BLOODED -oTOOK Premium Stallions, Fastest Trolling Stallion in iiis State. The e-.-WsI ?:t.Ui..n IIKXHT CLAY and vii.T';.ma: I'iunik. iir.-- tjp.t.'it i- t- . L);ster.) e .uri;ha.'iJ in Vra:". '' '"'". New Y:k. af! nit- l-roucrLt to ;!.. i:y !!; r'l'riaa of lets. iloriry Llar j tv.ut li J the Firfc Premium klifco N "i !: lairs rsf l.Vni ldo- an-1 :-'.: ")k k.; ?-vvi.tukv. Tbey will Man-1 the p. -' n: t- in. m my Tinn t.n Vee;irK Watr o-io hj!i' tiile !r.r: 'i,l len Mill. Their col'g t-i l.e -- ri at ih- i-.;r!ii. Sun k (ienlen ami TAi-rr-' r inv it'l to -ail anJ exumiue hnre'. l'atur freo ot ih.irrv lor Martf t-oin h ii--u3ce, li-KNitY DUBOIS. i i ; u HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN 1-1 A IB BENEWER f'ffp !s t'10 onV perfected an. ? 'jUj& i scientifically prepared Mc&V!lrtTaratin of its kin rTp-jevc-r offered to the publ, IJjM'JtuLb j:inci iag EO competitor GRAY jn merit. By its us tl A T T5 AKAif IIAIK is soon n, ireslored to its original ' A J youthful color and bril- IT 1 1 U u.'iiicy, which is bo mucn I'lTVAT :lduiired by all. Persons jwhose hair is thin or falling j CuLthj out will, by the use of oiy FlvwlL'f bv Iienewer,soon see its good j L-Hl-cts, na, by its and rl; r stimulating properties the in J it i 11 elands will be incited AND and the hair grow thick and strong again. Incaset ,TT,T 'of baldness it will create lA LP.blu a new growth unle63 th DRESSING. ;fjHicIes are destroyed. It 7". J i1 cooling, and allays all p it r ;it:liing and irritation of U n h ho scalp. It does not stain B'.ilT.'E Ithe fekin as do dyes, but jln jtnakes the scalp white and rTTTTT-T clean. Asa DRESSING 's l',e tlpt ad mosV liP jeconoraical preparation in ZT the world, as its effect DitT-jr jl-ifet so much longer. Send C,r our Treatise on the L l: b H. w hair, tree to all, by mail. ftx'd ty ail Druggists and Duileri la Kedicio. crc:c, coounri a co. (kn'l Agsrta for North-'Westera Sutei, ?T LZLi0XL2I STILSLEX, CHICA30, XX1 SAB The following from the CINCINNATI TIMES, one of the reliable news papers in the United States What can be more convincing? HOME TESTIMONY. The Crci-xATi Datly Tuies ) of March 21, 1861, says: The Scandinavian remedies appear U be rowin": in favor with the public, if we may judge by the testimonials con toiantlr received bv the f)ioprictor. A ieUer from Wiscon nin, to be found in our advertising col iimns, announce that aznGiis: the physi e: ns of the locality it is Liccommg very uouular, and what is very unusual, is be ing adopted by thcin in their practice, as a cure for many dis eases which they can not treat effectually in any other way. We understand that the immens trade carried on for sev eral years in these medicines has dur ing the present year nearly doubled. Their process of oneraticn is by a loi ough purifica ion of the blood, Mid a consequent 'eradication of dis-v-ase. " . m W II O L fc SALE AND RE T A 1L, DEALERS IX DRY GOODS, GROCER BOOTS 'V29 SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, QUEENSWA RE Main street, Ptattsmouth, 2Jeb., Where Everything in Their Line Can be Found. upr'iV2'dtvrit miMl We Call The Attention of the Puhlic if Dry Goods, Grcccries. Qaeensware, Haiions Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. That we are just receiving. We buy our Goods as low as they can be had in t market for CASH, aud will aim by low prices, fuir dealing and good goods to plia all who will faVor us with a call. CLARK & PIAJMMEll. HARD WARE UTD IMPLEMENTS AT MATHEWS, DONNELLY & CO. Would i e?i.ectful!y infuruj the people of CASS ai;d adjolnins ccu.ities that the have just opened a LARGE Hardware and Agricultural Establishment W here we are always to be found to accommodate customers. rOUIlTIi hTItEKT, lil-TWCEN rt.' l - J V'V-VX m VJl of ,hc f 'i" . The nn.5:;-rye R; 3pcr act Mor rrrorJ-ice-l. The . ,1,' " -v J ,hM:r- -'t.r?...; hirsot.c C..:n i 1 .Mcr. MTitn.:uth .-titr Crstu-i ::.n,. 'i . ,'V'i .;L' U'''i. ''''- 'V."-'1."1,"?-h ' 1'od Ir..u l! Ort Steel lUw. ni l '.i rJ.,r' -tn. bft-i K..w. auitts-tal;U- It.i Iter in Mows. West .i m, ii n,r Hardware. Cutlery. V.coiiJ-locK, Glass. Putty. White LenJ '-!' . , ,r ., Fenee V'ire. Onrden, Yiel.i a:..l Ki.,wrr Sect. i'. ! CiiOICU ilhDOE SEEDS .Tbe a! c.v? ciwrri-f a f-w of the articles on .r.'i couii'i'-ie U'i to eii at l.'utoii: prices. GIVE US And v., ,)Mr SffX'k, that you n;a3 co marl2diwtf. JS. 1?. ZDTJIdS & CO., Wb!efle aaJ Retail dealers in: Ilardwasre arid Agri cultural Sssiplcnsonls, STGVES,)TS, SHEET IRQ?4, .BASS, S T L 3? X. o w s Of i kiui-j aci f ixe?, which we warrant the kc?t in tlie tutirket. . trr: Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice Are exclusiTu Arc it in thi. county for the a!e .1 Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Qi as a c'J w will rot be cn.JcrseH Main sfcet, next door east of th Mm onie Bloch. H,ATTKV!JUTH. NF.UKAKA Q.W. DEALER IX Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tools; ALSO MANUFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Rwtirsr, Gnttcr.tif, Spiting anJ Repairing- don. tint SfHir FirsUCfa$s Goods and Guaranty Not to hf Undersold, as I am Buying of First Hands. lot of A No. 1 Plow an 1 Cultivators, closing out at Cost. Reuie rater the r-lav sllain T., Mxt to CUv Hotels IES &c, AGRICULJUiLU VVHGLESALE AND RETAIL ! MAIN AND VINE. PIjATTtjMOUTIi NKii uuiauiiH- cuuiiul n e) mim snyitticro tust cr Vails. Trnn hand. Oar aim Khali be to kcp ourtfi ffu'l A CALL avv - -d if TfAPPY. MATI1KWS, DONNELLY t CO. If I & AiattsmoutH ST She lcbru?I:u jifr;W. LOCAL ITETWS. From Thurtday't Daily. O. A. Derby, of thi city, left for St. Louis this worning on busine. Mr. A. W. 3IcCuoe asd brother, of Ta., arrived in the city this Kdruuig, to look after pro;erty owod by thcai in this vicinity. Morton d? nounces the Timfn, (the new Democratic paper at NehrajLa citv) ar ati ar-olofif'tl'fir all sorts of crimes. Mor ton should be charitabi. and not forpet how h used to do when h was a. Demo crat. The Ooiiha Herald says Col. Marr succeed Ju. f Druniuiond as Superri Bor f Internal Rerenue for Nebraska. Judre Drisnimond has bee transferred to Kaata. The L-!ll introduced by Sensior Tipton authorizing th iS. &. M. R. R. Co. in NeLrasks, to waLe chaujea in their lie between Lincoln aud ft. Kearney, has became a law. Col. Thomas Doane, Chief Engineer of the B. L SI. R. R. in Nebraska, left for Boston last evening. Lie will be ab sent Mui throe or four weeks. Some fallow a old ut several business houe in this city for a rery small prion rteently by getting them to pay hm l-r advcrtifiti th 0len Hou, at Council Bluff", and a few Keokuk kfluse?. Al ways patronize your borne pawerif you watt your money's wrth of advertising. Jepb Siihlater, Eq., is erecting a frime bui'iD2 adjoining the Farmers Home oa the eat, to be uaed as a i jewelers hp. ! - A. M. lVid, E., has teama at work ercavatmg the half lot adjoining the City Hotel. He proDOfee? putting up a building thron t be used as asi enlargement to tli hotel. The Omnka HrraJd rejoices exceed ingly over the fact that x laad prawt has been secured for the Omaha and Nortb Wetern road ; but when a gran i? akcd for a road from Fremont, or the B. k M. ak for the priviW of makinir a might change in their line without at ail chan!?inp the giant, that small minded paper calls on our Senators and Cperes; raan to oppoee such things. Coniiateucy is a jewel. The Omaha Rfjntlilca.n of Tuelay has the following notice sf our worthy City Mar.-kal : "We had the pleasure of a visit from Martial Murphy, of Platrstnouth. j-csfcHay He isawhols Miled, erjial p;ntieman. and, we ae informed, i thf most eik-fttive, reiial'e ur.. vshisble o5icr in hi line of du'yisi NVra ka. 54r. Muri.hy i-: h?.e s a -'.! es in f-upt to co'ne vvt beiure the U. S. DUtriet Court." From Friday' Daily. Tke Surveyor General's Office i? un dergo! ag repair. Protect your plants if you would pav them, for they are in danger from fro?t. An expedition for the Big Horn coun try leaves Cheyenne on the 15th in-t. White and Spires are puttisg a cellar under their store. No mails froei theeat or north to-day. Wind too high for croesieg the PLtte or Mi!'ouri. It i? feared the wind last night did inueh damage to the fruit crop by da stroyiug the blooms. Ve saw aeveral persons to-day who fcmed to have mimd water with their wbi-iy ; at lea it appeured to disagree with them. Cpt. II. E. Palaier has parchaed a well Mv.-itd tt sole of groceries for sale is th: city. Tke tiree and place of opccian will ie announced through the tclu.'iiiia of the Herald. The Car'1--believes in priuters' ink. A Iy, Esq., has reeeived the ap- poiiitmn! of friht and ticket &'.ntfr the B. & M. R. . Co. at A-hl-o l, and will enter immediately upon tha diLsrge of his duties. We can most heartily en dorie this apiwintment, for we bchev Mr. Deyo one of the best men of the coustry. The Et Piattinouth Hotel wa move;! about five feet to the south lat Ii'JfLt. A fire caught in the Railroad coal house this aiorning, and came uear consuming the entire concern. The wind was blow ing fria!'y at the time, and a eoua- graiien wat prevented only by rucniug a locomotive along fide atd turnie a heavy ttreatu f watr on tho re. Prof. Jueller, of GKteil Blnffs, list fm-warded us a bountiful supply of thei music arranged especially for that guitar of eurs. Vue'.Jer keeos e full line of sheet music, as well as all kinda of music al instruments. Send to him for any thins; you want. Co'. H. M. Tan Arman, who controls the St. Jee and Denver City R. R., and is also tgent of the Great Western Tele graph Co., has decided on investing a large portion of his loose capital in build ing houses in this city. Ha has cota- Eienced one in the north part cf town. Natkan Waybright, Efq., will not build this season, but will continue to rent. Where, Oh ! where, are the proceed ings of the City Council and of the County Commissioners. We have of fered t publish, free cf charge, a brief synopsis of the dotugs f these bcJie if the Recorder and Clerk will furnish u the necessary cpy, and we hope they will not think we ak to mueh. We would take pleasure in atieadin; the meetings and miking oar ewa copy could Wii f-f are the tim to do to. We hpe wo will be favored with the copy, that the people may know what is being done. The &g pole at the corner of Main and Tuird street ihould be attended to. I be w'.nd ef la?t night has given it a de cide i:ic!in&'.ioa Southward. It may do ?erious damage if it Is not taken down or straightened. The Nebraska City Times has a ca for a meeting of the Otoe County Dem ocratic committee for the purpose ot sleeting a chairman. Sterling ia present chairman, and the call looks very much as though the committee proposed to dis pense with his further services. We rather think that Sterling will lash them in when it comes to the rub. If he ?hov!d fail to run the inaehiae the Re publican party must guard well their ranks or he will endeavor to get insiie our h'nes. We have no use for him. It would take half a dozen ef eur active i few to ynfteh feim. Will our City Dais cause a walk to be mail across Second street to the railroad platform? It is. scandalous that no bet ter arrangements can be had. It is al most impossible far ladies to get hack and forth en foot. Saturday' Daily Hon. T. M. Marquett arrived at home this morning, direct frcm Washingtoa. Hr was on hand this morning with a Sne lot of lettuce. He will now have a narted supply during the season. Jhn R. Clark has great faith ia Ash land. He has recently purchased Mr. ParmeVe interest ia the town. John Maaly, Esq., the B. & M. tra:k layer, returned this morning from a visit to his family in Wisconsia. We give aiost of our space to-day to the Census Law, believiag it will b in structive to all cur readers. About sixty pas-engera were detained oa tke opposite ftidc of the river last night. They were brought over by the President at an early hear this uorning. The steamer Kate Kearney came up frm Rock Bluffs this evening with a full load ef corn to be shipped over the B. fc M. R. R. fnm this city to Chicago. We understand that C. II. Parniele, Esq., has purchased a half interest in the ferry boat Mary McGee of Sam'l Barker. SLe is ge l paying property. The etorta has seriously injured the manufacture ef briek. Our brick man ufacturers will push thiajs again, how ever, as tKn ae the weather settles. Majr Wheeler has a great affection for East Platumoath. He thinks so much of the phuw that he stayed there from Thursday evening until this morn ing. Tha weather for the past few days has not beu very auspicious for hunting local items. There is a little too much dirt in the water for lotinj purposes, and not quite enough to travel by land. A drunken man was perambulating the hireta thi afternoon carrying a babe in hisarnio. Sheriff Johason induced hiia to turn the child over to the care of its mother. Died, ia this city, at 9:30 o'clvk r. M. Friday, May 6th, 1870, James E. Turr, a;ed 32 years. The spring terra of the Plattsmouth public school will be opened on Monday next. Tbo.-e dss.irir:g to attend will con fer a fkvor by commencicg as near as possible with the commencement of the erm , in order that classes may be prop erly formed. Dr. McCrea, Dentist, is doing some Gf the nicest work in his line ever done ia the wet. If you have need of the ser vices of a Dentist, McCrea is the man you want t see. The State Real Estate Association was perfected at Nebraska City this week. We have aot received the full organi zation, but learn that J. F. Kinney was elected President, D. II. Wheeler Vice Preridont and Hoover as Secre tary. . The manufacture of straw hats gives empioyuiett to over four hundred persons in one little town in the east. Why cannot we Lave a hat xuauafaetory in Piattsmouth The straw can be pur-ha:-od cheap, eertaialy ; and three or four hundred iersens employed in ene Lrauch cf businesses is quite an item. If we can not have a hat manufactory, let us have HiEiething ele ; but let us have man factories ef all kinds. That is what makes a town and a country. VrU nl KsmdUMi. From the Central SUr. Below we give an extract from a letter recently received from Capt. L. F. Wy mai, formerly a Captain of U.S. Vol unta3rs, tut cow quietly nvtitle down on his fsnu IfCtveeu the We-t jF'ork ef the Bjuo aad Bver Creek in York county, Nebraska, about eevetity-five miles east of Fort Kearney. We are glad to bee w much irjroveu!efit going en m tle oou&ties of ork and Hamilton. Such reports of progre are always welcome, friorsd Wymau. We are clad to know that you are ia the midit of such a good oouiTQ unity: "Hj the way, I was in Lincoln last week, with petition frcw the inhabitants of Yuk -au:y, fr authority to organ ize the county. Tho prayer was grautcd by the Governor, end Tuesday, tne "6th day of April, wa f d for elctin day. When 1 came hire fifteen months since, the county could poll but thirty-four votes. Now, or when the election takes place, we shall poll at least one hundred and forty -five voter, and shall have as many as forty adult male cttisens who have cot been in the eoanty long enough to vote. We think it doing pretty well. Mr. Sydenham, we have county in the State at o we think. We have one school whu forty-three schelars aud two more school hoaxes gc.og up at present. So yo;i will se our county looks well to what makes a good commu nity, 1 bciieve education to r the f'jandatioii ef mork'-iti. We have preaehing at thr tui: ui the coenty ; we have three eood biackssuiths in the county, and two pot ocei. ani liall Mi:d have two more, so you wi'Jcotsciude we are not a dcaahead pepulauoa. lisMiiton couwv oiesaizes on iuesa&v. the third day of May." Mr. liurliugame, wb:l at Ft. Pt-tre- burjf, was the oiily ciasJr whij wa aliowdd the priril?ge dilttyin hh coQMtry'? . T1j! Duch of PutLrlal bow Llcla tlus pUv3 so k.u hil by the -rfcvios duch&w. f iai?lT of the rob s of Qxeeu Victoria. The hflaJ at? a K14:rtir wife, on beimr askeJ what he did for a living, r- I!ied that h kept a hot house. Mark Twtin say that the itandimr toat in California minine oat i: "Here'i hopiu your din' 11 via out gay." The followiag letter, wit written byore of the fallen Mterbooi of Cheyenne af ter hearing 5Iisa Neal read thatezquiaite poem, "The Itoantiful Saow :" "Dear , I am eia home. Not as 1 left it, but a a Varlet letter' for I1 to point at wi? h Mvrn. I derve it all. I have a -od howie, td will heHtbrth lire fer others and iar all patiently un til welcome death brines me into the fre.euce of my Sarior, frotn whom alowo hj; to obtain for ivenriis. I shall pray for all the firls. Good-bye." The ten-hour bill is under discussion in the Legislature ; no enactment will make a pint dish hold a quart, nor can any law fix a day's work that shall maet BBgfiictrtriiy all kinds of hws. ii mm i nauiauuswaea D SCHNASSS. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too, are golnn to D. SCHNASSS 8c CO, To buy their AT TBI NEAV Y o :r k stoee- The larreet ar.4 mort corr.flcta STOCK OF D RE 3 s GOODS Are bow oa exhibition at the ?Tew Tork Strre, at rntly reduced prioes. VTo ca'il t arti clr ttentiua ia catet-w t-tyies of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS. OELAINS. GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING. I5LEACHEI) COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON VA S, BOOTS AND SHOES f all kinds and prices te suit eur Burners u customers. large stock ef GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QLEENSWARE, WOODEN WARE, GL SS WAKE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We have a larff stock of th celphraied GARDEN? CITY GLiPPER PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, . kit-d, f CULTIVATORS, REAPCKS. &EEDERS. HAY RAKES. UC Platfcmouth Fcbru&rj', 10th, 1ST0. tf. D. SCHNASsEi '0. 9ae auer weet ef PLATTSMOUTII, HAS A LARGE Dry Goods, Groceries, CIctMng, FURNISHING GOODs, HATS, OAS, BOOTS, SHOES and Provisions. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL Kinds of Country Produce. I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, August 5th, If You mam Call Where You Can Select Mprom !20C0iuS Sbouldsrs, IcCOOlbs Sugar Cared Haras, ISCOGibs Sides Which he will SKLL at Reasonabifigure?. Alao on hiinJ Fulland Well Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, aid G!U CIIES, Which he offer to the public AT COST- ESP'Those knowing themselves indebted to' me will please Call and Settle the same. JOSCPII SHK15 A. April GthdawIJm- Rock Bluffs S BLOOM as oo. DEALERS IN Clothing, Gents' Furnishing G oods, BOYS' AKD CHILDREN'S CLOTHIfO, Kats Sl Caps, Boots k Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Mam Street, Second Door East of Court House Plattsmouth, PJsb. ERAXCH HOUSE: Broadway, Council Bluffe. Iowa. South Side Main Street, - - Number 0. PiuATTSMOyTH, CASS for 8At.ii on rft The uniieided haJf or the whole if dired f thr . ... 24-how fairine and boiler, a pirf J fut Si5rt feet: eree-thiB in good nuaiug oeder. A1o a OOOD DWELLING HOUSE. f four rootnoaad eellar. For Mrtirular; e Rack laffs. Cm eonnty. Ke r 3 I TOR LEASE. The half lot adjoinir the City 1 Hotel on the wrsf Knaiure U the City Ui wewf aV. H, VmUm T. D. LEIIN1IOFF. the IJiual Office, - NEBRASKA, AT biTOC K OF io!m I? laZirerxaid. 1SC9. Want v racqm On BOUNTY NEBRASKA FRESH ARRIVAL. ar n-.w receirins the lrgtt .U-k f yXa UC L29.fc.JL W .11 Jl I Efer broorfht to this warket. CALL AND EXAMiNI Oarrtock. UE CHARGE XOTHINOTO SHOW (. r i iiit iillu !Li i4 ; ;v O'ij Drusgisin & Apothecaries. rr. it it' iv rAi.tT."?, oit.5. rvrs, terror..-;. Toilet COOClA rsp.rr:.:; t.t. fvct row. PURE VttliE AD LiOLH!f Far Iechani'al andi'' purfces. Kerp enptantly n hnni a f:.'ti and ell ausrte stock ef PATENT .Ti V,mt "IXXJh rbrieisr' rre'iT'ti-'T earefv-'lv rr-'v i "tin ei y f n I'fTin.rr ) Iri'i'K'f. t:e l.uf llni rn'. tii" iii'ipf" i. Allfco.-.lj ar i h ij(. 14.1 e-rerenLed. CU -iJ rt. ; Jlain Strut, South Side. THItMS CASH. I.C'3. . TOOTI.K. t.l.HiSM. J..( t.lBS Tcotlc, Hanna & Clark, J3 H Z HI 3rS EXCHANGE, U.S. at2tl otaitJX' r;5vfii. Pi ft s drawn on .ill f'liit'nf tVo Tr iltd ?'.ae and l.ari'. r-i ei, fcu-l i-e-ial t- tcntiou kiv.u C"IU--lii in1. PiatUsmcutli, Nob. je24tf fi:i:i. sai,i: and ha;s siRrrT, rLTisM(rTn, r.n. I aui y vi ureJ tt i.:cwuin:oitfllie u' vith Huvf, Cmrine, ".vV I A .'. 1 il'irir, on 1iirt notice a:. t rei.--.t(),1rje ter-n. A will runt S.biu! iuiiliK.lxi'u fcf I'fttr t' tli; rity wncu 'c-'i'i. LIVERY SALE &. EXCHANGE . J-Tho Vi-ftof llor'f arsI IlupKk'SOB tiar.d.'ta Corner Vine ami i'ourl'i nUtt'i", jiiii21d.tTtf. O. A. I)EKi:V. cni m .va in 'g co. 0. A. DERBY & CO., MAN UFACTU HE KS AN1 Who-esals and Betsi BEDDTNC. - CilAIIlS, LOUNGl-y-. TA 15 LI'S, 'orlli .llain KJrc, oct21wtf . 1 . :...- iiTAUAfi AKD AKEHSCAM MARBL & ! MONUMENTS, i i I j.r.i.::-T'jr:-, j Furniyhe-J it Hiitiy .11 i !..,! ; kt -y j Vc Vrant 's2tiGfactic j ortr,?t ii,. ;Q7MT RP?? K ; iJ Xl I i i Z. Jl j4 JmU I .. . ...... . .. , r T" r n i w f I f i 7 " i uily V 1 1 m v j w I 1-1 f i. r. j FLOWER AUD VEGETABLE .iK:n., i n!; ;s;o. p,.!.:? i Jh-;, y. .,. l.r ( . . '.V.iIi U.iV'''.Z--r.'.uhl ' a ww . r . . s v?t'''l-:.;n 3 p I 1