J U '... ,' ' rf 'NEBRASKA. HERALD j i :: "' I'aw-V a: wkkkly by 11 I 1 1 AT 1 1 AWAY, ; f ifto; an: f R"I'!'!ktir. ; e i " ; ""n 'r Main and .-'c'-ond street. rr- ! ,.:!" ! RATES 'OF. ADVERTISING; (T,c t.jtiaic - c o ii lou. i f i;.n. 5 1 " i :.. H mo.-.... .; i.;.-i-ti... , I'r- M . ..o.- ii--t - ' i -lo-? .-i'. ton-, li y I lr. . ,l..ll . r a-i ilOlll. HI' Ki--. l' f 'O.I Mi., mx ii.. ml.-. ' I It. . ii. ii: It. . 1 ' (,.. I ;,:.r,,h:i,.ii Lh-Ih- !: , i la.. I. Ill''- - " , ' " i lin e :.t .it t L.S. ') , ( l;ir ri,!:nun I nrli c nu i:l li.s ", 1-iN lll.,iUll.. IVVfi tln.c i.H'iil!.-. " 11 All lr:oi-i.-nl miv. 1 1 irruiciil ii ul I "1 n t" o. advur.rc. . ' .J. J ' . ' '". - '.'' " ' " ' i-" s-- 1 .i I w i ill U . k - TCT1 A 1W T - -te M3 :--! t;?y rr annum, or 1.0(1 per month. V. -kiy. JyJ.IHjM.r annum if paid in ;. !. :.!!.. Si.'j' if nt raid In advance. 7 VOL. 5. r i ; ati'smoutit; ne bra ska, tii misi ay. iecem i s er -rs, i sun. NO. 3S. amm ,u . i ,: i. i-i.n.'t Ui-it the preparations I'.- ii, . 1. 1 -i'lati- Ji id'.St Johns Day hy ;!), F n r;.:'y vf I'lattstno.tth, arc on a j,,, r.' n.-ive aiil pran'l wale than .vr.-i r tl.-1 kind hitherto alteinitud ::. ;hi-- 'i-i'- ' Ii.-i0 in the country v h.) i; tt !i'l wilnes.-ingthc imposing ceic u.i:,i at the -ii-- installation of ofil ,.. r, w-ciM say thai thv must ho ni j. ti K'.Yi-jck '. M. The Fraturtiity :!!'' i-: ;-.fr-o?v;.iu, ami in the tV. 1 y v.-Ill win.l up with such :t ! :::. : ate! .jiyt asscmhlngc --v..'! ! i !.' tii'i no:i-iui lamorahlc of (lie orh-r wo heg to sr.-M !:iy n-.t. (the 27th lV;m !, r . i- St. .lc!i:ix 'Itv i!'t loniot it. ..:.-::: v: ii .s iMitr.cr. T!:' i:m r l:u!;,s of l'ia:tsii)'utli will . : . r 1 L" ! - ;-hipel lirc-t t : t!ii- . via :hu i?. M. li. tin; ,r. ..t thi.-'V 1 V, ........ Th:; fVci.-ht Will v . f. ! ,.- .y tUU Pint.-, anl the ;. - In , ,I M'r cent. Ij Jn- .... , ....;r -iilj iu i to .'(.ml hy the l.ur- Mi--o'iri ltivcr Uailroa'l to ', ,t u 1 i . ;ui.l -.'iv.' your custoimTS iJ, , ::' of th.' ! v IVeitflit. vi..:i". FtlMM. I'r.'i'i (lie Illrli'i I o 'itol. Tii - i-:i 2r,'a livTMty 1' oiinion ii',' ill" :iiti-t.i as to th professional , , f Mi -.s Hcp.i::, 1'it the sketch of !; r iiu. Lriv( a huiow, a related ly the ...'.it..;- ( f the Topr.ka (Kan). Jicconl, !:n - tii it siio has ainhitioii joined to I la. k. ; v.hieh two qualities are apt to ..,.,! p--;-or in higli places with ,.ut th.: aid of marked genius : ' VLo-.-.t :. l7--n ' :'u- a.ir. the ITeam.s I . , I ;; L av.-n-.vortli. tha father of Vin :: 1 tiie ia i'Uord of the Shawnee II .a-.'. Afterwards th: las.-nly removed t 'A'yiirid..::-;. and ll-aui, Sr.. kept the r.'l i it'e II 'w U,i t!ie journey ta VV i.i. i .tte Mi- Heam d:ove the cow, uiri went with her rhapel f'-et hare, to . ;iv; in r t-h'is. She woi kd ahout the h.it.-l ;it wa-himr dihes ani was re !:;:;! i:a'!,' f..r iioihiiii.: save her heing an v.;i.-,!::nionly pr"ty, plump little irirl, .van very i-rL-ht i yes. II she had ar-f":-ti tastes (' iasir;a:o:H, none of the i '! '. -s t .. "Shawii'.-e" or the "Kl- .vil.fuU,,.;tr..i. They ate the j, t.:, wl-i.-I. i.;;.i.-' s lair ham is served , : . I .1.. ..t..i n.tn a:. ; u' a '.'.r.niic.i .-khv ui-r .U we wi.-h to disci-.-? the merits I. - i'.v.-u'.. statues, or to decide ': : hive" is a nod-.! ( beauty, i: Don I'iatt .-olcmnly affirms, - i i led." 'ilie nigral of thi ? ve : . !.i ;iic!o i-i th-4t :liis Kansas pirl v. ..;-k ' iter way fr:i th'i kttchento ... ;- ::i .liivctinjr tho 5 v'l,; ' ; ( the family cow, !.-;.' ir.r, at her own hi-.,-.-'.-, vf '.);:p:V-;l!icn .('.'is Whether this h-'r uonlus, or the . i ;.n"r!c -e. Kan.-as i ' . t . . . V i r C.i.'t. I -. Is! ' K -' V- J.?, '.I-".: -j.ter mi d.t ! !e! f 1. I . '!-.!- , i , , , , , ,.'.'.., i ...-.' - ;.r..d h,:r ' V'" : Sl,e - , ; "'; ,'.' '. ';' .11'. 'h-p, '''.' " ' . '";; : "" i 'ive'u- '-;; ''V.irid-c " -i r'r,'r " ' ' I-!.V J5ii' :::Oerest. I'.ir'.i - v.T; j-urch;s-.'-. I .ile'ol lands t th- i uMi:- -do ;lio-i;.' no iV.fjot tint. l ;'i- ' ! '.;-!::!- rl' till' law, j , 1 1 r ii :i : an 1 tho :io:f.int ;.!r. :v'y j.aid if they fii! to pay a; hi- iiiti'iv.-: i:io:i'.'y to the c r.i:;!y Tre;t.s-;ii;'i- on or ! Tor- the jh'xf . , limit- list: '.! in !rt i 1 t h j.romnt, 'is other iii:-s nii'louidi'diy stand ready to t ike the land it' you -jive them an op portunity. Trea--itrcr Hohhs will be hapv to receive the interest Money any tKJie -.ill: 1 v there !'r. V"e wa..t. and will have, ii.-i h of .six . montns, th- l.e.-t in i; ket Jioiise mine Stale. W e ic.jiiatc no village or hauih-t in tii St.ttv, hut keep an "yeon Chicago a!! t!ie time. A'..'.. City (hii.niii!.: Y ou may keep an "lyc.-in Chicago, but .1 i von ,-iii.t,...-.. ( bi.vi Ht,N li v. ever di-'overed Nebraska Citv. As t-j , . . i" 'imifatm' v:.la cs or h muets, we wyiii t simply reti.ait tnat we reuu-miier in our y.'iC.hl'i:! day-; to have read in a ! ok son,.-'vvh.re about '.'itirniiiir wisdom from La!e.t.'" Ihi'.e yon any oftho.se books in Nt'bra.-ia City ' ic, voter; of AVyouiiiii' nreeinet. in )h- county, assembled in mass, eotiven- ti n r - ccn'.lv and ):i3-cd resolutions etc- - .1 '. r. , ir. v.tin - f;-'her car':: - th1 li op aWtioa to ounii iuu.ui J'" , . 1 ' ., ,iiT, '.-ii !s f ti:o eotinty lor .tau ltoau.-. ti. recently and i:t'cJ resolutini.s dc- t t.t: : v..-e r 5 ;" 'J 'rai,y i-.;v voter Oil the d:y appol'itcd ibr ,.'...-t:.)::. The v. iibdraval tf the !-.. 'it ion by the Coiui'rs loes ' iy w t:i the j r; -e a 'ti-i). lit re c.-iitv i f th?ir dr. Greeley and .Mr. icecher are at j . ... . l-.-tvrl,ea.:.-:. ' Mr Bccrher say; .Mr i.--.?y iiv.-heil bin: to j- rf.-rm the liich-a-' t- .ii-M-d'a' -an-l m.trriiJjro '.eromony, - i I Mr tJ-.v.'h-v k.'v he eidii't Mr. dlu-Ses to a i '-.,r wrirfcii him by vj i . ' id Ao v. r. but ree meilintion. of will: ua there is loss dan3or In a : : y y ii v.-iit n..t he.rt. than m a p w,r -.- ' - .,!''-' ! ow.-r u-.t . ::l-t ; :- tiie th-j v.-;:. :- . :u i.ous - ".t u-it means. . , l ;.,!: w..u d Atii at tiie y " .'ii .':"; l0li Januirv, 1S70. hero are tl.e cars r : ..wuli 1 a lor.- story to tell I ' j,' " . ' To he Vl,:n, wh it have you ever ad X .... r.tlr'vi..,-....-' lathe Gui'lctaun thtit lime tiu ut.l . i .....i 'i , . .. ,,,.,. n fa-hiM 'ir "i'i ve'ev "shou'- Vriuni'hanth'! J 'w'are at UC' A. . - . A gentleman prominently connected "Ihiagforlhe kUer!" Siy old f,i I ' with this cnterp,i,e said to us, on 1 knv,-, thelet-erea-Mtorral! i'oor b h HWt J,ylf. A mean man tel- Jfday, that the traetf ol the Omaha ?ud tl :,r to , ;,,,:ie an enemy S'ffiffiw d hiki' " . is will ' ,:-.,;i:,;rehim. Vietory deprives ?. , 1 to refuse! and ho liVtM H1"" t,,e onic within hx nnl fFrom the Xcliriii'kii City Chronicle. tsik i.rurivi: "i.i;in kkt i. hi t: itivi;i: i sliocr Cftrt'lessnrHH I We rocrct to ) under the necessity of chronicling the fact that the locomotive "Lnj-MFoot," htlonfrin In the Midland lacitic Railroads and Vfhieb'has h::cu !:((?'! the ojp.iite sid of the rirPT for the p tt two or three days, awaifimr transpoitatiojt, lumllc 1 intojhe river. The rumors in regard to the aeeident are - r.ti 1 very (onflicjin. The only two wliieh look plausihle are as follows : 1'irst : That on leaving the hank, '.villi a head of steam on, the flat hoats sunk under the weidit, iirecipitatitur her into the river. The other rumor is that she pained the hoat, and not stopping, pushed into the river. At all events, the locomotive i now in the river with the water close to her smoke ftacks. However, we are of the opinion that she will he safely landed on In-ni jin.m hefore to -morrow evening. The aeeident was occasioned, no d iuot, hy sheer carelessness on the part of those entraired in putting heron the hoat. Rrpiiili::! !.: tJ ';mii! i t Oil the K'th inst. lion. William Mim cen, a demoeratic lucinhcr of Congress fioin the r.th Ohio district, made a speech, in which he openly advocated a tirjniiliatiiin of tJic Xttlioii'il J clt ! As soon as he had concluded his remarks. Gen James A. Gailieid, a Jlepuhliean niemher of Congress from the isnne Slate, introduced t he followin.tr resolution, which was adopted, yeas nays 1 Jones of Kentucky : Jiestifcnf, That the proposition, direct or indirect to repudiate anj' portion of the deht of the Ignited States is miwnr thy the honor and pood name of the Na tion, and that the House, without dis tinction of party, herehy sets its seal of condemnation on any and all such propositions-. We don't know where M unpen was, that his vote was not recorded with that of Jones, apainsf thi-patriotic resolution ' hut he was so well satisfied with his ef fort in behalf of rrpwliitioii, thac he at once retired to Whitney's to take a plass of that preat democratic iuvigorator, straight whiskey. Ji'jtuhlunn. The '. It. E. A I. ilail lioad. -, Mr. Stevens, Genend . Western Agent of this road, called at our oitice yester day, " and we are pratilied in hcinp ah!e to say to our citizens, satisfactorily ex plained to us how it occurred that the advertisement of whu-h wo spoke in our isue of Friday morning, found its way into Applctoii's Railway Guide. It was copied, so far as the connections are con cerned from the original posters, to 'vhich we took exceptions at the time 10 time. i .ur. o. a -sures u-- mai mi n . . Iload has no disposition to ignore or mis represent thi.- city, in any particular, and that, the notieo of -. v. hit h we com plained is the result p'trly of accident and not ef de.-ifiK The necessary cor rections will be ma. To at once, and all Cisu--e of just complaint removed. As to the remark that the iiinhUcnn had been "boit-jlit vifW y a comctin line, Mr. Stevens informs y.i thr.t it was not made by anv i,tso:! offi:-iaTlvcr.;."iect e i "Ka .lnc raa, vui a j.a-.M-ivr ttcarc grat:he 1 tu tlrt !v;i:g able to i HdverUsT.e..t w:a.:a c..;: -l.ttued. ! a,)1 t.i;,'t at herjajter wo ..an have no . el with the road, but by a passenger " ;;t,;'1 ml";xr' :irn'V! "1-'-t "V1 t,,- il :M.ino:Kho.- ( ii:;'!..i iioi.i ,t:i- ea-t in ii tliroet h:i '. 1 h:is nosiu-Mi.t.- MO,,t,ul ? :UI'1 fV:-:iS-;iV r, :'-i::i.:i"""i v;ith "thl'r Jn:os-,t" M- !l':;yat:' V . i,u" Ir'.''i.--'v , neineuioertiijr the ru-ts we regret te.l.ihe n-oessity v.iiieli nnpolle I ti- to severely ontx-ie ir- ii'.n in masvir..! .-tatt'tnonts whu-li. it uni.ont'.a uetod could not fail t' d.imai'f' the j .resent and prc-ixK-tiv- intcre.-t.s of Omr.ha. lie- jntfJi'ciTH. X t'Jrn l'tr ."-.: Km. The 3Iissotni JirjmUicmi has a or- ie.- lament who tin lert ikes the tli.ink.es ta-k of defending mean men. 11 vn- (leavors to prove in an elaborate es.-iiy, the superiority ot the 'mean man to the "good fellow" of our c riid. And in irood Footh, hff eonies nearer to mic tvss in his task than it is politic to ac knowledge. ( nu tiling that a menn man is re markable for. i- his reliability. You al ways know where to tiud him. Ask him to cool libiito n te-.lin ooi.il to lVdirers. or F'jbferihe for thi relief of Smiths. He says No. I Jut he also aet.-s No. lie don't give a cent. Hut put the same ap peal to a '"piod fellow," and he says, 'eeitainlv. inv dear bow l'ut mc down foraV." And you do put him down for a V, subseriuoritlv eniovimi the nrivi- fC f tiwki,!?; sub-,r'Mdion rood out ot your own pocket. 1 or rood tellow always tuiys yes, but never acts yes. So far vre have discoursed ou the text jriven hy our topic. Now let the eorrcs ondetit sjw'ak mr himself : Who makes the better husband? At the ri.k of hrinine; down a torrent of maledictions on my unprotected head. I bhall still adhere to the man rho is sup posed to have no heart or genuine senti ment. The trood fellow f.ralover, the mean man for a husband. The latter will rob all creation to .supiily Ins hou&e- : hold : the former will rob his family to . . . . 1, .. - , j accommodate h:s fnen U. lorni all the ( man-icd women in St. Ijouis in a solid will rob all creation to .supjily his house ! column up and down Fourth street, and it 1 don t ret mnct.v-nine votes out ol dent. (Joo.1 fellow, all love ; mean men, all bu. uiess. lie takes his wife to the .1 ill i lour ho'-e carriage, the otlier ... . .. -. , ... tr;mi.ri,mtv ;n H .trect omnibus The good lei! nv never can he cross to anylnidy but his rifo, for fl-ar of making himself unjpular ; the mean man is so sour with all the rest of the world that ha hiis not one particle oJ HI temper to even dv. tJood fellow's ifo pale ami L3:.t,.j S.,,r,U with cam and fall of M,rr(w . cuss's wie hiih and j hesrtv t-fat. red l..rl Miuiwxlu a to. , Am X right? . , -dn vmr-o'! vou arc. V".- . ! ?nv. in t.'i-t.,.- .. -.-.tu litii.it. V; i i .-..., ,.;.. i-'!.,- i-.-it .- Ji v tli.ns:ii. h and ton.-; u. tii .Ttsano1. : xXX ! --v: f-r ic ; -iuS. l: w of -i : 't"" 0!ii:ili:i:i::::c-l.:ii.l-Na;i.lalo!i. a.(,.ja:; ;.t (,f pairtin.' the ;or- fame wvapo?i the j.i-.vbono f.d an a'?. sV.-.w-miW. th,-,l,.r';rt ,:n;!,; Vl- '' hj!t:oit, r.a,li:i.; that he tvenil ?ol;tna th-7 Tho f.w,,;,j,0rs v-hvi ;,r Pre- ;a V.-,i-;1ii:-t-5;; ' ,.,Vl'r Vro 1 ,l V i-s--y. m. Thom-ts ls.,f;.ys that ' .MltiPr all nwriiT of stnt?stio to trrovo - Ml tl.c v-riti- i ,:u' Lc,o;v lais;:sV'' " , , V1';11' I -'t!, ?".- 1,1-10, t!,., ,51.uTio.ltiicnarol-.:i;n:.n HitUiv. n,..l . '" . , wo kp. :i.v:iri; ot ini! u 1.1::-i:.il t ict. a , i. . ;( r. , l .i.. I'.1..,.L- . . - r i one hundred in favor of my prviHVitiun, relieved ot tnw tax- r-.Miuntlea lam ot an I will treat the drinking community to a anecdote, which he related as follows: barrel of gin and water on the occasion j ''d he bringing of this case before , the !, ,.!..t;.. i.f.. i iPinalc IVsi- I Court reminds me of a son who murdered IHPOBI A.M' TO KCIIOOI. littAIlDS Aft l-:nnmrncin r the Tonlh- to bo' ' . State of . XeroaskA, I Office State Si ft. Plu. In. CoantySupt. TabHc Iatrat-tioa, Cum County. Sir: Not one-half of the school Dis tricts in the State-made an enumeration of the Youth in April last, as provided for in the School Law. The people were ignorant of the law." The enu meration mado in NdX was very defee tive. In nearly every County one or more Districts failed to report. "Wo have therefore, no basis for an equitable ap portionment or the school moneys now in the Treasury. The amount, upward of $41,00) is too large to be apportioned upon mere estimates. I therefore earnes'ly request you and the school officers in your County, to see that a full and satisfactory enumeration of the Youth between the ages of 5 and 21 years, resident, in'the soveutl Districts of said County,'4le made between the first an I tenth days of January, Jn7(). The returns will not be received unle-s certified by the oath of the pcrou tak ing the census. Two of theiC D!anks forwarded to voti on this day should immediately be fur nished to every School Director. When filled they should at once be sent by the Director, on to this office and one to the County Superintendent. You are requested to forward to this office on or before the 18th day of Jan uary, lf70, a complete abstract of paid enumeration. It is important that all School Officers, by prompt action, contribute to an early and equitable distribution of the School Fund, and so secured to their respective Comities and Districts their ju-t share of the public money. You are rc(piested to furnish this office with th3 number of Districts in your County and the names of the Directors with thoir Dost Office address. Done at Lincoln this the lltli day. of December, isfi. S. D. Deals, State Supt. Pub. Instruction. IVrlitifiit lnit 'niis. The oldest paper and the only news paper writer in Nebraska City as he terms himself has elnnged base. In stead of throwing dirty water on the Midland Pacific Railroad, as he did some time since, he is patting Dr. Converse on the back and slob'neriiig hiinsdl over with his dirty slime. How was it six months ago, Morton? If you have forgotten the people have not. , You pronounced the Lincoln scheme a humbug and a swindle to-day .t is a sue cess, and vou are for it to tfie back-bone You were for the 15. & M. 11. 11.: we were to h ve the cars running-to Ne braska City, via Sidney, by the 1st of , i Remember iiu L!nco!a Capita! ques tion, and Remember the Biulington k Mis.or.ri Railroad ; and TStink of the results. ' . Your advocacy of any enterprise is sure death to it! Your denouncing it. ceittin u: .-ess. Ohnmub'. !f !:: ;i3 Tl'.emn-; JnI She Trnri '-s" .... :'-o::. we:;:cs n "o ?Ir. Tliin-uh. of liar din, ma dc a p.roposirion in the lower ,; ,aile a proposttton m the lower ,r f (J,,. Jtort'e JI. Th?t.s, ban- tho ,.xpcn,, ..j- ,n0 sif:it, -vvhu-h propo- .j.,., r.iicdi.y a la-, majority. G n New Vovk, vlth whom h Cc!.o-ttel u :,r,..; k-joi 'i:i- Iti hirf ha.stv .loparturo i;. ilt i'.u.;ii;.' s,:,.::t. tho -old medal vot.-dhiia hv the last !iO-:slat.;re in eom- menioration of tho Union vu-tory over tho v , j ih,vc, in fr&.lt uf Nashville, in jec,,,nir ,-, Isnnart.-iiit 0;lni;i. Chief Justice Mason delivered the opinion of the Supremo Court in the im portant ease of Ljrin Miller r -rsiix A. T. J'tiiui. and others. i:i thin city, yesterday. Tho dcei-io:i levir.scs tliitt of the court below admitting the risht of the elaini- ant to redeem ec: tain property under iudtrment lion i and a sale of it en execu t:o:i. in an elaborate opinion, which v.-as marked by the ability that Judge Ma-on always briiijr to the di?ca."'3ion of le.-ral iiuc.stior.s. The right U redeem being denied, the court declared the validity of certain judgment liens upon tht! property in controversy, on which the suit was predicated, imounting to between $7,"'K) and SS.'KiO. It v.a-a iUit involving a large amount of property, it has been running through the courts for years, and the decision has been looked to with rroat interest by the bar of the State. Oni'tlui Ilcmhi. A IVmr Orphan. IVioia thi? Wa.-liinirtou Clironielc.l In the ariruint'iit in the cotton case be- L fore the Supremo Court on Tuesday, the Attorney (rotund illustrated his aigtt-inent-s ly an aut.'cJ de w'.iich is very ttprojx).. -! In meeting the arg anient ol' the oppo site counstd against the right of the gov ernment to impose a tixupon cotton, which, as our readers will remember, was adopted a. a war mea.-ure, to secure for the.( iovornment, in the T?ay of taxes, at least a partial remuneration from the Sovtthern States for all the irreat sacrifice of blood and treasure which had been made bv the nation iu putting down the fratricidal attempt to destroy the Gov ernment, the honorable Attorney General said that the demand of the South to be his father and mother, and cut them to ! pieces w.th an axe. After the jury had ; iouini uiiu uuuty, oi tne crime, ana ttio , 1 "... l V I l . 1 v.imiii. usn.eu nun iiiui no iiau lo say v ny soitciue should i: t be pronounced upon him, he refilled: 'Nothing further tjian I hope your Ii jnor will be an merciful us lcssiUc (o a jMHir orphan " V a oonnocnon Wun Ute l. M. .Wail id.-itt7t.o,o. T,:,; Gcvern",noiit hus paid out $X,CuOt- ,.,riilll iv. Railroad . urvcjiUkeT ia.-t 2 voar.s 1 ' The' Tehne'-ee 'Le'gjslaturo lias voted not to have any Chinese immigration to that State. ... . ; ' Tiie California: State Treasury has on hand $773,UOO in gold, and $I22.) in greenbacks rather a healthy condition. A cloud of locusts, seven tni'cs by five, and 4'V feet deep, passed over the west ern presidency of JuJia. not long since. The Scotia, the last side-wheel steamer running lctwccn England and America, is to be taken off for reasons of economy. "'Ladies without repard tr sex", are invited to attend a woman's l ight's meet ing in an Ka-.tern town. ' ; A governess advertising for a situation ays that ."she is a complete. mistress of her own tongue. '' i A San Francisco lady who had an eye knocked out by a rocket, sees thousand dollars damages with the remaining orb. A young lady rode sixty-fwe miles on horseback, in one night, to wed against the wishes of her parents. A Frenchman proposes to repel a naval attack on New ork, by pouring petro leum on the water and igniting it. The French comic papers represent the French Sorosis leader as tiring a spool cannon loaded with enamel and hair pins. A South Carolina editor writes edito rials on perfumed note paper, and has the copy saved to dcxit among the ar chives of his family. The President's Message wis published in London on Tuesday morning, the day after its delivery. Who will say that the ocean telegraph is not a success? We shall soon have to adopt th? new French word. ''Traupieamation," for the murder of a number, of persons hy. one. A little girl was heard t o wih the other day "that she was.a boy so that she could swear' when febe dropped her books in the mud." .. The Boston 7W now suggests thnt Lo, the poor Indian, who- L supposed to have .invented the supplementary sum mers, shall have a monument. A philosophic editor, in Atalanta re marks : "A Ku Klux editor talks us a liar, but we have ?iot sufficient .confidence i:i his word to believe him." . , ,! It is said that the Pope, on bcjngtold the circumstances in connec tion witli Dr. Temple's appointment to the See of Ex eter, remarked,' "This Temple will soon destroy all that remains of the old Tem- p'e." ' : ' ' ; " ' The "Alexandria llnip" is the latest eccentricity of fashion!. It is produced by wearinp a very high-heeled boot on one foot ar.d a flat-heeled boot on tho other. The young lady .. waddles about like a goose. f jet Indiana bestir herself, and let Chi cago look to her. laurels, for lo 1 even the "Old Day State" the land of the! Pilgrims even Middlesex county, Mass.,. ha hundred and sixty-nine divorces ca os on the d'.H-ket. ' '.' . .' '.. An enterprisinp chmrli in Roston ito have a '-Reporter's pew." fitted up with evew e-oivcnieiiec for the use of the o. w-,..ioor reoresentatives when - fltoyi visit the church on biume.-s or otherwise. Tiie Minnesota Asvluni for the. Tilind, at St. Paul, is supplied by an aqueduct from a spring about one hundred and twenty-fivo rods distant, and at an ele vat ion sufficient to raise the water to the A you--p firllotr eating some Cheshire cheo-'e full of skippers rt n tavern one night, f xc.alme I : '"N I have done -h am: on, ior T b: tvo i : i i it in. live ! ngr tirtn s-nric men. we i.nii another valuable statistic in the arrests ma le in St. Louis for the month of No vember. Out of liNM Tcrsou. arrested for various cvlnies and ofe.-iiees. f.00 were single, mil only oOl were married. At the funeral of Joha J. Eckel, in New York, the other day, were two la dies dressed in solemn black from hen. I to foot. Their si non ranee attracted much attention, and it was whispered that they were Mrs. Cunningham and her damrhtcr, with whom the deceased at one time boarded on Bond street. Illinois is in the field early with a bid for the location of the National Capital. Here come the Supervisors of Hancock county with a proposition to cede Nauvoo and a tract bisrsror than the District of Columbia, to Uncle Sam fir his Ln-iness ofnees. There arc few places in the Mis sissippi Valley that present superior cl-Lribility- for tho people's capital to the old Mormon city. . ' .' "Such is the pressure of the times hi our town." said a Uirmmghatn manulac turer to his agent in London, "that we have good workmen who will get up the inside of a watdi for eighteen shillimrs. " "Pooh .' that i nothimr compared to London." replied his friend, "we have hoys here, who will .get un the. inside of a chimney for a sixpence ! Some ktdics in New Vork reeently got tij) sorcft' tableaux for a charitable obioct, among which wa ono. called the "New Order of Thincrs." In it men were rep resented irwsing babies, making J bread, and talking one another to death, while the women were chopping wood and doing other out-door work. They are "Women Who Dared !" The elephant, "Rorueo," who has al ready killed three - keepers, has a train been on the rampage, in Indiana.' The occasion was an attempt to separate Ro meo from the society of the female ele phant where he had come hy chance. He tossed his keeper over a wall, broke a dog to pieces by throwing hita against the roof, and greeted the crowd that came to subdue him by hurling a huge timber at them. TLey kept hiiu three days without food or water, hut as his nge did not decrease they managed to get tackles about his legs and throw him on his side. Then began the operation of taming. For eight hours they bela bored his body with stout iron rods and prodded las fiank with spears, until at length ho trumpeted his submission. : "When a gTeat American dies," says the Boston -Traveler, "the first thing done is to resolve to build a monument to his memory ; and the second is not to build it. A careful estimate s-hows that if all the monuments voted and resolved upon in America had been built, all the granite and marble and bia.s in the world would have been towering at this time in honor of American virtue, genius, greatness, goodness, glory and ga.s aad that we should have had to I oitctt all tho Pacific Islands ad Australia Xor nionmnentaWites, in. addition, t. the stp. propriation of all our own bud to the same patriotic purpose." I ll"? tiltt. it tin - The Rock XIiitl Itoad Anlu. We understand that a representative of the Dock Island Railroad in this city, as the only answer he proposed to make to our article of yesterday, charged that the HepiiUlcan bad been Lourht vp in tho interest of a competing line to Chi cago. All we propose to say, at present, in reply to this charge, is that as soon as the Rock Island road was completed to ! this city, we ordered that a'! our t uicatio freight, paper, etc.. bo shipped by that line, and thev hn.vo been eouiintr bv that road up to the present tiu.e. We have been dispo.stxl to regard that road ;is cm- t'hatically an.Om'ih't road, because it has no side connections, and comes straight to the city from Chicago. Rut while this is true, we cannot and will not, as a public journalist, remain silent while that or any other road, by glaring and unblushing mis-statements, in the most widely -circulated Raiiway Guide in the United States attempts to ignore our city, and puff into undue im portance, at our t-Mponse, one of the way-stations on its line. .More tickets are sold in Omaha in a week than in Council Riuffs in a month ; and yet, from a!! that appears in the ad vertisement in Appleton's Guide, there is- no such city a Omaha within one thousand miles of the C. R. 1. & P. Railroad! ; These gentlemen will leavn hereafter, if they do not know it. how", that it is not necessary to "Iwyvji" the JiciiiLlian to stand by and defen I the . interests of Omaha, by whomsoever assailed. ; Whenever the Rock Island ceases to ig nore this city more than this, when it cca-es to make' palpable inis-stat'-iuieuts respecting well known facts, calculated it not t'ntfntfcd in injure lis we will treat it, as we have r.nifonn'j treated it here tofore, with the utmost friend -hip- Till then we rlrdl continue to regard and treat it as an cueiuy of the . city, and recommend that our iicopta treat it ac cordingly, Omaha Republican. Cli:erso J-i-ve Slafk JIavtict. ClilCAU')', Dec-21. Live hogs Dull 750IO "5 for toiutuon to choice. . , , Cattle Quiet, firm and str.vly at i?4 2T( S 75 foiv common' to 'good cows ; 0.vm 00 fur-fair to medium ; 50 7.r(o 0 S7A for god steers. ' ' 1 4'ljici;CO Marlifs.' . CnirA(K). Dee. 21. Fl.mr. Dull: sales at 3 354 th'. ; Wheat. Weak at 3 'li. Z lower; No 1 sold at SO; No 2 at Sov"-2, closing quiet at 0:f ( SI for No 2. Coru. ull at lower; No 2 ranging at 7o( IS, closinp dull at 7JC", 7:v. - 1 " . . Oat". Dull at 42.,.(7?43, cloin- quiet at 42. . ' . I've. Inactive and lower tt 71 f )r No 1, and 72 for No 2. D Al ley. Inactive at 75 for No 2. :"-r 5Im Killed t 'oInnhn. . Coi.f.MiH s, Nki?., Dec. 21, 18G.I. Thomas lirady, a fanner residing ne:.r Columbus, fell from l.-is wagon this af ternoon, which was heavily loaded with grain, and was iusUntly killed, the wheel passing directly over his head. RU.V TA' irYKrKRYBODY.t",aiM uyin to ooiie.tion,. ' " ' ' WHITE AND BUTTER! ' i.ii:r-u:it.J!i5 :i:!-- -' to 1 ne. 11 r:-ffl.n. ?v . !! llavir.; ;ctl out Iheli-ot jc.c ofi ;;s, an.i rr.t- ki:insf i!iyyie':.Mi i.t ;-:.,ii: t:r:. a. lie-. The ! sue Ilea! f.i'-ui'.y i -O-'i i-.-.e it. :i:.d iirs iii'.lil. 4 tlicir Stor tJ- A- .V I i'. .e, lv-essi..;i - '-' pi veil the firl day of 1'. irii:.ry, tiurr fi rs v. e ;-:u.-; itSl oni ftaek rf (ji-..n-cvi(!5 hefore tbu hr.-luf F.-L-ruary. thi:y sell (lood Brown Sutrar.... ...r.Att. f,r f-. . . I. I 1 , i ,...t;.M ...5ilb " " ....ooo " ....4tb " " ..aim " . " ..oOc. per 1'. ...$.0d. " " I ....-1 ii ir, " ...12Ae. " loe. " " Clarified " 'A' Sugar Powdered St:-ar " Coffee Best Coffee '. Poor Gunpowder Tea.... Good Imperial Tea Best Imperial Tea " Young Ily'son. " Dried Apples..... " ". Peaches ... Best XXX Family Flour it sack $2.V 1 " Yines'ar. 'ierg;i!'on, 2oe. megar, pergiii on, 'flievhavr. a Good Stock of Groceries of all sorts on Kami and to arrv.-e scon, which . . - - MUST BE SOLD Regardless of Cost. X B. As ive have to turn Our Stock of Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. &c, over to Mr. Prole on the First of February, (at less than cost,) their friends and customers will find their house a good place to buy. . ., , , , P. b. INo Goods Sold on Credit IV. T T-W. w. Tt . r will And it to tkelr tnttrat to UU ,.v u once. let 1 5(11 Wtf ISW STOF.B! Vccping Water, Neb. DKALKRS IN General Morohandisa, SC. - A JjPtY GOdPs:. ;kockii:s. HAKi'V. ARK. UrKKNSWAKK. IIA'f.s. CAPS. pi'OTS.. . SUOKS, X0T1OXS. JMw, TISE AND COTTON Wuut) LUMUltK. SUIXi-.LKS AND LATH. ATc tire A?enti f r Wiileox &. GiLLs Sewing Maciiine, which is ua-Iuubtedly the best JJ:uhinp novi ra u.-c. fc.iitrl.V 'i'.'t.'l FKED SALE AND MAIS STKr.KT, rL.'.ITSMrtTH, XKB. I a!ii prepared to aix'mnmochitethc pub! ic with .. Kn't'i::rKt li.ivn eitU A iVo. 1 Isurr, oiiVliort iiotiee ;us,l re:is .nntih; torirss. A ll u-k will rr.i'tn t!i"st :ei'lx,:it !:oulinp.:ii)dTO ;.M ! :.r tj( th eity wl:on rl.sirc I. mrl. Third Street, South cf Riaia, CONFECTIONERIES, Pics, Cakes, Cheese and Sveet Crackers. kept on hanJ -t a'.l tir.us. nr.if fiUTIIMAX A HUi;i:KTV. lidS. E. Tool LK. ' T. K. HASXA. J. B. CI ARKS Tootle, Manna 4 CSark, IB l 2ST I3X ."ES'KS ri .i - . "B San EXCHANGE, Pinfis d-.n-n on nil parts of the Cnited Stntcn 1 Pi..,....;,. .,-..,! .....I . -1 PiattsmoTitii, Neb. jc2t;f .utrtiriJi rtn lrrui J. C. .Ii M8. Jr.. Advcr li.-iiiii Asc-ut.j IfPORTAN TO BOTH SEXES ! iher.: it i.i.-. (.i-li-'ai ;.- m.'l I i!;d i:-e!o ! . Vii..ciii' ;L: M-!!:-, .,iu i."i, in -,'. i.-ii the tru-'i f it of tiiis eir.-ular is to iii-.-;.'iit l'.;c .-majii ! in Ha lluiiitrcl of lives ire le-t every year ey "o- l,ii...-i'..;!.; r.-:.iu:iia..l'e.v;l.ewit:u l!.eiroh.o. t t i.'ie ih:;.i uint Ki'nili '.-..-i;.. f.: ' 't':: i. V.'lih yi.uiis w.ii'.vji th. re .-ii-.n.- tome cc?i, i I and ye. their e.tc.o-'. -e.-i-.-.-y -..:ilr..'t enar-crd tin' j i fact '. Ajy iutuiiii ul .iisi. i:oi v l: -..aiks j thtfsr fli-.e:- eitn iXLLfiaiK' ;.-.i..or' i',. i:.,i:. hy ; I certiin i. :!'..! !;! !. Kin .-.i: to f.'ia. :: t of ; I whieUthc ?Servr ar? .t:ti f :.!ly i!:.. -r.-.i-t. t the r;tVK-. t iiii'i. 'Hi" i.r.-ed .,;) vs-r. tisc j vli'it' .-: Auy iif.el'.iisci.! di-: :ai. -i'.:i i.olrout j ia hi- daily waik- .-.re. -'l tl.i.- :i:.t Undr.-d i eomilaiats. iu hotii s.-.ti'S. t'l : trxirietn-e S wtoeh j they- i-Hilisot l.-i:-.re. 1 he ; lujuic-l fiiui-ritr kn-lw,' t!.i-i-hy-icUf. I. icvt this. Th,- -:eian tii ios that the sntTercr !;t...w i;. :o..l yet. Ill Hint tit-1.- out .1 lei.. :. e !....ir.i -'1 llluiviuui:! liiils to (-.(.n.-iiit ihf man h-.:n he .:i.w..- ii o- liiziint. both i'lh" f-ci,. j.ia-ni a:rd ': t"ie)ii of tmv. Knowing 1-o.t h.-ali!) i-j:i hc.re-.ic red. an 1 who eaii ri;-t..r it, t lu- d..'iii..r .teiy i.ttow then- si.lv its to hc."!... iii.-r.- -x ci i-of ioia unity, and to tra:..--::iit ui.-ia-cd t j. nitu;. j:i- lo tlii-ir ItOt'lUtiUUliU To Y:;a:s ??Ic:3. In evet-y comaiViiity t'leie s-.e v:t.t re in'v r- i c.l')'l-.'.- .iK-i: .li'.i-t i : !i -;ii.i.;:i! v. cal.ii'. ; V""'".:,'i "" ;!""-' -';-':! 1 '"'.'" n'1' I ail1er a:: a i.o.t .-yiiii '.oi.i- .,1 s.iiel .o-'-r ier, I u-a leri:i:i:i! tne . :. t n. a.-d totaily de- i Mrudiirf u-. vitiiii. la.-ne.hy m l i -ally. . -'M. i: e i ' ! i.' i , i . i i, - , - .-, .. , . I 1 . i-, .i ii-. . It lint, ;!i.kol; ,.....'.i:i -r.-. i.-.-i vl li.e'i. .iy, u:i uutrt.!iui.!..' .''ci'uliUi:iiou ill In. me im-.wi IU tilC '.I -.'. .ao ant ktl' .-. ;..:i.,i .-.i oil ,i frota tint lut.u.li uiii '.ux .-in !. si.! i i. ii'.ie ot alt .hy-'.c::l .i-r'y i. u l'.-ii . .-. I'roi.i t.tis stfte : is a :-eries of .-iivi i -.' -; m :::: t:::ii frrave, or tho eot.i.ueiji . I.; ; : i ;::... i :e a; ; i:.:a. , Many of th-.-i-;.-nu:i; a ii.:-;. ro.-poild, 1 to ft-ivi'ilL-rMiaiU i:f .ii-.-u'Ii-'l fi j.-v i ! .-:it '.'.'v. .- j Cl.lt, ut.-. Oi- l: i.S: LL US-IIS i,U:i.. "v: IVi U.. -.!'... , tor c atid I'i-aaoLii.ee'l in.-::.', e.-: u ear-.l-h . 1.1 h Ijr. s-,.i! h.r 1 i.fa''t..-i's on l."- ii" t-ur. r.-t i pay" j.rii.-ii h;. ami ..-i-j-oM f t o ! .dt it S.'' zn-l j all f. i..- ix ho fails to eu.e fi:;' ea-e of -. :e:.i:d are f uiowed. lie use 110 .-eer : t r.me'iii iio'.c hut vei.;:.hie me di. ine-. aid hi- -.-u!i.ir tie.U- inent iiiur-t reeeive The i nduijeHiiiit vf U who wtaki:. .-- v, hei e his tr--a; uieut Jir.o o intclliseut.y j.ur.-'.i-j it. To iT2.irrsecI ff.r.dirs. Tliers arn Tadief who. frvm e.'iieatc cor.-tita- . tioiis. iadiii i.-. ii.cun..-:.::i -es. .r an alre i ly uu- iiieroii? I'd f.riiiir. do 1101 wL-'ti to l,i .- mil liiotliurs. To siitli i.-, oil end a wife an.l.-'.;r. r-.-inedy iiaiart. co lift .lioii. tiieee.-.-- w ariai.'e.i in every 1 a.-e ; uariititee l i..-1 on'air.inij :io n.i. ii.i i.u. iii tile lest iiurioui to the !..t.i.!e.-t tetuj. 'ratiierir. Leachorrhae. vr i ite.-. i,..Mtividy and j-.cr-luantniiy cured. Cii--. - I li-i.. .-'Uiudiivr. hixv cver i.i'r iv;iiel. uie.jt jiehl to tiiii re:i:voy. lir. MinM.ird h al-o inhilii''e i.:o;.rhiy for re.-loniM iliorilereil or irrev! ir jrn'-os ol 1 liien-traat .011. isciit ty i:i:-.l tioiA ic- )-i.crViUi'ii. 1 1 ice, 50 uox. , j t 1 1.,-- ' arc n l. iteut ii:.- ;i. iiief c r fhw ht'r.i- 1 bus, out I'.liefuliy itci -w.:i Liuiitumv. Ir- in foi inul o- ia u-e 1 y trie ii.o.-'t di-tn .ii; ncl i.ii.J ' All ine-iiemes wartantr i to irivo -al'-fiution irtioLovreluiidi-il. trictsl se -rwy ..Wrved. All lene'is proaii..-!y aa.-.t.ri. a or ad- a,., , i-tp. DR. STODDARD, i P-OQT ft SHAFS h!?trc-t (UpSiaitv. lt.,.-..t Xo.. lr.H:&'V'ViW VrfU'"-lJ 1 :.- iCDt:i Mrcit iiu li"', !'c:..'ia ou!.t and 1'i.riil.aiu, On. aha, ! n. i-. i-.o.nias. i;,x,i-. cyi : P :"W TTIf?. T'T A nTTTTMT? ' I1 ww Aww J-IJA.Jk v.... 1 IPul. rr o t rinri 1 p r . ;-r ' -' ' i 1 ? .T'M'VrXiV-.V:1:. f,n "a,; Thr--1.-. 1 :.!-. "V- i'i- !.'i. Coi'. .rili i ie Maiueti-.-i t, -.:h ilfit-biUFifT CLOTHITiG ! CLOTHING!! VI2JIfiiia KfacioItcBaEiiakjkv and ,ii:vi;i-i:u pkw.fkin Rcady-Matle Clothing-, GKNis-ri UNi.-iilic (loops. Hat--. C.i;.s. i;. -:s. c.i. Ti a- o. VUm ::ud TSrOTIOJSTS. South Side Main Street, MACSHftE HOP 1 WAYMAN 6s CURTIS ! 1 Kcpiiir.T-1 of tiam Eiic'ine.-, I5oilei-, Saw ai.J (iri. i -Mill-. (! .. an 1 s:o.n:i I'irii:.?;. V.'i-djithl Ji : l'.l C. Fare.' and Tilt I'ariim. So-aiii (i nico.. li.ilaiu-e Valve iu tri;m, ai.ii all l.ili.'.s .1 ! furnlsla-d oa short i:.jti.-e. FAR M i l G fvi AC!i; J E R Y Ii pair'..! oi hoit nctiee. nus'tf WEW TOBACCO STORE!! on Main ;tre.-t, opi.osite Court Houso, V'm !i;.vc cii'.-.'jiid I..rp r.'-: ..rtiaert f : , v .v. t'uii.' i.-iiiiK c i the l.ust f.l.i.li:i'- ;f CIGAS.3, IINE CUT, PLUG ASB SMOKING I OIJACCO. i oh ::er.-hall ii"t wiiliin thiily .lay litter the A? we drill pxe!usjve!y in Tn'mrto w) niH ell M I iil.li. at ion of t lii-",n.t i.-e ti-wit : on or In lure t hi ( hoa!.. if uot iheui.el- than olLtr I)lc ia the 1 i la v ol K.-l. ma rv. A. J . 1 ai.i.lv to t In- J'o. city.! tuveus a call hpfore yc.u pnrehso t-lsew!ier, a. wo know n will po away xat i.-Hed. 1. II2JOTS &, CO.. TebruarT 11, ISC.o, if. - GROCERIES ! GROCERIES -- UUWJkJ. Ni.i(... yh,.n.u. ..1X(., ,!,.,! in imr.-it: I dte-etn! . rd. r ,! .- .I"- lli.id" hy Jli. (!... I! 1 .il;.- .lo.l.-e..! I l.e lo-Oilt M? Vxs S i f 2S Fj 5?3I7S XXVI ! OF r.'1CT0RYVlLLi:, OX TlIRX"' l'c('': - i-, i'i;.M.:...:.uih. ca,- li'rrruvr iv iri'in ! r' v- '"hf;i.-!.a. olier l.rsi,l-m ftihlic v-n.li.e W 1,11 trI 1 1.1:, I tothA-hiiliis- I id ier. ail the l-i.ht inl.-ioai mo- I re.-t (.flini.w IJ. l'.-ai -on and t ..thai inc 1'ear ,. . t ! j sin. minor heirs of .loseth 1 J'e.o i li. ileeiaie.l. BOOTS AND SHOES f . . , . . , it ! . . , li-om .New 1 ork, wliieli rre c!i, reii at. the loet price for ea.-h, or in e.y.-hane for pr- diu e ol all kinds. (iul'.lcu Ssr?ii for 1 i?er gl 7 ns. sugar ftir ?.i3 . C:ill r.ii- se t'.r yourse'.f. oe'.T;l ! ? XT f T T ril T T F TP : " J si, fc m -- ! npo,AO fI , P o rfn bedsti:ads. f all di seriidii-us and ?t n'l rriecs. : . I'i... I I ' . r. 'V(ltil ' ' f JlSP j M-Uti.O lvUIK.l c - I 1 - j -T7 .'- :'"...V'-'.'- : -v jr-. : . --J .-- .-' J-.-.V '-' ' - - ., -' v.'. I ' ' -- ;:-ii Of all .!zc. wooden -copyiris, t...!'v !..-, .e, si! -r rher;, fori'Ssli. , , , , , i hou -- i-pori it. mi 1 1'h-t ty I 3t - at. r : ii i M ith rr.:ijiy t-j.nt l: for ;.a-t -fitr.Tac. I trivin- i . , ,- . 11- l. 'i . ! to ei.ll iiu i !:iu:iue my la riff trK ! f nun- . '.uic :o.j C I. 111-. . i itiil-Vt. , - - TTin "TZZi T -4-. -iVr- - A . IIUBERMAXIS,! i M..uafae:urtr of L:i lit.' and (J-id-. ip - tJI f CiTlH . yfir.OC! j lUO X ill b dUU A UU&Dj Let. tt!i and luth OMAHA. ,'E1;. r . r.. r. r. 1 .. i 1 'HIIU.1M III. I IN u.i.- 1. uui ti.r, 1. 1. n ir, iiKiiiu- , 1 Met lire t::.ii. leaf, aii.l Jeil a- p.v lit. lo-er I il.sn the sr.tr.e o.jitiity cf g;v l.-caa he I -ui vh;u-ed t in :w Vol k. . . . . . .. ! ! f-i.Jii.-' '.lre.-.- J ami u.a.ic up ia any awiruMt j " ' J ; ' 1 V- . , I -1"- --d l-riocs inel for t..i-.v rnr. ! i.-jilsv; .1.1 fit-tiltlj, l onjfri-1 i.rEt! Lt'iiiioniy li.rec rea.-f.u : 'jv.'.ru'.r.g Kit GKonai; v colvix. ! "l ' ", ' 1 ! , ., . t ,. i I:el a IiATII ltH fl-fn? ,t patr-nr: hw i rwiits are wti. ri.t;.aU'd,auil a..- fi iee-are r. y I o:-io!e. ijuiv.tl. 1 - J'ii.-ir.? rc:.KiJ fiy ,-ioi two ar..' .1 h .'f ! fid nt'i ..f l'lat..i.-.'1'h.oii the roa.l ieaditiT j .. liK.-k JduSs bs I ti i.tei.ared to .toaii t ji.in , Kilni.'Ot win ill my lit e ou '.l-.h Miortest iiotio. t f 1 you '.vant a rair o! . . 1 i BOOTS, ;cIICE;3 OIL fLIP PpxlH . That kid! f-r ,.:..-t 5.:.m i i... :,rit l.il.i ol "n li'.V.i"'.. - ,7 W.VT'iniAKKH r. J . ii 1 - . If 1 AND D11A1.KII IN w 'V c u a , c iav , s-'HA KK AND 1'IA'I KD WAKi;. I JO!D Tl'-NS, S1'KCTACJKS. VlOldN STKINWS AND l'ANCV C.OODS. l: ,:ui;H' I he "! 1 s: o. 1. Main Sir.', t. ,)r -( ..ftlo- City .. tel. w.v. low II. F U R i3 a T U R E . -".t .rr c Ami dealer i:i all V it:''." i.f Furniture and Chairs. ; PlaUsncui!. - - Neb. j IU'pcirii"-' .11.. i V.i vi.i- neaii.v u.'lie. ! i.-Fii! lal-utt. t..'o ! idtho.-U-rtest n-'i.-i'. : inn. II. i "."i.f !..i!-.-. :'i.- v.. VM d p.-r.-.... m:1 p'.-ed ' t III (.'tin r ..I'. ,r e!i. :!... l' - ".I. i.H' . -I" i ,. t;,.. r,.., ..,.(. v i: ! !,e I 'it j i.f I'la : I - i,..n; I h Suite ..f .N. i.ra diri. : el n I .-'lie their !iail:e.-. or the m.i.l. M .I'-r- -1 .ii .ai 1 1"'-. aie Ii --I ii..:i'i. 1 tl -o t!i.' l.-.o'dnvi-H .iltd Mi-.-miri lloei ! it- i-,.. el Oi-.-i-:i. aiei uji.iii. and ei.oni l..r 1 . t ' ! pin ..e-J lie lei '.n !!!( ie.il cyuii' .-iuuit.l in ( a-- ( ..un'.v. siao- "I .v. i i. : Ai il ,.-e M. .. lot 1. l.!i. k i. 1 .1. II. li.-'iiueoiid, lot .'. '.I - U i". 0,.(..1-1 , ,,.. lot pi, 111;.. li".. l it 1.5, 1.1." U t i ' ,,..i,.. t : :,-,.! . li'.' i: r.v.M- o.l 1 I I I. ice -K li.'.. lotJ.l.i kJ. li. J.O. .Pel'l S..I..M...I1. lo' i- ! U'.'l. 'I ll .Ilia'. V. A lilJili. lot - 1.1 Wild II k -. f.o... . ' lir.iv 11 1..I I- 1,1", k I". , Win. S. (i'.iti io.I I). M. W icri.,. ! t 7 I he I. 1.. A. JI. Il.o Uer. lot !i hloek u". And the .-a'd .wiiei a t lo r noltlied th..' ti.esaid Company ,le.-ii. fu take h ,ld tiud apr ir'.a'e -ai 1 . al e.-talo I". f the e. ii-irm 1 1 n aril I eonveiii" nl ii-e of im load. And il' the mo I I ate il -.vIl-c of Mii I e,iiiit to lave the !:, :.-)! .-i.--e.-M-i h - x di i itl i-.v. -ied liee holder.-., ne'eei. 'I hy said l-ioliato .) ndye. pro id.'d in Chapter i jl .mi -. -I: . i- ot i lie re 4 i.-a (1 Si ill aii'K of t he Suite ol Nel.ra.din. Mtid Con; pan;.- will ,ro, cd to hno the iluiii.-! ii-u-.' I a.H thritriii irtvijl hy la. iiMii-.i I'.-, 1 1-.; i i llfUI.JX'iT..--. A MtSS.HIM r.:EU 1 1 A 1 1. IJoaU Vy'is:Kipy.M:u.rr.M i!ec2:2!i lo; -:.id Coiiipany I ' ' '"""d .luai-ial lo-'r-et at ln ( hainl.i r- 1 , o. f v. i!lo:i the .-! day ol .larnary. If 'K. at tin t i v ' . . .. ,...!.'.. .1 tin. I'n.Mt to- wit : coin nu i:-,nr ro-l- ::n( M oei ii.ii i n "i t:ie S V eorner ol S i-' I, of ! lie S ! i ' .l -ei 1 o.o i-inT12N of K 1:'. i: 'ah 1" .M in ' . t'o.o.lv N. l.oi.-l.ii : theme ruiit:ii.' X -" i'"'-. I ' " ' .' - ' '. i-.Ml.-.ilieii.. c S LM r..,i.-. thrm .(. ro,i- to t!:.. ; ,,,,,,. I,,...;,, no, - ..... 1 n' :iii!r 'L aere- Salewiil : in-:ni . -1 1 1 for Lei-, ironi 1 o'. lo. k l. in. lo J ..Vl.i k ... in. of .-aid day. 'I mi? ea.-li. I-:, i:. ('iii,!:.M.N, Cii:.rli-U! . ! Mir or h i:r (:'.). aci.h 1. 1'ei.r.in J. .-ea-i'-i. pv A- Chapman-. Alt .rnry. .I. -.t 1 he ion! ivid-i h.:M - ) fir: v. hole il a.-.re . ' i:i.rrrs ;i:!.;t a:; sa tr .w.v.. . JI ho: e ...v r cn-i-ic Mid lc.il' r.'J .airi.f it loot hlll-iV. 'j i-U-il eir III I -:.V. t.vo - ..,Vi;lU hou I , :: . f.- t -. ..- ;ai.:.' i:. - ' . I nmiii'.-'vlif -'-,). o a ,':, r i v.; mti:;:. ,. f..-.r ro.;!u- ..! i ' i':. i'. l i i- f...i-li nV. r . .i .jore of. ' S il I.t N I.. al rJtf.' It "!. I'.'tlffs. C i--' ..ii'. J . ii 1 ' I IOleC. i uiihiii an 1 !;' :'" Co":.-y Jh;i U ri-ht ;--:-a Ad ;te Ann :!!. .J--! .'.-!...- I lii i" Ir- ot Mali:.!. I l:.d.-.i. I.eiiu .h-fi' I ,.J. U tliaM li i.- :i.:i:. I.l'l It'.-I tl. si II.! Kli.t ! h V . ,.ti.( :-.e:ili. 'i h :thow o.iinv.l I. .::-M si-h 1.1 de'Vti ! o t i- .ke i.oi--e th .lol.n ' ; :;r.t on the 't .lay ot li..i-..-:i.l,.-i lvt 'a. f.'e'l hi- ..-t :t:.-n in : t loo','-' l,..,ir, ,l i'i.-.t .iit.li.-ial l:-'ri-: -.viilon an I ! r M ', 'r i-l: -. ' he ) t a, i I t.ra'.ei .,1 hi. 1: ...-.i:.oit m lo -.h.-.i., d.-tv- .t-.l-re, :, ., r.i ,:.,'.,! i. a!'- I .' i.vti:. Wrhtio .1. in V.i-;..-iil. 'i i-rt'mu' lie --li :ay "I .v..e. el e . r 1 lor I !, N !i ' .' o. t :i. N' V. '.f M.ti.-n : in tow ei-L ii, i'J north, raitp" li in ': ' - ""';!, .ei... fol mi. i . : eo.--,.i..,iilioli .!'. ;.'!. . i.d iii ! I M'y. to. I i.-ieu inv yt.'i i.ad h ..: j.... ; ,. i ! ; i : ;;jt' rest or . , i oi a- hi ! -V i ,1:1 I : :i:d tl :v . 1 lai.d. io d 1 , ih t! e t.lle ill ..it tt I t ot law I II... y V- ';'t"..-t- i:cd '.:: ' in - .:!' I'i! U rirh . i v-.ii'aie r ..,n:i e 1 ;. an- !' Mod i ti'i. n on r I I.. J.,i - the Tth da I l-'eh: n-.. h',". i " J-MIN i IlICMT I 11 JhMO.I.I..': It WOMN. .' il .l il ; -. i de:-.:; "t " i f)Vim i lie ::. rwi 1- :. l.iou' I . 'j li.:.. "' i r .:el. -o - ".e-t from I'iat:- !i lie; 1,.-; a -i: i!ti'. .-iii r. .1 .- .,r ..,.,-. .;, -J v. ,i it i- lot V :.i: I -ontn- o, .-on:!, - i t ' i ', .-! i .-i -i. .-. n. toy. i a-;.- --a-.- A!. .. ii-.- i.o.'i'.'...-? ',..i i i;i;,(,,,ov. I..ii. d.i.--.i-l troi.i i'la';. l, .., at,-; I ::ti.-, . !:i.'.--i - ."'nn-l--1 i i ! r-s. irian .i. j ::n l ...ie iii term- : I ! I... ij.-L.'. u. li. M .L.i.v (li'-Ii-.V..;,-!. I' 'A . . O . k. I w i CUYIjER scholfax Says of Veeping Vater. : : "Af I -va telliiii.-ia d.-;.r Oun-lv. j I eaue on my 1111.i1- to U. V. i.ter in a -a.i f ; . lii. inel. :;. .i .-on lit : :' ot hat. -... Iootseo.it ; K nit.'s 111 -'i"r:. ...--t ,t i-.tr- ! a, I t.:.se con- Veve iil !! '.: "i n.:eec s :;-h 01 r.aii. i-iit :t w . 11 re-M-d ii::.:i hai iiiir lj t .". il. t iived of i.il hv thi" i.!vr-:li-si r. -.avi, who evea lick lay viitur ca-"-. 1 hitikiK th i' I tri.-h: in that P., :i . i.-hin? to-.t n v'lttiin f.f-t.d i:".': t ohit.ki-t. I r.,itg ... j. ij store, an I h'.'.-httnr my !nu!! I.v ti.D ear- t a I 1 o:. I-11101., 1: rel :1 li.nl. , 1 e r. t tj - 1 . il.i'.. tny M'f.n.e w ., n 1 wa- .t invrly in.-t art 1 c.:. i- .' a .-:.:;,;. f 0.1 ht t.,11 a. .:i,r ' -tul.- '?. ! Lo-.t - to a e-,ti ,!1 t....t h;.- I, f ir t to iiU . -.:.. 1 , 1 ..... 1 . . j try .-un: ot I: - - h. liar. 1111 1 MXty-lwv ai.d lie- ?iV - "'" irlZlZ n. .--r,.i:.. . line. idlM, thi.1.1. and i.'vr,,, d....-t 11 -.t.i-,1 a. r. f r it. I v oui I r mi.' U : re t::..l t .:; IT" i u . . liijeial. i....i io,.- ! "isnn l irut..iuit-j a i.tm;. !iS.ilw.l(iWU - i. i'i US- iv.. r t ; o