Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 02, 1869, Image 1

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    ... h ... . In' , ' - - -- "l I I IM I I S
I ItH.'li'J &.!!. T aJT9 WXBKI.T T
li 1. HATHAWAY,!
3: wrtjr Main an J Seecud i.-o,
i.ftj SUry.
VERMS : Daily SiO.') jr annum, or $1.00
yvr month.
A .-ekly. JJ.Oj jpr annual if puid in
ft irunce.
ii.fyj if not paid io a.lrsn'e.
! Vuv sjuare 'imcle iiow'ua iiuoruta, I f - ''
m fe'S TiJ fi-3 "SS A
" irt
ProiMsiontvl cards not cxctrcdic li t iut, jc C;
Oot-anarier coluotn or 1cm. ici acotna, :
- ktX IDOBtk.'. '....
On'j hn!isi.:arBn twc!r U)mtti. I
txira:h. .-.;
- UiMtitltlM, 1'J .'4
One clunin IwcIt month, Io.i
)!iX DlOlltllJt. M
"" tiiree month. ;:. i
All trauk-nt (lvortiotiniii fcurt l 4. Ut
in uiJrau.
VOl j. 5.
NO. 35.
It v7.u!'l seem that somebody has done
ove-rnor Butler prcat injustice. We
it slated, 'pvfiWy. in &a uianv as
half a dozen uowpaieis, among them
the Sc. Loui? Democrat Omaha Urjnqt
Itom and Lincoln Journal, that Gov.
I.utk-r ha decided to call an extra session
of ths Legislature to ratify the Fif
t$:nth Amendmont. We suppose these
positive statements have arisen froru
wrae incorrect information or from some
malicious falsehood Gov. Butler may
call an extra session to ratify the Fif
t eiith Amendment as hu most cer
uiiily shonl l and would if such extra
:::.: n wus i'ound lici essarv t the adop
tion ei that important amendment but
we d'jul.t ;f tin? mv. has yet tleterminnl
t d so. We saw and conversed with
t's'jT. Butler on SratuvJay last (.the 31 is-
uri 1'i vioci at Mil Lincoln Journal of
that date both etatc he han determined
to call an extra scs-i.n) and he certainly
had never authorized any Mich statement
up to that date, fr he informed in that
re had not yet determined to call an -x-r:
se!ion fjr any jrtirj"se. This iiu
Tiasioii that ha gone abroad that the
(Governor has already determined to eal!
a vsioii ii cal' ii'atcd ti do him an injury
should he determine to nut call a session,
An J .-h"u!d nut hae been started. The
Governor expn-ssci.. himself to us as
r ndy lucail an extra session at any mo
ment when tho vote of Nebraska was
b'cdeJ to sett! thta Fifteenth Amcnd
unt iju'.-stion, tut he did not appear
1 :iIW -:.ur.fkd that that time had arrived,
ror that thens were other matters of tiif
t.icur general importance to warrant the
xpeuditure af an extra session. There
is, endoubtedly, a vast amount of legis-I.-ci-.-d
n-l-id. ainl we an? more than
rrer oonvincf i that a forty days,' session
one: in two year3 is not sufficient fr the
r. J- of our Rrowine State. But the
Constitution of our State expressly jmi
1.!' its the holding of an extra session e.-
;p. uj tin "'extraordiinry occasions-,'
nd i' : pi"-t!o!i f.T the J-'xeeutive to
fttle ia bis ovn mind whether the rea
sons brouxhi forwurd by those, desirint
n r xtra sejfion :ue of tLut nature which
w.vild entitle tliem to be considered "ex
traordinary." We believe the principal
revon advanced in favor oi the sesicjn
' torr.'ify tho Fifteenth Amendment.
15 r'lrnse the juiisdiction (not the t.'tlc.
At rrjany hav vappo ;ed) of State jrov
r;nuer.t uver the ground for the iwot
cfUce at Omaha, and to make provisions
t')T the building of a penitentiary. We
.1 .i .1 - ? -1 i
leu've tn."e are tne rnrce pnneipai sni
yc u; on which lepislation is desired,
ytt thcro are several other hubjeet- i'e,
hundred cf otTiers that have been
:njed to the (iovnior. and all of them
- ht-. of ituportan-e. As we s.ud biifore,
- fully eonviii'-cd that IvKt-datiuii is
' vcc.-l, but whetln-r it ! needed as
within tii tac-aiilup- f the (..'yii-tltution
'extra ses-iuns uiav be
t! d tij.ou extravrdinary t.tvasi.-ns," we
I'-iv? to b decided by His Bxcel:eucy,
i'.ml w- hare lVtth that he wiil decide
;-i'oprr!y. But we did not tart ut to
writ" upon the f xtra session, but merely
tliit som-.-l.-ody ha' done the Gov
ernor a wrong in 'i:bli: hing the state
Cr:r.i that he has already determined to
aV. n pztra csbn.
On-aba is the liveliest town be tween
?vw York mid San Franciso. More
' u-inss -is traii-acted her" in one dav
o'iu.aritivi:lv, than in Chicago in one
we.-. .Nothing like Western pluck, ge- I
an 1 tnterj.-ris". Five years hence. '
nl tbuaiii will have a population oi
.( pii.--,,,,...,,,.
Wn Ui?r the iVj'.i.i "picked
t:s up" a iVw drys ago fur repeating
d:at an Omaha niaT! said n!ont the rcl
stiv? business of PlattMuoiith and
Omaha. It claimed that we weiv in er
ror because Omaha paid more tax on
ales than Plattsnicuth. How about
tho tax on snlet as between Chicago aad
Omaha. Bemember, neighlor, that
"what is 5aucc for the goose is sauce for
tbs jander."
''Tli Omaha Gas Company expect to
-jfeeive three nd one-half bushels of
f coal to-day. Whether it will arrive v
the B'g Muddy, the Little Lmsy, :
sjmo other wf:ter line, we arc unable to
siy. If it come- at all our citizens may
iv; t to have more light during the
t vening."
We clip the above item from the
Omaha. JtcpvLlu-nn. It would seem
. thit rfuic of their institutions are not
f .nii.diing, as tney u-jsire. i hy don t
: t'l ca
a public meeting ana nave t!ic
.ot to rhts. Y '.- A'? CiN
iiartcr .
f 7i otficl'
V'e wcadcr the people of Omaha
iir.r thought of that, when they knew
perfectly well that Nebraska City built
f'-i.r r iii, o itis at -,i public meeting.
TL last r.'il was laid on the B. & M.
lb B., to Piattsmouth, oa Saturday last,
fi people c-f that little city propose to
e-lebrate tbc event ia 4 'due form."-
YU arc ''rigbt, my btiy." ThepfftpTe
of Plattsiuouth fee! muchly proud of the
"'unpletion cf this great railway line to
'urcitj-; and we recognize the Chronic!?
another of the lair-mindcd journals of
the State which acknowledges the cxist
'nccof the B. Si. 31., and that it dues
fci9 to I'!r.ttmouth.
We copied an article from the Nc- fr0IU that windy journal. The la t para
1 rsska Cify Xeics recently in regard to ; zraph reminds us of the question once
t?4-fin'Kng of a wounded man in a bouse" j ked by' an eastern man. who wanted to
111 '?. An ian nas "'n as !
ho- : -
A ma i died on Sunday last at the
' -'tity poor -house, who was shr.t at or
1 -ar u. bou,-e of ill fame, on North Table
J k. some two weeks since. How or
"7 wh.'ui he was shot remains a mystery,
it .i csrtiin that he died from the cf-f-,t
r f t wound. This sc-ema .to be a
pse of murder, -and demands prompt
iDAtigtion. Will h suthri'- look
Wbat Aur ltfhborw Hhj About tU
Coniitletiou ul th II. A 31. It. It.
to llntlnioiitb.
The St. Josi'ph UvuU of lat Friday
mornini.', omtained the following:
"The BurlinL'ton and Missouri Biyer
Bailnad has I teen eompletd to I'acific
I unction, on the St. Joe and tVjuncil
Blutl's Bailroad. We are informed that
to-ilav a throuirh train will Arrive on the-
forn:or road from the east, with an ex
cursion party on board ; that they will
be inet.tlore by a train from this place
having on board a delegation of St. Joe
excursionists, and that the whole com
pany will pro-eed to Council Bluff, and
Omaha, in jrWiticatinn of the imjHirt
ant event of the junction of' the two
roads. ."lay you have a good time,
gents !'
The Herald makes one or J wo big
blunders. The road is completed - to
ri'itisnumtlt instead cf Pucifie Juiieti'ii"
and the excursionist? proceeded to I'uitlx
moiit'i, according to programme, instead
of t'oiug to 4 Council Bluffs and Omaha."
as they would be compelled to learr
their lim? of road to reach cither of the
two latter named places. The following
item is all wc have keen iu the Omaha
lirjyiJjlicuu in regard to the completion
of this great wort :
4 The Mast rail' of the Burlineton and
Missouri Biver Bailroad wa laid to Glen
wood on Friday. From Glenwood to
Omaha the Burlington road use. the
track of the St. Joseph and Council
Bluffs roal, so that another Chicago con
nection may fairly be regarded as com
pleted. '"' hrouch trains between Omaha and
Chicago, by this line, will not be run
until the track is put in fir-t -class con
lition. and then we may look out for
fast time and a splendid road."
Now, w did suppose our neighbors vf
Omaha would be a little more just than
the above, upon such an occasion. The
idea conveyed in tho above is that thU
road is specially an Omaha connection,
and that its line only extends to Glen
wood. This kind of a statement was not
made through a mistake, neither through
ignorance. loes unylMdy suppose an
Omaha paper would allow as big a thing
is the completion of this lin? of road
acros.4 Iowa to pass with a notice of
twelve linen if they really considered it
my benefit to Omaha. "Lay on
McPuff!" we are with you. The
following, from the Council Bluffs Xon
;xtm7. ccmcs a little nearer tho mark.
That paper has evidently tried to be just
to other localities, and at the same time
ho that the completion of this r great
line to Flattsmouth is of benefit to their
own citr. We can appreciate the spirit
i m;tn;fested in the remarks of the .Viij-
ret'f. and trutt the completion of. tins
road to Flattsmouth of irreal ad
vantage to Council Bluff-, and especially j
to th" Ssiar'i :
Quiet'y as event.- w r. on IViday,
wascon-iiuiiiiatcd an e vent whicji we arc
constantly wi Wising in tl West. "and
e.-iecia!ly in. Couucll Blulls, the now
arent railway ceutre the country now
i:o: i-'iing n the MisL-ouii river. That
lav th hi.-t rail wa. laid, and lost :-!.ike
di'vf u to complete the coutioctioii be
e.i I nn :' 'o :;na i nc i't issuui i uvi
l iron
-n.i.l... .h Like Mv-liitiau
wit-h thi-
iob!e t;vam. and passing beyond this,
.he pa--, uiit r, in snug cars, traversed in
i few hour.-, the country painfully., .-ex-.
1 b, Fremont, the "treat path- r.
in a manv weeks, inesc
-. i
evetit". aiiti su is ttie laying or tue lasi
rail on tht; B irhngton &. Missouri.. 1 ea;v
have rlapsed sine the first vail was laid
on this riiad west of the. -.Mississippi riv
or. and Friday, November tV, lSC'J, is a
...... , . lir nnwps of this age Ol
i.uiidi.i". and onlv a pause. I he
.;;'.1,M.jC4 took place in the presence of
, f:,n.VUlt ..(ficers of C. B.
!.. L;,., fj. t.eral Suoevinteiident. F. B.
.Jkic.cs, 'l'reaurer. lr. Touzalin. General
fiek-. f A"cnt, ami U. II. lutSa, Ueu
cn;l Western Agent of the Company.
i A largo number f invited guests from
Burlington and tl.-ewhete were pie.nt
ti see th ? silver spike driven to its p'ace
fhe point of unim of the cistern track
and the western track was at West Nih
nabotua.tnd the guests from other points
were joined hy the Glenwood delegation
a large one the1rass band from that
city, an 1 numerous guests from Council
li lifts. After the la-t spike was driven
home, the first through train passed over
the track to the Missouri river as far as
Plattsiuouth. To-day the fust through
train, with the above named officers of
the road, wiil visit Council Bluffs, the
train arriving at Ida. m. At Glenwood
all part it's were handsomely received and
tendered the hospitalities. .f the city
ibr.jugh its Mavor, Mr. Bosbyshell.
From Cmncil Bluffs went B. F. - Mont
gomery, Kq., Y). C Lawrence, Judge
James, and others.
This is the fifth road connecting us
with the east. All those present were
highly pleased with the ceremonies on the
oeetsion. They were highly interesting to
all participants, ami mark an event in
the history of this eity and the western
slope of f.iwa. The rail of this' road is
admirable. Bailroad men say that it is
the heavie.-t of any road coming into
Council Bluffs. It is sixty-five pounds
to thjvnrd, and is of the fish plate pat
ern. The road bed has been very- well
constructed, and the cuts are wide and
ampl.!. and snow fences have beeu' buijt
as far wesr as Bed Oak. in Montgomery
county. A large loreo is at wort nntsn
ing this part, as well as ejinpleting; the
ballasting to the river. The first through
passenger trainwill le here about the mid
die of 1'eeeiuber. This road opens up'
the most completely improved country' in
Western Iowa. When regular passen
ger trains commence running, the eekc
brated Pullman palace cars wiil be put
on the road. .
The following, from ' the Omaha 'Her
tild is not fo bad as laJirht be exnected
know 4iwhat part of Omaha Nebraska
was in."' If the B. & M. Ventres" in
Omaha that -city -must have an nwfn!
circumference, 'for wc know it doe? not
come nearer than tKfnty t;7-. on a
straight line, of what we supposed to be
Omaha :
4 'On Friday last, without display,, and
in th.9 most iiuiet mannor-possible, the
last rail was laid, snd the last spike
driven, in the fifth line of cou:muiiicitioa
! V'-T'Vf u Qnialia ar.d- C1lig'v -the Brir
hngton and Missouri railroad. This im
portant event took place at West Xi-h-nabotna,
the point where the eastern and
western tracks converge. A large num
ber of interested parties from all points
on the roadr were present to witness the
ceremony of drivinar the silver spike.
Among others, were C. bl Perkins, gene
ral fcuperintendent of the road ; F. B.
Jame, Treasurer; J!r. .Touvulii gene
ral "tickef agent, 'and WJ IL Whitla,
general w'' Thc Ceremonies
were ver- brief, and occupied but a brief
space. After the sjike had been driven
the first through train passed over the
track, proceeding a' f tr as Plattsijmuth
and arriving in Council Blntfs yesterday.
The road wa completed about four
weeks ago, and during the interval which
has elapsed, the lesser details, calculated
to bring about peifeetion. in every par
ticular, have been effected. Elegant Pull
man palace ears, constructed especially
for this road, arc to be placed upon the
route immediately. ..-
"Bailroad men assert that the mil used
in the construction of this road is the
heaviest and best of anv of the routes
which connect Omaha with the eust.
The road in every respect, is perfect, and
will undoubtedly command its full sliaie
of the public patronage. Mr. IX W.
Hitchcock, who is Ion? and favorably
known from his connection with the II.
& Sl Joe road, is the general passenger
agent; with Omaha as his headquarters.'
"Tlit B. & M. i 'Substantial, reliable,
and one of the most pleasant routes cen
tering in this city.
. Hathaway is doing a noble .work for
Plattsnioutii 'in his daily, and if that
place don't spread like a green bay tree,
it won't be for want of advertising.
T hank you, Bro. Lunt. We are do
ing what we can, not only for Platts
mouth, but for the whole State, and it
ih a pleasure to know that our efforts in
this direction are not without their effect.
the it. it. tutiixic.
! It is sad that the bridge at -Omaha
has been abandoned as impracticable.
The difficulties of Mnking the piles nt the
prcsen site are such that the work can
;iiever be perfected, and ceuipctant : peo
ple say that the bridge," if it is to he eon
fructed, must be built on a site removed
.-evcral miles, cither up or down the
ci v e r. Chrou icl t.
It has been decided to build the great
Railroad bridge of the upper Missouri at
Flattsmouth, where rock bottom, rock
banks and a permanent channel are
found the only place within three hun
dred miles of here where all of these
requisites c f a good bri lge arc found to
gether. " j; rr
4JAGE COr.Vi x" A:1 IlAII.liOADfs.
The Beat i ice durum shows the ad
vantage the oomplctijii of the B. & M.
It. B. to Lincoln will be to Beatrice and
Gage County, as follews : 1 '' ' ' 1-
"When completed thus far it will
place . Beatrice within forty miles of a
raiiroaJ, a.l some portions of the county
much nearer. I he eaect he t fiat
tn0 trai:tc &n "travel of thi section will
seek the liver U;wn via Lincoln, both on
account of cheapness and a shorter route.
The roads from Beatii.e to Lincoln are
much better than those t the river, and
fee from any .stream where crossing i
cither dangerous or uncettaiu. Vreight
ers can easily make" the found triji in
three days, whereas five are necessary to
go to the river and return, even unicr
the most favorable
The Carioii is right iu its, ideas a
nbnve expressed ; and we! can assure it
theB. Si M. will be completed, to Lincoln
at an early day.1 The "cmirpany h.-Ve
fioarly enoush ironF.eiC io lay the track
the entire distance, and a few days more
will complete the grab.
- o'itejetl A nn Cocivcr-
From tho Augaftta Chroiik'l&.l
The Hon. Henry W. ILliiard arrived
in the eity yesterday from Washington.
While at the capital Mr. Billiard was
the guest of Chief Jm-iice Chase. The'
most remarkable thing that took place
during his vi-it was a conversation be-
himself,-General Gaifieltb the
I-jri-eat Ohio Badieal.- nnd- (.'hief -Jnsticf
Chase. Of course the topic selected lor
di.-cussion was the con lit'on of affairs in
this tection, and -Mr. Billiard, iu enu
merating the grievances of the southern
people, spoke of thr; swarms of hungry
cariict-baggers which had overrun the
coun'ry since th- surrender. Bcplying
to thistiem-ral (bii-ueld agreed with Mr.
llilliard ia his remarks on this pest, and
said that he himself "would rather re
pentant . rebels ihou'd hold t
than carjKt-baggers."
" ' IlcjmMnnt rebels!" interrupted the
Chief Justice. "Why do you wish re
nentant rebels. General Garfield? What
have the rebels done that they should re-
pent? Were they not equally coiiscicn- j
tious in their support ot.ihe southern
cause .as wear the north were in ourr.d
vocacy of the. Umo'n ? '
From th Glenwood Opinion.)
it has to.'ii::
The I.t Knike Is Ir I veil The 11. A
J1. it. liailmntt "oinllol lo
(lwoocl mid (do lissnei
Uier-Olfiiwot out ot
tb Wiltlcrneut.
It is liere ! The first passenger train
over the B. & M. Boad arrived iu Glen
wood yesterday (Friday) at about 2
o'clock, p. iu. In the morning the word
came that connection would be made and
the List rail laid alout noon, and some
two or three hundred of our citizens, and
the Glenwood Cornet Hind, with n num
ber from Flattsmouth and Council Bluffs,
jumpad aboard the construction train,
and went out to the junction,. alout
twelve miles east of this place. The
woikmon were just laying the last rail in
its place. A telegraph operator had tap
ped the wires, and was ready to send the
joyful news. In about an hour, the train
from Burlington, consisting of two pas
senger cars, in which weroSupt. Per
kin. Kngiucer lougla"and other offi
cers of the road, with a large number of
citizens from Burlington and interme
diate points, came up. W'.hen every
thing was in readinef s. Contractor Wolf
and Mallory drove the lat spike liouie
to its place, and three rousing cheers,
tnusic by the band, and the screech of
the locomotives announced the final com
pletion of the grout enterprise.', . A num
ber of citizens, including the band. Mere
then tendered seats, in the coin
elegant drawing room coach and in less
tluuvar hoaiV thcfirst passx-nger train
steamed into (JlenwooeV At the depot,
tho train was met by a large crowd of
citizens, who cseerted puest tothe hotel f
where a sumptuous repast had been pre- .
pared .lor ttie exc irsiocisw ly our c;t:- i
. Avrlbncl fress Asxotlatloii.
Chicago. ov. 30.
A meeting of the members of the
Northwestern Prcsa Association is being
held at the Tremont House in this city.
In the absence " of Dr. ' - Benrdslej, the
Presidetit. St. jA.iD. BaWdttlK?, Omaha
Bepnbiiean, one of the Vice-Presidents,
called the meeting to order.
" The members present are as,follow. :
St A. D. Balcombe Omaha Republican,
Dr. G. L. Miller, Omnha Herald ;,.M.
M. Ham, Duboquu Herald: J. R. Byan,
Dubufjue Time; I. Li IMiillijis, Spring
held Journal; bl Ij. '. Merritt. Spiiugfield
Bcgislcr; Ivl. Bussell, Davenpoit Ga
zette; J. J. Biehardsoij, Davenort Dem
ocrat: F. M. Miils, Des-Moincs Beister;
G. W. Kd wards, Burlington Hawkeyc;
W. Johus.on, Bockr Island Uuion ; B.
Gray, Council BlufTs Nonpareil ; John
Mahan. Muscatine Courier.
.Mr: Kd wards, on behalf tf the Presi
dent,' irceiita.l-i statement of 1 ha tiium
cial condition of the Association, anl
stittcd that the mam object of the meet
ing was to' renew the contract tf the
Northwe.-tern with the Western Press
Association which had expired by noti
fication of the executive eommitt ;e of
the latter Association, and the meeting
ttdj urned till afternoon.
Member of onrfs in 4 nxljinxton.
: W.xsiii.noton. Nov. 3U. Senator Ed
munds had an interview with the Presi
dent this morning, ami subsequently Sec
retaries Fish and Belknop, and Attorney
General Hoar.
Members td Congress' who have ar
rived here have considerable business to ;
attend to at the various departments. j
A large proportion have already had in- j
tcrviews " with Secretary Boutwell, the
Commissioner of Internal Be venue,
Treasurer Spinner and other prominent
trcasurv officials.
The Secretary of the Navy is still cn
raged in the preparation of his reports.
t.miniwnoner-iieians report is to De
TOW. -
V' Jviwartt It. i.yan liaa been aino:nteir
assistant assessor of Internal revenue for
the scco.14 district of 'New York, vice D.,
.uciariaiJ, the person who- !;hot lucli- j
aiilson. ' "
The Cold ? xrilemciit in ir Torli.
New YVutK, Nov3'.'. The sudiieu
change of policy by Mr. Boutwell to-day,
ju.-t on the eve of the inauguration of
the programme of the Treasury depart-'
incut for December, w;is the all absorb
ing topic of conversation in financial cir
cles this afternoon, and bids forrold un
der 122 were rejected, and as the Treas
ury proposes to se.l a mimon m gold,
drew out bids for only l,4:Jo,(!)-) at 12i).
ii:),lMj at 121. They 4 were all rejected,
the firm making the. largest bid denied
the light of the Secretary to 'reject the
bids under the present", advertisement,
and tendered to the aDistaut Treasurer
the legal tender notes 'fiv the gnid which
Would otherwise have barn sent to them.
I, Ct is stated on the street that some of
the bidders for gold, to-day go to a.-h-ingtoii
to make a f trmal demand for the
gold which t hey daVn should have been
awarded them to-day.
CUICAOO, Nov. 30. At a meeting of
tne directors of the Chiea o and North
western Bailroad in this citj a few d ays
si:ic, a resolution was sijnpted that no
"fUeeror employee id' the Chicago and
Nort h wo:if ern 'Baihoal" shall have or
hold any interest in any other railroad,
express company, transjKTtation icoui
pany, mannfactui in,g Concern, eo'd mine,
steel or iron worts, insurance company,
or any other kind of business which coii
tribufes to the Chicago and Northwest
'cru'i Iluilruad,, inlei hy the nnnnimon
consent of the board of dircctoro.
JInrrtor nt tnram .
Sistitl to the OiaaU Kopublicuu.
LAUAMir, Nov. 29.
Last night, about one o'clock, John Hoc
tor, in company with three or four others,
was pluying ciiids iu it salo n in this i-ity,
when An altercation ai'osev anddohn Hoc
tor was shot dead.
An iinpiest is now being held on the
remains. Jlocjor -has always heretofore
oeeu u quiet, 'peaff able Citizen.
Tli Xationnl In trllioneor Salt!.
Washington. -Nov. Alexander
D-lni ir liis-rnruhased thef National In
telfigcnc'er."" " "
C'tiCS flitrkrts.
' " ' Chicago. Nor. r,:.
Flour Quiet and firm at 2 75(5 (A)
for soring extra's.
Wheat Moderately active; sales of
No 1 at '.m: No 2 at S7A(tsU, closing
firm at ssfSSi.
Cum More act've and ?(5lc higher ;
No 2 peued;Bt 8!,decliHti to. 7y,,and
dojcJ iiriu tt.btXftsSdT.ii;-. '..., 1c
Oiits Quiet and firmer ; sales of No
2 at 41(:-45 ; rejected r2o. 20 ; closing
firm at 41 for No 2."
Bye More active and firmer ; sales of
No 2 at ",:'." 74. closing at 73 1.
Barley Bull at s-."i seller December,
and '.( seller last half month for No 2.
-HiahwineM Bull and lower; closing
ntiitjinal, at 90.1 in ' " " J t ) j ..
Sugar IoJl4l for common io prime
-Less active.
ro vision-
Pork Mess 29 01X2? oO ;
Sides. 1 i . r ,
Tiard 1 71 1 3. ; ' ; ; : - " i. - ' - - -
1 KgM-r-Jjre.sacd in fair demand at 11 oO
(l-'00 : live active at 0 00,t '. 2.";
y 75 tor fair to medium: 6 8Ki
lOdO good to choice; 10 1 0(3 12 5u ex
tra. ' . - .
Cattle 2 2,-)(7j:2 50 for Texas steers;
5 t'.tv'o5 $5 common ; 5 25(7 23 light to
good shipping.' :-f
. Ir. Livingston's hist African discov
ery is of a trihe that lives altogether in
under-ground houses. Some excavations
arehaidto be thirty; miles long, and have
runnitig rills in them. A whole district
can stand a siege in them. 'I 'lie "writings'
in them, he has been told hy some of the
people, are on wingit-of animals, and not
balers, - Xhvy are t&iidjtu lc -very thirk
and veil made iiergraphers and ethno
nologjjts will look with impatient inter
est for further information, concerning
thi remarkabltj peoplo. ' -" - '
Tho Spanish Minister to- this Govern
ment alleges that the gunboats built at
New York for his orernnierit d not
yet belong to Spain hut are the property
of.the" hnilder. -'He say -one of the ob
jects of the pMiish fleet, now. ou its
way to New York, is to receive and take
awav the Spanish Minister, who, in the
event of the President according belieer-
cut rights to .the Cuban, is to ask for his j
passports. v-
.In New. York, the judiciary clause,
amendment of the present Sta te Consti
tution, has Icen adopted, much to tlio
nil ot tfie JAuriocTacy, py a niajonty
of about 5,0j. Its leading features are
th extension of the -.teru of oifieo fvr
udc.H to fourteen vor.i anl that r i-h
lIIo. For the MUonrl !
rV &w days more and last spike will be
driven that binds the last rail of the Bur
lington & Missouri Biver Bailroad in
Iowa. What changes have a dozen
years wrought in this ro-id ? Then it was
a "Mt. Pleasant Boad ' now it, is a
great highway across the State of Iowa,
and ere the close of 170 it will loom up
h gigantic proportions as the main cm
iKctui'j link across our Staff, of the
Great Pacific Bailwav, at once the short
est and best built road in tho very heart
of the .Bast and We.fV Hue travel and
trafhW it is destined to become a, chan
nel through which will pour a flood of
wealth, commerce and throbbing human
ity from the sterile New Kngland's shores
to the golden gate of California, and
the ebbing tide from India's coasts will
send back through the same channel a
wondrous store of tho choicest produc
tions of Basfern empires. Of course
Burlington docs not claim to reap all the
advantages to herself, but a modest care
for her own interests, will, in the natural
course of events, give .her unrivaled ad
vantages as a commercial emporium, and
in conjunction with her railway system
now so rapidly expanding. place her mid
way between Chicago and St. Louis in
commercial imporan as well as tco
e,raphical bx-ation. The Nebraska ex
tension of this road is being huiried
through with a Union Pacific vigor.
The. Fremont Tribvnr of the 1 1 th says :
-4A laree grading outfit from the If. &
M. It. B. iiv-ar Lincoln, arrived in torn
Monday afternoon, and the next morn
ing the whole' 'force was throwing dirt on
the Fremont & Eikhorn Valley." The
grading on the B. & M. between Platts
nioutii and Lincoln is about completed.
The company will probably not com
mence active operations west of Lincoln
before (spring. In the mean time they
will complete the road to Lincoln an l
get everything in readiness to drive the
work between Lincoln and Fort Kearney
earlv licit seasou. Burlington Juiri:-
Chancery 8alf.
. Llnnn,,rr
Th.roas J. Jouei. )
X l&trict
j, withiu ul t
.N ptirsttaiii-o una Ijv Tiriui? "f a ilceror of the
.otirt oi tbttoecunil Junu-iai I'lsiriL-i
lor Sjuiniers county itittl irtal of
N-krak;u niiule in the .ttxive iiuusti. ami bearice
Uate on tilt,- I'lh tlay ul' Nvvciuljir. a. n. lsijl'. br
inn thf rt anlar Movembcr tmui ol';id Coart. 1.
t!e ruOs' t ivtr. s;h(s ift' of &nuivWn ttnintyj JS'r-bra-ta,
and cci;ti Walr in (.'liaii'.-vry for Sni I
Court, w ill oifi-r lur iale a. jiublu aU'-Ujn, ibu
hishrt ami best biuutr .f cosh, in tVuiit of
Snell's Hall, i the ilatr lit.'r the la.-t term ul
aid .District Court was held,) in the town of
A.-ihUnd. S.iandera comity. Nebraska, on Mon-
tlay, tlie UOth diiy f December, a. d. 1 s6i. utL'
o'clock r. Jl.. of said day, tho followiriK descrilied
rcitl .-state to-wit : The east one-hull (! of thu
northeast unrtcr. ('i.l iind oath-ot ijuarier
(i ) of the northeast iuart. r. ' i.! un 1 the soutU
enst quarter ! ' of tlic north weft q, Hurler '. i of
opction No. tirenty-.-"cven, i.'J7. in lownship No.
eveiitfn, 17. north ol rniro No. seven, i7,
east of the l 1 1'. M.. iu Snuudi-rs county. Ne
br:ik., and ennUiininK Jo" ;irre, more or less,
Owetlier with ail and singular the iiiii'rovcmjiiis,
hert-tlitanfsnla, and aspurLciuince thremte t.5
iougij. -U lin sold i tun pi-opc.-ty otMhude'.tn l
ant uDove named, to sa'isiy said decree, the
amount of which is nine hundred and l'orty-tm
und M-lOil;'. uiul interest on the same from
tiate of said decree, at the rateof 10 per cent, pur
anuuin, t3ether with cots of uit nd sale.
Sheriff and SocciaJ 3I.iter in Chancery forjjaun
d'us Couuty, NcHr:tka.
NoTi-inbor Jtitli, ls09 wot.
Xcgitl Police.
VV. J. TalWt attiC FicncU.)
vs. Legal Xotice.
Willir.m Tounir. J
To Vi'iUiiiat Vounn. nnn reident defendant:
Take notioe that 7u haro battn sue before
Jantfs ,nii jjgon, u Jurlie of the l'cacc in and
ftr Ca5" cT.un'y, in the Suite of Nebiii'a, by
W. J. Tnthntl tnd E. trench : t tint itnorderol
ivt!Hv'hiiu-!,t u ixaed in sid eauso ou too 5th
dnyof'.rt ember. A. D. ISol', aftinst your prop
' th hand of L. C Muvry, of Cass
county, and Stale ot Nebraska, t-r the sum ol
00 filty-five tldl:irsi and cost, friaid il
was brouciit on theoiti day of November. 1 &'.,
and ii fit tor trial on tin? L"Jih day of December,
A. D. IA'-'.'. ut oue o'clock iu tuc afternoon.
nov'Jjw:'? LL!'r!i'a'g-
To the next of kin of Harry Alexander and
L'uzis Alexander, minor heir of A. Alexan
der, deceased, und to all persons iHtertiited in
the e.ta e of -ai 1 minora, will hereby take no
tice thut W. i. Morriam. guardian of the said
ilarrr Alexander and l.tzzio) Aleiarider. did,
011 the 6th day cf Novemi-or, t'.ie his petition in
the District' Court r.f the 2d .l-.idicia! Distriot ot
Nebra.'-k.i, in and for Cass county, praying for
licence to sc!! the follovrins reil estat Hua;cd
in said fonnty. 1 wit: 'i be W A mid the S E '
of the S K ' of section g. townsliip 1J. ranz"; 11 1. M.. snd :h S W o; the S K ' i of
seotion lo. town 12, rnelJ E of the titu 1'. M.,
the same belonKiug t the said Harry Ai.x:ti-d.-raod
Litzie Alexander, for tho purp f
r;i a i mon.y for the inaintenanoe. nurture and
eiuuation td the said miuors: that ou the Sth
day of Nore:nbr. I'W. the aid Court made the
following or lar on said pp!iotinn : "Time
fixed for hearing this applicati n is the firt
Monday in .lauunry next, at ihe Court liootn in
K'utflif coituty. al oiig o'clo-L. p. ui.;"aiid you
re requirl to appar"at the Court Room iu
lloughtS County and State ot Ncbi i.n. on the
first Monday ia January. JS7tl. at one o'clock p.
iu.. and lio causu, it ajiy, why Jaid liceiiHO
liiould not be zruutcJ.
Dated November 2Sth. ISM.
W. I, MKrtlil.VM. Ouar.iinu '
of Harry Alexander :t?id I.U'ie Alexnodnr.
- By WTLHi'T l'UXi'K.NoEit. hU Att'y.
nov-'w4t J
C'hancery ?ale. -
Major CLonf,!
vs. Iu Chancery.
W. T. 1- o.ier. )
I J pursuance of and by virtue of a decretal or
i tier t iut directed, froDi the oSea of the clerk
ofthc Pidrict Court ofthc'Jd JipiiciiJ lisliic? of
Nebnuka. wilhiu nnd for Sauntiers et.un'.y, Xe-hrv-ka.
bearinz date'on the '.'tb day of Novem
ber, being thu November term of said
llistrlct Court, I, the subscriber. bein appointed 1
special Master in and for aid Court, will otfer I
at public auction, to the Uixliestand let bidder.
lor i-1-ih in front of SuU Hall, (the olact !
whors ihf! List terra of said District Court was
hcl t.) io tho town of A-liland. county of Saun
ders an I itat of Nebraska, on Monday, tfie Unh
day of December, A. !. lStj'J, at lu o'clock A. il. of
sai-t d.iy. the foi lowing deeribed real estate, to
wit: Too southwest quarter (t-w'i)of section No.
bine. C. in township No. twelve. north of
range N. niue, in-ftHunders county, Ne
braska, together with all and singular the im
provement, here litaiuent,. tiuj ajipurf enanocB
thereuntri heloniriiiir. to be sold as the property
of the defen JiUtt above named, to satisfy aid
liecree. the amount of which is six kundred n i
sixteen ( S'1'J . dollars, with interest from the
date of said decree, at the rate of tea percent,
per annum, toeetht r wTth cost f utt and sale.
Special Master in Chancery for said Dial. Court.
Dy order of the Clerk,
Nov 2'iw4t ai3
f'hancery Salr.
Jocph II. Brown.)
vs. r
William (iarnson.)
In Chancery.
IX pursuance and rirttteof n dee-op (,f the Dis
trict Court nf the SeonU Judicial District
wrt'uin ind'tr Sittinders cMinty and itate of -liraska.
made in tho above cause, and bearinp
date on theiHh d:sy of Xort mber, a. p. 1sK be
in(j t!i regular November term of said Court. 1,
the subscriber, trheritl of Saunders county. N
hraka. and Sj-eeial Master in Chancery foraid
Court. ill olfer for tale nt public auction, to the
hiirhcst and best bid l-.r for cstsh. in front of
Sneil's Hall, i the plaec where the last term of
said District Court held.) in thetow-n of Ash
hmd. ijaunJa-T couuty. NtjW.tka i twctiy,
the aith tljj- of Dewmber. a. 0..1N"!, at l; o'chek
p: M. of said day. the following described real
estate, to-wit : The southwest quarter -of ruc
tion No. tweuty-four, '.24.) ia township No.
seventeen. 17 . north of ranee Nt. seven, T.)
east of the jlh P. M. in Saunders county. Ne
braska, aud eontaininjr 130 acres, together with
all and singular the improvements, heredita
ments, and appurtenances thereto brlnticine. to
be sold as thu properly of the defentii;t abevo
named, to -satisfy uid UnrM:, the nraount of
which is twelve hundred urd liftv and K-lilo dol- J
lars. and interest on the s.mie from date of haid
decree, at tho rate of en per eeflt. per aarfuai,
together with costs ofsnit Mid-sale
Jt-HN" rt. nlTET.fl'K
Sheriff and Special Master in ChaiH.--ry 1'orSt.un
rdnrs oouuty, ibrk. ,. r -
-November, liUb. liWU wSi - - -sJoJ-
-rJTX: " I
Vcf-f.-rW vJoQ'- . t
jiO CJ-iaVj
, Xotice U Usa-.-by trw. that I win amt t t
lie auction, at the bcuse of Krauei Fttrrcll. in
ATnenpr-K-iii-t, Casseonnty NeKra-ka, on Fri-
tiay. the 7th day of Junuarr. "8T0. nt oVIo. l-
p. m.rone Mule, tnhwn up by he Farrell
" tray. Apprr,L'i$,t V'irt.J i
VTaSHIMUToS, Oclober 30. 1S6;.
PUQt'OS'' LS will be rtceire. at the Ciutrtct
OlKre of thit Department until 3 p. m. of Mirth
1, 1S70. or eoHreiiii(7 tk mail of the C'ni'eU
St-tttfmi July 1. ISTo. tu June 30. 1S74 in the
Stnte of Sel'ratka. on the rvutet und lu the
r)telu!ei uf dtiMirturtt ant arrival herein
Decisions Announcad by April 21, 1870.
14401 From Omaha, by Clilmore. Chieaso,
Primrose. Valley, Fremont. Tiniberville.
North Jlend. Schuyler. El Dorado. Colum
bus. Cerry Hill, Silver tile 11. Cltkville,
Lone Tree. Chapiu.111, Graiid I. Und Sta
tion. Wood River, Fort Kearney, Kearney
City. Mcl'hcrson. Nor.h FUt'.e. Cotton
wood Sprints, Sidnrj. Pino llltitf, Chey-cnio-,
Siierman. Lar.imie City. Wyoming,
Ivoukoul. Medicine: Il.iw. Carbon. Percy,
Fort Frod Steele, HawliiiK's Sio ings. Bit
ter Creek. 1'oint of ltocks. tlreen Hiver
City, Bryan, tirnnifi-r. Carter, ItridcerSta-
tion. 1'uumont. nl!-at.':u, l.cU-i V :tv; 1
Morgan, Uintah, Uc'tMi. ilot Spring, j
Corintie. Prom 'u::ry Point. 1 Utah.' 1 jsi J
4-H miles nnd back, twice daily. J
I14u2 From Omaha, by Ucilevtie. Laramie Mill.
PlaU'iuoiitit. Kin k Uluit-. Lcwision. Tiiree
tiroves. Union. Wyumiuit. Nebra-ka City,
Peru. Drownv ilie. Neiu.iha City. Aspin
wall. Saiut Dcrvin, Wiiliamsville, Arapu,
, llills.lalu. Fll-t.iti. Kuto. Nohart. While
Cloud, Iowa Point. II it'll land, und Walnut
Grove, to Troy, Hi miles and back, six
times a week.
Leave Omaha daily. Except Sunday, ut
8 a. m.;
Arrive at Troy third dav by S a. m.. iS
hours' ;
Leave Troy daily, except Sunday, at 8
a. in.
Arrive at Omaha third day by 3 a. in. (43
14403 From Omaha, by Florence. Fort Calhoun,
Yazoo. DcSoto, ill air. Ciiunuinv,a City, Mo
dail. Teknmah, Silver Creek. Decatur.
Uuiaha Agency, 'Wiliiieb-iKo, Dakota City,
and Woo,lbury 1I1..) t" Sionx City. i.L..)
yT miles and back, six times a week.
Leave Omaha daily, except Sunday, at 5
a, in.:
Arrive at Sioux City next days by 10
p. in.;
Leave Sioux City daily, except Sunday,
1 at o a. 111.:
Arrive ut Omaha next day by It) p. in.
1-W4 From IJellcvue. by Liibon, Plattford and
Xenia. U Forest City, Hi milws and back,
once a week.
Leav- HeMevne- Friday at 7 a. m.;
Arrive at Forest City Ly 4 p. in.:
Leave I '01 --.t City Saturday ai 7 a. m.;
a .w lt.n.. .... a rt
14405 Fn-m PlalUuiouth. by Glcndale and South j
Iknd. to Ashland, 'Vi milei u:rl back, ,
once a week. j
Leave i'latlsmouth Monuuy :tt T a. iu.; !
. ... .1. .. 1 1 .. 1 ... .
.troveai .--;iitaii..i oy - . 1.1.;
Leu re Ahi.nid at 7 a. in.;
Arrive at Plattimouth ' 4 p. in.;
1 4410 Fpm Plattsmouih, by Kifeht Mile tirove,
H'oepitiff Water. Elniv.ood. aievcn-' Creek.
Lincoln, and Middle Creek, to Miiford. K
miles and back ; three tiiaesa week to Lin
coln. 4.' niiles, and once a week th residue.
Leave FluiUnumsh Tuesday, Thursday,
and Saturday at C.0 p. in.;
Arrive at Lincoln by li niyht;
Leave Lincoln Monday, Weducsd;:y,and
Friday at a. m ;
Arrive at I'lattsmuttth by 8 p. m.;
Leave Liii"oln Tuesday at 8 u. in.;
Arrive at Mtitord by 7 p. in.;
Leave Mil for-.t Thursday at 8 a. m.;
Arrive al Lincoln by 7 p. ta.
1-1 107 From Three Orovcs. by Mount Icuaat
nnd Ceutre Valley, to Weepins Water,
l' ' -j miles and back, once a we, k.
Leave Three tiro res S itur la at G a. in.;
Arrive at Weeping Water by 12 ra :
, Lniirv Wccpiui; Water S-ijr lay ut -
p. in.:
Arrive a-t Three Groves by 8 p. m.;
14 1U! From Union, by Faciory ville. to Aroea,
. 11! miles and ba-k. once a week.
Leave Union Saturday at 7 a. in.;
Arrive at Avoc i hy 11 a. ui.;
Leave A vora Sa.turday at 1 Ul.
Ar. ive at Union by 4 p. m. '
14409 F'roni Bartlett City, by V.'yoininf. to Llu-
- cdn City, ;V miles a.ud back, a wuclt.
Leave li-.erlett City Mondny at 6 a m :
' Arrive ut Lincoln City next 'lay by 1- in:
Lcsve Lincoln City Wednesday at 6 ft m;
' .' Arrivar.t Bartlett City next day by VZ tu.
11410 From Nebraska City, by Wilson. Nursery
Hill. Emerson. Palmyra. Paisley, and Ite
beoua.. to .im-olu. 07 milesaud back, daily.
Leave N cbi :i.-l.a City daily at 8 a m ;
Arrive at Liii-o!o by S p in :
Leave Lincoln daily at S a 111 :
Arrive at Nebriska City hy S p m :
14411 From Nebraska City, by Rich' Ford, 'lo
cal.; Helena, ilrygon, and ii 00 Iter, tu Bea
trice, 7e miles and back, thru times a
, week.
Leave Nebraska City Monday, Wednes
day, and Friday at ii a ni ;
Arrive nt licatricc next da; ? by " p m :
Leave Iatrico Mjnduy, Wednesday,
Friday attj a iu ;
Arrive at Nebraska CZtj next dayl by 6
p iu ;
Pr!po?a'': to extend service, by Blue
Mprinss and Otoe Affenc), to Marysvilie.
in lies, invited.
14112 From Nebraska City, by IHrtlett's Millr
.local.) Snyder's. 1 local.) McC.ure's. lo
aud Morton's Ford, vlocal.) to Table UoSfc
4'i miles and b.wk.
Leave Nebraska City Monday at S a in
Arrive at Tu'o'e K..-k bv 7 p 111 ;
Leave Tabl? ltock fucsd.iy at S a in;
Arrive at Nebraska City by 7 p m.
1111J Front BrownTille. by London. Olen Uoclc
and Howard, to Grant, uiiiet and back
o'v-e a week.
, Leave iliownviile Friday at 12 iu ;
Arrive at Grant next day by P a m :
' U-avp Grant Saturday ut am:
Arrive at ilrownvillo by t p ia.
Propo als to eui'ira'" C if;-ii on rnu
invited: al.-j. to extend froai Gntnt t'
- Spring Creek, tlislanoc in al.
1 miles.
14414 From LSi-own-. ilia, hy St. Frederick. Te
eu'iiseh. Vwl.i, an I h-ab 'Jrch ir 1. 15 -..-trice.
00 miles and batk. threo times a
Leave Brownfille Mvndsy, 'Vred.i-.sJj;. ,
and Friday Jfijm:
Amu at ueatricu next days byb p m : 1
. Leave Jieatricu Monday, t edneday.
and Friday atfino: j
. : - . 1 . : 1 1 , 1 . 1 . '
rtrror ni j, of. 11 . 11 1 1-ot-. fc ti1;. o o p. in.
Proposals to extend sorvue. by Glue
S-.rin and 0:oc As.a-:y. tu ifarv-sville. I
.".S mile, invite.1.
From Nem ,!.a City, by Sherman. Monte-
Tu ,IT''?.J V,:aV:i.L-iIUilil"i 1:- 31
mi i J? .i.2c ?.?l-w . ft . .
.Leave N om ina Lit v r riduy at S a in ;
Arrive at bv 5 , in:
Arrive at Nemaha City bv ." 1. m.
1441G From Falls City, by Salem. Wells' Mills
Mi-ldleburch. Athens. Daw-on's Mill.
.Monond, ilumholdt, Tyblv Bock. Tip's
Liaiicii, and Liberty, to Otoe Agency. J
miles and back : six times a week to Paw
nee City. 43 miles, and three tune a week
the residue.
Leave Falls Ci'.y daily, except Sunday, i
. ,n . I
Arrive at Pawnee City by 7 p m :
Leave Pawnee Ciiy daily, except Kuu
tlny. a a m :
. Arrive ai Falls City by 7 p in :
, Leave Pawnee City Tuesday. Thursday,
and Saturday at t u in ;
Arrive at Otoe Arencv by 7 p s r
Leave Otoe Agency Monday. Wednes
day, and Friday at 6 a rc :
- ' Arrive at Paw-nee City ty 7 p m ;
14!7 From Falls City, by Arago. to Crnij Sta
tion. (Mo.,.' lj miles aud back, six tima a
Leave Falls City daily, exctpt Sun jay,
ut b a in :
Arrive at Craiif Station by 12 in :
Lesve Craitr Sta'ion daily, except Sun
U.iy. at 1 p m;
Arrive at Falls City by 7 p m ;
Proposals lo commence service at AraxO.
ousittia Falls Ci'.y. invited.
14419 From Tawnee Citv to Seneca; (Kun..) 25 aucl oiv K. oure a week.
' Arriv- a "Sm-V brJ im 5
- : 4!riV.V .Vltn:l
14419 From Helena, by Leodricks. to Latrtfbe,
io miles and back: once a week. I
Leave Helena Wednesday at 7 a m 1 i
Arrive at omruoc dv iz ni :
Leartr Lntrobe Wednesdav at 2 p m
a .. , i!i. i, t ... .
Arrive at Helena by 7 n m :
Proposals to extend to Solon, 7 niil"s
funher. invited.
14420 From Aslilaud. by Headland. Cedar Bluffi.
and Benton, to Linwood, 50 miles nd
back, once- a week.
Leave Ashland Friday at 6 a ra ;
''.': Arrive at Linwood at t p ro ;
Leas e Linwood Saturday at C a ii :
Arrive at Ahl.-nd h9 p in.
Proposals to etiuiitl tu Celuiubu. 25 1
mile, further, invited. i
144M Fron Ashiand. bv Ili(tlai.d CA-,r 1:t,.(T
iieuton. una Linwoo l m iVln,,,!.,,, i !
' railesand bnck. nnc a week. ' '
Leave Ashland Monday at 6 a m': 1
I, Arrive at "o!uni bu next dav I v f. n m i
Leave Cnhinibus Wedne.M" al fi .1.
- i--.l I , 1 - 1 . - " " ;
-rrive at .suiauit next tlay lij it p ci.
lin2 From Ablnl t' Columbus, &) tnilo an 1 i
Ij3fk4nee a week. :
Leave Ashland Moadiiv at 0 1 ia : i
- Arrive af Conmbn next rlav by 6 p '
Leave Columbus Wednesday at fi a m;
, . Arrive at Ashlaai ceit day L 1) p iU. r
VJ- tv: t v x-.o. ,,. :
1 4-3 X llTS? b?."5thr5 City Bell; :
: TK' c5, 1 'i11- icw. to Foj'auvLe. .
I 1, ' . ' - - ' v - .
eri.uirofc .nc-u-av nua W cj je--tr
Kzti'-: at Fcctt'J by 1 1 nr. ;
Lcsve Fontanelle Tuesday and Thurs
day ut (i a m :
Arrive at Primrose by G p in.
Proposals for thre-time-a-week ser
ice invited.
14424 From Do Soto, by Bono, II timet end. Ari-
xoua. and Leniral v-ity. 10 D '.-a ur,
miles and back, once a week.
Leave- Dc Soto 1 ; jjyat 7 a in ;
Arrive tt Decatur by 7 p K ;
Leave Decatur Saturday at 7 a m ;
Arrive at De Sulo by 7 p iu.
144i From Dakota, by Jackson, l'onca. Ionia
New Cante, Saiut James, Saint llt-lciia.
I rauktort, auJ s antee Azent-y. to .Niobra
ra, milt-H and back; three times a week
to Saint Helena, 53 miles, aud twice a
week the residua.
Leave Dakota Tuesday, Thursday, and
eaturuay at s.ii a ra :
Arrive at Saint Helen 1 next day by
P m ;
Leave Saint Helena Tuesday, Thursday,
anj ot.turuay at 7 a u :
Arrive at Dakota aext davs bv 7 Din:
Leave Saint Helena Monday and Thurs
day at .am;
Arrive at Niobrara nest day by 12 m ;
Leave Niobrara Tuesday und Friday at
1 p in :
Arrive at Saint Helena next days by 7
p 111.
Proposals for three-times a-week service
over whole mute invited.
i'.tZi From Dakota Ci'y. by Sac Vdahoo. (local.
C.tittoii. uud Fork Ci y. lo Madison Court
House, ii miles ami O.ick, once a week.
Lave Dakota Cny Monday at V a in :
Arrive at Madison Court House Wdues-
day by t p m :
Leave Madison Court House Thursday
at 7 a in ;
Arrive ut Dakota Ci:y Saturday by o' p m.
li!C7 From De Witt to Bismarck. I) miles and
back, oiiro a week.
Leave it? Witt Wednesday at 0 a m ;
Arrive at Bismarck by Vi iu :
Leave Licaiarck Wednesday at 1 P m ;
Arrive at De Witt by 4 p iu.
114"3 1mm Wet Point, by Lakeview, Elmont.
Canton. Clinton, and Pleasant Run, to
Xorlolk. 4.1 intlcsan.l back, one a week.
Leave West Poiut Thursday at H a in ;
Arrive nt Norfolk next day by 12 iu ;
Leave Norfolk Friday at 2 p m ;
Arrive at West Poiut by 0 p 111.
14420 IVoui West Point to Dakota City, GO mile
and bnck, un?o a week.
Leave West Point Monday at 10 a m :
Arrive lit Dakota City ucxt day by 7 p in;
Leave Dakota City odo- lay at 7 a 111;
Arrive at West Point n:;xt day i.iy 3 p m.
14430 From Wrt P-int, by Tekainah and Ariio
11:1, tu Liltln Sioux. iIo.,.'J'Jiu lies and ba-;k.
once a wot-k.
Leave Wet Point Monday at 7 a m :
Arrive at Litlle Sioux by i p in ;
Leave Littie Sioux i'u" :t , a :u ;
Ar:i'.'c at West l'oiul by p in.
14121 From West Point, by O.ikl ,11 I. o Deca
tur. M inib-e sin 1 ba- lt. t a week.
Leave West Point Tuesday und Friduy
A I s a m ;
Arrive at Deratur by C p ni ;
Leave Decatur Wc Jut slay and Satur
day at .Sam;
Arrive at West Point hy G p in.
11432 From Foiitauelle. hy Lon in. Galena, an !
. West Point, tu Da Witt, &i mile arid buck
tiue a week.
L-ave Foutanelle Tuts Jay and Friduy
it 7am;
Vrrive at Do Witt by 7 p in ;
Leave De Wilt Thursday aud Saturday
at 7 a m :
Arrive at Fonts nclle bv 7 p m :
144X1 From frcmout, by Jalapa. Pabbln Creok.
Oak priiit, and Saint Chitrles, to West
l' lint.ol miles antl b.i.-k, twice a week
Leave Fttmont Tuesday and SaturJa
at !J a in ;
Arrive nt West Point by fl p m :
Leave West Poiu: Man Jay aud Friday
tt S u 111 :
Arrive ut Fremont by Cptn.
Proposals to extend to, 10
to. ilea, in v tic J.
11401 From Fremont, by Eldrtd. Walker, and
Ctrtsco. Ut Lincoln. 4o miles uu l back,
three f i-.nes a week.
Leave FrMiiout Monday, Wednesday,
an l Friday nt 0 a ni :
Arrii e at Lincoln by 7 p in ;
Leave Lincoln Cue:-:day, Thursday, and
Saturday at 'i a iu :
Arrive ut Fremont by 7 pm.
1 11V) From Eikhorn Statio-i. by Forest City.
Salt Creek, and A-hland. to Lincoln, cs
inilcs p.d back, once a w ek.
Leave Likhvm tuition 31ouday at Cam.
' Arrive ax Liucoln by 8 p in ;
Leave Lincoln Tuesday it 1) a n ;
Arrive at Eikhorn Station by h p ni.
Proposals for tri-vveckly. also lor six-
titnes-a-week scr i-e invited.
1413)3 From Lincoln. byS.tltillo. Centreville. an i
Baden, to Beatrice, Hi miles and back, once
a week.
Leave Lincoln Mon lay at 6 a m ;
Arrive at iientrh-e by 7 p 111 :
Leave Beatrice Tuesday at 6 a m ;
Arrive ut Lincoln by 7 p iu.
Proposals for threc-times-a-weck ser
'ics in vited.
1.437 Froiii'Liiicoln to CoJuiobiu, 77 niiles ami
ba-k, mi'-e a week.
L:tvc Liii'-oin We lnc'diiy at 3 a in :
Arrive et ColutnSus next day by 5 p in ;
Leave Colntnbus Friday nt a iu ;
Arrive at Lincoln uuxt day by ti in.
11438 From Lin'oln. by South P;i. Lxoua. and
Tcetirneh. to Pawnee City, 7." miles ami
ba 'k. thieij times a week.
Leave Liucoln Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday at 7 a ni ;
Arrive at Pawnee City next day by l
. P m :
Leave Pawnae City Tuday, Thursday
and Saturday .it 7 a m ;
Arrive at Lincoln next days by 0pm:
Prooo:iis to extend service from Paw
nee City, by Fries' Mill, to Albany, S
miles further, invited.
14.3D From Lincoln, by Tipton. Oak Grovrs.
Uoeal.; and rieward, to U yfsts, 4i uiloa
an 1 back, once a week.
Leave Lincoln Friday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Ulysses by 0pm:
Leave Ul-cs Saturday at S a m ;
Arrive at Liuuoln by S p iu.
111S0 From Lincoln, by Camdun. Woi's Mil's
nnd Beaver t'wsin;r. t M-Faldcn's, .7
niilos n I back, onec 11 week.
L avc Lin-oln Monday at 7 a m ;
Arrive nt McF iddcn's by 7 p m ;
Leavo McKad le.i'.s l ua-day at 7 a in ;
Ainve at Lincoln by , p iu.
! 1141 From Beatrice, bv Dry Creek. Swan City,
j and Eouali y. to IJiif Sandy, 4yt mil. and
back, once a week.
L"a . Beatrice Weducsday at ? a m ;
Arrive ril Liijj Samly by n p in:
Le.i e Pi? Sandy Thursday it '1 a in ;
fl,m"1 , o u.
i 14442 rrom Beatrfce. by t. aroline ani Cub Creek.
a' !,"k'
' Beatrix Wedneday a R a m :
ATire nt Fnirburv by O p .1. ;
. . v..;-! .. i V. 7- .1 .. . .
I 1",'.-; . - '
!1441Fro:n Fairoury. l y Antelope, to Ri.-C
tret-k, i t unit? nuu oacK. oiice a wtc
Leave f airbury Thursday nt .1.30 p lu ;
Arrive ct Kose ( reck !y . p ui :
' Leavo Koso Creek Thursday al '.' h in :
An ivu a Fairoury by 12 ia.
14444 Frmu Sraa City, by Pleasant Hill. Cam
den, au-t Blue Island, to Miiiord. mile
and bn-k. once a week.
. Leave Swun City Monday a? 0 a id ;
Arrive at Mi, lord by 7 p u- ;
I ea . e J illord Tuesday at a in ;
Arrive at Swan City by 7 p iu.
14445 From Columbus, by Monroe, to Genoa, ID
iuilus and iiack, lhre times a week.
Leave Col uuibus 3I"niy, WedueiJay,
tind Friduy at 2 p in ;
Arris e al Gen a by 7 p m ;
Leave Genoa Tuesday, Thursday, aud
Sa-Uiuuy l 1 if in ; ,
Aii; c at Cuiumbuf by 0 p m.
liiX From Colo ml. us to Madison, (local. 40
miles aud back, once a tti.
Leave Coluiubu Tuesday alC ix. ;
Arrive at AI:uiis. n by 6 p n. ;
Leave Mviison U cdumbr at 0 a uj ;
Arrive at Comuibu by 1pm.
1444? Trom Columbus to Caiudta, Go laile aad
back, once a wec-k.
Leave Columbus Mondcy at 8 a tn :
Arrive at Canideu uext day by o p m :
Leave Camden Wediiuminy ut a in ;
Arrive at IViinrnbus ni f H 1 x- Kv : n 1..
14US Trnm P51"'"- rorj.oj South
Bend, t'j E. B-ill'a. 011 r:e reason's Cn-.-k.
(local.) JO miles and back, onee a week.
Arrive at i-.. Ball's by 0 p in ;
Leave E. Ball's Thursday nt : a a;
Arrive at Pappiiion by p in.
14449 From MeFadden't to Fort Kearney. 7l)
miles and bak, once a wt-t't.
Leave McFadden's Monday at 5 ft m ;
Arrive at Fort Kt-ajtiey oxt day by 7
P m ;
Leave Fort Karnev Vi edncsdiiy at! a m:
Arrive ut MeFaod-oVnext day by 7 pm.
From Susan City, by lli-evi!!e, lo Wells'
Mills. - miles and bat k. ouve a week.
Bidders to state distance and propose
schedule of departures and arrivals.
Ct,tiiw aUo andiiivum tu h ineorpor&rd in
''ttonfracttit' extent tht Ip.ii tmtat may
rfccai prpper.
1. Seven miuutesaifc allowett to eaeL icterm-
''? ftee. when not ntherw i.-e .pebifid; for
tisiortintr the mails: but on r.i(roaH un4 Meam-
''Ll Vbete t l-.- um trio re d.iay than it
ticicul tor an exchange of tc; mai; T-nuts.
'- 0?i vailroad and stevji'ioat hn', and r-ihef
ttTi where the isttdec-i ei5i-van. a imi.s ...
1?. the spcct.-.i .!r. a, the Poat 3ce lie part-
ment nDar S ' '-auis. Ka,l .?.- icck,
an t kcjs. are to b eonrcyt-i without extra
. cli:.r-o.
j X I'll - lro.-idnd fT-iniira Tines t.c rr.utt:
j t4scc's t: ae. Dep-Mti:eii. t)ii--u? iiri'iaii and
accorapanyinc them, are to be conveyed wilt
out charge; and tor the u ol the Uoiteauti'a
agenis a i ouiiiiodiuits cur, or parte: u cur, ro -ny
iirhted. wiirmed. and turainlietl, km adupt
ed to lue con vui'. nl scj aritt m aud tlutf security
of ih mail, is to be provided ty the contractor,
under tu direction ol the Department.
llaiirorid and stsamboat couipni.ivt are rrqn -r -cd
to take the mail trmn. andUeiivcr it ir.l, tt
post cthc at the lit.iii)'ng s:.J ead ct tin r
routes, and and from all ottieejBot more tbu
eighty r'-di lioaj a station or landing, l'n po
smIs may te auri-rittad by tHa coinpjiiy fir ih
performance ot all other side servica that it. tor
c dices over eighty rod from a station or Utilii t .
There will be "way bills" prerarod L post-,
masters, or 01 her uenU of the Departetuui. to
Heroin pany the mails conveyed an I.
steamers. spticifyiiiK the number and l'.inatiui
nl the several bas. On otlier ron'.wi.
likewise, receipts will be required aad wry
forwarded ; the la.ter to be examined t-7 thsrv
eral potuiatcr, to iauru regularity in the de
livery of mails. ' ' :
4. No pay will be uitdo fort.ips not rrfcru
ed : and for ea-h of such ouaixsiou. not sn'.irfac-.
torily rxpiuiuuL three limes the pay of the trip
will b deducted. For arrivals so tar behind
time aa lo break connection with depiindmc
uih 1, and not sutli. i-ull v rseu.ed. ono-tmjriti
of the eoiupensation for the trip is ful a-t to lor
feiiure. lor repeated dehnueuoios ul the Kia t
hcrciu FpctiGcd. enlarged ptualtica. pn-por-tio.ied
to the naiure thereof, and tfaa inprtaact
of the mail, inny be suaelc.
o. For leaving behind or throwing oil the mails,
or any portion t.l thcai. for the mlmission ot paa
seiiKers, or lor brirtg eunevrued in setting up t t
runuioz an express conveying intejlis-cnce- in ad
vance of the mail, a quarter's puinay b da-du-.ted.
6. Fines will be i!ipo.L unless the dUn-gueiu-y
be promaily and satisfite-torily esplainel
oy eertihciitss of postmasters or the afSdavita of
other credible persons, for failing to arrive in
contract time; lor uegloctinir to lake ike mail
from, or deliver it into, a pott ifiw: f r uflr
ing it to be we', tijared. doxiroyoU. robbed, or
lost; and for refusing, after demand, to convey
the mail a frequently us the contractor ruu, or
is conciriie-d iu luuniuc a ceach, car, or ateam
uoai ou a route.
7. The Pom uiater tieucral may annul th
ontraet for repented failur.-sto run agreeably lo
eontracl; tor violating tan post office laws, or
lisobiyinit Uie instructions ol the Department:
.or reluMiig to disoonrj a currier when restu.rtd
ny the Dcp.irtmeut to io sj : for running an ei
preit as ulorefaid : or lor Iraiif porting persons
or packages o.Lve.urg mailable ma I tar out of
the mail
H. The Po.tiu.ister General sy crder an iu
creane of service on a route by allowing tharafor
t pro rrioi iucrua.-": on t hs eoutract pay. lie dih v
tdiauKC s-hndule of departures und arrivals in all
coses, and particularly to make them conforui to
roiincctioiis with iiiilroMdK, without ineretuie of
j) ty, provided the i unniug lime be not abridged.
The l'otniaster General may also discount. a
or -ju: tail tue Servic e, in wnole or ill part. In '.r-
der lo pla- on toe- route superior service, or
whenever the publi.- ijit-roMS, in his judgwii ai.
shall require such -iUcouliniianue or curt Ailment
tor any oilir cause-, he allowluK as full iude-m-ni
lo eontmctor one's extra imy on th
amount of service dispeuaod with, rend a pio
r'i'a compeiisation lor the amount wl servlev re
tained an ! oi.;iut;t 1.
C. Paj a will b made by collections
or tlraits i n, pobtiuas, e-rs, or otherwise, after th
expiration ot each quarter in N-jvembrr,
l-etjrmiry, ..lay, an l August.
h). Tha di itaiioas a: given according t the
oesl information : but, no increased pay will ta
allowed rhoui i ih-y be ki cuter than advertised,
il the lmii.ts ti be su pplnxi are correctly ltd. rt n-uit ittfitrut I -.-e.lwf on ti7HiW. and
iiImi in rclcreucu to tiin we-uxht of thu malt, tho
eon iiu-iu ol roails. bills, t-i reams, Ac, nnd all
toll-bridges, terries, (it obstruct lonit of any kind
oy which iprne may be incurred. No dulls
tor additional pay. base I on such grtuu l, f
tm considered : n-ir br alleged mistakes or mU
apprehension us to the degree of servile i not tor
bridges destroyed, l-.-rrios 'li-c-oiitiuued. or other
oostru'-tioas iucrea.dng dirtanee nr expensa. oe-
earring durinir the contract term. O.liues estsb-
lislied aliir tins it'igcrtisemeut is tsaund, ami
hIso duriut: tho cooir i'-t teiui, are pi b visited
without extra pay, it toe disuuee Lo not iu-
Ii. Bidders aro cautioned t mail lumr proi
sals ia liiiiu to te-uch the Dcpurtiimnt by tne ii..y
in;, hour named. (:i p. ni.. ilsr.-h JO, lH7ti,t t r
bids reueivud altar that time eill uut be e,nr l-
rd in e iitipctition witli a l id of reasooa''!
ainonnt r--eived in time. Neither can bids re
considered which arts without tne gua auta
required !V law an 1 eertiu:ate of the dt ff.cirn-
cy oi such guarantee ;
12. Killers shouli first pre lor ro
strictly according to the advcrt'uiauirnt. .d
(hen. il tliey iles ire. .pn-ir lu lor el i Jer. nl : -
vice; and it the regular bid be the lowest .iflcveii
tor Inn advertised service, the other vi tPori-
non may b considered.
l.i. ihem stiouM t, Duione rou'e iia lor tr. a
proposal. Consolidated or emMn(ir.f b:is
."uronosine sum for two or ninrt r jt ")
are lorbidden by law, aad canr. it be aufiiier. i.
H. The roule. thoervie, tlic yenrly pty, the
name and rc-i leneo of the bidder, i tbal Lis
usual po it oiiicA uti'iress.i and the nitue ol -h
u einber of a firm, where a soiniauy oC.'.
should be distinctly stated.
16. Bidders arc requested to sise, u- frr as practical.!'-,
the printed proposals luinb-hod ty the
Department, to write out in full tl.o :"uft: el their
oids. an I t" retain copies of tliem.
Altered bids should not Im sabiu!'.tsl ; tor
slioul I hi Js once submitted withdraws.. is'
withdrawal of a Judder or r"iUr will ta al
lowed unless the withdrawal it .Uted aasl re
el ived before the lust day 1 . reviving propo
sal:. li.ech bid mu'l be s-nararitc- 'i" rn
sible pcrsoos. The bii and iru.v. . . honbi bfl
nigntj plainly with the full name 1 ?kpt-
The Depirtme-nt TeKerviw the right to reject
any bid which may be deem f'i tray. man t. and
uiso to disregard ine bi t cf f illing contractutra
aii-1 bi.ld.-rs-. lA'-t of J.t!y V. 1fJ-. se-tion 21.
li. I'he hid hhotild l sei.lod, supwribej
" M id Prop-i-als, State of N u Jrask a. " addressed
"Second Asfistaut Po. muster General. Con
triwt Otuce." und sent by n. til. nt b or to an
agent; and postmasters vrn! r.ot in-'ivse pr p -sals
(or letters of any kind in sheir qoarte-ly re
turns. 17. Th? cortracU to te exrruted and re
turned to the I'epart.ii'-nt t -r before tlx ll
d'tv ot July. 1S70 ; bet the sr"i e mast i,e begun
on tlint day. r.r on tho mail dny next after il.
whoi her tin- contract ha -xc u.ed or nut.
Tran-fcr-i oi conlraclj, oi cl in'.ensl ia i-ontractj,
are lorbidden by law. and '-onjcqticrtly cannot
be allowed. Bidden, will there! re take nticv
ihalihey will be expected tu prlorm theserric
accepted t them through th whel term of th
IS. Postmasters at ofuoe.-" ou or ti-r railroads,
but more than eighty rods fioiti a s-.aiios, wiil,
itnmedintoly after ti e i'th "t Mar-h text, report
their exact distance from the tiearrt station, !
cn ibie tho Gea. f i! o direct a ina'.l
meei!ger sup.ply fr'-m the jst of July next.
Ll. Sci-Gon eighteen of an o-t of Congn.-es ap
proved Man h 3, is-k, plot i lvs tliat coi-lrtonsfor
the trail-poi tation of the mail t'iA'. be lei., " in
every case, ti the lowo bid Her tendering s-iffi-cieut
KuaraDtai s f r tui'hful pctfoi miin'-, with
out other reference tti ibeia.xl, oi m:i tiaus
Pn stion than may !; i.ercsuiry to proviUu for
the due celerity, crtniuty, sr.-! sc-.iriry ol su r
tiausporUtti..n.'' Coder tLis law bil that pro
pose to transport liie laaii with " f ertty. err -ininty,
nnd irmrity," .i"iir.( I tr'i rf-) tr ! it fut
the nniy leant lid, nr . r'.iirtrirj tnra dini ' -r
tht entire nt'iil. hoH'err ttr"'x vAa .;er rrviy
t r tht: mttdt f r'turrynj'' mt: - or (v iimure la
'rritj, eertnl'i'ti. ! e,tti itj;'' t-d h'.r' th
;o rjerenrr t, nil ut fi-.M. iind lit- tLr .i.rt :oa
sidcred. .......
i. A modiP. ailt n c." : ''. ! Ir, any Ti't esia'aftal
terms is in n ti-. mount Li a ken Lid, .md canu t be
received, ao us to intertcre with regular compe
tition. Making a new bid. with eor-raa and
crtineat, is th only r.-ay tv u.'-li a rt'imia
21. Postinnter ut 1-. I v carrfui in.t n c stify
the siirticieiicy of iruanintor. or snicties. ith
out knowing thaa they wrrvms of sufTiuiciit
respousibiln ; .r .i .. trd '.'.: tii-trw it in Ly
lH,ir,mm(rr y rU-ti f-.'-n ;f tin ir tfith fjKft,
tulije t 'm if.T n i , lit Tin-T l. S bid
ders, k tia: i.iitvri. and sureties are dtinely l.oti Lulnre to enter into or perb.rru
the contracts for the the cert i- r rp-e t f- r iu
the accepted bids, their le;ul liabilities will Is
enforced against them.
T!. Present eontru.-loM. un 1 pei ii kajrut
the Department, must. -oi..ilv witii other-. r,ru
cjre guari'.ntors m.d c.,r.ihi-i.'&- of Ihetr fi.8
cicDcy substantially in he I jr-ji :om,v e prM-rib
ed. The cirtihcuie oi ?wii iney Ttut be fi,:r J
by a i "st urn -u r. r Ir. ajodge f a ovnri e't . -Cord.
i wiH on a hn.ltr'1. -J
Io Dis rict Court. 2.! Judi' it'. liist.-l
en i lor tl i:oiirity 'i-a.ik.
Thoroaa B Goraoa. I
vj. r
T. J. Jonc. I :n M Aii'.hony '
Wry and Cietaent f. For'.-. '
ou are here-o cotilicl tnat I Lav r,ra -luruecd
an :i:aio. ia tho Disiri'.-l Com I within
and f'-r the cr.--.iiry of Cass and State ot .-bra-ka.
wherein I claim th. till- lo Lot Xo. fn
block No- eleven '11.'. as rhown h th xrdih
rl and recorded piat of I'I-hmioohiI, City, in
atii county and State, and ask the fj-trl V
order and decree that certain def -i-ti in xny
chain "1 title to s;-id premises, (aa .s.1 Ly tni
tnkeor wilful uegligtnce tn tu- purv of T, i.
Jenes in a certain conveyance i4 'k Lot
to W. J. Hyatt. nnd cf David Aoilu,uy Wr. io
a certain conveyance r.f said Lot fo. to Joi n
Bringiuun, '.in whie-h said nee)sut9 were not
witnynsed a U requite I by law.) may be cureu,
and ths douil resting upon my tiUt, by reaaosi tJ
said nnpiri lect conve ances ir.iiy be reBioved
an I said title L erl'ectd by a tletree pf th
Court, and that a cloud resting upou mv title l.y
renson of a certain side of id Lot ti. i'a Bl' k
11. under and by virtue of an execution isMied
upou :: cerUtin jndgaioat obtained tv one-Joaii
t. Urrems . Kaui'kol., tvarriaoo k J-vcas. u,ay
t.e rt moved urd -"lid falu et asido and aes-te i
to ao nnll an.. Toil, a? touch inj- Les o. i. in
Block No. 11 PL.meiouth City.ii f!ir niii
oihar and !n. ber relief ar in osi: od ioi t
cnsei. pce- I am 'itnled t. lual nnli -s - n
appear and 1 1 ad. -uswer. or n bi.j
or. or V.-f"-re e 27t tar r.f December A. 1.
tbc alivtmio- tha -m eon aic.t, wiH a Vrn
as 1,-ur. an' a deer e rrpfl'-i-e-ii io s.eot cus i
aocodince -wkb ta pi yer in n.iilpti icn.
Y120M.4S . (U0Li.H-i.V.