Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 06, 1870, Image 4

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LOCAJi !ISJ"IEj"Vn7"S- !
KA! I.liOA I UPiETAriLr.
n. A K. H. K. K.
To eHvt Men-lay, Jasu.-.ry " i. P7D.
Jtpr"'S, f:' tctei P- ,u-
Ha'.!. 8.ii in. 6-i I in.
i'rfi.-'it, t.W p. in. "i-'-'i a- "J.
S:.'io a. m.
:!" it. m.
C:3-J I', in.
got so east.
7:'! . m.
T : "I ' p. in.
a. in.
Th Erpr? arrives at BnrIinrO.11 t a:l" a.
Tn., 1! hrs and .'" minutes out f r-.iri Plati?-eijiit-i.
The Mai! arrive. at Burilnif'on hi i.i
p. in.. 21 hour- :u: l V, minutes out from PlaUs-
luou'.h. J b I'rt-tciiL i' at Boilir".n at
3:.'s) y. in., '.'.1 hours anl.'Ji minute.- ;'r,:.i I"iai;-
t';Uib- , ,.,. ,
imm fritl-u"i Iii'v.
Edwin M.ytauton died'd' heart dis-!
Mickdwaitpt home Ut evening, hav.
ins perfected arrangemnt-i lor a redue-
tien in the price ol coil.
An Omaha "Coon" has challenged
any man in the Northwest to a game, of
I Shards fur ilo0 a side.
A new plank walk is being put down
in front of the public school building.
There are several places in town that new
walks would not damage.
IV.oom Co. kep firt-e!a-:s clothing:
at lean pomelwdies mulo took a fuwy to
a nice tliawl hansin? out sM-t, and to,.k i
a good trzeij piece out of t.
Wilson Guard, K-p, has been ap
pointed Wood Inspector vice Capt. Ilen
nett resijiiied. Vv'e are not informed
where Mr. Guard iil ktep his office.
Mr. Harris, Lan 1 Agent of the F,. &
M. 11. II. arrived in the city- ye.-tcrday,
and will remain for a few da-s looking
after business in his department. We
de-ire soon to -notice at length Mr. Harris
p'an for advertising this portion of Ne
braska. A man in Kansas City named Karney
Malone, was run over by two horses, - id
den by women, on Saturday last. The
loan tried to pet out of their way, but in
their mad pailop the two rushed their
Floods straight over him, knocking him
down and trampling over his prostrate
form. Tie was badlv cut about the head
aod otherwise bruised, but not danger- j
.'jr. .'l. o., a iiiecnaiiio in ino
r i t i.' . . i : r.. i. ,
Ihtilroa l Machine Shop, was severely in- by the falling of an iron bolt yes- !
trday, which struck him o:rthe back of!
tli- bead just Islow the crown. The j
bolt wa-; thirteen inches inb-n-th, three- 1
f , .vi. i i-r r
ioiiii.ioi an iii.o luierw, aii.t v. r a i;t ,
taneo of sixteen feet. Mr. Jlacan w.i- i
to:ir.irov-rat the ti'ite th.' l.olt hit liinn i
It knocked him senh-s. ibr a titue. an 1 '
cut a;i udy rash in hi- hcvl. He is '
ai":t to-day, and will
t::;n in s- viols
injury from the a .'( id. tit.
From Jlf inttai's llui'i
Express for Fellevue is now sent via
Tiiey had a Fireman's Fad at Nebras
ka City New Years Eve.
Hon. John Gillcpie has removed to 1
Lineoln. where he will take up a penua- I
nent abode.
T!ie earrie:
of the IIkiiai.I) return
tril.Tts tit the m.t.iv' :hrm! intniip.l i.j i- i
.i , - j .i X' ' i
Col. Fuller came in fiom Ashlan-l !
yesterday, and will return in a few days.
lie reports everything lovely 1 1 that rail
real centre.
The transfer Frcsilent stuck on a bar
Saturday evening and lay there until
Sundav monii!;r. This catne the near-
-" 1 i . i.n .. .
-Jiiii uiKja,vLiuii, ,
t... -! ......
The Coffee Social, given at the Court ,
House, New Years Eve, by the ladies ol'j
the M. E. Church, wasVweil jateuded, J
and pioved a financial sueees". The la
dies always remember the IlKKAlD, an 1
pent around a very nice cake on New
Year'i: morning.
We are In receipt cf a aeat little a per
callel ' The Deaf .Mute Home Circle,"
She Sflrbrwlui
published at Omaha, by W. M. French, j into the river at that place yevterdav at the city of Flattsmouth on Weiues
M. A. .Martin Us and C. T. Sullivan. morning with two loaded team. One j !by, the 20th day of January, . A. J.
It is devoted to the interests ofdeaf'!j,uir of hor-es was drowned and the i 1V70, at .'J o'clock p. m., at the office of
njutcf, and is furai.-hed at 50 ceuts a
We met ome friends In town the
other day who reside at Nebraska City.
Before leaving we succeeded in convine
in? them that this was a "Failroad
town" and that it took "a heap of money
t . It ..;ir,wl " hr
effort on our part", but we succeeded. !
Guthuruiann & lluberty are doing j
. some very nice pastry work at their piace
on Third streeet. "They are liberal
mindedjgentlemen and us-tvc a li!end
patronage. Amidst all .their joys at the
Ushering in of th:! New Year th- y did
not forget the IIkuald. They turn out
as fiiu cakes, pies, etc.. as can L-c had in
the west.
We learn that a Bachelor's Club or j
Benedict Exterminators was organized at
Ash'.an 1 last Saturday eve nine. Thirty
healthy youn men look part in t lie or
ganization. Suppvr, toasts ani .-p--eh.;s
wore the ord ?r We hada ; o-- ial eonvs-
poauent, on me . wno.-o grajuiie j
dU-riptionof the pa--:n-events." may ;
be looked lor m a iew days, aj soon as ;
he h:n tune to gather tin .-eattored !
Conrad FirpK the :...tod Brewer of
Flattsmouth. furni.-heel the
fcve of bis best 1 eer as a New ,
i -ars pievnt. e io not claim te be. a
vry g'.id judge of tliis kir.-d offiuid, but
have tome friends who are judges
an.l ;h"y pronounce the -amplo sent
by Mi. .rj.lcsa!wriortoarytmiiginado; i- cn.cago over ti.e it. a- M. r-ad. ; r:,.;)iio? ff Flattsmouth. The tri,w coin in ti.e moruin,,. makine: the trin i -,,-"tIllsnt f'f farels linstol,
in tho 3.:-te. Not being fully satislied i on the J-jurthii-j -attcr sending thooider; i i:., .,.i . ,,., n I tl-.r.mirl. to i.;.,, !.,. ti. ! Tinted Bristol, an I C
.... ' ll l.x- , . .-, l 1. t 11 111.1. II CUU1S- " '- .'j .1.1111,111, 1 UC I .
with teit.r report, we concluded to test it and r.s so-en an everything pots settled : .1 I VPr hi ,, rt , I ever brought west of the
ouxse.t bu.1 aKre;dw.thtlienia.ei aoanJ- I iu() ha,,e it will mly take davs to i j T ;P, '"C " 1 ith our facilities, we are
,..,. U't'1 v.: '.-..-:' i i- - , - 7, : . v ii- ;-.c.t --t si; return. , -Tira-.-t :r H'uev im! rm-1:-t;;.,t .-' l"! or .,,,. t- ; ;, .('-. r , i , good job work, at as rea
s.. d fi;rr.:he- . -h".' k that is much bo; :ei ; ': i- -t o.l.'- it b'1:e v, in;'; i -x .rh .
. , i . i . . .i : ... i i - .
f rom Tur- l'ti'i Inily.
I Fan ha j il -lly,'.-.Ide .1 in Fiatts-
rnouth, and the '"traps" of the estab-
IbdniKnt were sold at auction thU after-
UJOfl. .Saunders 1...11 a big auction sile
to-Iay, and the street in front of Lis
rooms was filled with bidders, all anxious
to he-cure some of the bara-ain Lc gives.
A query for the City Council arc not
our silewalks too narrow. Let theques-
tioa receive the care fid con.-i-.I; r:itin of j
tii j property owners as wol! a? tne city
John O' K' die, Lso. , WIIO has charee
. ,. , ..,.. ,
01 the grudmtr between K- i nk- all i
Hamburg, Iowa, was in tho c'ny yestor-
day visiting his iVlend.s. II-.' rjturne d to
HaiiJunr a-'siin to-da;
Orlando Tofft, Fso., of Avi-ca. was in
ti.ft this afternoon, and informs us
that ho fiu.i.-? tho pork n-nrk-t two cent
higher on a pound htru thau at Nebraska
City. ' .tra .T.s .how."
Kuell L D.'Oin haded :;:) buhcl cf
wheat on the IJ. CV M. car.-; at th-? loot of
Main ttreet to-day. It looks theci ful to
-ee such thi;iLr.-" I--ir! done. It looks
hko we had a railroad.
White & Sj ires have removed their
etore to their tu-w buildin? on tho cor-
r" r a:' 1
tby arc pjcoared to tell pod.- even
..I .u .1.... I n . ,....v
no rents to pay.
Mr. Frcle started for New York yes
terdsy, nnd will be ready to open his
gnods in this city on the tir.-t day of
February. In the iLicaniime White &
Futtery are selling out their stock at
less figures than goo Is were ever offered
west of the Missou.-i river. They appear
exceedingly anxious to t!!. Call and
examine their price.
We have had several of our patrons
ak why we did not enlarge our daily on
the first day of January. We an-wer,
simply because we could no: afford to.
We did make the proposition to enlarge ! day of January rf we could
obtain 10.) new subscribers prior to that
date. We did not obtain the 100 new
subscribers, nor any where near that
number, hence we could not afford the
extra expense of $: a day, which is' the j
!--ast po-...iole sum it would c-at u .; to get
.... ,.,t.,-., j :
tai .in r !i..i. l,cx tiiuy.i. vai j iuj'v. i- j
tion still holds
good, and we hope those
crest in having the paper !
who ibel an Liter
enlarged will make an effort to se.-ure u
v !
tho reouiske number of uberibers.
We are exceedingly anxious to enlarge.
.... t , l, .;; ... i
jjia a wij n i.-ai.-i.'oi.S4t;.i ii:ii
we found it could not bo dono. We are J loenlars.' anv da v. au i unlv lack a 1
; unlcient increase of patronage to war- j
rant the cxlra cxpe.isc. Give u, the !o0 !
1 ....
now sub.-cnoci-s an t we wm en i.irxe to- i
niorrjw. Let each man who feels an in- !
tere.-t in this matter see how many new
names he can gel subject to an enlarge
ment, and report the:.i at this offic- im
mediate:'. t'r r.n W -incul i ' ln 'dy
The person wh borrowed Mr. Ferry's
wheelbarrw !a-i week is roq-U'-U:d to rc
turn it. a Mr. F.rgy is in n :
i oi i:
does not wish to r af:er it.
The Omaha Hcr-iJil recent!" amiounc -1
""L 'Jo,. iu,.M t : il . . i ,c iO'.r
.1 ... 1 .. I .. ' '7 I .1
to aa-
dress the- f cople on railroad K.atter-
an I
then h is the audacity to announce, after-
ward that the Governor was not ex pee- ;
ted t
tierc at a:
it'.eli j
The Omaha ' - is ver
tr nble-d because Senator Th i
been one of the j riu
u advisers m t.'i-- 1
reeent a-, tion towards (ie.-reia. It I
should rather be t roiid t!;at a Neb-raska i
,,;,:, isa tru ted aJviser in the conn- !
..jj (,t u ,..,t ,, i
. i
e J ."iru from the ( 7;, '.mo h- that the
i.-omo-ive "LL!:tfuot" has b.-e-n -uf'.'lv
liiided on the Nebva-ka -bore, an.l that
a staai! n,-.a:ii!v of iron 1ms ., ro.
ceived on the west bank of the river. It
is oonfi lently expected that the M. F.
will get the requisite ten miles u'otie.
V"e learn from AVm. Stadelmann, E-q.,
who came up 1'rom Nebraska City yes
terday evening, that Capt. S.m.selv broke i
:.gon n-i ; mo o;iier team ana wagou ;
we..s got out. !
(QO',1 IEI.
e learn trom Liisemrers wl.o earp.o !
in over the ii. Sc M. It It. that the
trains are crowded with passengers all
the way from Burllmrton to Flattsmouth.
This i hooml to 1... tho fir.irim r,-.,,f !
and the travel will increase rapidly after !
i. n; i.-jtn m-r., wi.en 1 Uoman trains are
to be put on.
A ir.M::tvi:i s i;v.
We hear irstattd that S. II. Mallory.
Esq., I as received the appointment of
D. vision Superintendent on the 1. A: M.
11. It. Jur the western division from
Creston te We hope ur
information is correct, for we like to h-ar
of tho promotion of Mich men as Mab
b,rv men wli.i have f -u-ht their wav uo
on their merit alone
in the employ ot the F. M. Company !
for many year.-, and has coni' up step by j
to :ns present Position, in con -e-
of bis uprightness a-1 ability in !
w;i..teor po-it:on tee ooen aiioiied. j
His m.-ra! worth is as great as his busi-
r ss c ipaeity. Men who depend upon '
their .-wu effuts and their cffieieiK-y are j
j certain to enme to the in time ; !
certain to come to tho in time : 1
t: 1 &r'at i.eamy ot this eiass ft men i
,s ti'"': v-ken they do e-u,e up they are I
"u tj "-1'-
ONLY ! OlT. l AYt.
Ttirou -li by n,. n. A- U. U.
, : ;
CtOo-'s ir. no, re: civod "n L'laM-i .otit V
'' "'"-i ,
Two mi'! na FrrliflJt Ar- ! J
rlic and Hrpnrl I:il.
rr- . . . ;.,t . -T.r-t
Tne new arraiii-.nent went lnt'j ou-et
, , i-i . i '
to-day by which we are hae t o p. - ;
sender ani one freight train
between this '
city and Chicago each day. e shall
probably have a further in -reae of ser
vice about the fifteenth, when the Full
Tiiin palace cars are put on. In the mean
time three trains a day will supply us
TIjc Vote rrlpl b.r r.n OvrHelm
twK -Mitjorlly.
Vi'e are pleaded to learn that Omaha
r.ive .-.n' overwhelming maiority ye-tvr-
; f.v.T rC ijilTiLr the Failroad i
Feii-ls. This will insure the early com
I 1- ti on of th'iir i-outhwe.-tern line tv a
ci'imcetion with this city. Nurraii for
I'lattsmouth railroad interests.
a voRKias koi.dii:r rewarded.
apt. Ilnrj K?!il rr t-ciin n rerigii
lN-nsi on.
Ye.-terday Capt. Henry Kuhl of this
city rceeived the paper? for his pension
as a Second Lieutenant in the Fru.-si.;n
Army during the I'anish War of 1 4'..
The Lieutenant's pension amounts to
Tnurr TimxH n.iiLr.
mi the invalid peaaieTi to ?20i) 1 without compass to guide them or an
per annum, Frussian nuney, which is i chor to hoi 1 t'lcm f:on; drifting onto the
nearly equivalent to the same amount in j sanaoars and whirlpools oi' the
We are glad to har of ous river, The force of the current took
Capt. (, formerly Lieut.) Kuhl's good for- j them down, down ; until they mjo: came
tuns. i
.notiw. Heretofore the U. S. Express Com
pany lias been the only one represented
in this city at lea-t h.r the past year
but to-day the ftr.-t messenger came
through on the H. k M. IL K. for the
American Company. The superintend
ent has not arrived, and no regular
ageTicy can be t:b!i.h-vl until he does
come, which will probably be in a day
or two. The messenger turned over his
expre-s matter to J. D. Simpson, F-p,
who will p.robablybe appointed agent for
Tiiroan ly Iajlis:it."
We do not mean "through by day
liudit" literally, but we do mean that the
I. i'v M. road will give you tho quickest
time between Flattsmouth and Chicago
ot an-v r",ue cnnr.ecrmjr tne two pou.t..
il aWo Published to-day t
ui Lc iii:ti me Time I'cr.v-n itn
Ji'u "'-'u , mhiv a, w...
en h-.urs and we have not toe table,
but doubt-not the time between Luri:t-
ton and Chicago is U than clzht hour-,
the ti
from Fht.-mout"h t ;
i-cagooi.!y a.out twe.,..yov twenty-one.
hl,lir- 1'nger, coming we.t should
....e:i it..1., . . :.. !..'':........
not full to pet tickets via Furlington to
they v-iil save
time and won.-y by '-o doing.
A ioi .T:Tv;r I'.i-PHkin' I'rntrio ilono
on tSu ISi!i Iay iif Itrcvmbcr.
We received a private letter from Lin-
coin a f..w days sin?e, in vvhi
we lind
c .
ov. ma;, se iitenre :
T -aw tjian breakim.' prairie close to
iCOill .ill t i
of ! tv-cemher. b.. was doing a first-rate j. b ot break
ing. '
Head ! you men who arc wearing out
your exist. 'ii;-e anior.e the roe-ks and root;;
out here in glorious Nebraska crackii
a breaking team on tb
1Mb day December, while you are h-ei.-.d
tip trying to kue-p warm, and en!yget e ut
to fi-ed up what you have raided during
the summer, lb-re can be had the
finest lan-ls to be found in nr.y country
tm.l it ..... ;2 .. :.-. .:.." .-- r.
Land Odb - f-c-
We have a 1 . autitul,
. v
climate, am tne Lue-t soil in the
iVori'l.- line a.l countries have ami.-.
we think 2s-bra.sJca hxs fewer faults than
' any country in the veorld.
I i:az. Esi Aii; ii:.i.r;i:s.
rtfootlngr Ht I'lut ti:iouSii en tUe 2(li
.fay iti Jmit-.ary.
The tin ler.-igned real estate dealers,
brokers and neents have, upon consulta
tion, thought it a Ivisab'iO to eiill a State
Convention of real estate men, to i:u et
"-'---' joi mc- inn )os: oi
organizing a State Asseeiation, and at
tending to such other bu.-iness as may le
considered of general interest to real
e.-tate elealers.
v . . v. . . . . . . j , i ..i, ruill..L H.IJ
1 . C ... i
rc,rese...atncs irom an tlie
'1 estate firms nuke Ute, and trust
!bat the iu:lm will prove of mutual j
terest to all concerned.
Fvk.i.v, Fekd cc Co.T Omaha.
J. F. Last. Sc Co.. Linc-'lu.
I. M. DAvLNi', Nebra-kaCity
W.M. II. HoovKit, Urownviile.
EiMN S. Towij-:, Fa!i City.
S m 11 1 ! ' i " N : X I N ! : 1 1 a ' J . F a 1 - C i v .
Ji.u s:i k, A,i.!and.
Ft 1.1. kr i Willsie. Ashland.
D. H. WhkelkrA: Co., Flatts
(joss. W.atsox & Co.. Fellevue
"tate papers will plea.-a copy.
i OrsnnirAllen at thcl onrl I!nn last
t.. 1..
.-,l, , , i previous notice a
lare 5"'mber of persons assembled at the
' , . " ' r"-..-n ,
ythrer for tho St. Benedict So- j
c;l - tJ' - lne '? ttie omeers j
enn Aliomson I rcst.Ient.
v.ourad r-chlator . l'res:dent,
John Fons Treasurer.
I Jas. E. Holland Secretarv.
; A committee consisting of Jas. E. Ilob
j land, John Thomson and Conrad Schla-
j ter was appointed to present a petition
to Lis nop at Omaha for the purpose
- . u ,
oi vOMiriiv a Miiint I'mxt th
rule r ti!r - i fro t!.e . ity i
1 r)MffrrcaKsipneTit in Craiilng j
! 'tt Fottenger, L., Jonn .1. Li;s-
; i ,
se . hsu., a:vl four others wno.-e nanse-?
J:, , . ...
c nu, t..v .
Tiiorninij io? .oiana. Arnvinc at the
Flatte river they found the f.-rryman had
h-ft an old -ki.'f on the youth side of the
river in which the staL;e driver and the
pa.-soncor. were to cross themselves ever
the turbulent v.-atcr. of the Fiat to as l-e.-t
they could. The driver knew nothing
about handling a skiiT, dc:il.. I to
try the osperimcrt of p-ushhi:' the skiff
over with a pole. He srot all hands into
thft boat five na-nTs and himso-i
and started across, ile got abi.ut a
t'hird oi' the way across when hcL.-tcoa-
trol of the boat, came near up-c ttiug, j while prices remain low. We under
an.I finally &-jt back to the shore he st::nd the hotel building is to be ready to
started fiom. lie took a iVe-h start,
hoping to profit by pa-t experience, and
this time succeeded better. K very thing
worked admirably unt'i tmy got about
two-thir s of the way across when all of
a sudden the motive power the pole
stuck ill st in t he mud and pased beyond
the reach of tho captain of the craft.
Here they were .-ix stalwart men at sea
upon the swift waters of the Flatte, with
snacrs and ice rorg'jf? surrounding them
in sii;iit oi wiit-re ino v.uier was lormeu
into a terrhie whirliooI as it was dashed
against a huge cake of ice. It scorned
as though the li:t!e craft and her load
had reached t lie end of time, and in au-
other moment would hi swept from
sight and find a rcting place beneath the
sands of the treacherous stream, or per
chance be washed down to the more dis
mal channel of the "old mud Jy." Fut
providence bad arranged otherwise, and
taught this Tcntursome stage driver
andjiis too confiding passenger that the
ways of their creator are pa.-t finding out
and beyond comprehen-ion. Just as
the-y reached the point where ail expec
ted to meet a watery grave, Mr. John
J. Fo.s.-eli leaped from the boat unon a
cake of ice, which fortunate! v proved of i
v 4- t i"- l
s ji.ieient Sircmrt.i to hear lu;a up. an 1
... : , ' .
earned vvitn Mm ttie bow rope ot the
boat. He held firmly to it until all had
safe.y landed on the cake of ice. They
walked thence to the laud, and delibe
rately male up their minds that they
diel not wish to cross the Flatte that day.
It is to be regretted that they failed to
get acro-s and report their adventure to
tho Onuha papers, as tho-e cxperieneed
i-er.sationahsts could have ma le a fine
tiling of it.
ax ox.7 rirrzi:.v ;tr. crazy;
?o AiJomr'ti Jo tiIi !i I.ff? of Iii-4
Wlft, unit in only re tulpti
t.v liiH FsitJier.
It Las been generally known in this lo
cality that Fickler, wholbnoerly
lived in this ci'y but who more recently
resided on his f.rm son: three mil..-
south of the city, ha- not be.-n 'on-i ler
ed uitogAtber cokjh.h tnnli-t fr some
time pa.-t, yet few supposed h-- was
tuahc d-oiin-ed
!gec, r was i;t)
to f ecui.e
1 ickler j.-, a native of
about 52 years old an 1 has lived TlJa.,y
years in t!:i- ci-v, ho
la';..' qu;ie wualt t.y.
: te in ! a i;t ot ni-.-muy
eiehoin ;..ars .;.!. shi,-Ii
T T I , f . ...
o-n abc.ut
vas at ttiat
tune atn ;oute.l to
c ive ure of
drugged beer. He was
i-.-.l f .r
abnit: tli
Weeks "t that th:oo :u. .1 1-
afterwaid-J -vin--e 1 sy-!em- (-f insanity
until aVnt three year ago. I V.i iii-the
pa.-t three yeatx he 1; is o.eas;..ndi!v bad
nptons oi lu.-army, v.ii:..-n at t.r
i.:..?, ..f e
ttie attention, but wh
have grown more frequent and 1 tcui."
more marked with each occurrence. For
so mo time thee spoils were n:a:k. I iy a
strong religiems excitement and be va
given to loud ar.d long prayirg
and rnuchweopmg ant bi-nentati. m.
More recently the reverse b-vs be
cen ca-e, inrtcau ot nra-.-urs
id of
and weej ing. be indulged in cur-e- and
threats of violence. No danger was
really apprehended from him yt:I la-t
Monday mortn-r, wIcti he made an on
slaudit on bis wife, knocking her do ,ni
anl stamping her fearfully. Ficklor's
father was juvsettt, r.n I siieot-eded :n pul-
ling Um away from his wif, at the same
time toli'tiz her to run to a neighbor's
named Frown. She did so. but Ji .!
frcy soon got away and started after her,
and e'ame near overtaking h-.-r before sha
reached Frown's house. He tried toget
at her at Frown's, but .Mr. Frown pre
vented him doing so. Word was imme
diately sent to the city, and Sheriff JoL.i-
son an teo. I :ck ler (a brother i went
1 TV ....
i uown. lie appeare I more . oei Pot
upon seeing them went out to the t od
pile, pi. kod up an ax and pretended to
beehopping. Geo. went clo-e to him and ! Yallerys & Fuffner have just received
tried to lead him into (.nver-aTlou. He I sample machines of the Improved lbx-k-was
not inclined total's, but acted quite i 'or,l Broadcjist Seeder and Cultivator.
,.'-,. u; .:c, r, ,i ; very much improved for the year 1S70.
sl.k.,. iiis v.ite , .oil pa-se i nee.r them. ! o . - j
, ,. , Call an 1 examine them, and le?.vc your
when on sight ot her nniiie-Iiateiy swung ! orders.
the ux and attempted to hit her. (h-o.
seized the ax. and Sheriff Johnson ut
once took charge of h::u and brought
him to the city. He was brought before
Judge Child, on formal complaint jf
Sheriff Johnson, an 1 wi t ". -ses were sun-
1.1 . ,
Llionei to K-ira.iy Mistain t he c i.-ir.-o n- I
. . - i
insanity. He wa wild whi'e 1,; f
v.a- wno w?:i:o s ctore tiie
judge, requiring two an.l three mn to
- .v
j)rc.-, CI)r , Uli uing ptr.-onal damage to
tK,se present. Hois now confined in
the j.til, awaiting an order from the Gcv-
ernor to send him to the Mt. Fleasa.'t
Lunatic AsTlum.
Nat. Brown, Ej., real agent for the
Western Stage Company, left to day !
with stock f..r the Dorrineton route via I
Weopim-r Water to Lincoln. They tak : JoB W-VTINO.-W c hare just re -ion of the route Saturday, a:,j . reived a fine lot of Bill-head, letter-head,
will hereafter leave Flattsmouth for Lin- 1
will he;-f.-.ficr in ti.e u. : -z:.
Anolher'Tlvc" .Man in vwiUiln PlallA-
We learn that John Fitzgearld, Esp,
who has the contract for the F.
dt M. F. Ft. frost this city to Lincoln,
has purchased a half interest in Mur
phy's Hotel building. We congratulate
Mr. Fitzgearld upon his sagacity in in
vesting his money in Flattsmouth before
property gets any higher, and we con
gratulate the city upon the fact that such
shrewd capitalists as Mr. Fitzgerald are
investing their means in real estate here
It is a good omen, and speaks volumes
for the future. Fitzgerald lias pur
chased several pieces of property in the
place, and we doubt not he will continue
to purchase, as good opportunities offer,
open on the first day of March.
At a regular meeting of Flattsmouth
LoJge No. G, A. F. & A. M., held at
.Masonic Hall Fee. 2d. 170, the follow
ing resolutions were adopted by a unani
mous vote :
nesolvecl, That the thank3 of this
Lodge are hereby tendered to the com
mittee appointed to decorate the Hall for
St. John's Festival, for the efficient man
uer in which they performed that duty ;
ahx to the different friends who assisted
the committee, and especially to the la
dies who gave so liberally of their time
and talent to this purpose.
2!csohrJ, That a copy of these reso
lutions be furnished the Fiattsmoutii
IIerali for publication.
m:ttek list.
List of letters remaining in the Fost
Office at Flattsmouth, Jan. 1 1870.
Aunet II O
Ambrose G II
Anman C H
Anderson Fedcr
Anderson .Jens
Archer O II
Adams Margaret
Frown G S 4
Felden (jeorge
Fronson K
Fond J L
Frune Fat
Frown Jno
Funis S II
Loper Simeon
Love A W
Larson O
Ijeuchtwise J
Lowell A G
Mosher F J
Morrin G
Mever II
McKay II
McKay J
Moore W
McCaffery J M
Moore Geo
Neilson O
Olson Fetter
Oiilen Jan
(Lburn M E
Fearson N
Fackard J
Fantske Fred
Farmer J
Farker W
Federson F
Feed Thos
-Kusseil J It
Koss J
Keynolds W
Ilobv Sam 2
Feed X 31
Kathmeern T D
Fussell J
lloouey W
Fussell Thos
lietd John
llegan Michael 2
Stologo Fred
"Tornriinn 0
Luckley Andrew
i J t i i
Hronson JmI 1
Frown Fat
Currv Tho.?
Clark" G W
Cross J li
Clark J
Coreoram Mike
Drummond M
Dunaway Geo
Dolan if
Ditwith D
Daerrart Mr
DeWit V II
Denton S 2
Donaha John
Evans F II
Evans Z E
Eveland M
Ellis G
Erickson E
Kills? Evoll
Flower G M
Freeman Frank 3
I'ogerty Jas 2
IVazier D A
Foley John
Galliaherll 2
(iibersen II 3
Gibi.s y J
Green Tho
Goclduer Ed
Gillepii: Vim
1 loairlan E
Heiler.Iobn C
Hicks W
ons F 2
Swcn?:f n A
Snnder J F 2
Smith Dr D2
Stanley W
Sthen Carl
Schimd Marcua
Shendom A
Shorman .) II 3
Sptaeue E
Scott W A 3
Stors N S
St ires A L
Straus A
Taylor Mr
Thompson F
Tice I 'has C
VnDuVet Fobeit
Woo l A 1'
Walker J
Walker Martha A 2
Neni'-ev Thos
, . . v .... . .ilUJ
Hunt D
Hays Cameron
Helm 1 lias
Hanna DF
Hirdv W
Killer J C
Klubur- Wui
Knowbery O A
Lanfus II
Weston S
Wilson eo
"Yoods Joel W
Waterman Chas L
Lattnicr M If.
Fersons calling for anv of the above
letters will please say "Advertised."
J. W. Marshall,
Fost master.
All persons indebted to us can pay the
same in corn, oats, or No. 1 wheat, at
the highest market rates.
Doom, Bao. & Co.
Flattsmouth, Jan. 4, 1S70. diwtf
'.All kinds of Country Froduce taken
in exchange for goods at Yallerys &
Go to Yallerys & Iluffnerand buy your
Groceries. They buy for cash and will
not be undersold.
Tho I.nst all.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to us by note or account are re
quested to call and settle immediately.
If you want a good suit of clothes very
cheap go to Yallerys & Fuffner' s.
If j oh are in want of a good Wagon
go to Yallerys & Fuffner. They are
agents for the Star and Schuttler Wag
ongs, the best in market.
(r rover & Baker's Sewing Machine is
.1 . t . ..i f.n t. !..
tne nesi in inarKCt. aiiervs tv ivuu-
" . n
IKir "1 rii " 1 IT II Tl T ' I I I I A T T TV .1 T I "1 fT(U V.I
Machine wiil find it to their advantage
to give them a call.
Yallerys & Fuffner have ju.-t le-e-jlve i
a new supply of Boots and Shoes, which
they are selling very low.
Go to Yallerys & ltuffncr's to buy you
Dry Goods. They are selling cheaper
than tlTe cheapest
af1,1 '-tatement r-pcrs ; also tne nnestas-
Jiail jload,
ommon blanks
Missouri river.
now able to do
s-onabio .rices
V :,:'y PrintinS -bouse in the Wcit.-
! t un ana sec speeiinens. novmjtt.
Corrrct Yonr TlJlei-J't OrtlGcH
Having completed an Abstract of
Title?, including Deeds, Mortgages, Tax
Feeds, Decrees of tho Fistrict and Fro
bate Courts, we are rmw prepared to
furnish a correct nb.4rr.ct of transfers
affecting the Titles of Ileal Estate (Land
or Lots) in Cr.-s County, Ne! ra-ka.
A Corre -t Abstract in many cases can
not be had from the Fecords, n:id can
only be had from our Abstracts. All
parties purchasing Ileal Estate chould
see that tiiev are getting a r;:nn unc i."
the property" they buy. Owners of Ileal
Estate by getting an Abstract may be
able to correct any delects that cxNt,
and thus save themselves expensive liti
gation, and. perhaps, the loss of their
property. An Abstract of Title co-ts you
but a triiie. and mav save you your home.
D. II. Wm.K.i.ER & Co..
Flattsmouth Neb.
Not. 25 1SG9. chtwSm.
Tlie Hnilroa.l Here:
Through Line Er.t-Pricei Reduced.
Doom, Bro. it Co. arc selling lewer
than ever :
Frinls 0 f 1-2 jo
Muslin, 14 to ISe
Delaine IS to LV.o
Fopl'ms 30 to 50o
Fest Kip Boots, $4 00 to G 00
Best Calf Boots, 6 00 to 8 00
And everything in proportion.
Call at Doom, Fro. k Co.'s.
Coffee ft c m 25 to 30c
Sugar " 10 to 20e
Molasses, $1 to 1 75
At l'OOM, UltO. A v u. 6.
Remember Doom, Fro. & Co. h ive
reduced the price of everything.
Doom, lro. & v o. is the cheapest
house west of the Missouri river.
Good dwelling heuise for rent. Ap
ply to Maxwell & Chapman..
Don't forget that Win. Stadelmann
has removed his immense slock of Cloth
ing. Gents' Furni.-hing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Boots Shoes, etc., to next door
west from his obi stand, where he will
be j .leased to sec all his old friends and
customers, and where he can accommo
date nil the new customers that see fit to
give him their patronage. He aleo keeps
piece goods for sale, or can have them
made to order without leaving the house,
as he keeps several first class workmen
onstantly employed. oct2odiwt
"Atoninlit nsr bnl Trnc.''
That Dooloy's Clicmieal Yeast I5;;kin; Vun
iter is not only tho l.c-t but the rlieaiicat in
market. It is entirely free frmu any ill Uti-rious
sub.-taii.'e-s, ami compounded with sin. h srrur ul
ou.s exactness that the ce-nlcnta of ca. h i o arc
all the same, anil will pro-lacc the .-anie riuie
every time. It is uuriu:ilk''l for ini:!.in- lii-i
euits, rolls, enkes. I'astry, Ac. at heahl.y
anj nutritious. Full weight iu each I'acka-e.
eiroeers everywhere keej it. junewl!.
All persons iioiebtr i c tho tiadcrf'sncd are
rcqae'te.l to call aliierre-i lenci. ei(i!,te.;ii uiiles
west of Plattimuuth. and settU- the same iueno
a uuiti.J P.O.s U A X N" 1) ECU Elt.
M t
If All Prlloi InJeLteJ la U
Wil! eal! and -etlle liie same, they wiil :vve
theniselves both extra tr rjLIe and espi-o, fi'T
we must hitve ull nccoioit-. nn i notes due us
I a: 1. and that immediately, an We aru fc-'iLK
East a-.i-i um.-t hive the nioin-y.
IH.'OM El'.O. A C.
.Sc; te:nler - is.v.i.
M rs. Kate S i 11:; -on ha-s t tic- aneney "f'tiic a".ve
eelehrated int: uao-nt.-i. Any j or.oii dodrrj.s cf
obtaining a i: r.-1 ela.s or Melodf-cn with
ail the I.ite-t iii:rnveuien'..s uh ai vo t juiii-
lanti. .t'-.. are reijue-tod to ej'.I at her resideDeo
and set eir.-ular.
lUatUiuouth Aug. t!lf.
pjy Up.
All pcr.-on knowinir themselves indebted to
me will please cail and pay up immediately. A
werd to the wise. etc.
J"tf C. E. Forgt.
January 1st. 1S70: at the house of the bridex
father, Jacob Adams Ks.., by Jude Child: -Mr.
John W. Livimistom:, 10 Ssiss Lvm.i
At the residence of the Uride's father, on New
ears Day. by K. v. P. All. v. Mr. ...; .
SiKWAKTand Mi M a ri;a ii k r J. Mili.ku, both
ot this eountv.
At Nebraska City. December "Oth, Lv F.
Kmanuel. Mr. Jli. hakd C; sh:i; and
Makv O'lvkKKKK, both of this eily.
it li e r
4 1L .
I'-KN'T. The Masonic and Odd Fellows
Lrick fctore, 21J by s,u leet, coii-Utu'.K oi'thrt
rooms cellar, first and second -lories is 'rel
for rent, to commence 1st .March nest, there
k- 1.I.-0 an othee, some 2:; by 20 feet, oti front end
ecoIllI story.
IJi'ls lor r"nt of the above described prei.O-o-wilt
be received entil b.ih dav of Jar-uarv Wo
when a contract wiil be closed upon tiii'mo-t
favorable oiler. ThiO:.,..r.ot,..,.., 1...
stands in JMatr-nn.utb. an 1 p ir.i..s il..--irn.K to
secure such a house mu-t mak-i application to
S. IH kK. Pre-idi i.t oi the Hoard d Tra.tcc(J
on or belore the time a .ve .-1 e. iii. d
D. II. Wheeler, S
S. Dl lvK. Prcs t.
ec y.
Has 150 Cord of Wood to -e!l.
IVE KKSIDKNCE lots forsale. Six tno
timegiven on half the purchase m.ney.
Apply to Sl'IKLOf. K UlS. .3AM
10 it SALE A larce lot of French V erle-
brated Micliii-an Wapon. inanutacsured at
J hree itivrs, Miehiiran. Kvcrv wairou war
ranted. 1 hey will be sold .-bean for ea-h.
liov2Ddtf HI SSLLL .t DtDOM.
ORSALE.-Sovrr.ty-fivc. Lots in the City o
L Plaitsinouth. Applv to
Oct. 7 dtf. SI'UKLOCK i WIXDil AXL
IfiTt CAT V 4 I.... . T I t.-.-
" . -t . e r 1 ... . -1
civen on half the rurrvc T!i'nr. Arttlv '
aujjltt M'LKLUCh. Si UIMJJAM
"'OOD for Sale. Enquire cf
Nov. 17 dtf L. D. BENNETT.
IT'OK SALE. Thej-mthwest qunrterof section
11. towu.shili 12 11'Tth. ranze 12 east. Kn-
(JJireof I-eptSj S. DUKE.
70R SALE Two lot? in Glrrmoo 1. Chnn.
I sept 1 .S. DL'ui-:
l Plattsuiouth.
1 Acres of land
Enquire of
TOP- SALE OR PENT The property be
1 loi:ciiiic to D. .V iro-.i'ctt will be ,,11 r,T
rented on reiisonabie term. The bou.-e eon
tains fi rooms. There is also a larsc ti.-tern with
tilter. a cellar, a stable, and oThercnvcr ienecs.
Applv to 1. M. MAliyL ETT.
tjtt s.Ait. i ne s-unseriocr ocer lor i-sie a
I valuable water power, two miles below
P!nttmouth. near the Missouri river, with
sufficient waterand fall with economical manat'i
mer.t to produce power equal to aiiior"n-p:,wer
steam engine. The present is eusased ia
other business and cannot devote his attention
to the bu-dncs:. of miliinir. and will sell siid wa
ter power for a reasonablo price.
Plattsincuth, Dec.. 21 Wi.
Apply 'o Mastel t CnAFAX.
de..'21 d A- w ! f
1-0 r. SALE. A Farm ?;tiati.l a miiepr.d a
i naif south "f Eisrht Mile Grove, f.-cci and
7d aeres broke. For particulars nrply to
Statement cf the Financial
Hept. 20. ISi'S Palane" on lmnd at last .Settlement, 1 v.; Uv liinount -elle.-o i to dale.
Nov. 1st. ls.;iiliy amount 1 i.o-rest i.ileeted to date,
iec. a. 1'S To :ni"unt paid Soile Treiu.uri r,
Julyt ISe'.t 'J'oaiuoiiiit paid state 'J'i en.-urc r,
Aur. lSi-To amount paid State Trrr.i mi r.
Oct. To paid Slate Treasurer,
Nov. Ii, 1sjL'-1o amount paid State Tn-u.-urer,
Sept. 2.1. r"0 i' -.iaiu-e oi leo; I r.t l.-.-t Setttenluut,
Sept. -. lsi't' 1!' amount collected to dn'.c,
S. pt. L'V. 1 -, ;y error in chars.',
Nov. 1, l'.i dditi..n::l coll. -ciioti,
Nov. I. Interest collected,
July ls.;.i-'l 1 nmoant pai l Mate Treasurer,
Ani. ! '.'To i-.mount piii Mite J fasurer,
Oct. 1'-. 1st ; To Cane. ilaMoi deducted
i-t. -rs h V-Amuiint paid St.ite Treasurer.
Oct.Iii. lSt.t Amount over paid fciate Ireiifarcr,
Arfl.unt overpaid.
Sept. y. l-''s n..!aiire on bun 1 at lust Settlement,
July Is, lis- amount received tVom Mate Auditor,
Sept. l-e..i-I!vV.nionnt received from State Auditor,
N'oV.l-l. lSol Pv Hinount ei-!lected t drO,
Nov. 1. is..;. I'.v Interest eollc-ted t dste,
,'luly Is. !'-T'i amount paid Si me Tiea-urer.
u-,-. ls- e (, nmoiint paid State 1 r-a-urer. .
Oct' ls-i;-T. amount paid un.lry School Histner a nppor'uce J.
llet. -ii'. is. To uiiloiiu; credited to sundry feinml district.-'.
Oct.e.. lse-. To amount Patter-on's upr-rtionnieiit ere i .ted to denary ! tiool
ti-tricts. . . ..
Oct. L1".'. 1 ;. To amount Patterson f app irtiontaent paid out,
Oct. Is !' To amount paid Slate Tr.-a-iirer,
Oct LS. 1 ".I;! T anolint paid State Treasurer.
Nov.l. liitl To amount paid School Dislnei. tr,
Nov. 1. lS-. t-To amoant ere lite l school dHtrict M
Nov. 1, 1V3J To uaiourit paid out.
Amount over p.iiJ,
Aug. IT, ISiV.i y,y amonnt re-cinhursed hy State,
Nov. 111. 1 Pv amount ei.;iee:e 1 to .late,
Nov. ID 1 ''.. H auioiiut collected to date,
Nov. le, -j-v !:v aiuoiint Interot eolleele.! to date.
Nov. ID, 1 liy amount order-- iaclad.-.l in old settletnenl
Scpt.I.".', 1 s-.s "h amount ni indebtediu -s at l.i-t -cttlcuidnt,
Ainr.'s. lS'i.' To amount county orders redeemed.
Auk- -S. is-To amount endorsed on oui-.-tan lintf oraeM
A nit. -s. I"'-' To amount interest on said orders.
Sept. -i. Is1-.' To amount eouniy orders l
Sept. lstJ To amount eouniy or o r redeemed,
fit. 11, 1- To amount county orders redeemed
Oct. 11, l-.'D To amount ct-.doi.-ed on t.rdcr-".
Oct. 1 1. lso'.t To amount ii.terost jiai I on orderi,
Oct. 1 1. 1 t o amount paid out. 1 wood 1,
Oct. I'D. lsoj To amount county orders redeemed,
Oct. 'tt. ls.;.i To amount interest on t.'oiinty order.
( ct. 111. 1S'"!' To amount endorsed on order-..
Id. IT-', ls'ii 'I o nnii.iint cancelation deducted.
Nov. s, lse,;i To amount county eiders redeemed,
Nov.'.', IS..'.' To amount county orders rcdeonied,
Treasurer's l'ees tor collcctiou.
PalaiiOo atfalnt Fun-1.
Sept. Ci'. 1 ?,".S It itanee on hand at la-t SJeltlcinent,
Sept. -J7. 1"';.'.I l!y amount collected,
i.let. L'i, 1 ;v lly amount collected,
Oct. 1 s,-'. Uy amount inUre.-t eoltceted.
Septemljer '2. is S'.i To amount traml'erod to interest f jn I,
October 2'J. l"-i. To amount coni-eliations,
October -J. ise.i To amount tmn-forcd to interest fuul,
Trca-urer's fee for colieetinx,
Tlalnnec iu favor of fuml,
corxn srftooi. VL'ND.
September 20. lf's Palanco on band at la-t Si ttlemect, 2'.'. lSo'.l lly amount collecte I to date. rL'.', 1 ''!' lly amount transiered I rem do? fun J,
October Is..'.' To amount paid Sauiid.-r-' county,
I let. ID. 1 ''. To ain't of'appoi t ionment pai l school li-trie:i to (!,
Oct. -JD, lSi!'.' To ain't of apportionment credited to s.-hoel di-.'.rieu-',
let. ID. 1s.;d To amount of apportionment of Wo pa- I out,
Oct. L;'. s;d To aii'.ouut credited to sundry Bcliool Ui.nricu,
October -'. '"'.' Tn nir.ounts paid out,
October 1;,J To amount.-1 ai l out,
Ilalancc- in favor .f fund,
LAN 1) HoAD C.F.NF.rtAL H'N'P.
Septeriiber 27, Isi", Py amount transfered from Land Koad l-'und,
September 2'.'. lSilS To amount indebteduiosut last jcUieaiei.t,
March ). -To amount paid out,
rj.ilauec again.-t fund,
September 2.'. WW, Ttalanecon hand nt last yettlcmebt,
September Z. IS'.D I'.y amount eoll.'.-ted todate,
October 22, W.D l!y amount collected todiif',
October 22. lviD jjy amount collected to dale.
April 2S. 1 "'.'. To amount paid out to this .Into
Auituit 21, W',D To amount paid out to thin date,
AtiKU-l 21, IviD Keeripf red.-eme l.
September 7. W-!1 To amounts paid out to tliis date,
September 2!. Wet Toamount paid out to this date,
September 27. l' '.'. - 'I o amount paid out to this date,
September 27. W'.-.i To amount tr.-n-ii rcd to Lau 1 Ko.l 0-:.aral punJ,
Tiea-uret 's tec fur ei.ile. tii:;,
O. c-r t. 1 -T ancunl-paid out,
"clnlier 1 1, I-' t o amount road reeeii ts red'-em. I.
October 2i', IN' ' I n a ni'-jot road r'i-ipts roJkcui!,
November 2. 1". ; i o amounts pai l .en.
N o eiiibtr s, lsi.t- 'I'.. am..u:it r..u ! re-eeipta re ti' 1,
I'aiuai'O ia f.ive-r of fund.
DisTttirr school IV:. d.
September 2'.'. WW Ibilanee on hand at la-t rttlcnei.t,
September "j". 1 st, I ;y amount eoMe.-ied to this lte,
October 22, (Iy aieoiiu c .!!. ct" .-.! o. thiseato,
Oc(..b-r22. ls.'.-.i l'.y ami.uiil ii.o rot c .ilecied,
July . 1-i.D To amounts paid to tt.R date,
July .' 1. -'.' l'o a:n"tii-t pui i out to tbi-- dato.
Sept cm ... r I. i :' To paid out to t h I due,
S. tciol c- 1 . 1 .o.-To ami. 111:1 paid out t tbi- .lute,
eict'iber 2. l.S'V.i To amount pa.i I out tothi-1 dnti
Ocl.-be:- 1 !. s; ' To amount paid out to this date,
i-U'-ber 27. 1si,.i To ami. tint paid out to t'jis .late.
Oct ber -jS, I- .' To .oii-iuj;! .-4 i . i out to this dale,
b oi ember 4. 1 To -mieu ni pa i 1 out to ;h i dat,
I'.'Oict Hat ion,
i 1 taurt'i 's K-e f-r e'die-tinif,
I; .Isnee in f.. or of fund.
;e;,;, inb.T 20. 1 k''S Ii'!.in."e on h-md at la-t ii'ttlfxc:
Ne - ;v amount C illrct-1 ti dat,
' -!:;. iiiB-.tii.t cilec;.-.! t dat".
.' lly aiHount int'-re.-t e 'lie -t-l,
aiu'.unt paid out.
i. ' r 22. i -
'ctol.r r 22. 1 k
Mac S. W'.'-'
Jiilv Id. is '--
lint p od out
J lily 2 '. Is. 0 Io aiie.i.nt 1 a it out.
Jnlv an. W'.' To amount paid out,
.July el. is,.i T umount paid out,
Ser'tember 3. W.D To amount paid out.
September ll. W.D To amount pai l out,
September 2;. W'.D To amount paid out,
September 2S. !-.;;.-To amount pai I out,
September is. Wo To amount pai 1 out,
Oct. .lie r "1. 3 ''.'.' J o amount ail out.
O.-tober 21. W I o luiimi::! paid out.
October 2". 1 -''"'.' To amount pai l out.
October 2o, WiD--'l o am. .tint paid out.
November :". W'.'.t To amount paid out,
i ov. mber s. I see To amount p.u l out.
i re.i.-urci le J
if e:c!'.p-tirj
lla'.ance in f.u or of fund
September 2D. WIS Ilalani c on hainl at last se.t!e:.nent,
October 2'.'. W.-.i lly amouut charged 1 in "rest Fund,
September IT. Wl'.i Toamount l to inlere.-t fund,
October 22. lv '. To umount cancellations
September 27, Wi'-I!y amount transfcred frori penalty fond, 2's. W .' lly amount transit red from County -i.:M f.o:
October 22, I--.-.' Hy amouut collected to date
O.-tob r J.1, 2SD.I t.y iimoiint tran-l.-red from county fund,
September 2.'. KS Amount of indebtedness at last i-tta-uoc,
v pi. mbcr Z K 1 .'..' '1 o a'M-.iiTi paid out
September 2". l-''' To amount paid out.
October 12. 1 To amoant paid out and refunded,
October 2c, Is..i 1, aniouul paid penalty fund,
Septcm) er27. 1'"0 P,y amount coMctrd to date.
S.-ptcml it 27. ls.lo liy amount intcr-t collected to dato.
October 2.'. W. lly amount collected t'"!ate,
October e. W.D liy amount iiitere-t .-..Ileeted
Seplcniler 27. W?.' To amount tran-iired t.icoiinty f ho d f-c L
Ca!iccllat ions.
Trea-urer'i fee for collective.
September 27, W.D- Hy nmnuiit collect 1 to date.
Treasurer' fees,
September '-7. W'D By amount "i.lleete.1 -o date,
.-lobcr 22. ) -".' By amount cib eied to il oe,
September 1- ----Amount ol iudebtc Jne.i at last settlcinrEt
SepUmbir 1 WD To amount paid out,
September 21. WD To amount paid out.
'i rea-urer's lee for collecting,
Raianet ag'tin.'t fund,
Septembrr 2fe I'.w Balanceon hnr.d at lust settlement,
September 27. Wi.' By amount collected.
Ausust ID, I'.s'.D -To amount paid State Treasurer,
Trca-ur's fee for eo'leetitiK,
r..ilanee fua-:D-l fund
September 27. W;D Bv amount eoll -eted to dute
Oeiober 22. W'.D By amount eollc-ted to date,
October 22. Ino lly amoant ino re-t collected
February 2. WO To anioio.t paid out.
Aufru-t 2''., Wi'.' To umount paid out,
Septctiiber 21 . W;-e To amount r.jiid out,
Sept''inb-r 2S. !-; Toamount paid out,
' r'.ber 1 '.. Wle 1 o amount paid out.
November 1. WiD-To amount paid out.
Treasurer's fee for eollectinjr.
Balance in favor of fun I.
I I.ATr-MOUTil 1'P.rClNeT 1'0'v vrv-i
Se1.lo,11ber27.W.iy amount Bonds ro.-eU VlV
October g. W .-.- -1 . amount B. ids i--u d to date.
Balance to fv.-.r.f funj
October !. W-By ?-n..utf Sales to date. '
Oeljber 4. W '.1-
-i" . i o mil' mil ..ail Mate I rraiiin.
to amount paid State Treasurer,
CASS ro CAT): ')"'
Comtniioner. in and for the cZ'v i'TAPW 1 l - v''
ber Term of the County Com.nis,on?A Conn held ' t ' i'i r- I oh ' V ,".
ceBr.1 A7Lr'i5;',r' " htr"l:n;o our hands end
ini. r - . .
",1,ro - a-o . I OTPty C.-ik.
Condition of Cass Cc;
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n a- i
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itr.-r it
ci. I
nil 1 i
..iey T
th- seal of
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his l'a'i .:
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i:. ALi'LN,
.1. B. Moe -iE, Vtv3
1: Alii i, I
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