Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 28, 1869, Image 4

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She gjk brasha gtcraltl
Omaha w about knocking Faro iu the
head, now that Kcno Li dcaJ in that city,
f Junrtibr Major milliard !
It la 'oo mean thing' for Casa county
r ha ro $1UO,OOQ each month paid out
within her limits for the construction cf
h railroad.
'Jxxk out for the locomotive" from
this tame henceforward. It will be con
stantly "bobbing around" in I'lattsniouth
hearafter, and it w "not a bad tiling to
hare" in a town either.
Mr. Brown, of the Transfer Piesldcut'
informs us that forty car loads mor i of
construction material for the B. k M. in
Nebraska aJc now on the way across
The Iron being used by the li. k M.
ia Nebraska is manufactured by the Cam
bria Iron Com pan3, at Johnstown, Penn
aylrania. It is of the very beat Ameri
can manufacture.
Win. Stadelmann has removed his im
mense utock of clothing to his new bnil l
injr, two doors west from his old stand,
where he has fitted things up in "apple
pie order."
Mr. Philip Hart has just opened" a
large and well selected stock of clothing
at Stadelmann's old stand, which he
propows selling at lower prices than ever
offered in (his city. Call and look at his
Every School officer iu Cass county
hould have a copy of the Herald, as
official notices from the Superintendent
will appear in its columns from time to
time, and parties who do not take the
paper may be the loosers in consequence.
We know of two or three districts in the
County that have lost their appropriation
on account of not making the proper re
turns, although notified through the
Herald of the necessary action. The
School Board did not take the psper,
hence the loss to the district.
fm Mmvhiy'l Dull.
John G. Saxe is to give a public read
ing in Nebraska City on the 2Sth.
Geo, Boeck has sold his shop in this
rity, and has removed to Rock BluflV.
Mr. Harris, Jand Commissioner for
the B. & M. R. R. in Nebraska, is in
the city on business.
This has been ono of the windiest,
dirtiest, moat disagreeable days of the
T. B. Glenn, Esq. was in the city this
morning. He brings Mattering accounts
of business in Ashland.
A large number of workmen have
gone west to work on the road during
the past two days.
Policeman Bellows arrested a man
this afternoon for stealing a coat. He
ought to suffer if he will steal where
clothing is as cheap as our dealers sell at.
Counterfeit $2 greenbacks are in cir
cmlation in Nebraska City. They are
raid to be a bungling counterfeit, easily
The printers and the cigar makers
played a game of base ball at Nebraska
City last week. The printers came out
first best of course
The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch
Masons for Nebraska, met at Nebraska
City to-day. The G rand Lodge will com
mence ita session to-morrow.
A team backed off the railroad track
yesterday, near the railroad landing. No
damage done except breaking the wagon
Mr. John Tallon has charge of the
track laying on the B. & M. in Nebraska,
and will push the work as fast as the
road bed can bo made ready.
About ap, inch of snow fell in Rich
ardson county, in this State, on Monday
of last week. At the same time, in St.
Joseph, Mo., snow fell to the depth of
two inches.
Nearly two hundred hands have been
engaged on the work at Cedar Island,
seven miles west frm town ; and we
learn that they will have it ready for the
iron in a short time.
The rails used by the li, & M. in Ne
braska are said by judges to be of the
very best iron made next in quality to
teel rails and they are joined with the
celebrated "Fish joint," which is th
pride of all railroad men.
If the miserable sneak thief who visit
ed the Herald office wood pile during
Saturday and Sunday nights will come
back again he can find a stick that will
elevate the top of his stove several feet.
Try another pull at our wood pile, old
We were compelled to put a large
camber of papers, for subscribers in the
west part of town, in the post office Sat
urday, also to-day, in consequence of the
absense of one of our carriers. They will
be delivered all right again in a day or
The taking of the census in the city of
Lincoln, completed last week, thows a
population of 1200. Out of this number
there are thirty six lawyers. We pity
the other eleven hundred and sixty-four
unfortunates. Just think of it a law
yer to every thirty-two inhabitants, big
and little, old and young.
Mr. Tallon, tho gentleman who has
charge of the track laying, inform us
that he can put down a mile of track
ach day after everything is in readiness.
He will not, probably, lay more than a
nile or two of track Jiis week, and most
of that will be side tracks , etc, ready
ibr the reception of construction mate
rial In the meantime iron, tools, and
everything necessary for profitable and
Fpcedy work, will be brought over by the
President and distributed by the locomo
ye "American Ealc."
A large number of uim tubci Lave
been goin toward the routh part of
town to-day. Wc suppose them to be
pipe: to the K. R. water tank:.
An wc st.itcl a few days since, it the
intention of Mr. Woodman to pet ufii
cient material on this side of the river,
l)cfore it frtetes over, to complete the
first sixty miles of their rojul west. The
magnitude of thU work may be approxi
mated when we state that it takes an
average of about forty-five car loads of
material to every mile of road, that has
to be brought from the east hide of the
river. Thi for sixty tailed will re
quire tun hundred and seventy car loads
of material, or an average of nine car
loads a day for the next thirty day?.
From Tueidny't li!ly.
The Liucoln Juunud I.i in favor of an
extra Hci&iou of the Lejrslaturo.
Rev. J. J. Roberts arrived from Chi
cago last Saturday. The lunber for the
new M. E. Church will arrive next week.
White k Buttery have been making
substantial improvements on their busi
ness house.
We learn from Mr. Thiclson that work
will be commenced immediately on the
track from the C. B. k St. Joe R. R. to
the river bank opposite Nebraska City.
Mush ic j has been running all day.
A few more nights like last nijrht would
block the river. It is early in the season
to see ice in the river, and no fears of a
blockade yet are entertained.
We talked with an " old settler " this
morning, who had waited twelve years to
hear the locomotive in Plattsmonth. He
had the first "square look" at the animal
this morning.
E. T. Shamp has been added to the
police force instead of H. N. Orr, who
declined serving- Mr. Shauip and Mr.
Bellows are both experienced officers, and
roughs will find them always on the look
Just as we go to press we get the
Omaha mail for the first time since last
Friday, and from the I?ejAiblican we
learn that Gi n. Wm. Baumcr, of the
old First Nebraska, was buried in that
city last Sunday.
Plattsmouth came near being the
scene of a Railroad accident yesterday.
Some cars loaded with iron got loose on
the switch leading to the railroad land
ing, and were only prevented going into
the river by one of the cars beins;
thrown off the track. No damage done.
Mr. Thiclson, Chief Engineer of the
B. k. M. R. R., was in tho city for a
short time j-esterday. lie informs us
that the track will be completed to the
river bank opposite this city next week.
and that car.- will probably run through
some time next month.
We visited the 11. It. Landing this
morning, and saw near a hundred men
at work within the space of half a mile.
There were Transfer Men, Graders,
Track layers, Stone Masons, Engineers,
(civil and mechanical,) Laborers, Team
sters, all busy at their respective avoca
tions. It made things look lively.
3Iessrs. Finney k Adair passed through
the city to-day with seventy-two head of
beef cattle, which they purchased in this
county, and were driving to Omaha.
They were neaily all young cattle, and
look like they would taste pretty good.
In less than one month from date beef
cattle can be shipped direct from Platts
mouth to Chicago without change of
Mr. Sheldon, of the firm of Sheldon k
Bayley, of Factoryville, called cn the
Herald this morning, and informs us
that Factoryville is looking up as well as
Plattsmouth; that he hopes our article on
County roads will be aeted upon by
the County Commissioners, and that
they want 5,000 bushels of wheat at their
mill immeadiately. The Herald is pleas
ed to know that Facloryville has bright
prospects before her for she ha3 energe
tic men interested in her prosperity also
that our article on roads is endorsed by as
practical men as Sheldon k Bayley, and
hopes they will be able to purchase all the
wheat they want, and be able to pay the
fanner a good price therefor.
A man named John Wellinger who
came to this city, from Illinois, with Mr.
Kohrell, for whom he has worked at the
buti hering business ever t-incc, has not
lx?en seen since last Wedncday, and
fears are entertained that hc has com
mitted suicide. He has been having do
mestic difficulties, ami last Wednesday
he started off down the river bank.
Mr. Kohrell followed him dowu below
the ferry landing, where he found him
sittine by the Wiiter'.s edge, lie asked
Wellincer what he was going to do, and
he told him he had trouble uough, and
was tired of living, or words to that ef
fect Kohrell induced Wellinger to give
him a small butcher knife which he car
ried, and Kohrell then left him. He has
not been seen by any one who knew him
since that time. Whether he has com
mitted suicide or left for parts unknown
is not clear in the minds of those who
knew him best The "green eyed mon
ster" was at the bottom of his troubles.
From YTtdncidav' D'tily
The next State Fair Ls to be held at
The Teachers Institute for Nemaha
and Johnson counties eonimeiiced at
Brownvillc bust Monday.
J. II. Masters, of Otoe county, has
Chestnuts of his own raisin z ou Nebras
ka toil.
Treasure elect Wm L. Hobbs arrived
from the East this afternoon, where he
has been after fruit tre jand shrubbery.
The weather to-day has every appear
ance of "Indian Summer." Long may
she wave.
L. F. Johns;on Esq , has been making
valuable improvements on his residence
property, in tin ?omh part of th nty.
The ra'lroad culvert in the north tdge
of town wa- completed to-day. The Lo
comotive will be down to Main Street in
a short time, - -
Carpenter Tucker has built a very neat
jhop block south of the Platte Val
ley !Iou.-x where he will be pleased to
receive orders.
Dr. McClunkey L in the city for a few
dayf. Hu can put you in a new set of
j win hc .. j ncw
j A lively "mill" took place between a
couple of female women yesterday,
which required the interferen-je of
Policeman Shamp.
Mr. Wiggins, of Otoe county, has
eold over six tons of honey this season,
taken from his own bee hives. It bro't
2o centj a pound.
A pistol was accidentally discharged
in the hands of policeman Bellows this
afternoon. No damage done, except a
slight abrasion of the tkin on one hand.
The Mary McDonald passed up this
afternoon, leaving a quantity of freight
ou our levee. Among other tilings, we
noticed some very nice furniture for our
friend Evans.
The Brovrnxittv Advertiser has reached
its fourteenth volume. The Advertiser
is a sound paper and has no superior in
the State in point of mechanical appear
ance. The Cass County District Court will
commence its session next Monday.
There is a very full docket, both criminal
and civil. We predict that Judge Lake
will hurry the lawyers somewhat.
Mr. Thos. Ilallowell jas the contract
for doing the brick work ou the Rail
Road buildings. lie has purchased the
entire amount of brick owned by the
Messrs. Lazendy, and has commenced
haulin&r thorn
We understand a well defined article
of petrified Oyster was found in the body
of a large rock quarried near the mouth
of the Platte, on the railroad. It is now
in the possession of Mr. Lunt, Division
. D. Ferrer, Esq., an employee in
the Herald office during the past sea
son, left for Iowa City to-day, whore he
will probably remain several months.
Ferree is a true man, and we hope he
may succeed in whatever avocation he
may choose.
In another column will be seen an ar
ticle headed "State Horticultural So
ciety," wherein the desire is expressed
that specimens of fruit may be sent to
the Secretary, Col. R. W. Furnas, at
Brownville. to I e forwarded t the Ag
ricultural Department at Washington.
We hope Mr. Walker and other fruit
growers of Cass will forward specimens.
We believe Cass can beat the State.
Will she make an effort ?
We wore shown, this morning, a speci
men of black powder, found on the rail
load west from here, which very much
resembles stove polish, as found in the
stores. By wetting and rubbing, it gave
a very fine polish. Will somebody tell
us what it is ? The gentleman who had
this specimen also informs us that a
very solid article of black slate is found
on section thirteen, which indicates coal
in close proximity.
justice's court J. o'neill.
Oct. 25. Roger Moghan was brought
before Justice O'Neill on charge of rob
bing John Confare. Complainant being
unable to furnish sufficient proof, tho
matter was compromised by defendant's
paying $7.00 cost.
October 27 Mrs. Michael Cochn vs.
Mrs. Rennet; charge, assault and bat
tery. Mrs. Bonnet was assessed $1 00
and costs and ordered to leave the prem
ises where she resided with the plaintiff,
in two days.
recorder's court.
James Brady drunk and disorderly
fine and costs, $12.50, committed in de
fault of payment
Michael McCarty drunk fine and
costs, $11, which was paid and the pris
oner discharged.
Thomas Smith drunk fine and costs
$11, which was paid and the prisoner
Samuel Ruby arrested for fighting
fine aud costs, $21; in default of pay
ment prisoner was committed to jail, sub
ject to work on the streets.
Harry Harding was brought before
Recorder Wells, plead guilty to the
charge of drunkenness, and in default of
costs and fine amounting to $12, was
sent up to work on the streets.
Thomas McGraw plead guilty to the
charge of drunkenness, and paid $12.
James Donley plead guilty to the
charge of drunkenness, aud in default of
12 was sent up to work out his fine.
Oct 25. John Grinnin was brought
before Recorder Wells on charge of
drunkenness, and in default of $13.00
was sent up to work on the strests.
Michml Shady, for second offence, was
brought to grief for being found drunk
on the streets, and in default of $12.00
was sent up to work out the amount
John Kelly pl?ad guilty to drunken
ness and was sent up to work out fine
and cost to the amount of 12.00.
Mike Hardiman plead guiity to drunk
enness and in default of 12.00 was sent
Oct 2G. Roger Moghan was arraigned
before the Recorder and plead guilty to
the crime of drunkenness, and not hatt
ing $11.50 about him was sent ap to
work out the amount on the streets.
This is the same man w ho was up yester
day for parroting, and discharged for
want of evidence.
A Round House.
3racliine Shop and Carpenter Shop are
to te erected by the JL Ii. Company yet
this fall. They will be pushed as rapidly
A3 possible. They are to be erected on
the railroad grounds ssoutli of Main
Krect and of S-.ri'l vrt.
Operations commenced last nigh!
Under the head of Court Proceedings
will be found the case of Roger Moghan,
chargtnl with robbery, tv herein a com
promise was effected by the prisoner
paying the costs and the prosecuting
witness refusing to prosecute. The
particulars of this affair we learn from
policeman Bellows to be as follows :-
The complainant, John Con fare, says he
was garroted and robled last evening,
in the rear of the Second Street Keno
room, by four men, the man Moghan
being one of the four. He had a long
slit in his pantaloons, penetrating the
pocket, which lie says was made by the
garrotere, and through which they ex
tracted his pocket book. He entered
complaint before Justice O'Ncil, and
Roger Moghan was arrested by police
man Bellows. At the time of the arrest
Confare did not appear to have a shadow
of doubt about Moghan being one of the
parties (tho others could not be fouud);
but when brought before Justice O'Neil
this morning he was not positive that
Moghan was one of the party. Mojjhan
appeared very willing to pay the costs,
and the matter was dropped. It is the
opinion of some that the prosecuting
witness was "bought off."
Mayor VTleeIer Orders all Hrno
ItooinH Closed end all Participant
A few days since we published an ar
ticle from the Omaha Republican rela
tive to the closing up of the Keno rooms
in that city, and remarked that the evij
effects of the game as there portrayed
would apply as well in this city as in
Omaha. We are glad to note that
Mayor Wheeler has become convinced
that the good oi our city demands the
closing up of these establishments here,
and that he has acted so promptly.
There has been one, and part of the time
two, of these schools for gambling open
iu this city, for the past two months, aud
many men that have never before been
known to participate in such things have
been almost constant visitors of these
rooms, and some of them to the neglect
of dut5' as business men and to the detri
ment of their families. We are no stick
ler fbr what is often termed (by the ig
norant or malicious) Puritanic ideas in
regard to morals, but we are opposed to
any and all institutions which create an
appetite for games of chanc, and arc
pleased to know that the power of the
law has been brought to bear to crush
out these Keno Establishments in Platts
mouth. The f jllowing is the official or
der cf Mayor Wheeler, which was placed
iu the hands of Marshal Murphy this
morning :
Mayor's Office
Offick, 1
mouth, Neb.
r, 20th. 1S69. j
City of Plattsmou
To the City Marshall, Deputy Marshall.
or Policemen of said eity.
Ye n will close ail "Keno" Houses iu
this city, and if found playing the game
after your notification to close their houses
you will arrest all persons fouud engaged
iu the game cither as players or specta
tors, and take them before the City Re
corder or some Magistrate, to be dealt
with according to law.
Witness mv hand and seal.
l. s. D.'II. WHEELER, Mayor.
The execution of the above order has
been entrusted to policeman Bellows, and
you will no longer hear the exultant
"Ke:o" in Plattsmouth.
TCnrlilnery Here and BuiUllus Com-iiie-nte'.l.
Thii transfer boat bwijt'ht :i quantity
of niachiiiery yesterday to be put into
the II. II. Co's machine shops in this
city, and the foundation.- for the building
were commenced to-day, on the site of
Simpson, MicLclwait k Co.'s old lumber
yard, south of Main street. The first
building erected will be about 115 feet
in length. Others will be built as needed
This glorious old bird was heard to
scream last Saturday evening, about
four o'clock, while crossing the Missouri
lliver at this place, and her noise soon
attracted a large crowd of spectators to
witness her fir.t advent into the State of
Nebraska, where she will take up a per
manent abode. We do not refer to the
bird of national renown, but to the more
substantial and less mythical "American
Eagle" Locomotive for tho li. k M. R.
R. R. in Nebraska, which arrived at the
time above stated under the charge of
engineer W. W. Iloit, who accompanied
her from Michigan City, and who will
remain in charge of her here. She was
purchased from the Michigan Central
road, where she has been in use for a
short time. She is a noble specimen
a regular pa.enger engine a much bet
ter machine than is usually put at con
struction work. She will hereafter be
heard every day in Plattsmouth.
Kail Road ItullIin-N.
We learn from Mr. Christiauson, Mas
ter Mechanic of the Railroad works, that
the dimensions of the buildings to be
erected by the company this fall are as
follows: Machine shop, 113 feet by 40
feet, containing two engine pits ; black
smith shop, 42x2G feet; carpenter's shop.
100x30 feet ; round-house, radius of
100 feet of which four stalls will be
built this fall, and probably ten more
added as they are required. Mr. Christ
iansoa informs us that it is their inten
tion to have facilities f r doing all work
neeessary in the construction and opera
tion of the road, except the niaimfaeture
of the engines. IT II MAKHITS.
Wheat Market much more brisk
than during the week previous ; demand
heavy and supply comparatively weak,
good choice wheat commanding much
better prices than during the last two
weeks , G03;6oc for good wheat ; prime
No. 1 sold at 70e ; fair at 50(.60 ; ordi
nary at 4045c
Oats Market not quite so brisk, but
prices firm at r0(32c.
Corn Old at 5560c for prime, and
30(,35e for new
Baelev Market gradually falling ;
very little offered ; choice at 75(j.80c
Onions Commanding letter figures;
demand iu eastern markets far- greater ;
HVT '.V ,f I 1l.-b. ,.
Good story and half frame residence
for sale, containing six rooms, on corner
of Locust and Seventh streets. Impure
of Maxwell k Chapman. oct2Ctf
Two story brick Blacksmith Shop,
with 40 by H0 feet of ground, for sale,
fronting on Fifth and Vine streets. In
quire of Maxwell Si Chapman. oc2Ctf
Don't forget that Wm. Stadelmann
has removed his immense stock of Cloth
ing, Gent' Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Boots Shoes, etc., to next door
west from his old stand, where he will
be pleased to see all his old friends and
customers, and where he eau accommo
date all the new customers that sec fit to
give him their patronage. He also keeps
piece goods for sale, or can have theui
made to order without leaving tho house,
as he keeps several first class workmen
constantly employed. oct2diwtf
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to us either by Note or Account
will please call and settle iuiedjately.
Vallerys Si Ruffner are now receiving
the largest assortment of Boots and
Shoes ever brought to this market. Call
aud examine them. Nothing charged
for showing goods.
Vallerys k Kuffher are just in receipt
of a large stock of Dry Goods.
Vallerys & lluffner have just received
a few more Kirby Reapers on which they
will give good time.
Bacon and Lard for which" we will give
the highest market price.
n a
Vallerys k Ruffner are agents for the
Schuttler Wagons which they are selling
at reduced prices.
Va'lerys & Ruffner arcagents for the
G rover k Baker sewing machines, the
best in market. Call and sec them.
At the residence of the bride's father, in Glen-
dale Precinct, t.'ass county, on Sunday. October
iitth,- Mr. Bkxj. Ward and Miss Gillie S
If vou want cheap clothinjr, or anything in
that line, call at Wm. Stadei.mans.
$1200 and H Expenses Paid.
Soc advertisement of American Shuttle Sew ins
Machine in oar advertising columns. ly
Pay Up.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
me will please call and pay up immediately. A
word to the wife, eto.
C. E. Forgt.
All persons indebted to the undersigned arc
requested to call at her residence, eighteen miles
went of riatUniouth, and settle the same imme
diately. uug.-,if. ROSE ANN PECKER.
John IJurnj, formerly of Baltimore, has
openod an Oyster Depot, attached to his saloon
on Second street, south of tho bridge, where
his customers can Ond Oytters in every style.
The American Knitting Machine will grind
out a pair of stockings in thirty minutes. Call
and sec it at ClarW ic Plumuier's.
septlSdtf R. 11 EIS. EL. Ag't-S
-- . .
If At! Parties Indebted to Us
Will call and settle tho sumo, they will save
themselves both estra trouble and expense, for
we must have all accounts and notes due us
paid, f.ud that immediately, us we are .oing
E.'.Jt and must have th money.
September 21. lt?J.
Jut Received,
The largest stock of tho latest style of Clothing.
I'uruishinjr Goods. Hats, (Japs, lioots. Shoes,
etc., that was ever brought west of the ilississ
sippi river. The prices are lower than before
the war. Call and examine before purchasing
elsewhere. AVM. STADELMANN.
Oct. 7th w3
Mrs. Kate Simpson has the agency of the above
celebrated instruments. Any person desirous of
obtaining a first class Organ or Mulodeon with
nil the latest improvements such as vox jubi
lanti, &c are requested to call at her residence
and get circular.
Plattsmouth Aug. Q'Uf.
Acting in obedience to Sec. 80 of School Law
of Nebraska, I hereby announce that a Public
Examination will be held on the first Saturday
iu November, lSo?, at the School House in
rinttamouth. Said Examination to commence
at IO o'clock a. m. All persons interested in
educational matters are invited.
W. A. PATTEPSOX. Co. Supt.
Public Instruction.
IXR SALE Three acres of land adjoining
. tho city of Plattsmouth. Must be sold
soon. Apply to
IOR SALE. Seventy-five Lots in the City of
Plattsmouth. Applv to
Oct.Tdtf. fePL'KLuCK i WINDHAM.
trOR SALE. Two lots in GleuwooJ. Cheap.
I1 tseptSj S. DUKE.
IT'OR SALE A half section of Land, lying in
. si I miles of Plattsmouth. Tho years time
Ifiven on half the purchase money. Applv to
IOR SALE. 8 acres of land adjoining
a i laiismoum. enquire ot
I TOR SALE. The southwest quarter of section
11. township 12 north, raugo 12 eitFt. En
quire of septSJ S. DUKE.
OO H ACRES of LAND to trade for TOWN
O U LOTS. AppI v to
OcL 7 dtf.
I7OR SALE OR RENT The property be
. lonicing to D. Marquett will be sold or
rentel ou reasonable terms. The house con
tains 6 room. There is also a largecistern with
filter, a cellar, a Stable, and otherconveniences.
Apply to T.M. MAKQUJiTT.
I70R SALE. A Farm situated a mile and a
hfilf south of Eieht Mile Grove, fenced and
,0 acren broke,
For parrieulnrs appty to
I. "'OR SALE. A Farm containing 330 acres,
situated four miles from Plattsmouth, all
fenced, and 200 acres under cultivation,
T0R SALE. A Farm of four hundred acres,
L well watered, and situated 2'i miles from
IX)R SALE. An iaiprored Farm, situated 4 V
. miies from the city of Plattsmouth. Fci
particulars apply to
17H3R SALE. A Farm containing l'stj acres,
? situated 5V miles from Plattsmouth. aud
acres brokou. fenced, aud a. atory-aad-a-balf
iine house,
IOR SLAE Lots in Pl.itt-mouth:
Lots" and 8 in black 37.
We t half lot 5 iu block 34.
Loil2 io block ."U.
Lot 5 in l-loek Is.
Lots 3 and 4 in block 29.
Lot in block
Lot I 'iK k IS.
111,;:. .I'l'Kl.o' K.'. WINDHAM.
XX r A N T K I A pn-ehn-er f..r a farm li
ft tiuriins li'O ncros. itu:AU' i 5 imlos from
I'ricc S-'O urr ai re AppiT
"rANTKl A pnrch:icr for six aero. of
tf land a'ljoininir I'lHttsiarnith. Apply to
"lirANTED A purvli.wr for fifteen ncros of
Tt land ailj-iininn I'ljitt-niiiuth. .Apply to
"I IT" ANTED A pnn-hmor for 'a KcsiJncc
f t with two a -re? of latvl :ip1 inirirnvoTiirnts.
Apply to
A 1 LASTED 50.00H
Iiushi-ls Wheat. lO.fKO
1 1 liu.hc ls Oat.
For uhi'-U the hiaht-.-: uiiir-
tet pru-o will bo paid in cih.
aur-'titf. RUSSET, .t DOOM.
Platte Vam.kv Lodgk Xo. 5. Regular
meeting rvory Thursday evening. Visiting
brothers always wci' oine.
1". M. !(RKINtiTUN R. S.
J. N. WISE. V. P.
Pf-ATTSMOfTlI LoDf.E No. A. F. A" A. M.
Recular in tliiiKS at their hall on the tirst and
third evenings of each month. Trans
ient brctliern invited to visit.
J. X. Wise. Ser.
M.vcoy I.n-.;E L". D. A. F. A- A. M. RrpruUr
meetings Fecund mid fourth Kridavs of each
month at Masonic Hall. J. . WISE, W. M.
Wm. Wintkhstink. See.
NkBUASkA C'maptkk No. ;l R. A. M. Regular
con vocations secoud and fourth Tuesday eve
nings of each month at 7 ! o'clock p. in.
"E. T. I)( KE, If. P.
Kastkrn St a RDrtjnRBl.opcK. Regular meet
ings of the Family are held on Wednesday eve
ning, on or before the full moon of each month.
All Master Ma.ons. their wive. sisters and
daughters are invited to attend. Unmarried la
dies must bo over eighteen years of no.
D. II. WHEELER. Patron.
Mrs. C. A. Pckk. Patroness.
J..K..JAJSK. Ricor lor.
I. O. O. F.
Regular nicotines of Platte Lodge. No. 7. I. O.
0. F. every Saturday eveninK. Ur.ithers of oth
er Lodges cordially invit.'.l to visit.
1'. M. DoR KINGTON, N". G.
i. o. ;. t.
Olive Branth, Xo.2 V. V. Leonard. W. C.T.:
J. V. Lewis, W. S.: W. Dallas Ferree. Lodge
Ieputy. Meets at Court House Hall every
Tue.aiay evening. Traveling Templars respect
fully invited.
Excki.sioh Hehrkk Lonc.E, No. 1. FJ. B.
Lewis, I. T.; 1". E. White, 1. ,S. Meets at Court
House Hall on the first and third Saturday even
ings of each month.
Stab of Hope Lupcr No. S. o. J. l:ivis, W.
C. T.: Andww Coleman, W. S. .Meets at Mt.
Pleasant every Saturday cvenii,g.
Faikvirw Lohgk, No. 11. J. J. Chandler,
W. C. T.: Win. J. Hesser. W. S.; S. W. Caikia,
Lodge Deputy. Meets every Wednesday even
US. Traveling T' mplars r-aspectfully invited.
Tiirek Grove Lodgk. No. .4. Amos Griffith,
WW. T.:Jas. Allison. W. S.: C. II. Winslow.
Lodge Dcniity. Meets every Saturday evening.
Traveling Templars are respectfully invited to
meet with us.
St. Luke's i'ariaSi
Monthly meetings 'of the Vestry 1st Friday
evening of each month, at the Rectory; Quartcly
meetings of Vestry 1st Mondays of May, August,
November and February.
II. Sr. GEO. YOUNG. Rector.
Wm. I.. Wkli.s. Clerk.
T. 51. M.iElQUKTT,
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chan
eery. I'lattsiuou Hi. Nebraska.
51 lXWt:LI, & CIIAI3IAi,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solicitors in
Chancery, l'lattsiuouth, Nebraska. Office over
White A Buttery's Drug Store. aprl.
ii. s, JEXXi(;ji,
ATTORNEY AT LAW and General Land
.Agent. Liucoiu. Nebraska. Will practice in. my
of the Courts of the Slate, nn l will buy and sell
Real Estate ou commission, pay Taxes, examine
Titles. Ac. ijiovstf.
Having permanently located at Weeping Wa
ter Fells, tenders his professional services to th
citizens of C.iss county. Nebraska. i.iaiiT'G'ilf.
V. II. SCIllI.mvSKCIlT, 31. K.,
Having permanently located here, tenders his
professional services to the people of llie city
and surrounding country. 't"0!iice at his resi
Jcnce. one ir.:lesouth of Nwn. septs iwtf.
IC. R. l.IVIXiSTO.V, sr. .,
profcssionnl services to the citi'.cns of Caus"oun
ty. Bcsidenccsoathcast corner of i ak and Sixth
street.-: office on Main street, opposite Court
House. IMattsmouth. Nebraska.
J. XV. tf AVYI.IXP, M. W..
PHYSICIAN AND SURGE' N late a Sur-g-oii-in-Cliicf
cf the Army c f the Potomac.
Plattsmouth. Ncbra-kii. UCiee vri'h Dr. R. R.
Living.-!!. n. on Main c'rei f . oep"siie the Court
Housi. Private lc-ideiice corner of Rock and
Urn streets, two doors south of P. P. Gass'.
Sir. RTliiMJ. t;ORi:TS,
PHYSICIAN v SL"liii;;OX Iiavins located
at Weeping Water Tails, will attend promptly
to ail professional calls, l,otu day an I niftiit.
O. II. VilKF.I.F.R. I.. I). r-KXXETT.
E. CI. VfIEF.2.i:iS ii. IO,
Ileal ICoate tind Tax Paying Ajren'.s, Notaries
Public, Kire and Life Insurance Aseuis, 1'intis
uiouth. Nebraska. - jeli-ltt"
Pl.iTTSMOUTJl .T3Il.r.
C. HEISEL. Proprietor. Having reernt'.y brr-n
repaired and placed in thorimti ruii'iiri-order.
Custom work done on short not ice. 1!'D.(b) liush
els of Wheat wanted immediately, for v. hieh the
highest market price will be paid. LaugStf.
city siorr.i..
.f. E. Holland. Proprietor, corner of Main and
Third streets. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, Uavins
been refitted and newly famished offers first
class accommodations. Uoard by tiie week or
day. at:g:;lnwtf.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Plattsmouth. Neb.
ATTORNEY AT LAV,'. Plattsmouth. Neb.
Will buy and se!l Ileal K-tate. and pay taxes. for
non-residents. Improved and unimproved lands
mil lots for sale. tjune2"lis.
to do work in good style, on short notice, and
as cheap as the cheapest. Hi' Shop, corner of
Main and Fourth streets. j.iug'Udtf.
m. I. tl( iii:ic,
wo-k in his line on siiort notice and in the best
style. Contracts for building made on reasona
ble terms. Shop one block south of Platte Val
ley House. july22tf
work in their line on short notice. ill take
contracts. lar?e and Small, and furnish material
when desired. j"Shop ou Main street, oppo
ite M. E. Church.
General Life. Accident. Fire. Inland and Trans
Insurance Agent. Wi'l takerisks at reason
able rates in tho most reliable Companies in the
United States. Office opposite the Court House,
latts mouth. Neb. mayLltf.
pi a n:o s,
O KG AtVS. .72 KI,0 D E O IV S !
I am Agent for the best Musical Instruments
made. Persons wishing to buy Pianos. Cabinet,
Metropolitan or Portable Organs, or Melodeons
can purchase through my Agency on ad liberal
terms as they can from the maufacturers them
selves. Al lanruments tally warranted.
aprltf. J. N. WISE.
Real Estate Office
Homested Directory.
Government Lands selectee! from personal ex
amination. Free Homesteads selecteeted. sur
veyed and secured. Lauds in second hand and
improved farms bought and sola. Titles exam
ined and Coveyance made.
Rkfkre.nck: John I. Turner. late Pres't J.
4 C. U. R. R.: Lee County National Bank. Dix
on, 111.: Rob't Harris. Sup"t C. li. A" y. R. R.;
Any Ranker in Whiteside county. HI.; Register
and Receiver of Land Office. Lincoln. nll'liK.
Ileal :li,Cmfir( andlLcoiiomv
Three reasons for boarding with
Two blocks northwest of brick School House.
Hc has a BATH HOUSE, free to pntrons
rooins arc ri il cnMlotc t. nni his rir
::r- rr.t- j
on Main street, opposite Court House,
PLAITS M 4 IIT 11, 7i H B.?
We have on hand a larse acqui tment of
Comdtinpr of the best qualities of
As we deal exclusively in Tobaeeowe can sell as
cheap, it nut cheaper than other More in tne
t iive u a call before you purchase ( 1-cwhere,
as; WO know you will nit away saii-lii.'d.
flj ISKO.TI & CO..
February 11. 1!0, tf.
Repairers of ?tenm Engine.-, Boilers, Saw rn'l
Grist Mills.
Gas and Steam Fittings. Wrought Iron l'ipe.
Force and Tift I'umps, Steam Gauges, Balance
Valve Governors, and all kinds of
Brass Engine Fittings,
furnished on short notice.
Repaired on short notice. nr.g'tf
Says cf Weeping Water.
Exl ract from Xeli cr fo
"As I was telling you. my de::r .Mrs.. Gnuvlv.
I came on my mule to Wet ping Water in n sadly
dilapidated condition uhh hat. on boots
stockings in idiort, dc titn'o ol nil tho.-u con
venient api-'irtenaiiccs w -Inch ornamental well
dressed man having been Ucpiived of all by
the merciless savages, who even took my cigar
Thinking t'laf I uii -bt ill that flourishing town
obtain a sccoti 1-haiel 'liaiikct, I rode up to
store, and hitching my mule by the ears to a
large freight wagon loaded with goods for the
Plattsmouth retail trade. I entered. Judge of
my surprise when 1 was promptly met and
offered a complete outfit, from a pair of stub
toed boots to a goose-unill toothpick, for the pal
try sum of nine dollars and sivfy-two and one
half cents, the 2- cents being the profits on the
goods. If you want aat!ii,g in the
miscellaneous line, call on them, and if yon don't
see w hat you want ask for it. I would remark
here that they are generous, liberal, good look
ing and truthful to a fault."
Third Strc3t, South of fdain,
Pies, Cakes, Cheese
and Sweet Crackers.
kept on hand at all times.
Manufacturer of -II kiiels of
Sm h ,ns the celebrated Rod llrcaking Plows.
Mould Hoard Hreakers, Si irrilig Plows, ?ing
and Douole Shovels. Cultivators and Harrows.
Repairing done on thort notice. All work war
ranted. Having had much experience in the business,
I feel assured that I can give general satisfac
tion. Please give me a call before piirehasin
elsewhere. C. K. J-'OllliY.
Platts-uiouth, Neb., May 6. 117.
7,000 Acres
Improved and Unimproved,
For sale on reasonable terms ; ;:!so. City proper
ty, consisting of Residences and Unimproved
Lots. Those desiring to invent capital will find
it to their interest to call and examine our list
before purchasing elsewhere.
All Real LVtate placed in our hands for sale
will be thoroughly advertised without t xtrn j"st
to the owner. We guaranty to advertise every
piece of t roperty placed on our sale bonks, giv
ing full description of .-aine. when lic.sirL-d. i his
gives parties desiring to sell the full advantage
of advertising their property for .-ale. without
having a doliar of the expense to pav.
aug-jtf.J SPURLOCK k W INDii;
Improved Farm and Timber
For sale. The farm is situated 2y '. miles west
of Plattsmouth ; Z'A) acres undercultivs turn. an 1
10 acres of timber; a story and a halt
house. For terms see
Improved Farm for Sale.
Containing f0 acres, six miles west of Platta
ruouth. Apply to
A Great Bargain.
We hive for sale an V) acre tract of land lying
ten miles southwest from Plattsmouth. which
can be had at a banr mi if application is made
Where I am permanently located, and prepared
to make ail kinds of
Such as Photograph-,, Gems Op;.!.
i'orcelain, v alcu JJ:al, yt incites. t e.
Work done neatly and promptly. nr. I
Also, koep a well sele u .1 stock of
Oval and iti;iie E'rams.
All are rcspcat fully invited to call nnd examine
V. V. LE0NAI.I1.
A rii-t.
r .t. C. .?,
There I .i a f:! e d. !! i
umoiiiit ing a!.i)".-t '.tt pru-. ry. in ,,....,,' , '
liullmi a pl.ieiau in c.;n.iiu i.i,,;.,
medical faculty icccfli'e it. r
Those ol tin-public, Ml'.lu.ifi, H..-kio, ,.. '
truth of it. and sulicr in nilcm-M. 1 1 ,. '.'
of this circular i.-, to pro-eat (he ,
true light. ' ,!
Hundreds of Jives are !.it ev r
eases which l:a e been lxgici tcl ! i i::i!
treated, ill the ea-e o j oung n,. i,
no apology, and yet in many c n. - ,i . ' .
to cure themselves r t'b vile tf-t i .rn-.'
cou-eqoeuce shorten their live-, ai, 1 ' 1
m iserable rem na at uf i. Ii iht 1 1,. , , ,
filled Willi the poison I a H illed. Inn ,,, '
i!i-ca.-'. w bii h inu.-t iio i- i' iy I., i -i,..-,.
lo the thud and fourth u- a, r.. ; ;!!-.
ith young women then; seems ,
an 1 yet i heir utmost sc. aw v, ii I u . , t . ..
facts. Any intelligent hy.-:ci:in '
t hese st r'-el - ca.f reeiii a ui,o.K i h - l t ;
certain int. illicit; I'-k- i: 1 no'.', ii !, ! r,
which the so;!, rcrs are o ten let .iij, 1;
ti'.e ravage of Ihat wide s.'lea i .-i n:, '
whites. Any intelligent plij-i.'i.m . j
in his daily walks scores ot tiii.-:.i. (.., .
ei inplai ats. in I ot Ii . exc-. I'm c. e t' i, , , : ,. ,
they cannot i-ino'e. J lie c. lie, ,1, ( ..t
knows tin.'' ia a cm 'rtei t it.:". , ,. ,
.-ician known that the sall. icr know . , . .i ,
iu nine cases out of ten. t lie a!J o i 1 i;, ! .
fails to consult tho man nlioiu Iu ki: ws n ,.
lliiint. both of the i iplainl and tin-;
en re. K r.owi ng t ha t io-allbcnri li'-ri'-i, j
w !s.o c:ui ii t-,rc it, Itcv -Ii lilierali ly j. ! l . -j.
stives to bcconi mt re wrecks of baiii.ii, i ,
to trunsmil diseased oti-titut io;;s t . ;
In every coiunintiify tlicrc arc rn-t r.'i
of young men iitllietcd win seminal wi-,;
lio.'tuiiial cini-.-ioiis, las-itade. debility. ;.
other : 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 i .i i : t .-j ini teiiis of secret " di-,
tin ieriniiiiiig tiie i o;i.-! it u inn, and te'V
Sir ij nig its victim, nieiii illy nn l p! y , ;,
...oiinei- or i.iicr. i nc ui-ca -ir ls .r,e.rre-Mv'.;.:
if lint I'fiei'ked. (ii,.iiicss. Joss cif' inein.iiv ,
eoi trullable pi oer.i'! ina' io i in l.iisiiie.. j, ; .
ii t lie oack. side and knees, yclloio. ;: ,,
from t lie 1 1 i , it i li da i ing slei p. an 1 tailaie , t :
p.'iysieitl energy sooit follows. From tln e 1
is a scries of si. m t steps to all early grave, i r :
ton iincnu nt of a I a uat :e n- I a :u.
Many of these ynimg in.':' M ivc resie.n.l , ,
rt I Veil incllts of So -called ie.lie, ,,,.;, ,
cia"ions," or unscrupulous 'nu k, m ,i ic
ciliis. an 1 alter having b -t u rwin!U I of
tnor.ty liy one and mother, ten,' a . , i
hope and prmi iu ice. ! t hciusei vi s j ,, hi-., ,,,
Dr. Mo. . tin, I practice- i ii tac "no i n,. , .
pay" prim iplu, and pi uo.- to forfeit 1 m
nil fees if be fails to i nr" any ca-e i f
weak ness where his trealiiicni an. I dir,
are followed. I fe u.-es no s.-ercf r-nn die.-).:'
but vegetal ill! medicines, in id iiis peculiar trr u
Hu nt ina.-t receive llie end nci:u i.t ot .ill M ,
intelligently pursue it.
To Iflarrit'd faiJiis,.
There arc la -lies !i., f;-. 111 di le j.'e e. : ! '....
liom, indigent tir -uin .lap ., or a.i nin ,1 iy 1 ',.
metou.- oll.-pril.g. do imi wi. h to ,, 1. .,
To sii"h is i'11'ered a sf end sure rei e ii n - 1 1.
oin cpi i ill. Sue.':.-.- wan .11. ted in n r, .... . ;
; 11 .1 1 :i 11 1 c 1 lis eontaitsilig no iugn i 1,1. in .'. injurious to tb" lee Id. -t t.-nip.'i .i.m a.
Lcucborrliae, or Whites, pi,: ; r. 1 !i- ani',,!.
in. 1 m ill ly cured. Cases ol lm:g l.:, -, j.,,,
ever aiiL-ra ateil. mint yi'dd f o t Ii is rei.e.iy.
l)r. Si-el, I. ir I ha.- also infallible nieina y , ,
fur re.-toriiig di older dor irregular 1 . 1 1 . ! . :
men a mil. S. nt by 1,1 11I, rci iuc In. in 1 1
servatiiui. Price, - 1 P"r l.i.v.
These lire no pa! cut ine li, 1 tic or olio-- !i.: 1
bugs, hut carefully picp..i;d com pou i. I . ir t.
foimttias in n.-e by tiie e.,i-t dislmtiui-ai-'l
seientitie p!iv-ieian in t.'ii eountry, ai: I
have iict'c' hi 1 n tJt:crtisi it luiuf,-.
A II medicines warranted to givo f i-Tac: :,i
or money refunded. Strictest secr -y ubs.-n ;.
All letters promptly answered. Call mi ..r I
51- Tenth Street lUpStaii', K.ioai- N.,s. 1 h .,i
J', bctwein Douglas and I'amhaai, !,:,. 1.
Neb. I'. O. tii.i: s L'o.x ln aii.v ii
Corner ran.iniiiii Jicl Mth rt." 1 : , j
Entrance cn Thirteenth Street,
A Ec:s:;atacril HziViiuVi3n)
Establislicd cxelusivtly li.r the ir atim nt .1
rniVATi: diseases,
In nit their different tt,-,ges. Carp- v.Tri'ii-"!.
'I be piiysieian i 11 eba re of ibis I o.-t a at 11 .1 I
bad laany yv irs e periei,.-!- ia ea - e ,i :; , .1
nature, and b is plfa'tieal ki.owledg.' el ' :''i-11 coos, i ieiit 00 or ari-in.' f'";.i !.;.
tt'euted ca.-t s o v , ,ciil i i a; pla i lit--. Mill 1 '
great benefit to Close eallili'.- uioii bil'i I ' ' " '1
sullarion. und he would caution th- lin.iir
soeonda ry s :u p. oi;s reiii-.iuiiie to I a .1.''
properly cured '1 -tore :Iie c "i. 1 1 n 1 1 . 1 1; lifW
iinileriii iucd, the beiliii broken 1l.1v.11. : i u t
illtrlleetiial and lile'i'til f.i'-i itii d"T N'"
mercury used. New ea.-o cund in six '1 ai' .
All c:i.- es of
Citr- l by a nor t -Tii imt! treatment. Cm
si::ta:iou free, a. id sti ii I ly iul" !.
Safer:, Ji tlirvc lor jJ.OU by luail.
The Doctor w tild f .-. t e thiit. he ii.nit I.i
personal attention to nil eln es of !' aaib I' c
eases. His great I'rinale Ktmc ly lor iV
slrucion of the nu n-i s can l.e oi.init.e 1 1 y 1 I
ing at tho ollice. nr addressine a I, ttcr l 1 r
Voung. Lock Rot i';T. OmaLa. Nc!,r:o !,a. 1 1.1
ing the price, ."i.(si. Ladies in n certain . ;'
tion should not tako this n,ediei;.c. 1- it I
surely firod ii' e 111 isea rriarc. S"f.d fr '
to ''iliirrio.l Ladies in'j ," v, bich rot;l-iiiis . i-.i-i;
able j nforina t imi to every ma;iied l' l. a
correpondeiiee Ire-ited eol.f di nlial an I pi H I '
ly atlcii'I'd to on the receipt of 11 rca hi. bl' 1
(itliec hour.i fro1. 1 a. m. loX p. in. '.
from :!to .r in 'he afcrruoijii. : 1
1- 63
1 y
2 H
a Q
7Z S Si
H:iveoier.ed athop on Sixrh street. cutii of
M iir. where they are m i pared lo do. ill v. iti
the L!:i' k ,iiithii:r line on i-l rt notice anl i
the best styi.
. 1 . ...... .. ., 1..1 I
iii.Iri.I i.,i.,.i u-,.L- i.r. rt-.t.K i:i'Jit."
O'M'IHK. Ill III lll'X, m., - . .
PLJ TTSM0 U 1 II, .VELn.W-i-
A good assortment f Maeiiines on bun''.
.-!so Ke 0 Thre:. 1. ll'.l. N've.lics. ,U'.
.Maciiine.s to rent l v the ln
o: c. No.'ii -i l.' 'ii. .1 ,.-:!. i: '
. .. . ci