Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 17, 1870, Image 4

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M. M. K. It. R.
Z lala elect Monday. Jacaary M. iVTO.
Un ISicress.S 'l . m. fe' P. n.
ire !il. i ;-J P-
: a. id.
plattjii"T1I jiails.
.r7i. rr.ofs. xbi.itc
ft. K.S.utu. .-':. Joe i rt. Lou. I.! m. jlam.
'. K North. A E.-'. li in. M.
K R.auB.iJ!. 4ftu. luain.
l.n:roia ia A hi.n j. iin. i n-
Lindn vi.t .fxi Water, "in. Sj.jjb.
(n. .y rta. Main. Jun.
NeKrask. Ctv. hy stair-. m. J
Uepart, Mun'lajr. p Mnri.i) joim :ri. i
t irpart. Tuc-4y. Tnuredayt, and Satur- i
V8ce b jar'- fro,nj? Vsf A&K ALL. P. M.
St'ard n 't Itnllf
He-sr-r has our thanks for another
beautiful flower bouquet. We imagine his
hot-houv trrust !e a very pleasant place
if he ha - many of tho beautiful and
fragrant Sowers. We hope to Fee ii
s in.
Col. II. W. Peck, of the B. fc M. I.n-
tin'-cr corp, receivcl a patch yester-
day m-oniiog that one of his children was
n'-Mit dvina-, niid he immediately took j
the c
ur? f t hi?: home, at Pecatur, Iowa. 1
A C. McMaken. Kp. brought a
coaple of very Une Chester White i?s
with him from iVarlington recently. r
are g'aJ to see our finners irwari?:g the
firi'.-r breed of horses, cattle, hog, thorp,
"Crib No. 2" has Urn
order of the Mayor.
d b
ti : .. v. -t Pr'.T.-.r.s.ln-
sit, nn l :i P n-rrv romiHr-Kc'-J ruLiiiui-.
Mr. Matthews has his hardware store ;
on Fourth Mrcet. north of Main, nearly
Kornj leted.
Mer3 Iuke and Wheeler have gone :
ca-,f. to make arrangements f ,r a supplj- j
gooda in their lint, during the summer, j
J. E. I'oom. R-sa., ;oes to Nebraska
1 1 1 :!!. ..
' 41
mancnt rcsntencc.
XU" ,Uj
a, an offi frum
l)r. Rawlins will oec
John-on's irug Store
lhi date.
Senator Tipton has our thanks for a
copy of the report of the U. S. Coiamis-
iioners on the l'am reposition mliG,.
Mr. R. T. Scott, of Pawuec eojuty, I
killed a nine months' old pig recently i
which weighed C f 1 pounis.
Prairie fires were vLii le in tlie west j
lx:t ra?kt, lilso on tho Missouri river i
bottom in tlie direction of Council Bluff '
Judge Child's article headed "
i I' d or Not Married," is can-in some
fc'-archin? of the re
of facta. "
or J i uu 1 Luut
Tliere- i a f -How callrd Jiroohn, who
tnns the lialo paper, but who tries to
Li'uke noiie enoueh to be called a larger
ktre-am lliun a b-roolr.
. J . nyatt came m irom L.inco.n ves-
terday. He iofornu us the vntract has !
b. en let and work commenced on the
L -.r hovl builds" tL-e I
Tlie Bonnner Stables have a new sign
painted. This is the finest Stable in the
west, and Buttery !c Lazenby, the pro
prietors, keep the very best of stock.
We invite the buin-:-ss mm of P'atts
mouth to examine the j-.b work executed
at the Herald office, end ton: j. are it
with that done at any establishment in
the wc-t.
Dr. Liviagston ha sol ! his o,"e
buildln? on Main street to Mr. Wav-
era'::;, who wia remove it to mo norm-
, . i
:;a v.rt ct town an! convert it into a '
. .,. ,
o writing hoa--c.
arriving at L:ncoinin the evening.
Pl.'ittsmouih is fa.-t becoming a
. t
of tho first cea-vs." She ha; a genuine
professional bo-it black., who stands ! i
. , !-- . i
H e have known cities ci greater pre- I
i .t.. ...7 '.,r !
w : . -iuii vi in ii w -if .yi Luiua tat. i ili.'. ui
a professional boot black on their streets
an epoch of importance in their history.
Earlyyesierday afternoon the ic e in the
river began to give way and ta a Vat
time the Ferryboat was iu opperatiuit Iu
a short time, we are informed, Caot.
Sou-sli' will have an additional lA?vtin the
trade here to accomodate the constantly
incrca-ing trade. X:h. City Chroniclr
Feb. 2th.
Tlie Hacke;f, of Burlington, says that
a brakesman of the Burlington and Mis
souri, Joshua Brown, ss the train east
ward bound was crossing Skunk river
bridge, fell between the cars raid was
knocked off the bridge to the ice below.
He was not at first discavered, but when
found was taken to his hoaie In Burling
ton where he died.
Wid somebody do something to pre
pare for defence against fire. Take a
look nlong 3Iain street. Suppose a fire
to break out ahaost any place, and what
iy to prevent a "chuui sweep." We im
agine great columns of lire and suioko ab
most every windy day and night, and
nothing to check their ravages while there
are buildings left in reach. No fire ap
paratus, no organization, no water, no
nothing except ruin staring the business
man in the face every "day. Cannot
omcthing be done.
Hon. Jos.' Aruold, of Salt Creek,
called on us to-day. Ho was arrested on
a warrant issued ly the IT. S. Coiumis-
. . i - i . y. . :.. .1 l i
woner at mis piae, uouiu, ,
rcithont an f iamnmUon, and rrjwl j
trttrll Jttni vino hv acciwrs nte. j
Anyone of the best citizens of Ca
emnty, and formerly rc.resenteil the j
county in the Territorial Lesislature.-;
ra unfh yi;f n to 1C in:
a Je tne vie .a:;- oi
nnwarraritfJ arre-ts snl then refused the
rcasonabk.requtt.t to krx.w who then c-
- . I in y i"
The tralnf-r Hoover's Static leaver ! rJn aW. to tho IVesidtnts la'nding j ft.n cotupeiicu to sholtcrand
thcfotMaaiStretatlOa. m. on arrival ,f It w::j Three I '" T' "
day, a. ier to-morrow Mages fjr Ash- j r , , ,. , , i hotel wid soon be ready, tut it win be
i , 4I. , , . c,, or f-ui- has load.- id passengers had to c , A . .,- A r
iiii 1 an 1 Lincoln leave Hoover s Mat ion . , - . I filled to oerftowin? witiaa
. , . '. - 11 elowa tins moniaig, tuo carrv
lmTaeaiate.v after theamvaloftne tram. !, - ,
ii mil irf!-j'jwj,-ilmjBiiiimi ,ynwitrrt'mtsuiwc
! It is facetiou.-fy arrive t tnifhfu''y said.
I that there are t!irce. cla-:.- of ue:i r. w
I Jfraiicb.L-cd in this lierublle, n-K! or
those who tyiuz. athised with treason :
Frank Blair, and Indians not taxe I.
Read the article by J I. J.jhn?on,
j Jq. , reLHio? to a city band, idr. .Jo;n
j sen ij a thorough musician, at. I it is
i hoped the citizens will take hold and c--
j band. We have the talent here for as.
I goo.. a Land as the State can afford, and
. . . in-f-umenl
e-u. lack u.c i. i. -mem :.
1 ,o prices of corn and wheat have
' . .
rum aistrcs-Mnpry Inr J1 over the coun-
try for the jiat i r eigt months, an 1
we oXT..-IonalJy 1?it fanners in this
cinity growling that the liailroa 1 does
not help price.. The Kailroad ds help
juices. We read to-day a correspond
ence from Beatrice, in this State, which
Fay wltat is el!ing there for 1 cents
jt bushel and com fbr cents per
bulitl The Railroad makes the differ- i
enee here. !
from Tuo lai't f'ai'z. .
We regret to h am that C"I. H. W. ! l
We regret to h am that C!. If. A .
Peck's child whom he v.a cai.o-d t;-.c-
irrar h to see, Las muco d;ed.
ihrce or fur fellows loaded with ben
zine Made p-ort f,.r the l-ny" i.i fro.M
cf the IIzrLl oGce this evening.
.Something less thn a hundred pas- i
n'Ci s f..r t liis t-ltv casein oathe K.
j i ro-.s t.-aa: this-moniine.
Frrj.'ii a reliable gentleman we ham
that over a hundred i;e-v h-a s are ex
pected to go "p -t Ashland this seas
tVilhurn. of uih ii r. l
! wa- n tl.e cuv to-dav. v m uni is one
' r-'f your plaim ..ut-poken ti-n
t'.'di a
j we always dviieht to meet.
J A. E. Tottzdin. CJeiisralTieket Agent
!f the Burlit:srtori k Mi--..u,-i lliver
1, '1 1 T , , I
iai!iroat lomj aity in towa t-as oetn m
! tae cay to-aay mtikin? ararnremetits lr
1 opening a ti-.-s-'-t tivre.
The lat-mvers of the I"-gi.daturc
! 4....l-....w..v.iirm..
here this cTcnme.
They v:!l rocr-d ti
, - K; "" oi:..
to L.. by the
V extern fc:;,,:e Company s rf-hes.
ine cc-i os tc-;- traeX t-njorrw moraine:
I Tlie Ladle. J f the Catholic church
j 1rt.I!f Li;ga Fe-tiral at Jlurpdiv's
j Haijon Monday evenisiir, F.-bruarj-2-h.
pj7,,, for the lnef.t of the chureb. A
f ne tia;e is anticip:i:d, and even-body
i- eii-ectcd ti go.
Tlie B. & 31. Company will
open a
general ticket ofa.-e in the ro.jni under
the Herald ofrlee en Thun-day vf thTs
wc-;k. Hereafter ad passengers and!
! freights will be delivered in Plattsmouth,
j instead of Kat Piatt.' mouth.
Cl-srk X; Miller have the contract of
erecting the Couit Ilou.-e at A-ldand.
Thy pr'..o.-(;ere-tlng one worth between
l-blHtO and ? 1,000. Ashland is now the
livc-.-t towa in the west, except Phtts-1
A gentleman of this city received a
!' ttor f'a the east a lew day? sine?
' mat I'uitt.-mo.ith was ad the
talk throughont the east, and was known
1 as the rianqritj- of the Misouri Yalley.
Pri liters ink is bringing this place into
notoriety at a fii-t rate. .
Superintendent S. II. Mallorj-. of the
B. i M. in Towa, arrivel on the ex
press train tlus morning, and has Leea
bu.-y to day making necessary arrange
ments for the more thorough oper&ti ju
of this road.
A passenger coach for the 13. & M. in
i Nebraska arrived oa the ca-t I raik of
! the til muddr this niomin:;
r-r- m:t :
. . i i i
run out to-raoiTow if the Largo can be
. y. -t . - -. '
toeraa-d to cross it ;o this s ie. ;
. . :
i taeir tacago.
One John K. Kilev entered 3Ir.
Bn-ed's boanliu? aou.e !a-t nitrht about
one o'clock, arid was getting away with
a promist-oiis lot of clothing when ;.e cf
the ooaroei's .ivo the aiarm, and out and
.. ,. .... , , ,
:u : 1;ir'5- ly caught the gent a.'hort
distance from tho house, with his boots
under his arm. C P. Moore, Jailor,
hearing the news went out, and aftor
learning the particulars of the afT-ur took
charge of the ge nt and gave him ipaar
ttrs in Johnson's boarding house 'until
morning, when he was taken before
Judge A. L. Chill. He plead guilty to
tne cnargo ci oargiry and was 'omi i
1 Ml V V ml
over to awa-.t the action of the Grai.d
Jury at the next (April) term of the
District Court.
Wokott Griffin is the name of the
gentk-man who came oat from New York I
with Prof. M'dkr last week. Ila thLnl.s
snfiieetit of Nebraska that he has at once
entered into a con uae-t. jointly with Prof.
Miller, to erect twelve stores and re;i-
der.-es on Clark k 31i!Ier's- Addition to
Ashland, and be has now irone to Ciii-!
i,,.-. r,..i-o r,,..!,.. nfiK I
--"S" J .l..l v. v.. nn. ii'-i.i.-.-ij I
i iMIn, n.alAri-,1 U Hr-tiTin ? mv, i
i - n y , i- , y f
it i-irrrii i iit i uiyii i.tii'v in itx y n i . i i i
wc are glad iokuow that some I .uf dozen
families haTe a'reatly decided to come
hero thb) spring hiss reeommer-d.
Tlv fact that Prof. Miller takes an e.pial
intprcstin the erection of those buiMit gs
is .sniTieieut evidence to those who kn r.v
him th.t there h money to be made
Adda ad.
V.r:i rViliy- Aif.',
Clean up jour j-ards anl clfeady for
Spring work.
Measles we arc told are prevailing ex-
ten-ively in the city. " t
A ,argc nuiilU.rof ,,Ufscngers came in !
the cagt oa dc mornink ;
, S .Bloom -intend, er?etiff a large
chm; emi,num on his lot on Mam j
rcet. !
A lare miailjer of the leai-lators of f
raska l0f tj3y CQ th.. 10 x
uai, fr Lili.-Cin
ni- J
The legislature meet.' to-morrow at j
12 m. in called ?c.-icn
ke-.p the retideis of the IIr.;t.Ll
posvj on the sayings and coiagfc of Cut
collective w slum of No! ra.-k..
We call the attention of our readers
to the 'IV.--eTsptrOT Circular" i;ucd by
Geo. S. HaTi--. Ksj., Land Commi of the Ii.' & M. R. K. li. Co. in
"elraska. which Arid le found iu this
' l oii I I'nrxiits'' f-hou'J teacli their
children to keep off the railroad track.
they do, we predbtaii aiole.'cjnt
accident ere Iji.r.
We Migget to tlie City Marshal that
he cause the ""chain gang" to 11 u; the
'"jerk"' on each tldi of the "Fox cross
ing," (u that vehicles may cross without
throwing the driver over the da-li
I board.
j A the ''a'.l aboard"' rang oat from the
eGndaetiir on
the Western bour.d train
this m.,ri,!n-. or.r.k-vil ru-hed into the
san-tum "Io look at that
' i-trinj of carpel Icvggers."
"e tr.srgett j
: that the Lei-lavire
j "j arc."
make ttat uevu
Jjsrma IIeralp. I have long defer ed
h ng the tm .t ol arrival aci dej ar-
j ture of our n. ti'.-, hoping from day to day
I ta be at,:e to give a permanent tab. e, hut
; ir 1 jn c time inav n"-t eome
Ui;t;i weatli.T in t-;3 pr;::g, it
indeed then. We have very naturai.y
supposed that a!l oar KasU-rn Mulb -
would be carried on the 13. it M., a? soon
as Mail Agent.-; mi be regular t:ip 0:1
. 1 1 r. '1 " , ' . 1
inis roaj. j;ii nowever is uoi urn
c i:e. Tiie reasons why are not sail ie
tory. Meantime xve are trying to got
re'ivf. J. V,. 31 AI IS A ALL. P. M.
. jj. n. oi i k e.
Mr. C. If- Pratt c til -1 or. u thi
kjorning. 3Ir. Pratt wi.l have charge
t t,f ,a:-j,.
:n::ers conn 'etc 1 with thj
' . i r. r , ,1.: . 1
t l.,J-3 - lilt A . 1 V .'1 . Lk Llll? Ivlt: ... .II'A
! can be found at the company's oak--". r.p
who ! r0"''1- sn'- e:i't thaEpisoopa! CLaroh.
There will be a meeting of the State
,......:...? .... . e t,. i t-.... r.
As.-..H-:ation of lira! K.-tate Men. at the
orl(?e ,,f Lcrw3, ilhct S Co.. LIn -
; on 1V; jav. Yeh y bMh.
i at 1 t,-'IS f- A general at ten f-
an;e re-jiie-te-1.
P. II. WiIEKLES, Pi rtiJent.
K03tirrX!!X LOOSH
Our mail c'-mmuniration with our
neighbors of Tabor, Sidney an! PIat3-
mouth. are sadlv disarran.-'e-L
It take,,
a lor
:t a ..ttcr iioru one of tho-e
places as it does from St. Lou's or Chi
cago. Would njt a mail line from
Glenwoo.f t0 rr.n iii connection with the
Omaha and Chillicotho R. R., or to srme
point in that direction via Sidney, be a
great accommodation tc the citizens?
Why not have it? Glenu:ood Oi iin'itU.
fiai; : i !
We called attention lately to the ex
posed coniition of property on Main
fctrcft to fire. We have been, since
then, informed that an eOort was made
te organize a lire Company in this place,
but that the citizens would not contrib
ute liberally en h to secure the de
sired machine for .suppression of fire. f
this is the ?tate of the ca-e, and our fel
low citizens prefer losing their all to
shelling out a few dollars for ?e!f protec
tion. We have not a word to say.
Some people were born to te scorched
fays an old saw--add we reckon some of
the ia mu.-t live hereabouts.
Axoriirii norm, waited.
As spring approaches and we can le-
ti le of travel, it is parent to every r
lii..t-ir! .-"jyi fV: l:.'.frt ranivi t
i i n .1 - t Jed in 1 rattsmoutli. io-tiav every
, . , , , " ,
coiner ct every homeland lioarilinir house
. -. y , ,
hours after it is opened. It is kre and I
conaaedioi-, but will not be suHIeient j
for the bu-.ines.s-. Some-bo-ly can make !
a "heap of money" by erecting another j
large, Srst-elasw hotel Lnilding here. j
-' 'J 11 I
By reference to our advertising col
uiar.s it will be seen that oar Maroy
brethren kuow tho value of advertising.
We are glad that there is to l e a "change
of programme" from that ncual!ya loptc 1
st our fc.aivals ; v.c can c-nj;y rotae
thing txcitiriL', mu-ical vocal and instru-
ra,nt:d : we unva the talent here, an 1 !
tha trood reonlo of Plattsmouth will l.-e
.urja.I shat inch aa catertaliauoat ay
,xlUt tu g:veiI j.y Jlacoy Ixidge, i.ezi
Tuesday evening, has never Wen thought
cf t'c-io-e. We bespeak fj; ihei.. .i I-!!
bouse. V.'e .'ball go "en masse," and
we hope to see all of eerr friends e.-pe-chdiy
those who can appreciate the sub
lime and the be lulifu: all kvers of mu
sic, all v. ho Vant a chanee to ci-t their
!voks into the fishing pond, dritik from
Jacob's well ; all who want tneirfortuce s
to.d ; a.! who can
see sotnetbiiie' later- i
esting in a lave ait go.ery ,
v. ho can '
- . j
Onjoy a goovi sappe r ta:e uinr. wia maivc ,
h.-sy.. '.if-ft !i.ii;ie in lict aa want
a coo time, will go to the Mo-cuie Fes j
thai next Tuesday evening.
3:o."ir.T is not;!.
EtdTfiU II Hit ALD i There is money
in the best hogs, but not much said
at cut it among farmers. Now, I beg
riiom in vour psper to sav, that aoout j 1T " , c , . .
. . ! Ib-.ase, where rt-fre-auiens were m wait
fcur vears since b. 1 Iiomas Lrouitht . , . . ,
11 : . w , , , in. sr. A meeting was organized at the
Suffolk hois from Iowa and crossed them
with half -blood. I kept tbeia on my farm,
uncrossed by any other breed, for th-ee
y-.-ir Thpv 1. .-. me fire boned, short
. ,- p t(t lnflk ,t j -,t not the hocrs
cf. rt' rit-n i, Tlw- and haan.
So I went north asd south of Platte river
aad f,)lini ho?3 cf tT eLoi ee, jixst im-
- . i . tt. i ,...).. .r
IIe i;, a m.Ml cf judgcracnt 'and ta-te in
that lino and has the best selectioa I
.i f . i ... i -;u ..
I Ol 11
a; le to in the s:
targe uvrreasi.
nr.z. Iron rd's expe::teJ
'iii;-3. Tnoi.v.
, TJ Herald ti i ..v n font Lfai-
nea ;..i;r-.v.
(.aj t. JI. K l'a!?-er. th; rrrescn.a.ive j try fOT t,U yir will fail in Con- j beyond tlte Inniw of their mere i:!ty. . My ? If feUch js the ile of tho U. S. ;
in tLL- city of X.J. IJouiA Co., ha- given , sjj j lh.At the o!j la,v go Vtn, The old fogy who siu down in silence in j Cotui-kBera Crt In" Oa. oy J,":j:.t;,:cr ..''.""r';''"-
the liberty of making tbe lollowii ex- j Eiatrr T!i5:? to' le re?rcued for ! his dark 100:11 of a moving world, may, , t,cn tfueh a eo irt may the god L r 1 : ri'L' it)i '" " :,
tract fioin a j.rivatc letter receive 1 Ly him rea.-oas as there tra aiplc room by dint of coon-jmr, hold hU own, but j nej her free lorn eh Who i-r Ui.:.-u.iu-i.''ul i. 1..'. .X..;..'!
from IJeFf :it, Ta. It .ws that atten-1 fof .,r,x,TcC:cct - " - - j he never ran became rich by trade. That frtml ane.-t at any an I a'l.timc-, uj :i ; rhuir'V' ;j '.."';.."!.'. -;! ..
tion is being directed toward this I'l-e, I WeliaT a law in thi State which re- ! great Jesideratutu i- only guaranteed to 1 the mo.t fnrolous or imjielou r-retes.." '.iZlr., 'IJ?; '!' ,r";!'
and tnat the llKRAl.n -.n Tteu ,iuirw aa annual etiumeration of the in
Con! & Co. advertise) is tho ine-bum, fcal.ItantJ. It :isLx,tiiy pj areed t
throngh wlaeli attention tWins dire-ted. j wa.,j the c.iosc c,f the last sek.aud we
an ltlnt peoi le.ii rea l and at-t iijKin ad- gllzcst to c,:r fHtnd-j at the capital,
vertiseuieuts. The following Is the ex- j a f..v tvUW ,.,?ght be ad Jed to it. by
trri(:t ' j which the growth of the St.-.te might be
'i i-itcnd to move west this spring; annUilly rt:. I. I?jr iastanae the
and seeing an ad vertlment in the Hek- a!Si0,-0f bt.i-ii!ie:-Nit.'i capital employed,
ALD that you are doing hurne-s tn ts- J cou;j llC a..u,.j v. iUi-t dditionnl cost.
Eiotith, 1 wnte you. 1 w iiKe to rent
& caimon sized house, and 11 you know
of aiiy in the town or vic-inity that can be
rented please let ine know immediately.
Wh it is the ulari- n of your towvi, an
thj di-tanoe i'rorii Omaha, and
I wages do carpenter? get per day?' '
I l!1 i':-v aU,v(! le-t
!M Wc
j w 'ull! ?3' DattMnouth is about 2
milf fn:n Omaha f
eaoucii lor
1 1 - -- -- '-
I tha! carpenters wase-- r:i-y fi-ra t-3 to
! per d.iv, aeeordini to th- class of work-
meii. The tv-.pulationis nw -methim;
over3,0, a:il when all the people get
hen? that we have heard from there v. Ill 1 e
! Huieih!n?les? tha;!J.'X"). Ever." hou-e
d. t C..?: r !.. r .
! h-jt new ones are uneven- div. and
prolably bef. re our friend gets bore two
j or three hundred new hou.-es will 'oe
creeted raid iuo.-t of thcru filled. Come
j right ahai.'. and if you do not find a hou-e
1 , .. . , . ...
1 really tor j'ou M apt. 1 aimer will sret caie
if he can) it will not take three days to
have oii2 put up roaby to move into.
They will be brought here this summer
all framed and ready to put together.
bogies 12 a u 1:0 II."
The weekly Heuald of January- 27 th.
170, contain -1 a noticoof the rmi'ioions
besting and cutting of a man named Fe!-
! Iow-, by soinr; unknown parties in Omaha,
j The item was taken from the Omaha
! II'ntLI, anl wc presumed it was eonevt.
i Mr m;u wiJrts -
for the
1 T'i.-af-v.ri:,?. TFrir, u-r
to tl
master at Omaha to a-cvr;ain w- -. tho
j Dian W3j who Waj cut aa ! i c.alon a!t!,
1 reCvived the following in roplr. which he
, forwarded to Mar.-h.d Murphy of this
city, with a rcjue.-t to cii'htln :
j Qrtv. or Wm. G- IIollik. .Cit v M!vh!.")
i xCatEFor PuiicE,'i!u Xkhara.
1 Jrefcrunry 4. l. )
MlLrtFziXOWi?: Your favor ,'M in't.
directed to P. M. was han led to ur-. for
.o si
i pers'
s be.: n
poundel or cut in our city to my
' ee?,
If v
ou wi I) wt ite to
ofthi "Ro-ue.s 1 lather," Piatt-;.
you may learn the paribuba s.
Ye ars tru'v.
Wm. G. ITolunr, City v;lr,iui.
rlr. Ilo'iais appears to di.-llke I'lact I
mouth, and we presume ,"wi:i not come i
to the "Harbor" when he lettves Omaha, i
We know of no rsaron why h- .d.oald apply
the name of "rogues lurbor" to ourcliy
unk-.-i it is bce-au.-e some of .th . rogues
ic.'.o-n 7.-' usr's?l to gri ..rtf jy froui the
authnritirs at Omih'i Lav
e made the:
way to this city and been caught y cur
vigilant ofr.ecrs. If the "char?e-' aa 1
pecl5 nations" whlch we have seen in
1 rlnt ia the Oa.aha papers are true
and we believe they have rrr.-er Leon dis-
pnved then Piattsmouih does iiot con-
tain all the "rogues," and Mr. llo'lins
may yet have a chance of visiting our
opi.x:x or nzr: n. .v is
n:i ..Mi A.
The EicursiiB I.aii Sfltlit !
A 1'inp 7ha mi-.J )i i:-i !;:-. t .'.jirtfra i
for tlip Oco-.iiloii I
the 15.
As we stated s
k 31. 11. 11. in Nebrtska is to be oi.cncd
c . i - . r Tt - -' ; '
for tua:;e-ss as !ar as: Hoover s Marion
on thj loth. As a kind of preparatory
move, tlie gentlemen in chnrce of affairs
Here decried on fcivmg aa cxeurMci tup
. ., ... ,. , ii
to the e-itiz n-:,nnd iat night was sc!?cted
,, ...
as the mo t ari-p.oiou.s time. No extra
, . . ,
preparations; were made ia fuel the
thing was not decided a pen until marly j
r oou v-terdy Mr Ho'rvo.'k Cbk-f !
Assistant Knrinecr, Mr. W. C. Brown, j
Trea-urer, .Mr. Paul IIII, Tran.sf.r Act. I
auJ Mr. Jhu Chvi-tianson, Master Me-
chaaic, i immediately set about r-tt
mg j
thln-s m readings.:. Tliree commo
i ...
cars (th.-re being no p-r. a-eager eo aches
on tliis siJe the river and t;o wny '.' get
ting any over) were soon trar.sie.rmed
into very comfortable eoajheyhy putting
in coa.fortable seats, windows and stoves;
a substantia! railing was placed around
a platfo.-ra car and at ;? o'clock the train
.-i-irtel, the four ears centaialng about
2 ) iicrsoiis. JL ke a. I Oi.sions v. oere
no extensive preparations hive been
' made, and the antl-:pa:ions cf the par-
tlei pants have n t been gn-it, e.e:ybo.V
was in
the bet of humor aad enjoyed I
tho rid.: infai'.nrch-. The r.:ht l--5
verj- i'l' asant and the nsooi nearly fall,
the platform car called by the excur-sioni.-ts
the Puiiman car was the favor
ite re.sort. The train -proceeded upthe
track about eleven raile-', where one of
the finest displays we ever witnessed of j
the Aurora BorealU was in waltircr, (at j
lea-t imuiic a" the p.aity were incuned to
ths belief that it was a part of the pro-
. . , li, .
S.u,..-., t"f
oiar .laiMreis ea.eriea!,
sionists wn.ii lively st tigs, for which they j
entitled to th.'nks. i ue scenery
along the lin J of the road is grand, espe
cially by moon'L'h:.
Tlie train arrived at the foot of Main
street at 10 p. m., and a majority of. the
! p irty proceeded
Platte Yalley House, and a iseriea of
resolutions were adapted, returning the
thanks of lha party to those gentlemen
who got up the excursion and conducted
it with such great sati-factian to all con- a band as there is in tlie State, to say j tury? Mr. Yan Arojau says Mr. Ar
cerned. We would be pleased to pub- J the least. V; want al-out ten German t ail I svas not brouglit liere under arrest.
Ii.-h tho resoIatioKS liit they have not j
been Landed in. Con-i Irring all things j
the excra-slon waj a perfect ?uece-s, snd j of the l est in which we have p arti-j
tlpated f y; j ears.
An Iowa paper advevtkc for a "girl j
to learn 'he printing 4radc, wh will rrenr
pan ? and saw wrsaa.'
Fmm vrepent arTearan.' we incline
to the bvl'.r f that th-. pr,-rw";-"-i change? ?
I in Iho'tainair . takiju"i?k- c-nvai cT.
We oaQ tiake a ntf ,,jWn., throujiU the
reports of the consul tsker.s every year,
if souse of these iteiii rj looked af
ter. 15 V ili LAKY.
nicht, or carlvthis nsortdng, the
j " . , - "
1 oung was cnterea Ly wiue party or
parties by taking a glass out of 'the win
djw on the north side of the houc. The
bur&Iars.then threw all the wearing ap-paj-il
out of th .2 window, entered tbebed
rooui where 3Ir. Young and his lady
were sleeping, lifted a window and threw
out all the wearing apparel in that room,
together with a tru:k. This; morning
the. reverend gentleman on arising found
tlie sa-.h of his btd room window up, and
his unmentionable.-.5, and ctcs, missing.
Search being ma le, they were found as
described; the pocketi had been emptied
raid the trunk ran-acked, but the articles
were all f. uiid except some change in the
vest pocket and a penknife, which the
rascals appropriated. .
The can -e of this act, no doubt, is to be
fjimdin the fuctthat Mr. IIee!y,'of the
B." &M. It. Ik, who sleeps ia the Land
OCiee of that Company, received a very
i ar-'e ount of money too late for de
! p-j-it in the Bank, and the villains who
j Irrkeinto th? rectory knew sudi was the
i cate, but f ortunate ly for Mr. Heely mis-
t-.K-k the" rc-i'lenr-e of Mr. Young for his
j and tbu cot little for their trouble Mr.
; h -3y- hcue u opposite the Kpi.-eopal
Ca.ix-h, ta: c.-rfvfit while the rectory
is r,".rth of it.
After the failure of the vagabonds to
; t'hiivh, la: o:r! vf it while the rectory
1:iake a I:!lu! at the rvctory, they pro-
j evedI to l'r. I .-nelan s house, raised
his bed room window, and drew his
t ,a,i. .... v , e i t .
' u.--.-..:i ot a jjjic aim uouk
and abstrar'-d therefrom iIG3 in cash
: and a cold watch valued at $2iJ.
t to our fellow citizens that
i-y deal suxmarily with sucJi scoundrels,
and i
vrlbn a blue pill, stimulated by
eiio-.i-h vilhtiriou
petre to make it
In the meantime it
wouM he pru Jetit, ou the part of those
who have xnor.ey In larger amounts than
.immediate u-e re-piire-, to deposit the
tame" in .-o:ae bank, where comparative
sffurhy can be assured.
wis at KOE.i ir nr.Ajr.
I Wri .V; n fl - 1 . :ry R-rnvtl in
-( l Li - nihtr, w . l r- i un tut Ik.
j s '"
Li t vriijtCT the TiCgMature granted
; 2".:V." acre;- of lail to each Railroad
j Compraiy that would complete ten miles
i o:":e-a I ia t!:e State prior to the loth of
Febiuary in.-t. Tt:is was given not as a
matter of .' ; oi ulatien to the companies,
but for th urpo-e, of a--i-ting them to
b-alM tallroads in the St;.te for the ben
e fit of t be Sta te. Wt rli was commenced
! on six di2eret;t line-, i.u I each cf the fix
! Sin :.-diave completed, ana the Governor
accepted, the r-'.piLsite ten miles
S neee-.-aiy to drw .the 20,03 acres of
i lac 1. L-i::ne :.aieh-nr hi the acceptance
! . ., ,',, ,
i ol th3 tea wonc has cai stopped
t up.. a every one of the tix except the
i ... , ,
Bnriinfcton raid 3Ii-scuri River Rail
Road ia Ncbra
west from Platts-
iufu;li. - We hope this is not an indica-
. . , , ' , . , ,
' in ? un.'s are to he ahanuoneJ,
, , t , r, .
r-.n 1 that the. -'X. jj acres of .and was the
i .. . . ... . , ,
. "oejeotrve i-oiiii. ehope each and
J 1 , .. y ...
every one of- th-.-o I'.aes will e-ontinue
r'li? uIoi juht lho jSu tbey had ret
eu,L" a-cJ m real cs-
ihi . hf .f,Ter ,wtent
their road to the. Capitol of the State.
it 1 7.r.s or
Several citizens of ibis place harebceri
lately inquiring cf me why we have no
more bras muric, what has become of
the' Brass Band, &c Let me say ia
answer, that nothing would give me more
pleasure than to take charge of a eood
Military Land, and I in fvlvc I could
make it a pleasure for the citizens. But
with the Instruments we now have iu
the baud, it is but a mockery to try to
mke muue.- 'Th"7 were neverwhen
they were new even tmrd class m.,tru-
m mts. o two of them could be tuned
together, while at least one-half of the
notes on each instruments &re fake.
Thos.e that the citizens purchased lor the
Baiid, a few years ago. were as worthles3
as thu othei-s just, such instruments as
are always palmed off on those that are
not judges. 1 had i.othmg to do with
the of those uistruments. A
good Military Band is a great source of
pleasure to all lovers of music; and who
are not lovers of music nowadays. Wljat
e want is a splendid set of German Silver
a . -
Instruments, and we want the citizens to
tkc hold and help us gei them. The
instruments shall be wairanted. If
a!UT a trial of three months, any one of
them is found wauling, it shall Lo sent
back and a new one returned at the ex
pense of the manufacturer. The in.-tru
meats shall belong to the band. When a lbr trial, and then have the prosecuting
member retires he shall leave Lisinstru- I attorney or "any other man" refuse to
. .y .l T. y ..i..i y, ii.,, . , i
meat wan iu-.: na;u, so mac xne xana
&hall be imn.oita! and always ready for
duty. In this way we e?n have a? good
Silver In-tiuiiient-s Cyiobals,. Bass and
Tenor drum thirteen in 11.
lle.-X'eclful y, L. F. JoaxsoN.
A reporter wa.s diem-e-red in the
I !-'r.a rt 1 muior ili.,r:i..n
viewing" the cook about Prince Arthur,
cur? h- vi-it t Washington, hut
we - , k.
The subject of advertl-ingis one of rital
iiuportaiK.-c to business men of every de
ariptkn. who aim to increase their trade
the wide awake man, who, through ad
vertiing, secures an introduction to
thousand and Uns of thousands and
makes, tbcm his customer.-. It is tho
almost omnipotent lever that in eve
ry direction throughout our land rears
the palaces of wealth. Brandoth, Jayr.e,
Ayers and son.c others of the patent
medicine men of this are. have availed
themselves of the advantages of adver
tising, arid their wealth L counted hy
millions. While men, manufacturing
medicine equally as good, )ut not taking
advantage of the press to publish the
fact, are pro.-eeus icg a mere neighlorhol
trade, and are living from year to year on j
an income barely sumcient to support
The mtHliehie man that never adver
tises, thumps up by hand, in his mortar,
the ingredients for a single box of pill?,
and lives up the profits on them before
he has sale for another, while the wide
awake manufacturer of the same article
pays the presses or bis town, state, of
tlie Union, and ia some cases of foreign
countries, to make his medicine known,
and the result is, that he conducts a stu
pendous business. His ingredients are
mixed, and the pills manufactured, by
steam machinery, and while the old f gy
sends out a single box to cure a neighbor
the enterprising man turns them out by
the tun. and his customers are in every
town and neighborhood on the continent,
n?il n f.l i-i-vi 1 j f,f" 1 1 . ; i. 7a r.f .Lil-i-:
worth find sale in fore-isa countries. TL e
one man barelv live,, tli, o'.Lcrenjov, the
revenue of a kinz. AdvertLMi. J has
maJe the difllTenee between them.
, . . ,
ice.s his paper in the same manner,
. ' , . . , -
instead oi waiting a htetimc to s:-
v v. j,.V' i
on the advantages otsavertizing and in
a s.ngle year !a;d.tao tounuation oi his
dlie wend is itia oi sac ii eiHfiipics, , lygneinciaiiraii.
anel vet we find fegiea who doubt tlie ad- .
vantage of advtrti-dng. But the fact e f If J"ou in war't of a P0d Wagon
its utihtv, it set-m-, must be apparent to j to Yalkrys k Ru.Tner. They are
every man. Whv. certainlv, if "A" has j ?S'-nt r,r the Star and Schuttkr Y
a thing to e!l that lie knows "B" wishes ! on-- theWst in marke-t. -
to buy, he tolls. "B" of it, and that is
advertising; aul advertising through the
press is nothing more nor less than telling
ten . thousand "B.'s" at ome that you
are offering f jr sale something they wish
to buy.
But aside from in livid ual gain, there
t an advantage tnat snouiu not l over- j frreet Ttnr Titios-r;et a Or!ifl4
looked. Strangers form an opinion of a . Abatr.nct.
place, of its trade an 1 enterprise, frtK.V f'1 Attract, of
the advertising columns of its press. If T"'cf' 1" Id?, Mouses. Tax
null if uviK-k'iii in aj'j i-aiawi., iii.- pi.i
a ,., i.n. (l. n,rl.!l1-l.i(.,ir.,l
UJlII lir. t.i.av.a -
or ifihthisi-d hv lliv
have not awakened ' from their
ere is
vpr.r lfrn. an.. tli.'V l'o where til'
j j .
a better chance for their enterprise.
t.i ,, .i . ' i . i
Platlsmouth is just man-ng her start
for a prominent position aiuong the rivsr
towns of the valley, and the mere appear-
aiK-es of her press will unavoidably have
an itifiuence oa her. future. If .well .sus
tained it will be a favorable introduction
for the city wherever seen, and if not so
sustained, it proclaims tlie want of suffi
cient enterprise and trade to support ei
ther a .paper or a town.
. Mr. Ei itor: I notice ia your i.-vue
of the 14th in- t. an article iu regard to
ike arrist of Hon, Jos. Arnold, of Salt
Creek, on warrant from U. S. Commis
sioner, and that he wa discharged with
out a hearizg, and on demand was re
fused the knowledge of who Lis accusers ,
were. The facts in the case arc briefly
these; Received information that was.
I thought,' reliable, that certain paities
on Salt Creek and elsewhere were violat
ing the L". S, Revenue law. I made out
complaint's against .several as the law di
rects, ;.nd as the practice is everywhere,
and araoug others one against 31 r. Ar
nold. He came here, not however under
arrest, but voluntarily; and whenhsar
ing his rtateracnt; I entered a nolle
prosequi and he was discharged. To
show that my information was generally
eorrett, I will say that as soon as two or
three arrests were made there were many
delinquents who immediately traveled to
Nebraska City . at a rapid gait, and Mr.
Lamaster'3 books will show a sudden and
considerable increase in his receipts for
revenue. If Mr. Arnold was wrongly
informed on, it was bad, but he 13 not the
first innocent man who has been belied
in this world, and should fee! glad that
he can io publish his innocence. I as an
officer of the government shall try and
do my duty faithfully, fearlessly, and shall
try and oppress no man, be he rich or
poor, great or small, and I know 3Ir.
Editor, that you love justice too well to
updiokl one portion of the community, I
who try to evade the r.ayment of their
fcharo of the taxes, when theyA-nefo they i
ought to pay. I desire you would pub-IL-h
ray statement in justice to all arties
concerned. - II.;Yan Arman.
Avistant U. S. Att'y.' for Neb." "
V"e d. not see wherein Mr. Van Ar
man has Lettered the thing by the above.
Of cyirsif we are opposed to having any
one evade the revenue laws; but we are
ako iiwf ihciJeillj opposed to having
good e-itlzeni arrested and brought t:p
tea ta:m wr.o tneir accusers are. d3 it
either Law, justice or humanity to allrw
!nedi thicks to le dQ3 in the 19th cen-
We know jut how Mr. Arnold came
here, an 1 we sfc what return was made
0.1 th? writ? He wa3 not brought by
the Marsha', because Mr. Arnold gave
his word to 3Ir. 31urphy that he would
be here at the required time, and he
came. He wa arraigned for trial, and
was refused the knowledga cf who Lis
accusers were, an 1 this Mr. Van Annan
doesnotdeny. We if itb'Wor
'"practi'e" it may l the latter i.i
trm.-AT to arrest men n; o!i lucre he-r-
The Spanish. Inouishlon
equity in comjKaix.n.
In the aoove ci -
dil Mr. Van Armau le the nc
larormation, uuihr o-tin, lor .nr. .vino. a
arrest ; and if so how came he to ascer
tain that he had sworn falsely, and where
doC;j he get auth,rlty f,r entering a
tiollir, and does Gen. Strickland ti. dor;
this kind of practice?
All iersons knowing themselves in
debted to me are rrqixoste 1 to rail and
t settle lmiite iiatelv and save
trouble and ex pen -'.
,W. SrAbll.MANN.
PlattMnouth, Feb. 14, 1S70.
Good dwelling house for rent. Ap
ply to Maxwell & Chapman.
Go to Yallerysit Ilnffner anl bay your
Groceries. They buy for cadi and will,!?
not be undersold. I
All kinds of Country pnxluv-o taken
in exchange for goods at Yalierys A
The I.nt nil.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to us by note or account are re
rpieated to call and ettlc immediately.
8i0s ;v uncr liav J" rcCc: ve,J
a, ,,CW su":' f Bu'f a!"1 wLIch
i l,ie-v are '"lu' VPr' vr-
unuttnv r iMiniii'j
i Pay highest market tnee far Oats. P.
I i a aarnei market pnee Iar I L -rn
1 , v . TV, T
; and .No. 1 Wheat. Jan. Id.twtf
trover iV s .evrins JHacJ;ui-5 is
; the lost jn luari-ct. Yaliervs & KuiT- 1
j ncr ar; ncents
j Machine will Gad it to their advantage
allen-s it RufTne-r have jnst receired
sampli machin s of the Improved Rock
fbrd Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator,
very much improved for the year 1S70.
.Call and examine them, an! leave your
orders. " - ": '
i-' lu- vount, we are now prepared to
- -
t :rn
a a corrtct
stract. erf transfer
) ating the Titles of Real Estate (La.i J
' or in Cass County, Nebraska. " -
; L T v- -1,j'trC'-'t 'J,njnJ ?aes i-an-
not be had from the Records, and car
i,. i r- , . '
i parties purchasing
; c that they are
Keal Estate should
.- j 0 m u.j',., iv,
11 Toneny taey Luy. Uwners of it-al
i I ltlt.1 1,T- r.ltltr.r. tt 4 1.1. A. " I
property iaey
ate by irctiitiir
e to correct any defects that eri.-t, 1
I thus save theiae!vcs cxtveuMve JItI-1
"j :i .-lujiraci. may oe
ana inus save ineme;ves cti
gtitioc, and. pcrtip, tho -kjr of th;r
property. As Ab-crtr-t of Ti le erst 5 ou
but a trifle, an 1 may KH f you your home.
; , D..1L WiiEEi ut i Co.,
Piattsniouth Neb.
' Not, ZTj !St9.iA;w'Jm. : . f
. -. .'':.
TkrtusH tin Eart Prlcai RducaJ.
Doom, Bro. A. Co. are s;"bg lowjcr;
uiaii ever :
Hf u
- 9 t 12c
11 tO 1S3
Belaine. ; . i; tG 2,'c
Poplins ...i 30 to oOc
Best Kip Bot-t, f 4 CO to C Oj.
Best Calf BootSj C 00 to S CO
Aed everything in j.roiortion.
Call at Doom, Br.a. k Co.'.
OofTf?c- .-..,.. . t.rrciu 12. to 3 Jc
ugar 41 G to
II to 1 To
, . At Doom, Bao. k Co. s.
Remember Doom, Bro. k Co. have
reduced the price of everything
Doom, Bro. k Co. is the cheapest
house west of the 3Iisaouri river.
P. Braitsoh, Practical Watch Maker
and Jeweler, has removed from his old
itand, in Stadehnann's building, to one
door west of Murphy's llo' cl Euildinp,
with. P. Hart, 3Iaiu itrccl, d'lattsmouth,
Ncbiasla. '. d&wtf
At tfce re?Mnpe of her son-in-law. TTrr.ry Tl.
Aniersf.n, in I'lalt.'-rnouth I'rcfiut-t. on tbe via
day of February 1 -TtJ. ' rs. Klz.niEru McCokd.
nioth'.-r "f Lieut. V. l. McConl iiu-1 David A.
McCori E.-j. in the STthyear of her agro-
She remove 1 to this State in tho year is7.
and notith?tanlins her great ajrti she retained
hcrfaeuliies ahno?t uninipared to the time of her
death- She was a woman of more than ordinary
intelligence, a kind friend and a cor.L-;aiit
Christian. Com.
All pr.-on? indebted e the unJcr?iKned aro
refiue.-te'l to euil athirresi donee, eitrliteen Kilcs
wert of Platttinouth, and settle tlie same iuinie
If A.I Parte indebted ta Us
V.'.ll ec" and f-ttle the same, they wiil r-jvc
tlniiawtlvti buLh citra trouble and, Cor
wc lau.-t ha-. e all aecounta aud notes due us
and Uiii rniuiediate'.y, as wre ara booi
East and iiiu-t h.ife the monry.
, , . UO'M l:t:o. A CO.
Sx l.leinber 21. 1.-"..
rT,.AKEN UP Ey tbe aulribor. near Rock
A LiutT, about tbe rst of N.jTcmber. one
pn-.all two year old red heifer-no marks tr
briml, W. o. LA 'IT A.
'I'AKEN UP Ry tbe sah criber 'n my fniuj
1 4' wilesyoutu we-t uf l':ii.fu-ou li. at oal
thelat ofUecKiiiOtr lyi '., o:m v.uilo . ow. f.u.
years old, red hai and re . . p;k on lo,s. with
a ijiri,-5 bell on her n-i k, brai.ii-1 "a" ou lei'i
bip. Also at saiue jiicc aa 1 'iico cue
lil ht brown heifer. u' out 2 y .- r cl'l. crop
I:'t er.uull rtSu rwa.l h r ti-ri : , : o.mrK r
biauiU. JCsfllA UAPVV.
f-17yr;J. )
! p-. p? AJnvf-W rfn-i
; "u 1 'Im,
t - j
e i c
- . I .. ,:. v.
1 -i iw n i- 1 : '.. : 1 -'r
.:-iaa::. ;,;-! i.
!!lVi!.ili'ili .! 1 1- :.t 1
i)i:oi: ri: . u
I t:i- i'r-.'i :.t- 0
)ItOl: ri: .:irn. j
Ihafui! ;u:.-; r ..
"oil;r. im.-l :r. ( il ;;i ....
July iJth a. v. -: . or :
rr.-i .te j t
P 1..!t aTi-"'tf '' c
ln-rn fil.t in ti'. nr. 1
t A. I. 1T!'. t ! ( . k 1
Feb r,ih ItlTo. fpK!
A I. Call;.
TESTATE OP 11 F.r.V W.U .-...V- N,V;
. aHir.:-1 A'iin. :.!-. ir;x : " .'.
Ji'-nry ai- -n. u -.i-. i. Kt-
Nei.T.1-): . Ii i, ih rti tv
'lay of J ilrur.v. ra 1 . j . -snl
Jfiii? ta ii: inpi ' . ).
A. L. cat I. Ij. I'r
nnuary i.i, : t.
i Hi' ttiT rTl.k,.i ..
, P valuai le wa:r i -. i. ..
pnuinrr.1 wi(frltli l i.i.l Mriif ij-
me tit t irriu-f ...wt-r i 4u.i t a
li ft :
tam iiin.. l:i -rr :iivw!t--r i ' ..
"thi-r hii:r - ai.l emit, I hi" ,
toth bu-iiioi il laiiiio w.-tt-r
i iter l r a rr:i-.jr j,ri e.
l';;:;uo;ah. lie, "Jl l--1 .
l.Ii'ij AKI ViVI.i.N.
Ari-ly to Mixi. a .'iji- jr.
AMsIKLL V.ii'.W 1 1 "en I i
i ii f..r sale ty li. 1:. A?- i n. t. ..
""ut!i ul l'!i.ilinoath. .' ly astj - : u x.
i'rief i "r bit- Le!. Jk; ; nr i;.
Jan. ii. is'ij. :.: -
TOK PALE-A SO' i ir. :;ir
I i 'Tf" '! iar.'l al ! .:..: I'.-.
iai:r-c ',-. ua fi ue rr, ia:j ru :
e-.c. EnMalrecf
fu: s aiwtt v.'m.t. nn;r:.;
l,"Olt .SAI.P!-.". i.-
I e llT of I'iv.l!B'
J F r term i I f;'; ti i .i- i uki . . i.
I C. or f ihetJT: ii-r? r 1 en
( jka.'.f A l. A I'.-.Jv
Jl. ii : r. j u .
li.Mliil IX ! i II IAS.
" y"' , .. ,,. ,
- l.y ci"
i - - . j .
J. fSf .
JM A -o: if.
Bf.lijr Hi !"'. ICR-- t ( .: :r l.:..i ..a tz
Ubir i M'-n lay no:
i I aretaerc iu' :-u ii i n t.
jiL'. m. tjA::.'CS. it . y..
J. x. v. isk: s. .
Hcot J. !.-.e Z. 22 A. F. A A. -
nee'iojs ct y.t--uia fi r-' n i-1 t.', i r
.'. J. N. l-, . .
tiro. L. Srr ' i t. :-.
2i KBV.A -K A L'U A i'Ti.K .' o. .'1 1. A. M.
t'DTOoiwi t iu'-p.ii .ii.i )i arta I c lij t
iri of et.cSi uii te.a u: 7' 1 .:., k w.
i i. lie i.l i.'. V.
ESTri ?tkT'k-;2I I.oi.iiK. 1.- ...,.ri: - -Irjp
cf th- Kaasjv l.cU hi Viil,- .re. . .
ii.-i. '.n?r Ijrf t: U. i on . f .-
Ail . V j-tir v-!;.- ;i t.-cir tt'v . ... ...
u:.; inTiti ! ."r. !. !" -.a:
i.e iu t n uvf r pi; e ":: v ..; .
I. i.. "V'::l Ll.j-.Ul i'--.-.
Mm. C. A. I'rz. tJtr.n
::V Ml. h- :
' .1. ). . V
t . t . evfr;' y
:t:-.v:t. a; si .
t !:-. r,r r ' . ' . . i
t inneuu; ti
io uiL. ly'M.t. W, .! j, .
11. s.St t uinr, S-?. t
. ' . -j .T.
OfTVwB:ajfC!i. N'o K":rk;wt.-.w '
T. K. li. Iifi5. W. .-s. K. i;. i .t.i . !.
Def aly. .Vims at -. .jl :z l:-"' r.
1oiiTrii!i.j. l.-a Co... Tc ..j'.-- .r -, -VX.'y
incited. 1
V-icei-sior Tr.--.rH !" .-.t. ;' . ! '.
Lwi, I. T.; i . K. V. a: te-. 1'. s. ;.!- .;, ;
Ii'U!e II 1 on tin. first niiJ liuix.-.r ;... rv
ir.tofiuh mi rlh.
-at or llorr l--tm; yt. 8.--. .1. .. ' '.
C. T.; Amlierr li .-:-: y, -
iant err f-ilur.ji v e-- -..r.r.
yr. c. t.: irm. j. .-: t: tIN. , .
Lt.ij L'rj-.;;v. !: wr v 'iv- : ... ...
C- Trav-ilijp TmnoL.r-- re.-I r : y !-!.
fa ; . I... 4 .-. . -iB ,;
W.O. T.: J as. :r-- ....-.:..,. . .
L"tJe l'ut "t-'l- aviry .-wr,...;- . .
Ixare:ii XVu-pU ti .-;- - . e :
jelWiiu u.-
; t7 s.xifit' i.r. . n
I' Jtouihly me' o iMi V -t
j oi.s-t of W-Ty 1-t .'.f.,u i jv. y.
11 . s ..!.-,, Vn-V
". I.
n m. L.. w s: i s. t;. rli.
pliy.-inAX v -r-,,., t-..-L
it. t. i.ui'it.Ki.t,,
tT- f..."MI"ffl V ' - tI.-i lis.,
treeu: otii.-e on M ;r. ' , , i
llamt. Fif.,wu,:i. N r.
J. V. it 5.1-. 2
WUcIClAN AND cy i: ,J. -; , .
fe,i-.-in-Chit f tl;.. .-. -i .j t.f'u !''..-.-'.aiLS
.lfi..H, .Ne-',i',.i t i. 1. .i. ,i
.. Ururf -J'l.ri- .VJ.i:4 -:.-r '. . ; ' .
1'iuxraiT'. l'r.vii- re .Ut. '.. ' . i : ...
Ji ta r rfe u. t 4 -i-i .j" i i . .......
!I.itir,K iraja-!cu-.!- h-:td -i W'.c,., .
tr 1 aas. t-n !-r .Is- l ; -f. --i -rsil .-v i : - '
i -r . .1-- ii.1 . ,
i a. a. :iEii.K...
i.. '.
IIKri.l it MO,
KeM h-t tte au I Tax Paviuc A ret'
Pablir, F;rc n l Life Ii:i.a.-a:.ce Af?!:l..' 1:
ou;n. eSra.-l:a. ;r -;
r. n. .vTi'iilii t: i ri
mTy. riaie-muut.
- HK.ll.l Hirit
Mixn'KU, ,
attorn;:ys at law . ;
Chancery, i'l ntnuav . A "oia-i... On.- o ...-f-w
UU Ji iuttcr; lri--c. i:ri.
' r'"T "J. S'. Wis;."-"
OeneralLife. Aoeii -i. .ircj.i.i j-i.i TxJ Iri.y
Insaraiioe Ai" .it. !( thi.r r;-K. o r-. :i -able
ra- in lh rvi -in fnpTiirt in ;:i
umifuciii. ijim u.a Lu-irtil c,
l:iilm iiilh, i.'.;li
11 ll.l.ll I'fi'O 1 1 t.Siii it.
ATTORNEY AT LAW.P:;uL....ut2. Ns.
:- . Legal Notice.
XN Iistrirt Court ill Ju.L til.'!
and for Ca,- coma . Nebriwiia.
tieortfo t. 1 roi:,i.i,
Stenhen Ra-ell
To sa-phcnKa-iii, n.m rj'iic',; J rV- J-.rt.
you are hereby uotiCi t tfcat eico. E. l'rujw r . -i
the l4h lay t 1 eo: y 1 . ! ... ! bS j a
in the olliee of the Co i k tt the I'l-trv; e ur -. ;
the d. J aidi'd lo-ti ui una lur e..-,
Nebrurka, the o 'jr. t ;i m ir;:y.r f i:l j.. ::
u to obtiiin a liecn c .j tortfli'.ure ' ! a v.i ;a..!
niortpiiru on th Hu:n '!-j;.r -.rout..' aarterot irt nn,n a, iiura It. ranee 1 ; 1.. ui :
a-cnt! j-nrij n ..:- i x "ukJ Ij -.ui..ii!.f .
day ol April W, :.! civ nt'i Ir.-csj- ;. .-
cailit.t: l..r t r.r 'ii ol i .n; l:ir :..i.uo.: j.;-. !
wna ii.t' riit .' ;.or eea;. (Ci i by Lsu '.- ,'
attifrncd to j.l u:. n A : t'.f a':n i i i -j'.y
tbere ib luut due t.-'.ir. ;. i Mi i o;t t- r-!.o:. :
said notf nri'l ni'T vi i-iii smm .l v.e ki ii i'
tiTo-t ktii.' rtt o B' ii t':'V:'-: ':-v rt A i r.i
lio, and praiiitt liir .-.: t o. -lun I Hit t- r -
Suire.1 In pay mu i Kii.... ii.on--M; ,-,t.-. i .y
ay to be uumei by tr e ..'o. nr t::..s a. 1 1....
may be o.U to .-at -: h .uii:e.
loa i-re rr iiortd f.-a.-wci ! id 1 ctaior. -r
Ltl'.re tli tUi ity i .1 pi tl . '
bl.'.t.iiK K- Pki. Not i;.
Ey M iKKi.i. .t Ciii.i vi :n. M.t s j.i...'.
. Partnership Hotico .
DSi'hnave A E. I Lt hi.!...? l. jr ,ri ! t
. th entire Moek duoi-.U -d E- A. .'..;.-. :
linrn Alu- in tin; "u Yvrk stor' I r a .--o i
deal liss than fiit i-i i, they leur tie s.oi I'
the piib'ie, tor tbcu'ixtSO u ., at pr.-.i....- i
tfueed price?, at the -S I tan I. "-.-rr !'.. a-u '
Levee tr?ett - fro i yaur tiu t kiiiy. t. -
th new Liw a trial
Those indebted to ti .-I t fl.-t.i r.oj--. eall al
fettle- rithi. away with ru ne.v f r.n.
febTdAwliu U. i-CHNAi-E Jt C".
C. HEISEL, I'ruj iii.: r. Having recently l--a
repa:r6l mid l iar. d in thurvuh ranuititr orii r.
1 .".ui'l liuf h In ot V bout miilel iiui:n.-ual' ly
for whii a tbe .:,-ii?t pr.: ,;j .. I.
cdsei-s ate :
Ill '