Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 24, 1870, Image 2

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re:--. -
"JSK -v.-r:T-t-y-
I.' 4
.THURSDAiV ..MAI.Oir stf lSTu
t - '. I . ' A -rf'I' . ... l. . ...
e fmil llie foilowiiis in the Daily
GMr, rf March Sth : ."'"".-
Mr. Thayer Ribmittc'l tliy folKmlno;
rcnolution, which wa coiis'th-reil hy
iiiwmitno'is c-onw-nr. np j "oi'ri .l,ta; ..
HexoTrcd Tlint the cninTmrtoo on niiii
tary afliiir.-, in aMiti"n to (he iliitic;- im
posed nnon it Try i-p-olution fit xhti Sen
ate of the 21th ultimo, re'itui,' to the
killii of the.Pjcj-'ui lu liis, Le in-strm-te
to'in-yi.'rc jujo anl reiiortijts the
Senate the fas'ts crinnecol with th" ma.
sacre of Uucb's imrvt'yin'j party in Ne
braska ilurinj the, f uni;!ic-r. , . .
i hifh time so.iie on jVYwU-u.i."-! 1
he r:ii.-cil in Con-Miss in L'-half of tha
titc7i'tes" who have .; .-rc-il at the hands
of Indians. For a n.r timu iat the
pulinir, ;kke!iin:r, a; I cf!V-iiiui:ito con
tliict pfTciir fifTTTjiTiiaiiUYinriiullah mat
ier, Las hroJ ) ti:;iKr li:-7Ut, rinl
of thi! V"e.-t ill . nk !ol that tho
whites have funn.l iino tongue loo?o l
from Quaker i-ha klor, nn.l ready ti
speak aguin.-'t the atroti"j conitnittovl
by thiibB-refl hainlotJ Tr.urlcrerv Jr isa
burning thaia? njca the c-ianti th it'tlio
very ficmls-who'- murdered Mr?""N hoir
XVai'k's inrfy !a.-t, are no'.v pet
ted and protected through Quaker iaan
cnce, at the V."hct.-tone ;iy-eney. NTlKiy
draw rations lweii their n-.qular
allowaiu e? of ftod mid raiment when all
thev pho'itfd have ro-t,ived w.:s six let of
3 inch ieini rope an 1 a .short shrift. We
beir of Senator Thayer that he probe the
matter to the core.
Til E ivtsi i: :x tk. is
There is no other portion of the United
States settleiiis a J-apiu'.as Nclraki,
tfon-Jcinontly there Is no otlicr jortio;i of
the United States where trade h increas
ing arrapid!yaiin Nebraska. .Jl-pegially
is this trte of r!ie c'.;intry'lyIng'south o
the riatte river and west of the east tier
of counties those bordering on the
riverl V lha coutties".aIaiK -Cic river-a;e
increasing very rapidly in valuation of
property, and are increasing rapidly in
population..;.. Liitjve Vc-iv&.tLA-'cA
of ii.ereise is lrmpTi rTjr -hi "tTiojtYest
ern couittnc. The principal reason for
this i - th-I "gre ites quai5 : tif rtie:i
Jand to be had. There are . ,y t many
Talualrrtrcf'fsf Oorernfncnt fan 1 to be
"liadat Government price?, Lut ths ires
ent great in lucrrx nt is the large rjuaii;
tity of land bein?' offered to acttial set
tlers by the JJailizitrton & Missouri
River Ilailroad Company,' end
the facilities tltey ; arc offering
for payment. They are ollering s..'ie of
the finest land in this cr any other State,
andofFeriton tcnyars' .'"wrt- aetnal set
tlers. This is having the effect to bring
thouj-ands f incn to this locality who
would otherwise seek different locations.
The region of country Iting settled in
this manner, and which wiil be drained
by the li. Sf. M. road, comprises the
richest and best portion of the State,
and the trade of thi'; region will be worth
a vast amount to whatever place gets it.
Of courso riattsmouih will bo the point
on the Missouri liver for supplying this:
region and for receiving their products
of the soil, but who is to take it from
Plattsinouth? Will lurlintnn, will St.
Louis, or will CLI'f.o men r-isip the
lirnefit T-f the r?pi 1 settlement and de
velopment of this cotmtry
V'e believe
the tnU of tH e,:ntntry will mo.-tly J
-i K I1-; ' . ? ' i
reach t.1 mzzo, bit a large propot t'j
t might easily bo h'Min Burlington, if!
her biu-ir.ess men have the ciKogy and
enterprise to reavh out for. it. We ex
pect Piatt -mouth to be able to do the cii
tiro l'nsineFS for the country west of hr,
in a veiy j.hort time; but at the present,
Plattamouth, even, must draw her sup
plies from cither Burlington or Chicago.
Froai tlie Si". Joe Kcrnl.l I2th.
a it it; ii iv ay ii;iiit:xt.
lus t 2iijnniji.
The Murderer ArrrMcd ami r.olsol
in Jail.
Jacob Barnett, who left Leavonworth
on TuesJay morning, the 10th intv, in
company with Henry Ktterson, another
eddier, was soon altev found muidired
ahout four ndi-'s Klow I.'avi nworth.
Three ballot holes were i'vand in his head
and one in the right -shoulder. The
deputy J-'horiff, two policemen'. a cd the
coroner in. mediately started for the scene
of the murder, and upon the in jnc-t the
evidence, was u'iduped that William.
Dixon, a convict recently reload fr&iQ'a
"N" ""f" u"1" " three to live teet varying to fifteen toot
penitentiary, had a lew.days since bought j(i the hcm wUh a gutratuui ot- hai
a revolver in Leavenworth ; that b.e was from twentJf fn thirty feft . ,.llV)1
seen Thursday morning lurking m the ai. ! v., l.r -f.
vKinuy witu lue rc.oiver in ms po.v-.ev sUeam in about throe feet water, nnd
Fion; that ho had been -fou wachmg 0.0f.te,1 thore0!1 a r;,.r cf mtvonn-, car
Barnett from the co;cr of the bru. h t,, . '1w.;..l,- l U-..L
Chc- Coroner s Jury "rei)ilewvr,a-;Ter-
diet that the deceased came to la death
hy being shot by William Dixon.
' i
Omeers Lambor and Ma nne. of Jear -
enworth, at mee started in pursuit,
taking the trail, leaving lioavenworth by
the Kansas Pacifia Bai'.road, at Cvc
o ciock iiiursuay cvornns, wmen was
r i 11.
msu.uh.-m iu eiof ucrt. iii-.a-i.i,...-..L
aioug ui io.iu.nuc, ui "-' ""' I water for a bridge which has withsto.l
thereafter nve pistol ,iiotsv.ue. .cuixl - . hi.3t foodft fcCt ru0 .:llip!v
f he body was fouf.d soon ntter, and ! niak;n ,he arta of ie 2rii!:lL0 , ut
Dixon was sen waging, away on the i r1lo Tcrtk:al action' lemrthwise ofthe
l .1 . 1 ' 1 . 1.1
twenty uuies oeiow. aui me miiiurcr.0n,
endeavored to olttain assnge westward.
The officers h.iing his description, at
once recognizsd it, and arrested him.
They returned with him to Leavenworth
yesterday morning. lie ha I in his pos
session the revolver which be had pur
chased, with part of the barrels dis
charged, a gold watch and soase other
arlieio?. lie. is
now lodged in jail at
Leavenworth awaiting hu examination.
Bcechor says in a recent letter to Be-n-nar
"If I were malicious, an 1 hivd n
enemy that Id.-si.-ed to torment, I woit'd
seduously spread the rein-rt that he was
very ricli and liberal. Ten thousand ilies
on .a summer dav around a motases bar-
rel, if no extnivafrant p.cture ot what hts j
conditioii T.ou'd .be. . 1
Cornelius 0" Id .expresses tno opia- j
ion, in JSMmwK that in Klnnd -
man yaenis a ruarvelous energy ami g i
that be finds novvheie el.-c. Viol cour-t' .
1.11 . j ,.
A .,-'i.. " l -' avs: "ior
t-avs; ior v. in. ut j-
..:-.- t:r l.-.d i:...!cr i:ros.-ure, tut
it - v t-nrl .ni.n--'ary e:t on tno
lliilJiuir';" : 7 . ' ' . j
IfQ? ,
Tt i':-aii tnr.i
f., -': i t'r.-'At t
11 u-- - -.n ivi;;vt
nreflfhers in
)')ii!iui f :tu J.x jn-rle !! ?.!' " l-rv
ICvr't I.miiii ."So l.i""ili:l.
An xp"i iehc'-'J
I!!" ir.r
tin V. I,... ...I,
it -
i:i r
irl to the Jiriil-'-nr of t!i.-
To CUt the matter short. .foUli datious j
may be niade in the Missouri river, sitffi- I
river :
cicntly stable to support a railway bridge t
re! be lixi-d at a width of i-M feet for
navjiliy-.t, .iiUV;- i'eet w!ditivu.dor
high w ti,i ik i dt -p channel i t h i IX
rout" at low water, tuc remainder to hi
hire at low water; then if the fotiti'la
ti .nsiu the- ha!.n .!y on the
bed of thonvfv, an 1 in the remaining
p r. '. of t'.i'J v.--.:: k at any eoiivciiieuud' pih
Ikj'o'.v Iov v it -jr. -s.a v U- u - i' -t ov-mof:,
i. . i ' i .... i .
! li-i cn i.ti:;.; ol a:;:-oiiue saiei.y may ou
The nii:--ilectiiii oT.scrv:r, nccii-Snu' d i
to tho frr-pici.t and dttnv.-tive chaii..-
i;r r,lu rh:nnie!s , i'f-0U'. Western fivers,
m':(y' tiud it hard to'tra'r.e that the shift
ing tan Is of tho Missouri river, to t!u:
popular mind the veriest emhleui of in
staliiliiy, should, by simple methods, bo
made- to furnish secure foundations for
stni'-turts ol" immense weight. Such.'
however, is certainly thu case, as we will
5hiT?jo;W :. -
The entire want of cohesion anionic
the particles of sand, by reason of which
if is more readily displaced by the fiction
of currents of water than auy other allu
vial material, tends in the same degrw,
together with. the great friction between
the particle, to" increase its resistance in
hinre masses to lisplaeem)t of particles
and cons, q ten!; change opposition from
rcnt and constant pressftrin any given
direction. Clay, loam, enavcl, deposits
of vegetable matter in alPtheir varieties
of C'yiniOoitio, are all more coin prc.-ille
and ' moc uuccrtain in cou-e ptent
change of potixion under cre:it procure,
thaii ' IeIs of-nd, c.-pct'da!ly tho-e de
posited iir the. larger clacd of Western
rivers. These ; considerati ins waTanl
the eonclusioji that thpre is no limit
within the re;f :Ire merits of tlio practyal
engineer, to tW, weight of. rti i: tu:e giv
ing a large and oonttn1.'',tjLac. ih-tt m iy
be safely placed on a s-nb-tratuu; ofRTjd,
pro i ded -rmly and alva;i -that it he Se
cured from disturbance bjr any extenov
force. ' r .' "
These conclusions are culircly confirmed
by my own experience, and that o'', en
gineers of eminence in the profession ;
and also 'by reference to what ho . n
successfulli atcompli-h'.dj and alsi to
some con-5jicaois faiiiuxs. and tlurir
causes. Take two example on tho same
stream, the l'cimsylvan'ri (ntral Jiiil
road bridge over the SiwpK-h.uina, at
Kovkiille, btiiit" in IS"t i-f4.and the one
recently Imilt acvo"s th sam .-tieain at
Havre dc tiraCCC i n thj i-'hiiadelphhi,
Vi'nii;i!rtou and iaitimoi'0 ivailroad.
The iiit sans the river in a portion of
its couie visited by lie-juent and de
structive freshets, bavin.' a shallow chan
nel, tilled with a bed of mixed iud and
gravel, Vrith ooc;ii,:sal l-o'ulders. freed by
the washing of its waters through ages
from clayey or v'ciretahlo matter, and nnd homoLreiiou-ly packed in its
be l. Tli j piers. in number, each rest
on j, !;iin ril!ag of tini'jer placed on the
bottom' of the channel, which' was simply
leveled to receive it, it an entire a vera tie
eo.-t, acfovdmg to the Chief 3"'tigineer,
(jen. Ilanpt, of only $4CJ each, sur
rounded by riprap of small boulders,
and stands perfectly well.
The bridjre at Jlavre do Grace, on the
other hand, I uilt on similar foundations,
tunc 1 out badly, several of the piers
seiiling and canting out of lino, causing
a hcavv c-i.enJilure the first vear to
keep t!:tj sup rstru
aliened. This f.diur
. ndht. have 1 e.; i
C!'e;e-i i:ein iiie om i-voi ui. e;:.e.
flic river is Iu:r: a mi'i and a ouartr
I wide, rapidly wid, ii'mr ,i ov,-fo ti ro' the
head of the bay. It slii.-ui.-h o;. is.-. its
i ahernate nine ii:nths f.i' th yi-arwirii
t!ie tidr f -om t-eio-r, it mourU foruyng
an e.-tuarv hke !no.-e aL too mouuis el ad
... cM a ,., ,1
io r
l or'
d to a
With silvesMe deposits ot sotr. onsy
mud, Di.-n-ioo sh ill -, boggy layers of vege
table rautter from above, -with oct'a-iwn..l
strata of c'ay, utteilv unlike the horno-
geneous deposits of clean sand, "e'en
p.Msted by unce.k?in eurrfciits of water,
ilving the beds of Western rivers, C5.e
cially woFt of tho Missisii tmd north
of the alluvial fluff rotfion. 'A notable
example of these c.sturial depo.-ts occur
at tho Brooklyn Navy Yard the o!d
WalaUiut Baj iii which it xvas neee
snryaffor ex--aviiti.g thirP.'-five feet to'
drive piles a further depth of sixty-five
feet, eWe'trtgUhf-r;tvg!ve a'nlneient
foundation for the masonry. The same
thing occurs, more or less, at the mouths
of1-(he river, emptying into the great
lakes, such as the Maunice, Cuyahoga,
Saginaw and Ontonagon, whoso months
fu.nih loss reliable hottoni tor heavy
rVactU'ref; than a few mil.s; above, or
ci.-'t'where along the lake snore at similar
lton'y remains to add, in coHuer lirin
v.ith tlrpart of tho subject, thafcl have
tested the above theory in several in
itaurcs with sati.-iactoiy results. In one
case, tho average width of the stream
being 200 leet at low water, dpth from
--i v iw cuiu'. iv Liv iiv if.nn v- ll 11
j piei. a.iu cvii i ui if i iii j.i iu lh'-j u.iauw
1 .f 1 Ofi C. .f ,tltll t,l.l.-.l'.f ..,!...!.,
of riprap. " ' ' '?"''
In anotlier ea?o, having on one f me ol
1.-.1 w-i- ..ii
t toot ol ni;cicaAa, iia-;nrv rofiwir
- : r. i v . . : .
on tins iat has stot ten j ears :n i-e'ter
ondniou than tht on the rock to'trui".
1 4 "
tor tuis there is a legitnnuo reason.
n thft t,f anv bidL-o bv stock.
j.Vcllo!es, or nniwav tram, vilrntio-.
cominuniited by tin; bridge to the wa-
soury on which it rests. The bed of
sand beneath acts ns a cushion. w to
srrak, deadening the vibration and nou
traliz'mg its damaging effects.
; AIvlre frtni A. ftoiitlx-t-n Sourf. J
In a time not long gone by, the Mctn-
phis Avnliiichz was as
virulent as any
Democratic theet in the land.
It is still
Democratic, but the scales have fallen
from its eyes sufficiently to permit it to
lay In thru its Northern and Southern
friendi some ve;y. sensible .sugestious.
We commend the following extri U to
the lVinoornryr 'Tl:e battle against the
CongresMon tl . heme fr roc )utru tarn
Io( . . U(l Ujtf Jit , ,, j fcr;, 0ri!. , .
rcf.-:.:)g to ad.!j jtse'rf to the pv-:-:e-jt
)! the Utas Ii .s ';p;t ne,-an'
has steadily lo.-t iri-.-uad. H fen in
r-,-,.rv -eetton. ' "co.rinic.-ncin wHi that
;Whu - H rlaocd 'Jrar.t in tho Vhito IIoil-o.
Yt t Iho Northern ro:u''rney s.iii reius-es
.-, ,., ;,. the SouH-crn IVtucency
si.j; (-..jLihk s to v.v:!!ow wiiU aviuity
its iie p.ncf k able cr un'N. t h" .N
: em PcaK.-M-ncy to this good h J-r, t-
Ul.:l'? I'l I lia II li' 1 MV!fliein , UH't
i dimr1s the ;nt iss'i) . io w;uen k
-Huilvidia noshh.g but di,xi 13 in
HtllM! TUB S 'MM Kl.
withont-poinjrriewwttwliMM'tnecnan- h(i rft.vsof !ie nh.
nel, provided it. W ot:a sumctcnt j,ni f , n6nncU yK.c Vrc.
v' Yrry- i 4T n " ."fl'u I 1;l'-iti5 Railway ;Uo
.i..iaM:u li.uwu... ........ ,,,.1, sheJ a etter Uils monim
i : v .! t tot 1. -;i . . ir'iiji i ii.ii .i v.. ..t li
I U illUUV "1 lUI-"i Ks ( U1V. lillU J , lii v;
'' HKMl!..tS ? EA tI 3" I
Nt:r: I ' mr "itI'?i'tro.
; :;!
'oeipiMj ('I lsi u The C,!?T"
Tito Tfjrvn'
-j-;ic Cntupnny, TaUiuK Morton
;itio. Vi:i:?vo'. Hoods."
:r, in
whifii trie starniu" anu-unicenii nt is
made that work will "he resumed upon
that road if'tini the. counties nf O'oc'tnd
Ir.nvutrr'-ca.hc down" with $l'AU;X)
each, leaving us to
iHi lei-.-.tai! I tnat it
will not be. rv-umed until th'vy do, unless
the Co; ipatiy 'make different'' arrangc
nci.t , i-f viiielic i.-e it n.ay be;oned
t.:o : '?.' ; rf ;.:.,'.' .
Wo h ive iiiway i 1 Mr. llennot
r.? a sui--t.Mp.ti d mp.u, atvd . never
); h'un t '. .'guilty -of idl
w )!!? to make hi- neighbors stare or to
create a seieation. It is . ineonsisUiiit
with liis cliar.ieter to make t li is startling
nnd tt:ot untovftn.jte annficenunr,
u li
s ne ma:tt t trt o:tm ,ty,u.i, viiat
he said, and krinr l trm .A el
have h-'iird of this tiling before, and hae
1-tdbro had the occasion to assure Mr.
Uenneit that the pcople of ( Itoe Con..rj
rconhl noft in our opinitn, fivcth? $l."t
0")0, but have never been made to under
stand before, that the Midland, and its
proposed Southwestern branch, will not
be built .unless the people would give
the money demanded.- ;
' What the company's "different ar
rangomcnts' ' may mean we have no means
of knowing, but we are compelled now
to regard it as the only hope of. the com
pany. '
Tlie It. ami 31. ttnilromt.
This new route to the Kast has hecn
thoroughly tested , by the late terrible
storm, and ha emerged fmtn tho contest
with wind and snow . with flying colors.
The regular train of this line arrived at
the Bluffs on Tuesday evening, and was
the lir.-t, sold in fact the only one from
tb 'Ka-t on that riidit. Jt brought
with' it Mr. D. AY." JUtehcock, the
(reiieral iW'estern Passenger Agent of
the li. sii.d M., and a gent lcn.:;;i whose
energy aul doterioin-iticn are ew.!eulateil
to overcome aii obstacles, where there is
a po; l ihty of success. 'Mr. 1 litcheock
went in work with a w'll, aiid through
hi:; iti'lomiiable pluck and known expeii
anee, a train was fitted' out, ami started
tor the, with a lu:I load paAa
pors. Tlie liurlineton and Missouri is
now tlie only road whieh is clear of snow,
and upon which tho regular 'trams ai-e
running without interruption. What we
have Kiid above is not meant to di-paratre
any other' road., but simply to award the
meed ot praise to tha young, vigorous.
reliable route which ha; been the first to
.jUiTiKtunt the ditiieultics created by tho
most extensive, and most severe storuis
which ha ever been oxperiiMiced in tlaV
history of the west. (Jmulta lluhll-,
can. I
Itcoltic ol'n Itatllc.
Fn;iii Lijpia:Mtt'n a,ra.dne.
The sisihts and sounds of a battle am
well nigh indescribable. Noi e, tumult,"
damrer. excitement, all llend together t
uiake a scene which I think can have no
parallel on the hither side of tlie infer-'
nal regions. Purmghislirst battle, j'cr'
haps, the novcltv otthe tlung may till
the recruit with genuine enthusiasm anf
nut tvir ri tli i:lch lto'iihI : lint ntrev
th tt he will rind thep ietry ofthe batde-
field somewhat overdone in 'Ilohemin-i
den," and fnrbtintr itself rather a prosaie-
and dan ieiou- butchery: Tin re is nidi
inr leglike a pHceant. I verilv lie'ieve.
im::u a oaitio. it; arws iire not poium'.
:o:'t .-limy nv. tor i h- c--,v ..; i:: -t n::'ht t
b;-...-.ii - in ra.-.s L..s tsrri.-hcd them?.
Ve: V plain !:.. :-es nave taKCtt the 'da J
oi ttr-iuiit uou:eo, c;t-ty coat-.; oei.
tri Lulci.nii oi- in fl; t'l-,.- r.1" it..-, f:-.1-
are thrown a.-i ! altoclacr ; j.h'ul
u-tr.:i)s and ep.-nileis are dic;inlfh our if
whoic.-e:iu regard for ihe enemies hri: f
,sk-f4ra ;.'i"i after the light has
f n sed. an h.:.ur, you will liudf.h s
are si'ii n-j litui'' oiii v. iti iii v. -i ii. i it
nig t kill tneentv-'j" witn at-ont as u-.i-.--f
labor ;ts vour woodav.ver
vmp'oys on your woo d-pii'.
Origin uf the Word Salnry. ;
S.iliing salt was held to bean unlucky
omen by the Romans, and the sui-orsti,-tion
has do.-oonded to onrseb e-:. Lc n
ordo da Vinci availed himself of this
tradition in his famous pictures of the
"Lord's fc' upper," to indicate Judas by the salt-cellar knocked over
accidentally by his arm.
Salt was "used in sacrifice by the
C! recks and Homao, ami ?l--o by the
1 i still made u -e of in bap
tism by the lioman Catholic clergy. It
is tlie. emblem of puiity. and of the
s:i:ietif ing iiiuiioLco on others oi a holy
life ; hence our Lord telis His disciple,-.
'"Ye sre the salt of the earth."
The salt lyings: ilt after it was pla-V
on the IkvkI of the victim was onsidered
a bad omen, lacing sup.por-ed to signify
that the sacrifice was net accepted ; and
hence llu. ion.-. .
Wh.m we siv f a t-bi ft Iosk fellow tht1
he doea not ,:ca.n his salt," uncon
sciou.dy allude to an ancient custom
among" the ltounins. Among them a
ran was said to he in possession of, a
"salary" who had his "sahi iam," his
allowance of salt-money, or of salt,
wherewith to aver tho foo l by which he
lived. .-alary comes from sab-
and in this view of tlie word, laiwmany.
are there who do "earn tlh-ir sart." -
. . - -. .t;
nKirn?liTP rir hi'n.HTiff.
On Monihiv about 11 o'ciotk, A. M.,
In the riidst of a severe Ftornt cT ;niw
and wind,, the alarui of fire was riven,
vh'h brou-rht "out an immense cro-rd
in lo ir fire companion . l'i i'-'ice. lne
lire piovtd to b in bo:
belon'-in to a Pciin-ylv;'
lious-i. on otn street
un flii and occu '
ded bv a Mr. Stout. Hi 'Hooks .
were . promptly on the spot, ,' and tlie
Ste.i.n Kriri':ic Was 'en tim'o, but by some
un ..oi'.atable aecident' tho engine
ivf'u-e.l to ail in extinguishing thif.
.doTonrini dames. The fi-emf-n appaiv
ixntly. ued every endeavor tf persua'.J
the steauicr into service, tut it was "ro
.-." she stubioriily refused until the
building whs in ahes. The Hooks
labored hard to tear down thb building
to prevent tho fire from spreading. 'Ihe
property destroyed was vrJm..:r iat a.-ioidt
one tholisaiaf dollars, and we ur.der-t:HfI
tb.ero was no insurance. We behove tl.Jj
fiy pays a man to keep the engine in
repair and ready fci i-u h emergencies,
and we cannot itimw-rine why it shm u
sv ntei-tv Pii! t:i aid in oxtir.irui-bing i
.-iTii rrfni'irinT.!: her' ITtti v be 5D'i:t"
truth. A cwi.undhln.h'ian a sphndii f
s anioldo?:.hoJ-nffiitlf ' to .ond. trcaJ'
rai.roaa J f
tr:ik ti'.'ar tho oitv. 'Hie
i IlO Nl' I-llIII'i'i'H-l
v ?i)ri: ofi" of "it to
-7. howi-vtjr,
l'.n i art-K t'rr ; t
aVfid a tiain : h
At Kr'tittc-i ( ''.' ' '''-'
ca-.5i cut i.ti-vo,, ..1 l...cwr ! I ho tiamc.ol . 1 loraoe
ioadlaiul h. up i .L'.wl :J . i- r..'. aoJ.ji.-.-cisn "-'.t.v... i.
t!i-n rarrio.l l; tho ;..r.ii.'b.l ao lbst&irMl1i$l.Ian-W
';-.-Ji;i' --uai-u-rs of th p-.r;ol
rlaoc 1 iiie.ii t Tn-f! hi.- astctiu-h'.
tor. I thct Xcrb-ar.J!r.nJ for
r.fetl I
- , tw. &. -.r-it.-:i.
?Ji!i!.'' tnitiffi
S- iri'v
1 .!',.. I n i ."(' ir':
,t i.fctii.
! corner of l'uu tli and
i. in uridyl- 'five Iiir. w
j city, v.'cr-.- x-ven-ly iiij''
i: !-,
li known in this
red. Hut !'.: th-t
s McLaughlin an-1
ti;i:eiv arrival ol ymcer
IJurr, one or i:m
of the oml'aTtn;.-; i
ii kuiwi; I 'J'b
i fdi. e '
blood. !
tf.'cr of th" ro.'na
as covered with
ir. IJrrehoff wa stimmoned, and -Irossed
the wounds. - 1'Vir arrests were made.
Vt. Jue. Cui'miy l$lh.
tttimor of n "oicoi-Jcl .InvPinrnt'to
Lxterciinntp l!ie 4'hinose in San
Frnni the Snn Frjncioo Bulletin. Fc'o. 10,
Vatrue rumors have been current for
some time.; which seem recently to have
assumed more definite shape, that an ex
trusive organization is going on in the
city for the purpose of mobbing, mur
dering and exterminating the Chinese in
our midst.' It is reported that one a--
soeiation alone, having this object in;
view, numbers II, !", members: tint
there arc several such associations in the
citv: and at a irivcn sign;.!, on or before j
i;.i. oaoriK-.oiei
erte 1 movement!
i e thM.inr.esc. f
the. sae ot hu-,
St.-Patrick's davva coueer
i - to be made to extertuin
j. !yj j.j for
,..:,,.,, i ,,:.;i;;,tJ..e. t:;t tl.. m.
are entirely crotindless. .btit th
is one winch may wed cl ir.n the r,!!oa, , ( ,n ,,r
it i i
tinnot mriuihonties and our citizens k, Frai,k ,Vard r:I.l Jamot Jii.le., A
before it is too h:to. Although a mob of ) Lrok rtvi)i velv ;,,r,K, ch.irffetl,.-.vith
his, character would .cotuiuence ".i liesh blo-td stains on it. was captured,
t.ona against he Chinese it would .el . Mr. Pat. Jlarlau found in the bark of
course, like that of .New 1 ork uunug au oM , ,)ilrie( t, , t
me war., sac, me city so lar as n couim..
acquire the power, nsaking robbery and
rapine its ulterior and principal object.
That a few designing demagogues are
engaged in urging wicked and ignorant
men to deeds of violence seems highly
probabV. How far they will be able t(i
succeed in their criminal course the new
few weeks will determine.
Tlic Innltj- lor Itslroy Forcsls.
Sjiain, Italy and : .norfions of France
are now su.Tei ing from the imrovidenct'
tliat dovoured their forests, leaving the
future to take care of it-clf.. I pres;ue
the groat empires of antiquity stiilerod
from tlie same folly, though to a rnieh
greater extent. The remains of a low
extinct race who formerly peopled ind
tilled the central valleys of thiscontiu'.nt,
and especially tho Tcrrotory of Arizona,
probably bear witness to a similar r i-k-iesMiess,
which is paralleled by our fib
ers and our own extermination ofthe
uiagiioiccnt forests of w hite pine whidi,
baiciy a century ago. covcreu so lanjo a I
portion of the sod ol our North-rn
States. Vermont sold white Pine abund
antly to Kngland. througu Canida,
within, my day.; she is now supplying
her own wants from Canada at a cosinot
loss than five times the price she Fold
for; and she wiil bo payimr stiil hither
raws before the close of this century.
I entreat our farmer.? not to pre.-crve
every tree, good, bad or indifferent, thai
may- hapfen to dw growing "ti,.ieW
hiilr hut, outside of" the Hmitodjdts
fitcts wherein the primitive forests iiust
still le c ut away in order that land may
b"Vjbtained for cultivation, to plantjand
r--ii- at least two InitU r trees for very
oiie they Hirry le impeliod to cut down.
.loract Greeley. ' j
'i f .' All About Dimple. : . , ..;
1 Dimples are the perpetual smiles of
nuure, the very cunningest device, and
twe lurking place ot love." V fien earth
is dimply by. hills and ' valley, it alrr.'iys
s thna to laurh ; when tho ocean isdim
o4d by. the hrceze, it sparkles wita joy
bineath the sunshine of heaven. 'e
enBQOt look for frowif'' on a dimpled fa ;
frowns and dimples will not associate to-cfher.-
How soft, how rogui.-h, 'bow
beautiful, are-tha dimf-'es in the cltiows
and shoulders, the pretty fctnds and feet
'ofithcf ro.-v babes. -Mothers 3lo uriou
tJibse darling ' dimples, and deii-jlit to
J"f s them. But , peifoctly eneh.iuting
kiuiples, at least to the ryes of tin en
t!ii.dastic young man, are those t hieh
fcffue peeping out of th-z checks at mod
(it-'mputh of "swect seventeen,"- tvhen
hijeet sevcut-cuu es-ays some arch 4 pro
v 4ing fally,1 ' jeoj'tn;r- oat nn:I . lying
jr fay tha moment after,' condng anr. go
iat with the most Lewiteh'me eoouvtrv.
if. ;
!)iifotrr- uf II ii sunn Iluiiena .
j 'Tlv people of Woodbury, N. J. are
jrpeatly excited about tho recent distov
j ry of a largo br-d of-human bones -on n
'-irni alxuit oce mile ' isoufheast ofthe
vn. -The bed ft Several feet in tk.'ek
.fess and two or three rods in xtoiit,'auJ
be bones are lying within. three feet of
:Iie surface. The owner of the. farm,
ieforc leaving for l'hilale!phi:, gave in
ductions to his men to cart so-ne ejrth
.ram art adjoining fie'd to cover a tom
tost heap." On his return in the evening
he found, to his surprise, that the licap
ras partly covered with human bonps.'
"lie neighbors were iafonued, and upon
xaminatio,.-! it was found that this mss
(ft bones were piled in together proipisr
iotisly, and are of Mi onnsunlly Inrge
ize. ' -I he bottom ot the bed is thickly.
overed with charcoal; and the lower tier
of bones fall to pieces as soon as touched.
i'hose on top are well preserved, and are
ufc little affected by the length of time
uried. . A committco.' of townspeople
Was Appointed to take some specimens to
the L'rotexsors of the Academy of f"ci
enco of Philadelphia, and nexi week a
oieutific examination will be lflade. "ft
iinipiioseJ that they are the bones of
an Jnman ti me, out so rar mere are none
of the Indian war : relics found .among
the bones, which lea ves some doubts on
this point. ; ; ..
t "
IllIIioK'' iAiivicA to Murrliigr.
. bl Uirl. .. . ..
If husbands could be took on trial, as
cooks are, two-thirds of them probably
ou'd be returned, but there don't seem
fiew be any law fvr,. this. Therefore,
gjrls, yu will see that after yu git a man
fix have got to keep him even if yu lose
5 ni him.- Consequently, if yu hav got
mry cold vittles in t he house try him on
rjietu once in a whde during scouting
Mason, and if he swallers theui wdl arxi
Kays he will take some more he is a man
iho, wheublue Monday comes, w ill wa?h
Well. ' : :
,f-Pon't marry a plieiler who is always a
telling how his mother duz things.
! A man whore whole heft lies iu musiek
(and not very hefty at that), ain't no
bidtor fur a husband" than seedlitz pow
eir, but if ho bars tew li ten while yew
sini? suai geutle ballad, you will find him
mellow and so soft. ' ' .
put I musti saj one thing, girls. If
ni kan' fiad t briglat-eyetl, healthy and
well-ballasted boy, who on poverty az
sassa as a chiid looks upon wealth who
had rather sit dowci on the cnrb-Mtm in
front of the Ath.' avenue hotel and cat a
l;HUi"andwLtvh tha a goinsido and run in
((ebt fur h'12 dinner and toothpick one
vho is armed with the kind of pluck
tbtt mistakes a defeat fur a victory, my
advice is to take hiiu lxidy and soul
tiire hitn at uust, fur he i a stray trout,
uv a kind fkare in our.waters.
t f Take him, I say, and bild orito him,
S i him, I say, and t.
- f "orncts bud onto a tree.
J JiltJ II lUiiiU Jj.tim, uun.ll . mm ilj
iToji-par is coii.j;osoil lea-juiA
it i(i:jm$.v : Anoug t.I c New Vorkew
i lli v ngiiiia .Laud, Loan anl inut
.of. I lora Qvitly. , . tJvcral
H -tia, are int'?!-
1 to buv fares
fa.? 10),v-i'H acre?, and. Vut
ire ui iii.2
au i
om otac -.u:iA of 2sa?ot e.
mi- in.
Z'w o ; ;ir r!i! .
le..i f.-
srs a::il Ji!j"or-i Ta.c
Tit Xiivtfc !-;.-tlp
i:ti.-isco oi'
fl , It t "lv
t!i(-ic uil(
T ..1 li i
i.' 1 en li t v. i
A v.n wa.'
ted and robbed of
between three -ami iot.r hundred dollars,
j'wo men were arrested, charged with tlie
crime. They were found living iii an old
adobe, one mile boloW here, and on search
ing the house tho jewelry stolen from the
store of Messrs. Mc Lucas & Dick, a few
days go, '-was found.
'" SECOND DrsrATcif.".-,- .
NoiiTiE Pi.AriK, Neb., March 12.
At a late hour last night a man named
Koifwas knocked down and robbed of his
watch and what currency be had, abo-.u
one hundix'd dollars. He was so brutally
beaten that his rccoyery is doubtful.
There wore three of the cowardly villains,
and they are, without a don'it.-the Fame
pal.ty y,. r,yobtd the Seweirv store of
JHcLutaH&Ikk. not loii'irsinee....1
Ac...ul2 ,i,,,ltv Sheriff. J. C. MoUlv,
asaisttfj hy ..eN(,.nxl .citizens, - this aftcr-
noon, rodo down on a hand car to the
'.1 ...!.., .... ;.i. r.v i... i.-,m ...
win uwt'Y I'll l 1 1 1 j l i,ni" tit iiiL'n .iiiu
. :.i, ..,i e. r..r ,"..
it Pick. It was tied up in two hand
kerchiefs. 1 apers and fetters were dis
covered which show them to be regular
desperadoes. In one letter a friend said
was offered for one of their mt;nler
by SuperintendantFilmore. One of the
scoundrels, called dohn dames, analiasno
doubt, is missing, bat the -officers are on
the lookout for him. It is reported that
he w as slu t on the ease side of the river
this afternoon by one of the party which
was after him. This is, most certainly
the gang that robbed (ind cruely beat Mr.
Kief lat night. i.j
10 P. M.--A mob lias just takon tin
two men from the oilieers and hung
them. '.' '; . e
. A, )iIIHt; for II 111 O.I .
That was not ;i bad rejly given re
cently at a barn-raising' in Pennsylvania
to a young man who had fcen rehitim
his niorc than wonderful exploits in vari
onr ouarters of the globe. At the close
of one of theso nana tires, he was not a
little set bck by tho remark of an old
cod-rer: ''Youiisr man ain't von ashamed
to talk so v:hcn there arc older liars on the
ff round
A Pill is before the New York Lrstsla
ture authorizing every railroad company
i t t lie fctate to insure ihe lives ot its
pas-engers ; in other words to do the
-fcUilijesi row .c.ono nvt!;e aecMcnt tnur-'llt.-ili Te?6p "wcllto
make the act eonipnlsory, in' so far iHnt
companies' should' be obliged to-pay a
stipulated sum to every passenger injured
upon their cars, or the heirs cf every a' a
killed. An arrangement oftfiat kI.-Vj
wofild do away with, mueh; costly Iitit fi
tion, by which j fist ' claims are often
defeated through legal technicalities Ir'd
delay?, wearing-out the patience fid
purses of poor suitors.. . The law shrivd
make Woof of actual iniurv ordeafh ll-V
railroad accident sufficiently for the I t t-
leetion of the insurance ' and thus avoid
all question as the cause of accident! or
legal responsibility for it.
Tho' dog population of Missouri is -'.'OO,
to support which, nix dollars c:
costs .2,lUe),0u. Tax them twodoflars
a head an I they vrlll bring. in a revtiipe
of $7t)0.0u0, and help jay their boarql :
An exchange having made the ahure
-i-ssertMii. the "Hickory county t JtltrtQr
'pointedly adds: ' : ' ; ' M
Aiid what is still better, would st tii
ily result in iiicrea-ing the numbil-.of
sheep at lex-t one .million m .. the State.
Liit so long as. bipeds calling themclyos
'men prefer i the .' ( ompgnioii-hip 'oft-a
wurlhles's dos.'.to the pi-oSts.of shoit.'so
long will dogo be "untaxed l'y . Iegi:-laUrs,
who remeinher that mott d.g, owners ha e
a vote, licnee the dog population is le
ly f o inereafce,,ahd tha saeop, diuiinilli
uo'gs to consuiKC
more ore:i;i ciiu
tion at the Cothneil eeetns to la a niiiiua
auantity, and the Pope evidently finds it
ilScult to persuade his bishop8"T5atj ho
ii more than a man. In-'case he shtdd
die, a new Pope is clouted by votes ; ppes
this election by tha fallible votes of fa li
ble men make the successful man inedi
ble 'I i If so, .what germs of, perfection lying undeveloped in the bedies
and souls ol the b'chons, lacking
votes' tui uiake theci Fprotit into nladi
i'lilty ! ; .. . r.-- f ; ;. ., e
'A cKnilst in Alliina; while expatiating,
on the iliiCirrerios of chcniitftil , scisri' e,
annotinc-cJ that i'nnvr con.-W !r
aL'e heat. An' Td-htrnn' ii!ecnticl
cheinistrv iniif-t he a va!u;ule ?cien ;c.
and asked the - lecturer how riiafi-r' sriiw
bulls) it would rerjnire to boil a teakdttle.
This "was a poser. i . -
The Elko iCA.) LuIepeiUhit paj a.
"Talking lu-Jy passed throutrh Elko re ;
centlvfor the .west. She hacf.neithci iite'
nor slept since leaving 'Chiea , hawng
talked i:ontinviotisT-7 1100 -miles. " She
started a cont-i-ri-atirtn with our fritjnd'
l.-irdnor at the Oopnionohtan. and flvc
hitu ftieh a turn tTiat he has been sili ht
for twenty-four hours." 1"
A miner in Michis-an met an nntiil
death not lon-r aero, and one of hisfriej;dj
interested himself in ohtainintj snr"Ki;ip
tior.s for the bereaved widow. Ilefol
leeted some six hundred dollar?. Hrii
tliAn K'nl-ti-.rr ih. Tui rrVi f Ko a (T.iAil tW-Ttrr '.
f-r him to marry the three-days, widj
nrorosiHi, was aftccptcav una tuey w-re
m.-iio one that same evening. - -
At Ofimwa, Iowa, a nice youns a,an
vii a fhr.t around him to scare a Duty, h
niaa. . The Teutoulc gentleiuaa says, "I
shustjnmped my wartm ottt,'jd'ir
frhostull the time., I would vip hiyi if
In- was a whols grave -yard." SonitsnQ"
r.skc'l the -youns- U'an what ailedHhb
black eye, aud. ha said he hal recciAfd
brol news froui (lertuany. ' . .1 "u
An" Ohio editor L pottintr partitk'ap
about what h eat. Hear him r 'tlia
woman who inado tha butter which wl
bought la-twfrk is re-pectfnl!y retpied
to pxerci-w a little more judgment in "pro the ingredient?. The Jast
bateh had too 'much ha:r in for b ittei
ami not quite enough for a waterfiJI.-
Thera i r.6 sense in ranking .yourself
baMhenrleJ, if 'butter is sixty-five cfiiits
a pound. '-'A '
fcof garilo'tiins Tn Ixcri commenced
w.....l..v, . rv .v,-........ ...... .. j
I the roof ot h'.S Stal.lO CartVlSf to the J.urpos- oj growing ofntl-
,ntal plant,, Tf
trt tin rrfirfitin nf tho hniflinir torJfO' I
venk nee tf watorinar Sowers in iln'ft- j
rr-..,.., ::,.-A,.,::ha . p
sv. 55 v -r:r7vii:i
too people m consume, moro ot the T
produced in South America and Capti
; itiia in itv n-2i urc - -inirera
-rj :-trW8,tsr-5,1S' -.r'.'V'' ' " f-t
.,! th' in j ThotyrVk C.-t-)oUyn',Navy Yar i'hai" i
cuiigr.-iii:. i h-'t-n -co'aiaKri.c-.'l; .-srlt ii vicor.i; 2?- I
C '. .' J,&W vrorLincaiarc. .u.jlcycL . ,'t- . J
o L
litis I a
' lor
-ic-.l a
T:-.'!'e i- .1 li'otary c?-.:h . of. laJIes aiid
geutl'-iiieu iti K;iia!iwi. M njli , cailod)'
the "t iln.'ct iv ! -!api Club."i , "
"ITiere is iJ.'ili j cnahv in Michigan,
nd i .:e t'ci!Ue::t:ary n e.v
iiirdercrs, thirty of wleon
: eighty
. 1
V.VA a Mk .m
i.i avee. iisii ro cut iv
with a but.-her kni'e.
'hc thi::ks the battle is not always to the
Mi. ' : ' " ' ' - - 1
Tn the iir.porial. pala -1-3. i:i Viiuina live,
liii-luding the 'imperial f'lnnly,' and the
officials of tho com t, about 3 6 por-St.ll!.-.
. -z.-.'- - ' "
, P. S. Senator ' Wilon recently in
troduced 'ft bill do prevent prize fighting.
It provides pmii-hmcnt fur the olTcnse
by fine and imprisonment. '
' '. Ttcv: Dr. Cbajunhas .-aid ''ji. Lelieved
the chyreh consjst'etl.of the good, atid the
pui'o, and flu tru men of this world,
iv t tliem be where they might." ? ...
Tlie I1H Mr; Alvovl, -formerly 'of
Winsted. reports fiorit Charh ston, S. C,
tho encymess of tho freedmon to buy
land.. i.In - a single day sovonte-:n ioen
drew ciceiov from the savings bank for
farms of a'rsvit forty acres. i: '
An old lady has been discovered in
Portland, Mo., who, in her . younger
days' reftisod to imit.v Patuel- Vehsier
on account of his u--i::g ttrong, drink.
,Sho itill remains single. ; .r
Over the gate of the old Botanic
(Jarden in Munich they used to have
this : hircription : i'What- Cod : has
scatteretl -ill over tho earth, the - Klector
Maximilliiiii has caused to be planted
here systematically and in o f dor.
. Philadeldiia is preparing for the cen
tennial anniversary of thorX'eclaration of
Independence. The chdiration . wiil
occur in lS7f, of course. It Ls . dtisigiied
to make it national iii -character,' ahd
Congress will be ihvited to assist. ."
, At a recent lecture, Professor X. state
that Saturn ha a'ringsix thousand mile:
broad. 'Bejabers," exclaimed an Irish
man, who ''Wa? present, "whaCia finPr
hi mu,-f have :!". '. "1
;';An arV alarmed PhtladelpuTan . warns
his fellow citizen'" that, speculative Xow
Yorkers, having demoralized real estate
operations in their own cifv. "are going
to try the same gams in Philadelphia.
SEISTT iJUffiE ! ! ! !
;". , 7V-4--.y Rnt of The- Ci'hj. '
flavin; rcLiuvoJ to t
.Main 'and lith streets-, wi
ir I'icw. ?toro Corner
Tlmt tifp i iirii?isf." at tlifii-trfro. tVill e :ir rhrn r -t'ver, ion! wi'l n9t be undcr-
m.1.1 l.y illO Ilt'. . J
Our t'fitrk ceii.'-itts cf tho bist Lrar.Js of 1
. Canned and Dried Fruits;
Buckets, Soap. Salt,
:ui'l cvor.i ti.lii l:i'i't in :i (rc:opry Storp. Every
artii-lc- wriTaive.l t.f i!- bost-ianlity. Xk high
est lricc vnii l:n t:u-!i f..r
Ccm, Oats, Butter, Eggs,
anil ul I k'.iid of Farmers Pro'Iucc.
Cash paid for Hides.
500- lbs. Best Osago
-. ron SALE
-ill be nlitrrd l y tho hushel
(Su&M-.-sors to Kiter. Fair!!-? & M..ntll.) '
Blank Book Manufacturers,
Engravers Lithographers,
Booksellers and Publishers,
Rei.nip'rs Cf Steam L'n;-ino.-, Boilers, Saw iind
Ori.-t Mill-.
an e v.uvei nors, aua an mmis ot
n :
s jEiDgsJia riitings,
furnished on short notice.
Repaired on hort notice. BiuMl
DR. 11 flV .13 c E Y,
--VV : : X-
t ' r . v.
T Ti "NT T1 T R rP
Ad, tc ot johnoB's Vrvs Si-,re during thi
I .. -.rr-h in c;---h n-or.ih. All or-lt-T? ! it at the
iVt oaiou iii .rofnit;y a-tr-mli-d to ijuly.
,A -rlrS un 5",,", !
i-r-vt',t rViit fay i!iV::.'.,irrh. ' ' I
CktOiktcNonlisMai-u&f-.-cct. wiihllan.bttrtr I
! Th-
: to
J- li
I i-L ...
St. Louis, r.Mo.r- - " - ''. i V.'. ' - " -. ' ,-";.'
' 1 - ' ' ' 1 .. t : . . ....... ;-
- Chicarjo III., ; "
; . Jitlempiiio, Teuj?.,
j Iivitlcinls mi the (3otBibiGl!on;i.Mi:,
Securing.the Greatest ;pficuniary Advantage to the Tolicy Hclders.
Reasons FosasuniKG, in this company :
,. 1st. This i$ a, 'Wc.-acrn Ct.nii.iiuy. tinimii'r 1 ! VTit'i-rn I'n n, wfiow Iniov. n I c'nr i,--tor,
,ii.i!ity nn.l i.'.aili.m. afl'.r.l njni.I'-' pu in nty lor its cariil ami u.rt-;-lul niinuu.-.' n, i,t
2'1. Jr-i I'oli-. i-s nr.-nil ii'ii-frl-Mii. '
$U.. iiiBiiuiil all itreotivus no nott anJ ztvc- none. lo1i.-y IioMt'n-'liavc i
to pay, aai no outstanding nntud as liens jou tin ir lioliciv,-
..4tt. DiviJcuds uuJ Ivfmvk lire'l iu CJ.-U. ' ' . '
oth. It iiiiiire.s at lower ratos than 'any El.srn co'jui.nny. t
Otti. Its- ris-Ks are in me u t-i, wncrc tlic rate nt mo. talny w lowor rt ml t!io r..t
flicker than in the East; ln.-nc.-c the aecamulutioi: of - fru I-: to the policy t. I.lcr ;.
in any Ka.-tcrn Comiiany. '.
Ttli. It hiii" no restriction upon travel. '
i . . . .
;8tli. , Its dividends aro niiulo U!ou the co;itriiiiti'.t ilan.
Pth. Itbnsinessis cxflurivrly lif- in;uran.'o. . , '
Arc the accumulations of interust uimu iruiiiiiii:irt, heiu c Hie Ciunj.; nj ih'it J j;, T, .
nt the liitrhest nte of inttre-t tan slvc you t!i li.ri-sl -rli v it: on-I.-i. 10;iterj coinj ,ini 3 i:r,
liii.ncyr at '' rf eeiif'.. while this luaki s it- iiiv ti:t'-iif nt wc!-f lcr ti n;. r i,: r.-.
The r.ifvanU.gc of 'Wcrieru jnyestnienls tt.'i P'.licy hti! Jcr uii.eur.s in tiio li.ilut :n;
fitrurt s: The amount of l.nffl, Invisie ! f .ii- I'.fty y .-.iri hi
C r' i' cc if. tomroiiu l ii:t.?iu.-;t. is JS, j
8 ' ' " ... 4.i.a,l.(d
" " " " I1T '';;1 ' r.
H. D. Mackay, Prt'Sident,
E. Hensc.'ey, Vice-Presdent,
A. Moore, Seci-etarv.
, . . . . j 7
E. W. Kavcs, Trcacircr,
-D.-?r. Swan, Genera! Aqent.
J. L. Wever, U. D., Consuitinr Piiysician..
H. D. 'Kackay,
H. Edncrton,
' S5I1.V
KNOW ALT, MUX ijy tiilsj; rkr.SE XCI'
Kansas, do Leicljy certify Om
Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company,
. . ' ' '. - '
..-.... . . '
orsanicil nnd doinp liu.-incsa ui:lcr tilt-la .vj t f tiio .St.i' t.i K.kiii-. i ui i 1 . ..i i i. 1 iiii'il-l
the un-tcrsighptl if i-lVi-t.ry prM'n-t Unit it 1m.- !. :.-: 'M )..c ! 1 1. ! . i .: . ! i iiv 'J h i :. ' oi'iuuai'i'ial m Umttid rt:l3t t ia i-ruiu in lif t t t he !-n i ..ft 'i M l'r'i..'r-i.:in. .' :''
uiul lire os.'eiM-tl ! lli: :iiiie. Ai.i f l lj;Ui-r rrlily tliat . anl Ojiniun: nil Il. ';! Ini: -drcd
'lliius;iinl lt llai-rt tai 1 I ni: t .t.C s ;i:m- l.-r t!. o.-aciit ui .ii.L . i.l t . m i : I .. ... ;
t' ii!fv.:iy ; itii't td;.t 1 h ij in Iru-t ami "ii . ;..-n l'r the 1 cticli! 1 -. i 1 ' Ir. i- ). ; ' : ' '
iit.dvu iiieiitixiu' I. ar,.i 1 am .iti-iii-'l clii suli f-ncuiitief a re wurlfi On-'llii:i Jrc.i jh us..i: I l i'-;t-
I iv i'ul niuacy ol the I 'niu-i cuitus of Aint-riua. .
1 vl ii' S- where I have hereunto suli.i-i il l my niiinc. an 1; cau.-ivl t1:e of u:y (.fli' . t . i
J .-Wal u Au l- t alii jttd, tUc iay anl year iibuve -OTittt n. '
litor of State. A. THOiLVN, Auditor of Uto of Kna'.
CEiiTiFirATFi or ATrnroitiTY to-do r;
OVVUIK V .SCi'Klli.NTKNUKNT Ol' T!1B Iv-rRAAtH T'i.l',) liTMI VT n: Ml -' -Oi'M.
IT IS nETtKHV Ci:KTIl'ii:i, Ihat U.e .Mi.-.-..uri Vll.-y Wf 1 ii.r.r.-ii..-w r.r,.nv. A--."urauce
Couii:uiy. orsanizfil iiu-lt-r tbo Jawi ol' !fi.- ,Slai; oi hanr i-. m, I nt j.i iucii ! lli f I"
ciiteil at the t-ity of I.-a v.-uwoi-th, Iih. coir I i i the of i do thir: i- lj. ! i.i ly I.r-
iii irly-f c".t) I. ihirly-( nnl t nirty-fmirlh KtM-ti-ni ul' tn Act cf the- Ji-nt-i.-il A."-mhly ot t' "
.-siiiie of ili;omi. e:ili:i--l "Au net tr the iiic.ii"r:itiiiii anil r filiation ot l.if As.-iir.inof tlon.i :i-nn-.."
iiiirove'l March 1 rh, . I. I1-!'.', -i far as til-; sni-1 r- (iiii-t.incnL- .i.i: a ..!i;jiljle lUrilu. A.ul
pui-iiuiint to thf tiiirty-i.. f-.vtion of s.ii.l Act, the .ai-l M .--onri Vaiit y l.tfi; fa-timu-f I'oinf.'i-.
is ;i-rchy atithorizetl to d" liu-iin n :i Life A --in .i.i'f ( oni j any witlitti i i.o mii ;'t:ii-tl AI i --.. i i.
mi j.-x-t t the fc-ver.ii provision? toil rr-iiuirein , t u,... Aetaiort.rai.1. unul ihe hr.-i iy l it
rn iry. in the year of our fitrht'-cn Ii u n. : i ...1 and .-i.-v:n;y.
l:i t.Miiitoi.y wliereol, 1. tI.uys Ivlsu. mid. r -
( t.f
-j pnTini
i oi iiiMii aii-ti j'j- i iii'-iilo. -ui i . iuic oi
ni!it oi state of .- my seal of otr.te, nt
ijari. j juiy, a. d. l vi;.
Superintendent ot the
' ' a
(To expire n tlie 'list d -.y of Jsuimri , I iTO.)
iN'al'R .XCF. IlEPASTVU I. Ol flf E C-9 ::TfTF. A rTVT-'. '
, Listoi.x. Z'f:riki4, Ai-ril 1. im- : 1
Win-Hi-.-1. Abrara Ii. Or-valt. Ptato Aifnt for tl"- Mi -ourt'. y l,!r I r -n: :.:c; ' . ;. . . ' -nted
at Lea venwovth. K ;.n.-4i, ii.i filed in i his ) c f. n..t of tii- A"t of 1 ncm nrnu- n rl- !
Ooiupu ny, ii nd a .-i a t-iii iit under o-.t-h. t-l-ovi i :,z it
law of the Sfatpof 'i.jr--5t. enitl-d "An -tin
F.;lt-nry l.'.tli. .xol: !iprove-l t'ehruary lth. lS-':
undei ifiied ratisfaetury evidence tiiat it ii pi rc-;.-e
Five Hundred
of actual rnpifal. invented in tho Mocks of nt Icri:-t
f-tafe worth tiio amount tor vhi .h the "anie
fi.-stl in this oliii-e a written iiistrw iii nt. ou l 'i-the
n-id Secrt t.iry tliert d. (ml :i .riiiiiir th(i..ii.i ASraaj
-ul in bchall tt ai'l, -t M-L- H
h.dil to be as valid as if r- rve.I u nun t he I'lciMrv.
State, and waiving all -laim- of error l.y r -"n
h'i liiri.i-uc l -all-: icftry evi Icnue that he the
Th'-rt-f -rt- V" it known by theft pr'--'nt-. tnat i.
A n-iiior of I lie .-vale of;!i . ) hen I v
tliori-ytoa-. r a-iSi i!e.-tr,! lorilie --aid .' '.!
l.ri.l. . -r.i tn no n nd rierf.iroi 1 1 .it r .r .i n i.'.
lontn:i-t!t fi. le"l nem. niitl liv tl law of tU'i
In wl nt wbert-oi', J suovtr-t-l my n un.-,
l.. s.j aiiixt 1 tVis 1st day of April, t. 1-. 1 S't.
Sln?c seiit for Nfliris!t .orllierti 5iaf'
.T V7. Tv
jX. II L
LIVINGSTON, ilttl- rxr.rr.i:
ti si
- $500,000.00
Sasi Francisco, Cal.
i .
r in-
ii .. . t
M tlu .r
3jE :
i ' j
FT lJ-i-.:tl-u
L). VV. Eaves.
AmiTon of stati: or; h i:.
'., IvA,v, ii-tra.oy Z'lii. Iv.". I
1. A. .ibi-MAK. .tL.'il'ii- i-i tii-i M ;!.-
T ii-i:
nrne 1. r iiici tnt..tii(.nt ol tht; 1 n-tir:i net Ii'T "'-
tuo c'.ty of .-;. Louia. .'li fomi. thi 2' ,i day '1
..ii oui t. i i.i v.- i: -r- i " --.1 inj natiii an r. ai:;x i
.:i-n -- .. -., ii.l.i ki.mi.
li.s.irti -o Jl'-r.irfiucnt nt in j Srn-.flf.j Mi - tin.
coiil i lion, af r.-Quired hy I lie I li li r-i- n
'.c'.:;ti.ii to 1 d.-u r. i: ' ,oiii.iii;.'' : ;)'' 1 '
nr:d n hcrc.-.s, f-'aid ('onilmny han f irr, .-ic ' '
l .f
Thousand Dollars
'ir va";n, or in bond or ti.f:rirac?- " "
is i::or.-i.K. d : and w'.ei - as. hai-i ( :.u l ;i j "
c :d of th" CodipaMv. Mtrtittl l.y tio- 1'r l '
It. t'ovaii to a--ktj- it It'- scrviceot p: -i -J
- . i v.iit-.i" i--1 ui in l..u; a,iail in- l.i.. '
;o c-r liox th i I :: !'; :i- .-' or : ''''
of s -h " rv'. : find "h itc:.. A hmni !:. ' "''
an; lioric l ,,-o.t ! - ii I l oD.pul . ... .,,
p::. " : n - ot at . il .'.'. i. .in ",
i ' . -r! t .'- ! I. l-vnlr. .- . - " '
Viii' - .v I. it i t.jfcr:. :vt; lii.tu my. in t.i.-t i
In ... 1 : ol .. I i ( i.n n.. ;. . ai.tli '.n..-u l-
;l -'
Stit'e, t;;i:il '.-"'-! f. f .1 i nry. .
::a ! t.i "! ! S : of . r.diti
Jil.N 'ill.' I..-. . i ., .s l
r L. J T I XSJ O UTH. -i