She Slrlmvslui pfuraW. LOCAL UnTHTWS. IroM Siturd-tj' fruity Rents in Chlenco arc (omipg dowH. In Plattunouth thcyaie rising. old friend Jesse Turner, Deputy U. S. Mar.-hal, gave us a call this p. 1:1. lie goes wc-S't on the R. Si M. to-morrow morning. T!ie old Second street bridjc has been demolished, and the piles are being dri ven for the new one. All J.he other bridres contracted for are completed, and they a id materially to the appear ance of things as well as to the con venience. We hope the fixing of the sewers at the foot of Main street will nt be de layed until heavy ruins, coiae. The whole of Second ftrert will be one vast mud hole if something is not done, and haul ing goods to or from the curs will become an impossibility. Business men should sec that it is attended to. One of the objects for which we have long labored is now beinj accomplished the drawing of trade to Plattsuicuth from the Iuwa sib- of the river. We notice many citizens of western Towa purchasing good at the d life rent stores ia the city, and a little exertion on the part of fcur merchants will greatly in crease this trade. It is a trade of no mean importance, and should be looked after at once. We suggest a meeting of lu.-inet;.--i3 men of the city to take into consideration the best means of extending their trade, both east and west. Deputy Sheriff Cheney, of Saunders county came after the prisoner, Denelly, who was sent to our jail for safe keeping some two months ago. He left with the prisoner, on the 10 o'clock train, for Ashland. The prisoner is to have a new deal, ami will probably be sentenced for petit larceny, as he fehould have beeen in tho first place. We have very good authority for be lieving that the J', ess, of Nebraska City, is about to suspend publication. We are sorry to bciicve this, but are forced to the conclusion. The was estab lished by Col. O. J I. Trish, many years si.20, and was at one time a ycry influen tial pnper in the State. It has changed ban hi mmy timet; in the last few years, and we are informed that it has been kept up mostly by a few individuals dur in the last year. Ont of the principle causes of the decline of the J'rcss, prob ably, is the fact that that energetic and popular newspaper man. Hon. W. H. II. Waters, started :i large morning daily in N ;bra-ka City :cme time ago. called the Chronicle, which has been making constant inroad upon the business of the J'rest. The bus improved steadily, and is no w a credit to the jour nalism of the State. We are Forty to looe tha IVess, but hope the Chronicle may be able to fill the void. From Hundayi Ltnily. The Huch-Ey. sayu there is a town in Nebraska called "Rugsleyville." That must be about thirty miles below riattsmoutb. Sttperintendant Patterson informs us that the proceeds of the school exhibi tion last fall has been invested in a large illustrated edition of Web JCi,- Dictionary to be used in the high school depart ment. The proprietor of the Tlatte Valley House is bound to keep up- with the times, as I has been putting the house in thorough order. Numerous repiars have been made inside, and a fresh coat of paint put on the outside. Ti. F. Ree l, --., of Weeping Water, was in the city to-day on his way to Chi cago, lie goes for tha purpose of pur chasing goods; also in the capacity of delegate to the National Jubilee of the Congregational Church. We had the pleasure of a call from W. II. Field, Esq., of Lincoln, this morning. Mr. Field is Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Lan caster county, ar:l a uian of con.-idorable prominence in that locality. We are informed that the Ilerold Bros, have leased the hilf lot on the north cast corner of Main and fifth street and will immediately erect a business Kouse thereon. A gentleman wh has been reading the Herald for seme time, and who wai in duced to come and leok at Nebraska in consequence of representations made in the Herald, told us this morning that after traveling about the country and ex amining it he had concluded that'the Her ALD had in no instance overshot the mark in praiting the State, and in many respects it had not e poken in terms of EuScient praise. The large amount of goods received by our merchants this spring, indicate a healthy growth of trade at this point We have been through moat of the stores in town and can assure country dealers and consumers everywhere that tlicy can find anything they want in Phttsmouth. Every store is well filled and goods are selling cheaper than any time sines 1SG1. The enterprising firm of Doom Bro' & Co. have a narumoth stock which they offer at the lowest kind of prices. This firm deserves great credit for marking down prices and have done more to move the grain in the country and obtain liv ing prices for farmers than perhaps all the ether business houses in town. To them our farmers are indebte i for the prcscst prie of corn. Wdiile in Chicago they induced some heavy grain men to Tisit Plattsmouth and look the grain business over, and the result is that Mr. Cagnin, of the firm of W. O. Parke & Co-, of Chicago, is here buying corn and wheat at living prices, and all our farm ers have to do is to go to Doom Bros. & Co. and get tho highest price in Cash for their grain. 31r. J. B. Rboades, grain dealer, also makes his hcadquar ter3 at Doom Bros. & Co., w here he will purchase from producers for Cash all the grain they have to sal. dJowlt. Vnc-tenths cf the New Yorkers in Cor-'ie 1-avc been law .students, and :Jt of tKda petitioners. row TutU'jiy'o f ai'y. Moses Stocking, of Saunders county, came in this morning. The westward bound train this morn ing was loaded with passengers. Hon. II. V.. B. Stout wa- iu the city last uiu hi. He went west this mornlnc. We th att.-n'iori of School Hoards to the tint leu of Supcrintednt P.Vtorio.i, m an itncr column. Mr. Au.-tin Smith, one of the Com missioners r,f Saunders touufv, trono.- s setting -j'Ml'it) cottonwood sprouts this spring. They will uiaka him a fortune. Tfe'ser has the finest assortment of flowering plants in the west. Send to him for a catalogue if you wish to pur chasc. T. W. Shryoek, Ksq., i putting up another tier of rooms on the north cud of his Furniture rooms. The polu for the Bailroad Telegraph will be set as far a Ashland this week, an 1 the wire will be pat up immediately. The country has been blessed with a fine shower each day for the past th-ee days. It has come ju-t in time to be of great service to the wheat. A small "knock down" occurred on Main street thi.i afternoon. One of the participants (colored) vea.i fined s3, and in default of payment was sent to tl 10 iOCK UP The universal testimony of strangers who stop at the Brooks House in this city is that it is the bc.-t house in the State;. In our article yesterdy, relative to freights via the Keokuk Packet Line and the B. & M. It. 11., we stated first class rate; at .. cents. We should have said i0 cents, instead. Bi.'Iin Si Son are getting their new building opposite the Brooks House noaily completed. They are putting in an elegant front, and in fact the entire building is fir-t quality. When com pleted it will be one of the best frame buildings in the city. Bead Mr. Ten Kick's advertisements, lie is a liberal advertiser, and conse quently a liberal dealer. He is handling some exerdlont farm machinery, and is selling on reasonable terms. It will do yu r.o harm to stop and examine his im plements, if you should not buy. How does the Omaha He raid like the rebuke of such an honest democrat as Hon. J. S. Hunt, adminir-tered in his letter published in another column? The Omaha llcnrfd wiii learn some day that all democrats are not tea cent mvu, and tlicj' will not a!! Low (olLe dictation, of the "M" family. W e are glad to know that our ariieles on the avenu-?.?. :iv Iming tho de.-ired effect. Public, opinion is being attracted to the subject, and every man wha takes the trouble to examine the subject de clares in favor of tho immediate opening of them. Wc publish an interesting article to day from the Fremont Trihimc in which are sr-me extracts from the Nebraska City Chronicle. Our of the Chronicle containing those things either never came to band or was mislaid. Has it come to this, that an effort must be made by the Chief Justice of the State to "muzzle the press?" If Chief Jus tice Mason has started out on that line it is time every newspaper ia the land took sides in favor of self protection. Mr. Mason mmj find that he has taken a heavy contract when he attempts to stifie the voice of the press in this free country. Second street, at the foot cf Main will soo;. be a firt-class iuudhole. Recorder Cooper is mr-king improve ments on Lis, residence property. lion. T. M. Mar.juett is expected home in a few days. A large; number of fruit trees are be ing set in Nebraska this spring. May moving has commenced. "Nate" Way bright has removed to summer quar ters. The Tribune says the population of Tawnee county is between -ltXK) and 5000. Ilesser was on hand this morning with an arm full of lettuce, the first of the season. He will scon be ready to supply the market with rarly vegetables. Steamer Glasgow arrived at our levee at 12 m. to-day, loaded with freight for Plattsmouth. On3 of the "fraternity" iu this city was arrested yesterday for selling intoxi cating liquor on the Sabbath, and was fined VO) and costs. Wni. W ilson, Esq., of Pes Moines-, Iowa, is in the city on a visit to his brother-in law, S. Euk, Esq. They are a hale, hearty team of "silver greys. A large force of hand was put to work this morning grading down the bill south of tho railroad machine shops, prepara tory ta extending tracks in that direction It is expected the B. B. track will I,.; completed to A.-hland next Friday, and that regular train3 will be put on as ; as Monday next. Th s will do awav with all the rough siaging between this cit3' and Lincoln. Tb.2 Council Bluffs Xonparcil hosts of one train arriving at that city with 147 passengers, and says that was the larget train ever run into the city. We often see a hundred passengers or less leave this city for the west on a bingle train. . The belligerent "amendmant" who was arrested, fined and Bent to the lock up yesterday, was released last evening on payment of fine. His antagonist in the affray was discharged by the Re corder for lack of evidence. The Sioux City Dally Times comes to us enlarged to a seven column paper, and presenting a very respectable appearance. The Times is a wide awake journal, aud will do much to build up the town and locality where published, if the jepli will give it the suppeirt it merits. A new dailv paper, with J. Russell Young as editor, is to be started in New Voik in Mav. Anoiher of the 'fraternity'' was brought up this morning for selling in toxicating drinks ou the Sabbath, and fined ?-" and costs. There is "fun ahead." The Coun-il Blu.Ts Nonpetrn'l (dally) i now received at this cilice. We al ways load the Konjt-irr'l when it is sent to us classing it among our most causo has no: been sen to us i-r a loog time, bat we are g'ud to receive; it aLrai:i. We understand that a heavy contract for grading was let by the City Council a short time since. The contractor left for N ebra-kn ( 'it v some days ago and fears are entertained that he has been "gob bled" bv Bennett, of the Midland, as no word has been received from him. He had a "fat take" here. We are in receipt of a new daily paper from Nebraska City. It is a large, well cot up sheet (same size of the daily IIki?ai.t), contains a liberal supply of reading matter, is purely Democratic in politics, and is called the XeLrnxka Cify Iiil!f Times. This paper will .supply a want largely felt in Democratic circles in the southern part fcf Nebraska. The number before us cives evidence of a hearty support from the Democracy of Nebraska City. We suppose Demo cratic papers arc a i:ccssa-y evil, conse quently wc always like to see a well go up one when one must be had at all. It was about time the Democrats: of Ne braska City elone something to throw olT the chains that Morton hi 1 them bound with. lie has often declared, in our pre.-; once, that he ttood ready to burst the I)emocia;ic party henccr the Demo cratic paiiy failed to serve his individual purposes. The party failed to serve Morton's individual par o.scs at their re cent convention, consequently Morton is now ready to fulfill his part of the en gagement, and the party starts another paper i:i self defence. 02VI.Y Ti: LOTS. We arc told that the riuht of way has been already promised free of charge, for the Avenue leading sourh west, ex cept across ten lots, and it is not known but it will be given free ol cost across them. Is it. not about tiuie tome formal action was bcinc taken? As the city new stands v.e have not tr exceed a half mile of good busincw street no to exceed that amount that is now eer! to ! e u. or (j'.jsme.-s purposes but h i us open the avenues and we wi:i have two sticet.- (or nv-ivic) of a :ni!eiii length caeh, which wii! give us, counting both of business i ;es of them, four miles houos besides what Who is there that op- we now hay;, poses the project 9 A. ritfc.lK. OF JJAT as. A Cow nidi IJjrp Calves. Jacob Vallojy, of tho firm of Vailery's & Ruflher, informs us that he has a cow that has recently gave birth to three calves, and that two of them are now llive and doing well. The two living ones are large, fine calves, one male and one female. We have heard of one or two other instances of this kind, but they are very unusual. A no it OttinilMi- brought into requi sition. The Railroad transfer business has in creased wonderfully within the pa?-t month. The Transfer Com pan; have boen two large Omnibuses, and yesterday they brought on thethiid one. Belbre the Railroad reaches Lincoln they will ba compelled to add another one or two. TllK'.iMJil TICKETS. A gentleman from Ohio was iu the city yer.terday, inquiring whether he could get a through ticket from here to Cleveland, by way of Burlington, Iowa, and was informed by three or four per sons that he ceul 1 not; whereupon he made up his mind to start for Plaits mouth by wagon this morning, to get a through ticket as ho wanted. iVni. City Press. Arrent Wentz. under tho IIeralp of fice, can sell you a ticket to any part of the United States. FX SI?. About 8 o'clock to-day an slarm of fire startled our citizens who could be seen ruohiiig towards thi houso of Mr. L A. Wiggenhorn, immediately north of the Episcopal Rectory. The alarm was caused by a defective flue through which the fir ?;i the chimney attacked a hoard partition, end Iiaa not aid arrived promptly no doubt the building would have been consumed. Some of the car pets and other furniture, which we un derstand belong to Mr. Wcntz, Ticket Arent of the B. & M., were damaged slightly. When w ill our good people wake up to the necessity of makitij foiae provision against fires? A :.v ix.vstti'tioj;. A M-.o;ir.; Cnllery oietsel by 3Zr. uttiiu-in. A3 our city increases in numbers and business it naturally draws all tho ac companiments of a large place. The latest thing in the way of amusement is the opening of Mr. Guthznn's Shooting gallery, in the room formerly occupied by Mr. Clark as a billiard hall. Guth man has fitted up the room in good style, and lias it supplied with two billiard ta bles besides the shooting gallery. The room is lighted with ga.aline, which is the next thing to gas itself. Guthman's is a good placa to go to try your ikili as a shootist. It is a nice amusement if you don't get so you see too many targets at a time. The Greens-burg (Indiana) JYms saj-s that a gay Greensbunrer, when he goes to see bis girl, a little west of that town, cames his fine boots under his arm un til ho reaches the gate, when he eloffs his stomas and marches into her presence as fresh and clean as a new blown puinpkin blossom. " OVt.S 1 IS I MS. The Brooks House was formally opened to the pubiic to-day, although no dem onstration was made, such as the Messrs. Iligby would have been pleased to have had all thing been in readiness. A lar go nuiu'er our citizen'' passed the biv.s'e aa.l partook ci" the enti- ofh-rd by the aeeoramodat ing l.o.-t, and & agre in voting it the fme-t house and the best furni.-hed one ia the State. a!v tbtt J. C. Iligby & San rw "princes of the Mood" ro far as knowing bow to keep hotel gees. V c ca;i say to the traveling public that Plutt-smoutli now has a hotel that the is not ashmod of cue where as good ac commodations can be had as can be fjund west of the Mississippi river. Come on with your hotels ; we will back the Brooks IIou?e against anr of them. TiKSSE AVESIF.'. Will ISio Cfly Council dike S?pi to Liiivc tie:i OpoKtttl. We have calid on the City Council several times to do somathing about opening avenues through the natural ap proaches to the city, but as yet no action has been taken. It seems to us thi3 thing must be did sometime, and the sooner it is attended to tho better for all concerned. Mr. Hays has stuck up a few s':ik-"5 along the proposed line of the avenue leading to the southwest, and we invite the City and all parties interested to go and take a look at the route and be satisfied f the feasibility of the iro;eet. The land and lot owners along the route have all, or nearly all, exj Tossed a willingness to give the land necessary for the opening of tha avenues, and we hope the Council will not lunger delay action upon ihi.; important meas ure. If they require any formal request, wc suggest that a petition be circulated for signatures asking them to take action. Above rdl things let Mt have action, and that promptly. O. F. Johnson has his Soda Fountain in full blast. Trv it. OrETVSr.'G Ol' THE EiH50ZIi HOIKE. The IY(cn8 are iiivlleii ti make a ooelcial c.ill, Messrs. J. C. Iligby & Sou will open their new IIotd, tha Brooks House, to morrow and invite, all their friends to cal" ad see them. They had intended giv ing a grand Opening Banquet, but have now decided to elefer that part of the programme until se metimo next month. Tie House iz in good sh.if-c, however, as the calkr? to-morrow can carUy sat isfy themselves by taking the trouble to look around. The les.-as. IJigby can eir house, and can justly r f-e? proa 1 cf safe! y throw open every nook ana corner of it for public inspection and criticism. They propose receiving their friends to morrow as early as Iu o'clock a. m. Re freshments served at 11 a. ci. Tlae. So-itltU'eKiem to Com-eot wlt!i tiie 11. A. t. nmr lMattsmoutu. We learn from reliable authority that the people of Sarpy county voted down, last Saturday, the proportion to issue bonds to the Southwestern Railroad Company to run through that county to Ashland, and that the company has now decided to strike immediately toward Plattsmouth and join the B. t M. near this city. This is in accordance with oar idea as expressed sometime since, and will elraw the trade of a large scope of country north of the Platte river to thi3 city. What our bu-iness men need to do now is to be up and doing, and tend out their advertisements to the west anel northwest. The adoption of this route insures the caily completion of the Trunk road, as it virtually completes that road between this city and Omaha- A V E ?i f ES AtlAITf. Tlio (ion! of lite City Denir.nds ilmt they be ;venca at Once. It is a well known fact to every citizen of this city that some of the most desi rable property on Main street is held at figures so high that no purchasers are found, and that the development and growth of the city is retarded iu conso quenee. It it the general talk that busi ness must branch off from Main itrcet, but uherc is the epicstion, and the un certainty of this where is preventing the erection of business houses. Let the avenues be opened or let the question be settled that they are to be opened and we will see fifty business houses erected to where we will see ten with this uncertainty hanging over us. Le t us have the f-ue.stiou settled at once. CIIEAS FKEJtiKTS. A Sew and' Conijtellnijf Line from I.oain. What Nebraska wants i ?heanfreights, and ov.r business men ar.d all panics in terested in cheap freights will he pleased to learn that the B. & M. R. R. Com pany effected arrangements with the Ke okuk Packet Company whereby they can compete with Missouri River Packet rates from St. Louis, and goods c.n la delivered at Plattsmouth in less time man r.'V an water route, insurance is caved by goeis on this route, and the following are the freight rates : 1st. class, 05 cents per luO lbs. 3d " 55 " " " 4th " 45 " " Merchants desiring to make shipments by this new line-should apply to John Murray, General Freight Agent on Ke okuk Packet Company's Wharf Boat, St. Loui?. Further information can be had by applying to C. II. Wcntz, the accommodating agent of the B. & M. R. 11., in the HrJtALD building. The Icica State, Reporter calls loudly for its senior editor, and adds: "He started for De3 Moines two weeks ago and when last heard from was at Daven port. He had on a new stove-pipe hat when he went away and we are fearful he has forgotten who be i. Any of our editorial brethren seeing hini will please direct his step3 homeward." j I'.ttSESl.UICS. A-a Elesaiil ftilver Ten Set I'rnull to Cl. XI. T. leek. A tiayr'-y Oceaiion Everybody !e 1 'Shied. Ln t evening a uumlerof Citizens met in the Drug Si ;ro of Messrs. Prole Si Ycates, whore wa displayed a very beau tiful silver lea set, which it was whis pered was to be presented to our es teemed frioud, Coi. II. W. Peck, en gineer on the B. & M. Railway. At 9 o'clock Gen. Livingston being called in to preseat the set, addressed the Col. as follows : 'Col. Fecic: My fellow citizens and your warm friends of this city, under standing that you were about to removs from among us, desire to express their attachment and the high estimation iu which they hold you, sir, by tendering a light token of their regard beforo your departure. Allow me, sir, to express my own and their regret at your leaving us but we feel assured that our loss will be the gain of any community in which your lot may bo cast. We feel deeply the interest you have taken in the growth of our young city, and we trust that when you and your amiable lady sip a little "Dohea," these mementoes will bear you back to Fome of the pleasant hour3 it has teen our good fortune to en joy with you. To us, sir, we have in our tsarts a lasting memorial of friendship for yourself and family, and we will al ways pray that wherever Fate points your path, or whcreTer duty calls you, that Fortune may einilc upon you and yours. Accept then, sir, from your many fiisnd8 ia Plattsmouth, this email trib ute to your worth, and ever feel assured that we will cherish your memory in the warmest corntr of our hearts." Col. Peek replied : "Sin : This unexpected expression of your kiuuness and regard overwhelms me, and my lips refuse to give utterance to my gralitudi. I cannot convey iu words Low much I appreciate it. "You have presented this token to me, in the name of my friends in the city of Plattsmouth. You could approach me with no dearer, prouder title. The names of your citlzeas are inscribed high on our country's "roll of honor," and your thriving city, so happily placed at tLe gateway of the great route, from the Ka.t to tha West, i making rapid strides among the sister cities of the State, exceeding tho hope of her most sanguine friends. I would that I had language to tail you, for my '"cotter half" and my telf how much I thank you nolionhy for this flattering tcr.ti menial of your es teem but f jr the uniform kiiiuntss and cordial welcome with which you have been pleased to greet me during my f-tay. I can only stiive to deserve this, sir ; be lieve mo, that when in the coming years, I thall purfcue that mysterious path which my destiny shall point out to me through tho rugged journey of life, that path will be cheered and iny heart will bo gladdeaad as my memory reverts to the pleasant days passed at Plattsmouth. Sir, the highest privilege I can ask is to call you "fiicndd," and the highest holiest hope of my heart is to be worthy of your friendship. In the name of Mrs. Peck and myself I thank you." After which Capt. John W. Marshall, John R. Clark, Eiq., and several others made short remarks and happy allusions to the Cob's sojourn among u. The part then partook of refreshments, and adjourned at a !ato hour. We fcincerely hope that Col. Peck may be iaduc:ed to return to Nebraska,. His integrity and gentlemanly and obl'ging conduct while with us, in the past year, have won him hosts of friends. lie is a gentleman whom to know is to respect and love, and we earnestly hope for such a gain to Nebraska. TSIE SEW STATIONS. There will be eight stations between this place and Lincoln, on the B. Sz M. Railroad. Two of these stations arc un provided with post offices, and we recom mend to the parties interested at these points to secure the early establishment of mail facilities by petition to the Post Master General, sent in care of some of our representatives in Congress. It will be but a short time now when the road will be through to Lincoln, and our friends along the line thold ba alive and move iu thia matter forthwith. COl'XCII. PBOCEEDlGrVS. Covncit, Chami-f.h, April 2Cth, 1S70. Council met pursuant to notice. Pres ent, Mav or Lazeiiby, Aldermen Donelan. Hei.-el, Lazcnby and White, the Mar thai and Recorder. Petition of John Thomson for the re moval of id. Mangaa from tho police force, on account of conduct unbecoming an officer, read, and upon motion was referred to special committee con.-isting of Messrs. Dcnelan, Heisel anel White, for investigation and report. The following accounts were presented, and upon motion allowed. Account of Mrs. O'Keefo for Leddin? furnished city hospi tal, $ 1 C. 00. Act. of White & Spires, fur materials and labor on street e'ros-sinrr. $o0.02. 1.50. Act. of " R. R. LiTincston, " W. E. Donulan, " J. W. Rawlins, Marshal Murphy, 1.50. 1.50. 1.50. 2.00. S. F. Cooper, Recorder, 9.10. A number of accounts were presented and referred to finance committee. The report of thfi Roard of Ileilth recommending certain action by the City Council was read, and upon motion adopted with amendments. Upon motion, Hon Willet Pottenger was appointed City Attorney for the en suing year. Adjourned to meet on first Wednes day evening in May. S. F. Cooper, Recorder. There is one single fact which one may oppose to all the wit and argument of inlidelity, viz : that no man on his death bed ever repented of being a Christian. A successor to Gen. Geo. II. Thomas, as Major General will not be nominated until after the army bill, now before Congress, is disposed of. " NOTICE." The officers of School Districts num ber 14, 24, 4(5, 4S, ry.i, (31 and f2, will 1 .-lease take notice, that their Enumera tion Report has not becu received, and also that a faiiue to make and return such Enumeration Report will cau-e the loss of the Public monej for one year. W. A. PATTKII.SON, Co. Supt. Pub. Instruction iu an I for Ca-." Co., Nebraska. ap2! w I f Something new at Clark & Plummer s in the way of Pre-s Buttons and Trim mings, apjod.twtf Don't fail to call at Clark & Plummcr's and see their mammoth stock of geods. They take pheasure in showing them, d&wtf. Ladies, go to Clark it Plummer' s for a fine Chiarnon or Afghan Switch. "Shoo Fly" Joe Elliot & Peabody hats at Clark & Plummcr's. d&wtf. Ladies, Clark i" Plummer arc opening the most complete stock of Press Goods ever offered in this market. ap20d&wtf VALLERYS RUFFNEll Are now receiving the larirest stock of Dress Goods ever brought to this mar kot", which they are selling cheap for ca.-h. aplodAwtf If you want a neat calico dress, go to Vallerys & Ruuner's. Thcv are now selling the best for 12 cts per yard. aplodiwtf Vallerys & Ru finer have the largest stock of Groceries ever brought to the city, which they bought for cash and at reduced prices. Call and examine their stock. aplodiwtf TAKE NOTICE. If you want to buy a -rood American, English or Swiss watch, one that you can show to your friends, go to the old stand next door to the Brooks House. If vou want a good clock, or a neat sett oi .Jewelry, Guns,,a r ammunition, go next Uoor to the Brooks House. Or if you want your watch repaired, in good, workmanlike stylo, 0 to the eld place next d ' r to tho Brooks House, where all work warranted to trive satisfaction or no arge. Remember the place. P. Haut, One door west of the Brooks House, aprld&wtf The JmhI Cat I. All persons Knowing themselves in debted to us by note or account are re quested to call and settle immediately. Vai.leky.s & Rl'l-'FN t'K. G rover & Baker's Sewing Machine is the best in market. Vallerys & Ru:T ner are agents. Those in want of a good Machine will find it to their advantage to give them a call. r e - Vallerys Sc Runner havo ju-t received a new t-uppiy of Boots and .Shoes, which they are selling very low. Go to Vallerys Sz Ru finer and buy your Groceries. Tbev buy tor cash and will not be undersold. Tf you nre in want of a good Wasron go to Vallerys Sc Rullher. They are agents for the Star and Schuttlcr Wag ongs, the best in market. Vallerys & Ruffncr have jut received sample machines of the Improved Roek fijrd Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator, very much improved for the year 1S70. Call and examine them, r.nd leave your orders. Go o Vullery 00 Sc RufTncr's to buy you Dry Goods. They are selling cheaper than the cheapest. For sale A first Hass Sewing Ma chine. Inquire at this office. 1S70. 1S70. 1870. D. Sehna.-se Sc Co., at the New York Store, have just received the Largest Stock of New Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this City. They sell 3ou now the very best Prints, as Merrimacks, Calicoes, &c., for 121 cents, other Brands S to 10 cents, good Delains f"r 20 cents, Ginghams 15 cents, all other Goods fer the same low juices. Choice Stock of Custom made Boots and Shoes. Ladies and Gents new Style Straw and Fur Ila's. Large Assortment of China and Glass Ware. Groceries Cheaper than the Cheapest. april20d&wlm. rri t . ine most complete assortment or Queensware and Glassware in the ma ket, will he found at Clark Sc Plummcr's and tlieir prices are remarkably low. dtwtf. There is no u.e in talking, Clark Sc Plummer can Lcat them all suiiimr frro- ccrics and provisions. Try them and see. d&wtf. The Mary McDonald landed a fine let of green apples for : Clark Sc Plummer, which they are offering cheap, by the bushel or barrel. d&wtf. All varieties of plain and fancy crack ers, from Pake's celebrated Bakery, at Clark & Plummcr's. They are receiving them fresh weeLhy. d&wtf. Notice tho big C. Sc P. in our list o advertisements. ap20diwtf Tha M. D. Wells Rootj and Shoes sold by Clark & Plummer, excel in quau:y anything we ever naw.Nr tho ap20diwtf price. Go to Clark Sc Plummcr's for Carpets, and Oil Cloth. ap20diwtf All kinds of Country produce t'ucn in exchange for goods at Valleiys & Ruliher't". Go to Valleryi Sc RufTner'a and buy your Boots and Shoe?, the best in mar ket. aplSdiwtf Go to Vallerys Sc RufTncr's and look at tlie Panier Arabs, the prettiest in the market. apl5diwtf Just received at R T. Duke & Co.'s one hundred cook stoves, of all eizes and kill(1 L; h jj- be golj at tl0 verviow. est figures. Duke Si Co. keep the heavi est stock in the west. apr21di wlt. Every I tisiuesi man orMeehanic who desires to see buMness lively in the city should subscribe for one or more coppies of the Daily Herald and insert a good sized advertisement. tf The IIerali ofuee is now turning out some of the finest job work ever done in the State. We invite business men to call and examine specimens. tf BOOM, k ft V T W H O i. E S A L m:au:hs ix DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SOOT .WU YANKEE NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE, &C. Main street, Pattsmouth, 3o- Where Everything in Their Line Can be Found. all We Call The Attention of the Public to Our Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoes, That we are just receiving. We buy our market for CASH, and will aim by low all who will favor us with a call. HARDWARE AND AGRICULTUifAI bents HI m LEHENTS -1 AT it l (7- - 7 VI- MATHEWS, DONNELLY & CO Would respectfully inform the people of CASS and adjoining counties tl:;t p. havo just opened a LARGE Hardware and Agricultural Establishing. Where wc arc always to tc found to ccccrnmodnte customers. FOURTH STltKCT, UETWKEN MAIN AND VINK. I'LA'J'Ty M O UTI 1 J (V? eunHlrt!- in part of the f- il.nvin.- : 7 .M.mIoI owui'lt:ik Jiira-ir. .S!iirnul K nnl Cuitivai.T. OntiU.i 'oi l JI ?i ti: n : ii Cultiv:iti.r Kixr. inm i'.; i'.utt st-'l "i trri)i:ti(l. hrrakf r.-. Vt-o ri;i..i lfl l..(r:i h:iM Plow. Priii't.m ml u.-tMlilr lr.'.ii" . ... i- ilii tlio celebrated cwtuii uguii, which Jiar' Cut!cry, Nuils, Ir0ri Glars. Putty. Whitn I.o,. ALSOWJSw ClWICJi JliiDUU SIJED.S . 1 Wiig'in Stoek, ti,The above compriresa few of the articles co-jiplt'tc and to sell at bottom iirict!. GIVE US And Examine our Stock, that you mav go mar!2d.V:w!f. TOYS AXtfD -E. T. IDTTIKZIK & CO., Wholesale tnd. Retail dealers in and Agpplcisliairal STOVES, TIH, SHEET IRON, BRASS, STEEL PL O "W S Of all kinds and iizes, which wo warrant the kost in the nnrkct. 'J Tin RcofiB, butters anl SpoctJiiron sh'i'tt Am PT.'lu-iv , ... . r . air. r, in tu.i ri;i:r.f7 TrrU"- ' 11 SteAvarTeTcbrc'itef1-Combination Co or ood Cook Stove Giro u a c-, we will not be un ler.ol 1 Main ftroot, next door cast of tho P.! ' PLATTS "i (J UTII. IZ 1 i 1 1 A S K A DEALER IN Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Too! ALSO IIA1,UFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE Roofing, Guttering, Spouting and Repairing don. 1 am Selling First-Class Goods and Guaranty Not to Undersold, as I am Buying of First Hands. A lot of A No. 1 riows and Cultivators, closing out at Cost. Remember the i ' Wain &e., jcxz to CiZf SI&zcl) aj.Cl wCm , v E AND R E T A It IB. 0 Qucensware, Hats and Caps. Goods as low as they can be had ia ; prices, fair dealing and good goods to j 1. .. CLARK Sc PLT'MMER. rruc -V WHOLES.-1.' IChP i .1 The P.uc-k-t-yp an.l MowTOinl,ii-.i ' Horn I'Ikuim M... i. '. , . ' lor duriibility c iiiiiot he t xcclcJ auvw Ik i : on hiin.l. Our aim shall be to keep our:-i A CALL awav H;),.:..-f1od if not II Pi'' M ATI HOWS, DOSNKLLY ( : i TI ST AM -0 - IT 6 l mi hSl p-3 FS) BT 1! If r