i i r 1 i JuSLi II M HL.l TLIi WATCHMAKER zZj,J2- AND JEWELE It. AND DEALER IN V AT CHES,CIiOCKS, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, VH LTN STRINGS AND FANCY GOODS. K':s;.jiRKK OM Stand. Main Street, two of City Hotnl. nor. lOwtf. UNDERWRITER S AGENCY. Aysrreifalo Asueat.H. fc3,S6B,t79,I i. Con --..liJati-l Statement f the condition of ';ril!.iMt. lliM'VEr., Niai;r and Rkpib i.ic I irr I n-'ur.mce t ' ti-panics, of the City of w -: ii. ou thc3i.-l l.iy of Doceaiber. lci'i. CAPITAL. Ai-irrpate Capita! S2.'J0O,ViO 00 fc:iirlus l.oiki.yTU 14 Total Capital and Surplus SJ.Soo.&TS 11 ASEsTS. !'ni!el State Securities $2,107.7.7)00 Lo-ns on fe:i l mid Mortjrasr 7LS.7r0 (to I."trn on Call 'amply securedi 311.700 Ca-!i in Rank an i nan Is of Axenti... 27l'.o ':) D2 K.ti Ksime 1 40.443. 61 L'tri'T .'-uri' i s. includinti- liills. Re fci'iv:ili!o, l;ai:k .-"locks, etc ZOO.Z'A 71 $1,Soti.'.C9, 1 0" .72 ..".""V12AUj7 76 LIABILITIES. l.f&r in processor adjustment... OtU-r r!:u:u tn!i !1 wl J. y. 'TVI.SK, Agent. is: CO 0 0 J-l 0 -J o o 1 1 f .A2 o3 cd CO 3 O CO o 3 3 Cf! &4 S o r O - W O O cc o D3 a; 0 u C .it.0 In GILLKIAN CORN SMELLER. WM. Tl. PORTED, Agent Plattsinoatli, Nebraska. MASlKACTL'ltKD BT Gillman, King & Hamilton. Ottawa, . . .... Illinois. I am rr-nt fur the a'-i.jve Celebrated Corn f S'-li -r. a. nl am propareii to fill orders on short r."li''. A .an! mai-hioe can be seen at ?ny fjrin H'i un ! a half mile." soxitb wet of I'latts r?: ii"'i. I :i:.vc hud one of tiiefinai'hine in ue for th" pat five yoars, aud find it perlei-t in every rfdPt. Wil. li, POKTEK jaul.Iiii.'i rAGHiaE SHOP I WAYMAN & CURTIS Y.i i !t i r'-rj r f f in Ki.pLr.eH. Il'jilers. Saw and i t.-' i Mii!-. - ) w una S tea in Fitlin-. AVroneht Iron I'lpe, F : and I ill l'ui.i! fit earn liatiifi'S, i ca j u:vci-jveruors', iiiid all kind of : Bras Engine Fittings, ! fajDLhed on -hort notice. FARWING MACHINERY P-Tiirf 1 on phort aotioo. ii. IiiLBAUL. aut'tf v7v "gPExesa" HIBB ABD & SPENCER JonBKRS OF Hardware & Tinplate. 92 & 94 Michigan Ave. CHICAGO, 111. B-.ej zw.- vn- lif.d. I. Ti'iTl R. T. I.H1SS1. J. R. CLAKXS Tootle, Hanna & Clark, ZB.A.2ST IK IE jRS DKALKRS IX Gold and &ilvcr Coin, EXCHANGE, HT.S. and other blocks. D;afL drawn on all parts of the United State wd Europe. iJepoeiw received, and special at ct:on given to collections. Plattsmouth, Neb. NEW ACUDM ii CO. I'lCItLER, Prop. so urn of towx on the li O CK JiL UFFS R OA D. I ap prepared to kill beef cattle, hosrs. heap '"lor nnoiaen, on short notice and at re- GIVE ME A CALL. ''-' C20. TICKLES. M OUSii! D. SCUNASSE. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! -.1,1:. Everybody, and more too' are going ti " .. D. SOHNASSB - & CO; i.. :;: - : : ' , It -Li. i To AT ISTEAV YORK STOKE. The largest and most complete STOCK OF DRESs GOODS Are now on exhibition at the Xew York Store, at prcatly reduced prices. Wo call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DELAINS. GINGHAMS, DROWN SHEETING, HLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, f U kinds and prises te suit ear numerous eustemers. large stock of . GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QDEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We have a larae stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER. PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, nd all kinds of CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C Platteuiouth February, 10th, 1870. tf. D. SCIINASSE & CO. a a One doer west of PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA, IIA? AT A LA HUE STOCK OF Bry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SZElOIES and Provisions. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL Kinds of Country , Produce, v Plattnmouth, Nebraska, August 5th, $Jc Jiff$e an extensive general stock or Gooffs tlsfsl vre arc con slant If sorting flh tvltif tre otter to tlse ic at prices that we know must give entire satisfaction We purchase the very best Goods at the head f Mar ket and strictly for cash, and are prepared to compete tcith the trade at any point on the Missovri river. S- BLOOM &d CO B - Wi'1 BOYS" AMD CHILDREN'S CLOTKiSMG, Hats 8c Caps, Boots 8c Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Mam Street, ' Second Door East of Coat t House Plattsmouth, FSeb. BRANCH HOUSE: Broadway, Council BiinTs, Ica. HAMBURGER AMD '.BERLINER- SIGN OF WHQLES0LE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Under the Brooks House, Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. C-The Highest Price Taid for Country Traduce, Hides, "Wool fcc.-a tpUwtf. F. D. LEHNHOfF. V!. '-fl buy their . TH( COTTON YA S BOOTS AND SHOES T via the Uebald Offico, !So9. CCM&C0. i-eai r.x.fi i.v OEM.5 cooos .Mm ? THE BEEHIVE 'till tr? .... Zkt -gibrasfci. iWraid LOCAL ZTSnETWS. A few large warehouses are ; needed near the railroad track. ' .. . A oou foundry is almost, an absolute neei.ry Tier- Who'yfi! Mart it ? ' ' ?ir. uma, xv. i. jara master nas al ready commeneed to improre his prop erty in the north part of the city. The daily Herald is now the best advertising medium west of the Mineouri river. Everybody reads it. Waynian & Curtis are finishing the iron railing around the porticos of the Brooks House. The Kate Kinney arrived at oar land ing this morning. . She has otie above, and will probably be down to-morrow morning. MickelwaitM neighbors left him yester day evening. In the language of the "sage f Ashland," he feels as though he had "let a bird go." A school Loue is very much needed in the south part of the city, and one in the north part. We need at least three public schools within the city limits. Just think of our seven or eight hundred children attending one school ! There are a large number of new resi dences going up in the north part of the city, near the Surveyor General's office. The are started so rapidly that we do not pretend to keep track of who the owners are. A gentleman from Chicago, we did not learn his name, leased a couple of lots to-day on sixth street for the pur pose of opening another large lumber yard. It does not mike a particle of differ ence to the people of this city whether the Chinese wear their hair plaited or twisted, so long as we can get five or six hundred houses erected here this season, and an hundred new business houses fillud with goods. Clark & Plnmmer are now receiving the first installment of a heavy stock of goods. They are making preparations to do a large butiness this season, and will sell at the lowest possible figures. Mr. l'luuimer is now east taking advan tage of the low prices. Geo. S. Harris, Esq., Land Commis sioner of the B. & M. Co., arrived from Burlington by the morning express. We learn from him that the Scandinavi an are settling in rapidly on the Coin- Iiany's lands in Iowa and that they may e looked for at Plattsmouth in large numbers soon. It is astonishing the amonnt of lum ber sold in Plattsmouth. This is the lumber market for the entire country weet and south-weft. We have some of the heaviest dealers here that the west affords, and more are coming. Hibce & Son are getting things fixed up in nrst-rate shape at the Jirooks House. Every room is carpeted and furnished with new furniture, and guestJ will find everything just as it should be. We were informed to day by one of the proprietors of an- important addi tion to the city of Ashland that that city contained over 10,000 inhabitants. We judge he lias passed a restless night there recently. ' " . ' - There Is the best onenin? for a woolen factory m this city of any place we know of. ho wants t make money by tak ing hold of the enterprise. A male tyrant in Chicago finds fault because his wife threw dishes into hi; face while he was sick and helpless. Be ins a woman of proper .spirit he has gone to Plattsmouth with a gambler. Ex. lhe Democratic primary meetings were held in Nebraska City last d uou:iy. Among all the uelegstes elected, not a single friend of Morton's was on the list, although it was said he made desr,trate efforts to secure their election. Poor Sterling. W. R. Vaughan, Eq., publisher of the .travelers Compamon and -Immigrants Hand Book to the country along the Burlington and Missouri River R. R.," called on us to-day and left a copy of his book for review. The work con sists of a "visible admixture" of adver tisements and historical and business sketches. It gives much valuable in formation relative to the country, and will no doubt be of benefit in inducing immigrants to the country along the line of the road. from Friday'Z Daity. The Kate Kinney passed down this morning. The City Counr-il advertises for pealed proposals for grading. Hon. J. M. Thayer has our thanks for a full set of Congressional Globes for the 4 1 st Congress. Hon. A. B. Fuller and brother were in the city to-day. Abe goes east on busi ness. It is feared by some that the freeze last uight will prove injurious to fruit trees. Gov. Butler is in the southern part of the State. He was at Jenkin'sMill re cently. Mr. Joel Parcel has a few choice black berry roots which he will sell to persons desiring a start. He has the celebrated Kittatinna and the Law ton. The terms of consolidation have bee ajreed upon between C. B. & St. Joe and tl; the officers of the the Missouri Valley railroad. A boy named Futcher recently killed a man in Council Bluffs by striking him with an adze. It was done in defence of the boys father. The boy was arrested, tried and acquitted. Private advices have been receved in this city from Cheyenne to the effect that there was a heavy fall of snow' at that place last Wednesday nlght. v ; ; i Mr. Paul Hill, Railroad transfer agent, tripped and fell while- crossing -'-Second' strecTt-dar; He ias severely shocked, by the fall, but sustained no serious injury. The name of the desertsr who com mitted suicide near Ft. Laramie recently, mentioned by our Wyoming correspond ent, wa3 RoIIand Cathcart, formerly of Boston, Mass., an! a painter by trade. A lively time is anticipated at the Re publican convention in Nebraska City te uiorrew. Morton ha been kicked out of his own party, and he is now endeavor ing to divide the Republicans. We think he will receive a worse rebuke to morrow than he did in the democratic convention. We understand a large portion of ths Railroad track on the low grounds at Omaha is under water, and that many buildings are submerged. There is a vast difference let ween the old muddy at Omaha and the old muddy at Platts meuth. The high water has not caused the least inconvenience here, and has in no plaoo got cuteide the banks. Clark is moving his billiard tables to. day to his new room, opposite thu Brooks House. CoL H B. Taylor, editor of the Oiaaha Republican, has been on a trip to the national capital. He returned yes terday, : . i .. .. . . 'A nmaway oecured on Main street to day, in which two or three teams became mixed up.' Hon. S. Maxwell's buggy was upset and injured slightly. No se rious damage was done. A Nebraska City cotemporary makes quite a noise over the fact that seventeen wagons loaded with lumber had left that town in one day. That did very well for that place, but our lumbermen would think they were doing a poor business if anyone oftlie half dozen yards faikd to sell that amount every day. Mr. Redick is about to contract for the erection of the big hotel at Omaha. The Rrpwhlican says his proposition is to devote the three upper stories to hotel purposes, and pertinently r whether Redick will furnish the ladders for the guests to get up to the windows The St. Joseph Union informs its rea der8 that the services of a Nebraska cor respondent has been secured in the per son of II. M. VanArmand, of Plattsmouth We are pleased to learn that Van i do ing what he can to advertise Nebraska. Merchants from the west will do wcl to stop and examine goods and prices here before going farther east forastock Our merchant are preparing to do i general wholesale business. Our Nebraska City friends derive much benefit fioin the completion of the B. & M. R. R. to this citv. If they will only take hold and build a stub up to this place it will give them good railroad fa cilities. Personal. Hon. Robert Morrow, of this city, will leave for Plattsmouth in a day or two. Rumor ha h it that he will return with an extra rib. Plattsmouth Herald please copy. Captain J. P, Moore wiil officiate as one of the bride grooms. Republican, ()th. The above escaped our notice until to dav. We are anxious to know how many bridegrooms there will be. The HnitALD has called attention on several occasions! to the need of a foundry iu this city. Wc are pleased to state now that our call has brought the man, and that a foundry will be started as Soon as the necessary arrangemeats can be per fected. A subscriber to the Daily Herald remarked yesterday that a copy of the paper had saved him the little item of $3 the day previous. After reading the local news, he gave the advertisements a glance, (like all sensible men) anddiscov ered that a certain hoase advertised an article which he needed. He gave them a call, and found he could save three dol lars on the small amount he wished to purchase. He made three dollars, and the advertisers made a fair profit This thing occurs every day. From Sctturdiy' Daily The river has becu falling for a couple of days past Rev. Mr. Cameron is erecting a neat residence in the nortlpart of town. Our new citv council are taking hold like they intended to accomplish some thing during their term of office. lue object supposed to bo a gun boat," at the mouth of Platte, proves to be a "fishing smack" from Omaha. Mr. L. White, Esq. , is erecting a com modious dwelling on his addition to the city. The Magee has been at work at the railroad landing for the past two days, getting the new landing ready. Commissioner Harris left for Burling ton on the evening express traia. He will return Tuesday. Guthman & Huberty are remodeling the front of their bakery sales room. A nice open front is being put in. Maxwell & Chapman will move their law office about the first of next month to the room heretofore occupied by Dr. John Rlack, in the MasOnio Block. John Manly, Esq., the great track layer on the Chicago, l'lattsmouth and San Francisco line of railroad, left for Wisconsin yesterday. He will be absent a couple of weeks. How about the street lamps. The Ordinance has been passed, but it re quires some further action to get the posts and lamps in shape. J. C. Fuller, Esq., of Ashland, gave us a call this morning. We learn from him that the new hotel will probably be opened in the course of a week or ten days. Geo. S. Smith, sq., contemplates erecting a new residence this spring. He hag already purchased several very fine lots, thus proving his faith in the future of the city by investing his means. Sensible. VanArmand & Co., will organize their great railroad enterprise to day. Busi ness prevented our short hand reporter being present. Van informs us that Gen-. .Dodge is to take a heavy enterest in the concern, and that he (Van) de elines being a regular correspondent for the St. Joe Union. The great 1. T. Barnum is expected in Plattsmocth toon. He will take this eity on his way I the Pacific. He goes by the Chicago, Plattsmouth and San Francisco route. Our citizens should secure him for at least eno lecture as he passes through. It is stroBgly hinted that some of the officers assisted in the escape of the Fre mont murderer named Smith. He had not been gone more than half an hour before he was missed, yet no clue to his whereabouts, nor the direction he went can be found, notwithstanding hundreds of citizens turned out on the hunt. His brother had left the town two days pre vious, taking with him all the extra clothing cf the prisoner. The' railroad company are planking theit tracks across Main . street, so as to permit the crossing of wagoirs. aH" : yw.-a&..jjjiui.vv!.'i'xT-l..w.ii-j;'!t.j'ji 8 JL jiL OF THE CONDITION OF THIS Of New York, on the first day of January, A. 1. 170. made to the Auditor of State of Nebraska, pursuant to the Stature of that Stato. NAME AND The nnme of this Company i" the HOME and located in the Ciry of .New York. CAPITAL. The capital of oimpiny aotu:i!!y piM The surplus oil the 1st Jiiy oi' Jaiiuo, la.".).. Total amount of rapi'.nl AfSEl Amount of C:t.h in Co:r.i:iont..l N;:t"n .rial l!;ink. in h. '.lids ot Air i.-. ;in 1 in course L'. S. lU ifisicri-ii and Coupon hi :ek ui.trket value I'niteii States Ijuuds, market Mifsi.un " b per ci-ut. " " N. Caiulina " C " " " Tvniifrsi-o " 6 " ' " V iM-on-iu " 6 " " " litiiiois " ti " " lUiude Island " 0 " Culiloruiu " 7 " " " Counc. ti -ut " " " " N. Y. City and County Bonds " " tjui-ens County linnds " " " Kivlimond '" " " " " li.c-klyu City " Alntuiimi " .! ', , Carolina " lo.M'i U j " Brink StorM. mrivket vn!u' : " " 1,o.i:ih on Hi nils :ind MoriK:C lx'in t!ie lirsi lit n ) of rci-ord ( n I'uincuii.t'oi i'd lio:.l J-.r i:t:e. worth ut - lc:i.t So.Tri.i.y"', run- of iuteri'H 7 pt-r (i:t ) " " Liii:;y on Stocks and ii-'itds. piiyii' Ii" op ocn. i!:d. t!i" ) lourkct Ttiluc of sei-uriiicf i-U'df-'t d, .lit !eu.t i't-l,- " ' Stfiiuifr Mnpnet und Vuikiii; !tj p innu.- " " Other Property, ili.-i-t ll;iiie us lit n.s ! Due for lVeiuiuiUi on l'oiieie.- ia.-aed ut Oiiice, l ire and ) i Inland...: " Bills Ueceivfuble for i'ri'iiiiuiiis on Inland Navijntion llis-kF. A -j ) Interest due on 1st January. l7u iiovernuient iStainp. on hand Real Lstate..: ! LIABILITIES. Amount of Losses adjusted, due and unpaid " ' incurred, and in process of a, !jnsMuc:il " Dividends declared und due ar.d unpaid " " cither of cutli or script, declared hut not yd due j " ell other Ciiting claims aailit she Company Total amount of Losses, Claims ani The ercatc.-t amount insured on anv one ritk is 075,OiA, bu will n it ? SI0.CW. The Company has no peneral r.iie as to t!. amount hIIott" I to l.r in' villiiKe or block. bein puvci ned in this matti-r. iu tacli case, by the ucner.il width of streets, facilities fcrpiitiii'.p out fires. Ac. A certified copy of the Charter or A-t of Inc irporation, cs ninen juJ, ac Statement. STATE OI-- NKWYOI1K. ) Citu ami Cciunfy uj Jtetc 1 urk. ) JOHN II. WASHlil'RN. Secretary of the Home sworn, ncpesc an i say, an.l each tor l.iiii-rll ftatement of the u Hairs of the said Corporation, thcreof. (.-ipned.) (.Signed.) Subseribei! and sworn beforo me, thb l'Jth day (Signed.) L. S. -1 C. S. BKVENCS STAMP. rnar.ll-wl n i WHOLESALE Are now receiving and have on hand (at the old ita il of White &. Ruttery) South side Main st., PlafctssnoirSh The Largest and L1ost domplete Stock of Dnip. Medicinea, Paints, Chemicals, Uarslmg Oil. Castor Oil. Neat.-t jot Oil, h Cod Liver Oil. and a larze variety f Articles, Essences, Flavoring Such as Jayne's. Aver?". Halls. Scnvi'.le'sOoe's, WriKtit. V nketielU a, tmv svit; s. Terry I:ivi-. i;-ii-rck s i -.' i ; I -. .-ii-. V iiulow Dr. Winchell's, Hosteller's. Drake's. AVallace's, AVeCs, and all others in eueiul u.-i.-. Brandies, Wines Of tha btst grades and qualities, DOMESTIC BYES, Red or Rose. Green. Blue and Black. Annline. Indipo. Mndder. Extract Lorwond. In fact everything that is needed in the Drug or I hysicians' Prescript'ons careful y compounded and put up at all hou s. All Drugs warranted fresh and puro. Cai' before buying, rncl see vhat ve Plattsmouth, March 21, 1870. wtf FATOVVILLB U ON THE SOUTH WEEPIX8 WATER. XXXX At$2.50per sack XX FLOUR 2,CO per SACEi. Bran A Shorts TOcts per 1 00 lbs. Bran & Shorts Extra Good 1 ,00 per 100 lbs Corn Meal l,25cts per hundred pounds FLOUR EXCHANGED FOIt W 1 1 EAT as usual. Wheat d Corn ground on Toil Special paint will It taktn to latify all icho call. 10,000 Bushels of Wheat and 20.000 Bushels Corn WANTED vVm. E. SHELDON Agent. feblOdiwtf. $20,000 worth of Prcperty FOR SALE- Consisting; of farm. with timber ajoiiiing.na Plattsmouth. property in Plattsmouth City horses, cattle, wagons, etc. For further particular eniuira of or ad ires GEO. W. COLVLN. C tJH. J S to LOCATION. INSUilANVL COMPANY, i:i'ori.or.:ied in 1 - n:il turi 'ni.. ; i N. Y il Ujii.-ui- :iv 4i.,'- l" - !, val... I.-.J. l.:- .:; t..i -i.-.: - : I :'-. ' I l.;.iv i ) .'.-Mm I O.I ' i.:;.it (Mi f;u ,; ' ! 1 !.. 7 .' l" L.i.7 s;.; to . , i VI H s no..1 S", V) Liabilities. ir.i in mi y eity. :-;!;:r.:cii r o:' ',n', iiij'.ui'e 1 a j-rtvluu CIIArM.ES.T.M KTIX. Pr Icnt.rnd Invir m r C .-.;p n v i-im m v.-n-by ihy says, tuat (lie tcre;;oiiiir is k Ivue. Iiul ..i. t i and that they are the uouve ik- I ll OutCfi" CII S. .T. MARTIN. Vr,7. J. V. WASH B'J RN, .SseV. of January. A. D. 1S70. dUOS. r. UOOUKlL'll. .Xolur) J'ublie. J. N. WISK, A..-e-,t. and RETAIL Lead, Varni-hes. Coal Oil. Fi -Ii Oil, M-.eh '.-.is tie on, 11 mseea ),i, j.ur l On. nt, Jvn-ntitl Notion.', l'erfuuiery. Fancy :.:id ioil t Extracts. AUu, ull the IVpular Chrisiio's. Mrc's. Mi E-iin's. Ea'irrV;. AVistur'.s, and Whlskle strictly for Medical purposes. Tye Woods, ic Medicine Line. have to sc!l. Weeping Watsr Kcbraskn. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenswsro. Boot?, and Shoes, Hats, and Caps, Agricultural TTPi-liicent' iifall kinds, ATeimnd "1 X L" l.'u! ; i .-nror, I nion Com 'iini( , s. (irandetour and I'rineeton l'lvws, Ac ie iitititm, all pf which weoJicr to the pui.iic at the owest rttaii I'rices. All Goods Warranted As Represented, 30ur constant r.im w ill be to sell so low thjit it will be to the pTi.ii. e u iranr-i--; of i vey iar raer in the w stem an t centra'! por:i-.i:i o Ca.-s county to make this their bta J u-irtt: 4 f '' ti.i i irxz. i.Wcl), nt'.'.'S. S eepir.g '. atir. April 1). We .: also ajent.-for Mowers, ll nrfrs, and Thrashing .Mactiines. u; 7v.:f DE3STTIST, AViil be at Johnson's Druj Store during th li"t week in eaeh mouth. A.I orders lyjt t the I'ost Oliice will bo proD:rt;y attended to 'Jiy Y . II. . o 1 1 1 w I ti w T-:.' ' ''.: ; :.i -ii V, v , r- I ". A i ! I. i . '. i N' I : : 1 . :. ' ' ' i f . . . . : ; I ' - 1 1. r ; v. i ii . i " : . : , N. V v;-'. . : . i..:- . .i.-.-v -. r-.-rl- il'i V: (Kmy .'i.; 1 .... uv. t i..c n' t!i" N'd-r.i-1. ' Fair- "' i - - 1 ' " " r i - -I io .i: : 'o - c ; -: :i ;-. s ' " ' " ! ii.,''iri vi'l '. !'V.':'.' ; ." ; '. '!-.':- ,.i.i ! .- ,-i :r . . . ; i..T ...!-;, -i .- ! : . : nn (.::. I'.i-t'iie :i'ii ' ' ' ' ' . " tVi !:i .1 i .U '. c, l!i..-i'i it -j.' .' i ! v. :t Eccd the. wlhviiiif L'.lr jroi ' one cf oll(. f ci-l '. He r'r; of' .?'?.;. L.- ' r- - . s" T" .' L T ' ' " -' " " 6 1 l " i ' . ' ' ? ' V ? 1 v ' ' M s 1 1 ' . ' , . .. i , , 5 tr ' t i 1 1. i V. , ! X t . v - v v u v - .-. I'm? : ? ti f t c -";'. "J t ? 4. -I. ': - leva t t-. -. ; ilk V .'. . .' ii ';. V '. 1 ': V. TV i ,- . t i (:( l "i 5 t ' I i. k : i !i i. i .. liii1. if - - vil t.v t t - ' i : '. - uri iia. l V T " - Ml-. 4 V . t ' lnlJ ' I . ', 'l '1 ' '.'- p ,f i ft -.- - d f, i. ; J 'it' r , r f ij A .;.-; i t Liv. V C ex. ojrv t J C v y i ' A : i t . i . - v T wed tiy tnvir w-.r. i Luc.:; ia i .ti:. : 3 4 . T ' '1 r f f ' ' ' f k i ' ; 4 m lzi.VW kit k i..- , n : . - . 1 - .- . - T -. ' 1 ' . - - ! . f k .. i ' ! f iu i . i i Ui L . .i : v 4 t V . . . I - '. . - l' - ..' ! - rs. : i. . : I . '5 f ' ... -: r ' t : - : ' ' ; P 1 W ft Win ct: ;ut 1 V.t1ini.tii. ... 1 .4 ; x -. :-. "-,'. ta i . Ot Uie iirra . . i i .' ..:. - x t : . 1 w 4 v . i : i ., w j k i i. L. t . i . . ,.' . ri. ?. r p v T rn'i r; Tli " c i. iiu. .. a - vltutiUuiiUu) O. 'r'. ! U.S. '""tvi:;;;;;:v;. !-:;, K.'.'i t-w-.i v ; !:. Ml M'TJ'tNS. ?i;r. ami C.ITT--N v.-(;'i:i r,r::iit::;, j;;;K'.;i.i.s a. i l.viij. V.'e i. rc Ar (;!. f r v. ( f :u.; r t. .... 1. . . . . .... !.: .",1.1.:?, 7bic;. in und-.ubt i; C:c l.-vt 'i., :! i.ie . -' ..i.r?:M.."X I tuuia (o.uu u i L . The f'oijih AV--t.Tn JVin'sitx a.c! Ii! :::.:b-A--.i--it :; It:, v.j e ; .l -.rr.1.,;.. i.r.,Ct Mlii-.-e .y t!. i ::;e (: :'-:. i i . r :t. i .i;,,;; : ci ci. .i. r ri:i !;., r I j...-, v i.,, i.i.'ADi.'c.; :.: 1.1.-. a:.i . i.;;KLi ;-t ; 1; !!!-' ! ! I ll.'l V;.r. .;!!:;-r I !' t': '.i - '.' J i'i : --..I .it :,..'.) ,ir v'.i : i I . 1 ; i i-s I.:::-.!:.. 1 i . - ; - ;' ,. v :i,.r :'- i . ,...r. A'.ci,: .V-.o 'I'.. - I, ii.tt-:'s .'.I' -:i ..(-, A r : o :i - t-Jii:.l. ;:..... I, -4 M.:,: i.nf. J,..;. 1 .--- istV I ; ir.:'- 1 ii .'.:.,.!,. i. ' tr.iT.I N C . -r -i ;.- r. . ' i r. '. X ': in i . : ..V t'o-ner. i!- :i' 'i tiid ii . .;,. 1 ; !;,.r , , ; .ii. i;i.' : r.Tl-,..i;-:il: i .;. : , ' i.a-ti. .- i. . . :; fv lhe i''i:i-r. 1 .1. : u. I. 'j' . .'"' -- ' I'- ; ' :-' I: '''..,. 1'acK ir I a .V..t,:,i!y. 'i n j. ..ii.-' f ii.i,.:. m , follow ".'! T'l-ri- . - a ! i. . : -.j li.dc:i.; .'I- .r i ':!... ii, .;.- .; ,-.,r . y. '.' li'-n. 'J ii t I : cr ; -i :a- j.sj.ji vii. : The. i.r.uir if.,.--. : . rJ, Ai-.bi.i ' ii-4--Jii. i ' ' i.-'..'- -. r. . ,. : K. W. i'r!::r . i i:ii lu i v : ; '. T ' v,i-i a 'i ' C.uti,.:....ti, (,;.,o. tiih! '.-'.-.a 'L;i; C?o. V. i'ii.,-i;- VniOLErJALE .Ni) j:;":r Y.L BOOKSELLERS AM) a:-;i Their stock coatfrues the u est co.r.Ut-.-to ' c f LKlTFIt PAPER, Foti!..s f,l'. NOIE FAI'KR, i.:.,,AI. t .'-.i'. A eo::ii l' ic rtt'i--. t o' stat:tx t: i v, FANCY GOODS, AND Thcnew.---t 1) ':? :.-. : ; ;. Rttd. AH b. .r.S ; ; ; ;.'.-', t ". (:.' .: j: '.!'.-. sei.t'ld'.y.