Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 14, 1870, Image 2

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.-l J- i,1! J,.
. ;u.,fcj.ji'UA,jm wg'Ajj-.uv -rsjLLXVis-rr-,. .i t ix;&-iwxxzizi&-r--rmKJr?xjar&vv.'Mj. '- a ji-jijjTCTg ser
It makes nil tho differcneo in tlie
I at which end of your name you
put lr.
Ih'.rine more emigrants landed in
Ntv.v York than during any voir
o7, )'l!) passengers landed, of
.vh': VT.o ; '.) wi re (jermatis, f.(,OC
his!.-, and 40.0(i() Kmsdi-h.
l : i 1
Whereas the Suite Hoard of Iu::ni.'ra-
3001) BARGAIN l
i 1
tion intend." to, :it iu c.;ly ,
. Tliose per.-ons who have an eye to real
a I'lu.ip.'iiu
o:i tliif id.-jujvt-s of eirt.-
Ilavinir c"omrletcd the platting nnd rei"C' ling
of uiy (1 Mik'si a.l.iitK.n to the City of l'tts
uimah. 1 itm now lriT.iicJ to it II
ka. which .-,hn" coniaiii ;i eo'itjp'tc re
cord of statistic an 1 f.i-.t-, wi; i jr:ict
estate f necuiaiion.s w i:i re cian to leant ; oai (-uo'-esiion.- iur imi;i;tT:uii a - .o :-;. . .. , ,--, , ,-, , i
. "ill i. i i i . - . . . i ...4
A Ii -tn d: nirti.-t. who rave laudanum !
T txnwM .rai i J '.J 4' uJf"i T-
1 rf kv sTTW Wi PI ft 'vl
h j a h x;i 33 it u a
M u mm zz w "-
1 '
- I
.i v t
; - f - 1
- m to take place at Lincoln on Monday. ; s f v0, "k, ..., ,n:fuc t ! I1'"1'- !.Ilrl':r. he.l.n.,:fk!r:-Jr. a c"r,
June 6th, 1870. There has been more j offer a pri.e of S)0 fur tle test essay
money made by j urchas;i)j!otPar:d lands, ; on tho resources of N!r;isl; i. ivinn in
tt thew State Nile? than in anv other ' k11'1 ,i.ur history, i-oil, r'.iuiuiv, i:t oioic-o
I lorwiation-, stmeuitural a Jvaiira.Le--, pft
J actions lands homestead adp;v-eaij-
individual is to lie I
real cstct-1 si-eculatioris in this State.
If... .. K..T l..l l.. . : ...ii '
jiaiuijr aii mnm u ni i:nivi j t.,n Ja, putjitc llilji: OVUlii :it -, laii-
his money at th2.-e State Sale ha.-; f'tiL' ljroal jirofpeets and facilitk-s fjr trans
to double it inside of .six months, an I i pprtatior political, e Jue.uional and leli-
jrions privilege:, j;u aiii:!:ini' imzii
cation, rapid growth and developciaent,
description of countic, cities and tawin,
etc., etc.
Ttie manu.-icrijit shall consist of not
less than sixteen nor more than twenty
four pae.i of nonpareil in pumj-hlet
Ail ess.ij's must hear a motto and be
accompanied with a sealed envelope con
taining the same motto, the name and
the resi li'iicc of the author.
The essay must be mailed ii time to
reach the Secretary of the IJoard on or
befoie the SOtb day of .J une, ls70; as
tho award of the prize will be mailed
in the fir.?t week of the month of Jul".
many of ihim have done much better;
and of one thins we aic positive, that no
man can be found who hn invested in
State lots and lands at these scales who
ever lost a cent in the operation. The
June Sales will prolably be the last, for
some time at lea.-t, and tl.o.-e who desire
"a finger in the pie" will do well to be
on Land3 with their ca.-h.
"". " Discovery of Coal.
A. C. Reed and lr. Snowdcn, of Wy
o ruing have dicoverad a vein of coal
near that place, out of which they have
hopes of digging a fortune. The vein is
light as far a it has bcn followed but is
increasing so as to assure the miners that
time and labor will developc a heavy
3iiantity. This is poo I fort una for the
icoverers and for thj tow a and county.
Thewoik will bo prosecuted viorouily,
an 1 we will report iVe:a li;a'; to time.
AV7. Ci'J Cii')iiid:
, the :uyi:k.
We clip the following from the St. Joe
Union of yesterday ( Thursday ) morn
jug: The river has risen fourteen incl.c
- tinee !at evening, imd is still ri.-ing slow
ly. It is now higher than at any time
this Spring.
The Ida 'Kecs No. 2 arrived f.-.::u St.
L)ui.s yesterday morning at 'J d'clock. with
a fir trip to i'ort Do. it'. a. She revived
1 a small lot of fn iht from Sergcaat, and
five pas-enters for lientoa, aud 1c It at Jl
A. M.
Thi E!kho;n did not pet off la.-.t even
inc, but will leave for Oaiaha thi.s
The line Ftt amer II. S. Turner will be
at the lauling this mottling from St.
liCuLs to (JiiiaL.t. She kit Lcavcir.vo:lli
at 11 A. II., ye.-terday.
rm rn wim i
The liurlintoni na-J 3Ilsm:rl Ztlvcr
Is now runniaor trains to Louisville, IS
miLu wejt of i'iattsmouth, in this State.
In a few days thoy will be a far out a
Ashland, 1'4 inile.s from this place; and
in a few weeks the iron horse will come
whistling into Lincoln. Too much can
not be Faid in commendation of this
wonderful enterprise. It opens to the
people of this part of the State direct
communication with Burlington, Iowa :
Chicago, Illinois ; Toledo, Ohio; liulLlo,
New York, Iioston, and all other eastern
cities, via. Michigan Southern & Lake
Shore road, a grand thoroughfare, and
in fact we can safely say that it is the
creat thoroughfare from the JCast to the
West, as passengers traveling ovei it can
reach Omaha, Chevenue. Denver, Co!.,
oalt ijake Lify, ami Sacramento ami San
Francisco, Cal. , ju-t as quak as by any
other route, e have never yet had
the pleasure of traveling over it, lut ei
pct to go as far as Chicago ere long, and
probably will give it a. test. We reeorn
nienl others to try it. for the reason
that prai.-e is universal fiom it patrons.
Lincoln Statesman.
cn:cri.AK no. 2.
AjijHiintrtitut of Local A'jriits :
Whcrea , tlie act of the l.i-t sc.ssir;:i ,a
the liPnisiuture, er.titicd " An a t to en
courage and laciiit-ite Jmniijratiuti to
this State,'' authorize th IJoard of im
migration to apnuint. .iii:ib!o lo.'a! ag , i i r .s
in Nebraska, now, therefore, we inviie
ail per.-ous ii.teresttd in the uevciope
jnent anvl rapid .eM lenient of our Srate
to rccommen i at an early day the names
of suitable persons as local agents to at
t.'iid to the interest of immigratioa in
their ienectiv localities.
Nel raska City, April 2 1. 1S70.
A.Icrtui m'nts.
1'ing about to issue pamphlets in the
Enii.-h, German nn I Scraidir. avian lan
guages on the'irces of .Nc! -la-ka for
a I eicui-iison i'i the ha-t;vn Status
h i-- 'mjcii d. to: minr.d to
tr of pajrs lor a .1
! I-',.,, !... o
jw a limited iv
!:iei;ts ol ranro
o".t or an itn'.vuan
The!a-t man yo-i wo'iLl cr." iswrite
ng a novel .'cd. Iavis. He puts a plot
on the Mexican war, ijs nothing about
the late unple -antne s, and it is to be
published in England.
I'epl who do a wrong rcldom have
any diihculfy in finding out excuses and
justification for it.
Advice which, like the mow, softly
falls, dwells the longer upon and ?inks
the deeper into the mind.
liaau I'rur.imel was asked the ques
tion, what constitutes a gentleman ?
' Starch, my lord," was the reply.
An Irish absentee landlord wrote to
his steward : " Tell the tenants that no
threats to shoot you will terrify me."
The paor man's purse may be empt-,
but he has as much gold in tlie sunset,
a :id as much silver in the moon as any
body. A lady from Saratoga drank fco much
water fiom the iron spring that she re
ccived an offer from a shrewd blacksmith.
A.. .1-!. -ii i . L-.itnot!
vi. i - . -ii.l inir, ii
Friday and Saturday, June 3rd and 4th, 1870.
Terms Half Cash and Balance in Six Months, with Interest
at !0 per Cent.
-weei a i.
" and it
ut littii I'irN.
Another add-.
:-ws on them aj they grow
tan weaitOiis a cowaro
.1 ! 1 11 -l.t 1
irMs, toe liotn wincn tens trie water h
You can not dream your.-olf into a
character, you must hammer and forge
yourself one.
Cure for dyspepsia give a hungry
dog a piece of meat, and chase him till
he drops it.
A young lady in Drattlcboro made a
somnambulistic-excursion one . night re
cently, of more than a mile ia the cnoir,
barefoot, in her rolm tie uuit, and only as she locked the dour on her
retui n.
Albar.v lepers tell
a woman
a'.ii: on the hui in that city who say
she lives aim o..-t cntirelv oti hope, vet she
..c one sqjiare m-
a! per dav as a
t'-.ii! . m:iic real
Iv it Grndr.
When, during the war, jr'ecs in cve.y
department of bu.-iocs, and trade were
coiiotantly advancing, there was great
unanimity in "marking vp." an 1 "cluirg
ing up." Greenbacks were worth, in
those days, about fifty cents on the dol
lar in gold, and it took a great man- of
them to meet a "little bill.'" Now that
the same paper is wrth ninety cents in
gold, we Jo not natice quite so mueh cn
thusiasm in "marking tlotc" prices.
The charges for many things are kept up
to the old figures, while the llg :r. s thein
selves represent very different sums in a
Bn3;icia fcujc. The 'i,icea of neatly
" ery article vf proviso:.-, clot hmg.
nave fallen oiF by half. Why, then
should there not bo a pretty ei.era!
'"marking o.';;i," all -round, to meet the
facts of the times? They who co:i.;;.e iv;e
this earliest, an-i .-I'lueio to if, will !;
euro to have the fullest an 1 he avie.-.t run
of customers. C'o': 770
'.iroiits, bunkers, hitil keepers.
Arc, the jKoney accniin.r tiom such a l
vertismiient to be ad led to tho appropri
ation made by the la-t Lcgislat ire far
imtat.irratin jiurposes, and us - l for the
increase of the number of pamphlets.
The terms for alvertitu -nts in any
one of the pamphlets will be as follows:
For 1 pa'e ?'),
"A 3.),
i 1 tt .0)
payable in advance.
AH persons forwarding the above
amount will be furnished, if de.-ired,
w ith a limited number of pamphlets for
their own private use.
Advertisements for the p unp-ilets in
the tierman and Scandinavian language
must be forwarded to the See.etary of
the. State Board of Immigration on or
before the 18th day of April 1S70, and
advertisements for the pamphlet in the
Knslish language be atldes -ed to any
one of the lu-unbcrs of the I' iaid on or
before tin; :!'.)th day of .Tanuary nxt.
The edition -A' pamphlets in Ei:'ih
will not be less ih in tlo.t 0 ) copies, then;
in German "and Scandinavian not less
than la.(hK) ctfpics.
Nebraska City April 1th 1X70.
C, C. S Mil II, l're.s t.
l. O. Falls Citv, Neb.
S'ate T?o?rdof 1 Win. lihop, See'y.
imiiiicrrati on. I'. K). .rM. i ,tv, ei).
i'Yod. Krug, Tre.i-!. ,
I. O. Omaha, Neb.
A (Icston Democrat .lleavnrcd by n
A pa'..s."!iger who lattly came through '
from tlii; Ea.t over the erent ror'nir-n-tl
railroH'L sr.ys ihe Virginia ( Nev. )
J,in'crjrir, tr-lls 1 lie iollowi!! yarn:
At I'roiriontory, just as the train was
staiting, a t-talwart settler of that resell,
witii long hair and bushy beard and a
hit of t;it:iea h.u vidtji f brim,
d.i-hcd up to the .stath.n mounted iai a
wiid-lookirig gray mare. JjCapiu tV.;.!i
the. animal's back, he thrt w 1. 1 1 - - !f:a; of
the bridle over a po,t and l.'.:.:i b d ia'o
the nearest pas.-cn.rer '. ar. ju-t a.s the
ioe 1
A Wisconsin genius lias invented a lazy
mati's fire kin Her. It operates like an
ahum clock, and will strike a match and
light an oiled wick in the stove grate at
any d vircd hour.
All the roughs of Denver got valen
titles this year, each one reading " Travel
or hang."
Miss A nt bony fays that women will
never accomplish anything until they
stop crying.
The Pope in buying Remington rifles
seem- di-pood to rely as much upon
saltpeter as St. lttv. JJ-js(on J'osl.
Supplies of coffee grown on a planta
tion near Coiima, in Western Mexico,
took a prcmiui'.' at the Paris Exhibition.
Olive Logan has completed her suc
cessful tour of one hundred lectures "in
a state of in'eti e fatigue."
A p: ptv of marble, said to be c.jual
in every respect to the Carrara muiblecf
Italv, ha been discovered in London
vLT-x iL-A
?4A tUjS Zrf
f ''' ;- - ------ .. '' :Vwl.!spcjre cirr.
Oiw ir
s , ZJ.
Pa, T-
county. Ya., about thirty n.iles t
train was tnovms
1 .' .1
j 3-i as t,e t. lie
I hu-e 1 via;!ue
an liuuii n e
Items from the Nobra lea City C'l n.i
?Ir. Thompson, an scent for our Im
uigration Society called upon us last
evening. He informs us that a huve
number of people from Illinois will settle
1:1 tn? vieimiv 01 uct.iron. Jeiier.von
I,. 1
:.;ca m i cauti
J. ll .w'.cy. t .
;i v
1 1.
county, Nebraska, uext itionta.
Oa Fiiday n!.,ht some k-ouo
' u.-.e 01 an iron t-ar succe
into the store of Mr. M
ing whatmoniv there was
.ii- r 1 r 1 1
fortunately ior .ir. Jl. out iitiie hi.iien
left in. This thief it seoau was very
i deliberate in Lis niovemrius as he tasted
' it seem?, of the ti'ekiiacks, such as
t Peaches, Oysters, &c, lie did not even
take the precaution to shut the door
when Le left.
A cortaiu attorn-;y in this city is stat
ing to the people that at the time the
Iintriet Court ordered ihe information to
be filed against the editor of the Morn
ino CilK.6xirr.E tho Judge of the court
called the sai l Attorney PKIVATKLV to
ih-3 bench and aked him, the said At
torney, if he would prosecute this case.
The Attorney said he would as soon
prosecute Waters as auy other man, if
'"tie could be paid. The Court remtirkej
that he would see that the attorney ica
ITow sad ii is that, when Christians
eonoregate together, whether it be at the
tea-table or elsewhere, there is so little
- talk of the Lord, and so little iaouiry
about His truth ! We are ever reauy to
talk of our sect, our church, our pa-tor,
, -iur success, our meetings, f.urenterpri.-es,
etc., but O, how seldom we Mt lown qui
etly to talk of Jesus It is also vvv
4)umiliating to think how little
re alone with the
iOW lit tli we relish quiet communion
. V fith Ilim. There may be luk-Ii zeal,
.;ach service, much noise, much appli
Janees and means, and yet very little of
Tesus. If a fond father saw bis children
' a much en eased in service forlorn nvto
aave no time to sit on hia knee aitd oin-
attune with him, would it-r.vt fill his heart
Steadying hira-
e..?;id, h-j p ailed o:f hi
l;;t. and t ikin- from (
1 itndana. wi e 1 1 1. - i . -
1 1 1
u asiiMtgtoi!. an l a company lias
organized to work ii.
Four thousand feet of artc.ian well at
St. Louis cat ?Ki.0';!. They didn't
itet any wafer, but brust a Laving the
deepest hole in the world.' They hope
to strike h oaie yet.
Governor Gray, m the course of some
remarks at a Temperance Jubilee in
Phila lelphia, o Friday last, f-fated that
out of 3,00s) applications taade to hiia
for p'ardotis, ninety-five per cent, of the
crimes could b direct!' traced to rum.
The Totnah (Nevada) Journal says:
' An Indian woman passed by our office,
tho oth jr day, with a quarter of venison
and two pa looses 0:1 her back, a jug of
whisky in on ; h:nd, and a wigwam in
the other. How is that for Lc "
In San Francisco, a day or two ago, a
Chinaman was declared insane. He is a
ei. ar-makcr by trade, and went crazy in
endeavoring to keep tlie run of the rul"
iV.r- i f the Co..:.aisifner of Internal
':jt e relative io stamp ta"os and
Is the County Sea, of Saunders County, is situated at the confluence of the
Wahoo and Salt creeks, and at the point of intersection of the liurlington and
eli-soui i lliver ibtihoad in Nebraska, the Omaha and Southwestern Railroad,
and the Fremont, A-h!and and Nebraska City Railroad. It is situate I in tho
midst of the
Finest Agricultural Region in lheor!d,
Draining the rich valleys of the Platte, Salt Crek nnd Wahoo, which are being
rapidly settled by industrious and intelligent farmers. Ashland has
Known in the State, both upon Salt and Wahoo creeks. It is at tlie famous
Salt ('reek Ford, known to all early settlers and to all plainsmen on the South
Platte route. Fine mills are already in operation.
s "v'ruion from his brow. I! '
the car wiih a
then !oo!.
ain't 1? Party g"-'d (hi.h 1' t it.
I'm here on time." No one in
crowd said a wonl. ''That are old .yr- y
mar' o' mine never fooled me yit. b.f 1
want to 'et to a place I get there sure
when I'm a-trad lie o' her." No one
said a word. 4" Powerful fine mar", she
is." Approachaig a 13o-fn laan m .';:1.
in the car, he said. "Wa'al, tb :vt
tH;:ti"i e l to!. acco mann. ae'.urers.
Tbecolo.ed men of Clovclt.til lnve
o.'g ;nli(.-.-d tho i'ayrih.iga County lle
j;;i ;li :n t '!'," an 1 the rci bt 1 ation ,,f
ihi: i ( '"!i-i vo'e.s of the county will be
p :".; e led w::h immediately.
'2 h" I'fiivers.a'l ts of Oii'o have rai-ed
s;i. ).oj f.,r the c-tabhVhm.-uif of an
aca-h-mv a:-Akrou. aul will increa e thf
xmount to 1m,): befr the close f i
be year. It i- a p-.irt of tiieir ci ufctiaiy j
offoting. j
The Maryland Leg'slatiirc, having 1 !
e-n.oi'.y oonsi-it-red the otic-tloii, have . e j
Of Ashland are not equaled ly any other inland point in the State, as a glance
at the map will show. The liurlington ifc Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska
is now finidie 1 and ears runnin-r to AhlanJ, and will be completed to Lincoln
before the time of the sale. Tiii is the creat through route between the
At'anth and the Paeire. and will be completed to a connection with the ina'n
trunk of the Union Pacific roa I in a very short time. This is the only line of
railroad bet wen the east and west that has a through line extending wst of the
Mis ; atiri tivr, hen--.; it cannot fail to c m'ro! a large .-hare of the through trade
between tho Atlantic tin 1 Pacific. -V point with the natural advantages which
surround A'hiand, situate 1 upon this; line of road, cannot fail to become
The town lias not less than one thousand inhald'auts at the present time, raid
has several very fine brick and stone buildings.
Are now in process nf erection. Par:;e.- v;:-hing t. invest in real estate with a
viw to a sjeedy advance, will find this a rare opportunity.
For further particulars address
me here, di-ln't .l;e?M No ic-p'y
the "Hub.'" "l s;iy, she got it
th?'' No ret!v. "Ile:i'3iji' a n
y pa-
are vt u ' 1 os, 1 see reai:n lite I
York 7"-.' . lon't "U r:e" f ;- :
iad the New York Tn''Hi'c .?' "No.'!
sir," gt ifJy replied the Ilabine, ""I
don't: I wine my feet on the Tiiuiiuc '."
"Oh,'y.u do, eh? V.'a'a! Granger."!
with an inexpressably yeriou. and comical !
look. "you.jist keep on leadlu' ti e New j
York 1I rtthl, and 'vipin' your fct on ;
the Tiitiinir. and putty soon you'll have :
more sense in your heels thsn you have :
:n your h a i.
b- bill fo,-ihe -Pro- i
deadly weapon-," j
is n t to be included i
e it is. not "uoadiy." J
We take tlie following telegraphic dis
p;:tc'i fpea ort-- of on; exeh .nges :
LK'.n:. Citv. W . I.. Ma:eh It.
i ve;! i-.ji of cam ing
i ttiat :- n oy;ter knif.1
! in i he cat-gory, sine
a the Cowan mur-
A pine tree, twenty feet in height a id
ten inches in diameter at the base, ha
grown upon the solid rock in Beverly,
Massachusetts, and as it grew, being tin
able to obtain uinisture and support fr ui
the rock or to penetrate its surface, sent
out its roots for supplies. These traveled
twenty or more feet over a rocky ledge
until they reached a pwarup, and frc-us
thence the tree has been built up. The
rfi.ts, where they run over the ledc,
are three -or four inches "in eirett inference,
and of the same color of the rm-k. so
that they ean scarcely be distinguished
from it.
tier ca e retu'.nca a vrutei ei gtuiiv -n
the fr t degree.' Tlicy wore out four
nights. Their hnaiuls i ere intfiynaiif.
Ga rett lavi i and Scnalor Revels are
,i:-l bv a V "ahingto!! concvt on. lent to
: h.tvc ji:i: taken of mi It together a cere-
mony of la. ting friendship among the
j lu-liaas. During the speech of Senator
J Mortr-n, the other day, on the San Do
mingo treaty, he had on las de?k a col
lection of specimens of Dominican pro
ductions. While fpeaking of the great
resources of the island the Senator ex
hibited a huge block of rock salt, from
(lie sa't mountains of Ncibia. The
block was clear a crystal, and looked
more like a piece of ice. A number of
incredulous Senators undertook to verify
:1k f-.tatetiK nt of the Senator by gather
ing aror.nd and taking a lick. It was an
uau-u d seen'; Rove's and Garrett Da
vis !iekif:g salt together.
Mo t jKv pW. if a-ked whether more
l a'nf' ll aanttallyiti New Voi k or London,
mMm mmmm ;muM&
Garden City Stubble and Breaking Plows.
Don Piatt dined with Samuel Bowie -, j Be
i' pjy,
':ga; e-
:i!:-!y. i: the latter.
lf a' ? of the SpringGel l (Mass.) llvailUan, :mi -fo o t inch,
ittle time we at Washington , the other day. After J. two extreme- t,
Lunl, said : Jlimer, while seated with Mr. Bowles in j St. Petersburg a
r e 1.2 inches fcr I ondon
for New York. The
cf i-ii!er-!i!e cities sr
:inil era ruz resneet-
... . , .i-l , , T1..1 ' l-li: .1-
a corner, i latt sata: l once aske.J ! lvciy.. tuc niean ram lau in me urst Being
Horace iUn-eley what he considered tho j 17.a?, and in the second 1S3 inches per
secret of his success as a journalist, an I j annum. In San FrHnei.-eo, despite the
he answered promptly that he reinvested 1 '"lainy season." the average fall is pre
a!l that he made in the Tnhuitr. I '.e;?f!y that of lu.don. It io said the
tlie chief of tke Cin-imiati Com- XS$mM str.ount known to be received bv
stttY part ol ihe world diops on the
in t!i A'l'Ji'i'n rt r'ss.n::',1? rate". T-ni'S ti'o
one nail' i-lis a .'; tlie nihr luitf i.ayf.tle in
ore vn 1. a' ;! e r eta!. int'.i-st p r snuitm
fi iiiii i:ite of liur-l.xrc until i-aid. To Lc stcartil
by iiiorisae uu the property.
.i .m mSm tUs ' j
Donation to Churches. '
I will (five to the followiutT religious dcnomJ-l-aticus.
'I'd ttie !i:-!-!i-1 Clejnli. l,.t 12 in block 27 :
To the Oiiiri-u-nUi-nnl I'luin-h. lot Jl in blotk2S:
To the M liio ii-t Chuscti. lot i iu bloek 12;
To the (.'Mtholio Clmrth. l t t in lim-k '.':
To tho Kpiscopul Church, lot 12 in block K':
To the l'i t-ibytt'ri:oi Clnirili. lot 1 in block 21;
To the t'hristi in Church lot 12 in block .r :
To tlie l.'itlK r;oi Cnurcii lot 1 oi l.iock (
in my AoMition to the C'itylllatt.siuouth.tipon
tlio comlit ions, viz: That ihev shall l
ere"t en Haul lot", iis above donated, n .suitable j .
build:.'. lor public worship, within live years I q
from tms iiitf : ami. in ease o: lanuru on me
part ot'said Ciuo cli or Churches io comply with
above condition, then and in that case tho
lot or lots shall revert to ine.
Donation to Public Schools.
I hereby donate for the use of Tublie District
Schools, Lot lo in I'hwk ri. on the north !ide of
Main -iti-Hct. and Lot ID in Jjiock 22. on the south
side i .vl a m street, iu uiy ad In ion to ihe t.-ity
1 Plattsuioutii. S. llUKE.
5,000 Acres of Land for Sals
in this roi;u;.. Als, Houses and Lots iu this
city, lit low prices.
Particular attention piven to the buyinsr ana
seltin;; ot real estate, examining tillc-. am: pay
inif taxes for non-residents. S. Jl"lvlK,
Real Estate Agent,
Lot for Ten Dollars.
I will sell to Tariie di-?iroiii (' buiblimr an 1
i'l'.pi'ovinsr. any of the lots in (lie .-lO'joincd
in my addition to Pbiltsinouih. at ten dollars
i;er lot. under I lie follow ini; ions. i:
Tlie person purchasing will be lcijuii-'-d to
build on tiic bt purchased a dwelling house of
the l'olloiviiiR dimension?, to-tvif: Thn house
to be not less than 11x24 teet, with story not
lower than S feet. Tlie frame must be rood and
substantial: house well sLiiiiilcd; foundation
either of bi icl: or stone. There must ben kitcu
en. f not less than 10x14. Uuildinir mu.-t l(
eoinjiiefd on or before January 1st, lsTO. Will
sivu a bond for a deed to the party w ho buys us
.soon as purchase is made. and upon eomplyitic
with tin: i! ove coi) i:lioiis, will give a good ami
futlieiei.t ! arranty leel.
.Selections may be made from the accompany
ing list:
Lot- ." and S in block 3: Lot 8 in block 4 ; Lot
U in block 12: Lot M m block 18: Lot 12
block 2 ; Lt.- 2. '.' an 1 U in block 21 ; Lot 8 in
block 22: Lots 2 aad S in block "Jt; Lots 5 and
11 in '..lock 2-o L 't i ia id- ck 27: L'-ts PS .tr.-t 1
in block 2S; Loii i and? in block -V; Lot 2 in
block M.
riattsmouth, Auj;.2otf. Office in Court House
if JJ JL
lISSli: ! ! ! !
Tu An; Part of The City.
white mm
Itavin? removed to t ir New Corner
Minn and uth streets, wi
That are purchsed at tiieirtorere. vVilt el
(iooils as cheni) as ever, nnd will not be under
sold ' y anyone.
'Jvt .Stock consists of the best brand cf
Canned and Dried Fruits,
Buckets, Soap, Salt,
nnd every lain;: kcj.t in a Grocery Store. Every
article warranted o' the best quality. The high
est price paid in cat h for
Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs,
bagc:j HAMS, LnDt
nnd all kinds of Farmers Produce.
Cash paid for Hides.
Om'M'.VA Ml' O CO.
0. A. DERBY k GO.,
Man ufactu he its
Wholesale ard Ettai
Louis, Mo.,
Chicago, III.,
Memphis, Tenn.,
Indianapciis, ind..
San Frariciiiw
Securing ths Greatest reenniary Advantage to t'to lol'.y I.
1st. This is ;i Western Company, mttiiniie 1 by Wesfci n men. w'h.-:- 'i i. -.r e ,-. -1 -t'-r,
ability and position, ailord fruaranty lor i;.s c:i.-, i.ii :-nd . .1.1 .....i. ,
d. I ts Polices are all iioiv-in' li.i;;.
3d. l'reuiiuin all fiisti. It receives no notes ;md liivcs 1' y ii...
I . ..
to pay, and no outstanding notes us liens upon their policic,
4th. Jlividends ion' losses are paid in ca h.
5th. It insures at lower rates than ar.y Eastern company.
Uth. Its risks nre in tlie West, where the rate of mortality ij low.-.-hipherth.m
in tho East; hence the aciim-jletion of "Jividuudj to tLc !
in any Kaatern Company.
Tth. It has no restriction up"u travel.
8th. Its dividends .ire made upon the contribution plan.
th. Itbiif inesg ia t-xclutivi !y life insurance.
' ,v
: o:
Are the accumulations of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Co:np.niy tL. iv,L
at the highest rate of interest can Rive you the Jar.'Cit dividends. Lusti rn couipuii:. i-.
moneys at 6 per cent., while this makes itj investments at twelve per cei.t. or m.r.v
The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder uppenm in ll.r tv'.:-t
figures: The amount of jl.OM, invested for fifty ycarj at
ft per cent, compound interest, i $ 1?,42J.14
S " " " 4'J.'J0!.td
" "
i't ".l
I L..n.j
H. H. Mackay, President,
E. Henscley, Vice-President,
Geo. A. FIoore, Secretary,
E. V. Eaves, Treaier.
, , , n D. ui. Swan, Gcneriu .
j. L. vcver, tt. D., Consulting Physician.
executive coivrnvniTTE:
H. D. Mackay, Georrje R. Mines, f.
H. Edgcrton, D. 17. Eaves.
This Vipaii,r Inwnrcs sit lower iv&tv iluu
uuy Eastern Uoh?j:sui,v.
IV Kansas, do l.c.ei.coo'V7o,t the ' j ' AttoM . A:i'!it'. :
Missouri Valley Life Insurance Cc4Tr.;:p-
ori-anied and d.dr. lus;tifss vn-Ur -5,. !.. ofttie . f p ,n . ,, , . ,
i.. .1-. .e,s,. I, a. 1 !:..-to,y -vi l,,,.-tl'nl jt ; j . ' ' '-'. '" '
i.i ! us npiiitl in l::i:;.-.l t it : J.!vcrutei.l J; .1 , - ..: ". ' '
ircl 1 :..:is-,!.:l 1 ...liars t.f sai i Pi.iu.l ..:, s ,..'!. '!'.- -
C ..iiip.o.-. : an I J ;, ,j ii ,;,-: I ... .J.-- " ' ! .A..;, i .-. .
' '.' o II -O.! -a. I.- ,10 I ..Lit s;!-,. sect!! i'l.-sj,,-.. .. j , . . ,,'
I.-i wttne-s wu.-r,. 1 h n.- her:-.i:...,.-:li.scri:.ed My n v:;ie, n,y c-.t-s.. ,i .. . , . . .
luo. oi .uue.j A TiJ0,, , v . , ; rc. ,
.. I !' '.-
- S.. .!llt
DSAT.Kpv? rX
-. --.' ""v: .ho--
- - I . :. ,ij
.(.(. .1.1
ir.irr.-'.v ; Iinimivc-;! Two Horse Wh.-.-l an. 11 minor Wa'.kin r f'ti'iivator
ite! i-ovolvin- I lav llakr-s. 'h.uiio!o:i Self IW Diwimt :m ! Momr. V.
-.-!.-ior Uropor ati.l 3Iowor. M;isi!o Thrti-Iiors. Corn S
E.irtrv aaJ;."
iitu trier, -nu.i tfms it is wiru ou
eavcn.y ratlior wlica lii.s cinhlron nre i rouiith',
ore K'out.ieti with work tlvtn with Him. i '
-Timejt of R-frahwg. The folliiwine a.Ivioe is from a
j l.tirtr paper
mrrcial th .aiiT? t hir.;r. ar- l ho r.n
vwitpiI. A ini,o fur tipxrs ' Xiiw. wl .it Kkisia hil!". to th" nortJiwi-st f.f VA-
t is vour restionsc?" Bowles anwerud . tu.ta, and is equal to 00) uuhe aunu
" 1 loss on, vounsr uii.n, 1
T w:ls ridin 'iti r.n ftmnioii th oflier l thnnirh you Ik? t"T. h e know a youth
.y when some AdoloLus, with his hair ! '.viio, with only his twu hf tids and a e:
Ilartlv or never tloes rain descend
to Zahata, and n day ssses without it
on i'aii Juan Fcitandez.
ly when some AiioloLus, wall Ins hair: 'vlio, with only los two iif nus ami a erow--rted
in the cuddle, reached up j har, ftcmid a jewelry .stor''. liud uw Le
-e and upon hU thin little ami w3 , is hvinir in a ori rtwitc reiideiu-o at injr
nvf 1 traeelet. .Shortly I not: , Sir.--.
. hJ another upon on utiwr arm, arvi
r ijethen a rartr ainin ai n opposite
J irjnrn sinn nuicrs. a.s a fact that no
longer a lniirs ol' h;n 'iue-'tioned, that
the Po;e is seri nts'y ill. Ii authority is
a UJy '"prcfr,uid!y attached to the lfo!y
Soo," whti hits ju-t hecn received by
I'io Nono, a'.tl who found his Holiness
Krievotisly cl.a n ire for the worse. His
Tt, is s-aid that Qnccn Viot.uia's "i'a..' j glance h.s io-t it iv.u Uy and his voic;
tin. ot I lidinoiiico s oisrtiaycJ tne same 1 ears ot 1'rince Ait crt v.ul soon e ti!- na-s noconie iee!iv Att.niTts are made.
ut t.aiiients on t!ic wrists f f three gentle- l-.wod by a vi.'.uiuo t'reni t: ? same n, it ?ays, to onrral ihe fa.t., but great-
J'-tttip-. Dory Washer and U
ocn Soi.-d.-. iVc. &c.
A MAVFif.i.i, Traveling Ag't
' 1 .a ' ifu
1 K-a ro
111 versa 1
itrtii Iniiilciiien's, Field and flar-
lEA'KR'K. North Side .Main Street,
'. tvven otli and th Street.
I'lattsiuouth, Nebraska.
Our motto i quiek sailes and small profits.
TVortSi Side 32aiu street,
(Between ?cconil nnd Third)
Plaitszntmth. rera!a.
. i-IV
IT IS 11 K P. K Ii Y C Kin! Id ll'if Tl'-ffV tif' Hi ' ;m f v'-i 1 ' ,V j '
tlm-ly-s. n.l. ii,:,-. v-.i.;.,i I .1.;,... . ' " '''""-l""1 ui'-ni-ol tl
S-i.t.. ..t' ti,.....; . , .. . V" V" '." " 'l an A.-t o i it,. (
.-irs...-.,,i to I!..- J.irly-ixiI. s. . ,.., ol j;ti I A -t . lie s. . 1 l'r'ii r'i Vii' l' "'f'.1'' ''"
( Se;l! of In.ui-Mni-e I ,.. , "J 'TyK t, ; ot.. l4 , t of the I
I Mibiouri. 1 Julv. a. n. Is.;. K-'.' ' ',,L'UU,, -i'l-sonri. il
SuDeriiitea.1.,10 of !,.,-. 1 . ... . . V v MA
. ....m.jii ii-iiutriietit ul (lift S'at
l ij . i
.-' .s . l ? ..
I.e. A.
1 1 ' '"!' i
, '.
i .. I.. . t tt I
i.'-e I irj.i
:. rri...
! (' II( !!..
I i i:o.
:iy i.l If!-
townee I uri
u l r I lII. I'J
,S Kl.Nti.
1 of .Vli,'.ri.
(To expir on the 31st day of January, 1S70.)
WiiERFts. Al.ram P.
cnted :it Leavenworth.
cttAvcE Department. Or-tr-
.vnlt. Slate Airent forth. Mi-soH VU r
of the Art nnil a .1.1 '.! ""..'' "
l-tw of the State of N-hrf.-k.-i. entitl. in ii "":-"""' as, r'-:r-Fel.mary
loth. 1 Si. t : ttpitroved F. ' .- rv l" is -hi ,V,' ' V'!'
undersigned satisfaetory evidence thai U L"! of ' ' '
ra-kn. A
' 1 1 1 -1 r.i.,.
o! J Mi I
-I ' itu- i.
' l.'olill'lil
Hip'oiy h.
V. Al'MToR, 1
ril I. Wk. i
I oio, Iu
i rerioi. 1
i 'i -i".-" i. .ii . ;
i- -.'' .. j t .-if. t- i
.s iiniiti.i I ti
Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
trsa r n
14 yw a ri
Russell Doom9: Old Stand,
WM. R. PORTER. Atent
1'lattaitiouth, ----- Nebraska.
Gillnuin, King & Hamilton.
Ottawa, - - - - - - - Illinois.
I am nir-T.t the nSov Celebrated Corn
Shellcr, and am prepared to till orders on short
n-j'ie-". A saiv; nnn-h'.ne ean be sien et my
farm two nr! 1 a half ini!i-s ?.uih we.- ol l'.'att.---inoiith.
I have had i:e ol tue-eina-hinefin u-e
ft.r the past fivoyers. nod fin'l itp rfe-t it every
re? iivct:- M'M, ii. lOttTKr.
j MilSuaS
of aetual onpital, i:iv.ste(l in (hi. .i,-,,.",-, ,,f , ...... i ,
esooe won), .l.,.t,K. ,, n.Cm V r wl. eh he' " . wl ' " '':';'' ' '
j-ei i,, iK-hali" ofsaid t lu ,U tt ' " r i-.'.? , 'J?.? - 1 ."' "" '
tc 'Li wli;,ifl,,,1!i'Tr, i,-J!,n llr c",!,","'v.- i-v-;,i,v-:'v,.,:;ti:.v',-,.
. i n t, .in i ,iu .pir an . I unis ot ei ror Ijv reasi.n ot aii, !, . , , .
hi turuhe-l ...ris.t.,ry e id-ueo rl Jt liiti J" ,i ! . -::. : n,.r as. A tain .. t'.v.i
ilM.rityto!,:'as-Sfa.?WeV 'eU dM "o.r 'v''"''11' A,'r!"a h.,-' t:!.
Aseilt for Xeliraskn ami oi Iv...,tav
J-"W. TIAUPiTTALL. Agent, )
a. E.LIVISPST0M .fifed. Fxaniaar. J I LA T I &MO (fTfJ,
uvrnVn Xeur Turk Letter.
i relate cM itt !' hi.- ii.:.iri! liti:.
anxietr it. rtI; thx- Vdtic.iu.
-'v-: i
- i
r.i t