1 . r-LAITSMOJT.I. r-Ef-'.rr.'XA. mi:iLSI.Y.... JAN. i J. I-7 .n i.n. - ! i :.n.1:.fCl lvnlnti:!.!. ; dnv. i'-.l!V. .5 !!! : VVj-- '- , . ... , n m:i tlx 0:L IT; ('onjrutvil.-.t-.vs "''- ! Ij0iMal:i:5 o:i th; i.!T,.-f.erlfy of th S:.!.. Ifi-' rc'.-.Ij't- of the .State trear- : a-v durinir tli veur were 1 ,0. j u'- UU1 -' ,,trm , ! Ti.e expenditure.- wore 1,.,U,'00, m- , .Jo-Kujj 4 IT-.V'O cxi'-nded towards '.Im , cf tl:e J uMi. d.-' t, re1.! 1'-" ! !! - a ' -va,urv of rl.l ' j , . , , . : , , ' , , uo .-tut,- ucU,s.l,- , j - j L:ib.i.ee in tin; t.vasur, Total amount oft Oe"A thi; c?;imn tVAIt. A Ncv York dispatch of the Uh .--ty.--: The .Sj.ani-h Cuban war in tid. ity amxcs hot. The 5?.a:.idi .',:i.-ul Mil :;'or lb Coiito, Kditor cf'aSt anMi J.:il,.'r, reecivtd aH.rfiyinov.:, tiotiiieat.ons that tbey w.u!d bo assa.s-ina'.ed. enie-r iLobcitj, Spanih .Minister at 7a-hin-ton. is id-.o to he put ottt of tlu way by cttin two well dres'-ed eiuuii-sari to d-e'V hiM into a dark corner. Accord - to tha llieronisti. tho Cuban junta t has arranged a'.! this i 'oody wo: k :n m crtt M-i'i.,11. Meanwhile there is a re port of the sueci .-ful dopavture t f an other expedition for Cuba, v. it li plenty of arms and powder. The remaining u:ibcats belonging to Spain were expected to g t o'ft rur reamer iMlowing, lor the purpo.-e ,. . , takm? care d the 1 nban et ui: t rs. a war 01 - ? TESfVB 5oJMK(rS .V i:.SS ii il. ... . ! ,overnor 3iet.urg s ;',';--c.1,(;.(. tet.ti'Mi to the poacd'-.d condition ol th , Si ite :tnd v;ew ' tlii l';e-t a-k. tut j Si ite and i vvw of this l;4ft a-k. tue I ron-id ration of the cxpedieney of re- ! e ,, . : m,vmg the pol.t.eal d.s.omnes of tho-e , wh luiti.ipated in the re! He don't think It wee-.nrv tf amend the i t't t" m ,iVr' thi"-- '- lb' "M-iti- ' T"- ' "r'.!' mi' 1 tirth- li-Uture i tir.ioii now proM.. s .-..u tm. iciaiuie , u:,y ..-move ,uei. dl.-abihiies alter Janu- : ary" !.-r. 1-71. He ice mi.ien Is that this j , ' " , ,..( ,;: ,,1 ;,,,',,.! ! 'V 1 a t o. o 1 1 i 1 i.sc e .-. mi 1.1 1 . .1 1 ' ... .. .. e . i ' ' ' ' ' . - 1 . ; ..,i,va s ..o.t U.b .0 uia-.iau.lr:at e.-lo; , the l.-i-I.Mre may run, in p:.t at .ea.-t, I .. iUc. He . .-piloses a ooaven-. .t . " ,1... eeilk,. ! t i ,,1 ,, ..,, ., t e ico- I , iu eoio.u. 110, s.o.n.i.l.n,, . i'-e 1 . I l'e th" i -ooodl'un t . all--'..' me: e to : "- ' ... ,." .I,! ote, and an, li.i." sinking out lroxu t,.e con-titution what h known as th-? -jo:ibi..h.di;ic:.,Hse. The debt of the State i.J ciLV-' 1. 00 .01 w ... Th.i general Cnaaelal condition is fa- v.-:.hL. bnt the Governor uws stria ! eeonoiev. HtiI.KO.tz i'iax.itisiioiil'oilti. ! . -r,:v. .. i j . '!. I rdaine. and all so! iic rs di.-ab!- d a::-! ho!t ' " j c iab!.- di . liireeh are liable to the e Tli lie annual pro- ing since 1SJ7 the coinincneement va' i in the coa.-tr'.tctior. eft lib tJnutile rail- ; roa-h at (J'lliK, Ma-achu-ctts, to the ; resent tmi2 is table: shown in tho ibiIo"..:i. Vw, J.s no 1S.11 ls.12 IV.. H. t 1 S. i-I ; S '. 1 3 - ; i iti IsiU I. -tt w ; Mile-. 2S a 1 :l t .- is;.. IV,. 1 lVd lSVJ lsV 1S.-.4 1 v.:, hv. Is..; t!7." : s..: j iris 1'.. ' ' I I 1.1 : .-, I l.l.l I 1-5S l.sl.i !! l.l'.". f ls.o J.I I 1-d r.'-; V'J.U: ! 1-e.j lor-i is..". 1-uv, :--b' i iii;, ! 4i:t !. Ill 4.022; !.;i2 , liv,; ! i :.y. W.s .s2 l- . ilis 'r..-,' 1 j,;.o Citv Pa-en-cr UaiWL HAt 11- ' eluded in the above summary. Thc.-e ! . . n i i i are now in gon-.-iai n.-e in a.i eoiisMcrame ; itics, and in tann-rotis instances in vines, .in-, in .'..? ... : , , , i- . i ....v "i i ii; i; n-.i.ii civ.'.;c-m. i .-..11 , , . . , . i p oved m tne oiistruetion ot tne woi ;c. ; 1, .,.-. 1 ,,; t:, , . . ,t ... .1 . ii'.ircs ' i.'iv r ui.", I't'i.'' 1 ; 1- - d.-ii-f ' i .1 1 -. , ! iOii'i 1 be buiit ug as list a. tne weather p. .00 a.i. iv. 1 01 ...... .1.. .... .. a ii-1 i ie the town -and vp-mitv a r.'id : , n-i ; . . 1 ,, . ,1 , ... JWtoii, New York, Ibooklyu and Phil-I bus ni'ss appearan-e. We met Cyms WiWf 1 th-t ebureb a l-Ipbia eon-ittia-irstieet railr-.a l tracks j WoodnK-n, Vf one of the heaviest . .,-att'.'' of theattti. bint d m-er of ' S -lily hundreds of u.lles. Probably the to- ",r"It r".-lA "l'int-n hp oM.on- Th, ,;;,,e ...wails there. ' 131 " 111,1 railroad ligure.. Also, Paul II ah Trims- ; ,. ' " m-.. ...ag uie ue loar- ee-e coa- i ; tr.ir,;, :.n. future IVesideiit of the U. rosrrvsATi:.' ' v'!-" -i:-"r" ;!"- ,"'Hi'e i T.: '.W:T,,j a,i I,-1 ''V1'! ' Ho was not appointed P!attinoiiti have secured in this city a adv:uic';n-n: . will, tin iv li .1..... .0.....; sii.i (ujii . . 11 lit- t. cu ll... , , .....! , ... .: 1 Mv 11. .ti ixv i.'.'iiiv. , ,1 a 1 . , v; Ol.U Ml Cn'ouic!" li.'ea'isc it has d..;cd to men . i, . l o l .... r ... .i... c. l ...... .. l .... i-...... : t.'.'.i ity .ii v ,. v ini.c; .1 ...... .''.i .... j..:.. ..... , , , " , 1 winch fact has 1 eeu l.a own for a long Plattsu-oath." and rice tr.i We are sorrv to think thnt smv jiirm in ..l.rri-.:.- i . j - - - is o very narrow minded as the Above tcnten.-e v,ou! 1 indicate, and more espe cially that a man pro feeing to instruct t.rt ...ll.'t,. tnr.,11.!. .,n.-l;,... of a newspaper, shoiii have su. h ; r inlriew centraeted idea ef public albai; s. c have sometimes, wonoeied at certain .,,1. ..:,.,-..f tl,.. 1 ... i laannestiit.oUi oi tue i n.., t ut nereai- , , ., . ter.-uau wonaer ar n- in we tea .' see m its co.uuiiis. We doubt not the many viru'.ent attacks made up,.;i tb.e C r-, u- j Prt., that ail I'.'arls of the Statu 'nn-.y i . is lbrtunate enough to : . i .1 IV1:;" J""':l-:'i I !. 1 . 'Tth . -.'Xl I" tl' tiew Lutheranchurchat llagars- tb; se.V,esfd'a newspaper I : l' i V' "..'V.::'.-n -i in raets, and re-stocked both Md., a large hand is painted on ad e. ...:-uid orgam Her V r'.f- . . " l ., . lin- tb- -b-a-.l im-I W t...r V-o...- the wall m the vestibule, i.ointing down 1 s a-piratio is ,-' " ." ? ' ' 1 V ' 1 ! The ('., 1.,, .'n'u'Su.l woP I to a spot otm w.ththe.nseription, 'please e i. vlded iVen, this ' " : I'ons.;,.o , os.uons a a -o:,, ; . - - ; 7,;., " leave yotir P.ibaeeo there." fV'T ar;.'! ;.'-ii '.1'; '1 1 ,C " V t" wh.mi we are ind.-bted f'.r much val- , -N,"!a;ivl ( '0'' Vith -'-'"-es ; teruoon last, that there were more ska- n Tr. . j3;. 'I .I-.?, , V 'V'T1' ; uable inti.rmarion. He is a business m..u iU1(1 i .-' chan res, and nu- j ters on a pond near than there were ..re- and a (,td t.,.j.r,.,n u-id J... dnoyi j , Tl,;J proved bumes of the Company are 1 sent to hear him preach. riSutJulh,-!',-,;. ; raaroad i, a i.-t a!uab:e mvitut: n b.r ;'-;. v - ' , A oupb: iuTroy had a dimt.on Fri- Th -..sir i-,.rr rf ... j,,.,:,. i :-'' ts5.v or.oiii.try. auo we regard l- o , t i .'?' v ...... p- , uj..i,t wh.-.her thev shonld hive a ill'' J-oe m.istei ! , i . c... 1 1 at lo .. . t .... b , - ..rf' .! o. , an i ;, e "pen t tue mteiv.-is. o! hi- . li- - - . , .. - ., . . . . . , . ...-.o.j. .... .on o- -i .-.v.. I.,..- -., . . ., ... .. . 'oi.-.- or a ttr.kev for tlieir ( iristmas ia fO.n i.-.l ;.o a t.n-i.' t. .e.v t.i i c-, .... t , I'l-'xeis, us v;i its m me ll'.H ItiUllue ol t'n.e to the iutei!ie..;.t pi r-verywhre j of rib.::.-. Tho t iciicral is pr..viu r a ' . a .. i x t . . v j i . t ... a i. i , .f ...... t ., ,i . .i ...... .,..,..-! evep. a. eoiaa wirj. iui now is u ; j ; ; T'., V l.'o'.i.i I ' ali-Jired by the tpatiidi Miuist- r to bo a ! cvitrs, or half the existing rate, with -the many liimd.; and ae-iu-uat- j vplJ "tl'"a ' V'' it istaud that a Comfortable familv residences can be a nee ' of Billy in and about Platts- j M:.IlV .... I hup-ovement s -,re iu, b-r 1 1 !:U'' - bevemiu Lutier I . - tvu j ,-enVd in Houston, Texas, at from ten mouth? 1V thov am-e with him that a i wav. :u 1 the town pr.nni-o t d. ruble its ' ?:n: '!,1W!l io-m ( nai.e.-tm with tne , t0 lifteeu dollars per month Store -bad mi. re-ion is made ibr Nebraska I '"-Vnt population within th. next year. I ! 1-m1 :uoan' 50 ror.m, are al.ertid at fifteen dollars Citv cverv time a cooi one is unt ie Ibr ! UV iil.t!u' l ( i' 'v ! ' ' . j Vn.lu wiihout securing an apph- e'ehavead :riseu fro-n t'l--i-t that llo'.- tw.-.-u ins n-.i .w-i-ttuons r.n-l husc... . h ju.---s ph-a-antiv :tttate-I. :.nd :: thine T ,. - x- , , . ULinn.J.i..ieoiiiu.ji.i...i.ui..i.i..... . , . ..i,.,i-. , . y . .. . ; , ,. b ... . . .,, , i . , , Tn a 1 r written m November la.-t b believes in a mini the she of a enat, eye. i ,. V;; 'V V, .; .; ) ) V 1 , pr ..v , 1 1 l,e, , s . , 1 ,i t . .t.v-s. T , K. M.,-l,ead, of Pictigh t i i , ... x- , , i l' V'1'-'-" 1.1.-O..S ti. .... ..... , e , ..ut r.n.r..'jn v.liat v,.: ..Ir. 1 nay- . ... v .:...?.. waicu eauuoi u,ie.::i:i: now .t : r .s:.-: ,,.;.v.- make any as pleasa-.t as ti.. i ,r w mid c.inv out his idan. hat i: is at 1 .'J V . w - i 1 1 Citv and Piattsmouth can both grow and twhieh have bou-vl him here; h- w ill : a!l- r;lte. woilh in.puiilmr into. -V Y. ';:;-V::;' tf "f" 1 U) hJ k' praet'e.' i-i .i -. h-ive i-w iri- n bh:os to f-ii ! ;r n : ' " ' i.nd his lumte I income on amount ot prosper, while the IkrviiuU: a.ssaiaes a j "t4 l- rt iU- i"f- lo ' " " : ''. j ....-..., ,., .,.r,i,,,,t;Vn nmn.-i-tv i i , ,.! wnrdi can t-Vv-r be as elese a th-.so h- n. ,,. ,.t ...,,.,. i , i ,. , i ,. m.p.ouuc ti c propcrti, makes position beyond th- om; rc-h.er.s;ou ot , j. . j u j .M ,,, , .. ' iwcittj i-;er-A o.en .tie sai l w .-ica Iv ; of M-or,p: --r.ifts have fre- Mih iatelhet as that exhibited ia the ; i,'..'. ,"i "'L.r' . ',.,,..'.1 ' :Ci"h. X ; t0,.nn:.t.li ,u tb:au:.:nig a uistmc. I mver-. ,;!Jt,nt!v ,.,.. pro,,oscd. but you know me ctoiv aiu iuosi'r at tne me time im.i " , .": , ... . ........... ... , , ,m.1,.;i.ii . ui ,;.,.,. t , , . x- , , f..t vrlikh ho hus cxorti'.! a pari .-1 3ms poor ! T"1-1,1 :!'ut .0 ,Ui,-..t! ihc .-liiods that it can da good to vlraka Cny al.i:itv :,. fm-thin- thiiitvits oi' the ! ls!;:,ut kuiJ now hvinj grown ex without Joiui injury to rinttsuioutli or j State. totisivi-ly tliu-rt?. other htf ality. We tl uht not the i In hi lV.r.s iroo.l-l.ye to his roa lvT ati-I ; The total numlxr of h'tii'litiirs eri'L-ted tliiercncc ol opinion, on thi- suhioct. as ; ration . an l to the ..o.l )eo;ilo whom I or herun ia Nmv York city, during tue cxeatp!icd in the two papers. ' h the j h'' 1- tuown so Ion.?; h-: Ur.. to assure pa-t year, is 325. reason why the Chrvr.i-U U eon-.' red tLem,,,lut he -0V0J !,,aVc a hvc5r.re: I A Wd of b-autiful vi.,l,ts ure in full rea.on wuj tut. i 11.. . ,.,.,,,, ot their fori carancv. kind LI-.oiu iu a vard in .cw Loudon, Conn, tho superior paper in all parts of the eiu-oni- rciuent, and material assistance : T, n , t 1 Mn (,1V,. , , 1 . 1 1 i . ' .1.1111 -'i Aiic trroutiu lutsiii.t l.-een eoereu witn State, aud why it liass i-ueh an extensive and w.ii ever nrav that health, hat ju-1 ,.- , . 1 - . 1 . , , 1 1 , , - t.t . 1 1 1 snow m iiiehiiU'U l, a., tnis vintv.-r. circulation throusliout the Statt. A pa- n,s- :,IK' t''"-inaant weaitu may Le their ', . . ., , i Li't t rui'ililii'' S'l.it. i .n'i Cieo. i. rreiitn-e .s present serious il!- per assun:ing that every strike made at l0 u h wU- f'--'-'t-1- ,;! r-e,uks jVoiJ1 .IU .. aaiua of some other locality is a link in favor of its own town, and that every word oin-f.-mra.'.-ment extended to other localities ii a lick acainst its own town eami'.t ex- j pent a decent sized circulation, either at j :ou:c or abroad. 1 ii...- !' .'.levin,.' in th-3 XJ.ra; ka City CniM.'v'e, a'j.or th-j j.rv-. llli'-i : k" I Auf - duy: , i'j.-'Iut'..'ri I .l.-.st Hlg tiu: J'rt'.-Mill.T JU 1L- Ol Ull-i . . . ..1 1 roiumiiir ail --.u!ty vai-t-.i to Lj ic :i m', ' ::, f 5. ...... P,.. ,,,.! :...u.aV;cr hear all su-! eases in oion I e - .nt ext-crt jiuc very intricate on.-a j v.viiij - l;,n: i'-omits. . , j On ihu ul.jcct a lull esj.rc.-M-.tiot the. WM ol,uhK.a :in,, thu re?M,julj,.n v::, ; voU.,i ,.on ,y a 0te of lour i:i fau-r to ! v.it'. l ii :ia:i!. it apouivd, to Le the opinion of ; inajonty th.;ttLepraoti-.-j -t taking U.-'.i- i 1UMJy (railyj in v vn l.uurti sv;!, ;l iu,t. , nd ur-.-afe plan, Oiitiarj to ood j-rae- ' tic'; and the Wnd'eacy of tho L-o.tt ou u its ! thr-iii hout tn: l.iu J, anu ;t i-ii.ti wtiicu ' "iiL'Lt to be -i: -.-,. untt bv a. i ' awyei a;d lovers ol juu SI X Ifiii tit-si i tulo Sll'.f iirti-1 i jut llif.i:i iukt I. ! Fr-.-ia ti; New Y-.ak Tribune . V ..t,.r,I ,v :.n oM !:. :- uol 1 '.M.ite, hair ami haltlog g;.it api.bed to the Ji I dies Ln'.on Keller Association lor a;J, . te, . .. , !. .... Kr. . -,v,. 1.: . teioii a jiKi.ilio .-toi. lie ;ae lir- i n;.n:e"as Patrick Cahiil, and said -hat he I had that moruiiig been turned a-.vay, j witu li teen other feO...:ei-. ii.mi toe Ki;i: county :hm -iiou.-e at 1 Jatnu-u. Aiier breaktas-. Mr. 31 in ray. the War den, called up i-i:.;ecu of tho inmaWs', all of whom had seen :.-ervico unji.r the '-:u- audboro.-al ci.lui.-es . j of it in the empty dceves ami cauu dies, 'and nitornied tiicin that .Mr. i.'elaii"y, , Uie -4lir,.ri,ltell.Jt.lU t,f,w p0,,r hi JJrook- 4,:. -....,( . f,,-.. -.,.f vuVu v,... lo tl.e. r :.:i.teu, in .-an ie.; t 'jeei'iimg tl;e d' thi, ht.r-Ji a-ii- n he replied: Y,.,u so!J., r; i..-t leave here Lecau-e V'jii are Jlep;iS!ieaii-i and te.l I'm Ki Viii are Ht p-.iS.i. an-- a:;d v .ted :be lie- j V'1:'" . - j-'l '-- ! -dr. Murray that hr had iu 100 uev. 1 if j,,. ,v;ls ,j tUi w;'iV w,.uj. ;;!;iv0 a!l 4;r k..no;vn. '.'dr. j Murray replietl that he couldn't h.-lp i that, he m.i.-t talk to Mr. 1 e!am y. So i iL- l't;or i"cilovs 'V'1,5 col,"I,v!1,-"lkt- 'I'' I a. , . L.li:t,e;s... uu, homeless. Oar m- -...t a, at t,e Catharine i-treet Kerry lot passage owr to N.'W V ;r!M but j was deiil'-d udmitiaiuv. H j tb-:i '.' . l.t , ,, . , , . . to the I ahou ivviy wh.-;. he n.-t witn ' to the I Mboii 1 my wh-v.. h !!.' witn ; ;,...,s u the Soutii I--rry aj U!a:i cavo him a ticket, and he; came to this city, where heat Mice ..b- taiue t reli-f. Mr. Cahlll . -li t el in "ol 1 . .. 1 .. 1 :l tliree .in i.'.n ' r.g.n;. -n. . an-1 se. ci - .iji';! t!ie e-.' li::!. j:i i-f the tci" ::. v.dic'l i 1 ..,.... ,1 "), ...... J 1.., , o , V'.I " V I c:,.,,te,l 1:1 the Ulivg.r.ient u:r m.- ; t:tnud in t u ,ar iin:.. tli : sunvn l ;r ot 1 is:: - 1 lid ltt!;r;;:r -nS to his hon.e cai : vh, wit li him the Bvar. of eleven we and.--. Kriends t-.d.ing aninrerest ia his welfare, have w.iten to ashiiite;i '' r his di.v'iarce. There ! . ' ;io 11 -Vli- 'l ' ''L i.v aa....e, v. ;s. ; anoti.-?i' . 1 one in Auau j A 1 1 V many ,0 tj.!us relieve! ..fn td 'ltd lie' n'VoV tliJtr cx- i i v a i.o,r r i-tcnee. V 3"!. Iii- Vlit tit f!i.J?s7uo-.s;'.j o il i' ppe. i in "ii our ti leu1 1 :u 1 latl.-- j ,,,..!. S-,lnr..,v I.-f -....I .!..;:,.'-. . . 1 b: i'.-f stay, took a general sumin.try of j the raihoad and other in,: rovements. now in progress, in that live v little cite. . , ,. , ... ,, . . . , i..4-'. i v- ' , . ,. . , ',, (, j st.iu httle fellow tried to coninnt '. J...0.0 i e iotiui our end iriend, Ilalhawae, .... ,. -i along side of wliom we have jylcked'' b.ecuiiti' big "icows' noee. More r r , type, in i avs ot yore, unvini' a v::'orous i .V..l:,;:!,, .!, ir.n.T.l ,. V..b I,., !,,J.,OM i ijmij vn inv. jzli ui i,, n iii1. ii in.; mui up, in the space tf live yars, to an c::- ! viable to ition anions the iieAsi.apers of i th.i V. o.-t. The JUrnld U pr -sp-rin with a generotw aid from ;he i;y, ibr 1 which it lias so earnestly la b-nrcd. , li- & '.;r..a.i have coinj leLco , '.h.-iriuio to t-.e ea.-t bank . !' th ii'.-.-, j It V " 1 II ir iineia tue ;o- : t - 1 I ',..!! ti J-.m-Ol.!. i 1: V.'or : : !;,;, ru;ui js tf a meet eabst....ti:d chara.-itr, i .... i : . i. . .. i... i t ii.. i 1 ; j ' i-- ."g i'usu-i i.q ki a., .yn. i i Thre. .. oinoti ve.s are coustaniiv cm We nu t Win. V. Hrown. il-e. ' iOWi :-id a visit to ihe o.!be of the -orv-ycr tien-ia!, ot ls-vi-a-, ih -aii t , ,. , . , . and b.w-a. and be ud it pl -a am! . l- a- u.,. :, , ( p; -.r,, ; ,,. .,, ; ;,-. i., ; E!iI ,..,!,. id - .' uiueh to tiie cre::t St-o.. ..!' V 1-, tl... r-.t.M tl,.... Ii..iil'11'..r .'It.- .. T - I n...'i .-l.i ii I.'. .1:0 .t-ueuf NVb.a.ka, hi the r:.pblu.-v,-I..p- merit of wbi.h v,- aie ai! so vitally ii.le- rcstcl-AW.. Cry Cl.od, !,. rr7rn77. a ii..i 9s.oia:.. oi' t' ,.;t; .,.. . t 1 in ..'! ti. "n- i i..v o'.i... .1- '-I Jjin..o..t in !,:.. ., !.,.!. ..,..1 ... t'. ., V.,. - - - ' t i... O I.. I T. . T tiK. 'V.. ..jV" c.,. We .1:;;-' bsi p.v.-euted Abix with i. in.i.n f.-i . :' eveiree i -e ; watt h as a t.-.-tnu . ny o. tn-:r in. i. b-np. ( lae i'ee:pient ln.ruiv knows m v.iia , , , - , . , terms ?o t xpress bis t barks lor tie' te-i : :. -".1 l.T " , . tne l'vieipient m.r.ny knows m want ' x press his i harks i )r tie- te-i;- ..no:.!: bc.t a.-.-.-ot.-, t as an .--vi.b-i!.- .'. th, fe! ual cxi-tenee of the good ibellmr ; ne b:i-ver end.iayored to .-uitivate Le- , ns n : tw-i-ituons an-i i.usc.:. tiwc r I .- jcuvl t" am; ;.:irt A' ;is j-Jo i a- lie is -.I tlu" rust l:rti.-.'ti vears. m Forty church fairs nre rnimia in tho retail Hade of 1 'hi'.a ie'phia. i ha ,i ievis btevc-ns was pis.-ionate!y fc-uJ of uuisic, although, as he said, he'd be handed if he knew ca2 t:.e iVoni another. . I ...t 'I. .. . . ! w . . . f . I. 1 Ml -O IV i?j t ! "I 11,1 I ... I 1 .1. . 1 .... ;-.... 11 ' .... : 1 : 11.1 . I : r 111 j ,111111,11 on S11.1. ..I. lit'!-. Mill ir TV ... it : I11.....I..1 ... H'. . 'I I . i i OUIt I3KLLEVUB LETTER. Kai!r - ril ir-.j-.;- ;-Jo!ti:;--.r 't.Tii K. I!. k'': ' 1 Si !?(.: i.it-i J:iutuovi'ii: i l.aw I!::, IlK:;AU:-!ia-.ir,' no U-.l i,n.rr ,.,ur .:.,ui;l.n.-.:i:y, an-t notl.m-t. d- to - day. I will drop you a few lines in r :.if;n to our city and the county in gene- !.it;.n to our city and the county m gen r:ii, hotfttr it may intercut sonic of you , 1 - reader.. '" ra:!ro:;d ; V f.-:r- : ! L iu nl T!o-r-' uth'v sf :in . 111 be ra h d j t ,A, :..t t!l, i..,t., ,..d ti:o 1 . . , . , e cars rrf.iM.-r into the cry hy the Joth ol IVhruarj, 17'. 'I his road is bo:n r ,,,,.,,..) ;:,;-,val ir:.:it, r rapi hty ,i , . i n . are aware o; Ourcitv s impiovmg very r.iji.diy. e o.ive in t f!i!-!:e 1 a !a:-e briek sehool houe, costing the di?uiet al.oul v ."!'. i'-b-t-din the- furniture. The bulldiii-' is two f 1.:,! ...1 r.fi-m-.. f'...f ...i-irr well ventillated, and will seat about 17, pupils very comfortably. It is intended for a g:a le I eloo!, wit!i three dej-art- ti's. with a rei-nah' n r- om fjr cacn ,1, .,,,-.,'. J'ul.l:e s-hool was openee . . , , -,r , ,,- .. , ri i m it on la-t ?IondavT (Jan. .id;, iiu . t pros :.t prI:.-ipa!-.M.r. Avery 1- 1 :e , a M-ho!ar and . iitleinau. an-.i under his ll.:1I!:il,v.,0,it tt;(. ..dc.dars should become ing a thriving Lusin. II. T. c.;,k. fcl- th-'iirm of C'.aik & Uro., is i j to his eyes in railroad hu-incss ; he is a geuth'ir.an in every seme of the word. Mr. J. A'auce L 'wis. of vour f oe.rihioL' cite, is about locating with n-:. He ap- ar.: to l. lain o( ri'!Miem. nt, a-ia 1-? oa:.o::ig li:t-el up a goo 1 f rue- ti-e. l!u is at prv-vnt en.Mge I in get- , e t bookw V nice y " ay 1 t t 00k Aa .a t,ir,,,1l 1 P'! K1 -u':Uc lliat h-! u"Jt-'r ."tar. 1- i.t litsin.--.--. The in- rea-e of our count v in valua- tion i- about one-third i,,m than it was , t , , ,. . , . ..... . : lt t -v0:,r; a,J 1 V": at , " voting popuia'.-e'J. I thimc by the ?io;t m ui. : id ti.ei we will 1 e-able to ,:), a ,,.,l , H;,,:, :n: , h'ni-ell' up a goo 1 j ::i ,,; a ,,,,.1 . ,.; uy I , , ;. ; '. .., ,' . ' ", ! J1 ": ' ' i the m. r. 1- 1-r the p:i-t two cr three ' w.. k..'. 1 n.1'. e has -i a trial volng en , ;ii;;0 our i'iv'-at- o u dee Janie., . atf en dative ol lortv. One familv alone ., . . ,, , ,. ! f..-,;,'c : .. -,.,0. on v.Vv' Oo'.V 1 .S a -.-.-!.. fiel oa'.tet.., t.;C i - '--I "I- , .. t d, 1 i"f. -,,.,",;.. ! IL 12 li tllJ louehlll- obltltary of Cal- I--J t Uu, .... )--y t .... i f ni";i. ( rvii: "Ite.rDoi: U no more: tr: a li..:.:i.. It appears t.: t-u- j y.u ,,a h.;, ;t;.' 11 ::'t';.''i;!:" .lul;;!, y- ws d.tn., the "x :- - 5-' an-: big "i-ho'v i-roUt'lit ; j4ohday a-on, is said to both: most lattery." The : "ml defendant j 'ti .-pr.-aUing t oviiiseives o.s tna- ui 1 ro:ir and be!-h r.. ,i, l : e' , . . ,t tp i ; ;!. ;. ne; :.--s .... ! . i i u r ao out i d. . 1 V'"- c'r Kl ' ' r L - G" T- ' .-a:.oi j:.:vvj.r.t and in his o; enine remarks ; tl. .: d.t he vas -..in" to eive us a teni- .l ; ,.- J - t T . i I . . i j i ! . 1 . . 'i 11.'. ' , r rr. . ., , , , . tat0 01 toiilOlS ll-j Ucl'HOt.l til! .State of Nebraska ag.iin.-.b one ef the ,f.,i.t ,.-l,.,.r t' .l.;..n .-non )".'. sj mx a r.. Items from ttic z.i:iln Htate:.ut. v.-n.e:....;.r or si:-: mile: ol the 15. & ! M- ih U. tia.-k are i.-omp!eted, and in j use. i be pre.-r;:.. warm weather is U- j Vv!1,-" -, the woisi wn. pttsi.e-J rapuiy. .ews: aper- neutral m religion an-.l nohttcis a:e u- ualiy so, leea e. e they know rit'.'l eiir ot .' ..;?....-. ;r, of t 10 luu-r. . I The Ch:i.-t:ai brethren have the IV am. work r.f th?ir i-hurca erected, an I will hiisiness at Planum. .nth. Tbe Coi-ijniny j travelers. A t'uL.iii 1-ri v:x:M-r i:i .liiiri-2t a :t NVa A Washi-: :;..!! disoat. h. da; A ve-:.-el arrived in th-- harbor e.-t.-i -b. v. . There i a .uood ulya at the buttoju f tne !. nt mt ; o tm-o.i into the Senate by ;' m,,! into the Senate -y ! - hayer. , pro: o e.i to ametm tue i Ih.;.it-sie:i.l aws ,o as to reouuv the s ,!:!;!:!:'-'" t ,trt'.v V:! ,h":;;Tl0iul i i: i nils, iiu: it-. ct ol su.!. a ni.a-i'.re' . iii . ,i . wo-.;!. I J.-e io t-eni .tt tu.-t o.;::trvini:i rii-"- i . r.. .i . " .. . v- I'i s wl.'-iv tini.'i- r is se.ir.-e .1, inld be i-tyi: g up wah'i f..:- j u i n c a: a s'.na.i n ; Mr trou.oie t ..ur- : -. bv i ',.! iii-r i I.-,-, to-...- n-.tldii-' I . .... ... S. 0f th.- si. b -r v;... b .,, ul ! be a 'I rd-d f.,r .... l ;"es m. ' ess wi. ' ii ,.....,! I ' .. ...1 ,,. .. ... . 1 ' he la-t point ma v m ,. f a.-.--.-nr. ' but m .st people je. t'.r t j -have th.-ir ! Thi.' cult. !i ci: ol' Texas this veur will the heart. 1'ev. Henry Moreliouse, the younir evangelist, is giving liiblo lessons ia Cin cinnati. A Scotch clertrynian calls Mrs. Stowe a ''volunteer moral Mr.'. Cakrai't." Nl.lM . llUIt.li l.l J.liivil.' i N!.raka l ity, N-.i-raska, Jan. -1, i:. -'. J 7T. 7 r.ttttWr.. ile i! Est itn Act Us tvi'l H,td k. .cn 'the ,s'fj av- IJ..:jo; about to i-u- a pamidiL-t on tl.e rc,ounv ;..;! ra.-ka, i.,r jrcnora! h ha,u.tri ,;u.teiliJ;nc,l to publish a li. t of mi -h liat.kcrf, Ileal J-l-tate Agents and Hotel Kt'i'i-ers as shall forward their namo.s an 1 510 caen to trie oiuuii.!:o;ie witiiin the next three week- the money Mr- ruing from s';e!i publication to be :o! i-'d to the ImniTatioii lmd for the i:,. iea-e of the number of pamphlets; & ' K-.ch one fbnvardin- the aUv, aruoinit wol he iurnuhed with a hinitc. Imni,vr ol- nul, hj,:Li fof their own pri vu.0 lly,. Jh' form iu which thv'si names will be arranged, will Le as fol J'...eh one tjiwanling the above lows: . I5ANKKRS IN NKIJASKA. .VcWa City. O'oe t':i".!iv -Vatie'RaL I). S. MeCann i Co. J. A. "A'are. James .Sweet A; Co. OlW'Jl'.t. Millard. Caldwell & Co. IlKAIi K.-TATK AtJENTS IN Ml U it ASK A. OmuJut. A1 ',rask'i City. Ik M. Uiiveni-'jit. Linoihi. Crepsy, T.aiu & Co. UOiKLS IN NEIUiASKA. Atvrood lfou.-c, l'ro., $ ier day. 2i"tbrnka City. Zvyniwr Ifoxts.;, Pr. Urinker, Propria- Ciuciiviati Jl- '.i-e, Hamlin & Ilrown l'ro- p.n. ..-. r.--j 00 per uav. H'.'! y the address of eiudi one and uothing ols.e. No cards wul be allowed, u; tic hl:t ,nust ot be used to ad- verti.-e one seetion or one firm to the prejudice of others. 1 would Fpoeially re piest each newsna- 1'! t in the State to copy this notice and direct the attention ui all parties mte- roMod thereto. (Tr.ib S. Al.KXANDKIt, Com. 1 '.niuigration, Neb" Citv. 7 ' ' ' 1 111,1 - ' 1 "' In the citv of London there is t-nlv on Meth.-.-iist riinl-'ter to every oLUMJ 0 i2:habita!:ts. CV-prt. Nevada, has a school, witli an briiii.mt t'u ro'ihfare in the world. Not'.vii h-laiehng the tenant-right ex- it -nient, the value of laud iu Ireland is no: elepreciaiine-. .Jone (... Saxe say.s that -diunian life is Yotk cr Lond,:i at niiddav. V Bo-Ionian, visiting Piatt smotith ": l; r , rr! ,sVl!?,' &"I'i':J-in !t W ls uxiuhi .,u:.a.o bud. A German savaii has discovered that ; a be lira.", a.ter Mttng ,'!) tnuos. beeius to lib...;;, and luoe away. An I!!i'ioisa;i is in Washimrto after a elf:.-.' with a petition ninety feet long. Jlxc!- '.nyc. I b.rc.ifter the public debt statement will he printed in three di iferent languagee; ll'!gh.:h, I'rench ami German. The Brooklyn Common Council presen ted eaeii of tlie newvpaper reporters uf that city with a Christinas profit cf liftv dollars. There will probablv he b.i,,n miles 0f Railroa 1 in operation in this country t!; , f,ivWe 0f the centurv. Nearlv 'ng;,;-; .; JS are now ooerated. Tl.-r j-k .r...:...,.; ; tl,TT si ...' ,;. uVo n.l.'r vows' of ..olibiv . i . . 1 - an , p ei t: , .yj-j nunneries oi various g.a'.es. 'i'liV' C tho::-alid letters from fyols to New York swindling firms have already aceunirdated at the dead letter oiliee, under the reeeut order of Mr. Crc-.-well. .n.oiig the applicant for positions ia the New York Cu.-tom-House, last week amis I'.'.niai i ratr, tne ureat .mencan A c'ereynian in Southbribee, Ma.ss., dinner, an. lir t aden by t'.ie man nearly killing lii- wife with a shovel. After New Year's day, all letters dis-p-tehed tVoni this (.-oiintry to (treat J.ri tai.ian l Ireland, if they weigh not over !e:M an oun'-". will tie cliarL'cil but tix The bo-1y of no person that lias been j ,lro,vn.. a 5i; h:i,e Tailoe. Cal., has ever . ,,( ,iU.fi,ce. Xhe Carson .li- , (,f j,,.. no aPPearan.-e of " i there . i . i i . ia lew .::vs le.oie. lias bcni diseov . , 1 ClVil. Ti.e ihu -diui ''Needle nun" has a mrmi t ilee rival m tint Jvnite U tin. the fv bree.d:-l.'-.a-ler invented bv Tb-rr " M.-.vbof.-r. of Kansehew. At a recent Tri'ii ei Mi eMiiTir. iwenrv- vi roii'i-K. .:.. c..l 1 . ..; f V 1 J. iired off per minute. The ball pene- trate.s at a distance of 2.000 yards. to v.r'll cnotioh, that I would rather s-rve as niu'ht yatchtnan, or occuj.j- six feet in a eenietrv, than to be anv man's mendi cant." A student of Ann Arbor. Michigan," hiiviiiL.- r-roiiarked that men had more en durance than. women, a lady present an swered that s1k would like to see the thirteen hundred youn.T men in the Uni versity laeed up in steel-ribbed corsets, with hoops, heavy skirts, trails, hiirh heels, piiii'iiers. chignons and dozens of hair-pins sticking in their scalps, cooped up in the house year after year, with no exhilara'iti t exercise, no hopes, aims, nor ambitions in life, and see if they could stand it as well as the girls. Noth ing, said she, but the fact that women, like cats, have nine lives, enables theiri to survive the present regime to which custom (looms the sex. Third Street, South of Main, PJ.iUsiuoh!!), IVeb. CONFECTIONEKIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and Sweet Crackers. REFRESIIJIEXTS kept on han l at all times, r.rv.f OUTHMAN A IIUBItHTY. Icgitl iolice. In tae Di-uii-t t.'ouif. 21 .Tu.lU-iul Tiitrk-t within uii'l tor Ca.;s C'uuuty Nebrask;!, Ji.hii W'ri-jht 5 Wiiliaia Abii:i-'. Ann Saiita. J.itl'A l.-.:ns and the heir- ol'Malikla lb,i;.-on. bcinp Je?se Mob son. illiiim lloUsuii.Uachcl Ututry an-1 Kliza b.lh VVciithtTinim. The above iiame J non-rosiJcnt U'fenlants will tjko m.tii-o that .Pihii Wri!.t .m tin- -0 ;biy of Pi-ccnilu'i- l1-'. tii'-'d bis fttitiou in the Uistrict Court ol the 21 Jiulk-hil listri t within un l lor Cass .-aunty. Nchiuska. the ot'.b-ct ati'l prayer ut whieli petition is to oi.tain :i de.-ree tleelariiis n i-rtaimlct.-tl maila by I.yilia Vrij:ht to .loh.ii Wi ii-'ht. on or ai.v.ut th 21tlay ot Xoveml.er ISim. lor the X li of the X '.r U of seetion :to in towuship 12 north, ranne P! K., in Cass eounty .Neb., for an express e(ni'!eralion of j!0. vali'l in law nn'l enii!y. and lo!uriiiK you nn.t eaeh of voti from amv ritrht interest or claim us heirs of LyJia Vrinht to sai.l traet of land. nii prayiiiB that the title to said tract of land may be ituiete 1 ami confirmed insuid John Wright, vou are re'i'iirel to an-iwer sai l petition on or leloro t'e't-"UI.SHT 15 v Maxwell Giiapmax. Attorney?. (Iec2".w"t IVolicc. phe following: named persons supposed to b L the owners of. or elaiir.ants of, or interested i:i the res., ctive lots in the City of l'laltsmouth .talc of Nebraska, set opposite their names, or the unknown owner? of all said lots, are hereby notified that the liailint"n and .Missouri Kiver Kailroad Company in Xcbra.-ka, has located its road through, and upmi.iui I claim for iJei.ot purposes the following real estate situated in Cass County. State of X'ebraskii to-wit: Ambrose .M. Bebee, lot 1. block 110. 1 ,1. II. ibonm nd, lot o. block l'b Alfred Thompson, lot 1, block 05, lot l- block 151. Mana Richardson, lot 1. block 02. It. IS. T'ownsand, lot 4, block l"i. lutl, block 10. Klizaheth Solomon. lot 12 bloeki'l. Thi'lnas V. Newman, lot.--15 and 11 block 05. Kobort Urown lot i block I'i. W'rn. S.Graffand P. M. W i(ryins, lot V block 15 A. IMSarker, lot;, block tr,. And the said owners are further notified that the said Company desire to fake hold and apro priatesai.l renl estate for tho construction and convenient use of its road. And if tho sai l ownerssjrill not within thirty days after the publication of thislnotice to-wit : on or bt f.ire the 2:5 da v of Pebauaty. A. P. 1S70. apply to the Pro bate Jud?e of said county, to have the dstnapes r.ssc.-se 1 bv ix disintrrcste-l free holder, selected '" l'r-bate Juds.-. as provided in Chapter nventy-fiveoftlie ret ised Statutes fthe State of ! XebrasUa. s:.i 1 Company will proceed to have ;"'' -.';;t therein provide by iaW ilnalfnnu Hivra Hul Poai, coMi,SvLvNi:inii;.MMii;wi.ETTAttv dec221t tvr sail Company FOR SALrl OR RI'T. The undivided half or tae whole if desircl cf tha llCjr'X fiLl'lTS G HIST AS D jj-itt' MILL: 21-uor-!e power engine nnd boiler, 2 pair of 3 foot burrs, 50 inch circular saw, two story mill house, l-o.v) feet; everything in good runuiu;? order. Also a GOOD DWKLLISG HOUSE. of four rooms and cellar. IVr p.irtieul.-iM en uureof. . C. SCULU.N'iZ. s riaitf.l ItocK Li.uUJ. Cass county, 2eb ISealili, Comfort and Lcuuomj' Three rensoa? for boariins with GEOIiaE W- COLVIN, AK STr.F.ET, PLATTsMOrTit, KEB. Two bloclis norib'.vest t.f brick School House. He has a BATH liOl'.SE. free to putron?: hU rooms i.iu well vtintib'ted, and bis prices are rea sonable ijitly2r.'.f. FAIRLTIb & MONELL (Suec sors to Kitcr, Fnirlie jt Moneil.) JOBBING STATIONERS, Slanlc Daok Manufacturers, Engravers &. Lithographers, AND CENKI'.AI, Booksellera and Puhlislisrs, COUNCIL CLUFFS, IOWA. FINE ART GALLERY. DOOR EAST OF COURT HOl'SK.) Where I aui I'erinaiiently locate 1, and prepared to niaLe all kiti.ls of SUN PICTURES, fii'-h n. Pliotosraph-.. Atnhrr.fypos, Gems, Opal, I'orceluiii, Watch Dial, iiiiiLltes, a c. Work done neatly ur.d prouiptly, and WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also, keep a well selected stock of Oral autl Square Frames. Ail nre respectfully in vitrd to caM and exmuiue bpei-iuieiis. V. V. LEONARD. Arti-t, julyii.;f I'la'tsmouth. Sub $20,C00 Worth of Property FOli SALE. '..n.-isti:ur of firms, with timber a l.ioininff.nea Plalt-iiiouta. property in l'laUsmouih City horses, cattle, watfons, eie. For further particular enquire of or address GEO. W. COLVIN. MACHINE oHOP! WAYMAN & CURTIS I'l.iitsiiiouUi, rVeb., Repairer of Steam Engines, Eullers, Saw and rJrist M.Ils. liris :.n i Stean: Fittint'. Wri.niht Iron l'ipc, Fcrcu and Tut i'umps, M. atn tjauses, Baiauce iiive tiuvtruurs, aui all kiudj of Brass Engine Fittings, furnished on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY Repaired en short notice. auetf - "Weeping Valer JSliils Farmer", po where you cang: the best Flour, and the most of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR AMD i'i poi.mh or nn ax given in eschar for pood wheat. We are also doing prist work; and, with nor increased facilities, feel as-ured that we ran give the best and most l lour of any in the sjtate. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Produce Bought and Sold. HIGHEST UlEKHT TRICK PAIS. Ileetl A; Cliutn mar26.'6i. THIS Y E mi YB ODY ln RI1TTE li 1 Having sold out their stock of lrucs, and rcot- ! ed their Store to A- V". Prole, posession to be giTta tho first day of Fcbrunry, therefore v-e uiuft sell our stock cf Groceries before tho firstof Feb ruary 1 THEY SELL Ciood Brown Sugar. V for $1. Chained " Otb " " 'A' Sugnr .51 lb " " lWaered Sugar flb " " li Coffee 4 "' " DcVstCoiiee 311b " " Toor Cunpow ler Tea 50c?. j er lb. (icod Imperial Tea.-.. Best Imperial Tea $100. " $1 T5 " $175 " Young Hyson. Dried Apples.... " Peaches... .15e. " Best XXX Family Flour per sack $2 59 ' Vinegar, pergallon, 25c. Tliey have a Good Stock of Groceries of all sorts on hand and to am re soon, which MUST BE SOLD Regardltrs3 of Cost. N. 13.---As wc have to tarn Our Stock of Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. Sec, over to Mr. I Prole on the First of February, (at less than cost,) their friends and customers will find their house a good place to buy. P. S.io Goods Sold on Credit Those Indd,ted to White . Buttery trill J:nd it to their ititrrest lo tettie vp ot oner. Notice is lieri-l.y sivea t'.tit :.!! .-1 iimsf..r rhtin-ace-i. f..r the rijrl. t oi" w:ty, a.-iiurt the llurliiiK ti.a .V .M;ss"i:ri ilivr Ra!l l..al t'oripauy i: Ni-'wii-ka. through ('a"", .-..iinty, nn;.-i lju tiled uiththc County !erk, to he au litc l l,y tho Cour.ty f',im!!ii.--iniiers. upon whose order the t'oiinty Treasurer will issue tha required hjU.U of the preeiin t. Dy order of the Count v ". iinisi.-tuii' iv. T. POI.h.V 1. 1). Clerk. TV ,r, y. i k a Kt.si.tv. xi'ptitv. Ptaltiiao-.tth. Nth., Dc-e. dec-.M. lw HEAL ESTATE ! ! 7 GOO Acre OF CHOICE LANDS, Improved and Unimproved, For Hale on reaMon!.!.- terms; also. City proper ty. cun-i.tinir ofltcsideii.es nnd Unimproved Lots. 'J'liose desiriiij; to invest capital will lin.i it to their interest to eail and examine our list before purchasinic elsewhere. aus'.tf.J M'LKLUCK i WINDIIAM. LOOK HERE ! All Ileal Estate placed in our haiuis for Kale will be thoroughly advertised without extra roet to t he owner. We cuaranty to advertise every piece of property placed on our sale hook, viv ins full description of s.nne when di sir.-d. This ei'.'cs purties ac.-ii iii(r to sell the full KdviiutUKe of udverlisiiis th.-ir property for sale, wi'.hout having n doliar of the expense to imv. augOtf.J ci't KJLOCK A. WINDHAM. Improved Farm and Timber I SF. r sale. The faria is situated L" miles wc-bt of l'lattsiuouiii : liij aerej uuiercultivatio:i.ani 10 acres of timber ; airo, a etory at.1 a half house. For tei'.us seo nug.Mf.J tl'L'ULOCK & WINDHAM. Improved Farm for Sale. Containing 80 acres, sii uiilei west of l'lutta uioulh. Annly to auiptf.J sil'UKLOCK k WINDHAM. A Great Bargain. We bivc for sale an Hi) acre tract of land 1; in? ten milec southwest from Platt.-mouth. wnieh an be had at a barpain if application i n.;..l9 coon. tl'LilLOCK WINDIIA "M. ausotf IM3W STOKE! Weeping Water, rieb. DE A LHIl.S IX General Merchandise, ricca AS DRY GOODS, GROCKIF... HARDV.'ARK. WUKRX.SWARE, HATS. CARS. BOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS;, Jtc, PINE AND COTTON WOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES AND LATH. We are Agents f r willcox &. Gibfcs Sewing Machine, which is undoubtedly the best Machine now in use. BiarlO'Oytf. DK. M.H. nCLl'SKEY, 1 ! l t ? . - V - D E jST T I FT i Will be at Dr. Livincston's office (luring the i last w.-ek in each luouth. Ail orders left at the Rest OUice will be promptly attended to Ljudy.5 I1UMAS0K dealers m Rmms Russell Doom's Old Stand, j.ltlTd.vWtf 3ST31"W QOODS I G-reater Inducements than Ever ! WHOLESALE &c RETAIL DEALERS IN ueens and BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, &C Feel confident that they can satisfy the closest avi most critical buyers in Excellence, Variety of Stock and Low Prices. Auzust 2', IST.P. Inif'tr.cf! Branch House S BLOOM &o GO BOYS' AftSD CHSLDREW'S CLOTH!?-! Plats 8c Caps, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES. E Main Street, Second Uoor Kast of Court JJoitsr. j Plattsmouth, Keb.J BRANCH HOUSE: Broadway, Council Bluffs, lova. . . STOVE A2TD T12T STOHB -EL T. ID TJ IK El & CO., Wl!wle acJ P.nai! deal em ia Hardware and Agrifiilliiral Implements, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, STEEL .3? LOWS Of all kioili and siiM, which w warrant th beat in tha market. 0 JOB JGS7'ZJEIJE3L ! Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Nofe Ar xc!uif Aje it in thi.s county for the ial t Stewart's Celobrat-tid Combination Coa: or Wood Cook Stove Cira us a aall wa will nat ba andersold Main treet, neit door euit of th M.Tor.i. ?. lT.Arl"PSl MOtTTt JV'.HIAt-t K A DBaLK&S is Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Have removed tlieir Lumber Yard to the comer of MAIN AND SIXTH STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH. And have on hand and are receivini; Lumber in sufficient qualities to ICU allrdcrs, :.J P'xn to euit purchaj-er.1.- We Lava also ou baud aud fur sale at 2 jw lifures 50 Barrells of Cement, 50 " Lime, 20 Barrells of 11 e lUTiie an t cuii ana se as at ur ae.T piao riattsaiOQth, Ncbra?Va, SeptetubcT 1, WO, in & MOADES, P L AT T S M O V Til, N K i ; , or." Glass e, . . - i. S. B.COM & CO., I'fil.KIIS 1 ;i;.ts' rUP.N.'SHING GOODS, Ac J. -. 5 mr Boots Bl Shoe.c:, rr." nrn f..ii ni 1 1 : ou csusneis riasienny UO Pbslcr Parir. 1 ti ;ue- in 1