Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 11, 1869, Image 2

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THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1809.
Arrived in the City lat evening, from
Lincoln, and loft for Omaha this after
noon. He has been making a trip through
the southern part of the State, looking
up the wants of his constituents. Gen.
Thayer has proven an efficient man for
Nebraska in Washington. lie has bctn
always ready to labor for the benefit of
the people, and will Ion.? be reuieiubercd
by them lor his efforts in the develope
luent of our State.
The Omaha Herald 'learns that it is
contemplated by the Mason s of this State
to erect a magnificent Masonic Temple
in Omaha next year, and adds :
"It is designed that the Temple .shall
cost not less "than !? 1 .Vj. I 0. It will
stand four stories on its "pin.' and the
rough plan projects that it shall be 8 by
132 feet, with eight stores in t'ae first
story, and a grand lecture hall that shall
peat three thousand persons above.
'This Li a great project for Omaha.
It ought to be instantly begun. The
3Iasons of this State would reflect honor
upon their Order, and credit upon this
State and city, by erecting such a monu
ment to their work and enterprise.
Whenever it shall le fairly started we
bcseak for it the hearty and liberal co
operation in subscriptions to stock iu it
or every citizen."
It. A 19. II. It. It. AI HASH.
The B. & M. 11. 11. Co. have pun bas
ed grounds a little north of the C. 1. &
St. Joe IK'pot, in Council IJIuffs, for a
depot. So it seems the "Main Trunk,"
or "i'latts'mouth Branch." is to have
two points of termini. A railroad can
be too big for a small town or as Ar
teuius says, it is possible to have too
much of even as good a thing as hash.
Ilaa'F. A. White, E., of the Mid
land Pacific," got along with that iron
jet? Tic was to have arrived with it
last April, but we have heard nothiug
from him tinee midsummer. Our friend
of the Chronicle may think the B. & M.
Company is ,:hash," but they are ex
pending over $100,000 in cash in our
State every month, and have shown by
their worfes that thc3' arc no jxiprr outfit,
dependent upon the caprice of half a
dozen newspapers for an existence.
Whether this is the '"main track" or
"Plaifsniouth Branch" is of very little
conscrjucnee. The Company are build
ing their road here, th-y are building
machine shops, round, debts',
and all the accompaniments of a first
class road here. They have an organi
zation here, which represents and con
trols seven and a Jvilf millions of money,
and is composed of some of the most
successful liailroad men. in the world
Such names as Brooks, Thayer, Bartlett,
Woodman, Perkins, Forbes and Burn
bam are not likely to cause one who has
a just appreciation of men and works to
compare them to "hash.' We fully- un
derstand that Platkmiouth is not the only
point al which the B. fc M. Co. propose
to do business, but we also understand
that this is the main line of their great
through route be! ween the two oceans;
and we also understand, as does the
Chronicle, that they expect both Coun
cil Bluffs aud Nebraska City to be tribu
tary to this great through line; and in
order to make them so thoy wi1! establish
depots at these, as well as many other
TKiiits, and will, in all probability, run
cars from both points, via the Council
Bluffs and St. Joe Bond, to a connection
with their main line from this city. If.
thisfact is just reason for the Chronicle's
comparison, then we admit that the com
parison is just. If the Chronicle man
will take the trouble to examine the rec
ords he wiil find how much ' hash"
there is about this company; and he will
also find just where the terminus of thj
road is.
Tbe Brvidnr I -on ft Branch Letter
to JiKle Dent.
The followiug is the letter of the Presi
dent addressed to Judge Pent last sum
mer, wlule the latter was moving to se
cure the Conservative nomination for
Governor of Mississippi:
"L Branch. Aug. 1.
"Pear Ji:i.;f. : 1 am so 'thoroughly
satisfied in my own mind that the suc
cess of the so-called Conservative Bo
publicac party in Mississippi would re
sult in the defeat of what 1 believe to be
for the best interest of State and country,
that I have determined to say so to you
in writing. Of course I know or be
lieve that your intentions are good in ac
cepting the nomination from the Con
servative party. I would regret to see
you run for an office and be defeated by
my act, but as matters now look 1 must
throw the weight of my influence in fa
vor of the party opposed to you. I earn
estly hope that lefore the election there
will be such concessions on either side in
Mississippi as to unite all true supporters
of reconstruct iou in the State iu support
of one ticket"
Then follows a paragraph of a private
nature, aud the letter then concludes as
follows .
"I write this to you solely that vou i
may not ie umier any wrong impression i
ns to finat j. re:rara, or uiav Iiereatter re
gard, as a public dutv. Personal!;-, 1
wish you well, and would do all in my
Kwcr, proper to le done, to secure your
success : but, in public matters, iiersonal
feelings will uot influence me. With the
kindest regards, yours trulv,
"U. S. Grant."
Judge Pent writes to his friends that
iu several of his speeches he has quoted
the last paragraph of this letter, to show
the personal friendship between himself
ard the President, but that he has not
represented the President as desiring his
election ia the manner reported.
Knox claims to be the banner county
of Maine in the divorce line. The Cam
den Herald says t went y two knots were
untied and forty-four hearts made happy
at the last term of the Supreme Court,
held in Bockland last week.
A wag out west who read that dry cop
peras put in it bed of ants would cause
them to leave, put some in his mother-in-law's
bed to see if she wouldn't go.
He says she was there at last accounts.
. Lord Holland, who lived in the time o
William HI., used to treat horses to a
weekly concert in the stable, on the plea
that muie cheered their hearts and iui- !
.proved their teuijrs. '
Kot i ii M;iiiihiA iiaii.;
Tlic XVliolo .'ivMoui f Itallrornl Aim
ntnfoiini rllon v lib tiir Tf nlu
'Iruuk from aItUuoaitli.
A correspondent of the Omaha JTcralJ
snuffs the battle afar off, and makes a
statement which would have been hooted
at in Omaha one year ago. We remein
ler distinctly that little more than a year
ago the Omaha papers as.?rtcd defiantly
that the U. 1'. B. It. was the only rail
road that would leave the Missouri river
in Nebraska for the west during this ecu
tury. Now listen to the aforesaid cor
respondent :
The lest settled i-nrtion of the State
of Nebraska is in the southeast, and ex
tends westward farther and fuither as you
go southwest from Omaha.
St. Louis is pressing the Trunk railroad
into the southeast corner of w State to
get a grab of their business. St. Jo-eph
is crowding surveys, etc., to complete the
eastern portion of the Nemaha Valley
railroad from the Missouri river toward
Lincoln, to draw the same trade. Brown
ville has a hundred thousand dollars al
ready voted to any body who will push a
rai'road up the "Little Nemnha" to get
here mow. Nebra.-ka City has a road
graded to Lincoln, and is about to start a
road from the M idland I'acific railroad to
cut off the trade from roads running
southeast to the Missouri.
The B. & M. 11. B. are pushing their
line from I'laU.-inouth, up that river and
Salt Creek to Lincoln, and m xt year in
lend to tap the I'nion Pacific at Fort
Kearney. Lvery one of these roads are
being built by foreign capital, except
some bonds which the c; unifies have
voted to aid them, and the foreign capi
talists who are doing this are to wcim
lands enough from the State to pay for
the roads "and have the roads left for
profit. The two thousand acres per mile
granted by the State will more than pay
for building the roads. All of these
roads have one objective jMiint, which is
Thin .s an fix to connect with the Jlur
linftOit aud Miitsouri Hirer Hoil J'oml,
running west from Lincoln to Fort Kear
ney, and so connect with the I'nion Pacific-
railroad. All of these railroads will
le built, and when built will carry with
them a dense popuiatiou in one of the
most fertile countries iu the world, and
Omaha will have no connection with it,
1 and will not draw one dollar's worth of
i trade; and when the State lands are
used up to build these roads, Umaiia,
will, instead of being, as now, the first
town in the State, no better than four or
five others.
rnon niKMo.xT.
Another Rnllrond to be Itnilt.
B. M. Marshall, Esq., of this c"t
informed us on yesterday that John I.
IJtair had agreed with the people of
Fremont to begin at once the construc
tion of a railroad from Fremont to West
l'oiut, in the Klkhorn Valley, whenever
400 voters of Podge county would aeree
to vote for the issue of thelxnids which
that county proposes to give in aid of
the work.
On Saturday night three hundred and
seventy-nine voters had signed a;i agree
ment to that etieet, and Mr. Marshall
says the requisite number wiil be raised
by Monday morning. The work will
therefore be commenced at once, and at
least ten miles of the road will be built
before the first day of February. AY
pvblictii. Itoltl Home Thieves.
A couple of men tried open the stable
door of Mr. Netf, living in South Ne
braska, about daylight this morning,
and su'-ceeded in getting out his two
ponies. The noise in opening the d'Mtr
awakened a neihltor, who iravc the
alarm. The thieves were followed to '
the brush on the opposite side of the
creek, where they abandoned the ponies. !
A 6. Cifj ers. Int.
Iowa Vlic Figures Miill Cio I'p.
Offieitil returns from ninety one coun
ties in Iowa, show a majority for Gover
nor Merrill of 3,OI2. Four small coun
ties j'et to hear worn will increase the
majority to -J(M). The vote of Kos
suth countv stands :
For Merrill, 3o2
For Giilasty, 1
One wi'ie-awake, uiiterrified. Copper
head saved Gillaspy from a 'while wash'
in little Kossuth !
Since last Pecember one Frank Briggs
has been station agent at Craig, on tlie
St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Railroad.
Some two weeks ago he forged the signa
tures of a man and his wife to a deed for
land, and succeeded in obtaining some
t.N or $00 at )mah;i on th! drd.
He also obtained 2iNnr at Craig,
and on Friday night packed his baggage
and furniture into a wagon at Craig and
decamped. St. Josrjih Union.
An exploring party is reported in the
Kansas pajiers to have left .Junction City
a few days ago. to examine Solomon's
Fork and a route to Penver bj- that way.
One object of the exploration is to as
certain the value of the country as a
farming region, and when it is considered
that as much as three hundred Mjuare
miles of territory wiil Ite reported uikjii.
it must be seen that the event is one of
A young man connected with a New
Haven daily newspaper, who goes home
about, 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning, made
a mistake ou a recent morning and got
into the wrong door, which happened to
le unlocked, lie had M-arccly got in
when a rush was made for him from be
hind the door, a woman's night-dress
fluttered around him. and a jiair of
plump, soft arms glided around hts neck.
In another second his head was drawn
down, and a warm, melting, luscious kiss !
planhnl just below his mustache, w hile a !
soft, joyouous voice, which the young I
man recognized as that of his lovely nex; j
door neighbor, asked : "My darling hus-
band, why didn't you come earlier?"'
The shy young thing (we mean the re- :
porter) shrieked and lied.
At a Presbyterian installation in Kan
sas, the other day, the minister, who was
from Missouri, and who gave the right
hand of fellowship to him who was in
stalled, took occasion to say that he was
"from the home of the bushwhacker,"
ami his friend "lived iu the State of the
Jayhawkers. We bushwhacked you, and
you Jayhawked us." Therefore, "I
give you the right band of Christian fellow-hip.
lledeemed Missouri greets vic
torious Kansas."
Mr. Drake, who put down the first oil
well ia this country, and who at onetime
was worth a million, recently died in the
HXtrhoii-e. The first derrick and en
gine still stand over. the well, and are
very carefully preserved. A monument
is to be erected to his memory, which
will contain a room in which the engine
is to be placed.
Hilderbrand, the Missouri outlaw, who
has kiil.'d, nobody knows how many peo
ple, has written a letter to the papers,
i: which he piously say: '"Giud' has
turned away the bullettiiroed at my life,
an i I put my trnst in Him, and believe
the balance of my days will be spent
more happily."
nil Ezlrn Kcvtiou.
The Statesman rys the Governor has
not yet decided to call an extra session.
That join nal then proceeds to argue at
great length in lavor of such session, giv
ing as the only reason, the statement
that Nebraska should have a Peniten
tiary, and the last Legislature could not
agree to location and conseiuentiy failed
to make any appropriation for the erec
tion of this' institution. Now, the ses
sion he desires called will be composed
pretty "u" early of the same men, bringing
the sjime desires and prejudices that de
feated ihe measure last winter,and there
is no asstnance that a session called for
that express put pose will agree to either
the point or proposition.
It is apparent to everybody that the
Siate should and must have a Peniten
tiaiy. but it is questionable about calling
the same legislature in exira session,
for that purpose, that has just refused to
to make such provision. At the regular
session the matter can lie carried along,
if at all. with Other business without in
cut ring the expense of an entire session,
and it would seem advisable, if no other
impoiiant matters are pressinu, to let
i he matter go over, until the regular
We suspect the Statesman has another
objeet in view which it neglects to state,
viz: the rititieaiion of the ."ih amend
ment, uvd is laboring under the delusion
that it is of" vital importance for Nebras
ka to take immediate action iu the pre
mises. Now if it were necessary for our
h-gislaitire to take action at once, and
the fate of the amendment deiended uj
on such ae!iou we should favor tin extra
Mission at onec, but the amendment be
ing safe without our State, and the fact
that the next tegular session will le in
time, renders calling a session on that
ground a subject of questionable proprie
ty. There are many matters within the
Statu which demand early attention at
the bands of the legislature, and of a
sufficient number of sueh matters are
presented the people will not find fault
v. i h the expense incured. We trust the
Governor will weigh the matter well be
for calling an extra session, and do so only
when he i convinced that the public
weal imperatively demands it. Chronicle.
Immense IMseoverie of Mnrbte Be
nenth the I'Hjml t'pitnl.
Excavations and explorations of Pagan
Borne the buried citv which lies Ie
neath Christian Borne have for some
time been carried on under the personal
direction of the Pojie. The results of
these explorations have been of the h gh
est interest. The predecessor of the
present Pope Gregory XVI did no
little in the same direction. Puring the
time of Gregory, the monumental facade
of the Claudian Aqueduct was cleared
away from the rude works thrown up
against it in some ancient siege, and its
magnificent proportions were fully dis
closed. In the progress of this work a
Boman tomb was discovered beneath the
rubbish, erected to the memory of a
worthy and wealthy baker. Virgilius Eu
ryaces, and his wife. The tomb was
decorated with portrait statues and re
lievo illustrating the business which led
the deceased to fortune and honor. A
similar work is now in progress at the
Marcian Aqueduct, and the whole of its
monumental facade is to be cleared away
from the fortifications and sujterstruc
turcs of the middle ages, and the Mar
cian waters are to Tow, as old, to reresh
the iuhabitantsof the Eternal City. The
most valuable of all the discoveries made,
however, is that the ancient wharf of
the Fiinjxuium, where, buried beneath
the accumulated rubbish of more than a
thousand years, is an inexhaustible stock
of blocks of marble of the most costly
and rare qualities. The blocks already
taken out, some of which are of exceed
ing beauty, arc valued at over $-R)0,00 ;
and, as the deistt of these treasures is
said to c.ltend down the left bank of the
Tiber, from Aventine to the Church of
St. Paul beyond the walls, it is probable
that bis Holiness has there a store of
almost boundless wealth Among the
masses gotten out recently were a great
block of rose colored Oriental alabaster,
another o. povouazetto, several if if giallo
antico, and "fifteen pieces of African mar
ble, of which only two had hitherto been
known in Home. Thirteen pieces of
precious myrrha?, wb-cli the ancient Ro
mans prized above all ether stones, have
also been discovered.
How it Neemw to set Di tiult.
A Mr. Samuel Pcalstdy wa arrested
ij Philadelphia by a Watchman on sus
picion of lieing intoxicated. The Mayor
tic-sired to know Samuel's opinion of the
matter. lie narrated his experience
th unwise :
"Well, sir, I mount have Iteen drunk,
I ca ti' t protend to say for certain. The
fact is I've done so little that way, that
I'll lie blamed if I know when I am
drunk. I dare say that some of these
police gentlemen arc better judges than
I am, when it comes to that. But I will
tell you exactly what 1 did and how 1
felt, and if your honor concludes I was
drunk, why, I'll pay the line and say
nothing about it. You see I was troub
led with the wind, and took four giasM-s
of lavender brandy to start it. Soon af
ter 1 felt a buzzing in my cars, and then
the he-cups was troublesome, but that I
thought was wind coming off. Then it
seemed to me as I walked along the
street that an awning jKist or water plug
every now and then would jump right up
before me, as if they would head me off.
I waL a little mad at this, and struck one
or two of them with my knuckles, but
my fists got the worst of it.
"It seemed that all the gas lights had
faces, some grinning at me, and one that
stood before a hotel, and nodded as if it
was acquainted with me, then made a
sign towards the door, as much as to say,
V in, Sam. and get .something to drink,'
which 1 did. When 1 come out there
was the greatest to do that ever I saw. I
was sure there was an earthquake, lor
the houses and steeples were all stagger
ing about, and the street was just rocking
like a cradle. It was a sublime spectacle;
so 1 fetched up against a pump and held
on. while I took a good look at the mag
nitieeut scene. No panorama could
conic up to it ; houses, trees, fences, all
rearing and plunging like wild horM.-s.
The sight was worth a dollar and a half.
If 1 have to pay a fine, I don't care, for
I got the full value of my money."
Fkom Bitter Crefk. We were
pleased to moot Mr. .Savage of Califor
nia, yeierd:ij'. Mr. Savage brine' from
the mountains Mime of the finest seci-111011-
of jetrifaction ever discovered in
that eonntrr. lie has auion his collec
tions ievt'ral t)iccei of verj" large tones
which must have KMoiijred to mammoth
or wme animal equally as larjre. He has
also s;veral .jeciuien- of petrified wood
ami skeletons of different small animals
and reptiles. They worn picked up by
him on a piece of table land one mile
south of fitter Creek station on the
Union l'acifie, und two and a have miles
from Table l'ock. He also has in his
M)ssession a heterogenous mass of small
thells, of the bivalve order, and some
chunks of sae brush, all in a petrified
state. Mr. Savage informs us that the
higher level portion of these table rockf
are covered with material of thi- nature
sufficient to snpply a thousand different
museums with a thousand utfferent
cimens each. H'uU-fm.
The papers are again marrying Gen.
Pierce's estate lias grown $900,000
since his death in the newspapers.
Bismark will not permit his tenants to
work on Sundaj-.
Marshal Bazaine is reputed to bo the
wealthiest General in France.
Frei Douglass will lecture this winter
on "Our Couqosate Nationality."
Brigham Young's mothers-in-law
weigh four and a half tons or therea
bouts. Secretary' Fish is said to h ave apologized
to the Emperor of Brazil for the rudeness
of Minister Webb.
Queen Victoria intends to offer a prize
of one hundred riounds sterling to all
mothers who have twelve children.
Shutout the subject of the weather,
and you destroy half the world's conver
sation. A man in Bhode Island was scni to
jail for ten years for sleeping in church.
Nothiug was done with the clergyman.
Ben. Butler, Lester Wallack, Billy
Florence, and the great American blather
skite wear blue coats with brass buttons.
Ned Wright, the converted burglar,
prooses in joiilon,to open Heaven with
a "Gospel jimmy."
Isaltclla thinks of going into the nun
nery tusinessj away f rom the gayeties of
Paris, with Sister Patrocinio.
Gen. Jackson said: "I never fought
but one duel iu my life, and that was
when I popjted the question."
Semmes lectured recently in Richmond,
Va., before the Young Men's Christian
A New York conesimndent says that
all "the proprietors of the new European
tioiet on nun
the middle.
avenue part their hair in
To do the thing properly in New York
at a wedding, the bride must have eight
bridesmaids, and a hundred dollar poodle
beside the one she marries.
Secretary Fish is said to be preparing
to give one of the most splcnded enter
tainments ever given in the National
Brownlow has determined not to die
lest Andrew Johnson obtain his seat.
When the old fellow sets his head not to
do a thing, he generally succeeds in
making his resolution good.
A young Jewess, who recently disap
peared from San Francisco, now writes
that she ran away from her parents in
order to embrace the Roman Catholic
religion. Most girls run away to "em
brace" something less traditional.
In St. Joseph a number of festive
youths on Tuesday night, conveyed a
ni'inltcr of toml)-stones from a marble
yard across the street, and erected them
in solemn rows in front of a well-known
house of ill-f.tme, on Edmund street.
This was naughty : yet it was a tangible
criticism on the "Gates of Death."
Knthrr Hard.
John Hart, who stole a small piece of
halter strap out at Salem last spring, was
pursued by the Salem vigilant and cap
tured near Lawrence, Kansas. At the
recent sitting of the court in Topeka,
John was placed within the walls of a
certain establishment in that State, where
he will receive ample instruction, and
have lour years in which to learn an hon
orable trade.
This is rather hard on John, but not so
hard as it is on John Adams, whose
hoise was attached to one end of the
strap. Huh Herister.
i We have the satisfaction of announc
ing this week to oifr readers, that the
County Commissioners for Gage county
have made tin appropriation of live hun
dred dollars to aid in bearing the expen
ses of the survev from Teeumseh to some
point on the Uig iaie -upjoseu to oc
Beatrice. Our information is. that the
suiveving party will reach here in wie
month, or tacieabout. and that the line
will (hen be permanently established, de
poi grounds selected, etc. Our citizens
seem to feel a mom lively interest now
than was manifested a short time ago,
; and we have no doubt but Gage county
will distinguish herself tor liberality when
the proper time arrives. Beatrice
in rum.
An old tra pper, who crossed the West
ern plains thirty-five yeais ago, says
there was no grass at all, but only a few
sage bushes and caet:. Now there is a
thin soil formed over the sand and gravel,
and grass covers the entire surfae-e. And
it appears that this enriching process
pocs on faster and faster every year.
This is why so many pwtple have been
astonished at not finding any "Great
American Desert." and conclude that it
was onlv a myth. The truth is that it
did exist, but like many other things in
changing America, it has passed away.
Work at the Evans salt well has Iteen
suspended for a few days, until more
tubing, which has liecn telegraphed for,
eau amve. Ihe unit, at a depth ot 14
feet, struck a hard stratum, supposed.
from the general succession of rock, to
le the blue limestone which out-crops
eight miles soulh ; but the wind from the
bed fifty feet above ran in so fast that
the drill was choked, and as but little
progress could le made, it was deemed
better to suspend for tubing. Meantime,
the buildings will be prepared for winter
opera t ions. St a tcsnui n .
A local in the San Frncisco Chronicle
has attends! a Chinese theatrical per
lormanee in that city. Speaking of the
music : ''Imagine yourself in a boiler
manufactory when 400 men are putting
in rivets, a mammoth tin shop next door
ou one side and a forty-stamp quartz mill
upon the other, with a drunken chnri
ru. 7 party with OCX instruments in front,
4,0H) enraged cats on the roof, and a faint
idea will be conveyed of the performance
of a first-class Chinese baud of music "
The ghost that caused such an excite
ment lately at Virginia, Nevada, was
caused by the arrival home of a gentle
man in the early stage. On entering his
rcidence he found a neighbor had marie
a mistake and got iu bed with his wife.
The neighbor went home clothed iu his
shirt, which caused the sensation.
The accounts from the cane fields are
quite favorable, and all the plantere
are making preparations for grinding,
many having already commenced. The
crop, however, will not, it is thought,
much exceed that of last year. X. O.
Iniproved Farm and Tim
ber For Sale-
The farm is about 20 miles west from Plstts
tnouth. 2 miles west of Hoover's, on the State
road. 60 acre hns been in cultivation a log
house upon it. and plenty of stock water: it is
routhwest 14 of section 27. town 12, range 11160
acr. and eonnected with it is lot 7 and so u t h -east
of nouUieasX lA of section 20. name town:
find range, timber 5)0 and WM( aerea. makia
2S0 and H0-10-) acres. Alw. the northwest H of
northwest '4 of section 24. town. 70. run re X. in
Mills county, Iowa, due east from Plattsmouth.
and one mile from the rirer. henry tiniixr. For
terms address V. H. M.Lo3JOX.
ma,v2s. Qivnwood, Iowa.
Auction & Commission
South Side Main Street,
Between Third and Fourth. ' ; . i
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Rexalar nules Thursday! and Saturdays. la
Hide door galea every day and mighu
Liberal advances in cash made on ronsipn
menta. oct21dA-'tf
Main St, Plattsmouth, Neb.,
One door eat of tho Court House,
Dealers in Produce, Wines,
Our sjtot-k consist of the beet brands' of
Canned and Dried Fruits,
Buckets, Soap. Salt
and everything kept in a Grocery Store Kyery
article warranted ot the be:t quality. Tlieiiish
eft price paid in cah lor
Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs,
and all kinds of Farmer Produce.
Cash paid for Hides.
Mouses iuo ed. and (roods old by A net inn on
the shortest notice, by F. S. WHITE.
Platumoiith, July J9. 1J9.
0. A. DERBY & CO.,
Wholesale and Retail
&e.. &
Our motto is quick sales ami small profits.
North Side ITInin Slrccl.
(Between Seeond and Third)
PlntUmoiith, relirnkn.
Terms Otsl..
On the
WeepingT Water.
Good Wheat Wanted
Exchange of Flour for Wheat as usual.
Wheat received on Storage
with the privilege of the use of Fanning J1
late of Nebraska City Mills, has been employed
as miller, and sati.-t':i-tiou will be pivn.
oct7tf Proprietors.
Sheldon & Bayley,
Are in receipt of a larjrc lot of (Jroeeries and
from New York, which are offered at the lowest
price for cas.h, or in exchange for produce of all
Golden Syrup for $1 per gal
7 lbs. sugar for SI.
Call and see for yourself. octTtf
X. 1. BOND, C. W. ROSAX, J. H. B. ROSAX.
IX. J. BOND & CO.,
Flour, Grain Provisions, and
Canned Goods,
HIDES, WOOL, etc.,
Corner Pearl and Court Streets,
Council Bluffs .tcvca
Cor ITIaln and Second t9
Rkferfxcks. Kirrt National Bank. O.uoeil
Bluffs: Officer f Puscy. Banken, Council blutfs;
First National Bank, Omaha: Omaha National
Bank. Omaha : Rogers t-Co., Cheyenne: linuth
ton f- Bartholow. Br'an: Gilbert tf Field,
HCieasro. Bartholow, Lewis ,t Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Greater Inducements than Ever I
Queens and Glass Ware,
Feel confident that they can satisfy the closest
and most critical buyers in Excellence, Variety
of Stocks and Low Prices.
August 23. 1SG9. autfiitfj
Agents for Birdsall's Threshers, Buffalo Pitts Threshers,
Geiser Threshers.
New Yorker. Buckeye, John P. Manny'sCIImax.
PLOWS:-Industrial, Dixon, Grand Detour, Skin
ner, Iron Beam, Rod & Would Board Breaker.
Sulky Rakes, Revolving Hay Rakes.
Littie Giant Fan Kills,
Johnson s Corn GIic'Its,
tier's . .al!:in ; Corn P'o;.vs.
, . 0 van : runt Ero;ol Cast Seeder,
Buckeye Drill & Broad Cast Seeder.
Union Corn Planters.
Sorgo Cane Kills, Bells, &c.
Every Implement Warrented.
Plattsmouth, August -i'. lsrt'.).
Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals,
Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters,
Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds,
For medicinal purposes.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes and lve Stuffs,
Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys,
Glass and Putty, also,
Havinjr been eneaced in selling Dmy? and Groceries in this city for the post seven ye.-irs. we know
the wants ot the people in our line of trade, pnd are prepared wilIi a lare t"ck of Guodrf ot the
best quality to supply those wunu at very low prices.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. April 2d. lHftS.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Have removed their Lumber Yard to the corner of
And have on band and are receivine Lumber in suff.'-ient qnantics to IC11 alljorders, and at prioes
to suit purchasers. Ve hare also on hand and for sale at low lisures
50 Barrells of Cement, 250 Bushels Plastering Hair,
50 " Lime, tuo ' Csi
20 Barrells of n-clc; Tarlr.
We invite all to call and see ns at our new place o 1
riattiuouth. Nebraska, September 1.1869, dw
(Late of Doom. Ur. A' Co.,)
all kinds, Perfum erv. nnrl
TPS. -
T0.vnsTO.s:i '
TA II I. '- TO'S, a i
Furnished promptly und tirnllv nt the very
low e-t prices jos.-ihk-.
We Warrant Satisfaction.
MKKUES .t I!!M.,
Main street nenr Cth St., riatt.-inoiuli X, ,
. . X- a;.--.
3 1
1 w
Burlington Bridge Finished
Burlington & Missouri River
In connection with
Chicago Burlington & Quim
It A I I. no a 1S
Present to the I'ulilic the must dircrt sur. -., i
sate roii i o to ' '
Ohio, Illinois, Imliitiia. I'riinsi Iynn'iu ,. v., I
and Now Knh.n-1.
Passj-nrop. hi,yc ihcch.-n eoi the various rouf.i
cent'rmjr in ( hiciigo. 1 1,1 '
B'tffo;r Chrrl.r,? thru,,,,, f ( )tf llor
Rntc iiirariiiMv us low- ns hv other mud--
i'JJuy your ('ouii n Tii Lrtsnt
Ottumwa via Burlington
Pullmans rlouant Slffi.inK CHr- on hj k.
trains. ! i.- pi pl i
K. Tol ZAMV.
tJoii. Ticket iV Vfs'r A -it
. ;. JloitTM'f.
tien'l i'rrijjit Aft
s 1
Were sold in flic Year IhGS
U DtCiCt
sot o.e has n van faiu.d
ih rERritcT cjpkrai ir, or kvkrv
Charter Oak Stove
soi.n is
They Stand Unrivalled
For Simplicity of M? iMSCtncrit,
And for Cleanliocssio Cooki' S,
Thvij arc Home Jiiflilntitm?.
Jlanul'.H-tiircl in lli(; M'e-t. vud iidaj.t- 1 to
tlit v:in(s
Western and southern
J' K O I L V. .
Surely no Kotid Iiou-i (i. .c r i-.m iifTnrl to ,t
without oin-.
rOK fdll E LIT, ICIlKES-l
Excelsior Alanufaclurins;
f2 t-t;w x. mi in t., st. Louis. :;
sold mr
E- T- Duke &, Co.
Plat(itioulli, iel
Miy 27ihm7.
Henr3r Boeck,
Lounges, Tables, Safes,
Of all dcscriptioni! nn 1 at all prices.
iMetalic Burial Cases,
Of all eizes.
Rendy made, and sold clitap f.rfof-h.
With many thanks for past piitrotmce. I !nV,te
all to call and examine iny lure to k of r utj
ture aud Coffins. f i,iu-"tt.
Tootle, Hanna & Clark,
Gold and Silver Coin-
U.S. and other HiovU-
Dinftsdrarn on all parts of tbe T'r.ited Stat"
and Kurope. Keposits received, and special
tention given to collections.
Plattsmouth, Neb.