!' I h !; ! .!: I.i V,': . - 111 l. v M ".! M U V ! She gUbtaslm guralcl LOGAX It A I L ROA 1)11 M E T A BLK. I. A 31. K- Jt. B. , To take effect Mondar. January 31. 1ST;). .,. -. AKUIVBi rEPAFT. !!. .IS si-Its'!. . m. - :W P. m. ireifht.. a;: 4 p. la. 7:lo a, in. - For the information of parties travel in 5 from 01 t i'lutuuiuutU. we subjoin the follow ine iH.fe -f eonneetiim: - jV-iie--- leiivinff 11-ttnnouth at b:10 p in. arrire jtt'PlHI'S Sunetioa at 0:4U-P.iu. anU at Council EUit Hti.7. - i'a.ena'- tearing PUtUmoiita at 8 00 a. tn. arrive at Taeiiic Junction nt H:X) i. rn. sr. at (Vuncil liluili at a. 111., anl at Omaha at 1,!l'a"e!!ccra leavlrs Council BiuflV nt 7:W n. in. (St Jc .V C. 1$. Train.) arrive at I'ucifie June ti.,n at h:i a. ya: and at . PUtwiuoutU Wto CiVt thi.out acil stick it up wlitrc you can refer to it- - - AUUi YAL A XJ H'AKTl n i: o r Til E MATHMOl'TH 5IAIIJ. . kAWTK.' - CI.OSM. ARRIVED it Tt St. Joe APt.Lo'iis. 12 in. 10am R. K. North. CIn -:'?o X t.'l, k. k. Ka-t. u. .t m. Lincoln via A-hUml. Liueelu i Weepiun ater. 12 m. lUam. 4 pm. lUam. 8 am. Hp in. 8 am. 8in. 10am. 1pm. Omaha by fUft. v.K...t,. eiir U ?t.u. am. apra. m iw.r..r. Mf.11 lav. Wednesday and Fridi Mon lay. Wednesday and Friday. ' t leLrt'. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- Uffiee hour,.Troulj g p. M. from Sntmrfay't DaUy ' - A wokt factory is one of the things that will pay hugely in this city. A foundry h needed right away, in Who will start it There is a fortune in it for some one. lion T.' ' ".Tipton ha? our thanks for bnimd voluniei of the Congressional C.lobc: S. Du'xc. 111 , arrived on the train tlu.sriitornms forji'jhe east. lie has 1 tfiirt hr,rnt-int9 wjck3 on a visit. Senator Sumner is preparing a speech in favor of reducin letter postage to one c;-,., - . It beginj to look like somebody who .'desires to buil l the coming season will be (Vtsappouitcd, in gcUingbriek. Parties will ; Jo" well Its engage en rly. Now is the time to get property in PlatL-mouth. It U higher now than it was six months or a year ago, but it wi;! be much higher in another six months. Cuthniann fc Huberty, at the Empire Bakery, arc making a superior article of Tje bread, .also of brown bread. They .. are lirst-clals bakers and liberal dealer?. Should any of our patrons desire to pay us money before greenbacks give way to gold, they need have no fears of giving offence by mentioning the fact to us. - One thousand business, men with ,ten " 'thoiuand dollars capital each are wanted iii riatlsmcuth ' within the nsxt thirty days'. ' They Can make it pay. . -It was thought the ice would break away at Omaha yesterday. If it did not, the cold snap last night and to-day will secure it for another week. The river ha been open r.t this' place, anl boats ruiiine, for more than' a month. . e Jijsiro tq ea;i tnc atrennon or our ; 4. ,1.1 f rea-lers to tnc law cant 01 ir. u. .Siuhh.'ia tj-(Lay"s pajwr. Mr. Sn;ith has tken un a permanent residence 1 . 1 among us, and we hrpe to see him meet j with the twee s' which we believe he i merits. He can le found one door vest of the Brooks' Iluose, up stairs. The train from the ea-t this morning came in loaded with passengers. The arrivals from the east increase every ay Plattsiuouth is the objective point for nearly all the westward emigration, and we fancy the" IIeuai.i has been some what instrumental in attracting attention hither; at least we find many persons who lirst hoard of the place, through the ; Herald., We hear of A. E. Touzalin, General Ticket Agent of the B. Si M. road, all - over the country... One day he is quietly attending to his office duties in Burling 1 ton, the next day wc hear of him in - .Omaha, then he is at Lincoln, Nebraska " 'City, or at our town then in Chicago or. elseu here looking after the interests . of the Company. lie is cTer on tbe alert," and is bound to draw the travel " ' over the B.-Jb- M.; - - (TaiJt- E. B, Murphy took, us through .the yarims apartment.) of the Brooks IIoue yeteray,'and we are, injustice, cimpelled tosav it is alout t!io snuggest,' ' best arrancjed hotel building" we have seen for a long timo.' Oua of tlio " great beauties of th'w building is the fact that it will not gctold in a hurry. "It is made substantial, and will not need repairing every year. Workmen are now putting on the finishing strokes. Higbee will have it readj' for tho public about the first of April A carefully prepared estimate in the New York Tribune give? ;40STni,000, as the probable population of the Pnited Stales on June I, ISTU, when the ninth census is to be taken.' This is an in crease of 9,000,000 during a decade which included four years of devasting war. In tho Tr ibune the ostuuate of Illinois is placed jat 2,fo0,0-0: Indiana, lW," ' (m ; Iowa, 1,200,000 ; Michigan. 1 ,250, fXH); Minisota, OOO.tXH) ; Wisconsin, 1, 200.000 ; Nebraska, 1 50,000. Mr. Bufus Clark, the' proprietor of the Plattsinouth Billiard Hall, is prepar- i heavy.. They claim that they (the pa ing to erect a large two story building persj have "given of their means to help nearly opposite the Brooks House, to be j the' city 'by publishing daily paper?, etc.; o-cupied as a Billiard Hall., Clark is an when it did not pay to publish them, and .enterprising man and knows how. to they now claim that the jseople of keep a first class billiard establishment j Ottumwa should give them their job Ha allows no drunLeuess or noise about his premises. ' " - " Col John Wilder editor of sire Kansas t. 7.. rr:. fcW and almost instantly killed, a few 'days . i ...i., f ,.Q.i Hutchinson. It appears that Hutchin- i v.j U.A il.im.-mf rtnorti in Hill iiau ti. o---o --j w I ..K- wl,m Wi!. w-.nhout to luarrV, for which he had i isuuunv , x . .u - .. j rowhided U' the young lady's : been IT, which was don. without i I J HAV' . - - the least warning to Wilder, while he taking to a fnenU. n uicmusou uur wi The Nebraska City papers make a huge j blow over the fact that they arc now con nected with Chicago a:id the rant, ""via the B. A: M. from l attstaouth It b a ' big thin.?" fur them and 11 t a had 'thins for Plattsmouth. Nebra k. City Meroluints will hereafuir come thirf ''ray for poods, anl if oar wholesale Jtoufus will advertise in .Nebraska City papers they may supply tlie trado tliere Ost as well a not. All manner of reports are in -circulation ju-t now relative to what thi.s or that Republican is endeavoring to accomplish m regard to theVity election. Potrt be lieve a word of them, but go straight along, noiniuate a comj!ete Republican ticke t, of the very best men to trG found, . . - l .1 "i i.rijuaicc?, and then see that every uc- publican votes fsr thent. platform. That Uouf Congress will pass a law securing the benefit of the Fifteenth Amendment to colored citizens. A bill, drafted by Mr. Bingham, is said to meet with general ap proval by the Republicans of both branch es of Congress. The Democracy will speedily be put to the practical test. If they regard the Constitution and laws of the land, respect the common rights of humanity, love liberty and lienor juice they will now at least acquiesce. The "smash up" spoken of by Mr. I Kir.ev. in another column, was not a 'smash up"' of cars, but ofthe'ecmpany. They collided with a "stubborn fact," to wit: that it "takes a heap of" .money' to build a railroad."'. The fact was too much for th'cui. The com pan y got the worst of it. an 1 the fact kept 'straight abend without the least injury. From'Xfomlay'f lUtitp .1 . This has been rather a dismal day for the middle of llarch. " One' cf tho '.National Banks at Stt Louis has rocmed specie payments. Fifty-one me"mlers of the present Con gress were soldiers of the Union army. Are republics ungrateful? We learn that a son. of Judge E. S. Dundy is lying in a critical condition with scarlet fover. . A nest of counterfeiters and a quantity of the "queer" Avere taken possession of by officers in Harrison county, Iowa, la-t week. We are now receiving the daily St. Joseph Unim in exchange, for which the proprietors of that Journal have our thank. The liOi omotive "Misissippi," which run off the tratk at East Plattsiuouth. last Tbnr.-day, was injured so as to re quire an overhauling in the. hops. The tender was completely detuuliehcd. Jis. V. Joy, the great western Bail road king.'was in St. Joseph last week. He is one of the heavy men in the 13. k M. Co. The depot and freight house war burned at Jefferson Citv one nizht last - ,VOf.u to-'eth?r with the 11. II. ( omoanv's bonks. The liian named PiK-ler, wh w is killed at Paeil!o Junction Isst week. ienvci a family in Sf. Jn- cph. His remains were ent toMoniteam couiitv fir interment. A now time table went into effect on the 15. Si, M. mad between ''Plattsiuouth an l Burlington, lat week. The time of arrival and departure at this place is only changed a few minuets, not enough to make any great difference to passengers. We suggested, a few days since, that the paper once published at Nebraska City, and called the Xews, was dead. The Chronicle says we are right in our furmise, but that the concern is "walk ing around to save funeral expenses," and that "it died for want of a new issue of bonds." Last Thursday, Sheriff Turner arrested two bezine soakers, who had " soaked " two barrels of whisky from a car standing at the East Plattsiuouth landing, and now has them safely housed at th county hah -house. Ghuicood Oputon G. S. Smith, Esq., received impor tant business letters from Biinois to-day which calk him thither immediately. He leaves on the evening train, and wULltuaWntten days' or two "weeks. ije hU'fiuiilT with him when j,e returns " It looks most emphatically like "busi ness" to sec three and four locomotives "bobbing around" in Plattsiuouth all at one time, and to know that several others are whirling passengers an I freight over the great through route to and from this "it.v. ' - . The Nebraska City Chronicle snys : "Tho Congressional Committee on Pa cific Railway has agreed to report fa vorable on the bill to grant right of way to the Midland Pacific over the public laud; between Nebraska City and Lin coln. That is a pretty heavy item for the "Midland. " . Jt will save them six !irs or a 'dollar'-if they ever need the right of way anywhere. Some fellow .has. decided to try his luck witb'a job printing office Oturuwa, and the two papers there "go fbr" h!iti work as long ait her can do it well and f I reasonable, as it is only by thi.s means that ! !.... ...... 1...J . ;-.fT.. i.....ui: j -....-. . ! - " cxpci-ivo uau. pipers. We ! JS ; i an1 i hope they fveU make it live iy for the h I tM ! niciita ill Ottumwa. r jjb establish -jmpers have ! undoubtedly been compelled to use the f,1,,,ls received on job wo:k u .ay the , . m t ficwy on the paper expenses. The i JllVlUli'l' .1 VA.u .ui,? mvii mat. uiiu. T,'C 1-'. Ottumwa will do j v,.n- f.H.lish thimr if thev t-rinplo their .. j .-, . . . pa pen iir-;. bv taking awsv their i-jb busi-1 f'r TuesJaSt Dtity Mails are a thin? of the past. We have nol had any for two Jays. Murcury ilown to IT' below this morn intr. 'How is that,for iowV. , - 1 U ycu wish to see a novel arrange ment, call at the 1. O. ami ask to see the V.eiasatidn fiegcr tlc. ' Oar friend AVm. Dower?, of South Bend, arrived in the city yesterday just in time to stop a while. There is a '.'heap" of coll weather between PIs.tt.s mouth and South Bend.- A - ! If the etorni hs le.en as aevere all over the country for the pst two day as it has been in this locality, we may expect to hear of Mil results. The incr J ,. . ,, , cur3' this morning indicated the coldest weather of the winter. It ha been hard on stock. The cold weather has set the ice going so as to completely prevent all crossing of the Missouri river for the present. Even the powerful transfer boat "Presi dent" is not equal to the task, and has not attempted to cross since yesterday morning. Gen. Smith, the great bridge man of Chicago, is in the city, stopping at the Platte Valley House. He is here osten sibly to look after tho putting down of the'iron piling at the railroad , crossings of Salt Creek ; but the public may look out for the early commencement of op erntions n the bridge across "old mud Clark & Plummer have just received a large supply of new goods of all kinds. They let their'stoek run down during the winter, and are now filling up with freh, new goods,-of the latest style?, direct from the manufactories. They propose to sell at low down prices, believing in quick sales and small profits. Oh, what a time, "my countrymen ! Two bands have been engaged for the evening of the 17th, (St. Patrick's Day,) and the lovers of dancing will have as gay a time as ever was had in Platts- mouth; Both hall will be wsed in Mur phy's building, and six or eight sets can dance at one time. We sec by our State exchanges that Hewlett is to be in the State during the present month on a lecturing tour. Has anything Wen done to sen re him for two or three evenings here. If not, it is high tiius somebody was at it. Gov. Butlers team broke loore one evening la-t week, at Lincoln, and per ambulated til-? streets of the Capital un til a late hour, when they were found by Auditor Gillespie inside the Capitol en closure.. A notice appeared among our local advertisements for several days that Clark it Plummer were offering for sale -Ruck Island Hour." It should have read "Rock Ldand plows. They sell au excellent arti-le of flour,- but they also sell the celebrated R ek Inland Plows. Wc are indebted to Secretary Kcn nard for certified coppies of the different acts published in to-day's paper. A re solution authorizing the publication of the general laws paused at the recent session, in the principal newspapers in the State, was defeated on the last even ing of the session. We believe it rliouM have passed, so that the people of the State could be officially informed of what is law. The Lincoln Sta'cfmnn has again changed hands. Messrs. G. A. Randall and N. W. Smail.s both practical print ers have purchased the establishment, and wc doubt not they will make the Statesman a first-class newspaper and an effective advocate of the interests of Lin coln and Nebraska. We have unfunded faith in practical printers when they strike out in the publishing business. They generally understand the r-hoals and quicksands, and know exactly how to vtficr clear of them. Success to tho new firm, financially, and destruction to them politically (provided there was anything of their party left to destroy.) There appears to have been a series of petty thefts committed at East Platts iuouth recently, from the B. & M. Co' a. cars, and it is generally believed that a regular nest of small fry thieves have in fested that locality, for some time past. They made rather an extensive haul a short time since, and tho company deci ded to take steps to get rid of such a lux ury. Warrants were issued for several of 'them, and the -Sheriff of Mills county gobbled two of them hist week. Yester day Sheriff Johnson, of this city, rcccivctl a dispatch, requesting him to arrest an other of the outfit who had skedaddled to this side tbe river, thinking thereby to es cape the officer.--. J I had hired as a I rakeman on Mr. Pr.i khurst's train, and undoubtedly supposed himself sccuro from 1 ova justice. Upon the arrival of the train from the w?st, at 4' p. l.i. last cvvinng, Sheriff Johnson tapped him gently on aq shoulder and requested Liui to ''come." The fellow stood somewhat upon his dignity, an l demanded to see the "papers." Johnson jocosely in formed him that papers were not required west of the Missouri river. ' lie finally decided to go, and matters were afterward explained to his entire satisfaction so fir as the "papers" were concerned. The Sheriff of Mills county is expected over here after him this evening. The com pany have determined to break up the "nest," and we know .they will succeed. VirtJt 1Tedurd'ti't Duiiy, The travel westward dimishod mater ially since the storm commenced. It hasbcen two cold to-day to hunt j lfM, cnscjuently we cmic out with i , Vimhi:il amount Tlie finest opening iu the world for j .. , ,,..1 I r V'" or rich men, wno ucsire to open Jarms, is along tne line oi uie i 31. R. R. we.Tt from Plait-mouth. , . f .1 . T A number of, travelers have been storm bound, in thecity for several days. Several of them made an effort to cross the river, this p. m., but whether or not they succeeded wc are unable to say. , The Water in the Missouri river fell two feet yesterday. You could almost wade the river just alovc towik There is not sufficient water H"cr the bar above town to float the "President," The weather was too severe last cven iugfor our carrier to attempt to make J the customary rounds.' u The papers were left in the Post Office. We have a very plucky little fellow for a carrier, but last evening was too much for flesh and blood. Wc noticed a fine looking horse stand- in hi'- hed to a post in front of a saloon durimt the storm yesterday, while the owuer Was " probably inside playing "freeze out" for a hot toddy. We do not object to what the man was doing inside half so much as the manner he was treating his horse outside. The horse was undoabtedly the noblest an imal of the two. The "JIary Magce" isall ready to com mence making regular triis as soon as the ice will permit. She has been placed in perfect repair, so far as her machinery is concerned, and her carpenter work will be completed as soon as posi ble. Hurrah far the energetic , captain andowenersof the Mary Magee. ' The eastern papers have a habit of publishing long articles each year about "the heated term." "We will turn out the present "cool-ed term" against any thing warm they ever had down east, Russian and Siberian winters are child's play along tide of what we have had for the past tlireo days. Get some ancient pictorial publication containing a repre .sentauon oi a nussian niun wrui, multiply it by ten and then "discount . .. . - i,n ; -. i it, and the product will assimilate to what we- bare had for the past three days. . i SECTIOX LlXE KO AIM. ' - The so-called law declaring section lines to be public highways, was repealed at the recent session, and the law in re gard to public highways now stands pre cisely as it did , before the appearance of that act among the published laws. FEAKI l'I. ACCIDEXT. A Rrrakintii Crushel Between tit lt Junction. Cars Mr. S. E. .roole, of St... Josrph. breakman on C. B. & St Joe B. R., fell between the cars at Pacific Junction nt (V-CO p. m. yesterday. and was instantly crushed to death.; He was terribly mangled. We team the above by a pri vate note. Have na further particulars. BROOKS IIO I. si:. Mr Iligbee will christen his new hotel in this city, the "Brocks House," iu honnor of Jame.-s W. 'Brooks, President of the Burlington & 3Iissouri River Hail Road Company in Nebraska,- and one of the moving spirits in the great through Una of which this road is a link. Wc admire the selection of the name, as well as tho selection cf the lauiloid made" by the proprietors. RAIMIOAV) JiMASJI I P. l ocomotive. TnJer, ami Five Cur i" the Iiteh. As the eastward bound freight train was leaving the Erut Pluitsmouth dpot yesterday morning, hauled by the new Manchester locnmotive"Mississ?ppi,,'tue track spread and the locomotive, tender, and five loaded cars were precipitated, down an embankment of fome five or six feet. The tender was broken consi derably, and the five cars, literally smash ed to piece".' No one injured. The accident occurcd as the train was making th curve between the depot and the engine house, before striking the trestle work. SEED CATALOGUE AXI FLORAL UnK FOR IS70. ' M. O'Kef.ve, Son Si Co., the cele brated Seed Inijwrters and Growers, of Rochester, N. --Y., have just published their annual " CATALOotnc Of Seeds and Guide t6 the Flower and Veg etable Garden." This new and val uable work contains full descriptions of about fourteen hundred varieties of flow ers and vegetables, with instruction for their cultivation, and directions in regard to the best use- to make of them in laying out parterres, gardens, etc. ' It will be sent free on application to M. O'Keefe, Son Si Co., Seedsmen and Florists Rochester,. N. Y. XE.V HA.USailRE. The Granit State has spoken again for freedom and equality before the law. General Grant's majority over Seymour in lSfiS, was a little over 8.000. This year Stearns, Republican, is re-elected to the office of Governor over Bedell. Cop perhead, by a . majority of over 10,000. The :tcnipereneo men ran a man for Gov crnor. who received 8,000 votes and the Labor Reform party polled 1,-00 votes for their candidate for the same office. ' ..: The Council stands four Republicans and one Coj . Tlie Senate will be com posed of 2.s . Republicans and 4 Cops. The Republicans have about TO majority in the IIouc. ' Til E EV3 DK.M'E. . , We sincerely trust that those newspa pers that announced, "A3 we predicted a committee of investigation has been appointed," will now publish in full the evidence elicited by that committee, which was written down on the spot. IAnctiln Journal. That's It, exactly. We most heartily approve the above suggestion. The evi dence let -as have the evidence. Will the Jonrnnl (being tlie only Republican par-er published at the capital, and con sequently the only one having easy ac cess to the evidence) give us the evi ucneo", and then we shall see who is wil- ling to be j r 1 .1 just and publish it. ' V e 'shad . conaaennj look for the first chapter of t the evidence in the next issue or the 1 JyttiA-if. the itKnn law. We publish, to-day thej-ct passed at the recent session of the Legislature to restrain stock from, running at large in the State of Nebraska: ' It' will be. seen that onl.v Weeping W.ater' and Lotlisvllle precincts ia Cuss county arc effected by - its provisions. South Bend, Salt Creek, Elmwood and Stave ! Creek , ii c t ine.t.s had a special law, which remains in full force and effect. . as this law does not interfere with those precincts.1 We arc of opinion the .entire County and the entire State, without. a ' rod of ground being exempted, idiould have a herd law; but we did not feel at liberty to so vote at tlie reeeut session; because we baUcyed ; (aa' did the entiri Cass delegation) thata majority of the votes in such districts as aro . excrxmted in Cass were O -posed to the passage of a' general herd law at. this ' time. e nope, ior tuer goou, oi u.c countrj-, that stops may , be taken to have an expression of the people on tlie sub ject at the next general election. ; : -LOOK WCU TO THE WEST." Tlie trnde of Nation to te had for tlie asking. The completion of the B. Sc. M. across Iowa to this city, and the further exten sion of the same hue westward to Ash land, Lincoln, 'and on to Ft. Kearucy, is opening up a country .which is not sur passedno, nor' equalled by any other in the world in point of agricultural fa cilities. The tide of immigration is set ting toward this vast region,' and iu less than two: years from this date the trade of the country drained by the B. it Mj R. R. in Nebraska will be greater than the entire trade of the State is at the present time. It, behooves the busines men of Plattsmouth.' Burlington and Chicago to "look well to the west," and see that this trade, is not allowed to be di verted from its . natural channel. It does not, probably, ' look like a great thing to day, but uss the twig is bent," etc., will apply to trade as well as any thing else ; therefore, we feel it a duty we owe to the business' interests, of this oitjr in particular to remind -our business men of the importance of looking after this trade note. A little judicious work on the part of the business men of Tlattsmouth, Burlington and Chicago will insure trade from this region that will yet equal the trade of a nation, SEW ESTABLISH ME VT. An Extensive Wholesale IIne, We visited to-dav the establishment of Messrs. Mathews, Donnelly A: ' Co., wholesole and retail dealers in Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Thcy"are located on Fourth Street,' north of main (immediately north of the l'latte 'Valley Houe). . They .have a new building, erected with a view to its convenience for this particular class of business. 1 1 is three stories ju. bight (including the base ment, one side" of. which is above ground), is about eighty or ninety fast deep, the whole to be used f,.r business ' purposes. They tie just opening their first instal ment of c-xvls,. and from appearances we judge t hoy do- not intend chili's ple.y. in the matter, but mo ft emphatically "mean Iniiinese.". -They. bring aux ex tensive ertpital to bear, and buy direct from manufacturer, . thus saving to the farmer tho profits of the middlemen. 'Thx? farmer? of Ca-w and a Ijoining 'coun ties, also the dealers, in oilier .localities, will find it advantageous to call upLm this firm. - Read their aderrtfcement. . - J, (i. KTATf LEY 1)EA5. By a private letter froin Ashlaii-l, we learn of the sud leii death of Mr, J. G. Stanley, of that city. ; lie was well. .atid at work ' last Friday forenoon ( 1 1th) and was taken ill at noon of tluif day. . He grew rapidly worse until about : o'clock Monday evening, when he breathed his last. Our informant does not state what his complaint was. Mr.', fcstaiiely had onlv lived in this State about ten or ele ven months, and during that time ' he had drawn about him a circle of 'friends who admired him for his' many good qualities of head and heart. He came to this State from Ohio, and had been, since his arrival here, a . regular corres pondent for several leading , papers of the east, among others, the Cleveland Herald. Our readers will long ' remem ber his pleasing and instructive letters, signed VMalakofiV Mr. Stanley infomr ed u, a short time ago, that he had writ ten over ono hundred letters for publica tion since his .arrival in this State. ! lie leaves wife , and five children to mourn his death. "VCSTWABD THE STAR,' ETC." - Wo Kae always contended that Platts mouth would be the river base for the immense agricultural regions of the west and southwest of-us, and that nine-tenths of the travel between interior Nebraska and the east would cross the "mother of waters" at this place. This idea is fast being realized now. To-day all the trade and tr-ivel for the cities of Ashland and Lincoln, for the counties of Saunders, Lancaster, 'Seward, Saline, Butler, and other western Counties, eotiies riW Platts iuouth,' and' the scope' of country sup plied by this route is. being widened every day. ' ' Nqt. Brown,' V. the effi cient western agent of the Western Stage. Company, left this city Saturday for the purpose cf establishing a' line of J coaches from Lincoln to Beatrice, thus reaching cut in a new field of enterprise to.oe ilra-.vn toward Plattsmouth. Here tofore the trade and travel cf Beatrice and suriGtvidmg-. country has reached the river at va'-ious points .south of ns at Nebra-ka City and Brown ville;' princi pallybut with the completion of the B. it M. road into the interior of the State comes the "new order of thing? 1 and all this groat ganlen cf,JXebraka south .of the Platte river r.ud west of the river tier of counties is to be drained of its products by this road and emptied into the eky of .PlattsinoTith," an J is to le supplied with its uiereanuu-e and its im migration from this source. . It the buinesi men of this clt- mic?i out and reap tho golden harvest 'that awaits them. rsn Til E CAPITOL. Wen liter, IliiinesH, IinproYemrut-i, nnil Iri Sects of li toiTii pub lic sent in regard tm tlie In ci lion Lincoln, Nebraska, March ith 1S0. , . Ed. IIf.RATJ) : Although for several days-pa'st the'-wrj.-rthrT '"has' heca more' cold and severe than one would have anticipated from the mildness of the precc-TTiuJ" pCrtnoiv'of, he-. winter, - yet Lincoln" seemsfo have fairely shaken ff jthe lethargy that appe.invl for. a ibort time dur-Tiyth-,yit,-uiontlkilat past to. ha fo-TporHorW' kinds -fher4usk nesj and "her-iKcrprwung '. -citizens are buy in preparing for, or actually 'com- meucin? the active operations of the summer. Several new residences and business houses have been put in process of ciu struetion within , tho 'last two' or throe weeks. The -foundations an? being-lid for tv6 new and largo Hotels, at least one of which the pypprietor, Mr. Tich cnor, of this place, intends shall be not only a permanent and useful, but an or namental addition to the jjuKrc huijuugs of the city. , H ;I jlt The "City Lumber Yard," of Geo. Ballentine and Company is being filled with U kwi'l pthimber used in, tlje con stractjonof frapie bnilditigs. which the proprietxirffer.to their customers attbe lowest prices.--' ilany of the'inerch'ants arc absent in the eastern cities replenish- in -heirrM6eks7;in anticipation of the spring am! 'summed traded dailjT arrival take place by stage of persons who come here with the intention either of invest ing their money or making this the place of their permanent residence ; the State University, and Lunaticf Asylum will be completed daring1 the oming sum mer; and the ' indications that, both from her internal resources and from the aid she i likely to receive from abroad, Lincoln is destined Vt 4oereasc rapidly in wealth and population within the present year, are of the most un- juistakabfc- kind.?- ; The measures a called session of the. Legislature, re ceived, it is I elieved, the universal ap probation of the citizens of this place, I and at the same time by removing any doubts that might heretofore have ex isted, as to the disposition , of theState authorities to verify the 'inducements which were held out to purchasers of Stace lands at prubfi3 salts. ' jThe location of the Penitentiary nr this place has con firmed the faith of its citizens in its fu ture prosperity and importance : and given a greater confidence to holders and purchasers of Jots and lauds.. . Atlhough tho proceedings upon the in vestigation of the "Commissioners of PublieiBuildings" appeared at the time to occasion some excitement, yet -one would judge from the little that, is said about it now, that the people regarded it simply as a farce, prompted at the be ginning -ty.thOw.. personal . opponents of the Commissioners, and afterward sus tained by tlie fi km Is of ihe Comiuission- fws, for-ahe jmrjio of vin-lieating their character against gronndleis charges! and the people therefore attended" if at a matter of course, as they would attend ai y other "free show." and treated it with theTletiHMicj as regatW l iitLeism which was due to it in tli'it eha:'acter. Lest, however. I may occupy too much ofi your space, '.that; might otherwise. I fi"led with more interesting and useful matter, I wpl bring this letter to a close. without further auticipatioii of thtmax1.; wcnderful things Huieh 1 hail have to ! enters on the eastern- banks of the. Mis ... . .... . . :. . v i i. .. ti:... i ate toyo.uot the events tranpirim; m ana iiiifint -JjlTicoin summer. uunng -fic cosMint! Wll.lil it. From the Omaha Kcpuhlionn. f Oil.. tOfSTItY ABROAD. Letter I'rum Hon. J. .11. Tliajer. ... - M Washington, ). C., March o, 1S70. Editor Repvblican ; As the subject of immicration was embraced by the Governor in his call for an extra session. I take the lib erty of enclosing to you the followiiig extract from-a letter of .Col. O. if Irish, our Consul at Dresden, dated December 10th, bearing on the - subject: " It is wonderful, the interest that is take here in our national affairs. How many of those Germans, arc interested in pur . western railroads, having invested in bonds Sicj I conld, I think, - if our own enterprises are put on the right ba sis, get money here to, help them on and may write j wni,, -on this poinf, again. Money can be had here on good 'secUri tie from four to five per cent. Nebras ka ia behind ,in immigration matters. They ought to have an agent in' Eiiropa. all of the other western State? have and will in another year raD th . benefits j of it... .The best class of immigration comes trom "thi section, come plan -hould be adopted ia ourl next . Legisla-. lature to induce emigrants to go to Ne braska. I am furnished with documents circulars, Ac., from most all of the other States of the Union, except my own, which I am expected to distribute. If anything of (his kind is hereafter sett trom Nebraska to me, on j-our request the State Department would forward free."- - - - I trust provision will .be made by the Legislature in its present setsion which will enable the Governor to send one of onr Gemian and Scandinavian fellow cit izens to Europe to direct immigration to Nebraska. r. -. -.- - , " T , . 'ery tru!y ydurs, ! John. M. Thayer. ' Tlie rirwll Way to ( omc ( JivlirnA'i m. To New Yeakers and .pbiyans, take the Tiike Shore it -MLbigan Soul hern i road to Chicago, and from tneneo the Burlington an I Mi-souri River Railroad to Louisville Station, in this State, fif teen miles from Plattsiuouth. Only one change of ears between Chicago and this place ; time. -about, 31 hours from Chieaeo. Lit coin S'atsrnfr.H.' Pr f-B!ot is gbios to instmc'-i the cooks at the White House in their art. Charles O'Conor, the eminent New k-York lawyer, has hcnw prostrated with srt..rpox, but be is njw nipuhy ixx-ov ering. To test a Christian set hint to putting' i.i ....... i,. i o. ; i..r. i . : r thirty minutes he's seasoned and his 1' .1"! piety i-1 at par. - The Kcheme orinrnllibilitx. . .The cvcninir edition of the London Time of March 1 1 th." gives the followiri from the Roui-i'i fro;:ti;-r : On M.mdy t!;-. rVIli-.ii.! 0! I'l ,c.'M. jfwas ditribuiJ -to.nJ VJibers pt'lhe Co' Jiiti-liassurti that tle L'Ai h pose mil- sses supnune an ! complete sup'uinav;., an-i , that the priacipallity over tlie lTniveral j 'hiirch was receive I with t lentito-le of , i . . i power from the Lord himself, by Saint . Peter, ofwhoii.n.ho,lJontiff is thesuec .;- sor. All que-tioiis oi laiui must oe u. termined under that power, ebe the words of the liord to Pi ter w-uild be disregarded. This is fiiove.1 by -iesu'.ts. "In the apostolic seCatliv-l..1! immac ulate, the doctrine has always been ful ly' maintainoil, consequently wc incul cate, with tho-concuwen&i of the CiUii cilf 'ud drnns a dina of fith au-1 tlianks to, Divine assistance, the Roman PoutilT of whom it was said, in the per son of Peter, by Chri-t, "1 have gray ed for all,"-2 k-ihiuit 1 err- when, -acting us supreme tijncber pi all christians. Tho vhnaie defines what 'the Church must hold in faith and monils,. and that i.rnir:itivi ot nanal liifal ltd ltv exteniH over the same, in the relations which the infallibility of the Church is applicable. If i nf should dare, which God forbid, to controvert the present definition, let him know thnt ho departs from the true faith. Tlie (iforsia Kill. Mr. .Bingham's nmendinent to the Georcia bill, now before Congrens, is as follows : ' ' ' Provided, Tbat'nothingiri this act con tained shall be construed t) . vacate any of the offices now,, filled in the State of Geor giaj'either by the election of the people or the appointment, of the Governoi therefor, by and with the advice and consent of'"-the ' Senate of said State ; neither shall the act le construed to ex tend the official' tenure of an officer -of said State beyond '. the?lerm limited by ' th4 "on4titiMiAri HhdreoD datlflc from the election or appointment of such officer; nor to deprive the people of Georgia of the right under the Constitu tion to elect Senators and Representa tives of the State of Georgia in the year 170, jtfier,on' thr! day named by the Constitution of said State,' or such other day- as the present Legitlature may designate by law. ' 'The amendment was agreed to; Ayes J14:'nays 71 " - . "The bill thuiamended "was passed by a fctrict.party vote. Mr. Butler voting with the majority, declaring that on po litical Questions he would not be found From the Lincoln Journal. llw f (mt ( Lincoln. We frequently receive letters from our Eastern friends and subscribers, making inquiries concc'ning the accessibility of our town and the number of railroads wc have present or prospective. For the in formation of these we will state the sit uation. The only- way of reaching Lincoln, heretofore, has been by stage either from Portsmouth or Nebraska City i the dis tance from cither place being a'-out t miles, and no great choice iu the routes. This spring commences a new eia in our approaches. The 1. it M. R. R is a-straight line from Chicago to Lin coln, and is now finished to within thhty miles of our town, eroding the Missouri at the flourishing city of PlattMnouth. This road has finished its grading ui far as oar city, and has put down about '.) miles of track during the winter, and will have, the iron h--r.-" neiabiriL' at the Lincoln depot inside of sixty days, should the .spring Le at all favorable to track layingr It now crmwtsts with a stage line of thrty-five- mile, nn-1 puts u through fi CliicaL'o in thirty-four hours. The B. it M. R. R. R. is on- oft be hcavii s.'-and inoft reliable companies iu the I'nityd Statr'tlKy are al-oi; tlu'owiiiT iniuii-u.c and vabiable tracks of Nebraska lands upon the market, and they will never fail to meet their en gair meats. Their line is joint; on to iiand Island whre they will lua'.e iune- ti,4i rith the U. V.-f K. R. furnish bv all o lds the .-.ho.-ti an l will c.-t route let ween imcul-o :t t l r-a:i iraneisco. Tim-Mi Ua'iu p;u!i : has its li:;e gra ded thn-tth ti Linei'ln' front Nebraska City. It has not yet an Eastern eonec tiou direct, but it is reaeln-d bv tho (' 1 i i i ; J. '& "St: Joe." iL R. -M-hki h iaib. i :-c-s- i ,"r.i"J-'1" :,"l"a-i; '"' ives-tiie cup;coot cith'-r or tne roa is crnteriiig at )nmba or StJoeph"or St. Lou'n. 'i'welve miles of track is down ui the east end of this road.' bnt no reg ular trains are running yet. ' This road will be completed to Lincoln this sea son. . . ,' The Omaha & S.mih Western R. R. (from Omaha to Lincoln), is completed ten miles to Bclk-vue, nrkl will proliably be completed to Ashland, twenty-five miles north f Lincoln this season, making them a connection witli the B. & M. 11: R." R. " ft will eventually come to our city and le continued south-west to the Kansas Pacific R. R. at . ort Rile v. - The.B. & $. W. R. R., in connection with the Nemaha Valley road from Rulo, in the south-east- corner of the State, have also completed ten miles cf their Lroad. and will evcntuallv run up bv the Dig.emnna 10 iu source pynnti tneni down Salt Creek to Linooln. ' It will not lie built-farthr than-lawne City this season, but its success eventually is be vond .doubt. By the h of Jlar, the B. Si M. R. R. is mK route to iai.e wnrri one travels Lincolnward, and continues to bo the only route until the Midland Pacific comes in to" compete with it. People coraing to the June sales of lots and lands, will thus escape the long, disagreeable day in the stage coach, and get out of the same Pullman palace sleeping ear at the Lincoln depot that they startvd with. So we invite everybody to come, and promise all a pleasaut trip and good hotel uccommodations. . . Slntralnr ReNnlf or Sefiinins: i Klt litirlnyr tli Honeymoon. tl'i' ra the Clu ianiiti Caz- tte. Feb, 22. A. few weeks ago a merchant of this city was .married. In the second week of the honeymoon, business required his presence in St. Louis. lie notified his wife of his intended depaiture and made preparation's for th trip. At the mo-iii-Vit of 'leaving, Id. ' vrH',i asked him to ki;s her goo-1 bye. As he in tended returning to tho house before going to the d . pot, he playfully refused, saying tht. lui hal not time to wui:. I'uf irtunatolv' he w.n pn-vonirl from goins home aain. ani left the citv with nnt mrniig. ms wne g-a i ve. .tter an .:: l . ...:r. ... .. i i ... . ;. l tf'rsciiee ot'ta o weeks be returned and hastened to his domestic bwer. where he expected to fnd his Kttlo wbc waiting with open arms to receive him. But what was his amazement to find the house iU -ci ted, tho f.irniture soi l, and his wif-- absent on a visit to her relations. And wliat was his horror soon after to learn that she bad sued for a divorce. An interview followed, mutual explana tion were made, and a .reconciliation w:ri effected, the sole cause of the young Wife'ssinjrular proceeding being jealousy and the reiitalofber husband to kiss her good-bve. ATr.. Ci....... ...t:. . .1. , cf.. ii. .i.. .,-.. U,M" ""u '- f-v. au :s 'Uiv.h -w ot- her husband, uO.I I favor the rioveiHcut in th'j State j i!i,c i ue wora maie irom tlie I ot; ! - . .71. ,1 1 i ., , 1 stiU:tiou. Snesav.s editoriall LOCAL IVOTICEti. Perxotn wishing t i-.- u:c l strawberry . plants c m do so I j-llr u;,; . thc;r or.i is at in-; iwpnv.s o!;ij,-. ,i, rected t of the line.- 11. Wi-I ott. H- hi. I'lxnt.s in the west, a f vr on r-a..-1 1 in. hi which be will di terms. IIUMASON .V RMOAl i'S I'ay highest market pri je f r OaS. ( anl No.' I Wheat. Jan. Lhtwtf 'I lie Itellrontl llrrc! IIliKK WE AUK. ALV.'ATsT AIIKad. ' Thf roi: Lint Fii' Pricct Rcdu?f , Doom, Bio. it Co. than ever : Prints, Muslin. Delaine Poplins Best Kip B vt.s ' Best Calf Boots,.... are soiling 9 U I'j 14 to In: lx to 3' I to 5u- ... J 1 00 to f' And everything in proportion Call at Doom. Bito. Si Co Coffee Sugar Molasses, from J.'i t,i ;:iv " JC.M L'oc il i . i - At Doom, lino. & Co.V. ' J i mucin ocr Uoom, 1.;,.. , (,, reduced the prii-e of eviryihin.;. I'oom, Jjro. A l a. n iV.c cbcap".f house west of the Missouri river. , novr-llwil FARM KHS A'lT KNTK ).N ! All persons indebted to us can nv t;J(, same in corn, oats, or No. 1 V t, 6; the highest market rates. Doom, Bro. A (V Plattsmouth, Jan. 4, 1870. Jiwtf -7lEMOVEi). " P. Braitseh, Practical Watch MaL-r and Jeweler, has removed from his stand, in Stadolmann'.s buildinu. to .v door wet of Murphy's Hotel HniM;,,. with P. Uait, Main street, PlatMnouih Nebraska. diw;f Go to Va'ile ys & Ruffner and bin your Groceries. They buy for cash nnd'wili not be undersold. G" to Vallcry Si Ruffner s to lay juu Dry Goods. . They are sellinir :l:raj,er than the cheapest. The lKi; alI. All persons knowing thcaiselTes in debted to us by note or account Are re quested to call and settle ininiediati.-ly. VaLI.KRYS Si Rl f f NF.lt. If you are in want of a good :r. go to Vallerys Si Ruffner. Thiy'ar agents for the Star and SclmftVr W'njS nig, tbe best iu market. Vallerys it Ruffner have ;,i riV,v sani le michines of the mpiv"! h ' ford Broadcast Seeder and C.i:!:. . . very much iujp.-ovo-I f -i Call an 1 cxami.'.e tbel!!. .irders. All kind.-; of Country in exchange for g i-.ids Rmiiier's. thf y I a :ir 1- iu.-e Va!!- 1,1,-, f,.- k iiilerys iV i ,t- ! ! , r- ic r ha Ve a new s-npplv f B i : j 1 'hi they p.re Svlliii'-' very low. Grov.r it" B.ikeTs" S.vin r M:.-l-'t-the be.-tin niaikct. "'a!!-. its J; tier arc agents. Th w,; fu want of n t Machine will find it to ile.ir a huni;; to givt thei-.i a call. 4 . On (In- fv.-nirjtf r Oi-- l a!, ii Vi;i...v ll-iic l. L- .-u A. Mi I nt tsr -l Jf-au Itiw. Jv-i..i ii.-i--I 1 th- r: .1.- i.lli lu-UlHls. Iiicia lia' r" n frnp; tins '(rune w ul I of" Xn iimrct') f-:c.'i;T ti. lleiin. v. ith ir. (! r N lunxcr to iiitKcr ln-ro uii..r:uiii! u TV I lore, oi ul -:oil; ll'.l l! Lllfiu lllK 'l.l l- I'll; til,', 'i Wlirre the riijlil s.i,ut- r. lit i i . o in l.uvi-1 o.ics ivi.l tni !i,t "tit! r ' 13 ut at Lic v. iii (,f (iu.i in.- iiiU-t aut ruoiiA n; M)T5i:ih I JKUI1AT 13 MfIC;:.--It in nr, UtJATK ,,r ,f Ii.: 1 tll.llaU t ljnn a r..itiM tin. cm ii, Watnou. late i.l ; ...it.i v . l.r i.Uv m-'- filcl in tl.e 1'roV.aic oiirl ol k;m. (.'inty beforo the Zr'lh ilay of A neiisi-A. t. b"'. tU.y will l Ivrcver Imrrc'i. hbMmU Probate Ja.l,reT. ti " . "' II. IK 1. 1 VI! Min I o.. .11. rilYSICIAX AI) St.IIf.KO.V-e-profr.siinui Burvicii to the eiturii "ft t'. lifiileucciiuf h'.:ist eori.fr uf ' -i slrecU; offiee on Main rtivct, oV'' ll jute. l'lttiinou'h. ."lr:i"ka. J. t It A'I.I .1 .1.- i - rilVSM.'IAX AND SL'ltOl.' N'.-hitc "jr rcon-in-lliM:! if tUe Atuo ! ('; i'-.t-.i:-" . riattiuoiuli. Nibnu-kii. Ulii-enlO. l.U ()' !ru Slor .M.i in f reel. ,.it" ' i'luimnirrs. l'rivHiv"ir'iini'i'i'iriii ri.l K.-n 1 Ha flrcnu, two lori i-outa of i'. 1'. i-'. I. Sir. J. IV. TIIOMA, Uaviiift permanently l,,rilc 1 nt Wcei'in " ter i n II-1, Icnu.r Iiih jirolrwu n il ..tvk ' jitizrtiM of i'.iifh rounty, .Vehriifkn. 'J1" . II. WUKKI.CK. .. .. pknn.'" i. ii. vviii:r.i.i.rr a. to, Real Irftnte and Tax Pnyinu At-cnU. 3-'."' I'ui)lic, r ire au-l lain Tu'uruucc Agmnl, )' '- -' moutli. Nctm.-lia. '; - x si I Bi TiTi ti Ij ri r r, ATTOltXKr AT LAW n.l Solicitor in '-" eery. 1'lattmuouth, Nebraska. II. maiwki.i,. ham. WiXWELI, &. CHlPMtV ATTORXKYS AT LAW tc.J s.l i t" Chaneerj'. I'UtUmouth. .N'5!jr.i--ka. oJr- White A BuUcry lrg sitore. J. ,. if i hi;. Oenrral Life. AerMent. 1'irf. In!. in i ln.ur;inie Aircnt. Will take ri-'h-n' T -l nble r:it in the nn,f rili.il.le t'"H r';'" : Uuiti:.i S!.,r,.j. I iiiice . i-i'Oilc tl.e ' ' '"' , la'.tiu.Pttt'i. Sen . '' " Ci.S. y.-rJITII! AOorriey rt I, aw. iok! i,-n- :1 1'" !' ; All lei'jil lui. iiie.i. iinriisn-.it'. eeivc imnii i utid :i p oi 1 al O n! 11 d'M-r mwt ofthe l'.ixok ll-me. I- "', '. I stair?- in irl-I-. j 'I-AKKN I V-Hv tin-.-ill.- a-i Ii :ry 4.' j eil'". ...i-i I, v c-i ot i'i.e:- ' t!.el t r.t !' i!:!er ; ;. i.n ' ' :; rears A I. t t . 1 Li :i I :in. rl - . i b a t! h ! ' if j n ltir?o hi il i h--r nr . br.u.'i- ' t.in. A!" :.t .nun. rl . e : ii'l I I.'1?-. r.iu heifer. n-onl 2 c 1 elt ejir.nni:! n.i e ronrnl li.-r li-"i ni.l,. Juslll 1, 1.17 Hot. a o Estray M:iice. 1 11 r M ;n i.,. .i.i i.a. I -i-! d year oll .M.rc. siile to t ik- il'' p, M. at !c- ri-i'lenee of 1 . V . 1 i. .i .. . ... ... ."..,,, a 4Mi s t i : v vi t inarch ", v S. Jn!i' Notice. oum, l.ioihcrs .V Co. l IV ft I tl I.. M ,.ii-. I i L. Moiriic You aiehi ri Ly ii"" iillii'-hiiii-iit w.i issue. I lj ii"' y, Pluilil.ti .ill i ntilili.-t 'he . i e i:;ni'' for the hiiiti m u ii ,1 -Mar a i: I t - - " Mini ui :l i.-l i'..rth 4:'. ly ' fi'" Kt ten o'eloek . in. ol'.-ii; I l.i. , iU'lKeniirit u ill ( remli-re-l -ii; '! not :i: i" ar uri I -!i..-v : ' ' .. I I, i ii! i.i' . ' ; , ! l :i-- . I'hlM-in. nth. V.-l. 1 III. 's.-k. t I I V I ; t I ii K ii tl c: in ir t) v v S e-J ir i i tl i ii ir, X' t) I l-i tr s. l! i.i e