Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 14, 1870, Image 4

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Ml j
4 I
K.ULiioiD Tint: table. j
II. A M- It- II. R-
To uVc effect Monday, Jauuitry 3d, 1370.
Mall. iKxreii.S: a., in. 0:-"e p. ta. f.::ai u. in. a. in.
-Vrthe information or parties traveling !
iromoi i fiatLMMoutli. wo subjoin thcf.dlon- I
i r., iiiini' !
-Yrthr information of parties traveling !
titer not- f fnne ti"ni'r
Vwen.V i."vi., I'i,ttsmo.ith at ft 10 p. m. !
rrir.1l IMoiHC . llllrl mil Hi u;iw p.m.
rriv-nt I'uific JiiiKtion nt a iu. 1111.I nt ;
l'...,.nir,Ts l.-nvinif J-liUlmomii ni o:t n. in. i
K"' . . . , . .. j
.Kirrt'rrUiVat I
tion ttt S::
:" n. m. mil at l'lattsinoath V:Dr j
a. m.. ,
Cut tliUoiit and ettvk it ni where you can
rtrfrr to it-
AUKI1A I. A X ittTy. VX BT f It K O P Til E
It. It.S..nti. ."it.Jno iPl.I-on'u, ! p in. Tpm.
H. It. Nortii. Ci'i'-:iBi A l-ft, . I. m. pin.
R I! Kwi.ll .l Jl. ::iiia. .pin.
11. H. I.iiiui-ln via A-blaii'l. n. V m. .
1..if..ili. vi:. .'!? Vnl-r. 1 il
in. 1
Nrl.ra.k City, by u,isr 1 pm. 5.m. I
t Departs, Xuf.-lay.i, fhur-'day-. an-l .-atur- :
hour.-., f.o-.n 3 a tn t-, ! P , . I
J- MARSH ALL, r. m.
y. 'Vurd-iu', Jauy- '
fi, v TWIT...- S...w.r;..t..n.l..iit. .f i
V im'i j " - '
the 15. A: M. Jl. 11.. arrived on
morning Express from r.urVington.
Some of the citizen? in the south part ,
of the city arc getting tired of their neigh
bors, and talk about creating a vacancy
in the locality.
Dr. F. Idcnner, as. istant lT. S. Asses
sor for the District of Nebraska, arrived
in the city last .evening. Parties inter
ested can End him at the office of D. II.
Wheeler Co
We noticed a large quantity of Lin
coln freight being taken from the cars at
the foot cf Main street ye-:terday. Lin
eo'n merchants are learning that the Clii-
the "Late onpIeaantnes," butthe Mor
mon elders outed this by eugag Ioly
ganiy so as to make it read,'"The patri
archal family relation."
Twelve hundred police guard the head-j
quarters of the New York Democracy.
It is presumable, mvs the Pre, that
they are intended to "protect those within
from the ronnes without. But how
from the roeues without. But how
much more to the honor and profi of
the ity would it be if they could afford
protection to those without against thoie
within. The Dcnispraey that require
an army to guard agaiust itself ia un- j
worthy countenance and support.
Parties desiring insurance should be
careful to f elect good companies, and be
atisfied that the company has a righr to
do business in this State by having com- i
plied with the requirements of the State
laws. The statements of the "underwri
ters A trency" and oftlic "Home," asre
quired by law, will be found in the columns
cf tint weekly IIehald.
I'rttm Mondny'l Ilttily-
Hi'KuioWr, of the firm ef Clark & i
riuumier, i now East buying goods for
.WirLuuUiu this city.
Mir. Vint ts.nii-.nth ntiil Fort Kearney r.... .. .. . .1 i . :
. . - ol 1 laiismomn, nas recent iv ctiminetea : ,.,.,,
route is the quickest and cheapest. w ,,ec.r t.cer irttho hi j ther half mght duty. I he present ar-
- , ." . ... . ,, , , I raugement only gives police protection
V.lie li-m met with Miccess in nuttinc ncir Ins brewery. He snail take oecas- . . . , . , .
.asn nit-i imew 'i I'liiiiua . i hinng the dav and the evening. Some
tilings mill
lie. br termintr the rebellion ion to '-interview it at fome tuture ;.... ; . , . I
i meir uouse in cu.
v- Theru is more gram being bhipped j
I bulk from Platsmouth than from any
f i ot"tr l'oint in t,lC 5tate ;
t.,.. .l, 1 l! !..! ,m- ..C ;
... rr i ('
BIulT, recently lost a very hne Chester
. . ii.
White hog, valued at over
T, :-.v-,..l tbit Prim. Arthur will
IV 1C..1U lllAk L . V". i -W.T..., V'l
It ia expected that Prince Arthur will j
visit Plattsmouth in a ehoi t time on his
y to the Pacilie coast. He lakes the ;
treat mrc'-iin rou-e .a .iiicut:j, aui
i ...... ii.: t? .
ii'njtion it Plattsmouth.
j .Mr. Iran. Keed, r.uboad yard master,
j ha invented in s -me very fine proper'y of Captain Murphysi,w resideiice.
Mr. l'raiik Heed, railroad yard master.
nhere lie purposes making a home. J be ,
railroad men are all taking hold of j
. I latismouLh rroperty. Jliey sec w
"wny tho cat is jumping."
j Tho.-e boHutiful iron ra'.luigA aroiuid
the porticos of the Brooks House were
manufactured by Wayman t Curtis, of
the Plattsmouth machine shops. Mur
phy Jt Fitzgerald believe in patirnizing
j home manufacture.
The Chrvuit lc says: "A new railroad
' company haa been organized to build
from this city to Plattsmouth. One
hundred and eiwhty-fivc thousand dol- j
- . - .? .. .V ..:!. 1 V . 1 A . '
ir! '. u sioca. iioiv ouu ici lucju. .luiAHfu. i
.. - ... .
" 3hatisalir.t rate idea. It will give
. Nebraska City a first rate eastern aud .
i . - r.. . I
. -.- --.' lia-k wri t Ii K I h 1 rrf I
ww:iiiwiiir.uiuii n .....,
Plattsmouth and Pacific Hailroa 1.
A Nebraska City exchange boasts of
twenty-eight hotel arrivals in one day,
and adds. "This looks like business."
Yes, it dues very well, but the 1 latte
. .. i. i .,
v-aney nouse register, or mis city, wui ;
,-how au average of over fifty a day, ,
. l.ides the hundreds that pass through
on trains without stopping at a hotel.
A big jollification was had in Omaha
.X, the other day over the adoption of the
Fifteenth Amendment. Speeches were
. .mad hy many colored men, au 1 a fine
, -Vime, generally, was had.
The II. S. Turner made our landing at
- .r: 30 this morning, unloaded a quantity
f freight, took on some goods for retail
in Omaha, and proeeeded up
. tream.
' !
K. T. Duke & Co. received yesterday I
.4t1i. m Mr Insirl nf nitfbforks. Iin.'r.. I
rakes, etc. We are glad to sec our deal
r going in heavy this Spring. The
ffaroand is great, and heavy purchases
viable them to eell at low prices.
.. , ; ;
i Of" late Plattsmouth receives penodi- j
i, .. . . - . ., ,
' T. rta'n jov.,l .d na-
rea fel.ow, who has .ots o. Is, but ,
jtthe Mine time a strong t:y..,,n,g
lir wiling the sarce whenever It can, to .
. a rrod Lu-di at ttiem. l esterri.n
lir Mining me same . - .a..,....
.. I 4. -v
ve a goo.1 laugh at ttiem. 1 estern.iy
. -.. -uceessfuliy practiced one of h:s mno-
, btjokcs on tir.v, , who in...
' ! invited cverylnj-ly to take a cigar.
ii ar of the opinion be will not ic so i
the next time, to propound the ;
What can I do fr you, ;
If ; I
almost out of the banks in tome piaets
Clark's new billiard hall is progressing
rapidly. He is adding a bowling alley to
the establishment.
I I he i timer pas.-ed Uowii ytt-ra.ty j
J evening, leaving a o,uantity t.f goods nt
! our landing" ;
. , . j
The steamer hlkhorn parsed up es- ,
. 1 .11 1 I a. M , iC' ;
icrasy. cue uruiiiit a mh.ih .......... u
x i 01 .. 1 i. ! t e:
i goods trout t. Jowpli, a!i lor tliw cit. ;
Mni jihyA; ritz.eiaia are putting a ,
large kitchen and ti-.T t room on the ;
ortIi end of the JJr.,kS Hou.
Sidewalks have grown rapidly during
the past month. You can novr travel up j
Main street as fur a.5 Sixth street on a j
good brick r plat.k walk.
Mr. Doty, of Kat Plaitsuiouth, .-hut 1
a l'ellican ia.t Friday whijh mssisurc d j
f t :..',... n,.,.rilJ, t!:(. !
i,rcttv srood .-i::cd bird
' -
Several car loads of brick were loaded j
lL j, Comi.any'.s vauis last Sat-
urday for use on the road we-t. A pur-
ttoti of th-rin be uel at Loui.-vil! j '
Coiuicihiiau .ias.s is ei.ritled to tile
gratitude of the people f .r bis untiring
e Sorts in getting through the Council
the Ordinance relative to lighting the
Married, at the Probate office in Piatt'- j
mouth, hvJudcc Chills. Probate Judu'f. i
Major Jas. Titm, lateof the Union Army j
an l .Miss Anna M. -:chois, an accom
plished lady from old Yirginia.
The river is higher than wo have i
seen it this early in the season for many
ycar, and is still rising.
Mr. Hippie, tin? great Brewery man
A. llamberger, Esq., of St. Jc:cph. !
-1 1 , '.I XT iTT. 1
rue ncau oi me nouse oi iiamourger t. i
Perlir.erof this city, has been stopping
in our city severaldavs. He leaves for
St. JVcph Monday," j
- ...
Mr. Geo. S. Smith arrived in the city
this morning by the 13. it M. Load di-
rect from Illinois, lie brings his 'better j
half" along this time, and now considers i
himself a hxt are of tne city.
Several burse races took place yeater
jav afternoon on the raee course, about
tiirM Iujios wej;t 0f the city.
There were several vnry fitie liorse.s
from Council Bluffs and Omaha ou the
cround: nevertheless, betting was very
light, and it seemed to us that most of
the crowd had come out, like ourseif, for
the purpose of enjoying an afternoon
The river is still raiding slowly
.. c t, . , i- , ,c , -i some Chester H lute puts. II
ride on oiie of the most delighttul April ; . . , -,
. v- i i 1 m the best o: cerythui'.
da vs wt ever saw in Nebraska.
Wc hope none of our patrons will '
either take ofTence or think strange if ;
our collector a,ks them for a few dollars
n money. c ate laboring hard for the I
towu, and must have money to keep up ,
the establishment. It takes money to
few dollars j
. , ,. , T t , I
the estaUishment. It takes money to !
nm a newspaper " as well as to build a
ra;iroa,l, a, tne .Midland Pacitie Company I
and coraelf can testify.
. . .... i i si: .
. . V
,nni i9 . w:i3 c;night bv hand at the iuot ,
, , i
!uf yld hi stre.,t to dav. m the edge ol the
i . " - i u i
I rivtr. He wasswimmmg in shallow
'm.,,,1 I !' n WLlIllI ;ir SGl.lO HI . -
river. He was swimming
water, and was gathered by the tale and !
, , . i
hauled ashore by an envrjetie a.dierwan. i
ii:,.. 1 1 ..... i .... -
huk j o.m. u.
iliewors, oi urnintr .jhcm iui
; R south ol- the 3iachific Shops '
j ffi f uinplet(.(j VlMerday. and the d- iv-j
;t.r rca5oveJ to tiC of fchatmon's !
w,u,r. i!cs arc
for he -oUn(i;ltii.ns for a
to be
a new
1 i barn
n. , 1 -i v i
1 wo new Church ouiklmgs are aoout ,
to be ererfci at eennij Uatrr tne
I Methodist and Congregational. The
latter is to cost about $.",0(H), over "'.
of whieh has already been rai.-ed by
Some graceless seaiujis exhibited the
brute in their nature last nisjht by want
only breaking several grindstones in
front of Schuasse'ts ami Duke's stores.
Marshal Murphy offers a reward of? 10
l i .- .i . -ii i i . . r I
ior liuormaiioii nut wia iciiu 10 ineir .
. . . i
convution. V.c hope they may !
caught. !
- - .
" o are mrom.ea vy ur. ixenner, toe
U. S. Assessor for this division, that tho '
annual assessment of Plattsmouth show? 1 ,
an increase oi per cent, over
rivir wni-ir. fit tbii h.t :.rp rii ' idrt'-n ;
we shad lay before our readers an ab-
. . . . ,
J - . ...v. - 1 - - - - .
.stiaet ot the income returns and special
taxes of Cass county,
e ivjani tnai a vcit line 3-.-ii:ju e.vur ;
... ... , .
bitton was held at Eight Mile Grove re-
, . hi i ii
it-. i .i c .1. ,..i i,:
r ,
friends in the countrv rend us a note f t '
which they may deem interesting to the j
people. ;
J iiuotiiua ui-aii fci-3 i.ii.i-ie.1. in
. - i .- i
Biowntille at the recent city election.
. , - .i ti
The Advertiser gives the following rca-
t.rrr a i . 1
uv.v. i..v j,...,., J
the regular Republican Ticket was de- I
featej Kr8t; it did not receive ,uffi. j
- . , . t . I
cient votes. recona; me i eop:e s re-
ce'ived more votes than it did
vox jrit
Mr. Psnl Hill, It. R. Transfer Agent, !
! arrived frnm the cast Saturday morning.
rr . ,. ' , '",. ,'." L" i
He luiiLt'ed.atelv set about finding a
,cnt h
Juuus Sil erstnith. Lwi.. wlio Ln t-n- !
1 .
Juuus Sil -ersuuth. h.. who has en- j
deavoured to e-tbii-h some kind .of a i
paj erin e-.ery tow,, iroai me i
coast to Comic:! Bli.Ts, ha p illed up ;
staKe at me iater place anl moved
along eastward, u e expect to hear from
tm g0on over on the Mb-sis. i,ii, whe re
i V. w:!! "s-.i I. tli " i li M--fi :.' it.i.v.l ' .rt-r. 1
new-'! Trmpr.'f
TV, f.i-tli Knrlish rn'ortv. of -
s Inch ivi' s.o..c a navs since, are i
l.wifl nVmiit five iiiil.r.-i south west from I
w,,:.,,, W-iter Fall- t
An exchange says: "-tlae Alaska ir- j
aid is by Auapius II.n hareuko,
j.l!.iiill.r) fur tllc0 laxostchki per
.ujnulE" Cheap.
I he I r..(e on Ji.irJ bt. i- nearly
-,j.tcj, an,j ,,e St. ( Vr::missioner i
. . .
Laving the approaches put in onler,
- -
Th .'-c is a fine opening fur c;ty pmou
)( ,.,...;e theiiKelves ucful
tm the
f?r;idi,,;r of t!l. tl,,(,t hUmtdia:tly eat of
theJaU. There is work fr the whole
Sa' there.
Captain Murphy commenced operation
r,Kir,irt omnndnii r ibis i;:o; ni- jitid
! will call on all citizens within the next.
twenty days to either work out their road
tax or par the money. Murphy mcan!i
The Vi" extern Saloon was entered by j
"c unknown persons durin
the alter.
noon yestt-rday, and a small amount of
money, some I!. 'ioi s andceg irs abstraci-
1. An entrance was etTecteil throuirli
Plattsmouth is a good town in which
i to "make a raise. A gentleman o;
color came to t;:e city recei.t.y very nam j
up. an t eommeiKt a to Mack Loots i;.r a .
living. Us has now come out with a ,
l . r w.i i i t
very goot suit or ri'iy duf.'irs wnu ii tie
claims the right to wear imlj th- lunc.
The Daily II KHALI has more than f0
sub:icribers now.
We wool 1 Migsicst to the City Council
: the projiriety of dividing the police force
and putting one half on duty at night. -
The present force is probably mre than is
actually necessary during the day. but
would answer the purpose very well if di
vided and one half given dav dutv and the
( uwiu pel
we need ita'l niht.
rl he Urowuville Adcfi tiser copies our
- - ;. - - -1--j
Horn relating 'to -Mjlemmzmg a writ of j
1,i:uniJU)n-v- auu add: -Ibis reminds
us of a matrimrjua! aRair that occurred
1,1 w.utry about the date of the
f,,,;,. Our Probate Judge was
called on one evening, while away from
his office, for marriage license; not wish-
Jng to n turn to his office, he replied to
the intended bride-room. "You iut l-o
! uhcd to-night, the same as if vou lw
married, and I'll make it ad right in the
r -
Vol.'y' r nifp.
The new 11. 11. Lauding will be com
pleted to-day, and transfering of cars re-
sumed to-morrow.
Mr. Thos. Thomas has sent cat for
e believes
artiee are in the city with a patent
v:ell boring apparatus. They have been
rtl io-uay at .uaj. trneeicr h place
-o to-aay at .uaj. h
. . . , ;.
V ,
1 l " ; .l- um bo inton
th Ilev W I Cutte- who inform n
1 ut- ; .l- u"m bo mtorms us
luJl uul"v J"'ncy ne neam
UlUf"h ,a!k tlhoat I'itnouth.
There is more shiroimr don to and
f'-om 1 '!.' tt-linll'.f ll fn:in :it inv..lh.. ivt i
.v..v.. I....... i
tormaiiees ueiuonscraie mar.
in W-1.iiJ.-i '1'br-r wor.. .ivnr -,,. V e pu.'.usli. today, our first et or
V1 , 1 ',J-Kd' lliL'a cre ovcr rht, , ! i" 1 p
hi-tidrrd 13 troistvrnrl -,t iIm- n,.:nt li'tuu It. Ii. artier, i., dcsenptivo of
' ' " l,ca cai? transl.rcn at tin.-, point, Vi t c ,i
dur riT the month t.f March i 1 ihmoro county. Ihe readers of the
uunr, tu m u -Martu- -m v. , ...
t . . ; ; . j
i:ieie i., i:. tie quesuon as to xer.nuia .
. . '
h..:nt (practically) of theU- V. 11. H.
wic. c. to the be bet t bat it i
.t ms n 'io.i iii.i i nvf iiT thr n-i.w-f- l..i.l- !
;.(,., ,.,... :i ,,,
Mr. t.
se w ate
iuthman, proprietor of the
brick building on the corner of Main I
street, returned from Chicago a few days I
sim e. We understand he will oicn a !
fhootimr sallerv in a iort time in the
- -
The railroad landing on the Iowa side
is hereafter to be directly opposite Main
street, instead of two miles up the river.
J. M. Hothead has retired from the j
Beatrice Clarion, Tlu-redore Coleman j
m.11 hereafter control toe columns of j
that journal.
ftee advertisement, of desirable resi- !
. ,i 'in- . -.
tb.nce lor sale. 1 Lis t-rorortv is situ.-i-
ltjJ in one of the m.M j.leusant locations
i il.- ,.;,v ,,n. .... 1... i... i 1.1.
niu vin. wuu .U Jj L!4iJ& A O 1 fJ.TVll4t MIC I
W( ,llw1,.1..fl, t, , .
..w uiiii-i . vuiiu umi iui; 13 CAJ 1
igii that no tranfering can be done at
Qn.aha. Passengers get to the city in j
.. , ....
wn.i'i I . I . , . . .-. V ...If.- .. . . . ......
r ,
ed to be crossed over.
The people of Otoe county in conven- j
tion assembled at Nebra.ka City last j
o . , .
.jttnda , passed resolutions wiiiphment-
. , , , - IT IT ' . x !
ing and endorsing . II. II. Vv aters. i
Waters has tught gallantly down there,
, , . .. , .
We the property holders ia the
original townMtc of Plattsmouth to look
i well to their intere.-ts. and not allow the
, , , ., ..
bmk of building to strike a new channel.
,ri .
1 liU proprietors of additions to Platis-
.... .
j mouin are doing Heavy work lor their
I iv.-w. it;.. - i .i :n .j- .i .
i . i-. .him iii..-y viiu cariv t.r tne
:r.t ?.i ii .
pnv.". o
Lc-Ur themselves.
iii.e u me (ircnncmrs ui tlte Oli town !
I iiiue j veil luqfonaui taxpayers
county convention held in Nebraska City
last Saturday, and yet the Press has not
even so much as noticed that a meeting
of uny kind was held. Wh it is the !
reason? Is it because, the i.-oii1 in
. . , , 1 1 '
conve,,o;, and,ed s:tw f t o P
reoUu,n, a:Jl, II. 1 ute;V
Agent Went, of the B. it. M. H. II.,
iniorms il, that he is daily receiving huge
........:.: e i r- , , . . - ,
p tll.t , , , .-:. .; i .
(lU;Uj,it;es of troo.L- for A.-hland. Lincoln.
anj ofi,t.r lM,,n:S West of Fbttmouth
Shippers are awaiting the i
n;n,, 0fre!fUlar trains to South Bend
run- 1
. . .
iuum uuiwuic aiimiKcmnit
be made to deliver troods fixra the cars i
,;0ar the end cf the tiack ? It would br !
. ...,..: .k,,,,, -
I '-v w .1- '
iron dn bniy.
Summer coats v;er2 brought into re- .
oiiLdtion to-dsv.
" " - -
who vi.Mt our ruar mere is mo.c i;ie
anil business here than in any place they j
hare seen mthe west. j
Se advei lisen.ei.t of Jl II. Schiiit's
Citv Iletaurant. lie keeps a nice plac.
d sets a Rood table. Farmers and j
others will Mud this a go jd place to get a j' when in the city. I
1, 1 1 c t - 1 1 , 1 ,
Mr. IJdianan. of Jv.ncoiti, lias been in
the citv several day-;, lie 1 watc
lie U watcdiinz
the Miperior stock markets of this city
to pick up a few n;co beavc.5 for the peo
ple of Lincoln to eat.
We learn from I . L. Holbrook, Estj.,
that Athlaud is improving very rapidly
this spring
I lesser is already on hand with Ids
t-a oit-s
The IIkralm oaice
has re ecived r. Lountifiil Mij ply.
Wayinan Ox Curtis. Machinists, are
a hling to their .-hc .j. The increase of
busiiicis'kcs more room a necessity,
A lot of heavy iron l'u- th5 11. II.
bridges aeros Salt Creek were sent out
vest enl a v.
Marshal Murphy has divided his po-
it.e fMrctN i wc t,,,w j,.VC QC!ie f;,)e on
d. , hi t loll ,j.,v !lIjd llLrj,t
Mr. Palmeiton. of Ashland, was in
the city this morning, and left on the
morning train for home. lie informs us
that carpenters, teamsters and laborers
are in good demand there.
There is more business done in Platts
mouth in one day now than there was in
a week last spring. Instead of selling a
few goods to be carried out by band, our
merchants aro now selling by the car load
at a time.
Pride & Yeates charged their soda
fountain yesterday. Wc "sampled"' it,
and concluded it was not had to take.
The' are expecting a new fountain in a
I few days, which will equal anything in
ri r
j ollentme iV Ha;n: of Ashland, have
j (liSPUlved their partnership, and the
j business will hereafter be carried on by
j Vollentine Jt Co. Mr. Vollcntino left
j for the eat on yesterday eveuing's ex-
j j.ress train to purchaie goods. They arc
j doin- a larrte business. "
! Wo a,c i'. receipt of a new paper called
u,e 'ns l'u"il-Mlc'1. " v.ovingiun, -e'
L. Xcrthup is the enterprising editor
and proprietor. It is a neat seven col
umn paper. Republican in polities.
Prof. Miller returned from Chicago
this morning, wheie he has purchased
something over one hundred thousand
' feet of pine lumber, to be used in the
erection of business and dwelling houses
; at Addand. Miller A (Jriflin aie troiujr
j ;(l heay on the improvement business at
Look out for tires during this wind'
time. There is no apparatus to assist in
the extinguishing of a fire, thould one
fctart in the city, and there is no telling
when it would end. Will the people
iiere nccr.r take su-ps to . ecure a lire en-
i . , . , , ,
i gine until after the town burns i!ow:i.
ii. to tay, our nrst etrcr
1 .. ....
iit.nAi.ii m vc j.iu.t.;.i 10 miuw iiiai
lti-.i i .!M Vl-.....l. 1.. ,
.Mr. Warner has consented to become a
- - .....w
regular contributor for the columns of!
We call the
j'CCI.ll til I will I. HI I'l Oil! .
cial attention of our !
, , . . . f t t i
r.n ' li.r rn r 1 1 r. ;i 1 1 -.-rf i ...T.ii.i it- . it I I -1 in I it .
- T, ,. .... T ' !
T, ,. ,. j, !
beruner. of the Hee Hive store, :
m , j
avs paper. J tiev have the capital i
. ,. , , , i
ic inclination to do a large bui- 1
jrer iv ucriuier. ot me iiee line store, ;
in to d
and the
ness, and 1 hey are bound to sell goods at j
the lowest figures nossiMe. 1
" -
Moses Dodge, E.,, of this city who
! returned home front Arizona recently.
brought with him some specimens of j
look salt, which he informs us abounds in j
parts ot Arizona. It is clear as crystal.
i r ., . , ' I
ami perfectly liure. A speeiiueu can be ,
seen ou the desk at Tootle, Hanna it !
Clark's Bank
fhe farmers in this locality have all !
I their wheat in tii ground, and many of!
them liava already couiineticed iIowm
4 . ti e 1 i
for corn, lbc season so lar has been
verv favorable fbr farmerf,-at least
p.,t. ....l... ,..l
tV- 144.1 T v. u I I o I I'JIMI LI , iS. VX.
The raiiioad Co. have been dumping i
,.. -!, v,., i .... .t.; i..,..i !
ivvmioii tut mil iiuiu iiuuiv; iiii3 lanu- i
ing for the past week. They propose j
check-matinc the old muddy.
W. N. Smith, Esq.. of Omaha, Lock- j
j smith. Engraver, ee., is in the city for a i
'uW -J'3 taking orders for work. The
firm of which he is a meuber do or ex
... ..... , ,
tensive ousiness in tueir hue, and do an
. . ,
excellent job.
We are in receipt of the first number
of the Ashland Times, published at
Ashland, Neb., by Onn II. Mathews,
Esq. It is a live jrapcr, of good me
ehauical appearancf, Hcpubliean in poll- J
tics, dsvoced especially to the interests j
of Saunders county and the cit- of As-h- :
land. The number before usgiesci-j
denoe of inueh benefit to accrue to Ash- i
land from the regular publication of the i
j paper, and hueee-s to its cuterprumg .
A couphj of "low downs'1 came into
Ciaik's billiard room last evening and
attempted a duturbauce. Mr. Clark
does not believe much iu a disorderly !
Iiouie, aud deruo.istrated to the iudividu-
It e . ,t . . 1 i . t
' aiofi;suid that they had certainly uus-
--juken the place when they attempted a
; aisturLancc where be ruled. This is the
first time we have heard of any disor-
derly conduct at Clark1 o hall, aad we
,...t . . . ... .
. i aouoi ii mt; same parties win care to re
peat the performance
A boy cight ears old, in one of our
! ,...!.!-.. ..!.,... I- 1 !...., ,.1.1 tUt n
I'lALJie oi iii'., ii.iiiii; i.e;ii I'jiu tuai a
ronti a "i nn t vi t itomw
1h intr aked to name one on exam'nat'on
d iy. i roi ir tly tnd tiiarrhantly rcr-lied.
3 ' 3
We notice that mo-t of our merchant:. ;
are Lrlnin or. much larger stocks of
iroods this season than Wrctotore, which
indicates their intention of increasing
i,us,ness. e umierstanu I'oorn, iro.
& Co coutemp'ate entering largely into
tj,e 00 tiaje this sca,on. We see
na rca0Q why ,his shouj MOt bo donc
by n;any of our Lost firu
"A ftranae craft
, bccI1 vin at t.a uiouth of Platte
liee waters
for .,an tv.u ,.,,.s A rceonnoitcring
1arty tt-ilo ventured within a f w ndlos
of her, with mountain howetzcM in their
, . .. , , . . A ,
k7 . , lu".,'l"K T
01 a nat-Lott imea boat witn a caoin
built of boards and painted blue. She
came from the direction of sun .-et, but
bow far we are unabbi to pay. We hope,
if she is a "friendly craft,7' ahe will
send her boat ashore and report.
We understand that Maxwell Chap-
i nian will havo their new abstract of
. titles in Ca.-s county, completed in a very
I few days. They have spared neither time
nor money in getting up an abstract that
is as near perfeet as anything we ever
saw. It shows the original entry, every
deed, mortgage or other voluntary con
veyance, also the District Court record,
the date cf every instrument of convey
ance, where it was made, and whether
or not it was witnessed, and whether
the laws of the state where made requir
el a witness the consideration, whether
stamped, when filed for record, etc. In
fact, there is no point touching the title
of property that is not thoroughly cover
ed by this ab.'traet. They have had
four men at work for nearly five months,
and can give you the whole thing in a
"nutshell." They have platted every
subdivision of less than forty acre?, also
all the additions to the city, giving the
chain of title couiplete to any and all
tracts of land in Cass county, no matter
how intricate the boundary description.
The following are the names and offi
cial majorities of the candidates elected
last Mon lay :
M tyr A . La ze nl iy, ( De m oera t , ) -. . 10
Council V. S. White, " 40
C. Lazenby. " 2
C. Ileisel, " 21
W. E. Dontlan, " :;i
F. J. Clement, " Is
Recorder S. F. Cooper, " o f
Marshal M. Ii. Murphy, (Kcpub).. Ci
Treasurer J. M. Ilinchman.i Dem. ) LI
Street Com V.. IJ. Murphy, (Hep.) 11
1 JUK AT I.I.VtOl.X.
A (wood uud I'loiioei Ilousr Stullt
learn from Thos. II. Hyde, Esq.,
of Lincoln, that a fire broke out in the
rear of the At wood and Pioneer Houses
about II o'clock last Tuesday, which en
tirely consumed the stables belonging to
those Houses. The At wood House Sta
ble was valued at about lNk), and the
Pioneer House Stable at about s:oo or
400. Theie was no insurance ou either
one. Most of the contents was saved.
i j..,v i,;,,, lliarkct price for Oats. Corn
a uJ No j Whoat J;UI ,,lAwtfi
I tiriTeTTTii
i , ,
I . ..... m r .
i .uatukws, uonklly cV lu
Matiikws, J
I apoutt
, v TAKE 2
! ,
j ir yo i want to nity a gou t Aicfcri-
T i. i i .
F,.,.IU1. . Swl n-:1r..l, o.. th
II ';i.-Ili. l.-o . .lev. II. I'll. 111."..
Can "how ti v.iur r0 to th
stand n?xt door to the Brooks IIju-'c.
If y.iu v-ant a tOvt I chu k, err a neat sett
n Y 1 Y .1
!.'ir'Ci.i.i, v. ii ii.-. j i-i..'i-5i aiiiiiiuii.iivii.
I "
go next door to the Brooks House. Or
go next tioor to tlie lrook House. Ur
? , . , . ,
if vou want your watch repaired, m unod,
.. , , ,, ,
workmanlike stvie, co to the old place,
, , . rr , .,
next door to the Brooks House, where till
work is warranted to give satisfaction or
no charge. Ilemembcr the place. !
P. IlAitT, I
One door west of the Brooks House. i
If vou want No. 1 Hedge plants ai
" ,,
reasonable rates, come to mv nurserv
21 miles southwest of Plattsmouth. t
at W. B. Porter" s.
ap'.-d. w ow
II. Bkstok.
riii i -i lil-
J hlCO improved residence lots, lying
t.. tbor Q..I.M. fruit, to tb.. .;!.
e- ' ' - ;
and south, ready for gardening; also
a dwelling house with four rooms. In-
.... r .. 1.
'une at l"wt'mce- av-o-wi.
. . 7; .. , " "V .,
ail ki.,l ..t" I .lllllltrV TITO'lUCe t'lkeil
;,, exchamre for goods at Yalleiys t i -
finer s.
a- ii f i ir i - i
allerj'S it liUiiner Jiave JUSt received i
a new supplv of Boots and Shoes, which
they are selling verv low.
i Go to alien Sit Huilner and buvyour :
i . , .. , ', . i
Groceries. Ihev buy- lor cash and Will
..... 1... b....!.l
vl I'V iimi,icum.
If you are in want of a good Wagon
go to Vallerys & HufTner. They are
agents for the Stur and Sehuttler AVag
ongs, the best iu market.
Groceries, Carpets,
Under the Broods House,
XSayTho Highest Price Pail for Country Produce, Hides, Wool &c.-s
! The practical Watch Maker and JcWl'
of Plattsmouth, can be found at Wn.
Stadehnanu's clothing house, on tic
south side of Main street, lie will ke?r
on hand a large and well selected stock,
consisting of American arid Swiss
Watches, Clocks, Silver Ware and Jew
elry of all kinds. All persons are re-
ouestcd to call and examine his stock be- 1
:-.r. I, ..;,,,, L.),n V,ol, i
Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired on
short notice ni d warranted. '
The next quarterly examination will
be held at the schol house in Plattsmouth
on the first Saturday in May, 1S70. To !
commence at U o'clock a. m
W. A. P.vrrEKsoN. I
Co. Supt. Pub. Instruction. '
aprilTthw.') '
Yallerys it Kuffner have ju.-t received j
sample machines of t lie Improved Hock
ford Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator,
very much improved for the year l.STd.
Call and examine them, and leave your
'i'Si el.n . f "a 1 1 .
All persims knowing themseh es in
debted to us by note or account re
quested to cad and settle immediately.
I . .
the bet in market. "'allerys & Huff -
ner are agts. Those in want of a good
3Iachine will find it to their advantage
to give them a call.
Go to Yallery J' it Huffm r's to buy you
Dry Goods. They are selling cheaper
than the eheane-t.
Estray No tics.
'I'h'-re will be sold t the histhent bidder, on
J. lli ur:. lay the 21st day of April is, n; one t!irec I
year old Mare. Sale to lake plin-er.t two o'clock j
e. M. it the residence ol' T. . Fountain, South j
ben I 1'rcL-iiiet, IVf ei:nty Nebraska. i
J A .M l-.S C K A 1- U Kit.
march 17, w r. J ustie of Peace.
pwoRArn oth'i;.
AT IIKUKAS. on the 2G!h day of March, A. D
' .losiah Craij:, of Cuss eoutty, Ne
braska, filed an application in the l'Vohate
C.uit of Cass comity lor letters of administra
tion on the estate of Sarah "raisr, late of sai l j
nty. notice is hereby it i vou to ail j.-arties
rested. That said ai.l.iieatio.i will be he.-ir.l
aic tieci lej upL-n, ou the 2m h il;.y of April, at
10 o'clock a. Jt... A. h. CHILD, -
marji-w i. . -ro'tut? Jurtfr.
Nnw Ubitaix, IIauilto- Co.. I.r.. May 2.
Dr. C. W. Ken ,ck Hmr yir: This will cer- '
ti.'V that my wife had been laboring nndera (
secere attc.ek of i!ti( n of the heart aud
dyspepsia, and her case Lad been riven up 1
us incura'dc. J teen resorted to the venous pa
tent medietas of the day. but she found no re
lief from theiu. At last I was requested to pro
cure some of your Scandinavian Elood Purifier
and Blood l'ilis. I purchased from your airent
D.N. IIa:i:ia, nnebotile of the DIood Purifier
aad two hoses of the lilood Pills, and proceeded
with them according t i directions. She found
relief from b;j;Ii diseases after u-inir three or
four bottles. I w ill. theref-TP, cheerfully re- !
'-oinmenrl your medicine to the sufl'eririK comiuu- J
ni'.y, especially the ftmab s. Yours Ac. i
K')Bi:ilT M. TAYLOR. '
Sec advertisement; j
Xiitritiou. Ilenlthj . tv nest. j
Donley's liakiiiic Powder is the most ccononii- I
cal and conviniant liakinir Ponder now in use. j
It saves milk and cs, prevents the possibility .
of pour rolls, l.uiscu.ts or cakes, and thus produ- I
cs happiness in both kitehcnaud hoiischobi.
It is put up in tin cans, which arc, to till intents
arid purpo-es, impervious t the action of the!
weather. ,ie tri:il ill convince the most!
skeptical of its superior ou:;liti. s. F..,r w!c by j
irruccrs. ;
I Ni'obM A T.' i. of tho ivher -ali .uts of Allen i
j i. A. I'.tok.irtl.i': i. !-. -r. ;.. ii .111.1 pla-i'-i ( r. lie !
. was last heard lui: on the llih of November.
! Is..'.', 1:1 l l it'-iiiouih. Ca-s cmntv. Nehi-aska :
Any inloiviiaiiou ol him v. ill be thaiikl'uiiy re
i-eived by hit. wile, 1
niai-:i-." iv.Kk Islainl. Id.
FOIt Ai.K.
VF1NE. l.irse Ja-1;, oa theism, ot ti. Ficklci
three miles south of Plattsmouth.
M och b'.th iS7i inar3'-w2
IOR SALE Some choice lol f..r snle. sood j
notes taken as part payment. Iiiiicire of
Sl'ljlil.OCk a- WlMiiim
One door w est of brook;- iio j.-c up,
1,-1 li SA LE-A story and u half brick "hluLT. '
WHll Oilt-llOI!OS. nfl Jin n.-r.. Inl i,.r,..i...ln.l -i
! w ith shrubbery and shade tn-is. also containing
oearmsr trmt trees, jrrape vines eti'. liniuire at I
tins olpee. or ot .(o.-eph Sch later. Jeweler, .Main
street, l'laltsmoiuli. al2dAw.:m.
h"K sAI.,'.-Ivri.v...- i ..s.'niroits.niid
A- soicc youiiii stock .-at lie. Aifoonesru-n of'
small h.n.-cs. Ennuir? -1 '
i.u. Ull .MOL it Jr.
Rock L lulls.
! OR .SALE The Subscriber offers for
j valuable water power, two miles
I'lait-iuoulli, near the .Mis-omi rivet
sale a
s beilow
j f.'ilncivut water.'uidfall with ccor.oir.i. nl iiiarii-si-I
incut to t roducc i nwere.iual t Uo0 (jorsc-nower
f. 'il... . ..
ofirl river, with
-"" -oi--ioe. a ne presi in owner 1-- r;iiisw in
other hu.- mess and cannot devote uU attention
",c ' tuiUnw. and. will ell M-i wa-
icr power lor a reason:. .1
I'lUtlALUOlUU. Dec, 1M I SKI.
yvpplyto Maxuki. C'HAI'MAK.
I"0R S ALE. The southwest quarter of section
11. township 12 north. rauc 12 oast. En
quire of sepisj S. DUKE.
IOE Srl Two lot in Glenwood. Cheap
:5ALE. S;1 acres of land mbybiiiie '
1 Plaiumouth. Enquire of (
' S.VtHK
X ,SLH 1s'cJb9-, rT?I,eny, , bc"
JL lolicilltt to l. Mjir.lULtt will I.n so 1.1 ir
."'-"! "a reaso nabiu .terms. lh house eon-
tains (i i hf re is also a 1 irrc cistern with
ld'-er. a. cellar, a sUble. and otuereonvetnenees.
It els lor sale by 11. K. Anderson, three miln
outh of lJlatt.-.mouth. My onts are true to name,
Price per bushel, S3 ; per peck. SI.
Jan. 25, 1S7. jan20wG
P. IUlAliCU,
Boots and Shoes,
Street, PJattsmouth, iNebraska. j
t-j 'in
Of New York, on the first day of January, A. D. I-S70, made to the Audit-.;
of State ot Nebraska, pursuant to the Statute of that Slate.
Tk. nmr .,f this Cincmv is th- Il'iMK INSl ltANt ): COMPANY, in.., ir,ora; .-.
and locatt in the City of New York.
The eatiital of ai-J roinriiiny Hctually p.nJ
The (iutplu.-i ou the 1st da ot" January. lST't.
Total nmoiint of capital
I uiouatcf t'ash iu Coiitiuotital National bnk.
j " ii. han U o! A'ts. and in r..urw
I " " r. J?. K.-b!' n rrd mid Coupoii St'.ok 1
market ilue
" I'nituil iati.;- )!on Is. .'i-jo. Market
Mis.-..nri 0 per ecat. "
.M.Carolina. " t "
Tmie.c " C " .V
M isronsiu " C " " " 0 " "
Hlio.'.c I-Iand " 6 " "
CaliK.niia " 7 " "
Coiincctiuiit " "
N. V. Citv and C.-unty Uanda "
i!-ins County lionJs '
Ku-hin-.-iid " - -
iironklyn City "
Alal.ama. "
S. Can.iina "
Jlank M'j.-ks, market vahte mi ii'iiul mid M . i-t:T:iz
r.f rcc.:r l i.n I niin-ii:i:l)ci t il r. nl i.-tnti-. Wvirtn at . : !
!ca! i '.";. .'., rtt- 'l interest 7 per cent t
I. :.ii on Stocks and lloinN. I av.-l !c on 'ieniatid. the ;
n::irki t value id' securities .elfred, at letiKt $.5-1,- ,
"iiiu .Vj J '
" Uht r rr'HuTiy. SI neons J
Steamer M.iiriiet sr.d icekintr
: itiiis K-coiv'eaML:
j rnlc,, dve .VlstJaaurRo:::::::
I v-nuuent .Stamps on hand
l ltcnl b.-tati-
Amount of Losses adjusted, due and unpaid
ini-urred. Plid in proces of adjustment
" 'Dividend declared and due and unpaid ;
" either of cash or script, declared but not 1 !
yet due
" ' ail olhcr exbting ciaiun azain.-t the Company
Total amount of Losses, Claims and Liabilities !
The preatist amount injured on any one riak is S75.UO0. but will not as a general rule xrrtxi
The Company ha no tcencral rule as to the nmouiit allowed to be insured in any riiy. t.wu.
village or block, lieinir jroverned in this matter, in each case, by the general character of huildiriKk.
width of streets, facilities for i.iittiiif; out fire s. Ac.
A certified copy of the Charter or Act of Incorporation, as amende. I, accompanied a prei ..o
d'y oi County it .Vnc Yurfr.
j '
J(i!l' IP V A.5II l!t"I!. Seeretarv of tho IfoMir
! sworn, depose and say, and each tor himself ?ay. thut the fcreoinjr i. a t rue. full mi l . ..i rut
i statement of the a flairs of the sail Corporation, and that they are the above dcscrihed "firm
1 ..Si-ned.;
Subscribe! anl sworn before me, this l'.'th
ft. S.I
L.3. !
iintr.'il - w4
Are now receiving and have on hand (at the old stand of White ,t Butter)
South side Main St., Plattsmouth
The Largest and SYIost Complete
Stock of Driiir.- Medi.-ines. Paints. Ci.. mieals. Lead, Vani.-lie. Con I Oi. l'i ii'.il. Mael.ine C'J.
Oiirriint? Oil. Ci.oriI. N.-a'.-l -..t Oil. V.'haie till. II hm ed (il. 1. ir duii, HI. i:-,c nt:iil
Col Liver (ii, r.d u larce vsiriety f Notions, l'cil'uuiery. I aivy a-i 1 Toilet
Article. E.-.-euccs. I-lavoritiM b.UucU. Al o. all this Pcpulai
i Such n .hiynf's. Avers". Hulls. Sco; nl.VCo
r:t'Lt's. Wake!':! Id's. iuy Se.t;'-. 1'crr;
j Dr. Vincheil's, llos;rttcr's.
i all others
Brandies, Wines
Of the best gra.b-s and oualities,
i) ome s ti cm 1SS.
Red or Rope. Creen. EliK-and Ii'.aek. Aii.-itine. Iudiiro. M:idler, Extract Logwood, Dyu Wood.
Iu fact everything that is. needed iu the Drug or Medicine Line.
I hysicians' Prescript ons careful y compounded and put up
at all hou s. All Drugs warranted fresh and pure. Call
before buying, Lnd see what we have to sell.
Plattsmouth, March 24, 1870. wtf
If You Want
Call On
Where You Chin Select From
I20001bs Sbouiders,
ISCOOibs Sugar Cured Hams,
ISOOOIbs Sides
Which lie will SILL at Reasonable figures." Also on hsml a
Full and Well Selected Stock of DRV GOODS, aud GKO
CLRIES, Which he oilers to the public
ErThose knowing theniselves indebted to n;e n ill ple.tse
Call anil Settle the same. JOSH I'll SIII5H A.
April ithdaw:?m. Rock BluRs
r A ilk, 11 r .MvJaN tAA
(SaccestK.M to Kitcr. I'aiiliu . Mouell.i
Blank Book Manufacturers,
Engravers & Lithographers,
Booksellers and Publishers,
and i-nrplus $l.;".5,'.'i K:
N. .........
-f transnufMi'ii
- Sl,
'i i:v.i.i.; ; n
M- 'JV
vnl.... 1 )."
"'.-"? V'
Vl.Wi W
?...lJ 00
l'..:fj-l Hj
H'l.i .M (K.
71.; -hi
?':-) )
lo. il "
hein the !irt lien (
:'.:s.07") n
uplaratua j
!) '.'12
l. "..
tfir.s... t
' ;
C II A U LES J. M A F.TI N. I'r sub-iit. sni
IvsiriiAN.K ( 'uwe n v l.iini never: 1 1 v .m
CI1AS. .. M KII. .
J. S . Ws!!liL'li., S-r'y.
day of January. A. D. '.'..
ill . 1-. iO)DIUCil.
.Y'!ti -. 'h.,V.
N. WISH. Ar'iii
m 4
I in 1 li.'s. Mi.r-f'. Mi !.;il:.' . bni '', i.ttr'l.
D.i v:-', Holmck 's I'i:tt Mrs. ' insi'ot ,
Drake's, Wallace's, Vc.-t's. 1O1 1
in general use.
and Whiskies,
strictly for Medical purj.o.e.
Three us f. i i'v.iidiui' . itL
(Two blocks i.orthwest of brick School n.:u.
i lie h'-t ii hATM HOL'SIE. fref tnit't,T.,. hi
rooics re well -realil-tcd, J kid prlc c.-i. i
OAvboIe Ju.yifl
"I m cisa. la