Hi hr gctohu gtrratd. Von Thurd"n' Daily. JuJe Jjake will commence the trial of criminals to-morrow. The iron on the railroad was laid down as faros Main street to-day. Mr. G florist completed the fiit rail rwid water-tank to-day. Hon. Wm. McLotnian arrived in the citv yesterday, to attend court. (Ion. Thayer was in Xehraka City Tuesday, and left for Lincoln Wednes day. We have a specimen of the " Frear Stone " at our office, which can he seen by any one who desires to examine it. John Cavanaugh was arrested to-day for stealing a revolver from the City Hotel. " Tlie ferry-boat nin aground on a sand bar this f irenoon, and remains there at the present writing. The Shreve passed up this morning, leaving a reasonable amount of city freight l'rof. iJeals has been holding teachers in-titutea in the southern jiart of the State. The ladies of tit. Luke's Parish wilj hold a sociable at the residence of Mrs. (Jen. Livingston to-morrow (Friday) evening. Treasurer Hobbs qualified and took the iron clad yesterday. He will assume the duties of his office aliout the '2t instant. Farm hands arc getting a dollar a day and board in this locality, and iut one half enough help can be had at that prW. The Omaha 7i jihh an is now re ceiving regular western specials. This is a new and important feature in nowspa jkt business in Nebraska. Morton charges that the low price of potatoes in Nebraska is on account of the Republican party lcing in power. Poi-s he attribute the unprecedented yield to the same cau.-e ? Mr. Wilcox, agent of the Great West ern Telegraph Company, left for Chicago to-day, having secured a sufficient amount of stock here to insure the early comple tion of the line to Lincoln. Morton says his attention has been called to the card of John I. Kedick. in the Omaha lirju'Llinan. Morton does nnt attempt a reply, llcdick carries too many guns f r Sterling. Treasurer Hobbs leceived a large quan tity of fruit tree and shrubberyfiom lIiuTumton la-t Monday about s.'i.imi) worth which wa- all engaged at this place. Weeping Water, Ashland and Lincoln. Yefcpl;:y looked like the commence m . !it i t' a storm ; but this morning dawned bright and clear again. A few inre week-; of fine weather can le used to great advantage by farmers and rail road men. People are rapidly learning that lu;n Iki is sold cheaper in this city toni at any other point west of the Mi.-somi liver, hence the great ru-h of the pa t two months. It will Ik? sold stil' less as soon as tiain commence running through from Chicago, Captain Hannum, of the Steamer Klk ho'n, "skedaddled" from Omaha a few days since, with about $.'J.i.M in green backs ln-longing toother parties. leavitur numerous bill-, great and small, unpaid. The boat belon-ed to the T. V. II. Pi Co., and has been seized by the creditors of Capt. Hannum. P. M. Greene, tin- great auction mr.n of the West, has leen Sidling goods cheap to-day, and proposes to keep up bis sales to-morrow and Saturday. You can get poods at you own price of M; Greene, and he sells good articles. 0. There are now aliout twenty prisoners in that miserable place called a jail, in this city. Is it not aliout time Cass county built a good jail, where prisoners can Ik' kept with some degree of safety and health? A correspondent of the Omaha lL r says iron ore in large quantities, and in almost a pure state, has been found to exist ' .Jefferson county in thi State. This re i: ion ill oon be reached by the 15. A: M. It. . wot from Platt.-mouth. and we hope the statement of the lL r ul'l correspondent may prove correct. Mr. John O'KeitT, who hxs been a resident of this city since the commence ment of work upon the railrcad, lat f-pring, leaves o-day for Hamburg, Iowa, to take charge of the grading of that portion of the lied Oak switch which is to be built this fall. John 11. Boyle, of Davenport, has the contract. Tlie Grand Jury for this couniy was organized at 11 a. in. yesterday, and was discharged at noon to-day, after having found seven different indictments. j Prosecuting Attorney Cowin is entitled to the thanks of this community for the dispytch with which he enquires into ciiminal doings. It saves many dollars to the countv. 'iui Fri Iff Daily. The locomotive reached Main street this eveninc. John II. Sahler, Esq., has been iu the city several days attending Court. Mr. Thos. Poane, Chief Engineer of the B. M. B. B. in Nebraska, is expec ted home from California in a day or two. Mr. Woodman is getting a large amount of material over the river, for the construction of the railroad west. They are raising stock in Omaha for a hotel that is to cost $150,000. They have jsrumo already mboeribed, Tlie Statesman has received a lot of new printing material, and a new job press. It has, also, a new assistant ed itor, of tender age. Tlie Chronicle says the Governor has decided not to call an extra session, and the Statesman says he has not decided not to call an extra session. Time will tell which is the best posted. We notice the arrival of a large lot of stoves at Mr. Merk's new building. He will be ready to open in a few days, when his advertisement will appear in the Hkrai.i. Milier, of the Omaha JhralJ, says giving military orders isn't exactly his f, rte. That's singular, too ; considering the time he put in with the army selling sole-leather, pies and things. Tlie foundations for the II. II. Carpen ter's Shop was commenced to-day. The building is to be 30x100 feet. The ex cavation for the turn-table was comple ted yesterday. Tlie company arc push ing things as rapidly as rsib!e. Simpson, Miekelwait & Co. appear to think they can sell coal here at $11 per ton as soon as the railroad is completed from the east, which will be during the present month. Coal at that price is cheaper than wood. There is an average of about eight car loads of iron arrives daily for the B. & M. II. It. in Nebraska. This at 44 bars to the car load, would make nearly enough iron each day to lay half a mile of track. The 7mo7says "the Bail Boad inte rests of Omaha have gone into winter quarters they sleep." It is rather a bad time in the year tit go to sleep. We have heard it said there was always a tendency to sleep when one commenced to freeze but it is dangerous to allow sleep to overcome the faculties at such a time. We feel sorrv for Omaha. Th.i Pi-e.su says : "Praire fires have been raginir to the south and west of Nursery Hill. Mr. George A. Brown, I i . T. 'Yose, G eorge B. Masters, and Mr. Wink-ringer in the vicinity of Nur sery Hill have lost heavily by the fires. Tlie loss has lieou heavy south, along ""Muddy," both of hay and grain." Hon. J. Sterling Morton of the Xeicr, and wife, C-'lebratjil their Crystal wed ding the fifteenth anniversary of their married life Monday evening, at their reiilence in Nebraska City. Their nu merous friends in the city and vicinity were in attendance, and the occasion was one of great interest and pleasure. Mr. AY. W. Irish, who kerps a restau rant over Bloom Y. Co's clothing store, disappeared List Wednesday morning, about '.) o'clock, since which time noth ing has been heard of him. Any person knowing of his whereabouts will confer a favor upon his nfllicted wife by giving her information immediately. We hope our county Commissioners will see fit to have a complete statement of the financial condition of the county published when the settlement is made with the out going officers. Such a pub lication has never been made since we have resided in Cass county. The peo ple like to know how the public finances staii'l, and they have the right to know. Tlie only way they can get at it conve niently is to have a complete statement published. We understand that Messrs. Fox & Haley, the cr.ntiactors for doing the rock work on the railroad between this city a id Lin.-oln. h ivo th ? culverts about all done up as far as section IS. and are pro gressing rapidly leyond that point. Competent judges who have examined their work say they are doing the be.st job of stone work to le found in the west. They are heavy contractors, and take a ju-t pride iu allowing nothing but the very lest work to leave their hands. The Staff sawn of the th ult. says: s" Work has been resumed on the Lincoln cud of the B. & 31. B. B. It was sus Icnded the first mile from the Hep-ot grounds, northward, until the line could be changed. The new alignment having leeii made, a strong force of hands and teams are now engaged in making road bed. A few days of good weather will complete the section ; and that closes the work between Ashland and Lincoln." 'tttpi SftSitrtlu v D'lit'f. I. II. Wheeler, U. W. Wi? and Yannata of this city, were admitted to the bar bv Judire Lake this week. Chief Engineer Ioane, of theB. & M. B. 11. in Nebraska, arrived from San Francisco last evening, looking remarka bly well after his trip. Tlie railroad boat has leen ojerating at the head of the sand bar on the op ositc side of the river to-day, making a new landing. Would not this be a good loint at which to land our ferry ? We are of opinion it would In? nearer and better, and nij'di more convenient for people going to Glenwood, Pacific City and Council Bluffs. Col. A. C. Tiehnor arrived iu the city yesterday, from Lincoln. He informs us that Messrs. Smith & Wesson, the great pistol manufacturers, have purchased an interest in his salt works at Lincoln, and that they are now commencing the manu facture of salt on an extensive scale. They propose having a large quantity read- for shipment as soon as the first train arrives in Lincoln from Platts mouth. District Attorney, J. C. Cowin, 3 es tablishing a reputation as a prosecutor that might well be envied by many law yers of much greater experience. He had not failed in a single indictment made in this count-. Every one has held good, and every criminal has either plead guilty or been found gnilty upon trial His prosecution is not only effec tive but is carried on with the least pos sible delay or expense. No less than eight criminals were disposed of yester day, and every one of them eonvicted of the crime1? charged in the indictment. K. A. WIGOENHOR.V. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Ereryliody, and mort too, are going ta B. A. WIG-G-ENHORTT 8c Co., To buy their SJnrP3r3.T3.er ana js-ixxxxxmlox Goods AT THR NE-W YORK STORE- The largest and most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Are now en exhibition at the New York Store, at irreatly reduced price. We call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DELAINS. (ilNGHAMS. BROWN SHEETING. BLEACHED COTTONS. BALMORALS. CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds and price to suit our nitmerou customers. A large stock of GROCFRIES, IF ARDVVARE, QUEENSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS Ve hav.- a larsr" tot of the celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW, STUBBLE nd BREAKING PLOWS, od oil kind of CULTIVATORS- REAPERS. SEEOERS, HAY RAKES. 8cC Piattsmouth April 22d. 1869. E A. WIGoENHORN & CO. B. EOT. R. One door went of PLATTSMOUTH, HAS SME A LARGE STOCK OP Hry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES and Provisions. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR Kinds of Country Produce. Plattsmouth, NehruAa, August ;tli, IIaltsmouth9 JJTc Itavc an extensive general sioclc or Goods that tee are constantly as sorting uj9 whtfm. ice oiler to tlie pub lic at prices that we Icnoiv must give entire satisfaction. We purchase, the very best Goods at the head -f Mar ket and slriethj for cash, and are prepared to compete tcith the trade at any point on the Missouri river. STOVE AND TIN STORE. IE. T. DTTZECIE & CO., Wholesale and Iletail dealers inl Hardware and Agricultural Implements, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, . STEEL O3 31. O "W S Of all kicdj and sires, whith we warrant the best in the market. 0 Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice. Are exclusive Agents in this eonnty for the sale ot Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Give ns a call re will sot be undersoil Main (dreet, next door east of the Masonio Block, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA D. BCMXAS3E. R. STORE ! the Hrbald Office, - NEBRASKA, AT MSB RET JUL ALL Jolm Fitzgerald. l.SG'J. MISSOURI VALLEY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. -:o:- CAPITAL, - - -:o: GEISTTSRJL, OFFICE : No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. -:o:- BEAUOH St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, III., Memphis, -:o:- ALL POLICIES -:o: Dividend on the Securing the Qreatest Pecuniary :o: REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This a AVe.tf rn Company, manaced by Western men, whose known finniiancial charac ter, ability and position, afford ample guaranty for its careful and succesful management. 2d. IU Polices are all ion-forleItlii. 3d. Premium all cash. It receives no notes and cive none. Policy holders have no interest to pay, and no ouMandinp notes a lien? upon their policies, 4th. Dividend ani losses ore paid in cah. 5th. It injures at lower rates than any Eastern company. Cth. It rinks are iu the West, where the rate of mortality is lower and the rate of interest higher than in the East; hence the accumulation of dividends to the policy holder is greater than in any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction upon travel. 8th. Its dividends are made upon the contribution plan. 9th. Itubusiness is exclusively life insurance. Arc the accumulations of interest upon premiums paid, hence the Company that loans its assets at the highest rate of interest can give you the Unrest dividends. Eastern companies invest their moneys at 6 percent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cent, or more. The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder appears in the following startling figures: The amount of SI ., invested for fifty years at C per cent, compound 8 " 10 12 -:o:- OFFICERS : H. D. Mackay, President, E. Henseley, Vice-President, Geo. A. Moore, Secretary, E. W. Eaves, Treasurer, D. M. Swan, General Agent. J. L. Wever, Nl. D., Consulting Physician. EXECUTIYE COMMITTEE: H. D. Mackay. George R. Mines, E. Henseley, H. Edgerton, D. V. Eaves. This Company Injures any Ia.Nleni -:o:- AUDITOR OF TATE oKFICLJ TiPKKA. KasaS. February 3th. "So!". KNOW ALL MEN" 1JV THESE PRESENCE: That 1, A. Thom x. Auditor of the .State cf Kansas, do hereby t-ertily that the Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, organized and doing business under .he law of the State of Kansas and Missouri, has furnished the undersighed satisfactory evidence that it has invested One Hundred nnd Ui ity Thousand Dol lars its capita' iu United ftiiUes li'uv eminent Iionds. of t he uenoini nation of Five-Tweiil ics ..i-Jf) and i" e imssc-se.; of the nme. Aim' 1 '.o further cert by that said Company has set a;iai i Hue II un dred Thousand Dol!i oT n';J"l 'nl Suites iionds for the benefit of all roi.K v hoi.oki.-s . . ij tVimpauy: andiinul iiold id trust end on deposit for the benelit of said ioi- hohieis the .-e-i : v alxive meniiouet' nmi 1 iui satisfied that such securities are worth One Hundred Tiiou-j,i; l)oi': -lawful money o" ttie Cii.eu ijtatcs oi' America. In witness whee I have iiereunto subscribeil my name, and caused the -eal of my office to lie Seal o" An 1- di ied, the day and year above written. 1 itor of Siaie. A. TUOMAX. Auditor of .Slate of Kansas. CERTIFIC'ATK OF AIJTIIORITV TO DO IU'SINKSS. OKKirr OK Sl-pERlSTENnENT OF THE I.VSl RANrE IKPA HTM K5T OK MlSSnTTI. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED. Thai (tic Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, u Life As-su-rtiice Couio.mv. oianied under the laws oi" the State of Kansas, jrid its princip.il ottiee lo eatet! i'i ,'ae c'y Leave. iwoi .Ii. has complied wbu the requirements of the thirtieth. .h;,.y--; -i. thil ly-sectiiit! -.! i ". i!i' I c-iou, ih sections oi' an Act of I he tJenerjl As.-ei.iVv o- i'ie S.rf.e oi M-'-oiv e.i'-lcil "Aa c -or the iiHH,oralio.i and regulation of Life Assurau e Coi.i ,i- U'e.."" a .ii-oveu . I -e j )! .i I;. J ' o i,r is I lie sa' J reinreuirnts are appi icable . .ic e o. A .id J nv. sua jt .he . .i:- . v 'x Ii ee. o,i of aid Aci. (he -aid Missoui i Valley Li le Insnriiiice t o..i hmv i i iieie au.'io ,u hi m-iae-' is n Life AfUinnce Company wi bin the said Stale o.'M out .. ' M'iee. o '.if eveii'l p iiv'im i'nd ; ;.uii ements t..' the Act utoresaid. until thefirsl day i. i'co- ' l u.-,y. 'a the yeai o. of - t" e'hteeu iiiiutlred fnd seventy. I.i .e 'liionv whe'eo-. )- Vv.'.v Kino. undei-. .ned. Superintendent of the Insurance I-pnri- . S !' of Insninnce Dc- I laicii- o7 aid State of Missouri, have hereto ct my hand nnd ntli.ved J partiueDL of i?ta. e oi , m -eel u ottiee, ai la (. Missouri. J. JuU. a. i.lstii. cupenu-euueui oi tne -:(:- CK11TIFICATK OF AUTHORITY. (To expire on the 31st day of January. ls70.) I.XSI KANCE DKPA ItTll KNT. O I lrE OF S ' ATE Af OlTOir. Ll ii.n. Xebr:'-k:i. Amil 1. I V. ) Whf.hkasi. Abram B. Covalr. State Agent for the Missoui i Vidley Life Insurance Ctiuipanv, 'o eatel at Leavenworth. Kaustls, has filed in this ofiice a copy of ihe Act o. I ncto poration in . . . Company, and a si.iuiucul uuuti o.h. -howicir its conliio:i. i lequiietl bv .be h.'ili --eciton o- a law of the Slate of Nebra-ka. entitled " "Ail Act in lleletiou iu Ijsi ...hit Companie-.'" nppmved February l-th. 1S-M: approve! Fehruaiy lih. lStii: and whereas, sj-i Company has mmished the undersigned i-:Ki-factory evidence that it s iKis-e-ed of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of actual capital, invested in the stocks of at least par value, or iu bond or mortgages on real estate worth double the amount for which the same is mortgaged : anil whereas, i-aid OuniMiiv tie filet' in thi office a written instrument, underthe seal of the Company, signed by .he Pre it'eiu and Secrem' v there..." nuthoniug the said Abiam I!. Covalt to acknowledge sen-ice o" proee - .... 8U." iu bea?'f of T'd Company, com-entiiig t hat sei vice of process upon him .-halt oe iake.i i.id held to 'it as v'r as if served upon the Company, neconnir to the laws of .his S a c any other Stste. anil waiving nil claims of error by icason of such service: and whereas, Abtcui It. Com It has furnished satisfactory evidence that he the authorised Aaent of said Couipanv. Therefore be it known by these presents. thm ia pursuance of the aforesaid Act. i, John tldles pie, Autlitorof the State of Xeb':isk. do herc'iv certify that Abram 15. Covali. E-- i., has toil au-tho-'ty toaet as State Agent tor .lir td Missoui i!Vai Icy Life Insnnm-e Company, in I he State of Se briska. and to do and perform ail acts for and in behalf of said Company authorized by his ap pointment as such agent, and by the laws of this State, until the 31 t day of January, a. i. 170. in witness whereof. 1 have subscribed my name, and caused the Seal of the Auditor's oftiee to be lu. 8. affixed this 1st day of April, a. v. ISo'J. JOHX UILLESP1E, State Auditor. :o; GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. -:o: .1. IS. COTlET9 State tgent for Nebraska and Xorfliern Kansas! J MASHALIi. Agent. 1 r r iTTi'irir.ifpn E. B. LIVIKGST0N. Med. Exatainer, ) L1 1 1 SMUb 1 . - - $500,000.00 OFFICES: Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. KON-F RFEITIJNG. Contribution 11 an. Advantage to the Policy Holders- interest, is S 1M20.14 40,;hh.61 m.aio.s.-. 318.0t.05 at lower rates tliasa Coinpany. city ot !N. Luui-', lissonri. this 2";li day oi Signed!. WYI.LYS KINti. insurance jJepartiucnt ut tue Mate ot -Missouri. l 3 BLOOM& CO., if r TT5 VST READY-MADE V CL0TH1NGV ytlRNlSHING C00D-V Y BOYS" AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, Hats Sc Caps, Boots 8c Shoes, BLANKETS, RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. 31am Street, Second Door Bast of -Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb. BRANCH HOUSE: Broadvay, Council Bluffs, Iowa. OPlMAw DR. 11. II OT'CIXSKEY, i.;t: DENTIST Willlioiit Ir. IiviiiL'stoli's ofTii-e durinjr the last week in ei'fli month. All order left t 'ie Post office will be promptly aU-iid"d to l jub'Jt FURNITURE! Thos. W. Shryoclc, CABINET MAKER, And dealer in all kinds of Furniture and Chairs. Tiiii:i stkkeT, (near Main) Plattsmouth - - - Neb. Re pairim,; and Varnishinp neatly done. KiincraN nt tended at the shortest uo no.ll. e. A GOOD CHANCE GOOD BAIIGAIN Having completed the platting nnd leco.dins ot iny i J i K k s1 Addition n tlie I ity oi 1 l.nu moutli. 1 am now prepared to sell LOTS in tlie Addition nt reasonable rates, terms arc one hiili' cash dowj ; Ihe other halt payable it: one vear. rt ten per cent, interest per annum frn dale of purchase until paid. To beset uicil by i.iorti:iie on the property. S. DUKE. Donation to Churches. I will give to the following religious dci..- nations, vi. : In the I)aitit Church, lot V2 in Mock '27 : To the Vinzrcgational CIni'Cii. loi 'Jll in locki'; To the -Mi-iIioiii ( liurcli. lot 1 in 'dock I-; To the Catholic Church, lot ' i.i :)!ck T the Episcopal Chinch. lot 12 i.i 'dock l!: To the I'reshyterian ( hiiicli. loi 1 in docl.i To the t'bristian Chinch loi 12 i.i Mock o; i n the Lutheran Church loi 1 l :ock '2!: ill my Addition to the City m" Plnltsmotitli. upon l!ic lollowing conditions. v.: That they shall erect on said lots, as above doiialeil. P -ui.alilo iiuiiding tor puolic worsiiip. within live vcan tii. in this date : and. in case of failure oc it part of said Chinch or Churches to eomplv wiih ) iiovr en, Hi ion. then and in that ca i: the lot or lots shall revert to me. DUE Donation to Public Schools. I hereby donate for the u.-e of Public District S -hools. Lot In in lilm-k i. on the noilii ii !e .Main si reel, mid Lot lo in IMock 22. on the soii.h sii'e of Main street, in my audition lo the Cny oi i'laltsmoulii. DL'KE. 5,000 Acres of Land for Sale in this county. Also, Houses and Lois in tai city, ai low prices. Particular attention given to the buying and selling of real e-tatc. examining title, and pac ing taxes fyr noii-rcsidcutj. S. Ill KK. Real Es.u. e Agent, Lot for Ten Dollars. I will sell to parties ... -t. ous oi building an i imp:o in?, miy of the loi- io ilie -iilijoiucd li. : ii i,iv addition to Plat i-moiil h. at ten doll..: ;icr lot, under the followiui; condii ions, vi-.: The person piirchiiinx will lie required . liiiid on the ltd purch.i-ed a dwelling house oi he follow itr-' dimensions, to-wit: The house fo be not less than 1 iJ! leet. w ilii story no 'owr than S feel. The iVume ine-'i be good ni:i ti'"siani ial- house vcii -liin'.li-i: loiimlatioi i.'her of brick or stone. T'o i must ich kiii li n. of not i"s- I'uiiii I'".! '. Iwi.i iiii.-iiiusl . nu'ilcted on or 'x-T.-i - .'..mrip- IsTi). Vfil rive n hor.d fir a ti.-.-d m :!i i : who buys :. ..on lis iii; !ia"e is n i lea ad upon eoinpl in. v .i t!ic a'iovc con !i !'.. give a good an; -t.incitiit U arra.i.y Di e I. fck'ciioiHi Uiay be made from the accouijiany .ng li-t: . . . , . . Lots ." and S in block .1: Lot 8 in I.I.k k 4 : Lor i in block 1J: Lot f in block ls: Lot Yi ii lock 10: Lots -Z. U and 14 in block Ll : Lo. 8 ii '.ock2J: 1 o;s-j anl t i -i block:.".: Lt 5rn- 1 iu Mock It 5 in ' 1 ck Si- Lots 1:; hip'. U i blocks; Lots 4 and 7 in block M;; Lot. 2 ii- ,;mk S.DVKI'. '.i '; i.K.utb. .ni.';"if. Ofiice in Coit lloti . J. W. SHANNON'S FKED. SALH AND LIVEKY HTAIIJjFI, MAIN STUKET, PLATTSMOUTH. NKB. I am prepared toaccommodatethepablicwith ILjrtfH, (',rri-i0-. and A .Vi. 1 Ilxtrw, on short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will ruutH the stoam'ioat landing. audio all parts of the eily when desired. Mir-".'. CaptTo. LOUO & CO , Wholesale and retail dealer? in WINES AND T.IQUOItS Also a verj' choice selection of TOBACCO AXD CIGARS, Main afreet, sectmd door east of the Seymour House. Nebraska City. Neb. . Are just receiving a new Stock of Pennine ld IiourMiu direct from Uourbou county. Ky.. Lit tere. etc. myliw. J7& H. J. Streight, l.FAi.vns tv Fruits, Confectioneries, Toys NOTIONS, BOOKS. STATIONERY &C. Plattsmouth, Aug'-'iif. $20,000 WtiTolTProperty FOU SALE- Consisting of farms. with Umber aiUoinir.g.near Plattsmouth, property iu PlatU mouth. City, horses, cattle, wagons, etc. For further particular enquire of or address GEO. V. COLVIX.. angirtonnrlT Putttsuioutb, Xeb. mmmm HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER Is the only perfected am? scientifically prepared preparation of its kind ever offered to the publ?. and has no competitor in merit. By its use GRAY HAIR is soon RESTORES GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL restored to its original youthful color nnd bril liancy, which is so much admired by all. Persons whose hair is thin or falling COLOR, out will, by the use of ou PROMOTES Roncwer,soon sec its good jmn effects, as, by its tonic and t5 miilntlncr nrnnrrt!" tlin GROWTH!: hair elands will be incited AND IS A SPLENDID and the hair grow thick and strong again. In cases at Baldness it will creato a new growth unless the follicles are destroyed. It DRESSING. TRY ONE BOTTLE AND is cooling, and allays all itching and irritation of the scalp. Ittloes notstaiu the skin ns do dyes, bu makes the scalp white nnd . i nnrcctvn lilluixijlv;, tl.o l.ot anil ninst UP THE THIN economical preparation in ' the world, ns its effect last so much longer. Send for our Treatise on tho LOCKS! hair, free to all, by mail. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Madlclne. COOK, CODURN & CO. Gen'l Agents for North-"Western Statas, . 87 DEASS02H STBE2T, CHICAGO, ILL. A'th"i! IV u --ists of Plalfstnontii. ealMIie n. i "iiti.n of on r ens. nt.ier to the let t crs puhli.- hei :.clow of the woiidei ''ut Iticaey of llr. Huh-ieU' S'oinaeh Litter-. Ir. Itiib.n k's Se.indin.'ivian J.lood Pills. AVe have heen si-llinic theio incli eincs l.ni enoii'-h io l.n.n th.it Miy are reconi iiended io ami tha k t ho cert iucales of CU. e Piihli hcii are t' tie. Bead the following letter from yone of the oldest and moa, reliable proccry merchants ia the city of Davcnjiort. Friend Walton: Agreeably lo my promise to you when here, I write you, for publication if you nee proper, a true state ment of the good ef fects of Roback's Stomach Bitters upon myself. I had been troubled with indi gestion for a Ioii time, attended with sev ere headache, par ticularly altercating. when fortunately an old soldier friend came into the store and recommended mc to use Roback's Bit ters. I did so by tak inga small wine-g!as full just before eac meal, and to my grea joy I was relieved ai once, and am now well by their use. I would not be withou ; them at any price. 1 have not taken an: other medicine sinct commenced usin? the Bitters. And I can say with a clear conscience, try Ro back's Bi iters -thev will do all they ar. recommended to dr if taken accord i i: to directions. Yours truly, Frank II. Mill:- Of the firm of Beidebnck t Miilcr "Wholesale Grocers. Dave::p ; Iowa.