-3. 5i37:itt irtiijCJ. WHITE & SPIRES, Main St. Plattsmoutli, Neb., Dealers in Produce, Wines, AND LIQUOltS. 0: eo&.:lU of the best brau-iicf TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, Canned and Dried Fruits, OYSTERS, SARDINES, SPICES, FLOUR, j TUBA CCO, W.iSIl- TUBS, Backets, Soap, Salt, BACON, HAMS, LARD, j i ui i : . tLin k'.-j.: :uu ftrn't-ry store. Every J r:i lJ -a!rai't."l lh luulity. 'I "It LitfU- f : w. piidiu iar'a !-r j Corn. Oats, Butter, Eggs,' BAGQK, HAS38, L?RD, ' Cash paid for Hides. v .(.v.-t-.-.t by l ii. WHITE. i A GOOD CHANCE I-OK A MOD BARGAIN ! it' ....fTil.t"i lae -iuitlu an-1 rfordinjc u-i ' 1"- i. '- 'A I'lit'-m tSi Cily of rutus- H Cf fit ffi A 'A 'jay n. A j -liti---n ul r- ' tu.i' !e iv : '. Ttr:n-tire fcuc . i-h JjWii: i'iv .ih r hi.lt' '!iubl ill vijl- i-.ir. ai tvi: I r n i.t. hiirr( -l -r miiiiiiii K"iu .J-nc "t i-uivlu.-i' a tilt I J. Tv L tiiuitJ Donation to Churches. I will (ciy tv tU-s t'i! .:. i i Mji'-'-is v-'ua oini k ; i.jii-. v ii : i j I'm (t i -1 t'.mr- ':. I I !'- in I I'. .1. 'S : i!ii- 'Miiri1:! ri'ii:t ! t.'Wt I .-h. !! in M'ck LS; i i !.o ! i'ii. li-: iiiir. li. !..t 1 ii i jM; jw thi.- t a - !:..ii. him !i. !! il in t.'l.-.-k '.''-: Jg iii! ""iit 'ii'ivii, iZ iii.l.1.1. k l'.1; To the I'l' ti-ii.'.n I'iti. l-i-Ii. U't 1 i.i Um.-I. U i T) t'lv; i.:--t iail in!' 'i li'iljin l.!."k.".; Tj h l.ii'li.ran f. u.!, 1 in ' i..ck iii in .VI !!...i t" :! i:;. nt" t'!:i ! ; -in.utli. ujmjii i:ie !! !in - - :- vi: 1 'ial I 'j l y -n.ill Ki- ! 1 ! . .i. :(. - .!:!:. I. n miiuMf miJi': ti; iii!'i'' vi-rii. utibiii five c:irn Ij'. . l!li-'laf-: :t!i l. i'l :-: if laii!;!-1 Oil thf .ji rui'l t it: n ii ! Ii ui ' - ; (i.i i ly ith bu. i. .! J ii i"ii. : !".u ar.-l iii !i:il ca.-u the lt -r lvt rcTi-rt to mi;. c. 1)1. KK. Donation to Public Schools. I lu -! v .ivii.-ot- r-T ii ;i :i ' . ni l !.. J- ..!' N 1 ; : : i : -t t. . t!ic r.-c- i f PuMic I: trit i k i.. "Hi i h- p'Tt ii M ie t ', !;i l- i'n tin1 .v"u!i ii to I'n- t.'ity 5;00Q Acres of Land for Sale i t n i- 'at.t v. .!-.. I! ,.u-v n:.d L 'la ju mis . Ht lvv .ri-' -. I'.. 1 1 i' ill II III - . r'v.-si t.. I. i.fc- ati'l l';! !' n.:.l T . 1 1 - -. c i:nl t:l. i;ou-:v-.'-l -i-.. t.tti-'. ;mi4 rjy- . i ki:. I l.-;a-...-.tf.ut, Lot for i en Dollars. i .-. ,l; -' II t p arrii-: J. -in.u-1 i i' iiiil iiiijr atvl . -.i.i.. ii..-. un ul' t:ic l it- in tin- ui j'-int'l l:t in in v Im:..ii lo I'lat: -:n..i;t!:. : n .1 l:tr . r l.ii. it . . i r in1 tvli'.wini; -! I; fii . vi.".: !'i- l-.T-i -.1 I t ; -!i ri-i.i : will I..- I.- i:lli'.'l U u.til-l . tin- ...t ..li--'il.f.-i 1. ! Iiil.- U. ot I .i.e f" ! i.'-.-r Jim. i:-. !!-. to "U: Iii'- l:i;;o ; I.i I f :i i' .- til.:. l UZl K- t. i.i:li -i"r.v uot j Ii. . r ;';:.!! ii l'-ot. 1 -ic !. ai'ic iu'i-. -e oo.l ; i if -ul.-"nr:ii:-!: Imu.-e i-ll !i.n!'-i: l'"Uii'Jntin :.--:" Lti- h .ir :i.-.?. Ti.i-rc i;i i-i l.e :t kitcb- fi. ..r r.-.. !. than 17:11. l'.iiil'iititf jiiu"-' l;e .r,p.'!i 1 '.n it l'.-l- :o .l.ma u i.-t. 1-7 '. Will j a hni-1 I'T a . i to trie puny who lfiy a f il :i" p'.ltc'iM Iil'j'l.uu I llu"li i .i.:I'l !!; it ii i tic ai"'s ( (.i t..i'.UN. i.i t t- it n; ut-a (n.. ii.t Wjru.'l iJu l. tr'tiLM- IB ay U t.l..-J l":..al ihc . ulu puDJ - iijr!.-.: L'.t :t::-l i in l..'-"- k I.-t H 'i '!-.:k -I: Let hi bio.-!. Iv: l-'-'i : m .!'. !. I - : l.i 12 ia . l.-:i- ::. a:: 1 I : -1 : Lot in l : !. SZ: i. - to;.! us I i'i. I"--.: 1 ..- -'f. I ; ;j i.!...-k .: L.t ;' :n zl'- M nJ 17 .a M-.-St -Zli l-.i 4 ;.aJ7 bl. '.k I...t 2 i: ".; i'r..u:b, Ai:;.2'-tf. OHirt i;i "..it ll.iuao J.M. illCHMA & CO CI ii.. m J. H. HinebtfcMj Druggists & Apoihecaries. filMS, OIL?. J.k'E.S. NOTIONS, Toilet Goods VEUrrMEKV. FANCr SOAPS. i PURE WINES AND LIQUORS V"r M(v?h.-Mj!sl cud Mwlieinal purpo?ew Kf.n woar.M.'' !i h.tu? a f-iil and vrell akKrte4 PATENT .11 1: I 1 1 I.S. rST'i"'sns pre?Tipt:."ns earefa'.'y er.mpnund-t-d I an e p. I -ir-urr-l Ilrucrfis!. None but the pir t 111- !i.-i:i.:s n.-e l. All goo-l warranted as r .'pre-eii'.ej. Call and ep. Main Street, South Side. TflllMS CAStl. .. J. li('N3, r. w. no.is. J. H. D. ROSAS. X. .1. 15X5 & ., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Flour, Grain Provisions, and k Canned Goods, HIDES, WOOL, etc., Corner Pearl and Court Streets. Council BIuff.5o.ya -ANi Jlain and Second Sts, PL1 1TS.MO UTII .YEB tK!fCF.3. Fim National Hauk. OuD.it .tin-; uffletr a-Ywvy. tankers. Council Ulufl-i: i ""-' itli.nill hrinli Omnhn . It.,.ui- V.ti..n.l :,:,k-f' nah.i: Risers, l: Co., Chevennc: B"iisti i.f 4r.av:holo-, Jtrj-an; 0;i:.rt .v Field, i ! ! H. A. WlGCfcN'UOIlN. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! ErT.MM.to0.r,iaft. B. A. WIG&EKHOHIT & Co., ! Ti buy their j . j Spring ia.c3. g3xa.ra mn eir C3-Ooc3Ls : AT THE INT IE AV" Y O JR K STOEE- Th! lurrfcat and urnst complete OCK. OF DRESS GOODS Arw uuw vu csUi'vition at tie New York Store, at ?reatlv reduced prices. VT call particular ultentiou tu uur acw :ki of ORESS-(.GODS. PKINT3, rELAlNS. (ilNfJHAMS. brown shei:tin;. jjleached cottons, BALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD. COTTON YARNS BOOTS AND SHOES iff -il Kii.lt ud ptiw iw uit t.r nuuwu tuiVjiuon. A Unite atwek f (jROCFKlES, HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE, WOODEN.WARE. YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. I We hive a laru stock of ibo ceiebruteJ GAR DEM CITY GLIPPER j Idi r-Kf oTimoi tr n.i RRraiM-j pi ow.q nmi nil Lifw! .f CULTIVATORS. REAPERS. Piatismou'.h April 1S69. . Uuw Joor w.: vf PLA.TTSMOUTH, X LAUOE STt.-CK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Oiotliing, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES and Provisions. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL Kinds of Country Produce. Platt-mouth, Nebraska, Auust 5th, J1e2savc fin extensive general storfc or tmoofls that ire are eonxtantttj tti sorting up9 wlii.. we oiler to tlie jut- lie at jp rices tit at ! entire satisraetionm twr , ., j , f m .1 t 1 Tt purchase the very best Goads at the head,j .Tr- ket and zlrietly for cash, ami arc prepared to compet tcitt the trade at any point :eij:e:d"wa:r,:el, STOVE AND TIIT STORE 33. T. ZDTJZECIEj &c OO., Wholeal nod Hardware and Agricultural Implements, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, STEEL Of all iitds and iie. which we warraut tho Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice. Are exclusive Agents in this count j for tVe sale ot Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Give us a call we will not bo undersold Main street, next door cart of tbo Mnonie Block, tU'ATTHMOVTH- NUHiHASKA nfira I. flC'IlN'AsjsE. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C E A. WIGi.ENHORN CO. R. ST tlie HtKiLu OUitia - NEBRASKA, at B RETAIL i 1SC0. 9 ive tenon? must give on the Missouri liver. -o .- Ketail dealers in .ILOWS lest ia iki market. She Ubraifca pftcraltl LOCAL From Friday' Daily. The connection t.i innle at theTl. R. ! lauding opposite town tltis morning, and I freight will hereafter come by way of the junction. " . We unJur-tand all lusme will soon removed from Pacific Citv Station, oti the 0. B. k St. .Too R. It., tu the Junction opposite tins place. Mr. Allen, in whose jn.-cssitn the horse stolen by Van ler-licc was found, traded a very pood mare for the horse He has no trace of the mare yet. We have been accustomed to draw heavily on the Xieics for interesting items in regard to Nebraska City and vicinity. The local columns of the Xtics are not a-i interesting as formerly. What U the trouble? -. . . . We understand that Cap!. Palmer, proprietor of the Platte Valley House, it now cast making arrangements for opening an t'Steiiive eortl yard in this city. There will be a heavy demand for eoal here this wint-r in fact tlis demand I t h alreadv srreat. I It made one think of home to see all j bu-iitesn houx's closed up in the city i yesterday, and a general turnout to TIiank-Mriviiig service at the different churches. In many places in the Vest people are so bent on money making I that they forget to close up on Thanks- ! giving days, but here in Plattsmoutli Mr. Jnel Parcel and his estimable I;uly arrived (rum the east Inst 'Wednesday evenintr, where they have been fur the prist year visiting their friends. Things have chaiiijod soincivliat in this lucality during tln;ir absence, and they now find the iron horse careering over the country where one year ago the Jamestown weeds ' grew thick and rank. 3 Irs. Parcel did not forsrot tbe H Klt.I.l durinti her ab sence. litt brouuht us some of the finest t jieaches we ever tasted, mit ut by her ' Is halld ill the far cast. TllCV mate- ! y assisted Thanksgiving at our house, j . Since Cait. Murphy has commenced ! the erection of a fine hotel building in Plat L-mouth, the people of the neigh boring towns of Omaha and Nebraska City see the necessity of ''keeping step to the music" of improvement, and are beginning to agitate the question of j . building better hotels in their respective towns. You mut move lively, neigh- burs, if ymi expect to keep within sight of Platt.Miioufh during the next live years. We are on the move, in this lo cality, and will show you how to build a town from this time henceforth. We have the location, the surroundings, the inclination and the wherewith. Come iilontr with us. and wo will do vou irood. J. 1. (I'hnau, l'--i. , arrived from Pia.tmyuth ye.-terday and reports the heiis in that section of couutrv on a "strike." arguing that less than fifty j cents a dozen will not. pay for laying. j The irrVers and dealers in the conimod- ltv refuse to pay tlte puce. Chroni cle. Isn't there some mistake about that? We are inclined tv think your informant isclightly "!itn-rvktf," for we have the most reasonable hens to be found in the West. The Nebraska City coach has changed time, and now leaves bore in the morn ing, and arrives in the evening. Wc are now prepared o do cards of any size, color, iuaility and style of workmanship that may be called for, at low figures. Jov. IJutler and Sec'y. Kennard are registered at the Platte Ynlley House. They are on their way to Lincoln, after havitig put a little new life into Omaha. t Tlie CUnmirlc N hiutiehiu; out at ;t ' fearful rate reeeutly. It is lM.unl tojs.Sj. 4Joi2jr:IlV IllKlSrS ! unu.r-eDi-:isKa U:ty nut ot tlie knik. if printers ink will tin it. It is doin.4 a noble work in that loealitv. The jailor at Xelnaska City complains of th j eells hein all empty, ami suyx he ",,ot making his salt." Thev have J n,loptCt3 the ll5an nf lian.;,r j ilnwn then-, iiisteal of putting them in jail. j bee advertisement of Marine I Till j huiMing to rent. This is one of the host husiness .stan is m the city, ami the per son who eets it can afford to pay a good round sum. The K. 11. Transfer boat is now ers.s ing about twenty-five to thirty ears per day, loaded with construction material for the 1). & M. II. Ii. of Nebraska. Th.it looks very much like they intended to build some road this winter. See adverti-vment of school house for stile in District No. 3-1. The sale is in a:.crdance with the provisions of law, and the houe will be sold to the highest bidder. The tax payers of the district should see that it brings a fair price. Wwrkmen were ensrageu yesterday in making a ferry landing north of Main street, near the old brick yard. The landing on tho other side will be iear the head of the bar. This is ia acemlance with the suggestions or the Hkhai.d, several days ago. It will be a decided iutirtveuieiit om the route. We understand an arret was made last night for cruel ln-ating of a horse, but the party was disclired without an examitntiou. We did not learn the name of trie offender, but if wbstt we hear in ifgard to his actions be true, he should be made to suffer the severest penalties.. A horse was beaten unmer cifully,, will sticks aied dab?, until one eye was de-rroyed, ej I rhe blood was made to flow profusely from his head and body. Horses may have no souls, withiu the meaning of the seriptures, but if they have not more .soul. than the animal that would thus treat ti.em we iwifcidMh THE5 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. -:o:- CAPITAL, No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, BIRy-A-lSrCIEd: i St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, 111., Memphis, -:o:- VLL POLICIES :o: IMvitleiBcl obi Hit Securing the Greatest Pecuniary REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : This is it Wcftorii Ciiil-'.'iiiy, maninccl y Wo-toni rncu. whose kmmn Ciiunaiuial ciiur.io- ter. nhilitv mul in'sition, affurd ample Ku:iranty f - 21. Its l'ulicfs are nil iiii-rorl"t-itiiis- 3il. l'rctniuni all casli. It rceoivc!" uu notes mul irive none. Pulicy holders have no intre4t to pay. and no oulstamlinr notes as lii-ns upon tiicir pulicii. 4 fli. liviilcnls am' lossos ure pai.l in cash. .rth. Il insures at lowi-r rates than any Eastern eotcpanr. fi:h. Its risks are in tlie West, where the rate of mortality is lower and the rutw of inirrrs: htgUcr than in the East: henoe tho iieciiiiiiilation of ilividendi te the policy huldcr is greater tian in any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction uron travel. 8th. Its dividends are made upon th contribution pln. 9th. Its business is exclusively life insurance. :o: Are the accumulations of interest upon preinitiuis paid, hence the Co:rprtny that loan ttsi.--e:-at the hijrhist rate of interest can jrive you the l.irgest dividends. Eastern conipauie.i invest tin it moneys at ( percent., while this makes its iuvesluients at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following Martlinp Ssures: The amount of Sl.OUO, inv-sted tor fifty years ai per cent, compound intercut. i $ 1. 420.14 I " " " " 4tJ.f-fl.Cl 10 " " " " 117,C?0.?.S 12 " '' JlS.t6S.0i5 :o: OFFICERS : H. D. Mackay. President, E. Henselsy, Vice-President, Geo. A. Moore, Secretary, E. W. Eaves, Treasurer, D. fcl. Swan, General Agent. J. L. Wever, HI. D., Consulting Physician. - EXBCUTIYB COMMITTEE: H. D. f,lackay, George R. Hincs. E. Hsnseley. H. Edgertcn, D. W. Eaves. 5152' -tt.te3PIl Al'DlToR F ,TATi-: OK KICK, I TiifKKA. Kansas. Kedruiirv "Jiitli. lsi;:i. KNOW ALL MKN 15V THKSK l'UK.SENCE: Timt I. A. Tiiom in. Auli'tur of Hie s;:ate ni Kansi.4, io litre by eeitity tlmt the Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, oritunixe'l nml 'loinsr business un Jer the In of tlie Scute of K.ius:i- auil Mif-w.uri. has furni-lii 1 the uii'ler-sighe'l s;iutaetory eridenee ttmt it h:is inrvu-'l One llun lre I :in.i Kil'iy '1 hou.-itn i lioi lars of it' e.ipital in I'une.i .suites liiieruiiieut Umels. of I lie .iuiiomiinit ion of Kive-'i'weniie.- ami are os.-'e.-'e' 1 of the same. Aii'l 1 io furtiier rertily liuit s.ii-l t.'oniii.iny has t-t :i.art One Hmh ilriil ThouVaii'l l..ilars oi sai.l t'niieii .states li.iii.l- lor (he i.enetit i i am. i'iilii v h-ilukhs ot ;u i t'onipany : an'l that 1 hofi in trust anl on ieosit f .r the Oeneiit of sai.l .oli.-y hofler- the v.-eiii ity above uientione.i. aii'l 1 am satislil th it sueh .-eeui itiesare woiih One iiun.lreil l ii'iu-aiel ioliar lawful timney of ihe I'liiteJ States of Ameriea. In ivitnerci where 1 have hereunto si!s,-iii.-'l my name. an. I caused the seal of :i:y oilier tu b Seal of Aii'l- ' atu xeil, the day an.l year aoove written. t itor of Suite. A. TUOMAN, AuJitur of fc-'tato of Kansas. CEKTlFrCATK OF AUniOllITV TO DO BUSINKSS. OKFirr V M'PKRIXTKMiEXT OK TH K I.NSt RAM K LK.PA HTM K.N T IV Mlssnt Bl i CKHl'lKIKt. 'lhat Hie .Missouri Valley Lite lii-iiranie t'oiiii:iiv. a Lire - lany. oiKUiiixeil umier the laws of the State nf Kansas, ami it i.rin.-i. .1 ..iiw...'i.. TT IS 11EUF.UY I surauee Coinp rated at the city of Leavenworth, has e..itiplie.i with the reituiretnents of the thirtieih. thirty-first thirty-seeonil. thirty-thini aiei thirty-fourih seetioiis of an Ai-t of the Uener.il A-seuilily ot (he .stale oi .uissmri. euiiueii .iu aei ior me iin or ir;.uo:i ana recJl.it loll ol Laie Assiiranee Compa nies." ni'i.ri.vel ilareh loth. a. n. IS-iil. t-i far us the snl mjiiiretuents are appii'-aiile ther.-to. n.l pursuant t the thirty-sixth section of s:ii;l Art, the sai l Missouri Valley Lile I nsiiraiiee '"iiii.uiy is hereby Huthorixt-I to ilo business as a Life A'snranec Company within the sail State ol Missouri subject tttiie seeer.il provision.- an l reijuireinents of the A.-t atiiresai.1, until the first ilay ot Feb ruary, in the year of our Lorl eighteen hunlre. ami seventy. In testimony whereof. I. W'yllvs Kim;, undersianeil. Superiiitemlent of tlie In-'uranee Tl .art- Seal of lusnranee le- nient oi saii Stale of M issouri. ha vc hereto set my haiei ari l ntiixed p irtiiient of St.s.te of - my eal of olin-e. ut t le eity of St. I.ui-, Missouri, thi- Mih cl-iv ol Mistouri. July a.p.Iso!'. iSiifiicilj. W V LLVS K I Vt; ' " Supei-inteinlent of the Insurance Ivirartment of tho State of Missouri. CEKTIITCATE OF A LTI I Oil ITY. tTu expire on the ;'ls; day of January, is??.; I.N.-L K lM K IlKPABTUKNT. OlUrK ol StaTK. Al IMToR. n Lincoln. Ni lr.isk.i. piil i Is. o AViif.f.s. Abrum B. Covalt. State Agent for the .Missouri Vabey Lite In-uraneu Coiuiiiinv o eated at Leavenwoi th. Kau-as. haj. hle.l in this otliee a eo of the Aet oi ineoi H ration ot aid Coinpany. and a statement under oatlu sh .wing its ir-iijliiion. as riiinirei hv ih. til h seeti.in ol a law of the State of Nebraska, entitled "Au Aet in U. i.un.n to I usurun-i: C-.tiii-anies " niiprotc-i February l.'ith. VMH; apprivel February i.'th. WiiS; ami whereas, said Company has fiirr.i-lied the undersisued arisfa'-tory eviilenee that il is possessed of i'ive tLunarea of aetnal capital, invested iu the stoeks of at least esiaie worm I'muie me "ilk'ujii ivi uu .une naure is iDoniCMreM ; unit wtn-reas. said Companv lias filed iu this oSi.-e a written iit'trutuem. under the seal of trie Company, signed' by the rresl l. iit i and Secretary thereof, authorizing- the said A brum It. Covalt to nekiioTrie.je service nt process tor ' and ta behalf of said CompaD.v. eonseming that service of proe ss u.u hnn 'hall be taken and i held to be as valid as if served uii n the Company, a -eordinir to the laws ..) 'ihi. r .-- ...... , state, aii'l waiving all eiainis oi error uy reason ot su-ti -ervweiand where:is. Vlmm 11 Cov tlt has furnistusl sutisfaetory evllcnee that he is the authorized .Viient of said Compan . Therefor be it known by these presents, tiitit ia pox-uanee of the aforesaid Art. I John 1i'Ie- Pie. .imin'TiM me ci ne oi .""i.eA.i.'i'i nvreoy eeruiv- itjar AOram It. tivalt. r.sii.. has lull au thority to art as slate Asent orlbes.ud Missouri. nlley Life In.-ur.inee Coin pun v. in the State f e- thority toartassiateAsent orlbes.ud Missouri. nlley Life In.-ur.inee Coin pun v. in the State f Ne braska, ami to it.. :iad pcrtonn aets tor and in beltalf of said Coiimi-mit iu" Ini, i d by bis bp poiiiHiient a soeh nfi'iil. and by the l:ivrni" this Sta.te. until the 'Ust day of Janirirv a n 1'H. In witness whereidl 1 have subsi-rilie.! my mine, ami euusist ti- So.iI of t!ie Aaditor's oliiep to bo l. s.j oOUe-ltULs l.st day of April, x. d. W.9. J.0J1N tilLUiSl'IE. S ate Auditor. -:o; GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. Stale IpftH rr R. E- IIVINQSTON, Mtd. Exaiainer, J ' J fz (J v 1 Ii. URI VALLEY - - $500,000.00 LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. OFFICES: Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. NOK-FORFEITING. Coutri hut ion CI;m, Advantage to the Policy Holders- .r its curcful and succeiiful luamitfiuieDt. Sit loWCP rate? iillli OJIllaiiy. Thousand Dollars par value, or iu bou'ls or iiiortjrniri'n unreal IS. COJlZtT9 vbru.kH am rfhrii K:iue.i. S BLOOM &z OO. STt'M fur. wis BOYSASD CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, Eats 86. Gzps. Boots Bhoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS. VALISES. ETC. JIuin S7rr7, Stroml Ifuor Imt of (urt Ihntsr, Platismotsth, Web. BRANCH HOUSE: Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. VJ lj .LAi - i J. Will bent Dr. I.iviiisrst..n' nfi'.eo durine the last week iii each mo nth. All orb r-- left at the Tost iliee will be i.ioaipt'.y attrutb'J i.. : july'l : FURNITURE! . IS l A Thos. W. Khrj-oflc, CABINET ftlAKER, And dealer in all kinds of Furniture and Chairs Tiui;ii sritrnT, i.near Mmci Q Heb. Plattsrroulli - - Itepairitit' and Varni.-hin? nently dotn. Uf Tu.ieiah attendod at the siorO st noti-e. .n-.. 11. the in: a sox un 13.347 1 :oak '''nt.invvvf'" Wnh&$fr$& " y"jilX ''''""'V'S Wci'CKuld in Hie Vcnr !S(iS ii- bic.iVji: vo ' o va; 4.s i:v --it '.i . ; to civic i ' ENTIRE SATISFACTION i tiif p'.iuKt t i fkkat s op kviuy Charter Oak Stove, VV-lAtV (a AKAVri.KIi.i They Stand Unrivalled FOR ECONOMY. AND CONVENIENCE. Fo' .Sirnpitcitv of 2I tmscraent, Andforc. a iir sst t cockx r:, act ir I l.ntr a Illations, M.iuufa.'turtd in the Ves-. and ad.M.tid to till u , nits of Western and . oulhern 4SH vii'ttriH o V V. ( I'L E siurviy no V'od hiuisi-keejier ' .in a.Tonl t') be n iile.iit one. r.R p..i 1: t.l.T, AIIIIKH1. it:'' i A; ;:xccsiiir Mil urn- urinir ,'.' company (oinaen Bi let s upon ca-2 ,f-. -i4 x. v.,;., st. Loiur, m. niyscii. i iiau beei: 11. T. Duke"-& CoJtWc1rw5,h V' Mya: uT time, attended with "a-oar v Boeck severe Iicadac!ic,par. tjeularlvtistereatiriv;. DtlL.L JX FURNITURE, 1 miges, Table?, Safes, I3EDSTLADS, Of all deriptiouc nd at all priei. tletalic Hu rial Cases, SiSSfaweII hv their use. I Of al! sijst t. WOODEN COFFINS. Itcady m.vte. aa'l wM cbcap forcnH. WithoiTthniltsf.rra-t Pntronae.Iinvit: ali to cuil and exuM.ne uiy bugo Moeh ot t .n n;- i tanu.coinus. 'Tll F K L ISA IAI A N D EjZViurar t.jbi-e, J.l fr lESEr, 1-LATTSU.W.TB, EB. I am rrerred toaeeoutniodatethcpnblatwtU Ilirii., C'irrlajr.x. lij'jjicn trtul A .Vo. 1 tinr. 1 onMi'Tt tace auJ re :so:i.'Jle t-.ria?. A K..rl wIn.--i:ito tjs..-!.i.'i. ;aTid-rtr.a';to ill ryr .iiyt u i kg j VEGETABLE SICILIAN" HAIR RENEWER 'r.fN Is tlio on Iv leiTectC'J an t$?t s e i c n t i fi c ;i 1 1 y j rc j ar i i!r.y ipreparation of its kiir ..ft'..e...l f.- flirt null" PrTfiPF3 ' "' lLLlOIUiliJU mul !. Competitor nniV I. (JrJlI in merit. Iy its us r i in OIIAV IIAIll is Rooit 'restored to Its original it) lyoutl.f'ul color and bril- ITS -liaiu'y, whieli is 6 mucli ORIGINAL hy. ?.n: I W nose nair it mm ui liihii; Lull, 'out will, by tbo t;so of 011 10M0TES Iveiower,oon sec its gooJ je, ielfi cts, r.?, by its tonic r.n.I stininl.ititi' nronerticH tli( GROWTH! h :;ir ;laul will be iiieitetl niol tlio hair p;row thieK jnii'lslronijngiim. In c-ase 'of Baldness it will civato a new irrowtli uiiIofs tlur IS A DRESSING. -to .Tostroycl. It jis cooling, mul fuiny.s ail jitcliinpj :in l iirit.iliori of ONE the serr?j). Itloea not stain ' I L i 1 . 1 . .1 1 ... ill! ,1110 SMII JIS uo i,)e, Uli AIID rnaCH l';0 sc:P white mul prTjprrTivr'c-leaii. As a. DllKSSING iilluAiirl jt j li,e ijL.st nml iiiont u? 'eeonoinienl jrcjaratio:i in !t!;o w..rl.l, sift its cfficU THE 111111 Y,.r o;.r Tre;-.ti?o on t!i LOCKS! !.:.ir, lice to ;,!!, l,y wr.il. Sold by :i Dru jilitJ and Dealers in Madicint. I COOK, COBURW i Gcn'l A3;d13 for Korth-Wcs 87 TiSA2.2DN SXESilT, CHI COOK, COBURH & CO. eitcru State, CHICAOO.IIX. We, ti.e li7i, .t !" I'bilMiii'iiili. r.ill tlie i.:- tl Dtidll if 'Mir ellst'ilners f.i fn' b'ltlTS plltilirlti'd i.. i. .,r 1 1... u...ii.!..rf'ii i ri ..r lir si..in..-h i;:t.n. ir. uobaekN st.r.idii..ii.-... f;'"L"' I'd's. We have been ,el! iinr line's iti' d. ciiies Inn,' i'!e ii!i tol.le.u lli.il lh( V are ri ecii. :f::v:!;,:rlth,,ru:;';,,r :':. Reed the f'olloiL'inj UUct Vo?n of the ohest aA' vv,t reliable aroeern merchants in . ihc cifU f fiyort. , FlMnvn W .WVGS Z o-Soo- III r tt mv ! ?-)a l'ca"l,T x' lJ promisc (0 yoil wllCIl s .J Ild'C, 1 VFJlC YOIIj lOT I IF I P'lhheauon ii you see ifi unci k 1 1 ii ouiii incut of iio zood el- when fortunately an old soldier friend eame into the store and recommended me to use Robacks Bit ters. I did so by Uk- ! in: a small wine-s:ias full just before cad meal, anil to in v iirea joy I was relieved m once, and am now not he without ! them at any price. I luii'e not taken ans otlcr I!!C(licinc sinct I commenced usinp the Bitters. And Caii SaV Vitfl H deal conscience, trv bae.:s Bi iters thvy will do all thev irt recommended to j ii take;i accordnii: ito directions. Yours truly ! Frank II. MiLi-riu. ,Oft;lO firm 1" Vnj 1 "b'.tok A' '! HaT i ,, ., ,. . i ' f I 9S a u j r ' -