V I) XC0U3TUS EPIBE3. ttlTE & SPIRES, Main St., Plattsmonth, Neb., On il-jor east of the Curt House. Dealers in Produce, Yines, AND LIQUORS. v.r ivuak cjuiists of tl beet brands of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, Canned and Dried Fruits, OYSTERS, SARDINES, SPICES, FLOUR, TOBACCO. V.'JISII.TUJIS, Buckets, Soap, Salt, BACON, HAMS, LARD, v.riuinc kept in a Grocery Store. Every r:.cie warranted o' the beslquality. 'lhehitfh r. y.iju pj.io.iii ca b lor Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, BACON, HAMS, LARD, nt kU kii. i uf Fanner Proldoo. Ca9h paid for Hides. vu- uiive-1. and Koodi sold by Auction on Uie -noru -'t i by F. . W 11 1 IK. MUtl-muuth. July i JSc9. A GOOD CHAIMCE FOIl A GOOD .BARGAIN! fltvini; completed the platiiue and recording T uiv In kt'si Addition to the City of Platus avrfLi, I Hi" uow prepared to sell 400 ,a th V! li inn nt rn-inoWc rat" Terms are no hnit'e.'L li down; th; other hull payable in ..ne ve:ir. at ten p.-r (rent, inlcrest per at fr- m" ,i;i of pur.tia-e until paid, 'lo be sei annum t secured 7 ni'jr true on tho property. S. DV.KK. Donation to Churches. I m ill pivc to tho following ' diitloiis duueu:-.- .) the jl.ipti-t Church, lot 12 in blo.-k J7 : tho -..:i-nu,ito.i;il t'iiiir. h. lot -O in hlockZ-S; futh"! M. Uio li-t (Jimr. h. lot 1 in block 1-; tu th C:itiolio Church, lot 0 in 1.1 - toe V..f '-pa! ' Imn-ii. lot 1J in block 1.'; j tii i -1 li-i i in Church. I t I in block -1: l :.o t , n i :i:.n 'ft u r it lot I - in block o : To t ie i.ct'i'jr.iii C!i-i-.ch I t I in l.lo.-k Si: n jiy ioitiou to tlo; CUy.-t PI.iM mouth. UIOQ v'le toll ..iviin eon litioi-. vi That lheyiiha.ll . r-', on it't lo'--. a.- a'loi :o:i ite I. a suitable '.r;l i -'.i : I'U-.l.' vor .:;. wiihin live years - Vm 'ii'i't He : and. i.i e.i-.- f taiiuro oil the - - u I hiiriti "f I riiu.n 's lo comply n i.u, "at ov n h-oo;. t'nvi and iu that tun tho ..tl.u.Lulitcrttout,. 3DUKE Donation to Public Schools. I a.;r-j!.y d'i. '-. i'"'f tho u.-e of TuMk Ii.-trk t $ !:', I. 1 !;'. k i'ie noit'i aide ui .C. an 1 Lot V) 111 -- ' " '" M.:i:i stro'.-t, iu uiy additiotl to tlie i lty t i i;h. iJi- ivi.. r. S WT21TB T7 ,,..n.t Jdi nM QTI I RR! P nnd BREAK 5.UUU ACrCS OT LanUTOr aail; ; i 1 h:f "" ;:. Ly. Al il -I'S Ml 1 l.ots in I . .iv. :,t !.. tot.--. ( .' t ai'. nlion t-iveti to tV.' 'oiyin--- :ind " -.t 1 .; e.-Mti. :.i:!n'.;.ii'3 till'-. i'. I Pay ! :.wf.i.t..rPiU-i- H-.ti-.-. I'l I ' ! 11. t! t.; .z ni. ; e Lot for Ten Dollars, j w.;i . I to 1. :i-:i iron- : .;.ii:-iu:i; aie . I'! :l..-. fH.J "t I'll" lots 111 t:.: Uo.".'lll"-'l .- ! 'V..o;i to Cut. -111 -U M. at t'-ll d. il.ifS I . .-..i.-. -tlie toll.-.. a o:.i. ;ion. i.: , , o loir. ha-niK v. ill he i.:;viiivd to , .., t:,.. '.,1 1 rr.-iii-i-1 a . vol hoJ-i; ot ; i".--11. i-us to-v..t: T!i- h-.u:.- i.. 1 I... . ttf-i ii.t wnii .-100 no 1 . , r :'ru, i'. et. X'h.- t'r i.ae .iiu.-l H" ';l utiil . r- .-ii--il- h.iu e well hi,:sled; touna.Uiou .. .rfhr: !;o,-xi There t."-t bc-ak.tv l- f i - ti: 11 ii'xii. Hoi! iin--J,l''V V! I ,.a;...,!(iTi or h . .re Jau-.t try !t. . W l 1 . v, . h 1-1 I lor it deed t . the p.irty who buys : i ... p :'. h.t,-e i- ir. ilL.aivt upon t:i-i 1.0... i,e,1h,; aUivt eon.li'. 11-. will Ktve :i e"d and 1 :' tit Warr.tTity 1 d. .l -cti way oe maio from the a ."?ciiipany- Vl' ,;: t . u :.. 1 - t o. 4 l-o-t U; le t :in l.lo. k ls; Lot in J " ' - f 'J an I U in hloi k .1 : Lot h to I V- .-k l.-t - 't 'id in '' 1 . 1' " .' ."1 i-.i i.i. le! . :.nd t r.- 1 i ME j u "l",'.o -k -l-': L. u I ar. 17 ia bio. S. D'-'KK. ttT.ioJtb. A't.'.-'ilf OSco iu CoMri ltou.de J, H. liiM'ii: '5 ueeers to J. M. Hinehmaa,) Druggists & Apothecaries. DEALERS IS ;riis ami leclioinos, TAINT?. OILS. DTF.3, NOTION?. Toilet Goods PKKFl'Mr.RY. FANCY SOAPS. PURE WINES AND LIQUOR! T' v M - h-.r.i.Ml r.r..lM''dieiris! purpose. Krn -n-.M in'y 03 band a full and trel!teort!ii V .IT EXT If I D B I r' ri.-i-!n'' p-e .Tip;; n- earcfnlly oonipounl- . liiiue't ir:i --i-i. -"iie out . 1. l. Ail'goo ls vrarraroeJ u? n;ed. Call and Main Street, South Side. TF.UMS CASH. v- J. r ..vn, C. IT. KOi. J. H. D. KOSAX. COrrirnlSSiON MERCHANTS, Mb WU-iI.E.rALi: DLALLRS IS Flour, Grain Provisions, and Canned Goods, TTv-ni WOOL, etc., Corner Pear! and Court Streets, Couticil CiufT.iowa "or nllaiii .-ibmI Second St, TLA riSMO CTfl S"EB FiiRtNTEg. First National Bank. Cf.un :1 , R'-'. tlicer Tiiey. iiankers. Council hlut: leal B tnk. Oiuaba : Omaha Rational 1 . -rt.iha : Kotter .'., (." "on ; Boug i- '' tjrtl.nlnv Kn nn. i:.l"..l.rt A- I- ield. Piatt sm o a th , Wc Is fire an extensive general stock oP Goods that tve are constantly as sorting ujt9 tvhii tec oiler to tltc jmb lie at prices that tve know must give entire satisfaction. Wc purchase, the, xerij bei Goods at the hcadtj Mar ket and strictly for cash, and are prepared to compete tcith the trade at any point on the Missouri liver. E. A. WIOOENIIORNE GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too, nro going to B. A. W IGGEEEOEN &. Co., To buy IST 111 AV YORK STORE- The largest nd most complete STOCK OF DRESS COODS re now on rxbihition at the New York Store, at greatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new styled ol DUESS-UOODS. F HINTS, DELAINS. (tilNUH MS. mtowN sri;;;;TiN"u. liLEAriiED COTTONS, j;,L.MOKALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YARNS BOOTS ANI SHOES of all kinds and prices to euit our numerom cuetoiuw. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, -WOODEN-WARE, CLASS WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, "J.?,!PAP?' r ,h. vbra.Pd GAR DEN CITY GUPPER in' ii'iv ..us:'- - - . 1 -7 T.larn RFPERS. uu im . rUtt-inotu!. April -J-J !5bVJ. tK K r4f r vion of PLATTSiMOUTH, ll.K.i w: A LAI WE xry Goods, Groceries, Ciotnmg, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, O-A-IPS, BOOTS, SHOES aiid Previsions. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL Kinds of Country Produce. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, August 5th, JOHN J. RUSSELL. DEALERS! IS AND GhKAIISr Agents for Birdsall's Threshers, Buffalo Pitts Threshers, Geiser Threshers. New Yorker, Buckeye, John P. Manny's, Climax. -pT ,0"V7"3 ; Industrial, Dixon, Grand Detour, Skin ner, Iron Beam, Rod &. Mould Board Breaker. MISCIlLLAKEOUS 'IMPLEMENTS: Sulky Rakes, Revolving Hay Rakes. Little Giant Fan Mills, Johnson s Corn Shellers, Wier's Walking Corn Plows, Van Brunt Broad Cast Seeder, Buckeye Drill & Broad Cast Seeder. y Union Corn Planters. Sorgo Cane Mills, Bells, &c. Every Implement Warrented. PUttamouth, Aajrut26. 18G9. .... JYeh D. SCHNASSE. their at THK A large stock of . , , , ., i j . c IM J ",u1 SE iERS, HAY RAKES. 1.1 t tt tr OMUnTJrV Xr I II T the Hv.bai.3 Offieo, - NEBRASKA, AT STOCK OF 1309. J. E. DOOM, (Late f Doom. 15r. & Co.,) 5 She gUbrasfca $caW. LOCAL 2sJLiWS. From Tkunday'i Daily. Contractor Mallory says the first ten miles of road wet from this city will have been completed by the 1st day of J anuary. The Ckronide says the total tax for 18C9, in Otoe county, foots up a grand total of one hundred and fifty-four thous and, three hundred and five and 78-100 dollars. The recent rise in the river has stopped work on the track coming down onto the bar opposite Main street. The track will be put down a soon as the waters abate. R. TV. "Willct, E.q., in charge of the delivering of bridge timbers along the line of the railroad west from Platts mouth, informs us that the bridges are all completed for fifteen miles out, and everything in readiness for the iron. The iVcs has "recently heard of some complaint that the Midland Pacific Railway are not paying off hands and contractors as promptly as they should," but thinks Dr. Converse will pay them all in good time. Home companies are sometimes hard up furcash. Probably the Press may begin to understand that it does take a "heap of cash to build a railroad," We understand that the Masonic Fra ternity are making extensive preparations for a good time on St. John's Day, the 27th inst. A public installation of three Masonic bodies will occur in the after noon of that day, and a grand gathering of the order and their friends will take place on that evening at their Hall. The scene will be cnlivend by the pres ence of the beauty and gallantry of the country, and a large number of invited guests from other jurisdictions are ex pected. Whoever desires to enjoy a glorious time during the holidays should not fail to make their arrangements so as to attend the celebration of "Evangel ist Day." "All is not gold that glitters." Our friends down at Nebraska City do not appear to be all of one mind on the ques tion of railroads. The Press accuses Judge O. P. Mason of selling out the county, and intimates that the Judge has sold himself for pay. Isn't that just a little bit funny? Judge Mason has lived in Otoe county a long time, and is pretty well known there probably as well as the edit r of the Press. lie is pretty well known throughout the State, and in fact throughout the entire west. We have heard a great many per sons soundly abuse Judge Mason, but we never before heard anybody accuse him of "selling out" his principles. He has leeu noted rather for his obstinacy in adhering to and advocating his owi fictions regardless of what other people thought. Billy, haven't you rather "put your foot in it" in accusing Judge Mason of "selling out?" frum I'ridny Daily. We leurn from tlie Intelliyenctr that Lincoln thinks of imitating 1'iattMnouth by building a fine hotel. T. W. Shrvick has removed hi Fur niturc J?hop to his new building one door west of Murphy's Hotel building. Orea polls is now in the height of her glory she is connected with Plattsuiouth by rail. Henry TJoeck, Ei., will erect a large three tory brick store early in the Spring on the ground now occupied by his Cabi net shop. IXsmp.ster and Cumniings, the Ham burg murderers, have been quietly taken to Council li'uffi jail to prevent the ex cited populace from lynching them. Fifty cents will pay for the Intelli gencer one year. Enclose the "stamps" toJ. P. Lantz&Co.. Lincoln, Nebraska, and you will decide it a good investment. Linus Barker, who was stabbed in Ot tumwa recently by Otto Fraunberg, died of his wounds last Sunday morn ing. The "Hole in the Ground" south of Second st. bridge has been "squelched." Sheriff Johnson took possession of the last of the outfit a few days since. The community breathes easier. The Nebraska City ' .!a.ks frantic ally and emphatically "Who Owns us?" If somebody does not claim you pretty soon we would respectfully refer you to the provisions ofChapter XVIII of the Revised Statutes, headed "Est rays." Some fellow got in a desperate hurry to marry yesterday, and routed Judge Child out of bed before daylight in the morning, to procur" a license. Some people who believe m stgns think that is an indication of cold weather. Billia & Son have commenced the foundation for a two story building op posite Murphy's Hotel building, 22x70 feet. They will complete it during the winter, and have it ready for occupation early in Spring. From tlie summit of the hill in the North part of the city, the train can be seen coming towards Flattsmouth, from Burlington, at a distance of about fifteen miles. There is onlv one slight curve iu the road between this city and Glen wood. As soon as the C. B. & St. Joe R. R is turned down to the river bank opposite this citv, and the Rock Island road makes its connection here, things will begin to look lively. Let each of our daily subscrilers make an effort to get one new subscriler before the 1st day of January next. Remem ber, if we can secure one hundred new names on our daily subscription book be- r.. "v .:u j..; t. I luic .icb xcai ctc nui uvuwc luo jjita- etat wj&df r&edafilr- 11 SSOOI WALLEY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. -:o:- CAPITAL,. -:o:- No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, -:o:- BHAITCTI St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, III., Memphis, -:o:- ILL POLICIES -:o:- Divideiifls on tlie Securing the Greatest Pecuniary :o: REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. Thin is a Western Company, managed by Western men, whose known finanancial charac ter, ahility and position, afford ample guaranty fur its careful and succesful management. 2d. Its Polices are all noi-forfelliiw. 3d. Premium all eh. It receives no notes and gives none. Policy holders have no interest to pay, and no outstandiiiK notes as liens upon their policies, 4th. Dividends an.' losses are paid in cash. 5th. It insures at lower rates than any Eastern company. Cth. Its risks are in the West, whore the rate of mortality is lower and the rute of interest higher than in the East; hence the accumulation of dividends to the policy holder is greater than iu any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction upon travel. 8th. Its dividends are made upon the contribution plan. Oth. Itsbasincss is exclusively life insurance. :o: Arc the accumulations of interest upon premiums taid. hence the Company that loans its assets at the highest rate of interest can give you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at G percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cent, or ntnrp. The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder appears in the follow int; startling figures: The amount of 51.000. invested for fif ty years at 6 per cent, compound g 10 Jf) 4 -:o: OFFICERS : H. D. Frlackay, President, E. Henseley, Vice-President, Geo. A. Moore, Secretary, E. VV. Eaves, Treasurer, 0 7 J. L. VVever, M. D., Consulting EXECUTIVE H. D. Mackay, George H. Edgerton, -:o:- This Company Insures at lower rates tlia any Eastern -:o:- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENCE: That I, A. Thomas, Auditor of tho Stuto of Kansas, do hereby certily thut tho Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, organized and doing business under the laws of the Slate of Kansas and Jlis-iouri. has fumi-died the un.lersiirlied satisfactory evidence that it hu iiivc-ue 1 One Hundred and Kil'tv ...1 it'.i iars of its capital in United States tioveruinent Hon Is. of the deuominut ion of r ive-Twe.-itie-t.r.-":.'."! and are possessed of the same. And I do lurliier certify ttial sai.t Cmpany ha.-, set ajiart One lluri dre.1 Thousand IV.llnrs of said United States lion. Is for the benciit of all poi.i. y ihi.kh:h oi uni.l Louipany : aim tnai 1 1101.1 iu irusi .111.1 on ueoMi i.triue uencut 01 .;i.i i.oin-y imi lers tlie s.-eurity above mentioned, and I am satislied that such seeui it ie.-are worth One lltitiured Ttiousund JJoilarH lawful money ot the Lni.eil Males 01 America. In witness where I have hereunto subscribed my name, and caused the seal of my oOice to 09 I Seal of Aud- I atli led, the day and year above written. itor of State, i A. TilOMAN, Auditor of State of Kansas. CERTIFK'ATK OF AUTHOrUTV TO IK) BUSINKSS. (1FFICF K SrpKHlSTEN OKNT OP THK IxstKAVCE llEPinTllEvr tr,t J..... TT IS HEREBY t'EKTIFIEl). That the MUsouri Valley Life Ir.-uranee fompany? a Life As- J. surauee Company, orsamzed under the laws ot the Mate ot knn-as. and its principal offiec lo- cated at the city of Leavenworth, has complied with the requirements of the thirtieth, thirty-'ii -t thirty-second. thirty-tUmt ana tnirty-tour.n nies." approved March loth, a. i. lol. so far as the said requirements are applicable thereto 11.l pursuant to the thirty-sixth section of s.ti.l Act, the said Missouri Valley Liie I ii'iirant-e t'oinp inv is herebv authorized to tlo business as a Lite .Vssur.:iee Company within the sai.l State ..1 Missouri' subject to the several provisions and re.iuireMicrit.s f the A.-t aforesaid, until the first .lay ot Feb ruary, in the year of our Lord eiphteen hundred and seventy. In testimony whereof. I. Wyllys K in;. undersigned. Superintendent of the In ur c Depart - I Seal of Insurance I)e- ) meat of said .tate of Missouri have hereto sPt ,v band and aiiixed partment of Stateof my seal ot office, at the city of St. Louis. Missouri, this fo,h ,1. " 1f i Missouri. J July A.p.lvitt. LSiened;. WYLLYS h INC ftuperintendent ol thu Insurance Department of the State of .Missouri. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. (To expire on the 31st day of January, 1S70.) Ixsi'Banck Df.pabtmf.xt. Ofpick of State Acditok. I.i.N -tit.x. Nebraska. A;.ril I. Will. WhkbKas. Abram B. Covalt, State A?ent for the MinMouri Valley Lite Insurance Company, lo cated at Leavenworth, Kansas, has filed in this ollk-e a copy of the Act ot Iiieorporu: ion 01 s.ti l Company, and a statement under 01th. showing its condition, as required by the Intli sei tion .! a law of the State of Nebraska, entitled "An Act in Relation to Insurance Coiiii.aiiies," approved Male 01 .i 1 sso u r 1 . t'iitiur.ia 1. 'i iticiNL.'ii .tti.'u iiii.i rcKioai ion tu iue yvssuranee t 01111 lebruary loth. l4;,approveil t eoruary 1-th. ami whereas, ru.ul Company bis turni-iie.i the ! undersigned satisfactory evidence thai it isjMt.ss.-ed of j Five Hundred Thousand Dollars j of actual capital, invested in the stocks of at least par value, or in bonds or mortirnx.n on ral ' estate worth double the amount for which the same is mortuired : and win-re;..-, sai.t Compan . :. is i filed in this office a written instrument, under the seal of the Company, signed by the l'rts".: nt i and Secretary thereof, authorising the said Abram ii. Covalt to ackuowle ikc service of proees.. i,.r and in behalf of said Company, consenting that service of proc ss upon him shall be taken and held to be as valid as if served upon the Compauy. according to the laws ot this State or nns- other I State, and waivinir nil claims of error by reason of sii.-h service; and whereas. Abram li. Cuvalt has furnisheU satisl;u-tory evutence tnat ne is tr.e authorized Apent ot sai.i t ompanv. Therefore be it known by these presents, tnat in pursuance of the aforesaid Act, 1, John (iiiies pi, Auditor of the State of Nebraska, d hereby certify that Abram H. Covalt. E.-... has tuil au thority to acta." State Agent :or the said Missouri! Valley Life Insurance Company, in tlieStateot Ne braska, and to do &n 1 perform all acts for an t in behalf of aid Company authorized oy his ap pointment as such agent, and by the laws of this State, until the .''.1st day of January, a. !. I'i.'o. In witness whereof, I have subscribed my name, aud caused the Seal of tlie Aa litor's ojice to be l. s. affixed this ist day of April, a. l. ISo'J. JOHN GILLESPIE. State Auditor. GOOD TRAVEL IMG .1. IS. COT1IjT9 State teent for .vbrttskaaiid .orttiern Uunsas. J W. MARSHALL Affent. 1 i w rvir fTt"Tu iR. LIVINGSTON, Med. Examiner, J rll 1 1 bMUlTl II. - - $500,000.00 LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS OFFICES : Term., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. KOK - FORFE ITIN 6. Contri3titioii 11 ;m. Advantage to the Policy Holders. interest, is .. .. at ti 3 J8,l'0.14 4H.90L61 117.CU0.R5 3ia,ocs.os D. ftl. Swan, General Agent. Physician. OOnVEZMIITTZEE : R. Nines, E. Henseley. D. VV. Eaves. Company. Al'TlTTOR OP 'TTP nmrr itteKKA. ivosas. reoruary Jtith. lH'.i. sections ot an Act ot the (iencral Assembly ot the -:o;- SOLICITORS WANTED. -:o: V ' nr-x T-n -k.-t m T" o M'illliHt Pr. Livintrton's rffieo dttrinp th' art week in otieh nionlh. All ur.ior lell i.t Ue 1'r.it Oii,-e will be iromttly ntt'-ieted to :jj'y' l lit. KHASO.Y 13.347 WcicMoIri in I lie Veai 1SGS in BicitJii: AO 7' OA; 4.S EYr.li FAII.HL . t r invtt 1 ENTIRE SATISFACTION lHErrttrlCT ..ptllATIi.S eK KVkRT Charter Oak Stove FCLIiY CPA KAXTKH). lien wumtvK: KM w I They Stand Unrivalled j FOR ECONOMY. FOR DURABILITY. AND CONVENIENCE. For Simplicity of Manigenirrit, And for Cleanliness in Cooking, They ore ILmie Institutions Manufactured in the West, and adapted to the wants of Western and viou hern v i: o i' l i: . Surely no iroo-l housekeeper can atlorJ to lir w uiioui one. POII 1-llH E 1.1-tT. ililBk'S Excelsior Ma uhi-urnm: 012 a-ol4 A. .'"'" s. , M" r f.l BV E. T. Duke & Go. Pi:ttirioiitli, INcb. p 1 . N ( s. 1 11111 Airent for the b. Ht .Mus. .! I - I HI:. fill.- made, persons wishmit to .y I -. 1 Aletropoiiiiin or l'orliihU i;:. : ' '. ran imrcliase tlirouirh my Ari ... .1 J r.. terms as they can from the itiiiu::it ...... .- them selves. Al Instruments fully Wiirr:i:.t.-.i. aprltf. J. WlaK. PLAT TS Til 15 TH ITALIAN ANC AMERICA,: MAIH3LE MONUMENTS, TJifBSTO.IF.i If LAD 'JOXf:. TAUi.E-Tors.jtr..' Furnished promptly and neatly at the vnry lowe.-t prices ; jf.-11.ie. We Warrant Satisfaction. ME It 'IKS k BHO.. Miu street near r.th st.. Plaltsmoath Neb. wif O. A. DERBY. OTTL'MWA MF CI CO. 0. A. DERBY h CO., MANUFACTU15HRS AND Wholesale and Raiaili DEALERS IN FURNITURE BEDDING. CHAIRS. I.OUNriKS. TABLES. Ac oy Our motto is nuick sales and small profit. i -Vo.-tlS. t3-ii t , "H5 .lll 1 street, (Letween Second and Third) r!:ilti;:oiilli, rt'5ra.!ia. exs'J2l. Tor inn a oct21wtf NEW MARKET GEO. HCKLER. Corner Main and Second Street, PLATTSMOUTH. NKiKASEA. keeps conetant'y on Land the bt cf all kiadi f rates forcisL jiI'mim SEWING MACHINES. F. P. TCDD AGENT. PL. 1TTSMO UIII , i:brisai j A good ort!nent cf Machines on hand. I also keep Thread, Oil. Needle, ic. Machines to rent ly the month. trm Norti rh Mta isij IIatahj rmu iFii?ii AliT IrALLLRY. 0XK DOOR EAST OF C0UUT iWZSK.) Wlior" I eni rtrm.iTiet.tly l.oTod, nd iiriprd to n-.ttkc ail Liiels ui SUN PICTURES, Rneh rhoi.rnrlw. AmSmlj pw. firm. rl. 1 Foroelnin. W'ufh Dial. Minctu. tie. ' Work done neatly ai d rro'nrtly. find WARRANTED TO il F. iSATI.FACTIOi. Also, keep a weil (.clreted ft m k of Oval ai?l square l'ratn-i. U rtre r-tieotfuHv invi:.-? to ei'i ntid emtnuie .,.eM:n. . V. V. l.K"NAi:i. Art i.t H.ec! julyjit tb -rv -v mvm wi vmt. Em Mitt I M. o-iii:i:ri: sum .". SEED CATALOGUE AnrJ Guide Jo i;:e FLOWER AND VEGETABLE JA!tT! i;, s ou PuHM.rd in .Tai 'y. Fvery l-r cffl. wrrf isliiur lliiw m and vii!ni;l.'r vi ..rh . f f t. rluilj:.:. fliotild a.i.jii iintee ii..t: M.Oht'll, Sns. X '.. i:il; iier .V t.'ai.' L'loek. Jio. lie tor N Y nori ib HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR REtOJER lis the only erfectcJ an.' 'c 5 1 n t ? fi n 1 1 v iiriMinro.1 , .. v.. .w.-.-t 1 "I y pre)ar:ition' of its kip.' 'itvnr .fT.'ril trt tlie DllliT ! RESTORES1 and lias no competitor GRAY iin merit. By its s n I l D AK.1C Jillfc IS won fl 11 1 II TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR, rcstoretl to its original lyoiubful c.-lor nnd' bril liancy, which is so much admired by all. Person whose hair is thin or filling out will, by the use of o'ir PROMOTES Koncwer,soon see its g.x.1 jrpn jeifects, as, by its tonic and I 'stimulating properties tha GROWTH! iiair glands will he im-ited TJ Jand the hair grow thu-U to 1 landstrongagain. Incase 1 J J 'of Baldness it wi'.l crout,. SPLENDID !a new growth unless tb- 1 PPrran follicles aro destrovod. It TRY ONE ! tr .. 1 ..II.... ..'! ittbing nul irritation .1?' the scalp. ltd ''s n: st ii:i BOTTLE the skin .is wyes, b:i' AUD '"iilves tho sc ilp whit" an ? llllUlVLll t js tho beat r.nd ino'. UP jeeononiical ptop:;riilio:i iu THE l 10 wor' :iA 'ts ,':ct1 frjTTTiT jlastKO much longer. .Send llilli fvr our Tivati.-o t!' LOCKS ! hair, frco t .-.ll, by mail. Sold by all CruggUts nd Dealers In tTedLSnf . COOK, COBURN & CO. Gen'l Agecf3 for TTort!i-T7estern Etater, 87 BIAS30N STEEET, CICi'JO.lLL. " We. tio ItTiuvi-! f I'l.tt t-n;nitt. call t .I'll tetitioii of our f i -to mi i i t be -V ' f pn M mIm-iI below of tbewon h r i I . tin-kv of l r. It tbnrk's Si"ma-ii lliti"! '. ;. Kobio'k's nil niav i in I'.lood I'iili. We hit vp bcni scllinz tl.ev- jidi-e'r.ie.-- etiom;h l'i"l tli'-y "ne nci ia- tiUMitled to . und tne c.ritl;".iU of cures puh-i.-!.c I are true. Bead the foVoivinp I, tier from one of the oldest aud vio. reliable grocery merchants in the cif'j of Iiiivcnjort. x j jfj iCBI'jl Agreeably o my promise to von when here, I write you, for piiblieiiioii if you see proper, a true state ment of the good ef: feets of Robiiek Stomach Bitters upon myself. I had beer: troubled with md gestson for a lon time, attended with seveie headache, par ticularly a it er ea tin when fortunately a: old soldier friend came into the stor;: amj i-ecommended m to use 21 o back's Bit ters. I did so hy tak i n a s m a 5 i v i 1 1 c-r: a : j f., just Wlhi'v eat jHiCal, aliiltOIV - ! lov 1 was r??i!eyeo once, ami um cjo;v 1 well by ihvlv ust 1 would ;sot Se without ! them at any riee. ! nave not lafien am- other medieirsc sinct corusaenceii uss?- liie can say rhh a clear r Is "J s i bae;i s will do all thev recommendeia to a if taken aceordir, j frj fit OfJ 3fH ours irsily, Ofhe firm of UekW lack i V - i . -1 ' '?3 Baifo!v'w". I-wi'& ri, Dtwiis Mi?. trtr l m i :.f fii'w'