Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 16, 1869, Image 1

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    7Z -.
u rcBiiaaiD daily asd weekly bt
C re corner Mala and Second street, sr
oi tlory.
TERM? DaHy S10.00 par annum, or tl.OO
per month.
Y eekly, SIM per annum if paid in
8"i.60 if not paid in advance.
(no .-ju-rr" fi.;ixt'iiiii.i,J om-inst rt ion, $ I
l.ll II : 11 .-lUlt l:i.- f! U'll.
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ljuo -.u.iiUr int. ii tun i i it. p. i m.m m. - '
' MX Monti.. I vi
Onc-liV.f ouuin .u!vd u.ouib. i
" f ii uto-ath .
t Oaeeo uxntw vo trrr.L.i '','
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three lie mil', , J
VOL. 5.
V T " n C1 FT l"Tv - P . A v M P3 V A mi. mn - rr- -rv a n CT !
Since the call has been withdrawn for
m election to isue bond3 in Otoe county
fcj assist in the building of a railroad
frottthwest from Nebraska City, we doubt
not the people of that locality will ec
the expediency of turning their attention
Uward:! the li. & M. road, which will
accommodate them at an earlier day
than any other line. The Oiua' a Her
ald fears the building of the D. & M.
road southwest from Lincoln, but do the
people of that region participate in the
feat? We think not. Experience show
that uionied corporations are v hut build
wiiroaJ-; and it U lailron Is the people
w;it, i.o matter who builds theiu. Then
ij it not a wise-policy tor the people of
the southwestern portion of our Jrtate to
n ike hands with the B. & M. folks and
lavite thaai to build a road throuirii that
region. fc?r.ppo?e they try the experi
ment. We. have found it a good thin
up here about riattMiiouth, aid we l'in 1
the LI. L M. Co. can build more actual
read, witli lessTus about it, than all the
hn:? crpnizations west of the Missouri
We believe, cinphati..-ai;y, in -n;-
I oniE home indx-try and that sort id
thi;.,'; but we al,o believe in havtn::
Ka;:n.:i'is; and we jude from obscrva
ti-jn, that it takes money to buhd them.
You have a fair example of the difLr
nce between a home organization and
a money corporation of the east, iu the
buildinarof the Mi Hand I'aeiSe Iloail and
the B. & M. west frotu l'latt-nmuth. The
former is being built by a home nrc-mi-giti...!
and we take occasion rif-ht here
to pay the company is composed of as
good men as we. have in the country, and
that they have di. played all the encrcy
nv cue could a.-k, but they lack the
tAoney. which is essen'ial to
railroads and the latter is being built
ly Boston capitalists. Work bad been
proL're-sins on the former for more thin
neyrar before a shovel was stuck in the
pound here. How is it to-day. Not a
foot of iron has been laid on the Mid
land, not a pound has been received, and
the l'rta of Nebraska City says the
"people do not icel like regarding it as
railroad ;" while on the B. fc M. iron is
laid for several miles out from this city,
two locomotives and construction trains
sre ia constant operation, and there is
enough iron on the ground to complete
fj'ij miles of road, which will be put
down as rapidly as possible. This is but
lW.r sample of the diiTjicnce between
a turned company and one that has not
tufa-ient money. Which would you
rather fe commence a road through
your country. We apprehend you would
fiTor the company that could bu:ld :t
l'r.e quieke-t and make it the niat d
Tutjeou? to the people.
aKHKASK.l ITT It vl A.
Th-J "many friends and acquaint
ance" of the man who edits the Ne
braska City P. tss feel grieved to see him
endeavoring to "injure Nebraska City
r.aiirad interests" by tho u.-e of such
Itn.viage as the following, clipped fiom
ths e iinrial columns of last Saturday'.-iif-e
of that journal:
"T:-.. .'1.1 fjr a special election by the
Cyn:o;..-io:i-rs h i imr provi-nunsatisfae-Ui:-v
to' lie Ilailnvid Cotn p-i ny io'erestcd.
it has been withdrawn, and no election
for t!i '. of i'on I- to jbiihoads wii;
Lc btb! on the 4th of January as previ-n-".';'
aim mn .ed."
"The Midland ha been graded and is
ijsw ready for the tics and iron, but
until the cars are running on it the pt
pfe v-y'll iK.t Jiff li!:e t- jur l'iifl it no "
R-tilrond. Th time for the completion
f the Bnilinctoii ha not yet arrived,
and the rumors concerning th-
s'fit. h on the other side of the river aie
.-'thiny ttss than enomr'tjinj ti tin
The Pratt mak:s out a very bad ea-i- (
for Nebra.-ka City tuu -h worse than we
bad supposed exi-ted. We really thought
th poo;lc con.ddere-d theMidlanl u
fixed livt, and that they had a good
thing in the ,-hape of an ea-tern connec
tion riathe Burlington road. Such news
s tb.e above is indeed di-c -uraging, and
wc doubt n t people at a distan -e will
lock uion such information a anything
Lu: fa.orublo to Nebra ka (,'ity Iliilroad
it.rc-ests. The B. M. is completed to
P.att-month, and the opening of the road
fr:;u Buriingtoa to this city will take
rlaee within the next two weeks. The
B. & M. in Nebraska, is being completed
as rapidly as possible ; and in the light
of the above frun the Press it would
eem that the B. Sc M. we-t from this
city is the only road being built in the
State south of the l'latte. Iiattuiouth
is farored with Railroads, and is a good
place to come to.
The following taken from the Lincoln
St itruiian, is the latest in regard t
President White's health and the iron
for the Midland Pacific road:
Mr. White, the President of the Mid
land Pacific It. It., a -tired us on Sunday
last, that a.s s.oon as the river at Nebras
ka City was in condition to get iron
a-ros, track-laying would bo commenced
and if. would not stop until U; miles had
been laid ; after which it would deH-n 1
nr- n the weather whether the work
ou!d he continued or sujcnded until
March. A locomotive is at East .V -tra-ka
City, awaiting for a favorable
condition of the river for crossing it.
We are sorry to learn that the twelve
ttiics of iron is to hi stretched out to
twenty miles. It will make it amazingly
'--all probably not heavier than hoop
ron. We j0 nt believe White intends
Wretch it so thin, and "Ajax" ought
firt to.
J. d-r.imTf V, f ol.i Cltv T-0:Mit- i
.r 'ir.-ietl the widow and two daughters j
r- hu frother, and a reporter of the Ti l- .
' Ir,1. t,..: J t ..i.
'np i lnquirc l what rt;!:i f I ti the cliil-
r ? '-f th t two !aU1;Kter To-M U-:.r t., ;
- 1 .1 '
lliOrc-ilfM Iuuh ssi.ii tliltlsh- ;
e i tin rpr.r..-,- i u:- :
IS tup-
Jt llI.UOll.
The to't 'grains of yesterday informed
us of the iiitrodurtion of a bill into Con-ir:e.-s
to authorize the Uurlington and
Mi.s.-o;iri l'ailroal Company to chanee
the e-tab!iliod route of their road in
this State. This route is fixed in the
law which conferred the land prant upon
this corjK nation to run alonir the south
side of the river l'lafte in tne direction
of Fort Kearney. If our i lea of the
conditions of the grunt are correct, its
oloet i plain.
The Burlington people want to chanee
their route. Vhre troui ? From the
direction of Fort Kearney in some other
direction. What direction? Clearly,
to the south-w'.t, and if the sou'h-we:-t,
towards the Fort Seott an 1 (ndveton
junction with the Kansas l'.u ific through
th'i .-outiieni portion of Nehra.-ka and
the western interior of Kan-as. If
there is any other de-itm in the bill we
nre not able to Ji -cover it without kuow-in-j
mere of its provi.iyis.
We clip the above from the Omaha
llrrnll of Friday. That Journal 'ta
nnine that the 15. fc M. Co. in Nebraska
desire to ahanoou their present located
line for the purpose of runmn their
road to the south-west to intersect the
Kan.-as Pa cifi; road. Suru:o-e this to be
a iar?) M. y slOU(j ti,e JJ,rall object, as
it frnl0r on in the same article.
Y"ooi 1 it be a damage to Nebraska to
have this road strike south-west from
Lincoln through the fertile regions of
the Neinahas, the Blues and the Repub
lican river, and connect with tie
Southern Pacific road? It might
not he'p Omaha e7tc hence
the enmity of the Jl-rttll but
-uch a line of road would certainly be
of vast benefit to the region of country
through which it would pas.-; hence wc.
together with all others who are truly
interested in the devclopement of the
State, mu-t be allowed to express the
hope that the B. & M., or some other
company, will build just such a line as
this which the Jlinttd fears will be
built. But then notwithstanding all
our de-ires that it may le built and the
Herald's uneasiness for fear that it will
be built, we apprchcnl the bid in ques
tion is not for the purpose of allowing
the B. Jfc M. Co. to make any such
change. We only hope it i for that pur
pose. Without knowing anything of the
provi.-ions of the bid, wo oppiehend it i
only to allow some changes to run on a
letter route letween Lincoln an. J the
lCMJih Meridian. The lhr ihl appe:;r.
to think if the line of this road should
be changed to run South-west from Lin
coln to a connection with the Kan-as Pa
cific Koad, it would probably give them
a little more land: aal it elevates k.
Fnion Pacific hands in holy Larror and
.ays :
"It is to be earnestly hoped that the
lsepre-ent:i'ive in Con grout from thi
State will stand firmly in opposition to
my further Ian subsidies to foreign
orporafions. -:
If we are to have any more of tho-e rem
nant of the public domain given away
let them come to our home cort. orations,
to the men who have a stake in ou
country, and who will use them to th
public advantage."
Now, we beg leave to difTe,
from our Omaha namesake upoi,
tills question of foreign corporation.
We believe it is to the advantage
of Nebraska to have foreign corpora' .on
tak hold of the bull i ng of our Bail
roads. Ever' foot of Railroad we have
yet in the Stare has been built by sm..
of these fo.r-ign corjorations, notwith
standing we hare not much loss than
twenty home organ zations- within the
State, and every one of "them Inn had
an opportunity to secure a land grant
they would only commence to build a
rai'.roa . What Nebra-ka wants i
t4i!road. and tier people are not particu-
i lr '.'.' bej; th v-e ro i ls s they are
huiii -pec liiy an 1 go d, and are oper
ated to the advantage of the country
after they are built. If home organiza
tions can build rnilmads as speedily -foreign
companies, then, of course wv
re in favor of home companies piovided
they can make money for themselves
and advance the interest of the State to
the same exttnt that foreign eompanie
can. There is one advantage gained by
having foreign companies build out
Railroads, and that i they briny the cap
it'll into the State required to build and
equip the road. a. thi has to be done
before, they can earn one dollar with the
road. Ane so far as the argument is
concerned that it is adiadvan igd to the
State to have these lands in the hands r-t
foieign corporations, we would
ak anyone to explain to us how much
better off we would be with our lan Is in
the hands of a home corporation. If a
foreign corporation makes more money
to hold these lands than to dispose of
them soon, would not a home corpora
tion do the same thing? Are they not
ail made up of the same kind of men. W
know that it ha 3eeme 1 so far, to be of
disadvantage to the State to have so large
a,propoition of our lands tied up in
Raiiroa l grants; but we also know that
the Union Pacific Road and Company
have done more to advertise Nebraska
than all the other advertising put to
gether that has ever been done by home
R i. !ro id Companies nivspaiers, and
every oilier sp vies of :idv.rf bhig. Wc
believe the Ii-ral.f wili agree with us in
th:.-. And we fir ther know that Mr.
Harris. Land Aentof the B. & M. Co
in Nc brik 1. is inaiiirnrating a system of!
advertising f r the disposition of their
lands which will do more to advertise
our State tlrtn all the advertising tJie has
ever recei ved, incla ling what the Pacific
Company has don?. Mr. IlarriH hi
been the means of .etthng a large portion
of Missouri by tlte same system of adver-
.. .. ., t. . I
tisiti"' and wo believe th direct a Jvt r- '
t?' . ,7 - f. ' ... lvi lin nf
' " -i .
i "r iH-iic.u iu inv: .-lait- man .t-i :
-rtbo mr oSTwm.vj iw 1m fSi - rii
up of so large a portion of our domain.
Believing as above, we mu-.t be allowed
to differ from the Herald in what we
may hope in regard to the action of our
Represcntatives in Congress. If the B.
& M. Co. in Nebraska wishes to strike
south-west from Lincoln "it is to be ear
nestly hoped that the representatives
in Congress from this State will ftand
firmly" by them in their effort to secure
the charge, as a measure of great u 1
vantage to the State, reganlless of the
interests of the B. &. 31. Co. or any pet
home organization.
The Church of St. Peter, where the
(Ecumenical Council is being held, and
which Gibbon styles "the most glorious
structure that has ever betn applied to
the use of religion." occupies the site of
a bailica built by Constantine in 300.
The foundations were laid by Julius II..
in 150, and in lS2o the building was
dedicated by Urban VIII.. its erection
having been spread over the reigns of
twenty Popes, and carried on by twelve
different architects. Bramante planned
the building in the form of a Creek
cross, which Raphael changed to a Latin
cross; but Michael A ngelo returned to
the original form. The latter designed
the dome. Mademo resumed the Latin
cross form, and added the facade. The
situation of the building in a hollow
surrounded on three sides by h.lls is
unfortunate. The interior is unrivalled
for grandeur and beauty ; so exquisite
are the proportions that the vast &Ize is
Noarc ly noticed by the Udmlder. The
dome is regarded a the triumph of mod
ern architecture. The principal dimen
sions of the church are as follows:
Length of interior, CIS feet ; breadth of
the nave and aisles, 197 feet; height
of nave, In-' feet ; diameter of dome,
195ieet; height from the pavement to
the base of the lantern, 405 feet. The
scmi-cii-cular cr.lonades on each side of
the piazza, in front of the church, form
along with the covered galleries that cx
tend from them to the portico, a mag
niucent approach to St. Peter's.
Elalwjrate preparations have been
made in that part of the church which
has been fitted as a council-hall. The
walls have been adorned with portait
of eminent churchmen ; the floor is cov
ered with a costly carpet presented by
:be King of Pru-sia ; and galleries have
been erected for the reporters of the
Council, embassadors, royal personages,
and other persons of rank. The Pope
presides in person, and the language
used at the Council is Latin.
For ths Nebraska IleralJ.
aut S brskH Kinlo lntltiiie for 111
IH-nf .. U 1'i.iuu
Are the citizens of our young State
iware that we have an institution of this
Wiiii in su'-cesalul operation iu our midst?
We have one, the pupils of which are,
with on exception, from the families of
the citizens cf Nebraki.
When I first read the act of incorpo
ration of thi- institution, notwithstand
ing my own name appeared as one of the.
Board of six Directors, the thought
pased through my min 1, "aimthei de
vice fr tiausferring p iblie funds to pri
vate 'pockets ;" and the fact tiiat I v,a
ii .t aware of the exist cnec of a deaf m ute
.ii our State, gave p oitit to the thought.
Four quarterly meetings of the Board
of Directors had been held, which I had
been unable to attend ; and.the fifth, the
Annual meeting.' approached, and Fpre
p.ared to attend it, and take notes at least,
if I could do no more.
On the 7th iint. I met the other mem
bers of the Board, at the Institute nt
Omaha. And now, in whatever I m t
say of the management of the affairs,
whether financial, educational or domes
tic, I am not liable to the charge of sell
praise, for hitherto, it will be remem
lered, 1 had taken no part in the admin
istration of the affairs of the Institute.
In the financial report I learned that
the Institute building, (which ou .subse
quent examination I found well adapted
to the pre-ent wants of the institution),
had been leased, fitted for the school, and
furni-hed, not only as a school room, but
as a re-idence of teacher and pupils; a
thoroughly qualified Principal and Mat
ron employed, and a school of eleven
pupils gathered, boarded, clothed and
educated for nine months, in the expen
sive city of Omaha, at an aggregate ex
pense of $2,200. 1 was forced to grant
that private pockets had fouud but poor
picking so far.
The Educational Report and examina
tion of the pupils exhibited an aptness
to receive instruction and acquisitions
which are seldoui equaled by pupils in
full possession of all of nature's gifts. A
deeji interest in, and a full appreciation
of the oencfits they were receiving, was
evident in all the pupils.
In the ready and prompt obedience to
the Principal, thorough and systematic
order, and the kind teeJing and mutual
ootid;, nee Detweeu teacher and pupil,
there was much to admire ; but in ttie
uomesiie relation of the housenuld, be
tween the matron and her children, a
finer chord was touched. Such evident
altection and deep sympathy is not often
tound between acluai parents aud child
ren. On the whole, my earlier doubts and
nii-gnings were tiuireiy removed oy the
economical administration and the emi
nent sunless in the iiducationti Depart-
Ult,l,t aud 1 very inuth regret that all
of the M:ne thirty proper MiLject of
thi charity, in this istate. are not theie
to shaie iu its ix-ncfiLs.
The provision .-o far made by the State
for the t-upjort of tne institute, lias been
by money appropriations as they were
deemed necessary. It is the unani-
,U(1US opinion of the Board as well a.; of
other friends to the Institute, that a
- t I . c . , ....
regular t'lriowmont of mc of the Stafe '
!n Ir thw pur,o, would enaUe the !
. aC 111 a U:U,'J1 more utfitJeti and
erteCt.VO manner. With a certain Jun-J OU l
- irhrii it "11 rlv, rrhtijtio oncer-1
tain and precarious action of each differ
ent Legislature ; and further it would
remove a direct tax from the people of
the State. Where has an acre of our
public lauds been appropriated toahigher
or better purjiose? 1 would call the
especial attention of our Legislators to
this subject, aud feel no doubt that when
fully advised in the matter, nueh endow
ment will le made, if lands remain sub
ject to .uch appropriate n. And further,
I would earnestly urge every parent or
friend of the deaf mutes in our S:ate,
not already in the Institute, to place
them then at ouce. I am well aware of
the more intense sympathy and affection
of the parent for the unfortunate child
deficient in either mental or physical de
velopment, and the reluctance with
which personal charge is relinquished.
But any parent who can visit the Insti
tute aud there witness the evidence of
deep parental and filial affection, and
consider the abiding interest of the
child, can na longer hesitate in a sacrifice
of their own feelings, to the most im
portant interet of the loved ones.
To those uninformed iu the matter, I
would say : To all citizens of Nebraska,
the doors of tne Institute are open
their children will be received, boarded,
clothed and educated free of charge,
while parties from other States are re
ceived on payment of moderate charges.
A. Ij. Child.
Plattsmolth, Nov. 13, 1 V.I.
This building approaches completion.
By next Sabbath it will be seated and
lighted, and there will be regular scry -ces
hereafter at 11 a. ui. and G:30 p. ui.
Changes in time will be announced as
they are effected. Tlie regular Ministe
rial supply being deficient, at pre-ent,
an effort will be made to have an occa
sional supply from neighboring Minis
ter , and when none can le had a ter
mon will be read.
The Sabbath School organized Sunday,
the oth inst., will, we trust, go ou regu
larly hereafter. The session of the Sab
bath School commences immediately af
ter the close of the morning service, or
about 12 m. It will be liberally sup
plied with Sabbath School books and
papers. Mr. Strong, lately come to our
city from Chicago, who has labored for
years among the children directly in the
Sabbath School work, is Superintendent.
We hoje to make the school pleasant as
well as profitable. Wc- cordially invite
all children not connected with other
schools to come and see us, and can a.s
sur : them that icarth with us will always
be at premium. We expect many earn
est, good l)oys and gills, and iutend al
ways to give the best scholar the highe -t
place. A Mason A; Hamlin organ will
add much to the enjoyment of those who
iove music and who does not?
The building is 24;!'i feet, will sent
rl-out Ion. and with seats and furniture
wili cot alMiut and the lot $PK.
But through the liberality of the citizens
and a grant of J4iX) from the Congrega
tional Building Fund, this is a!! provided
for now except a tout $2iiO, the cost of
ihe seating and furniture.
The Church heartily thanks the p :blic
for their sympathy :md liberality. And
with the blrssing and guidance of tjd
we still hope to deserve their favorable
rcgaid. v.
MiiilmiLm an I
ujc .ity i i t.uu:i-iJ liliias. County ot i'.,loov.i'ii-
Miie.itiiU jstaio "I Iowa, ihun untitle.- miner t!i'
icaii n. urn- -n l stylo oi'.Muiii.iIUii.i iliaoln r.
ot mu I city, ciui.iy iiJ ,tie.e: Vc.u wiil lake
notice t li.u .nihil J. ku.t.-eli .ui.l .laiU' t E. p.i.iiii.
I the tity i'laU-imiufh. cumy ot Cms".- an.i
tate el itoinic oii-iiu fs uii'ier the tii in
imm an. sijiooi' Rii.,scil i ionu. ol ttii.i ' ny.
i.n:y nii.l rcaf. tti.i. en tiio ,-,ii 'lay il N.ntin
Icr. A. !. is..;.. -Jio t.jr j,..ti. i..n i (i Ui.-u L-t
I uurio: the;..! Juiiici il JJimi.i-i Muliiuan.i Mr
Cuss eoiiiey. i;i the s-l io.- of Nebraska., adjust
.iic sai.l Uijh.ill;ii;u A Thatcher, ..-.nJ.oHs.
-etniig tortli thai there wmh thes.iUl i.lain
tills lioiu ilic .said Jctcnlii;- ili Uia of one
liunurca an.i seventy -live dollars, lor luiau v had
an i rceeiv.;i. and on an iie-Minnt tna.iu l,y the
said detoti' with the sai I ...;lill,: l)c;'-.veeli
ih. -- In day o: Auiru.-t, lsii. an i the 1st dav ol A. D. lM; :ml the said .Mul-
ii. ;l:and and Thatcher are hereby noti;ll
lliat they .11 e rc'iairrd to iii.rur and aiiner said
l..tit:onoii or oof,, ri. the third Mouday after the
ith day ot January. A. I. Is70.
Paled Plattsnioiuh. Neb, Ipc. ISM
.sin.L A J'OOM. riuintlff.
noviinrJt p,y i. a. Whew.kb. Alt y.
Legal fictice.
In District Court. nd Judicial District, within
and for Cass county, Nebrak;t.
aha irach Cole,
T. T. Jjne-.' J. Q. A.
Owen a::d C. K. Foriry.
To T. J. Jui'c? and J. J. A. Owen, non-resident
You are hereby notified th:t sliadrseh Cole,
on the isl day of Decern v-r. 1Si:;i, liioa his
uinended .etition in the District Court of liie
-'nd Judicial Dtsirict within and forCuss'.-ouiiiy,
Nebraska, si ti in,f fo! th that on or about the
rub. day ol l'eoiuary, is.,J. (I.irrison .V Jones,
as .ur h.rei ihesj E - 01 ts ii '4 of
sei mm M, kui i n W of section 3.". in
T iZ. N ot K l.'J K. 1111 J r"it for the same in
imrMitr-hiji funis, uti'l luiii the same as pari -nershiji
iio)eny. and that during- the year ls.;i
said iai A Jones, heilo; indebted to Y01111,
IJro. A '. tor K'ods turn i.-,l.ed the iartnersiiip.
cxeeutetl mud delivered a morttface on said
tracts oflar, 1 to said Younj.-. ISro. A Co.. William
liarnjoi! si;ri.iiiK said inorttrase in the firm
name, said 1. J. Joii'.-s giving i, assent .hereto;
that at the s i!c under file 'leerce of t'.r-elosiire
on said mor e. life, on the 7:h day of October.
lo7. (ilain'iti purchased said tracts oflanO. and
all the rik'iit. title and iurerest ol" said Garrioii
A Jones therein, and that a. deed to suid tracts
of land wasatterward duly executed mid deliv
ered M I laintiit by the Master of oaid Court;
and ut rhe time of said sale a certain judgment
in tavor ol J. A. Owen v. Nuckolls. Harris-, n
(- Jones, in said Cuurt. ., o,.n
on snid land us anneare.l liv the r.--
eor.i- of sail Court, i'laintiu it-ks for
a decree u,:iiesir.? nn.I contirniinc his title to said
tracts, and praying thnt a eloud on his title 10
said tract of I ml by n Mile of the same to C. K.
fonry. on the 1st day nfMan-h. ISiy. undar said
juditiuent olJ. Q. A. Owen .-s. Nuckolls. Garri
son A Jones, may be removed, aud said Kale net
aside and held for nnupht
You are required to anwer said petition on
or Uetore the lTlh day of fannnrv"lTi
By Mtitrtu it Chapman-. Attorneys.
Dissolution No lice.
It. O Doom and E. Doom bave ii! ay pur
chased the interest of J.C. Cauimiiis in the busi
ncss heretofore eou lueted under the name of
1 loo in. Dro. & the Erin wi.l continue under
the same style and name a' heretofore.
J. C. CfMMINsj.
riattsmouth, Nebraska, Dec. 11 ih, lsc9.
I wi!l remain in the House where I hope to
ee al! my friends and "old custoraers
deolluAw.'iw J. C-Cuxmsa.
The public will take notice rhat several roars
ao I married oue Charlotte Keller lias Char
lotte Cat rail heal under the belief that she could
lee&liy enter into tiie marriage relation, but iinee
I have diseorered that iue had lejtal husband
then Mill living and not divorced: therefore I
warn all persons not to trust her no my lutroum j
as 1 will not pay any debts that sheiuay contract
or ie resi-iurijie lor ony ol her acts.
Dated Defmberlotu, lNX). .
deelilAwtf.t HEXKY KCIIL.
Estray Sale.
TrT t la hjkT-nKir vIfaii V T ,'t1 1 1 . a U
lie auction, at the hou-'e of Francis Faireli. in
p. m.. one Muie. taken up Ly tbe'.iuid Farrell ad (
au entray. Apraise.l at thirty dollar.
Ar il& jt&Uc,lt thZZi i
Chancery Kale.
Joseph II. ItrowD.)
. Brown, )
vs. in Chancery ,
Thoma? J. Jones, t
IN pursuance and by Tirt le of a decree of the
Distri-st Court of tu.cond Judicial District
withiu aua tor Saumlcn county and s;tale of
Nebraska, made in the above eauso, aud bearing
date on the i'th day of November, a. d. lSoy, be
ins the reioilar November term of said Court. I.
the subscriber, s-herift' of Hunders eounty, Ne
braska, and special Master in Chancery for said
Court, will oner tor sale at public-auction, to the
highest and best bidder It cash, in front of
Siicll's Hall, ' the place where the last term of
naid Di-'tnet i'ourt was held.) in the town of
As:h!an.i. Suun-icrs county. Nebraska, on Mon
day, the oth day of December, a. i. Isi9. at 1
o'clock r. M.,ot sai-ld.iy. the follow iue described
real estate to-fc il: The east one-half ( 1 i of the
uorth.Ni-t ninrter. t'.l and southwest iju.trter
t' it ol the northeast quarter. ' i. iin I the soulh
ea? t qu-irter i'st of the northwest ijutrter '4 of
hectiou No. twenty-seven. iTi. in township No.
seventeen, 1 7. north of rainrc No. seven. iT.,
east of the tilii 1'. M-. i'i Saunders coumy. Ne
braska, and contatni:ix l"'' acres, more or le.-s.
together with all and singular the iiiiprovciiieiiui.
hereditatiients, and a-puftenance thereunto be
loi:;ii:i;. to be soi l as the property of tile deler.d
ant aliove named, to sa'isjy Haid decree, the
amoiiiit of which is nine hundred -in I forty -two
and yj-lUU d:idars. and interest on the same from
date of said decree, nt the ra'eof IJ per ci nt. per
annum, together with costs of snir mid s;ile.
JOHN 1. W illi'Ll.H; K.
SheritTand Special Master in Cixancer lor laun
ders County. Nebraska.
November loth, ISoJ w,"t.
i:h:mcery S.iSc
Joseph H. Ilrown, 1
vs. In Chancery.
William jarris"i. J
JN pursuance and virtue of n decr" of the Dis
trict Court of the second J n-lieia! District
within and lor Saunders county and State of Ne
braska, made in the above cms';, ai;d bearing
date on the ytli d ly of November, A. !. lj. Ot
ing the regular November term ot s;.id Court, i,
the subscriber, Slicriit'of S.ainders eoui.iy, Ne
braska, and Special Master in Chuuci ry lor said
Court, will oii'er tor saie at public auction, to the
highest imd best biider for cash, in front ol
Siiell's iiall, tihe place where the last term of
said liisti ict Court was held. . in the town oi'Ah-l-,ii
1. Saunders county, Nebraska, on Mond'iy.
the JMh day of Dceeiuber. a. ;. lvji'. at - o'clock
e. St. of said day, the followiiic .i.-scribe i real
estate, to-v. it : 'i be southwist ijuai ter ! .ol sec
tion Xo. twenty-four, in township No.
seventeen. '17., north cf raujee No. teveu, (7,)
eiirft ot the Oth V. ill aan icr cou.i;. N.
braska. and eoiitainiuj; i!) ut r'cfi, tonemer witi;
ail and singular the iiuproreiu.-:its. hcredita
tuents. and uppurtenam i s 'I creto bcl ii:ii!ir. to
be sold as the property of the ticfcinlaiil auovc
named, to satisfy said decree, the aniicin' o
which is twelve hundred and lifiv and s-100 dol
lars, and interest on the same from date of sai.'.
decree, at the rate of ten p..T . cut. per annum
together with costs ol suit am! alc.
JOilX (. WiilTKLOCK.
Sheriff nntl Sp ecinl M.'iS'.t-r iu Chancery forSaus
dcrs eounty. Nebraska.
November, loth, is.'.r w.'t
IVof ice.
To the next of kin of Harry Alexander and
Liric Alexander, iniuor heirs ,-.t A. A!e.ati
di.r. deceased, and to all persons interested u
the e-ta e of said minors, willhei e-'o take no
tice that W. I. Merriani. itiiardian of the sahi
Jlarrv Alexander and Ali-xander. did.
on thetlth day of Novi tuber. Klo his petition in
the Di-trict Court of the d Judicial District
Nebraska, in and b.r Ci.-s county, prnyiiif; for
liten-e to sell the following re-il esta'e siiuate-!
in said county, to wit : The VV J;, and the f ti'
of the S Ii ' of section i township 1. ratine 1,
cast of sixth P. M.. and the S V of the S K i oi
section ii. town 12. ratiife I1) K of the O.h l. M..
the same bcloiiitirir to the suid Harry Alexan
der and Lixiu Alexander, for the purpose ol
raising money for the luain'enance. nurturcand
education of the said minors: that on tl.5 8;h
day of November, lHiifl, the suid Court ma le the
following order on said iipp'iica'ion : "Time
fixed for hearing this application is the first
Monday in January next, at the Court Koom iu
pouicl.t county, at one o'clock p. ni.;"uud yo-j
are required to appear at the Court Koom in
Pouylas Co. uity and Stiite of Nebraska, on the
tirl M n lay r.i January. JsTo, at one o'clock p
in., and show cause, if any, why suid license
should not l-.e granted.
Dated November Jt'h. 1sT;.
W. D. MKKK1AM. Ciiar.linn
. of Harry Alexander and I. i.ic Alexander.
By WILLIIT POTT KNti tit, his Att y.
"lance2y Mile.
Major C Long,")
W. T. Foster. )
IN pursuance ot'itiJ by virtue r.f a decretal or
dcrto tne tlirecied. from the otlict. of the cn-rk
of the District ourt or trie Jd ,f mliciai J.i:riet of
Nebraska, within and lor Saunders county. Ne
braska bearicic date on the '.It h .lay of Novem
ber. lStj'j. fceinir t!m Noveuibrr iwrin of said
l)i-trnt Court. 1. 1' e sabs Tiber, bciinrappoirift!
special M.ister ill ;iiti f r nui-i Court, will oii'er
;.t public auction. ,o the hiKht si best bidder.
f.Tcx-h, in troni of Sncii's ll:,M. Mlm place
whcie the last term of sc.rl Distri.-t Court tins
hci I., in the town of Ashland, co.miy if Saun
ders an t State of Nebraska, on M mday. the jot h
day ol Dieembi r. a. !. 1 ;, nt l.j o'cjuek a. m. of
sai 1 day. the ioilowtnx describe 1 real estate, to
wit : The southwest quarter s! t of secti't. No.
nine, L'.i in township No. twelve. 12.. i.r:h of'e No. nine, o.. i,. Sumd. rs e ,i:nly. Ne
braska. toKcttii-r with all and sitiul ir the nn
jiroveiucnts. hcreiiitainct.ts. ami appurtenance
thereunto boh-ntfitiK. to be sc! I as the property
i;f the defendant above named, to Siitisty s.iid
decree, the amount id' which is six hundred an
sixteen Soiti dollars, with interest frmu the
dale of said decree, at the rate often percent,
per annum, together with cost of --a it ;. ,. .fit..
Special Master in Chancery forsaid Dist. Court.
l!y omer of the Cierk,
x. , C. II. WALKER.
Nov 2l'w4t
Itoie Ann Deeker.1
vs. Jn Chancery.
M. D. KwafTort. )
In pursuance and bv virtue of
a decree of the District Court of the l!d Judi -ial
District within and for Snun let's county urnl
State of Nebraska, node in the "cause
and beiirinii date on the Mi tlay of November.
A. i. lSiii, beiiiKthu icisular November term of
said county, I. the s:ii)-crioer. Slientt Saun
ders county. Nebraska, and Special Master in
Chancery for said county, wiil otjer for :lc at
pubiieauctititi. to the hiplitst am! best bidder for
cash, iu front of Snll s Hail, iie place where
the last term of said Conn v.ahei-1 m the t .vu
ofAsuluiid. Se.uiid.r county. Nebraska, on Mon
day, ttie M tlay of January, a. n. ISTi). nt wo
o'clock p. in. of sai 1 day. the following describ
ed real est;. t to wit : Lot n,:,e 9 ::nd lot one
(1 . section No thirty IVJ,. townsliip No. thirteen
ilS. nor'ii. liarce No f r. (ly eu-t. in fsiuiider
county. Nebraska, and containit.K tirtv-six and
sixty-on! hundredths !fi tW-lijii. acres ot iand.
together with all and singular the improve
ments and appurtenances therein beior.ttiiif.
to be soid as th" property of the del'cn.iant aiiove
named, to satisfy said decree, the amount of
which is dollars, with interest on
the same from date of raid dcree a. the rate of
ten per cent, per annum, together with cos's of
suit, and sale.
Sppenil Muster ia Cbauncery lor Saunders Co..
Nebniska. derwo.
)j:d.aj X ?4o 70.
An Ordinance to regulate the mcasurtiuent and
iiile of oo.i in tue city of i'taitsmotith.
Skitiiin 1. i)e it oruained by the Mayor and
City Council of the tity ol Piatt-mouth. thnt it
Miali beuulawful for any person to sell Cord
Vood in the city of I'lattsmouth without bav
ins: tirst had suih cord wood measured by the
City Wood inspector.
s-kc. 2 The Mayor shall appoint a resident of
thiscity to liil the office id' City Wo-mI Inspector,
to hold his oliicedurincihe pieasureoi the Coun
cil. Skc 3 ft shall be the tfuty of the City Wood
Inspector to measure all cord wood hereafter
sold iu said city, and to issue to the seller of su-h
eoi-d wood a ticket which shall contain the name
of the person s l'irir. the number of cords and
feet measured, and thedateoi "iieii measurement
and shail be sijjnid by sai 1 City Wood Inspei tor.
Si.c. 4 The person sellinp cord wood in "ai l
city shall pay to the City Wood Inspector a ice
for measurement, at the rate of i"ieeiil for the
first cord or fractional piirt theretif. nndl'i cents
for each additional coni or tract ionitl part mtr.s
ured. at the since time an I tor :h" same party.
Skc. r Any person viola! ina: the provi-i.uis of
this Ordinance shall be tine.i not fc- than one
doltiir nor more ttiun ten ibttljirs :nil tb
Skc tj This Ordinance to take effect on the
day December, a. d. lb'..
Passed and approved this 1st rfivof Deromber
a. n. Ii9. D. 11. WiiLELEK. Mavor.
Attest: Wm. L. V ells, Re-ordcr. rUcciwi
ftinr!ian'n Male
Notice U hereby riven, that in pur-unnee of a
decretal order of sale made by Uu Honor,
lieorpe B. Lake. Judteof the Ilistrict Court of
the Second Judicial District at hi" Chamber
in Oiuah city, on the lIJrdd.iv of November.
1R, I will oh the 1st day of January. lST't. at the
in ami to me loi.owuie .lescnt.,.. real estt.te.
tbf S Wt-orDfrofSK of th S K 1 i oi' -s. '
P.'in T 12 X of R 1.4 E 6th P M in Ca Count v i
Xebraskn : themee runniiic X 3) rod", thenee it i
lortidt". thence S rodt". t hence W Pi r-wis to the '
place of heginnim? and enta :nii:R "2 B'-rr-s. !
S!e wiil retutin open tor bid from 1 o'clock !
p. m.tojoclock p. in. ot sai l d -.y. I e-m .
Onardian of Minor Lcirs of JuDh I'pciin !
- i-.11- COLflMAN-.
By WLL Chxi-mx. Attarney i
tjour or io uock p. m. ot sai i .lay. at tr,,; trt mzi From Ashland. !.v HereiLnd. Ce I.-.r T-lnT I
dm.r of the Court J!ou,e in Plattsiuoitth. Ca B-nton. ami Linw.t. I- Columbus. 7o !
O.uuly. Nebraska. ..rerfor-a!eni pnblic vcmiiie mile and back, otice wer. !
lothehiirhest bidder. a,l the rieht. title and inte- Leave Ashland Mndv t am: !
rwt ot Ijenrje B. lVr,n ti-l t.timnif L Pmr- - Arrive at Coin whin nei- bv o p e., : !
on. minor heirs tif josci-u I IVi'sun , .wu.l i .-..i ....... i...: ' '
W Aai0;TiiN, October iJ. lV.i. J
PItOI'OS LS ntt be rc,i,-r,l at the ('..ifrisf
OjH'-r ft tki llrfirlmmt until .'! p. m. of .V in t
30. 1S70. fur cmrrptM! the M't'ri fifth L'ntfr'l
.St.itr fr'.m July 1. isV'J. to Jxine .!!), 171 'a the
St'ie nf .Vc.r'noi. on the route m. t'.y the
cAe.r of (iepurtu.-e ( n,-rrtf 4r'il
Dcioi Announced by April 23, 1870.
144J1 From O.naha. by Oilmore. Chicairo.
Pfiiarose. '.l!ey. Fremmn. fitabTvilio.
North l!tu I. S-huyier. 1.1 !- !o. t'.iloai
bas. t.'i-rry lli!l. Silver i;ii. 'i irkv.He.
Lone free. Chapman,; 1 lI." d Sta
tion. Wood liiver. KoM lv.-arii'-y. Kearney
City. Mel'herson Nortii l'ls.tle. l.'.";..!i
v.oo.1 Spritus. Si tney. I'ir.i- I'.larf. Cii'-y-enoe.
Saerinan. l.ariiuie City. U yoiuiu.t.
Lookout, Mc.'.i. ii.e ll'.w. Carbon, Tci" y.
I'ort Fred So t ie. 11. iw! iris's Spri:-.:- Hit
ter Cr rek. I'oint of II '.-!. tirceu River
City. Hryan. tiat.i r. Carier. l'.ri IferSfi
tion. i'iedm.iiit. Wai.-atcii. E i City;
M'liK'iii. I in can. Ok'ii. Ho'
Corintic. l'l-ornontory I'oint, L" tail, i :i
4-10 ini!c and back, twice daily.
KkJ Eroin Omaha, by H ll-riie, L irav.iie Mi!'.-,
i'lali? iiioiiia, i;.ek liiiitH. i.e .vision, i tirce
tiroves. L i. ion. Wyoiains". Ni !.ta-U i City,
l'eru. lirownviile. Nemaha City, A-i".n-w.
ill. Sunt Iie.'viii. W illiamsviiic. .r m' i,
Hillsdale. Falls City. Ktiio, Nohitii. White
Cioul. Iowa i'oint. Iii;h!.in 1. and Walnut
tir-'ve. to l'rv.y. i:4 mile and buck, sis
tii'ics a we- k.
I.e.. . e OiH..h:i daily. Ex.'.-p; Sunday, ut
? a. in.:
Arrive ut Troy tliiid duv l:y S a. in., it
Lours ;
Leai e Troy daily, except Sun lay, ui S
C. til.
Arrive at Omtiha third J;.y hy H a. ia. (Is
hoars .
11103 From (ii!ta!i:i. I t Florence. 1'ort C ilho.tii,
Yaioo, I'csoto. Elair. Cif.naiintrs C'.sy. Mo
dail, Teka.uah. Silver Creek. !s':i: ar.
Omaha Aireiiey. Wiuaebaito. Dak-.ta l.'ity.
a:sd Woadtiury i Io.,, to Sumx Ci y. i.Io.,.
to miles and Oa-.-k, -dx times it week.
Leave Oiiiait.i daily, except .San !.:;', at, 5
Arrive at Sioux City nc-xi Jays by 10
p. in.;
Leave Sioux City Uaiiy. ext'L-pi San lay,
at " a. !u.;
Arrive at Omaha rext doy by Id p. m.
1U'1 From ISoIievuv. by Lisbon, l'i oM'oi.l mil
Xeniu. ro I'wi-e-.'. City, io liiiies an 1 ba.-k,
V'KCO .1 IV eek.
Leave Lellevue Fri 'py nt 7 a. in.;
Arrive ai Forest City by 4 p. m ;
Leave Forest City S.i;ur t.i at a. ::i.;
Arrive at tleljex uu oy 4 p. in.
1 14 Oii From l'!atttun:;h, 1 y ij'.en I. tie and Sou h
Lend, to A'dan I, j miles and back,
OlI' U il w eek.
Leave Flatcsinouth Monday a' 7 a. ia.;
Arrive at A-iilaici by '. p. in.;
Leave Ashliia t lues ia at i a. in.;
Arrive at l'iattsuiouth ijy i -. tri.;
141V- F-oia Tl iT'smoath. by E'-'it M:U- tirov.
Vi'eepinjf W ;it. Eiin .v. o :. Steven' Cr'-ek.
Lincoln, and Middle Creek, to Mil.'o.d. i
in dt and ijaeii : thr-.-ctiaiesa vo K to l.ia
coin. 4) utiles, and once a we..!, th re-i i.n?.
L -.tavc i'la t tiictt'h Tuesday, 'i'lun-aiy.
ami atur-l iv at ti.;i p. in.;
Arrive at Lincoln by 1- niitht:
Leave Lincoln Mii.lay, nautsiLiy, r.ti.l
Friday at ii a. m.;
Arrive at 1'lato-mouth by S p. in.;
Leave Liil"du Tue.-day at S a.m.;
Arrive at Mil lord by? p. m.;
Leave Miiiord l li.os 1 y at a. iu.;
Arrive at Lincoln by 7 in.
11107 Fiom Three lir .ves, by Mount I'l-'asant
and Centre Valley, to V.'.-. pina Waltr.
If ) 2 m.lcs and brn-k. on -e a week.
Lea. e l'h roe lino e - S.itar lay at ti a. n..;
Arrive at Weeping W iter 1 y lJ in;
Leave VVcepiiot Water Satur.u.y at .
p. in :
Arrive it Three (Ir by S p tn.;
11405 From Union, by Factoryvil'e. to Avoea,
1 miles an t back, once a week.
Leave I nio-i Saturday ui 7 a. m.;
Arrive at Avoea by 11 a. :n.;
Leave Avoc.i Saturday ui 1- iu.
Anive at I'niou by 4 p. us.
lllOy Fronjt I'.:ir:lett City, by Wyoming, to Lin
coin City. .V miies and back, once a week
Leave Hartb'tt City M"ii lay al ii a in :
Arrive at Lincoln City r.ext day by U :a:
Leave Liiicoin City Weduod.iy tit o a in;
Arrive at liarllott Ci.y next day by IJ in.
11110 From N'eu usk i City, by Wil-,i:i. Nurscij
l.'-ll. Emerson. Palmyra, Passley. and R.
becea. to Lincoln. l7 i.iiicsetid back, daily.
Leave Nebra-k i City daily at Sam;
Arrive nt Lin.-. In by S ; m ; Lir.o!n daily nt M a in :
Arrive at Nebraska City by S p ru ;
24111 From N. bra-ka City, by RichV F.-r-.l. "lo
cal. I Helena. Uryson. and Hooker, to Rc.i
trice. i"U miles and back, three titces u
Leave Xebraskn City Mott lay, Wednes
day, and Friday al ti a in ;
Arri e al Uce.trice i days by 5 p ia :
L 'ave De.tirieu M -n tay, W vines-l.iy,
Friday al ti a ni ;
Arri.e al Nebraska Ci:y next d :ys I y o
' P m :
Proposals t'i cx: .1 1 Ftrvise. by I'd tic
Springs and O'oe Ac.u.v. tJ Marysvilic.
Ms ;i;tlcs, un itcd.
11412 Fro.n Nebraska City, by R inieM's Mi!ls.
I local. ; Miy.ier's. local, M 'lur"'. i
and Morton's i ord, Joeal,, to i.i'.ie K vk.
4' mile- and ba. k.
Lea.e Ncl.rr-ka City M-.tcitiy ir.Sai:
Arrive at Tai-le Ro.-k l V p m :
Leave 1'jibie H ick Tuesday nt a m ;
Arrive at N.-bri-ka City by 7 p in.
1U13 From i'.ro'vnviMe. by London, lilen Rock
and lloward. to firaut, 'Jl and
onee a week.
Leave RrownviHe Friday at VI in ;
Arrive si' Urant next day by ; a m ;
Leave Grant Satnr lay at V "t.' a m ;
.Arrive at Urownville by ii p tn.
Troponin's to emoric" Clif'on on r. tite
invited; also, to extend 1'ocn lirant t-
Spring Creek, iucrtsatiinic liistauoe iu al:
1 ;uil-s.
Ullt From RrownviHe. by St. Frederick. Ts
rtiiusch, Vi.'itu an 1 I'r.ib ' b rUnr I. to b a
trice, 0") miies and back, three times a
Leave Urown vljle M. n dsy, V.'ednesl.y
and Friday at t u in :
A "rive Rairlcc next days byb p ;n :
Leave Itca'ri -e Mond.ty, Woitiesday,
and Friday at ii a m :
A -rive a'. Ii ownvilie r.ext lays by t- p. in.
I'li.posa! to txcnd scr'i'-c. tiy jti-t-Sprtn.
and Otoe Agency, to Ma.-y-vuie.
MH ti:ies. in1, ittd.
14413 Fror.i Nemaha City, by Sue-man. Monte
rey, and Lin,- l.iu.r!i. to ilutuboi ;ti
mdes and nack. ot:"e a week.
Leave Nemaha Cit v Fri lay at S a in ;
Arrive at by " p m :
Leave Humboldt Sarar biy a; .1 a ;
Arrive at Nemaha City by o p in.
14410 From Falls City, by Sal,.,,,. Wells' M:'l-
.Mtd Hel.iuKh. Athens. Diiv-on's Mill.
Mouond. 1 1 uiiibubit. Tabic lt. ..!, '1:;.'
llraa. h. :.! I L;i.erty. to Oloe Ai-i-ncy. ;io
miles ami back : six tim.'i a week to l'aw
nee City. 4t5 miles, and thr je li:.;cs u week
th" residtie.
Leave I'ls City daily, except .Sunday,
at n a in ;
Arrive nt I'.itiic- Ciiy bv 7pm:
Leave l'awsiee Ci y d illy, Sua
day. at ti a m :
Arrive a; Falls City by 7 p ia ;
L -:- e Pawnee City Tje-uay, Thur?;!.!y.
and Saturday Rt " a to ;
Airivj at Otoe Akoicv hy 7 p io :
Li.i'e ,Jf'e Aiieiiey M.l,.iay. Wed.-ics
ilay. iiiti! Friday at ti a in ;
Arrive at Pawnte Ciy by 7 p n:
1111" From Falls City, by Ar.'jro. to Cr ii- Sta
tion. tMj.,'l"i miles :uid hack, fix ti.nes a
Leave Falls City dally, Sunday,
at ti am;
Arrive at Cr.tisr Station by VI m :
Leave Cruijr Station uiity. except Sun
day, at 1 p in ;
Arrive at Falls City by 7 J- tr, ;
Proposals to co!iyneiice service at Arayo,
omiun c Falls City, invited
H41S F'rom Pawnee Ci to Seiuva, iKin.,1
miles an t back, on a . ( .
Leave Pawnee City Moiei iv at Ham;
Arrive ut Setieva i.y i p m ;
L-ave Seneca 'fucs-lny at 'am;
Arrive at Pawnee City by 4 p m.
1HI9 From Helena, by Hendricks, to Latrobe.
IS mi!es an t ta k: once a week.
Leave Helena We-ltie ia at 7 a in ;
Arrive tit L:itroie by -j , ;
Leave Lrr.dic Wetiftwiay s.t 2 p m;
Arrive at Helcr.a by 7 p in ;
Proposals to extend to Solon. 7 miles
further, invited.
14120 From Headland. Crdar li'.utl.
and Renton. to Liawond, ;"i0 miles ami
back, once a week.
Leave Ashland Friday al 1 A ni ;
Arrive at Linwooil at 9 p tc ;
Leave Lin wood Saturday at 6 a tn;
Arrive r.t A-hlan 1 by 9 p -n.
lrosal to e-xtetid to CMnujbm. Lf.
miles turtaer. invited.
ArrtTe a: A-i.lan l next .lav bv n i
IU FroTO A-KIri'l t OAw.r.h. t mile? n.i I
back, one week.
Lc.iv AH!ttnd Mon ! iy : t C h tn :
Arrive i Cili:inbn ti-M! day by i' p m ;
J.e-'Te CoPimbus Wctlnc-lay hi t'i a in ;
Arrivu id A-h;rd next .1 iy by tl p :a.
lxir Fmm Pt;.n.. y,- i !t-.. .v ..?.
Creek, an I PJatt'e View, to P, jiiar.- I.e. L7
Biii.-s cn-l ba'k, ti -e wvk.
Leave iioud.iy una Vi'ciliiC.l.,y
I iC .1 , n .l IA .11 US., -.I-- li, . il t J. IJ.
V ITTHS1! Ttr.-virt-'x litUai
Lean-Fan:.. !! Tae,.lay and Thar- !
da v at s a tn : i
Arrive rfl i'i !:nro-e by t) p in.
Proposal' lor tiiiee-tioies-a-wecL ser
vice invited.
lli'-'l 1'rom Dj Soto, by R.nin. IJo-.m stead. Ari
toiiA. and Central Ci.y. in Do-u.1 u r. 4i
Miles an-l 0:e. k, oii -e a w ; ek.
Leave De S .to Fii ley 7 : m ;
Arrive l De arur o 7 p i.t ;
Leave Dcc.i.mi- S.ituid.iy a'. 7 a tn ;
Arrive at De Solo l.j 7 tn.
141i" F.-oiu'lii. by Ja. k. ii. Ponra LciiA.
New tl..-:le. Saint J:miiis. Saiat ileletia.
Frank!. .r:. atid S in'ee Ai. ! y. t. N :o .ra
ra. R.I in iter and back ; three niets u week
to Sa; iiei-u i, "J uti;', ! twieu a
week tin- r. -i due.
Lev.-e iek -t i Tut Lit. 11. an lav. and
S-iturlay a. S a : ; j , r.-. . i - v. lit :,e I ;t . . i ! ...: w: t-l..
Arri. c ul Saint iieicna next lays l y 7 I i v. ,..i u i ; .lie ia.; r Io io e ;. n n : I V i b . -p
iu ; ' . i 1 ; ; .o . t . 1 1. I ... :- ... . : j l.e
Leave S.t inl II.-lcun Tt;-f .lay. Tbu.-- i.ty J l.v.-.y o! ti...:!. . ,
and .aturday :n 7 a tn : 4. Ni-; .i ..! r...- for t.-i; .- i.o,. f e;l--rsi-
ri i ve at i ikot i ii.-x ; lav-- v 7 . o :
L-ivo Saial Itcieaa Mou lay i.tet Ti. ars-
ti.. v at i .1 in :
Arrive a Niobrara next ! ' v 1 ? ; i ;
Leave Niol.r.ira i'ucs l.ry ;t!i i I rt i.. a
1 p .'ii :
Aniv at Sain: lKU-ua next ht. by 7
p tc.
i'l-.ipo-als l.-rlhii e-tiiucs a-'Teek a.-rvi,
ov"-. r whole route inv iieu.
1140 FroM D ik- ta Ci:y. by Sea I'da'aoo. !, ,-.i!.
Canti-'.i. and Ferh ' y, to M : i.-o.i I -oi:
iiouse, 7i miles an I b.o k. ot: a wi-i.k.
j Lea v e D ikota City Monday al .' i i.i :
Ai i tv u al t. '.-j.'i 11. -t V.'
j d iv i t", p ni :
I Leave M idi. o.i C-.u; l iiouse T!iur..d;o
at 1 a tit ;
1 Arr-.v. at !..koi -i C't y Saturday l..y m
j Il4u7 From If Wit: to i;U-u.t:c:;, 1 M:i:ie.j a:..;
b:: k. i..: 'i ti n ck.
I. li e to- Witt U ediu'- l i v .it ' a in ;
Arrive : i'.. iti'in-K i-y R in:
I.e : v.- ii'si :areU 'iVcit;--s.i ay at 1 p :a ;
Arrive ui i'e V, itt i.y -t p it,.
Ill- 1 . ' it 'tie-: i'oint, by L.i!-.c i -.v. llii., .r
C.nt m, t'ii it n. iin 1 Pica-a;.: Ru...
N'.; :o!k. 4 ' :iti i 'tack, inn- a ah!..
Leave West, 'lim.-.. I i.v at s it in ;
Atiivi- at No: i..fC tii-At .i.i.r .... 1. lu ;
L a-e Nor';.:k F'-. tay i,t j. a,.
Arr:v e a; tVi-s point i-y p i-i.
I4!J I'.-i -n West I'oint to D.'.ota Ci j. - i.i 11-.-uii
t o.iek. a week. .
Leave Wc-! point M m la.v 1' 1 ' a 1.:;
Arrive it 1) tKo a t'uy n "t: , p
Lc. ;: 1 iK i a ":' y W-j i-ii my a. 7 a ,.:
Arrtv- at ,V i i',,i::t u:-. I , !, .' p m.
Illl.t From We--; i'. int. b Viii.n.i.i i a:i I A:-i-,-n.(.
to Little Si,.u. vIi.,,.;.Ju;:;..- .... 1 a
oive a w.-.-k.
L..-.iVe V.. -' P-on! Moti ! iy j,: 7 a :u ;
Arrive a" L:ttie si .tt i.y , p in ;
1. : I.i it Si-ni it i i- :... :: 7 .'. ta ;
Arrtv; at Vc. l.m. i.y i. p :;!.
It liil 1'rom W-.-t Poi.-.i. by . to !.... :
t .1 -. o i a: i a : i ;. wc It
i.e.i-. e Wi-.-t Pnli;i i'uos ...ty n 1 K.:lj
at S a ! ;
Arrive at Do-ratur by '1 p tii ;
Lc iv-t li. eifii- '.V"e i-:e-i,.y aul I'.i'u;
d .iy a o a ;n :
Arrive at We-1 Point y C i l.
lii" Ft.iai Fo itt ..!--!!. by L... .a.',:t. :u. ,
Wet i'oint. io De W l! !, i. ,U .... . ojek
tw ice a ivi-.-k.
L-.ive l-'oii'.i'itl'e Tu li.iy and Friday
at i a'ui ;
Arrive :' )'- Wi:t by 7 p i.i ;
Lfiivo Do tVi.t J.'iiu.'sd.iy a-.i-i Sa'aiu..;
at T i oi :
Arrive a; Fi.titani lie by 7 p in ;
111..", '..mi Ireiuoii'. by .T il ip i. P-bi..! , rr -fk
Oik priuijs, an i Saiol l':iat:.. to V '. -..
1 i i in il. s an 1 b.iek. i w ice a w. t.
Leave Freiii 'i.L i'at r.iay a:,.i ,t;,,;
St .s :l in j
Arrive at We t I'-iii:! by ' i, tr ;
L..'ir.e Vte-t 1'oiat Mouday an i Fri '.:':
at a 'it :
A nivc it Fremont by o p in.
Pioj os'l- to ex'.ei. 1 ,u Li-ill. ir k. 1.
miles. i;-,vi-ed.
l'.lil From F.-cmot.t. by R! Ir.d. Walk-r. c.
Cere -o. t j Li'.eoiu, i.i nuir.-. 1 t,... i.
tiil'ce liUte-i a wtvk.
L- . re Fr, :ii..ii' Moa-J.y. liVl:,is ia..
an i Friday -it ti a tn :
A 'rive at. Lincoln hy 7 p tn ;
Leave Li:i--oiii i'uu.-o.i, jiiitrtii , r.;:
S.i'U'dac a ' a m ;
Arrive n 1 rt-oi it t l y 7 tu.
lli'il Frotu Eikhorti Station, by F .- 1 '":
Salt Creek, and A-Ulan I. U Li:i-:...:u.
Iitilcs an i 'en K. o;cc a i ';.
Leave !'!k!i..v:i - a'ion M ,n I ij a' r i i
Arrive a, L-ii : -'.n -jy S p :o :
Leave Liic otn I uc-.i ,y a. o a 'a :
. rrlvc a' !"!i.!i i:n S-..;!.e, i.y p m
Pi-ip'.ilti for Ti iti'ikiv. al-' W six
ti:i.o--:s-v, ti k service i i-, i' e.i.
HlC-i I"ro:,i Liii-oln. byS -.1-illo. Cent revt!'-. a i
R ' icti. to Reait u.v, . i :uii'-.- k'U I :! a . ou .
a week.
Leave Line -in Mon iay n: i a :u ;
Arrive a: Rratri ! by 7 p la;
Leave Itee'rlce Tuestiay a' a m :
Arrive a'. Ln.;o!n l y 7 m.
Pi-opoiaJs ior thrt-liiiies--j. k ser
vi -e invi'e i.
Ullo From Liiu-idti t" Ci,!i.m.!iii.-. 77 m: !.- ,::i
back, once a .vci k.
Lcav-j Lin.'. -in iVe Iin .-1 a! H :: o, :
Arrive ii ('iiti;i: t-' !.' ,:.;.y :, ., p ;i
Leave Ciiiiiii1"!' Fri. ley ,.t .- :-i :
A r; ,ve al Li.'i" -i'.ii :n M i..y by It p I::.
11105 Fiom Litico'i,. I.y S.'jt!i ''kJ-. L.t-' ii. :.t
l'eeii:i;-.eii. to t'ato.e vi'y, i" . tiii.t:- a,.
La K. th ve ti'-r.- H we'it.
I.ea .; bii, -on l';i .s lay, Tlrirsday , ,v
'a: t: nl-r. ;i : ." i oi ;
Airlve a. I'.i.wiee Ctiy ii-xt -1 oj
P '" :
L-av Pawnee City Til.-1 .y. Thur-l...
a:. : S;''it ... v al . ;i in :
t . e a'
..'i :. .x!
V v e,
y ! i' iti :
IT-.p-.s.-itJ to ex:on l It ooi '-ir
I:-- C:!.v. ly 1 ru-' aliii. :o Albany. .
mile- !'ar;li'T. iavl:'-'!.
111"'.' Froi-i Li.: ..! i. by TI
ft.:!-: lir-.v.
s.-, i, mi:-
(!o.- ii. in. 1 :-i w ,r I. to t'1 Oai'K. o i. e a week.
I-t-ti v ..- Lit in F i iay a". '" :n ;
Arrive ;' I'Ivsm-s i.y:'. p tn :
L-.-aye I. ly --e- S tttird iy at .1 a tii ;
Arriv -i; Lincoln : y .-. j. m.
1-sll'J I'l ool To e :.!,!. by C i. : W.-.-.V M i',
a e.i ; i o-r C !-: -i ii v. io M i'llu-ii'-, .;
m:!es a -i Ii ick o --c a w 'i-K.
Lca c l.ii.eoja M iiiny a 7 a ri; ;
,r: ive :" M I" ni I. i.'s by 7 I la ;
L.-. ve M- I in - I-. ... 7 a iti ;
Arrive ;t; Lin -o:n t y 7 , in.
114-11 Fr mi R-airlee, by Dty Cree'-t S-.:i-i C.'y
i:n i ii-i'i ili y. t" s in i . . ' 2 luiic- .i i-
back. i. nee v. .'I !
Lea e Ret, t W inc-ilav at 'i a m ;
. Arrive ,:t IV ; : iy by p ij, ;
L'-e.-. e Uii; S .iciv T!mr-d a: 'i u :
Arrive at tr. ri j. m.
1 1 1-S2 Frtu.i iii .r. ri-. . . I, C... oline an ! f'n ' '.' i
to I'aiir.urj, o in lies :.;i I ba-.k. on-.-t . '
L ave V,
y a i i ;i, :
A'rive at l air , try by ti p u, :
i.'..ivi- l-'ii.". ury 1 iii:r-ti.iy al t, & ui ;
Arrivca: ,J -atrLee o i i:..
1141.: F:o-i Fai- "try. by A:t t 1. i -. il.. -
Cret'K. i 'iiii.-- ao I :ei k a vr--- I..
L "iv-f ,,r mry 1 i, o r-'i..v a t'..vl ti :
Arriv a" !i-i-- in.!: t y .' . n. ;
L- eve K'l-c Cre k ! .mi - iay J a it :
A-nve u l air .m y !.; i J in.
1411 i loiu S'v ui t'-ry. i.y Piet-iat tlii!. I.'.o ,
ot' ::. mi. I lii,;- i-l.,.i i. to Mtil r-l .s mi...- t
a-i I t):i.-k. oil - e a wi-' U.
L'-..-. k Sw.-i. ity M-tii-1 iy & 1 a it! .
A 'V . i- at .' i ' :. -1 t.y 7 ;. :.i :
Leave '. .. -1- i in :
A.-ri.e i: .v i:i Ci.y by 7 p in.
4.4.i Vroni ioi 11 io litis, bv Mo-iro'- r.tlitnr. . ...
lu lies au i on k. t!.r-c ;iibm u &. !
L'-ttve 1. 1 : u to oil - .liMivuy. 7, -.-i:,
an I Fri lay rt p tti :
.A ri ive .-' ieti a by 7 n tn :
Leave lien-. a i u --.-.. . I liu -, lay . :.?
S t .1 'i .y at p in ;
Airi.'e al t ...uiu'.iis by 0 p tn.
Hi 'A From C'-jiuti: icis to .V.idi.ot:. .&-I
i IL.ii s an 1 oaek. once a tv- k
! f ....... i'., I : .- t
Arrive .tla n.-oti t.y s p ;
Leave 7tl.l.tioii e.iii,-(.:,y al Cam;
Arrive a; C duniiii's tty n j. m.
I 14-447 From Cd'tiiibu- i. Camden. Od tuilt-s and
bas... otiee a we k.
Li .ii C-.iiioii.its Monday tit i n m ;
A.-i-i-.'e al t -' : i-'l-l'-'t r.t' VI il.iy ,jy 'i p t;l ;
Le-i ," 1 ':: in i- li eoiie-n.,.. atsaoi;
Arrive at (."olu'ubu- i.ext i. y I.y .; ,
lllii Fr..m P i'ti bv P!.,r Ko- i a.,.i - h
Leiid.t-t K. li d.'s. ,i S:eveuri--'- I'ro-k i
iloeal. DC mile Ho i o.i k. oi, i a wi.-k.
Le-i..- i'appilun. -.t..;. al .- a 'u ;
A 'Hv itt ti i ill s t.y p in ;
Leave I- icili'- I bur.- i-.y a- a to: i
Arrive ' pi'-ioi; oy . j. ;!L.
tain - , M. i-., i- .. -,.
i:iii'- an i 'ei- k n -. C
I .-.a -, e M - V i.i ! ,ti. I .. v t ... .
Arrive at Fort ke-aroo n-xt day i. 7
Leave Fort K'i'il'y'iV;.ln, ,,;
Atr-o at Mciad-icl. s I., xl . i.y 7 p -,i
!44.Vj Fr..;n Su-an City, by Li.-t v.i'ii.-. :i W,- I.'
;'!,-, miirs a..,-s l..v ;.. ...... : i .
i5.dd r to sfu'! o s ;an. - and pr-. p. .
schedule of d- prtiire an 1 i.ruvnl-..
. . ...
O.ntiitnrni n n r-.,.. iti.,s f i ..., e-.-, I ,'ji
1:,r n.utrn.-U t; ihi. t.W .rfe..4'
d-.-tl J r;,tr. .
1. S?ev n ltoitu."s .:f a'lotv.j t i rn ":i intrine-
diate otlicc. w' not -t"n' rw i e .-r.eciil. .1 tt.r
1 !:-'rt iir: itie inai!;: ou on ra: ana r"oiuti-
. Ut' ruiiti-- there I- io i " no tuoft- de n ilmn t,
l i.iOb ion: t .i ...I v. 5. in -., of ,.. .,. .,1 1.. ,
! 2. j3 r.tilr o i i :ti: t ;:i-;iiii' -on: iin-.-. :n, . t'o-r
! rci-itt-s w )iei' the medc ot cottvio;. t.-e :e'i;i s o:
i it. the rp. cial i.if. i.t-ol ths I-' i : -c Il.-j, ...
' ttifnt. oi'-i i-'-i "tii f i.'aik-. ir lit h I.' kt
; and ke.-s. are ta ou ton ;c v t without turn
! oharre.
ti. On ra 'ron.J and temlj h' line the r ut -
1 o r.,.,1 i i-f ',. Il..t,,r:tr...o .'.,, K. f-'-i i.t. . ., I
. i . . . i : . l.
out n .ric; .i. i. i-
a-en;- ,: comn ..s x... .. - ''
e.r.y i..m-u. v. .,i ui".i.
VI io e.O. , , ii. ca, ,v i ...ti. l- :.i o -
nr. y
ot iho in iiti. i- u. oo prw t ilio tontneor.
uu .' -r no u.lce e n i,i Co: L' I... .a I -ii .1 MC i.:.! u ii 1 1 ti. a. i are requir
ed to lulu tl.c t .a.i ii' i... ii til o" . i v o: i. i.t.j. t:..
post ..t thi . ot: ii't.t: . 'l n l ol ti. f.:
fi.iiti s, and to aiel Irc.u :1 euiev. Iioi uiut o ibLU
.!:. r i.- l.-.ti! a sla.loit o l:.t .iif. l'.o-o-iu;.y
.m ruuuitUiu Ly xiii n,usvi.ic lor ih
I . . .. .u,.J :f i'i .ii ... i s I i j .-. I I' C bal U. loT
ol". Mint i-iii- iit tn in iiu.n i t .i;i:o.i..
lner. itl ..e ' i.av oiiis ' I r. 1 e I '. l.
t;::is,i r. i r o hcrit.n'- '!" Iti ' I', p i:"let::i . t-.
, ir! t:.e t;.M s . e.i on l r.1 .ui old
i. : : . ii.. :i n ' a i i; io t! a mi i ' ut . c u
) ot t:... se e.;.l toieuitr pimeil :;.
let: .. i l -r . I : to h i-ia. . i . ' ' ' '.
i I oi.y . .viua.ifi. ti. t s tit. aj cJ 1:: till.
Miti iv a.-o.- e.i. i . .ii .v.i .. i-ti- i..u
L.ti.e l.s :o -.nil. e 1. vi:ti ;;i. i. i.i j
i.i i i -. a ti t to.: 'i ; iy t . u -1 j . ..,. t. a.
. i co into o ' f - I l -r to" ! r p is - ti j... t to ) t -'
i--.:!f. i ;.. i ! t:r: ,;ir;.. . oi 1 1, t k . el
b. l. i --- i . 4 . i'i. I cii....t-. I I j I -t
. ... - i Hi iti.' nit ii re ti i ol. -to... tlic 1. ;'wr..i.c
o; ; !-! !;:. it. rie;
... i'o.-te.ivitix I.- :.i.:u j tiitil.
or .ivy pur: .oil -i :h:i. '. r th-i.-iuio- u m p.v---
"i.-i ! no ix-il. t '- ' '.."'' ii it.: , ! o i t
l.;...ii.i -It Aplt i. I ' .i ti- I.,-"..'' ia d -v
u.-e it ii;t :.i u '...a !:-. .iiii.; L.- di-
: it, ; e t.
o. r t-t ' w.i. . lie;
, I,
11"- ' !.-
i '..... i ,. t
.i -i. :i. ! m, li' . al' i . V tae.oi
ir .ia I -I.. . If- - - - tii'- u !i. ... 1 I ' i r- tl'.tr 1 :'!-.!' : i'.ot.K- l.t .1 Is i !:
T-i'.a.t .itt.e; b-i :.-.. t t t- ke te l.-iSii
't":.-. .-r iti i: i - ... I -t - '. l-i.e : t. tt-lt-t-.
.-:: i o I. e -r . i. i.i : -. . ' ! 't i. i t
- . . ; ; i.e.! tor t I . i.i ' . II r !i.:i., I. to ' " V
iti I'.:. : r nu-.niV I. . .i;t- .a'.'; . alitor i .. Ii V.'
. ,i rj.. ,1 i 'i . Ui.:...,., u i o ... :..i , 1. 1 tc u.-
u" :' '-.. r f.-i..'.
7. i be i - ita.!-:- C u r d loay ,".n iul t'i
e i,' i..-. i .fat. '. .:.. -o.- I'm : . ' '' . J
-.;.!: ::! c ..... it '- I' ' la'. . :
:i- .o i.i li'c ::.': c. ' t'i i"'! :. ;.,. ,
t- r v.. -i i.'i; :,.;.'.;: - a i-'-r wHo! irjiiit'i
..... tne ie; i.-.iue-i. i- a ' ; !! u:i-...: i..t 1
!", -- i. ; t -it a: : : - ; I . ' r .1 : i ' o't !:.'..
;i i. :....,... i. !.. s. .. i It.!.-,, i.-ut fc.'
; t.c : i.i
t. lit- IV-t
nr. "e.-;.t ir. y or "r
V i
, I 1 11 re
: .Jr:'''i
t . r
! - I ' i
' I
l ; i- . ; e i .. ,
, ' Oi l K '- , I IU '".
: i i I V. i I J . : ! ill'.
I : - r.i .... !'. ... -v n : a
i tr. I I'l l. i-
'i : ;.-
t : I
I- .1 : ... .. s. ,.. ,v. f I.'. J .LI. -I
d-r.u n. a a' oil he : sii:.:-.. :'..- .-.-.'...-'i.
.v . i-'n", ,l 1 '.: I u- l.-- II.. :n i. .1 lo ..
rt in ;ri-.-a- i -ii on n-i -i reu :u
:-ir ni-y "Ii.'. -.'.i-i- .' .ic.,1 .i.".i- I .1 i.. .ei
,.:iy to ..-.;i:r.t t .r : . : ' h it". ,y .-i -.1 i
..iat -a-.; ... --e . i .:.. i n: j i v i. t.. ii.. I '"
i,,' i c -'. it n to.- i. t n-l oi-a'. ol ir . .' . i f-
t:u.:d at.-. cliUoi. -.1. ,, ,
.i. P.. j Hic.l. 1 i" In oe I'-, ol'' 1V r. '.!-'e t'-li - i . W ,
or ir.ii s hi, p) ei?. or oitiet wi- . u!ie: :i.
,'ir .n.. oi ea.-ii tfi.i. .er K.y ill -vi.. .
I coma-;. . M iv. and -i i
i.i. :ii: :..ic.-v .. e v.ttt ai-rotd.'u '.' t-.
.' , i.t-or i :.t: o : ..; .. - i .crt -: i ; w i t
alio., ci -lio.ill . ii.-.v O '.. at-;r t'.l an .1 i. t !.- i.
ii ... po'.. I- oi i, s i. t are '' t -.
, o.t.o r :i' " - ii.f.tri,' .;'.-.,'-' i, - ."-i J'.. ii. (..'I
;:-. la r--1. ''.-Ii.e ,.t tb in 'i:t it til In.'.!, ii
..-.,:,' i : i ion t: l ,.i.i -, t. I.-i. I . A e , cel.'. i
to.1 ti i ii -. : I : ii : , o,-...... r :,.:i .,; ;:..; k i.i
wi-i b '. 1- :. i i. ia v Lt i.e .!-. ;. N t .-.
'..r.-iii, !: ui p..y. o..s(.-i on li -ool..;
,.- -oo -t .--r- -, ; j...: .-r a!' tcl , .,-t..t..- oi in .
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