J I u ! i f i I -I i , i Chancery Sale. l'. l'i'-c. . v luile CuIhod md Artemn '.j .. ii-.-, mi . faulty rirtue of a decree of j !:- '"iirt of the second Jaditiul Lia , ..... .v. i-i ;i id lar Cm county, Nebraska, , . i ' entitled cnae and bearing , i : ,'f November 1S0J. I the Btlb- , ,: :'? 1 special Master in said : - it; - . i 'tiloaor tor sala at pubiio . i 'i -i i5it bidder for cash t the . .r .iarthoie in the eitv of 4Utu- v. . i - , ty. Nebraska, on Monday tL "' v iv'iiicj.iionoo'ciock, f 51 of I , ..'. . .i .v ."'! -ia disoribed real Vatat. In- ! : th iiuli e hi. quarter of section no twenty ! .; . r ih:p t-.rcle. north of mnje twelve, e-t .'( i ' 1' M in J the property of said dc- , J ; -i i.iuu-. nViv u.fa'j I, to sati-ly said uWree, the j "t. . . i of whi:h W and interest on i ho J tr;m trie aaie oi saiu aeoree at tne rate of I u r "-u'. tox-nber with cota of suit and J Piaster lit hatieery f M ,tTiu ,fc rcPit!, Attorneys for Pl'if - Zez: rVolicc. 1 it !:.-ttrict Court. 2J Jniic!al lijiirt i ' i t ..u an I lr Cass or,niy N-'brask. .t4 :u--lia llrowa and William linrn t f ! '. T.nnsatr and 9. I. Fairhank. f il l.-.jjhery aud L. Fairbanks. ! ! r',: vie -a lant yon nrc L.ircby notified ;: v, i j i liiirm an 1 Amelia Krovrr. on the I . I ! i-tv InTit ftliwl t..;r .iit:-.n ;n ? j . - - t Con, t of f'aaa Giiiaty Ntltnuika the j ? J : ; : i ;r n.".- of Trhich i to refria a deed ! i. . , !: t scpttubM. A. D. l"5i. in t . '; ;rr. i led to convey th! S .uth-Tv(!t , v ' , of S-jctlon t fifteen fid; Township . ,-. . -. 1 ' Ni."u of Km-: twvive in Caw ' N' ,i-k:t b;;t by mi-take North-wat ., . . -r ' : .-:!, n litteen Town elerenf li.iijo J .. i - ' M- wa in-erted in the deed ii '. ,i ' 'H own.' and pray'in; that said deed i .v -r'ne I t expn-ss the true intent , ., ,ii , .rii-. A',30 priyinj that taid . I). r iuired to exe.rnte uVed to mil ; r - .id tract of lnnd he haviiiK -ild all I:.. -: ' ' ::r. 1 interest in soid land to John J ;. t'.23dday of3IaylvJ. but failed ; : i for the same. That the s.ii'l : ; M .;- '-' i onvey e l aid hind to plaintiffs I , r- '! ',i ab'j'tt the. 19th day of Ma.-eli IS'. ; :. !'. i-i-' that th title to said tract of land i :: ri -t U in plaintifl acC'.idinn to tbei. if! i'H'-rettJ. ; vi. i ii-o rqnirej to answer Pii l peti- ' . .' i t.i. .1 e i u i i : .u. I--,. ui i.vrtjii JOiU. j MOkttTLL ACIIAI'MAN. Attorueys l;r Plaintitii. i.Th t NOTICE. 1 : '. ;. I :il--73 Jt CO.") '. '",;. ) j '' , y. i -.!: V'i are hereby notified that an i J .: ,t!t v .f i-sned by nie in favor of 1 !" .. I uni.i.-i theal.oye n .uie-l ,. f.-n li.nt ' ., ;:: r-iJ ;Hiy";! iruAir.: ! u n.. o:' -aid Jay, at which tin.o ; j . ... : ! . ..! be rendered asuinst yo i. if y..u i , :,".ir ai.d .-li - r en j-e to the cur.trary. ; a. L. ClflLD. l'rohjt JuJtte cf Ca-" Cornty Nebi-:i-k.-. I 1 ...li-h. Feb. 14th isTO. feblTw Jt j A r.V TtUSlVJI Y E VER Yli OD Y ! j ; .i -vl lout their (tgckof rrK, and rat- . - A- W. Trole, posteeioa U be ;t!.- !"r t .- of February, therefore wt tn nut : i r-. -. tf Groceries bcfjre the 5rat of Feb- ' TIIBY SELL i I'-r- Sit?ar .... t l:i5od " A Sn..ar T'vdorod Sutrar.. '.';;.. t C.iTec ..CJlbfor L ..'5 Jib ...5 lb 4!b " ?Yb " " 5(c. per $100. " " 1 75 " $175 " i ; .i ( r.iiiponder Tea.. t rrial Tea v, Will . l',.e 1 Aples. 12c, I V aches... 15c. i' '-t XXX Family Floor per sack $2 f0 incj;ar. .r gallon I h"v havr. a Good Stock of (livc-eries of alls on hatv! arri". e scon, which i AiUST BE SOLD l.rg.irdless of Cost. I A !. -As we have to tun v (- Stock of Drugs, Oik ! &c, over to 31 r 1 1 . " . lt. ri n.le on th, First of Iebruarv i.iLies-) ilii.ii cost,) their friend- r.n.1 rc.siomera vill find theii he u-c a L'ood place to buy. P. S. No ;ood3 Sold on '."rod it 7 - ;,-- l.tfdto White Butiny ;:;.:( i! t: '.'fir interest to nettle vp at dcel.-dl-.vtf NEW si.u:iiim;n iioiisi;! ss-;:. riciii.iiK, pmp omt of rowx, ay tiik ROCK BLUFFS ROAD. ..... .r,rl to kill beef cat. !e. boa, rhrep . :,.r fii.-tou.er.,, un uort uw.n GIVE ME A CALL. - GEO. FICKLKB. Satiprovcfl Farm anl Tim Irr S'or.Salc- 1 he f.iini is about -'0 ti.iif-8 wft from PUtie- - a !i. z mil-s vn-st vf lloover'F. on Uio Man 1 rj a-re- tin bev-n in cullirnlioii a loc -nn.l-Mjj:: .-. :. A!o. the northwest n pt - -riUw. '' of .o, tioB 24. town. 70. rang 44. in ..a!:;v. I,,a. duo east from Platuinoulti and on? iiiie froai th river, heavy timber. I or t v:m-:, I Iv-fs If. II. SOLOMON. , tvn n i tut rni W iJl ! II III ur n it. .uid pU-.ty f stock watr: it i 7,.,.- FLUFFS GlltfTAXD SA ' .V.- j ..e.r.-,v"-t of-. Hia -o toB 12. U-l'-O j 'f0e pVwe. eiiv'iae Lc.b-r.2 ytir.-tll k.ot i-". -I'l l e'.nr.c. f.-l with it is lot 7 ami soiiln- ( r VJ in,., cifl',.l:ir javf. two story iu. c. .use. , ' ' i ! ,.iiibv(i-t lJ olOif-'UPui iV. wrae on: : ..AVee,. everything in good ruxuie order. : -e. . . - : ii. : iU and St'-lOO aT. makins 'i.,!'' THE HERALD IS TDK PLACE TO GET Tl iT Lxiliij Dro. & Co. have jiut rtM.-civod a hrje sttxk of Brown and Bleached Mu.lins allgradi; anil prices. For a fine lina of l'i!iit, at I0 rtil2crpJ yard, yo to Doom, Bro. &, Co. Domo. Bro. Si. Co. have just re ceived the line.st htiK-k of Dress IioJs to Ih; found in the city. L';til nnd cxa:uine. For a pood piece of Ticking, DeTniiis, Shirtin.tr, Suipc-s, JLc, go to Iooui, Bro. & Co. j Doom. Bro. ft Co. bars the ! Giict a-ortii)ftit of all wool Ca i imeres to bo found in the citv. s .of j, t -OtlotiaUOS, l.aMliet, Satinet, or anvthin? in the way of Bit'CO i . i i r , v.ioo'Ji. o to Uooui, bl'J. A Lo. .. . . . l.Vtom, Bro. x Co. have just re- eeived a hircre and vre!l selected stock of Boots, Shoes, &:., all at low prices. Booni, Bio. Jk ('o. have alar;a stock of Notions,' J)re.-s Triui iiiinir, IIoMery, Sec. Call and ex amine.. . . A General Stock kept and sold at low Cash prices by ISO!, BRO. d -CO.- Orders from Country Merchants promptly filled by DOOM, BIIO. Sc CO. BLOOM &5 CO. BOYS' AUD CHILDREN'S CLOTHmG, Hats k Caps, Boots & -Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER" GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Mam Stnii, fCoi:d D t a lcit i J Plattsmouth, Keb. BRANCH HOUSE : Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. ocl2 BTO Veeping Water, PKALKU9 IX General Merchandise, at'ca as DItY GOODS. GUOCKIKS. llAUKWAr-K. m KENiNVAKK. 11AT5. CAl'sj. UfOT.. i ...,.-.fx TraM'i) - ! PISB sn ingle's an i latii. w .r. Arnts ft.r Were A.ftusK.r Willcox &. Gifcbs Sewing Machine, -v,;,i, i.nn.loubtcalv the best Machine now i f 19v",u" BvM. R. THOTLK. T. S. HiS.tA. j. L. cut TonHo Hpfina O. Clark. m v-) -r-j . . - 1 - . , olti ri',1 a eolnjiU-tc un5t. li ,.iu a pair ui siu!j- " I "j A tZi H I i I il loci Uuit.v t.iii.g,io.-e-Mui:l t..i,i Iijirk. lur the piil I ' - -' v trvsam.f.tiieioilar and ily-two ami cuu- ! half n nlii, tliei'i ! bt-iui; the ttrvttu on the DKtLEiJ 1 3 still C'tiiri rtOi(l JlBlll rla I V.OI il, EXCHANGE, U.S. and oilier &1oi1&m. D.aft5 drawn on al! p:rt.f the looted .Male mid Europe UofoMi-" received, and iicci.il at tuBtion uiven V oolluciioLi!'. Plattsmontli," Neb. jj2tf CLOTHING! CLOTHING! -m-rs U 3 5 ..... kl..Hf3iM-iIIH W llliillSt ?tiMltlHIS oc.T CR IM Ready-Made Clothing, I .. .. ..Mni-mr,.-,! to OKNTS' FfRNLSlIIKO OOODS. , CT, res. I'-oots, Mioes, irat if. wr. isroTioisrs. South Side Main Street, Jrl'63 fok s.ia.cj or iji:n it- Tho ur.d-vi lei half or tho whf.lo if U-vlretl Of ihe nwFT I T(l IlOUtE j GOOD DXVLLLlJt LlJLuC ! of f ,i,r rooms aad crlinr. For ' 'PJ7';!?r rn' r"'if r,-i Blaffr. teuiitr, Neo I j'tra JOB OFFICE prbnten TO Vi.v rim'i.rfv.' X.r cm i Doom, Bro.'i Co. Boom, Bro. Si C. Iiave a larire stock of "C" and Brown Suirar a choice article. Call and cxanr ir.t; For "A" Choice Tea or Coffee, go to Boom, Bro. St Co. Boom, Bro. & Co. have a splen did stock of Syrups all grades and price. Canned Fruits a good utock at Doom, Bro.' & Co. Dried Apples, Beaches, Cur rants, Blackberries the best in the market at Doom, Bro. Sc Co. A choice article" of Virginia Fine-cut and Smoking Tobacco a largo &totk at Doom, Bro. Si Co. A No. 1 article of Coal Oil is to be had by calling at Doom, Bro. St Co.'. stock of Queens and t-' . . csold cheap Do , Bt a Co. CUYLER SCHOLFAX says of Weepinij Vater. Jstrixct from ILctter lo Mrs. CLiisaly. ii,mponnivii,-,,re io VcvJt. r v ierina-a.llv tiiiarjliitMl ,oniaien 'f(f' ii.ii. unx yui-.m coat I rr-L iti-s in v'.ort. destitute oi iU tite fdi- : rfrcM.il m.in h:iviiitr b-'Oii tU'STlVoil tI all by ! " - i f hinkini? thut I miiV.t in Cut flourishing town ! ohtuin a sccniid-hajia blnr.kt t, I rode up lo i I ' st.irc, ami hitchitiK my mu'u by the cits to a 111 III 1 ! l1ntisin..uth rit.nl tr:, ic. I viiltT "!. Jiulse t Invite frnirlit wiie n lua ! 1 Willi jrml l.,r t'.ie '. iiij- suriiri.vf lna I voa routly nut uiid ' g !.-. If you n:o.; u.iyuonp in the j n;..11i,p,,M4 li ne. rnll on tliiii. 1111,1 it Vim tlon t sf-e what you want a.-h fur it. I would lemaik . gencr.'i-.s liberal, good luik- ISUiHUIVIUUIl I Ilk. I k -u. Valuable Farm for Sale. itustM on Four Mil Creek 4V mi!es north tre.-t fit 1 lansrnoUT n. I line in,m iur i im ic r,i . r k ml thrcr-fourth. cf a tnile :"roin th line i tbu II. J- ii. It. It., anil kuuwu jh the s-t.M kin ' f;irlJ. con:aiuiii 1 ut choice Isml. 1-" I jicrci f f r.liich is bottom land, nxuU tn acre I'mlLr soil xtiiiiit iiii.etT acre? in eras. tn ; -4 .;it I buildiliKi. 1D onl.nvd. lleiity id ftcfk wuter. hjlancc-lii sriun iiu-t nil icr It lice. I pou inc ?" " ..V ' V,7V Ttl'. r. ,T ;.m.7i!i Wo-ath t I'.e finite nvr. .1 jCl'OCiasl? ' "" I I Enquire at the i rouiises or ( in Saunucii . ii. .eu. I i'latf-iuoutU, Aug. 5 tf. Ii55. 13 SI -waXSKEV, X) '"KI IN" -T? T R T Will be at Dr.LiTini.-s-r.B-,"of5ce during ti u., in each iconth. All order. left nt t , Post Offieo wiil bo rromptly attended l I r trp I Site gMrashu 3fuwl(l LOCAL ISTEWS. - , V;m Thuridtty' Daily. 1 The weather changed about noon yes B I torday, and t bitterly cold wind made, it uncomfortable this A. M. for outdoor business. . , . - Johnnv Stevens was arrested 't ih- K,n r.f .o-n.r iinii.-Mte.l In tl Ki--- ) pir ion oi uewig impucat ghiry hero night before lust. I Parties desiring anything in the boot line are referred toy anArman s establish meiit. on Main Street. See his adver trsemeut in another column. ''One more unfortunate'' did not jump from the bridge on Second street into the dark and turbid waters; but was overbalanced by bad whisky, 116 evening anl dropped into' the muck iitj feet,lelov Horn. '. ' i ; J . ;. f ' Si.nie of the vi-acres in town account for tho burglary committed night brfrc last from the fact that so many 'Legis lators'' ere in the city on their way to Lincoln. 'Judge not that-ye be not judged." The amount of construction materia along the railroad track, although being constantly pent westward, at the rate of fifty car loads per day, does not eecm to diminish. Large accessions are being made, and the energy of the company in preparing for a vigorous railroad cam paign this summer, promises a speedy connection with the U. P. R. B. Our friends about Kearney must look sharp for the B. Sc M. next fall. , Mark T. Kelley, of th - Little Blue, pub lished at the thriving town of "Jenkin's Mills" describes a dance at that place thusly: Tiie dance on Friday tiiglit was a bril liant ailair, and well attended, and the festivities weto c:irried on until a, late hour. The "lamps shono o'er lair women -and brave men'' with a continu ous blaze of splendor. The "light fan tastic toe"' kept time to the luoat rav ishing music, until the Vwee MiudV hours of the niht, when the whole wound up with a magnificent snpjier of '"cake and oyttors." !) Several of the boys evidcutly ''foundered" them -elves, as they were laid up most of the next day. and it is reported that one of thrui was discovered two days after, on the head of Cork Screw Valley, picketed out tj the southwest end of u seventeen rod lariat, fining ."I wont't go home hie till morning. That 'feller' ought to drive double and be kept on the 'nigh' side. From I'riiVty'3 V'xi'i. T Several conch-loads of passengers left Hoovers Station on the arrival of the Western bound train to-day, for Ashland acd Lincoln. Several arrests were made by the po lice yesterday, principally for disturbing the peace. Whisky anl pay day were the combined causes. A carload of wheat wai brought down on the eastern bound train from "Hoo vers Station"' this afternoon. Our farm ers wiil rind the advantages of Railroads in the saving of hauling and increased de mand before lon-r. A car load of passengers were detain jd on the east l ank of the river yesterday wing to thcviolence of the wind and the floating ice in the river. They cro.-sed this morning and will find tome reward in Nebra.-ka for the bother they endured in Iowa. Bad whisky and fluh times with the Ra'.lrcad bands made quite a number of foolish exhibitions in our streets yester day. Oar police are prompt to suppress such 3:vne?.nnd no harm was done beyond a liule hair pulling n:il some poor claret spilled. Mr. Cha. II Leeber, of Omaha, Ne hraska, called this morning. Mr. L. is on his way to Lincoln to procure the aid of our Legislature iu securing some pecuni ary assistance towards facilitating the immigration of (lerman emigrants to thi-' State. . We wish him unbounded success. The B. Sc 51. IS. R. R. in Iowa are I now running m connect lOU ith tiiC I. Si M. in Nebraska, an 1 have etiected ar- rangemonts with the Platt-ntouth Trans fer Company for tho transfer of passen gers aud freight from and to their o.liee in this city - Tlie B. A M. R. II. Ticket and Freight OjTicc will be opened in the Hf.uai.p building Monday. This Compnny are running daily the celebrated Pullman Palace Dining and Sleeping Cars, and for speed comfort and safety.. offer bettor facilities to the travelliig ullie than any route open to the cast. O a'C ',ut We are informed by .dr. C. II. enf at Piattsmoutli, that tick ets will be sold to all the principal cities east, north and south. Mr. J. D. Sin-.pson will have chart-oof the office at this place, and we congrat ulate the Company in securing the ser vices of so efficient and obliging a gentle man as u" old friend Prince John. An exchange in speaking of the draw backs of a certain city, says it would be : t Io l ii 1 t.i Lave about a v.-.irii of :i tio l-sf ti l to Lave .about a -core of first class funerals among the old fogies. In--eau.-eof t'.ir'u- putting tho brakes oa to all c.tcrgvtle.HA-t.uonts. There are soine fithcr cities bi.-h could atturd ta divide the I u. i-i'-s with them. j - "t.u; a I We tb:!lk illC PUttsn)Oil itli Jh'ynU for l4;iv ro'Oi.Uon of our little .Vor. We know it i slmJ small vol, but we will endeavor tu improve it both in size and apieara:i'ee. as time advances. If Bro. Ilarhaway will only aid in 1 his "Capital ' business w hae entered ou, we will. out of ou.- own pitvate menus, ana and j it has been pror osed in Congioss tl, - 'J' V-10' ?tatr' ffer ht r, l"?Iliatiiri , Iho UlSlCUltlCS Detweill the V ltllllPt Cr3andtho tllCther COUUirv. DislU r?t-.uncs5 . n.a ntan a su hcient Jorce to keep Ue.t un, vc got roast oihj, cowi.-u . . , T . .t-'i: it-:., i; 1-7 iv; cS'Tiuunder Cloud, War ClJd, and Wf roast mutton, boiletl, fried ha.11 and ! Tin PwOOl! Glltt: &nd 8:: iJCIIO OH Sf-OIC NMl.V, j . f) ,(,. ! al the oibu thkvio-, murdering. Indian brodeu cuHew !' ' . , M '.'o Ij' 1 U!U! ! Clouds burning a hair of "LoV "W hat is eur'ew ?"' said tlv stranger. Ar cxelertve Apsu- zM cv.;.: f,.r ti. ri:a ot I ,2. " (i-.Kie,:oiia! ftieud,'' hoad, wlienevt-r 'Curiew! why, curlew, is a bird, some- -T. - : tO ?. '.. Liv?; J tl,y cohe'u le to couie here to Legislute. j 8 iO Wa V t S O J lO h S'at C d O Ul I 2i Ht loll Cl'J; X'r"- f'l1v W 0 arc iu i-r Turk. tent ml hiur IL V ouia it H; . i h-.Uii c Hi i IT'..... I " I " rtr i'ti t-i'. 1 - Murk Twitiai Hotel. "ITavin? latoly opened a hnshery, I send you thes my rules and regulations ' This hoiue thall be cc:i;i Jered tlrictly inn temperate. None but the brave deserve the fare. Persons owing bills fir board will lie bored f r bills. Boarders wlu do not wis!i to pay in advance are rc-pieated to advance and pay. ; B-.tardcrs are exocctcd to wait on the ; colorexl cwk for meals. i Slieet i ivill be rishtiy charged oneo in tix nioniU'-1, or miire ii ueoe.-sary. . Double ' boarders can have two beds with a room in it, or twoo rooms with a bed in it, as they choose. lioardors are requested to pull off their boots before retiring if they can con veniently. Beds with or without tug.'. AH moneys and other valuables are to be left in .rare of the proprietor. Tills is illsi.-U'd 051, as he will be responsible lor i no otner losses. Inside matter will not be furnished for editors under any consideration. Kc'atives couiltig to make a sis. months visit will be welcomed: but .when they bring tlrcir houschoM furniture, virtue wiil cease to be a forbearance. Single nu n with their families will not be boarded. Beds with or without board. Dream:; will ho charged for by the dozen. Nightmares hired out at reasonable rates. Stone vaults v)l be furnished tos-j i'ig bonders, as the proprietor will not be responsible for the broken tin-pan -urns of other ears. MISt KM.AM;or.N. Diptheria is making a tour of Ohio. Delaware peach trees are blossoming. The wheat crops in all parts of Tennes see are looking line. They have just had a ball at Manches ter, Vt., to p:iy cemetery expense. The quantity of gold produced in Nova Scotia during a period of tight years amounts to 1 GO.OOJ ounces. A new company has been formed in Paris to build a ship can il across the Isthmus of Darien. The girl emrlovd in New York in paraol and umbrella, manufacture have struck airainst a reduction of nearly thirty-three per cent, in their earnings. II O. i- cnid to be n vidriOUv.lv f rno ticii!r th1 "Lifting cure" with the view of nltintely aecomplishin'r the end nr.d ohVct of m cood protectionist? lifting himself by his own boot siraps. A lecturer in Towa is devotinr the whole force of his bunted intellect to fclaugh ering Free Maonrv. T Ti" Ch'x nese drive e- lipsos away by beating tin pans. A clergyman in (j run ly county. Towa. hj hocr ti'Vafhin? a;rninif the lioldin:' of f.jstivals in places of worship, liop pincr, skiiqiimr, and ki-sng some pretty women at a qiartcr each to pay the pastor's salary. There are .r,VHW jublii documents and pani'ddis in the vriu't-j of thoCnpi to', wntti'ur to receive a frank in order to be mailed between the present time and July 1st, next. Tho f.onn of Jan. loth, is represented as havine been the spverc-t ever known in the British poscps-ons north of n. The mercury was .".."0 below zero. Seve ral persons were frozen to death. A queer mode of pnnivlnnent latjv adopted by a certain PnuL'H"op'de school, is tbnf of compelun? a sttiilnit to run around the 5-cl'oolhou four hvin- j lred tiniets. whole ditinfe five m"bs. j The oTender is cured by berng made an invalid. New .Terey rciecfed tlje XVth amend ment, by 32 to '27. to tb" AmWy-. Tf it wav not. fo late in the dav sh would reconsider tluv D jclaration (,f Inleind ene New Jerrey. btv-k'vg ngain't the spirit of prnere-s, rom'ii Is one of the Pennydvnni: Dncbm-ui's Pnll atfcnipt insr to buck the loern.ot've off the track. It may evinces spunk, but it manifests neither good sense nor r.ny great amount of power. The New York Tnhvnr is vf -rv wilbn ' tions pieeedent. to the removal. First, it A thoughtless father in Michigan, ."Oine time wee1, nitncil his baby. "Ho ratio Seymour," alter Seymour of i lot notoriety. Seymour, conimiseratin.z the little victim, kindly souc him prevents to the amount tf s:.5!X), as a partial cotu pmsit'on for the wrong done in bestow ng such a i:atne. Hayti ha eh an so 1 ruler, by the pro cess of a "Spanivh election." thr.t is Sal nave has had his brains "bio wed out." and some other knavo has been made ruler th-" tie, man to hold ro-ition un til some (li-v.iti died fellow gets a "crack ' at ft int. when lie will quietly vacate for his iuccessor. No eoritc-ts for scuts after election, i n SpanLdi counM'ioP. The defeated candidate, is alivays fui-it. Tliey have a queer way of salutuig j-eoplo . at .Salcsbury, Comi. At an Episcopal convof-atton bel l there ?iOt long wince, a Winsted layman wa about entej-'uig the church in company with the elerL'vi.iau. when a crowd of loafers near tliedo.ir. who had lien with Tiim tlroitgh j t,e rebellion, yelled out to him, "Ho f are-you, CVp? What j-edoin' v Won't you come and take an old fa. b.otie l drink, the wtv. s-e.ail la do iu iSj army?" Madame do SlaI was a pitiless talker. Some eer.!emon. who w:shel to t' ach her a lesson, introduced a person to her, who they said was a very learned man. The blue-stocking received him gra ciously ; but eager to produce an impres sion, beran to talk away, and asked a thousan 1 questions, so engrossed with herself that she did not notice that her j visitor made no reply. When I'm-vi-it j was over, the srentletnen a-ked the Mad- I i nme de Stael how sU likd their fnrtr.d. ! "A most delightful man!" was tit e reply; "what wit and leai ninj !'' H-r- tl laugh came iu-the vislt- v w dec f and ouiiib. The Peoria Trmwr vof .-uys: "Talk I o the Denmcracv about revel ins in the hall of the Montezuma 1 What is that to the Begro Revel ab-o.it to be --ecu iu the halls of the America u Co; gress?" "What have you pot that's gool?" said a hunirrv traveler as be f cited bim?o3f at a dinner table iu Salt Like City J .s. "Bid it have wings?" "V.,.- "Ves." . . . . . - ;.V .. "Then I don't, want any euikvr m niine; anything tlmt..had wings and could fly and didn't leave this d couatn-. I dcii't runt for dinner." must Le done by the unanimous consent j. t ..-f n-ii'ioo t,-3 x 4 tAn of the States; and t-cc-ond, it mut AsaS-it Wl -Jj-- ? OeV tO $iZZlJ- nlhzlUAk It Oil MX co.-t anylo lv anything, or at least not the j tlrtffl 2 St fViO1 tvAriK lie at prices, tRae tes imow mstai sine f.t'rV ') iJ, Voo d ef- briefs trumpet srmetime before she j . '" ' jlilli. t.iv Miu - hears a President's inaugural addre-s. eteZSrC iSftSCZ I???. ifCClS Of ll)hiCli. I . .m . i t . . t" l ,waiMrv'(ii..c ' v e i : ' It. SCHNASI!. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! jj Evoryoody, and niore tivi, are eoti'S to B. SOBNASSE Sc CO, To buy th'oir ' 2PilTiSCgSlJ5.X3.1li2L010 OOC3CL AT TUT. -- 1ST Ii) AV Y O 1R, K ST OEE- The larjoet uul nnvt oi,-. p:. STOC EC- Arc now n rxhibHiu at the Xt-v York Fto -c. attention to our new DRESS-OOODS. PR IN To, DEL A INS. (.INUilAMS, U It OWN SHEETINU. i-LEACHI.l) COTTONS, BiLMURALs. CARPETS. of all kind an 1 j.ricc l zl friir nmr.rtrcur, ct.itwicorj. l:i:f, vt ;t i. of j ROC'' III ES, i 5 A R DIVA RE, (iLEENSWARE, WOO DEN-WARE, OLSSWA R H, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, We hiv a lar? st cU of ihe cei-l rav.l GARDEN CITY GLiFPER PLOW, STUBBLE nd BREAKING FLOWS, n W..i-f CULT iVA TORS, REAPEKo. SEEDERS. HAY RAKES- &.C Plattsmouth bVl.ruary, K'ih, 1 7U. tf. ff-. 9 Y' 'J t-l y tin Ot;c door trest of PLATTSMOUTH, A t.Al'.fiK STOCK OF Dry Gcg&s, Groceries, Ciothing, FURNISHING GOOD, IBLAATS, O-jS, BOOTS, SXHIO'JBjS and ParovSslcns- HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL, Hlinds of Ooimtrv Produce. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. August 5i.Ii, ISiVJ. IT Si . . , C JllirttlilSC IXC Very OCl hit and .' idly far cu:Jt, .and are prr;: am,' to r nnprl with the trade at any point on the Missavri river. IIUMASON Rtixzcll JDwnns Old Stand, ianTdAwtf ;j "J, CJ V ili . SJ ( T Jir ii Tre tllil Jt- CSI a 1 li Sa I ' ilt;5l STOVES, TH', SHLUT iHOri, V"",L,U! - ! -rr r jr rs "T5 et r-x fc s rr .K jr. jl Of ktr.5 and !.?. trbioh w irrart th? t or; Woisd Cook Stove ive a, call to will not be ua-iersoU M!a street, c-xt d.:er eeiof rL il- iiic I'LATlrt OU'i'll IM 1 . l.i i A-fv . .. 1 f f F DRESS GOODS ,,i creutly rc iucei j ricv?. We call parti-Jutir styi's of CLARK'S -NEW.- I'H E I. cotton va n boo is anb shoes I I). SCHNESSE.V CO . thn IIiiuld OITjci' - NEBRASKA, AT . v . . r. .., ti. I. ; 4 J. nnms u. me nt.tn j & lUiOA PLATTSMOUTH, NEB'.!!ers- 2ndsoJytaI i. - w w -. CO, tt? ; rrrr ?? Tr A I it id. PLC) f J ':. tr, ;'if Miiift. vy v,, , w w - - - irv ., i . . , - - ' P a tMiv a One Door Wcs, of. 3Iurph Hotel. Main Strtet, Pl-iltsmoutli. T now opening a I.aiire iock of N' O-o I Coii3:?t.int: of Gents' Furnishing (j(;o;L-, Hats, Cnpa, Toots", Slices, Watchn?, Jewelry (.Inns Pistols An.i.iunitioi), tiic. fc Bin cb II Oithn.'Ni-b. jar-'-lAwtf EIV3 PMHlFTiKiY Third Street, Gciith of Main, Finltf-iriocutTi, Ath CONFECTIONERIES, and Svcet Crackers. kp; t rr. hue! t flll fi;:.f-. nl.'.fl ;( Ijt MAN A UritKIMT. GRAHAM filcCLELLAfir tLb'c tli-o. i). W il'.ianip.) WHOLlALi; AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS Sd'AdTONERS, .... m ?,KVK DRAbEHS, &c. 1y.'' ''V oJ!r- if 'h t.ivt rf.ii. ;f l;nuii;k "f 1.1.1 i i .11 1'Ai'KH, F'lOl.S I'Al', NCI B l'Ai'KU, l.V ii-M. t AI'. KNVKl.'IPKS, 1M1IA1. PAirit, MliMOilANPCM r.OKT, SCIIOOi. i:)l iKH. A punp'f -T ? a-"'iri nifrit f sea t:i o x k: it v. FANCY GOODS, AND ." T!i(! iii-wp-! lliK.liX snil P''i iv. lii'tiir. nlwny oil mi l. All li ul.3 at puiUvli' rs' j iefs". Si'ii 512 "i ourleenth Slrci t, Cr.iaha, Neb. FCl'tlMlT. n. ncTrsRr. e. i. irn t i . .TS03STJSTP:.U tfn r.iiv a T..'7rNiiV, prop.. LSV5IRY SALE & EXCHE. rTha b.f,tt lli:.5?5fsai 1; 'E.-i.on La '. "tls Corner Vir.o nnil I'oyrtl; .-.t-: .-ts. ir.Cll.wtf. ' p;t;j-.ii.nih N! ;t. i JXcjtl ths fulloicinq letter front 07ic of the oldest and rws, rdiuUe fjrnecry merchants u the city of D ivanjort. Si'iu;ivn , S T T-i-s-.- Jt.' USLll 7 ,'lliltMt f nroiiiise u vim: v. v him here, I write you, for ti i 1 1 t II t f i ti "i'S 1 1 1 H II i, , V4;f4 F V,1 ? icon trorsbk'd with jrestioii- fur a ! time, aliciidcd with sev ere heaii;uhe,ar- I when forOmp.telr ui) I old soldier Ta iond ;canie into the slorc and seommeenHMi mi' Ito use RohaVk's Bit- V. ' ins: a smasi wine -sias I fid! just before t;acfi i mear, ci)doijy sva. jjovlvvas relieved a. joiiee, and aiii now i well bv tfieii hm I I would not be witiumt ; them a? any price. I ;havc snot Sakeis atis ; other nicdicino sinct- I I coiMificnced usiii the DUiVs itiia ;Cii!i .say w.th a e!ea; ! eo? i sc f e? i cc, i ry Rcr i oac'-:. .n -tiiey "'wis. a!!' (her arc . ' r- 11 f-.-,. . : V r V T f ' Of 'ho firm cf Boid. l.ark AMir.er -j "Wlio'esr.lo Gi'oe-ef-?, U,i-cr.ro.A vS?l 4feLfe. 2 ,1 J o