Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 24, 1870, Image 2

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She aicbtasta 2i-?rattl
FEB. 24 1S70 j
. . ... L.
AOUUtXO.,,, .
ltie goot people 01 .-arpj ti.jiu wen.
Vio.-ii fur tli? iirouintness of oar mtelii
voters in aiding tho I). k M., we ot
Ca.-.- would have t
'ity in N-.-bra-ka.
thanks to the wisooni ot our tret-iioijer.-", i
Tf p i-xa. to he the second citv and the first j
.ouiitv in t lie otate as to real wealth and
future growth.
No better moveeouU be '
made b
.1 . ... .1. ... ....
llie C.lJtCll") (.PI ui.iu .
aid the co:i.-tiuct;ou of gc-niiine and well j
backed railroad-: in that rich nud fertile .
county. j
Oar property ha double 1 !n Va?ue. and J
to has our population and available caja
taL Ivt tjarpy f -illow cool examp'c.r
Our brother (juill, lion. T. IJ. Fi her.
of the Pawner Trlhune, is-ui hi- ''Val
edictory" mid hsmls that excclieiit paper
over to Ju je I. L. Edwards, who will
conduct it hereafter. We wolcom-J
the j
adj-dly T-HrtiesnoiaOmahunthe; . -:--V- i o.,t n.i f,.r i...,;...,,.! of tL Ktor. , ' .We or. tie thtm uuUde t k4I1
fth 5r... i.n tfit? suj:e2t of a Mil n 2 in 1 i.....r,..;.,i T. S'tf- -r-r-sl,!,. ; A hiwinten.Ivl to niei-t .this, war. wa- ...... .': .: ! 'li.i-sim ndnt.'-l l.v th! t Urates. 111 i.rocos cf reootistruction.-1 fi
the eo,;'ttc0a,dia& South j alike toylve tlieyourc,, l;-r;. Hi your Lut regular the Keller J' die Supic,u Curr UjOv!- U :tL ia M.hw tor
T?a:w.. l.v vn? i,c ?U0Mi t rt'stiit. j-;nvefaiiy tnay 1, at mistimo. iai:.-z uou-.-.t-r iu nxyi..- i- .-..v.t.v-.v 4.,v.t:,.i,. .,',.,,., v. i 1 " '. ' . -. , ' c- .1 n ittt u-Joiu
...... , w - ,.,.,.,.,. 1,1 ,i:...;tifl ::, !.. l.v vr.n ,f of the. Shaker of lh Uoum As it 'r ......1 1 .v ... ' , hv h ,ersl lanl m-ants W aul in U2 t3 aoorot wiaumon, me v.-uiitruoiAics . . --rv -.jihic f
eounty boundi. I he ieoung wa tnvora- ; . ; . ; - . een to fce univt-rsaliv .leered, t re:-cni- 1 ?:T'..:" 2: 'coiisu-uction of ndlroads has in the past Coir-titnticn Ueets them, ami stripping tb, twt.nU mort
l.U. We cqu si-cak from exneneaee. ; r..;,t,i 1 ti r,f ,,.lr ; nion.l th-i.a-ate of a law similar in its i :VUS . i''' 4 V . r.h.ted n-,)iarlahK coccawful. I Int. t i th ;m ot every soperfiuous appendage,
..,':.: P ... ' i : . ! ' ou...i. ; 1IISir continuod. and re ,Itf tbc In the only attire of u ; SATIS
ana caii ic.i iue L-iu.a-j .raij toi . m ; priM i iimta'.i, mj.i- , " ...... ,'tl;inAM to report ine ueciMoii.-u nu? 1 . . , 5 Q,i ;...; .j,. i,w
.-J, i &At,T ! i & rt&"t ! iSl ; Produce
k.uiu nun in-- .b-----. ... ! 1:....,u,e cnt - od to its f-enefirs. As a .'r aitenv.on i3 cai.u , . , . - . t(. ..-..;,.. i;r ;rs :.. is especially uuererSicu lama conunuaiiou v.....K, v..-
.lion behind every i tapIv .ettf.,1. tt.o intenor is c , ; VJ . J 4 n, " ctul ! r:!"' ,7 . until have a chance to explain.
Jude, and hope he will keepc-vcrvthimr j I have, theretore so. ctel a few ot the
lively iu that splendid enmity, and meet ! importa .t an 1 pre-.-in? 111 1 tl.c.r na
. . , , , 1 t tore, to the consideration ot which 1 will
with unbounded ,ue;ess in his M-IlinTcail)our:moi.timi.
rphete. Ill hii S llutntory Jaltre EI- ! ria.-iT The Kat-a -ati .n .rtbe Dropo.-rU -if-
1 , . . . 1
j ........ , .
in pur?
uits ot Jde where others have sue- 1
I hope to keep the TrUiitnc still a read
able paper, and if ossib!e, improve not
only in this respect, but in others.
The polities will remain unehan el,
Republicaufo the core, so long as the old
party laud mark-exist. When, however,
the.-esha. I have disappearett. and parties !
T-il' - to tl-.c attntxtrt of'lnow t'-?nei-,!es 1 I
ffil. rlSS of inl." fed at hberty
to embrace wh.tever principles may seem
to be for the "urtateit eood of the great-
est number. " " "
TKtfr. b i rir j nf fK.. riid.f vw-t i' bi
i nre w a nn 01 tns ngnt i.ku. 1.1 .
them wr-ls, but we s?e no pro-poet of
the Ju'i.res striking out f -r a new party.
(' V C K I KS I O -X A Is - -i II I S T EX I X O.
Sunset C't.x unJertook to lash Hen.
Butler the other day in Contrres. lie
became grossly personal so much so
tht he was ordered by t!ie Speaker to
take hi Feat. When Butler rose he
poke to the bill., explaining bis position
in a quiet, plea-ant w.iy, and before re
utmng his test remarke.J, tnat m an- j
wer to the personalutt-s heaped upon J
him by Cox, he would say, that, "every j
np.TipiTrn.lrT an.l b 'trl J-li'V lb :v.o a ro .11 1 !
fliA fi.tlv . VTM-d:so.'l lo nriinin-i i
- v.... .. , .... .
'sioo t hil Von t ii',Jitcr 31 lb . .
entire house and galleries literally peeled I 1V
xr;tii laughter, an t p?or Mtoony i ox
could be sea insanely ge-tieolatirig, I;ke
ar.v ntTier -si.-k wintl :i-ilL but his voice was
- . 1 a a . ri r 1
- . - -
j t ...... ....1 ....... ,1 1
laughter that sealed to him the et.phoni- it iu the Federal (Vustitutmn as now pro- j f
- , , . , r. iK)-e.l. where t vnl be forever nkv-eet ! and exvortitdi o. tiKpriipb-d uieu- onuui
ous, elegmt sr.l tady lerj.Tat!c co-no-, i ' ji ..i .t tuL I r.;:-t him to favorable localities v here he
men of "Shoofly Cox." His pon or
irovc;l himself an adept, an 1 the entire
country confirms the a?t, her.c.-fertli
and forever C'o.x wili be knoTti n "Sh
i t 11. It i i
Uv t ox; anl no ctouot l l e a -c ttrcr.t
in view of the great delL-h: it will affo
the lately c!.ri-teu v-1
tritlidraw his anathe:
The Phili Jelphia I.ed-jtr says:
The new IV-ident of the Ileadiag :
It inroad Company. Mr. dowan. is voted
an annua! salao' ot
dition that he reliiniui -he i entiia
lv flip i
l.,t&,.,..s r,t l.'-fif rssl. .I.
cept in the interest of the ('ouipatiy, $lU, (
The Pra' uttrian. in f.nswer to the
niiest.iVv. whk-h tfiurso will the United : r. f'linrc 1. dou-Ith ohorr.tT.sof
the New School bmrvh mixed with Con- j
' 1
gregationalists, seys that imperfectly
orranized churches are cxt---ted to be- !
conic tb.orou.diiv Presbyterian as. early
within the pcri.M of five years, ns mav ;
be permitted by the hiShe-t interests to i
be consulted j
A Brain Atmrplir.
1 m .
why one happens to toiuk of persous he
. ...w ..viviipu... :
has not Feen for years just txfore um-f'tirig
them. A similar phenomenon often
hapjiens when one has impressions d'
the death of friends who mav be thon-
leirns tri-if thev b-l it -i arti.-nlar i
learns tint the liea at u arti,
moment. A writer in the Luiidou .ec-
tator rb.itiks there is a brain atmosphere I through a sit-ee, more -ubtle I
mjn u ii - r tir t'tt-a tue eiei ute i. i n.
t .1 . .- .V. .1 . - it - i
As the undal.tions nf the air occasion j
sound, arid the undulatics of the earth j
- .1.. : . : ... v . . .1
Cive lilt? jtiiorrssioinji nviit, ri ilic uii-
i i . . .1 : 1 ! i. ... !
WJ aima.tdy 1:1 ad tition. not to a very large majority ot the citizen, , i,,.' t a . T,.-.l;.i inrjV.e'i,,,. I ! th'; V1:llV'r w,.n ,,u l,i''''l,or'' I,Ientvl tr i im: ad Senator-, in the Chamber to vote. I JOi aFIEalllf M lil III C119 I'll t. ten,, s.uth Faster,,, and Northern sta.""
TKc iw Vi,i-L- rVn'oM l-n a of OUT Mate. adiOuld Voll be able tO ' , . 1 ' " , .T' 1" : . :, 1: . ! CO 11 bv th o-e interest C-l. .r; l.0,t ,m .-.ft'..,.. I'.nr tbf n-.'iunent i c- 1 .t t 1 . i 1 i .1 m I:i?onieis deHirint. travel Pi xuii.pu-Ir should
tt'SSiSn .Wach king" leh"ana -tity this, amendment without a di,- itZ ' sr, :,.,r f-.r d, J1, ij oti
tmunctuintthal-itnithe intention of -"ting voice. j h Z p'un &Un I Stat,s n,,tV V, V lleally, how Vti MJl l.!,1
Oen. Netiley, as soon as an opportunity Scrosn T provid.. f,,r th.- cr.t"np. .f a ;n I)i1U-t1-i eountv abo over grounds sc- s'csmoh.s. j logical Whereas tjeorgia and other raifted. f 1 ' ' u
is offered, to make an attack in the i ;'eniuntiar- Wt . 1 "-is a site for the Po.-t friiee ntid It will be ne-essarv iv vo l to provide rebel States acted the feol; therefore, f T ily'i't h:,:' 1'uVhI esperiouee in the J.Bsinew. Di,ll,' n. 0
House on Wort Point, alleging that its The subject of providing for th. con- j theVityf Omaha. ways ,nd nieans for ,1,-payment cfyour Senator Tiploa shall repudiate a cm- Pullman S Dltlllig CarS.
further continuance is unnecessary, and fineiucnt and cmp.oyiuent oi oar State 1 Vlvr,. ri i.t 0f sectio,, 2 :,d milcase and per diem, ami incidental ex- tract made by himself, in the soet:i , eNewTicn. . -" . )
the impression f lkht, rx. the uu-! &yn P"11'? " the bu-inas-- . '- "
ion of this brain atmo-nbr- n tv i pursu.t s of life, he is unatted for ; ollL. , -ion
or tais orain aimo-phere m av k ,...,1,. nitiut ! Some cf these counties which have is-
ey impretfswus tetween sympathetic j --n" meut- ! MtL.j hond- arc vet sparsely and
k I I W0M Tefore earnestly re..mmen l 1 :l pnv Vl.a,3 hnee raise a thousand
able share of the coneressimal
now represented tv dj-moerais,
land will also stand a cjol-huiN
- 'J 1
; teat ju i im niae an appropna-viou r, ta,.e ti,an a Mnclcdt,!- ) siirtct. yonv ..Mtenuon, ana Mica arc 4 ed lull, ana impliedly commending Sena- ' - -
lhe l ifteenth an-etvlmeiu will ccnf.T ; apk notth to erect ba:ldin!; creilita- u- t '.1... . w . ; the rea-sous which have seemed to me to ; tor Tim er, who voted against it. Ti MUXI' T Al V 1-T M Z
the ballot on not fewer than 00ft.0w j b'e to the State and equal to 'our wa:t The wo-k-s of i.ublie im-ovement now Mimc-h-nt to justify this extra (si!L ;Z If rou take the last test vote, .-n Wil- J L UiV1VI1
negroes, ail but 10ac0 of whom fre in fr years to come. Ey judicious man- j 5 0 wyi :i,.,f ,Hteria:iv in the -rowth Tun.iu.-r our attciiiiun from.imitters of - seifs. ameudmei,. you have thirfv-enq
the South. Ihcir votes Wi.Mevo.utiomze ; aciwnt we ought to realize at h-asf ; !; , f xhavm. ati-1 ' !,Kal nature in wlneli there i.- much aye, and twenty-nine no. Then on the Fhe, aitt.brkfc UH4in-f.-Mrrry ccurie4
pohms and r;yerc the Ki:ion of par- hwndied mil fifty thousund dollars i fVotn ven'tV, vet.r add area tlv t- their I tntt calculated to give rise to tlr.) final roje, if mv assriatei? lrnd not voted fcyI ?;ek bUckth SP;!iTf
t,e3 m Kentucky and wid Probnbly sc- f,nm the sale of lends donated to the j Sf,-.puiatio. an lgdevelop,m"?nL ' fonJet anticipations, to matters of .-one- ; for the amended bill, when Sumner and Thirtv nave
cure for the reuublicatis at leasta re.-tMin St.-i.t for this iniri ose. ! .. A '.' t . i ..o i ral and tt.mal mteivst. r thmk- 1 ? Thav.-r refus,..! r. v..f.. .,-,...! ! 1. t I (liny UaVS.
uisii iei.
. , - . . i il -- .- ! ...... v..... ii... si-r t u-rs til 1 r.iJ .tit? i-H'iiiTiu iti't i , ...... .... . ..v. u .ii . i . . .... . . .. ft.n,. oi-. I ..i, i.j uj i i ui- ; r . - . - ... w . .. ... wuwi-p ni iccipnisr to
cominga liepubnenn Mate. J he colored t-l0se of the present soeson. This will . !r -1 dm s and mvatio:,. Those f. co ', i length and breadth of the Ian L Com- fea,-ue and seventeen ethers, sn;.', bin- U'' By ,rJt' ' 'thi V'T.Ni h?fn'"
electors there a, t-.s-ew here. w;.i y.,:e al- : r.q:in: nil ...pTopriatio., td' peihaPsfilVv i ..f.'t.f: rv A th- b netitn- 1 e- ,-: "H-.oe, agriculture anJ all the arts ofiife ing the place of Sumner, the vo-c w-tn I MIA. ".UUovu, Xrea
mcst uuammouslyvwith the lo-tuib!; -an-- ; thou-nipl dollars at the prc-t nt time. ' j 'X'n i.v-dbrts atroodau' upon this t'etn I were never in a more flourishing u: to f.e ty-sevcn ave. and ten no. i T Tl, D t,V-
itnwl who ! S-Jl .Tl rS -1 T.M:!.1 tU't ,h Pj,!'T?U bl-- of impiveopHmt! Iti, Vut fair ili a f-on. The national, debt, that huge Wl,3 Virginia pre.eme 1 wF fbr TO 'The PubllC.
Mere iioci,au t wno sin it. n.-.t ?!. i rro-j vz : 1 haM;rov,-ioi,s I c niade lor the sal.. ; , n-;.:-;:liJ.. - in ,..aring th-e bur- niounta.n wl.icn at nrst appeared to aJiui.-swli, herMv.tceontitution a!!owe,J I LI. rersoa- are hereby arnj not to trade
teetedthem when they v.vre icedives. 0f I Vnitentiaty Ian Is at an early tl iv ' e- ! stand in the way like an impassable l,n- eelred men to v ,tc, cud to bold o'h-c A or'the lotl-iwh, ttet4. tbt-y "Vrifrattda-
LePuU, That to n.eet the prtscrst re.piiromenfs I . tU ( HX.nd tL, wu,lti..s t0 "f dmareh. isbeh.g ,arpJ!v! and they were ther,
. , xZ- ZV for money te commerce the work.' an' -1 V i , V : t . - 1. , les.-encd under the admirabo prdity f is ataw, and she had p edged herself, in ! (-'one i-r si".t. due April 1st istu-
A maiked change his come over tne ; U,v, ff8.3tu iVnitenMaiT I5.uvls. I i V'1'- X axing the present adn.ini-trarlo And I think ratiiVinlrthe liiteemh A.aeeduten. , tl iM r' vn i-y h-lM t. KirkHam 4
, 11.. I . . .--'i-.--"...-':.'i.-i,.'..l.,7.liJU,:.l.. 7- . P.'s ... ....... ..... - . i ... . i v 1 t, iv. IU. II i VUPII'PP U.P.--.I, , U.IL IlltJ liikl- I'J Vi)..- freii lieirn. A li trie tm.e ti'o t wis - .- . .i , , , 101 :l,e e:!tror:se-. i . - i. -n .- , i . .. . ... . . . ' lux
- ' v' . te,.. r 'l Mi.r .,,..... .-.!... ... c: - J i w,- in iv ..-. Iii.t l.r.Ku.l. 1 ..... . -.. . 1 I . .jf -, . p f , .... 1 I. .. 1 . ..... . ... .. . . p
stoiuly a-erted that hite- and free ; ','V'V:,' ( v'. ' ' or 1fT I would 'therefore recommend an V r r' t" .n - 1 l" "f ' ' . T i'
1 1. t -. . .v 1 1.. i.. .. ' J n.ix toe t i..-.iiii.-!oiK;rs ol tha .V-hoo! .... ., n- ... pieoi ai.s.t lmttion oi tms burden, its ! a-.-coutitol ratte or color. ' On t bit sub.
P. a- Kb eout-a tiO'- i. la-ueeaio. t ..renter, ' ., ,,, I. a i, I,. t . : ... . 1 aiueiiiiiieiit pro i-iiiiit t :i;u. po poi ison oi i 7 , .... -.,.., .. , T- . . i . - ' i . i .: .
, i .... ; I'O'-l t .n l Ho .iHiliiir.,'e'l to invest that ! . i .o i ... i . ; , 1 , , j .bl LavteUt at d.-taut ixj:iop1 u-: K-et fciieeoualiro noljithr. li t'... l-'iP. i
ana sunorv co:on;zauon s neine:- wc-:e , :., . t i ,s. ,., ,-, . , - ine principal or umins i-"U-."i en i-er ; - - , o-i t.-.j. -, - . , , ,. .1 f-
. . . . li.a 1 ill 5.-11. . Iiii'l.-lioln hi. p. ph.. .... i , I .'. ... . .. itr;"! --Liire. I. 1 I, I Il o :i t :-s on -lis a . i I . .... it i i ,n t . . 1 1 I ........... I !.. . 1 : . I -e
proposed. iJut now, whrn.tbee,dorea. . .(.;irv fl,r t!. :.. b-id within at l,t tenrr-trcea i - io-.",;-!: ts hav ' r-r i..r,V..j,7s t.... Il ' l.'.'-.M!, 1 ht-;V -f ..iT.,r"...:.. el
in.opie secrn .ocudto fl Vru of th woik. l.,-sZu date cd ts-ne i-iued a revenue nietre h a tiui.' J ihT&S, eL " " fi '
Vl,a!:i,.a:. l7L , . ' .-rtbatnindhe hereiomre been in- 11?. ? .ityv A.d ttougli the f:ce spirit she u-c 1 ic as a v-lcrv VledeJ on her
"''I, lr. . ' ;X ' . ,V ' ,. 1 ',; , , , i vest'-c nited States bonds. ' anet. of tU- net nu-vt u,cn'i.i,vsi t tiie i ol the west Las bor.e th:s burden with- ' i-art, aii-1 it h her r-i -e'b "t eo- I ti .-t
lu.l O. l-jmcn a.-fl-S. li.) r-otcsi . rPiRt)Tt, .,..;,. ,-,n.v r. '. paj .n.;n; ,fa poruoa . :' tin- pn-ieip-il of out a murmur so Un? as ir was tb,,i, lo ! :ol slCe is io,i,'V 1,. 1 .." : ":' '.'
,ll?f..ida"MLa;e their - u, the probation of thJ voted ou Io.noaV amendme a to", th. I S'K
Hint tlie:r i r.!-e:ice .,,u u,-., ,..u.-i. --.--. - . - lue uuicnaiuent ot the lav. as iust national life, the t me ha n..-.v ,-.n-ive..! I r-w.a.obh-. U .. I ). ' .. v r " kin
nre r.ccfe a'y t' to te sal 1 tie Lomans,i.ners ,,f Li.mmg county : reecx.mmended would surest the mo-! when in mv nn.;i.m it U n I,-,:,..... ir. ir.-d .1,, C o".. il. .!.: :.'. I If
lLi- ch: n :e ;il fori indent, asit is wrought i .ovi si a tax of ten m-i.s ou the dollar tor -i priety of anonllng mitd' in .case, wJtorc endured, and I think we may justly vx- was therefore of no ethZZ, I
otit b-aetuil needs, ij- re reeMu.e-1 as; . i-ru-po.e (I Mnidur? p leile across;. axes been alrealy k-vmd. This necf in this dire -tiou also. a' i.p-i.i.ortov. . ...vrieor,. I ,..;u iZ0. !
ttp be n ve that ere long th-1 i r- ELnoru river i said e-corv. N'oo- tr.mld wo-.k no i linre o. ib. r,ni.,l.Kr.!,l..,. ..,,i.,t;., tu ... . , . I .'. . ,..-t . "v 3 . A
white li d ihe o.
1-"-;v l-"tr-pV--l--l"
'.'I 11 - . . iai . . . . I . " - - - "-s .-.- u r . a . 1 . . HVls..,l-5X.'IVI.t.iII..l';II-i.t,Lt,lal.i!l"I..Ii:il--ilti I .H T t " I'i T. . tf I
Get!emr the Seuatt and House, of i
n.;.r,tt;,r '
It is with jM.vular caM-ficatiun and !
1 t.iea-iire tnni. i again wcieoiu you itour ,
jU capital city, in the capacity of leeiv
' . t i i... a . '
r 1 .... 1 .,it..... ?
P"' l' iry-
. " -"-
ol I .u.-itk-s.-. at renuaut upon :
the first regular -es.-ioi! under our btate !
i-'ivt-ririi'-n:. i: is not a matter ot urpi-e : t
e-uini:ife coii'-e-iueiiC'?, tin- I;hms a'.j.i- ' ...... y-f - - - ' crea-- I am assured that 1: is en.-toni- j 1,1 . 4 - -- i
tf.-.t to these newthorotiirhiuroiarc hem- 1 '-''V tate JViu- may revive , aj 1 'if . ,n ;his duty to In conclusion, gentle.aen. allow n:e to hereafter no one of my inends ho ill j
... , , , . . 1 0 !...- ! 1,.. i .I.-- ii.v linn i 1 ..i 5 up i.Miiiiiumj 1 ,. .d MPii-niiiniir - 1 in will I--HU1 en:iT.ce nnv newsnarier
b;5t to-day, ; j "ii'"i i:;". n.i .. """" v 1 ;i. i ..r...... !., .j .111 1 In'; tif tin coiiMicrairn 01 uusMUPj- ... f ; , ;! : t ,:.v. no ,1... .t. but Mr. Raleouilw w !
- ' - -. 1 .11!,.. i.v,.ri. 1 tio ir.i-i 1 ; r . 1 1 v . . - v v. . v. . . . -. . . . . - -. - . , 111. t. . Li a l ii.u t.i . t i.-v , . . . - - - t
illation ,,f vuriftateUiapidiv inereasimr, i't iK-tciif.ary. I WnrPr ,a.febv tU (..vrra-,r f.Ttn. :-- your respective b...lio. that in all things ; do me ittti,-0 wne nc iciuro-, 10 iu j
n.,.l in rvm- v.av we Lave reason to 1 I am in ivreh.t f IcMers fioin proini- u..f c rtAia'.-p i;. lu-; tV.m ;lln we ,aav ajt for the host .uo..d t f the.fa'... ; place as hd;:or of t.'ie hepuMiOtn.ior 1 .
1 ' I tyl I 1 It V II L j ir, .tun mil "y i . . - , -I j 1 --rii 1.1 riifiTv K Id rtlim VIII li. rtTLiL!!! f ' J . . it - 1 1 II.
1 ..i...- ,..ut 1. ........ i...,.f s,; .i,vi,- tV-..'"..- l'uul ,.u '" l"t uii ,!.Mf i!,i...l,-!,.1s(1t'.i li v tie 1. - am to d was away when the article an- 1
that s-eiuc i.r.p.ortaiit tubjoct? f . to.-a.-y!-tiosi
were over2.Kksd or omitted. that th;j ex pen
lo t.rovide 1 -r ttio-e. an I other cases
11 n: :i:'ic:i oil! !i iii:r .11 iii ;
as.-t-J, I have asaiii tliouphi it advisable j
o convene the lji-hiture ia fr:ecial se- j
.Manv tonics have beeu suairested from 1
rtiflVr.-nt .s. i-tiL.i's of the State I 1
hould have been triad to ine'ude were I I
not .tutidiod thut th Contiuitirn did not
eoiitenitila'e so wid a field of hilor for
- o'i when l.iet in special scssii-n.
lpctiih Amrnitiiiout t- the CuiKtitmion of the
fmo-i sa.:t.
4 fciian i,4U- lilt" iuiioi ii.ui-iomi.i
.., vonrrno-tivobod;.-, attested c oies 1
' r '. . 1
of a resolution ot Contrres- projio.-in- an ;
A Congress propo.-n an j
tu-3 Coilstl.Utloll Ot .! i
amendment to
I nitr-d State-. It is in the form of an
additional Article, and i as f .'.low
Article XV. .
Secthin ',
V The riht of citizens of
the Tnited u rates to vote shall not te '
tie- i. nitei .ioes 111 uirMui itoi
denied or a .riJirid bv the 1. mte 1 Mates
or by any State on acomntof race, color
or previous Condition of servuu le
Skction '2. fit- ('ont-ress .-hall have
pow.a- rntorce tin article by appropri-
ate lei-la:-;.!!. I
1.: ,,. , . . ... .1: .1. .
it is not my purp---e 10 uiscus.s me
me-its of this question at lentrtli. The
priu ip'c invo'ved in this amendment iJ
leeo'iii.'-d iu the organic law d" this
State; it was made a fundamental con
dition of our admission to the l'nion,
that within our borders there shoiill be
no denial of the elective franchise, or of
any other ritrht. to any person by rea-on
of race or color. And vir legislature bv
a solemn j-ubhc act declared the assent of j
our people to 5ai'.l fundamental condition.
Upon the broad basis then of 'Ejuality
before the law" we took our stanl at the
trst anJ ;t has bee t0 a jar e majorjty
of our citizens a source of no oeuret
of pride, that they were able to point t-
silell a
iU ..P Ul.l'AJ 'l Jl.". JI.l.T ...... v.ji
....1.. 1 . 1 i..i...,, 1... ,d. t,-; i
o.wir m i.te
1 cn!:ti-.s.
Vi"b--,;i tb:- i-
opitiion )i particular
an 1 on'v tion.
, , -
it'.? vr
have beeti
oi reco; .true, in t" t lie I i :eii
th-proii'ehlv and grandly ac-
I he n spent of twenty-eight States is
l red aired to make
lh:s amcn-J merit vai
T went v-s ven not ctiuntinir New York I
i have stlrci ly deciar:d such assent. I
j It is r.ow vour privilege to complete ;
this work :o well bejun, to sive the fin- !
: islting touch to tins fabn-e, of trir
p . I-,
American libr-rty, to strike the final
i blow wiiieb shall sun-lcf ch:i::rs lorged ;
bv the tij-r' eu isoi ol r?.lt aires and mam- !,l b-' -.ii liri-o I i.r.i-1. !'.. t.. ll.i- !
.....-.f -I...- Tt tfi:,tll I .. . , v-nni-" i.f I
preat cratiliea'ion to myself, and I doubt
careful attention
The ct t ction of a suitable buiidim; f r
'his purpose cannot,
justice to the !
. . .1 -.11 '
trie copy ue, oe lomrer ae.ayed. 1'i lie; j;i j-.:o-v j-i .s--iii-i s j
ow-ntn ui tnejaiism .iiTi-erent conn- :
i 1 .1 1 i 1 ir ;
tl" Msj 111 number. Lnder this an ana-- ;
ll.!!'Mt "1S -penso to the Mate tor si.o- ;
lc,1('R ni,,,.-a;;
th:ln. " ,U,
si-n.u-; uii i.-u.i.'i i is sn-ii'ia 1
e if a single place was ;
j provided for their eontinment.
ly t be erection ot a J etutenttary an..! -
. 1 -' i
i - uiiaoii. - woiasiiojps, . 111 .uiit
the labor of convicts viight be made 1
available and a soun-e of revenue to the 1
State. '
1 an assured that the present nr. !
mn-rfMiit-iit Is v. rv- tor it. r. i
1 "'' a-s he o! Mints, in the dam... nr.
. , , c,i, 4! ovevero-vded " i,5i
c t.s ot iero.v.iL i,
without emp oymei.t lor either ...: I or ;
-ody, u e.,,,.d hardiy ,c oxi-t.-d that
In- wool. I imn.-fivrt niiil-.l v or i.hvi.
i--.-- - -- - . -
ciHy. Indeed it ,s ntmost umver-afy ;
e that at the end of his ten,. wen j
irn,r tf4U. l.i. n jivui thr hiuinuu
"-- "---.i -
r.iiraii t s. ,,r lit, hn w F,r !
1 1, i ., ,. :. ... i
mi. inwtvr. f-tiou .1 v..,ni,-i..n,.s. -it i
once 01 ine r- iiiuui-. inai a lRirttoii at
. I.-:i -1 -1 :, irf-ii-tix-
. . ... "
tirst to give reaoty to tne . ...v .......... ' .risY..:. . i. . r'-auirrd b't the ni-ynfeetin aet$ V l.,,t..r, r..,-..1...r Tin.
null em.iKM.ite.1 hi the Declaration of ; by this human tele, uu-er Mates nave i c.,sm-s.u tuc..,: .tt,e, .,, .- ' I y;is availed bv th- O.n-iha I V -C ' '
iiJe'-eiiderice. "that all men nrc created ' dtetr charierol imtnu'rattoi. soctCesand j great ,y increased since our a Im.-ion as J.;;, ,a j1,,' v,," f ' ' t.v.i , cpox-hes, right here in Nebraska.
e an-l cpiah" tt.e.r saaoie 1 agents v.ui . : ei i - 'Va. r V, vi!;,, 1 rake's mmii fin., r.t ; "On j nl tins doiMrtnc proclaimed,, r.nd
it is but an set U snuplejusrie.-to the j m-ae.s. wn "'-' " r ,u '"V . . ' " " " ' this amendment. : iust an-1 so --ueees- ! his prettice in doing awav with the ne-
vvionalfieedmen that they should have ! known the udvantaees ot the.r respe.-tn e r. -p-.n ... ... -. - ( , -r,.l - n 1 ff,,r.nt"
i . i i- ,t..o i.iinvi. the nnir.i-M-ant eonect m- V i.mvpnv : -i--.. v., n:i c. r e- " , ' , , .... ; tOssity ol li'l; an l atiit.pie iruarantees
ho same ritfiitto vote, whetuer n si-l.iig ( S.ates. to.i.i' ne mnui.i.ti i lo.ieeti.i .ppiop!i..t....i, ,i.i "r , ai n,..r r,.iM.j sats. S.viat.r Oi:ver I , - -. , ' ,
v..i i j, t.. .. T1..0 i'isu as to routes and loaiues, to the net.'--.-.:: v lueidi ais t tidvcini e- . . .... ' '. w. ., i :. rom rcb i iu'.i- states woit? do not accord.
oi.Mioi.r rii inrwuh miii 111 nii-iiiVii ivni I'Tf i a. - -.1 1 . 1 ... t 1 . 1 . j . i i. . 1 . , .-. . t v.-. . 1 1 .u, . - . j . nwir-ii 10 iin- 1 .it- t iriui 1 1 tin n irrai
oi oe . i-a-t "nfiV r IT-a. IV ler rv-i'iinn-ii'i- nt 1 ... - ti . .1 : . 1 . iir..'..iiii 1 -. .-ac i.rev.'O f lir.... ....... ; 1... ' I... t I 1 ., . l , e . i . ani ih ..r n ..
ft u.e, vm temns ti f32.i lax w. . t a-i le f y the ; r.soii flii t.teo ol a:l iu.mos i.s.-u. l .t i-c;;- i ca;i:t ;-iiis nr- u,,i.,ubt( i!y entitled to j a val .able bill afier vUch hivo Uu t
! reecommvt.'d the passage eia law author-
I -
' 1 .,..n.-.. nth,.r.
in i ii i ih r 1 nil. i u r-w - , a -& iuh v i t
thcm l0 j.s,uc County Bond to the
,.c .,..- . u-M I ;.'!
al authority to l.vy and collect a:i an-
nnai i.x n tme mm -
i. - ayment of intent tliereon, MA
r. ..... ,ii .... riw
.- n- : .1.- t .: r-. '
rc - t
(1 lira; t!l-: .:i.-ei!K"in 01 ukj v -a 0.1.1.. , ,
- irMing in!
ht be litted up 4lr their teai- i
1. at a in ..derate c);f an
t .-.a-ip'j'.iincais.l utiird- i
mi,' tisei
mi-dit be niaumlly l'.;ned j
l:'.' e. . iii.ip v.. tv. . ..v
ranfinent lo n;ado the;- -or.ii be em-
ployel 011 the i'enirenti.iry and other j
State Lui'.'l;n-.'s ab.s'.i:
to bn
l le:,r own eotidi
on wotiij i-
T.-ifle I
bene it ted bv :-ue!i a c!ia:s e an
d 1
v con-
staut eniploj uunt while the
1 c nartiallv c l for moneys ex-
pen led in tJi-ir care.
Sixth The paMageof Ml!iti..I.3T.
d'his subject is a train before j'ou f ;
tim-ideration. I am satisfied that thj
interests of the St t?e den.and the passage j
of a strin.treut militia law and the ortrani-
:ntio:i of an effective military free, that
ih" vorefaer of Midi :Vl oriraiUZ
iiioti ex-'
i 'tii io f b.- St:tte. well drilled an I armed t
., , 1 .,.,. WJ,, In.liino I
:UH-.' x ' i. .. . ,: .
t o;n '.nva ini ourrrouiiei eouices. mat ;
. : ,., , .,. I
it:wou.j cllcour:t;i, settlers to push out j
... 1 ...,r.Ut, ,... r.;,of. bo I
;t!tc the.-e eeunti-'.'; cannot be !
1111 ! Tit
I noubted. I trust that you will con ider t
! this matter and if po.oibaejrive its a.) cf-
! fective ortrinr.ation. At least. we-hou!d a law under which to oiaiue on '
extraordinary owaion-. Severtd times
ex.i.r..a:u.tiJ '-" .........
the Executive ii is been etnbarr.t se-i to a
at .lree by havin, no autl,,rity n,
dor which to act when it neeame impera-
lively necessary to call out troop. j
.-Jrvtsiii Tte coconrairtKciit A Immra-
: ',n' , . r 1 . 1 1
rr ... tsof th,-r:de demnml
The l est interests of the State demand
that we d'.rl-.iv this matter no longer. I
am assured that this ire-eiit year will
witness an uti;.rece-!eiited immigration
IVoiii f.irci-rn (untrio". Eft us not be
1.1. 1 our sister S'af.-s in our cnIeavors i
to si-cure th s valuable addition to our 1
popmafioii. As 1 said in my me is.i qe j
last vcar ''thoii-ands are constantly I
swarnnug from the different countries of j
Europe to find homes m th:s land ot tree i
ln-tllUt.OlH. 1 ne.v miujr itu tiiein a
limited amount 0':' capital, but what is!
more important to a new State, whose i
fertile soil i-' tet-mimr with r."'adv wealtii, 1
tiievbringwiththvnii.irxluctive'iiKlustry. I
It is desirable that we should secure as !
- - - . . .. , .
him in seeiirin--' direct and clieao convey-
c in find a home for his family and an
open lield f :-hi- !abo-. NebraMta. wi.h :
liiiiSio'i . of m.l :ve!o.-.;.I w?:;':l. i.t tier-oa
mine;. ! . ur. ! with ..elii:a;c audeoaiuier-
i ia! facilities tin-':, passed by et'sy nt-w and 1
inl an 1 State, has done almost noihtntr.
If not d'ie to the immigrant him-tb', it j
is at lea.-t due to our present population, j
that iiuniediateati i tili.uent nteasures be i
tak'-n to avail ur-'-lves of this most t f- j
f'M-iual and de si -able iuea-i.s for the early j
UeVtiOpeilreiH Ol UI iiwiuui iv.-oanc.-". i
, . . .. i ................ 1 ..-.........-:.
I tire:.1 ur.:i von tue n-ee--:
if- ol abb-
era! aooroiptiation ior thi- j-urpo
ip-ii.,.l m:ike.:i better ittVC -t irlel; t.
Ku,THTho v;in.,a;san-nt cf State Jnr:
r:i..ii.:n o-i-r lane? wh-.-re ll.o .t-iir:.t Onvvrn
lai-iH erccte 1 or pro:
se to erect p'lhlic
As the Uuite l
r":are.: irovernineut wi.i
cpiitnVu s. cities and re;:iurt to l. arrow H:.i!i-y
011 their or 10 issue i n is to a ' I m the
......t. .. .iii .i.ltinn .it w.i'-ks .it ii.f.-rnrpl
S.D..t ,
in-.p;-.ivc:iuni in t:ii- stale. ioipI Ictcalie lend
1 1.. : ... .l .. t.o i-no.i v
n.;.rr iVth. i.. iar' as-l I
vi )c (,,- ti,,. H,iii'l..l pnviiifl.r "I 101
my j.Tii .11 of '
ctn ns pr.i- 1
, 1 1 . . . 1
me pniicu-.o o, -..-:
The piovUIoiisof diis law re., u ire. the
a.lU ievv atnl collection of a tax sufii-
.,no,,,,.,- tin. lril.To-t aiel a iiorrii.Ti nl
,i. r ,-,...;,I..! d" l.,,i. 1 . Usii.xl in onrnaiu-i. !
',hfreo - ' "
i ., ,;,, ti,,. v.ivinr-i.t of m-
111 li.S iTirni:i'ii Ul'i
. h .rtl(m tf the prtliclt
ipal should be post- ;
poned for. a term of years. Many ei.un- ;
ties i.nsious to aid in the coirstruetion of
roilroa b', an 1 other vro.k o'f publ.c iui- !
provement, have, voted to issue, and I
In-ve so i.-stitd, larirc amount of bonds. I
" xoe cases, it l- too much ot a bur Jen
on the tax-pavers to icpine of these an-
. ,, ' ;- f t . i .
"";'!,"N n 1 "rr",I,r V. ',' I ! 1. ... 1 .A
- "' . " "Ti, f I
i.. .,- ...... . i- i i
" "- sn iiii-ii n.. i-.v . .... ....... .
, -.'e r -m'ne v (Wt -t J
f ; - ; ;; J,
Osi.t ei ill in... men iin ".ua.m." ,u
Ol it. I.
. -I 1 . . . i-.t
mre lnuaoiiauis ;.t ti
:C Couiltie ; xl,
tli's indebtedness?
. ..... :.P'.... n r p..t hoi
. , I" . l : 1, 1. I. r 1.. f 1 11'. I'T' 1 Ifl I t TIM fl"
,.,,. iiil.lbTr s over i J"-1 v ,a.ed fir llie rea-iiiiir ot the rule leoitir- . . the ,. ,i-rt .i. 1 ...
to the of twenty years. I
. .. . . . j i
iaa - - - - . ---- f 1,
'.., V(:... f,,' year mu-t l -- mvle bv
' i i i .- 1
mulie luvin-u mu-Ii hs,-J, as the'v
.! i - - v' i i. . . '
w at . 7-. m vfrn iti u -i i - u i a i t i.t.
lib to relieve theui from thi, ii-.civ-:ty
tnat J -itiec-t this anion nut :k.
i ..i" i .
the rubaciiiou ot iucaitui-ii-s o! Uie iaiiie ,
p'J.-Sl !C
r ,
the de elovuiieiit of our Saline j
-n-ts. I
into a eontra -t with ('uhn and Evans in August hist.
wherehv thev oMisratc.1 the: i-e.ves to
once comnieuce the sinking oi a well 0:1
Ja.,.i t-ascd U thciu for that pur .", and
: to continue the sinking of th' same to
t;.,e depth of cif
biiiu: of fii'ty tie:;
it hundred leet unless
:.. .-. ...r.'. 1
.-v 1.1 .... iippi .ipppp.. j
i,e tuijii.'!' ii!:!.!iiiwl, an. I to -Keep a per- ,
feet L-eoloi. ieal r-cord of formations i
l.issed tiirouy.h in t!ie 1 ro-zecution of the
To aid them in this work I contracted,
subject to vour approval, to deed them
t;vo sections of Sa.ine 3anl !cljnintj to !
-i.e.... !
the State
Since that
time they have steadily
prosecuted the work, moetinsr however,
with very many obstacles. They have
already exjicnded twelve thousand dol-
lxrs and it wilt co.t Uiem several tuoui-
m-ls more to coiwolete; the work. The
. .n-u i n-ior.1 miivl. ,. lit t lis (,,n-
TZ. . 7..:n ' :.....!.... i :.. .!.. ..;..t
tract wia piovc iina.u.iotc iu m.- siumuo
T fr.,,t von u-!l s... th..
f future wei:
u.,-;,-,. -of till.
justice 'of thi.s measure and cheerfully
eoniirm my action m the matter.
It is t.d' the hiyhe.-t imio:ta:ice thai
this interest be developed without Je!ay.
and I see no way whereby it can be done
without Hiate aid
Th:btkth T nueul n act entitle J "An
This law has been Fmnl defective in
rj;nv important features.
' 's defects will be pointed out to you
, ., . . 1 r . o
be those nio-t interested. 1 have allu
ded to it honing it would receive proper
attention at vour hands. -
r.iriiTEEVTii T" n:r.t-r..l C!. 11'
tiitutei ertit' l "Towiis."'
53 licvi.iil
It is In Id by goo 1 lepil authority that
towns ineorporated under this chapter
po.-ess no power to enforce ordinances
made by them; that arrest and ituposi-
lion 01 nnes u-mcr sucu orumances arc
uwy uiwuiUMiiu.
1 rceoinm-md that it be so amended as
to meet th-'.-.e wants.
I-'h-t-sfa-iii Tj innkc w-m i.di-r.-- fi-r
'. '.w -.
mc api.ropnatioiH nia-.e ior iius inir-
pen-cs ot the npei tntt n lent ot 1 !
I st ru . -non an l lor
. , .
tlie (i-i-iii-jiiairiit ''is
Abo fj. ft:; nishiiiir
olilccs of the Ad-
uey f icneral.
m v receive vaur
iutant t ieii-'T
and A
I tit! it
c tref l' a:
i -i
IV.: ;:.
Si i-kknth Tu
U;iiv r.-i!y l'r.:. l.
1 r .. . i
le f .r transfer of St.;;t-
ioete is
fund- of tli
ferrt:d to the
no pro'1.
- Unlet
tv ce.n
.'-a trin
IJ.jard of
Ttea-urcr of the
Tiie I "niver-ity building will be com
pleted b-jfore the u-ext regular ses.-i'.ii of
. i - ,
an 1 it is vci y ucsiral le
that the lb
r.ts have fen Is 1 1 their
'.'viieneil that i. la.w bi
u i
ed authoi i.'cg .-.u.-Ii tri.n.-ll:-.
Pivr.viEsi ni To uv.. n 1 tUo ait ll:.'.iit" the i
U11H-PJ1 il.,l,li;i..-.ii...Ui,l.
1. ..- i T . '
The Jul
, . . ' ,
; ihstnet V uirts
urge tint it. is law !
1 men-leu.
ks It '
now i, irreai i-i'-oi.-. c
e re
to.-, .iii-i
I ,1
erise.- 01 111c session
N'.xktken nt To divide lie? State into ('011
?ressi.)uai Dis'rii:!-.
It is th'Cl lit that tlv; United
j li"ii? 10 in 1.1P.C1. 1 p.p.- ..11.
such an increase 111 our p-jpuiationas wui
entitle us fo two ii'-pi'i'-einaiives iu 1.011
eress, I vrnestiv iioi.e this inav be to.
The amount of labor imposed upon our
ere member is very great, and represent-
inj such a w idelv scattered and raoidlv
increasing eonstitueucy, it. is of course
impossible for Iron at all tuue.s to do ius-
ti-u to all claiming Lis time and atten-
tin. t .
Trusting then that ajjother year will
fin 1 this labor divided. I recommend the
passage of a law making a ilivision of the
State into Congressional Districts,
. 1 v-revi-iKi-ii- r.. .-..-red cln I errors ,oaee
!? rrMi"g 1U:'1 c" ,r:'!
" Many deiie;;! errors were committed
during the last Ik-ui-s of the regular fics-
, ..- . . 1
-' "
'S''-. -o IJi. ' 1 I X tit ! 1
a el.arrecter ;is to r ;n ler tne law? inope
rative. I would recommend I hat a care
ful examination be male to the end that
all errors may be corrected. ;
iitcn, wriiiiviueii, iii i- tine speetai stio- i
- i ; l J.. l,;..i. r 1,.,. t
till SI i0..t-ll
jx-.i.t n ukiTiavFim xsf u uivii i iiw r-UCIJ
iioiiiiug 1:1 the tut p. re ot a caani.-ter to '
... p .
darken the p:
d and;
4 - 1 i ii 'i M'i' ':Tii',i!.i:f: it:i,ii'ii;t i.ff i
rti.-pect. e U'liver.-:;
- J1rr-:"f''rt'B'Tt!
bolstered. - up and made ftronir by the :
...... .
ww.vit m stiit i (T iri-nn"" 11;: uiotih w no
ttiotigh -Tint, eijuahy a..-.-.- to uiaK; taciu-
tl,: ,., rh mf puuattv 'ftl.-h- t tikf; them- i
- . 11 11 1 I '
-.kua-.luiauia.whi Mceossary cause j
A ...,...J v r.. ,.- 1 v
- 1 - r
J -have Iwmw tt.uv.-tgtjy O'nviuc j
in it u-Lk 1 1 a.- rrii ! ?r irir vtt(' 'ii nur
; ' "V v ., ;
f iijM'wts i- a inr tn iJsa nc 1
As you publ'isLe l the I!cp il!ic".is article-,,
will you publish this explanation
5 ' i T. V.'. Tiitox.
WASl!INiTON, Feb. 4, 1S70.
disposed of. and how mv eolleaffue voted.
AU these, 'nets are of record, and I shall
only group them together for you. Con
gress' passed an act dated February 10,
ISG'J, on the subject and ordere I the
President to enforce if. lie said in his
annual mo:S ge of this session: "77ic
1j -j'thxlurc iw.t t)t ili'tl all vcqv.lrol I'll
the rt.',lutiein, ami lj i:ll net uf Coit
gfts, and ahut'ttHf.J from, nlLdnuhtul
authority. 1 recumtneiKi that her Seta
tors and Jifjn rsehtativrs be promptly ad
rnittol to t.' ir scat, and thai the State
bchUy ra! bred to Itsplactiu lite family
of States. '.
Acting on this recommendation, the
House. ot" Ueprescntauves passed a bill
to admit her without any other condition-
imposed; for the Suite of Virginia
ha 1 adopted the Fourteenth . 'and Fif
teenth Amendments t the CoasUtotioa
of the United States, .which you know
provided that, "The rights of citiaeiu of
the United Staleito vote shaii not bede-
med or abridged by the united fciijU's,
or bv anv duite, on account ot race, color
or previous condition of servitude. The
d udiciarv Committee in the Senate ic-
j port -d the same kind of a bill. e took
; up the House bill and tried to passit ju.-t
as it came to us; and when an effort was
made to amend it, about twenty of us
votod-ngainst most of the amendments.
Of this number were Carpenter. Cole,
Conklin.' Corbin, Fenton. FerrrMorre!!,
of Maine. Nye. Sawyer, Seott. Sheiinan.
Stewart,, Warner. Wiley. ;md
Wi:!iaius!.- And while I was a exec trig.
with the President, the House of ilep-
rescntfitives. an-1 so many of my' distin
... - t . ' t
u:sho.l associates, retu.-.iig u pue up
amendments, as irgiuia hud done
y, '........'.k.'., i i,,- niii'ni.l Hi nt i:"".l. in
,.f t!w negative vte of S-erntor 1
It. giving
that vote ve b tve
iUli, PP ..P, P ill. . P I llII.H ill'. '.11. .. I. PI :
resented 'the well known sentiment of j
i Uudical Nebraska." It was very kind
i iu the Jitpnt.lictui writer to -pen ! his
force on me, nod not demolish al.-o the
liou-'e of I'Jepresentatives, lfyassoeiates.
a-i'l the President. Itut he d- noun -ed
me bofo -elie ktiew the final vote, id has
nexer atteiej teJ to do ine justice.
Though many of u believe I the amciid
mer.ts, rrencraiiy, of no u e. yet when
the oue-tion was "Shall the 'bill, as
LUiti:.led pass?" we voted
Senators Satnner and Thayer
thj bill and atiie'v-Jn-viits end !-efued to
vote. vi'ie in the Cl' during
tin.!i b..r.'. tb- (It,,1, r. i.oies
......... ...........
the absent, 0:1 the vote, it onlc means
,,,.. rj.. Vr,t.. . ,,m,...r
:.. .. ...
. , , .1,,. , ,..,1,,
It. -.i.,Ir I-vn."rr tA 1 ..mivioiii
ill lii ciiiiit ) --ai. - jjioientii.i,
,..,'-l;.,l f.,r 1 he rc-i.ioi-' of tl.rt rule 1
though General Grant proves that "he
lias- done all that Was repjuired of her,
"and abstained from i.U doubtful author-
ity." This looks to me hke the mora's
of an Lilian Sapenntcii lent, who would
say. in as uracil as me is.ouxs uv . ,0-
latcd their treaty, therefor
I will -t a!
from the Omaha--.
" The iu'.cntio'.i of the article, of which I
eon- plain, was to show that Nebr.i.-ka had
! one Senatnr who reir srnted the Stati
and one ic'u izajijuthts. iut after he !
saw the final vote, and I L'jd c-joused j
every ntcciiuiiiei.t, by lor the j
amended biii, he forgot, to tav ihn tultui
tetee turned, and the bUi with Drake-'.,
Dm vii Mil -. leu sac. as a inent ei net a n.-.i tr .. l.tU.-r niit fpack rroiu t ua - .
mine that you are ind'ieiiant alout an ) ((ud cm(jrctl nf An(Ireic JJinmH shall j bABltUET ll ASVi&K, 0
a tact upon me i ue ju-jmuan 1 domineer over die Republican party of i And dealer iuil kin-U of
Omaha, and -hence desire to know how Nol.ra,ka. regardless of truth, honor, or
th.i rr.testton of the admission ot irgmu dccenev If 1 have "MiWnrUnff the FUlTlltUre and CliairS.
came before the senate, and how it was ... .:..,., .w.-... ,.r ,r I
I'll ui if 1 ii.i;i.iaii'Mi, ftiiu t iil iu.u. 1 1
j atlien iulOIlt prevailed 'iU spite oi S.m.l- ! farn i-.vo an I a hull' miles south west uf I'latts
! tor'l 'i.averV tefu.-al to for it. I iiui I lu'-t.t'.i. 1 have had on of the-ema-hine in n-e
aware j-ubsc-iue ia';.' h: did- pU jlish tho vfrtc: but' what maiks liis malice
ntill m-.r-L -iUtip. t iV IS some of these
cliHrgcs are mixed in will; ihe very ci'l
unm eoiit.uiniie; the Senate proeeediv gs
ii though he would not allow my acts to
go to the people withoui hU eflort to in
jure me. Since that he has also publish
etl the sjH-ech of my colleague, ani re
ferred to his -jrevious criticism, leavintr
i 1 i .,i. ,, ,
me condemned whovoctdlor theamend
beeuatn-. at
so er as
Were t
con. vi tied, the lei! would have failed
1 I
As to the r.glit to enjoy school tunas
L-b 11' ia 111 iul-c fliMutiamriu.-., 1 1
mnia-nnd every, other State will centre.
tnat. subject o my to her constitution au-i
that ot the Lintel States; aril no: on
mvount any Mgreeyient with ieirons
in 1 viiiu2..l". ajul uv;ii LiiiLb hi ui"
i ' J.. . .1 . 1 .
ern-tr .SMr. -
pe ncil 01 in. 11 leiiii.s coiujudiii. 1
.1 ...1 u ..... ..: 3 . ........1..:..
j H r' rords are to be mutilated, and m :
; oitlental votes paraded, and final votes j
. supprcs e 1 ; il'arti.-les written uti'lerinis- ;
I ftpprclieu-ior.s are to be ehing to in the j
fin e of M;bso ;uout light, lHcauw; certain j
i panics etuld n t rni vent my re-eleciton ;
at liiiicom, toon 1 snail .i.-maiia a ver- t
ilict before the people, who do not intend !
Irafka," my friends will understand the ;
penalty that is to fall upon those who be-
lieve me honest and consistent. Can
our noble little party allow Senator to be ;
arrayed against Senator, or the orgnn at !
Omaha to set an example of s-pite to the '
1 parcy organ at Brownville ' I took m' :
i open'y and boldly, and so di i my !
coocague, utk! 1 tntst that the papr at '
my home w.ll treat him so fairly as to be j
a reproof to the Jlrjmblhran. 1 admit '
the right of free and full criticism : but j
demand that after commencing a com- j
parison ot Senators votes, ana they
change places, critiei.-m shall follow them
to the ultimate conseo notice of their
conduct. That is fair.
;d never would have given o mut-h at
tention to this matter 0.1'y I - deemed it
best to show how easy an honest course
of conduct can be vindicated, which will
I prevent the necessity of my explaining
j hereafter a nv vote or course of conduct I
thoose to nd'ont-.
j por vour interest in mv welfare I
tnani: you. and as 1 cannot answer all
the letters I receive about the Virginia
question, you will allow me to use this as
a circular.
Very truly, vour friend
C W. 'Wheels it. Esq., Brownville,
We pub iih the above letter of Sena
tor Tit T on very cheerfully. Tito Sena-
tor .should have remarked that we pub-
li.-hed the entire proceedings with the
fu'l vote, on the admission of Vir
ginia, and not the article of the 7iV-
i ,-,., 7,.,-,,,
but only a portion thereof.
! Vv'o nwio no points ngaint .Mr. Tipton
o:: the oeeasion of Ids voting against
j. the Amen Iments to the Virginia Bill. We
, . , !
beneved then, as we do now, that he was
honest and vmeere in his course, and so
were a" the Senators who voted on that
measure, but we have a right to say that
we .refer the course of Thayer and Sum
ner, beer.use we" relieve. a.s Itadieal lie-
publican?, they were, right, and if we I
differ lrom Seuator Tijiton's views, we!
d i so honestly, and not uith a view to j
rejudle.! public feeling against him.
a t H a a a ua w w tw m
IF1 0 S G- "Z"
M miula'-uir.-i ol an kinds ut
V.'M. II. POUTEIJ, Agent
PI.i? tsmo ith, .... - Nebraska.
Gi.lmam King Sc Hamilton.
- - - - - Illinois.
I ani ngent for th" hove Celebrated Corn
VlllZ&"" in,1T.?.n h""
I'm uift a.-i ii t v j t ii is, nta iiTi'i it itTK I in fvfTy
reM.-ot. W M. 11. PUltTKH.
alnje'e m
Carpenters, Joiners
V 'r,,rerTy upon which taie i
' . ' 1 ;"'" "-"y" " r r-e'juwiea 10 can ana
We in.ih rstatid tho aVove i.ore. btve been
.-ieo I'Mrsa-e uv pfcisja unknowu to us
nai!i. afid we take method of wrnina
W. .T. t Tvrtr.
bl7."t K.siEKur.n.
it h.p reaioved my .Sh.- two and a haif
a 1 '" lti-sii.i.ut.'i. oa tue roi le.i.tirj'-
K U-'ulTs. whore I am i,...t.iir.i H.n
Is nf work in n;y l-ni. on the .hnrt.-st nn-lp
yo i wan a pair of .t. I
Trte a call. " i
il liiit-l of nrO'ii-ee takm In r,,i na.-mn I
vepiiiK Water lills
r..ui;er-s cn whsve yu car. et the l.cit Flour,
and th most of it.
' - . - .
OK PflUWris flF XX FllillK
I n-
pouxns or nit Aft'
eriat work : aifi. it!i our
Vfl a.-.surod thst we Ciiucive
lour of ny iu the Max
Bought and Sold. uamhi.t rkicx riu.
Heed b C'liiitoti
e- JKasrLiCT! J t.
ma ik sri:cT. 1 tliinl 'lo-.r wo-t of I O
j .
Repairing and VarnL-ihina neatly d-iio.
Fuiierali- attvnJeJ at tho slii.rteil uotioa.
Health, t'omfort ami r.coimmy
, N Three rrapfuui for L,jruiii(r with
AK STKKilT, rl.Al T - Ji't T II,
Two lipirkj northweht of lirick School Ilouro.
lie h;t? a HATH HOl'SK. free to ntrou.: his
Too m are well ventilated, itii'l his rieei are rea
ovabld julyJ-'tf.
7.000 Acres
Improved and Unimproved,
For sale ou reasonable urnis ; aho. City
ty. consisting of Hesuicncef nml Unimproved
Lots. Those ilecaring to in vct capital will fiml
it to their interest t call anJ exumino our liat
before purehasin? elsewhere.
All Re:il E-tttte ptiiced in our han-.ln for sale
will bo thorough ": n-Jvirti.-cd withipiit citia vst
t' the owner. We fruuraors' to .l"rti-e everr
. oio.-c of Proi.ertv t la.-ci on our fiaJe l-ouks. riv-
; in? fail description of fame a hen dtsireil. ihtj
Ifivei piinics ucuriiiK iu i-i-ii ine xuu auvaiirtigo
of advertising their property for mile, without
Laving a dollar ot me epi"iife to pnv.
augitf. PL'hhOt.'K A- WINDHAM.
Improved Farm and Timber
liForaalo. The fnrtn is sitnnted ' c niiles weit
of riattiiiiouth : ai-rca
10 acre? of ti-.nher : a'.so, a tory and a half
house. For terms pee
aug.itf.j &1T'KL0CK A 'WINDHAM
Improved Farm for Sale.
Containing SO acres, eix miles west of PI at la
mouth. Apply to
augatf.j SPritl.OCK .i WINDHAM.
A Great Bargain.
Ve h tve for nn fC) acre trnct of land lrinc
tt-ii miles Poutliwcit from l'hitLsincmth. which
an be had at a b.-ireain if application is madf
C'jd. siH HI.OCK .t- VINDUA il.
The Rill fill ffloil &. MlUOuri
UlVer KailRofld,
In connection with tha
Ch'cayj, IhnUitfjton d- (JaZury I?, ft.
Offer to the; of I'lattniuotilh. and all that
route l y whi.-h lime may lr ?av-d ia n-achirc
i any point in the li.istern or .Midd! Sla'eii. it n.av
) iri:iiuu)- e Kiii.l that it possoscii Ihc i-5t traak.
. and tli-!iiii-st cpiipiaci.t of anv Wtkti-rn Lin,
I en--crh:- to the jiis.-vuK-r
j Spcrr, SijVtf and Comfort
ltafr always as T,tlV as the T.f'V.'KST.
j fine ehceked thrr-inrii foanv point K.-i-l.
. T, . , ;- K. Pr.i.l'lNS. Sup
A. K.T'.d ZALIN. t; n. Passcior-r An-nt.
janl.'nl.t ntf.
HIZsX'E! F1!EK ! ! ! !
- To Ay P,trt of The City.
me i mi
I IJavin removed to tln-ir N'er u,r fs.mer
i Maiu and Oth Sirei-u, a iii
d Li n 7; goo us rn li:
j That are purchstd nt ti. . -ir tstorere. IVill tell
i Good a? ciicay :. c-vcr. Mid will not be under-
Fold liy anyone.
Our fc-tock coi.ti-fs of tho beat brands, of
iw,i o.,i n,v,i r..
ouiuieu a,uu UilVKl X 1 lllUj,
tobacco, nisn.Tuns,
i.Buckets, Soap. Salt,
ajid everythiiijrkept in Groet-rv Store I.'vcrv
article wtiraurcd o' thn bestt jality. Thuhijch.
t price paid iu c-sli lor
Corn, Oats. Butter, Ern
Baco hams, in.v,
md all kinds of Farmen Produce.
. Cash paid for Hides.
M l3 I A X O Si.
ORKA4. ttl-XOf) JR O 4 S, I k. ; Li.; ..... .'iVl 1 Xa-trwant-! or ro,-f;..l, Oir'anV r M.V.Xon
! ELeill'y EOoC k,
Lounges, Tables, gait's
Of ull !rp"-'ril li'n an1! I rit-r-.
Metalic -IJurial Cases,
Kcuily inple, n'l olir-ur1 f'jrch.
With lunn.v tlKiiki w nW,,';
nil to cull an. I t'iuuiini no Ii n o k
om.'MWA vr
0. h. DERBY & CO,
I Wholesale and Retail
Our u.otto i ijuick al .1 aui .-:all 1 r.e
rVortli Siile Haiti SSrrt'i.
(Pctwcen Sec-pti'l an d Thirl.
PI at t mm o 11 1 ii , r lr : K , , .
PLAT T S ill O U T H
s ttJ it rzA-"-
iv-' L'i;;.'.'.',1
'&-?3iS ! fvV- vL,'-
TOMUHTOF.y'.- 2 '.'.''.
I All LP.-(.". .f ' ...
Furnished promptly ail tn:.;'v ..; ,.
fpw CI p; ii-. y s- il '. .
Ve Yarrant Satisfr.ctiun.
Mi-:r.i.i:s a rr.o ..
fain str -t near f.i'j t., I'liMi- ti-,.teh
van A
I la vitijf eauipleti'd t!
of niy ' Ix.kK t-p A 1 e
uioulh, I uhi now pi t j
in the Ad.liiioi. ut rci- .an! !.- r.e
oue half cash iloirn; 'p - o;i.r I
one rear, at ten per :- u:. inti-rc
from date of pur.-ba"- i,p,iil p.,j !.
by iiiortsc on tite pr.ipi-.-n .
Donaticn lo Cliiirchco.
Iwillgiv.-to the f- ! o.i::,- c. ..
nation., vi? ;
To the Jtapti-t Ctejr.-!i !-.i l.i i i :.. k T ;
lo the f ..iii.-rcK-ninr:.! '':on. !--t ' ,i. i 'i
'lo the .Mcthipli.-t fl.ui-. i,. I. t 1 n, i. , !.
1 1 the faiholii! (Iiiir. ii. ;ti r. 1,. i.e... 1
I to the l in-cippal h ir ft. .t i-. , v.
j To the l'rc-!, k-p i.i n i u: J i . ; ,.
I To the Christian ' loir. fc.t j j ;., ,.(. .-, ."
To the Lvtlic.,-1 t :,; J. 1 .., ,
' ia my t,e i ,-.-. f 1-:..-t-.n. 'th.
i no nii nK i ,! ; j f.i
te-"t on M-l-i l,i . a.- :i . -v e. : i, ,u;;.
build: i.t lnr i.u-iii- v.-p.i-a y. . iii-ii In i;
frolu tin- .tat.-; and. ..;' i.n '
part oi sai-l .!iiii--l: r liw.- - '
. ahr.veeon-liii"ii. t'p-:i ai.-i ; i iVi
1 1 ' v
let or l"ts .:;.:! r. u:,n i:".
Donation to Public Schouu
I hereby d'-natc for :'ie ue ..f Pal li- 11-:i
SVhools, Lot 10 in l...-k toe n .itil
Main n v i-t. a ii-1 hot ! i in I'!' -k 'Z. -u U- : i
fide o,f Mail, street, ir. my a I Juiou t., id- "
! 1,1 '
attsuioiitn. i.. w i ..
1 5,000 Acres of Land for Sals
in thin county. A 1s t, JIous
citv. at liw i.rir.s.
-. l J.
Particular ativuti n n I t tl.
selliiitr of real -!ati.. i i on; li
ir.g ibxes fur n- n-r. si.
I' V.,
..(..- e
Lot for Ten DoilaiT.
I will sell ti parti'.-s d-iro ji of Liiii-m..- -. .
tmproviiiv. any of r!,.j l.i .. i.) i j... M, ,. , .
in my addioon t., li..o..i.,, , .1 .. .-.
per l.,t. under the f-diowin cuditi. ns. 1 .
p.-i-s..ii pin f -,. ,.r w, i 1 ,. . .
Olllill fp, tl,. , (.in,.'. i:.,y,l ,1 ,iir!!
me loinoTiriK- 'len.-n-i.-ips. t.-Mi: I.
to he not l.s tli IJv.t 1.
1 !. !
cubfitan'ial: h ,-a-e wed ' pi'h,:-,,-i-: f-',.:
either ot h-.n-l. or "to.,,.. 1 .,.,.. sr , i
io--.- man 8 tn: t. 1 ,,o ,r . ,,
ot not U la : ; 1 it. I. !; .ii t.- .i
on or l.V,. .. Jai.u-ir;.- 1-t. i- ...
I lor n ! ih
Mi-jri .. purch.oie is ma h -,a
. pi i. 1 1. 1. ,. I., .. .. .
rt v
.-1 ui.i.ei
ii I .
lultHicrit Wa.-rtii.ty .0 .-.l
. j -ll-Cln,.!.! !U,0 bo ldc f.lutln:
lu p-i:
..-.v-.-i:. 1 .:.
i-ots . and 5 in U -k 3 ; T.ct i
14 1:1 t.ock le; I. ,t ' in Mo i
tl n-k; J...I, . anl . t , ,
ol.n-k ee - I .p. . 1 ... 1 ..
- - 1 ; ;
-1: hot -
11 in bb'ck -Sr l.m , . I !... ;.: :"!,.'.:? V -.
jri Uu; U;; Lots 1 un-17 m o..k hot
bl Kk ,v.
Pl.ttUii:i.pi:!i. .Vt;v
si iv.: '
t :
F. P.. . JDD ,-Gc.M .
PL. 1 T S.MO lUJl . r.BR iSK. I
A irool a-orincr.t of e.f.i.-!i'n,., on -. r. I.
Of 1.11 tifi.
- I la:m. - : i
.i. e. th.- . ,:y ..1 JV..
-.-t i io il
i- , " -. .
ttd'r kvv --" .. - ..