Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 14, 1870, Image 1

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j ..lio; corner Main and Sw-i. I ?1 tect, -c--o
ii 1 -no y.
1 Ert MS : - Daily !0.' per nr.'iUii', r
fir moot It.
i-ckly. per aiiuuui if paid in !
ndvaii-e. !
$2..",u if not paid in aJa:iee. '
Ti l i:ilt. rZI WFMTWAKn.
- l-.un fmi:i Mr. SL. :t. Ti.uhoa.l
T.-leuiU th operator, that woikui'-n nre
e I -nitiiu' fl r t.iW ,vf.f r.,v...
this city itloiij; the iiue id" the li. & .M. i
J!. It. They have tic pules f ilr five j
ii'c.?out, ami will have the line do.ieas !
.... . i. :.. i.. i . .i.
ri-w.i i.e.- iiuck s in,ii;i;t.n ili;i -AMI- !
un J. t
.xJ i
The S priii? Term of the Plattsiuouth :
pul.lie s,h ..! commence.! to-day. We
a.h i.-e all parties interested, especially j
parents who have children attending the
school, to call in and see how things
I'ii;e. It is ti:r he.-t ;iy to satisfy
ou."tlf i:i regard t-" the p'.tblie school
kti:::tx to rk uuiitcu,
Wc were nut present at the last meet
ing of thi retiring city coumcil, butlcani
that "iieht being the desire of the peo
ple,'" they signalized, their departure
from office by the passage ef an ordinance
providing for the lighting of Main street
in a-vor lance with a recent suggestion
of th-! 1 Ir:i;.l.i, The good citizens of
the town will long remember the retiring
brd, especially on dark nights.
ft .J5.000 IX .11 A m il
The I. it M. Company of Iowa done
ne uly SJ.).H') worth of bu.-iness at their
offie in this city during th? ni"nth of
ii::irv h. and during fully one half the
month no freight could be brought over
the river. This is a healthy state of
:ifr'-irs, and indicates where the trade
?.nd travel is centering. Wc look for a
h'-tvv showing this month.
Wo advi.e our Nebraska City frh ,,J
. . i - .i i i
to be warv, for it is nunored in tliis local- ,
u r.oniinntion for Mayor on the Kcpub'i-
can t'ukt. h'inca he ha? been kicked
cut of the IVmoeratic party lie is excted
inelv anxious to find a lodging place;
hut v,e -advise the Republicans to look j
..lit for him he was more than the ,
Democrats could st.livi ana WouM fcilik j
th.' Republican party oi ( bra-ka Lity j
. . .1..
iio-y ut ii
Can anybody or "any other man" tell
what the City indebtedness is? I .-.there
KUN'tning to sno.v nun uiau wiiuis u
be-on i-nied in City warrants, or iowjj,iiMwcouU tlistinrtly hear them at
ti.o.'li has been redeemed. Wc hone , ,i u., ,r,..,... ,1 vlmrirr
ieai::i:i- Council will do souitthing
t o a.--?ttaui Hi -' f
nauci.:' coii-lltii-n of the
ovj:k M5o.oro woxni.
Kuld To" let S. UIc-rs !
Thv lands of the I', c
N.i ia.-ka were rot o!it
M. 11. il. Co. in !
I for sal..- unti !
toe !irt d.ivof'ilie. present i
m- n. a;.
. .ii i
the .-e cn'.h t.'o:ai:ii-
i 1 Ian i- it:form
ed us tint the sales had already amounted ,
to over $.jO,(K-. and that every acre of it
had been sold for actual oefiijuition.
riatlsiiiouth is the place to eorae if you
waut either city property or farm land.
The l'aim?rs ot ebr.i-ka are paying
re attention to the character of horses j
an 1 cattle rai.-cd no.v than they did a
few years Ten 3 cars aeo there
was scarcely a blooded horse in N ebraska,
and no one appeared to think it would
pay to get them. Now the rule is the
rover-e ; f tnie rs are beginning to think
it will not pay to get poor stock. Mr.
DuRois, of Wet ping Wat ;r, advertises
tO-'Iav two tine idoouea iioi.-c.-, ouo 01
1 , , , l .
which is said to 1 e the finest horse in the
State. I lei certainly a very fine horse.
Ijri-e Sate of m?t Ilrilnte.
John Fitzgerald, Ki-, the great rail
road, eonti actor, sees things clearly, and
he is putting hi money into Plattsmouth
property. He yesterday purchased the
entire real estate interest of D. II. Solo
mon in this city, c.c.i.-isting of alout
twenty-five choice lots. No man knows
better than Fitzgerald the future in store
for this city, and no man knows batter
how to invest money judiciously.
Xl"vlirzod for Iiinbllltj .
The Supreme Court of the United
States has decided that soldiers who en
listed under the President's call for vol
unteers in ISol, aud who were discharged
upon a surgeon's certificate, on account
of disability other than wounds, within
two years after date of enlistment, are
entitled to the $100 bounty, the same as
if they had served their full term, or
leeu discharged on account of wounds.
This decision is final, and will be hailed
with joy b-3- many soldiers who have long
been deprived of their due by a distinc
tion without a difference.
oiTMUK sti;iii.nns.
Sometime since we published an item
stating that parties in Cass county were
meddling with our l'o-d Orftce matter
and had w:itte;i (Jen. Thayer in regard
to it. We learn now. however, that no
feuch letter w is ever sent to him. i' cs.
Wo are glad to hear that Billy has
learned something. There is room for
him to learn much mere. It is generally
safe for one of his kind not to "shoot
off his mouth" in regard to other people
until he h.ts learned something.
rut: at HA?!Kl"i:.
Seven Houses Wumed.
Wc learn that a destructive fire oc
curred at Hamburg a few uigLts since,
which consumed seven houses. We
Icaru lMrticuia:"--, except that the fire
originated in a saloon.
Thirty bachelors in Lansing. Iowa,
have Vwern a fedemn oat h they will man y
nori2 but widows. '
wamnj.Miiyumj. arrrfctirai r rrr-r -iir i rm mwn f i-rrrrar-i-a-iinTnrii iih imawana in i i nm m, ,mi . -". - - "-.--, - , ' .TT1-. . . . . -5 -- . .-
X T fiTT- 8 J.fJ rr A s nJ W7 r' A r": r-i n cm a fsi I
VT (i
U I - V.
n. t ji. ii. k. co. aii the
ThcOhtahaW, of the lUlh in-t.
makes a cowardly anl uastarulv a-sau
,he IJ M- 1l- ll- whi-"h we propose
to notk'c bricfl -v at prwent. ' Wc ho- to
i1'-1'"1' -' that it lia. often
uuotea tue oiu auaire that oeooio vu"
live in pla.H houM i-t thrc-v
stones." That paper lias a go lly nuni-
cr of i jalers in this county, an! rja?k
miv r,iu nf tlifm ..nti,.,. o- .Inwn
nigpardlycotirs? in relation toour railroad,
U poured cat column after column of
goddess trash to induce a doivition of
lands to the Omaha & North Western
road, but when Representative Tail'e
undertook to obtain lands for the Fre
mont -Si Eikhorn. it took to its vomit as
riiturally as any dog and cried out against
that donation as an injustice; and now
that tin 15. & M. Company seeks to get
a slight change in its located line on ac
count of securing better grades, it howls
and how! v.irainst the measure. The
plain truth is that the Omaha Ilnuhl
is a veritable dog in the manger and dc
erys everything that is not for Omaha.
It would prevent the building of evcry
railroad in the State if it could only
build up Omaha. We advocated the
grant akcd for the Omaha & North
Western and Fremont & Eikhorn. We
did so because we desired to see the
State developed and felt that the growth
of Omaha was a matter in which every
citizen should take pride; but if '"fight"
is the watchword we are in, and w e warn
the dog in the manger who presides over
the Omaha lhvv l that he can get
harder blows at his town than he can
eV?" 1 TUr'K , " 1,,SC K3
rtof warfi'ra hf it;lcom necessary
pometimes to fit:ht the devn with fire,
. ' , . ,. h . ...
propo-e to "wade in" in the defense of
the general interests of the State, even
if we should be compelled to "roast"
the hero of tha "burnt district."
x rrlaiicrs rnttcmoml to lreK j
There are four prisoners confined in j
d 111
i n r t n .u;."i i ,.;u;r.r -'1 !
the rear cell of the omju.1 tui:lmg. a.i j
awa;tinr tri;ti for iurceuv. During the j
,av VC8ren.lay C. V. Moore, jailer, dis-
covered that ome oni was trying to break
lie shor'oT
, , ., ; ,v.. f ,,,.,1 ,1,,,.. ,!(.; i led to !
.:i:on oi
fact, and thevdeei ied to j
awiiit developments .so a to ascertain
j which ones v.:re cnga.
1 in t'ne efforts.
'I'he. r.nnerat.ons i ! the wor v.ei
iabandon-ddirect:-,-. and an attempt mae.ej
lio another direction. The first thing
, i
i i' v; s to remove a boar-t Jruiu the !
floor ; which has .. -foiv be.
elared burglar p.-.c-f ; and tl:eii
, d.: :
..-m- j
; oniv
lino, (.I I ho WOl ri ol :igL'iog. 1 Ii
tools ihev hnl to -.v.-ik w.'.h v.i- a ,-j-oon
and such material as tne ttumture oi tne
ceil aftordfil. 1 hey -dug town unoer
the floor near t'no .-outh-west corner ot
the cell, worked their way through the
north wall of the building, expecti ig,
no doubt, to reach the op-en air at ou -e
after aoing through the wall. In this
thev were somewhat mistaken, as they
Were then not le-s than ten feet back in
he hi.l. Finding tiuy had missed their
calculation, and probably not knowing
which way to move, they abandoned the
enterprise and went to bei.. when: they
were ail found this morning when the
Sheriil' entered. Two of them, named
Donnelly and Miller, had their feet and
hands well covered with clay, showing
1 - 1 . . !.. (hti pntar.
conclusively inai im.v om. w.. ........
jni.-ing chaps who were seeking liberty.
Sliciiff Johnson and Jailor Moore were
on guard all night awaiting them. It i
probably better they did not get clear
out, as they would have met the muz
zles of a pair of revolvers the luomcn
they came out i f the hole. Prisoners
will learn directly that attempting to get
away from Sheriff Johnson and Jailor
Moore is an unprofitable business, even
if the jail is an inferior one.
Demorrary aad t!ir Klftcentli Ameud
m e nt.
The Democratic organ, the Ohio
Statesii'vit, uses the following language
respec'ing the adoption of the Fifteenth
" We are now called vpon to tie tt this
amendment as an acorn it ished fact.
The power to whom the duty is confided
by the laws has ofticially proclaimed its
adoption; Congress stands prepare1., and
in fact is alrealy engaged in fiamiug laws
"to enforce this (the fifteenth) articlo by
ajipropriate legislation;" while th courts
under the coutrol of the dominant pa:ty,
are qui e ready to affix the seal of their
approTal. These are stubborn, and cer
tainly disagreeable facts, but our eyes
certainly cannot be shut to the r exis
tence." FILUlOKi: COL'MTV
Editor Hekalij In looking over the
difi'ercnt publications of the State, I see
nothing said about oitr count;!. For lha
benefit of the country, and mankind
, . ... - . j :.
generaiy, ieriuit me to give a ue-eiii-i.i..'ii
of old Fillwuie, one of the bright stars
ia the sisterhood of counties. Fillmore
county is bounded, north by oik--east
by Saline, south by Jefferson and "west
by Clay, counties. Tho county is 2
miles square, containing lo townships
and 205,019 acres. 10,40 acres ot this
the General Government has given to
the county for school purposes, or 1,20
acres to each township, 17y,OH) acres or
every odd section is included in the Rail
Road grant, leaving IT'J.OcO acres open
for homesteaders and pre-emptors, t50
acres of which can b; taken as a home
stead, ami 100 or less by one prc-emptor.
About 4:4cO acres is already takeu, upon
which U a population of about 100, Ieav
ng about 1 74.0OO acres yet vacant, be-
siJcs all the school lauds, n la Ji will l-e
j for .sale as soon the coua
; i;ri, niso th l i'.'.'.w aer
Ph v If I r A y Li A l Jl !
j l;in. which in;.-!utcfl some of the very
I . V , , ' " , '
t vfiu re ior .a:e as soon as tne rail-
,. , , ,. -
t-Kul lai cuaipleteu to Kearney, ay troiu
twelve to eighteen month?!. This county
an abundance of clear, pare water which
sniings forth from perennial fountains,
a refreshing to tho weary traveller, or
the thirsty laborer, as the crystal stream
at which the Hosts of Israel fclaked their
thir.-t in the wilderness of the old world.
Timber is not plentiful, being confined to
the margin of the streams. Thee
streams are wayward, frequently having a
channel of a mile, in and out, of all the
conceivable crooks, while only making a
few rods of actual course. The corrals
formed by thi5 labyrinthine twisting, :ire
sometimes of twenty or thirty acres in
extent, and covered with a forest growth.
The native trues are cottonwood. red nd
white elm, hackberry, burr-oak, white ash
and willow. There is but very little bro
ken land in the county, that little being
along the streams. Ti e roil is superior
to that of the Shenan Joa or Connecticut
river valley, or even the valley of the
Sacramento river, of California. It is
from two to live feet doep,--a rich, black
vegetable mould, slightly impregnated
with lini3 just sand enough to keep it
friable, free from stone or gravel, a yel
low cloggy .sub-.-oiI, between which and
the surface mould there is a stratum very
calcareous, which is of great bcneSt to
cereal crops. We hare a elcar, dry and
very salubrious climate. The soil and
climate are adapted to the profitable
growth of any crop that is grown north
of St. liOuis. The native grasses are red
stem, blue point, 1 unch and buffalo grass.
all of which are very nutritious and very
luxuriant, interspersed among which are
wild flowers of every conceivable variety
and color, which fill the air with flagrant
As yet, we have but one school and
j two religious societies United Rrethren
and Methodist.
1 hey arc- in a prosper-
CL'II' 11 l lOil. J 1113 UiCll I" t- 13 IIKIU'.ICM
111 Jswau I reck. Circuit lwcv. u m. I.
-aUwel!, I nited Rrethren. preacher u
charge. Mr. Caldwell is acknowledge.;
Swau Creek Circuit Rev. m. I'.
ly all to be one of the best preachers in
the Kansas and Nebraska conference.
1,0 nwiireM n. memoers imo me
vhurch the past season
Oh, that the young and sturdy farmers
and mechanics, who arc now toiling
among the roeks and hills of New Rng-
hind, the adhoive clay of Ohio, the
tu!.,p of InJi.wn, the frost sand forest
. p m -. i in1: , t, .
" -oioneoia .mu im.i, i..-.- .-au
of Michigan and upon the poor worn out
and almost barren lambs of the "Sunny
South," th-i poor and oppros-o-! of the
old world could but fcco th .-e rich, grand
old prahios, soon would v.-p see thousands
of beautiful cottages springing up ao by
enchant luent all over these beautiful
prairies, interspersed with numerous il
lages, school houses and churches,
slen (er spires wo.ild point upward to the
great and benificeut Creator who has
provided so bou ttifuliy for the wants of
all his subjects. Judging from the past,
we look forward five years and "see these
lovely plains dotted over with farm
houses, orchards and groves of timber,
' the school houses, the dock and the herd.
and long lines of hedges enclosing broad
fields of vr.-iviug grain, where the farmer
will put down bis plow without fear of
turning up the bottom." Who will be
the lucky owner?
L. R Warner.
McFadden, York Co., Neb.
IleiIy to an Article In tlio Sf ittcinaii.
Lincoln, April 11th, 1870.
Ki. Herald : After having enter
tained considerable doubt as to whether
a criticism, which wa3 published in the
Nebraska Statesman of last week, upon
the opinion I gave you in my last of S.
M. Hewlett's lecture at this place, is
worth the ink necessary to be u?;rd in a
reply; and, after having concluded that
it is not, I have yet seen fit to waste that
amount of ink, although my pocket, as
the gentlemanly critic shrewdly surmL-es,
being "empty," I did at first have some
scruples as to the propriety of being to
that unnecessary expense.
.And first I will mention the only truth
ful representation which the critic makes
of lay statement, which is that I
styled the lecture "stale and quoted
jokes." Now, as to this, as it seems ev
ident from the tenor of the criticism,
that this was the ouly humorous lecture
which the author CTer attended, if in
deed he attended this, I would not be
surprised if he had taken exceptions to
it, he has not, however, after having re
peated it either attempted to disprove,
or even so much as deny this statement,
and hence, he being a very erudite man,
it must be presumed, in accordance with
the ordinary rules of disputation, he in
tended to admit its truth, although by
sodjing has made the last two sentences
.nor vw
m .
Thus far taere m no controversy. But
no accu-cs mc i saying mat ne viiew
ett) forgot to mention him-clf wh-n
caking of humbugs." Now, 1 did
. f t v i u i ?
it shv aiiyihmg ot tii-3 kind, but uid
i" hi j- i
y that ne did not mention himself,
probab'y for the reason that he consid
ered his position too evident to require
remark," a statement ?.ot necessary to
the speaker's prejudice, but upon which
the critic has put such a construction as
pci haps seemes o him most just.
Neither did I say that there "was a
large audience out to hear him which
Is vH waters, by the west Ulue river, ; hrought up in the WiKlernes-S f; J''' . 'J'f . '".V:! i i." inV!"!' .l'rK t:Vr.r"u i ?,!',! j Ln'Jhlri'hc:' orlUnl:f I
Indian treek, .Salt Creek, lurkey Lreck, i neither is it nrobahle that ?uA a co v ' y:"' '"' " l ,Li 1 " . icj't -r any other place wuhm ihu i:unt.- ii . fi.urt.witfun i.n- Cx c-cunty. N--
, . ., 4 . e t . . ; ,, , . , 1 .inuwiioijin i.iuiriiiis'-. i.n: Nu:irc ! Mm-ii). , i,i-k-.i. on tli- Jot': i:y ..i .Mnrrh. 1.0. ?-mi;
anil the nuuierous tnoutarjes oi Ijittle ruclum womJ be put upon it bv a;;y surro-iii'liii" it lr. Walker's re -i.i mk-c i c '":' '''- titttVoefloft and l-e in j n.rth tltut sc iitu wm-r M:d in 'p:i'a t
i T- c t t i .1 .1 t i- , i -.i ' ' c i' i i fir1'-' from an! after its iiiiiilU-ution iis rcfiiirtil j !ot 4. in i!tvk. i ir i:.c i:v oi' 1 lMt-i;ou h.
aiU big lbs nay. Ie:-ides these there is one Ws diseernuitf than the critic. is withia oiie wiuare hikI the new U:ipti-t by Uw. ,:, lt !,.. .!.-: UI.,:. r wi:;,i h-.i.-ii,
tyU o .l-rprccited the lectures." Ittt that lib
Mihoad ;1.acf1ir deliver?! to ' a 'irzr :nd
' appreciative (?i au hjii je " (you wi.l
I -l l.n),u
it n-.s not intenaej to tuyes'. tiiat Jjiii-
. . .
coin society net np tj the tiiues in the
! way of hut are a set of
What such a person would be likely to
infer from it would be, that the audiaiico
did appreciate hint for jnl what lie was
worth, no more or loss, and judging from
opinions of the lecture which such per
sons have since expressed to me, that
was the ease. Latt, however, I may be
misconstrued, I will say that I did not,
and do n. t, unless the author of the
criticism was present, suppose that there
was a "jivvih skidC in the entire audi
ence. I wish to offer a tribute to the
author's sagacity by means of which he
inferred that I do not live here, and that
I am a "nice young fellow," both of
which remarks, as in fact does his entire
letter, bear testimony to his high culture
and genteel breeding. As to his elegant
allusion to my "empty pocket" and his
scruples at saying that I did not attend
the lecture on Satarday night and pay
my fifty cents, but waited until Sunday
night and put ten cents into the hat, it
is evident I could not have criticised the
first lecture without hearing it; and as
lay letter expressly states that "I did not
have the pleasure of listening" to the
lecture cn Sunday evening, the last silly
attempt at a low witticism is too weak to
be deserving mention, and the first being
the way that, people of his stamp, whoe
money constitutes their worth, usually
have of advertising their own pecuniary
rc-pon-ibity, perhaps it's vulgarity i on
that account excusable. As for hi."
opinion that Mr. Hewlett "would be dis
consolate if he should fee my article",
it is far more probable that he would be
disgusted if he knew he had such an ad
vocate as "(len'l. Rrick." His closing
advice "Re careful, young man. and
don't write to any paper having more
than a few hundred subscribers so that
he will get to see it (that is nn admirable
a learned article as
that might lay you liable to the law for
slander;" betrays about as much know
ledge of the 'law' as u love song does of
metaphysics, and would have had more
significance if the proceeding portion of
the letter had shown him to be posesscd
cf comm m sense, or a schoolboys espcr
iene2. Doubtless tho ( ren'l is ;i genius,
a gentleman nnd a scholar, but hia let
ter indicates that he is neither, l'oor
fallow ! how hi-i self conceit mu.-it be
woundod when hs finds he has not en-
.:....t ....!. ;!..,,. 1 ir,. ,t.,1o I..-,
, . , .,. ,
luorfi successful 111 the .attire it he would
aeon re an ordm
knowled;e of th
union rules of rhetoric and disputa-
I t ion .
Bat my irJcsfnuJ U nearly exliausto,V
and,' I am forced to forgo a further con
si Lration of this interesting subject.
Yours Sic. Wii.Ri n.
T:i!tfii from t lie I itnes.
The iron pilings for the bridge across
Salt. Creek are till in place, aud little re
mains but to put up the superstructure.
Our farmers have been busily engaged
in plowing and sowing their wheat for
the pa-t fe-rv days.
Linluger & Reynolds of Peru, 111.,
have just finished their store on Main
st n et and will fill it with new goods in a
few days.
Wakefield. & West, we understand,
have received the contract for putting up
the Court House. These gentlemen are
A No. 1 Carpenters, and understand
their business!
We understand that the School Board
of this district are going to erect a school
house in this city, to cost at least $5,000
or $6,00. The building is to be com
pleted by the first of next November.
Ashland is thriving, as the buildings
that have been and are under the process
of erection will go to prove. Within the
past, month no less than twelve buildings
have been commenced, and over two
thirds of theui are now ready for the
Mr. Lewis, of Ruflalo, N. Y., informs
us that he has received the contract for
erecting a two story frame business hou?e
2Cx.0, on Silver street, one block west
of the Times office. Miller k Griifin are
the gentlemen who arc putting it up.
Mr. Thompson Rissoll sold 2"J head of
steers, two thiids of them 2 years old,
the remainder i year old, for $70 per
head. Their average weight was 112 )0
lbs., the heavie.-t skcr was a 2 year old,
and weighing 1530. Mr. Rissoll is feed
ing a 0 year old steer that weighs ill)
lbs.: he 'expect a to make it weigh 3,0tJ0
lbs., before another spring.
Inexprctri Addition (o tbe Con
science Fund.
A dispatch to the New York Tribune,
from Washington, says: A ease of bri
bery was atteir.pted on a Government
official here a few days ago, but failed.
The facts, as far as developed, are aliout
as follows: A basket ef fluwers was sent
to the Rbbitt House, directed to Mrs.
George B. MeCartee. wife of the Chief
of the Bureau of Rngravin r and Print
ing. In the basket was a s.ip of paper,
in wiiieh wasc-nclos-.-d seventeen hundred
and odd dollar?. Mr. McCartee on dis
covering ilie money, immediately sought
! the Secretary of the
lreasury, and
' ban led t he amount over to mm.
, , - i -
Au m-
i vestigatioii was at once legun, out so Jar
.i,,,,;,., b,vi ,:r a. tinitelv fixed
i.-d i'-ion rests on several r
! sons hen- in t ic interest of a New lork
i 1Jaiik Kiu'rtivin? Company. Set-
i retarv Routivell has put th money m
' .1 . c i -i t,i, it
the t rovernnii Tit sale, and wilt place it
with the con-deuce fund, to help iiquid-
ate the National debt.
Lay Representation. In the New-
I ak ConK-renec ol the ethoaist l.pisco-
'Ct -liit lj I IH. fciV- VI tl't VVIilt. j.U
t ions on lay delegations is announced:
For, ".220: aeain-t. l,7C't'
In the New Jersey Conference the
vote of Irymen on lay delegations is re
torted: For, 2,70t; against, 1.211. The
! SImrTaf
se.t. e
was: for. i.:
i l-rom tiiesewnra Atiit.-.j i
I Th S t,at .mmth hash,,,, n-.r.f.,! ,.f
' . - . ,
l!!t'!'') c;iiOtit..S l!l our lie".V H;wn. 31".
Muti;itt n ucn his coim-ut to t!ie
church is to be built on another, close bv.
-Ir. ruotlatt also contcmoKites tne erec
tion of a new dwelling hou. e on the
eastern side of town. Market .-r.uare is
bei.niug to look up and show its pro
portions. ReattyS: Davis' now .-tore on
the west side, is nearly completed, and
will be filled with the largest stock ever
brought into the place. Clinton's new
building, Cotton's saloon, mid the addi
tion to Rankin's i tore have al! gone up
within the last month, and we learn that
there arc no less tfian five n;w building,
for stores and dwellings in contemplation
for the ensuing month. We are p:ond
to chronicle ihive evidences of thrift and
enterprise on the part ot the citizens.
Oi i, , -
ur merchaiits are all doing -agooJ bu.-i-
ness, and their ca:di sales arc increasing"
which shows there moiie m the
county and tiiat our tarmers are in better
circumstances than new comers generally
are in other counties Ti.-lme is receiv
ing new good.-and contemplates a large
cxtention to his business the coining
season. He will put up an addition to
his store and employ several hands in
his shoo thop. His custom work is in
creasing. Rankins is now cat for his
Spring stock, and will also build a store
during the coming season. Manly &
Stevenson are preparing to build, and
will considerably enlarge thir business
in the sale of agricultural implements.
Dr. Walker is talking of u new building
for a drug store, on the north-east corner
of lha market sjuaro.
Tlitu the prospect is mo.-t encouraging
for the future of our town. Strangers
are constantly coming in, and oar Hotels !
are full of business and crowd?.!. We !
hare no doubt that before winter sets in.
we shall have our population more thvi
d ubled.
Onr Future ttoiiM'hci-erM.
We sometimes catch ourselves wonder
ing how iiiaiiy of the young ladies whom
we meet with are to lierform the nart ol
homsckcej.ers, when the young men who
now eye them to admiringly have per
suaded them to become their wives.
We li.-ten to those young ladies of whom
we speak, and hear them not only ac
i knowledging, but boasting of their igno-
ranee of all household duties, as if noth-
ing would so lower them in the estima
tion of their friends as a con!irs.-ion of
an ability to lake bread and pics, or
cook a piece of meat, or a disposition to
engage in any useful employment.
Speaking from our own youthful leeol
lections, we arc free to say thai taper
fingers and lily-white hands are very
pretty to look at in a young man's eyes,
and sometime we h ive known the art
less inriocerics of practical knowledge
displayed by a young miss to a-u-ear
ra -.her interesting than otherwise. Rut
we have lived long enough to learn that
life is full of rugged
ot rugged experiences, and
1 that tt.e loving, romantic and aeti-
cate peon.e. niu-1 live 011 cooked or otht-r-
j w.isc 1rc;,ar,.a j-;0,i, anj ;u homes kept
clean an ! ti Iv by industrious hands.
And for all practical purposes of mair'K-d
life, it i generally found that for a hus
band to sit and, gaze at a wife's taper fin
gers and white hands, or for a wile lu sit
and be looked at and admired, does not
make the pot boil or put the smallest
piece of food in the pot. Ex.
Still TJioy Conic.
Probably at no time since our State was
admitted into the Union, has immigra
tion con:mcuqed with such a good show for
mi: c s.-i, .. i ....
luuuiiiiig una uui o.uic nun ii ui-nsi; jo- j
Dilution. 1 mm all sections we fiear ot
the thousand preparing to emigrate to
Nebra.-ka. The La-tern States are al
ready alive to the advantages offered to
settlers making homes on the Western
prairies, and we are informed that over
one hundred families are already prepar
ing to move to Nebraska from one point
alone. It is ak-o said that two hundred
families more are preparing to come out
in May next.
This is our great encouragement and we
look forward to the time when all the
beabtiful streams in the interior of the
State will be dotted here and there with
cultivated farms and the busy hum of the
industrious worker will be heard from one
end of Nebraska to the other.
Very soon the real merits of this western
country will be appreciated, and we need
not fear but that in a very few years will a
population be here that will astonish visi
tors from the Last. We hope our county
commissioners will provide come means to
induce the immigrats to locate in Seward
which is not surpassed in the State, as a
farming and manufacturing county.
Nebraska Atlas.
George Francis Train is speaking in
Connecticut against the Kngli.-di Democ
racy. He calls upon all Fenians to "kill
the Democratic party and save Ireland!''
He has issued a proclamation to the
Connecticut Fenians, Iri-hmen and Cath
olics, declaring that "the Relmout-Tain-manv-Know-Nothing-Kiiglish
party is
dead."" "Let us," ho cries, '"let us
bury them decently, and erect this epi
taph over their dishonored grave :
April 4, 1S70,
in coxNEimn r,
Alter an illness
of a quarter of a century, of
State Rights, Negro Slavery, Free Trade,
JelFerson Davis and general Dam-Phool-Dam-Rourbon
ness and Jackass
which culminated in fiimg into Sumter
as a bf.liy, and playing the neutral
part of an as-assin during the war."
Clstirch Car.
Pullman, tie; man who docs every
thing by rail, having buiit p-tlatiaT cars
for sleeping as well as dining at thirty
j miles an hour, is now engaged ?:i con
structing a fine church car, do imed to
I . W T
accompany trains ru;i:t:ng on tiia l nion
i ache load on Sundays. He is cer
tairdy cntirh-d to all praise for this last
effort, which will be a great benefit, more
especially as the service will then l-e fast
enough to keep up with the progression
of Western ideas as well as cars. Itwiil
be difficult to entertain any ideas of cx
c'usiveness in ths form of worship on
board there cars, and herein we see a
prospective benefit to the rac.2 in the ad
vancement of the one church idea,
wherein the worship of the Supreme
being shall be divested of the particular
fiautic dogmas, creed and isms of any
particular confined sect. All honor to
Pullman. .S7. Jo. Gazrti'..
The Paveanort Democrat ?aj-s Iowa
i pn.iuces I ll misiicti ot grain M ctcrv
' n-iivi otsl of her imroib; ;(), -
., ' it ,. r . ,f -i I .-l'.l c, ti . 11 t... in.t. i .u- . - l r . - . i i . .. i ' " .- ' . . ' . . - .
.' i 'tv'"".i " i""""' 5 ' j " ui.iii:aiicr i i y.iy ne an-i mi' unt is io .' i: i:i-. !iiiv.u?f. n in-rcrMtnl. a-'lll'l- I
R 1S70.
An Ordinance
i A !io:"-' " alRCnJ -cc Xo.'57,l
i - .
; k: 1. .V ,t r.ln-,l hy tl,f M.n.-.r uifl City
' ' ?'Lrl1 V-'" r:' ' ''":nt"'".f ilmt section
l.'te.l Aprill.'t.lfTO.
An-rovi.1. I. II. VJJEKLKK. Mayor.
Aitc-t: V, a. I.. ' City Recorder.
HP. 0
Vn OH;nunec to provide for l.ithiins the
Street-, of the City ol ' Pi;1.! tsu:oui ti.
fSKCTlON 1. Itrit ,VWr, hu tl,: Jltty.-r nnd
I'itu Counril i if thei '.ity of PhiUamuutk : That
tht-rohail b. erei-ted it l?.e plneos hereinafter
named Miitiil.le J.;oup t'ofl". to be not less than
itine feet in hoijthlii ulmvc the eurb stone, mid
that there be lamps phieed luercuu proper
ly proteotnl from the wind aad weather, for the
purpoM oi lighting tlio streets.
Ski:. 2. I.aiiipi sbull bv plaeed on ports at the
fillow iiilt named places to- ir : One on Second
street at th.esoutli corner of block thirty-t-.vo
'VJ , oiin on Main street at the north et
corner of b'oek if irly-two .'J'. one at th; north
we.'t corner ot block thirty-iwo i.aji. nc ut the
' i-ouoi ea.-i corner oi iiiock I n-.i'iy -.'. one at lae
i ,uthwest eomaror block thirty. at the
j north e:i! e n:cr of tliiny-t..ur t:-. orient
on.. ;i. the Niirt!l W(.s, (.0r.10r of,,.n k thirty
nve ',;e, ail to be erected at or mar lt;e vutsiaC
of the .-:.! w aik-j runuiin; ic.-t aad wist and
noiili and ffin;h.
fir.i: If l:a!l In; the duty of thv City Mar.-hal
t'i have K.ii 1 la in '-' 1 iv'lued each lii,.-'.it lit twi
liicht. v. h. ii.-vcr the "dioin lo not irhf iii;ht
uurinp l!ie fi st hab oi the nisht. and it i.-i hereby
m. i ic ilie ;-a:d ci.y MarsliaU duty to have s.iid
laiiiptf to be triiumed. cle.inedaud Lent in irood
c-kc. 4. Ii is hercliy made the duty of tiie city
Council tn pro-ride the city 'Marshal with the
ni-cc-ary oil for u.-e in said lamps as herein pro
vided. St::-, o. T!ii. Ordinance to take effnet aud be in
force from and after ita publication as required
bv law.
Passed and approved. Anril S'h. 1ST0.
1 . II. Witli:i.::it. Mayor.
Attest, W'm. L., City Recorder.
IsKAi..' " a'l-!4
ft latts::) uuth, icli..
Repairers of Steam En;iues, Roilers, Saw and
Orist Miils.
Cas and Steam Fittioirs. AVroueht Iron t'lpe.
Force and '1 ill l'utnps. .Steam tiauRts, Ralauce
j Valve Uoveruoi.s, and all kind of
Bra s Engino Fittings,
furnished on hort notice.
Repaired on short notice.
Ji c v enu e
o;. im l:Li i-.-:'. K,
District of the state ol .N'.-Ma-ka.J
XcV.oka City. April ilia., ISTi'.
AvM'.ti. Tx LNt i d-: !;;7o.
Noti'-c is h.-i i liy cn tliat '.he annual list of
taxes a-.-esscd iu acrindance w ith the provisions
of the. net of Conarce . i.t provide Internal Ite t o support the liovci nm cut to pay interest
ou the pubi-.c debt, and lor other puaposis, ap
prjved ,1 une MKh. l- 1. and the aiiicndineiiH
thereto, has been returned to n-.e by the Assessor
ot rh; district, and lliaL said taxes are now due.
an 1 payment thereof is hereby demanded ; and
that I will in per.-H. or by deputy a't. n 1 ut
I Piatt aimuilii, l ass Co.. on thet'ti'i and K't'i days
! of M ly, l ;7o, lor the par; c.-c ol" rccciv ing said
All persons who idiall , neglect to pay the
amount of their t.ixs. hcK-by demanded, on or
before the day last above will be nblipe
to pay in addition thereto a p-vntu of jtr.r irr
iilum and a fee of twenty cents for servb-e of a
special demand and notice, together with four
cints a mile travelii.K tees, actually and neces
sarily traveled to make the trrvice thereof.
Ofiicc hours from a. tu. to 5 p. m.
l2w Coitevtvr.
Sheriff's Sale.
T- M. Marquett, )
vs -Order of stale-
D.ivid Pcarcc J
N otice is hereby piven that, by virtue ol a
decree of ihe District t.'oitrt of the Second
.Judiciary District, within r-.iid for Cass county.
Nebraska, rendered a the November term, A.
1. ISf'.'.l. and on the (ith day of November A. D.
l -e'.1. I will offer for sale at public au.-ti.-n at
the front door of the Court House in Platt-mouth
on Monday the ls'h day of April A. D. '), at
10 o'clock a. in., ol said day, the followin-- reid
estate, to-w it :
The iiu.ih idol one !a.lf il-.') of the we t half
(!2 ol'I-'t no. 'l- twtive in block u. twenty -seven
'27, in theCity of Plat t-mouth. (.V- eotmiy
N'eliraska. ait. iclied as the property
of the said defendant. David I'earee.
'oven under my band th i- .!.-- of M.-rch,
la7.J. IJ. W. JO-INSON. Shtritj'.
xuarlTw.S of Cass i.-uuiiiy , Nciieaska.
Asrcrcjifttc AisiH, J5
Cor.s.ilidate.d StuTcment f the condition f
thioitiiiMA. Ih.vnt'R. Niaisra snd Kkpll-l.ioli.-e
1 'tsurn nve Coinpanits. of tne C.ty of
New York, ni the 31st d iy of Djceiaber. I-ci'j.
Apr.'jrale Capital ?2.25.'UV.O M
surplus 1 .'5o.?i7'. 1 1
, . .. ... , , ,.,
rotaUaiataland surpltw Sd..f.y 14
UnitciijliOcs Scuritie i2.5'i7.7"0 00
Loaun 15 n 1 an-1 Mort;aEe 72t-'.7"0 ti
Loans on Call anidv seeureD 3 1.7 i Mi
Cash in Bank and uands oi Aec-nU... 272.a2- l.J
Itenl K-Ulte - lto.l!2.ii
l"lr li,r Si-nril ie i o. 1 lid il-.if F.iils I !--
ceivable, ltauk Mocks, elo .2M 71
3".i0.2M 71
5J.?CtJ,y7C, 11
Losses in pr vrtsaof adjustiuect S21'l.R."2 ,t2
Other Claims 12.2S7 7ij
J. N. VISE. Agent.
Tt. Chilxi, four ui:l" north -ea-t of Weeping
Water, on the bead of CjdarcreeU. will herd cat
tle duriutf the o..iiiinK doanun at thirty re-it a
head pe- :uonti for the season, and furnish si.1l.
All cattle limit be dis'iact!? br.tcd or be
not bt r- ii'ild-.: -at-riw'S
NO. '2.
TX Irio, Curt 2d Judun.l Dirtriot with!
j. : r. i :u. v..s.-e couaiy, ci-ra:ka.
llt-nrv V,..i cl, (
i n. J-
have httd continued posse-sioii f s&ai !"t from
- ..: . . -:... . v I ... .... j I
j I'l ii-.r io iiie ii .iuj oi -oot-iiint-r, i-oo, nu.i
! line mad; valuable iiiirrorciat-uti, thereon,
! that J.ea.-s A. I '.nn Ian, under whoai phiiuli.!
; elaitnt;t:.. failed to put a certain di ed for naid
j lot made I y J. V. Vbipple. oil record, although
j y li 1 loL;t !: n had fully paid said Whipple f--r
I r":iid lot and ha a ib-cd therefor: inn 1 that one J.
I V:o;.-c Lt-v. i:- on or i.'--ii! t iie Mil .lay ot" Xo vere- i
O, 1 , I--K' IJI .lil l-ii'll.'' ! " .!;,. I.M I'i C-V
obtainsd a quit claim d'-cj of J. W. V. "hippie
lor said lot. plaintirV nt that time ri.linK on
i.. , . i r-ol
said lot antl Lrm? in lull poc..Mi thcit-o:,
saidLcv.U well k nor inr that plaimitf w.u the '
owner therein, an-1 knmvi-.iot all oi plaiutitl
riirhts mid tquiti! tbrrcin: that said Lewis on
or about the St.1 day of Jecei::ber. In'1.', made
deed for said lot to Alva Rittenhouse.delcndiint.
idaintilT nt that time residinir on s.iid lot and
beiiiK in full and exclusive possesjion thereof,
und that ."aid Alva Kittvnhonse tin k said deed
with fn!l kncwle.I.ce that j-Viititiii w.i-. th? ow ner
of .-aid lot and of all p'.aintiti 's rii-'hts and cqui
ie therein. That s..';d deed to r lid Uitlen
houc is a cloud on the tiile of pi lintitl to the
same. The object and pmyer of said pi tit'On is
to have said deed to said H ittruhoune n-t aside
and declared null and void and the cloud rej-t-inp-
on plair-.tili 's title to said lot i. in block IS
in I'lattsuioulh, removed.
Vou are required to amwer said petition oa
or before the 10 day of May. IsTO.
111-iNRY liOlXK.
by M.vxwELL A Chapman, hie Attornej ii.
nm nil -wot
Sale of Lands
The Capital of Nebraska.
JaneGth, A. D., 170, tit 10 .1. .V.
The undersigned. Inspectors of the ptate
Pri.-oii. in imrsiianee of an act- of the Legisla
ture of .Nebraska, entitled "An Hct to provide
for the erection of n Penitentiary and for the
care and custody of State Prisoners," approved
March 4, ISTo, will on the (ith day of June. 1S70.
otter for sale the follou-iiiR described lands at
tmblic auction. The said lands will he appraised
iy the Inspectors and sold to the highest bidder
over appraisement.
Tercjis Casli.
SaU to be continued from day to dav until all
are sold or a sufficient amount icalifd.
Icscriitioi of tlie t. antic
I i I l
Date of Kntry Parts of Sec- See. Twn It' e Acres
Dec. IT. 1S;7.
r c qr
a! I
:tl! 17
.1 K i."SdO
K .".-1-5:1
; ,::-0
3 E 159-41
I r..:0-21
i d-.i
I d'W
i ioe
i '4
: 3i;o
1 160
I 32()
i t3L0
; 1320
: ;Ksi
; i3.o
' '320
4 K ; o
j K
1 i320
j 32'i-CS
4 E lis)
.r, E 27-15
s w qr
! bf
!s w qr
is e qr
is bf
le hf
:w hf
!n hi
in hi
in bf
ic hf
!w hf
le hf
u w qr
'a v qr
'n e tjr
1 n w .i r
tw hf
I S !
,id i
2 !
34 i
i i"
r. i
i ue qr A- s vr r jLj
j Mr hf A s o qr :;2
Iw hi
is hf
iw hf
ic hf
io hf
1 10
o hi
le hf
!e hf
'.eii r & s w qr
qr Sl a ffqt
iw lit
g hf
' hf
,s hf
'e hf
a w qr
:f c nr
n hf
: hf
n hf
e hf
c hf
e hf
e hf
u w qr
! bf
!e hf
t e qr
in hf
In e qr
n w qr
n w or
,nh f
e h f
32 I
28 ill
20 I
! 8
I fi
5 E'tiy-:t
a L',3is rv;
15i 11
'nr qr i sc qr 12
,e hf 3
n hf 132
in e nr 34
'8 ii
whf ..".2 111
5 K,'.20
.f w or 31
i i;-.o
,6 K!3!'.i-"'
I !324-."0
fi K,314-t.i
I I-2i I
i t-VJt
I 320
i 1-: I'd -is
,320 .
! d.V.5-8a
' itiO
; e l's)
e hf 14 8
ll hf i Ii
ineqriswqr 8
'nw or A: so or 18
.w hf I 4 U
n e qr A s iv qr 10 i
la hf 14 1
ii c qr A w qr 22 I
in e qr i 4 It
,ne qr Ask qr lo ,
.swqr 1"
is w qr I
in w qr 2'
Ucqr lo
ehf 12
! bf 14
Iseqr ,'JO
;h e qri u w qr :'l
, bf 2
,u w qr tt icnr 20
I is I
i rJ
i ;-i2o
i !it;
! . ItVj
;S j ; 40
i p:
j9 K-64.J-71
;s cqr
'n Lf
,Cil acres.
Ilie above deseribc-d lands are known , the
I'eniti n-'eiry Lan Is ; I iii-c i i y the I'nilel "-tati f
to the israre of Nibr.i-baf.r a l' nitenti.iry or
.-tare Prison, atid eo.ii.iin s..u.e of tji-.'n -t v:d
u iblo lands io ti;.; Slat-.-. nu:' :i ol which lies
within a ladius ot t ii.iles , Lincoln, ih - Cap
ital d" the .-.are. Thisaic ot'.-'t.-.te Lands of era
to l-"aruieis, Meefaaiiic. nnd L.-.'K.rcr- a fine
chan -e for a -i...ip Louie r.csr the Capital, .-iru-
nl in th? ri.-lr.-t .-criculturil iii--tri-i of the
j S;,lc a,.., ,.,ar the ,r.;:,t Kasin wta n.'it
j is bcinif nianui'ai -ur. d fi oiu t i" oirf.iec water
1 Vl ra' railroad-: u: p.- j.'.ocd tbronifii there
j land, on" of which, the I'.iirniortori A .Missouri
I Kr.i!rad ii! be complied lo Lii.chi be tore the
-' o sti-. ano ota.-r-i in n o:,i
l.i of sii. and oth-
1 ne i .mm it -io ne'- ': i" .-i a l-e
Sun"" tne tint pi.-o W':l otter nve oi s,.t o jiii'i e i
-own oi j.ii.c.-ui. wni'-n at t.-io ii-issn'.
1 bits a, ti.e town ol
tiiu.' cortamp
hotels, eh ii r he und sejools aho a tine state
annul.,'"' uiiiaoi'.-iijis T I'.lj firoa
House, a ne .ki t.:uiiurji i,iii'ife anu I Diversity
an Insane Aylu'u are ia process of erection,
which with other Sr.ite Institution, nnd center
ing of railroads r. ill make it the great inteiior
city of the Mule.
W. W W TLS0X ) St.T t Frison
F TEMP LIN Inspectors.
I.iuisihi.Neb April I, 170. apr"-tJ
Rvt. 1. CoArr.s ... - 1'ruprietor.
Crner Sixth : ud Vine Street.
A nn, I a ,sfl--u st'j.he-L T?nr.a l-jwir tlM
m ii in mi nr i T""" Siii" -
35" ii. :e jtjlI1. o:? .t-
AT Til
Farmoi Feed StaLle
C.-irei r id Sixth Mid Viae fclrcetj. One liloe
N or'h otttio I' Cburch. Plttiii;otit
Weeping Vaier Nebraska.
D:r GeO.'.K.
It r Iwnre,
Lioot.", and Short,
lit, and Cap.
. erieunnri.1 Iinpii:io-i:t ef all kind. "Weir and
'1' X I."' Cutt'o t..-.s. Id:, .ii Corn Planter,
(ii.iti -leteur i:i I Vriin-e t.ns I'lnio, udxufi-nn.'u.-n,
all of which we oiler tt the public at th
lcwp.-t retail prices.
All Goods Warranted
As Represented,
-Our cnnMant aim will be lo sell n low that
it will be to thejio'ilive adruntaee of every far
mer in the w stem nnd rrtitral portion ot Ciu
county to make this their head imrtcm for trad
ing. I'.KKD. KRJd.
Ve p-iifr V.'ater. April 1-t. 1S70.
jWe are also :i.'iiis for Mower. Heper,
and ThrashiiiB Macuinci!. up7wtf
j. H. DUAN & CO.
(.Siieccs.iort . J. M. llinehman.l
Druggists & Apcth:carie3.
itr ai.:is I
lriis and Jlodieine-w,
Toilot Ooods
For Mechanical and Mcdir-' i'i.ri ore.
Keep conJtantly on baud a full and well iwit i
stock of
1'hysicinnn' prcfcriptionp carefully curr pound
cd by an experienced Di iiKifist. None but lha
purest medicines used. Alltcood naxianted a
eprcscnted. Call and tec.
Main Street, South Side.
Premium Stallions.
Fastest Trotting Stailion in
the State.
The celebrated StiiUi-.n HENKY CLAY and
II A MIL TUN I AN rftlMli, thoso ire wh
half brother to Dexter.) we e purchased ia
in;ii.'e county. New York. i.nd wce broonlit to
thii county in the Spriu of Iionry Clay
was awarded the
Firfct Frvsiiiiim
a! the Nebraska State Fair? of 18t"9 and
also took the sw epstakea. They will stand th
preseul seas ,u. ul !.)' !;o ui on Wct-pinir Vatwr
one half mite from i'..!rti.nj Mill. Their colta
ma beeenat the farm. f-'tock il en tern and
raisers ure invited to call aud cxuuiino horse
nnd colt-. Pasture free of chnrire for Mari a
from aditan -e, JIKNRY DCBulS.
Hardware & Tinplate,
92 & 94 Michigan Ave.
meb 2Sw3m
IlOS. K. TOOTLI. T. t. HAN.VA. J. . CL4l .1 i
Tootle, Hanna & Clark, f '
Oold aud Oili er Coil
U.S. and other Stovh
D. lifts drawn on -,Tt ii ..T V.. 1 . l.J
. ... ilii n i. m
Jf l l.urope. Deposit i et.e: ..J. and tpcei:.!
iviiuvji to collections.
jt-24tf Plattsmouth, Kol
UK I ' fit iy I
H T A T I ' K ll
Perfumeries, Kair Oils.
iU 131
Latest Publication
I'rc-crirtion' Carefully ootupouAided by
Remember t tie place, opposite Clark
mer . Pialtsniouih. Nebriuka. kUt
I' I '
' I
T t