LOCAL The bea-on of Lr t i over. Several section hou.-cs are beinjr erect ed alon.sr the railroad west. The daily Hkkai.1 contains mre local ww tl an any other paper in the Stato. The Mary Mngee ha completed her ii:road work and retired to private life. Street Coirnii-si-rier Mnrpby ha been d-intr a thins in leveling the foot of Main'strcVr. The title U the govrrmnent for tlie new post olTice the. at Omaha has been Perfected. The foundations for the station houe at Ijoiisville are completed, and tlie building wid be erected in a lew days. Freh fih ae abundant in our market luu?. Tuey are caught near the mouth of l'latt?. Three I'uilnian and ten passenger inaehes. a'l well filled, went east one evening last week over tho favorite loute the U. & M. There m much strifa between Ilurlinr ton and Keokuk as to which .-hall derive the trreatcst bent-tit from the building of the IJurliugton , Southwestern Itailroad. Treasurer Ilobbs informs us that he has orders for over $S,00 worth fhrub-k-tj and fruit trees, to Ic delivered this fpring. We lean from passengers who arrived in the city la-t evi ninf, that considerable snow fell during the day both cat and west of us. Hon l"nj. Austin infurnt u.s that he has examine 1 his wheat clo.-cly since the c!d snan, and Cc.irs the roots lying near the sumjcc have been killed. The 11. II. Turntable has been walled with brick, and id out fd'ty tons cf rock pounded into the bottom. TI13 track wil: not be likely to settle aiii. See advertisement of (J.-age .secd by Needham & Warf, on sale at various stores in the city. A trcnuine article is always cheapest. They warrant their K'cd. Wc are pleased to again hear from Wcepimr Water. There is too good a country out there to not have a letter from at least once a week. Third street bridge has been completed and the approaches graded up. . Second street bridge is being torn down to-day, and the work of putting in the new one will commence immediately. Kvery mail from the west brings us accounts of fresh depredations commit ted by the "noble red men." t is about time something was done to stop this constant slaughter of the frontier settlers. We understand that Vharo and his hosts are about to visit 1'Iattsuiouth again. We advise the city Marshal to be on the wath, and see where he takes up his abode. The hotel keepers of the United States are taking concerted action to ob tain from Congress the re peal for that part of the reenuc laws which imposes a !icene tax rated at 5 per cent on the rate of the hotel. The Ashland Times says a One article of yellow cottonwood, suitable for shade and timber trees, can be procured from the bottom lands opposite Rack Blufls. Mr. Win. IJaker Sen., one of the early settlers ;f I'latt&mouth. arrived from Kansas City yesterday. He will re main here an indefinite time probably permanently. The section men have been at work to-day moving the west track of the railroad up to thf platform at the foot of Main street, making the platform avail able from both sides. One of thn editors of the Jasper, (Iowa) Rri,ii1,!tcin was recently bitten by a calf which was supposed to hare hy drophobia. He journed to a "mad stone,'' got cured, and then discovered that the calf didn't hava hydrophobia not any. Gen. Indee has resigned his position as Chief Engineer of the Union Pacific railroad. We see it stated by some of our exchanges that ill health is the cause. There may be doubts as to this being the reason, for Van Arman infoiuis us that h-i i.-".ted the General lecently, and that there i a fair prospect that the General will soon take a large interest in his (Van's) road. Jacob Vallery, of the firm of VahVrys !i IlaSher, arrived from the east a day or two since, and Mr. 1 'luiamer, of the firm oft. 'lark & l'lunnuer, and Kvertoti looui of the firm of Doom, l"ro. S: Co., arrived by this mornings train. They h ire all been eat purchasing gocds for their respective houses in this city. Morton refu.-ts to l:o;t the demo cratic city ticket at the head of his pa per. Probably he is waiting forjudge Kinney or "some other man" to send a disjuitch from Omaha. Kinney was once nominated by the Democracy as delegate to Congress, and th Arvs did not hoist his came until after a diqistch wis received, and then Morton went buffalo hunting. Will Dillon send a dis patch f We have been looking over our Ne bracka exchanges, and we find upon ex amination that the daily HkbaM), in its enlarged form, contains fully double the amount of reading matter of any daily in the State outside of Omaha. We propose to keep the Herald up the de mand at all times. If others in the city will crowd theirbusiness as hard as we do the newspaper business, I'iattsmouth will be a city of twenty thousand inhabi tants in less than fiva yeara. The Iowa Legislature adjourned last Wednesday. During the session ninety four days there were 201 bills passe'1. of which were rigned during tha session, two were vetoed, nnd seventy seren were left to be either signed or die a natural death. A bill wa passed ap propriating $150.(MiO towards the erec tion of a new capital building. We are in receipt of a veiy beautiful specimen book from the Cincinnati Type Foundry. We understand Mr. Godfrey Ilckler, who wa3 taken to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, some time since, to be treated for in sanity, is now nearly recovered, and is expected to return home in a short time. The County Comorssioners have been in sefiou for the pat three days as a board of equalization. A large Mackinaw boat was moored at the mouth of Platte this morning. It was rigged for a voyage, and had on board numerous females and children. A fire has been raging on the Iowa side, b"ow East l'Iait;uiouih. this af ternoon. We have not learned whether or not damage was done, but should judge from appearances at this dince that a quantity of timber ia being de h royed. The towu is filled with strangers. (i:e vcar j go wc knew almoit evjry face in I'iattsmouth and th-3 tunounding country. To day wj do not know to ex ceed one-half tho men we meet cu the .-ue.ts. Piattsiiiouth moves. The National Anti-Slavery Society has j had its last meeting, and adjourned tine j dir. It died for want of a cause to live, astdavery is dead, and there is nothing left in thit line to nutate. Th "wind up" of the oil patriarchs evinced gena ine feehng, and strong common sense. They have long labored to grow the tree, end now pluck the ripe fruit " of na tional freedom. It was a glorious woik. The steamer Mary McDonald, of the "O" lino, C3ue up lut evening, and un loaded a large quantity cf freight for this city. She ha 1 on beard Co. '"K," 5th Cavalry, Co!. J. W. Masn in com mand, goins to Omaha to report. This Company was Grant's body guard fur six years. They haTe recently been on service in tho south, hunting up illicit di'tilieiies, etc. The McDonald came down again this evening. We hope every man who desires to help I'iattsmouth and the .surroundingcoi::i try will come forwaid, without further urging, and subscribe for one or more copies of the Herald, and insrt an ad-Terli-tnient if he is engaged in any kind t.iivinnvti TliAn- i rmr liv run in ' the city who has taken five copies of the daily since we commenced its publica tion, lour of whxh are sent away from home. We are in receipt of a letter from Mr. C. 11. Schal'.er. European Immigration agent, resident in this city, complaining tlint he cannot find employment for a number of emigrant laborers, mechanic--, Ac, &;., whom he now has on h?nd. They are willing to do anything within their ability and go to any point within the State at which their employers may desire their sj vices. Mr. Schalkr lias procured employment for o! emigrants since Christmas. He makes no chames to parties who need them. Omaha lic liidilicnn. We think Mr. Schaller could find t m ployment for several hundreds of them down this way say at Plattsmouth, AshlanU ana 1 incom. lois is tne lo cality where the work and business is done. A WOOI.F.X FACTOR V Is badly needed here, to manufacture cloth from the thousands of flteces of wool that are annually sheared in this vi cinity. The cloth cau be manufactured here just as well as at the east, and the cost of transportation pocketed by scuic ente: prising manafacturer. A TAX.NF.UV Is wanted in this locality. Why is it that our hides all have to be shipped cast, a:id the leather shipped back her again. Is there not money to be made in tanning the hides here at I'iattsmouth? Will tome enterprising tanner take hold of the business ? I I.Ol ttl.VG MILLS WASTED. The indications are farorabla for a heavy crop of wheat this season, and wc think there will be need of several more Crst-clasa flouring mills in this vicinity. Our shipping facilities are the ver' best, and flouring mills here can certainly make a large profit. FitiKXD Hathaway I see by your isue of the 15th inst., that the St. Joseph Union is congratuLiting its readers in having secured my services aa its Ne braska correspondent. ' Although I al ways f'o what I am able to advertise favorably both tho State and my own city. I would not descend so much in the scale of newspaper concpon ience as to write for such a dirty lying sheet as the St. Joseph Union ; and 1 will say, that if tlie editor of that sheet makes an attack on me again, I will respond in a manner more forcible than ploa-ant. Itespectfully yours, fee, H. M. Van Armas. THE SEtT COEOSfV Which is being organized to settle five miles southwest of Weeping Water Falls will be of great benefit to Cass county and to Plattsmouth. This set tlement will add many thousands of d l- j lars to our taxable property, and will a Id largely to the general industry and thrift uf the State. It will add to the ei:eral product cf tho Stats, and to the surplus of grain, cattle, etc., which will seek a maiket at th"i3 or some other city of the State. THE MAILS. Transfer Contract Awarded. We learn from CapL Marshall, our worthy I'. M., that the Post OHice De partment has awarded the contract for carrying the mail between the Post Oince in this city and the railroad, to Nat Brown, Agent of the Western Stage Company, he being the lowest bidder. This settles the question of mails for the present. Hereafter we will have some regularity alout the arrival of mails from the east. A XHEiE1 I."MIKOVE3IE:ST. JaoU. Oar for te June Rains. We hope the City Council will not overlook the fact that Second Street and the foot of Main Street are in bad con dition for Spring rains. In their pres ent condition, without sewerage, one of our Nebraska rains would completely deluga the entire railroad track, and would soon cause a mud hole that would mire a saddle-blanket. Will the author itics do something in time? OPF.S TO SOUTH BESD. The blrt Frsenger (raid out ta-3ny. Another step has been taken in the enward march toward the Pacific. The J abwve sentence I K. an it be possible that first passenger train lor South Br-nd Sta- j Miller, of the Prcs, has become an tion on the B. & M. It. R., leftl'latts- J apologist for Morton, and is endeavor mouth this morning ; and hereafter trains j ig to secure him a place in the Republi will be run rcgu'arfy to that point each I lrty ? H? gives Morton's name a day. We understand thai a town is to P-ac be-i do Judge Mason's, and gives be lall outsat South Bead, and we doubt 1 Morion the pre:T.rcnce. Wc cannot not it will prove a Fucee;?. Col. Doane in- j but express astonishment that Miller forms us that tho road will probably be ! should attempt to defend Morton against onen to A.-l.latid next week. The woik ! the righteous in lignation of a much of putting in the superb bridge across Salt Creek is nearly completed, and as foou as it is finished the track w;il Ls ! laid up to the town of Arhland and reg ular passenger and freight trains put on. "Good nwrnincr, Mr. lVcksni.T," said a printer in search of female compositor: "Have you any daughters who woul make good typesetters?'' "No, Lut I have a wife who would make a fins WiL" MEKIOia At cm EST. TTni. F. MorrlHon thrown from it horn math injured Hrljr. As Mr. Wu. F. Morrison, butcher, was about mounting a pony yesterday morning the saddle turned and he was thrown violently to the ground, striking on his head and shoulders. He was picked up senseless, and a paysician wni ser:t for immediately. He was brought to in a few moments, but he was partially deranged during thj day. from the effects of the fall. No bones were broken, and it is hoped no permasient injury wiillc su.-tained. TiiE KACEH. The Idi'sr Vrotert two lirdTy. Like all other cities of impoitance, Phttsuiouth ha her sporting characters, and stringers of like propensities are attracted hither with the fond hope of getting lucre by their wits. A Missouri ".-port has been in this vicinity for some j tiiuc, and lias picked up a few spare dimes occasionally. A big race was got ten up for last Saturday, and the Mis souri man was induced to "back his judgement with his money" to the ex tent of his pile, or thereabouts. Judge Poland is said to have been the manager of the "opposition," and the Missouri man came away from the race a poorer if not a wiser man. About $500 in cash and some horseflesh changed hands. Clark's .cw I'p.Tuwn Billiard Hall. We have heretofore noticed tho com mencement and progress of the new budding erected by llufus Clark, Esq., opposite the Brooks House, for a Billiard Hall and Ten Pin Alley. The main part of the building that used for a bar, billiard room and store room, is now com pleted, and will be opened to the public to-night. The billiard room is large, airy asd pleasant, and the lovers of the game can enjoy themselves there without danger of molestation from the roughs which often congregate at place of this kind. CHEAP rilElOIITH. The completion of the railroad to Plattsmouth has had the effect to lessen the price of transportation nearly one third. We now get the same rates to and from Plattsmouth that rules at Omaha. We have all the advantages cf che:'p freights that Omaha has. and our merchants have the further advantage of much lower renta. Goods can be fcold cheaper at Plattsmouth than at any town on the river, and they are. Hence Plattsmouth must become a wholesaleing point. A PAIi'tTL StTSTEBT Tito Remain of i Unman LwuikI Sear I'.uusion, W. T. Special to the Pl;ttt.-nioatU Herald. Kvanstos, W. T., April 12. The clothing and pieces of hones of some unknown person were found to-day near the railroad track, three miles east of this place. In the coat pocket was found a secon I class ticket San Fraa cisco to St. Louis, via St. Joe, dated February 15th; also, Omaha and San Francisco baggage check, No. 9,031. Nothing was found to indicate the name or residence. Wild beasts have torn the body and dragged most of it away. Late!1. Since the above was received an examination of the trunk bearing check 9,031 has been mad?. The only things fuua l to iniicate the name and residence were a book with tho name Jamts M. Iiolan written in it, and a pawn broker's ticket dated Sept. 1S69. TALKS IIli.iM.SH. The Seward Adas asks the following p?:t;uer.t question in its lust issue: "When are we going to have a rail roal dnwu the Bine Valley?'' .. If there i3 any one subject that we likt; to have agitated mere than another, it is tli2 building of Railroads in the inte rior of the State. They ic the great civilizers of the age. and Nebraska needs them. In answer to the question of the Atlas, wc say you will get rail.oads ju.t a- fa :t as you can convince railroad men that it will psy ta build them. Now, wo balieve.it will pay to build a railroad from cither Line lu or Swward, or some where in that region, across to the Blues and thence to the Republican. If the Atlas will give us all ths fads it can lay hold of in relation to that region, and will assist us to show to ths men who control the mwticy that it will pay to build a road in that region, it will be do ing all it can to hasten the building of the road. We are "with you," Mr. Williams, on the railroad question. CAN IT HE? We extract the following lingular sentence from a recent number of fhe Nebraska City JWs: - "They uake this issue against Morton and Mason because they are supposed to stand in tho way of plundering the Ci'y Treasury and violating the . laws with impunity.'' - . We made a notice some days cince that Morton was G-hing to getititothc Republican rarty, and we advised the Republican.; to beware of hij intrigues. Are we mistaken iu tho import of the wronged people who are seeking a remedy for their wrongs. There is very good philosophy in what a poor man once sail: "When a stranger treats tue rudely I comfort my self with the reflection that it is not my self he slights, but my old shabby coat aud hat, which, to say ths truth," have no particular claims to admirstion. So if iny hat and cout choo.-e to fret about it, let them : it is nothirir to mo." i Bl'Y WXD. There is more money to bo made in buying land in the vicinity of Platts mouth than most peopla are aware of. Land is worth double the money here that it is one hundred miles east of here. . The products of th soil are worth more here than anywhere in the interior of Iowa, because freights are cheaper to Chicago. Buy lauds in the vicinity of Plattimouth while they are yet low, if you wish to realize a handsome profit. V LATTS S9l'Tn AX1 OJIiHA. Transfer of Car Hsirlu tlie Floulb of Mar!i. The following note from Col. Doane relative to the woik accomplished by the transfer toatsat Omaha and Plattsmouth, exhibits a fact of far greater import than the quc-tion of which boat has accom plished the greatest amount of work. It brings out the fact that nearly as much railroad business is don? at Plattsmouth as at Omaha, notwithstanding we have yet no western connection. If this is the faot now (and the figures do not lie) what will it be wheu the IJ. & M. is com pleted to a connection with the main trunk of the Pacific road . at or near Kearney ? . Is it possible that thi3 is the secret of the Omasa Herald's bitter hostility to the B. & M. Co. ? We shall speak of this matter again: BCKLIXtiTON & Missoini River ) 11. B. Co. is Nekkiska. V Plattsmoctii, Neb., April i;;, :s7t). J II. D. Hathaway. Editor l'Ut'uiouth Herald : Dear Sir: I have seen some dis cussion in the Omaha aad Plattsmouth papers, and some statements in an Omaha paper concerning trausfer of cars across the Missouri river. It was said that during March an Omaha boat crossed 10CU cais, including both ways. It is very possible that the boat was not at work all the month, but as the length of transfer at Omaha is not very many times the length of the boat, while our Plattsmouth transfer is not far from 2 mi es long, each wa-, it seems to me that our boat the President had doue quite as much. Ou examination I find that during the time she worked in March, which was 17 days, that she crossed west 403 and cast 39$, making a total of 801 cars, or an average of a little over 50 per day. Yours truly. Thomas Doane, Chief Engineer. ' .THE KitOOUS IIOl'SE- Xew IIatis. 3w Furniture, and an Experienced Landlord.. This new hotel building is now about ready to he opened to the public, and the hou.-, it1 enterprising proprietors and go-ahead landlord arc all deserving of something more than a passing notice. The buildng was commenced last fall, by Capt. ll B. Murphy, who, by the way, has done as much toward building up I'iattsmouth, if not more, than any other man who has ever lived lu're. He has helped the growth of tho city by his en ergy, enterprise, and determination to do something, and nnt "wjit for something to turn up-" U commenced the erec tion of this house whii four-fifths of the men in the city said it would never pay; but Murphy wnt ahead with a deter mination to iiid;e it pay. Before the building was completed he sold a half in tercet to John Fitzgerald, Esq., who sees the future of this city as clearly, probably, as any other man in it. They have labored un lor many disadvantages, but the house is fin-Uy completed, and we venture t isy thati'f U the kest hotel building in the $t(tc It is not only the best constructed building iu the State, but it is the best arranged. Messrs. J. C. Higbce & Soil have leased the hcu?c for thre'T years. ThJ-ough ths kindness of Mr. J. C. liibee, we were permitted to make the tour of the house this morn ing: aud we must say, in all can lor, that it is undoubtedly the best furnished hotel in the State, if not the best in the west ern country. We ave sati.-fied that nei ther Omaha nor Council Bluffs has any thing to compare wi.hit. Tlie furniture is hll new, and neither money or labor has been spared to mike thingscomfort able aud pleasaut. The houe affords first-class accommodations i'tv over one hundred guests, and probably one hun died and fifty could bs accommodated as well as at any other hotel in the State. Every sleeping apartment in the house is furnished with a new bedstead, new mattrasses, carpets, bureau, wash stand, etc., and every room in the house can be entered direct from the hail, without passing through another room ; neither is there a dark room in the building, as each one is lighted by either a window or a sky-light. The bed room furniture is superior to anything we have seen in the west; taken altogether. The main par lor is on tha second floor, in the south east corner of the building. It Is fur nished with a fine Brussels carpet, an elegant set of chairs, sofa, etc., a superb mirror, marble top centre table, and a first-class piano. The reception room is across the hall, and is furnished in keep ing with tlie parlor. The oSet , bar and baggag rooms occupy the first floor except that jortion used as a store by Ilatiiburgcr & Berliner. The dining room is in the basement, west half, and is as pleasaut a room as one could wish for eitur winter or summer. The other half of the baeraent is to have a barber shop in frout, aud store room back. The kitchen and servants quarters are in the rear of the main building. The "get up" of the building show3 that Murphy knew exactly what was needed in this city, and the furnishing of it demon strates that Higbee will be the most popular landlord west of the Missouri River. The hcuse will be opened in a few days. Every man should, in every year of hi life, make some addition to his capi tal. You say you get but little. Never mind ; spend Je.-a than hrt'.e; the next varyou will have more, for you will have uir proui upon me unu yuu ava THE HAILS. Friend Hathaway: I wish to say to the public that our Mail arrangements so long disarranged,. are now finally set tled, and will arrive and depart as per Time Table, published in your papr from this date on. The trouble and uncertainty has ,been consequent upon a change from regular evntntet service, by stag, to rpecial serv ice by rail and mail messenger. Nat. Brown, Ivq., the obliging agent of the Western Stage Co., has the con tract for transferring our mails, underin structions from the undersigned; so of course, we will now receive our mails regularly. J. W. Marshall, 1. M. THE TLBl EtT WASHER." Th Simplest and bent Wnalilnsr K eliin ?IiiiiifsctiireI. Some weeks since wo mcntiond that Joel Parcel, Esq., was manufacturing a new washing machine of the above name, and gave it as our opinion that it was a "good thing to have in the family." Since that time we have seen the ma chine tested, and have decided to invest in one for use at our own domicile. It is the first and only machine that we have seen which exactly mcvts our ideas of a washing machine. It is simple, does cot wear the cloths, and takes the dirt out with less work than any machine extant. Mr. 'Parcel has a fw of them made, and can fill orders left at the Store of Clark & Plummcr, where a fample machine can be seen. BECOnnEK'S coritT. April 19, 1870. An interesting little game, called, in tho language of the 1'. R., "Give and Tak,"' occurred at the up-town "Dive" of Mike Lee last even ing. One of the parties was arrested by Deputy Marshal Mangan, and brought before his honor for tria", charged with committing an assault and battery. The gentle defendant, proving that he was the first party assaulted, and riot much battered also the recipient of many vile epithets was discharged with thegcntla admonition from the Recorder to "git" and do so no more. April, 20, 1S70. Michael Fogarty, whose name indicates French extrac tion, while quietly tasking in the soft eucd rays of an April sun, aud somnon lently enjoying the exhalations of Robert son's best "Willow Run," was suddenly awakened from his enjoyment by the voice of Deputy Marshal Mangan, who was not "on the bask," with a "come now aud nee the Recorder. " The Re corder "saw hlra" aud went him "ten better." Fogarty made it "good." The Recorder held a "full hand." Mike paid his bet and went his way. . Dennis Garvcr arrsted by Deputy Marshal Macpan aad brought up on the charge of drunkenness, plead'fuilty and in extenuation said, "r teas that bloody cider of Jfieltcy Mc G fire's. ' ' No use. I n default of payment cf fin; and cost, he was sent to the "hotise that Joe built." The Recorder proposes to try "that cider." K AX OYKHSOARD. One mnn drowned and another t trinptA to follow Kllil. We learn from the ofiiccrsof the Mary McDonald, of the "O" line, that when the boat was near Wellington twelve miles above Lexington a man named Maroni Bigclow, a passenger, deliber ately pulled off his outer garments, walked through the cabin and leaped overltoard into the water, and was Lowned. He evinced symptoms of in sanity. Another passenger named Bali veA, attempted the same thing this side of St. Joseph, but was prevented by the ofiicers of the boat. He left the boat at Nebraxka City. . MAX II ACTIRES. There is no necessity for our people being forced to sell the raw material raised in Nebraska, to tho inan tfactarers in other States, and buy it back when its value has boon increased by the looms and other machinery of enterprising men in other States. There is abundance of water power all over this State, and it saems suicidal in a financial point of view, that we should longer neglect our own interests, and go ou from year to year contributing to the wealth of other States,' by maintaining a loss in our own. Manufactures will contribute to build up the State as rapidly as th agricultural interests. All we need is the ne..esary enterprise to start the matter intelli gently. In the matter of wool and hides we venture to say enough of these arti cles, in the raw material, are furnished in Nebraska t supply the entire home demand, and so it is with many other substances. Let our capitalists think favorably of this matter. An Editor in Trouble. The Lancing Jfirror man is sorely per plexed. Just hearken unto him : "We're mad. A gentleman came in aud paid us $2.00 in cash. Wife wants a new dress. The children want shoes. Our help want the money divided be tween them. Our creditors want us to remit. We are pestered near unto dis traction. What shall we do ? 1'. S. In order to disappoint none or all we have tob'.y resolved to go out and judiciously spend the two dollars for beer, and then imagine we are Yander bi't. There's nothing like having money. We pity the-poor. Something new at Cli-rk & Plumper's in the way of Dress Buttons and Trim mings. ap20,liwtf Don't fail to call at Clark k Hummers and ?e their mammoth st;x k of gods. They take pleasure ia showing them, d&wtf. Ladies, go to Clark & Plummsr's for a fine Cbisrnon or Af'ban Switch. "Shoo Fly" Joe Elliot & Pcabody hats at Clark & Hummer's. d&wtf. Ladies, Clark & Plummerare openinff the most complete stock of Dress Goods ever offered in this market. ap20diwtf The Elephant Clothing House is the 1 only place in town to got goods cheap for I L nln.l'lt catu. mytju-n. All persons who have borrowed from the undersigned, Wheelbarrows, Shovels. Scrapers and Picks aro requested to re turn the same immediately." aplGdlw John Ftzgebald. lerysVruffxer Are nov receiving the largest stock of Press Goods ever brought to this mar ket, which they are selling cheap for cash. aplSdiwtf If you want a neat calico dress, go to Yallerys & Ru'Tner's. They are now selling the best for 12 cts per yard. - - aplodiwtf Go to Yallerys !c RufTner's and buy your Boots and Shoes, the best in mar ket. apl"diwtf Yallerys Rul'ner have the largest stock of Groceries ever brought to the city, which they bought for cadi aud at reduced prices. Call and examine their stock. apl."JwW SO M ET 1 1 1 NG A 1 WAYS IN DE MAND. What ? why, a First-class Clothes Cut ter and Fitter. And I want the people to know that Wm. Stadelmann has just engaged a real, genuine French Gents Clothes Cutter and Fitter, and I guaranty a perfect fit to suit the customers, or no charges will be made. My Cutter com menced wading into the fine Cassimers this morning, and you ought to see how nice he done it. aplodlwl . HEDGE PLANTS. If you want No. 1 Hedge plants at reasonable rates, ' come to my nursery 2' miles southwest of Plattsmouth, or at W. B. Porter's. ap9-d.w 5w H. Bestor. TAKE NOTICE. If j'cu want to buy a good American, English or Swiss watch, one that you can show to your friends, go to the old stand next door to the Brooks House. If you vant a good clock, or a neat sett of Jcwvlry, Guns, Pi-tols rr ammunition, go next door to the Brooks House. Or if you want your watch repaired, in good, workmanlike style, go to the old place, next door to the Brooks Hou-e, where all work is warranted to give satisfaction or no charge. - Remember the place. P. Hart, One door west of theBrooks House. a pr 1 diwtf Go to Yallerys fc RufTner's and look at the Panier Arabs, the prettiest in tho market. aplSd&wtf os m -b . Go to Yallery & RufFncr's to buy you Dry Goods. They are telling cheaper than the cheapest. For sale A first class Sawing Ma chine. Inquire at this office. . m tm . . 1870. 1S70. 1870. . :1. Schnasse & Co., at the New Yo:k Store,- have just received the Largest Stock of New Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this City. They sell you now the very bst Prints, as Merri macks, Calicoes, &e., for 12 cento, other Brands 8 to 10 cents, good Dclains for 20 cents, Ginghams 15 cents, all other Goads for the snme low prices. Choice Stock of Custom made Boots and Shoes. Ladies and Gents new Style Straw and Fur 11a s. Large Assortment of China and Glass Ware. Groceries Cheaper than the Cheapest. apri!20d&wlm. All kinds of Country produce taken in exchange for goods at Yallerys & RufTner's. . - P. BRAITSf'lI, Tlie practical Watch Maker and Jeweler of Plattsmouth, can be found at Win. Stadi'hiiann's clothing house, on the south side of Main street. lie wilikeep on hand a large and well selected stock, consisting of American and Swiss Watches, Chvks, Silver Ware and Jew elry of all kinds. All persons are re quested to call and examine hi stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired on short notice and ncarranted. mhSldSt w4 1 Go to Yallerys Itu finer and buy your Groerie. Tliy buy for cash and will not be undersold. If you are in want of a good Wagon go to Yallervs & RufTncr. Thov are acrents for tlie Star and Schuttler Wag- ! ongs, tho best in market. notice tTrT7uciri:RS. The nixt quarier'y examination will be held at the schol house in Platt-niou'h on the first Saturday in May, 1S70. To commence at 10 o'clock a. m. W.A. Pattersox, Co. Supt. Pub. Instruction. april7thw3 Yjj'lcrys Ruffncr have just received s.mip'; machines of the Improved Rock ford Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator, very much improved for the year 1S70. Call and examine them, and leave your orders. l iif I.ntt Cilll. All persons knowing themselves in debted to us by iiote or account fire re quested to call and settle immediately. Yallkrvs & Rlffxkr. G rover t Baker's Sowing Machine is the best in market, : Yallerys & Ruff ner are ag-s,its. Those in want of a good Machine" will find it to their advantage to give them a call. The most complete assortment of Qucensware and Glassware in the mar ket, will be found at Clark & Plummcr's aud their prioes are remarkably low. d&wtf. . There is no use iu talking, Clark & Pluuimer can beat them all selling grc- J ceries and provisions. Try them and fee. diwtf. The Mary McDonald landed a fine let of green apples for 4 Clark & Plummer, nhich they are offering cheap, by the bushel or barrel. d&wtf. All varieties of plain and fancy crack ers, from Lake's celebrated Datcry, at Via.1 iw iv x luuiuic-i . injciiointmi.i t'lera fresh weekly. The M. I). Wells Boots an! Shoe sold by Clark & l'lumiaer, excel in quality anything wo ever saw for the price. ap20dwtf Go to Clark Sc l'lummer'a for Carpsts and Oil Cloth. pL0dwtf Focnd A well worn, tmall size.l pass took, containing a pencil, various figures and names, and a railroad receipt for foods shipped from Osceola. The owner can obtain, it by calling at this office dt. Tlie laUst styles of "stove pipe" bats just received at the Klepbitit store. pl9d3t DEALEil.i:; ' ) 1 ' r. e Stoves, Tin, Hardware & Farming Tool ALSO MANUFACTURER OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WAKE. Roofing, Guttering, Spouting an 1 Repairing u-.m?. 1 am Selling Firsl-Closs (7o(kIs and Guaranty jV l Umh rsuld, as 1 am Haying of Fir.t Ilan.fs. A lot of A No. 1 Plows and Cultivators, closing out at CW. Rem-.-mbor :!,... OOO if Ycu OaSI On 1herc You iUm St lid Heroin I2000!bs Shoulders, I GC!bs 3uga? Caret! Uanis, l3GGG!bs ?fe Which he will S KLL at Reasonable figure?. Also on It ml a Fulland Well Selected Stock of DRY (JOOD.S, aui CKRIES, Which he offer a to the public AT d'I hose knowing themselves indebted lo me wii! ( Call and Settle the eame. JOS HP 1 1 SIIKiS V April Hhdawom. Hock DH'u. HARDWAliE AID LE AT MATHEWS, DONNELLY &, CO. Would respectfully inf-rm the people have just opened a LAIKiE Haiti ware and Agricultural Est?Jb!fcIim:nt Where we are always to be found to accummoilato ca:-u-:.i v- FOUKTM STI'EET.UKTWliKX MAIN AND V1NI-. PL.AT'1 'iiMoi: 1 ll M P fl'R ?tofk -on-!xt.J in pprt of the fill. .win? : The I5u-k-eyc Ia.r !' M- v. '.r.v.t;.:.;:.-1 i - Ml-I J?w;fl's:i:e 'iii r:i -:i - r. .:ir ui'i Ky.-ltn ).ii l:ls:i;cr. M : -i ' ;i s n ' ' ' and Cui!iVii:or. ::ici !: M.!ii:i..ii !i Culti)'tu-.. lim lr.m il.i I. '.; - i-! I gr"Ti(I. soul l.rcakc: . I'fii in M vl Ex i r-i ii.tr.l J'i .v. i i ;i :i 1 1 . . .': . Willi the cclfbrati-J .Vc .uow Wu whi.-li I'.r viuraljili! y rui.m-t i.c av 1 i .n.-yv - Wc-. t. llm-Jware, Cutlery, . Nailj. Ir-.n Wagin s5tn:k. C !;.. PjtJv. V.',i-- !. OH. 1'ftn-i" V," s ,-. ;.:r li u. 1 ni i : 1 : r: .r- also .".!. t ii'itcr: iiKixit; 5;r:i.s "-Tlie above nmjrisna f"T ( t'le ani'.-l' and comiilctc and to si-il at buttom i.i :rt . (JIVE US And Kxamine our Stuili. that you may co mar!2dwtf. ' " Whclwale and'Ectail dealers ia'. and AQvivizlUwiil STOVES, TIFI, Sh'EET IRON, BF?ASS, STEEL PLO "V S Of all kinda and tizes, wl.kli e warrant the 5"03 -rCnEI. ! Tin Roofing', Gutters and Spouting Done cn Short Notice. Are csolu.-irtr it. in thi." cnvy f..r tut "le cf Stewart's C(klel)ratetl Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Giran aeall wswill not 1,o uatlcr'jM Main stretb ut dwrastof tb Maior.ic tleek. ' - PLAT'l SViUina. NlvbHASKA TNFOKMATiO?, f the v, hen iits of Al!"n 1 A r:n k:ril. I.rii k-ii'.ris'.n :(i. l fhi-'cipr. !! j., , ,n I'lai, -,nout ii. I a.-S cu::ty, . k i. Anv i"if irm-irii'ii oi tun will tit t:i;;r.ii:ul;y re ceived hy hie wife. Mil -. JENNIE I'ACXAIU). marSl-w.l ll.ji.-k i.-L.n I. III. Estray fiotics. l,lipre r.ill l.e f.H t- the hialu-'t l.iddr-r. on JL i hisr.-silay the lil.-t Jay of Ai-: il on.- t'irct! year td Mare. Sal- to tf.Ue i:i-t-at two oVli c:l( p, M. :i the reideii-e f.f T. V . 1 uiiitaia, oatt Uend I'reeinet, l'u.-s cnii:tv Ni-m-'ta. JAMES CRAW 1 ''!. march 17, w 5. J u.-:ie !' iVare. FO! I70R RENT A llouse to rent. Ir.iiro .f i;0R RKNT-The 'TarnKrs I .-'me.-' Fn L iuire ot b. .S. jbiLLixua. i'I.''!U' s; Want L0 J" i AGRICUiU;;Al i C .0.-.L1 of CASS and adjoiniLg cvu-ititv t.-i.ii onhau'l. Our n'.:'. be to i:c?j . j .-; A CALL nw.iv s.it'sfi-d if not UAiTV. MATHEWS. DONNEMA'.t CO. I -c - o oo., keet iu the maiktt. Li . razz sale:. l iS i.. I nt.- J.t.-k. .n ilif f nil t ll. 1 I lT.ii:-ia'Kit!i. y ii'c'i i:.:h i. J l:.;:: - .ry and a L.-.if 1 ! i k ! t;0!l;.M.':- I H.iil iiJta-!i'lU-l'. u t'.il 1CTC !'-ii -.vii'i Mil i. lit er ami (!!? .i u o lf ' : I I iirij-! I'm ' In c. ;r.i;i! vi i. ( t-. I: " 1 1. ':- i:ii i-. nr i f J o - :"ih luatcr, J i ' 1 ' .-tiyl. I'i:!'!-:!:'"!'!:. f'i'It .AL!-'-Tw. yoke No 1 r. a - " - I L f-'inc yai-x k cuttle. Al ' " ' ' i tuiali l;uiiei!. uiairc vf .... , , i ai.l4d.lv.:. ! : T'Oll SAMM Iie.-' .i-prj i-r .". -i ' r - 1 valuable v . i r l nv. f ". 1 i; K. 1 latt- uim:li). lie :r t.ie ..ii-.-t... r:. f uthci4iit tv?2r.w.d faji wiih c-..i.i.i..!. ..1 ' inviit t.i i.rntiuee I...-.V; r e.j.i il t. a t :v 1 1 l tealri fiifiai;. 1 i'" rri..ei:t n-.-r i- ' "l!.'r l u.-iiii - and alii:ot liev.i ll I.: - 1 ,( t..th. hii.-i ic 01 niiil .a r. r.r. 1 will sell .- ' " ter I'uwi r l-r .1 1 .:.-on il ! it ioe. i'.atiuiiu:ii, Jl Wt'. . . HK ilARl) VIVIAN Ai"!ytn "xv.ri. t. Chapmis. SALL. TbesiouihwtH n:- '"l '.' 11. -.Tc-litp '2 north; r.tre i ',' ,' , :'