j "J 1 i rrTririBrr,0irM M 4 s i I i f ! U p l i i r t I i ii 9 i PRE-EMPTION. CIRCULAR. urlington & Missouri River Railroad Company in Nebraska. Vi.ATTjiiiol-rH, Skb., Feb. 15, 1370. Vlif HiirlsuKti.n V Mi.ouri ltiver Hailruad i.'miipaiiy in Nebraska experts to receive early uf! suiutiKT, iiil-nt9 In i in the United StaUs l ,r:i'l l.an ls to whi.-li they inay be entitled. v,ne K:i-t f and inrlu. linir Range Six, Eait of tti -Sixth I'riiu iial Meridiun. Whi-n title iiiil I he obtained, the lands will be ('. r a!e ;i bcluw muted and illustrated : On Long, or Ten Years Credit. TITc Jlurlinton i- MiiMouri River Railroad (Vtnpnty in Nebra.-ka will sell 1'mirio Land on a l"i,' relit ol'tcii year, with eix per cent, in tiT t. n 1 " 11 I'mii ie ;ind 'limber Laii'i on n i-li'irt credit of two year., with ten er cent, in-i.-rc-t on hal;;ii-e tinpind, or lor cash. The short en- lit kii-1 cash price ia twenty i.er cent- less ! ii iti the long eredit.rii-e- To make the term an l pro "i'Mt r siil'! of thee diderent plans of :ile jjerteirtly jihuii, let the following examples bee li-i I'.-r-d: Long Credit Illustrated Sv.y ih.it 1'lsirres of lnnd. nt S10 per cre?400. i l-ought on Inns credit uf ten years, on April 1, -"- '1 he payments will be due and payable as 1 Vli.ws : Intere-t. Amount. , .rill. 1 STi . pay per cent itileie-Joiiiio!) 2l 00 i li 00 A,.r"l 1, I-.l. pay C per tent iiiM-rest bs: before 24 00 24. 00 Then one-ninth of principal, as follows : 1. - 1, H7:i 41 4 41 44 .... 44 45 .... 4 4 14 .. 4 1 4." .... 41 44 .... 4 4 41 .... ii 4 IS t.7 Hi if) 1 t a.; lit (.7 8 W 5 :;j 2 t i 12 m 4 4 67 78 ls74 1 1 sT." 1. 1.-7 .V. 11 62 45 4't 77 47 11 44 41 1, W7 l. iv; 1. ""'. 1, 1;0 il'.'OOO U1100. $.U 00 ifso acres y bo-nrht nt ?5 per acre, or if 160 here-.-i hnupht at ! ;X per acr- the payments wiil ! uu- a hen and for the m inc. amounts ad on thenbove forty 'Tes at S10 per uro. Short Credit Illustrated. Sa.i the same 40 a res as above is bought on our tV.rr '-r.-iit ol two years, the price will be ?S per icre. JJ per cent less than the long credit price payable its follows: April 1. l7o. 4of prtneipM, ; $106 C7 1. 1-71. ;a d i. and luc int. S21 S4 IliS Ol 1. If 72, " 10 tW 117 aj T.taln. $32 00 7)2 00 dn If. il fiaytiiTit of cither kind of contract, tin- b'-yer is entitled to a general warranty deed iivlhu' a 1- rtct ttf'tf. l'ur (.'.u h. or the Company' I'onds, in fall at date of purrha.-e. the same forty acres a above c m be tn.uirht at if per acre-$ 120, and then get a .in 1. T'a.- Itonds of the Oorapiny will he taken at ili-tr t i"'' an 1 accrued iaterest in payment for hui. 1 it the purchase is large enough to cover the full amount of the bond. I!y the first of April next, a valuation will be fixed on all lands' which the Coinpuuy expects to iret ii is .a.-t oi Kane irive Kast, and south of :tie twenty mile limit of the L niou l'acific ltail- va i ' Ai the . r.n.i Il'JVt p.;h rani per.- ii" Hi tho Cotnpnny may not pet title until after im-. ii l-.r breaking prairie hhall be far aJ '1. it will, oil and nfter the first ilayof ,4pril , us below stated, ot.er a i.re-emtion rieht L. .j'i"iLi:i.( m 'lull r, t ;i i.iu lilt; lining i i. to any pi:rnn wln will pay ia llStl SIX . iitum o! tne v iuatioii price of the land that :iv wish tij fill ri I i!iiii. I IIU l.:i V 111 i.iir will ti th peis.in who makes it. the laud that r.- si nam lei ;. upon :.Ue tenui uud conditions below 1, to wit : Ccndiiions of Fra-Emption. ' 1. The Company w ill grant pre-emptions as In I'.titvs Six and Seven Kast, onand after April 1. 1SV0. In l!..'ns- Kij:Ht niiil Nine Kast, onand after yli.r.l ", 170. In Kair-'i s Ten and Eleven East, on and after .l;.rii ls7n l.i llaii-.'e.? Twelve. Thirteen and Fourteen V.::-t, -.ii ai: l :'f;.-r .l-r:l U. 1.0. I'portnni'y will bepiven on each of said days f-.r.i::y two or in ji e pt i -ous who may want the m:i !an 1 to lid therefor. Thi pre-emption will ! e annuel to the one who will pay the most, iiii ! I .r;ii,Mth pay in lash, tlx perteiitum ol the pri. e, ;is in other oasis, 2 I si no ease will n pre-emption r'wht beprant e 1 ! i. ne person tor a piece of land upon w hich ioio'.'i. r person is lc-iilin. or has any i:i:prove--. miles- the fa-'.- in relation to the residence or i:n.ri vetiie;sof such person are fuiiy ftated in l! ' hi plica'ion: and uny .ini--siiiii or false .. it le nt in this ri-.-pe-t will work a forfeiture i tne iiioiu v that may be paid, and will cause !: pre-emption to be treated as null and void. A'j -i the Company shall ha vc obtained title in th..- l:u; 1- wiih in the limit-: named, it will pive t n !!'- notice thereof in newspapers printed at l'i i' - soil .in h. liincoln ami Nebraska City, nml of a . r.nii fixed -lav when it will e prepared t . .... 1. 1.- i..p.l!i.i..ilaf.ii'U I t w ii I Ills, C1T 'I in: ivv . 'l.i. i." . iiii.p . ............. tit tiie sum:' time and in the same manner, notice to ;h..se who may takeout pre emp th.it they must, within sixty days utter the tixcd tr . selling, enter into contracts lor itie p.ir-toMe of th" hind tor which they may h iv ;.j pliel. Special i.otii-e f .-aid day will - ... !.. ki''I1 t'l.- i'.i-t i iiii.-i I'l'.cr 1 lie i : i y t'.l.i'in ly ilcposii msr leners in . to their ad Ii-ess. within two weeks for selling is iied. In ease the 1. 1. 1. . .nit .hull tail to nay tor. or i'i. ...ilji.i'.'ll .'i:. .iiii. ..... f - j - - - ei.t. r ;i.'.i ni:tr;ii-r t. r-'V for the limrt wlmh he m n !'; vi. i.rt'-'n!!.;-il lii-ture the c.t.iran..n 1.1 f .i i M.t v .l::ys. in- wil! thcrci-.v l-.su :tll lj-m-tir nf hi .r;-;iii'iiiii riiii. n t the imiiuy which he J'.r. .:ivc p.liJ ihitlc'ini W ill l.e folil itfil. i." Ini-a.-e Drtr-eiiU'tioii appli'-ant yliuli nee- n -i urn in-. ... . " ; J . I i . - ii- al" e iininc.1.. ami fh.-ill furt.-it hi-- pre i UHitiiill ritrhr. he ill ul. J'"i IV it ail impriive-ir.Mit- that !ie m:iy h:ive ui:i.le uj.oii tlielan.l; ami in c;i.c ho is ri'si'linn tin-Te.n. ami. utter -.r:rtiii:r. rh-ill iirrlrot ti Kive q.ii.-t n.i onoi-a- i i ir witli.n ton l:iys to saiil Coiuinmy. In: v.il tin r. !. a-'rirt thnt tin i ti p iy to aiJ C'nii-.paiiv u(t iii.ihtrs n iiimh fmiii 1 lie date of hn :iniiiition nniii iie?hull oluntariiy leave. r i iM i Do ci;U;U iioui Uici iirtUiO.-cs. l'r :-oinp'!i ns v. 'i'A imt be tcran.i-1 .n tiinbor 1 .r. I. excort h rpeciiU oiuli; uiiw. " and. ma !!. . ral riilo. ii-o-iiii.iiii- w ii 1 iiot Ijc Kranteil 1 r li - than "no humlrtii an l MXty aervs. cs c ! : in -i'ori.'il oases w here the -ilc of ft "mailer H i -nt'T v w ill not injuriously afi'eot the interest . Cii!iir.:niy. While t"..e Cotrpany intend to j., ,,. pre-cmpti""" li'ierally. it will reserre the ii. 'ir to rejo t any application. i i ho lm noy that the pre-emption applicant may pay. ttrther with six per eont. interest thi r.-.n from date of payment, will beallowed to hi-n as part of th pnrohase money, u)x.n li is i t. -ling into an nicotine Ciint rm-t t.) puri-hase !h- land within ixtv l.-iy after the day i fixol an I advoiiied that the Company H ready to sell an 1 ti) isne eontraots of sale. i! .-M.- t.iuulars and IJI.tnk applioatinn can he obtaii:ei irniti. hv nrplvinfr to or ad.ire5.sing JKO. S. IIAKKIS, ,; Land Commissioner R. & JIo. H- K. Co. in Neb. Plattnioath. cb. ny person wantinc lund of this Company, in ri'hor Hanj.-s 7. S. M. lo. 11. 12. i:?orl4. Kat of the Tth Trin'-ipil Meridian, on the for eoin conir.;ious. shi;uhl fill upcorrcetly atnlsiu'lian-1 i"enj Willi the proper amount ef money thefol li.winK application, in dmiii-ute, adUrersed us follows: A.D. 1870- . l.-u.i (', r.. j- JJ. i:.n. Cj. .h',v?6.. Purrs octh. Nf.b. Srii: Ilavinc carefully read and considered the terms Mid conditions, as ,ilove set forth, upon whi.-ll p-o-en:prinn rinhis iviii be praiitod. 1 here by ucreeto be in all respects. lupd thereby Mid n:bjoctto yaii! terms and conditions. I hereby apply for a rre-fiuption right to ..of ieciion in Township Xorth of KaiiKO Kast ot the Sixth l'rinoipal Meridian. situated in the County of imd containing; acres, uioro or Us, as per tiovernuient Snrvcv, at S per acre, 21- Post olTu-o address is fn receipt of a satisfactory application, the following blank receipt wil! be correctly filled, in .iii),nHte. and one copy retained and the ctht-r delivered aud sent, to applicant: Fi.at-ismoi tu, Xeb A D. 1S70. To Silt; Vour application for a pre-emption, as above made, is received and allowed, and this will be considered M effect in j: a bindincaRroe nient between you and said Company, i he cash payment of six percent, of the valuation price f the land you have applied for U hereby acknowl edged, being Dollars. To be signed by Land Comruuiioner B. A M. R- R. Co. in Xeb. fKbl7wt Notice. All persons interested in the estate of rred-fri.-k Wclinc. deccaseil. are required to appear , Uofre lion, tieorge li. Lake. Judtre of the lis trisi Court at Omaha on Monday the 4th day of April is;,!, at 1 o'clock p. in. to show cause why :i. li -r-nse t-houll not be pr inted to Krbard Hi i initr. guardian of minor hcir- of Frederick Wi hr.es deceased, to soil ntl theriKbt. title and ' interixt of Frederick W'ehnes, Henry ehnes and Margaret Wehr.es, minor heirs of i rea friek WeUnes deceased, in and to the south hull ! Vf the north west quarter and north cast t'larter ', the northwest quarter and Jje lo.rth east quarter M of south east quarter .', of section b. in town 12. north of ranee 10, tat ,f g p. jr jn Countv Nebraska. KR11AKH HKL'IIXKR . mardiai of minor heirs of Frederick Vi ehncs decensed, by MAXWELL k CHAPMAN ivhSI u Tt Atti'ibf;.-. IT. SCHNAStB. GREAT RUSH!- LARGE CROWDS ! ! 1 1 1 r Everybody, and more J-. SCHWASSB 8c CO, To buy Mia xic3L T AT TH -NEW YOEK STORE- The largest and most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Are now on exhibition at the Xew York Store, at trrently reduced prices. W call particular , attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINS. GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING. BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YA S, BOOTS AND SHOES of all kind and prices U suit oar numerous customers. large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We have a lanr Mock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY GLIPPER. PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, and all kinds of CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C- I'kttemouth February, 10th, 187.0. tf. ' D. SCHNASSE & CO. &fua Ooe door west of PLATTSMOUT tl, - NEBRASKA, - . 1 nA3 AT '" ' ' ' A LARGE STOCK OF - ; 1 Bry ..Goods, Groceries, Clothing, , FURNISHING GOOD, HATS, OliS, i BOOTS, " SHOES and Provisions- HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR Kinds of Country Produce. riatt;niouth, Nebraska, August 5th, f I e have an extensive general stock or Goods tli at ire arc constantly as sorting m, tvUit we otter to tltc jKiti lie at prices tliat we fcnoiv must give entire satisfaction We purchase the wry best Goods at the head f Mar ket and strictly fur cash, and arc prepared to compel, tcith the trade at any point HUMASON Russell Doom's Old Sttnufy n . ;.. ...... ' ; 1. ! -. ; " janTdiwtf ST 6 VE AITD TIIST ST O RB jm T. X"CTK:E3 Sc CO., Retail dealers in Hardware and Agrlciiltuml SmplciiieiitS, STOVES, TIM, SHEET IHUi, cimao, STEEL PL O "W S Of all kinds and sizes, w hich we warrant tha -o Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spotting Done on Short Notice. Are exclusive Acaita in this county for the sale o 1 Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove 0.. u. acnll-we will nMbe -'it0AAa M w F, I). I.EHNIIOFF. .J.; too, arc going to their ' ; m mn ox the HekaLO Office, ALL John Fitzgerald. 1SC9. on the Missouri river. &. RHOADES, PLATTSMOUTH NEB. W.A. West in the market. LOCAL- ISnEJWS. FromTiurtday't Daily. See notice of Registration, by W. D. Gage, Registrar. Omaha eecks a connection with the Pl.ittsniouth Stone Quarries. She should have it, and the will. ' i 'Little Mack,"' formerly locall . for the Omaha Ileroll, and more recently writing for different papers in St Joseph, ia now stopping in St. Louis. A number of large oak piling timbers are laying at the foot of Main street, to be used in extending the railroad track across the creek south from the Machine Shops. Dr. Renner, deputy U. S. Assessor, is still in the city, making his head quar ters at , Mayor Virheeler's office. He de sires us to say that all parties interested are requested to call to- morrow. Our readers will be pleased to learn that we have seccurred the services of a correspondent at the Capitol, who will hereafter keep them posted in regard to all the doings there. His first letter ap pears to-day, which will be followed by others in regular succession. A nice little game hasbeen stopped at the New York Custom House. Some of the men have been accustomed to wear "stomach : canteens," fitting about the body under the coat, into which they would syphon off liquor ftom casks un loading, carry it r away, empty , it safely and return. ' .' i . We are pleased to note that Alderman Gass has given notice of an ordinance to provide for lighting, the streets 'of Platts luputh. ..This shouldliave becn'attended toktst fall, when, 'the Herald called at tention to the necessity therefor; but it is needed just as badly now, and we en dorse Alderman Gass in this move, f Capf., Magee and his force have been making things fairly hum aboard the ferry boat for the past few days, getting ready to run again.' The deck will be cleared to-morrow,' and the boat' "will commence' making regular trips. Magee is entitled to much credit for his" energy in getting the boat in working order so soon." Died March 9th, Georoik W., in fant son of II. C." and Kate E. M'Ma k ex, aged 11 months and 20 days. Fu neral services from their residence, Fri day morning, at 10 o'clock. Every person acquainted with railroads who passes over the line of the It. & M. in Nebraska, west from Plattsmouth, ex presses surprise at the substantial manner in which the work upon this road is done. The fact is, gentlemen, the I. & M. in Nebraska is one of the links in the great through route between the Atlantic and the Pacific, and the men who are building it kno'.v it would not do to have a poor link in as magnificent a chain as this a chain composed of the best con structed roads in the world. The Omaha Hotel Company has or ganized by the election of the following officers : President Ex-Gov. Alvin Saunders. T'Vc President Jonas Gise. Treasurer S. S. Caldwell. Secretary John II. Sahler. Hon. Geo. W. Frost, who acted a.s purchasing agent for the Union Pacific road during its construction, remarked to a friend, after having passed over the B. & M. in Nebraska, that he was sur prised to find this company buildingsuch a magnificent road. He did not see how they expected to make it pay to build such an expensive . oad. We would re mind Mr. Frost that the interests push ing ahead the B. fc M. in Nebraska nercr build poor roads. As a proof, we cite to their line of roads between Plattsiuouth and the Atlantic const. from I'ridat'Z DaVy. , The "first thunder of the season" ar rived last night. A slight , sprinkle of rain accompanied it, but not enough to do either good or harm. Geo. T. Neally, Esq., is getting up. a fine lithograph platt of the city of Platts mouth, of which he is getting the t copy right. ' - - r : l ' ; . ' - 4 Mr. Monell, of the firta of Fairlie k Monell, book brnders and Stationers, of Council Bluffs, is in the city to-day. ; Heser has again made the Hetald Oifice inmates jo3-full" by leaving anoth ct one pf thosn. Leautiful f, boquets. Long may he wave-- . ; .. , "We understand that a New York gen tleman has alicady taken a quantity of livfl oysters to the salt springs, near Lin coin, where he proposes to try the ex periment of raising them. We hope he may succeed, and see no reason why he should not. Geo. S. Harris, Esq., Land Commis sioner of the B. & M. Company., ar rived iu the city this morning. Mr. Harris is doing more to advertise Ne braska and to settle it up with a good class of people than will the immigration so cieties the Legislature can charter in the next five years. We believe in immi gration societies, but we believe in Har ris more. Why don't some of our Plattsmouth men send for a quantity of silver change. The premium is very light, and the ex tra sales in consequence of the paying out of specie change by any firm would far more than pay the premium on sil ver. What enterprising firm will do it? The usual services in the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath, the 13th inst. Preaching in the morning at 11, and also in the evening at 7 o'clock. Both the services will be conducted by Rev. A. Wright. All are invited. Sabbath school at 9 a. in., and singing at 3 oclock f. Jni. The lucome Tax. - The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia I'kss writes as follows: Petitions forthe di-continuace of the in come tax are received daily by members of Congress from their constituents. It is held that this tax, which is direct in its character, is felt more severely than any other, and that the total repeal cf law, or the passing of an amendatory law exempting $2,0lK), will be a welcome iueasue. Some of the petitioners ask a bill applying to the tax of lt9, but this plan would meet with much opposition, as the assessments are already trade in almost every section of the country, and the time occupied in making new ases nients would result in the postpone ment of collections for several months after the time when receipts on this account arc expected. It is the general impression, however, that a majority in Congress are opposed to the enactment of another income tax law after the expiration of the present one in June next. JLeut. The "fast of forty days" is upon us. While with many it is a season of devo tion, with others it is merely a season of of rest from dissipation. -. But the influ ence of the solemn period will le felt by all. The Catholic Church has pre scribed the necessary observances for its members, while the Protestant. Episco pal Church, though more liberal in its demands, enjoins an equal respect for time-honored customs. Other eccles iastical organizations recognize the epoch. Business is always somewhat affected by the len'en season, an i it may be neeossarv for . those who lookeu for "good times" on account of the decline in gold to moderate their transports for a few weeks. , . . ' m i ' To I tie Kut. The completion of the B. & M. Rail road to Plattsmouth gives Nebraska City another important connection with the" Eut. We leave Nebraska City on the C. B. tt St. Joe R.; It., nd change at PaciOc junction; three miles east of Plattsmouth, then run to Chicago with out change-of cars.. This is the shortest route to thuEust. and the line is equipped in most excellent manner, with Pulhtiau Palace Dining arid. Sleeping' cars. Neb. CitiJ Chronicle. ' ' At a recent examination of a Scotch farmer,, on his sister entering the box to be examined, the following examination took ptaee, between her and the opposing agent: Agent "How old are you?" Mis Jane-7 "Qh,. weel, sir, I am an unmarried woman, ami I dinna think it richt to answer that question." The "Judge "Oh, yes, answer the gentleman, how old you are." ' Miss Jane "Wccl a weel, I am fifty." Agent "Arevounot more?" Miss Jane "Weel, I am sixty." The inquisitive L-ert still further asked if she had any hopes of getting married, to which she replied: "Weel, sir. I witlna. sure tell a lie ; I hinna lost all hope." And she scornfully added "'but I widna marry you, for I am sick and tired o' your palaver already." The examination proceeded. There lives in the villntre of E , in Indiana, a good I5.iptit clergyman, whose son, four years old, had never till a few Sundays since witnessed the rite of baptism. On that occasion his father was called on to immerse a lady convert, and as his wife wished to be present, the children were allowed to t:o and sit upon the shady bank and witness the cere mony. Oil returning home, Freddy ap proached the paternal and inquired why he put the woman under the water. The f ither asked : "Did vou understand what I said to the lady1?"' "Oh, yes; 3-011 put your hand on the top of her head, and said : "I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and here she goes .'" A young lady of this city was told the other day by a gentleman that in a cer tain country every lady who had a small mouth wa provided with a husband by the government. 'Ith it p nhibul.' said the lady making her mouth as small as she could. The sentlcLuan added, that if a lady hail a large mouth, she was provided with two hu-bands 'ly gracious,' exclamed the lady, at the same time throwing her mouth open to its full extent. The gentleman became alarmed, made his escape almost immediately, and has not been heard of since. The New York Sun states that Dr. E'kani Wno ihul, husband of Mrs. Vic toria Woodhul, of the firm of Woodhul, ClaHin&Ca, the Wall street female brokers, resides at Edgewood. Effing ham county IlHnis where he practises his profession. Though separated for pur pose of business, they are on terms of true affection with each other. A great pressure Jias leen made upon i the Secretary of. the Treasury -to have the new post office in Boston built of white' 'marble," but. Mr. Boutwell has finally decided that it hall be of granite -the reasons beiiri. aioong others, that the building in granite will cost $000,000 less. Great eomp'aint is made of the long, wearisome Latin speeches which some of the members of the Ecumenical Council insist , upon delivering. The Fathers make no scruple of sleeping thrmigfi'these discourses, or leaving the prosy orator to speak to empty benches. - ff'Shoo Fiy' cards are the litest agony out. When a .voting lady receives a i.nte from an objectionable party, she simply encloses a card on which ii? printed, "Shoo fly, don't bodder me." A member of the English Houe of Commons -says tint the majority of his colleague's regard Parliament -as a genteel club house, and drop in only, in a leisu.ely manner, late at night, after din ner parties aud social entertainments. Mr. Gladstone reports to Parliament that the Fenian prisoners are comforta bly houed and that O'Donovan llossa, according to the testimony of his wife, i improving in health. i A Boston correspondent of a .Ve.stern pa per says the "Boston club women sit about their pleasant, open liiv, in their unobtrusive attire, and talk by the hour on Greek philosophy and the Hindoo re- lgion. It has been decided in the Court of Col umbia county, Pennsylvania that the business of a barber in shaving on Sun day is a worldly employment not the work of necessity or charity. m mm A proposition to name the Montana Penitentiary after the present Governor, General James Ash!e', of that Territory, was voted down by the Legislature upon the ground that it was the end of justice to punish crime, not insult crimnals. They huvc for skating at VayU an "aristocratic $20 aJiuU.-ioti pond" - in the I'ols de Boulogne. Americans are the thief hkatcr.s. . . . In Massachusetts it is f revoked to to1.- lovt tax bill-? at the poK THE HERALD JOB IS THE PLACE TO GET EST HARDWARE AND IM. LEUENTS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! -loi- MATHEWS, DONNELLY & CO. Would respectfully inform the reoplo of CASS and adjoining coun tics that they have just opened a LARGE Eardware and Agricultural Establishment Where we are always to be found to accommodate customers. FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN MAIN AND VINE. PLATTSMOUTH NE13 ! - r"rR stock ronsit. Jn pnrt of the following?" The Buck-eye Reaper iui.1 Mowor combined. The J Moilel riweepxtake Thra.-iier. Staraii'l Keystone t'urn Planter. Monmouth Sitiilk Cutter and Cultivator. Oneida "nil Monmouth Cultivator. Dixon Iron Buck Cast fctec-1 I'iowri, ol.l trrouu.l, and breaker. Peoria.Mo.le 1 Kxtra lianl 1'lnws. Princeton inljuslai.li? Iron Benin J'lows. With the celebrated Newton Wagon, which tor durability cannot be execlcd aoyvkure East cr Wost. : . Hardware, Cutler', Nails. Iron Wag-on Stock. Glass, Putty. While Lead, Oil, r Fence W ire. Warden, Field and r'lowcr Seed. ALSO 400tos CHOICK HEDGE SEEDS C3Tha above comprises a few of the articles on hand. - Our aim shall be to keep our stock full and complete and to sell nt bottom prices. , , GIVE US And Examine our Stock , that you may go marll!diiwtf. South Side Main Street, - - Number 9. PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY NEBRASKA. Doom, Bro. & Co. have just received a large stock of Brown and Bleached .Mu.dins all grades and prices. For a fine line of Prints, at 1012Ac "f yard, go to Doom, Bro. & Co. Doom, Bro. & Co. have just re ceived the finest stock of Dress (ioodstobe found in the city. Call and examine. For a good piece of Ticking, Pcniins, Shirting, Stripes, Ac, go to Doom, Bro. ii, Co. Doom, Bro. & Co. have the finest assortment of all wool Cas iimeres to bo found in the city. For an extra piece of Jeans, Cottonades, Casinet, Satinet, or anything in the way of Piece Ooodi, go to Doom, Bro. St Co. Doom, Bro. & Co. have jut re-" -ceived a large and well selected istock of Boots, Shoes, Sic. , all at , low prices. Doom, Bro. Si Co. have a large stock of Notion, Dress Trim ming, Hosiery, &c. Call and ex amine. ' A General Stock kepi and Orders from Country Merchant;! promptly filled by DOOM, BBO. & CO. S. BLOOM &d OCX il?9lTH, NEB. -,. . I - -77v j 3. i ,f- H BOYS' AfO CHILDREN'S CLOTHC, Hats 8c Caps, Boots & Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Main Street, Second D tr lit ft t J Ct i.r J.tist Plattsmouth, Web. BRANCH HOUSE: Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 13d4w U. BUTTEBT. C. LtZKiBT. BUTTERY i LAZES EY, props. LIVERY SALE & EXCHANGE . ' wThe lt of II.ir"0!i an.l BiigpicscmLand."i j Corner Vine no. i Fourth ftre.'ts. jaiiCMAr.tr. r!.i;:5ii'cuili Nelra-ka. OFFICE PRER9T1RJQ. AGRICULTURAL A GALL awav satisfied if not NAPPY". MATHEWS, DONNELLY & CO. For Choice "A" Sugar, go Doom, Bio. & CV Doom, Bro. & Co. have a large stock of "0" and Brown Sugar a choice article. Call and exam ine For "A" Choice Tea or Coffee, go to Doom, Bro. & Co. Doom, Bio. & Co. have a splen did stock of Syrups all grades and prices. Canned Fruits a good fctock at Doom, Bro. fc Co. Dried Apples, Peaches, Cur rants, Blackberries the best in the market at Doom,' Bro. & Co. A choice article of Virginia Fine-cut and Smoking Tobacco a large stock at Doom, Bro. & Co. A No. 1 article of Coal Oil is to be had by calling at Doom, Bro. 6l Co.'s. i tock of Queens and ie sold cheap Do , Co. B. sold at lowCasli prices by V-"" V A.. - 1 . . FEED. SALE ANL) LIYERY STABLE, SIAIS STBKKT, M.TT5MOCTB. k'KB. I am ircpar;d to acccniniodatelLe public with Horme. Carritiye, Oyogie and A -Vj. 1 lleame, on short notice anl re8onaM termn. A II k willruDi. 'uauibont laii.lmt. audio all ,"ar cf the v'x'v wne . e-lrtJ. Janl'.Duiir. ' 170U ? ALE. -Suvcuty-liv Lois iu the City i.t Oct. 7 4f. srUf.LC'CK A WIND'! A M. I: vi J CMS' 12 MJIII. a.' t WATCU.MAKER -s2&iil AND JEWE1.EH. AND DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCK , SILVER AND I'LATED WA1 1 1, GOLD PENS, SPECTACLES, VIOLIN STRINGS AND FANCY GOODS. Rkmf.urkr e Old Stanl. Main Street, two Uors west of City liotl. nov.lOwtf. NEW mm if i u GEO. EICKEER, rr; SOUTH. OF TOIYXy ON Tllh ROCK BLUFFS ROAD. I nm prepared to kill beef rattle, therp ito.. fur customer!), on short notic ou at rH Kiuablo ra-tt'S. GIVE ME A CALL GKO. FICKLEIU MACHINE SHOP! WAYMAN & CURTIS , I'lattsmoiiti, IVeb., Repnirerwof Steam Engines, Boilers. Saw and CJri.-t MilN. (jus ami Steam Fittinps. Wrought Iron l'ipf. Force nmt Tilt l'umpx, St-Biii (inuyes, llalauc ; Valve Governor, uud ull kind of Brass Engine Fittings, fiirni.-hcj on fhort notice. FARMING MACHINERY Repaired on short notice. auuMf DR. Hill. ITICEUSKEY, - "V v 13 E 1ST TIST, Will bo at Johnson's Drue Store during th last week in cik-Ii month. All order left at tho l'oft IBi.. will be promptly attended to I july. AD The following iron? the CINCINNATI TIMES, one of the most reliable news papers in flic United States. What can be more convincing? HOME TESTIMONY. The CrvcrsNATi Daily Times OF March 21, 1861, says: The Scandinavian remedies appear U be growing in favur with the puhlic, il' we niay ; jude " hy the testimonials con stantly received hy the proprietor. A letter from Wiscon sin, to he found in our advertising co) umns, announce that among the physi cians of the locality it is. becoming very popular, and what is very unusual, is be ing adopted by thein in their practice, as a cure for many dis eases which thejT cai not treat effectually in any other way. We understand thai the immense trade carried on for sev eral years in these medicines lias dur ing the present year nearly doubled. Their process of operation is by a thorough purifica tion of the blood, and a consequent eradication of dis ease. $20,000 worth of Property FOll SAKE- Coni.-tins of farpis.itti tiniHrr n.ljbitiing.iipa PlattMuuuth, property in I'lntOiro alii hr:4, i-uttie, ti kgoiij, etc. Tor furi'ai-r varticubr taiiuire of or il:r. OEM. Vf. 0)I.A'I.N. I i 1 1 I'D t