Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 12, 1870, Image 1

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jiiL .t-L-'.J-vii.A I.ilMriLU !
. TJ II AT 1 1 A WAY,! !
, i 'iVi. jrntr ilj.ii. .Stojtnl ;trcL., si c-
cct''t.ry. I
TL'HMS : Wi-i kly, iei.tJ f er annum if fuij ic
Se.."." if u. tiail i:i sJvaaCT. I
t.5 rl iv snn, hjiji' i i:r. j
Tj. ;!'i;l '-r- 'f the Iit-;ialiii 'a lie IV:n- j
i.. r;. -j .'!- r lUi'-i' 'I meet in I'h'.tt.-iiioi'th nn ',
V.'c afay, '''t r.'.trj e
t ;,' ..Jrt:. '.:iii .IrU'Katrs fur the different conn- i
i "i .... i,i n .:.... i'. .......... i
,'-bil!!l I.iuoiiin :i ounc-Uity the 1'Kh day
.. t.ttru-t un-1 f r the-trii-arthin of such othvr
LI j
ana ip, its
VOL. 0.
km mini i ii
rnrrort am moi ii! nea.
. i OiIk-o dTiior ji end ,-., ..i: ! e. .-. ? c
ond t.r.v'
i J. :; !).. p.-.- it -
c.itiui.l'-C' r
l.t p;
liiny i.e ucin ci x:c,'ii-ni. inc
n-'ut "f tli? fallowing named jicr-
l.-.U "
P. i
:..r u'.l HI'
R. i
;, Y.. V.. Cur.i.inRuaJu.
.1 . ('i.m. 'n.
1 '. l ::;; ri K'i. !..
Yv". VV.I.'.ipUt.
I'.. M. R.:ll.;:-ti-l X. l!
II. I. i!:.l'.iiw:iy.
ft. I;. iiiK-,'Ji.
K. K . ':tii. n'.U:i: ar..l E. B.Taylor
I'.. I!. ;;
i . A. Ai-i'ott.
:i f.ill it'toi; will be hail, lit tl.e
I.-.; ii-t.-i liiiiii-l by tl.e I'ouiiiiitttc
I.! v i m; - 1'N. J-ivr. iitry.
lu i-iii-t-r vl tlis Mate wii
T!:e H'hw of lkCpre.-ontaties at
2-!ii:ir'n r.:s jms-ett a jo:iit ro.-').u'inti i
From tlii Fremont Tri'juue.
CujAiiBiXFFt;, SacndfusCo., Ne3., )
April Z), ITo. j
Mr. KiiH)R: A unM lilre-s;ntr ac
cidoiit ix'currctl Lcre o:j ThyrsJay. UJUh,
rcaultiiiit: ia the dcatU of ilr. Wiu. iiasch,
Ihine aar.ut (.in; ini'u south ol" t lift ot
ofiico. Mr. Ka rh was in tlie ficl'i
kbout lii'.f a iu"!e from liou.-?, wh: :c
lie !mJ L' t ri ia rain. Oa
preparing to return Siomo h; put the har
row in tin; wapm, an-i then a'.tf ;:ip(jd
to pi'.il l i wliieh lay in the hottom
of" the wapia, fi)Ui uuJ?r it. (.ia.jii.g
it by th.1 ur.).z' lie pulled i lowur i Moi,
vvhv.;i the hau)i:i r caught in a chain on
tho harruw n: tU's gun was discharged,
Mr. Kas.'i roceiviiig the confenti ia Li 5
Khdoiiiv!) J chet. The 'vre was an
1-aiiield loaded with a dyuhl-.s charu
of hnckth'it. Of eourro l.e was oiu-
p'ettly riddled. I was on th? t-y.ut ia
lew tuoiiient:- and rendered r.l! thfi aid in
t r. Ijoiini Ihc pro nt e-M"n on th..- 4th j tie poWer f)f r.iedieiii'i which of course
of July,
u.-ii it.
w'.ui til'"
The Senate ha.-, not vot acted could he of n- avail. He died at uvc
o'cl'ick 1'Vi.Jiiy niornii'jj.
Mr. Ji. leaves a wn'e and om child who
are nearly distracted at the sudden blow
which ha a k'-'oiu over the eniiiu
couiiuuaity. Yonrs very tru'y,
VOitU ('Cl'.Vl'Y.
.iz-'n.-i of York County hold an
ii the i!f'th alt., in accordance
jiroc'iJiiation of the Governor,
for t!c- i'urpo-:eof organi:-:ins the county,
Inn'iiK-! ''' comity seat and electing
Cj-aiitT oietrs. The 1 .l:...inrr was the
result: i he county sor.t wss located at
York i y a n::ijrity of seventy-lour votes,
ktiltli - f.d'owin ci-iitlciiHTi were clec
t ! to tlie sevi-ra! oliloe: For (..Viiinis
sinni r.-. P.iviil 15u-ard, li. F. V.'aymcn
tod S. V. M'-re; County CI?, k. K dward
J-ku. 'i'r 'u-u.i r, Juhis Frt: I'robalc
Ju i 5.iv;d T. Moorey; .Survevor,
Frank -J. Masirrn.i; ; ( ' oji.ty upei inteii-
ttrjiifc' ; "no
.S l.i!s, V iiiiam Ario
t!eorie Fiock ; Coroner,
3CiritT nt KlHir.
From the Fremont Tribune.
We learn the following j.artieulars f
a horrible municr which o;currei
i . . 'in i .. i.
j iair, on i iiiirsuay eveno';. .-ui u:. i Iw.i
Jiwhert Joi:escoo.: at the UuiuiLy Hou-, j the cm price o
and McAu'ey, clerk at the saun; hous, lt);j
fiad seine iiii.-,undeitaiIiiir and .(.;!-js i
threatened lie would kill 3h'An! v ii' the
assertions were rt iterated. McAu'ey
went into the kitchen where Jone was
the two en.raf.rcd in conversation, denes
Keii d a t'UtchiT Lnl'e ai.d c'.eavtr uu l
itt.l ?ihir .? ill..' 11 II ft'tl (:f
The XeLraika City Board of Real
Es-tate Ajents aet purt-UKBt to cnii i
the oraci' JJavenpott & hreat. 1. H.
Whielcr, of 1'IattsDioutii, in iho chair.
(Ja notion of K. M. Davenpjrt, H.
Kinucy was elected h'ecrettrj'.
The following xmilevi n were prerewt :
1). H. U heeler, I). 1 1. Wheeler & Co.,
of F'aitsmouth ; li. 8. Seyi.ieux, Scc'j.
CVu. L:id Co. ; A.S. lpplton. I'lesi
Jct, Ouiaha; A. I'. Cwgsweil; W.'II.
Hoover, ifruwuviile : J. I. Coajf ton,
Comptori, Tawlev k ('o., Lincoln ;-iJav-enport
& Sroat;" G. W. Cove!!. Covcll,
CJh. un & Croztom: W. W. Wardeil,
V.'arde:: Si Vaters; Ji F. Wancn F'e
?.ite.t Warren; H. H. Wi!.n, II. II.
V. iUii &Co. II. N. ComtU , J. F.
Kiinicy, Ii Kinuey, J. F. Kir.ney k
Son, Nebraska City ; II. C. Lart, JJrown
ville C. C. Jsuiith, firm of Smilh it
C-miiinhaui, Fails City.
The chili insn read a letter from .7. T.
ji!n;an, Falls City, cmpowevij.. Me n
F'avcnj.rt & Sroat to art. iu i.i
th Sife organization of Lad ajr-fnt.s.
On motion the letter w received ad
Mews, iaveui'ort t Kroat mr? cii:
pftwered to j.-t as Mr. Giiu:ita's piory.
Jude U. M. I'avenport, ebainuaa of
the coiiiiuiifee to draft a consii'ufien for
tLe povern;er.t of the NebtasLa fcitate
Lan-l Agents A.vac.iii4tion, repotted the
fo.:owij., v. li'ej). air .r having been read,
was takeu ttj arie adopted:
Whereat, tho iUsiji!-5 n-casglng
tr.d dealing in r?i.l estate in Nebraska
has tecotue so iu;portant as to e'i'ect a'l
" I cla.-ses oi' miw iy au i yet Ll.usrt
individuals a? to tfhc liso
Li.u-a a:id much uuju.'t
f iioard, rioiatin the provisions f the
Uy-LaTs h'ail be tnbjeet to expul
sion i'rsiii tlie Ho.rd.
Mr. lvenj ort eilerel tKe fo'lowirg
t in sijliciTins buuaitst).
tlie RfcmlK-r5 of his prpanizarion hall
solicit M'.ch husinev on the condition
that it be aot already in the ha ads ef
any other hicn:ber of this oreanization.
Ittsiiacd, That any member of this
Kotrd coiiiinjr in competition with any
dialer who i not a member, ehail not be by any of the riles, except s.icli
as require .thea to deal honorably and
The orisnifati-in thin proceeded to
the election of officers, which resulted
a j follows:
Fre-ident, John F., of Ne
braska City: Vice Fr-idnt. D. II.
Whreier. of l'lattstnouth ; Hecrttar,
W. 11 Hoover, of Brtwuvii'. ; Treasurer,
Yj. K. Seymour, of Oi.uiha; Coinaiittee
eu Arbitrativin : K. M. Iavenport, W.
W. Wardeii. of Nebraska City; and II.
C. Lett, of i2mwiivi!lc.
Coiuittff! on M'T-sbcr-hip : A. P.
Ct-.Tsweth cf jW-owuvil'e; 1. 1). Ccmptcn,
of Lineo'n.
A voU of tVanks tras isndored io th
rctiiinv FrciJ.t. D. If. Wer-hr, ms i
Sceietsry D. IviiiLiy, for the ftbie iran-ne:-
in v.!ii- h they psrforrueJ the dutie
of their oSm.
Mr. C. (.'. Fiiiith t.ovcn that the pro of tJ:!- cranistion, together
with t'i? Cct:tti:fio:i arti 3y-Laws,
with the amies of the jaetuVersitirted,
bo jTii.tcd in painilst form Kr.d oe
tboLotiJ'.d coj-ieei tikia bv thij Board i'or
Nf.w Yohk, May 7.
Tl'.e detnocraey organizations i.) day
appointed a comuiitte to delegate county
ticket af aiast the Tammany ticket"
The spinner's rtrike at ('lai k's thread
mills, Newark. N. J., containne. The
endeavor to obtain other spinners is as
yet ttntj'jecssful.
m n ! e r re ( 1 1 ii k .
Ckarltton, May 7.
W. W. Suturcr, chi f e!.rk nf 3i
State Treasury, was arrested for conntir
teitin the Sttte fir-idir. coupons. L.
I), olf, who had tb.3 work d.n; in Au
burn. N. Y., was arrestee, iu New York.
Hatupi oa pleads r;uiitj-. No o;beri arc
iiu-'Iieted. The cr.f.prrs were destroyed,
have rone on ths market.
Zr4 Its ml Bill.
Lo.v.):is, Miy 7.
In the Cnrun on-, last evening,
Tri"!j Land bill was divused in the coa
tnittee of t.te whole until adjourmir-nt.
Many s.nieniienis were introiueed
and rejected.
prejudice. 2n::it llio--j w.:o t:ave Uoti-o'-L'y
) :i a.'I lt- r' i--:it ; 'fhirv
f no, to j.lae sueli bi?.i.ii;ss :i a prop, r
feoting so its to ;:li.;u'i yeue.-ai eoLili -dijuce
and to pro? ret the pri'tesiiou
.i-riin.-t the reoroaches .fun biuu.'l.t.
tneuou.-e; Jiim.i t-ur-.;!eij a sr.ost uis . a . .. .. . 'j',..r(.
tlf.'ii'.rs t iafkilea,
V.'e en', upon the i.eany patrons of the
. . H-rxll in thi loc-.U.;.- to note
. 'tt. that paper iei'to.-ci to cor
i. , -tatcniKi.t so rejra.'i to t.;o
.'-i. '-;.ii,.a:i . U'twiti.s:aic!ii;." we
,ve u ;on tft.-t-- different oecavon-cube 1
to iu . it feev- to -to tne
ar..! the people a!oa the lie '
tf ii e an injury. Ita a.v-ertioii-i
jireoalcuUt.'d tocieutean u--t.t:iie.- in;
.". . : ..C !,...- : ... r,'.. (. at-. :-et- !
l i- i ...i ! I i
tlit.g al-ms the Hue of the roai and in- j 'J
ve-iiiij." their niency inlaitis, a-s I are j
.aue.:uenilv calculated to retard tue I
lance and tijrew the cleaver, uidch
truck McAuhy in one arm ju.-t aoove
the elbow, cutting it in s-itch a manner
i a'.Mo.-t to .-ever it. M vtAu.ey- ran i.;to
a room c!o--e by aad per.-ous pieM-nt
bandaged the arm bido-.v the eil;ow he b.d'.v to tei; wheu; ihe v.-iLtnl
whs tii.d befoic incii'-ai u .-: su.-e ar
i the unfu turnte man b';?d to death.
' 's toijo !ia not !e u eartuir-ij.
a u.-"criptioii ol tlie
iHved smooth
i i-o
rer :
ii'in'it .lories is
;!i; : to f. inches hih; dtk c :u
t: ; tKtz-inarkod; ah.'itt 'i-t years
li, v.e .hs lr-o psnt-is black hair,
. i ... , . i ,
e-;iiy . s: i oi t"p i toe nc-ei, ; navw
1 1' t
grey pa:.t.--, linen
iti l oiae,
.'VS, we i:'h;zv our-
tii7e-ur i;r tlie io:io'in 1,'ousatut.un
aad iiy-Laws :
Articlk 1. Ti.i- orauiztit.u shall
be kiion as t!ia Nebraska Sia:e Foard
s ribvtian.
B. Ktaney offer? 1 the fill .wine:
AVavA-a, Tint as Site L?. l Agent i-i
entrust.! with the Ileal F-t a'e ofjwjot'.jer,
Mr. IVdnier'" resirrtiPi
the aprlu'stinn of the improvement
claufe to tenants wss under hy di-
ad.;ptei. Adjcmted.
Tbe Jrt!et r.xrnnlon tf the Men- j
Bos-rox, May 10. j
A number of Ho.f,on men will nfart
on the 23d of May, on an excursion to ;
San Frsnei ro, and an eque.l number of
ladix will sceompnnv them. A capital'
to the amount of fifty inuhmt will he
represented, and all their arranement.s
willbe en the mot elaborate scale. INine
cr fitted up with rsf,virar:l beds
bi-iinrd table?, etc., hare b-n bn'.'i ex-
preily for the cee.i'sion. The h,'. ernor
Sale of Lands
Th3 Buriinr:;Dn &. I'.i.
R. P.. Co. in ?lebra?ka
NOW Oi l Kit
of Machnetts the Mayors of iJ,ton . 1Q Capital 01 I.LOraSKa. pnr "?.10T!fiM PIPWTQ
and v?rrteindine town-, as 1 taanr other 1 S" XiS. T-iUi l .'.UU ItMlfl 1 O
frointnent men. will he srtien? tf e "tt- !
mi !:oni!t. It ha l.een arrangei ttiit !
the. ,'f.rcrrnr- f th Sfafs thron.c:!i ' J J g , O -J.
which they ; as arc t mrc f thcrn rn the j
eop.Qnes of 'lie Slttte. r.nd aeeompany
ti-m ti.rou?t! !!ie rotate. A 'l.r.ty par
Jnr.r CI,, A. V., l70, r( i i A. M.
1 y
t St lyi !
will be iMied on the train, civiv,' th
cuneni news of the d.vv, le-c. iption of I
scenery and notable person, etc. ;
- - - - - i tore f ":c'.r.i;
T!i rri Flu-hi fi c the Vtrtor In i if 'f
: 1,
Tit Unntl Time ol a iytit 4t
I r-.! j I r'7tn
! M-rh 4. 1 ,
ft r 1 .
New Orleans, May 10. ; )'.ui.j: M;.tCr
The Maee-Allen exetTMon lro oiT at t y te I'j-r"'
-1 V
!.!!,: ! i.r. " S
V ;i. r i : r. " . :
.-. ef a -i
V f ? i i r i ' r i
. i'l r.r ' I'.,', i:
(,- fr.V..i;. .lv..
. ' h f-.i I '.-
..r ei.t f;.S 1 t.
I , t . i v i ; -1
i ; t
' vT.i.
i Slfi lO
; r " ' , i
To Oi.-irT.nn.l- in V. ui.r C. . !. I). IJ.
Ii?. I'S :in l I S i:.:-t . ( ,.., Yiici, ul
Moil.ii. iu Nc' rJ -ha.
On Ten Years Credit!
Only r ci lit. inter. -! on t! i velnution iv
re teirc-.l t'.-r i':e ijrst r t ; i' .! torihe
se n! !:..'. i, ..r. i.t..; lit-- i .. ihir.i y'r.
i:;'.y -i:::'li tie" ii'v. j..? I i i.'ru-in'
it.Uri-nl in ;:y..!.li- ai.ln.:i!'j .
r. ... n . o o-..n,l if lr. 'r
. a. in. -I... ... .... . - r.
tne L;
coutitry, uti'I w
tbr li.e purpo.
csitirera:o tin
or in tlie leu,
ten ot pt . '-etty
t r.e
ho u::d;r :ijeircuu::a:ic.s
cl rale, sLoul i
soperiy r.e r(t-s t sc..
' r.s.rl
AboIiKbmeHt f Oitnlnnl I.w.
Nf.w (Ixlias. May t.
The la Legislature rrpnied all the
rtututos "for the punishment of crim.,
etc.. ud enact fd laws uy.v in force, lt
made no provision for the presecntion of
persons charged with erimes committed
prior to Aprii 1st, 170. I-avi:?;? thereby
a hiatus through which l'3 pT'"n iti-
i?ust iteni-.:
iW.Lu the Initii;
ancs more than tins, a ixiu mora! cnar
acter; that iii ilis vie w the trLtst io .Kit
ir.i'ci :r in .iij-'i.i; y to lbs pi .ieion A
Law. It'eha'i therefore b the c-ustai.t
etTutt of tbij r;fj.i;-. L!o-rj to uiake t! a
bu-lne.s vorthv il;e fullest respect aui
con'.iJcneo c
f tl
ie cii:iiUt:it'.
i '.-e? iloiit fL;
i I.
iff f-th ol the ce-ttn'.iy. 1 iiss c
iiltjsble to the Ii:r ihl, but w-
Juubt it. We ba-.e I -cine o. iti
warn.e.t stij -potters in this locality de
l.'-.h-o n ni scveiv terms tor this ana
o:t.-r '.Uii:ar a- t; of lofJtf iii.iustice and
g 'i5 l.tA --;. TLe trtilb v.'ti! prevail, how-e.c:-;
atel the JA may posii'iy have
ke rti :"a li'.nof kt.ol.j- that ii work a i
te. i. y injury to tlie vhb Sjuth
i eoatitiv. siUl epcujily to tnat
a!o!it th? Hue of the J.. & 31.
Whi titer it wid iiKieue it- ?ub
:..,n Ibt in the South FLitte cOvtnUy
Iu s. f!.i.!li4it Her (ompitn
'titronn ci.t -Sue tirojvfl
Let lee, f .le.
I: t J
ia ,-on.e.saence, is another -,estien. tlie an .lo ,j:i.,(..t .s b;..c Jie f..i: out
iNL'iASAroLis, Ini., May 4. Yester
day cAciiin.' the following note was
dropped from a balloon iiih in air, necr
3(ontpciier, Blackford ecunty, In J., roov
int' in a sotitherly iire;ti.'ii'. It was
fastened to a loose pi cc of wood and iron
weiehui:: a'-out. two jour.d. "Siitd
f oi;) 'JV.roato, April 'J-th, or new Yoik,
j.. iv. lib dver.-e wind.-, ei. 1 by a sud-Jt-ii
n.ovemvtit of the "ij ihoon, Mr. La
jraiue liwj .vii out ; I ;.oppo.e, near
e- 1 could dteivaine. over lh south un
onrt of Mieljbrr.n. Not kiiowin how to
of Jb 1 Ijsta
tuxiitiy to tlu
Fstate Aitcut.
ART. It. 1 .ie tinicers oi toi' cr.cata-
Tii-ju sbjil be a i 'reside;
dent, Secretary an i 1 rea.-u; er, who bhali
each b'.bi their eLtees jr viic year, and
until their 'aaccessors are elected and
Akt. ?.. Th da tic of tho Fre.ident
shall be to preside at a.l aacctinija of the j
Board, and he (diali hae authority in
connection .tth ijie Sci retary audTiv-as- i
urer t'j cad ?oei;ai aaccttnes i ili3 board
idevi.t-naiti.g t'itie aui pljt;e) whea in
their iud;Lacut the inu resis of the Board
would '. j ..ub.- rei therebv.
the annutii umvtirttr ef the ib-ard, ap-
; Oitit a
:e eonrtji
i account'"
ice 1W- ! bou: tlircetl-n the Frt
::t!:t t'ti. Board
j i:o: j, aui u:.'J.r
iieut and tce
itt;on tl:e Trek-
Tlie dutii of
re tar v rlia.l crarf otiter,
iiWirii, That the Treaiurcr slmii pay
fund-, out Oitly on tl.e order of th-3 I'resi
dent a::d Se.-retary.
i. II. Wheeler offered the following
rcflutiou. :
;'.Vsv,tt, That tl! the Far-.;rs in this
State L requested to publish tha Con
stitution and By-Jjavvs of the Nebraska
Stale Board of l'ea' Estate Agents to
gether with our proceeding of this, our
litrted fif Tatious ofieii-l
escape unpunished.
lirst amtiaal lacctinf: i f the Ioard.
he tin;
ha? I)J
-ed ia
jf which n'ay not be so p.ira-at:'
We look to -r-e it
after it hai ae.vtn-
to i pi" rieior'
i;i.ik" he eo. ii'.-lio
ui u.onu ai.J ito cart lily powrca.i ?;tve
1 dro.i those liite.- ! ij.-i: sotue hu
ii fnd the'ii and comiiHiiiicaio to
burnt pi-ib!o.
t '. ! ;iov t ne
tti 'I
l.t clunge
ie r
1 h
io i
s o; my Etctaucnoty
Lc ' -t lav, ami a:. .mtere-te.l can
u.-tc-'-rtai:! i?1? provisions. Frobat'iy
. .,.'. will stat? the facts afrtr they
be- o:i!! fj'Iy knowa through other
Th : :v.I.-w:nr ia the only mention made
e l'brask: 'ity ek-.-tin in the col-aiun.-C'f
thai very demonstrative journal,
fae mahu Avt?. :
"1 he election at Nebraska City re--u'
l in a "i'imw.' It a tieree con
tost, an 1 iitrncd w LV.iy on local i!-!:e&. -
Mr -i. i.':no.-;-at. . or,
--'ii. .
h.ce iu
. i
i Ciiv
v. on:
il are
ot 1
r-iy pareiiu U;e tt'Ui;:
tre. io Iieuvcu i comm;
i 'lease iKiid theia this no tit jo Ilalpa, Upper Canada, signed
Berth a Lawrence.
A :i.!.lii, AuliiKilen.
A Gem. an get.iud has invented a
hjM--akii:i: machine, wLic'i is new on et
hiiition in Leirsie, and is a masterpiece
of inventive ait. It is in imitation of
a;l the parts of the human orpsns of
speech, executed in India rubber ani
wood. A k-vboard plavcd like that of
- . 'i . . . : ..; ii..
' a e.ano. pit's i ue inns io wuiuni, nunc
j by a pedal and bcll jirs the required air
i i-. sent throtudi the wind pipe. The
! keyl-ourd has only fourteen keys, repre
feniii'f; the sounds of a, o, u, i, e. j. r,
! w, f, s. b, g, d, 7-h ; other sounds of the
a.'phtii t are rodu-;ed Ly the saute
I i;:cvi itivii'. ani i tie adu.isdon cf ntoreor
!es.v air. Toe sounds '-f m said 1 are pro
j dueed by closing i h-e lip.-; an 1 pressing
i the t.n-.oo at.-uin-t the roof of the
l'resideut, Secretary and Treasurer . -ball
be fueh as usua'ly pertain to such og-.tes
AltT. 5. There t-haii be tv.o naitiiatr
com etit tees of thiee each, one on member-hip,
and on oti constitution who
fball iie eleetc'l at each annual meeting,
by ballot.
At'.T. 0. Aii.v pervou or Srt.i, de.-.iriii,.'
to become connected with this )o;:rd,
. ball make rpplicioio.i in v,; tJ the
Secretary, who siial! be tx-J!U -t chair
niau of the commit to -j on n.-r- be!-! in,
fi.-con.'pa'ited by e:i adati.'-i-n ice of live
dollar-, :' f;uu3 .vot:'i-by the vim-n-.ittea,
the Se.-:e-jry sbIl notify such
.ppiii:Hut of t. ito.rsiou i.i -t te 223 her. if
the applicat.oti is declbicd the admisiiou
lie slall bo jet u'r.-.-J to the applicant
. ith notice of th. rejection and ii;s tibt
that tl
re;-ie;a uj i
i-j furtbwiiitir the object- for which the
that a copy bo
j'trd was ortrauizedL V'a I
furi-ished the "lani Owner" for oubli-
J'rxuhfJ, That the thanks, cf tfee
members of the Board be, attd they are
hereby tendered to the Fapei in litis
in a '.'!
' i . . :utu:i ha if ft .zn mu
imts !.'. t'-t now nuluemsal niouui. etc. I he rrcuch t-asai iounas
1 t...ttn.r T. i i-i"' is an I i are oroau-e.l fv a .-ciiara,.: eoninvaiiee.
a.l the c.edit of the g'"iat and tri
bint vLtry (?) ii due h; pivwe-a.
The itiUfthing. it is said,
t:nd.- truly
aud the cro uijj of a rooster
poor Swt.rli'i. li'iir sc:
U token. d the "M.'
W ';
;-ter of!
' ililld'v
i t t.4
..t- -.1 id- iiwin;r uiej
vcrv c(Uiical.
Mtato Itu.i r i" I-tiui'a rndtn.
C. C. Smith, F-p, fent cf the
Stale Bord of Iitiaiieration, called on us
fri- vie-k. His whole vu! in the
bu-ine-s. in which he is'.cod, and bo
is. ffiihont doubt, "the ri'itt man in the
f j r;rnt plac;1,
to appeal to th' bta:e i;oai i. i
Alt'i'. 7. The Cemmitrtee on AAA- j
traii.ui :-ha'l tettle all matters of tfi-pute
Ijelfeui uiciub-erH.
AttT. 1'ach person or Cita Woa?
iotr li ili Bottrd .-litdl pey un annual See
?; five dollars to the Treasurer, tt the
annul! mettiuj? sf the Board.
A:v. y. The Pveietr;. sltall tu::t
ever til msueys rsecivv I :br aduiission
fees i-.t! the hattds of t;.i 'iVeaurcr, a
soon as rcccircd, and take his receipt
Art. !) Tie'.e "hall ha un annual
usitatn; '.' .bis B- ard on tbs litvt Wcd
ne 13' i:i'?d-ty c,t'i year, at sueh place
as the jh .vj , a--t:ul meeting of the
Board !i.;-y have se'ectod.
. Art. 11. The coiicutatior. may bs al
t red or av.i-nede 1 by a twuthud tow of
all the members j .resent, at any regular
annual meeting of the fViard, or at any
epeoial ifieetin tailed for thai parpo-e,
at hast two week- notice of such special
meeting atid the propovd ci:au"e shad
have been jriven to not le-;s tb.aji fbur
fiftbs of the members of the Board.
The fallowing By-haws were then
adopted :
Sr.CTKsN 1. The sltail be
the established rates of ci;!rtm'--ions
of tlii" Board for tiau.-acting Koa! Lstate
l a si ues - :
For til sale? of lies! I'sUie. o i oru-
Statc, for no generously save- tutxvr the
osiice cf ur aieatirijs &sJ thaa tiding
us ,i ur orrstintattoii
hejtAved. J fiat the taoniiT pciof-ca
I knorn as t::0 "Jjano Owner, p-thhj.ied
i ; f t'Jjiea ,i. is nr; sl.'c aJviv-a!. of Wfst-
un Iba! F.-tate interests and that iti
itifiuenw throuj;be'it the 'Vest is dointr
n;uch towards c.'cvatiug the profes.-ioa of
Beal Fs'.ate dealer.;.
. Jltsolcetl, That we extend to the edit
or.; cf the ''Laud (JW our oonbai
support, aurintf them of the hearty co-
A Sorry IH-tn-lnee.
Nokth I'laitk, May 9.
A disturbance occurred aaioni? the
soldiers at Brady I.-biod to-day, in which
one citizen, Henry Ihriir. wa shot sod
tided by Corpora! Martin, ia ehargii of
the drtaclitfiiit ttthat place.
ZJ. ft. In.HK.i 'ijikii.sii4i.
Nv.w YuaK. May 9.
Th U. ii. Indian Coiiiiuiv-lon bavei-.-.-;te-l
an address to the Anieilc tti people,
caiii for he or.jariration of auxiliary
asssr, ail who sastaia I're-iaent
Craut'. w II known peace policy towitrtU
tbe India:..
A convention will be- bold here on the
I S h inst.v t- discuss the Indian pieti m
and advise means for its settlement, and
atert a war of rreat marnituds.
In Iruni.
! Atlanta, Tay 0.
The sheriff cf Warren county, whs
accepted bribes from rer-ons charged
with the murder of Sei ator Atkins, wa
brought herein iron, to day, by order of
Geti. Torry. It is rtpriried that tho-e
who mid the bribes wid be arrested.
CiiiCAt-O, May 7.
Afire at QuItK'y, ill, tbi.s mornlii,
deutroytd the Exchange Mill, a large
four dry, store and dwelling. Loss
operation cf this Botrd
;e;r rilorts
to elevate the prcfc&don purjjiag itfiorn
the baneful connection t -u-. h p r-ous
as have hitherto failed to .ider.-tand the
ivspon-ibilttiefl which are attached to a
Ileal hstiite. Agent; or who, knowing
t'ie;j, have, by their ba 1 faith towards
their clients, dbvrraccd tlie prof'-sioo.
o'-T.elt uiTered the fol-'owtn? :
Kudolr he obtained a tltcrc-e for a li-
' ! vorce. in the Becorder's Court, ycaterday,
his wi.'V api-atiny.
The Filonis ConstitutioMsI CoBvcnticn
i? expected to adjourn next weirk.
The Northwcstt-rn Asso- iatiou of raU-
w.y Bafc,:gt) Matrs iaiu sessioa hero,
with a larre atu-e.Jance ropre- atiu
n-:.t!y every road iu the N'-iihwo-t.
The weather is extremely warm and
dry. We bad a rain storm !a::t ruVht for
tlie tlr.-t time in a week
Aocvurtts from various parrs of the
r.oithwes! say thj cropi will suffer unlei.
tkere in rain .oor
j hat tne Seci-tsry soht .t to
recelre tarda to be pubii-hed with tlie
livoc-'cdius of this Mcei;.t.
J?f.'id. Th't tha pftK-edir.L'.- be
nt.bhs.hfd in all the Fanertf in th State.
li'yJrcit, That the Secretary jirocure
blank certiaoates of ptjwli-tr-iutjts and
present the saaie to eacli memb-r.
ii- hrd. Thai utttii tbe firrt
d?.T in May A. i., I'-i'J, the headquar
ters for tise tr:'tis:-t:on ot T'ti-iTU-ss of this
State Board fh-dl be at Nebsaska City.
Jiffvlrtil, Tltat our next annual leftet
iiir be held at Ouo.h-, ia th-; Ouahi
Centra! Laod Co.'s oilb-e. .
The Board then adjourned jone die.
Wit. II IIooVKa, Secretary
Itepttbli.-au Onirxl 'nilta.
Hon. H. . Hathaway, Chiinttan of
j the 1 epr.hbcan Sis.te Certial v;on;mittee,
! r.e.-s io-u?d c.'.il for a eoruniittee
Jacks ni ra-iro-ai depet as enily :! ':' a
in., amonc whom were prominent ire'r
c?nnts lawyer, pbyteiais. and Ptcttrs
of the Union nnd Confciierafe nnrv,
from the jctaie r.f General down, and
we!! kiion -r.oitin.T n;tn fsom rrb
of tlie ooutitrv. At he d-M ot there nrj !
a detail oi' serenty isn't i opobtan l'oliv
mn. who acco a panted the train, which -eonjiite
! of ten p-.ii;cer c.if-. Seri n e ' "
titindreit persiix were on bord, two- !
thirds of whom wet r of ; !ie b"ttr i Ins e-.. ;
The Chiewtri) 'io ba ! oinb in-jiobers
were ctitcis; tne ex,.,tirioni.-.t-. lite
crowrl vas ciy on'rily.
About fire and a b ilf t:iies tli-tatit
from tbe chv tbe train stof.r? i an I the
car.s were instantiy cni'd.
ordered on board nif.'.in. i
lbs place was ia-ide the metropwiitaa
district. 'I he trsbn I lien pro; c etir-l
three miles abor jiirnit r-.i;l.'. St.
Chir'es' punish, where th: nboie party
if in tlie f ri'b I-'repnrat!f- a-r- rrjsim
for t h cort'eet. Iitrtii.'t .'-i.f tisree; to
two oti Mace, thottsb Allen' . iVieni
very confident. J'ne weat Ii
pk;.-ant. Both men are in
coa-li'iuj. Aiieii s weit'it is ro.-out l.o
pounds, Maee MVS.
IiVr.ii. i'acc won the li'ht with
Alien in tu rounds. Time 41 mimite.s.
lhe former did itot reccei.' a scratch.
r :.; it.-; "! i'r
.1 .in
S Ol lit :,.;'
81" r".'! i ' T X full
: 1
iu.! raluci.
Dutei.l'Katry: i'.-rt . T Fc.-. ' '
i ti.'iu :
Ail were
was found
Th i wen !'.-! i'. i li -a : A fr. !
1 1 - .
ST. LOtlt JIAltlir.T.
St. Lolts, May lo.
Hour firm and tendinif upvavd; full
supeio 4 iH4 ,'57i ; eitta 4 :'.." fa' 4 (-.
Wheat higher. No .1 sprira-. In-peetcd.
So; No 2 red fall 1 H o .1 1.". ; No 1 do
I "JO ; choice to fancy 1 l!i'(o I 0. Go1 n
un-ettie.l am! droopiny for ad grades ;
1 14(1 lt forch.di.t miTed ani yellovv,
and 1 18 'i I "JO for white. better
at 0o'v,J6.
CuirAttu. May 10.
Ilo'tr quiet, and holders a-k hitrh pri
ces. Wheat excited at b(-A hhjrh.-r ;
fnles of No 2 at 'JIK'; 1 00, clon-n with
bujeis a? 'J.' ; opticus soi l f;ee!y at
about 1 cent higher tbau sellers lor
tha la-t half, and 2 cmts liiyh.-r than
casb sailers in June. This, afternoon the
market uas i.; $1 for cash and
ii!irj iu Mav, and 1 UOV tor sellers in
Juitc. t'oru firm aad 2(i-3 tocher for
j No2; su.lcs at yK't.ytj, and rejeeu-d at
tvA'C-O. O'lt-s strou?, c!osti; at 51(1'
52 fyr No 2. Cattle firmer and
netive at $5 37(0,5 75 for stockt rs to ex
tra tiicrs. Ho'S active and a shade
r.ic!;er at ?S tlutji' y Itj fr -a'r t0 fe,Jd
Klm Ckf.ktc, Neb.. May !.
A man named Henry WieiT. was sbot
and in-ant.!3 killed at Overton. Nb..
'his evenimr, by one W. O'Neal.
Thev were both sectioM men, and b'olh
served in the late. war. O'Neal n-adr
the reutaik this p. mi. that he tahs a
rebel at heatt still, and dammed Union
men. He asked several of t!i section
men if they were rebels and then wsi.o
up. to WiefF, whom he kilted, and who
had st rvei in the Union army, ani .-hot
him tbioufh the heart. IB; U i..p t
liberty, but we ar doimrour l"st o cap
ture him. Fhulips, Afeut.
O'neal, the murderer of WietT, wa;
arrcst-.-d tbii morning at this station.
lie citite in to pet som- whisky and was
rfCBsnized and imiadiately put under
guard. He says he does not remember
anvthmsr aoout shooUntc v ie!r. an ! ap
pears very much depraved in vpiritv ei :- j ti;jl nhoie jnco.He the prory w hich
cemins the affair. A siuaH sie.d tevolvcr ( Mi;j rmaiu li.l-ie to S? itc taxation, it"
was found n ln r.t-r.-on. one coa i'; . rt.f i . ifj.-ii-ir- i-,eii-,i iel ..r i-adm tied
Zil'wrj r-wiMTiT ot Exempt F.rtm
Sf.e Tasatien,
Chief" Ju-tiee Cliae delivered the
tuTilon of the Suniewe (,'onrt a few
days kinee, :;f5rm;Kir tbe riht of t!ie
State of Kcnias to tax tit iriperty of
tbe Kansas l aeisc Kaihoad Company.
Tbe csitludiiig poriioa of this import
ant decision i- a f llows :
'Ve perceive tto limits to tbw prmct
r 'e of exemption Tbieli t);e complatnaat-
-eek t eta:.ili-ii. It wtmid rc-move
frc-ru the reaoh of State rax-ition t,tl tie
r.roperty r every aireut oi tne fovcru-tai-iit.
Kvery carponilio: csrtred in
tbe transportation of tLe utaiB or kov
eruui'Mit .rooerty cf any description by
land or water, or ia supplying materials
for th use of the government, or in per
forming any service, of whatever kind.,
miyht claim tlie benetit of the exemp
tion. Ihtt amount of property neli by
'i. s-i
n :,l
- W rir
" 111
.f t,f
ti i.t'
: ti v r
:i hi
: .v ii;'
h t
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' a IT
. IC
. T fif
i" r 4:
s c or
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! ei)
:. 1 .."o
. li.i!
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!' i ii'irTrn Yi :irs Crt lit ; ri! t iu cpl'.u.i
.I ti. l..,yer. it'..-, I it. I. t.:. .-rcrui.
in; r- ri nit liin ' "ar .'. - it o! luiii'tiiiM
a l.i.s j.ri.-tiiii;in. ivtv.
: l '. ; i II.'. t:t.
,i i.i I c jt.l jwc.l iu
On tliesc Gensreus Terms
At i.-'.v ; liof-.!i;iii'r f-i in R? tu ?5. si, (f7,
'i. ! -f . ,V:-.. avir.tis alx.u.
Kioil I li.'I.I.AI. , Pl.t'. Al til., u- i .r.;ji!it
un i in..- ii :d luitm:
Ainui:al protluclloiiy wsfi
l.y i'or Lttnih r!?fLii:
:i;tit44 .Taii-i viShita
the SiiJrBl t!iii 'S'rra
r:-i VtliI
Facts (9 be Considered.
li;0 ar.'i" nt .ur ;:i-:;i.-" f, '. : f , . I
on ".';.:. r-it I it . r. : ' ; I
c. .-i. in i:-.-y ili:uilJl ; :!;.!. :l:v
1 s.,ii ..I i I
.. I a. ..I s,-L . .! I.-.:, is.
,ri.r. ::'i.l
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'I'.thc for i tu:i'!o I Iu ;
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i'i ic i p ii
f S'' ;. :
!. r criil i it i .-! -1 i
ti- 1 . -1 1're'n t:'.i-
ni' ; S i.-r 1 i ii-;
on ten yuis fr.
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.V! b.
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i ;;".-i Mr
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-..I ; ! .1.. ;.; .;i...-.:u ;.
n r a I I.--- s. it.'. Kf: ', ..'emr.
i'iall-ii:u.a ! cv.t.-ka.
jn e qr .. 3
jti .T i,r
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: n.c .1 r A
jn c i.r
!n -tr :
;- w ;r
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such corporations and h.ivi'or
more or
k.s direct
to the iiai:oiu! irov-
l its st-.i v I' e, is very ;r'-T.
Ar.J thb
SO Orl-. t U IV a
atiioio-t is
ii-iai.tiy nj'-rea -i?iir,
i'ie-rit;i wht tne,
j Tbe Board ate mat ut-r arratitementd i For all
f er is-ui:ui tttcniy lice thn-an-J C"pies J j.; whcsi
1 . k . 1
r.ov-..,:, wnere uie sc.n :S price 'toes me. . j. 0 bc h.sA ,,n tht, 18tb inst, at I'latrs
eie. e.J one httore.1 aohsre: '" bib rr-ftb which will be ir.
r.-,-ah -toes c f lietd lI-t;!teoi! com- oth coluiW, tl.ii mornirgr Oaetifi
nits wltc i. toe pnee it'o: u (lte 0i.:wts cf thi- im-H-ting : to aire--
ri. eed mi'; i.i;u.-and Collars : . ut,n an aj.portionmei.t to the several I
a recent
We clio trie followiti": f
i. iu,r ot th--' J'awaee Ttifw:
''Nr jia ba City is on the w.i?i. 1
citizitn-r :.!! i b;:-:c.''-s tiieti ar t. . :;
;-.s:re bloomy ovet their raiWvi pn
Hie ir to l- n.v:n: t;;ett a, to a I ,
r bu: 1 1 1 -1 b.'..'; tra
of a l anit.b'et. s-tlincr lb' th tb.e advau-
, i.iees an t re'sotnees f Nebraska. They
; oiler o!.j loio bcd dollars tor the best es
I r-av on thi-t sobb-rt, to be u-ed in tlie
t tbe
v e.-ot.
ab-.- cf Bcal r.Ute oil c-'tun
tlie trt'Ihitg- priea excredj
thocsmd doiiat ani dee", not exceed
llo tliC
; i
a "
iad a
1 1 ' i
We do ;
buy?'-, -jr
:- -jivc i:
.i 1 we :
it an univut
iT.- i i".'J to
t lit' i rs
t-- ..O' - M I'
ii K .i li .te
more thsn half bcii-ve i,
i I if it ca'-ie fi .:.o a iv .'!..'-i"
e Wo.--, i , thr .v;.-.';V?
LeuM unii.t oeiUim declare
h. But Floy pays t mueli
' w r.i .... f .--..s 1
revile. f!:ey
I o'-m'-er oi'
of which v 1
i restiji. Fi!y
1 rv-tic .l:!a;s. t
; li.ilUrs c r ... i hi
i ".!. esi-i-i i.i. y
: ciiare sli-iu,-
p w.t beat iv,.
To!! at.-O i t
-Tt:-eU.:rrtt, lb"!-!.
b-i sp-cut in idmq; itimi-
i'ats n-r a j:aee ; ten
a half p-ee, and tn
i j a-.e. (ur ba-!H-
tr.o-e a w!io!es-a
. u 'i !! this '. pp'.: tKftit,
.ae-iti' ;. AJ'-'trti--'-
eeive a i;a,;;e
two iboitB-
- 1
live p. r ceht, on
nun.--;, ai.l as tne ue-t!o;i ir voivts
ome t.i-e poitits it may b ; tr biinst
it before tbe public, that it may he fully
THissmr. lie t.s althii ol unuc iiut. j uti,i appiie.t in itt':j::et extent, may not
without a trial. A e h e : : if f .ci. G.uici j uiuinatciy b; ia elcijuate to the
Island i. evp-cted up Were ia th i:-.rn- j support t.f the S;.te Gnvermuents
ing and will take biro to Nrlh Fia'.te or j The nature of the datns to exemption
Oiuahu fur trial. V. eirT wa trid t!o ! Ki.icf; would be $:-t op i- m-1! ill i?t rated
eveoiii at (Iverrop. tie leave.- a w:le
and two children in t'lneiiit-ati.
bv that which i- advauctd ia Lebilr' ot
-cus&en ar.ii a Lor na.-ii ac agre.;a upon,
.'cb will t..-cr.' barmonv iu the n.rtv
the !i-t ant ti.rsc per teat, c-t . lhc tLi,.. Jt been prois-ei to j
!.be reri aui'-o-t. . :nk the last Fcrialee-un vic for I'rei- I
for a., sue- ot j .cI Iviste, on cr.r.iriis- , ,jrili as h basis io fact, we believe it
srci when tbe seumtr prtct- eiiceetis two j WiiS j.j.j in .i,0 c,)iV,.eH.;,lni but
bou a:,'. .i -n.Ar. : uvc per c-rtt. on tu ; it is so manifeutlr nnfitr, we do not
:Ir-t 'tl, -". tbr,- ! o.s;,c tbcscaa j t!,-.,L mny ,.ai;.v ;a:,L.t oa jt.
f!.i)'-. art l two v. I a .ia:l P"r cel.t, tn i Vhra-ba Ci.v aii.l Ofoe an
-r -.ri i .it: rt i.r. .. t ..'
In al: f.'i--tio;i- bet wo-.
tee rtn.s;a
t-LO 2.
! t i
i li e I
r ,
ol tee lejar-l
-ir sale of I'I-'rI
! t -tv'tu t.t oi taxs lne'-!
A j.j hrt, nfAf.-- mt.t u ei-, iho or.ots
slt'l .litidc ! e '.-. i.v bet wt'ea t:.
j iiei here procuri-ig'tiee L .islaei and the
11! ten 'tern: t; ii-a'-t e it.
j important c
O ' r r. ... I '
I t . : I.
out the tat
e r.e won
Id sa
tc II
.yibi.':iLT of that kbui j
iure Necr'.a City if it wer-r rtot j
1 b.j iit.i,uei w:;t oe eut
Us'iiti. of ..' eiy.
Tire l!i.:ii'l will att;c:nt a se.b-airei
t.'us p!a.-.r for the toan and county. -Ji
j '".' '- 1 i' fi '!.' r.
-a...ri.nttM ,11.
A ( rman jrirl about -ixte- n vee.r-oi
tie. tee i.e-ce of one of flat c!d-:t i'ar
tavi-.V;!.- ,in'
K-f-te. or th :
a - s,;-i-;i C.H-fe-.i'1.
e I p'i i.--.-s
b,sr. J. i..,i-.;ii'-;on.i !r
tave sb.ail be m no east; less t.U-.n o a
dollar. A e--muii--'' it of u-n i r cei.t.
shall ?a;.eL itttM' on
! eve i.i c ritiy ob t
tuie pai :. le-t r:-
i ot
ivt ic-r cent
i it
ana a e . o -.-! ri
si nil U" ciiarvo-i cti all
. , ,..,...1.1 , 1 S, .1.1!: .liit :e lijue..- If.IViI ot t : I 5y;u paM, eXeee illig I.tiy OOtOttt. J
a. Wot-u to ci.y, dropped :- t:n bu-kct into the cist- ! y-.r.iib--iof'of fivc-dv.'.lar- ha!I be charged
i .... .. i. .....V rt .,; 1 c " duriinr the ab iit' of he: un-leand f ,r ,.aC, certificate of rede raj ticn from
r '..:,;,. v. .t b: r ihf.-.wt!ve. i --t rope atcutti t,w !o.:y ani - tiee Ju-i.-e tvitinry o'-el the fjl'owirtg as
;'.;'ililwf!rt'ii VJ.?;j,.Sl!:?.,la?v !o "' -l it" l'TL il slill bo the duty of each
.. -k.'-. vr.h..'-hv, t;'nii Tot'.mwaud" l V:':uI'. V'! M int bro:a-r,'t eml. r of this BrJ, m hen -ipphcat ion
;-) v." " i". -a'e I '-c 1 edi-ut o-" tf u r aid .--.un iier-jUoers wbo as-t.-'t't s ma to htm le .-ed property, to en
. ... x v,i ... . . i. ... t.o - ie tiiiitij tcrrn Jirv.ut. She ;ife wottber prt-rh-rty pro-w-e'J
-. - . i i ,:t;
uattae I. as fa;en c,IJti? on
the i-ist ro:s:.ei'ti:'l election, a-t
-bown by o ir I.-.te cby eleecton, which
wo !d ey, crate largely in our favor ori.t he
ptof o'd basis, but which Cv.iM tot be
o.stiiuate l lor another year or more.
We L.ive. vow In k.-t'.e ooLiity about
live hundred llepublican majority, but
under the 'a-t vote for I'rewident we hz
a u.iijotity oi' but few votu.-. Otbsr Iv
calittei have (h irgd the other way. and
it is evident that such a basis would nst
give the cxa ei and 04 ual j i.the,
it should not be adopted.
Population, from latest cen-ti.3 thoukd
be the La--Sis cf repressentatiou, and if
Bepablieans in Deniocratic itronchohh.
seeiu to get a blight advantage, it thouid
Ie remembered that thev aNo carry
St. Loi;ih. Mrv 10.
Mike MeCooU. will publi-l. ay.iaUft.sf
to-morrou to rlht Mae i r 2,ir: o.
5,(ti0 a side, ix iji !!t!. after g uit-'i-tho
articties wi'bin m'lj mil. -of Njw tr
bans ar auy place where a lair tibt ea
L'S Lad.
1 be
' ou
"! be
c.)u:p!iitii.tnt.s iu tli-e oa e before ti.
very fra ir. of vis tu3 is in the
iitiv:- t.f the t tct-'.-a! Go.veiroiieiii.
aSh-vatixa i.i that the goveinruent
a iv.iiced lar'$ u;ti t aid iu the
. r :i v. 1 r
s ill
nw u r X .- - n 1
:- e-(r
- w qr
bl I f
jr ...
y. 1
1 h;7
it. IS
aiiiges, Table?, Sales,
Of ail Cc"i;;.t!
-1 t- ii ly
s r 1 t f
Tct .1
Th" iihiife .h-scr"! .1 .".1
IVniteiiiiafy Oro it- '. r !.:'; I..y :
tu the r-rt! 1 c- .if N.-'ti.: h-: fur
St:Oe l iis'.ii, im i i.!it.ii:i ..iii
! I lt' V. n a- o.
',.-!"; :: i.-.M
1-. H - ni ire. '
utthle l.n-. ls in tuc i'ttitv. 1 t i - 1 1 ei r.-i... h iii
v. tt'.in n rn 'in- nt o ti tf.ii-.- ot' !.;.!'-. i"-.e "
jt '.ft he S'ltiie. This i-j'.f 'it . i .n Li-. Is .!'.-.-t
Ftuiiiors, .icii itii -s an 1 Euleircr.s ;t litn.
clutrtce t"r a eh cup home iier the t'ii'ii!..!. -io:.
ntpil in tt-.. tt.-l.c.t Mi'i i ..ilo.-i.l li'ii... ..C ihc
Stutc iiml ni'itr t.ic f-rcii.
i i.ei tur niHr.ulao-nriril IVo;.i
;-.-. c." tl r itri.ti'i?1 are fr'.;r
IttTi'!.-. line t.t !.i.'h. !nt
Ka ilii'.ei w ill he i;.::r.j.)o!' t l i i.u
IU s i' '
i ihiv.o'i
II he!:,:
-. ith
r:a s. i c-r;
rty Ih i.'i
.1. i --...i.i.
l-.l .:
a.i for t ash.
I I'ti'o-t.e.-
:. i.i t io
U.i.' . I : . .-n-. l "' ;" r.- i.i a s i. rt tt t. -.
'1 he ('..iii''.n -I-. t fiO it.- Ouiivinc- :.
same time ami liiar.- tvil! .n-r tit or.- i v ha .
in 'hr t'.wn i t Ltneolii. t. r i. h ' t ti.' i-r.
1 1 r
: .h i
Ire 1 I
O a a aii
i t u
-. .
a .
v ";
top" nit.: :i Si.'.r.t.e.i inrta:
ii..;fi.-, i-V to ch.-s au.: ne !.ei -House.
1' :'.f iiitr. a! t.'ol'e
I lllMt'.lt.' A -j iu..' It) l :
i ir..
TJif Jlormod Arttioii.
Salt La-Ti:, M- 10.
. i.:.-'.r:.. ttoti of the v.-;;-l ; ha, cortteoted
it , ii' with thi .-vcuiify .f a socond mort
gtt'.; bs i. a ie Line srants e.f land
upou n-. Ccii ii. .in of beueht to itself,
except ttcir ti:e co ujiaiiy wi'.i perform
certain servi.-e.s f i e fail comijensarion.
.0-5 .vants,
and will
It is reported that A. Lyman who wai admit the gove: iimrit; to a very limited
cut oiT iiuvu ap-o.silcMiip in the Mot ion
cnurch suoto t:ae aco lor preaei-oii, f-et- j act n.c om.-x
laon? d.-nviarr the atonement of tbe Sa- ', v ine- and
-r ,, :J,....t.,.'..'..,t'r..;,i-.,ir.i,i!,., ...... : ..'
. 1UI , 119 L'CII .Ai'v A 1. ..... j I , O - I.' U'.l J't ".' I.'T OC, II. 1- C
uttucn- i'-.t crest in reluote
And In. cause of tbe.-e ad
rbe.-e, and tins fuliy
1 i.t ri.hi-;'
city of the sot
r .-: .-.j in ti.ii: :
i will uil.Hu it '.i'i
1 i
M f.i,; M.l-e
l i'r.ivi r.-.iy !
i uf ere -riutt,
i-.. an 1 ;
a c-l ii.tei Lor !
a t
m , .S
V.-.Y.'. '.VTI.stoX )
r. 1 i. Ml I.I '.' r
WWW AiiilEY )
Lincoln. Xch., 1, iSTe.
.at" Pri?" II
! Fariiiiuro
Tint;;.;- !-
ti i
lei's a rto.K r. t.
1 Im'.iJu.I.
I .lrfa-.-cd E 1
tb-l to
Nlw Y.k. Mv I.'i. 1
irv n-ttrea at i o o;,.ea. ai..j
' . : . , . . c . . .
ri,. . -lf,t.. 1 . . l 1 .! , . t'O-lll'VI 01 ice tsini
JII J fx. aridii: t vji- v..cjf.:j i..;s t.o j .. ... , ,
O'.Tl'lt; its OC-
ndebte ! for tl'e-o
ion aenve inter
L z, ha- a
uoo.-tnittioitai rvht to ui i its ; roperty
-ti e.
i it.'C 10 Stattf iar.
t t
l;f liei.J - tV) t ii' C
lis. ill
reapptarfd at tea miirau-.- to ne. li.e
itoui taxti io,
i.ii.l lO.--
e mm a.
if for support. Is the prisoner at the bar
miltv nr not cruiltv. caiie ibe oue-titin
much of the weight o each suceeed-us Et !at. Not guitcy, was. the ar.-wer.
political battle. The eeesie tfcat f..!!wwe.l bejtar- deserip-
We would bke to hear from the F; I tion. The whole audience janitf-d to
throu-hont the State on this impottant 1 j heir feet and cheered a though 'defer
subject. Ci'io.iiJ' j mined to nfl-Ae the hous- to its f, nida
tion. Kren court ilieeif.s joined in rm-er-
- - ... .1 . . ii ,. 1 iii nut an leitisiaiio'ii cii i..c L'nii 01
silence of leatu prexaiieil as liiec t(-.L. , - :. . .1 .
1. 1 1 oc-re.-v.- hteh lnu'eatcs that si;cn ex-
geats. and Mcrirnrnl turned a-paie as a "... . . , . ,1
, . .... c- ... , . ' i empaon is d-emed ex-entia! to t.'.e tmi
gheet. Ibe fina:!.-row.' toan-wer, ' . ,, .
j .1 t. 1 , 1 ' Lt rtarnuriiM ot its obligations to tne
as u.-ual, ana erar;a:i stfw.l us 10 I F .
-1 . : -.. - 1 -.: -1 : zov.
iacc uie jury. ne iivunwii iiniui 1 - ..,- , , 4. , ,
o., T,w,l,il .m. v.;!. U,;,!, i . a. e uitabre to tnd in th-coii-utu
l i "1 '. ' 'J
?."." ;.
. 1
' ti
-.: .tt lainny uiiti.n; tn -rive
ac.ait! tytii;Kiiiy to wan
rep, ft icnu.shii n or lives
r he lotie iieit.r, t-ceui to find
oi vie t. o ltarrow and too dull
-.': JV ,
H it'j-.
1 1 : ttes.
p:tvtojs to ciirrtstfe,
j be Neiawaka Jindd siys:
wnnt a steady nwkA-c.y to learn tbe prii.t-
otr 'iitsbirss. We've had two fruude
b.c-s. but they have left Uj and goueinto
Let 1 1 : busine-s.
'.f tie be'ra of John Minor Botts ask the
lis wife can't 1 Imp 1 Virgin's Ije-ridittite to pay them for
.1 thit, the Loa-ted i y.rop.eiry iAen by Uuiou troops during
t tie war.
A Vi iscin. in fa''jier sues ibe a l.o ca
f 1 -.liegrjaud that his
ne :. . :,x of wo,:
;'s- Cpltfe 'l..V"e. lor i-n-.r. ii,, i,...-tj 1 .1 1 ctd-i 11 1 1 I
iV' s-.l-.iV. -he hand-? of any o'her m-m- R.v G. B. Frotliitham, of New j
ber ot tb.s l,..aid, and if so he sha.. net . york of wLom alru0k,r anything ultra
leeave ib.e same until sati?faetory ar- . y le c,p4SCt5,J. takes crouod arainM
. C , be bit Hade with the aeent f . t. ! . ?.. .
: . , t 1 . 1 ine ac.ica ji wuncio 111 ieiai.icii 1
I w whos- hat.'ds ta property w first Uuh on tii gl0uni lhilt lhtJ uU) h
luae-i. 1 ti t 1.. ; ..'.. ,;i. ... .,
tton an- warrant tor ihe exemption from
State (axat toti ciaimed it. idiall of the
compiab.-ants, and thorribre answer
the r.rjestion ctrtiii.d ta us iu the- amma-tire.
Tee 5 e--t tViii.g iu the current number
of the iiaivard Adnzitr it this : The
,o.l for tVr:
: . i at lh-3
..l.ars I-c.
i ti Y.
H' L ti l
r ! t n -r 1 s ! '
V tl I ii tvt J c JoiJ-..;
I -. !
til i
Ir i
. a
:: i d
Ani cvtry.hiiia tl-e Ii. r: (
Ccino and at-e Lurrocr aolJ Cb
C V. LIKA5 &; C-
ctr.yTJi w.f
i-.i.e Oi
t: U C .
it '. Ut 1
.11, Kill
. .. " ' L
. ;h rj ;.ti
F A ft ?HR 3 N U a 6 a Y M H fsi
AO rV.s" TIt&riX
: f. r io ci: mom: r
l r: :
'L. V . ..bT, f7''
s'i 1 i.t: -: -.
Attcr a
By-Law was
The f.:!.:wtii resolutions were
fudge Kinney ofre'ed the follcwinjr :
Kemhly Thai any member of thia
iug, and men and womeu sprang over j other day Moieciik: priij?uri.i id the foi-seat-j
aud trustle 1 for the pnv iW of j lowiajt to Atow "A ley atd to n gen
trukioir McKrla-id by the knd, and ii- t'euian, 'My father and n.otl tr tae a
Tided ttietr attention between the libera- j daughter, but ?he is not my nister.' Now
ted man and his couBsel, whot titer lav- j how do io Tplin that!'" Atom re
ished with thanks McFiriand wa very ; fiecte l. :ut aii in Tain. To his f-rery
much affected, and little fV.ey, in his j usirest:ori MolecJe rei'iied by a cod but
jo jumped up on a chair ani waving Lls i decided sezative. At Lnsi 'w Atom was
; when a aian i ha.iti eht-f ;e.,:t hL- Toic- to ttm cceer- . f.rr-e.l ta ..-..-. It ua "Wr.v. it's a;ui.l;.
on such a road it is inipo-aikle to 1 ;u, IticFarlao-i ooa after left the i wiugh," oid Molecule, with an cxas
triil where he will bring up. court room and the crowd diKippcaied. penuiug smile, "tho boy lied,'
lone atriwarni disxuen the j rh.)lH Uis n,xr p0f;;tion 1 be that
atioiittu. ,i.the State fhoubi not interfere with
twuir resol-jtious were then 1 .- t
bipamy, and h'u next but when a aian
We let ve a r.f ?r. -.a 0--i-?
I i;i 'It-i t-.'.r Cue tt'i'.l hrre t t-.ey v. . .v u -.:, dli'i reiu.e l t;o: Way f iti ..i.."..i:-
rt e a.tr4t.t !.'! t . :
AM'!:. ' d l..-v ..' . r v. i .io.. ....
I ry.- - jvu'-! 1, luuh:;, hfv .i . c,
ai-jwtdo MiirlMlAM Jt ALL.
Attnriti v ittl-aw. a n 1 lf-n v-f I ! .'.
..i i
ii.; -il
ii-iii .;- iiiirun a 1.1 1.
p. .' i.-i i::.l t lur ft'i'tili
Aii ievwl
linn wt-toithe iiouiu Uitkc,
l-li' v. m l . -
i.:i- Obi-.- . !
rir ri iiiii uf
umriJ.v v.
n ;.:-!".'.. p:
tr v.h'. '. .eo uighit .
v. uie.1
.01 yricA;
e s.
i.ity ht-"
. , -r4'.-
j j j
' v
I :t
; i
. 1
1 1
I. 1
1. ii