ArOCSTUS SPIRE3. WHITE & SPIRES, Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb., One docr cast of tho Court House. Dealers in Produce, Wines, AND LIQUORS. Our Stock consist of the best brand of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, Canned and Dried Fruits, OYSTERS, SARDINES, SPICES, FLOUR, TO BA CCO, W.1SH- TUBS, Backets, Soap. Salt, BACON, HAMS, LARD, and everything kept in a tJ merry ?tore. Every arii'lf Hai ranted ut the bust quality. Thchigh tt piioe paid in cash lor Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, BAGON, HAMS, LARD, Mi-l all fciuJi of Fcrmors Produce. Cash paid for Hides. House moved, nnd Rood? sold by Auction on the iiort-st notice, by F. S. WHITE. rU'.uuuuth. July ."J. 1S09. A GOOD CHANCE I Oil A GOOD BARGAIN! Havine completed the platting find recording nf my t 1i k k'si Addition to the City of Platts lutiu'h. I ;'iu now prepared tu scil in the Ad iition at reasonable rates. Term arc i.iie bail cash down; the oilier half payable in one year, at ten per rent, interest per aiiiium from liato of purchase 11 1: t 1 paid. To be secured by luorigac ou the property. b. lilkL. Donation to Churches. I it ill five to the following I'd igiotis. denomi- T:al..ii- iv : I . the Hi.pti-t fhur.-li. lot IJ in Idoek 27 ; In the '.trre.iti. inl Chan ii. lot 'Jn in block S; To the M thudi.-t Church, lot 1 in block 1J; To the 'atholie Church, lot ' in blwk Kl; To the ihur.-ii. lot U in block 19: 1 . the l'i csbytoriaii Chun h. lot 1 in block 21: I o the '!n i-; Church lot 'Z in t.loek ." ; J o the Lutheran Church lot I in block 1; in in v A. lit ion to the City of Plitltxinoiith. upon the following condition, viz: That they shall erei t on -aid lot-, as abot c donated, a -uitahle building for pu'die worship, within live year lr.,m i 'n-t i'te : ati'l. in ease of failure on the pa: o( - il.i t hiinh or hon-hes to eoinply with :i oove condit ioti. : in n and in that cn'C the i-jf. or lots shall revert t mo. S. DIKE. Donation to Public Schools. I herehv .b.nate for the u-'e of Public District -e!,ool.-. l..,t Id in liloek o. on the north side of Main .rr.-et. and L l.i in !i!o k J"J. on the south r:d.' of Main -licit, in my addition to the City 1 I'lattsuiontlt. !;. I)LKt. 5.CC0 Acres of Land for Sale iii t'li 1' Al-o, lluucs and Lots in this t . . :u io p. ii -. . ... , Canicular attention iriven to tne Iniyunr ana liio -t r rr-tate. e. e auiininir titles. :mi pay c.-i leni.-. S. I1 kK. inj i ic- :or c.vii-rc Peal h-tate seiit. Lot for Ten Dollars. ! will -ell to parti .I' -ir-OJ- "1' huil iiii-' and ,:' ii:-r. :ii'.v .. ;'u- lot-iti the .-ahj.iin.'d li.-t i'i i:iv utliti-ti t.) Pi .ttt.-iu-iui ii. at t-i.' t. r lot. nttder tile f e-i'i litions. I.: Ii;.. t fii p jr.'ia.itiu' will le re'i'wred t. I nil i 0:1 It e lot niir-.-iia.-cd a dwclliiik: house of t!u- i'-ol.o. ii,-' don. n-. .. w i:: l he hou-e Im he ti-.t I. ' th :! i !JI ' t. itli t'.ry not I'.ui r t in " t'-et. 1 !i'- iraitK" uia-t he f o I and n-.-lantii': bo-j-e well shiiiT'.e.l: foundation . ,.i i.; if-U or rtoii. 1 hc.-e Ptut lo-a kit h . t. ..t" to t le- tit :n lovll. Pnil. Ima iii'.i-t t,!. . ..iiipieted on or hetore ..'anunry 1st. 1.'. . ill i-'nc a h...i.i t.T deed to the party who hns as "..,, ii n-t paivha-e i- inade.iind upon" coin ply hi'-' it ti tae U"ve (-nidi' ions, will cive a ood and s-.ilVi. i nl arrafij Pee.l. Sel. . rioti- may bo made, from the aceoinpany- i , ... i . i ... L.-ts.. an I s in : i.-i in "iw i i in l.l. k 1J: Lot '.' hi iiock i-: ; i. . 1 . ,111 i,, i.l. k '! : Lot N 111 t.ioek Lot- '1 an I s In liloek Si: Lots ." and ll'i,, l.'Tr. k Jo: Lot " in M.; k Lot- I.-. and IT i i l.h.ek l.ots 4 an 17 in block i: Lot 2 in ,loek.. - P.M-KB. Aiii.-.2Gtf. jt.i.-c i.. Cvrt House J. M. IIIMHM.IX I CO. .;Su-recors to J. M. IIi:ichman.) Druggists & Apsthscaries. UKAI.F.r.S INl PAINTS. OILS. DYES. NOTIONS. Toilet Goods PEKEl'MEUY, FANCY SOAPS. PURE WINES AMD LIQUORS IVr Michanienl and Medicinal purposes. Keep constantly on hand a full and well assortcJ f..' k of PAT EXT HKBIIXS. K vhiriiin!)' trcrnprittis rarrfully componrnl- r My an e Ticnfoii lruirzi-t. Nunc hut the represented. Call and sec. Main Street, South Side. TKKMS CASH. ;. j. kon:. r. w. riav. j. o. kosax. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Flour, Grain Provisions, and Canned Goods, HIDES, WOOL, etc., Corner Pearl and Court Streets, Council Biuff Iowa AND 'r . Tin in and Secoml St-, ' PLJt TTSAIO UTII A'EB I' Nf ks. Firpt National Rank, Cnn.'il J;l iT-: Otiicer ,i 1'iiifv. H inker--. Council IiluriX i ir-t National Kauk. Omaha: Oniaiia Nariun-il P iiik. Omaha ; Uogers rf-Co., Chevennc ; lJntig-h-i';ri .1- Barth'dttir. Ilryan: tlilbert .f" Field, ttiwnro , P.arthol-ew, U-wiii i St. Louis, Mo. Wljirnf. S. B. white. E. A. WIOGENITORN. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too, are going to E." A. W IGGENHOEN 8c Co., To buy their Slirla3.si3.c3LSiJLxxLxaa.or Goods AT ms NEW YORK STORE- The target and most compUtt . STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Are now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reduced prices. We call particular attention to our new style of DRESS-GOODS, PKINT5. liELAlNS. (ilNGHAMS. DROWN SHEETING. BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YARNS HOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds and prices to suit our numerous ciutomers. A large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, (JiWSSWAKE. YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We havr. n hra stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY GLIPPER PLOW. STUBBLE "d BREAKING PLOWS, all kiud ..f CULTIVATORS, REAPEFtS. Platfemouili April '22i. 1869. Qae door west of PLATTSMOUTH, HAS WH0LBS&X.H A LA ROE Dry Goods, Groceries, CSothing, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES and Provisions. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL Kinds of Country Produce. T'l.-itf summit. NVbmk.i. Aiutist 5th, Wlelsavc an extensive general stock or Goodfi tliat ive are constantly as sarting up9 ivIiU - we oiler to tJic jntb- lie at iiriccs tltat ive h now must give entire satiaraction Wr pnrthasc the vrry beft Goods at the htadtf Mar ket and ztrirlly fur cash, and are prepared to compete tcith the tr.nle at ant point oti the. Missouri i iter. 5TOVB AID TUT STORE. IB. T. 5c CO., Wholesale nnl Retail dealers Id' ISardvrarc and Agrieulttirul Impleiaeiits, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IKON, BRASS, R T E E L Of ail kinds and siscf. which we warrnat the best Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice. Are eicluMTc. Ace its in this county for the o! Stcwarl's Culclnvited Combination Coa or Wood Cook Stove 0 ire us a call w will not be anderoM Main street, rest door eaet of the M&pe&.o Bloofc? I'LATTHMOUTH. NEBHASKA 1). BCiltfAS& SEEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C E A. WIGt.ENHORN & CO. v the Herald Oifioc, - NEBRASKA, AT &MB EETML STUCK OF 7 oh ii !Fitzrcr:i1cl. isr9. W"A 1? Ta O "W S in th market. R Ehr gtrbrastta jfirratd. LOCAL ItTETVsTS. from tturtday't Daily. Mr. Frear, the inventor of the "Frear Stone," has been in Lincoln for several days, says the Statesman. The ferry boat at Nebraska City struck a snag last Tuesday afternoon and sunk. She Li taid to be a total wreck. We are iuforuied by Mr. Clark, of the Dank, that a large quantity of counter fcit money i being "shoved" in this lo cality. It consists principally of $10s National Bank, $ja Greenbacks and National IJank and Greenbacks. The $2s are paid to be a vcrj' good count r feit, liable to deceive very good judges. We learn from the papers of Ne braska City that their Southwestern Rail road Company refuse to take any notice of the proposition of the CoinuiisMoners of Otoe county toive them 150,000 in county bonds. They want $200,000 or nothing. These Otoe county railroad chaps are "hefty" fellows. They stick up their noses at 150,000. Wc were pleased to iueet Col Peck, of the B. fc 31. 11. Engineers, in tho city this morning. The Col. is resident En gineer for the second, third and fourth divisions of the road, and in direct charge of the third division. The Col. informs us that the first division under his charge (being the'second division west from this city, 3Ir. Eunis Division Engineer) is completed and ready for tho iron, and that another week or ten days will com plete the next division west, which will make between twenty and thirty miles ready for the iron. from friday'n Drtity. The ice thinned out in the river to-day so as to allow the ferry boat to cross this afternoon. The killing of Cornorlon, near Rome, Iowa was caused by the colliding of two trains. Several other icrsons were in jured. Hamburger & Berliner expect to re move to their new rooms in Murphy's Hotel Building sometime next week. Look out for their advertisement. Moses Stocking, Esq. has made an elaborate report of his examination of the country between here mid Fort Kear ney, along the line of the B. !c M. It. It., portions of which will be published in the Hkuai.D soon. The Omaha Ktj.vhliatn says the inem bers of the Episcopal denomination have already raised a new structure adjoining the site of the church building which was burned a few days ago. It is to be used until a new church edifice can be erected next year. The AIcrrtiser says: "Mayor. Fair brother has resigned the office of Mayor of our city, and moved with his family to Tecumseh, where he will engage, in connection with his brother, F. M. Fair brother, in the publication of the T cmnsch C.'f'zrn. This leaves the offiec of Mavc r vacant." 3Ir. Quaid, in charge of tracklaying west from this city, is getting cleverly ttartcd out from the .ide tracks anl switches, and about next Monday will begin to put down a half a mile a day. This js alont the amount of track they expect to lay until material arrives more plentiful, when a mile a day will be the average. It may not he generally known, yet it is a fact, that parties in this State desir ing to "commit matrimony" are re quired, before obtaining lice tse, to have a record made of various matters, among others the color of the parties desiring to be joined in marriage. Yesterday morn ing an aged representative of the "F. F. V.'s" called upon our worthy Probate Judge, all radiant with smiles, and a.-ked for a licence authorizing some Minister or other proper person to ierform the marriace ceremony f r himself and his affiat ced. Our sedate Judge quietly ad justed his glasses and proceeded to make out the document. Arriving at the proper point, with his mind lent on the proper peiiormanee of his official duties, he astonished the representative of Vir ginia Chivalry by bluntly asking him : "HW wthe COLOIl nfthe liridr-." Language is inadequate to describe the consternation an 1 horror depicted upon the countenance of the aforesaid "repre sentative", as he looked at the immova ble countenance of the man of law and exclaimed : "(JreatGod! do you think would warn a XlGGElt!" An attorney setting bycxplained to the irate gentleman that, as much fear had been expressed by certain parties that they would some day be forc:d to marry nenes the Republican Legis lature of Nebraska had decided to protect them from the? allure ments os any fascinating colored girl, hence the necessity of the question to tlmt cbi of people. This explanation, coming from the limb of the law, seemed to satisfy the "representative" aud he agreed that such a law was proper and correct. The question being answered to the satisfaction of the judge, the li cease was granted without further mis understanding. A Good One. While Dr. 3Iary Walker tarried at Se dalia. some time ago, she was a guest of the Marvin House, and occupied one of the finest rooms in that hotel. About a "minute, minute-and-a-half or two min utes," after she had vacated her room, the gallant and gentlemanly It who is a- "gobbler" of orders for a wholesale house in St. Louis, was assigned to it by the clerks ; friend R , on examining his bed previous to retiring, found a snowy robe le unit, neatly folded under his pillow marked in delicate characters, "Dr. MaryE- Walker." R , calied the chambermaid, interrogated her hold iug the garment in his hand ; "Do you know Dr. 3Iary Walker?" "Yes," replied the chambermaid. "Then carry this to her with my com pliments, and .say that R is not in the habit of sleeping with empty night gown" Bbewonu (TJiQSSOUra ALLEY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, - - &IiJISrii:RA.L OFFICE : No. 70 DELAVARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS BHAIrCH: St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, III., Memphis, ALL POLICIES -:o:- li viU':ils oia the Securing: the Greatest Pecuniary :o: REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Western Company, managed by Western men. whose known fiminmiciul charac ter, nbility and iosition,afford aroi'le guaranty 2d. Its Polieen are all noii-forr'HiiK. 3d. Premium all rIi. It receives no notes to iuy, and no outstanding notes as liens upon 4th. Dividends aro' losses arc paid in cash. 5th. It insures at lower rates than any Eastern eonipany. 6th. Its risks are in the West, where the rate of mortality is lower and the. rate of interest higher than in the East; hence the accumulation in any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction upon travel. 8th. Its dividends arc made upon the contribution plan. 9th. Its business is exclusively life insurance. :o: Arc the accumulations of interest upon premiums paid, heuccthe Company that loans its assets at the highest rate of interest can give you the largest dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at 6 percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per eent. or more. The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following startling figures: The amount of JL00O, invested for Cfty years at 6 per eent. compound g .. 10 y, OFFICERS : H. D. Mackay, President, , E. Henseley, Vice-President, Geo. A. Moore, Secretary, E. VV. Eaves, Treasurer, D. M. Swan, General Agent. J. L. Wever, M. D., Consulting Physician. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : H. D. IVIackay, George R. Nines, E. Henseley, H. Edgerton, D. W. Eaves. -:o:- Tiii.s Company IiiNurc-N iuiy Eastern -:o:- Af TUTOR OF STATE OFFICE,! Topkka. Kansas. February 2-iih. lSiy. 1 KNOW ALL MEN" 1JV TIIEE PRESENCE: That I. A. Thumax, Auditor ol the Stale of Kansas, do hereby certify that the Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, organized and doing business under the laws of the State of Kansas and Missouri, has. furni.-lied the undersigned satisfactory evidence that it ha invented One Hundred and Fifty Tli.u-iin I 1..1 lars of its capital in United States tioveriiiiient Bonds. I tlicdenoimimtioii of Fi ve-Twent i- .."i.jy 1 and are possessed of the same. And 1 do further certify I hat said Company ha set apart 'lie Hun dred Thousand Dollar. of said United States lion Is tor the benefit of am. policy holokiis ol said Company: and that 1 hold in trust and on deposit for the hcnefil of said poliey hi iers the seeurity above mentioned, and I am satisfied that sit.-h securities are worth One Hundred Thousand 0'illars lawful money of the United States of America. In witness where I have hereunto subscribed my name, an 1 caused the seal of my office to lie 1 Seal of Aud- I alii sed, the day and year above written. t itor of State, i A. TilOMAX, Auditor of State of Kansas. CEHTIFICATK OF AUTIIOHITV TO DO BlINRSS. OKK1CF. OK St'fKRINTKXOKV T OK THF. lxstltAXCK JlKPAKT UKNT OK MS4'R IT IS HERERY CEKTIF1E1. That the Mi-souri Valley Life Insurance '..inpanv. ;i Life A, stirauee Company, organized under the luws of the State of Kansas, and its principal otliee'lo eated at the city of Leavenworth, has complied with the requirements of the thirtieth, thirty-tirst. thirty-second, thirty-third and thirty-tourih sedions ol an Act of the (iencral Asscinhly'of the State of Missouri, entitled "An act for the incorporation and regulation of Life Assurance Compa nies." approve. March inth. a. i. 1v;h. ?o fir as the said requirements are applieablo thereto. And pursuant to :he thir:y-sixth section id' said Aet. the sai.l Missouri Valley Life Inr-uranec (''nifany is hereby to do business as a Lite Assurance Company within the said State i f Minnri. subject to the several provisions and requirements of the Act aforesaid, until the first day ol Feb ruarv. in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy. In testimony whereof. I. Wyllvsj King, undersicr.ed. Siipcrintenilcnt of the Insurance U-mr-I Seal of Insurance Ue- meut of said State of Missouri, have hereto et niy hand and atiixed - partment of Stateof my seal of nthec, at the city of St. Louis, Missouri. his "nth ti n' oj C Missouri. J July, a. i). lvi;t. i.Signed!. W VLLYS K I (1. " bupenutendent ot the Insumnce Department of tlu State of Missouri. CEIITIFICATK OF AITIIOIUTV. (To expire on the 51st day of January, 1S70.) Issi raxce Wherkas. Abram B. Covalt, State Agent for the rated at Leavenwortn. ivansas. na niea 111 tins ouiec a copy i tfie Act of Incorporation ol sai Company, and a statement uuder oath, showing its condition, as required by the fifth section of law of the State of Nebraska, entitled "An Aef in K ;..n to Insurance Companies," ai r rove February' loth. lSivt; approved February lth. lKmi; and whereas, said CVmpany has furnished th rated at Leavenworth. Kansas. ha filed 111 this Five Hundred Tnousand Dollars of actual capital, invested in the stocks of at least par value, or in bonds or mortgages unreal estate worth double the amount for whieu the same is mortgaged ; and whereas, sai l Couipanv has filed in this, office a written instrument, under the seal of the Company, signed by tiie t're.-"ide!ii and Secretary thereuf. authorizing the said A lira 111 11. Covalt to acknowledge ser i-eof process for and in behalf of said Company, consenting that cri dec of proc ss upon him -lin 1 1 be taken anl held to be as valid a if served upon the Comoauy. according to the laws ( this ..,. r ,,.,v- ,,.i,..r mi, iMiim sjitistactoi v evi'ience mat it is State, and waiving all claims of error by rea.son of has turuisneil saiisiaciory evidence mai ne i tne aurnorie-i .gcntoi saiU t onip.-iny. Therefore be it known by these presents, than in pursuance of tfie aforesaid Act. I. John iil'.es- pie. Auditor ol trie eiaie oi .-teorast:!. io iiereoyeriiiy in it .-ora:n it. Lot-air. r.sq.. has In:! a'l- ! ie. Auditor ot ttieeiateot .enrast:i. no tiereoy thoritytoactaas-tate.Ageuiiorinesai.i .tiissiiuri.v aiiey msuran-e Lompany. in the State of No- braska.and to do and perform all acts lor an i in behalf ot s., id Coin piny by hi. an- nointinent as such agent, and hy the laws of this Slate, un'il the :'l-t .lav !" J.iiin.irv. a. i. 1h7'-. In witness whereof. I have subscribed my n "ne, L. s.J affixed this 1st day of April, a. d. 1sK. :o;- GOOD TRWELINO SOLICITORS WANTED. :o:j- ml. IS. fHWvT, State txeiit for t-bragkaaud ortlieru Kansas. J.VT. TSIATISHALL. Aeent. , f twit R. R. LIVINGSTON. Med. Examiner,; 1IT 1 SMOUTH. -:o: - - $500,000.00 -:o:- -::- OFFICES : Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. :o:- KOK-FORFEITING. Contribution Plan, Advantage to the Policy Holders- for ils careful and .--uccesful luunitgeincnt. and gives none. Policy holders have no' interest their policies. of dividends to the policy holder is greater than interest, is :o: 8 1S.-420.14 40,901 .61 117,390.85 at lower rate? lhazi Company. Dki'artuext, Okkick. of Statf. At pitor. ) Lincoln-. Nebraska. A prill . ls-j'i. Missouri Valley Life Insurance l.'i:m.:iiiv. lo olaee a copy of the Act of Incorporation ol said n e.t rbo no-es.e.i 01 su,-h serviee: and whercus. Abram IJ. "fovait j eTtity tu it .-0ra:n It. tot-air. K.- an 1 caused '- - to be : JOHX GILLESPIE. State Auditor. ! S. BLOOM & GO., v ci) -Iv js J. fc-ivJi .r: nr..... I BOYS'Q APdD CHILDREN'S CLOTHIWCy Hats Ik Caps, Boots 8c Shoes, BLAr.Kfc.TS, KUoLL2i bUUL'b, I hUr(Jo, VHLioto, ti'j. Mam Street, Steotid Ihmr East of Court J louse, Plattsmouth, -Web. BRANCH HOUSE : Broadway, Council BluvX lewa. ni.x DBS. II. II .Tl'CI-UMiEY, : .-lgt:'.!';T . ? d f sr r r r s t Will bo at Pr. Livingston's otTW-o during the last week in em-li month. All orders left at tin Post O'fice will he promptly iitii n li-il t July ' CABINET : .A:C And dealer iu all kinds of Furniture an - Chairs. TtilRii stiikkt, I'nrnr Main) Plattsnioj'.li - - - Repairing and Varnishing neatly done. 90' Funerals attended at the shortest notice. ino.ll THE REASOX 13.347 II 11 X'i OAK Were sold i the Year 1SGS 1. BK il'fE sot osi: ins kv-.u vaua.l i TO c.i v r. ENTIRE SATlSFAuTO tHKP:.RFKCT ..PEKATIOJ OK VKBV Charter tovc FUIjIjY O II A It A iti:k. AD WII.KkVKK XX ' Thoy Stand Unrivalled FOR ECONOMY. FOIt DURABILITY AND CONVENIENCE. For Simplicitv of Himsfracnt, And for Clca lincss in Cooki"S, They are lu tilutioiis. Manufactured in the West, and adapted to tin wants of Western and ou hern l F.O I Ii Fi . Surely 110 gi.od housekeeper can affi.r l to be ivittioul one. PI'K PHII i: LIT. AU1IKF.SS CM ( AH X. St. L 11. T- Duke & Go. PlatN'FioulIi, Ac?) My 27iliin7 Hen ry Boeck, DEAl.I. Ill FURNITURE ljungcs, Tables, Sales,; IiliUSTEADS. Of nil descriptions and at all price. :o: j Case,; Metalie 'L2r Of all fixes. WOODEN COFFINS. Heady made, and 1 cheap forcas'u. With mar.y thank" fir pa"t patron:;:;;, I invit all to call and cxaaiine my larjc tock of Furni- ture and Collin. , lauit. ' - . . m m ! CI 5J ft 5 ! v.l fi TA ' W Ul Inlaiu v W , f i; i ; l sai.-: anu iLIYEKY KTASSIjK. ! J MAIN" STREET, Fl.ATT5S40UTtf, XF-5i i I am prepared to acaarnrnodate the public with j llormn, C'lrriagrm, ttgao 'ie and A. Xo. 1 Jlcarifi onrhort notice and reasonable terms. A Hack Will run tu tlicstcambo it ;amliDg.aiidto al! pirts ' ol the Hrr wbn dirl. mr-.V. i 2pTH, NEB. " 7 t CO.. rK.t.f;i..s in ;.Ms- . HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER Is the only perfected an.' ..! ....Iff ..II . . . t t. r Oj4 i JiiciinntaiiY 'l epiii v'i ri':ir:itioti of its Liu-' DrQTnDrcievirorcroJ to tf,e 1,llI'- IlLOlUnLOjaiKl has no competitor GRAY j'n "tier it. ly its uso HAIR r,l:AY 1IAIIi " pi'm , restored to its youthful color and biii ITS jliancy, which is ho inucli almircl iy nil. j crsoir, whoso hair is thin or failing COLOR j 'out will, by the use of w Kenewer,soon see its yu I cfiVctH, as, by Its onicixM 1 s imiil'if iiirr ii"ii .1 -it ! w the GROWTH! hair irlands will be incited and the hair grow thiel. and stron' ajraiii. In cast IS A SPLENDID .a now growt'i unless lli DRESSING, follicles are destroyed. K TRY ONE itclimg anl irritation of the seal). It docs i:oti-t.iin the tkin as do lyt v, La' inakcs the scalp white au l rjiTTTpyjiiT elcan. Asa DUESlSlNfr liliUiiLiIi :f ,,. illlvr .,,,,1 UP THE THIN economical iivaratioii in the worKl, as its ffU'cf-t list so muc h longer, tivu-l for our Troiiliso oil tli i LOCKS! hair, lieo to all, by iu il. Said by all Druggists and Dealers !n Med'clne, COOK, CODURM & CO. Gen'l Agents for Nor th-Ve stern Stater,, 87 DEABB0BN STEEET, CHICAGO, ILL. We. the I riijr:ret of l'iat.. MMHith. cull ihe i: tCTition of nit r ciistoiiiei-H i the le: : ers piil.!i- I;. I below of tbe wonderful tli'-aey of Dr. Kobai-k's S'oiino-b Hitters. Dr. Kuback's s-cnud.ion i-iu I'.Inod Pills. W e have In ci si-liinc lbc-- in",; cities long enough to. kin. w that 1 hey are r-. 0111-mendi-d fn I.e. and the crrtiV-sius of cures -uo lished arc true. tUad the , o!lo:ci:tj L f'cr froii one of the ohles ind 'i, relitdJc (jrocn-'i ini)-tid. 'i the cif'i of l.rciij ,n'. F 11 1 K S I ) V V A LT ) .v : y proiiiise to yon vhni lie re, I write yon, for Mil!ieation ifyon see proper, n tr;;e stoie inent of the irood ef feets of Ro!;ieKV tosnaeh Bittern upon myself. h:il hca: troubled vith indi estion for a lonj time, attended with se ve re I : ea ! a e ! 1 e, p a r t i c n 1 a rly a f t e r ea i i up;. when fortnnateJy a?i o!i soldier friend eame into the st : and nTomii!j''!;i! v.n1 to usi. HoiiaekV -:::; ; t e rs. I did so ) y i a L j znasma:! wi!H-;3:is ! full jnst i)efore eael meal, and to my grv. joy I was i cvvt l ;v, once, and u no well hy their use. 1 would not l)e wiihor.l j them at any price. ! have not taken vn lother medicine sin -a ii commenced I the Uliiars. And 1 can sav witls :i vh 1 4. M: ? I. , S? jj OaCK S 52i,'eiS 1 I 1 t j l win no an ijiey art recommended to dc if taken according to directions Yours truly, Frank If. Muaai: Of the firm of He'ulel.ack L Mi!;-r AV'iiolesnle Orocorn, luveno.-? asw a M ..... s-vv