JUL r I I IIIB MMWMa t:JL- - i i.im.-'n . TgE NEBRASKA B IALD RATES OF ADVERTISING. Cne squaro (spaco ten line)ono inM-rtiuii, 10 Each subsequent inserticn, . , i Professional cards not txceodirg sit Lnof, It One-quarter column or lest, Pr annum, '" ' ' six mouihs, iC.C U.n.eiuouil, nvtc Oae-Mlf ccdmnn twcl moMhf. J tf iXtnoi'h U. Co ' ' three months, vo.fcg H. D HATHAWAY, eOITO AKOr0JKEJ0Jt. y 0:E- corner Main aud Second itrceU. aec- TfrtMS : Daily 110.00 toer tanum. tf 51.00 1 per month. Weekly. 82.00 per annum if paid in advance. $2.50 if not paid in adranoo. One column two'.vemoLth,- i? " six months. t J " three months. ft-- All transit nt advertisements o-ml b 4i m lr iu advance. VOL. 5. PLATTSMOtJTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1869. N.O. 42. Jul Ha SjL ISl. 1j Uo 9 VISIBLE AOMlXTtBE. Ia the Ohio Legislature a bill has been tntro luceJ to repeal that mo6t novel and ridiculous of all Statutes that ever dis graced the statute books of any Stated generally termed the visible admixture The fate of the bill may be con IJorC'l doubtful in consequence of the political admixture and hybrid progeny, in the Hamilton county representation resulting from the running of the citi icin ticleU Many of our neighborine exchanges are now speaking coiumendably of Ajax jiarvey, and eem to repret that he is goin to leave the State, In Lincoln the othor day some of his admirers pre sented him with a gold watch for some thins li has taid or done for the new Capital. He must have improved lm-men-ely since the time he rebelliously and contemptuously drapjred his coun try's flai; in the dirt through the streets of 'Jra.-ka City. It always seems to us that we don't feel like making much fuss over a man who ha,s done such a thing, without provocation more than Harvey fc si Tccumsfh Ch if J tan. 'There is much farce in the above. We were present when Harvey committed the gTDSf outrage upon the flag of oar ountry, hut tan bear testimony that it can JarJiy be Paid to have been Harvey that JiJ it. It was rebel whisky, and Harvey was the '"instrument in the handd of the rebel whisky." lie has joii.cd the Good Templers since that time, and his (we think) been trying to attone for v,:u? of t!i3 acts of the whisky while he was under its control. JETV MILITARY I'OST. ru n Crekk, Jan. 15, 1S70. To Omaha Republican: We hail with pleasure the report that a uiilitry jOst is to be established on the RrfuliiVan River, .south of i'lum Creek, which will caue a wagon road to be opened south from I'lum Creek. . This will soon rau-e the RufLilo to be killed in our country and thus deprive the In dians ci" their base of ojieratiutis, which, in uur opinion, wiil do more in giving us le-urity. and cause our country- to settle .with a firuiiii-r community, than any movement that could be made. A briJ'c l.-uilt, at this point across the l'litte River, would be of great advant age, loth fjr government transportation, ajweli as ati rding easy accem to the l.irpe herds of bu'falo and other game that rove in that country, which wmjld soon- di.apjear Leforc the hunters, thus 1 Mvir. it uselesn for t he Indians that are now hit ported right in our midst, aad are ci ik.-tritly annoying us aid causing tr 'utile k-ft at every station along tl: . V. EailrcaJ. Ib-pinj the above rumor is correct, we ui uiit our thouehts to you. i)AWSON CoCNTY. - Th suggestions above are good, and wuu'.l l,e a necen-'ity were it not for one ti.iiv. namely that the 13. & M. Road in Iv.-hiaka will reach out during the cora i:.r season t-o as to render the bridging (,." the Matte unnecessary so far as pet ti! to the liepublican River country is Ti:e nilrno'! Lnudi. 0 .-or two hundied thousand acres of th"t hoiiv-t firming lands in Lancaster C'ur.iv Trill be :ut into market on the firt f Ar-riL These lands were selected vtra! y; p.rs ago by the l'ur'.ington & Missouri illvor Riiiroml Company, be-fi-;e there wre many settlers in the Salt t.'ro; k Vallo y. The company, therefore, had a spleniid range, art! they improved th "ir opp-Ttunity. It ih for the interest f the company now. that they are about to obtain a per ireted title t these land.- by the comple tion cf their roa l throuch Nebrri ;a, to sortie them n as ramdlv as ios.-itik In order to do this they wiil be thrownopen luictici! xr'Jlers on April 1st in thee fur g 'rii g in a crop this season. The rlan h to anrrai.-e these landsand them to actual occupants for cash iw, or one-tldrd down anil tle balance n one r tw. years, or on credit for ten 7r,ars at fi per cent, mterest, or.e-ntnth of the urinei: a! heine caid each year after i . , . - eir. it will be seen that this liberal plan wii enable any industrious man to secure a farm, with a fair prospect of paying for it without inconvenience. The company have secured the r- ' yiccs of a gentleman of large exjcrienic ii the land bu: incis. for its Land Com-fc)i.-'i oner. George S. Harri, who has - tod in that capacity for the 1. & M. K. R. Co. in Iowa, and for the ITannilal k St. Joseph (Vnipany in Missouri; "i- of r.-.ii. Rutler to prepare a descvi p ti -a of the soil, climate aud jiroductions of .utl.orn Nebraska. We cotu-ratulafc the citizen- of Lan oa tor, a-mders and Ca-s counties, up'm the early dawning of the long wi.-hed for 'ay. when theMj lands sb.all le nponcl U) th-: settlors. Their Ion? withdrawal from market has leen a j:reat ob.-tacle to t!ie settlement of r.ne of the most fertile re gions in the United States. There w:i be no iloubt that the same policy will .-oon adopted as to the i!ids reserved for this company west of Lancaster county, Sewarl, Butler and York, and that the time ia near at hand when one of the chief sources of com plaint among our people will be removed, .. and the whole suilaee of the country lc thrown open to improvement. Lincoln J urnal. Complaint having been lodged again -t larce number of the citizens of North llcnd for cutting timber on government kil l, about a' dozen of the residents of that vi-inity ware taken in charge by the V- S Marshal and transported to Omaha i-t trial. As near as we can learn, ths "ts are simply these : Since the survey ' the government in that locality an i land has been formed in the 1'latte, on which timber sprung up, and as no indi vidual in particular claimed the land, and the government paid no attention to it, the citizens have felt at liberty to o th-'re and nlleet such wood as they could aiake ue of. Some person, feeling ag grieved by the loss the government, him st'f, or nobody, was sustaining, and with a desire to place money in the pockets of - - Coiutuissioncrs and Marshall, took the trouble to file a complaint in Omaha; of cuurse, the prisoners were taken tnere at great expense either to them dvea or the goTernment. Tlie matter has occasioned considerable fccling and the lawyers will likely make a goou thing t of it before it b settled. Fremont JriGune. Of the coming Fat Men's Convention - at Lewiston, the Wakrville (Me.) Mail tay?: l,Tr 1, ' r ' brains arainst their bellies, t?iev find that the ntirews hv met." OUR ASHLAND LETTER. WE AT II ER TOWN NEWS LEGISLA TIVE. Appropriate Resolution on ai portmut Matter. lim Oorreapandence f Daily PlatUnlouth Herald. Asiilanh, Jan. 17, 1370. Cn.ANOES. From the quiet, orderly, half-resolved winter of last month, we were on yester day ushered into the rapacious jaws of a regular northwestern "blewhard." In the early morning a slight rain was fall ing, which soon turned to a furious storm of wind and snow. All the day long the merciless storm raged with unabated fury. The piercing wind and blinding snow made extensive pedestrianism a theme of contemplation, but not to be indulged in. Few indeed were they who left their firesides during the) entire day. The primitive shanties of Saline Ford afford but moderate protection against the se verity of such a storm. If a few of them were blown down, or up, and replaced with houses new and comfortable, it would prove a mercy to numerous ten ants aud a great addition to the appear ance and wealth of the town. Purple ears and noses are among the gratuities of the icy-fingered visitor. TOWN ITEMS. At the late session of the County Com missioners an appropriation of $2,000 was made for the purpose of erecting a substantial bridge across Salt Creek, on the line of Main street, the citizens agree ing to raise $1,000 toward the same ob ject. 1 his is a much needed improve ment one in which the various business interests are immediately connected. With the advent of the Ii. & M., we will have lumber and coal, and all the commodities of commerce necessary to the wants of our citizens and the devel opment of our country; and a safe and reliable transit will be all-important. The "ford" is not always to be depended upon. Like divers and sundry of the "genus homo," who occasionally get a drench bath gratis while under the ex hilerating effects of benzine, the "ford" gets more than "half seas over," and for many days in succession communication by teams is entirely cut off. We shall hail the construction of a bridge as one of the most sensible moves that has been made here in the way of improvements. An appropriation was also made for the erection of a building for the accom modation of the county officers, upon ground donated for that purpose by Messrs. Miller & Clark. LEGISLATIVE. The Ashland legislature will convene on Tuesday evening, ISth inst., under the supervision of the following named officers: Andrew Marble, (lovcrnor; M. Willeic, Speaker of the House ; C. II. Walker, Chief Clerk; C, X. Folsom, Assistant Clerk ; J. G. Whitelock, Ser ge ant-at-Arms; G. W. Sheppard, En grossing Clerk; J. G. Stanley, Enrolling Clerk ; T. W. Vollentine, T. Ii. Glenn, Pages. You may look out for lively times. FACETIA. There is considerable excitement con scrpient upon the eve of the departure of one of the "Benedict Ext .rminators" for the East. It is feared by some that he has hostile intentions toward a "Wolve rine" of the female persuasion, in which event his brother bachelors have decided to give him a suitable reception on his return. Judcina: from the badges of mourning recently adopted by the "Club" he is a "goner." Appropriate resolutions of reprimand, remonstrance and regret, have been adopted at a called meeting of the "Club." Whrrcds, Our dearly beloved Brother Abel Bunker F , having of late re ceived divers small white envelopes, con taining therein sundry sentiments dic tated by the Goddess Venus, but penned by one of Eve's fair daughters possess ing all the cunning handed down to her by posterity, from her ancient grandamc Eve; and Wiereas. Our dear Brother Abel Ban kei F , having always taken a decided ftand in society, and having long been one of the leading members among the "Exterminators;" alwaysconSd-nt of his ability to withstand the influences of the syrcn-voiccd goddess, but by recklessly persisting in throwing himself within the range of this contaminating influence, like the inebriate, vcr confident of his ability to rcsit the intoxicating cup, when once having tasted, is led from one step to another, until to-day finds him only a wreck of manhood; so with our dear brother, once being induced to re ceive those little sentiments of ruin, he has fallen a victim, and his bright pro-spectator the future brought to an un timely end. As Eve ' was instrumental in bringing about the Fall of Adam, so has this unknown venusboen instrumen tal in the ruin of our dear Brother Abel; Therefore le it lirsnh'd', That we who are beyond the influence of those seeking the down fall of the members of this "Club," who are striving to walk uprightly before God and man. will forever stand aloof from their dangerous wiles. And be it furtlicr.rcsolccfl, That our dear Brother has our binccre and heart felt sympathy in his downward career, and the prayers of this Order that he may withstand the temptations to which he may be subjected while on the jour ney he is about to undertake. "And l it farther relcrxl, That if our dear Brother shall cease from his wan derings after strange gods, and return to the doors of this order, he shall receive a hearty welcome, and be ndiuitUnl to all its social enjoyments as aforetime. As an earnest of our sincerity we will sing, as did the Big Chief to the Aborigines, "While the lamp-holds out t barn. ' The vi!t sinner may return. STUANUE HI' IT IX LEAVE WORTH. Out ribc Pnrtlrn "oe for" an Edi tor and eta Rawhide. Tho Leavenworth Evening Call of January 5th, contained the following : "The suit of Dr. Will E. Turner vs. Lottie Van Horn has turned out badly for the Dr. He charred for his dailv visits, and the him for his nocturnal visits to her room. Her charges were greater than his, and because he would not deny the justice thereof, Williams gave her a judgment. Physic mixed with bilkin makes a bad compound. Dr. I would not try it again. " On Wednesday afternoon, as we learn from the Times and Conservative, Mr. l'rice, local editor of the Call, met Tur ner in the Postoince, where some words passed in relation to the publication of the item in the Call, Air. 1 nee telling him that he uieraly printed it as he wuld any other piece of news. Turner theli made an assault upon Mr. l'rice, who defended himself so effectually as to be getting the better of the fracis.'when by standers interfered and separated them. As they parted Turner said ."this is not over yet." Mr. Price started upstrcet, but it apiears that he felt he had been wronged, and the Dr. declaring that there was to be more of it, did not tend to quiet his feelings. He repaired to a store near by, and bought a large raw hide, with which he proceeded to the Dr.'s room, and called him to come out." He did not appear anxious to come, so Mr. Price went at him with his rawhiJc and slashed him several times over the head and face. Beiug near the door he was finally pushed out and the . door locked. Finding that the fellow had concluded not to "have it out," he re turned to the office. SV. Joe Union. ROW IS I1ELLEVCE. Wblsfcy Nbops Gnitrd aal Rnraed to tlie Uronud One Unu Keriounljr Hbt and Severn! Badly ICurt. On Saturday evening last a gang of Irkhmen (laborers on the railroad ) gath ered in a saloon kept by Jim Peters, and, after drinking freely and having several free fijrhts and knock downs among themselves, concluded to "clean out the shanty," whereupon they seized the bar-tender and tumbled him out of doors, having things their own way complete masters of the situation. But the bar-tender, reinforced by several of tlif Yankee roughs of the town, returned . and made a charge on the -"shebang," tiring revolvers promiscuously into the crowd, causing the "Hibernians" to scatter from theloors and wiadows like miniature "Bull Run." But they in . few minutes reorganized their forces, returned, and carried the house by storm, completely tearing it down and setting it on fire. So that on Sunday Bellevue was minus one of its worst rum holes. The only regret is that they did not serve some other places equally as bad. These rum-sellers will find that the law will not frotect them in their nefarious and un awful practices. One of the Irislimcn was shot twice in the hip. The surgeon has been unable to extract the bullet. No arrests have been made. Omaha JiepiMican. Tetumfieli. We devete a great portion of our pa per to adverti.-i g Southern Nebraska, in the belief that we cannot usc our col umns to a l etter advantage, or fill them with reading matter which will conduce more ;o t'le general good. We have !een a resident of Nebraska for nearly thirteen years, and the de scription of her soil, climate, people, resources, ct , as portrayed in our ex tracts f.om the forthcoming book of the State Commissioner fir Immigration, we know to be strictly true. Our non-resident readers wiil please note the fact that Tecumseh, the county seat of John-on County, is in the midt of this delightful country ;. she is rapidly and permanently improving and her future prospects are bright. TecumseTi is located about thirty miles from the .Missouri river, directly west of the city of Brownville, on the line of railroad now being constructed from Quincy, Illinois, to Ft. Kearney; the is about forty miles from the State Capitol, forty-five fnm the Nebraska ami Kansas State line, thirty-five miles from Nebraska City. We have plenty of timber, water and stone-coal ; and, taking everything into consideration, there is no town within the interior of Nebraska with more or tietter natural advantages, or whose pros pect is more flattering, CUiftain. The business at the U. S. Land Office in this city still continues bri.-dc. People at the east are beginning to wake up. "Large bodies move slow," as the old quotation runs, .nd we predict that more people will settle in Nebraska noxt sea son than ever ln-fore. "Uncle Samuel" has in this land district 1,1JIUKK) acres of land subject to pre-emption and home stead. The district includes the tier of counties immediately south of the Platte river as far west as Ft. Kearney, running through the centre of the State ami em bracing some of the finest sections f the whole country; the mot of the lands, however, yet open to occupancy, -are sit uated west from the capital and directly in the tract of several important Rail Roads. There yet remains in Lancaster county a little more than 30,010 acres of land that is open to pre-emption and homestead. Statesman, Hot !! Balanced. There arc a grrat many strange things in this western country, but one of the strangest of all is the crcat difference between the prieo of grain and that of meat, ine wmpie statement, mat me former commands only twenty-five ccuts per bushel in our market, while the lat- j ter ranges from ten to fifteen eenkS per pound, would sound a little awkward to those who reside in states where an av erage prodiieing'eqiiilibriuni is generally maintained. This fact, is a-toundmg. Such a diiference, was never heard of 'be fore ! Do our fanner see and feel it? Will they have it thus a year hence, or will they wisely take it into their heads to right this matter to raise more cattle and hogs? If a farmer has notTdised his own meat, the grain he produced will Fcarcely buy it. One hundred and fifty miles east of here hogs can be purchased at nominal ficures, and" he same as re gards cattle. Are there no gentlemen of a speculative, turn m our part ot the country ? : To purchase stock at four and five ecnts per pound there, and sell at ten, twelve and fifteen cents here occurs to us as being a pretty lively way of turning money over. But what we want to say to our farrnici' friends is, not to allow the state ot things which now beset them to do so again within a twelve month, if ever. Go all the way to Mis souri or Iowa, and buy a few pigs aad calves to turn yonr gram into money with next fall. It is not your fault that you suflerjiow next t'me it will bo. FARAUR 4.FIIS OF ALL NAHTS. Of the sixty-six United States Sen ators, forty-six are lawyers. Bishop Simpson is in Washington, the guest ol senator Harlan. Lord Mayor Besley, of London, was once a type-sticker. The best definition we have seen of Mrs. Stowe's new Byron story is, that it is "her old one hammered out thin." No person who drinks can find employ ment in any position on the Bangor and Piscataquis railroad in Maine. . ,The Plymouth Church peoide propose to add $5,000 1 Henry Ward Beecher's salary, . , . Joseph Ii Perley has been appointed Chief Engineer of the New York Fire Department. M. Bauer, the Empress Eugenie's spiritual confessor, is a . converted Jew, and a Hungarian by birth. - The English House of Commons num bers 658 members. The French Legis lative body numbers 2U2 members. Thp ' Tnternnl Revenue CoHeetnr nf San Francisco " receives greenbacks at the rate of eighty-three cents to the dol lar. . A. T. Stewart and William B. Astor made the "grand round" on New Year's day, togetheroecupying the same carriage for the sake of economy, it noay have been. A fashionable woman in Paris said to a reporter: "I do not object to your speaking of me in the papers, but do it m my maid arranges my decollette dresses show only a little, and leave the rest to tho imagination." M. Barbey d'Aureville writes his 'copy' for the printers in ink of yarious colors. One line is black, then is a line in blue and green ; red and violet follow in order. The capital letters are written in ink of a special color. A member ofthe Wyoming Legisla ture, seeking to sustain a point of order, jerked his coat off, with "Mr. Speaker, irt :il 1. .1 .J...J . ir some reiiaoie man vwn iimuun;cuuua I'll teach him that he is out of order." The point was sustained. The Newark Courier states that Brick Pomcroy, liaving heard of a New Jersey lad named after him, i3 so well pleased that he has adopted the boy. A correspondent, writing to Zion's Herald, Boston, says that quiet is so far restored in Georgia that he believes the time for killing Methodist preachers has gone by forever. The New York Herald of the 5th challenges the "oldest inhabitant" to give the year and day before 1 870 when the Hudson rivcrwasopen right through without interruption to Albauy, for steamboats, tugs and tows. Father Hyaeinthe, it is reported has been bummoned to Rome by tho Pope to answer for. his heretical opinions. He expects to return to this country, aud make it his permanent home. It is announced that Gen. McCIellan, who has been in Washington for two or three days, "looks the same as of yore, and saunters among the halls and vesti bules ofthe hotel, in a neat-titting brown business suit, careless of the notice of the haljitues thereof." The latest bulletin with reference to snake bites is that they may be pre vented from terminating fataiiy by the application of live coals of tire. Cauter ization for such injuries was employed scores of years ago. Daniel W. M Farland, who is under indictment lor the murder of Albert D. Richardson, is to be tried in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, in New York, in March. The defense will set up the plea of temporary insanity. Bayard Taylor, in his lecture" at Chil licothe, Ohio, last week, said he had traveled fifty thousand miles in Europe and had never had an accident or missed a connection. While iu America it so happened he had traveled two weeks, and in that short time had seven acci dents and never made a single connection. In Marengo, Iowa, tho other day, a contest at the ladies" fair over a writing desk to be given to the handsomest young lady in town, strafped every boy that was present. A Chicago girl broke an engagement with a young man Itecause he snored while sleeping. Some impertinent fellow wants to know how she found it out. ' "I wish, reverend father," said Cur ran to Father 0'lxary, "that you were St. Pcter,andyouhadthc keys of Heaven, because then you could let iu iu." "By my honor and conscience," replied O'Lcary, "it would be better for you that I had the keys of tho ofir place, for then I could let you out. It is related of a certain distinguished citizen of Massachusetts, not now living, that after his return from a short Euro pean tour he was accustomed to refer to it more frequently than good taste would dictate; ana that, on being asked to offer prayer in public, he Iegan: 0 Lord! Thou knowest that when I was in Eu rope,'Y.c., &e. One of the little sensations of our town for the past week has been a ma chine which Li propelled by canine mus cle. It is claimed that it will run a com sheller, washing machine, wheat fan, wood saw and churn. We believe it to be a good thing, if for no other reason than that all the work you can get out of a dog is clear gain. Beatrice Clarion. A tax of three mills has leen levied by our Commissioners to build a court house, and it will be seen that they ad vertise for proposals iu this pauer, The site has at last been lacatea, and the most admirable one that could have pos sibly been selected. . We will have a court-house yet the right kind of oney and in just tho right place. Beatrice Cearion. Prince Pierre Bonaparte, who shot and killed one of the editors of the Paris Marseillaise (Rochefort's journal), is the fourth son of Lucien Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon I. The Prince is 55 years of age, wild in his habits, and during his lifetime has roamed through nearly every civilized countrj- in the world. He passed through many changes of fertune in America. Italy and Belgium, return ing to France after the catastroi.he of 1848. At a meeting of the Cincinnati bar, held on Friday last, Judge Wdl Johnson, in the course of a fine eulogy, said: "His father. Dr. David Stanton, died while Edwin was yet a child. In the midst of a large and successful practice, he was stricken down by apoplexy, ar.d, being too generous a man to be rich, he left a widow and four children in straiehtened circumstances, but not poor, so long as Edwin was left to them. How well I re member him as a salesman in the book store of James Trumbull, just tall enongh to get his head above the counter, dili gently working for $6 a month and car rying" his wages to help his widowed mother to support her family and edu cato the younger childrcu" CHICAUO. The Railroad City ofthe Ave of Steam. From the New York Economist Jan, 8tb, Chicago, in a business point of view, is the model city of the continent, or, for that matter, of the world. In energy, enterprise and sagacity it compares fa-( vorably with the most famous cities of ancient and modern times. We read with wonder of l'almyra, springing sud denly from the desert, and controling the trade of the world. The stories of Ven ice and Amsterdam rising from the sea, and winning its richest commerce, fire the imagination ; but Chicago, in their growth and capabilities, surprises them all. Within the lifeti-ue ef men who are still comparatively young and active in the pursuits of life, it has risen from the position of a wretched Indian village to be the inland city of the West, the center of its growing commerce, and the rival of cities far older than herself, and endowed with infinitely greater natural capacities. If New ork, with far greater advantages of capital and loca tion, had evinced a -imilar spirit, it would now be equal in wealth and importance with Liverpool and London. . The peculiarity of Chicago is, that it makes trade. It does not wait for trade to come to it. When an opening for business occurs, it improves the chances. Whin there is no opening, a locomotive is butted through to make- one. In this respect it is difficult to determine whether Chicago has grown with the .Vest, or the A est grown with it. One is a pro dact and sequence of the other. It lays the entire country under contribution. It pushes its lines of railroad across the prairies, and anticipates the industry of the pioneers and the imigrant. ith wondrous sagacity it discounts the labor of the millions of toilers of the Old World, whose eager eyes are turned to ward the setting sun. It is emphatically, the Railroad City of the age of steam. The mere statistics of Chicago com merce, though surprising, convey no ad equate idea of the spirit aud enterprise of the place. We take comparatively little note of the fact that its manufac tures last year were valued at $58,000, 000 ; that it received $415,052,000 worth of commodities; that its wholesale trade amounted to $369,935,530 ; that its net income last year was 73,000,000, and that it also added 3,423 to the numler of its dwellings last year. All this growth, marvellous enough considering the dullness ot the times, is nothing to its enterprise in opening up new lines of railroad. It is here that Chicago, while a ' 1 a serving its own interests, nas rendered the most essential services to humanity. It sees thriving cities and fertile farms in petty Indian towns and on the broad prairie, and throws forward its iron arms to secure their trade in present and pros pective. V here it gets its capital tor its various railroad enterprises is only ess surprising than the liberality, sa gacity, and munihccnce disnlaved in us disbursement. Money is poured out like water to open new channels of trade. Its merchants are princes in liberality and largeness of view. We Iikc everything about Chicago ex- ! cent its morals; but on that point New Y.rk, Unfortunately, has nothing to boast of, and no stones to throw. In most other respects the Empire City has much to learn from its younger sister. At any rate it has nothing but good will and cordial wishes tor the great city ot the West. We bear no malice because it attempted to intercept the commerce of the Pacific States and of the East, or because its dreams of annihilating the thousand miles that sepcrate it from the ocean, in order to become, at our ex pense, the centre of the foreign com merce of our continent. What New York is now, Chicago u.ay beconie, . within the lifetime of persons now living, and this without the Empire City losing the relative superiority in wealth and commerce. Who shall set bounds to the greatness of a city that is always abreast and ahead of time, when the valley of the .Mississippi shall count its destined 500,000.000 of population ? What limit shall then be placed upon the wealth and power of the Republic at large ? "--M Otoe Indian Treaty. A treaty is pending in the Senate, be tween the United States and the Otoe Indians, a tribe of 500 squalid savages occupying a reservation on the southern boundary of Nebraska, sixty or seventy m les west of the Missouri river. The terms of the treaty have not been made public, but we are informed that it con templates the transfer of their lands (some 200,000 acres), to a railroad com pany, for about $30,000 in coin", or at tho rate of fifteen cents per acre. Any such treaty is nessarily a gigantic swindle, irnd if ratified by the innate will bring down upon all the parties concerned s seorn ot indignation. If the President has transmitted such a treaty to the Sen ate, or indeed any treaty with the Indi ans proposing to transfer their lands to any private corporation, directly or indi rectly, we hope he. will withdraw it. All th ;se reservations as soon as they are re linquished by the Indians, ought to be held subject to pre-emption by actual settlers. Chicago Tribune. Weclipthe following from the (Edina, Mo.,) Sentinel: We learn that a terrible shooting affair occurred in Adair county last week be tween the Lowe brothere. It appears that one of them had seduced the Sister-in-law of another brother, who came to the residence of his father to inquire into the matter. While there in a quar rel with his brother, the seducer, he drew 3 revolver and shot at him, but, missing his aim, the ball lodged iu the brain of another brother killing him in stantly ; he then fired a second shot at his brother, but, again missed his aim, and shot another brother in the abdo men. He then mounted his horse, rode off and, a late report says, ended the tragedy by shooting himself. An exchange discourses tersely and well as follows : "Recollect that every dollar sent to Eastern papers is at the expense of local papers. A county acquires prominence through its paper more than any other way, and to every one who has county interests at stake his home paper is a necessity. Never will such a man take a paper printed away from home until he ia able to take a second paer. His first paper will be his home sheet, and he will so identify his own interests with those of his county paper a-s to consider his subscription as much a matter of yearly duty as the payment of his taxes." It has been stated, says the New York Times, that the largest sum subscribed in New York city to the funl for the benefit of the fam.ly of the late Mr. Stanton is $1,000, and that that was from a Democrat. The facts do not bear out the statement. Mr. A. T. Stewart gave $5,000 and twenty other gentlemen. 4 all Republican?, $1,000 ac-b. Telegraphic News. Telegrapher Strike. Chicago, Jan. IS. The followingdispatch andaccompan-. ins; letter was received to-day by Col. Wtn, Supt. W. U. T. Co., for this district, from the leader of the striking operators of that company in this city: New York, Jan. 17, 1870. T all officers of the T. P. L.: 1 have canvassed the situation and be lieve it useless to continue the strike. I hereby absolve all Western Union mem bers lrom their oaths ond advise them to return to work. Signed R. W. Tope, G. C. O. Ciiicaoo, Jan. 18, 1870. To Col. J. J. S. Wilson, Supt. W. C. T. Co.: Dear Sir :a The atove is a copy of a dispatch received here in official cipher of the T. P. L. Please make whatever use of it you may deem proper. A meeting will be called tltis evening, when the ' Chicago Circuit wulbe formally dissolved and all its members released from all oaths and pledges of the Telegraphers' Protective League, and urged hereafter to act as may best promote their own in terests and those of their employers. Signed ' A L. Baker. Chicago Market. Chicago, Jan. 18. Flour Unchanged; sales of spring extras at 3 80(4 75. Wheat Moderately active; No 2 a shade easier, closing steady at 77; No 1 sold at 84A; No 3 68 J (3:69 ; rejected 63. Corn A shade better, with a fair lo cal demand; No 2 closing at 7l'0j(71; no grades sold at 570.' 60. Oats Dull, but firm; No 2 closing steady at 39 ; rejected 34 . Rye Steady ; No 2 at 70. Barley Entirely nominal and no sales of any grades. High wines Quiet: closingat 91(3-92, latter iron-bound. Provisions Moderately active and closed rather weak on pork which sold at 27 IS 27 25, closin at 27 0) cash; sel lers for February brought 27 30(-27 50. Meats Steady ; grecu shoulders 9 i ; greeu rough sides 12; green rough ribs 13; green hams 14; cured meats i cent abovj quotation. Lard Quiet at 151(316. Buttei- Dull, the demand being con fined to cnoice at 27( 29. Eggs Firm, fresh lots3334. Can't You Let Him ftre. Not a hundred miles from Chicago, in the rural burg of Dundee, lives an an cient widow lady who has a lout of a son about twenty-four years "old, who, like the man's son, "is a darned smart boy, but don't know anything." Not long since the old lady was taken sick and lay at the point of death. Feeling her end approaching, she called her son to her bedside to give him her parting counsel. Abe stood with open mouth, apparently swallowing every word, the old lady's words seeming to have a good effect upon him. "Abram," said she, "here I lie with death staring me in the face." At this moment a knowing expression pascd over Abe's features and he broke ont, "Can't you let him stare?" The old dame thought it no use, and speedily recovered. m The students of the University 0 Michigan have established "University Day," to be celebrated annually hereaf ter in November. The first celebration occurred on Wednesday last. To the number of 1,000 the students marched through the principal streets of Ann Harbor, to a church, where they listened to words of good cheer and friendly coun sel from acting President Frieze, Judge Campbell of the Law Department, Pro fessor Palmer, of the Medical Department and Professor W.nchell of the Literary Department. The Supreme Court of Alabsiaa has decided that there has been no property in slaves since 186S; that every judgment given by any of the Alabama courts from 1861 to 165 are null and void, as all officers, courts and Legislature wern ille gal. Of the two or three hundred young ladies at Vassar College, not one Is cred ited with good looks. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON te ci5 his professional services to tho citizens of C funin- ty. Kcsidencesoutheastcoruerof Oalc dS:xth streets; ollioo on .M;iin street, oppos Court House, l'laltsmouth. Nebraska. .1. V. H4ITLIi, !M. .. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, lite a Sur-peon-in-Chief of the Army of the Potomac, Plattsinouth, Nebraska. Oflk-e with Dr. K. Ii. Livingston, on Main street, opposite tho Court llousx. Private residence corner of lUx k aud 11th streets, two doors south of P. P. Giu-i'. lr. J. XT. TIIOSI IS, Havinz permanently located at Weeping Wa ter Fulls, tenders his professional service lo the jitiecs of Ca.ss county, Nebraska. jau7'0'jt.f. O. H. WHKKI.KR. L. D. BKX.VETT. I. IS. YTIICEKl St & CO, Real Estate and Tax Paying Agents, Notaries Public, T'ire and Life Insurance Agents, Plvits tuouth. Nebraska. je2Uf T. 71. .IT tliQUCrT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Cha eery, Pldttsmouth, Nebraska. 8. MAXWKLL. 1M. M.ClUriliK' M XyEI.l,?A, CHAFM Ai, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solicitors iu Chancery, Plattsniouth, Nebraska. Oliice ovtr While &. Buttery's Drag Store. Laprl. CITY IlOli:!.. J. E. Holland. Proprietor, corner f Main and Third streets. Plattsinouth, Nebraska, Having been refitted aud newly furnished offers first class accommodations. Doard by the week r day. faug31uwtf. TTIKI.tr T rOTTEXUKR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Plattsmouth. Nyh. ii..atts:iioi;tii .iiii.i.m. C. HEISEL. Proprietor. Having recently been repaired and placed in thorough running order. lOO.IXK) Bushels of Wheat wauled iuinic ai..te.y for which the aighest market price will be paid. faug2swif. j. rv. Trial:, General Life. Accident, Fire, Inland and Trans- f ... ..1 W;)l lr. ritl" 1 at r-i. . - .1 able rates in the most reliable Companies ir. the unite.! c-iaics. uuice opposite ice iuu:t iionsa, latlataoutu. Neb. i -nay-Hi. ONTARIO HOUSE Rob. D. Coates - Proprietor. Corner Sixth and Vine Streets. Ample Stabling attached. Terms lower than ano house in town. decSdtf. PIANOS, OROAXS. IflFXOH EOi' I I aiu Agent for the best Musical Intrmnent made. Persons wishing to buy Pianos. Cabinet. Metropolitan or Portable Organs, or Melodcocs can nurchase thro'ieh mv Acency on as libend terms as thcr can from the maufaturcrs then.- isslvcs. Al iotruuientn fuuy wurroated. FOR RENT. ?OR RENT. The hest bmino.M loom on L Maui Street will be rnid ut lw fifrur-. muireof X. J. BuNI & CO. jiiniyjif. WAISTS. 'ANTED A purchaser for the n w 21-12-12 S. ri. 14-12-12 undivided 11 of S. K. Si 12- 12. . A pplenJM chance tr fecure a farm. The above land lies finm 6 to S miles west and south west of Pl.ittfinouth. fitrroumied by rood farms, and wiil lie oid on (he l'llwinfcteriu!. in lots U ?uit purchaser!'. .ne fourth Uowu, balance in One. Two. :ind Three ycai-. at ton per cent Int. Persons whihinr to secure farm can do fo now on the above re:if,onai)l terms. Apply imme diately to S. Di.'kk, Laud Apent. Title Indisputable. S. LUKE. novSMtf. r ANTKJ A youth over 17 years old to car 1 1 .ry M.id on horse-buck, between this city ami Eacturyville Cass County. One residing wilh his parents preferred, luquire of J. W. SHANNON. Janl0d3wl. Livery i?(.ttble. "WAXTKD. A purchaser for .' acres of T land, situated 7 miles wet of Plattsinoutli and 1J miles froinn Depot on rbe It. A M. R. R. Said Land is well watered and is adjotninir a good Farm. Ca.be bought for one-fourth tho price, cash in huu . balance in three eanl pay ment. Will be s Id in SO acre tracts it desired. Apply to M U1U.UCK A WINDHAM. devTdlf IrANTED A p.i -chaser for a Farm con V? twining VMj acre-, situated 5 miles from Plattsiuouth. Pri-e per acre. Apply to ocu2tf SPL Rl,OCK A WINDHAM. WANTED A purchaser for fix acres of land adjoining riattsmoutn. Apply to SPLRLOCK A WINDHAM. r ANTED A purchaser for fifteen acres cf land adjoining rlattsniouth. Apply t- SSPUULOCK A WINDHAM. AY rANTED A purchaser for a Residence with two acres ot land and improvement. Apply to SPLRLOCK A WINDHAM. . FOIi S AMI. I 'UK A'ALKA farm in Wucpinc Water rre cinct. situated S miles froui a station on the U. A M. R. R., and l!j miles from Weeping Water Fails. Well Watered, with plenty of timber. Can bo bought for S1.800, if applica tion is made within two month. Apply to janloil- SPLRLOCK A WliaDflAM. I?0R SALE A 100 acre tract f land, situated in Mount Pleasant precinct. A bargain for some one. Apply to janlotf fcPLRLOCK A WINDHAM. G. DOOM Has 150 Cord of Wood to sell. dec31dtf. ?I VE RESIDENCE loU for t.alc. Six months i timegiveii on half the purchase money. App!yto SrrRbors Wixdham. 1OR SALE A lar?e lot of "French's ccle bratod Michigan Wagoni, manufactured at Three Rivers, Michigan. Every wagon war ranted. They will be sold cheap for cash. novaodif ItrSSELL A DOOM. I70R SALE Seventy-five Lots in the City oi Plattsuiouih. Apply to 0ct.7dtf. SPURLOCK A WINDHAM 1?0R SALE A half section of Land, lying in six miles of Plattsuiouih. Two years ti t e given on half the purchase money. Apply to augl2tf SPURLOCK A WINDHAM J 'OR. SALE. The southwest quarterof section 11. township 12 north, range 12 e:ist. En quire of septSJ S. DL'KE. I 'OR SALE Two lots in Glenwood. Cheap. septal S. DUKE. "OR SALE. Sri acres of land adjoining Pl.tttsmouth. Enquire of iepti S. DUKE." fOOD for Sale. Enquire of JSor. 17 dtf Li. V. UhNNl-.l I'. 1X)R SALE OR RENT The property be . loutrinK to D. Marquett will be sold or rented on reasonable terms. The bouso con tains 6 rooms. There is also a large cistern mh f i . . . ii I ..1. . :. uiier, a ceuur, u nacie. uit-i oi i.'tcoi. -.jm-i. cs. Apply to x. ji. .u.nv-ic i. 8Cptltf I.-'OR SALE. An improve 1 Farm, situated '' miles from the city cf Plattsuiouih. Ftl particulars apply tA augl2tf SPUR LOCK A WINDHAM. r?OR SALE. A Farm of four hundred acres. - It ,1 . ..1 ,..., I ,rilM fr.,n. Ashlnnd. aui-ti srURLOCK A WINDHAM. '."OR SALE The Subscriber offers for sale a valuable water power, two miles below I'l.itt-iiiou'h. ne:;r the Missouri river, with suliicient watcTHcd fall with economical inaniii- mcut to prouuec power equal to a.;hor.-:e-power r-tctiin engine. The present owner isentcaKeil in oilier business ami cannot dovo te bis attention to the business of millinir. and will sell said wa ter power for a reasonable price. Platti-aiouih, Dec, 1:1 lSiiS. RICHARD VIVIAN, Apply to Maxwkl CuAfMAK. ucc'Jldiwtf 17OR SALE. A Farm situated a mile and a . half south of Eight Mile Grove, fenced and 7l acres broke. 1 or particulars apply to auE.tf SPLRLOCK A WINDHAM. '17014 HALE. A Farm containing 320 uorcs, I. situated four miles from Plattsmouth, ail fenced, and 20J acr'-s undcrcultivation. augiitf SPURLOCK A WINDHAM. T70K SALE. A Farm containing 1?0 acr, . situated 5)- miles from Plalt.suiouth, an 1 l." acres broken, 1'enccd. and a story-and-a-Lalf pine house. auilJtt SPURLOCK A WINDH A M . IOR SLAE Lot? in Plsttsmouth: ? IMPROVED. Lots' nnd S iu hiocit Z7. Wet hair lota in block 3L Lotl2 in block 3.!. Lot rt in 's Lots 3 and 4 in block 29. Lot G in block 2S. Lot 4 in block Is. 25 bPURLOCU A WINDHAM. Valuable Farm for Sale. Situated on Four Mile Crct k 4 miles jr rth wet of Platt-mouth, 1 mile from the Platte riv er. nd three-fourths ot u mile from th line of the li. A M. R. R.. and known as tho Stockimr farm, containing 2 acres of choice land, 10 ith of which is bottom land, about ten acre are timber and about ninety acres in grass, the balance in grain aud under fence. Upon the premises is a double cabin, frame barn '3)xW feet with stone basement, stables and other out building, an orchard, plenty of sfock water, never failing well, a good school house: also C acres of timber land in Surry county, near the mouth of the Platto river. Enquire at the premises or of the subscriber in Saunders Co. Neb. M. STOCKING. Flaitsuibutb. Aug. 5 tf. C ar p enter s , Joiners AND CABINET MA REUS. Khon at th brit-k buililinr formerly oeruricl by Goo. Coock a a blacksmith slit p. janlVd'f SE?T FREE I II. O'liEF.Fi: BOX & CO.'S SEED CATALOGUE And Gu;rJe to the FLOWER AND VEGETABLE (;.tni)i:s, for isto. Published in January. Every lover of flowers wishing this new aud valuable work, free of chaise, should address immediately M. O'Kek k, Sox. ,V Co., Lllwanger A. llany's Llack, Roches ter, N. Y. novlSwTui f.Iilinery, Dress and Gloak MAKING BY M'SS A, rv.. DESPAIN. I would rc. pictfa'.ly :iii!:otin'-e to the ruV'ic that 1 am now prepared to accommodate nl! o'. my oi l ci:.-totNcr- Ht.d ;'.s ti.n;:j r.iw ones tswill favor me v.- it ii ilicir i'..tro:::.?o. Ail kind : t.f jil-iin and fancy sewing f. r ia lics and children done nejtly. (ii ordered. Perir t satisfuciion ivoti oi i harges. Corner fourth and. I me Street, oj. ,f;t Platte VuUiV Ifvilte. l'bttSHK.utll I C. , . ' jhj,- 1 UMGI1TM OF PTTI1IAN. Plvttb Vallky LodCi No. 5. Regular leetinss every Thursday evening. V is.tiug brothers always welcome. . V. V. LEONARD. W. O. F. M. !) RRI NUTON, U. ti. J. N. WISE. V. IV MASOXir. ' Fr.ATTSHOCTH Lodgk No. 6 A. F. A A. .'. Reg.i'ar meeting at their lull en the tirl and thirl Moulay evenings of rath month. Trans ient brethern invited to visit. JOHN W. SHANNON. W. U. J. N. WlSK. fCC. Mcot LoiK No. 22 A. F. A A. M.-Rniilv n.eincs at Masonia Hall, first and third Fri days. J. N..W1SE. W. M. (ieo. L. SliTtoi.T, Sec. Nkbiasi a CKArTF.n Nr. :i R. A. M. Regular couTecatioi.s second and fourth Tu.d -nin((S of each mouth at 7) i o'clock p. in. il. T. Dl RE, H. P. Eastern Star Dei-, rkkLopi;k. Rgu!s.r meet ings f the Family are held on Wednesday ! ning, on or before the full moon of each month. All Master Masons, their wives, siorsrs aud daughters are invitrd tu attend. Unmarried la iie? laust be over eighteen years of i.g. D. H. VnLl.LKK,iatra. Mrs. C. A. Dusk, Patroness. J. N. V.'isit, Recorder. I. O. O. V. I Regnlar meetings of Piatt Lodje. ?f 7, I. O. 6. V. every Saturday evening, at 0d 1 Hall. Trancient Riothers nr cordially invited to visit. WM. L. ELLS, .V . H. J. Streight. Sec. I. O. ti. T. Of.IVR Bra ?-. No. 2--E A.Kirk;.atri. k W. C. T. E. 11. Lewis, W. Si. K. It. Windham. LoJgo Deputy. Meets at Cotirt House HU every Tuesday evening. Traveling Templars respect fully invited. J'.xcKr.stoR Dkorkk Lopce. N. L E. B. Lewis. D. T.: F. E. White. D. S. Meet-iatCoart House Hall on th first and third Saturday even incsofeach month. Star of lloric Lor; No. . 0. J. Davis. W. C. T.; Andrew Coicuntii. W. S. Meets at Ml. Pleasant every Saturday evening. Faiuview Lntxir.. No. 11. J. J. Chandler, W. C. T.: Win. J. 1 lesser. W. S.: S. W. t Lodge Deputy. Meets every Wednesday eveu n. Traveling Templars respectfully invite ';. I'flRKie Gkovc Loihjk. N". 21. Amos Griffith, M.C. T,;Jas. MUson, W.S.tC. II. Winsi.iw. Lodtfe Deputy, "teets every Saturday eveninn Trayel;ns PeniplA ' ara respectfully iurr.ed lo nifet with us. SI. I,uke'ii Parl: Monthly meetings of ths Vestry 1st Friday e cning of each month, at the Rectory; Quarts. u.eetiiiifs of Vestry 1st Mondays of May, Aiii;st. November and February. H. St. GEO. YOUNG. Rector. ffn. L. Wklls. Clerk. GRAHAM ii McCLELLAN, tLate Geo. . Williams.) WHOLESALE AND KKTATL BOOK SELLERS and STATIONERS, NEWS DEALERS,' &c. Tbeirttock comprises th Most complete tUakel LETTF.R PAPKB, FOOLS CAP, NOTF. PAPER, LEGAL CAP, ENVELOPES, INITIAL PAI'ESi, MEMORANDUM BOOKT, SCHOOL BOOira. A complete assortment of S T A O N K R T FANCY GOODS, m AND FOREIftX nJROSIOS The newest Eool;s and Periodicals always n and. All books at publishers' prices, bead ra catalogue. 512 Fourteenth Street, Omaha, Nth. septlldly. We are now-receiving the, largest stock of BOOTS & SHOES , Ever broutlit to this market." CALL AND EXAMINE Our stock. WE CHARGE NOTHING TO TKOW UOOD3. VALLEUYS A RUFFNEK. Builders, Attention ! LARGEST STOCK CP Sa "ST 'SI 12 23 BL EVER IN PLATTSMOUTH 1 KF.KSiiAW &. W AUG II Are now prepared to ftirni. b all sortsof building material ut i edi:ccd prices. Call and sco them. aag-Cdif SUNNYSIDE SAKPLE ROOM. THE BEST Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cf H ALWAYS RE HAD AT John Thomson's, MAIN STREET. NEAR SECOND. PfnttAinonlh, - Ie-rnLa. se bldtf. n. ROBERTSON, Wholesal Dealer ia Wines, Liquors, and Crandiea, DOU2LE AXCIfOH WIirSKIAS. C. Best quality cf Cigars on hand. All order proaitly attended la. MAIN STREET, Nearly opynsit Platte Tal'.ey IIie PLATTFMOl III, NEB. ctadtr PLATTE VALLEY SALOON. J. ii. TIIO-MTSON; Propnet, The Bar it Smite With the ChUtH WINES, LIQUOK.S, CIGARS, KTV. B. & M. H. H. H. Corner Maiiittnd Second tilreu, PLATTSMOUTif. J5IT TIIOJIMOTIT, Prop ,- , . I woit)d rf spe-t.'utly i:cf ui:ce to 'he p;-VHc that. ha'vii.R opened it lestui lent n ttc lt u -.i.i L!o W, 1 no.', no pre;'aied t boid b tin vr ! we a. Teaic all Moura, i -Va'iLa'-; IN ALL 3TYLk"3."v t or