r -. t I I )M I llllri y illHIBtJMIH H IIHIMV HIM 11 li I -r It I i II I in i H III i i i i mi ii r i hum, hi. m. ! . .in . , . . . . Ti-"; NEBRASKA HERALD 1 RATES OFAD VEKTISIxVCr "n. ! u'cvnvi Iji I: ''? us.f pisei tiiy . s -2 .. ll mbn.1.,'-C.-' ft'l-Il. ' ' ls . . V) ,1, i, rli .I- ft. ! Ct n-'l il.g s; X ! l't, !'J I'M '" 1 ibi,.-t'liro r c.:!ri:. :i or lery. frnrm r:t. t. iO , . .i t e: i-.! v' -' r' i'i . - - vi r.;h V m ' (i rlT.LiSHKt) VMLT Ak'D WKXKI.r HV l . f ' I . L JIATIIAWA ir.iTfit m rnr.piiHTdie. ; - ' f . -r -t M .. 1 ?b.:c..r,l street. ? " per ui.m,'!.;, r. r si co ! rr: On- t. V. ' !-.!-. ;2 -,.) ; r nnaunt rf pai J in j MX IllO'l t. !'' n n: i. J. '- or - i-r.t a 1 . i ::.. uinit 1 c up;i in :.YOI...5. PLATTSMOUTJI; NEBKASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, IS70. ,T! V .1 iC -C. $2."i' rf w.i pai ! in Adv-meo XO. 4S. All !:-:! ii. itiiva: " ., . - r-'''-;'--''--s.-.....y....- cr??-wOTirf,A,a-ji.uv:iiWwa;rai.'irtP yvjrx; xys-.r.-tg.-g. m-x - vj ypcc,aa.,rwji i " v.i v - .- - - '.. jt- .1, . - ' - -v. . .i r . - --r . s ..-r " V a ci; : ' h Governor":: ProclariatJon. j j statu O" XL ask A. ! Kjkc: tivk J::paio br. i : .i.A-'. T':? Co;-, taution cf il.o r.:-te of; ; ": on Pr it 0 v, .u.r-iinavy i-.n., C'liVI'l! 1 by j ;.,;.:!; cftV.c li'Hcriinr an i v!!n con I i:o ij :-im -;. -i :! :ih us j r wh.'-h t .. v.". re so c o 1"J ac i i:i t'.c lr .l".!.iii.!i'-'ii cf ; r Ua-.- v.-ith i.rijvi.-:i.n in , li. I'. M., for th- urioc of taking actios i , -..o f-.novtirgui.jr-3 f Lr ruti-n : .! r - Tl.t; Kittifi ati )! of tli i.roj.ohf.-.l Til- i SO te--. h .:i.ciii:a"i:t to ill? ("ou! itutioii of li; .: To i-roviJc for tLa erection of tLe r :.iiy. ' ; '.' , : To nutJioiizo tiie County Coaimi- ' " ru,n',B C'unl3r l" i;-uc ,ond"- i ac.'i't:'.ir.ri I'' 5-'.' lor J.ri'tr'i l.ur-4e. 1. i:Tii To extt-n.l the Jui-i-Jiction of Pro bsl' to ik". in civil M5c. ' F:i r ii To iroviao fir the care and cu.-toJy of 8tu'. ! i i'oii'.-r-. r . i'.iv t:.:'.jdeof S'iiitia Law. v . 7 u Il.o cn;-our.iseBLi.t of In. migra tion. S'.i.uth Ti.t reiiii i'aihr:eiit cf SU'.c Juri Jict m ovrr !.nr3 whtr the tji-nfrnl (Jovem inerit heve ei-ctp.l or i-roi.o-e to c-rcct public N';m.i lie AineaJiacnt of Section - and 8-- . i "., f f the act eclitioj "Aa act to euublo ooi.': us. n:c' a i'i p-ccincis ic ' orrow mjney 1 in the o i i i r l.oiiJs, or to i-:uo i"- ii to ai cor. r .i 'iloa or coinplct inn of work--of internal in , ovi-tui'Bt t!iis t'tate. mvi lcirultze bond of. ;.. i .. :li:-,:wu.;-.aarJ-virti;-ii:ici..iih.,r- Amendment to the Constitntion of the Never laeut vvir.-t-If wben roing in o V! ,t",,1 Tunoct a hm'3 --.-i ir. r. !. Davli i;,Ki,r. Governor of jUni.m jlepublican principles enlarge ! rowd! assembly Thene is trnc ofj fiwjraw, of f ntry. ; Fhe Applied to the th.. ..f r..U caihHinth.a. ' K. ' i be tduary Mi.ell of tohaeeo which j prof.r ibr julmion U the dissectiii.? l.1r-ofihe,lM.to..oct men.s i i-as, ,th. uajiow gaiigc upon j , h c ?ar!llcnUan( afflicts tl,e ' . ail,j Wil3 inronre.i t!,at sh(k (.n i rt .., - ... L.' -i.. .a 'l u.y iho 17th wtiili Jemocracy ran her race ha? rusted ! o- ,hosc habitua'.iv sna.ko. j r,3u'V ; "V ' f- , d.-- f '" '--. A. 1. KO. at the hour ..f 2 t t i mctet aWav hefure tb Hut. tf,bau-o almost invaria.lv mnkp i.ii-n I al " b "U m nnle nfhrc. Ihw va by 1. i iy i--ur-. ! a..iy r. ! Vi.- ! ' : tt ; ,: - -i T.. ec-: - i.avi ai 1 1' ih.- a fcc ;- a- ! i !'. VEXTH- . . i. 1 tl. .- I'ji.icatio: C ..:-t : : 1 , : - .. i IV. lW.' i Til . O : r:i t i- V . !' C'T' .1 tf .:,:in.. t.. Si. ' i : TS5.s rr .. : ; i ii..--.o: . v of Nc IN r -c . 5: .Aci.'i' - "r ; :Kr.; ! ii.i '. io: ; - , i n r " r-l'y i"-.: ' - :. rCi.r ti.. '. .!' mm 1 in I T 8 in . I v - . : j ... 1 v. r approved j ,-.. v : ; f . r relief in cusm.- whore i-.-icl or k'v i"l taiei in rra l laist li'wve uirutioucd for the. it cf a portion of tho primilal of i pur?u i'-. c i f ;be said act. To amend the act entitled "An ;'-,t:r.n 1, cf nu set o j rovidft f.-r f the lie UioTs of tbe i?upr-uie tbo tf tbe Utporler," :. lui;.ls tJ I-u:u Cabn and John a'. I in t'.m development of tbe of tbe state. foaf on.! an art entitled "Aa ..te ci'ici of the liret ct.i: s, ia the Lm. ka," n j .proved 1'tbruary Stb T amend CL:'ptr 5v Kcvireti A "'IV. i.-." To r.n.'t'-' ;roj!r:atit as fur neo- Piper.: cs of State Officer. prcvi-lo for transfer of SUate t fiilnir the t l;.-t ri H I'ouit. ".'j ii. .Uo a; pt I riatior.a for tbe r 'li. in i f the . member of tbe t j::'.-i jcat c-xpcuie5 of tbo To P.vi -Is thj Stiite o Con- To r.nyrf.l cl'-j-'a! error? riirtde i. I rt ; in jHa net of last ! t. !iK:t-:cr. 1 U.:tc nerear.w ei my oj t. P.. i.a tk. tira S-l j f 3. Ti.. T!. "i 51 j; y- i -'J st t V '.!. I-i'.X T:l- - nv,n,m , ve lKlvC n$ U1C I Steel, of Chi.-rii.o, c'laiia lor it tho follow- -. .:t iuy of l eoruary. t'n:L as so,,n as the B. & M. in Nebra- I i , , i " I.ra u,c Tb.,u,ad ht ia w?s completed to a connection with ' . j ' , ;jf r;ctfn?r ' anif 'IcS "f':- fJ: C K,nfc VrnCyh i i tight In-tcal .if.fecly paingtrai. ,urh. and of tt;r , hrotTh -trade be ween the cast and Jt -,oc. aw;u. necessity vct mut pa-sover this hne, yia l latts- uf- p;,m.h;riT, .vi'iling crKlotting the end TVII LTTIXII mouth auJ . BurhJi ten. . lTiS loiiorinf f ? n o-either stec! or iron. i , ,.--i j siiii?" v. "hut it think ot it: or;!:-,; x.i-n ": ! " . 1 : ' ' I .i,M.-ai.d the t'. B. & Q. II ia. is are act--1'"' "y" lit3 : i ig rwf.anuotn-andreprctietitiiig interest, -.ra,r oi .;,. Cii.v rrrMJiuatj very closely allied. Jt will he readily -'if we -in-. I seen that a very heavy proportion ot the tn ll-.-y. v..-jr Mur-on has long been known ,f (:,-"r.io-t cn lift and unpriti- in the ;te one wliy !ton -tvMT.t n-. wiun.'iKss io - , .1,. 1.1- own T-sii-y t-h-re-r- of J rr. -. , l.iii: , 1'::- it. to ae::omp'.i.-,h his i r,,..,,r .,,,,1 tlie ! , ' :!'--'-'--"''1 ' ' J r:.ai it-eves, th p.i iiiatioo.yi'' i'iaUS- lort -,t pco; h ,f the state, vi aJptintes. KnoUHi fas ncarlv oVquii d.led sb.ee" Viii Te pi.-a e l to b-arn tint b. ''VQ I i!uy. Live, bad a liajjoal, and real es-iar:-.- h-js 'o; ,i so .ii- ii-td v.ifh bis I tate has laore'than doubled in value. i.b!'. ie.t? rot !-.n.: - I hat they have . pv.-:'d r"T " , . ot;t and dcuoun,,d ti.u by rc oht-j According . the Albany -Pondent . i..i... i.f t in lln ;.lo Irorex-i. the iollowiiur Uo a m a ..somucra: luc-c-t mg. an i mi :i ;-e 1 :;ti 1 !Wi;:.ni' . , . i :-".!ue;-at.s r. s V.' r Jii'li.'t. Mavor ot .eb.-a-::a .1 .!S . i.-.-.;:u"ie nt la this ('... cuticiU Vd. 3 ,: -.i that th .-: raw wbieh broke ti- eani-ra back" was the detection of M !..n v i-'uing e liteii-d articles for the N :a-ka i:y T. . (avcullicaa journal) d T uricii'T a '-i "ia"':'-:it l.tetuber of his W" par?y vb- in ..::'d not u e for bis pi! Vhi1e wo have no rion to soeuiL1- S: bn p.tch into h;s party ;Vieu is as b gives ftreugth to Itetnibbv'ans of Ot-e yet we can i-e, in common with honest . minded .ucrat- r-f Oioc iiu-1 t-lsewliere, the wl: - "it -.'ii 1 re-ort f the bw down ., i'..r "5?i:-h .''".erli! l:;ts so long ji ;-.-vb Jii tro'k Sterbce was de .1 iri writing cd:toria'- f r the JVeas ;:: -i; iorv cf a i j.;i..i.u nt democrat t ' y .! l 1 : D a tri ' o of : jr ;! . Cr t , if,.; tl-. ! a- ; fi h : ti,-' a . ,' ,e l . 15 i i-ka City, nn4 tbe democracy nl it no longer. The demo !',.; ir. , v.vrd assembled, with rVou i:i the ( 'hair: ST-veehCr were .i byaif.usiberi-fjs-otuineru ati.juet.ve i in tii k mcvrati? rans, att.ong M -Calkntau; Kx-Mavdiail. .. v: lis-AI.:cn;.an, Matt. IT-wley; I -H. r ..nl after a full d l.-u or ff iri'lt-r th' f..e,wing withering re-o-f w-s l..Tt.". by tbe meetiiig: ',.,' 'i'i. at wo the lb mocrdcy of i'i lll'ICl il 1 Ol t ..i.veoti.in' as- l'i;--t War !, iii n;a hrrHfifj Morton -: 'V n !;. !-.( H.Kl tnnn.rOvf I Ur.;ofth.-lL.v..-Kin: of this ciVy. .7 e.'a ,'..' - ! the J t:: I., has iu I of rl.is city, iu ile- o.ii a a c-tvcu.oi i i v , , i . . . i a K.-.'CV.- !..-) .Sterltl.g IS .' rss-y- ii brass, tn.ks i t i:-,a-s, r.-i t wtiat . , I . . , , i'i proPi'-Tieiici he has 1, c-rctofbre ":i .'.tilled lias been ;n com-ciueiiee tiffwith. thriving viliages ar 1 , , , , . 1 h '"ics- J lie coo l time is ci f y.t we doubt li be has friiijoitiit j u t- . 1 , ,, , :CG i -hi. .c.iii.l ol 112 Ii2- I in ... . . rr . .-l .i i Tl t .-." I I- T- ,...tl.:. i ,-i.l, c.n.-w-.. ,l. w 1 ' il " - . ..-...-I."- '".'- , c -rb rar.7" No. t' ir-.c. r: 1.', ;-. .' tieir to face 'th-s .tana of iu lig- j . T J- j X lit! .'.-'.It'll- I ""in Js.. S3 . v- v-.t-v .--v.--. 1 iit.tll.viii.v.'."...i.i-.. . . iv,'i. .li.'llil. . vii,..., ni:. H.tfV milia lil'lIiCV l-J - I . .lll'l il.-. I : . : I' -t I ll , i ! I '.CIS .-i l.i.. Is, I f ; J . r pa I r I ' -it I -: --u which now rings ia Lb ears at "W.. torJl jn tho New York Vrifnne office are co-'h3rner!; to'inipHcate lVc-ident'trntnt ! s:eu:l thao vou lia-e." - anil is uot likt-lv to be. our -latut-J char- ! xd-r...-ka." V. u"si.i 1' L - -ka Citv, ;:d is bcin-r takes up a1! j lliiQ.i t-MH-outs ibr each prolatie wordui- j m the go'd pamc jaas Kis3ia,ly failo.li j.:;' , : :--.v-r- : r.cteri.s?ie of makii. I'os: cf oursrli..-s ; U' '.;,d f i X i'V-'M''T. S r ii- St'ite " I teivdon ! he premi-es the mi.ney fogath- j theresultof the inves!ra ioneo-.npbteh-1 In Ikf-tori it is said thu the cr.Jor of a ! -cr all ibcigieis L:;.s a iiiu cx j iifl- -'; niiVT. ,b- dat -ot Ui Kc.-icsaV.tc: "j f '" 'my-wwmMmn r.'tlui fcivci totbc I. Some of exonerates Grant from the remo'est co u ! certain el.Tt;vn!!.n cve3 fcasn-v.'r L V" ' "a u in ih.-f ei-a uite:. 'i : v titc ii:v "5 u ' ;r 'CI Ji.r - :- - ' V1-' - -ne fbritn townsmen who taU i thepaup..M-s.'c.f ih.it city are growuig rich pii.-5fy, while Fiek .wouHb? hwcriutbt determine d: wheu he"p,ny3 hbi- his i-a. Sx..:.y; S-t.tt.er ar, i hb co-..c:n- i --'"-- - - T i.;. : b.'-."U-.- to get dru-k ca" get a : i'ViU the fun-acolWy-afrpiii cntnpofi-,- pnbbc estanation. vere such a thing pos- .-own, and . when ho pwach---- If iv. frf-i iw.-t hav- fi.i.iv -J tie t?M- -t-r- Shoi..: i .u .s.:,. ! "? t- set ixsn-i"'! ' " . ; i.-iwlrvp.Otwl-TnaouwTirf.V - siMe. j other" pcv; Vs. : - !-r.-:a. ; 5T".Xp :-' v"! ' ' s) - - , nFTEEST amesdmest. 1 he world moYes. Ten ye.irs ago any JT8ou who woulj have jirodicted the ceiling of a (?pC(i4 Ye.-Sion of II LL-lv ure to make the nero in tbia constrv lV, lilO It TT Tf li.ll li i XKSl" low c-itizons, would hnve boon deemed in- B.iiio ; and yet this moniuiir a bo-t of good and true men left tbi city for tlw i?!iite er.jiitnl, ail eager to ca.-t tbtir voices favor of the La-aze of tbc 1'iftecntb ..... , - . vivifying ufluencj? :of progroH-. Amen 1)C it, and SO mote it be. MebrnMUn MoItlierM. ""A iiTrpMin!6n of the fIliorsxrNe- hraska will take jila'ee at Lincoln 6n" the 4LJj ,lav of J lly, 1870. - t Wo don't understand die ciact narrb of the organization, but judging from what wc have, heard,1 tbo 5 L-re-union" will l ea gathering of the Npiaw- et crarn,". etc.. who "fit so nobly" during the 'ate unpleasantness. . Tiie tate of Nebraska did little dur irg the war deserving of praise, and con sidering the fact that the majority of the soldiers fiom this State enlisted in neigh boring States, there is nothing r to call forth a hullabaloo about the Nebraska soldiery. Jiulo llrgister. -T'be above Diay bo taken as (the deEb- eiate candid opimon ofan-unreiieht- ant rebel. Ot course he can see very little nterit in anything done by union soldiers.; We believe the Nebraska . sol diery stood high in the good opinion of i!uch iuen as Gen. Grant, and were'sevcral times publicly complimented for their bravery. Some of Ir. Brooks' friends dovri fouth w fco'.h&d the courage to f;icc the Nebraska soldicr3 on tbe fiebl of battle have more respect for them than does Dr. Brooks. They do not term them "Squaw Veterans." Probably f ueh men as the editor of the Register may think "the State of Nebraska ;did little during the war deserving of prafee" in fact, she did not exicct praise, but rather curses from such men as Brooks i but she both deserves and receives praic from every loyal heart in the whole land. me BEir iuuoiuii itotxr. A IIftni!:nr Compliment t tIn?t iuoiKIi Miivi tpe lie-raid. Wc.clip tlie. following items from the Burlington Hnvk-Eye of last Satur day. Tbe Nebraska HzralJ published at Piatl-iJinutb is awide-awake enterprising sheet, full of enthusiasm over the comple tion oi'iheB fc M. road, and the future prospects of Plattsmouth. The Great Through B.oute of travel Last and West will be by the Chicago, ! UurLi.gtcn, Piattsmouth ami San l ian-; - co lillC. J lie .irtaaslta lit runt i;i ais- fi. - sJuii H:ut JWiVS. . . . , . I t , ii . II is wen UHQcrMOiiu inat ure T-.r-,inM -iiin.i-iiii nrr.f the IT. P.. the B. (.. fcs nf the I'nion Paeilic will, at no li Hint, day .bi (be i'-iptre, b'rueeV over th,ve read-; vi-i Burlington.' Toe Hi;:tALt) takes csjiecial deludit in astiirgrrr rnii l rrrr- PI-ttmotith atrd the eiitiTS reg'"n"of ' coTTfitrj" iit'tTeeu Piatf-moiitb iid Ft. Kearney, including ;n,tioii tAthe trreat p.tJof tirT'rcout.u-v to emicrant". Ju noticing. th city of l'lattsm-.ntl and theNeorasa J-.xtenion o Inc 1. iV si . . . r . . - mil is to oe uucruLi u iuu Legi.-latmc : ; f cfrno.'i l v Any. fema'e jof cliaste character, under tbii age of seventeen yenrs, wl;o with evil intent, win- ningly, winsomcly and wilfully, decoy and seduce from bis domestic duties a mar ried man (he U-ing the father of a family and bavii.g ibiidr. n over ten years cf ae), and by a it tb I wiles draw him away from bis family, sh t!!, on conviction, fie. icciued guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be imprisoned in a houe of refuge ibc noJ: le?s than two days. If, on the trt.!l rif such 3"0ti:ig and artful female, it shall Lie tdiowu that the married man K seduced and enticed away is a minister of tbe Go-pel, in good standing, the tilTeu-ler r-ha 1 in like manner be scnteuead to not ie-s than one hour nr more than two hours' iiupiL-onuioiit ia the county jail- - TIZK It. A M. LAMIS. Hon. M. II. Sydenham, editor of tho Central Str, published at Ft. Kcamey, whites in bis paper as follows concerning the Bepirts of Messrs. Stocking an 1 v...r....i- on the B. t M. Bad Koad Iinds: . 'i'iio repel tst.f M;:-r. Moh?s Stocking and Ji. Jl. Warner an-I'ubiisbed in full, in the Platu-mouih HtitAl.l of Jamiarj iilli. lt)C-e reoorm an: ie :'ii. v,jiu.' W OGliiiaii. Mainirtg J'ir.'cio.r of .th Butibiutm and Mi.-.-joiiri Iliver llailroii'l in Nel ai-a, in. rcd.it bn to rb-i fitness of 1 the i.tiiis in Ivciin y and Adams coun -i' . 1VV.I1... . ' , 1- ties ea t- of tb. tu. for la. miug purposes, j B;ih of tbc.-.e gentlemen lia.ve.iuadc very W rep .11- truuiiai loo, ill- tcr rtert. 5 hey re-o, t that the soil ot r.' i 'i i ... . , : r. .......... AVCaj 11' ,V vvllta .S.U.I11JS. et.ui:.i-., 13 v-t.tsv V V auy ot n;;r two comities m td.e etisteru r.art c: ies iasi.1. n is iy sucn repona ihesa that KeariH'V county will be .i,,, ,w-a..I.. ir. iri Imp liebh It will r.ot bo long lefore wo see ! ' iu i) . . ' . i 1 .s- the I'le.isMitt plains around us covered ilia es and farmers comin-'. : Bcrlier on Itehnvlor In fharoJr. Mr. Bcevber is making a very lively ja por of tbo Christian. Union. Here is a j arngi'aph on behavior in ehifrches, vbi.h has a recura! arijlicalicn : We n;:iy. classify i be petty incivilities ! of church hi -t tba;: , ..... 1. tStneU.i. Violent : rf rfiMnr-p, CE! cialiy tlio.rc containing must, aic disaffree :i!i? to iuo-t ei.0'. and to Mniie; ? b. itivi iy di-tres-in-;. There is no f.uvAi r.n:ver.-al.y pleasant as tveJf-indu'gent and regard'e y of other t-onveiiieiK-o. More brutal yet ure they who go tocburob roekiag, like a ihitch man'a soupe, with th'3 smell of onions. There are scores of peopltj who have lost a'.l profit i f aSunda;, service !y tbe siek cningsmells which rsurroundtheni. ' b'mtn'ls.- Whispering in church during the service is an affront to yolitp ne.ss. M uch of tlie couehbig which goes on in church arise. frcm the .poisonous oilhivia "which exits ' in nnventihircd f cburdi-js. But the power of the- will OTer the mnscieswluehno the, coughing is cvy great. A heedless i)crson will cotigbl twite as nmeh a Ii nc-evfl'uK-will cough at the worst time -po "?1 di?; 'wbf cough plump upon the necks of those be fore him. iiteadofembahiiiiig the sound in his handkerchief, as, with a little skiil and politeness, he might easily do. We would not forbid men who cannot ?3ng to "make a joyful noi jo'-'--but it should be a. softly noise. In' ' all cases when it i a man's d'uty to sloepln cb'.ircb, it is his dt'ty to suore with the soft pedal down. 3. Si.ijht.-r-Kvcrv one likes io-eetlie miiiHfer. Itinnot be done ihtoo.ch- your body. True, you cannot help b. nig before soiiieltody- unless -yoivai'9 "ii the back seat. Bat, with a little thought you may very much help those behind you. Any conduct which shall divert the atlentioirof others from the service, such iv ot-tentatioti-i l;;ying with a watch or opening and shutting it, reading boo! s or papers, luokinr about inquisitively, ii iuiT polite, .-a-w .. .. - -Many ch-.nches have the Ten Com mandments sot up upon- the wall, ; in sight of the whole congregation; although not one Vi' the in.s reprobated therein it likely to be committed in church tim.r Would it not be well to . have another tablet enumerating the cins which meii are prone to commit iu church time?. , KJSil BUS AM) IUII.iAY ( II Am. Trial of a 7V-w I'm tent Tttterdny. .IFrtini tbe Omaba Republican-... - On yesterday "morning quite a riuinber cf ciflicials-eoimecteil with the Union I'ttciiie l.aii.oad, proceeded to a distance of id'out three miles from this city, for the put pose of testing '"Pierce's Patent Automatic. -blsb-Bar': an 1 'lUihvay Chair." Tb experiments were male under the inspection of Assirtajit, Suporr intendent V'eaVlT, sad ; wee witnes.-wd i ... i.i i : i f .-. - i vr. . i 1 , fttW. . .....!... c .1. ,.. .! - n rf 11,.. .,.., Afncc: SkwuMn Alofili X- III.. Ib.4.Lll'.. 1 I - .v . 1 . . k J I.V I ........ ' A L. . . .. w requires for Cistenings. kli. The rail does not need to be moved from the tie to put it down. 5th. Broken rails can be 'repaired with them at any point, giving the same strength as before bt-tug Invkeiu Cth, In the yard'; they are invaluable for repairing track. 7th,.;Tlu'y.caa bo hid 'in ooe-fyurth of the lime required in placing the p res- ; The new l atent was put . fo . a severe p Uvt, aiid pvoyed satb-factory In every re spect. .- 1 he Company prrrt lNrnt.ik the road with tbe .improvement far a enc I'iiJi. 111 u.-:. . . : m.n....,,rj ,ri-i f I-. u-maon fi-rrT7 ftio.i St h."- It holds the end of the rails per- u t- fi;mi;- - With an intelligent, masonic j-fsxi vak j 'l1 - ttin fectly .vertically and laterally, presenting e! ,:0llt 0V(dv lady preacher in the ' J.!'e, l i r.itri.uty will bom a 1 tlf4 l,sih principal , .oridian. senate in' c'.ss the same plane as at the centre lor tlie r. ,,ort r,,..K ,,.. wmhl he f lesiival, on the --tl mst., 111 the i etmuty. Nt i.rt!-:;:i. i-tl:-ii the i-ropcrty f Mid wheels te-pass over. ' f..'! KlLw fir the!xious , blo,k . We are ejecting a g,ar.d time I''ttv, a Otli. Jt bave-s the LaUenng . e.i ihv virtt 'r .fr-i wA'fcar it is about the only u that occasion, ho eecl.es, toast?, mu J .f a tiaHorr a- C. s.ad the ..titer in favor of W endsofra'ds and enarante.es greater wear t1'iii,g.that wina!ve fome of them. f1 grand suptMtr. wiii be the order ! i;o Jr Co ,;it bed i- is., ncrk of th an 1 saves the rolling stock. ' " "' '1 . . - ' - X ot eserci.s. 1 ne Pratcrmty elsewi.era ,;.. UWx-in.ioa6w- cess, the road will be furnished with them j ficin -Ncbrar-ka, announce the cou.p.e froti; Omaha to siduev Station where the .;t, cek -tu the tir.-t ten miles of fiji-plate commences. : i: ij, .'jn compliance with , . i" . the. Nebraska lantl grant act tfonating A (oiouy orsaidlrn. ' ) lOO.Oijo acres of land to each of thoc.e From tlie Detroit Post. " 'j S '-' '' H toads which built the first fifty miles of Soiue of the veterass'uf the National 'Track. .The Jaw required the cons'ruc Military Asylum at Dat on Ohio, .propose Jinn of ten in les by the loth of Febiu to form.au agricultural colony in the West, afy, 1870.: Six roads have eo complied Their scheme is to ct!!ect twenty-five among, thciu tho Jiu: button vt South- voung, healthv, maimed -veteran! mhVi draw f 15 monthly pensions. The colony will therefore he composed of those who have only one arm or one kg. Great care aud discrimination will be exercised in selecting men "equal to the situation," which witl be in hw western wild along tbe B. JSi M. railroad. They intend asking t Coii'-ress for a irtant ot land in such a lo- . , . .. cahty, and expert m a lew years to pro curt iroui t ne gciicroas sou a uunie w tucu each may call his own. The physical I disability of these, maimed coloubti-, i : hand cars and In' tliis way the lli-fc u n more apparent than 'real, anl in co-ope r- j miles of track was laid upon the Burling erativt tibor of t bis kind each might. su ton k iSouthwe.siern l.ai'.way a. feat, lenient the dcticiciieies of the other. - Themau with twt arms and one log could 1 do work which the man with one arm j Luion I acino,-road. .' J lie work ot cou could not do. In return, "Two leps" struelion was under the iinu.cdiate sa- coul ldo what "Two anus" oould not. It f t I d would J-c bt'tter tluin tbe. old story of the liliial mail who carries the cripple on his shoulder while the lame one points out the way. These two af'er ail, did only tbe work of one man; but -two maimed men. bv deVlding their work' . properly, iui;ii' no tiie woiii or mo wno:e ones. In the asylum rcfercd to, men with ar-I titi.ial legs can dam iuich werk as any j aMu l o lied men. Most of the labor of j that institution is done.bv disabk-1 ycter-! ans. One JeggCtTbien plow, liilo Lfli-fcei," . load cars, drive wagons. Ami n thev ... , . , 1 ' t can do it in the asyiutidti Ohio, they tbuii they can doit ju.-t as well out west while ,trying to earn a hearthstone and boinc- stead of their own. ; Bc5id.r," thry have $15 ivei ' month from ' the - rovBrntucur. which is mx percent, interest on a eapi tal cf $3,000 to start with. , "J hey will make better citizens, and be iuore manly ami independent, while earning and aecu- mulatinglor themsAlves, nud with eoiue ptij jetin view, inanwrnie living an aim- .t - .s ...u m &n a.-jiu.u. .. v. i.."-- uiu scheme will le siiewjsstai. , r;"',: ; Tiie attempt rf James lu-k, Jr., uml hi ? ! wfiSES irt tjii: nr.iit.Lp::ori.s- A eonrsprinJent of t!ie : New York Tri'junf gives ar "Hcwunt of the difficul ties encountered ly a young Ensrlish lady and an Aniericuncne in pro-ecuting their ; j-tudics- ab the great Medical Coilee at I'avi.i. It sai that the American lady had -tried 'for 'admission to the medical Rf-hoolo In NcwA'oik, failing in that sLe tried Paris. . She 11 described r.a saiall in letter. ' S!ie afteiwiifl met him in the street and received the same answer, when the little student looked up at the Professor, who is a vc; y large man, and spreading out hernruis exclaimed, "why, Monsieur, l.ok at iuy, littleness! men's c'othes would make, me appear still suial'er. . Nftboly "would ever take me for a man, oven if J dressed as such ; d it would only tend to make my posi- tion more unpleasant, and attract more coninter.t. ',' The I Vofooij 'pleased with her carn--ePtuess to obtain Knowledge, and proba bly with' the trntbfulne.s3 of her reply, consented to tylinit her. - i. " After that, through the same Profes sor, she mads'.anprication to the medical school, was a Jmittoil, and at the fourth exaaiuintion stood alicad of all competi tors. 'She an l the J'Inglish lady and two young men were examined in one class. The ;decb,ioh , on the yortng men was "passable," the lowest certificate of ap proval; the Fmrlish cirl received ahicber I irrade-d cprtificate, aivl our little girl the luglicst tfiat is granretx at anj" time, anu the firfone. r.f the kind grantea tliis year. Long nl iy she flourish ! It is said that "at the Medical College in Philadelphia, voting la'lics in attend ance were hootcvi at bv the thick-headed male 'students. ; l'.:t it is but the dying ! grpwl of the hioiisfcr, and in a few years we will have as many females in the pro fession as male?, and possibly more, for it seems an occupation more particularly adapted to th character of the former. And just think what a run of business! Why the ."BacheV of any little town wouid support half a dozen single female doctors, and larger towns i: proportion. Mr. Kbenezcr Shy has taken a severe cold and ' sneezed several times, and forthwith sends for Dr. Mary She j.i.ups in her little carriage and is l y the side of the sick ELenezer in half the time, it would have taken an old mas culine to fill his pipe and growl over the unpleasantness of being disturbed every hour of bis life. 'Arrived at tbe sick room, her little gaiters click across the floor more rapidly and with less noise than a clock beats seconds, and lObenezer, that never dared look a woman in the face, and would as soon think cf ap proaching a hyena, finds one a lady, not a hyena standing at his tdck bed with her lovely"b.ii'id kindly laid on i his fore head, and her gentle voice asking where his paius .ar?. 'Where! why, it hurts bim all over, and -though the sneezing liiar indicate but a slight cold, vet there rire '-nrrrasTnitiifire vrupTOTJa Tdr-aTi ap 1 prmching heart di'ease. Her qu.e vit. eompreneTVM tne case at once, and adiiiini.-tcring a ill of bread to' be taken inuuediatcly, followed by powders of chalk," to be taken in water, every two hours, she leaves the sufferer, with tbe promise to call tbe next day. The nest day F.b.'s cold is better, but the other disease sensibly aggravated, anit 'after a few months of suffering and cxi.cn.-e, be concludes to hire a doctor for life. Men are useful enough . at building railroads,' ploughing planting, etc., and as a matterof oeoiiomv and to keep them out of mischief, .it would be well enough 1a. ' tl.'.l. 1LMI k,"even if the position ;,QuU i0'u.tu.r i;!od by the- better baif of lllulauity ; but for physicians and ! .Xiie Ritrlinirioii nn.i -ciithwrnirrii '..-"'-. rt.-iilMy. . Judo Tia.'ey,, nre-n lent of tbe B. VV ;S.jW. Ilailway," ,vdiO ha just returned "WPteri. J Jauu grant is thus secured and thetteeen.' Af tbb en'.rpri-sj made certain..- j lhe company and tiie contract ors liave displayed great energy and gojd judgment and proved themselves equal to every emergency. They eneout ti red great - difficult ie.-. Th season of the year w. uufavoiable. The iron had to Lehameil over, LarjJ sevtn miles on wac 1.1 1 I on, then crossed over a precarious terry. 1 n n iii uni r, . fncomotire the iron being hauled upon considering tbodiiheulties surrounding it, fiirly rivaling the construction of tho peniston of Mr. S. l. Iloinish, ot the pen im P.urlim ton it Sout!i4ietcrn construction co m pa r iy .- JI' 1 1 Kye. out a ) I. Ct An eiiteViirisiii'T Missourian cut c pheet- of iee.iod foet long aud 10') wide, and ten inches thick, and -darted to raft it til maste down tiie Missisii.t-i to St. IouislO".i miles distant. One end ol the held was shaped to serve as a bow, and the ovhtir rounded for a stern. A skill' was fastened to each side to give the requisite i-heer when necessary, and a cix'k stove and provisions were taken on the ice,: After a prosperous voyage of twenty mile,, the concern uniorta nately ran into an ice-bound point of bmd, and broke into three pieces. Al- tnougn. it. was ua:k at tho time, ad the m c a and the stove aud provisions were saved, but the iee broke up rapidly, and dbappeai-cd in the darkness. Tim pro- jector ol tbe.)tscleme will try it again, and is cedent he c-a do betuir next " , - i d tl VI 1X1 V Tlie advictj ef u Pcna-'j.lvania suicide; I to his brother v. a-, "Wii ie dni't go i vr'wh teiiOws wlio hnyo more Uionev to . nv; I . I 1 1 -.1 . 1SHLAND LETTER. Cor.-c.-:;..or..Jca';e cf I:iily Plattsromh ll-ral.l. A:-nLA'T, Feb. -itb 1S70. Tov.n It;-: m.s. Sinca A -bland is a point of considera ble i;r:p"r:tr.e?; inritw of it 4 Kaiboad re. latiou-, and coiisvquent growing prof-pec-tivo fiHrae, we are inclined to "go through"' the town occasionally, and give t-rs a gratuitous peep nt the -, . ,- daily iprovmenU in to:., the leal;g c.ty of ti;a ha.l Cret!t vauey. This biviutifid spring like weather is very favorable to (h- proco'-uticn of out door l:i-ir-.ess. The most extensive im provement and that which has required a great amount .f la!r and expense, is the largo brick block of Snell, Bro. A Co. it b lh apprtaehing compi-i-tioh. The roo, tin. is but recently finished, the doors and windows which were ma'e order in Chicago, are received, thu latter are ia place; the plasterer commenced operation.-. on the main walls to-day. The printing ofiice building i gaining a little every day. and we arc sure that Matthews i spoiling for lively Times in Ashland, and we are looking forward to the auspicious day which shall entitle us to a niche iu the history of our country to a position cf merit and solid wealth, unsurpassed by any interior town of our State. Audio thji connection we would sug gest to liOu-ie.-ielent, as well as resident owners of town property, who contem plate, building, to employ Adiland me chanics. . It may not be generally known that we have .mechanics who can knock a build ing "gaily west" in no time; but au;h, is the fact. . From tho competent architect, down to the patient hod canier, we have enough in numbers and energy to build up the waste places, only scud forward your lumber and your stamps. Tl huge pile of rock on Court Ilousa square is an indication of something isoreSoorj. At agricultural warehouse is anient the recent on if its. Dr. Bunnell and T. Saunders are now building a drug r.nd grocery store, on Silver street, just west of the.Snell building. The Livery stable cf Iddir.gs & John son, referred to in my last, is a great ad dition to the appearance and business of A "bland. Its dimensions :0 1.3- Til, and two stories hivh, look rather ventur.-oino for a small town like ours, but one of our brother Buckeye boys, from the beautiful "F0re.1t City" h::ds the rib bons just now. Tbe Western Staee Company's horses now find a comfortable homo under its spacious roof. Numerous improvements are being made, or in contemplation, of which you will be advised in due time. 0AI.AEC.OSE. That we are "Metropolitan" is evident from tbe tact that wc are in need of Me tropolitan institutions such as we have not aire dy; and this evening the city "dads' ' met at the lumber oihee to taka into consideration the subject of erecting that iHoderu bastiie, a calaboose. A e will nsree to sing the song of Miriam on nrletion oi litis mucii neoieu ad- . ..... , 11 n i. . 1 .i. 1? t. '.r l Ji.c Tvuiik. uinni 111c i. tv i'i. iiai tbiowninto our mi i.-t a floating popu'a- tion. who are pro. t-i toaily tumi (1 oen ?.ine, and while under its influence our niifhts are rendered, and the Sabbaths' too, disgusting. The Calaboose will ju.t be a love of a place to chew the bitter cud of reflection, and Sheriff Whiilock will with pleasure escort to its cozy re treat, anyone who falls in his way tt ho may have departed from tbe path of rectitude. K P. ! "i US ACO IPEXT. IjiithtT Whitlock. a lad of fifteen, met with a eriou! accident, this aftcrnr)on. While driving a tw. horse w:igfn some portion of the gearing broke cat:.-ir.s liini to be thrown ujxmi tfee wro in.J, and cue t the wfteet iav-iiig over msii:a broke ;t above the wrist. are cordially invited to patiieipate. lO'trtf trtly, . . . M. fAKi ??. SfH Ilailrc i'.'i Kn AlrAii.!.. Duoiiig the prist week IJov.TiutJtr ar.-J 1 suit have been extensively engaged in maknr rscui-Moris oer and f-xanutiiug new Hailroads'in Xcbraika. 'i be ( imaba Pnd North-western, Oiaah.a a:;:l South western, the Buriirtirton and Misstmri riMi.: fVi.-n i 11 . rnti- tp 1 li 4 lii fiti.ic.ru j.f i-v-tv. ini'ju.-i iv vu i fij va tliir wTKstructors, Omaha. r'attsnitM.f.h and Nebraska City -haie. laUred fnitb- fu-ly and persi-tantly, early and late, atid will thisseaa.n jeeciv e their rc aid in the ... . . e prospenty aud thrift tnat is a sure ioi.ywcr in the wake ot railroad iutjirovemcsts. 1 ne ii.tkt; ui laiiici g. j.- j,ir(,) t;:, Jolin Kamnrk'ii SiKuatitirt-. lb're is lilC I tra ?v..,t wiij- t,;.o i..v,v., John Hancock wrote his signature to tbe Ihvlaration of Indept !tuci.v"e in so large anil lo'd a hand. It is known tli.it tiie British tiovcrntii' Tt ofTered thirty five hunlicd dollar: for .1 is. head, an 1 when he a i ponded bis name u the Iieclara- ! tion, iio did it. as th ut-h he winnvd . to dash his whole sou! into it. Bidnvi from ; his scut in: t xciuiuied "T!,,, 1..5 Bull Can rca-1 n!V liuC Without Spec! a- j oles ; he may double Ids reward, and I .-i ' , c I wui set him a-dehauce. V 1.V..S .-.V.l. pre Tii One the Tl a woo tbe H:e t kitting ap-p;e, ai.-l throwiiig j tiie see-ds at toe gais xant bo I rt t. 'l"P.s r. .-, i.-r .bts T-..t. .!...:,.,. 1 -'. - '-v. ...itviv. ... vi.v-i u.w... i, liuMiU'ii.tmi t an c,Id Chinese word (now lost whicii j rue-ins kn- dr.nn -,", ' ' j! p;.:lj0e Auhu (lu. iCViI b,.T, j ; r dined, and win,..!, at. I pnted by cu. t "..V.VV. ... ... i......... v . . v... . . ..in , I '. . ' ' Cai oei-as:o;t tn-i-e is for it is n-., ca i'y known, ib.- bv li ma 1 itva io r.ny I j r-ji ft . 1 a.s hi t-i n..t tit, I'.itiL-e of Vi'i.t -.. J river road, from Piattsmnuth: and th If" '-, wiibn-.-iad for cj county, -s. :--;h:i-,ll-';c' ! h'i,'pro'-nn.ov.Wr;i:t aiid ti , . , .' the Midland lWific froiti Nebraska City. XnJJ l w'iTo'.or t" 'J Stt-il I 1h" Iwt'Cm lf "U T' Judging iron, tbe press of these pimiH, at rto,i a.t.y:,. to :be bif;,es, si.ide m ' ' : tbe roads have given entire satislaction ; nil.w J.?"i r.',rU..,,,:,,,'ti.''''r -iio v a' J niticiu above mimed, na.l fht.il ro i'..rtcit Ui i.e--1 iourrg liveon. ......... ...tl .5 in fact, have passed muster. They will r-Au.rday-'or W' W'irt 4 , . . . undt.ubtcdlv be inside the land bill and I o'clock P. u... f id the foil.tvia-c-Je- ( t , iherim;' an.l. -ft. f j ' iMed Apfilet -..'U';-?.. ""' rk,,rv " " -elc"2-. eastoflhe-tth prin-tpal mer.di-n I n-l' t,s H.0uid l.tl up eorrt spy antt s-n anct . Hr&UUtSi Of Li:. J tlsrit irj . f !.i(.,iioCas..vtt,ay. Nib. li l e o.M tbe a tae i;,op..r aniow.. ot wwey tae O Jo -h Btilings -av, thi. teopth h-Z but P.";-r:y of Koberl A . haneler to :i !y s-iid "aerPlic , 4-.p!o-. uddrcvcd a? j .S.livs- tP. exf-i'ii f- t.d'l HTMitf-tVii i,icflCf' !:.-e.:n..-.;i.l ef nh'.-ir js 2,'i. l., snl ; , ua?, l..c ti.t:l D.( JI-1 Wt.lt. .C. I.l.lt , ihcBiMi! Ir an t ie date of iai.l de- . i W l -t ' " ' - - uwvarMaKwH(iwi- - i" ii 1 i I' i t w i i i. . irn itn 'i r : i' i -. lUS haZ pll.;.-' red V.t) lOO moiith. crce, at. toe rated ten per cent, per ..nuui, and .rn . ,..,: v-"-i!,J" I i. .IS VVC . if C tO t ,ii e in :oreyear.-.the.-e u a btg'iueir, v: f- oi MUt- -""u-''!2 ' ' 'm .t,.f i ,",'".' . . ' r, ...... , i ., ... a the ntonth .-we'.:i anl haz 'ZJ davs. i " .1 v. .KjMVfst.v i-n-r-Min th.' Nkh!' . ' ' ! i li month 1Z Wked Upin .12 nunlcaiStit, i .Sl.evin"C.v.-.- cv.nr.ly Xeb. ; ;: navi: v e.-trrfuiiv 1. ad j.:,l e'lr-ddcred i-."OI. Of ltiX1''l. I Ij3. nd it iz unpleasant for tiLrtt'.ie cut ST';V;',,V A "vw.n.. a:;j ; -r iircr" !v,.,t;!1,ll,ie.;1,,i!;,s.t.ah),v!,-t,i1,vn ... . .. I K'le.tvst. 1 hti'ii .re-en'r.':"! r'-rhp- mil r," cronta-l. I here- I fT . i. . a. . -- dCtUCkS; &Ut lor 5-tUvlU "1 iil!lt U7 I T 7" bv s- .te t l,e in s..l ri-soerr. ioar.il thi-rehv and dlW, V,C. tiC, . OVC1 tit Catherine Caiiahan. a;-fd 103 years died in Philadelphia, Ibiu.--d.ty. The initials of George A. Sil.',-': r.ar.'e nr-y F.ai I to il!'.:trate the oua'ify of hi late writing-. . V.'enWl IMillipsVontributed si50 to the National Aiiti-Slawry Subvrriptiiin Ar.riiversavy, and ' rcrritt J?:iith gave Who is the rtraightcst man uientioned in the jJIble? Joseph, because Pharoali I maJe a ruler outoi (iim . T ! Mr. V. R Dennett, late of Iowa, and j a i,imorr;i;io spenWcr of K,a;P L(,;o,',,ru- I po?e? starting a newjiajjer at Oswego, Kansas. Mrs. Sarah Peter, of Ciucir.nati, xr- recently permitted to enjoy mass in !"t, Peter's Cathedral, at Kon'e, being the tirst woman to whom the privilege was ever accorded. ' The inventor of the autographic tele graphic instrument is a Jesuit of the Jesuit's Co'.l ge in Borne. The instru ment ha been worked on lines between Paris and Lyons for two years pat,. with entire .mti.-.fiu-;i.;.i. .Gov. Wjishbarn, c f Vermont, wai en gage i, when death overtook bint, on a wark of great importance to the. courts at:i the State a digest of hi cwn re-p.-vts, c ivtring 11 period of eight ycard and bad ..beady e;ono through aad re written thirty-eight of the forty volumes. Dr. Bobcrt Emery, of Iongwool, la3si., who has made experiments upon iiieiir" with peUonous : !regs, lias coti socted to tiy tiie cfleccs; 1 i' intoxicating liquors up.on himself, t'nat the State Board of Health may have the benefit of the seientitie iritbrmation to be. obtained. PIOTJGE. l)o..ni, lirctierrt & Co.1 vs; . I.. Morris. ) r'o 1.. Monis: You or u hereby u-.iiiied that an 1 atracbiiu nt mj i?sut"i I y ti c in ti.rr.r of fiaintitl and iiaint the above nauicd (l'.M'undant fcr the jiiin of leu dollars and twenty-live ceil'--:, nn-l Iri.ti set f. rtbe 4th b:y of pril A. I'. 170, at ten o" lock h. m. of iaid day. nt Which time ju.iKcuicut w;ii be rendered aizuinst yo 1. if you do :it i;pi'c;:r au I show tui-'e to tbe eoi-trcry. A. I.. OHt f.I. Pro bate. ?wd?e of (.'.-lis t'oi-ity Nebraska. PiaUkUiCUta, Vei'. litbs;o. l'ubI7ut Fruit Trees Fcr Sale. With t,eiu- Tyr : my ye .-! txr-ciienc.; in fruit prowinjr and Nuisery bi:.-lr.e.-s in Iowa, and recent obscrvat i ti.i in Cai;.; ct.uuty, Neb,,- Iron ratis'ied that "ah tbe ri-sht varieties iiilvt pro per cue you ea.ii ? i; r'.-.-iNji.v r.'iise tiie u j 1 - t.nd cherry. I tuaTie tbe a ft.'.o a'f!.I .-berry 11 j.ccb.lity and will ii!! nil or b .? will, lu.i.ly varielie. Orders may be K-fi ih Wm. Jiikcn'.erry. t v. mil. s t jatli 1 1" piatt-iiit ut'i. or witu l'r. V". S. bitta. atlto;k bluflV. I v. ill f:tn:i-b ihria at til followiior pries: Akpi.k.s Two iin.l a hiiif 1 0 three aud a ball" fi ft hip'a T'.-i-: S 1 1 I feet loch 1." j i-: three ycHr.dds to 1 feet bi-jrh i 4 tof.feot It.-eW; Siberian Oral' to 5 feet 'J'lcts. CilKKiitKi M.-.v Cberrj S t j feet 25c U each; Knt-lish More!l...-J.;"'s. 1 Li.'livered free ofrharec 011 the carj r.t Fair field, Jel'.'. rson county lo-.va. A luoderate charge made for Lb'j uutcrial for boxio. It. M. MOYKR. P..lkrr. feblTwtf. Je!ieron county, Iowa. To Tho Public. LT. jicrsons arc hereby warned rot tn trade for the fodowitu notes, as th y vrt-rn frau'iu luntly obtained, aad will n .t be paid by n; Ot.c noto ivva bv V- .1- Lin-!i to Kliiihaiu Cone, for i.'-'. I'.i'e'April lt I'-T'J-One note irireii i-y il- ii bold to Kirkliaia Si Cone, for due April 1st IS id. M e uiidcrrt.'.n i t'.ie above notes hare been oil'cre l forsal-.j by f ome person iiiiknoa n lo us . 1. 1 r-y rnnn. an-tno tuto iuis utai.ua 1 ot warnir.g , . V--l'-i . leii.T- rpUK ;i.ir-ncr;h'j. heretofore esi.t:n? Wwecn i '. S, - J. A. Lalta by mutual consent is ttii.-' day dissolved. J'erd.'in indebted t ) the firm will please call and celt! 4 iinme lia'cly as tho books must be squared up. vr. S. T.ATTA. .1: W: LATTA: Roek I'luffi. Ffb 1st 1ST I febKrlw Ghsriff's Sale. Ad-drh C:.hen. is. T. 1. Crook, end A.i. V,it. A. liaruiicr A Co.. vs. T. 1). i ro-.':; : d A. ti. W biro :,nd W. C. Kerry. Jr.. t.'o, vs I L Crook. Hiul A U WM'e Kxe. aiioii N ii'i lCii is itereby k! . en that I w iilorcrf. r sale at public ntn iiin, is-cc-h down, r.t the froit door of the t -rr,- e in ih J e'Cy of Plat t--nieiith. C ts con nty, .ebr::.,..", Hn tot U.1 d ttay vl March, A I) lii,'0.;:t c :.'c!f. jk. i. n: of" .- '",. i div the f.dinwi'-d re.dt riate. to wit: Trie nipui- f.Vil r.;ia 4 vi as t.l -riti'ot Ca.-h ttutnty. Sett. iivcti nc icr my hii.l.tltis i':th d:iy of Feb r:ii:-y A D 1S7-I. J Av JoaxsON. huerM of t.'.'ss oi'i .y. Si-'k 1a-i-,v.ii.u, AityV for jdaiutif 1 : rr. KsstiN I & ii17t4r Sheriff's Sals '). A.''" i:.t;i r d r-'..iie V;m. K. V. C:!c. :;-r:ii:sr t !,::!' s . V,". liTi: Xbi't'ist C-iurt of the s-cml .lal.cal i,-.-r- .iTljii ri,tT N. tt n tl r (' i i s.tcto.n ?o: fteeen ( !.") in town V.;. i north oi mire .. twelve ' z. n4 Xfr & deies:uant. Charles V. il ii!. to s i i isly sa id 1c -rer. j ..mouu d cinch i cn :.r.d L-t-T-a-t o-i tin. s.i!;;l- lr"::i t:.-.- dae of s ,id ...sne r,t the ra(,. n0 lt.PM..it. er .nn.ii.i. nd est ..i ;;t. f amoating to el t- a.-i i costs .t'ile. ,i. v..ioiiN.so:.. furiiT, l.V.e.vit-Uy. N'e'cr:i'k:t jStkvkssox vt fl ivv. ARii. Atty.s for I'lttintiiT. icb. V wit. Sheriff' Sale. J.rynnt (ti.b a lp.iiiustrat.-r oi t,.e c.-u.e f V.'ui. Jl. W", (.' :'., attiiist iti bcri A.Cb iud- 1 r iirs!i.'.r.eo of r.rd by vi-tue 01 s dcerr-; ..f the I.n-.t C-;:i.t.'-t tbe Se.-ou-t Jb tie: 0 !.- trict. wtt'im .'t.d tor I 'us? Ccunty. Nd.wij. ill ';Cir f..r sale :.t es'- bid ler. lor . O.uc.jlwi.'e. i.c tho e-.ty of IrtattMi.-mth. im-i e-.uatV. .ri... ua tl.e U.ii-1 !.:y n( .ia'.-t nA. 1. :'-V'a'? i'.p: m, ' 1 'h,y xU' ,;1 ;ril!' tte. rits-1 r'l -t".!e. to ml: i; c (,u:bnK naru-r of .Seetioa Xo bnCttU S aiC. f yti ji. ...i - . r : :t"y..c:T .i.imir.isin.ier t:.r e e e c. : y. ... v- v..c.t,. :v".' ii -t j.-imes li. t ,,, e. iv. :u-:.l..r .l.-:Tiie- II i n: ::sr I N 1 ut-uancof and iy vi;t: e, t :. dt rvc o; :Lc 1 ti. rid c-.v-t of the t-.e - ! .Ti- :v i .1 J'i -- t. iri ,! c.u L ; X: ,. -:r. A i- :- b ',;;:,pi. XZnU, .e. th'; t : -i ill t v.. i. iu';li V .. t .a '-,..1 ' " ,- t" i ' .di -. I"!. ' Vi : . .. .1- I . 1 . . -. . -- .-..-i 1 -v..... 1 ..... t'bs.v. i".ii: 'i b' .).u.bVa VV- rcrtl t-'i: -' ' l ' ' l-'J.s..;p i-i- t f x'.- juic'.'iiat t f th- I s.sivaate m i,:us e.--anty, tho p.. p, r.y . i .'.i 1 ill - t if r .'ri ut i r-n 1 t . t iu ii i tit- w i - 1 PRE-EHPTiOri CIRCULAR. Burlington & Missouri River Railrcad Company in Nebraska. , I'i.aTi siurrn, Nsa . Feb. in. tnt. "f ae liuiliiicton A JMissouri Kiver Hailroad fi.nipm.y in S'ebra.-ka rxpeet? to leceive ear'y. next stie.iuier, pat-ntK from the Ignited 8tate for all l.aTi'l-1 til whicii tbey may bo t iitilicd, v iiitf L:it of aad inclod-o IIjpkk six. I'ast of the. sixth l in opal . leriufiti. V.'lo-o title be obtainod. the lands will be f.r sale a below .-Mtc I and il it:- irn' ed : , On Long, cr Ten Years Credit, Company in Nebnir-ka will .fell prairie Land on) a ioim credit ot le:i yeiu-H. i .11 f it per cent, iu- t. rest, aa i. ell IVairie and l imber binds on tdiort rre.l it of two years, wtt h ten per eerit. in- t?rc- u balancA' uiipai-1, or foreasli. 'iiiesU.rt cre li; ::a i(;:irb price is twenty p r cent- le.-s than the Its ere litrprice. T" iiaike the terms and practical r.jFiitts of tbese ditierent. plans of ?ale pci teciiy plain, lei die follouttiK xai'iplos beeo.t.-i.lered : Long Credit Illustrated Hay that i'i aero.'- of laud, nl do jit?r sore.- .i v. is bought on lun ; ciL.iit of ten year.i. mi Apri! 1. l'Tt). The paj n.cr.; will be due s.n.1 payard? a follows: Iitt'ji o ?t. Aii'.-uut. April 1, 1S70. piy t per cc:.t i,it,.,.t on $j 00 $24 OA April l.lTl. pay M per cent ir.t rc-tuabeR.ro i Qri ., 21(0 " iu 11 one-:.inth of principal, as foiio-its : .. April 1. 1RT2... " 1. IsT.i.., " 1. ISTt.. " 1. 1K75... " 1. ISTi)... " 1. l!-7T... " 1. ls-S... " 1. 1S7U.. " 1, 1S--1... ....fit M .. 44 4;. .... 44 4 t .... 44 4.i .... 4 41 .... 11 4 .... it It .... 41 " .... 41 4 S-'l .M" . 1 07 p; en VI :c 10 "" ,s to r. ;: $ 7S cr. 12 '.'ii 1 1 l7 7S .V. 1 1 .'-''45 4' 77 47 11 44 -;t MOO 0") $14100 &"4 00 Ifsfl acres is boi;pbt at ?-" per acre, or if I X' acres, is ImuFht at ?2 i'si per ai re, the paytnentK will be dtiew hen and .r tbe same rmtnitu ns Rn the abovelorty acrtsat JlOperacni. . Short Credit ISlustratsd. .Say the Fame 4T) acres final, tivc i- bo-it;b,t nonr short credit ol two years, i'h! price nill be ;S j.i r aero, per eei;t vj, tbaii tiie ioiiij credit rico payable as :',:?..-: prill. iiT't, Oil-- third ef pri :i-ip:d flV. 07 1, ISTi, " - lot; oT " I , !S7-.', '' ' If, os. Total, .'-'.) 01 Apri! . 1-'71, '., cf.prin :ipal, flit f7 1, 1st, iniereot ill per cent, SCI .".1 "1 " 1, 10 C.i; H7 :t2 Totals.... On final fayttirnt of either kind of contract, tba buyer is entitled to a ftencral e a.Tan'j deed Myir.it u j.njett tiile. For Cash, or the Company ' Ponds, in full at date cd purvhn-40. the same forty acres :u ubovo ecu be bought ut s's per acre- fc'JO. and then get deed. . Tbe Hon 1-oftho Cornpr.r.y -will be taken i.t ibeir face ai.d accrued interest in payment for land if th-3 r urbase is lai'BQ eiiousU to cover thi fuil .l;;:. uct of the bo nil. liy the tir- t of April nsxt. a valuation will bo fixed on nil I in.N whicii 'be Company xp cts to ifet lyipir i-'st of hantrc Five liast, e.nd south f too twenty mile limit of iuo Union I'ueilio Itail road. A tiie Coi.ipnr.y may pel fret tide tmf.luf'r tlie a-:i--o!i f..r breaking pra:rieU.:ll be far ad vanced, i! will, on and alter tbe lirst day of .4 pril ivxt. r.- below stated, oiler a prt -empt ion ritrht tu the lands it may actjiiire. w.tbin the limit.s named, to ai y person v. f.o vill pay in cash six P r ntinu oitho v edurtioa prir-.; ofthe land liiat .. iir' to t!-.e pers... a who ttii.t ,.. it iii..fai.d li.it ! he -tI'-is. u'H.n the Serais and i ittion-" b low lii.i'.. i. to 1, li : Conditions cf Pre-Emotion.i " 1. The Company will tcraiit prc-eniptiuiii follow-: I-.i llanecs j?i.t tid Seven T'ft, en cud after April 1. Ibel. In Uas.Ke. Eijrat and ia' LaiL, on A i.ril ls'.'ii. and after In H:ip--"s Ten and F.levrii Fast, on ond :.f:er April s. js;. 1 . In liaris-. ' Twelve. This teen nud Feurifci. Fast, on and after A pril Id, 1"70 Opportunity will beyiven on e.l b ..I'm'.i 1 daj.i for any two ' r more pttv i.s ho may w: J t it-c mn! 1:t..I t bid tlit.-.fvr 'lie; prt-rt:ip!iiin will be granted to tho ell" v. ill pay the lucst, nr..! iordiwith payi'i. ciirl, tut pc-ecuiuiu olibo I.ri.-e, us in ether. '!- s. 2. I:, no v.T.1.' iv ill a wrc-ruii.tloit .riid.l h .' i-'i aal ed to o::e f . r-. .11 !r a pic of Ian i upon wlii-h rue: hi r person is retitii:nf. cr. lii.T y improve- lacits. uiilvt-jllila-'Csin iPttioti ic r'.lut cr i!iii.rov".ii.--il' .-u-'b l'e .n : i' t'u.Jy slat.-' J 111 tl.t: a 1 'cs. i 'on: alct ti ti'l"i! ti or laM -t.t.e r.'JMt 111 this rtvpeci v ill m rfc n torp.'itur of the money that nay be paid, jind wiii cja-o the pre rptpu-tl tv . tveatfi i- i:tdl and VoH. t.t.e r.'JMt 111 this rtvpeci vil! wrr e- Pineitur :;. .it-. rke Company '.h.-.il I..' . f o b ' fi.'ll to the Ian v v.-:t!:ir. l bs thai::- n. :aed, il wilt u-;ve p'li lie notiiu Iniv.-i.! in n oiv-i.a;:crs iiiitn.1 tt j Pin: .laoiil h. f ioei-J n n rid .",'ei 1 a. ii i. , ai:d I f . a. r r: .'i: i:.;ci 1 1, y win it c will t pre par. d to f t i ll eri.i!l;eer.rt-!..'t. . rs- Iknriis lan.tk. IUi.I i .tiso ibo -.ie . titnc ann iu th( Mime iumimi.-, i ! picti..:i:iMai:' 'i! i-'.i.v tast o.t.pre i:t!p- I 1 1 'mu. tn 1! 1 h"V mc v. n 1 in si vtv Ve. H.-orth ' l ti i) I,:,.-. I !':-.- Mi'i't. ent r iieo 'ir.!ra-ts ti r , tl.t t!r e t i li-l- land tiif V'bi-b ib' y 1:1 ay M:a e .'.io 1; . I. in s.:..t ic. lie o a;.! 'I.i, v.itl J aisi. Df L'iou totii.m by depositiotr lett'-rs in I tiie I c-i.Oiaci . totai i raj. I res,, wul.:i m tK .-: 1.!". '. r tl f di.y h.r .-t:a.-:s 1 i :'" : - ;-,..,,',. '"",. ""7: ." ',;. '.W'.'J.-i''-, '.' . v':?.r Il.o l..r.a wbiilrM ; "VT '"t f:'1:' ,L !r.7.u'A'i c.utr. pb:ili neiik-ett- tii.e (.uittaml i.tactir- . !! .-: o u iiiiii' ten t'.it s lo said (.'..iniLanV'. be w:!l ti' ereby a'r.:it thit be is to pay to said t .iii.pany f.fy dnlla Rpiunth tiom the date of his apidi. aiioa ui lii he su.ili vu, uai.trily Ivavu, or by law !.- t.its t d from the premi . J're.einpiioin wel r.ot he (rraided on timber lands, sici'j i tm spis.ial con !ii its. kq-I, as a v ;'C r;d u:r. pre cai. 'ic-i v. dl ret letranted t or Ics J.-ian one boi;c.ret! sr'l rinj seres, d- t .r Ics J.'iar: one l;oi;c.reti sr'l rmy Sfrcs, ex- ?cpt iiiMieeial ci!i,j wherf tbe fclc of a f-.n .licr i jat.liij ill Hot ii .u: ioa: ly :i;:.;ct ti.o :utorv.t- te t a.. t: l ji,-. . v. till-: t..e i iii.it.il. y intei J ' ii-si t ' e-nii! i mm il.eranv. i Mil! reierre the I j r:s:'.t la n-.i?ct any nopli.Mli 1:1. I 1 be l.i. i:ey that til'; pre-cmj ti. r. spj.gcot'il t).trV'y,i from d:;te .4 pnrai. r.t. will -r ullowo I i may pay. tore! l:er itli r-r crt. in'er-.vt : j o lii.a a pa: t i tbo i-a:i h.v-v. i , uy, n!.n Lis tr.e p,n,( wiUii'i ixtv d-ivi utiuc ti... dv, is fi)ioi. ,,) alk,t .:.tiii thai lie Co:i.p..a - rtatiy l(jr. l ! : n I to j- -n- co.:; rr.et-. of -aie. rf en .1 ct.i iats t-r i h -M- I treulT -fl ll!'.t: r :ir.-..:i'ns ran i biaitveu Knitis; hy npyl.'-ii'x '. or utldri;-?ioir OKO. .ft. UA'.UiS, v --i.i.-.-roi.vr a ...... iy. i.. co. tn.ivi. j. Auy j.er-on waut?ur land of r.:iis Ojeipwi-.y. in t eit'iei Ila..Sr? 6. 7, H. 1.1. 11. 12, V- xli- I... I of the t 'h rriaeipal ..lcr. !in. n Ino !ore?o:ne io .,.a .-vrdnict,-.. I tore-by t -ri:y t;-r vl i re-t-r-ii- i n ....ft i ".. :n 'l..,.b- ' V ..f lie -i ..... ................ " , tus' -! tt.e fitvti i nnei; n ji.'.-nut.n -i.'..;icd i.i the O u-iiy ........ :- .i; 1. 1 : :; ii 4 n; mere or 1' si, as per ipe. cfM-ect ."-t-.-i. r. -a. j, r a'.r--. . .ly lc.ti.;irei.ii;;i' 1: ... j " I 0:: rr.-. - t of a i - ;fi ): fti.-j'licatbia I fee J f. i" -v. "r. t'i.k ,;ii.iS:v i-j it ..- Met.,) ot.-itr .'.c'.'f .-t.M udse.i c KpiiiisaiU i',rr:;. .:;:i. .A I,. :s J O - , iit: i 1.1- ; ; i Iic.-.'c libra pre ;::.n. zi a.l ' 1 rtsdc is r -'-i irt-l :! .J"w t. r.r. I Lls win ! .) v i'-rei a.- c : il.K H t.i i ;!ilc :l .- I .v.r. l . ."0:i .)i n;;. :..-: i,:..- -.'... V i.-.cr- V . y:j :. ... -'. " '.'. ot: -r:: 'icr i" t-je ,i. -J you tint o hf !c: I ...i is r . r. I r i' - '.CT. ... eji". i. :v4i s ie-wUr.-. : L-r.I Co-.: IVl iT r. t GILLWAM CORH SHELLER. WM. B. PuraTlB, " Agent Pliit.'.Mi;-.-. i;b, ----- Neb.aAa. v .m r vti urn pr ( ili?;, . Iving S. II.ttLiibon. Ottawa. - - - - - - - Illinois. I irn ( for the nt.ove M. I.r.tti -I O. rrt .Shi Ikr. and an; piopar. .! to till iMiU tnon .-bi t notice. A f..ni 1c 1:1 a- hiue can be ne11 f n.y fsrm tw.. and H h: If ::! s m 11 ; b e.-t oil I alt -mouth. 1 hve had one of iIh-m- pi:e hiri" in 111 for the pas' tire rear. mnl lir 0 ii perfect ill ever repeci. v, M. li, PHltl bit. luj' iu j EMPIRE B KERY! , rt n m aJS Tn.TU SlreCt. SOUl!) 01 13311, I . Pl.liiACHOtlCIl, ill., CONFECTICNEFa.ES, Piss, Cakes, Chceso and Sweet Cracker-. kr'. a hir.J tt .'! limes. nisti nnnsfAN a Ri'tiKr.rr. Attachment. A.'"X. I.rajii. ) , J. TI.UsM.-iu) Xo J. 11. Ualotwin. T.ttt hf.rl.tr n!il1pd that no a 1.1 aehmc t: t van" tsyued bj me in r- of pleint'd'r r.ud rai .'"-a tho ti:j.- e ii.ilhc-1 .iei'.-ndiii.t lor t b.'iim of li i- --s-vn t.t'. ir. jtvl lii.ii pot for Saturday i!ic I2tb of J-Vhruni y. ls7o at ten cVb:ek A. M. of u'i dny. pi. wbicii ii;n judgcim ttt will I," rendered a-ja'ci ? yott, if you u not tipr)iirBri'lsh''r cause to tlio.-on! rnrv. J A M K6 'Mtlbl.. .luMtic.ftii lt... ' PiiitsiTioivth. .Jtm. 7ih. istt), ljjil:,w4 P' HART, One Door Vc?t of 3Irirpby Hotel. xMain Street, Pl.it tsmouth. 'I' T r.cw opening a I.iriJ t;.ux cf O lid Csmsisting of Gents Furnishinc; (lOds;, Hats, CV.ps; Hoot5?, Slioci, Wiitcltes, Jewelry Gum Sistols 'An:niunitvon. 5tfTPrancli IIou.., Omr.lia. Neb jatii'-d.lwtf. , :... Ji'w'V YHODY V.:.. , h i .h mm 5$ lijt . !l'T& Si'. . ' . .' ed their .Stsrilo !- -t'lTf r, 'Ait fii't. l.r I rP(t, ci 1 rtii -V eeetr l k N. , . nr,.:. . lurstc-k of j rJry I - '.. , . l.tiXU iJrijTTIi "JUaS y. ! . . ' 1 I 1 - 1 it Jjiti 1 i . V I.Ujt.i...... .......... P.i-f.Iercd. Sugar....'..., " coiTvs.....;'.......' ''. CJi. k-iJi"'1 f '. rr. Poor Gunpowder Tri ! ( Ilitperi.!' 1C1 .$lt,o t 'l ' i'ctehtt i.-S.- Bet XXX rauii'y Ficur per Mrs t S v megar, perpauon... I , -t . r i I i 11CV hkYC A (jrOOO OlOC Ot j " - ' . . t g ,1 , VirCceflCS Of Sll 9 on Ii-.r.i2 ar.d to arrive scuti. irTKiflv 'MUST BE SOLD . . I f'riria m I hn - ,.- . , . . t ti ;i , t;.ruSY 1 i f K" 4 . s- 01 i; f,n-.l custoir.fr:" will '.,: .1 "GCil plar-c to buy . I ''"'s :0 Good !:1 .1'? t l - :tr' ., $ '.; ...,'; ::..C. il tl iL'J. ',-.-f I',-.-;! "lit ' N I 1 '', f . :' S Y 1 . f-! . t ill -v .-? i .' " :