m ! 1 1 PLATTSMO'JTH. MZoMASKA. iTiUiriAi"i."..r.T.-Aii:iL 7 170 .Wu. ''In j. Vf;.ti. wl ;"!i is rotiiMi-t-!V un'Ier I ?rec"ti:i"l oi a r-arty. as -- i party, as is uura.-Ka, two tiiin-.'s arc invariabh rt'su'ts. mil, a icnitiyltcity oi euiJiuates tor oi- fite. with bitter trif fjr noiuiiiati.ni hy mi Muait very muuu .-aiarzej is rca Wll'lt'l ail. "Tha ru!; t'x further. n.irht i .-aV, thir l, the w.r:t iuea aro tiuinmatcd. ft is fo in thi- Stf-e. lad men are nominate-! hy unfair m-.:i! , and th;rtc.l. Thev ini.stuaf:ac thfir oilii-e, la:J to ; t.riiiK-rl .li-i li n .' thr.ir diifi!-. and not ' , ... , ... - .... . . : .. . . ..... "We do not know what may be the j f-enti!n'nt elsewhere, but tit tins ivcuon j f-u-ai Circv.njstaii'-its have i;iiou:-e i tueir natural re.ult. Thi peop.e are growi'!;: weai'3' of supporting bad men for oiFiee J. and sibmi;tin; to their m;-:l-e l.-, iiieiily leauc they are of the mihc rilit'r.-:d fith and especially wh -a tlure i- Miei;ir .1. y.-,. n. . t n.... l...... ii-iuiii'.ii i t ire.-nniptm:i that thc.T Claim to .-u.li f-upport isfrau'liilcnf. "In this connection we Ha-ple ile-i.e : t.-nv to rei.nblicai.s thev nri.-t nominate , c.Vhl men or thev will be hi aten. evt u ' w.:t'; f lieirsni.erioi ifv hi nmnl.er. Our i are of a mind to e!e..-; poirJ men ' vilie Ih nittcint, an! with a!l due lu-pcct to the writer thereof, mu-t take except ions to the lir-.t proposition ; the cor ruptions aino'i oiheials elected by the people is not one thirl as irreiit as ie .pie talk, it has become a common fault to flic floiuiiiaiit j-arty. 1 !i? Sir.-t ot thrxj I .,rt iearnty ro:;.J. 1 he Central I5:an-ii j m correct t-r.ie. J-.verytUir!.,' i.s io vi.-i , JV ; 7. ,. ' . jirojioution i is nov: tmo !' tliis ,S;at, ; of the I'lii"!! racific h:ive f-;tr r;jii!ii:i j there. i-k' 01 1 s en. ;-ri'l tin f-Li.-oii-l i. hi inc: .laily veiilic.l. ' to Waterviile alx;ut 140 mih-s soiitln-:i'-t ! r, tv ...:,.. 1 P.-i,, ; .,,W.v; thr- A Detroit noe-ro barler attract hnii 1I:a nam nor or men who are wihin to ; nt lort Kearney, on the Jjistle iI'ie, and jeaj tj- (j"o!j,rcs atlll proiio.-es to print ' rCs'' ly Sivmir e.n-h cu-toiner a cracKcr ilftfitc t Iiimii 'v.--. tn tlif- ijlllilu- welfare i wnrl is I-'iit t i i -1 1 r-i nltl!" rm tin- St ' - . " . i ! in I o i .;.,, nt" c-.n.i'rn o fS.e aJ.,iini-tiati.i of th.e olli.crs ir ; an-l the crow,rr,;r one of the three spread- I 'nnd ... a boston church, a vhieh they are most rlireetlv connei ted, in,- a ft in width, an-l a full foot an.i htt:e reH-hdoitt lor.Hiue of the pop-v- irh a view to caimhility al. 1 integrity, n-half in h tli. and .seeming to wear a j '.nought the deacon had a eorn- an.l not simply beciUM th-y have been broi l m.Ic- m tl.j prophetic words, t pop; --r. nominated byh; or that p-irty." -4Thc Future." I Coaklin, of New York, thinks of re- Th :drf-.T weconv from the. - J5rovrn- ! '" Andure we cothiht to that? a. keJ I sv,,;, tpnt ,,. S,.imte. Ic.-i-.i.ot. it charge oii.cala with corn.pt.ou . ana y, t : i .. view t.i tne ia:e-. amon. it w wun a -o . ... ... , . inori.h:nU Several Fn-lish wh.-n hroajL'ht to a close .-enitiuy their j degree of .sudness that we pre theques- e lound in ' A f ' C,nc 5 .,. residents have offered to eontribuN; and aeeounta show that tucy have been j t ion, Are they not . Mu ire hirsute. In Natttccket there used to be a milt- say the conduct of Cat.tain Kvre wa iu- wronged. Men speak of official con up- ! boulkrs, exceediiur in their proportion. ; tiry company called the Nantucket human and unworthv of n Britih -a;!or tion with such aneasv. inlitferent man- ' the cranium- to which they are all o i C.u-ird-, the first article of whieh was, , r, . ." . ., ...... .a : ' i. i i ...!,.....,,.,,,. v:.t :., n J,. ft...- r. 4.r -- c .i : i...u General I.ut'er, it is said, has orom- iier. i oar i-iiarire i ;iinio.rL iooku-i o:i v -n. -n. ...... ....... j i im i-u-iz .n tt i; r i .1 uoiii I'liuv "-iiitii 1111- with respect, yt. for.ici.. hundred times e inole? in the patience of hope we ihe eh arte i.; "ma le it cannot he 6iib-tan- ' meekly await the day when at lst the tia-e.1 once. We be ieve, that theollicials princifial "foundation" for a lady's hair of Nebraska, taken a- a class, compare ; will be the lady's head. favorably with the same number of men j ?! in any Other walk in life. j ",Vppini; Unlrr nI IKincnt Itnil As to tlie second piopo-ition. we arc j ri. ph.i'l it is a fact, the very fact that the j The recent article in the Tribune on strife is creat. briui's out the g-oo l and , the Fremont .t Nebraska City Railroad, bad qualities of men. an 1 in a majority ! ha-1 the effect to stir up the folks on the of iu.-tances we secure goo! men. In j southeastern end of the line, and they minority parties, ahuo.-t. any man can iret j feel so confident that the roa 1 will be a nomination, anl the people jrcnera'iy ; built that lots have one up. The build make but a tx'or exchange in swai.r iii ' , inir of a road which sha'i connet-t the 15. men who have had to ct throii?h a so- j .1- . verc .scatiiin.; to secure a iionmniion. ior t a man who accepts a nomination merely i f r the sake of keeping up his party J urbanization. ' V ith the Democrat, wo aree the re publican party most nominate rond men or be defeated we are glad this is the f.et, and we believe the peojJe realize it, an! will give us a list of candidates made up from our best nn n such v.e can i clieerfully supply, and it is only such a ticket we de-are to supply. The time for j T.Hrtv rroiinds fdonpto elect .,.. l.c passed, and we are have our l-e t men scleetcl for public i o:hce Fi'vmot't Ti tonne. A ;xl Editor. Opiniijn.i vary somewhat as to what : constitutes a good editor, aid are ;ioiu- j mer-ous as the editors themselves. line ! is one from a Chics eo paper which will do ; to joint : ,v feooo eouor must com one uie ,o- ciuacity- of a niapci-... with the in.pu- : ' -ierice of th devil. He must know how to time a horse race, gaiT a cock, teach a 5-undy w.hool, preach a charity sermon, run a saw mill, keep a hotii, an! brew -rLisky. lie must be iu-en-ible to the uelcst -nu os nd nnnifest no sense of . iter when lie i.s kicked down stah-S. e inu-t tlirow nio'lcfty t- the dogs and et the tiger howl, iiut abve all, he must be an adept in the art of puiliug. lie must be enthusiastic on tlie :aibjct of hams, verbose in extolin? hardware, and highly imaginative in the mitter of dry goo is; lie inu-t tsU learnedly 1 pro graunoes, with a lii-i-ia! mixture ol' grow - ing words, Mich as 'warmth.' etc. lie liint be heavy on a concert, wit ha capacity 10 aptrfciate Miss Siua.vk's execution of difficult feats, douole headed calves, and f eloquent in behalf of fat women, and Jiving skeletons. KttWA 'n I. The town of Seward, which is the newest of the three which have fprunp up in this part of the Yalley, is situate'! at the confluence of the Blue with Plum Creek on the east, and Lincoln Creek on the west, about two miles and a half from the geographical centre of the t-oiiRty. It aU1 hence be seen that it has the most central josition of any bu-inesn point in the county of Seward. The first business house was erected in 1H;S, and the town has' steadily pro gressed and improved in population ami business since that time. There are three stores here, besides a Drugstore, one blacksmith shoj, one shoe shop, one grocery and saloon, a goo! saw mill, and they are now building a grist and flour ing mill whieh will be ready the coming feason. There are two physicians, and two lawyers, a real estate agency, a luin er yard and a manufactory of brick. Thus it will be seen we have a good start in business. The surrounding fountry is well settled with thrifty fanners, the soil rich, and everv pro-pect cf building up a good sized" town, -flT the inhabitants will show that degree of perseverance and enter prise wuich always warraats uccess. AXOrilLU Sl ICIDE. Jlr. Anderttoii. of Film ore Andrew County Hati Illmseir. We regret to learn that on Sunday last Mr. Anderson, an old an! highly re spected citizen of Filniore, Andrew coun ty, in a temporary fit of mental derange ment, couiuiitlC'I suicide by hanging himself. Oar inforiuation is meagre, but leaves no clue for the hope of being unreliable. Mr. Anderson had been unwell for some "days, and he being in much pain his physician had prescribed laudanum, morphine, or tome similar drug. This induced temporary insanity, during w-.'.eh the unfortunate man committed I he fatal Wl. lV-cased was the father of in. An-de-s-o, partner of Capt, A.N. Schuster in i is .Mu.yviHe store, an! wai uinver l!y re i'eted by all who knew him. ForVer'v he was a farmer, but for some time- has been keeping a boarding house at Filbwre- Farther details wi.l le awaited with interest. tSt. Joe L,um. In Houston, Texas, the other day, Vnn Marshall, col ired, cowluded the "teacher in one of the schools of that city, for n-vsu min,' to tbrah the "gentle An nlr. -" c-iT-prlur. Lr .1 I 1I II W" m -L t i l f : . . . a r...,uire of pubhe .servants better claims i "vee, navimj arrivea ycMcruay noui ue for oilice than mere partisan.-hip. We ! She has been bunt to ply m the hop our citizens will decide to act on the ; Fadfie I.anroad transfer trade, between hint iriven rd.ovn nndtleO li ere-, f. pi- ue U I icll lilutfsa.ld Omaha. 8IK1 if she T3t I III IIM f!:ti!roat.s. I'lVO r;lro:i'!.- J: re airni-u- to c oti'itv-t : wi'h th? i r(:ii Pacific ilp.ilmail rtf iV-rt KeiriKV. Th Burllneto'i . , Ilivor Ilin'roa I via i i;it t-i: at h, Xob. ; I the .trowtiT.He&Port Kcanirv Kallro.! i ! an -xtM,kMt of tLc QbUttr. !!i,uri & j j l;arific IlaSWl to F,;,t Kn;;: the; m 4-rnrai i;anii oi uti I. f.n i ; ,? (Vrural Uian-l, of tliei I K.iilrn;o f run A ! i.i r.n via . ttrvi!:. : i - -- - i.h K..., ami t lie .St. .fost j.l: & l'cuver II a 1- twenty noie compluto I m Nebraska. ! Work is jrolmr on mi the D:ovnvi!!e it i.f.n.t nr.. v.rv ir.v.ir,' !.. ' Ti'. 'tt.tV-i..l; 1 . - ett't r hl-.n-.i:.! make a note of this. In a fow vears -ett'ers will have all the railroad ! fi - :."iies they ciuM insibly le-ir The j scu.ers oio liife wi:l have readv ncce-s i fo e:i-fern :ir. l retern tfinrki'ts. rind eo:il. i ... , , . i . . . . i . i . i . .... i be brought almost to his door. Ontntl j ,V"r. "hi-;fiMt-. We saw in a s!iov-v. in lo'.v on a Nc.v Y'i;k avenue, the other day, a ir!i.i.-t!y attempt at a joke. Three chi.irn. ins were -:aeM m a row, one :u,y,u a joiuc:. the lo'.ve.-t one U".u? a small, round arl'iir, -c.iiccly la. -. r tliar: vo ir f: ;t, a;.l i v 4 The I'a.-t ;" the m-coh 1 havm- :;!! e.iinci!: or:, lartf enouin to We:e! wi :e!i down a Iiea-1 not fver-neavv, mi i i ii. it arcl t-eanmi: on a car l " i lie I re.-c::t we. as tlie last rameO at trade-1 our a:- i pinion. .May t!ie .-oo-J lates oeiiver n-t j So pra vine, we read and einlorsed the! ioilowir.- toun l in r.n exchange : Some ! Min.'M a-t- ' trPimlc ii.mniK Lmr. c:n rcaro-ciu tlnnci. . ccannot .ci'.:i. .: M. II. I, with the Cnion l'ai iiie at I , . ... remont. is a necessity, ana hut a short tiniO will elaj.se ere such a roa 1 is built. At thi- end of the line our people stand ready to extend liberal aid so soon as parties havln.tr the necessary means and ability to build thoroad tal;c hold of the project. Frviii'mt fiUnine, A.' 11. V. Xntt. hands J'ih the a A handsome new rteaiuer christened hove liandsor.ie co.nunien. in h'-nor of a handsome man (the last "handsome," by courtesy) i.s lyin at the J-roves to be as pool a nutt a the ong- ! i. i. i i t rw: i -- id :i rn niri'V!r ami pay a hundred per cent on her co.-t every year. L'-ivauorih !;:!! fi'i. Sh'iokin; Ac4'iI t li t ! A'- W" co to t.rers we learn from M J. it-, a'vner, tii.it two young men whose names he did not recollect, but who lived Mt.ri(1;:ltl wh;je 11t lUI1?;ri.r g..pa. , . niI lllkt:1i.mn. ' . i' r rated, and one through the undergrowth for a turkey diss-harge I his gun at him, the contents of the barred consisting of a heavy charge of turkev sht fnf.erinsr his breast, kii- him install tic. We did not nrn the names of the parties. Litl'c Jiljr. Siiii'-tiinc a:il (Soiifs. Ah. thi beautiful vrcrl.J ! I know not what to think of it. oi.-.'time.s it is al! suuvhine an! gla Ine-s. and Heaven it.-s'lf ! li:s nut far o!f, and then it snd.'diiv clianges, anil is dark an! sorrowful, and i the clouds shut out the day. In the 'lives of the sa!det of us "there are bright day like this, when we feel as if "we con! t take the great. wo:!l in our .inns. Then come gloomy hour.?, when the fire wii! not burn on our hearths, and all without ;ti: i a ith:ri is dismal, cold and dark. iJelieve me, every heart has its M'cret sorrows, which the world knows not, and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is cnly sa l. Lnn;rfl!,w. W lint ln omnu ? An imaginative writer says : ''Woman is comjiosed of three article.-) sugar, t incture of arnica and soft soap. Sugar, because of the sweetness which is ajqiar ent in most woman alas! that in some it-should have adulterated into stronz donitstic vinegar; arnica, because iit woman is to be found that quality of healing and soothing idler the bruises and wound.? which afflict us men in the great battle of life ; and soft soap for reason too obvious to need specification.' A conjile of Yankee gjris put a bull frog into the hired man s bed to see if they could get him to talk. Daniel threw the frog out of the window an! never said a word. Soon after he put a bushel of chesnut burrs into the gill's bed and about the time he thought they would make the least shadow, Daniel went to their door and rattled the latch furiously. Out went the light and in weut the girls; they didn't stick, though the burrs did. Calling to them, he only wanted to know if they had seen anything of that pesky hull frog ; he'd give two dollars to find him. Aa we predicted, the individual who runs the Jfertiul newspaper treat the successful vindication made by Taffe, of j his conduct regardiug the appointment of West Point cadet, in a heartless and ribald way. Detected in the very act of aspersing the character of an upright and valuable public servant, he does not, as honor would dictate, were the false hoods which he has been circulating for several weeks past merely the result of mistake, come out with an apology com mensurate with tli' offence, but laughs the whole matter off as a goo. joke. The mail who thinks that blackinir the character of an ojqouciit i.i a good joke, is we'ionie to all the solace which such forced gaiety can give htm. (Jmi'ia Hvj'Ubb'vtn. Two men whose names 'we did not leaiu. left this place on Monday the 14:h inst. the coldest day we have had this 1 winter for Beatrice. A number of our citi.ens here tried to prevail upon them to remain here until the weather mod erated, but in vain. One of them w frozdi to death within five miles of Be ariee, the ether barely escaping, with , I-.. .... . . r.isnte. 1 lie cieeea ed was a younrman. reeently married, .-.n! bad le'ii i -iiir. , our cr-tnj'.y with a .lew ;..-!. ,..! 3 here. any ; .jo-cpn an t I 'enver liauroa i. .-it- ; it - ti i. f l- - . -l i v t .'. . i-ir-t. if t w . r ri i j rn vt fii t rr ii t . . if i. : . i ..a i . i i Btamig aj t ju m m. SEWS STKMS. -. .1 vv reil-l:':ip':l s i.sisiu.v uKiau u-t -.-1. A r ,.,lri..i:niir,Mk.oftiie female Iv.--,,-, ttf w..ian'sri.r!-tai tLwcoun- j try "the ih?ick:.'K si .ttrhood. jf1- I);;v;5' uew Uck is tole aV,ut m ; k It!r, u:iKfa-'.K! I. : . .1 : i'-n Tub.-- . ,. , , -, j iiiLi i: ii. i;ri lia". '' "- i"v ('hicaao i anxions to irct a c!o;k kpfp The Ma- n h:i'H tts Lepis'ature is le-j hatina bill for tho aV.lition of 4 "horse " aT airrteu:..irai uirs. ev ork lias had a wedding in te-x life in which the rMinjr r'l bore the j sivrnita-c r.t wor i JNo prcf-ent.s. .1. ...... msaii'l conies id" fJeriiian i piAlv iwiu'.iiri i"i - ..... ..,1.., in the l'ath?r!-n-h A M'ctern paper chronicles the recov ery of a !:tt!-.: gi 1 f:oin the ".tymua-tic nerve n" !!; of h-I.oj! devcl'ipnuMr." An li: liain i.i'vvir roccn'iv charge 1 a nt ?H fr ciii.--t':n' 0'.'. but said lie von: i nut pM-i.v ii dollar for v. ferr ilr, i t'.i pay the other j .o: conretirent. ; A tuj-lunient i:i the ifroiin Is of t lie Naval Aead.tiiv at Aima'xiii- to w. I memory r-f the heroic Capt a Williaui or the Oni'i ij, is Mr''esed. Wli'.-n the lonsdian Ud collection ili-h ,.r, n mi. th:,t T Hiriieo. ;o.l ! ,10t himself, is the handsomest Senator. 1 . ! A pre.c her over in Iowa, who cast of j U.e K"K .n I l.'l-KUl je.r ir.l' PIWII anl cassock, astonished, his hearers the other mediately disband." The worst fooled ninn in the State of Iowa lives in Mr. Fleasant. lie has been winding up a clock every day for six year, and has ju.-t found out that it is an oi slit day clock. A clergyman in Pennsylvania has re fused to buy Mark Twain's book, and is. in fact, disgusted with it, "Why," sai l he to the agent, 4"the man who could weep at the tomb of Adam must I e an idiot." One of the qualifications of .Tim in y (Jallagher, a candididatc for office in Memphis. i, that "his forehead extends to the cable end of his. nock. " This i means that the man is barefooted on top ot Ins head. A profound thinker says there is hardly a graver trial in the catalogue of boys' trials than the danger that springs from going with others who have more money to spend than they themselves have. JeT Davis, who is President of a Life Insurance company, took five hundred risks in thr'-e day in Ilunrsviile, Ala. More than he ever took while President of the V. S. A. When you sleep in a room with one who is in tlie habit of snoring aloud, commence to whistle any air. assuming a low tone and gradually raising if. By degrees the snoring will cease, without dMurbin;: the sleep of the snorer. A widow lady of the Milesian pcrsua- I s;o:i who holds a l' w Fr.iied States bond. I rvo.o .l-.int tli-.t s-i.f-e flie t.rli- i f "i-l-l i hfs fa'leu banks will not give as much for the jionfftonx a4 they formerly did ! A healthful improvement is about to Le a lojjtod in the matter of wcarir g bon nets. The bonnet will be put under the chin and the strings tied on the toj of the head. The knot thus formed will in-iire much more warmth an 1 protec tion. Yi'e-Provident Colfax says the round trip from Staekstoti. Coliibrnia, to the Yo Semite and the I5'g Treca, can be mi de at an cxiense of about -floo and ten days time. This is from the fireencautle (Ohio) J''H!;rr: ".Look here, captain." said .!. Claypool, ad iiesMiur a colored , .i . . . , i brotner. tnc o. tier i i T know you area !e;:ioerat. iio.ly! no nitster: dis darky cmi rend !" A correspondent of the New York Tn'Linir bids for a place in history by jr oposinga seventeenth amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting the manu facture a:i 1 importation of all alcoholic Honors, and tlie raising or importation of toliacco forever, unconditionally. The Princess of Wales was cheered a she entered . the opera box at the J!obe Theatre, the other night, the audience riing. The Prince immediately followed, when the au lieii'v- with one accord sa down, and preserved a studied silence. James Charlton, for thirteen years con nected with the Creat Western (Canada) niilway. hss received the appointment of (iciieral Ticket Agent of the North Mis souri railroad, with headquarters at St. liouis. A Baltimore coujile, recently married, appended to the announcement of the fact in the papers: "Advertise fr the benefit of a few of our inquisitive friend." Kansas City is to build a home for abandoned women, but they want it dis tinctly understood that they have got enough abandoned women to fill it, and don't want other towns to contribute a :-io!e 4 'a ban." Henry War! needier i.s mo d ra lical advocate of the Cn' an cause, and pays that if we fail to recognize Cuban rights, "we will deserve, if we do not incur, the contempt of the civilized word." At the end of next month Prince Ar thur is going to California. After an other short stay in Montreal, on. his re turn home from the Pacific, he is going home with his regiment. Henry War! I'eeeher declined the jjr.o- posed addition of ?s,0M) to his salary, it u s.-ud. because his congreiration would, in case he aeccptcd. require bun to give uj lecturing and writing for newspapers an! magazine. It is rumored that the new Roman Catholic Bishop of Armagh and Primary of All Ireland is to be the Yery Rev. Dr. Conroy. Dr. Conroy has been for a lennth of time chs plain to Caulinal Cul !on. The rum or is, however, denied. When the hearing of the claim to the Wicklow Peerage was resumed in the House of IjopIs, on the 7th. their TiOrd hips directed Mrs. Howard, the lady Vho ha.s put forward the infant claimant a hor son, to submit herself for cross examination by Sir Roundell Pahner. Slue however, refused to be examined. Some one akcd Howard Paul if he wai a pood equestrian. "! can set on a horse as well as any man in Knglaivl." replied ii. P.. "hut it's when the animal starts the trouUc begin." Once, when he was spilled out of his saddle, and as belay sj.rawling on th ground, here marked, "I thought I had improved in i hricar.. h.p, but 1 fca l 1 have latien ' ott. I TT.-n- Vir,.nt. the Knclisli rt;fornir ! " , ' - . . . Jos-euh P.. Jofcnn Ha? i gone ; mo tne re;u !. .u, wiu. iu !uln?r-u.mlue... . ! . Th (Tounte Champazny has Wn :Vi' : l.v the (U'litli of 31 r. 1 lorry; J lire are now living m iamo, m fCJ health, live brothers named Jiatube.rt, azeJ resiteothelv Ho. 92. bT. M an 1 TO. The niercliant. of BaitiiMorc are ait- imr in the formation oi a iirst-ciairsi oa.se bail club in that city. Professor Ilenrick Ilortz, an eminent Danish pot and dramatist, is deac'. Tic hail bieii fir many years in the enjoy ment of a povernment pension of $f,."x". He was the author cf 4"iving lleiie s la lighter." I'n l"r a fair teailini of tlie v r.mau'.s -u lira ire statue in Wyomi-r.' territory, it is said b!:iL-k women have the riaht to vote. whib r.n ter the rxitiuz law.s of the territory, black tae-i have riot. in Iowa a meror.ant fcht a uviiimn'r letter to a man, wiio lvi.in.d l y return mail. ""You .ay you are ho!,IIn m.v n.ifa vet 'll::it a!! rii'ht nerfi'ci i1.' . . - . ' . . . i.-.i.. i--t k-ji i. i. ; i:i im i. ami it cm hud vour hand -:M5!ir. sn'.t oil tlii'in and trv a ain. Yours allectionatc- J'he iiiteilience of the Den;--eta tie nw-f in New Y-ek city may 1) infer re;l from the circuni'tance that lleyr'olds, the murder!!, reeem ly liad the story of Christ's crucifixion in atonement for his sin reoeateJ to him. when he iuouireJ it it haooened ate v A movement has bvn commence'l in New York to raise a fund for the fami lies of the officers and men of the Oneida. One subscription lbt will be circulated at the navy yar 1 an! another a-non-' the i-e! a West Point appointment to a col ored bey. Proper, of Tennessee, fol lows suit, aa.d MeCormick, of Arizona, announces his intention of appointing an Indian. There is fiime in store now for the Congressmm who shall offer his cac-tship to a woman. In an eoio recently publ'i'ied l y a young French poet in Paris o:curs the following: 4 "Those bhiu.Miirsty mon sters, the accursed tf all ajes to come, the At ti lass, the Ilavnaui. the But tkr.s!" Pio Nono told Lord Amberly that lie should like to make the acquaintance of h's father, Karl Russt-11. The latter, however, being one of the staunchost opponents of the Roman hierarchy, de c'ines the invitation to visit the Hole Father. The Cincinnati Chronicle say: "The reason that Colfax has not given recoji tions this winter is, perhaps, sufiicently explained by the fact, that a baby car riage fiom Ohio was sent to him by express a few davs airo. It has not Ben Wade yet." The Rev. C. B. Stafford died in Roch ester, 111., last week, having been a Bjj tist preacher forty years, in all of which he never received salary. Mr. Charles Dickens, jr.. has made such marked s.ucc-ess as an amateur actor that a false report has gained currency in Knii- land that he intends to adopt the stage a a j.rofe.si ion. A young couple ablated with a calf love, eloped from St. Lours u few days since. Tlie old folks said they supposed the young folks thoucht it was mighty smart, but they could have been married decently if the-y had only sj.oken about if. This stomach ache romance is get ting too common. The New Hainjishire Ktdtrn.iau re ports that the simw in Bartlett is five feet deep on a level, and in some places it is piled up in drifts fifteen feet deep. The inhabitants manage to get about on snow-shoes. At a recent funeral the snow was found to be thieefect above the tops of the grave stones, r.n! tiio coffin h id to be drawn to the crave on hand s!el. At an examination one day in school tlie teacher punished a boy forbad gram Piar, anel in.mediat'y after requested him to call another boy, when u 51011 he shouted at the top of his voi.e: " "A common substantive of the ma-cu'.ine gender sit ting jierched on an eminence in an angry mood wi.-hes to articulate a fen- s?nten cas to you at the jresent time !" A new married lady in Chicago com plained tii her ma that on her rocejition day her card basket was overrun with circulars from lawyers, announcing terms for ilivorce. "So absolutely, you know ma. before our honeymoon is over." ""True dear," re pled ma, (who ha 1 been twice divorced) "but save them; you may find them very useful iu a year or two." Ladis'aus Fjihazy died on the 7th inst., at itari Antonio. Texas, at the age of nearly SO years old. lie was a com j.atrio tf Kossuth in the Hungarian strugirle for indejsendance, and, at one time during it, held the governorship of the celebrated Fortress of Comoro. For a number of years past he has lived at San Antonio, where his Fon, M. F. Ujihazy, still resides. Last wsek a corps of eni-irieers of the Central branch I'. P. R. R., were within three miles of this place, an! we have reliable information that they will be lo cating their roadt hrough this p'aee next week. A few years 5 go the man who predicted the event now transpiring, namely, the contct between two rival companies for the po-session of the Lit tle Blue Yalley was considered a vis ionary enthusiast, hut he has lived to see his most sanguine anticipations more than realized. Hereafter, let no man scoff at him who predicts the future greatness of this country. A good story has been going the rounds that th principal currency of Denver i Chinese coin, concerning which the Pueblo Chifftnin says: 'The Chinese coin circulating in Denver is simply loose shirt buttons rubbed off the Deiiverifes by the Celestial washerwo man. They are carried around by tlie men in their pockets, because the Den ver women, since they have got female suffrage on the brain, won't sew them on again." The Philadelphia Sun has printed a hitheito unpublished letter of General Anthony syne, dated at "Haverstraw; near Stony Point. October 1, 17T0," in which he thus refers: to Benedict Arnold and his treachery; "I can't s.iy that I was much shocked on the occa-i on. I ha 1 long known ihe man ; as early as 1770 he produced a conviction to me that honor and true virtue were strangers to his soul and. however contradictory either fortitude or j er-onal courage, lie was a natural coward, and never went into danger but "h.-n stimulated by liquor, even to intoxication ; consequently not capable of coa I'.ctitig any coiuaiaii! committed to his charge." v.'' Cil IllVIl- lltlll1 lilt n'jiit'i i.Mnr.'-(i e v .-!. 7....: DKALF2 IX DRUBS, MEDICINES BOOKS, lit li- Perfumeries, Hair Oils, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINE AD ALL Till Latest Publications. rri'-'oriptiims carefully coir.por.nlei by sn ex iwi icii' - i JJi-ujriiist. lieinei:i,f r the placp. oii'..fitc Chirk Jfc I'lutu iner'i. Plattiiuouih. Nebraska. augl'.nlS A GOOD CHANCE FOR A GOOD BARGAIN i ITavir.fr comr-let.-'l thu plnttintr itkT rocordin? of my (i'KF.'s. Adtlituin to 1 Liu City of PUtts uiouth, I uui now irciarc.l t sdi in the A'l tition at reasonable r.ite-'. Tenusare one half cash l.wu; the other half payable in one yenr. at ten i.er cent, interest i-er annum from date of jiurcinusc until pai.l. To be secured by mortgage on the iroierty. S. DUKE. Donation to Churches. I will (five to the following religious denomi nation', viz: To the Iiiiiiiist Chcreh. ln 12 In block 27 : To the (Vnxrefrational C'hureh. lot "31 in block US; To the Mitho.li.-t C'hureh. lot 1 in block 1; To the Catholic Church, lot ti in Mm-k :U: To tlie Kpiscopal Church, lot 12 in block 19: To the Presbyterian Church, lot J in block Hi: To the Christian Church lot 1J in block 5; T the Lutheran Church li.t 1 in block S3; in my Addition to the City of l'hitt-uiouih, uiou the loilowinar conditions, viz: That they i-hall erect on said lot, as above donated, n suitable buildiiifr for public worship, within five year from this date : and. in eae oi" failure ou the part nt'eaid Church or Churches to comply with above condition, then and in that case the lot or lots shall revert to me. - S. DUKE Donation to Pubiic Schouib. I hereby donate for the use of Public DiMrict Schools. Lot le in Ulock ii, on the north side of Main street, and Lot 10 in LJlock ii. on ihe south side of Main street, in my addition to the City 1 1'lattstiouth. SS. DUKK. 5,000 Acres of Land for Sale in this county. Also, Houses and Lota in thi." city, at low prices. Particular attention civen to the buyinp ana selling of real estate, examining titles. ;oni pay ing taxes for non-residents. S. Dl'K E. Keal K.-tate Agent, Lot for Ten Dollars. I will sell to parties desirous of buildinc arid improving, any of the lo:s in the subjoined list in uiy addition to ri.iti-n.cutii. ;it ten dollars per lot, under the followintr conditions, viz: The person purchastiitf will be r.'uired to build on tlie lot purchased a dwt liiiip house ot the folloniiiir diuieiicions. to-wit: The house to be not less than ltx'Jl feet, with Fiury not lower than S feet. The frame inns! be frond and siib-t.mtial: house well ?hin?k-d: foiindalinn cither of brick or stone. There must be a kitch en, of not less than K'xl4. liuildinfriuust.be completed on orlj. iore January 1st, 17. Will cive a bond f.-r n d;-e-l to lin; party who buy a. sikih as purcliasa is madc.ainl upon eouii-l inp yi!i tlie above conditions, will jt.ve a pood and F.ti-1cnt Warranty Deed. .Selections may be made from the nccoeipiiriy iutr list; Lots ", and S in block Lot S in block 4: Lot 14 in block 1.': Lot ! in block IS: Lot 1"J in block 1i: Lots ii. 'J and H in block -1 : Lot S in block -S: Lots Ii and S in block Z',; Lots ; and 11 in bl.-ek ir-: Lot "i in block SI' Lots l i and 17 in block IIS; lrnld 4 audi in blOvk Lot 'J in block -".ii. S. Dl-JKK. riattsmouth, Au2.20tf. Cfflce in Court House SBKT ! ! ! ! Tu Ann Part of The City. white wm. lfavinr removed to t -ir JCew Store Corner Mam aud Oih lrc-ccs, wi T)V. LIVE GO DS Fi'.EV That are purchsed nt theirtorore. iVil! I lino l as cheap .-la ever, and will not bo under sold t.j- anyone. Our Slock consist of the best brands of TEAS, COFFEES, UGARS, Canned and Dried Fruits, OYSTERS, SARDINES, SPiCES, FLCUR TOBACCO. WASH-TUBS, Backets, Soap. Salt, BACON, HAMS, LARD, and everything kept in a Grocery Store. Every article warranted of the best quality . Thehigh -est price paid in cash for Corn, Cats, Butter, Eggs, BAG Oft, HAMS, LfBD, and all kinds of Farmers Produce. Cash paid for Hides. j. i. mmB & U0 (Successors to J. M. llinchrnuo,) Druggists &. Apcthcaries. -i t?BAl.EBB IS frug?i and iSXeclicines, PAINTS. OILS. DYES. 3T0TI0X3. Collet Oood.s PERFUMERY. FANCY SOAPS. PURE WINE AHD LIQUORS For Mechanical and Medicinal purposed. Keep constantly on hani a full a tid well assorte stock of Phvsicians" prt-scrir.tiona enrefulty rompound eJ i)V ;-.n ex p' rienced Jinifrpist. None l ut the ,.urir.-t meiliciio's i.?ed. All zooJs warranted as er.rf.-elited. Call and see. Main Street, South Side. TI;!!MS CASH. NEW . SIADGIITIiR'lIODSB!- I eo. fickmu, pPP SOUTH OF TOWX, OX TUb ROCK BLUFFS ROAD. j 1 am prepared to kill beef cattle, hoes, sheep itc. for customers, on short notice ana at rea iunnble rates. GIVE ME A CALL. (UI.V.S GEO. FICKLKR. PLATTSIVIOUTH p,4 TTi?i a .-s--. a.-M .--JTi-'s - ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, TJMltSTOy K$. ' .JIL'ADilOXES. TAJJ.t;-TUJ'S,.iC., Furnislicl promptly and neatly at the very lowest prices possible. We Warrant Satisfaction. MERC.ES'.t liRO., Main street nes.r Cth st.. Plattsiuoutli 50- REAL ESTATE !! 7 O Acres OF CHOICE LANDS. Improved and Unimproved, For sale on reasonable terms : also. City proper ty, consistisijr of Residence and Uuiiui -roved Lots. Those desiring to invest capital wilt tin.: it to their i merest to call and examine our list before purchasing elsewhere. autfitf.J SriRLUCK ii V. INDilAM. LOOK HERE ! All Real Estate placed iu our hands for Suit wiil Le thoroughly advertised without extrx .nt t the owner. V'e jruaranty to ndvei t i-e t veiy pieee of j.ropt-rty placed on our sale books. f:v- ins lull description of same wl.eii desired, gives panics desiriojr to sell tlie full advar of advei tisir.ir their i.rorerty for sale, wii L. 1 antaje iihoul havir.s- n dollar of the ex pense to t :iy. sius.-.tf.j SPL RLUCK A WINDHAM. Improved Farm and Timber JlForsale. The farm is situated 2' 2' miles wtsi of" Platismouth ; lilo acres undervu'tivation.Hiid l'l acres of timber: a'.so, a storj- und a half house. For term" see augjtf.j Si'URLOCK WINDHAM Improved Farm for Sale. Containing J'O acre?, ?ix miles vest nf I'latU mouth. Apply to aug-V.f.J M'FRLOCK .f- WINDHAM. A Great Bargain. We h vc for s.ilo an SO acre tract of land lyLr.K ten miles southwest from plattsmouth. which nn be had at a barirain il replication is made cojii. SPURLUCK .1- W1NDHA M. aug.r.tf O. A. DERBY. OTTCMWA MP 11 CO. 0. A. DERBY & CO., MAN UFACTUHERS AND Wholesale and R&tai DEALERS IN RNITURE, CIIAIRfr', TAULEP, Our iuotto is o,uiek sales aud email profits. Xoi'lli S'ulc Jluin Street, (Between Second and TUirdy Plattstsaiouth, rVcbraka. Terms CissIcl. oct-lwtf FURNITURE CABINET RSAKER, And dealer in all kinds of Furniture and Chairs. mix STBBet, (third door west of P O Flattsmouth - - - Neb. Repairinir and Varniihins neatly done. US' Funerals attended atth ahortest notice. (no.ll ail. iTi SI .TLCLUSKETF, DENTIST, Will be at Johnson'! Drus Store durinp th Ia.-t week in ea.-h month. All orders left nt the Post Oilice ili be promptly atti nfeJ to ju!y SEWING MACHINES. F. P. 1CDD. AGENT, PLATTSMOUTH. A' F. Y R.l SKA A frood assortment of Mae1iir.es on hiir.d. als l.eep "i !:rea i. Oil, Needles, it-. Miu.lim.w to rent bv the D'On'h. C0ficfc Nrr'.lj : i'l; I.IliifUbet, wi -.i. K ajburrx V W s. A W 5 . t ' INSURANCE: COMPANY. CAPITAL, No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANS OFFICES : St. Louis, Mo.r Chicago, 111., Memphis, Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. ALL" POLICIES : Iar5leials on tlae Securing the Greatest Pecuniary REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This Is Western Company, manaio-d Ly Western Men. whose known fiiirfnaucii tLrj ter, ability and position, utiord amide guaranty lor its careful and suececlul liiuiiKfct u.n-1 . l's l'oliees are ail oit-l.rI-iHiitt. .'id. Premium nil ras.i. It receives no notes :ud sives none. Policy holders Lv uu ih'..rii to pay. aud no outstanding notes us liens upon their policies, 4th. Dividends am losses lire iaid in ensh. . - Oth. It iu.-urcs at lower rat?-, than any Ea. te.-u couipuny. . Cth. Its risks are in the West, where llic r.tte of mortality is lower and LLv rate f i.urt higher thai: iu tLe East ; bcii'.-c the aci-uiui'.l'iou of i';, i lend' to the policy boiler i gr;r IL in any Eastern Company. 7th. It lias no restriction upon travel. gth. Its dividends are made uiou the contribution i Ian. 9th. Its busiLess is csi-lgfively life insurnnce. :: T3I-V"IT3SISrJ3S Are the accumulations of interest upon premium." paid, hence t'u Cuiipauy tLat lLt m u at the highest rule of interest can f i-. t you the btitcst di vicK-ndi. Eastern ci.:iipui;it iu.n! u--. moneys nt G per eeiit., while this makes its investments al tr-clvo per cent, or core. The advantage, of Western investment- Jo the policy holder aipcr.nir. the folloirii-y it ii.j f.Ktires: Tlie amount of JLO1, invested ibr fifty years at C peri-rut. compound 8 - " '" " 1 " " OFFICERS : H. D. Maekay, Pnsident, E. Henseley, Vice-President, Geo. A. ilioore, Secretary, E. VV. Eaves. Treasurer, D. M. Swan, General Agent. J. L. Wevcr, &L D., Consulting Physician. ZEIX.IEaTXTI'V'IE COMMITTEE : - H. D. Llackay, George R. Hines, E. Henselsy, H. Edgcrton, D. W. Eaves. This CoiJijMiny EiiMisrcH lovor rr.tes thwsi any Eastern C2Bsiaisy. - " I 'NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENCE: IV Kuneas, do hereby certify that '.he . Missouri Valley Life organized and doinsr business un ler the laws of .. . . . . - . ' .- 1 o e, i..-ii'.T i o.-ii ii ii. - . iar. oi us c.iiuiai in o inte-i s-iate- ovi-rnmeiit li. and are possessed of the same. And I do lurtiier dred 1 housiiinl Dollars of said I nite-f .M.m-s Ron Company ; and that 1 hold in tni-l iiikI on above nie-itione I. and I am sjiiislicl Unit su.-li iHWlul nn ney oi toe e nitcl stales ot America. In witness wh re I hiive hereunto sub-i-ribed mv name, and C'ltiaed the (teal " Seal of Aud- I k!B st-d, the day and year a'xvc written. itorof irUteJ . A. 1 HUM AN. Auditor of CEUTIFIOATK OF AUTIIOV.nT TO DO JiCSINLriS. OlKItH OF SlI'HiIMKMiF.VT (iK TMS lj.St I'Ak Drr I K . M t V T UY Ml.SI..VBI IT IS IIERERY CERTIFIED. That t no Missouri Valley Life Insnran. e C, mpitt.v. k LiM As surauee Company, ortanifd under tilt- laws of the Slate of Kansas, nnd its .i in. ipal oB.i e lo cated ut tne city ol Leaven wort lu has coin plied wii h the r;.-niir n. ots ol ihi t iiir'ivth, tnirty-first, thirty-second, tiiirty-tiiird and thirtv-fomih se- iioii; of an Act fl!ie i !;ci -il A--em tji v ot t!i State of 'di.-souri. entitled '"An act for th" incort oral ion an 1 r-t-iil:it io ,i ot L.1-- A ui a tic u Com p nies," approved M.irch 10th. a. ii. In'.', so fir an the s.i i ri-iuireioi-n!.- are ai-t! ie.: tin rc-to A.nf l iirsuant to the thirty-sixth section of stiid Act. tin; said Mis-.:iri alley Lilo I n-urauee Cou.pa.iy is hereby autlioi ir.'-d to do business as a Lite A- airaii 'e ijornpany within tb :d State of M mr.-u 'i. subject to the several provision" mid re(iuirement of the Act aforesaid, until the first day of Feb ruary, i" the year of our Lord eicrbo-c-n hundred and seventy. In testimony whereof. I. Wvi.LYS K l. imder-iiied. Superintendent of the Iniir-inee Depart -( Seal of Insurance De- ) ment of ssid State of Mi--ouri. have hereto st my hnd nnd ei"J s pirtincnt o: .-!tiileol my seal ol otliee. at l ,M lsIOUn. I .Jill V. A. l. lsi'. Superintendent of the CTRTTPTC'ATJ-: OF AUTIIOUITV. (To expire on the 81st day of January, IsTO.) Ix.Hi.RANn: Dri'APTMirvT. QyriCT. rty Sttb AftiiToa. Lim-olk, Nei.-raska, April 1. let. " Whereas, Annua B. Covalt, Slate Aacnt for thu Missouri alley Lit-; lo..ir:ni-i Coinpa:;", i -oated at Leavenworth. Kansas, has filed in this oilice a cr-py of the Act of I m-orp.-i at .on : si.. J Company, and a stn'emenr nuder oath, showing its condition, as nouii e 1 by the film section .: s law of the State of Nebra-ka. entitled "A u Act in Relation to Insurance Cc mpanics," jti-j r e-i February l"t.h. 1V4: approved February lilrh. lioi: and whereas, said C'ou.pnnv has fari.i-.;,ti lis undersigned satisfactory evidence that it is possessed of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of actual capital, invested in the stock of at least pur value, or in bonds or niortrfP't on r.'il estate worth double the amount for wuich t he sa me is wort inured I and w ucreiis. said Con. patiy has filed in this olfiee a written iustruuient. undor the seal of too Company, siirni d by the Pri-i'l ;' ,nd Steret.iry thereof, authoriiii-t the said Abram 11. Covalt tit itek now le.ii.-e service of pro. c-s ' r a.n-1 in !.half of said Company, consontintr that service of process upon bim cl;i.!l be taken i-'f h.-ld to he ns valid as if served upon the Company, accor-lmir to the I iv of this Str.te or any .':l:er fstatc. and wniviii? all claims of error by reason of sm-li service; and wherex. Abram R- Cova.t has furnished sutisf-wtory (i i fence that he is the nuthoriv.ed Ae. nt of said Company. Theref ore be it known by these presents, that ia pursuance of the aforesaid Act. I. John R'" pie. Auditor of the State of Nebraska, do hereb.v certify th it Abram R. Covalt. Ls.j., fas f u II -tiiority to act as Slate Acnt 'or the said Missouri! a! ley Lib 1 nsuraico Company, iu the State ol Ne braska, and to do and perform all a-sts for and in behalf of said I'oiimany authorized ly .hi; hl" i .ointment as such arent. n-l by the laws of this State, until trrr-.'Ust cLiy of January. A. .'. I"1"" n witness whereof, I have subscribed my name, aud cuu:-ed the Seal .f the . . iit. .r's oilice to L. . affixed this 1st day of April, x. v. U'jJ. JOHN UILLESPIE. State Auditor. GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. -:o: 2. IS. C&Jo2JsrT9 Stafe Agent for Xthrns.a and .'.(ii 'Iici u Iiaiiii.1 J. V7. MATISH-VLL Agent. X n j -r ,...-.-., r --7. - r R. Tv LIVJNQ3T0N. Mtd Txaiainer. j - yuiJO X ti, URI ALI 'SSI $9X5 U - $500,000.00 -io:- :o:- io:- KM-EOREEITIiMl. ri sut ioii IPiuii, Advantage to the Policy Holder interest. i S 13,1-V.H . : -" " lu.'Jjl.ti .. .. i r;..n.i.si " " UlS.OOS.'.li -IOI- -:o:- , AUDITOR op jsTATK orVICH. ! hy&hltM?iiiU .t Insurance Company, the State of Kan-.is nn,! M uri. hn fnrij:: - in e.-Tc-i . "lie 1 1 ii nirc! i.;.,l ri fty IboiiniiM i i .nils, ot the.I. nomiiiat i-m I certify that .-a el l.'uu.j.mix ,a ! for the b.-m til oi ... . ii e-'l we::-.!".- '. M-! upart ' M:e d.-.oslt f.,r the ineiil of Vaiii .,!,, j-1 six-uritie-are worth One lluuuro- Y 1I..I.M.1.S ot .oi lers the r !. I I hoii.-aod Do! , of tny oi.'. t tat uf the cit y ot ,st. l,ouis, ;I:.-so.iri. t'.u 'Jn!. d WVLLY.S KIMi. Tinuriince Dcpartmert of the fc'.ate cf M:uLi-i. :o; ,; :o; V o