1 r a xro k, I n:n .-orit f-.r the- ben Mu-iifil In'tru'i-.cr.t 111.1:0. i r.;;i. vi-i;;-jp to oiiv J'lavds. aldnet t. r:u as ih-.y Ciiii 1 1 :f. the oi:,i,Y, p'.-'.v-. Al In-drume-nts fully warrante- !'rllX J. N. WISE j, w.shaso's, jLIVJ&KX 8TABM3, MAIS STRKLT. rLlTT.SMOCTH.K8B. j r am nr-rar. 1 to accommodate the public with j .- . C,rr;Ur,, ,Vw;e and A .. Ilearne, ! n fiiort notice and rcnsonab!e term. A will r in 1 -teamboat landinjcandto all i.iar f llii'Hiyirnp:, t sired. .Ian 1 .ImIAw. HftE IHOPJ WAYMAN & CURTIS J'laiUisioiitfe, fteli., r.k.:.iirT f steam Engir.r?, Boilers. Saw and i;r:-; Mi IN. i!jf aii'l.'Mn I'iltint'. Wrought Iron l'ipe, Y .rc and Tilt Pump. .iimiu (Juuzo, Liilauce Valvo ti-.'Vi'i -a.r.s and all kind of Bra s Engino Fittings, f-iriiMb! 0:1 n!rrt noti.-o. FARMING MACHINERY lr. i-i.irf tin clicrt isotioc. auc5tf JUST RECEIVED 500 lbs. Best Osage ORANGE SEED. Toil SALK AT THE NKW YORK CASH STOE 15 ink i)i-i.i.n iku I'ur.Mi A Iji jb discount ill 1-r rillowr-d lir the hurdiel I. Si llN A.-Si: CO. riatt'i.-.'iuMi. M.iroh 7rir 1S70. diiwl. Third Street, South of flairs, CONFECTIONEIIIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and Sweet Crackers. !;. r.uTiiMAX a irrp-Eurv. GILLKAN CORN SHELLER. WM. II. I ( ;IT!'1$, A et iii- :n ..uii. ----- Nebra.-.ka. WANi KACTl'itEIi IJT 'iillman. King !& Hauiihuu. .ttT.vs, - -' Illinois. I am wrciit f-r th" aHuvp Celebrated Corn Shf r, :im! .irn prepared to fill ol der? on hurt e. A -;:!i:ple inaehiiie ran be seen at my a rivii iiTid a half miles s.iuth west of l'l.itt m'. u.'i. 1 d ive had one of thee maeliiiie? in use t t ' !io :.-t Hvo vciip, :ud Jiri'i it pei l-v t in evcrv :; :. WM, li, 1'uK l Kii " janl -liu-'t UNDERWRITER'S AGENCY. ii-.i; la:c 1 Stafi'invnt of the condition of i'-;-' tttnu.vM , 11 ixovki:, NlAiiKA and llr.rvB !!" Kir;- i:i.-urn:vo t'.unp.i.iiu, of tlio City of -'. V'nk, ' ti tkcol.-t day 'f Jeeenibcr. lv!'.'. CATITAL. A eI . f a pi! l' S-.'JfKI.O'Ki Ol 'ii,h: l.iiio.'.C.I li Totai Capital and Surplus $ i.fMjiljT'.i 11 ! ',iit( 1 Sir SeenrlTioK TZ.Vi' "'0 (VI I.'.r.n- on J.:.d xr.'i Mortirape 7'JS.T'i'l 0 I. ..m:.-. 1 m t it'll -aniply nee.ire.il SII.TtOIKI j-'. 1:1 Han' and iunX' of Aifent... T-'.'J W 62 !:.! I.- ale , 1S.VH3.M rSe. uriiie. tiielmiinir Uill.s Uc- - i . .. 1 1 0 . Uuiik St'jck.s. cte .TiTO.254 71 1,5i.'.7:. 11 LIABILITIES. l."fi in pfersiif adjustment f 21-.fi-ri2 :2 .'.. I'Uitn" lLVJiiT 76 ir.l:": w J. X. TVIi;. Aitcnt. I- O f Oil 1 I f LL E ill IL LSI ON THE SOUTH WSEPIXe WATER, XXXX At$2.50persack X FI.Oi;: 2,00 per SACK lr.in Sc SL jits TOots j er 100 lb.. I!r:tn tl Shut ts Extra GouJ 1 ,00 .cr lOOlbs torn Meal l.L'.x-N jcr htunlreJ pounds VlJ ti ll EXCI I ANOKD FOR WHEAT a5 .surI. : and C';rn frour.d on Toil -i pain will It to ta'.itfy all 7cKt call. 10,000 Bushels of Wheat and 20.000 Bushels Corn WANTED Vui. E. SHELDON Agent. wHatwtf. Fruit Trees For Sale. t!srTwcnlyye!ir pxperienee in fruit ':i and Niirtei'V IjUiiiej in Iowa, snd iifr"'-' 'i',,r'ition. in Ca.-s county. Neb.. I am r,i iircl'iJ r;'ii t,iiecc-lnl.,y raiethe aple and V-'7r'V'ti !"'!'r t'A" apple irnd cherry a speciality iri "' ''" ""'I1'1'4 v.ith h;ir iy varieties. . "'" Il,s' !lt with Vin. Eiken berry, two "'uth of I i.ittsuio'ith, or with Ir. U. S. ii'1 ;' ,' Ho k lilulls. I will furnish them at J ' i " -"w:tir rrict ? ';'TLuSrr," '""iab"!f to throe and a half i i;;,r to 5 f, et kiich l.'iet: 4 to'jfett cUi; 4 ri,:n Crab M to 5 feet liVts. E'.'u.;l;!" Miy Cherry 3 to 5 feet 2ScteaeU; S p V i tt tft. ii i wen, i ii i w i , ii .uorellnuietK. i 'r'1' free of eharsro on the cars at Fair- S bT, ! 'aera.-.n county Io'.vi. A moderate charge ! a" r tne material for ooxe... K. M. .MOVER. Baker. lERALD J IS Till-: PLACE TO GET 1 HARDWARE AND LEKENTS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAL! j MATHEWS, DONNELLY & CO. Would respectfully inform the people of have just opened a LARGE Hardware and Agricultural Establishment "W here we are always to be found to accommodate customers. FOURTH STUEKT. BETWEEN MAIN AND VINE. PLATTSMOUTH NEB- 0r:.ri,J""n!rftln p frt f t!,e f,,n"n . TI Uuek-eye Ucapor and Mowereombincd. The ndCu lti"v,Tr 'J ih7'iV- -tarand Kry,t.,nc Coin l'l inter. Monmouth ttalk Cutter ' CJllidt..r. Oneida H,a .Voinnoiitli Cit tivator?. 1 xon Iron Hack C.it fitti-l l'low4 old er'w";k The celXe'i V e0JU l:x,r,a- 'VP1 P!uwi --Cuible Iro lleLn WeVt ilt-bratcd Xewton agon, which lor durability cannot be txcelcd anywhere Kiel or Ilardwaro. Cutlery. Xails. Iron Matron Stock. Class. Putty. White Lead. Ul1, .- renee A ire. Garden. Field and Flower Seed. ALSO wlt..i CHOICE HEDGE SEE1W -The above conipri."esa few of the article and complete and to sell at bottom price. GIVE US And Examine our Stock, that you may go niarl-Ufcwtf. CliOTHIER. South Side Main Street, - - Number 9. PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY NEBRASKA Ibioui. Iiro. Si Co. have just received a larire sdvk of Urown and Hloached MiL-din? k!1 grades 3 lid pnecs. For a fine lin of I'rints, ct lOi'i "i yard, to Doom, Rro. &Co. Doom, Rro. Si. Co. have just re ceived the finest td-x-k of I Mess Goods to be found in the city. Call and examine. For a good piece of Ticking, Demiiis, Shirting, Stripes, Sic, go to Doom, Rro. & Co. Doom. Bro. & Co. have the finest assortment of all wool Cas simev.!s to be found in the city. For an extra piece of Jeans, Cotl'Miades, Casinet, Satinet, or anything in the way of Piece GooiU, goto Doom, Rro. fc Co. Doom, Rro. Si Co. have just re ceived a large and well selected stock of Roots, Shoes, &t, all at low prices. Doom, Rro. Si, Co. have a large stock of Notions, Press Trim ming, Hosiery, Ac. Call and ex amine. A General Stock kept and Orders from Country Merchants promptly vT.A v r. jr-. . : .v Wm ruhTH;KG G00DS- r BOYS'1 AUD CHILDREN'S OLOTH.SG, Hats 8c Caps, Boots & Shoes, BLANKETS RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Main Street, Second Do ?r East of Cour House Plattsmotith, Web. BRANCH nniiSE;Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. JOSEril SCIIIATEK AVATC1IMAKKR Sikifit AND JEWELER AND DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY GOODS. J.tr ssrsi or V- Y Jt.;t!, r..l'wtl. l.!LJUmj.1J.JKJUJHlJ 'FFIC. AGRICULTURAL CASS and adjoining cou:. tic that they onhand. Our aim ihall bo to keep our stock full A CALL away satisfied if not HAITI". -MATHEWS, PONNELLV & C CO. For Choice "A" Doom, Rro. i Co. Sugar, Doom, Rro. Sc Co. have a large toek of 'C" and Rrown Sugar a choice article. Call and exam ine For "A" Choice Tea or Coffee, iro to Doom, Rro. & Co. Doom, Rro. A Co. have a splen did stock of Syrups a!! grades and prices. Canned Fruits a good fetock at Doom, Rro. Si Co. Dried Apples, Reaches, Cur rants, Riackbenies the best in the market at Doom, Rro. & Co. A choice article of Virginia Fine-cut and Smoking Tobacco a large fctock at Doom, Rro. & Co. A No.l article of Coal Oil is to be ha d by calling at Doom, Rro. & Co.'s. A general sto ck of Queens and Glassw re sold cheap at Doom Ri Co. , sold at low Cash prices by filled by DOOM, BRO. Si CO. LERS is ' b. srrRt-ocK, Notary Public. B. BAXTER WIXDHASf. SPURL0CK & WINDHAM. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Ono Door Weut of Brooks House, np Stairs. PLATTSMOUTII. - - - - NEBRASKA. Land? Boii(rif anil Pold. Title Examined and Conreyauees MaIe. Taxes Paid -nd Kaceipta Forwarded Promptly. .A11 Business entrusted to oar care will! - ..... - , ; i-,r ' nr. Ehc Ijkbraslut gtoatd. LOCAL 1TB"V7S. i'ro ;i Tliurniay iKiily. We leara from Ager.t .Simpson that the "first Loat of the .season" is expected here next Monday or Tuesday. The new 11. R. Omnibus ''Ore!rotiM was brought over the river to-day,-ready for operation to-morrow. Five thousand dollars ex,tra tax money coming into the treasury at the present tims from a tingle firm the B. & M. R R. Co. ia not such a bad thing, SheriiT Johnson has erected a hue lamp in front of his "boarding house" to light offenders against law to the road of reformat ir n. Dr. Wm. Wintcrstine, a member of the present city council, arrived from the east yesterday. He has been east during the winter visiting his friends. lis will remain with its now. lion. J. MtE. Ilagood was in the city to-da He informs us that ho saw many farmers plowing between his residence and the city, but he concluded they wert a trifle fist. If Miles Morgan polls as many .votes in proportion to the number of voters, on election day as he did in the conven tion last evening, he will probably lie elected by several thousand majority. Miles runs well in a convention. Of course every man who favors the success of the R. & M. railroad in Ne braska will vote for F. S. White for councilman. His efficient services (?) for the rai'road interests during his present terra has not been forgotten. Rev. W. J. Cutter has decided on going back to New York, where he will rest for a time from his ecclesiastical la bor. His family and household goods hare already gone, and he will follow in a few days. O. F. Johnson has just received a large assortment of wall paper, wiudew phades etc., which he sells cheap. lie has a fine assortment of school, and miscella neous books, and a full line of magazines and newspapers. Call and see bin, one door west of the Express ofTice. Mr. Cameron, of Nova Scotia father of Rev. Cameron, of this city, isstopp'ng with his son for a short time. He ex presses himself as well pleased with this part of the country, and thinks there will be much emigration from Nova Sco tia hither during the present season. Mr. Frank Reed, Railroad yard mas ter, informs ui that iron enough for ten miles of track h now being piled up in the yard, to be held a? a reserve in case of high water or other eause which may prevent regular transfer. The company do not mean that work shall stop under any circumstances. We are in receipt of No. 2 Vol. 1 of the Nebraska Atli. Williams & Crumb proprietors : Published at Seward, Sew ard county, Nebraska. The paper LsRe publican in politic, presents a good make up and we hope it may prove a sucees financially. There is no Sner count- in the State than Seward, and this much needed aid to its development we sincerely trust will prove a great ad vantage to the people, not only of Sew ard but the surrounding counties. Nat. Rrown, Agent of the Western Stage Company, has been getting things in readiness for the transfer ofj.paseon gers, express and mails, between Platts taouth and East Plattsmouth. The company takes charge of all transfer business ta-morrow (April Jst). They have made arrangements with Captain Magee by which regular trips will be made connecting with nil trains. They are getting new 'Ruses, and are fixing things up for the accommodation of the traveling public. . from l'riduy"l DitUy. Hon. E. L. Reed, of Weeping Water Falls, was in the city to-day. The II. S. Turner will be the first boat up the Missouri river. Sho is expected here Monday. We understand F. M. Dorrington, Esq., and Judge Gage have gone to Fremont. Conference is in session there. Hon. T. M. Marquett, attorney for the R. Si, M. Co. in Nebraska, left yesterday for the cast. He will probably be ab senf two or three weeks. The new transfer arrangements went into effect this morning. Hereafter all passengers for the eaet will be taken from the hotels or other places ia the city by the transfer company's 'Buses. There are not less than seventy-five r one hundred new houses now under way ia this city, and five hundred more are needed at once. Who will put them up. The Grand Jury cf Otoe county have recommended that no naloon keeper in that county be allowed to hold any olEce, under authority of any court. There are hundreds of strangers in riattsmouth, but they will not be stran gers in a year from now. A great ma jority of them propose remaining with us permanently. See advertisement of Snyder & Orr for breaking prairie. They have the fa cilities for turning over a vast amount of sodin a very short time, and they know how to do it in good shape. If you you want a farm broken up in a week they can do it for you, Letters from the east inform us that the Herald in the fir.t paper real in some of the reading rooms there, and that much attention is being directed to wards Nebraska in consequence of such reading. We endeavor to give our eastern readers a fair understanding of the state of things here, and are glad to know that eur 5crt tyre' bsini suc- j cessfub e are coa.st:; miy in roeeipt-of letters R'kin:? us to send back numbers of the j Herald. As a general rule we are un- able to supply l,:lc numbers. V j always print a tmall hurpkf, but they are usauy bought up very .-on. , We hear imjuiries every day for houses to rent and places to board. Are there not those in this city who are nufficiently desirous of making money to put up more hon?vs. Unless more buildings go up soon we' will Io.c mar.j yalabln citi zens. . Jf our. old; citizervi uw not take h!d of this building matter we cannot expect new men to ru-h into it. " Mr. Lonsbury, General Agent of the Western Stajr j Company, is in the city making the necessary arrangement? for the railroad transfer business. Lonsbury is a wide awake man, and will have everything done up in "apple pic order." No wonder the "Western" has been the death of many smaller outfits, with such men as Lonsbury and Nat. Rrown to look after their interests. Omnibuses for all trains leave the different hotels of the city, and will call at private resi dences when desired. Died At Gleuwood, Iowa, March 25th, 1370, Wm. Lerow, aged GO year?. Mr. Lerow was a resident of New Rostou, Illinois. Ho started for Platts- mouth, where he expected to meet two sons who were coming wsst. He was taken f-ick upon the road, and hai died a stranger in a strange laud" so far as the presence of relatives is concerned. Mr. Lerow was not among strangers, however, ; for he fell among his breth ren of the mystic order, aud during his last days liu was as kindly cared for as though he bad been in the bosom of his own family. He was found at a board ing house at East Plattsmouth, by Rro. Geo. R. Bray, who at once took ohanre of him and had him conveyed to Glen wood, where the Ma-ionic Fraternity of that place cared for him until his death, and then buried him with as much honor as though he wore a king among the people. 'The Perfect Washer" i the name of a new washing machine which Mr Jotl Parcel is about introducing in this city. It is a very simple looking machine, and the first thing which impresses the mind after seeing it work is "why did not some on think of that long before." It con sists of a box made of pine lumber, about L three feet by fifteen or eighteen inches, and about ten inches deep ; this sets up on four legs, and in the center of the box is a roller placed horizontally, about five inches in diameter, fluted and covered with vulcanized rubber cut in strips and so plaevd as to expose the edges only. Underneath this roller (which is turned by a crank) is placed a fluted board, suspended by brass springs. ' The gar ment to be washed is started under the cylinder, between it and the fluted wash board, the one being stationary and the other revolving, causing the garments to go through a severe process of rubbing against the edges of the rubber. It can be stoped at any point, and the rubbing continued upon any particular spot until it is made perfectly clean. The name is appropriate as it comes nearest hand washing of anything we know of. l.ETTEU LIST, List of letters remaining in Platts mouth post office April I, l70. Aldridsc R Rroek Lewi Buttertield Sz Johnson Rest A F Boyle J Barker C Carr Nellie Casev M J 2 Moore Wm 3 Messer Siuiou Monford Massemrale S Mitle.ladt H F Masscngil Martha Mosher Lum Mosalon W C Marquis Rev C D Crook J JMcLeoii Aug Cunningham Mike Me Kirov R Ii Gasman J 2 Mcllenry John I onovan Tim Doughtery Jas Don tree TrefHer Divine M Fceheu J Flaherty M Fullgrobe A Foley John Finnan John Foley Wm G ratlin Jas Hill Harry I I ill Miss Sarah 2 Hill Geo lv 3 Hansen Thos Hepner Mrs II 1 lurlcy Johannah Harris Karl Hahiin Win dordan II Nichols Mrs C Petrv W E Powell F Peterson John Quinn Frank Richard James Ra.-meisen S Ragan E G 3 Ressel John Regap Michael Ryan SamT Richmond A K Rooney Wm. Sieadman J W Sullivan M Stoncking J Stevenson S C Smith Geo II Sweeland Erie Swindell Thomas Juryman Rcnj Sherman Dr Jas II Jones Rev W A HTSnowden Mollio Jackson F A Taylor Thou 2 Infills Chas Tobin Miles Johnson N Tanner J 31 Jones II Taylor Capt Jager John Willioms A Keunedy J M Williams Nathan Lucas Andrew WilseyEE Luk C W Persons calling for any of th above ctters will please say "advertised J. W. MARSHALL, P. M. We clip the following items from the Little Blue: A man whose name onr informant did not recollect was killed on Turkey creek, a few days ago by a saw log rolling over him literally crushing him to atoms. The smoke of the immigrant camp fire may be seen from our office door, ascend ing above the tree tops in all directions. The immigration to this county bids fair to exceed anything heretofore known to the oldest settlers. At Sioux City, last week. Miss Hum phrey, a teacher ia. the. High Sclsool, whipped one of the 'girls who. at recess, went home and told her mother. The maternal became infuriated, armed her self with a butcher knife, and visited the school to kill the woman who had touched her darling. The Sioux City Times says she entered the school room on a double quick step, charged upon the defenceless and unprepared victim, and would no doubt have committed murder, only for the timely interference of Mr. Stern Rogers, Principal of the school. In the run around the room the infuri ated mether knocked down a little girl, and this fortunate circumstance perhaps saved the life of Miss Humphrey, as it gave time to Mr. Rogers to coma to the rescue. In the early days a bride's marriage portion consisted of a feather-bed, fcis chairs, a cherry bureau and table, sis cups and saucers, six teaspoons, and a quantity ot sand lor Peon ring the Doors. I Now adavs the proomdojs not demand 1 the sand even, if tho bride's father will colv rorje dowr. with th d;;f. I D. KCIIN'ASS:. ! ARE AT RUSH ! ! j Everybody, and D. SCHIST ASSE &. CO j , To Y O The largest OF iTOGK Are now on exhibition at tho Now York Store, at greatly reduced prices. AVe call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, EELAINS, GINGHAMS. BROWN- SHEETING. BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S- NEW THREAD. COTTON VA S. BOOTS AND SHOES f all kindi and pries to Eult cur numerous customer. large stock of . .. GROCIRIES, HARDWARE -QbEENSWARE. WOODEN-WARE, GLXSSWARE. YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We have a lar -l"tk of th celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW. STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, "d H knU ..I CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. . . . -. . . . , . ,t . f l .lttsmrmth Vhruarv. IDtn. !ilK 11. 'a Que door west of tlio IIkrai.d OfTicu. " . ' J. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA;' H A A UVKUK FURNISHING GOODs, HATS, O-A-IPS, BOOTS, and Provisions. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL Kinds cf Country Produce. John STitzscrolcl. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, August 5th, 3T O VB AXQTD IE. T. IDTJIECIE &c CO., Tholealo andlRetail dealers in. Hardware and Agricultural Implements, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, S T E E-L 3? L 6 -W-S Of all kinds and sizes, which wo warrant the fcest In the market. Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice. Are cxclusire Age i!a in this county for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Git ns a oll we will not be undersold Main street, next door east of the ifruor.Io Block. , 11 j ATI'S MOUTH. NKKUASItA . '' HUMASON & Russell $ Doom's Old Stand, janTdiwtf c ll Mil sr We liave an extensive general stodc or Goods tlsat ire are constantly sorting ui9 whir ive ofler to tfte.l&u& ic at prices tlat wejenow mus&girc entire satisraction " -1 ; ' -' '- I ' . ' ' - t - - " - - - " We purchase the very bet Goods at the head f Mar ket and strictly for cash, and arc prepared to compete tcith the trade at any point en the Missouri river. $20,000 worth cf Property FOU'SAbB Corifistiri? of farm;. with tinibcralj5nins.r.ra Plattsinoush, property in l'luUsuiuuth City, horje?. cattie, wagons, etc. For farther pnrticalat eniiuiro f or ars , Ot'O. W. COLVIX. xitteD-A pu'ehaer for fix acre o d oil'!,V.1il!-outiviv',r'liVr ' svPUkfiKA. 1JAM. V. D. I.LHNUOr'F. LA RflTC fll?0AVrnS ! ' " Blank Book Mannfacturere, more too. are oia to i buy their AT TUB 13. K S TOR JS and most ouupleto - DRESS CO ODS SEEDERS. HAY RAKES. I k w' I I I VT A O w' 1. ff. i ' i iii.i.wciha i o. S AT TM1 STOCK OK SHOES 1SG0. Til ST OH 3b ItHOADES, li mi 3 T I" PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. f&um&iizzz, FOSI OR RET- The undivided half or the whole if dejircd of the MOCK JIL Ut f-S HKIST Ay IJ S.A IV MILL i-t-horsc power tnpiuc mid boiler. '1 pairol 3 toot ; burr. .Vi nich circular Rir. two stor'niill house, I ?i!H feff. cverylaiu in li'Joi rauniui ordc-r. Ai-oa. coon r WhL l ya no i 'se. of fii-jr roemfand tn-ilar. iw particolrr en- '- riurof. . ;.. il LI. NT.. ' u-Ttt J' ' KacK LIi. Ce-uuty. Nb ' i ""'-"' ii Winn n KAIRLIK&.MOxNKI.i; (H'leoensors to Kiter. 7airlfa A Jfoi'.eil.j ! !J0BB1Na stationers. j EnqTaVerS Ot LltHOCranhef S, AND OCNKRAt. I Booksellers ana Publishers; COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA.. (mproved Farm and Tira bcr For Sale ; Tlie farm i about 20 miles et rVoni Platt Jionth. mile wr?t of lloorer's, on tlm Stmcv road. &) acres his been in etiltivatiou u lu boiuoi ii(Mn it. and plenty of stock water: it n ontbwct i of section 'S!. town 12. ranu 11 't crc. nn l Conncctr.d with it i." lot 7 and south cnt ' i of iiilh('n."t li of section pnino town: and ranitc, timbci ill and Nl-UfliuirM, Inftkirni h and Sfl-bVI acre". ' Aim, the nnrthwa5l of noi linvc.-t '., of so'-tion "1, town. 7". ranjre H, lu Jills county, fovea', due e;iit from 'laltatuou: h knd one n:i!e frctu the rlTer.-1:evy tlmWei'.' Fol" term address I. II. hOLOMo.V. tnay'SU'. Gleuwood. Iuwm. Henry Boeck FURNIT.UR.E Lounges, Tables, Safes, BEDSTEADS,., Of all descriptions and ai nil price. -:o:- le(alic Burial Casc; Of all sie. . , , WOODEN COFFINS . : " '.'. Rpaiy made, and sold ohoAp torah r, With many tlmnki for pan patronage, 1 in1t nil to call and rxainine tny larc alvck of Kurai tuie and CokJin. I taJaiUU. Read the following Utter from one of Vie oldest and viom reliable grocery merchants ih the city of DavcnporU- ' Frii:ni Wa l.ton : Agreeably to my promise to you wiien here, I write you, for publication if you see proper, a true state ment of the good ef fects of Roback's Stomach Bitters upon myself. 1 had been troubled with iiuii gestiou for a long time,' 'attended with severe headache,par tici 1 larly a ft creating, when fortunately an old soldier friend came into the store and recommended me to use Roback's Bit ters. I did so by tak ing a small win e-gSasi? full just before each meal, and to my grca joy I was relieved . once, and am now well by their use. 1 would not be without tliem at any price. 1 have not' taken; an other medicine since I commenced usin? the Bitters: And I can say with a cleai conscience, try Ro back's Bitters the will do all they are recommended to: dc if taken according to directions. V Yours truly,.; Frank H. Miller. Of the firm of Beideback k Miller Wholesale Grocers, Davenport Iowa. Notice. IN Dirtrict Court 2d Judicial Dustrict wltuio' aud for CafA county, Nebraska, llcury Jiocck, I AlTaKittemhousej . ' , -' -r-, . To Alva liittciihousc, non-resident, defend ant, you are hereby notified that il.nry Jioock filed fiii petition in theoihce of the Clerk of the Dir-trict Court, within and for Ca. eotinty, Ne braska, on thea.it h day of M.u-vu, la7U, M-ttinir forth tl'iit he i. the owner and in possesion of lot 4. in bluek' tn the City of i'lauwaou'li, th.'itho and tho.'c ui.der whom, he claim title hare hitd eontinutT puwciiion of Said lot from prior to tuc l'.Uh day of November, li.i. and have in.?dc ' Talnahle iniprovfiiM'iila. th.reon, thr'.f Jainea .A. Loi.t Uu, under vhojn ptainlili rlaims title, failed to put a certain-deed for naid lot made ly i, W.-.Vhij pe, on recrd. uiihoiipli 5aid lijutlan hd fuliy paid Snid Whipple t r ?aid lot n:id has adeed thtrefor: and that one J. Vance Lewi? on or about the th da af Novem bcr, lSti'.t lor an e.iprd roiisidornfion of S10 obtained a quit cliiiiu di ed of J..AV. Whipple lor ".id lot. plamuti at that' time resiilinK on said lot and being in full posrion thereof, nid Lewis well krrrtwii.n that pl:iiitifT nm tho owner therc'f, and knowiui: of all of plaintill ' rnrht! and equities tlun in; that a:d Lewis on or aiiout the sih day of 1 ''ccnil.cr, lMi'.'. made deed tor said lot to Alva ltittr-nhoe.di-tecdNiit. I'laiiitiff at that time residing on itid I'd and iieitisrin full and exeiimvt pOFHeiB thereof, and that iaid Alva Kittcuhoui-c trok .id deed With full knowleilFi" that plaintiff wa th. owner ofaJd lot aud of all plaiiitu!'! rirht. y. f;i:t- lief tncri in. inai fara occn rt rr.n Kitten- houso i." a cloarl on the tilie of piiiiuliH t., ,0 nunc. The oi)ject and f rayec, of raid petition in to ha vc said i. td to :j.l J;itt i.l.onc fct -"-idtt nnd le'-lind 1'iiil Mtid void and ihe eloid r i-t- mir ou pliuntili s tiMe tti mvj, l it 4, tia l.livl in IMatr-moarh. rtmori d. . r. itu arc rel"!r W tn.-vtr fi:i p.titrre or b?:ote tLi 10 day of ?.!;.. 1Tf. ' -. Ii i: UV l!0f marrrt - it ! r 4 I I-; i ' Ml ri- i