebraska, that the average
yiulj of spring wheat per acre during
the ten years from 1S56 to 1 Mji'p, was
twenty, is and a half bushels; corn
ran.ired from forty to seventy-five bushels,
oats i'roui thirty to sixty buhcW : barley
from forty to sixty; potatoes from seventy-five
to three hundred, etc., etc.
1 have also Deforce iu particular re
ports furnished by cloven farmers of
aeven Ncbra-Kan counties where the li.
Sc M. It. K. has land to sell, to a Suite
officer, detailing their personal experi
ence for the la-t five years. The avrr
ase of tl'.oso e'even men have been :
wheat b.fliei.s; cjiii44; oats j0 ;
barley 3:1. and Hjtatoes 175.
But sim-c the fall of prices for rrain
rdix-k-rai-ing has U'Cotne popular Many
river valleys areeovered with a almrt, nu
tritious grass, which remains green !ar
into winter, while in even- county excel
lent hay grows wil 1 on "sjwoilator-iand,"
And so costs nothing, but the expense of
curing and sticking, which need not at.
most exceed a dollar and a half per ton
Ail the shelter required fr stock is
straw sr.tcks which at thrown upfront
the thre-h;nef the wheat erps. Shel
tered noks lor cattle, orpxkets,abounl
alonc-i-ie all the streams.
11. rsr ling th soil of Nebraska. aS the
fanner- . 'ire me that they cannot be
drowiiM .-ii: in wvt seaor nr yrt drio.1
i; v. 'u-s i.:' d.vupht Tl.iphToni-
ii:i:s,!.nwsi !-v a 1 o;
tor- J I'C 4irii4 is
o'ty, s.-4 i.
v;"..-v r-ctr.r
ornns i
' t
. 'tarter r(;-t.
f .-.,st!' rail, tiw
i. ..'!. " rro f '.TSH.
rt, r.'v to tbi- l th.
iraw J-rs St tL y)ti ancrr. In
ayvsorSance with this view I have observed
that Nebrask-iu mud i never bist.ii.ft.
The on the uplands is usually from
twelv to fifteen fuetf thick, and along
the streams fourteen to twenty feet.
A Olrl I'aaafet under at Plow and lior-
riblj- mancled.
From the Lincoln Statesman.
A serious accident occurred near
Mapleville, on the west side of the lig
Blue river, on Wednesday of this week,
at the farm of Mr. Martin Knrbka, by
which his little daughter, thirteen years
61 age, was very dangerously injured.
The circumstances were as follows : The
hired man was near the houe breaking
prairie with an ox team not well broken,
when the team took fright and run
away. The ltttle girl being out at play
at the time, came in the way of the
cattle and was run over, the point of the
plow catching her in the side just above
. i Tki . .1 I.
" US If lZ
rioroirifr lir -.lilr til thf tltltn fit auOUt
four indies, in which condition she was
dragged unou the grouud the distance of
forty or fifty yards, fracturing her left
lore arm and bruising her body. A sur
geon was called from this place and
dressed the wounds, and when he left
on Thursday morning there were some
hopea entertained of her recovery.
Burlington & Mo. River R. R. Co.
S70. )
General Tickkt Agent suffice.
BlTtLINGTON, Iowa, May 13, 1870.
II. D. Hathaway, Esq., Plattmouth, Neb.
Dear Sir t Justice to the B. & M.
R. R. Co. would seem to require a re
sponse to the article appearing inyo-ir is
sue of May 10th, concerning the trans
fer of passengers at Plattsuiouth.
This Company has made arrangements
with a responsible party (Mr. Louns
bury, Supt. of Western Stage Ca ) for
the transfer of our passengers to and
from Plattsuiouth, in a safe and comfort
able manner, by means of Omnibus, etc.
The arrangement was ba-sed upon an un
derstanding, made full and explicit, that
the transfer was to be supplied to and
from every one of our trains carrying pat'
tengcr, anil we shall certainly exact
the fulfillment of the contract.
I understand that the late failures to
connect, have arisen from the ineffi
ciency of the boat employed in making
the crossing, but whatever it may be, the
evil will be remedied as early as possible,
for it is to the interest of this Company
to aid in every way the prosperity of
We are pleased to be able to state
that, since the notice referred to in the
above, everything has went smoothly in
the transfer business. We are satisfied,
after diiligent inquiry, that no one was
particularly at fault iu the matter to
which we referred, but that it was the
result of circumstances over which no
ono bad eontroL We believe Mr. Luns
bury and bis agents, also the lerry com
pany, are doing all in their power to fill
all requirements of the public Ed.
A Wail r Cenulne Ajtony Sfaabjr
w lie re.
Down ! Down ! ! Down ! ! ! During the
whole nine years of radical rule 1 The
proudest, freest, most enlightened, iiros
lcrous and happy nation on the globe m
186(1- The lowest, basest, poorest, uiost
utterly brutalized and enslaved in 1870 !
Cotton field niggers legislating for the
descendants of the Washington., Ran
dolphs, Hamptons and lecs '. A Penn
sylvania nigger befouling the scat of
Pickens and Pickney on the Supreme
Bench of South Carolina. A nigger
barber sprawling his boorish X marks to
the legislative enactments of Louisiana,
as Lieutenant Governor and President of
the State Senate ! A niirger cabm-boy
signing the commissions of Consreof men,
Siiei-iris. and Circuit Judges, as Secretary
of the State of Missisippi ! A thievish
niser preacher, grinning and combing
his lousy wool in the place one filled by
the stati sman Jefferson Davi, in the
United State - Senate, so-called. hile
a leprjut, ulc -rated Senator and Kx-Upv-cruor
congratulates bis associate black
guard and the country on tho change !
t'od of the ruined and desolate ! as
a people w fallen before ? Men of the
North! Men of the South. A men
cans ! Countrymen! Icllow-slaves !
Awake ' Arise ! Shake off your U th
anyv, and face Truth ! Give the hellions
who've wrought the horrid change a lit
tle looser lease of power, and no Gabriel
in all the wide universe, though he should
split his minhty tooter, can ever sound a
blast powerful enough to re-urreet us
from the tenfold political death and dam
nation to which we are doomed ! Cease
vour dastardly truckling and yielding to
"the death -deserving conspirators who
have usurped the government ! Cease
vour infamous temorizing, your cringing
and fawning! Set yonr I'aee like stub
lern steel, a.-rainst them and ad their ac
cursed schemes.
Remember that they arc yourenemies
the enemies of the Republic engines
of the Constitution sworn foes of lib
erty foes of God and common humanity!
Encouracing theiu. "conciliating" them,
is tauipeiins with your own destruction !
They must be overthrown, or ycu, we,
and our country, are eternally undone.
iA-xiuytuii, Mo , Caucatriiin.
There now don't you wish you had
never! voted a Republican ticket?
An Inilian Hlle.
As a comment on the current talk in
retard to an Indian massacre, Grai-e
Greenwood puts the following in a recent
letter :
"While on a visit to the Land office,
I was shown by Mr. Wil-sin. the commis
sioner, a singular relic of a late ght on
the plniiis. It was a garment taken from
an Indian chief after death. A shirt of
buck-kin, made without the unusual nr
uamentation of lea Is and porcupine
quills, yet graced with something nuite
novel in the d-oorutive way a full, long
fringe, formed of the hair of white wo
iikmi and children. It was a gha-tly
a-lortitueiit; indeed, the entire i-arroent
was a very unpleasant thin to in-peit.
The onlv "point in it on whith the eye
ooul l rest without horror or pity, was a
small roc.nd I "le l-cneath hi. Th the rag
inic heart ofhumao wi'hl bast came one
dav to a fun nop.
x- m.iniiMUJ
Lous -rccTr-d in tl.l city th.s -a.-oii. a ni..-s: iu.or. !
. . j 4 a., ...w. i ,i, ' atoul al!e a t arer of the lupulv.ira
l - " - t
lrr-e rrv-nis, -5 it 1 dw-iUf
art ioairI li ry day.
Reports having gone abroad, through
the' instrumentality of a few disaffected
persons, that my late examination of
teachers, as also my former exarnina
turns, were more stringent than necessa
ry, and that questions were asked not at
all pertaining to the teaching of a Public
School I pu'alish below a full and cor
rect Iit of questions propounded at said
examination, and leave it for the intelli
gent people of Cass county to decide
whether I am right or wrong.
W. A. Patterson,
Supt Public Instruction.
1 What is Orthography ?
2 What is a Letter?
3 How many elementary 60unds in
the English Language?
4 Iefine an Elementary sound.
5 -When are W and V to be consid
ered Consonants and when Vowels?
6 When for want of room words are
divided at the ends of Lines what rule
7 What is a Word?
1 Define Articulation, Inflection, Ac
cent and Emphasis.
2 What difference should be made be
tween reading Poetry and Prose?
1 What is Etymology?
2 How manyand what partsof Speech
are there in the English Language ?
3 Define Parsing.
4 I efine a Collective Noun.
5 What, is Person?
6 Icfine Gender.
7 Of what gender ia man, ia the sen
tence. "Man is mortal?"
H Define Number.
9 How is the plural of nouns usually
formed ?
10 How are the plnral of nouns,
whose singular ends iu f orfe, formed.
11 Define Case.
1:1 What relation does the nominative
case sustain to the verb?
13 How may the nominative be readily
14 Define a relative Pronoun.
15 IMine Tense.
16 What is Voice, as used in gram
mar ?
17 Define Syntax- -
18 What is a Simple sentence?
19 Define Synthesis.
211 Parse the word conxulting in the
sentence, "We may become accquaintcd
with Historjr of Rome, by consulting
1 Define Arithmetic.
2 Give the signs used in arithmetic,
and explain their import and use.
3 Uion what does the value of a figure
depend ?
4 Define Addition and Subtraction.
5 What" is Division?
6 To multiply the Dividend or divide
the Divisor, lias what effect on the quo
tient ?
7 Define a prime and composite uum
ber. When are two numbers prime to
each other ?
9 What is a common multiple of two
or more numbers?
Id Define a Fraction.
11 Whan are the terms of a Fraction,
and what name is applied to each and
12 Define a Simple, Compound and
Complex fraction.
13 What is addition of fractions?
14 Define a Decimal fraction.
15 Define Ratio according to its arith
metical use.
10 Define Proportion.
17 What other name is often applied
to simpic proportion?
IS Define Percentage.
19 How find what per cent one num
ber is of another?
20 What is the process of finding a
number when a certain per cent, of it is
given ?
21 Define Evolution.
22 What is the square root of a num
ber? 2: Describe an Arithmetical Series.
24 S- 1 What?
25 J-.-7i What?
2t X .0 1(124 What
27 If the enrollment of scholars is
1 1 52, and the average attendance is t9'J,
what is the per cent of absence?
2 A hound in pursuing a hare, which
is some distance in advance, and takes
4 leaps while the hare takes 5. But 2
of the hound's leaps equal 3 of hare's
and the hound runs lot) feet, before
overtaking the hare. How far apart
were they at first?
Define Geography.
Define Latitude and Longitude.
What is flic Equator?
What is a Continent?
Which way from the North pole is
Mbat tlhr People Tlitak fan
It is a generally conceded fact that
the enterprise and thrill of a town is
judged by the appearance of its news
papers; and the HeiIALD takes pride in
laying before its patrons a few of the
many flattering notices it has received
from other papers, knowing that they
are so many compliments to the patrons
of the paper for the liberal support given.
In presenting these notices we can only
express the hope that we are deserving
them, and that our increased support
may soon enable us to add atill further
to the interest and usefulness of the
From the (ilenwood Opinion.
(rowing. Iast Monday the Piatt
mouth Liiily rA, one of our ex
changes, came out cnlargeJ to a seven
column sheet l!m. Hathaway is a good
editor and we are glad o notice this evi
dence of his prosperity.
Front theOttuuiwa Courier.
Enlargement. The Daily Platts
mouth llernld comes to hand enlarged
to a neat stven column paper. So west
ward, as the railroads advance, the star
of empire takes his way. Who shall say
railroad are not educator.
From the Su Joseph L'niun.
ENLARGED. The Plattsuiouth Herald
has hern enlarged to a seven column
daily, and presents a most creditable ap
pearance. It contain- a liberal amount
of well arranged readies matter, and
must attract general attention in the lo
cality in which it is published and
thmusbuut Net-nka.
The Iuttuimh ''
comes out
P- r-uason a ike jartr cw hna.t el in
t1- Lty " is od, aad works
vigorously for the building up of Platts
mouth and the encouragement of immi
gration to Nebraska.
From the Lincoln Journal.
The Plattsuiouth daily Herald is en
lareed to seven columns and presents a
very neat and business like appearance.
Success to the Daily Herald,
From the Ashland Times.
The Daily Plattsuiouth Herald comes
to us enlarged to a seven column sheet
When liro. Hathaway takes a leap, he
makes one that is very credible indeed.
From the appearance of the paper, we
can say that he understands his business.
It is one of our best exchanges. Suc
cess to you, II. D.
From the Omaha Herald.
The Plattsuiouth Herald comes with
the usual amount of crowls iiruinst us.
but with a remarkably improved appear
ance which the growls aforesaid are only
calculated to mar. It is enlarged to a
twenty-eight column sheet, and with an
admirable typographical aspect, it is a
credit to Platt-mouth, and also to the
journalism of the State.
From the ISrownville Advertiser.
The Daily Herald of Plattsaiouth has
enlarged to a seven-column pajer.
This is the outgrowth of good editorial
management, present Railroad pros
perity, the increasing demand by the
business men of Plattsuiouth, for adver
tising their business, and the dem.ind of
the public for the general financial and
commercial news from a home or
gan, liro. Hathaway, we admire your
pluck, and congratulate you in your
From the Omaha Republican.
That excellent newspujier. the Platts
mouth daily Herald, came to us yester
day enlarged to the dimensions of a
seven column sheet Mr. H. D. Hatha
way, its energetic and industrious pub
lisher and editor, we arc proud to num
ber as among our best friends in Ne
braska, and we are tru'3' gratified that
his well-directed and able efforts to build
up a pood paper and advance the inte
rests of his locality have been properly
appreciated by the good people of Cass
From the Nebraska City Chronicle.
Enlarged. The Piattsmouth daily
Herald bas been enlarged to a seven col
umn daily, and presents a most credita
ble appearance. It contains a liberal
amount of well a; ranged reading matter,
and must attract general attention in the
locality where it is published and
throughout the State. live years aeo
Mr. Hathaway established the weekly
Jlernld in Piattsmouth and has improved
it with the advance of wealth and popu
lation until it has reached its present
magnitude. The c.icrgy and talent he
has exhibited iscem to be appreciated by
the live people of that flourishing littie
city, and he may confidently look for
ward to further and greater improve
ment, which increased patronage will
euable him to make. Success to you.
H. P., reliable frieud and valuable citi
That's right laugh 1 Everybody
does when hash is mentioned, yet every
body likes it when properly prepared and
duly certified to ektabli.-hcd as it were
by pledges of public confidence and
nearly everybody eats it. It is made the
scape-goat for a Unit all the gastronomic
sins in the kitcheu calendar, nut to say
cullender. There are not many of us
who boarded at home when home meant
a superintending mother in the kitchen
as well as elsewhare, but can recall the
deli.'lif we felt in thoe days of innocence
and a sinless stomach, when we discov
ered there was "hx-h" for breakfast.
Was there anything superior to tint rare
combination of mineed corn-beef and po
tatoes as it came steaming from the
kitchen ; and h ive your noses ever en
joy! a more severe treat than that which
emanated from the material hash?
What is home without a mother? and
what is mother unless she can make
good hash ? Ke.
The U. & M. road is now running cars
iuto A-hland, twenty-five miles distant,
and the work is leing continued towards
pushing on the line to Lincoln. The
grading on the remaining portion is all
completed, and the bridges and culverts
nearly all in so that but little work re
mains to be done except the laving of the
iron. The track already !aid is in good
running order, the roll ng stock as good
as that of any other road, and every
thing has the appearance of good man
agement on the part of the company.
Two trains a day are required to accom
modate the fast increasing pa-sengeraud
freight trafic, and every day each ia well
filled. This we think is some indication
of the amount of business which will he
done when the road has reached its ob
jective point Shops and buildings of all
kinds for the ue of the road are being
erected at the different stations along the
line; side-tracks and other necessary ad
ditions being made ; construction and re
pairing forces being put to wark on the
different sections of the line; the tele
graph being rapidly .constructed along
with the road, and in fact everything be
ing done tkat the requirements of a first
class road demand Linot i S'ate,iian
I have my own ideas about training
horses. If 1 ever get hold of a hore
inclined to run away, I always borrow a
buggy of some of my neighbors, hitch
him to it, turn hiai into a lot, and then
let him run. He generally gets sick of
the fun by the time the buggy is couc,
but if he don't, 1 hitch him to any one
of the wheels that may b left, and keep
him traveling. The owner of the bujrgy
always expresses astonishment at iny
system, but the evidence of its success
is there before him, and he can't dispute
the pieces.
If I ever get hold of a kicking cow,
I always let Mrs. Quad sit down first to
milk, and I take my station near by, to
see what foot the animal kicks with, and
how hard she hits. My wife has a re
markable clear memory, and after com
ing to. she can generally give me any
particulars which I failed to note awing
to distance. I then get the cow into
the stable, draw her up with a windla.sjs
until she is evenly balanced Then I
p?t a bag and fill it with bricks bang it
within easy kicking distance, and lstand
off for developments. Every time she
comes down she hits the brick, and when
she goes up, 1 have another thing to ap
ply in fiont, and after he has gone
through with this oscillation two orthree
times, she never kicks any more, at least
not until she looks around for bricks.
Detroit F"ree l'-ex.
A chemist in Australia bas made an
Important discovery, a new test for
blood-stains, which is very delicate and
sure. It consists in the application oi
tincture of guaiacum and cinized -either
' ixrmxide of hvdrotrcn di -solved in
i either. 1 to statu, when U turn' to a
j l-antiful blue. Even in the ca.- of
b'tod-tin twenty ears old. the test
bowel the same result This is rrard-
PJ l,y WCuUtc
uica as a very valuable
Nashville, May 17.
The Tennessee Agricultural Mechani
cal Association opened their spring fair
to-day. The exhibition is very attractive,
though the attenanee is small.
Toronto, May 17.
Troops are bein; rapidly pushed for
ward to lied river. Several companies
of the 10th Ilegiment arrived to-day.
Utica, May 17.
A serious break in the Erie canal oc
curred this moinintr, a mile above
White-boro. One loat was carried
through the tow path. One hundred
feet of the Central railroad was carried
away. No trains can pass until the
break is repaired.
Riciimod, May 17.
The registration closed to-nitht. The
whites are GSO ahead. At the last regis
try the blacks had several hundred ma
jority. Norfolk. May 17.
The eutire business part of Henderson,
C, was destroyed oy fire this morn
ing by an incendiary- IjOss $50,000.
Small insurance.
Saixt Louis, May 17.
The Grand Lodre of Jlissouri Odd
Fellows met here to-day. The attend
ance is very large, owing to accessions to
mcniberhip during the year, and the or
der is in a verv prosperous condition.
There are 185 Lodges in the State, with
a total of contributing members of
8. 897. Total assessment, 2,118 46 ;
increase for year, $332 77. The annual
Grand Encampment meet next Thurs
day. 1'ostox. May 17.
Nathaniel Gale, for many years clerk
in the naval office, is charged with de
frauding the government of six thousand
dollars in gold, in the collection of in
come duties from merchants. A clerk
named Hibbard is charged as an accom
plice. Uoth have been arrested.
Milwaukee, May 17.
A fire at Osbkosh. to-day, burned S.
S. Irwin ,t Co.'s flouring mills and
Welsh, Jenkins Si Co.'s planing mill.
Los of fiirmer, $20,000; latter, $30,
000 ; partly insured.
VYtiole Sqnitre or llnll(lln;i Riirned.
Milwaukee, May 11.
A flre at Whitewater. Wisconsin, des
troyed the Metropolitan Square of build
inirs. The principal lo-ers were Thomas
Webb, Mrs. H. C. Walker, J. Uowers
and C. Lawson, The aggregate loss is
about $25,000.
!- tb of m Louisville Jnnrnnllni.
JjonsviLi.E, May 12.
Cant. .1. H. Johnson, formerly con
nected with the ijuisville Journal, and
extensively known as "VubaSam,"
nt I'xinL'ton. Kv... to-dav. He
liecn confined to bis lied several month
with consumption.
Repabllenn Convention.
KALEir.ii, May 1 2.
The Kepublican Convent. on re-assembled
to-day. S. F. Phillip was nomin
ated Attorney General. Ke-olutions
were adopted endor-ing the administra
tion of President Grant and Governor
Holdcn and pledging their support to
public schools, inviting immigration fiom
all section of this country and Europe,
and encouraging mechanic arts, agricul
ture and other productive industry.
Washington, May 13.
Mr. Trumbull presented a resolution
from the Illinois Constitutional Conven
tion, for the removal of the National
capital to the Mississippi Valley, which
was read and laid on the table.
Mr. Sumner introduced a bill, supple
mentary to civil right's act, giving equal
rights to all citizens on railroads, steam
ers, and public conveyances of all kinds,
in hotels, public schools, theaters, etc.
and providing pcnuliies for infliction.
Ileferred to Committee on Judiciary.
i'eaiana IIohixI for tteii River Urvnt
M"crern In Trouble.
Chicago, May 13.
A social to th Tiilnnie .-.ays there is
now at St Paul a Fenian force of about
30O awaiting arrangements for transpor
tation and subsistance before commencing
their march to the lied Hiver country.
They will probably proceed by the u-ual
mail" route, but may possibly go to Fort
Wilson to oppose tho binding of the
Canadian expedition.
In the Circuit Court of this county,
to-day, a bill was filed against the Great
We-tera Telegraph Company by D. IJ.
Firk, Jordon Uros. and some seventeen
or eighteen other stock holder, to com
pel the company, among other things,
to refund money collected as assessments
upon their sin. res.
Cmc.voo, May 14,
Variloid has broken out among the iu
mates of tho Ilea f ami Dumb Asylum
at Jacksonville, Illinois, and the trustees
have decided teinporarially to close the
A man from tho ca-t, supposed to le
a Catholic Priest, named Mr. LamlxTt,
was picked up on the levee at Qti'iicy,
Illinois, last niijit in an uncon-cious con
dition, his bead and face ten ibly beaten.
A special IVom Sioux City s.iysa party
of Indians called at the Cabin settle
ment on the Niabraraha lliver. Dakota,
pretending friend-hip and shot and killed
a man's wife and capture ! his d.ingh'er,
a gi;l aged 3 years, and escaped. The
excitement in that region is very great
and it is feared it will bo depopulated.
Chicago, May '..
A special from Dcs Moines states that
a congressional convention for that dis
trict lias leen called to meet nt Council
LtiiifTson the 3d of June. The contc-t
letweeii the two candidates for nomina
tion is becoming very warm.
The same dispatch says that Judge
Maxwell has rendered a verdict in the
Knight divorce ca.-c adverse to the com
plainant. Mrs. Knight, who ucd for a
divorce on the ground of inhuman treat
ment, with a tietition for large alimony.
The Trihuiie't Washington sjn-cial
.-ays ihe bill reported yesterday, fur the
reduction of taxes, a- le ived :th
g"iiertl fivr. and th indications ale
that it will fw pu-hed through radi.l'y.
The Time di-pat-ii -.- t!ie -rw-io',i
of the bill in rcgaid to the Ineo.ue tu.c s
not satisfactory te ih IKiu-c. which is
very certain to at lea-t redu. the lax to
3 per cent.
At t.'eiitralia, V... v-r r.'av. Jam
Jk-..o it-oion-n lUt nl.iicvii wa, elcvt-
ed Aldeiuaan cf tb Kir-t ffanl. over C.
Irir-t IIiipI, over t.
I). Dav. rrfuiar Kepublican notuinee.
Washington, May 14.
The Cabinet yesterday, had Indian
matters under consideration, and the
situation generally discuss). Anion?
the. thing decided as coii.lucivo to the
interest of both whites ;,nd Indian-, (hat
the .-ecertary ! War i-s le orders to i
prevent the starting ot the liig Horn
Exoedltion, pending negotiations with
IVd Cloud and other Sioux Chiefs now
on their way he-e.
Gen. Auirur, commanding the De
partment of the Platte, h is accor lina
jy been instructed to delay this and sim
ilar expeditious.
The intention of the government is to
carefully consider whatever representa
tions may be uiade by disaffected chiefs
with a view to a ju-t settlement of all
difficulties between them and the United
States; the latter will no doubt in-ist
that those Indians who left, their reser
vations shall at once return to them.
London, May 17.
The controversy between A-hbury and
the umpires continues, regarding the rc
cond race, and is generally thought to be
unfavorable to the former. It is consid
ered that he ha no warrant in re-i-ting
the decision of the umpires and referee,
atlcr starting for the race. The wind, at
the time of the rae, was blowing at a
half ga e. The Sapli", Dauntless and
G itinera were the only vessels which ven
tured outside, and proved their sea
worthiness. It was thought the Ameri
can vessels were able to sail in the rough
est weather, on the channel. Douclas
telegraphs: "The Sapho, hnving been
thrice directed to go around the Cher
borg breakwater, did so, and I claim the
cup.'- To this Ashbury protests.
Twt loud ;irl Untrncril-Tk
ttroiiMdreis are Ilnu(eil, I'mumI
! flu a;. Klc
Fop.t Scott, Kansas May 13.
An account of the most diabolical af
faircver recorded, is published in to-day's
Mn iit'.r. On Tuesday, six men, either
Toxaiis or str.ig-jiing outlaws fiom the
fndiau Territory, came to the town of
lakare, a few miles south. After drink
ing all dav thev went to the boarding
f house of J. N. liock, asking to stay all
night ; being refused on account of their
drunken condition, one of the party
knocked Ibx k in-ensibie with a revolver.
They then went to a room occupied by
his two daughter?, ag-d iwolve and four
teen, and ravi-hed them during the en
tire niht ; using a knile to accomplish
their purpose. Kock revived alter-a
time, but feared to stir, knowing he
would be killed if he did. He described
the cries and entreaties of ihe girls as
heartrending. A quarrel arose among
the demons, and one was shot dead whi.e
in the act of satisfying his lust. At day
break the party lied; one taking with
him to the woods the youngest girl.
.t?town was immediately aroused and
parties started iu every direction to search
! for the fiends. The one with the girl
Wi,s soon overtaken and iiung te a tree.
I wo others were found secreted in town
and l.ung to thu saunj tree. The le
maiiiing three were ai o eaptu.ed, and
two of thutu bun-. 1h.- other one is
in tl.e custody of the citizen , but will
share the fate of his companions.
Sixteen IVrsom Killed Outriftbl and
Twenty Wonnilnl,
St. Loris, Miy 12 Noon.
The night express train of the Mis
souri Pacific Kail road which left Atchi
son last evening, collided at six o'clock
this morning, near Eureka, twenty-eight
miles west of here, with an extra freight
train going west. Sixteen persons were
killed outright and twenty wounded
two fatally. No names at present.
Trains left here with physicians and
appliances for the care of the wounded.
The President and Superintendent of
the road are on the spot, doing every
thing in their power for the sufferers.
second dispatch.
The train with the wounded lias not
arrived yet. 2 30 p. m., but Superintend
ent MeKissock has telegraphed the fol
lowing iiami s -if the killed and wounded :
(The nainc-ol' the other dea l will proba
bly not fie obtained until the Coroner
bolls an indues.) Kiled O. O. Pix
ley, conductor of the Western Divi-ioti
of the road, pas-eneer on the train;
Fiank Holland daughter, Mercer Co. O.;
J. Sturdevant, Pekin. Ills.; George
Washington, colored train y. St. Louis,
and A. 11. Stiekucv. IV.oka Iud.
Wounded II. 'Wah .rT, Sioux City.
Iowa ; A. Marcus. Kan as ; Milan holt.
Thos. Pen it, Mud I -ike, Chattam Co.,
N. C; F. Wal-ter. Nine Grove, Adams
county. Itid.; F. S. liriggs, New York:
WiUMi Little, Hillsdale, Mich; H, my
Wliclaul, St. louis; Jitu M,is-e ,-ci
cred Kuii-u--Ci'.y; Tle-odore leu 'enian.
St Lui; Peter Williamson, East Rich
mond. Ohio; J. P. Hicks, hrakeman ;
J. P Jack on, engineer; J. D. Duboi-,
conductor, ail of tie exprcs- train; Ja
cob Kice, Hickory county Mo.: Joseph
Kerry, baggage master, both iejjs broken
and an arm smn-hed.
.Vo.-t of the kiiied are persons return
tug liotn Kan as destined to points in
IlUnoi- a:id Ohio. Although many of
the wounded are serioudv hurt, it is bo
I eved all will recover. They arc all well
cured for. and the people and physicians
of the neighborhood are on the groimd
promptly, and have lalmred incessantly.
All that could le done has liecn freely
done by everybody to make the wounded
ci'tiifoi table. Augustus A. Fleming,
rbief engineer of" the Tcboo and Neosho
KailriKid, was killed.
The train contains the wounded ar
rived about there o'clock. The sulTeier
wcre taken dirceliv to the hospital.
Among tbo.-e sliliMy wounded are a
numljer fiom southern Llinoi-. There
weie nineteen killed.- All the bodieswi!!
be brought to the city late to-night.
Speakinp f the Allen-Mace Cphf. the
St. ijouis Jemocrit remarks: '"
interest has American- in this mtis-?
What are they to cure whether thelatc-t
or the next to the la!e.-t imni'irraut
whips? It.t ti sadiy oinfe:- that there
would be no 'i'rize liinjr' in A;nri -a if
it were not for the importation of .eople
to Gil it. In all hmniii.'ition. I.-; n-hc
Lnwwledtre that as all that sort of M-ince
liow- from Uriiian as its fountain, soth"
iatet comer outfit to have tin; better nt
a fallow l itiz t I'Sfiw I to the 1 -ss
l'i.l-ueil tf the I liiied .-'.aU-s.
re a li:i.tiiin pcop.e, in oti en-'. lMt
v irn irctniiiie AniPt i'-:iii LI'.L- at all
be 'fights for a funri.' '
c r . r . '
j if eaiD ta Le a ret tn .n.e friafd
. r
ut, torn ! .
Sale of Lands
The Capital of Nebraska.
Jnne f,(h, A. P., 1S70, at 10 .1. M.
The un lprsiencfl. Inspectors
Prison, in pursuant of tin net c
f the Suv
Itf ihm l.xrivl:..
i urc ni .worHMv". nlitiel m t to prtivt i'
for t-ic prevtioii nf : penitentiary rnvl lor iht
rj-rc ;n'l ruimty tif sltnte rrinnrr ,' aruv
M:rrh 4, ls;,i, will . n the Olb day of .1 uiic, 1ST"
otfi r f.r iiile tln f illnwinir drsoril t.,l n'
Cu!lic nu.-tion. The sd luud-i will lie
y the Ha Juu t0 the liiglist bi.liie:
over apraieineut.
Siite to be coninutd from rfr r. in
until all
re solil or a eu0i iciii amount realiirj.
llf-cripthin f tli .t.itud
Patcof Kntry
Parts of Sec- Sec.
I wr. R'g
Dee. 27. 1S07
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The nhnvc 'le.critej Inis are known as the
Pciiircnriary rranip'i ,y the t nitinl Siuteti
ti the Sfaui f ehra-ka fttr a l'ernleiitiarv or
Slate lri,-n. ami efintain iome orthemoKt vnl
u."h!e lan.lp in the St! nnu li .f whi h Ii
wi-"'iin ntliu. .f fn mil-i of Lincoln. Ihe C
itnl oi the .stale, "i ll ir :ile of State Land- otlcru
to Farmers. Mcchioiii-. ntel I.ahorers a line
i-hnnse for a eheap home near the Capital, pitu
ate. in the rii-he-t mgri uloirnl .listrii-t of the
Stnie ami near the irrejt Sail lia.'in wliero a.-ilt
if h'ioir in;iiitifiiti-ori"l from ihe fmfare water
Severjft rai?ro:oi are recte.l thronpll the-e
Inn !, one .f whi- h. the i;urli'ntt'n A Mi-souri
Jliiilroan l.e eooiileiei to l.iti.-oln lielore the
ihiv ol !.n. other. in : Pl:ort time.
The t .i.!iniion-r of i'liMtr Riiii.iinr at the
Saoietiiiip iiri'l .l:o e wiilo'iei iive orsix hnnilrrt
lotf :Ti ih'j town of T.ineoln. whi- h at the preneiit
time cnni.tin" il.iit imi inliahilant.-wil h itooil
hotels, e'iiin hcs r;.l wliiw.n nl-o a fine S.ate
House. The Afrienl.ota' t'olleae atui l'iiivcrity
an t In:ine A.-y'tun ai-e in proee of eri-s-tion,
whi -h u r.'n itiher Si::e In-iituf ion:', an I 'enter
ioir of rniln.cls will make it the great interior
cityoftbo stare.
' H . IHI.SI1X State Pri
w . A HHKY )
Lineoln. X el., Aprii 1. 1870.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice ia hcrohy jiven that in pure-nuri'-i of n
flfs-re'al onicr of a Mtie maile Uy Hi ll'o. ir.
ic. li. Lake. JuJiro of the rcoreiJu lifliil Ii..-tru-t
within atei tor Cas rounty. ln:nka. on
theTth day of .May. is.t, I will on the t.llj iluv
ol June A. V. 1-70. at the front door of the
Court llnu'e. in the city of l'l;Oiiinonth. t'n
eoitnty .Nebraska at the hour o: twooVloek p.
ni. of n.ii'l day. otlt-r for nnl- to the bialiet an I
he-t hrhl.-r all the riitht, title atel ii.n-ri 't ol
famui l 1. Smith u--ciise.l. in and to the fotlow
inr: 1 he undiviilc'l ,'r. of the vurt half oi the
laontbwust qu-irir of se-tion ;. Township 1J,
It inne 14 : aiol the undivided of the we-t hall
of the r iltllra-t quarter of Section 19. Town
hip 12. it.inse 14; ami the northwest quarter ll.
'iowtihip li, Kirnae 12: anl ti e iiroli ie l '.-..,!
the H.iutiwe-1 qn.irtcr Seition 2S, 1'oTn-hip ll.
Itanve U: .-mi the unditid.-d ol ih hull of M-'ir.heatt q.ttarler rt::ion. Lit.
lownsh p 11. I'.:in2el.': ami ihe umlibiiled oi
Ihe south"-! quarrer of tM.utbeast quanirr .'
ti; n '-".i. I..wi:-lnp 11. KaiiKe 12 : and Ihcm. ii
viijfil 1 j the il lifc.wl quurler of n--rT ht-:.,-t
quarter S.-.-iion Town-hip 11. 1.'. t ui
a.e in I.' ctiunty. Nehra-ka. Sale will rei.,ain
(ipen hid.- t'r liie -pitee of one Ii4mr. lern.a
'a-h. M . 'V .1. smith. Ad.niniftratrix.
I'latumouiu. May !. lH'.u. m.wS.
Sheriff's Sale.
Nathaniel (i. lout;ei
Tk'hn 1 1 a in
- Exaeutiou.
.. toe i b-rehy giva that I will nH-r f'.r
alal .ui- aiKlon. l-.rrah down, nf trief
Mtuth fr.-ui ol' i.o Court ll-.u- in Tlyrt-- j
llloutll C o-e I i.illrv -h. f-u .Mood ty the I
.!: of A. I t-7"at2 o .1.. -k I". M. ol .aid ,
l-iy. a'l ihe right ;it;e aiol iui-r-t ,,t Cue
!"' !e.-odvi.t John Irwin iu aud to toe
foil'-wii.T ron .ptr.te ti i:
I ne -u . ii wet quar: r ' of :l,e oi;rh ea--f 1
quart ;r ' ' 4 i ol te.-ii,.n f.Hirr en 1 ti in 1 ow n- ;
.0 o. t'-ri l'i ri'rh td ranre mi-nlr lhir 11
l.i ra-t 01 r .-ipa Mrrr-Llian.- Si-.
naied in la C--iiit Niu. and liken oe
ITi.r-v 01 .i,.,r 1 ; w i-vm an eji
it i. in - ei i. i .n or,, -. He :, ,-i ...
i '''"' 1 - -o' -f ... i ...,.y.
., "" "'-r t h.ii m. on jt t.,
i.i." . n, . siibnirr.
T ta teaa . ft . f.
rs r;-tisnm paitr :t
7rea ..f ritxrainrei.
"OCj90 corner Malb ml f cm ctreetr ;e
ubi atorr
TCrtMS:-DatlT JlO.iX) ft tonuiu. r fl .'
per moB.a.
C ty Lots in Pialtsaoul-.
Sale, ai Auction.
The lota w
n.iLMfl, 2e'jra K.k.
onetun aawt Mnawtoi Ki-rr Bs; . u.i Cumi
in iebrasliv by Vayor". dee;. ui-l i
wr coot.
1 l'
1 he a.iirf rifl.oa-. C"tnaoy w' .eiin.iJ V
sun irn. at or mj.-tr f :e toor or iuc iourt t:
in riaitfinoiith, Weonejidaj-, Jqne 1, '.'
flwewwsin1 in o ioi k A. ai . l 'e?iM
he one-ha.1' oaih oa rls of sle and
laiiol-T wi':.iu thir-y .i.iva. T.-.e.t l -tf
wiihm thirty d ijrs wf.l i . .re-la-l a- irceii ,
irumpany from all ohliyal ion to r.- pur. I. ,
an.l as workinc t.ilu'itura of li. liiuuf) tut
ne may have ijhoI.
The tulo to ihe lot eoiuc diretly frr.i.: '" t.
Mayor, ami i ?itr-.- tu br -,ieni. .,o
eotrpauy will Fell all it ruht. tit' en.l mli
but will cive dcetta ef O 'l'lalw .i.,y. wn; - ;
any cot enanln a lo in is.
1 1 . r.
2 4
1' 7
but the loliitwiiiK 11-.. o - ; .1 lots w.ii jz j.ild to
Ret her. ay they ne ;wM:
Fract'l Lot .Blni kii I'ra t'l l,..,
Ill ,.l:i
Lota. iPlorks ! Ixt.
i jv; ! "71
12 I iM : li
11 ?'7 t 12 4 10
9 M ! 3
1 1
11 ot I 1 c 11
a 12 1 3 t y 11
8 S A
12 ! v. , 4
S i 87 , 9
8 VS 1 3 4 5 fi
la ! i' h 10 12
I '. 1 ,: ; 7
8 VI ! 1 2S4 5
o I ao ,1
The above, lots -a .11 n h W pnl t
12 3 "I 1-2 3 : 4
12 3 I ISK
12 3 F' I 4 j tt '
456 ll ilS i"0
12 3 T I 4 5 I
4 5 ll 1
SiierilTs Sale.
Thomas U. dr ioul
. . ,! . f EiccntiiB.
A. H. Toivusna. )
Notireis hereby g.ven that I w-'!t if-- foe
Kale lit niiolo. Ulli-I i titm .... I ..
- - r -- - ..... ..v . ..v .. 11 lrI(, !, U -,j
ol the t ourt n.-u-i- hi the rev of l'?n:t--.n.-ii 'S.
C.i. raMinty, We ru-k:: 00 .M..iiday 1 ae m n h.
of May. A. I. 1S70 at I o'cl" k r. o'( ; .11 V
an me niror, iii-i- w-i -MCaal 01 tba va
llHIIlll rtKLinfint 1.1 1., ' ia ik. ..I . 1
etic, f utmted in T"wii.-cnd' d i 'ioji T t
' of l'U:':U:oulll. C. fl ouluity. .N :nij. ...1 :
iMif a snree tn I four !?. and 4, iu Mo"'
live, 1.111 si. t 1 1 .1 '.' :ir,.i i , in blcw-i
ti, lots No. u:i . t,v, -, ii,ree (1. 1. inn
n!oik i". ten ii" . i.iv: !.e e-m hall .1'
Nl.8eB IJUlid u.i of i; ju. riht 4 Jjl ;
So. ihii e-LU, aii f;iki-u ail ti.e property
detL'll.ii;lt A. II. 7'oWiif:.d on an e.,.e-,
; N's.
tuvor ol i ho. mi ii. ;,! il.i 1, iuew hr th. .
01 ,ne i ;ir!i . ' 1 ; 01 u.j rounTV or Cu i
liie direr-led ae fHierill ofaM riMinlr
iiua to
tiiven niKicriiii li 'if! tui- v.tb diy nf '
A. I. 1S70. J. ". .I'j'lNstrV ct.-r.'
D. II. Wmeflk. .4:'r. Tor Hmnritf.
-.-.rili -can! of ITee; r- f
in,., k. wl hlTN f-
'Vatr. on the h.- oi 1 IV
. - i-Ti,.iia ei-a-'-n ht iiir ro;l
bead, per month for t'uo lo -,.::. m,l t.irniib ioi'i.
tv hri'ii'l" 1 - ' -viil
not be re.-ipun iblc fvr 1
Master's Sals.
Iitrict C'.-if. ( County Ne th'iti.
T. li. ttor-loi:. 1'::!" v l-.jirtrt' I .-w'. C...I.
Jane l.fwis, uroi ll. Jl. h--. !-r.
Hy virtue and in piitsujm'e ot a I'-i-.irtiu ct
dcr of t':i- I'ojrt. made on the !t.:. ,1,-j -f
April A. li. li i.i ihe aoove entrtjed l-mu-
there will be -o i l under din -t- .n of in. .n..
:riber. at puhh au-iion at ihe front dborul i:
Court IL'twr in the eiry ot l'Inttjiinoatl.. ".
county Xehri -ka. on the l'i hTiay til Jum . A. J.
is.'i, at the hourol ;f o clock a. in. of raid H ,
the following di Tfritieil r-(l e"!me f'tvm i '. rt
I'l'itiMiion. h Ci'y Cii.-ic' unty. S'ebka. io--t nj
Lot nuiu'it ro in loo--k nurriher .1. as -e. ,k-
nii'eu utKjti the l uolhed and recorded plr.t cf
raid city.
Hated this i'u tlav nt M iv. A. T). 1!".).
SAit. M. C'KAI'M N. Miuicr
tnayl2w.jt in hanrery
lilt M 1 1 V-Th. fi.,l.,M.k.. , A.... r... .... -
' valuaole water power, two toili-g I- ii- ir
Pliilt-.iioiuih, near th- Mi.-f i;; i river. t :.ii
ultieieiit witernt,d fall with ecu:' I' tutu.'.'!
ment to produce power equal ton mhore , ,i" i f
team eniriiia. Tlu preen! owner iscuivk-. I -u
other buille in. i ,'Hiriot dt-vo le h;p act pi i..n
totito bu:n.-s oi ui'dinif. and vi'.l cil laid w
ter power lor a : en oua i le pr,i-e.
l'l.Uttiiuulij. .'1 1c
Ar i ly .MilWIIL a C'HarhaK.
I. I. IVI'Vi'.T'tV. Vf. t.,
TUVSICIAN AT r-l'Kr.nON-tctvIrr- hi.
lirofojioml 1.1-rv; e- to the riiuerin oft '?. "mm
tv. Kenideiit-1 -ouih i-l ci rm-rol Oak at i . 'ix i.
ireetn; ofliee on Main trei, oppu. ur .'our!
lioufe, l'lat'iuiouU!. .Woi.i-ka.
J. r. iuni.iv!, !i .
IM1YSICIAN" AND rVI'-OFOX-lale a .ur
i-eon-iu-l'hief of the Amir of the P.ttni:-ic.
!'lat!-7:outh. '-''ra.!n. '. ..".cent O. I'. j"'htl
m' DruSiore Main efrecrt.ppnrite t.'
rliiinmers. l'rivate re-i'leoereomervf Ff-k au"1
,1th Mreetr, : iu dour' . ".,-1, id 1'. p. a'.
nr j. w. TimnA,
llaviiig pcrmnnen'ly locale 1 nt Wcep'i1K '.Tr
er tmUr. tend.-rs l.if pref .vional iervirex in il.a
:iuenr of Casa cni:nt. .S't-hrarka. JtmT'' 'u'.
n. kiik.i.Fh. LTJr! NNriT
I. II. WIXK1.I.I It .,
Heal Eetate ai'l I Ti PayiB ArenM, ?:ot.iri-
i'lilihe. 1 ne. i. l I nk lueuniu-e Ajeuta, I o.nt--uoulh.
Nehraska, jejiif
ATTOnNEV AT LAW and .Solicitor ir Clia.
ry. rlatt-iuouth, .Neliraaa.
i'.ii.. ttttTu ri'ArA:j
ATTfltvl.-v i r v .vi' c
. aim ra. i I' in
u i - , w:Ii",ii,i. scurak. IJ: i r liiok store.
i.4ttsioi:tii nn l.
C. HETSKL, iTopriet'or. Il.ivtti re-ot : ) - heei
repaired ard laiei in ihoroub runnm or er
1'i-MMi Jtu-h. i, ol Vf)t..t warned iioiom.. . ''
for wlivi, .he i,iit....,i t, ri5 t
Attorney :: and iie:ieral4ile t-pg Aei.
e :"' lll-li-'lli H'lCttrt V
eeue prompt and '-ireful attention- Cft
door weet oi liie iirovKii llou'e. Iit r.
r out u p
ii wtf.
lilt io liiWiT.
, r r. r..s x .i'il.l.lS.-a rt. (r, 4
. ai,i
n . ' . n ii'i'i, im i.urt on
. ' " ' o-: -n- " , " -i. a StiOp. OT,!'
Wain an I r u"l tret. i'i-'!,,
. i.. : u ii .n,
CAiilTN t l it AM .1 ii.,'I K will ,1.,
k ;!.: l-.- .it. ..r, in tli..- '
". (."!' r:i- '- fo- i, t;, I,' ,r .,i,j,. ,,n re.,..
Ii rn.
y llou.c
( lie ill.-
ii i"i. t-i ol l'Ii!t- V.i!
TIlTf Ai l) j;
cai'I vnt::ks and jk K!'.-wiii ,i
wotk in their line w i. rt i.. e. M'ui -.i! o
contractu. Inrcc ai -i-,:.l. ;u i u.tni-b n,bt.;i ml
hen deeind. rSI.. j, oi, iijiu ,-!v, t
ite M. K. Church. ' l'
n . iirr.i..
.1. j:. Ilollan-I. Prol'iietnr, eorncr r.f Main anil
Third y'.reei. 1'lattMnoiih. N iira-k.i.- Jlaving
l-n fdrtid si- I r.ewiy far.iee i ... ft,
en aco'iiutiioda-.jon". Itoa'd fio- c-k '
The S'.uth We t-rn I'riniioa au.i I'.ihli.bmc
A .-.M-oition ue -triiicii.ij ; r -f w -i ;
ah'-rehj tht y uie rtiaon i .i,t ( ,. ,,,',1 .J .,.
r ,-rihe;-.. either rttf! . or IU elu e. ; t ,,.
LK.biN m ;..i a mi wt.i.K i.:;: ,.
a: puli'Sher-' l-.wt el-,, int.-- '. rr r t
P.ll'.v. inii SI ni . ro .dotal, ai S...I. j.,-.- ,..."..','.
:. !.'! r'. V .tvi. Il i.-i....'. t e
I -ir 1'T i. ii-iar. .oi.n i Miin,,i t : t ,.,,., '.. t
i'.,sf,. V . r,:,r. .i ple.oi, , J ...loi'l !.;'
tin'-ft: '.n". 1... itaooo' r-ir i. --
lie'. M'.ll'.ii, Pnit 1. -I
I -.' p.' '. t .New. I r.v l'i. li.,. ,
l-n.-r. Il'-k- !i Mi.. I ,rtie L.-J-t .., ia
1 .i r ; . 'ir-ai. t J.' " ' .: I i .
I.ii.-. ';,.i'. Ii, Io iiior '., '. t.rr.v
, ti- ('-.-U". .-' ... irt,... 1 : i ; '
- ! r.i - ! .--...,.,..- I; . -.-'
11. i: . . .o r . u 1. oil' - - ...
I . M . 1. - i-.-. , fc ...
ia- ...
!..'a I .0 . f..r ii: , ii , ,
i. : ! I , i r . . .- i , c
M.-urT" I . ,4, i